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As competently and without losing the interview. Mimic and gestures, behavior at the interview. How to show yourself on a group interview

As you know, any work and successful career begins with a simple interview with the employer. According to the results of the interview, the company's head or his representative responsible for the selection of personnel makes conclusions and decides on the adoption of an employee to work. Even the best specialist who has all the data for the estimated position: the level of education, age, professional qualities, may not get the desired job if he does not know how to behave at the interview.

How to behave at the interview: appearance

The appearance of the applicant plays a latter role in employment. It is noted that employers prefer those who came to an interview in a business or democratic free style that emphasizes your individuality. For a woman, it is unacceptable to wear screaming outfits, with deep necklates and bright causing details to attract or impress the head of the man. It is worth remembering that the interview is business negotiations, not a date.

Clothing can tell a lot about our inner world and attitude to life. So, the mint shirt and unclean boots will create an impression of an unorganized person who does not respect himself, and hence others. Girls should not demonstrate a bright, catchy manicure, put on a large number of jewelry and jewelry, as well as use perfume with a sharp aroma, all this can push the potential employer.

How to behave at the beginning of the interview

  • Do not allow for a meeting. To feel confident and comfortable, come 15-20 minutes before the designated time, look around, orient in an unfamiliar place, tune in to the upcoming communication.
  • Before entering - knock. Imagine, speak your name loud and confident. If the interviewer first handed you out a hand - please it, if not, it means that in their team it is not customary to shake hands to employees.
  • Your task is to arrange the head to yourself, set it up for a friendly way. Therefore, in ease, openly and friendly, smile. It is very important to remember the name of the interviewer, after he will introduce you.
  • If there is a strong excitement, admit to the employer, it will slightly discharge the situation and facilitates further communication.
  • When choosing a place for conversation, it is better to give preference to the place, next to the employer, so it will take you as a like-minded man. If the only place where you can set up, opposite it, accept a smooth pose, without crossing your arms and legs, demonstrate maximum openness when communicating with the interlocutor.
  • Do not forget about gestures, an excessive swapping by your hands the employer can take for excessive emotionality or calculate the sign of the lies.

What to talk to the employer at the interview

  • Completed to communicate and on one emotional wave with an employer helps the use of psychological reception "Mirror Pose". The essence of this technique is that you are unobtrusively copying the postures and some interviewer gestures. Movements should be as natural as possible.
  • Separately, it is worth noting that all the questions that the employer asks must be answered truthfully. Experienced interviewers will quickly suspect false and inconsider facts. Do not exaggerate your knowledge, opportunities and ability. It is better to say that you are ready to learn and grow professionally, strive for new knowledge.
  • On the question of what was the reason for dismissal from the previous work, call a specific reason: relocation, inappropriate schedule, reduction, small salary. It is not necessary to mention conflicts with a team or bosses, it can create an impression about you as an unbalanced and conflicting person.
  • If you made a mistake in the process of dialogue, mistaken, apologize and continue the conversation without focusing on the error.
  • Do not talk too much about yourself, setting out your biography in detail. Clearly and briefly report your hobbies, professional qualities.

What should not talk about interview

In the process of free communication on arbitrary topics should not touch such topics as:

  • Do not talk about personal problems, failures, about financial difficulties.
  • Go around political and religious topics.
  • Do not discuss your previous chief.
  • Do not use slang in conversation, slang words.
  • Do not take the main role in the conversation, exposing the appearance of your deep knowledge in the question in the process of discussion, it can cause a negative from the manager.

Applying our advice in practice, be sure that your interview will be successfully. But even if the attempt to work will be failure - do not despair, remember that you acquire invaluable experience, the following interview will be successful.

So, you were invited to an interview. Do you really want to work on this post and are very afraid not to pass the selection? Then you need to collect all the will in the fist and prepare for conversation: Thought up the style of clothing and rehearse with the probable questions.

11 The main asked questions on the interview and intelligent answers to them can be found here. How to respond to complex and non-standard questions to like the employer? What questions will ask the recruiter depends on what position the employee is accepted, however, as a rule, there is a standard set of questions that are asked to all applicants, they will be discussed below.

Before conducting an interview, the employer usually suggests the applicant to fill the special questionnaire, the sample of which can be viewed.

Recently, situational issues have been very popular when the employer describes the situation and suggests the applicant to choose the right manner of behavior in this situation.

11 The main questions specified at the interview with the answers

1. What to answer to the question - tell us about yourself at the interview.

Responding to this question and other interviewer questions, keep quietly and say with confident tone. Tell me what it will be important to hear the employer: place of study and specialty, experience, knowledge and skills, interest in this work and personal qualities - stress resistance, learningability, hard work. More this point is considered in, where the approximate storing of the applicant is given about himself, and also given recommendations on how best to respond.

2. What to respond to the interview to the question - why did you quit?

Answering the question why they left the previous job, do not talk about conflicts in the former work and do not speak badly about your boss or colleagues. You may be suspected in conflict and inability to work in a team. It is better to recall the positive moments from the past experience, and the cause of care to call the desire to fully implement their abilities, the desire to improve the professional level and wages.

3. What to answer the question - why do you want to work with us?

Start with positive points in the work of the company - stability and professional, coordinated team, interest in the field of activity, and then add that attracts the position and schedule of work, proximity to home, worthy of labor.

4. Why do you think that come to this position?

What to answer to the question - why should we get you? Here you must be extremely clear and reasoned to prove that you are the best specialist in this area. Tell us about the work of the company and the industry in which you are going to work, do not hesitate to praise yourself, tell us about your achievements.

5. What is responsible for the interview to the question of the shortcomings?

The question of disadvantages is quite a tricky. Nature your minuses as a spirit is not worth it. Call such "shortcomings" that look more as dignity. For example: Putting to your work, I do not know how to remove from work. And it is best to say neutral: I, like everyone else, have shortcomings, but they do not affect my professional qualities.

6 secrets of a successful interview

6. What advantages do you possess?

  • communicability;
  • learning;
  • punctuality;
  • performance.

These are standard examples of advantages that are included in almost each, they do not carry much significance for the employer, and do not allocate the applicant among other things in any other way.

Speaking at the interview is better about professional advantages that will be useful and interesting to the employer:

  • i have the experience of negotiations at various levels;
  • easily enter into important agreements and contracts;
  • i can rationally organize my working day and others.

Such answers will pay attention and allocate among other answers.

7. What payment are you counting on?

Services of a good specialist can not cost cheaply. There is an option - to name the amount above the average salary or focus on the s / n, which you received in the former work and sculpt it for 10-15%. Stick up the golden middle, otherwise they might think that either you are a bad specialist or too ambitious.

8. Who do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

Stubborn and purposeful people put long-term goals, plan their personal and career growth. If you have not thought about this issue, then do it before the interview. Make the focus on your desire to work in the same company, but during this time climb the career ladder.

Do not hide the place of the former work, be prepared to give phone numbers of former colleagues and managers. If, responding to this question, you are mirstering or get away from the answer, the employer may calculate that you want to avoid negative feedback.

10. Are you ready for professional burden?

The employer can hint on recycling. In this case, ask how often they are possible: how many times a month or how many hours. If you are ready for such conditions, then confirm your readiness for loads.

11. Do you have additional questions?

It's time to learn the details of the future work: ranging from the schedule and social. Package, to requirements for employees of the company. A person who does not ask questions after the interview, shows his disinterest. So questions must necessarily be, and it is best to think over in advance.

Examples of excellent, good and bad answers to questions on the interview:

Video - Uncomfortable Questions on Interview

It often happens that work for any circumstances has become not to arrange you. In this case, you have to start searching for a new workplace. You start sending a resume with the desire to get a good position. Finally, the employer accepted your resume and responded.

So, you were invited to an interview. At first it seemed to you so great, but then a permanent thought was started in my head: how to behave in the interview. And this is normal. The first impression is the most important thing.

It is worth remembering that the interview is 98% important, as you behave, and by 2% what you say.
Therefore, the most important thing is to configure it correctly and think positively!

Preparation for interview

Before going to the interview, it is necessary to prepare for it. Many consider it a complete nonsense, but it is not. This is a very important step and you should not miss it. For this you need:
  • Go to the company's website and see what it is.
  • Examine how many employees are part of the staff. View the internal photos and video of the company if they are on the site.
  • To see who is the head of the company.
  • Examine professional qualities that are required for the proposed vacancy.

Next, you need to explore the responsibilities that you will appear when you have a device for work. If you know the position, then look at the Internet what kind of responsibilities they have. Also think about what you can do for the company so that it has been benefit.
Then you need to collect all the documents that can be useful at the interview. These documents include: certificate, diploma, various certificates, resumes and so on. Everyone needs to be folded into the folder and get only if this asked for an employee who accepts you.

"5 minutes before ...": Psychological reception

Many psychologists are recommended to receive "5 minutes before" before the interview. It may seem ridiculous, but you should not neglect them. 5 minutes before the meeting started with the employer, go to the free room (toilet, for example) and stand in the hero's posture. Straighten your back, remove your shoulders back, lift your head and chin and put your hands on the side. Just try. It should give you energy.

Before the interview themselves you have a telephone conversation. This is also an important stage. Here you have to communicate with the representative of the company, usually this is a recruitment manager, which further transmits the necessary information to the head.
When talking, show yourself a polite person. Be sure to check the place and time where you need to come. It will not be superfluous to write the phone number just in case.

How to behave at the job interview?

The first thing to be remembered - in no case is not late. It is better to come in advance and wait a bit. It will show your punctuality, which is important at any work. It is very important to be able to listen, not to interrupt the employee. Answer questions clearly and essentially.

So, having come to the interview, follow basic rules:
  1. Do not forget about a smile.
    She will create the very first impression. No need to squeeze it, it should be sincere. If there is a strong tension and you don't want to smile at all, then try to remember any funny case from life and the smile itself "draws" on your face.
  2. Try not to clamp your voice.
    Pressing voice comes from voltage and stress. If there is a voltage, break the voice before coming to the office. Remember - a clear and confident voice.
  3. Signs and posing.
    Before the employer, you need to sit calmly, not touch anything with my hands. If stress does not leave, then try to put your hands on the table. To put the leg to the leg also not worth it. An exemption is also not inherent. The visual contact must be permanent. If it does not work directly in the eye, you can find some point on the person's face and concentrate on it. Stick up a moderate and relaxed look. Hands to swing also do not, be calm.
  4. Pause.
    Learn to withstand pauses. If you have finished answering the question, and the employer does not pass to the next, then do not worry, wait. It may just be verified.

Video: how to behave on the interview

Questions answers

The most important on the interview is the employer's issues and your answers to them. This costs to stop in more detail.
Any interview is not necessary without ordinary questions that it is worth answering correctly. Before answering the question, hear it to the end. If the question seems incomprehensible, it is better to ask how to sit and silence. To do this, we can say: "I understood you right?". It will show your clock.

To speak only what the employer asks about. Some details may simply not be interested. If something seems necessary to him, he will definitely ask you. Exclude the following phrases from the conversation: "I don't know", "maybe", "probably", etc.

If the question of wages came, then you say openly how much you need, you should not underestimate the price. Perhaps you will hear questions that do not touch at all. It always happens. This is done in order to understand how much you can react to non-standard situations. It may be questions, such as you left from the previous job or why you divorced my husband. Many executives read the form and know that people are preparing for interviews, so they can introduce you to confusion. For example, ask this question: no matter how much could you work on the same job, if you remove several people from the team that you do not like? Or, if you paid more than three times?

In addition to questions related to the career, you may ask you about hobbies and hobbies, about food preferences and so on. This will be required to find out how adequate you are.
When you are asked about personal qualities, do not take yourself. Do not talk about yourself from the first person. You can say that you can easily assimilate new information and love reading books. It will help them understand that you can easily be mastered at a new job site.

Naturally, you will be asked about your minuses. No need to say that you are too lazy to get up in a weekend from the sofa and leave the house. In this case, false is good. As an example, you can say: I am involved in the work so that sometimes I forget about time. You need to talk about your minuses as about virtues.

Often, employees ask about children. For example, may ask how much children interfere with when working.

I adore children, sir. In fact, I was also a child as a child.
- Truth?
- Truth!
- Strange ...
Dance for Chance (Chance PE Dance). Samir.

After the interviewer is terminated by all questions, he will give you the opportunity to ask him about anything. You can ask the following:
  • What is the main task in work?
  • How good with this work did an employee who worked before me?
  • Is it possible to chat with the boss? (In the event that you are not sitting in front of you)
  • What is the mode of operation?

Naturally, this is not all questions. The most interested thing of your question concerns wages. But you need to do it carefully. But everyone understands that you go making money, and not just sit so much. It happens that the employer himself calls the level of salary. If he does not suit you, then you can ask if there is an opportunity to increase the position occupied. When asked, no matter how much you would like to get, you do not need to be silent and fasten. Directly call the number. Naturally, in reasonable limits for this position.

At the end of the interview, you will be told that they will call after a while. Specify when approximately waiting for a call or not to wait for it at all.

Right answers to common questions

We will analyze the somewhat most common questions on the interview and how to answer them correctly. Questions in the form of a dialogue of an interviewer (s) and you (you):
  1. And: - Do you have shortcomings?
    Naturally, the minuses have every person. Asking this question, the employer wants to figure out how an open person is. It is not necessary to tell about all the shortcomings, otherwise it can cause negative consequences. The optimal answer to this question is:
    You: - Disadvantages, of course, have everyone and I am no exception, but they will not affect the work.
  2. And: - Tell us about yourself.
    The first thing you need to look here are your professional skills. You can tell about study, hobbies and so on. You can ask a counter-question employee.
    You: - Do you tell you about all the interests or only those concerning work?

  3. And: - Why did you leave the previous job?
    This question asks any employer. If there were problems with the boss, then you do not need to talk about this truth. Tell me that you have promised a long time for a long time, but it never happened. Or, for example, it was not convenient to get to work, as it was far from the house, or an inappropriate schedule, or the same monotony in work and so on. But it is worth talking only in cases where there are no such problems on this vacant position.
  4. And: - Desired and not desired wage levels?
    Add to the previous wage level + 30% and name the resulting digit. Multimitimate indicate (if you ask) the desired salary by + 10% more than the previous one.
  5. And: - For what period do you want to get to us?
    You can say that you will always work here, but it is not so, because you didn't even fit and did not understand the meaning of work. You can answer that you want to work for the beginning of the month and decide on the post office, to get acquainted with the team. Very often, the atmosphere in the team exposes people to leave work.
  6. And: - Do you have achievements that bring you to pride?
    You can talk about what you had an interesting diploma topic and you defended it perfectly. A little praise the fact that your friends are very valued and consider the soul of the company.
  7. And: - How do you look at recycling?
    Carefully rectify to this issue. Learn how many hours it lasts, whether additional work is paid on weekends. Answer with confidence that you are ready for this, but only if it does not harm your personal life.
  8. And: - Why did you choose our company and work in it?
    This question will allow the employer to find out what attracts you in the work. Maybe you have heard about good wages or additional bonuses. But it is better to mention this. Tell me that the office is located close to your home or that you have heard about the good opportunity of professional growth.

By the way, very often the employer checks the applicant for erudition, asking for non-standard situations. Here is one example of such a situation:

  • And: - You are traveling to important negotiations. Successfully speaking them, you can get a profitable deal. But on the way to this meeting you break the car. How do you do in this situation?
  • You: - Give out of the car, I will catch passing transport or taxis and get to the appointed meeting place.
  • And: - The road passes through a deaf forest where there is no fellow travelers and a taxi.
  • You: - I will define my location and call to the navigator.
  • And: - You do not have a navigator and the battery on the phone.
  • You: - I will try to eliminate problems with the car on your own forces and go further.

What to wear for an interview?

Naturally, it will be better if you come in a business suit, but you should not buy a dear suit that is not true for your status. You should not wear the newest and most expensive shoes and golden clocks. It will not make an impression on the employer. The suit color should be black or dark blue. This is about men.

To women demands in principle the same. Do not wear too short skirt. Optimally - until the middle of the knee or just below. Do not wear outdoor shoes. No need to dress defiantly and vulgar, it will not be appropriate for the interview. If you have tattoos, you should not show them. Also, you do not need to wear a lot of jewelry, everything is minimized.

It is not necessary for the interview to buy an expensive classic suit. You can wear clothes familiar to you, correctly picking it up. For a man - jeans and jumper in bright colors and black suede boots. For women - do not wear shiny straps, transparent blouses, shoes on the carpid and so on.

Clothes should be clean and ironed. Unloaded expensive costume looks unacceptable. Also, girls should not wear dresses with deep cuts, ribbon jeans, t-shirts and sweatshirts with incomprehensible inscriptions. If a bright manicure is made, you should not wave your hands before the employer. Accuracy and sense of measure primarily. Do not pour out a whole bottle of spirits, especially with a sharp smell. The surrounding from this will not be exactly pleasant.

Clothes must match the vacant position. For example, you go to an interview for a vacancy of a credit specialist. Naturally, if you dress for this shorts and a red t-shirt, the employer will be in bewilderment. Specialists must dress in a free style: jeans, shirts, jumper. Middle managers must already match the business style: suit, studged to shine shoes and diplomat. The designer and the photographer should not stick to business style. You do not need to try to stand out from the team and distract attention. Get to the team around you.

Remember that, going to the interview, it is worth paying attention not only to your appearance, but also that you will talk there. Put a clear goal and answer to the question why you go to this vacant position. Be sure to practice with a friend before that, especially if you go to some major company.

Often, instead of the usual interview with the head, the company conduct interviews in a different way. For example, Skype interview. Recently, such a form has become quite common. Having learned about it, many candidates relax, thinking that it is much easier than to come to the office and communicate personally. But it is not. This type of interviews are presented exactly the same requirements as to the usual interview with the employer. Questions also do not differ from personal conversation.

Another form is a group interview. It is divided into two types: a group of candidates and a group of interviewers.
If the interview is held in the candidate group, then try to get out everything that happens, but do not get distracted by our own tactics. No need to try to surpass everyone and jump above the head. Such interviews also apply all of the above principles.

Having come for an interview, it is worth remembering that you came not to ask. You are a professional and came to reveal whether you suggest the proposed conditions or not. In other words, you made a business offer and only depends on you or not.

List of common mistakes

Summing up all over the above, you can allocate several common mistakes that allow vacant position as candidates:

Thus, having come to the interview, you need to behave calmly and confident. Be sure to think over your own words and behavior. No need to hide excitement, if you worry strongly, then tell me directly. Do not speak too quickly or too slowly, you need to find the golden middle and stick to it in everything. We also need to use gestures.

When talking about yourself, try to focus only on what will be interested in the employer and as for the vacant position. Try not to lie.

And the remaining items of your resume are as close to the truth, like this?
- They have so much truth as you please. If the summaries suits you, it is truthful. Otherwise, I will reprick him.
Julian Barnes. "England, England"


Remember what the interview is an opportunity to present yourself. Everything is important here - from words to appearance. The employer does not know which one (what) you are in life, it all depends on the first impression.

At the end I would like to say that if in the outcome of the interview you were denied, then you do not need to get upset hard. Look at everything from a positive point of view. If it did not work with this work, it means there is another, even better than this. Instead, analyze your interview from beginning to end: What and how you did, what is right and what is not, etc. ... This will help you on future interviews.

Dream to "excellent" to pass an interview? Then read the helpful tips of the psychologist, how to achieve this! Tomorrow you will already be in the new workplace!

Acceptance of work is definitely a responsible moment in the life of every person. Excitement, scattering, here are frequent causes of unsuccessful attempts.

But there are also typical omissions that can be taken into account and reduce the possibility of failure to a minimum and at the same time successfully complete interview!

1. Try not to be late for an interview!

One of the very first rules of good tone, of course, is punctuality.

It is not necessary to live near the Spasskaya Tower to come to a meeting with the employer on time.

After all, even if you warn him about a delay, it will still be a very positive impression of you.

But you should not despair in advance, because your future boss can also get stuck in traffic.

2. Want to successfully pass the interview? Take care of your appearance.

So far, a person who will still sit in front of you are not your boss, but you should not shock it in advance with your favorite squeezes, or comfortable threaded jeans.

If you really want to make a good impression on the employers, then you should think about a worthy presentable form!

I advise you to pay your attention to business costumes, classically pants, on elegant blouses, on ties and jackets, as they did not come up with anything better for various meetings!

And they meet, as everyone remembers, it is along the dress code!

3. Self-presentation - one of the collaborations of successful passage of the interview!

Meet something will meet, but further it is necessary to take the situation in your hands.

And then the main thing is not to overdo it.

Hyperactive toltun and passive molt with speech defects equally will cause suspicion of the interviewer.

A candidate who behaves confidently and clearly sets out its positions - not only get a workplace, but will also determine the attitude towards himself.

4. Professional questions.

As SUVOROV said, "I do not like a non-disconnection."

Therefore, in their paraffia you must be aware of everything and know, for example, not only theoretical aspects, but also to own statistical data (or vice versa).

Show the future bosses that they can miss a real professional and in the future you can not worry about the question how to pass an interview! 🙂

The main self-confidence and the ability to file yourself!

5. Show your interest - tricky trick when passing the interview!

Also do not forget that you know not all about the company.

Show your experience for your workplace.

What conditions will you have, whether social package will be.

If your opponent is an interviewer, it does not mean that you can not ask questions.

If a person is interested in work, it is immediately visible, and this will affect as a result of the interview and further work.

6. Want to successfully pass the interview? Then do not deceive!

There is always a desire to show yourself in a more profitable perspective, but again, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Therefore, initially build relations with the employer at non-claims, dusties or is unwise.

Yes, and consequences can manifest much later, when a certain status is already accumulated.

7. Cooked question at the interview about the "change of work".

Any boss will be interested in why you did not suit the past job.

Here partly there is tribute and the Soviet "Letunas".

Therefore, it is not necessary to give examples of a negative nature.

It is easier to explain to the desire of career growth.

Be sure to look at this video,

about how to behave to get the desired position!

Take an example!

8. How to pass an interview? Learn in advance what this company does.

Once again, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200byour future workshop, performed tasks and functions, perhaps not.

As in all other items, it is advisable to prepare in advance to a conversation with the boss, and, of course, know what the company or an institution is engaged where you want to work.

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No matter how spectacular a summary of the applicant, no matter how high the level of his professional preparedness, the main step towards getting the work is the interview. To know how to behave on the interview, it is important, since only with personal contact, a potential employer can actually appreciate the possibilities of the future employee of the company.

An agreement on the time of the start of the interview occurs in advance and, most often, by telephone. Not so important, whether the secretary of the head, interested the summary of the applicant, does the first call a person who is looking for work.

Coming to the announcement of the vacancy - from the first minutes of the conversation on the phone you need to try to impress the person of a business, who knows, polite and correct, because it can be said that the interview when admission to work has already begun.

When calling the employer, the following points are found:

  • there is an acquaintance with the interlocutor (both parties are submitted by the name, name, patronymic, employee of the company indicates his position, clarifies the name and position of the head or the personnel manager, with which the conversation will occur);
  • a vacant position is specified (whether it corresponds to the expectations of the applicant, its specialty and experience);
  • the time and address of the interview is determined;
  • important details are specified (elements of the mandatory dress code, an approximate duration of the interview, a list of necessary documents, alleged additional testing, psychological and professional).

After the meeting is assigned and all data are recorded in the notebook, another serious stage is to be prepared for the interview.

Important moments of preparation for interview

So, the "X" hour is defined, and it remains for some time (day, two or a few hours), which should be spent on careful preparation for the interview. What is included in it?

Firstly, It is important to prepare the required documents - a diploma with a copy, printed on paper Summary, recommendation letters, certificates of listened courses and seminars with copies, other papers capable of confirming the professional competence of the applicant. Better if the entire kit will be in a neat folder.

Secondly, It is necessary to clarify the route, which is faster and most convenient to get to the venue of the interview. Having calculated the time on the road, learning in advance about free places in the parking lot or near the office, the applicant may protect himself from extremely unwanted late.

Thirdly, It is necessary to worry about what the applicant for the workplace. Statistics collected by numerous employment agencies proves: the employer decides, accept or not accept a candidate for work, in the first few minutes, evaluating the appearance and ability to start a conversation. All other factors (summary, diploma, recommendations) are important, but still moved to the background, if the applicant managed to impress the employer with its appearance and speech.

In question " what to wear for an interview?And men, and women better focus on business style: a rigorous costume with a nonsense tie, skirt or dress on a figure without causing mini and neckline, closed shoes. Some liberties in their wardrobe can afford only representatives of creative professions - designers, artists, artists, while declare their originality only one bright accessory or the subject of clothing.

Fourthlyit is pre-worth learn how to learn about the company in which the applicant is trying to get a job. Taking advantage of information from the official website, advertising booklets, directories, articles on the Internet, you can make a picture of the company, the main areas of its activities, the prospects for growth and, which is important, the possible role of the applicant in its work. Thinking this question in advance, a potential employee will easily support the conversation about the enterprise, will be able to introduce himself to a specialist and tell about what benefit his candidacy will bring.

Fifth It will not hurt to think about the possible issues that the manager can ask or lead to his interlocutor, as the "fate" of the vacancy depends on them - it will be busy or remain free before the interview with the following applicant.