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Who owns the phrase, take care of your honor from a young age? “Take care of your honor from a young age” - about the meaning of morality in the modern world. When realization comes

N accompanying words are different. When releasing their child into adulthood, someone says: “Take care of the penny,” while for others, the parental blessing fits into “Take care of your honor from a young age, and take care of your dress again.” If everything is clear with the dress, the more careful you are with your clothes, the longer they last. What about honor? Or rather, how to take care of it? And towhen does honor appear?

At a young age, it is rare for anyone to be called a man of honor, despite the fact that this feeling is given from birth. Up to a certain point, protecting the child’s honor is the direct responsibility of the parents. As we grow older, our need for a sense of personal significance in our environment increases. A person proves his personal value to society through his actions.

Only those actions that do not run counter to one’s own dignity create honor. Therefore, it is easier for people who have this feeling to be highly developed to earn a non-fictitious positive reputation in society. This is especially important from a young age, when inexperience often leads to involuntary mistakes. Self-esteem acts as a guard against dishonorable acts.
It would be an honor...

The concept of honor includes justice, nobility, devotion, truthfulness. The presence of one quality implies the presence of all the others. A person cannot be only noble or just. Be loyal to your homeland, but at the same time do not respect the rights of your compatriots. The presence of honor is the key to high morality and integrity of the individual.
Your own honor encourages you to take care of the honor of others. This gives both the strength and the right to defend not only one’s own dignity, the honor of one’s uniform, family, company, company, but also the good name of other people.

Today, when the moral vector is shifted towards pragmatism and consumerism, you can hear opinions that being a man of honor is unprofitable. Such an attitude towards one of the highest moral values ​​often takes a different, false form. Bravado and false nobility are passed off as honor. They try to hide the lack of an internal sense of morality with external attributes.

So, preserving honor from a young age means not committing acts that offend, first of all, your own dignity. Self-soothing in the form of: “Today I will make a small deal with my conscience, but this is just one time. I have a whole life ahead and I’ll have time to rewrite everything completely” - the road to dishonor.

The popular proverb is well explained by the statement of the Roman writer Apuleius: “Shame and honor are like a dress - the more shabby they are, the more careless you treat them.”

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On this page: meaning (interpretation) of the proverb “Take care of your honor from a young age”

Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989.

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    Noun, g., used. very often Morphology: (no) what? honor, what? honor, (see) what? honor, what? honor, about what? about honor 1. Honor is a good, unblemished reputation, an honest name. Family honor. | The honor of the company. | Take care of your dress again, and honor from a young age... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

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You have probably heard the proverb “Take care of your honor when you are young, and take care of your dress again.” What does this expression mean, is it still relevant today? Or did the concept of honor sink into oblivion along with the Silver Age of Russian literature? In this article we will try to figure this out.

A few words about honor

Without turning to the dictionary, let’s try to define the word “honor.” First of all, it is internal, determined by each person for himself. The concept of “honor” can include morality, conscience, dignity, and valor. Someone will add nobility, dedication, courage, truthfulness to this list. And this is all true, because “honor” is a comprehensive concept. Is this quality measurable, is it possible to instill in a person the consciousness that it is important to him? No, this is a state of soul, invisible to the human eye and yet existing on a par with love, courage or nobility.

What's good about a new dress?

In fact, most people know only the first half of the expression - “Take care of your honor from a young age.” The proverb ends with a meaningful statement that the dress must be taken care of again.

Think about the new dress you just bought. It is intact, beautiful, fits perfectly. If you wear your dress carefully, take care of it, wash and patch it on time, the item will last a long time.

Honor is not a dress. How safe and protected she is, no one knows except the individual. So should you take care of it like a dress?

"Take care of your honor from a young age!" What for?

Is it worth caring about something that no one can see? You can pretend to be brave and noble in public, but are these qualities useful? The modern world does not involve caring about anyone other than yourself. We hear from parents, educators, and teachers that the world is cruel, and we need to fight, literally “go over our heads.” What kind of dignity and honor can we talk about in this case?

Schoolchildren, studying classical works and coming across the phrase “Take care of your honor from a young age,” do not grasp its meaning. “Honor is not in honor these days,” jokes young people, preparing to go into battle with life and rivals for a place in the sun.

Think about the main thing

Each of us has a voice of conscience, whether we like it or not. It is he who whispers condemningly to us louder than anyone else when we do something ignoble. If this feeling is common to everyone, it means that honor has not disappeared in time as unnecessary. The world is not a springboard for military operations, and the rule “either you or you” does not work at all. What works is kindness, courage and nobility. Wise people understand that the more you give, the more you gain.

“Take care of your honor from a young age” are not beautiful words, but a guide to action. Behave correctly, but not as society demands, but as your soul tells you. Life may not be like a walk in the park, and sometimes it seems logical and right to frame a colleague, betray a friend, cheat on your spouse. These temptations await us at every step, and even if no one ever finds out about this act, we ourselves will know about it. And your soul will be restless and unpleasant because of this. Take care of your honor from a young age! Be honest, brave, noble, do not betray yourself - and you will be happy!

Proverbs have been used by people for many centuries. They are not ordinary lines that have consonance or rhyme. This is something more that makes it possible to understand the norms and rules of behavior in society, and also reflects moral beliefs and contradictory statements. Using just a couple of phrases of a proverb, you can explain to many an important concept of existence in general. Unfortunately, not everyone deciphers them correctly, thereby disrupting the whole picture of the described action.

Folk wisdom

As a rule, all existing proverbs in the world are considered folk, that is, they were invented not by one person, but by many people. Thus, they contain an enormous amount of experience accumulated over centuries, which is still relevant today. It is clear that all of them have been transformed many times since their birth, and yet the very essence of such messages from the past will be important until the end of time.

Among the many similar folk sayings in modern life, the following proverb is very often used: “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.” But what does it mean and is it interpreted correctly by people of different ages? As practice shows, most often it is understood correctly by those people who already have extensive life experience. But it is intended rather for young people who are just starting their adult life. Therefore, it is extremely important to isolate and understand the truth from these beautiful words.

Teaching for the ages

The difficulty of understanding many proverbs lies in their metaphorical statement, which is sometimes difficult to understand without hints and interpretations. Thus, the proverb “Take care of your dress again, but honor from a young age” can be understood literally, i.e., as a parting word to take care of your outfit. But the only main component here is the second half of the phrase. It says that human honor must be protected from the very beginning, because once it is stained, you will never get the opportunity to cleanse yourself. In the same way, an old dress will never become new, no matter how much it is cleaned and washed.

The saying “Take care of your dress again, but honor from a young age” is of great importance for all young people. After all, it is they who, starting their adult lives and not knowing how to behave correctly in many situations, make a lot of mistakes, which very often put a stain on their reputation. Therefore, this proverb is considered more of an instruction and a pointer on the path of life for all teenagers.

When realization comes

Basically, people learn about all kinds of proverbs at school, when they study oral folk art in literature lessons. And, as a rule, they do not have any meaning for the child, but act as material imposed by teachers, which needs to be learned only for the sake of grades. It’s just that the child does not yet have the knowledge that will be so important in adulthood. Therefore, the proverb “Take care of your dress again, but honor from a young age” for a schoolchild is just a beautiful phrase, and nothing more.

Awareness of the importance of this statement will come only at a time when the child grows up and tries to independently make a choice between the things that decide his fate. Perhaps during this period he will be able to remember and analyze this wise saying and subsequently make the right decision.

It would be an honor!

Many people sometimes think that they are doing the right thing, according to the saying “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age,” but in fact they are very much mistaken. Everything happens because not everyone understands the definition of “honor” correctly. Or it would be even more correct to say that everyone has their own. For example, if you take two people, one of whom is a bandit and the other an officer, then each of them will act according to their own standards of behavior and established views. And everyone, by his standards, will defend his honor, but gangsterism will contradict all the rules of behavior in society.

Thus, the proverb “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age” has a deep meaning; you just need to correctly interpret the concept of honor. And it, in turn, should be the same for all inhabitants of the planet and based on common standards of behavior. In other words, a man of honor is a person who has nobility, courage, justice, honesty, as well as many other positive qualities.

Alone with myself

There are situations in life when a person, in the literal sense of the word, makes a deal with his conscience. Consoling himself with the fact that no one will ever know about his actions. But with this statement he is driving himself into a trap. After all, the most terrible torment is the torment of conscience, from which there is nowhere to hide. Therefore, you need to listen to the saying “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.” This proverb points not only to a person’s possible mistakes that are visible to people, but also to his own experiences and torment from doing bad things.

Only with a pure heart and good thoughts can you live a happy life. Therefore, according to the popular proverb, they must be protected from rotten and black thoughts at all times. Otherwise, it will be impossible to reverse everything.

Significant reputation

Reputation is of great importance for every person, because from it you can understand what he is like. Of course, no one wants to deal with someone who is considered a thief or, say, a deceiver, a swindler. Therefore, the proverb “Take care of your dress, but take care of your honor from a young age” is very easy to explain from this perspective. The more a person monitors his words and actions, the better others will treat him.

You should pay attention to your actions and thoughts, think about upcoming matters many times, and so on throughout your life. Unfortunately, in modern times, not many people live by such principles. And earlier, in the era of knights, they attached great importance to every word spoken and never threw them to the wind. Because their reputation was valued, fame and honor were passed on from their great-grandfathers to their grandchildren. It’s a pity that we can’t bring back those times, then, probably, everyone would be able to understand and appreciate the above-mentioned proverb. After all, one would have to answer for what they did, pay for the violation of honor and dignity, not with simple justificatory phrases, but with one’s life and family values.

There is an old saying: “Take care of your honor from a young age...”. Have you ever thought about the meaning of these words? V. I. Dahl’s dictionary defines “Honor” as “the internal moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and clear conscience.” Clear Conscience! Honor represents the moral dignity of a person, and it must be protected from a young age. When people are young, it seems to them that they have plenty of time and that everything can be changed in the future. But this is far from the case; you cannot turn around so that the past is left behind. Many things in life are interconnected. And honor preserved from a young age is an excellent quality of a person. You need to live like a human being from the very beginning, so as not to pay for your mistakes later.

Marital fidelity and maiden honor are the genetic basis of family happiness and a happy future for parents and their children. It is the basis for the strength of not only family foundations, but also the genetic continuity of the health and well-being of the nation and state. That is why all the leading religions of the world demand that women's and men's morality be protected and strengthened in the family and in the state.

Proper upbringing of children is the key to their long, fulfilling and happy life. And the education of chastity is also the possibility of our future incarnations into intelligent, healthy offspring. All this is actually very serious...

The importance of cultivating chastity cannot be overestimated.

In the modern “civilized” world, amid the total rejection of traditions, talk about maiden chastity is perceived as archaic. However, advanced psychological and medical science rightfully casts doubt on the wisdom of neglecting the foundations in this matter, and also shows the sad consequences of the sexual emancipation of adolescents.

Times change, but not the essence.

Russia is a country with a thousand-year-old culture. Therefore, we have always attached great importance to female chastity. The loss of a maiden's honor was considered a great sin, and shame fell on the entire family.

The sexual revolution, which came to us 30 years later than in Western countries, noticeably changed the attitude of parents towards instilling chastity in their daughters. It is already not uncommon for adults to be calm about not only the extramarital cohabitation of young couples (in cities this is quickly becoming the new norm), but also the sexual relations of 14-15 year olds. Some admit with a sigh that they cannot influence their daughter (although she lives with her parents under the same roof and is completely dependent on them financially), while others do not see anything wrong with this. Times have changed, they say, the only thing that matters is that there is no unwanted pregnancy.

Such people perceive discussions about chastity as hopelessly archaic and obscurantist. But experiments in the field of education are an extremely dangerous thing, since their result is unknown in advance.

Chastity is inseparable from modesty. It is difficult to imagine an impudent, daring and at the same time chaste girl. Of course, this doesn't mean that girls have to be quiet. People have different personalities. Some, like Pushkin's Tatyana, are prone to solitude and melancholy, others, like her sister Olga, are cheerful, playful. In the pre-revolutionary peasantry, which made up the overwhelming majority of the Russian population, languid, “muslin” young ladies were not in honor. Guys liked lively, cheerful girls, good dancers and singers much more. They were the first to be recruited into a round dance, invited to a square dance, etc. But in any case, no matter how lively the girl’s character was, she did not cross certain boundaries so as not to lose her maiden honor. And thus she earned respect from the guys. They understood that the girl would not allow them to go too far.

When now girls, imitating the heroines of modern mass culture, do not behave modestly, but on the contrary, cheekily, rudely, assertively, offer themselves (or even impose themselves!) on boys, write love notes to them, inviting them on a date, post their invitations and often not very decent photographs for everyone to see on the Internet, they divide the guys among themselves, they have no idea that they are falling into a trap. On the contrary, they consider themselves to be masters of the situation, since guys (especially older ones) respond with pleasure to advances, and girls think that the whole world lies at their feet.

But it quickly becomes clear that the guys’ attitude towards them is consumerist, and often rudely cynical. It cannot be otherwise, because centuries-old attitudes passed down from generation to generation are too strong. And even when at the level of consciousness a person holds different views, the so-called collective unconscious (or ancestral, genetic memory) tells him the truth. But the truth, in this case, is that decent girls don’t behave like that. This means that they are treated as dishonest. With all that it implies.

But girls, no matter how they set themselves up, by their very nature are aimed at emotional attachment to the person with whom they will have a love relationship. This is again a medical fact, which, however, many parents are not even aware of.

Try to influence your daughter's social circle. In adolescence, this is, of course, more difficult than at five or six years old, but still the opinion (and in some cases, a ban!) of parents is of great importance. “If you want to preserve your daughter’s honor, look at who she is friends with” - this is something like an Arabic proverb that I once heard.

And most importantly, do not forget that more than anyone else in the world, girls (as well as boys, but now we are not talking about them) need a mother and father. In the book “What Are You Teaching My Child?” M. Grossman writes:

“Rest assured, your influence on your daughter - at twelve, fourteen, and sixteen - is much greater than you might think... Education is what she needs. She needs parental warmth, support and guidance. Clear rules and high expectations are required of you... Strengthen contact with your child. She needs a close, trusting relationship with you... Share your experience with your daughter, instill in her your moral values... This will definitely affect her behavior. Yes, she may argue with you, but research shows that teenagers from families where parental expectations are high are in no hurry to have early sex. If you have an unambiguously negative attitude towards such connections, this will be a serious factor of influence on your daughter...”

It is very important for parents who wish their daughters happiness to remember this and not to succumb to crafty talk that the world has changed irreversibly.