Repair Design Furniture

How to dry apples for the winter in the oven. Drying apples in the oven of a gas stove is easy. Choosing a variety of apples for drying


Diets and healthy eating 12.10.2017

Summer this year did not please us with warmth, and autumn presented many surprises in the form of torrential rains and devastating hurricanes. Accordingly, the harvests left much to be desired. But apples have pleased many with their abundance, and now our task is to preserve them for the winter. The jam and marmalade have been cooked, compotes and juices have been rolled up, many craftsmen have supplied wine, but there are still a lot of apples.

I suggest drying apples, this is a great way to preserve the nutrients that apples are very rich in, and in winter, when there are so few local fruits, they will be very useful. And today we, dear readers, will look at how to dry apples at home, we will figure out how to do it correctly in order to preserve their maximum benefit.

What are the benefits of apples?

First of all, let’s figure out what benefits apples bring to us, what is their value. Despite the fact that almost 80% of fresh apples consist of water, their benefits for our body are enormous. They contain complex polyphenolic compounds that protect the body from premature aging, from the development of oncological processes, and from disruption of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Organic acids, glucose, fructose, sucrose, tannins, essential oils, and pectins were found in apple fruits. Apples are rich in vitamins: ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins A, E, H, rutin, nicotinic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B8, B9.

Apples are rich in the macroelements potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium that are essential for maintaining health. 28 microelements were also found in apples, including iron, copper, zinc, iodine, molybdenum, manganese, and others.

Apples are the most important general strengthening product; they

  • Improves digestion;
  • Strengthen intestinal motility;
  • Cleanse the body of toxins;
  • Regulate blood cholesterol levels;
  • They have diuretic and choleretic properties;
  • Relieves inflammatory processes;
  • They have disinfectant properties.

Apples are recommended in dietary nutrition for anemia and vitamin deficiencies, constipation, edema, jaundice, hypertension and atherosclerosis, and obesity. When baked, apples are useful for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, kidneys, and liver.

Read more about the benefits of apples in the article. You can read about the medicinal properties of apples in the article.

How to dry apples yourself for the winter

There are several ways to dry apples for the winter, and I will try to sort them all out. I remember how as a child, in the village at my grandmother’s, we cut apples into slices, strung them on threads, and hung these apple beads on the shady side of the house under the roof, covering them with gauze from insects. This natural drying is the most correct; it allows you to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins. But this method is not available to city residents, and it’s already autumn, it’s too cold for drying in the fresh air, so we’ll dry the apples in our own apartment.

Preparing for drying

Before drying, the fruits need to be prepared. Summer and autumn varieties that have a sweet and sour taste are well suited for drying. Fruits with thin skins dry faster. Wash, dry and remove the core. To remove the core, you can use a special device or do it with a knife, first cutting the apple into 4 parts.

You should not prepare a lot of apples for drying in advance; their pulp oxidizes in air and darkens. It is better to prepare one portion that you can dry.

You need to cut it as thin as possible, then the drying time will not be long. To do this, it is best to take a special grater, which is called a slicer; the apples are cut into thin slices and dried very quickly. It is better not to remove the peel if the apple trees grow in an environmentally friendly place; the peel contains a lot of useful substances and it is worth preserving them.

How to air dry apples at home

It is quite possible to dry apples in a house or apartment without an oven or dryer; you just need to cut them thinly and lay them out in one layer on a clean cloth or paper. Drying occurs naturally without exposure to high temperatures, which means that all the beneficial properties of the dry slices are preserved.

Watch the video to see how these tools can quickly cut fruit into thin slices and quickly air dry them.

How to properly dry apples in the oven

The simplest thing is to dry apples for the winter in the oven found in every home. It does not make a significant difference where to dry apples, in the oven of an electric or gas stove, it is important at what temperature to dry the apples. The recommended temperature is 50 - 60 degrees.

It’s good if the oven model allows you to set the exact temperature, then you don’t have to worry about drying out the fruit. Most of our ovens do not provide such low temperatures, and it is difficult to set high temperatures accurately, but there is still a way out. Set the temperature to the lowest setting and open the oven door. It is advisable to heat the oven in this state and place a thermometer in it. We adjust the temperature by opening or closing the door. When I didn’t have an electric dryer, this is how I dried apples.

The drying process itself is very simple, the main thing is not to overdry the slices. It is best if the slices are thin; in this case, the drying process will go faster.

The fruits are cut, now we cover the baking sheet with parchment or baking paper, arrange the slices in one layer and put them in the oven. It is advisable to stir them several times during drying so that they dry evenly on all sides. After 2 - 3 hours, it is advisable to turn off the oven and leave the baking sheet with apples outside until it cools completely. Only with cooled slices can you correctly assess whether the apples are properly dried. Several of these approaches and delicious, aromatic and healthy apple slices will be ready.

Drying apples in an electric oven is even easier than in a gas stove oven. Modern electric stoves are equipped with precise temperature controls and fans, and they have the ability to turn on an even supply of heat throughout the entire chamber, which makes the process extremely easy. You just need to periodically open the oven so that excess moisture does not accumulate in it.

After watching the video, you will find out how easy it is to carry out such drying.

How to properly dry apples in an electric dryer

An electric dryer is an extremely useful thing in the house; it can be used to dry not only fruits, but also mushrooms, berries, and medicinal herbs. The structure of the dryer is very simple, it has several lattice trays that are installed on top of each other, and apples cut into slices are laid out on them.

There are different models with different prices, we choose for ourselves what suits us best. In the dryer, the drying process is simple, the temperature is set with a special regulator, lay out the slices, turn it on and that’s it. All that remains is to monitor and not forget about safety precautions, because this is an electrical device.

How long to dry apples in the dryer? Be prepared that it will take a lot of time, from 4 to 15 hours, it all depends on the density of the fruit and the thickness of the slices. I stretch the drying process into several stages, after 2 - 3 hours I turn off the dryer, let the apples cool, taste them, and if they don’t seem dry enough to me, I turn the device on again.

At what temperature should you dry apples in an electric dryer?

The temperature for drying apples is constant, and wherever you dry them, it should not exceed 60 degrees Celsius.

Drying apples in the microwave

You can dry apples in the microwave, although I personally have not used this method. But such a method exists, and I decided to tell you about it. My friend often dries it this way. To dry fruit in a microwave oven, you need to thinly slice it, place it on a plate in one layer, put it in the oven and turn it on at full power. Apples dry very quickly under the influence of ultra-high frequency waves, so we set the time to 3 - 5 minutes and see what condition our slices are in.

If there is a lot of moisture on them, put the plate in the oven again for a few minutes. Don’t be upset if the first time you get coals instead of elastic dry slices, this requires experience, everything will depend on the type of apple and the thickness of the slices. My advice: set the minimum time, then get used to it.

I suggest watching a short video that will give you an idea of ​​how to dry apples in the microwave.

Other ways to dry apples at home

Apples dry well on a central heating radiator; I also dried them this way when I didn’t have an electric dryer. Apples should be prepared in the usual way; small portions should be placed in clean cotton bags. Roll the bags into rolls and place them on the batteries, turning them over periodically. A few days are enough for the slices to lose moisture. After this, be sure to dry them in air, laying them out on the table so that they are ready for storage for the winter.

Many people dry apples by hanging a special grill over the burners of a gas stove. I do not advise you to use this method, since gas combustion products are extremely harmful to humans.

How to determine the readiness of dried apples

Properly dried slices should not crumble or break, they should be elastic, retain the apple flavor, but they should not contain moisture. This is usually learned through experience; over time, doubts no longer arise. Pay attention to the skin, it should darken.

Dried apples, like many dried fruits, are a storehouse of vitamins, microelements and easily digestible carbohydrates. They, especially the peel, contain a lot of nutrients that are so necessary for a person in winter and early spring, during the period of vitamin deficiency. You need to stock up well on these natural gifts, and then no diseases will be scary. The thing is that, compared to fresh ones, these dried fruits have a long shelf life and “survive” until spring without problems. How to dry apples at home? There are several ways. Let's study these folk recipes!


Apples are mostly water (up to 90 percent). When dried, it evaporates, but the beneficial substances do not. Making dried fruits from fresh apples does not in any way affect the taste of the product. These dried vitamins can be stored for a long time; they are used to prepare dishes when there are no more fresh apples, compotes and uzvars are cooked. The drying process itself does not require complex equipment or any special knowledge. How to dry apples at home? First, they need to be prepared and sorted. Fruits with all sorts of defects are immediately put aside. We thoroughly wash the selected apples under running water. We take out the core (there are special tools, but you can get by with a thin, sharp stainless steel knife). Some people also prefer to remove the skin, but it contains many useful substances. So it's better not to peel! Next, cut the fruits into circles or slices. Cut apples immediately begin to oxidize and darken. To avoid this, they are usually blanched - dipped in hot water for a few seconds. It must be taken into account that during this process some sugars and acids are lost. Some people prefer to soak the slices in a saline solution for two to three minutes.

In the sun

How to dry apples at home? The simplest and most time-tested method is sun drying. The prepared slices are laid out on a flat surface so that they do not touch each other, and covered with a piece of gauze to prevent insects. The sun must do the rest. The main thing is that this happens at a sufficiently high temperature and without the participation of extraneous moisture (for example, rain). But that’s what awnings were invented for. From time to time, apples need to be turned over and moved from place to place. This speeds up drying time.

How to dry apples in the oven?

But if the first method is more suitable for rural residents or summer residents, then the second is ideal for city dwellers who want to indulge in vitamins in the winter. First, you need to preheat the oven to a low temperature (50-60 degrees) so that the fruit does not become crusty and the process of water evaporation does not stop. Spread baking paper on a baking sheet (or baking sheets) and place the apple slices in one layer. Place the baking sheets in the oven with the door ajar. This will allow steam to escape from the oven and air to circulate. We periodically swap the baking sheets and rotate the apples. After a while we raise the temperature to 70 degrees and close the door. Drying lasts 7-8 hours. Before the end of the process, the temperature can be reduced to 50 degrees. We determine the degree of readiness by appearance (everyone knows what dried fruits look like)! When squeezed, the slices should not release juice. This is one way to dry apples at home. In fact, instead of an oven, you can use a special drying cabinet, if you have one. But here is another method of preparation - and a very interesting one.

How to dry apples in the microwave?

This method only takes a few minutes. Accordingly, he is very productive. What about the benefits? Microwave processing of apples will not cause any particular harm to the fruit. For the skeptics: after all, millions of people heat up food in this kitchen appliance every day! So, put the prepared fruits in a bowl covered with a cloth towel. Turn on the microwave at low power for two to three minutes. We take out the apples. If the dried fruits are not ready, let them sit for a couple more minutes. It should work!

When you make preparations for the winter, you want the maximum vitamins to be preserved in the product. Therefore, I really love making homemade sushi. Today I’ll tell you and show you how to dry apples in the oven or in the sun.

This preparation is simple to prepare and does not require additional costs in the form of sugar, spices or cans.

For this preparation we will need apples in any quantity and sunny weather. 😉 You can take different varieties, depending on your preferences.

Wash and dry the apples. We remove damaged areas, if necessary. Many people do not know how to cut apples for drying: into thin or thick slices. We cut the fruits in different ways, both into thick slices and slices no larger than 0.5 centimeters. If you have a food processor with an attachment for chopping vegetables and fruits, then you will cope with the task of thin slicing much faster. Thinner drying, as you know, will dry faster. How we cut the apples this time can be seen in the photo.

Place the pieces in a thin layer on baking sheets, cover with clean gauze and place in the sun. Stir every 3-4 hours and after 2-3 days, depending on the weather, the thin dried apples will be ready. It will decrease in volume, become dry, but flexible. A sweet dried apple aroma will appear. If the slice is thick, the drying process will take two or even three times longer.

How to dry apples in the oven

If the weather is not sunny, but cold and wet, or you simply don’t have time, then you can use a faster drying method. I will only note that what kind of oven it is - gas or electric - does not matter.

We prepare the apples as if dried in the sun.

First you need to preheat the oven to a temperature of 50-70 degrees. Place the apples on a baking sheet lined with parchment and dry for 3-4 hours.

I must say that despite the fact that, depending on the circumstances, I do drying for the winter using both methods, I prefer the first one. The finished product is more tasty and aromatic.

When asked what is the best way to store dried apples at home, I will say that I prefer to store them in glass jars with a tightly closed lid, but you can also store them in clean linen or paper bags.

In winter, dried apples are used to make delicious amber compote, jelly, and pie filling. Or you can just enjoy it, instead of candy. After all, it is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Apples have been dried since ancient times. It is this method of preparing fruit for the winter that is considered one of the best, as it allows you to preserve the largest amount of vitamins and minerals that are lost during heat treatment. But this is only possible with proper drying.

In the old days, fruits were dried in direct sunlight. At night they were put away in a cool place. It took a whole week to completely complete the process. Unfortunately, this method is not available to modern housewives. Urban conditions do not allow its use.

Preparing apples

In this article we will tell you how to dry apples at home.

So, let's pick apples. Of course, fruits picked from trees growing in your garden are best. But if this is not possible, then store-bought apples must first be thoroughly washed. You can use water with vinegar added. This solution copes well with dirt and chemicals used to control pests, and is often used to increase shelf life.

Remove the core. Remove the skin from late varieties. Early varieties are dried with it, since the peel allows you to preserve useful substances. If you use a special device, the cleaning process will be easy and quick.

Cut the apple into slices. A microelement such as iron oxidizes when interacting with air, so the slices can quickly darken. To avoid this, they are immediately immersed in salted water. Blanching also preserves color. The slices are dipped in hot water. But it should be remembered that during blanching, some of the acid and sugar contained in the apple are lost. If you replace this method with a steam bath, you will be able to preserve all the vitamins, and besides, drying will be faster. Pour the slices into a sieve or colander and keep over boiling water (10 minutes), and then cool under cold water.

Natural drying

Natural drying is considered one of the best and optimal methods. The slices are strung on a thread, a stick, you can use a skewer or simply pour a thin layer onto paper. In direct sunlight, the fruits are dried for 5-6 days, turning over periodically. At high temperatures, the process can be shortened to 3-4 days. Summer apples are used.

But this method is not suitable for everyone. There is not enough sun in the northern regions. In urban conditions this cannot be done. In addition, polluted city air will turn dried fruits not into a source of vitamins, but into a product saturated with poisons. This method is more suitable for residents of the south living in an ecologically clean region (dacha, country house, village).

Drying at home

When starting to solve the problem of how to dry apples at home, it can be noted that this process is quite simple. It takes significantly less time and requires less effort compared to natural drying.

A special dryer for fruits and vegetables makes this process many times easier. It will prevent the apples from burning. Convenient and easy to use. But, unfortunately, not everyone has it.

Oven or Russian stove

Drying apples at home is a simple process, but it requires a special approach. You have to use various kitchen appliances, for example, an oven. The apples are poured onto a baking sheet and placed in a preheated oven. The temperature should not exceed 60 degrees. The slices thus dry for some time. Then the temperature is increased to 80 degrees, which allows the water to evaporate. And at the final stage we raise the heat to 100 degrees - the sterilization process. Be sure to turn the apples several times. The oven is perfect for solving the problem of how to make dried apples.

The Russian stove will also cope wonderfully with this procedure. In order for the whole process to proceed correctly, some kind of ventilation is needed. This is easy to do when using an oven. It must be left open periodically. If a Russian stove is used, then a brick is placed under the damper, creating a gap. The bricks can also be laid out in the oven itself; a baking sheet is placed on them. This design allows for exhaust ventilation. The air, passing through the gap between the damper and the bricks, goes under the baking sheet and draws out moisture.


The problem of how to dry apples can be solved using an ordinary stove. Place paper on a baking sheet and pour slices onto it. Constantly turn the apples over and make sure they don't burn. The paper will absorb the released moisture.

Air fryer

An air fryer is also a great solution. Apples dry out wonderfully in it. The slices are loaded into several layers, and the required temperature is set. At the upper level, drying is faster, so the baking sheets need to be swapped periodically.


The heater is also a good solution for the task of drying apples at home. The “Kind Warmth” type is especially good. Low power does not allow the heater to heat up to high temperatures, so the apples do not burn and dry evenly. You can also use an oil device. It is placed in a horizontal position, covered with paper on which apples are laid out. Gradually turning the slices over, completely dry them.


Drying apples in the microwave is a very inconvenient method, since apples can only be laid out in one layer, which means the process takes longer. Place the slices on a plate. Place it in the microwave. Dry for 3-4 minutes, turning over. The slices end up looking like chips. If the process time is increased, the apples will simply burn. Drying apples in the microwave is a method for the patient.

Above, tips were given on how to dry apples at home. Housewives will receive another source of vitamins that they can use to please their family during the winter.

Apples are a very healthy and tasty product. Perhaps this is the most common fruit that can always be found in stores regardless of the time of year. There are many varieties and they are all rich in vitamins and microelements, which are very beneficial for the human body.

Apples are not only consumed fresh, they are canned, boiled and dried in the sun or in a convection oven. The last method is the most popular, so let's find out how to properly dry apples in various ways.

Fruit preparation

Drying apples is one of the most economical ways to prepare fruit for the winter. The main role here is played by the fact that fruits processed in this way retain all their beneficial properties for a long time. In the future, you can use them to cook compotes, brew teas, make filling for pies and eat them just like that.

Compliance with technology is the main condition for the preservation of vitamins and microelements. Therefore, knowledge of how to dry apples in an oven, convection oven or other kitchen appliance will be useful to every housewife. Where to start?

First, the fruits must be sorted by size. It should be noted that any varieties are suitable for drying. The sweetest slices are made from white filling. This is one of the early varieties, it is very tasty and juicy.

Secondly, they are thoroughly washed and left to air dry. Fallen fruits are mainly used for drying. When washing, cut out damaged areas, you can cut out the core with seeds and remove the peel.

The next step is optional, but if you want the dryer to retain its whiteness and not turn yellow, then do this:

  • Prepare a saline solution, 1 tsp per 1 liter of water. table salt;
  • Dip the apples into the resulting liquid for 2–3 minutes;
  • Take them out and, without wiping them, leave them to air dry.

The processed fruits are cut into slices and placed on a mesh or baking sheet in one layer.

Sun drying

If time and weather permit, then the best option is to dry the apples naturally. In a private house, roofs and attics are used for this. The fruits, cut into slices and treated in a saline solution, are placed on a baking sheet or strung on a thread.

Before placing fruits to dry, they should be covered with gauze to prevent flies and other insects from climbing on them. On a board, you can lay the slices in 2 layers as much as possible; it is better to string them on a thread with a small gap. After this, the container is exposed to the sun or apple garlands are hung in a dry and warm room.

How are apples dried in the sun? In order for them to dry evenly, they must be turned daily from one side to the other. The sun must constantly hit the slices, so the container will have to be moved several times during the day.

It is not advisable to dry fruits on a cloudy day; the process is considered correct only when exposed to direct rays. A rainy day is not suitable for this activity either.

When drying indoors, you will need to ensure that it is regularly ventilated and the air is not humid. Dampness is not needed in this matter. It is recommended to periodically move the apples along the rope so that they dry evenly and do not stick together.

How long does it take to dry apples naturally? This process is long and depends on the weather. Usually it takes at least 10 days. If the dryer is well dried on both sides, it is elastic, does not break or stick to each other, then it can be removed.

When it is not possible to dry fruits in the sun or attic, you can use accelerated methods - dry the fruits in an oven, convection oven, electric dryer or microwave.

Accelerated drying methods

Drying apples using natural methods is not always possible. In this case, folk ingenuity and household appliances come to the rescue.


The easiest thing is to spread the slices on a baking sheet and place it on warm radiators, turning the dried slices daily. The air humidity in the room where apples are dried should be low. How long will the fruits take to dry? On average, a week is enough.

If you live in the city, then knowing how to dry apples in the oven will be very useful. It will take 7–8 hours to prepare one batch of drying. Before placing the chopped fruit on a baking sheet, line it with foil or baking paper.

To begin with, the temperature should be low, about 45 degrees. After 2 hours, increase this indicator to 65 degrees, and 30 minutes before the end of drying, set the temperature regulator to 50.

Remember, during the drying process, fruit releases moisture, so you will need to periodically open the oven to release steam and turn the slices to the other side every hour. At the end of the process, remove the dryer and place it on a clean, dry towel and let it cool.


Knowing how to dry apples in the microwave, you can process a bucket of fruit in a few hours. This is the fastest way, but it is important not to dry out the fruits. Place the prepared slices on a plate in one layer.

The power should not exceed 300 kW. Turn on the oven for 2 minutes, after turning off the timer, immediately remove the plate and check the readiness of the product. Dry if necessary. After preparing the first portion, place the second one and, having set the desired time, turn on the microwave.

Air fryer

If desired, you can dry the apples in an air fryer. To do this, cover the grids included in the set with parchment paper and, placing the prepared fruits on top, place them one above the other. How to dry apples in an air fryer? Set the temperature to 100–120 degrees, the blowing speed should be low. With these modes, you will spend about an hour on one bookmark.

It should be remembered that the fruit will dry faster on top than on the bottom. Therefore, periodically it will be necessary to turn off the device and change the grids. At the same time, the slices are turned over.

Electric dryer

Drying apples can be done not only in a convection oven, but also in an electric dryer. To do this, the prepared fruits are laid out on the mesh of the unit in one layer and placed inside the device. At a temperature of 60 degrees, it will take about 8 hours to prepare 1 serving.

How else to dry apples in an electric dryer? To improve the taste, cut fruits can be left to soak in sugar syrup for a day and then dried. The amount of sugar is arbitrary. It is added to boiling water and stirred thoroughly.

The cooled syrup is poured over the cut fruits so that the water covers them completely, and left in a cool place. The next day, the slices are placed in a colander and the syrup is allowed to drain, after which they are laid out on a mesh.

How to store the finished product?

How long does the finished dryer last? It depends on the correct preparation. Well-dried fruits can retain beneficial elements for years. They are packaged in cardboard boxes, glass or plastic containers, and fabric bags.