Repairs Design Furniture

Fixtures for builders. How to make a manual winch of a boiled material homemade polyspaster for lifting cargo

The polyspaster is a system of mobile and fixed blocks connected by flexible bond (ropes, chains) used to increase the strength or speed of lifting goods. A polyspaster is used in cases if you need to make minimal efforts to raise or move heavy load, ensure tension, etc. The simplest polyspast consists of just one block and rope, while it allows you to reduce the traction force required for lifting the cargo.

Usually, power masters are used in the lifting mechanisms, which allow to reduce the tension of the rope, the moment on the weight of the cargo on the drum and the gear ratio of the mechanism (tali, winches). High-speed polyspars that allow you to gain a gain in the speed of movement of the cargo at low speeds of the drive element. They are used significantly less and used in hydraulic or pneumatic lifts, loaders, telescopic adjustment mechanisms of cranes.

The main characteristic of the polyspaster is multiplicity. This is the ratio of the number of branches of the flexible organ, on which the cargo is suspended, to the number of branches covered with the drum (for power polyspers), or the ratio of the speed of the leading end of the flexible organ to the slave (for high-speed polyspers). Conditionally speaking, the multiplicity is a theoretically calculated ratio ratio in strength or speed when using a polyspaster. The change in the multiplicity of the polyspaster occurs by administering or removing from the system of additional blocks, while the end of the rope is fastened at a fixed element of the structure, and with odd multiplicity - on a hook hook.

Depending on the number of branches of the rope, fixed on the drum of the lifting mechanism, one can allocate single (simple) and dual polyspers. In single polystes, when winding or winding a flexible element due to its movement along the axis of the drum, an unwanted change in the load on the drum support is created. Also, in the absence of free blocks in the system (the rope from the hook suspension block directly moves to the drum), the cargo moves not only in the vertical, but also in the horizontal plane.

To ensure strictly vertical lifting of cargo, dual polyastes are used, (consisting of two single), in which case, both end of the rope are fixed on the drum. To ensure the normal position of the hook suspension with an uneven extractor of a flexible element of both polyspers, balance or equalizing blocks are used. Such polystes are used mainly in bridge and gantry cranes, as well as in heavy tower cranes so that you can use two standard cargo winches instead of one large-sized high power, as well as to obtain two or three shipping rates.

In force polystes, with increasing multiplicity, the ropes of reduced diameter can be used, and, as a result, reduce the diameter of the drum and blocks, reduce the mass and dimensions of the system as a whole. The increase in multiplicity allows to reduce the gear ratio of the gearbox, but simultaneously requires greater rope length and drum rope.

High-speed polyspers differ from the power in that they are working force, usually developed by a hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder, applied to the moving cage, and the load is suspended to the free end of the rope or chain. Winning in speed when using such a polyaste is obtained as a result of an increase in the height of the lifting of the cargo.

When using polyspers, it should be borne in mind that the elements used in the system are not absolutely flexible bodies, but have a certain rigidity, therefore the incident branch does not immediately fall into the stream of the block, and the running branch is not immediately straightened. This is most noticeable when using steel ropes.

Blocks and polystes - Simple mechanisms used to raise goods or with a small effort, or with an effort application in a user-friendly position.

Blocks and polystes consist of two parts: wheels with a circle chute (pulley) and rope or cable. A block, as a rule, is called a device consisting of one pulley in a frame with suspension and one cable. The polyspaster is a combination of pulleys and cables. The principle of its work is similar to the work of the lever - the gain in force affects the increasing distance in the theoretical equality of work performed.

These mechanisms can be used independently of other lifting units, such as: winches, hoists, cranes, as well as their parts.

The figures show the principle of operation. block and polystest:

In Fig. 1, and the weight of W1 is raised using a single block with an effort P1 equal to weight. In Fig. 1, b freight W2 lift the simplest multiple polyspaster consisting of two blocks, an effort P2, equal to half weight W2. The effect of this weight is divided equally between the cable branches on which the pulley B2 is suspended with the A2 pulley using the C2 hook. Therefore, in order to raise the cargo W2, to the branch of the cable passing through the A2 pulley chute, it is sufficient to apply the force P2 equal to half the weight of W2; Thus, the simplest polyspaster gives a double gain. Fig.1, B explains the work of the polyspaster with two pulles, each of which has two gutters. Here, the force P3 necessary to raise the cargo W3 is only a quarter of its weight. This is achieved due to the distribution of the entire weight of W3 between the four suspension cables of the block B3. Note that the multiplicity of winning in force when lifting weights is always equal to the number of cables on which the mobile unit B3 is hanging.

Fig. 2.

In the past as a cable for blocks and polyspers A flexible and durable hemp rope was used. It was gossipped by a scythe of three strands, each of which consisted of many small strands. Polyaste with such ropes were used everywhere, where goods it was necessary to climb: on sea ships, in agriculture, at construction site. The most difficult of them (Fig. 2) were often used on sailing ships. There they were needed to work with sails, details of the mast and another moving snap.

Over time, steel cables and cables made of synthetic and mineral fibers came to replace the hemp edge. They are more durable and wear-resistant. Polyaste With steel cables and multi-challenged pulleys are integral parts of the lifting mechanisms of the entire modern lifting equipment. Ship blocks Usually rotate on roller bearings and all their moving surfaces are forcibly lubricated.

Pride is a single zone block with a cable passed through it; For the winning in the power in rigging, grab-tali and Gini (Fig. 137) are used.

Fig. 137. The simplest mechanisms for lifting cargo:
and - pride, b - grabs-tali, in - Guinea

Tali is a polyspaster, i.e. the system of unicoral blocks (two or more) with one cable designed to collaborate. Most often used hoists in the form of two blocks with one and three pulleys in each. The most widely used grip-hoists, having one block movable, and the other (upper) block in the form of a double tale.

Gins are called Tali, having two blocks with three and more pulleys in each. Multiple blocks (more than three) are rarely used, they have a special design and apply only in special devices. Gini are the largest hoists that serve to raise big weights; They differ from the usual tale with large size blocks and rope thickness.

The cable connecting two blocks for collaboration is called Taly's bladlight. The end, with which the larder is climbing tightly into the outer blade, is called a native bladder, and the end coming out of the top block, for which it is pulled when lifting the cargo or etching when it is lowered, is called a skept; The remaining tella cable branches call the branches of the bladder, the number of which is equal to the number of pulleys of both blocks.

The hoists are with two single zero blocks, with one single zero and one doublebreak; With two double-boring blocks, with one double-bash and one threekill and, finally, with two three-plugs (Guines). Consequently, the branches of the bladder can be from three to seven.

For Taly, plant ropes and steel cables, as well as rigging chains are used.

Mechanical tali - tali, which are called differential. There are also systems of differential tags with screw transmission and tali with gear transmission.

To raise goods to a small height, manual hoists apply; For lifting capacity, 1-10 tons are produced, they are made with gear with gear and worm drives.

Handwood with a worm wheel drive consist of a hook, on which they are suspended to the structures, the upper steel stationary block, on the rim of which the teeth for clutch with the elements of the chain transmission are cut; This drive unit is associated with a worm. The welded calibrated circuit, made by a closed endless, perhaps through the drive unit, rotating from the chain transition by hand. During the rotation of the drive unit with a worm, a worm gear is rotated, connected to an asterisk. If you manually sort out the rotation circuit of the drive unit, the worm will rotate and transmit rotation to the upper unit along with the cargo chain located on the sprocket nests. Through the lower block (small diameter) of the tale and the top star passes the cargo chain. When rotating the worm gear with an asterisk, the cargo chain is reduced by length and raises the cargo. To lift the cargo, handles must be applied to the chain traction in 33-68 kgf (depending on the lifting goods).

Lifting the cargo with a mechanical tale with a gear wheel drive occurs just as well as lifting loads with a worm-driven tale. However, in the first case, the load lifting is carried out in the parallel plane in which the drive unit rotates, and with worm gear in mutually perpendicular planes. To reduce lift efforts, two gear transmissions are made (Fig. 138).

Fig. 138. Differential (mechanical) Tali

Manual mechanical hoists have a limited radius of action, they can lift the goods only at the point of consolidation.

To expand the radius of the action of the tale, they are suspended to the cart, which moves along the paths made of heated beams suspended to workshop overlap.

A more advanced lifting device is Telfer - electric hoist with a cart moving along monorail. An electric motor connected to a drum that replaces the top of the Taly will serves as a telfer lifting mechanism. Lifting and moving the telfe is controlled through the remote with the buttons on the flexible wire. Telphers can move at considerable distances using a trolley - a cocked wire located on the side of the monorails or above them.

Shipbuilding and ship repair also use spiers and winches. They are hand and electric.

The hand winch has a durable and massive base, a bed, the main drum (with a horizontal axis), shafts with gears to change the speeds, brake and handles for the muscular application. Manual winches are manufactured by a loading capacity of 0.5; 1.0; 3.0; 5 t. When working with such winches, canifos blocks and hoists are used. Kanipos blocks serve to remove the cable going on the drum, and the Tali is to get a larger win.

The spire, in contrast to the winch, has a vertical axis of rotation. Spiers and winches usually work at low speed with large tractive efforts. When lifting light loads, use one branch of the cable (a pendant), and the tali use when lifting heavy loads.

Electric spires (Fig. 139) and winches work on the shore from the power plant or the plant substation, and on the vessel - from the generator. The tree with the drum on them is driven by the electric motor. Controllers and launchers are used to manage them. Turning the start-up lever in one way or the other side, the mechanisms are reported by the desired move.

Fig. 139. Spires and winches:
a - scheme of work of the spire, B - Welcome diagram, B - manual rigging winch; 1 - drum, 2 - handle, 3 - reckable shaft of the handle, 4, 5 - cylindrical gear, leading wheel of which can be turned on and separated, 6, 7 - drum transmission, 8 - locking mechanism for stopping shaft, 9 - ratchet brake , 10 - sheet steel shields, 11 - spacer bolts

Before lifting cargo, it is necessary to check the correctness of the rotation of the winch (or spire), to determine its suitability for this work. Particular attention should be paid to the service of the stopper. If the stopper malfunction and the winch brake can not work.

To lift heavy machines and aggregates on a small height and move them for minor distances, and jacks are used to perform various rigging works. Their advantages: low weight, large load capacity, simplicity of design, ease of braking device and ease of treatment.

Jacks are: screw, hydraulic, air and with a toothed rail; Their common drawback is relatively low to. p. d. Loading capacity of jacks reaches 20-25 tons. The average height of lifting of goods is 400 mm, the mass of robust and screw jacks ranges from 5 to 120 kg.

Rope-rope and rigging chains are widely used in the operation of mechanisms.

Without boom lightweight cranes with a carrying capacity within 1 tons, it is not possible to do with various electrical, installation and construction work. Thanks to their design, installation of devices in various opening openings or overlaps, as well as their movement for convenient use. They feature ease of assembly and installation, and if necessary, they can quickly disassemble them to composite elements and move it into a suitable place.

The use of such structures is rationally in the absence of the possibility of exploitation of other types of GPM. There are many types of cranes with various constructive design. They are divided into stationary and mobile. The boom devices are equipped with one electric cargo movement mechanism. The work of the crane is carried out by manual control.

Construction mini-crane

You can create a variety of tools and appliances, so necessary during construction and other types of work. Despite the fact that the mini-lifting crane, with their own hands made, is characterized by a limited portable weight of the cargo (no more than 250 kg), such a design will simplify the implementation of the most part of construction work.

The main task is to select all the tools and items necessary to create and follow the operation. The weight of the precast device can reach up to 300 kg, depending on the materials used. At the same time, it has compact dimensions and the possibility of moving without a pre-parsing using a car.

Lifting crane do it yourself: assembly

With the help of a gearbox on a worm basis, a cargo winch is formed. It can also provide a manual drive that simplifies the assembly of the booler winch. The base for screw remote parts are building supports. All elements presented above make up the basis of the design. In addition, you need drums for winches. It is worth noting that their independent production is not all under power, as the process is characterized by complexity and complexity, as well as the need for specialized equipment and experience of such work.

The output from the situation becomes rotors from the electric motor, which can be used as a basis, and significantly simplify the task. Special attention should be paid to the compliance of the size of the elements used and the future device. For this, additional measurements are made using a ruler.

Additional elements

To simplify movement, the platform is equipped with wheels. Elements from the conveyor trolley can be useful. During the creation of the design, you should not forget about this supplement, since it is thanks to him that the simplest lifting crane moves, with his own hands assembled. To do this, you only need to remove the remote support elements, which does not cause special difficulties and is made in a short time. It is important to comply with security techniques, in particular, the boom should be installed on a zero level to prevent the loss of equilibrium and the fall of the crane.


The optimal height of the boom is 5 meters. For its manufacture, a pipe with a diameter of about 8 cm is used. The profile of two corners is mounted in the base. You also need to create a rotary mechanism for turning and lifting the boom, for this car hub is suitable from any cargo vehicle. For a counterweight, special materials are not needed, since they can take standard bricks for them. Create a lifting crane with your own hands can also be based on tracked tracts, and beds. The last element can be taken from an unused machine.

It is worth noting the lack of necessity in the brake for the rotary mechanism and winch, as it is not needed during the operation of the crane, and the operation of the finished device will be made at low speed.

Advantages of construction

The rectangular tube is suitable for the formation of the remote design of the support and the overall base. For the latter, according to specialists, it becomes optimal to use a channel for 200. The length of the stubborn screws should be within 50 cm, due to which the crane can be mounted on any surface, including with a large number of irregularities. Thus, there is no need to prepare the site on which the building is built.

Difficulties sometimes arise with wheels, since on loose soil they may well scroll and break into it. Therefore, the work is desirable on solid ground. After completing construction, the design is disassembled into composite storage elements.

What can be done for the garage

With independent repair, the car often occurs the need to remove the engine, so many car owners are asked about how to make a lifting crane with their own hands. The easiest option is the lift, to create a manual winch, racks on triangular supports with wheels and a transverse tube.

At the top of the racks with welding fixed fasteners for the pipe. A manual winch is welded to the vertical rack, and the rollers are mounted on the beam, they are subsequently used to move the cable. At the same time, it is not necessary to purchase a winch, as you can make this design yourself.

Such a device will not climb the space, it can be disassembled, and a separate transverse beam and the supports will not take much space. Lifting crane, with their own hands for the garage created, is able to lift and move the load weighing no more than 800 kg. His main advantage is the lack of necessity in acquiring expensive materials.

As noted earlier, the winch can be made independently. This will require a drum equipped with a cable, it must be recorded on the designs of pipes that have a square section. A small sprocket with a chain transmission is installed on the electric drive, and large on the edge of the drum. To create a manual winch shaft, equipped with a drum, complemented by handle.

To replace and repair most parts in the car requires an overpack or pit, with their absence, you can use the lift. Despite the available risks in carrying out work with a similar device, its creation is justified by economic benefits and practical benefits.

Bridge lifting crane-cart, with his own hands with a winch assembled, is the simplest version of the lift for the car, while the machine is installed on the platform after raising the desired height. There is also a scissor construction, which is distinguished by the absence of a cable break, which cannot guarantee the previous option.

Scissor crane

The base and platform of the scissor lift is made of challers. Two-section distributor, pump, sleeve, hydraulic cylinder and ductable beams are necessary for scissors.

Lifting crane on UAZ, with their own hands made, can lift loads weighing more than 500 kg. Also, upon completion of work, it can be removed. The main purpose of the device is fixing the retractable supports. The basis of the structure is performed from a thick-walled square, fixed on the frame using several bolts. Retractable pores are kept on the bumper and raise the back of the car.

Crane "pioneer9rdquo;

The mechanism allows you to simplify the implementation of many repair and construction work, as well as to ensure actions that cannot be performed without additional lifting devices. The design is suitable for cargo with different volume and magnitude, while it can be installed on the overlaps of houses of houses, in the pit and on the roof.

Among the main components, it is worth noting a swivel and support frame, electric winch, control panel. The device does not cause difficulties in the process of use and application of significant physical effort. Management under the power of each person, not even having relevant experience.

Many owners of private houses and country sites are engaged in creating lifting structures. Their distribution is caused by the fact that each part of the mechanism, regardless of its complexity, can be performed in the desired way with the necessary functionality. In addition to moving heavy loads, such as monolithic blocks, such cranes provide the delivery of light items to a large height.

Unfortunately, the creation of hydraulic devices is usually not possible. But despite this, the lifting crane (with their own hands), the photo of which is presented below, is characterized by ease of operation and sufficient lifting capacity.

Crane assembly "pioneer9rdquo;

Many details can be found, no matter how surprisingly, in the landfill. For a self-made mechanism, the main components are a rectangular pipe and a boutique. It is important that the latter can easily be placed in the pipe. To create a telescopic assembly for a heap, sliding guides are manufactured. It is worth noting that they should be lubricated by special compositions to reduce the degree of friction.

For the functioning of the device also requires cables with a small diameter. They can be purchased in a construction store. To fasten the swivel and support frames, a chaserler is often used. It also provides tight installation of the device on any surface. As a rule, it stands for the roof of the building under construction. In accordance with the safety rules, the manufacture of a rectangular platform is required as a ballast, while it will reduce the probability of problems at the time while the lifting crane is operated, with their own hands assembled. The electric motor connected to the winch is used to start the lifting process.

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The simplest lifting and transport mechanisms on the construction of cottages and at home.

Section. Country Construction and Improvement

In the construction process, it is very often necessary to move all sorts of cargoes, building materials, details, etc. The most time-consuming of these movements - vertically. For example, lifting bricks, buckets with mortar, blocks for scaffolding or on the overlap of the second floor. Such movements require large physical and time costs.

Of course, the simplest decision is to invite a lifting crane. But it is expensive, and does not always solve the problem. So, a lot of bricks on the forest do not raise, they will simply won't stand. And to raise in Male - taking into account the cost of the work of the crane and the speed of laying this brick - the brick wall will be simply golden.

This article I want to remind only simple and well-known techniques of fast and in general, that is not too time-consuming method for moving construction materials at a construction site.

The easiest of them is a block. As he looks knows everything and I do not even bring his photo, only the schemes. The meaning of the block is in changing the direction of use of force. For example, for block 1 in the diagram (the easiest case, referred to as a fixed block), to raise the load up, you need to pull the cable down. And this will already allow the use of its own weight of the worker to lift the cargo. For example, you can make a few loop on the cable, then a worker crossing them as a rope ladder will easily raise up the cargo at 50-70 kilograms almost effortless!

Block 2 (on the diagram, movable block) has one end of the cable fixed motionless and already allows you to increase the force twice, and the worker using such a unit will already be able to raise the cargo of 100 kilograms. The lack of the one that the cable must be pulled up. But if you combine block 2 with block 1, then the lifting load can reach the double weight of the worker, which can now be used again!

A similar combination of multiple blocks of type 1 and 2 is called a polyspaster. The polyspaster gives a valid equal to the number of blocks. Those. To raise the cargo weighing 1000 kg, having a polyaste in 6 mobile and 6 fixed blocks, effort will be required in just 85 kg!

The polyspaster is quite complex, therefore, a block with two pulleys of different diameters or a block on a thick axis is used, which serves as the second block.

So a block of type 3 (in the diagram) gives a winnings equal to the ratio of radii of large and small blocks. Approximately the famous gate in the well is also arranged. You remember that a log or tube on which a chain or a rope is wounds is significantly less than the wheel (or radius of the handle) with which the gate rotates. This allows you to easily lift the waters from the well even to children.

Blocks and polyspers of all types are good in available. However, they have one significant disadvantage - they move the goods only vertically. Therefore, a more valuable lifting and transport mechanism should be recognized as the so-called crane - rocker.

The crane is nothing more than the famous Archimedes lever. Although he was known where, as before Archimedes, still in the most ancient Egypt. With the help of cranes, workers of Egypt pumped the Nile water into the canals and aryks.

The charm of the crane in its simplicity, extreme cheapness and very high efficiency. I myself had to use it. It happened that the rubble in the basement was covered significantly more than it was necessary and it was necessary to raise unnecessary. How? To carry buckets on the stairs? The work is extremely unproductive, heavy and ungrateful. I had to urgently make a crane from the cast boards and stories. The easiest way was to hang the arrow (rocker) crane on a strong cable (for transporting a car). Now lifting the bucket with rubble (more than 20 kg!) Having held 2-3 seconds! (it was loaded longer).

The crane also uses the weight of the worker himself. In addition, you can use counterweight, which also facilitates lifting weights.

But the most valuable quality - he also moves the cargo horizontally! In the radius of its arrows, of course. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to use the caravel not only for lifting, but also to move the load from place to place.

Crane is useful and in the event that it is necessary to raise the cargo on a sufficiently large height. In this case, the arrow of the crane is suspended high enough, and whatever the work is able to operate at thenime - to a merchand to a merry rope or a small helper. At the end of the arrow of the crane, a fixed block with a long rope is installed. This will allow 1 person to be completely free to lift loads, for example, on the second floor. And it is instead of carrying them on the stairs or walking.

Similar the simplest lifting - transport mechanisms make it possible to significantly accelerate and facilitate rigging and construction work without any additional costs of their organization. Apply them on your construction and you will feel the difference!

Garage: homemade lifting devices

Homemade lifting devices are an indispensable garage tool, which is planned to carry out serious car repair. With this auxiliary device, you can easily remove the engine engine, raise the edge of the body or even the entire car.

Simple in the manufacture of homemade lifting mechanisms make it easier several times and accelerates work not only in the garage, but also near the house. They are indispensable in construction and repair, moving construction waste, unloading weights.

Types of lifting mechanisms

Before proceeding with the garage crane assembly with your own hands, you should choose which mechanism is best for you. Machines for lifting cargo belong to a rather important category of industrial and household equipment. They are designed to move various goods in a vertical or inclined direction. Function useful for motorists - the ability to move the cargo suspended on the hook to side, thereby freeing the place to work. Designing a lift for cars, it is desirable to supplement it with a similar option - so you can expand the list of actions produced in the garage.

The acquisition of a ready-made lift is drawn by significant financial expenses, so that many garage owners are interested in the question of how to make a similar mechanism itself. To begin with, it should be understood which types of devices exist than they differ from each other, and what functions have. The classification is produced on various features: the principle of action, purpose, the type of actuator. Consider the most common types of lifting machines:

  1. Blocks - manual mechanisms that only use human muscles to raise the cargo. The structure of the block is known from the school program: it consists of a wheel with a deepening around rotating around the stationary axis. Through the recess passes the rope, rope or metal chain. The force required to raise weights decreases in geometric progression along with an increase in the number of blocks in the system.
  2. Jack is a simple lever used to raise one side of the car. Jacks can be both manual and hydraulic, pneumatic and electric.
  3. Tal - manual or mechanized fixture consisting of a system of interconnected blocks. Depending on the number of individual wheels (pulleys), the Tali is divided into two-, three-, four-cable, etc. The maximum number of pulleys that use similar devices is 12. Industrial Tali variety - the polyspast is often used to move goods on ships.

In addition to standard lifting devices, specialized installations exist:

  1. The telfer is an improved tal, equipped with an electrical drive. Thanks to this supplement, the power and load capacity of the mechanism increases, and when the telfer is placed on the horizontal 2-way beam, the possibility of cargo movement along the room appears.
  2. The crane is an elementary device that works on the principle of the lever. To one end of the lever fasten the hook for hanging the cargo, and to the opposite - counterweight. The height of the lifting of goods largely depends on the position of the mechanism itself, since the length of the stroke remains small. With the help of the caravel, you can not only lift gravity, but also move them along the trajectory described by the lever radius. Often, the crane successfully replaces the lifting crane, but because of the larger dimensions, the use of it in the garage is not practiced.

What characteristics should the garage lift be posted

Since the device will be used in fairly cramped conditions of the standard garage, specific requirements are put forward to it. Firstly, it should not be too big - such a car lift, despite its high power, takes a lot of space, which is very undesirable to such a small area. Secondly, it is recommended to give preference to mechanisms with a slight vertical course, otherwise you risks them in the ceiling.

The second requirement is a loading capacity. It is calculated, pushing away from the types of work, for which the auto lift is being developed. The dimensions of the mechanism depend on the purpose. If an ordinary jack is suitable for normal replacement of the wheel, then for larger work, a car lift will need with a platform, although it is recommended for such responsible actions to resort to the help of professional equipment.

Materials and tools

Constructing a garage lift with your own hands, you need to have in arsenal not only the drawings of the future device, but also armed with a set of tools and qualitative, stable material loads. First of all, you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • bulgarian with cutting circle for metal;
  • bolts and nuts for fastening;
  • steel pipes with a diameter of 40-50 mm;
  • steel corner or profiled pipe with a cross section of 35-40 mm;
  • cable;
  • the homemade winch for the garage (it can also be purchased, the factory production option will be greater reliability).

As the planned self-made garage winch will be embodied in reality, the list of components to it can change slightly, depending on your specific requirements for the mechanism device.

How to collect a simple crane

Before collecting the lift with your own hands, you should create a detailed drawing with an indication of the size of all parts and the method of their fastening. At this stage, the type of mechanism is determined - it can be a garage beam crane, a plain winch, suspended to the ceiling, a powerful jack with manual, electric or hydraulic control. Often, the craftsmen design even such complex devices as a two-hand lift capable of withstanding the weight of a passenger car.

One of the most simple models to which the self-made garage winch belongs to the console-fixed boom installed on a vertical rack from the steel pipe. A trolley with a winch is mounted on the arrows. The vertical pipe is welded to the base. It can be a massive steel plate or directly the foundation of the garage. The homemade winch for the garage will be more reliable if the upper end of the rack on the ceiling room overlooking the room.

The working part of the mechanism is a small winch. If it is self-made, the crane will slightly lose in reliability, so it is better to purchase a device for factory manufacture.

Through the groove in the winch block skipped steel cable, at the end of which the hook is installed. Rotating the Handle of the winch, you will bring a block with a cable in motion, raising the cargo to the specified height.

Conclusion on the topic

The garage with the lift is the dream of many motorists, because with a similar device it turns into its own, comfortable and free car service.

Describing the lift in the garage with your own hands is quite simple. Just stockpenter needed by the necessary materials, tools, and clearly define a list of tasks that the device will perform.

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Strengthen homemade lifting devices

Homemade lifting devices are currently becoming increasingly popular. During construction, when working in the garage, there are often a freight weight loads. In construction, manual transport takes considerable time, and it is not always possible to install ramps or forests. In any case, it is much easier and more efficient to use lifts.

Lifting Crane Scheme

The same applies to the automotive topics, the garage with the lift is much more convenient in operation. The most simple lifts are an ordinary beam that is rigidly fixed in one end, and the movable block is installed on the second end. A rope is thrown through the block, with which cargo is delayed manually.

Such a homemade lift is quite simple in the manufacture, but from a practical point of view is very uncomfortable. First, the cargo rises anyway manually, and secondly, the dismantling and the installation of beams from one place to another takes even more time than the simple drag of weights. Such mechanisms are used in chopped houses.

Building a chopped house

Materials and tools:

  • pillars;
  • wooden top beam;
  • metal guide;
  • wheel-pulley;
  • bearings;
  • chain Tal;
  • restores;
  • pulley;
  • welding machine.

If the question of how to make the lift itself for a log cabin, makes you think, then a fairly simple solution. On 2 vertically covered post supports, the upper beam is set to a little longer than the length of the future structure. Such a gap makes it possible to drag the logs directly from the stack to the installation site.

Wooden beam is needed from above to provide a metal guide on which the mechanism will move. Next, the technology is simple, the wheel-pulley on the bearing is connected to the M-shaped metal part, to another end of which the manual chain hoist is attached with a carrying capacity of at least 750 kg. Such a minimum is explained by the fact that the weight of the thirty-salted membrane in the scraping range ranges from 270 to 400 kg, depending on the moisture content of the wood.

The pillars for such a design must be at least 20 cm in the diameter, and the beam, based on the load, is a bar of at least 15x20 cm in a cross-cut.

The guide is a cut of reinforcement, to which the tips of nails are welded at equal distances, no more than half a meter. They will attach the guide to the wooden beam.

The beam is fixed by a couple of dozen cm away from the poles to avoid the coupling of the transport device and the post.

To strengthen the design to a nail beam, spaces are set. If the height of the pillars is 4-5 m, then for stability, they need to be inserted into the ground to 1 m and establish space from the other side into which the beam shift is.

Pulley, it is desirable that he had flights, put on to the guide and the lift is ready for work.

Homemade lifting crane

In case of individual construction, it is not necessary without a lifting crane, which can also be done if necessary.

The homemade crane will help mount overlaps, the foundation and all other elements of the design, due to its ability to fall below the zero mark by 2.5 m and rise to the height of about 2 m.

Such a crane allows you to transport cargo at a distance within 3 m. For home construction, there should be enough opportunities.

In such a design, a rotary mechanism is not provided, since the valve is not designed for cargo more than 300 kg and is easily rotated manually along with the entire structure.

In order to make a lifting crane with your own hands, you will need:

  • 4 telescopic pipes by outer diameter 140 mm,
  • three-meter dual-level beam,
  • metal corners for supporting structures,
  • telfer or manual winch.

Homemade lifting crane

Telescopic pipes are pairwise welded with the ends of the beams consisting of two adjoining corners with a length of 1.5 and 0.5 m, thus, 2 P-shaped structures are obtained, which are welded for resistance to beam based on the base and are strengthened with triangular resolutions.

To a smaller frame that will perform the function of the rear support of the crane, additional supporting corners are welded, preventing the tipping of the future lifting device.

The center of the lower part of the horizontal beams is welded a ductable beam so that a smaller frame is on the edge of the heap, and a little further 1.5 m from the smaller.

A winch is mounted to the lower part of the ductava, which will be a horizontal mobile device, while the telescopic system will help move the goods in the vertical direction.

Lift in the garage

How to make a homemade lift in the garage? Car enthusiasts often resort to independent repair of the vehicle, and to remove the car engine manually - the task is not the lungs.

For such purposes, it is simply necessary to have a garage lift, even if you are made with your own hands. The collapsible tap of the beam does not take much space, and is made from:

  • transverse tube
  • square racks on triangular supports equipped with wheels
  • hand winch.

The pipe is inserted into the attachments, welded to the top of the racks and is fixed by bolts. The winch is welded to the vertical rack, and 2 rollers are welded to the beam, which moves the cable from the winch. The winch in the garage is also with ease of hand.

After use, the homemade crane of the beam is disassembled by 2 supports and a transverse beam, which are placed in any corner of the garage. The advantage of such a crane-beam is that its creation does not require special skills and materials, everything can be found at hand.

In addition, the crane beam will allow lift and transport in the range of cargo to 800 kg.

Homemade winch for the garage. The design of the winch suggests the presence of a drum with a cable, which is attached to the shaft to the frame of the square of the square cross section. A large asterisk is attached to the outer edge of the drum, and small on the chain gear is attached to the drive. If the winch is planned manual, then the knob is attached to the shaft on which the handle is attached.

Auto lift in the garage. To fix the car in the garage there should be a pit or an overpass, but it is easier to organize a lift. Although this is a fairly risky event, but to equip the lift in the garage with their own hands has a practical and economic meaning.

The simplest car lift is the already described bridge crane with the winch, in this case, after lifting the required height of the car put on the platform. But there is a risk of cable break, so there is another garage lift.

For the manufacture of scissor lift, you will need:

  • schweller, from which the site is made and the foundation,

and for the manufacture of scissors will fit:

  • food beams,
  • hydraulic cylinder
  • bushings
  • pump,
  • distributor into two sections.

The beams are bonded by bushings on the principle of scissors, and the hydraulic cylinder with the handle helps to raise the scissors to the desired height.

Selection of a boiler for garage heating

How at home to increase the efficiency of the bourgearies

Make a self-made winch can almost anyone can now. The main thing is to have a small amount of girlfriend tools. And to buy some necessary materials in the store in the store. Currently, in the store you can find special threaded studs that we need for the self-made winch. Such a device can serve us with a good gearbox for the manufacture of the lifting mechanism of the winch.

The winch device must begin with a sketch. The whole principle of our work is that it can be easily rotating this threaded stud, and the fixing nut will not have to give our shaft to scroll. If the winch device is to do so that the nut does not move along the stud, then the effort with such a movement of the winch will need to spend much smaller than it is necessary to rotate the standard winch mechanism from the store. Thus, you will save not only money, but also facilitate the process of lifting gravity with the help of a self-made winch.

We take the hairpin bought by us and its ends are fixed in the bearings that will be installed on the supports. Nut on such a hairpin, most often, is a small rectangular iron plate. To which several ordinary nuts are welded. Such a plate is necessary for the nuts not scrolled.

Also, this plate must be attached to the cable that will raise, and lower your cargoes. This cable must be skipped through one of the two supports, as well as transfer it through the block.

At the opposite end of our cable, you can bind a fixed hook or a small sling system. It all depends on what purpose you will use it.

The stiletto drive itself in the homemade winch you insert manually. For simplicity of this process, on one of the ends of the winch mechanism, you need to fix the pulley or modern gear.
Thus, everything with a few girlfriend, you will be able to easily and quickly make a winch for household needs.

In the barn, in the home workshop or in the garage there may be such a thing as a winch or tal. In the store, these fixtures are not sold often, besides, they are decent. To do winch It is not so difficult and much less expensive.

First of all, for the manufacture of the winch it is worth the acquisition in the store or on a flea market such things like a hairpin with a carvings. They meet to 2m long, which is exactly what needs to be purchased, because the longer the thread is - the higher the cargo can be raised, in this case, its work turn will be approximately 180 cm. Caliper or Frame Winches can be made from oak bars, but it is preferable to make it from a chapellery or metal profile. Also the caliper can be welded from metal.

So, make a frame in the form of the letter "P", drill in the side sides of the hole for bearings, in which the ends of the threaded stud will be inserted. To a rectangular plate with a coaxial hole with a hole under the heel, breed on both sides of the nut, this node and will be a pulling nut. It should drill a hole under the rope, the thickness of it must be considerable for which you make winch .

Think over the ceiling in which the ceiling will be your winch. From this will depend on which side the drive will be located, which will be raised by the repair unit to be the repaired assembly. With the side of you, you weld the corner on which you attach the block under the cable. On the other hand there will be a pulley. To its inner diameter, pick up one of the ends of the hairpin.

It should be noted that you can apply asterisks instead of pulleys, using a challenged chain for handmade thrust, as the design of this winch is designed to raise enough heavy weights. But if the electric drive is preferable for you, it is possible to use a cheap electrical drill with a power up to 500W. Then you need to put a pulley on winch And the second pulley is fixed on the floor.

And a few more words about building assembly. Do not save on the power and quantity of fastening the winch to the ceiling. Use long anchor bolts if the ceiling of your room has iron beams of overlapping, point pointing to one of them, additionally bolted bolts. So you will save and cargo from falling, and yourself from injuries.

When building a house of aerated concrete, bar, brick, etc. Often there is a need for lifting cargo. For example, you need to "throw" blocks or wooden beams to the second floor, lift bags with cement or fill armooois. Do this manually, even with the involvement of assistants, is not so easy - health is more expensive. Hire a truck crane or a manipulator in a small amount of work - expensive. The exit is to use a mini-crane, which, to reduce the cost of construction, is made with your own hands.

  • How to make a lift for laying aerated concrete.
  • What details and tools are needed for the construction of a mini-crane.
  • How to reduce the cost of building a universal lift.

Lift for laying aerated concrete blocks

Abroad, during the construction of private houses, cranes and a variety of lifts are often used. So the construction goes faster, and therefore the "box" costs cheaper, because It is more profitable to use the means of small mechanization than hiring in-workers. We have a developer hopes for yourself and often builds the house "in one helmet." Therefore, an acute is the question of how to physically not to tangle, making the wall laying from aerated concrete blocks weighing 35-40 kg.

Interesting version of the unusual homemade "Assistant" of the user forumhouse with nickname Cross. First, we will show what he took the basis.

German mini-crane with retractable central stand

The feature of the lift is the original folding "hand-boom", with which the crane, moving on wheels, can reach up to two opposite walls.


I am independently ranked the house and to be able to put the aerated concrete blocks, built an elevator on the above sample. The crane made completely foldable, except for the base. The maximum load on the hook did not measure, but me (weight of 95 kg) he calmly raises.

Specifications of the lift:

  • width - 2200 mm;
  • height - 4200 mm;
  • arrows departure - 4200 mm;
  • electric hoist lifting capacity - up to 800 kg;
  • full weight of the tap with ballast - about 650 kg;
  • weight lift without ballast - about 300 kg;
  • the maximum height of the block lift for masonry is 3500 mm.

The working height of the block lifting is adjustable in two ranges. The first is 1750 mm. The second is 3.5 m, for which the design rises, gliding along the supporting "legs" up using a hydraulic jack with a lining of spacers from GB blocks.

For the manufacture of the lift, the user needed:

  • swivel wheels;
  • profile pipes for mast, "legs" and arrows with a cross section of 12x12 cm, 12x6 cm, wall 6 mm;
  • pipes - 63x3 mm;
  • powerful hinges from the gate;
  • the rotary mechanism of the arrows is made of steel St45 and "205-x" bearings.

During operation, the design has been finalized. For example, the user paved the cable for the winch in the corrugation and extended the control panel cable.


The design has a number of flaws that I would like to fix. For example, I think to make wireless control, replace the loops from the gate to bearings. Increase the number of "joints" in arrows with the same fly. Instead of a temporary counterweight - bags with sandbetone, pour ballast from concrete.

An important nuance: In order for the lift to move around the construction site or, for example, on a concrete slab overlapping the second floor, you need to maintain a cleanliness workplace, because Shards GB, garbage interfere with the permutation of the crane.

The design of an unusual lift is interested in user portal.

Konstantin I. Member Forumhouse

With such a lift, I think, how to do in Germany, you need to make a laying of blocks larger than standard. Length and height 2-3 times more from ordinary GB. The supply supply of the crane is enough, and the masonry speed will increase at times.

According to Crosshe heard that at the portal someone had already tried to order at the producer of gas-silicate blocks of format 1x0.4x0.6 m. But it turned out that this is unprofitable to the plant, because It is necessary to reconfigure the line for the production of GB, and for the sake of a small volume (on the ordinary private house) will not be done.

VEGAROMA Member Forumhouse.

I'm wondering if it simply simplified the work on the site when using a crane? What work with him can be done, and what no?


There is no need to put forests when laying walls from GB. The lift can be collected and disassembled. Concrete jumpers over the windows I poured over the old manner, from Verder, because The volume is small, and easier to do it with one helper.

Grand total: The mini-crane turned out to be successful, and with some modifications of its design, the lift can be launched into small-scale production.

Metal Metal Crane

Another option of the lifting mechanism from the metal, "lying under his feet", made a portal member with nickname Peter 1.

According to Peter 1,the reason for the construction of the crane - the house is becoming higher, and the blocks and concrete are harder. Therefore, by revising "unnecessary things", the user made a fully collapsible crane with a lifting capacity of 200 kg.

Peter 1

I think my crane can and raise more, but I did not overload it. The crane is versed on the part weighing 30-60 kg and calmly transported in the trailer of the passenger car. On the trunk I drive an arrow. In the statics experienced a construction of 400 kg weighing. Usually raise the weight weighing up to 150 kg. I am quite enough for me for my construction needs.

At once, the crane, when the arrows arrive at 5 m, raises 10 blocks weighing 15 kg, or four 15 liter vests with a solution.

The construction of the crane is the "Soleanka" team from what was at hand. We list the main details:

  • rotary assembly - the hub from the truck;

The hub from cars, trucks and agricultural machinery is often used to make a rotary assembly in homemade cranes. The main thing is to calculate the load acting on it and fastened.

  • the arrow is made of a pipe with a diameter of 75 mm;

  • remote supports and base is a rectangular pipe with a cross section of 8x5 and 8.5x5.5 cm;

  • the base of the tower is the "200th" channel;

  • worm gearboxes for boom and cargo winch.

  • three-phase electric motor with reverse, with a capacity of 0.9 kW, converted to power from a 220 V network;

The crane turned out to be mobile, and his, lowering the arrow, can be moved from place to place, rolling on the wheels along the rammed soil. Adjustment by level is carried out using screw supports.

Metal, gearboxes and rollers purchased on promine. New only cable and bearings.

The weight of the crane without a counterweight is about 250 kg. The cost of the design, taking into account the purchase of consumables - cutting discs for the ESM, electrodes for the welding inverter and paint - 4 thousand rubles.

Peter 1

Crane, + time on turning works, + selection of components and fitting nodes, I did in 3 working days. In the future, at the end of the work, fully dismissed it.

Inexpensive mini-lift

Practice shows that not always during the construction of a private house need a real crane. Often the developer can do with "low blood" and make a small lift based on the telfer with an electrical drive.

Gexx Member Forumhouse

My design is simpler than the authors above, but it is quite suitable for me. Bought a telfer with a load capacity of 300 kg without block and 600 kg with a block. The tests have shown that the device can raise the cargo weighing 250-270 kg, then the engine protection was triggered. For the construction season, I looked up with it about 40 pallets with construction blocks, a 6-meter beam for Mauerlat, rafters, a solution for masonry and concrete for armopoyash.

The lift, again, from savings, made of used pipes, corner and schuelevra.