Repairs Design Furniture

Stationary summer shower. Summer shower: We build for giving with your own hands using the photo and drawings. Ideas of the organization of the soul in the country

With my own hand, you are easy to make a shower. It can be made as a budget from the primary means and expensive and complex. We will dwell in detail in the first version. Indeed, in the summer, for many owners of the country area, the functional is much more important than the appearance.

Where to begin?

First of all, it is necessary to understand what you want to get in the end. What qualities, amenities and functionality should the shower cabin for giving? How many people will use the shower? From this depends on the choice of tank capacity and the need to make drainage.

An important factor is the peculiarity of the landscape and soil of the site. If there is an elevation, it is better to make a shower cabin there. It will relieve you from the need to divert water. It is desirable that the sun fell into this place all day. If you have an automatic feeding of water, you can make automatic filling of the tank.

Installing the shower booth on the elevation

Also worth determine. What material will make a shower cabin for giving. The frame is made of metal round or profile pipes. You can stop the choice on wooden bars. Material for walls is very diverse. It all depends on your imagination and budget. For these purposes, it will be suitable: tarpaulin or any dense fabric, plastic film, slate, wood, lining, metal-pylon sheets, brick, and so on.

Summer shower cabin for giving with his own hands can be attached to the country house, make a separate structure or mobile. The latter option does not require the foundation, and if necessary, the design can be disassembled and released. In this case, the souls are trimmed with lightweight material.

Think up in advance how the water tank will be arranged. Whether you want to make it heated or you will suit this, water in which heats up from the sun's rays. It is also important to drain water. The drainage system should be thought out before the construction of construction.

Size of the shower cabin for giving immediately plan to be spacious. After all, you will need to put bath accessories and fold our things. In height, it must be at least 2 m, and the base is at least 1x1 m.

Choose pipes at least 20x30 mm, 45x45 mm corner. From the tools you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • sander.

Create a drawing of the future shower cabin for giving. Be sure to include jumpers at the bottom and in the middle. To make it easier to mount the floorboards, use the corner as the lower jumpers. Top stops also make out of the corner, because It is easier to fasten the water tank. Their sizes will depend on the tank capacity and its material. If the metal reservoir, the stops should be so to withstand its weight with water.

Depending on what material for the walls of the walls you will choose, you need to think about fasteners. For plastic or metal profile it is worthwhile to weld metal plates. If this is soft materials, such as tarpaulin or rubberized tissue, they can be fixed with a strong synthetic thread straight to the pipes.

Upon completion of the design work, proceed directly to the assembly. You will need:

  • 4 pipes with a length of 2-2.2 m for vertical supports;
  • 8 pipes for central and upper jumpers;
  • 4 corners for the lower;
  • corners for stops under the tank.

If you plan to make opening doors, 4 more pipes and 2 loops. All parts are cut at an angle of 90 °. Clean all the edges for welding. How to make the design more tough? To strengthen it, you can breed metal corners in the corners of the frame or attach them to the bolts to vertical racks.

During the welding work, never pick up the seam immediately completely on the one hand. First, "grab" gradually from all sides and only then tapping the joints threatening. Otherwise, the metal pulls towards the welding and return it it will be impossible.

Electrodes are better to take a diameter of 3-4 mm. They are comfortable to cook as a thin metal with a thickness of 1 mm, and a thicker - 4 mm. Select such strength so that the metal is melted. If you exhibit more, you will burn the walls of the pipes. With a smaller electrode will take to the metal. If you never cooked or not sure if everything is done correctly, consult a professional. After all, poorly welded design can fall under the weight of the tank and lead to injuries.

Cut welding work on a flat surface. It is important to observe an angle of 90 ° everywhere. Check this with the help of the square. Upon completion of the work, work out all the seams with a grinder with a grinding disk, remove sharp corners and burrs.

For painting, choose a special paint for metal. To protect the frame from rust, before painting, pass the primer, and then apply 2 layers of paint or enamel. If you use profile pipes, use the roller. This will save time and reduce the consumption of the material. After enamel dry, go to the manufacture of wooden floor and installing the shower tank.

Cabins with wooden frame

The overall design may be the same as for a cab with a metal frame. As racks and jumpers, bars are used 50x50 mm and boards 50x100 mm. Before installing the tree is plane to align and clean from roughness.

According to a predetermined drawing, the boards of the required dimensions are scolded. The design collection is proceeded on a flat site. The compounds are better to do hardwood, however, you can use metal plates for fasteners. To them, with the help of self-screws, fasten the bars. If you have doors in the project, put them on the loop. But you can use the usual curtain.

Provide a place to install water tank. If it is small, you can close the boards only half the roof. If the tank is volumetric, it is worth installing the grille on the entire surface. The same grille is made on the floor. Attach the shelves for bath facilities and hooks.

Since the tree will be exposed to water, it needs to be processed by antiseptic, olifa or oil. It is advisable to make several layers, each subsequent apply after drying the previous one.

Some owners make concrete foundation under the country's dacha shower cabins. Since the summer shower is the same structure temporary, you should think so if you need to pour for it a similar basis. This process is time consuming, and if you decide to transfer or just want to remove the booth from the site, you will have to break the foundation.

As a base, you can use paving slabs. But to avoid the appearance of distortions, prepare this small area. Remove a little ground, align it, put geotextiles, crushed stone and align the surface of the sand. Top stacked tiles.

Waterproof and shower tank

Someone suits under the shower cabins. Whole systems of drainage and drainage. Someone does nothing. How to understand what you need? For this you need to take into account some factors. First of all, it is necessary to understand that, most likely, the tank will not exceed 60-80 liters. And if you use the shower only 2 people, then the volume will be significantly less. In the sun, at the hottest time of the day, such a container will be warm at least 2-3 hours. And during this time water will go to the ground.

However, if you have clay soil and water badly goes away, or you fear that there will be unpleasant odors, then you can organize a water drain system or a drainage pit.

Consider how to make drainage. To do this, under the shower or at a short distance from the cabin, a pit is broken. The choice depends on the free space on the site. Approximate dimensions are 50 cm in depth and 1x1 m - length and width. It is filled with large gravel. To save space, the lower half can be filled with construction garbage, and the upper - already gravel. Everyone will be tamped and above put a shower room. Since the summer shower is placed in the sun, the soil will dry up faster.

If you fear that the walls of the pits can crumble, you can install automotive tires in it, and then fall asleep all with gravel or buildware. Drainage done on this sample will last for a very long time.

As a water tank, a plastic or metal container can be used. The first is in low weight and low cost. Of the flaws it is worth noting that most of the tanks of blue or white. It's hard to find black. And so that the water is faster, it is better to use black color. In addition, the water removal nozzle is often not sufficiently fixed. Subsequently, this leads to the fact that it begins to hang out and flows into the joints of the joint.

Metal containers are much stronger than plastic. In addition, they are easy to paint in any color. The disadvantages include a big weight. As a tank, any metal container is suitable, for example, a tank from a washing machine. It is easy to connect the nozzle with the crane.

Filling a tank and soul operation

The question of filling the container with water is important. After all, do it buckets - far from the most convenient option. It is desirable to organize the flow of water through the hose. To make the automatic water supply, use the float from the drain tank toilet bowl. Install it on the difference of response in about 20 liters, given the tank of the tank. Thanks to this, you can always maintain the required amount of water, and it will not shift.

Not in all regions in summer the sun warms so much so that the water is quickly heated. The solution to this problem can be electric heating. So you can have warm water regardless of the weather.

If the shower is attached immediately to the tank, you need to take care of its reliable fixation. After all, with long-term operation, the nozzle will be loosened. To avoid this, use the valve tap. In addition, it is easier for the rod, they are also more convenient to adjust water pressure. In this case, its surface is not oxidized.

At the end of the operation of the shower cabin, when the cold is coming, it must be prepared for the winter. All containers are desirable to remove the room. If it is impossible, drain water from them. All connecting elements are unscrewed and cleaned. The same with the hoses.

Industrial cabins

Now the market has a wide range of finished products. It varies in price, manufacturer materials, you can choose any design, functionality and volume of the tank. Users of such designs respond about this product very well. Nevertheless, there are some shortcomings. If these are plastic cabins, the fragility of the material can be attributed to such disadvantages. Another is that the shower is mostly template.

When you make it in the country with your own hands, you can take into account all your wishes and embody them in the project. Change the height, expand if necessary, increase the diameter of the drain hole, add decor items. It is difficult, and sometimes it is impossible to do in industrial shower cabins.

And, perhaps, the main disadvantage can be called high cost compared to the shower with their own hands. After all, a simple cabin can be made of girlfriend. And it can happen that on the manufacture you will spend only your time.

We dismantled in detail how to build a shower room with your own hands. Make it is not difficult. It is only necessary to consider everything carefully, considering the wishes and features of the site.

Video instruction

For giving with your own hands, it means that it is properly prepared for the hot season. Cool and refreshing, he will bring pleasure and adults, and children. Of which and how you can build a shower, and where it is better to place it.

Summer shower for giving with their own hands: varieties

The simplest designs of the summer soul were erected on six hundred and hundreds of more grandparents. Today, when new technologies appeared, materials, and the daches themselves stepped over the status of tiny panel houses, the appearance of shower cabins has changed. With a strong desire, you can swall asleep on the overhairing souls for giving heated, on a solid foundation and with a large shower cabin. You can restrict ourselves to a slight frame option, using sweater.

And yet, what kind of design is preferable if you have conceived to build a summer shower yourself. The choice depends on the three main factors:

  • financial opportunities
  • construction skills
  • dacha status

The easiest summer shower in the country can be collected from metal tubes, shower curtain and plastic barrel.

The stationary version involves the construction of a solid shower cabin made of wood, with the construction of a drain and connecting to the water supply. You can collect a shower of a wooden frame, covered with a film. In addition, the shower can be separate or tied to the house. And here too mass options.

The simplest design, connected to the house, looks like this: derived from the brick wall pipe water pipe, wooden pallet with drain, and top of the shower is made of metal arc attached to the wall and hung curtain for the bathroom.

If you bring the shower at the angle of the house, it remains to build only two walls and close the booth from prying eyes.

In the design of man-made shower cabins, focus on your own preferences and materials that you have.

Tip! To simplify the construction, use the portable model of the shower in stores as communications.

Where to put a shower

If the shower cabin is tied to the house, complex calculations on its installation will not be required. Naturally, it is located on the back wall, not far from the entrance to the house. For ease of use, it is advisable to pave plastic track To the soul.

Planning, the device of the summer soul in the country with your own hands in a separate option, you should choose the right place. There are several important conditions that will affect the availability, convenience and practicality of the design.

So that the water from the shower watering can cause you a desire to dangle into the house and wrapped in a warm blanket, choose a place under the sun. On an open sunshine platform, the water in the barrel will be heated naturally.

Check the relief. It is desirable that he be a little oblique, it will simplify the outflow of water from the shower.

For the convenience of laying the water supply and a short-lived transition, we have a shower in the house near the house.

We check the wind rose and choose a place in the cottage not blown by all winds.

Tip! Excellent if you have a swimming pool at your cottage, place a shower next to it.

Build summer souls

Getting Started by practical advice, let's try to build a simple, but aesthetically beautiful and comfortable outdoor wooden summer shower for cottages, with minimal consumption of materials.


  • boards and Reiki
  • soul Set (Mixer, Curved Tube, Bracket, Adapter and Nozzle)
  • garden hose
  • selfless
  • fastener
  • level
  • drill
  • bulgarian
  • concrete mixer (tank for mixing cement mortar)
  • shovel
  • master OK

Most urban residents do not represent summer without country rest, and the cottage - without the conditions of elementary comfort and first of all the opportunity to take a shower.

This is especially the relevant hot summer day when the giving moisture helps not only wash off dust and sweat, but returns us to life, giving the feeling of freshness, cleanliness and full rest.

Country street shower has long ceased to be a primitive construction with a bucket of water and the bucket instead of the watering.

To the services of Dachnikov, the broadest selection of materials for construction - be it an inexpensive functional construction or an exclusive architectural form that can become a real decoration of the country area.

Garden Souls - Construction Options and Functional Features

Basic design Any summer soul consists of several mandatory elements:

  • Shower cabin It is a frame made of wood or metal, is usually lungs, durable, opaque material (board, handful, awning)
  • Paul with draining system - Wooden, tile, concrete, with soul pallet. Two variants of plum are used - in the sump (wastewater) or equip drainage for natural absorption moisture into the ground directly under the soul floor
  • Water tank - minimum volume of 100-200 liters for a family of several people
  • Equipment for shower: Set of hoses for filling the tank with water, faucet, sprayer (watering can), shelf for soap and shampoo.

Materials for the construction of the soul: pros and cons

For the construction of a summer soul you can use a wide variety materials - specially acquired and those that at hand or remained after repair of the house or apartment:

  • Wooden shower - classics of the genre! The framework of such structures is made of timber and tightening wood coniferous and hardwood. For external sheat, a planed board, eurvagon, block house, a regular or profiled timber is used. Undoubted advantages of such a soul - natural, environmentally friendly material, nothing inclusive aroma of a tree heated by the sun, strength, reliability and aesthetic attractiveness of the design
  • Recommendation! One of the most common trim materials is the lining - a thin planed board. It has several varieties: the usual, Eurovantia is a profiled blackboard with special spikes and junction grooves, a block house - a decorative board with a pinned timber profile, imitation of a bar - a planing panel.

  • Shower from professional flooring - an inexpensive option, especially if the material remained from previous construction work. A galvanized straightener with a protective and decorative coating is very durable, rather hard, durable material with excellent anti-corrosion properties, which is important when constant contact with water. Professor attached to the frame made of profile pipes and corners. Such a structure will always look carefully, well will fit into the natural landscape of the country area. Unfortunately, this shower can only be used in the summer, as the metal thin and the cabin quickly cools
  • You can build polycarbonate shower - cellular sheet building material from the family of thermoplastics. It has unique characteristics - durable, light, plastic, does not require additional protection against rust, has a translucent or matte texture. For the shower it is better to choose a matte polycarbonate, it is more suitable for intimate water procedures.
  • Brick shower - A thorough structure that will serve you not only in the summer, and starting with early spring and until late autumn. This design requires a solid concrete foundation, a reliable drain system, provides for water heating. The walls can be made of silicate or facade bricks, inside the souls, most often, are cured with vinyl siding or wood. Cons of a brick soul - substantial costs and a long time for construction work
  • Mobile version of the summer soul is a metal design from profile pipes, covered with an awning. It is easy to make it yourself, welding or taking a frame of a metal profile on the bolts and covered with a moisture-proof cloth
  • You can build a summer shower with almost no costs using what is called production waste. These include wooden pallets or pallets For large cargo. After using the pallet is recycled, but in the hands of craftsmen can buy a second life. The boards from the pallet are perfect for the lifting of the summer soul, the construction of shelves, benches and other garden utensils.

Heated garden shower

For those who live in the country not only in the summer months, but in spring and autumn, prefers to swim in warm water and sunny day, and in cloudy weather, the best option will be the construction heated soul.

What should be taken into account when building such a building?

Firstly, the shower must be warm enoughTo take water procedures in it and in April, and in October. In the winter months, it is still better to wash in the bath.

Materials for construction are ideal for a brick, wooden bar, everything else will have to warm.

Secondly, need a constant source of waterFrom which it is served in the tank automatically or manually. It can be a water supply, well, well.

Thirdly, an important condition is availability of electricityAfter all, it is in most cases that serves as a source of energy to heal water.
What water heating options in the shower are most often used:

  • Electricity. Special tanks are sold with built-in electric heaters (TEN), from the power of which the water heating rate depends - the more powerful, the faster he is heated. Having elementary electrical appliances skills, a TEN can be built into the tank on their own
  • Firewood. To heat the water, you can use a time-tested steel water tank on firewood - titanium. It's securely and cheap
  • Gas. Water can be warm in the gas column, using liquefied balloon gas.

Multifunctional facilities - two in one

If there are no buildings on your site, except for the country house, practical and useful construction can be economic blocks With multiple branches:

  • Shower with toilet - The two most necessary "strategic" nodes. It is with them worth starting the landscaping of the country area. The construction of them in the complex will help solve both tasks at the same time and while saving funds. Optimal Material - Wood or Brick
  • Shower with locker roomwhich plays the role of a kind of pre-banner. Here you can leave clothes, not afraid to spat it with water, calmly dressed, put yourself in order
  • Shower S. We are needed for hostets - amateur guests of home preservation and cooking in nature. The multifunctional room will help recycle the grown harvest, it is comfortable to cook even in summer heat. In addition, you will not once again heat the house, keeping pleasant cool in it
  • Shower with laundry - Very convenient combination of functional, especially if the water heating system is present.

Children's selection

To correctly choose a place for the future structures, it is necessary to take into account several factors:

  1. Place must be open and outstanding trees - after all, even if the heating option is provided, we look forward to the natural heating of water with solar radiation. In addition, the design should be well ventilated and satisfied to avoid dampness and mold
  2. If there is a drain pit on the plot, sump (septic tank) or waste ditch, it is necessary think over a convenient plum version with pipes or hose
  3. An important point when choosing a place for the soul is the location of the water source. It is necessary to predict the container filling system: manually using a bucket, through a pump and hose or provide for automatic water supply.

Having determined the optimal place for the device of the summer soul, you can begin to be constructed.

Technology building a soul with your own hands

Summing up summer soul

When determining the soul size it is important to remember that its area should not be less 1 m2., most suitable height - 2-2.3 M..

Specific dimensions are determined based on the size of the building material, so as to minimize waste. For example, when building a standard 6-meter bar, you can design a shower 2x2 M. or 2x3 M..

Preparatory work: plum arrangement

Option 1. We provide a drain into a wastewall or a special sump. For this make marking of the base Soul in accordance with the selected dimensions.

We remove the ground from the marked place about the depth of the bayonet shovel, we swell the pan Ruberoid and fall asleep the rubble layer in 15-20 cm.

Immediately mounted water drain system: We put a piece of hose or sewer pipe in the pit and remove it for the perimeter of the soul. From above, we install the pallet with the drain (it is better to purchase ready), and connect it with the pipe.

Outside the soul sewer pipe You can pave into a trench or surface. Instead of pallet, the floor can be concreted or lay out tiles.

As a sump (septic) for soap water, you can use eurocube - Plastic container for bulk and liquid cargo, lined with a metal grille.

Undoubted advantage of these tanks - no less 1000l And durable plastic. By connecting the two eurocubes among themselves and jumping them into the ground in the neck, you can get a homemade cleaning structure for defending waste water.

Option 2.. Mount the drainage system directly under the shower. Dig a hole in a depth of at least half a meter, fall asleep it on 40-45 cm Large rubble, slices of brick, stone.

Complete all the layer of small rubble in 5-10 cm. Water will naturally be absorbed into the ground.

At this base, we set a wooden grid in the width and length of the soul, which will perform the role of the floor. Grid height 7-10 cm, make it from wooden bars in size in 2x3 cm or twenty boards width in 8-10 cm.

The optimal size of the gaps between the bars - 0.5-1.0 cm, the larger distance will create inconvenience during operation. Material for the lattice must necessarily fool and stick together, so that there are no burstles.

Construction of a shower cabin with their own hands

The next step is the manufacture carcass.

At the corners of the soul concreting four racks from the profile pipe in size in 50x50 mm or 40x60 mmMoreover, we provide for the door canopy.

From the same profile we do horizontal jumpersconnecting vertical racks around the perimeter - at the top, bottom and in the middle. It is best to perform a design with welding - this will provide sufficient rigidity and stability of the structure.

Ready carcass covered anti-corrosion composition and paints. As a trim, we use any inexpensive, lightweight and durable material - board, professional flooring, siding, etc.

Confirm all this with self-tapping screws. Turn the door - It is better to purchase it ready.

Strengthen the roofUsing profile pipes as a lag, they mount the roofing material - slate, metal tile, ondulin. Top we install a water container.

Installation of equipment for the shower

When choosing a water tank, the size of the water is optimal 150-200 L., the form is better flat for faster water warming, color is black or dark for the same purpose.

Special tanks have finished holes For the shower and the fence of water, so it remains only to attach the feed hose, install a crane and watering can or sprayer.

If used ordinary barrel, in the bottom we drill a hole, insert a Sgon - a piece of pipe with a thread, install a crane, we put another Sign and connect the sprayer (watering can).

Capacity is necessary be sure to closeso that the water does not get garbage and leaves.

Wooden shower for giving with their own hands

Foundation building

So that the design is more thorough, it is advisable to make foundation.

To do this, around the perimeter digging width in 15-20 cm and depth B. 30-40 cm. Next, we make formwork for the foundation.

From the boards, knock and install the box ( height - 15-20 cm) On the perimeter of the soul, focusing on the prepared trench.

Ditch and formwork fill with concrete solution. For cooking on 1 bucket cement M500 Take 4 sand buckets, 5-6 buckets of rubble, 1.5-2 buckets of water.

For the strength of the base in the ground part of the foundation you can lay fittings Or slices of thick wire. Pouring align in a horizontal plane using a construction level. The approximate height of the finished foundation is 10-15 cm. After concrete freezes, we remove the formwork.

Installation of the shower cabin

Simultaneously with the foundation in the corners concreting pieces of fittingsFor which the wooden supports from the bar are secure. From the same lumber mounted framework.

The selection of wood for the frame of the frame is large enough. For the heated shower is better to use bar. - The room will turn out to be warm, breathable and cozy.

For the summer option, you can purchase Eurovantia, a block house, imitation of a brusal of coniferous trees.

Essential oils and resins contained in wood have bactericidal properties, are natural air flavoring - therefore it is not only pleasant to wash in such a soul, but also useful.

Boards secure with self-tapping screws to horizontal carcass cross. For better ventilation in the top of the shower between the walls and the roof around the perimeter, we leave a gap size up to 10 cm.

Roofing and wooden shower floor

The roof is easier to make a flat, single car.

To ensure the stock of rainwater, make a small slope, lifting one side of the roof on 10-15 cm. Depending on the soul size for overlapping, use several bars in size in 10x10 cm (Minimum 2).

On the bars with the help of nails, the wooden formwork from the board thick in 20 mm, suppress it with rubberoid or other waterproofing material, cut slate, metal tile, ondulin, etc.

Tip! In the manufacture of the roof, all the holes for pipes and hoses make it right away so that then it did not have to cut them, breaking the tightness of the roof. So that the tank on the roof stood smoothly, fasten the wooden bar under it with a lower side.

The floor in the cabin can be made from a terrace board, tick, alder, linden or larch will fit the best. Between the boards, we leave the gap in 5 mm For water drain.

Where can I buy a garden shower

If you do not have time and desire to build a shower in the country with your own hands, you can trust professionals or purchase already ready design.

Retail shopping networks of building materials and household appliances, including online stores, offer a wide range of shower cabins from wood, polycarbonate, tissue coatings and other materials that are collected in the country area for several hours.

The most common brands and their cost:

  • Very popular from the summer houses garden souls of German brands Karcher and Gardena (Karcher and Gardena). This device can be used both in the booth and in the open space (on the lawn, by the pool), setting it on a special tripod. The shower through the hose is connected to the tank from which water is supplied with the pump. The garden shower has several positions of water spraying, adjusted by height, turns on with one touch of the button. There is such a shower approximately from 1800 to 2250 p
  • Garden shower step (Sometimes it is called "Toptun") it is useful in hiking conditions, when there is no stationary shower. It supplies water from a tank with a foot pump, drives the legs. The shower is very economical and allows you to wash with the minimum water consumption. Approximate cost - 1250-1500R
  • Summer souls "Zelenovka", "Aquatex", "Garden" - It is an opportunity to purchase a full-fledged shower cabin, including heated water. Souls are installed directly on the soil or on the basis of the basis. The package includes a frame of light steel pipes, a trim from a tent or other moistureproof tissue, a plastic or steel tank with a capacity of 110-220 liters, a wooden pallet, an electric heater. Shower cost without heating - 5300-6500 p.heated - from 6000 to 8500 r.

When making a decision to build a summer shower, you make the countryside more comfortable, joyful and desirable for you and your family.

Detailed information on how to build a summer shower in the country with your own hands, you can see in this video instruction.

Wooden summer shower for giving is a small building on the plot, but the significance and benefit of which is indisputable. Without a shower, it is difficult to do in the warm season. In addition, the country's souls can be attributed to the way to save a family budget, as water in a tank or barrel is heated by the Sun.

For the construction of street shower, any material will suit, but the most organically and inexpensive will use wood.

Of course, you can buy a ready wooden shower, but if the budget is limited, it will be correct to make it from the girlfriend. The edged board and the timber, as a rule, are available on the site in the form of residues after the construction of the house or housekeeping, if not in full, then partially. Consider step bypass all stages of construction of a simple street shower design.

How to make a wooden shower with your own hands

First you need to choose the right place so that it is lit by the sun as long as possible, and ensure the hill. If the terrain does not allow you to install a shower on top, you need to make a small embankment to organize water drain.

The second point is to prepare the material. To build a street shower you can use the most affordable and relatively cheap material - wood (boards, timber), preferably coniferous rocks.

The advantages of a tree like a material for the manufacture of a shower:

  • ecological clean;
  • affordable;
  • aesthetic;
  • easily proceed.

A significant minus of wood is an exposure of moisture and bugs (eliminated by additional processing and periodic care).

Wooden shower diagrams and drawings for giving

Summer shower of wood is so simple that the drawings for its manufacture are practically not needed. But, in order to understand the design, let's give a few examples:

As can be seen from the drawings, the construction of a wooden soul does not differ in particular complexity. But before proceeding, you need to think about the following:

  • lighting. We use the summer shower not only in the afternoon, but also in the evening. Therefore, it is necessary to provide lighting - natural or electric. It can be windows in the wall, open openings or electrical lamps. Most often, the country's wooden shower is simply left without a roof;
  • ventilation. Fully closed shower of wood needs ventilation. For this you need to provide ventilation hatches;
  • heating. In order to be able to use the shower in early spring or late fall, when the intensity of the sun and the duration of the light day is not enough for natural water heating, many provide additional heated water. Among the popular methods of heating can be allocated: installation of a furnace or column, installation of a boiler (electric water heater), an extension of the shower to the house and connecting to central water supply, the use of a boiler.

Tip: Using a boiler is better to divide the water tank into two halves or use two tanks and a mixer.
Camping Wooden Heated Shower, Take care of the safety, use of the wire of the desired section, isolation of it from moisture, etc.

  • dressing room. So that clothes remained dry, it can be left outside the soul, and you can make a wooden shower for giving with a locker room. Moreover, users advise not to do two separate rooms, but simply divide the shower with a curtain. This will not waste time, area and material for construction and will leave more space for swimming;
  • bath accessories. For storage, it is enough to make simple wooden shelves. But the place of their placement should be thought out. They must be close to reach their hand, and do not interfere with the water procedures.

Construction of a countrywood soul

The manufacture of a summer soul from a tree is carried out in several stages:

Water drain discharge device

Wooden shower is afraid of moisture, so you need to take care of the rapid water removal from the shower in the country. Especially relevant for closed premises.

The simplest plums for the soul is a removal of water directly into the soil under the legs. But soon, a small swamp will be formed near such a soul, attracting insects and creating an unpleasant smell, and a unclean look.

Properly organized shower water system or drain consists of gender, drainage and septic.

Septic or drain pit should be located at least 3-4 meters from the shower and exceed the volume of the tank by 2 times.

The duty station for the summer soul, the simple version is a ditch, the bottom of which is sent by PVC film. But it is better to use a plastic pipe through which the spent water goes into the septic tank.

Wooden soul floor

Two common options:

  • wooden floor in the shower. To operate such a floor, you need to do a drainage system under the shower. To do this, it is necessary to dig a deepening equal to the soul area to a depth of up to 300 mm. The pit is covered with rubble and sand. The wooden pallet or grille is installed on top;
  • concrete floor. In this case, a deeper recess is digging up - up to 400mm. A pillow of rubble and small gravel is stacked on the bottom, and on top poured with concrete. So that the water can freely leave the shower, it is necessary to fill the concrete at an angle, and to remove the pipe.

Tip: If in the future it is planned to make a wooden shower for ha heated cottage Use a concrete floor.

Wooden Soul Frame Construction

Since the shower will be made of wood, then the same material will be used for the frame.

Considering that the water tank, located at the top of the shower, will be quite heavy (in the filled state), and the soul design itself is susceptible to wind load, it is better to choose 100x100 mm in a rack.

Tip: If you plan to hang the wooden door, it is better to immediately provide additional racks. They are docking into the ground at a certain distance from each other. The gap is equal to the width of the doors plus the width of the door box, plus the gap in 2-3 cm.

To install, vertical racks need to be drilled (or dig) pits with a depth of 1 m. Depth depends on the placement of the shower. If 0.5 m in the fenced place. On the bottom of the pit stacked a sand-gravel pillow, and racks are installed. In order for the tree longer thanks to, it must be pre-treated with resin, machine oil, olifa, or wrap in rubberoid. Next, the rack is concreted.

To protect the racks, you can install metal blanks with the size of equal to the parameters of the timber or cylinder, concrete them. Then score a tree in them.

Tip: The front racks should be made longer than the rear by 50-100 mm. Thus, during the rain, the water from the roof will be drained towards the rear wall of the soul.

After drying (frozen), concrete can be processed further construction.

All racks displayed strictly in terms of the level are connected to the upper and lower strapping.

Council. To make the upper strapping easier, you can collect a frame on the ground, install on supports on top and secure the muffhary bolts.

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Consider, planning a lattice wooden floor, the lower strapping will perform the function of support for lags, so it needs to be fastened well. With a concrete field, the lower strapping serves to fasten the wood finish.

The roof is covered on the top strapping, and the tank is installed.

Construction of a wooden soul by Svitary Hands - Video

  • the tank needs to choose dark colors, it will attract the sun's rays;
  • the wall thickness affects the heating rate;

Council. To the tank be heated faster, cover it with a sheet of glass or make a greenhouse from polycarbonate.

  • the tank must be resistant to frozen. Otherwise it will have to be removed for the winter;
  • for safety Place the tank behind or side from the booth;
  • planning a heated shower, give preference to metallic baca;

Tip: Installing the float to the tank will allow you to pick up the water from above the tank, it warms it better there.

  • to refresh one person needs a minimum of 20 liters. Consider this choosing the volume of the tank;

Council. To ensure the best water pressure in the summer soul, the tank must be installed vertically. If the warming speed is important - install the tank horizontally.

Installation of the tank does not create difficulties, the main thing is to securely secure it on the roof. Until the installation you need to do in the bottom of the tank (barrels) a hole for watering can with a crane (if it is not provided by the manufacturer).

Tip: Water tank must be cleaned periodically and add an antiseptic (for example, manganese).

Wall sheat and installation door

The walls of the summer soul are sewn with prepared boards. The latter is placed the door. Following the logic of construction, it should be wooden. But from moisture, the tree often "leads", so many advise to use a film curtain as a door. Of course, if you have a capital summer soul, it is better to take care of the installation of a high-quality wooden door.

This is the plot of work, which can be attracted to children. Lacted, painted in one color or in all colors of the rainbow, he will make a highlight in the overall appearance of the plot.

Additionally, the summer shower can be decorated with pots with flowers or fall around the curly plants near it.

Stock Foto Wooden shower for ideas and inspiration


Now that you know how to build a wooden shower with your own hands, do not break, proceed to construction and get the opportunity to pamper yourself with a few minutes of pleasure after a hard day!

Hot weather is a big rarity on most of our country. On cold days, it is simply not possible to heat the water in the tank to the desired temperature. Wishing to take an ice shower is not so much.

Under the summer shower, most people imply a simple design with a barrel on the roof. Such a shower has the following drawbacks:

  • water in the tank is very quickly blooming;
  • there are constant problems with the bodie filling;
  • it is impossible to maintain the desired water temperature.

To embody the idea, you need to get acquainted with the Councils of Cleells. Country souls will allow the family with comfort to take water treatments.

Mobile shower works on the following principle. Any container is installed next to the device. It can be a bucket or a basin. Warm water poured into it. After that, the end of the hose is lowered in the packag.

A device that downloads water into the shower, outwardly resembles a rug. To one end of the pump connects the hose with watering can. Thus, it is possible to get a flow of water that will come during the trash in the rug. This option is convenient because the mobile shower can be used not only in the country. The device will be useful to people who want to abide by hygiene during a hike. Even in such Spartan conditions you can wash. The advantage of such a soul is the ability to adjust the water temperature.

How to make a summer shower in the country with your own hands - for the construction of the reliable design, the photos and dimensions are carefully selected.

When building a stationary soul, the owner needs to resolve the question of where the water is removed. If there is already a similarity of the drain pit, then you can take water right there. But this is not the best solution, since many people use bacteria to process wastewater. An increase in humidity will have a negative effect on the purification rate of the contaminated fluid.

In the process of building a shower, it is best to make a separate drain pit. To strengthen the bottom of the pits, you can use broken bricks.

It is hard to strengthen the pit, divert on sandy soil. Its walls will be blurred by wastewater during operation. Therefore, it is necessary to strip the walls of sandy deepening by boards.

The owner can save when building a shower due to materials. For the construction of the soul there is no need to erect. During the construction of the base, foundation blocks are most often used. They are exhibited by level and souls are lifted by 20 cm above the ground level.

Such a height is enough that the treated wood does not start. During the construction of the base, it is absolutely necessary to use wood. You can cook the body from the metal, and put it on the paving slabs. If desired, you can strengthen the base, the bay of its concrete.

There are no certain standards regarding the framework. Shower cabin, as a rule, consists of several parts. In one compartment you can arrange a locker room. In another room there is a water heater. Firewood can be used as fuel.

You can attach the room to store the inventory to the soul. If you are planning a more easy design, you can use the following option - instead of the door, hang the curtain. This will facilitate the design and will reduce the cost of construction. Be sure to consider the growth of people who will go to the shower. The optimal height should be 2.2 meters. The width of the design should be at least 0.9 meters. In the manufacture of a frame, not only metal, but also a tree can be used.

For the manufacture of a metal frame, it is advisable to use corners with a thickness of at least 4 millimeters. The width of the shelf depends on the load. The frame will hold the water tank. What if you plan to put a plastic capacity of 100 liters?

In this case, it is necessary to carry out the handling of the shower cabin on both sides with special lining. This material is considered the most practical. It has an attractive appearance and is able to withstand a wet environment long enough. But for this it is necessary to handle the lining with a special solution.

To make a metal frame, you can use trimming of metal pipes. The thickness of the pipe wall must be at least 3 mm. Otherwise, the soul design may not withstand the load.

Strengthen the framework at the expense of the root. To do this, weld to the design additional corners. In the absence of a welding machine, you can fix with bolts.

To build a shower in the country, you need to calculate the volume of the tank. For a family of 4 people will have to put a barrel with a volume of 100 liters. For the manufacture of a wooden frame, you can buy a bar. BRUSEV mount is carried out on the spike-groove system.

Summer shower for giving with their own hands can be built without the use of expensive materials.

The film is considered the cheapest material to cover the soul walls. The lack of such an option is too small life. After a year you will have to buy a new film. Therefore, summer houses prefer more reliable materials that can hold out several seasons.

Preference is better to give tissue with impregnation. This material is used for the manufacture of tents and tents. When buying lumber, consider that it is impossible to use fresh lining. The reason lies in the fact that any lumber passes the destruction.

During the drying process, the material loses the form and former dimensions. This affects the quality of the lumber. On its surface there may be various defects that reduce strength. Cleaning and cracks are the most common drawbacks that have a negative effect on wooden structures. In the design built of fresh sawn timber, already a year can appear gaps. Shower in the country with their own hands, drawings, sizes, photos are interested in many users who wish to warn themselves from these shortcomings.

For the trim, you can use a professionalist left after the construction of the fence.

Polycarbonate - transparent material that will decorate any shower. Do not allow the appearance of the cracks, as dust and moisture will fall in them. This is a favorable medium for the reproduction of algae. Gradually, the polycarbonate walls will completely cover greenish vegetation.

When erecting a shower, you need to provide a ventilation system. Permanent humidity can lead to wood rotting. A fungus that destroys the design appears on the walls.

As a tank for the shower, any container will fit. It can be a metal or plastic barrel. However, plastic barrels are worse than water. For the middle strip it can be critical, as water requires heating.

Icewater is unlikely to like the owner of a country house. Although plastic containers are cheaper than metal. But this is the only dignity of such barrels. It is best to install metal containers. They are not only easier to install. The owners do not have to think about how to fix the metal barrel. In such a capacity, water will warm up much faster. The water heating process can be accelerated if you paint the container into the black color. The disadvantage of such an option is the appearance of rust.

People wonder how to make souls in the country with their own hands and how to choose the right water capacity, when studying the photo of the construction, you can decide on the right choice of design and water container.

Sometimes septic tank is installed directly under the shower. In this case, the boards are laid with a gap of 3 mm. Water will flock down and get directly into the drain pit. In sandy soil water will not be stamped.

But for clay soil, this option is not suitable for the septic. To organize a normal drain, it is necessary to dug a hole elsewhere. Pallet for construction septica can be bought in the store. The finished pallet must be selected based on the size of the future building. All over the perimeter, it is necessary to install bars, otherwise it will hang out.

The foundation can be put out of bricks. At the bottom of the construction you need to lay a layer of gravel with a thickness of 15 centimeters. After that, the pipe is installed for drain. After concrete freezes, you can continue the construction of a shower.

Most daches have a desire to swim in the soul after earthworks. The procedure has a positive effect on human health. Of course, you can buy a shower in the finished form. But it will increase the building costs.

Cheaper to make shower independently, without the help of specialists. Water should fire under a definite slope. Do not forget to work on the work on the soul waterproofing. With the help of a waterproofing film, you can prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor. To do this, it is necessary to put a special grid. The recommended depth of the drain pit is 2 m.

To maintain heat, you need to install a polycarbonate roof from above. It will create a greenhouse effect. The mandatory element of the tank is a sensor that informs the user about the water level. In the absence of water, they can overdo it. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor this parameter. To equip the floor in the shower you need to install a drain pipe.

How to be if there is no plumbing in the house? To fill the tank you have to carry water by vendors. This is too time consuming. Before building a soul, think about water supply. If there is a water supply system, the tank can be filled quite quickly. Just open the faucet and wait until the container is filled to a certain level.

Advanced house owners have come up with a scheme that automates this process. You can do this with a float system. It is necessary to provide for the installation of the system, which is designed to drain excess water. According to the law of physics on top there is the milder water. Therefore, water fence is carried out on top. At the bottom of the tank you can install a hose for draining water into the sewer.

Of course, you can use the energy of the Sun. At the same time, you will not have to spend money on electricity. However, this method has a significant drawback. With the help of the Sun, it is difficult to warm up a large amount of liquid. In addition, this method can be implemented not in all climatic zones.

In this case, you can use heating using devices that use electricity. Teni can warm the water to the desired temperature. A person who has decided to take a shower itself sets the temperature regime.

In order for the wagbell water where the wipe water, it is necessary to attach a piece of foam. Therefore, water fence is made from above. To accelerate water warming, you can make a serpentine.

The shower can be built at the farthest end of the site, near the fence. On sandy soil water will not linger in sump. Due to the rapid water absorption, it is possible to avoid rotting wooden materials that are used as trimming materials.

When the soul is erected near the fence, the owner receives an advantage. In this case, it is enough to install 3 columns. To post posts, it is necessary to dig a pits with a depth of 78 cm, to fall asleep with rubble, tumble and pour concrete.

After alignment, the floor proceeds to the processing of wood. You can buy aspen boards and soak them with a protective layer. Then the sawn timber is treated with a grinder.

When installing shelves, take into account the weight of the barrel. It must withstand the load at least 100 kg. Corners will rust during operation. To increase the service life of the metal frame paint with special paint, which can be applied directly to rust.

To install polycarbonate, you can use self-drawers. Violation of technology can lead to cracking of polycarbonate sheets in sunny weather.

Therefore, people prefer the summer soul equipped with a heating system. To get a convenient and practical design, you need much attention to pay for the construction site. A draft after the shower can lead to a cold. With the help of Tanno, you can heat the water to a certain temperature even in cold weather.

  1. There should be a distance of at least 5 meters between the design of the shower and the drain pit.
  2. Earthworks can be passed only after calculating the volume of the drain pit. One person accounts for 0.5 cubic meters.
  3. When laying pipes, follow the bias from 3 to 5 degrees.

The simplest design of the drain pit is the form of Cuba. But this option has a significant drawback. Walls of such a pit lose strength.

It is best to use a drain pit of a cylindrical shape. In this case, the load is distributed evenly and the likelihood of destruction is reduced. In order to increase the service life of the soul design, it is necessary to use a biological basis. Many bacteria are able to recycle waste. Water will be absorbed faster into the ground.

The advantage of a plastic tank is that the water does not bloom in them, butts do not rust, and the properties of water does not change.

Electric heaters can be put on their own hands. However, it is best to purchase a finished tank equipped with a built-in heater. In this case, the system controls all parameters in automatic mode. The installation has a control panel and independently turns off in case of emergency situations.

In the shower elevated humidity. Therefore, during construction, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. Instead of an iron pallet, it is advisable to use plastic ladders. They provide good air circulation and prevent stagnation of water.