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Benefits of hazelnut nut milk. How to make milk from nuts. How to make nut milk

Nut milk is considered an unusual and healthy drink. Sometimes this is a very worthy replacement for cow's milk, for example, when allergies or vegetarianism.

What is nut milk

What is considered nut milk? This is a drink made from ground nuts or seeds. A wide variety of nuts are used for cooking - walnuts, almonds, pine. Makes delicious milk from hazelnuts, cashew And brazil nut. Milk is also made from raw seeds, mainly sesame, poppy and pumpkin seeds.

The drink is prepared in a special way; the recipe requires water and non-roasted nuts. It looks like regular milk, only with a more pleasant taste. The recipe is quite simple, it can be prepared at home and included in the daily menu.

Uses and beneficial properties of nut milk

Nut milk is a healthy and nutritious product. It is known that in ancient times it was used during monastic fasting, as the drink is rich in vitamins and microelements. In addition, it is well absorbed by the body, because less gastric juice is required to digest nuts.

Beneficial properties of nut drink:

  • Nut protein contains many amino acids, and this is very valuable for a growing organism. For example, it contains more lysine than chicken eggs.
  • Drinking nut milk daily has beneficial effect on heart function, as it is free of cholesterol and saturated fat.
  • Product rich in calcium and vitamin D, which makes it a good way to strengthen teeth and bones.
  • High content of fatty acids.
  • Low in carbohydrates and sodium.

Among other things, the high concentration of vitamins A, PP, B1, B2 and C makes nut milk a nutritious drink, and the absence of lactose helps cope with allergies and digestive disorders.

Milk from nuts is used for, and is used in children's menus. Vegetarians and vegetarians include the drink in their diet. And the flavor shades of milk allow it to be included in many culinary recipes.

Preparing to cook

Ingredients: water, any non-roasted nuts. Some recipes contain salt, but this is not for everyone.

To mix the ingredients you will need a blender and a sieve.

To make nut milk for four people you will need 1 cup nuts And 4 glasses of water. This ratio allows us to get 4 glasses of nut drink. If you want a thicker drink, you can use 1 cup of nuts and 3 cups of water. In a smaller proportion, the milk becomes more flavorful.

Nuts are soaked overnight, but if there is no time, it is not forbidden to mix dry nuts.

Recipe for making milk from nuts

  1. Nuts and water are mixed in a blender. The speed of preparation depends on the power of the blender. A good machine will whip the mixture in a minute. If the mass has become homogeneous and white, then we can talk about readiness.
  2. The finished nut milk is passed through cheesecloth or a sieve. There is also a special filter for nut milk in the form of a bag.
  3. The nutritious milk is ready. It can be sweetened with honey, dates, and spices such as vanilla.

When filtered, a nut paste remains; it is sometimes used to add to salads or vegetable dishes.

Consumption and storage of nut milk

The nut drink is consumed as an independent product; yoghurts and kefir are made from it. Try making cocktails based on delicious milk with the addition of any juice or berries. Add it to regular recipes instead of cow's milk.

Nut milk goes well with other products and can be used with separate power supply– vegetables, fruits, berries.

Attention, the nut drink is incompatible with melon, bananas, and potatoes.

To prevent the drink from spoiling, it is placed in the refrigerator for storage. It must be kept in a closed bottle, shelf life – 3 days.

So, nut milk has a number of undeniable advantages. It replaces cow's milk, has a nutritious and healthy composition, and is easy to make at home. Try making an unusual drink, we are sure that you will be impressed with the result. We are waiting for your impressions and reviews!

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How I love homemade nut milk, you can add it to porridge, smoothies, healthy desserts, soups and your favorite sauce! You only need 5 minutes to prepare nut milk.

If you know that you have a sensitivity to cow's milk or want to improve the condition of your facial skin, then I recommend that you replace your regular milk with homemade nut milk. Start with the first step, add it to smoothies and morning porridge.

I noticed that many girls are afraid of the combination “nut milk”, imagining long hours in the kitchen. But in fact, nut milk is very easy to make, all you need is a blender, nuts, a strainer (or cheesecloth), clean water and 5 minutes of time!

Nut milk has a very mild taste and is an ideal addition to smoothies, desserts, breakfasts, baked goods and other dishes. You can use it for cooking, and...

You can also drink the milk yourself, sweetening it with ground cinnamon, honey and, if desired, natural cocoa. Also try mixing nut milk with a ripe frozen banana in a blender for a dessert smoothie!

Total cooking time: 5 minutes


  • 1 cup raw or dried nuts (walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts)
  • 2.5 cups water for soaking nuts
  • 3.5 cups water for preparing milk

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the nuts in a container with 2.5 cups of water and leave in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. The next day, drain the water from the nuts.
  3. Grind the finished nuts with 3.5 glasses of water in a blender for 40-60 seconds.
  4. Strain the finished milk using a strainer or gauze.
  5. Add nut milk to smoothies and healthy desserts! If you wish, you can sweeten the nut milk by mixing it in a blender with 1-2 teaspoons of honey or 2-3 dates until smooth.
  6. Milk is stored in a glass bottle in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

P.S. From the remaining cake you can make healthy candies, granola or crackers! For example, to make candy, mix the nut cake with dates in a food processor or blender, then put it in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Have delicious milk!

I will be very glad if you share the result or recipes for the goodies you made from the cake.

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Nut milk is incomparably healthier than cow or goat milk. It contains amino acids , iron, vitamins and, most importantly, calcium.

A small addition to the information about and about: this element is best absorbed in the first half of the day, so it is better to eat all calcium-containing foods at this time.

So, nut milk – get only the benefits!

Nut milk is a very healthy substitute for animal milk. For many reasons, for example, cow's milk is not very healthy. I will try to list many of them (I just can’t claim to know all the reasons why cow’s milk can be harmful).

1. Complete digestion of milk is possible only in the presence of certain enzymes, which are present in the human body only up to 3 years of age. When these enzymes are absent, milk is broken down only into uric acid, which poisons the body and contributes to the accumulation of mucus in it, the formation of cysts and polyps.
2. Milk is valuable and healthy when it is consumed fresh or raw. City dwellers can hardly boast that they consume such milk. Most often, reconstituted pasteurized or sterilized milk is available to us. When milk is heated to 60 degrees, and even more so when it is sterilized, its composition changes and vitamins are destroyed.
3. Powdered milk and condensed milk are especially harmful.
4. Cow's milk is intended primarily for feeding calves and its composition is balanced in such a way as to ensure rapid growth of the calf. There is 4 times more calcium and 3 times more protein than in breast milk. The child needs minerals and carbohydrates to form the brain and nervous system. In other words, cow's milk is the food of a rapidly growing organism. Figuratively speaking, this is the cement so necessary to build a house. But once the house is already built, there is no longer a need for cement. And it is very stupid to continue filling a house with cement, just because cement is good as a building material.

Considering the above reasons. I suggest you try such a healthy alternative as nut milk.

Nut milk is a drink made from crushed nuts and/or seeds mixed with water by beating for a long time in a mixer (blender, food processor).

The nutritional value of nuts is ensured by their favorable combination of fats and proteins. Walnut protein contains many essential amino acids and lysine, which is very important for a growing body (they contain more of it than, for example, chicken eggs.

400 g of peeled walnuts are equivalent in all respects to the proteins of meat and milk, but, unlike them, do not contain any harmful substances. A 100 g serving of nuts provides the body's daily need for complete protein.

Indeed, this milk is very unusual. The concept of “nut milk (almond, etc.), poppy milk” is associated with monastic nutrition. This is a lean version of milk.

It is very tasty and healthy. Contains amino acids , Calcium, iron, vitamins and, most importantly, all trace elements of such milk are absorbed by the body, unlike animal milk. Based on the above, we can conclude that milk from nuts and seeds is healthier than milk of animal origin.

You can consume nut milk on its own or use it to make yoghurts, kefir, cocktails, and sauces. That is, nut milk can be used to prepare the same dishes as regular milk.

For those who adhere to a separate diet, it is worth noting that nut milk, unlike cow’s milk, can be combined with other products: vegetables (except potatoes), fruits (except bananas), melons (except melon), berries, juices.

Basic recipe for making nut milk:

  • 1 cup of any nuts or seeds, soaked the night before, 2 cups of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey or 2-3 dates (pitted).

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Strain through cheesecloth or a sieve. Pour into a jar.

A by-product of making nut milk is nut paste, which remains when the nut suspension is strained through cheesecloth or a sieve. This paste can be used as an addition to salads, vegetable dishes, etc. The paste can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

You will get a delicious drink - an ingredient for cocktails and sauces, and a nut butter that can be used as an addition to other dishes.

Poppy-sesame milk recipe:

  • 1/2 cup poppy seeds with sesame seeds;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1-2 tbsp. honey.

You can only take poppy or sesame seeds. But sesame, I warn you right away, will be very bitter. Fill with water overnight. Then mix thoroughly in a blender, strain and squeeze through cheesecloth. If you do not have a very powerful blender, then I advise you to first grind the poppy seeds and sesame seeds in a mill (coffee grinder), and then soak them. I use the remaining cake by adding it to the sprouted wheat paste.

Almond milk:

It is advisable to treat almonds and other nuts with an ozonizer (since mold often likes to grow on them, even if they were in the shell), soak them overnight, and wash them. Before putting it in the blender, it is advisable to peel the almonds, which is quite easy to do, although you don’t have to peel them.

  • Place 1 cup almonds and 4 cups water in a blender. We filter. Sweeten with honey.

The remaining cake can be used to make cakes in the dryer or for raw biscuits.

Pumpkin milk:

Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of iron and zinc. They are much cheaper than almonds and many other nuts, and the milk they make is very tasty. If you sweeten it with dates instead of honey, the taste will taste like gingerbread.

  • 1 cup pumpkin seeds (can be soaked for 1-2 hours);
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • 2-3 dates (depending on size).

You can also add vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, coconut flakes, flax seed to such drinks (the drink becomes better after half an hour, when the flax seed dissolves better and adds thickness).

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In our minds, a product such as milk can only be of one type. Our usual cow's milk is a source of calcium. But did you know that there are many other types of milk that you can prepare yourself at home?!

It is thanks to vegetarians that we manage to discover new types of plant-based products. Thanks to them, products such as carob beans, paneer cheese, agar and even plant-based milk have become popular. As for the latter, it is a forgotten invention from the Middle Ages.

In the days of knights, ladies and dragon monsters, cow's milk was used to make cheese and butter. But the food was prepared with almond milk. The sweet liquid from the nuts was added to baked goods, drunk during meals, and even made into butter.

Of course, calling a liquid from plants milk is a little incorrect, but in appearance it is very similar to a product of animal origin. And “unusual milk” has much more benefits. Moreover, this product is suitable for those who suffer from lactose intolerance.

Here are a few more facts in favor of “plant milk”. It turns out that cow's milk contains a lot of casein protein. Since it was originally intended for a calf, then, accordingly, it contains substances that are needed for the development of an animal, and not a person. Therefore, the same casein in cow's milk is three times more than what a person needs.

Doctors believe that it is an overdose of this type of protein that causes chronic rhinitis or frequent indigestion. You can also refute the myth that calcium contained in cow's milk strengthens bones. Scientists from Harvard conducted the study for more than 12 years. The results of the scientific project showed that eating unsalted foods, legumes and fruits has a better effect in the fight against osteoporosis than systematic consumption of cow's milk.

The quality of finished dairy products today leaves much to be desired. And here we are talking not only about animal milk, but also about plant milk. Cow's milk is diluted and “enriched” with various additives. Nut and soy milks are made from roasted nuts rather than fresh ones. Therefore, having completed this certainly important introduction, I will finally begin my story on how to make milk from nuts and grains at home.

Almond milk

So, you need peeled and unroasted almonds. Soak it overnight in plain water. Then pour boiling water over the nuts for five hours. In a blender or food processor, mix a glass of almonds, a vanilla pod, and two glasses of water. You can sweeten the liquid by adding some dates or honey. Mix all ingredients until smooth, then strain through a sieve.

Consume almond milk chilled. The product will have a creamy taste. Almond milk contains a lot of magnesium (even more than spinach or oats), calcium, phosphorus, folic acid, zinc, vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids.

Milk from poppy seeds

It turns out that you can also cook it from grains. To do this, in a food processor, mix 3/4 cup of poppy seeds, two cups of water, and a tablespoon of honey. Strain the liquid through a sieve. This milk should be consumed chilled. The liquid has a nutty-coffee flavor. In 100 ml. Milk of the poppy contains 1448 mg of calcium. A similar amount of cow's milk contains only 300 mg of calcium.

Coconut milk

Making milk from coconut nuts is also not difficult. To do this, pour the grated coconut pulp with hot water (75-90ºС). Stick to the ratio 1:3. Leave the mixture until it cools. Then strain and squeeze on a sieve. Sweet coconut milk is rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B3), as well as vitamin C and lauric acid.

How to make pumpkin milk?

Soak one glass of peeled pumpkin seeds in water for two hours. Then mix in a blender with two glasses of water, vanilla and dates. Strain the liquid through a sieve and drink chilled. Pumpkin milk tastes like gingerbread. This type of plant milk contains a lot of magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, proteins and calcium.

How to make oat milk?

You will need rolled oats. Don't take instant cereal! Soak a glass of cereal with three glasses of water overnight. Then mix the oatmeal with water in a food processor. You can add cinnamon, lime zest, vanilla. Strain the milk through a sieve. It will taste sweet. Oat milk is rich in globulin, a beta-glucanate.

Hi all!

Nut milk, from any nut or seed, is quick and easy to make at home, and is not only delicious and healthy for any age, but also has many uses. delicious both on its own and when you add it to ice cream, various soups, sauces, cakes, pastries, you can also drink a glass of milk with it. Nut milk is lactose-free, gluten-free, not genetically modified, and contains no saturated fat.

Raw nuts and raw seeds, respectively, and milk from them, have many beneficial properties and their regular consumption, as recent research shows, is an important part. Although more recently, nuts were considered unhealthy due to their relatively high fat content. However, most of the fat in nuts is healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

But, more about that another time, and today we’re sharing tips on how to prepare one of the most delicious and healthy drinks at home - nut milk.

  1. The most important thing about making nut milk at home is to use any raw, unroasted nuts or seeds.
  2. If you do not trust the purity of the purchased raw nuts or seeds before making milk from them at home, For mold removal and bacteria, leave them for 20 minutes in water with the addition of 1 or 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide (per 1 cup of raw nuts). Then rinse well under running water several times. After this, the nuts/seeds can be soaked. Follow the table below.
Name Soaking Time for Nuts and Seeds
almond 8-12 hours
Brazilian nut 2 hours
hazelnut 2 hours
cashew nuts 2 hours
walnuts 6-8 hours
pecans 24 hours
macadamia nuts 2 hours
green buckwheat 6-8 hours
flax seeds (flax seeds) 4-6 hours
chia seeds 6-8 hours
hulled hemp seeds
(hemp seeds)
no need to soak
unhulled hemp seeds 8-12 hours
pumpkin seeds 4-6 hours
sesame seeds (sesame seeds) 4-6 hours
sunflower seeds 4-6 hours
  1. When soaking, raw nuts/seeds must be completely covered with water because... They swell when they absorb water.
  2. If you don't have time or can't use the soaked nuts/seeds right away, you can leave them in water in the refrigerator for a few days, but you need to change the water every day. This will keep them fresh and ready to use for several days.
  3. After the soaking time is over, the nuts/seeds should be washed well and the water in which they were soaked should be discarded. Never use water in which nuts/seeds were soaked. It contains harmful enzymes that were “pulled out” from the nuts during the soaking process. Removing these enzymes reduces acidity and inherent bitterness, and makes the nuts/seeds easier to digest.
  4. Be careful not to over-soak, because good and useful minerals will begin to wash out into the water. Follow the table above.
  5. When soaking, add a pinch or two of sea salt to the water - will improve taste qualities of nuts/seeds.
  6. Chia seeds and when soaked they become jelly-like. Therefore, it is better to soak them immediately before use and NOT rinse them after soaking, because... The adhesive substance that forms when soaked is very useful.
  7. To make nut milk, it is advisable to purchase a powerful blender. Place nuts/seeds in a blender along with water. Start the blender at low speed first and gradually increase to high speed. As a rule, the milk will be ready within 30-60 seconds. If you don't have a blender like a Vitamix or Blendec, you may have to wait 1-2 minutes until the nuts are completely ground. The more powerful your blender, the smoother your nut milk will be.
  8. When making nut milk at home, instead of plain water, you can use coconut water, herbal tea, or add cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, ginger, vanilla or lemon extract, ( coconut butter), stevia . This method will give a completely different taste to your milk. Do not use . It hardens when cooled and can create small grains in the milk.
  9. You can sweeten or add flavorings directly to the milk, after straining and removing the pulp.
  10. When you make nut milk, after straining through a sieve, gauze or special bag for nut milk, what remains is the nut pulp. Don't rush to throw it away! You can use the nut pulp for delicious cookies, breads, crispbreads; if you don’t have time to make cookies, you can add it to salads - extra fiber never hurts anyone. Especially for diabetics! 😉
  11. If you cannot use the raw nut pulp on the same day, it can be stored raw in the refrigerator, in a tightly sealed container, for up to two to three days. But, if you're making nut milks with any flavors, there's a good chance the pulp will ferment quickly. You can dry the nut pulp in a dehydrator and later use it as flour. Store in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry place for several months. Or you can simply freeze the raw nut pulp.
  12. Store homemade milk in an airtight glass container or jar for 3-5 days in the refrigerator. Always label the content and the date it was made.
    Homemade nut milk can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. Pour the nut milk into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. Frozen milk cubes are great for smoothies on hot summer days.
  13. In the summer, when it's hot, you can make nut milk by adding a little ice to the water to quickly cool it down, or chill it just before serving for 30 minutes to one hour in the refrigerator.

That's all. We hope these tips help you make nut milk at home using any nut or seed!

All the best and have a nice weekend everyone!