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Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. "Dark Horce": What the Saudi Kronprints Muhammed Bin Salman is achieved. Secrets of Trump's visit to Er Riyadh

From the moment when his father climbed the throne, the affairs of Prince Mohammed Bin Saman rapidly went uphill, - and now he was in a step from the throne.
He has more and more power. All his competitors moved to the background.
This is what you should know about the heir to the throne of Saudi Arabia.

Focused power in his branch of the ruling family
The prince has just been close to his father Salman and before he became king.
In 2009, Prince Mohammed became a special adviser to the Father, which was then the Governor of Er-Riyadh.
Nevertheless, the ascent of Prince Mohammed is a unique phenomenon for the kingdom, which is not accustomed to such rapid political takeoffs.
A big leap in his political career happened in April 2015, when the new Saudi monarch was removed from the post of elderly penetrator and appointed a wider prince to his place.
Instead of the King's only brother, Mukrin Ibn Abdul-Aziza, the prince of the monarch Mohammed Bin Nahya was appointed.
And his deputy - and, accordingly, the heir of the second stage, "Salman's son was appointed. Now he, Mohammed Bin Salman, replaced Bin Naja in this position.
The new heir to the throne is also appointed deputy prime minister and continues to work as a minister of defense.

US President Donald Trump meets with Prince Mohammed in the White House
Pays great attention to defense
When Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz became the king in January 2015, he did not slow down to strengthen the position of his son in the ruling top of the country.
At 29, Mohammed became the youngest minister of defense of the country.
After just two months, Saudi Arabia collected a coalition and began a military campaign in Yemen.

However, today the coalition has not achieved its goal - to help the expert president of Yemen Abd-Rabba Mansur Hati to return to the capital of the country to the country from the country of the Husitov rebel.
Wants to save the economy of Saudi Arabia from oil addiction
In April 2016, an influential prince, who is also the head of the Board of Economics and Development, presented an ambitious concept of economic reforms aimed at terminating the dependence of the Kingdom of oil revenues.
According to him, the implementation of this plan is "Vision-2030" - will allow the country to "live without oil" by 2020.
Coming out for the first roles, the young prince began to position himself as a bright sample to imitate for residents of Saudi Arabia.
The International Monetary Fund called "Vision-2030" "ambitious, far-coming task," but warned that it will be difficult to implement it.
Saudi Prince Mohammed Ibn Salman Plaiteller illustrationGetty Images
Image Caption.
In April 2015, King Salman appointed his son by the Crown Prince
Does not want to change relationship with Iran
Last month, Prince Mohammed excluded the possibility of any dialogue between Saudi Arabia and her rival Iran.

These countries indirectly participate from opposite parties in two conflicts - in Syria and in Yemen.
The relationship between Er-Riyadh and Tehran worsened even more, after the Saudi authorities executed the prominent Shiite preacher of Nimir An-Nimar.
The elevation of Mohammed Bin Smanan Iranian media was regarded as a "soft coup".
Iranian military accused Saudi Arabia in the attacks in Tehran

Family man
Mohammed Bin Salman was born on August 31, 1985, he is the eldest son of the third wife Salman, Fakhda Bandage Fals.
Unlike most Saudi princes, he graduated from education in Saudi Arabia.
He studied the right at the University of King Saud, and after he worked in several public positions.
He has only one wife, he has two sons from her two daughters.

Prince Muhammad Ibn Salman, who has large connections and, undoubtedly, plans to become the successor of his father, believes that 99% of the cards in the Middle East are kept in their hands of the United States. Others, including Russia and China, are secondary players, and Europe in turn represents only an American suburb.

However, after the conference in Er-Riyadh and after Donald Trump and his family were in every way regained, and the US delegation returned, loaded by bank checks, money and precious gifts, Prince Ibn Salman, dreaming of dominating the Middle East, was extremely surprised. When he discovered that the picture was not as expected. Trump, who intimidated everyone at the beginning, refused all his promises and, according to sources, Ibn Salman said that the game that Saudi Arabia seeks to lead, not so simple, and in the world there should be other forces with the same opinion. In addition, these countries have their own terms, guarantees and financial requirements. Here Ibn Salman guessed that he needs to hold dozens of summits in order to please everyone.


Non-easy dialogue of oil giants

An Nahar 01.06.2017

How does Syria make a union with the United States and Saudi Arabia?

Al Ahram 31.05.2017

Trump revises the Middle Eastern Policy

Russian service "Voice of America" \u200b\u200b05/17/2017

Secrets of Trump's visit to Er Riyadh

EL FAGR 16.05.2017 He immediately goes to Moscow to Vladimir Putin, the second and most dangerous player in this game, trying to incline Russians to his side in the form of a coalition, in which Saudi Arabia will receive a domicile role. Of course, politically skilled Russian president cannot allow his own power to turn into a toy purchased by Saudi Arabia for a lot of money. According to the surrendered rumors, he proposed to cancel a major transaction that Saudi Arabia spent with Turkey and related to the purchase of warships and aircraft carriers, one of the conditions of which for Ankara was to support the latest actions of Saudi Arabia in the region. Saudi Arabia thus lost the ally in the face of Erdogan.

According to the leakage of the information from the Kremlin, all Ibn Salman negotiations failed. The media reported that the Russian president put out impartial conditions that the prince was not able to fulfill. After Saudi Arabia explicitly announced the abolition of the largest deal with Turkey, Putin demanded to maintain the situation of Assad in Syria that Ibn Salman found an obstacle to his own ambitions related to the restriction of Iran's influence in the region.

The Russian ambassador to Er-Riyadh also poured oil into the fire, describing the actions of Saudi Arabia as "suicide." According to him, for Saudis, the global and even regional scene - largely much more complicated than it seems, and there is a possibility that the regime in Syria will remain, despite the fact that the country is in the shaky political and strategic position for long decades ...

The situation has become even more failing when Her Riyadh's responsible persons wondered: can Donald Trump protect himself to protect you?

After all these attempts to push Russia to cooperate, she reported that he supported the principle of dialogue between Saudi Arabia and Iran and discussion of issues that lead to all these conflicts. Ibn Salman was struck as a thunder blow and became the first evidence of the failure of a summit conducted with the participation of Trump. The President of the United States ignored the promises, because today he is concerned about the establishment of relations with the West, which he also fails to correct.

Insurance materials contain estimates of exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the EOSMI's editorial office.

Recently, the state media of Saudi Arabia is not published by his photographs or video filming with his participation. All these oddities began to occur after this incident with shooting in the palace area.

Bin Salman is not shown during the first visit to Er Riyadh at the end of April of the new US Secretary of State T-shirt Popmeo.

Although the reports said that the Crown Prince held a working lunch with an American diplomat, only snapshots of the Pompeo meetings with Saudi King Salman Ben Abdulazis Al Saud and Foreign Minister Adele Al-Jubair were published.

The long disappearance of the Crown Prince caused a lot of perekov and assumptions about his fate.

Some sources claimed that Shooting 21.04.2018 was part of the public coup led by Saudi rulers who oppose King Salman. In other posts, it was pointed out that the shooting arranged the protection of the palace on an unidentified flying drone, which flew too close to the residence of the Prince.

Third people say that shooting has nothing to do with drone, as it was a palace attack using vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns.

It was also argued that Bin Salman in order to its own security was evacuated in asylum at the military base.

A number of journalists in Er-Riyadh reported a strong fire near the palace complex.

Saudi opposition groups also suggest that the April shooting forced Bin Smanan to ban members of the royal family to leave the country from fear that his cousin and a former Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Nife would try to seize power in the kingdom.

In addition to the inner struggle for power in the royal family, the son of the late King Mutab Bin Abdullah was dissatisfied with the aggression of Saudi Arabia against Yemen and Siege of Qatar.

The attack on the palace occurred after a one-time detention of hundreds of members of the royal family and businessmen, from which money was knocked out under torture. Most of them were later released after financial calculations with the kingdom.

In Wednesday, hundreds of influential businessmen and the old political leadership settled the fear of being the next victim of the regime.

All this happened against the background of the fact that Bin Salman refused to disclose his own wealth, stating that this was his personal case, while at the same time introducing tough economy measures in rich oil.

Among the approximately 15,000 princes and Princesses Bin Salman persistently, consistently and rigidly strives for power, but he has too little experience.

The reckless Crown Prince insulted Muslim peoples, repeatedly taking anti-Palestinian, anti-Iranian., But at the same time the pro-Israel position. It was in this political direction that he moved lately.

The expression of Bin Salman during a visit to the United States that Palestinians should either take peaceful sentences, or "shut up", caused a stormy rage among the Muslim countries. Its proximity to the American administration and the conciliatory position regarding the opening of the American Embassy in Jerusalem was a reason for dissatisfaction with many Muslims.

Analysts believe that a big danger today lies in the fact that Bin Salman and Kushner seem to have a distorted and unrealistic understanding of the surrounding world.

Bin Salman and most Arab leaders from the Persian Gulf countries also mostly have grown after the murder of Israel more than 60 Palestinians in the precipitated Gaza Strider.

Crown Prince and Minister of Defense Saudi Arabia Mohammed Ben Salman Al Saud in an interview with the program "60 minutes" on the US CBS TV channel said why the Kingdom air defense tools could not reflect attacks on oil objects. "Saudi Arabia is practically size ...


US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo acknowledged that air defense systems (air defense) in the world do not always demonstrate the desired result. He stated this on Wednesday in conversation by journalists, accompanying him on a trip to Jedda. Head of American diplomacy ...


In December, OPEC was almost on the verge of collapse: the cartel participants could not agree to reduce production, although in just a month and a half the oil quotes were collapsed by 30 percent. A decisive role in the resolution of this crisis played ...


November has become a worst month since 2008 for the oil market: quotes collapsed by 22 percent. Further fall predicted, but at the alarms of the third December, Brent rises in price at once five percent. One of the main reasons for this is the decision of Russia and Saudi Arabia to take the situation under control, ...


The central intelligence management (CIA) came to the conclusion that the journalist of Jamal Hashkhaji ordered the hereditary prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed Ben Salman Al Saud in Istanbul. About it reports The Washington POST with reference to sources, familiar ...


The monstrous murder of Jamal Chashogji journalist, apparently, is far from the only crime committed by Saudi special services. For these purposes, Saudi Arabia has a special division of liquidators, the so-called "tiger teams". How do these people work who they are ...


The murder of Saudi Journalist Jamal Hashkadzhi increases the risks of the introduction of US and the EU sanctions against Saudi Arabia. Who needs to support Russia in the growing political crisis in the Middle East: friends or enemies of King Salman? Continuing investigation in connection ...


The monstrous crime - the murder and dismemberment of the journalist's corpse right in Saudi consulate - caused an uncommon to be a soft US reaction. Trump believed on the word excuses of Er-Riyadh about this. Thus, it would seem, missed an excellent opportunity ...


The authorities of Saudi Arabia promise to punish all the strictness of the law of all those involved in the death of Jamal Hashkhaji journalist during his visit to the Consulate General in Istanbul. This was announced on Saturday the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom on his page in ...


Suspected of the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Hashkhaji is connected with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammant Ben Salman Al Saud. This Tuesday reported the newspaper The New York Times with reference to its own sources. One of the suspects ...


A striking coincidence: Saudi Prince Mohammed Al Saud and Advisor to the US President in Larry Kudlou with an interval in a couple of days made statements pointing to the deplorable prospects of the Russian economy as a whole and the prospects for Russia as an energy superpower in particular. Prince Mohammed Al Saud said ...


After 19 years, Russia threatens the complete loss of oil production. With this forecast, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed Ben Salman Al Saud was performed. Even more terrible fate he took China. Light oil Future al Saud predicts ...


Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed Ibn Salman Al Saud in an interview with Bloomberg agency stated that in the future the number of oil producers in the world market will significantly decrease. "Some believe that after 2030, demand will decline. According to our calculations, it will disappear ...


Saudi Arabia will not pay the United States in exchange for his security, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Mohammed Ben Salman Al Saud was fought in an interview with Bloomberg, commenting on the recent requirement of the American president of Donald Trump to Er-Riyadh. "In fact, we will not pay anything in exchange for our ...


... on the same day, when in the presence of the FIFA chapter, Gianni Infantino, Russian President Vladimir Putin, with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed Ibn Salman Al Saud, together watched the defeat of the Arabian national team of the Russian team, took place another kind of ...

Right holder illustration Ronald Grant. Image Caption. Prince Mohammed became Minister of Defense aged 29

From the moment when his father climbed the throne, the affairs of the Prince Mohammed Bin Smanian rapidly went uphill - and now he.

He has more and more power. All his competitors moved to the background.

This is what you should know about the heir to the throne of Saudi Arabia.

Focused power in his branch of the ruling family

The prince has just been close to his father Salman and before he became king.

In 2009, Prince Mohammed became a special adviser to the Father, which was then the Governor of Er-Riyadh.

Nevertheless, the ascent of Prince Mohammed is a unique phenomenon for the kingdom, which is not accustomed to such rapid political takeoffs.

A big leap in his political career happened in April 2015, when the new Saudi monarch was removed from the post of elderly penetrator and appointed a wider prince to his place.

Instead of the King's only brother, Mukrin Ibn Abdul-Aziza, the prince of the monarch Mohammed Bin Nahya was appointed.

And his deputy - and, accordingly, the heir of the second stage, "Salman's son was appointed. Now he, Mohammed Bin Salman, replaced Bin Naja in this position.

The new heir to the throne is also appointed deputy prime minister and continues to work as a minister of defense.

Right holder illustration Getty Images Image Caption. US President Donald Trump meets with Prince Mohammed in the White House

Pays great attention to defense

When Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz became the king in January 2015, he did not slow down to strengthen the position of his son in the ruling top of the country.

At 29, Mohammed became the youngest minister of defense of the country.

After just two months, Saudi Arabia collected a coalition and began a military campaign in Yemen.

However, today the coalition has not achieved its goal - to help the expert president of Yemen Abd-Rabba Mansur Hati to return to the capital of the country to the country from the country of the Husitov rebel.

Wants to save the economy of Saudi Arabia from oil addiction

In April 2016, an influential prince, who is also the head of the Board of Economics and Development, presented an ambitious concept of economic reforms aimed at terminating the dependence of the Kingdom of oil revenues.

According to him, the implementation of this plan is "Vision-2030" - will allow the country to "live without oil" by 2020.

Coming out for the first roles, the young prince began to position himself as a bright sample to imitate for residents of Saudi Arabia.

The International Monetary Fund called "Vision-2030" "ambitious, far-coming task," but warned that it will be difficult to implement it.

Right holder illustration Getty Images Image Caption. In April 2015, King Salman appointed his son by the Crown Prince

Does not want to change relationship with Iran

Last month, Prince Mohammed excluded the possibility of any dialogue between Saudi Arabia and her rival Iran.

These countries indirectly participate from opposite parties in two conflicts - in Syria and in Yemen.

The relationship between Er-Riyadh and Tehran worsened even more, after the Saudi authorities executed the prominent Shiite preacher of Nimir An-Nimar.

The elevation of Mohammed Bin Smanan Iranian media was regarded as a "soft coup".

Family man

Mohammed Bin Salman was born on August 31, 1985, he is the eldest son of the third wife Salman, Fakhda Bandage Fals.

Unlike most Saudi princes, he graduated from education in Saudi Arabia.

He studied the right at the University of King Saud, and after he worked in several public positions.

He has only one wife, he has two sons from her two daughters.