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Map of the Holy Land of the times of Jesus Christ. Biblical cards. "II Book of Kingdoms": Jerusalem Secrets

    Dan (Lais) Jeroshoam put the Golden Taurus Northern Kingdom for worship (3 Kings 12: 26-33). Dan was the northern attack of the ancient Israel.

    Mount Karmil Elijah experienced the prophets of Waal and opened heaven for the rain (3 Tsar. 18: 17-46).

    Megiddo Place many battles (court. 4: 13-16; 5:19; 4 Tsar. 23:29; 2 pairs. 35: 20-23). Solomon raised the Orthodox workers for the construction of Megiddo (3 Tsar. 9:15). The king of Judea Iosiya was mortally wounded in the battle against the pharaoh of the Egyptian Nechao (4 Tsar. 23: 29-30). During the second coming of the Lord, the latter and great battle will occur in the valley of the roller, as part of the Battle of Armageddon (Ioil 3:14; Rev. 16:16; 19: 11-21). Name Armageddon - This is Greek transliteration from Hebrew Har-Megidon, What does Mount Megiddo mean.

    Israel The name of the city in the largest and fertile valley of Israel, wearing the same name. The kings of the Northern Kingdom built a palace here (2 kings. 2: 8-9; 3 kings. 21: 1-2). The dishonest Queen Jezebel lived and died here (3 kings. 21; 4 King. 9:30).

    Best Israel met Hananeyev here (NA. 17: 12-16). The body of Saul was hanged on the walls of the fortress (1 King. 31: 10-13).

    Dofhan Joseph was sold to slavery with its brothers (Gen. 37:17, 28; 45: 4). Elisha had a vision of a mountain, full horses and chariots (4 kings. 6: 12-17).

    Samaria The capital of the Northern Kingdom (3 Tsar. 16: 24-29). Tsar Ahab built Waal Temple (3 Tsar. 16: 32-33). Elijah served here (3 kings. 18: 2; 4 King. 6: 19-20). In 721 to R. H. Assyrians won the city, thereby completing the capture of ten knees (4 Kings. 18: 9-10).

    Sipem Abraham built an altar (life. 12: 6-7). Jacob lived nearby. Simeon and Levi killed all men of the city (Gen. 34:25). The appeal of Joshua Navina "Choose Now" to serve God was uttered in Yakhlema (Nav. 24:15). Here, Jeroshoam established the first capital of the Northern Kingdom (3 Kings 12).

    Mount Geval and Mount Garisim Joshin divided Israel from these two mountains - the blessing of the law was uttered from the Garisim Mountains, while the curses were uttered from the mountain Geval (Nav. 8:33). Later, Samaryan built the temple on the mountain Garisim (4 kings. 17: 32-33).

    Penuel Here Jacob fought all night with the Messenger of the Lord (Gen. 32: 24-32). Gideon destroyed the Madiam Tower (Court. 8: 5, 8-9).

    Ioppia Ion floated from here to Farsis, trying to avoid the mission in Nineveh (Ion 1: 1-3).

    Silom During the days of judges, there was the capital of Israel and the tabernacle (1 Tsar. 4: 3-4).

    Film (Luz) Here Abraham separated from the lot (Lot. 13: 1-11) and he had a vision (life. 13;). Jacob had a vision of a ladder leading to the sky (Gen. 28: 10-22). Some time there was a tabernacle here (court 20: 26-28). Jeroshoam put the Golden Taurus Northern Kingdom for worship (3 Kings 12: 26-33).

    Gavow Residents of this city deceit concluded an agreement with Jesus Navin (Nav. 9). The sun stopped while John won the battle (Nav. 10: 2-13). There was also a place for the temporary location of the tabernacle (1 pairs. 16:39).

    Gas, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, GEF (five cities of Philistines) Of these cities, Philistines often started the war against Israel.

    Bethlehem Rachel was buried nearby (Gen. 35:19). Ruth and Vozo lived here (Ruth 1: 1-2; 2: 1, 4). This city was called David's city (Lux. 2: 4).

    Hevron Abraham (Gen. 13:18), Isaac, Jacob (Gen. 35:27), David (2 Tsar. 2: 1-4) and Avissal (2 Tsar. 15:10) lived here. It was the first capital of Judea at the reign of King David (2 Tsar. 2:11). It is believed that Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekka, Jacob and Leah were buried in the mahpel cave (Gen. 23: 17-20; 49:31, 33).

    EN-GADDI David disappeared here from Saul and spared his life (1 Tsar. 23: 29-24: 22).

    Gerar For some time, Abraham and Isaac (Gen. 20-22; 26) lived here.

    Virsavia Abraham dug up here well and swore together with Avimel (Gen. 21:31). Here Isaac saw the Lord (Gen. 26:17, 23-24), and Jacob lived (Gen. 35:10; 46: 1).

    Sodom and Gomorra Lot chose to live in Sodom (Gen. 13: 11-12; 14:12). God destroyed Sodom and Gomorra because of wickedness (Gen. 19: 24-26). Jesus later used these cities as a symbol of wicked (Matt. 10:15).

    Mount Ararat Traditionally, it is considered a place where Noah's Ark stopped (Gen. 8: 4). Accurate location is unknown.

    UR. The first seat of Abraham near the mouth of the Euphrate, where he almost became a victim during the human sacrifice, saw Angela Jehovah and received Urim and Tummim (Gen. 11: 28-12: 1;). (Pay attention to the other possible location of the cheers in Northern Mesopotamia.)

    Babylon, Wawel (Sennar) For the first time, this land was populated by Hushe, the son of Hama, and Nimrod. The territory of the origin of the Jaenedis during the time of the Babylonian tower on the plains of Sennair. Later - the capital of the region of Babylonia and the residence of the Babylonian kings, including Nebuchadnezzar, who brought many Jews with prisoners in this city after the destruction of Jerusalem (587 to R. H.). Jews stayed in captivity in Babylon 70 years before the time of Tsar Kira, who allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem to restore the temple. The Prophet Daniel also lived here at Nebuchadneosor, Valtasar and Daria ⅰ (Gen. 10:10; 11: 1-9; 4 Tsar. 24-25; Ier. 27: 1-29: 10; Iz. 1: 1; Dan. 1-12;;).

    Shushan (Suids) The capital of the Persian Empire during the reign of Darius ⅰ (Darius Great), Xerxes and Artaxerks. The place where the Queen Esther lived, whose bravery and faith saved the Jews. Daniel and later nehemosis served here (ne. 1: 1; 2: 1; Esf. 1: 1; Dan. 8: 2).

    Field Deir Here Sedrah, Misah and Avdenago were thrown into the oven fiery when they refused to worship the idiot made by Nebuchadnezzar; The Son of God saved them and they left the fire without having harm (Dan. 3).

    Assyria Asur (Ashur) was the first Assyrian capital, followed by Nineve. Assyrian rulers Salmanasar ⅴ and Sargon ⅱ won the North Kingdom of Israel and captured ten knees in 721 to R. H. (4 Tsar. 14-15; 17-19). Assyria was a threat to Jews to 612 to R. H., when Assyria was conquered by Babylon.

    Ninevel Capital of Assyria. Assyria attacked the Earth Jewish during the reign of Jesiean and the ministry of the Prophet Isaiah. Jerusalem, the capital of Judea, was saved by a miraculous way when Angel struck 185,000 Assyrian warriors (4 Tsar. 19: 32-37). The Lord told the Prophet Jone to call this city to repentance (Ion 1: 2; 3: 1-4).

    Harran Abraham stopped here for a while before going to Canaan. Father and Brother Abraham stayed here. Rebekka (wife Isaac), as well as Rachel, Leah, Valla and Zelf (Jacob's wife) were from these places (Gen. 11: 31-32; 24:10; 29: 4-6;).

    Carhemis Pharaoh Nechao was defeated here by Nebuchadnezzar, which led to the end of Egypt's power in Canaan (2 pairs. 35: 20-36: 6).

    Sidon. This city was found by Sidon, grandson of Hama, and was the most northern city of Canaan (Gen. 10: 15-20). It was the hometown of Jezeabeli, who introduced Walu's worship among Israel (3 Tsar. 16: 30-33).

    Tir It was an important shopping and port city in Syria. Hiram Tirssky sent cedar, gold and workers to help Solomon in the construction of the temple (3 Kings. 5: 1-10, 18; 9:11).

    Damascus Abraham saved lot not far from here. It was the main city of Syria. During the reign of King David Israelis won the city. Elijah anointed Azaile to be king over Damascus (Gen. 14: 14-15; 2 Tsar. 8: 5-6; 3 Tsar. 19:15).

    Canaan This land was given to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their offspring in eternal possession (Gen. 17: 8; 28).

    Mount Sinai (Chorive) The Lord spoke with Moses from the burning bush (Ex. 3: 1-2). Moses was given the law and the Ten Commandments (Ex. 19-20). The Lord spoke to Elijah about a quiet voice (3 Tsar. 19: 8-12).

    Ethion Gaver Tsar Solomon built a ship in Ethion-Gaver (3 Tsar. 9:26). Perhaps it was in this port that Queen Savskaya moored to see Solomon, hearing about his glory (3 kings. 10: 1-13).

    Egypt Abraham came here because of the great hunger in ure (). The Lord told Abraham to taught the Egyptians to all that the Lord opened Abraham (). Here Joseph became the ruler in the house of Potifara after the Joseph brothers sold it into slavery (Gen. 37:28). Joseph was thrown into the dungeon. He interpreted the dream of Pharaoh and received a high post in Egypt. Joseph met with his brothers. Jacob and his family (Gen. 39-46) were moved here. Children of Israel were in Goshem during their stay in Egypt (Gen. 47: 6).

    The Israelis multiplied and "strengthened extremely"; Then they fell into slavery to the Egyptians (Ex. 1: 7-14). After a series of executions lit by the people, Pharaoh allowed Israel to leave Egypt (Ex. 12: 31-41). Jeremiah was shown in Egypt (Ier. 43: 4-7).

    Caftor (Crete) The ancient land of Miditsa.

To the west of the Jordanian valley is the main part of Palestine, which since the conquest of the Romans shared into three areas, counting from north to south: Galileo, Samaria and Judea.

Galilee was famous for fertility and painting landscapes. It is richly irrigated by many sources running from the mountains of Lebanon and Ermona. During the times of Christ, the land here was well treated and squeezed by the most diverse cereals. Undoubtedly, here, in Galilee, Christ spoke his parables about the seeder, seed and spill.

Through Galilee, as already mentioned, the main caravan trading path from Egypt was passed, therefore this area of \u200b\u200bthe country is open to a wide variety of influences from both the east and west. This place was like a bridge between Africa, Malaya Asia and Europe. Here, in the city of Nazaret, Christ held his young years. Among the Galilee fishermen, he chose his first apostles. Most of his ministry proceeded on the shores of the Galilean (or Gennisret) lake.

The population of Galilee was numerous and hardworking. Galilean possessed a living character, were impressionable, loved novelty and easily succumbed to new and bold ideas; At the same time, they differed in deep religiosity.

There were many pagans in this area. Permanent communication with them produced in the Galilean spirit of the tolerance, which were deprived of the inhabitants of Jews, distinguished by small formalism. The inhabitants of Jerusalem constantly reproached Galilean for the lightness with which they were treated with the pagans, and ridiculed their bad pronunciation.

The main cities of Galilee were Tiberiad, Chorazin, Nazareth, Kana, Nain, Vifsaida and Kapernaum, in which Christ lived most of the time of his public ministry.

Region Samaria Located south of Galilee. This is a more flat part of Palestine, very comfortable for settlement. Many events of Jewish history took place here. Once with Galilee, Samaria was the Northern Israeli kingdom, destroyed in the 8th century BC. e. Assyrians. The conquerors moved to Samaria a variety of peasants from the east, which, mixed with the remaining local residents, took their faith, while maintaining some of their pagan customs, they began to call them samarians. Jews did not want to see brothers in their religion, considering their semi-speakers. This served as a reason for constant conflicts. The enmity was so great that even during the times of Christ Judea, who traveled from Galilee to Jerusalem, preferred twice to go to Jordan, just to Milify Samaria. Hence the saying that "Jews with samarians do not communicate" ().

In the southern Palestinian, the Judea was located. She was the exact opposite of the north. Highland, fruitless and sullen Judea, as it were, a desert with oases. The center of Judea was Jerusalem. The ancient city, washed by the spirit of sacred legends and fifteen century-old history, during the earthly life of Christ towered in the Zion Mountain, surrounded by a mighty stone and deep moat. The heart of Jerusalem and the whole Judea was the temple of the Lord. Here for the Easter holiday from scattering from all over the world, believing Jews were flown to bring the victim to God. According to large holidays, Christ came to the city, but the bosses of the Jewish were hostile to the Savior, they pursued him, so she loved to preach in Galilee more than in Judea.

In eighteen kilometers south of Jerusalem, in the Nizina, between the hills, is the city of Bethlehem. Our Lord was born here.

On the other side of Jordan, east, all terrain is called Jaipend. In ancient times, Moavita and Amoris were lived there, which brooped Moses to the promised land. The north of the land of the Uz, the birthplace of the righteous sufferer Iova. In its northern part, Zainandan Palestine hugged five districts: ITURE, Golan, Trachonitide, Watch and Avran.

To the south of the Goland and to the west of Avran, a number of cities, famous for the Gospel under the general title of the Tith Grade, or, in Greek, December was located. These cities have visited Christ more than once.

The southern part of the Zainomania was called Galad, or re-

Political position of Palestine

Before coming to the world of the Savior and during his earthly life Palestine was under the rule of the Roman world power.

Back in 63 to the Nativity of Christ, the Roman commander Pompei introduced his troops in Judea and joined her to the Roman province of Syria. After a little time (in 713, from the foundation of Rome, or in 37 to the Nativity of Christ), the prince of Herod, nicknamed Great, received from the Roman Senate Tsarsky title and drove all the Palestine and Idumes during thirty seven years.

Entering the Roman Empire, Jews were in the most thick of global political, social and religious fermentation. In those years, Rome reached the highest bloom. Capitoli proudly ascended over the world, inspiring respect and fear of numerous peoples, inhabited and surrounding the empire. Roman officials were flooded with remote corners of a huge state, visible from the provinces of colossal taxes. Without affecting the visibility of the provinces self-government, Roman dictators gradually deprived them of military and political independence. Promising, bribing, forcing, they also put an end to all political freedoms in their homeland, defeating the Republican Party and creating a military dictatorship regime. After the fight against dictators in the civil war, Octavian Augustus became the autocratic ruler of the Roman Empire with the title of princeps. Soon, the temples and statues began to erect August, Augustus, he was sang, he was declared "Sothet" - the Savior of the world.

This is a spectacle of an increasingly exalted empire, overwhelming freedom and generally properly, could not impress the people of the East. All felt that something new, incomprehensible, comes. For the Jews, the question was decided simply. For them, the global empire was the kingdom of the beast, which will fall from the sword of the coming Messiah. Hostile to Roman dominion, Judea treated with the same sense and treated with Great, who, despite the will of the people, with the support of Romans, seized power in Judea.

Conducting Rome's policies in Judea, Herod cruelly suppressed folk unrest. Immediately after the court, Herod conducted the reorganization of the Supreme Council, the Supreme Jewish Judicer (Sanhedrin). The king ordered the execution of 45 members of the Council, and since the Supreme Council consisted, according to the testimony of Joseph Flavia, out of 71 members, then the surviving 26 against 45, newly appointed by the king, could not be carried out in life even when complying with all the legality. So one bloody strike, the Higher Legislative Power of Judea was in the hands of Herod. The interests of Tsar-Idumeanin were far from the interests of Orthodox Jews. A man is strong, cruel and passionate, irodes were deeply alien to religious problems, which then worried the Jews and the whole world. Putting and buildings, war and political intrigues absorbed it entirely. Proud and ambitious, he dreamed of overshadowing the glory of King Solomon and unfolded the water construction activity. With it, Palestine was covered with numerous buildings. He with the same zeal was engaged in the construction of hippodrome, theaters, temples in honor of the emperor of Augustus and the restructuring of the Jerusalem Temple. The latter, however, was the subject of his special concerns: Herod put in it huge funds and turned into one of the wonders of the world. He was proud of his temple. However, this His merit did not conquer him the love of the people.

In relation to his submarine, Herod was a despot, cruel and bloodthirsty Tiran. Painly suspicious, he strengthened his throne at the cost of many crimes. He killed Mariamna, one of his numerous wives, together with the two sons - Alexander and Aristulovul. Having learned through his sister a straw about the location of the last descendants of Hasmonaev. Herod executed them at the same time with her sister's husband.

Five days before the death of Herod executed his son Antipatra. When the Kaesar Augustus found out about it, he, pointing to Herod, told his approximate: "I would like to be his pig than my son." At the same time, the Kaesar meant the Jewish law, which forbade a pork meat to eat.

But the most cruel and bloodthirsty crime of Herod was the beating of many innocent Bethlehem children, which the evangelist Matthew (). The last days of Herod were terrible, he was compiled by a painful disease. On the odds of illness, he raped curses, tried to cum suicide, frightened with bloody sprapers. Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200breports that Herod gave an order to his sister - to collect 15,000 noble Jews in Jericho and at the time of his death, to bring their death to at least this way to make the people cry. But this order was not fulfilled. The Day of the death of Herod of the Great became subsequently a national Jewish holiday. Herod's funeral was lush. Behind the coffin, in which the last Jewish king was lying in the bugger and crowned with the precious diadem, was his three surviving Sons: Archelai, Philip and Antipa.

After the death of Herod of the Great Emperor, Augustus divided (according to the will of Herod) his kingdom between the three sons as follows: Archelai received power over idimes, Judea and Samaria; Antipa - over Galilee and reinstate; And Filipp-over Its, Gavlonitid and the Trachonit region. Antipa and Philip received from Caesar Titulars Titulas (Quadruples), Archelai - Ethnarch (regional ruler).

Archelai claimed the royal throne of Judea, but Augustus left the title of Ethnarch after him, promising to make him the king, provided that he would deserve it. But Archelai never deserved royal dignity. Like the father, he was a cruel ruler, but did not inherit from the father of government abilities. The people did not love him and was afraid the same as Herod of the Great. Arhel's board lasted under 6 years old by R. X. For the beating of three thousand Jews on the Easter holiday and for other crimes, Augustus exiled Arhel in Gallia, where he died.

At the place of Archeli since that time, the Senate began to appoint Roman officials who were called procurators (governors). The procurator commanded the army, collected taxes and had the right to execute for important crimes, acting by the name of the emperor. At that time, Sanhedrin had only visible independence, in fact he was largely limited by Roman laws. Managing Jews, Samaria and Idumery, the procurators at the same time were depending on the Roman ruler, Leah Syria - the province in which Palestine was included.

The location of the procurators was the port city of Caesarea, but on large holidays, especially Easter, they moved to Jerusalem to observe the order and their pacification of folk unrest, which repeatedly occurred during the holidays. The fifth prosecutor Judea was Pontius Pilate (26-36 in R. Kh.), In which our Lord was executed. Soon after the gospel events for the cruel beating of Samaryan, he was exiled by Emperor Tiber in Gallia, where he graduated from suicide.

Herod Antipa (4-39 years. In R. X.), Tetrarch Galilee and Perei,. He was the lord of cunning, vain and depraved. He left his first wife, the daughter of Tsar Arnet, and married the Iodiada, who was his brother Philip's wife. For this criminal connection his revenge John the Baptist (). Herodian hated the Holy Prophet and achieved his death.

Supporters Herod Antips were called Irodians. They are the same as Herod spent in Galilee's politics of Rome and were hostile to the Pharisees. A few years after the evangelical events, the Roman Emperor Caligula exiled Herod Antipa in Gallia (39 g. According to R. Kh.), Where he was subsequently translated into Spain, where he died.

Herod Philip Managed the northeast part of Palestine. The place of his residence was the city of Peneas, who was at the origins of Jordan. Philip decorated, built this city called him Kaesaria Philippova. He ruled to his death itself (34 g. According to R. X.).

4. Religious state of the Jewish people

In the first part of the sacred biblical history, the religious sects and the religious life of the Jews after the Babylonian captivity was already briefly stated.

It must be said that since then before the coming of Christ to Earth in the religious life of the Jews has changed little. At the top of Zion, in the ancient Jerusalem, still in the morning and in the evening, silver pipes of Levites, who were announced about the start of worship in the temple of the Lord. The priests and people were going to the temple to bring the daily victim to God. And on holidays, especially for Easter, thousands of pilgrims flocked in Jerusalem to cleanse, pray and give praise to the God of Israel.

Since the Babylonian captivity, religious faith in the people did not utterly, she was constantly maintained in him by his zealous teachers: scribes and Pharisees.

Every Saturday, Orthodox Jews, starting from twelve-year-old, visited synagogueswhich at the time was built everywhere, even in small villages Palestine. In the big cities there were several of them, and in Jerusalem, along with the Great Temple, they had to four hundred. The synagogues not only served as a place for prayer assemblies of believers, but were also schools to raise children in the law of God. Thanks to the synagogues, the law of Moiseev was introduced into the people across the Palestine and far beyond.

Word "synagogue" Indicates the "House of Assembly" itself. Inside, such houses were quite spacious halls, an ordinary rectangular shape, sometimes separated by colonnade for three days. In the depths there was a special cabinet hanged by bedspread. It stored a scroll of the law and other books of the Holy Scriptures. In the middle of the synagogue elevated the department with a seat for the reader or a preacher and with an alike for scrolls. Read and interpret the Sacred Scripture in the synagogue was allowed to each Jew, which reached the thirty-year-old age.

At the head of the synagogue stood scribe, or teacher of the law.

In the gospel, the scribes are mentioned or with the high priests, or with Pharisees. But the Pharisees and a scribe is not the same thing. Almost all the scribes were Pharisees, from which it does not at all follow, and all the Pharisees were scribes. The scribes represented the class of educated people, connoisseurs of the law, so they were sometimes called legislation; pharisees They also represented a party expressing a certain religious course. In their religious views, the scribe could be a Phariseem, and Saddukay, and Essem.

The volume of activity in the books was big. They rewritten the sacred books were kept in the memory of tradition. In synagogues, at prayer meetings, they interpreted the Holy Scriptures, they taught children the law of God, and were lawyers and judges of the people. The scribes adhered to the literal interpretation of the law, strictly following the prescriptions of the legend.

In religious life, they were formalists, pleaseing the petty compliance with all external rules. For this, Christ often denounced scribes and Pharisees in his sermons.

As scribes and Pharisees in those days, the powers of spiritual teachers and the leaders of the chosen people have taken responsibility. They strengthened a religious feeling in it, followed the strict execution of the law of Moiseeva and the legend of the elders, fencing their people from foreign pagan influences and instilled in him a sense of patriotism.

But, taking on such a responsible mission, scribes and Pharisees themselves were far from a truly religious life.

The religiousness of the scribes and the Pharisees was limited only to the ritual of a purely external nature. If the external prescriptions are fulfilled, the person should no longer be God. Sincere repentance, humility and diligent were alien to the scribe and Pharise. The pettyness of the legends shielded them the most important foundations of the Divine Law. Hypocrisy, immense pride and contempt for the "crowd" - these are the main features that make up the character of a scribe and the Pharisee of the Gospel times. True, it seemed as if they would live and act exclusively into the glory of God. However, in fact, they were looking for fame and honor only for themselves.

Of course, such spiritual leaders of the people themselves were far from salvation, and the people were misleading. That is why in the Gospel we so often hear the Terrible accusatory words of the Savior, addressed to the scribes and the Pharisees. For this, "blind leaders" hated Christ, they did not recognize the Savior sent in him and betrayed his death. Thus, the religious leaders of Israel, who were thinking that they contribute to their "piety" to the offensive of the Messianic Kingdom, not knowing, turned away from the true Messiah and began to wait for Lzhemesis.

Another religious sect, which was hostile to Christ, were Sadduki. In its composition, the Religious Party of Saddukeev covered representatives of the ruling Jewish aristocracy. It was mostly representatives of the highest clergy. High Priests, who held the highest position in Sedrinion, were Sadduke. The whole goal of their activities was reduced to preserve the dominant position in the country. The denying future life and resurrection, they naturally came to the fact that the only purpose of existence was considered the achievement of earthly goods.

The people who respected the Pharisees for their faith and patriotism hated Saddukeev who openly laughed at the folk religion, carried out clearly antipatriotic policies and robbed the population. His authority in the eyes of the people Sadducei was lost in the era of Greek domination. Then they strongly humiliated their san to make the reptiles to achieve favor in Ptolomeyev and the Syrian kings. Incable to the Greek semi-veneer and skepticism, they moved away from all participation in the famous Maccaissal struggle. When the Grekam came to replace the Greeks, Sadduki hurried to assure the Roman procurators in their loyalty to Cesare in order to only save power in Judea. Fearing, no matter how a great preacher from Nazareth disrupts their peace and did not cause anger Rome, the high priests condemned Christ to death.

Sanhedrion, who was the Higher Court of Jews, while we already talked, consisted of 71 members. All members of Sedrinion shared in three categories:

1. High Priests - the ruling high priest, all the former high priests, as well as the heads of the most important priest families;

2. Elders - Priests and laity, which represented the most influential and rich families of the Jewish people

3. Scribes, or teachers of Lawwho played an important role in Sedrinion. There they were as if judges - experts, indicating in each right case suitable norms of law and legend.

Sanhedrion, established after the Babylonian captivity, made decisions on the most important cases of both religious and political nature. In the gospel times, Romans largely cut his power, and, in particular, deprived him of the right to make death sentences.

At that time, the advent of the Messiah in the Jewish people reached the limit. Jews involuntarily felt that the time of the Messiah came. Therefore, when an outstanding preacher appears in Judea, or the prophet was unwittingly asked if he was Christ. Many at the same time did not clearly imagine, in what form the Christ appears, and they wanted to see in him the earthly king, which will conquer Jews the whole world and create an eternal Jewish kingdom on earth.

The most passionate messiatricians at that time were zilotwho tried to rapidly accelerate the phenomenon of the Messiah. Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200bexpressively calls them "boys" who were ready to give their lives for the National Liberation of Israel. They were indignant both against Herod - Idumeanin and against the Romans. Organized in small groups, they committed armed attacks throughout the country. The people called them siquah - people with daggers (). Considering only God with his king, they openly called the Jews to fight the Romans. This activity of Sikariev in 66 after R. X. led to Palestine to the explosion of a large uprising against Rome, which ended sadly for Jews.

But not all Jews looked at Christ as on the earthly king, more spiritual people expected the Messiah, who will redeemed a man from slavery to sin, watering the world in the indignant soul, will call for all the everlasting and burdens and create the everlasting kingdom.

That was the religious and moral state of the Jewish people, when our Lord came to Earth. Information about this period of life of the Jewish people is taken from the Gospel and Joseph Flavia, from his labor "Jewish antiquities".

The birth of Jesus Christ marked the emergence of a new religion and the beginning of the historical era. In the chronicles, calculus "before the Nativity of Christ" or "BC". Almost all his life he spent in the Middle East in ancient state, existing today, Palestine.

Palestine's connection with the Mission of Christ

During the commitment of a religious mission, Jesus Palestine occupied part of the lands of modern Israel, which goes out in the West to the Mediterranean Sea, in the south - k, in the east bordering Jordan, and in the north with Lebanon. The northeastern territories of the ancient state went to Syria. Through these lands passed caravanways in Mesopotamia and Greece.

The name of Palestine state is absent in the gospel - the life of Jesus. It was only 135 to occupy the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, the order of the Emperor of the Roman Empire was issued about this. Palestine was divided into several provinces. With a missionary way, Jesus are associated areas of Galilee to the west of the River Jordan and Judea near the Dead Sea.

The legend states that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Father Joseph served as a carpentry, his spouse called Maria. Previously, the family lived in Nazareth B, but after the announcement by the emperor an order of the mandatory appearance in the city for census, they went to relativesviflee.

Part of the life of the Prophet lived with his mother in Egypt, but later they returned to Nazareth. The baptism of Christ took at the age of 30 from John who served as a preacher. The rite was performed on the Jordan River, taking the beginning of the Hermona River, which is on the border between Lebanon and Syria. After an event event, Jesus went to the desert, where there was 40 days and the same night in complete privacy, post and prayer.

Returning he collected the disciples and began a mission to save humanity. Jesus traveled with the Apostles in the Galilee Earth, Healing People and Showing Miracles. During Easter, the Prophet was in. Whether they flew about it around the world, which was disturbed by the adherents of the Jewish religion. In this city, he was captured during the holiday at the orders of the procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate. The ruler of the land made him a death sentence on charges of the organization of rebellion and blasphemy. The crucifixion occurred on the mountain of Calvary. Three days later, the door in the tomb of Jesus opened, and he appeared to people alive.

Settlements where Christ preached a new teaching and traveled with his adherents, called the Holy Earth, attracting many pilgrims. These areas are considered invading the lands of Jews. Avraham, Isaac and Jacob lived here.

The image of Palestine times of Christ

In 63 BC Palestine has lost the status of an independent state. The territory was transferred to Herod's Office, which is in power from 37 to 4 g. BC. Roman filed was Jewish origin and professed the Jewish faith, in which he was forcibly addressed by his people John Girkan for 125 years before Christmas

The city of Banias was named after God Pan. Later, the son of Herod Philip renamed him to Caesaria Philipp.
This place is mentioned in the New Testament: "Caesarea Caesarea came to the countries, Jesus asked his disciples: for whom people honor me, the Son of Human?"

Capernaum - an ancient city located on the northwestern coast of the Tiberia Sea (now - Lake Kinerelet), in Galilee, in Israel. Now there is an archaeological monument and two monastery, Orthodox and Catholic.
Mentioned in the New Testament as the native city of Apostles Peter, Andrei, John and Jacob. Jesus Christ preached in the Cappernaum synagogue and made many wonders in this city.

The temple of the Ascension on the Eleon Mountain or the ISVOMON was first built between 330 and 378 by the Roman of the scum at the place of Ascension of Jesus Christ on the Eleon Mountain in Jerusalem. In 614, destroyed by Persians, after which he was rebuilt with the Jerusalem Patriarch Modest.

Firework Christmas Eve in Nazareth city. Nazareth is a city where Jesus Christ grew up.

Church of all nations, on the oilseed mountain in Jerusalem.

Dead Sea.

The Church of the Merry Coffin was built on the spot, where Jesus Christ was crucified.

Garden tomb, located on the north side of Jerusalem, not far from Damascus gates; Where are the two ancient ways: the road to Damascus through Shech and Iberichon. There is a hypothesis that it was here that the execution and the subsequent burial of Jesus Christ took place.

Touris Correspondence is a Christian relic, a four-meter linen canvas, in which, according to legend, Joseph from Arimafia wrapped the body of Jesus Christ after his glory suffering and death. Currently stored in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin. The Lick of Jesus Christ is visible on the negative.

Garden Garden is a place where Jesus Christ prayed on the night before arrest.

Separate olive trees in this garden, according to some data, more than 2000 years.

The Gefseim grotto, which is called the "grotto of betrayal" here, according to the legend of Judas, Iskariot betrayed Jesus Christ.

The burial place of Jesus.

Jerusalem and under him Kedron Valley. It is believed that it will be here and God's court will occur.

Jerusalem - Old Town.

Wadi Harrar. The Jordan River is here, according to one of the legends, and Jesus Christ was baptized.

Kiss Judah on the fresco of the church of the Holy Sepulcher.

The tomb of the Virgin. Located in Hepsimania, at the foot of the Western Slope of the Eleon Mountain, in the Cedron Valley, in Jerusalem.

Mountain of bliss and view of the Galilee Sea from the Golan heights. It is on this mountain that Jesus pronounced his Nagorny sermon.

Mountain temptation. "After baptism, Jesus fasted forty days and nights in the desert of the Jewish. During this time, the devil appeared to Jesus and, tempting him. "

One of the tombs in the Gethsemane Garden.

City of Peter, Jordan. Temple in the rock.

The room in which there was a secret evening on Mount Zion.

Galilee Sea.

Coast of Ancient Caesaria.

Israeli soldiers at the Wall Watch.

Birthplace of Jesus Christ in the Grotto of the Nativity of Christ, Bethlehem.

Tabha. This is a place where Jesus fed his followers:
"When evening came, his students started him and said: the place here is deserted, and the time is already later; Let go to the people so that they go to the village and bought food to themselves. But Jesus said to them: do not need to go; You give them to eat. They tell him: we have only five breads and two fish. He told them: Bring them here. And he ordered the people to rest on the grass and, taking five breads and two fish, looked at the sky, blessed and premoviv gave bread to students, and students of the people. And they still sat down, and they scored the remaining pieces of twelve boxes full; And the evident was about five thousand people, except for women and children. "

Model of the temple of Herod, in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. This temple was destroyed. This is exactly the temple from which Jesus expelled changed.


Temple mountain in Jerusalem.

River Jordan.

Galilee Sea, where Jesus walked on the water.

"Boat Jesus" was found on the shore of the Gallery Sea. It has age comparable to biblical events. The connection of this boat with Jesus is not installed.

The tomb of Lazarus in Viph, where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.

Wall crying and temple mountain - Jerusalem.

It is written on the stone: "Pray for peace in Jerusalem." But before the world in Jerusalem is still very far away.

The tomb of the Virgin.

The tomb of Zechariah and the graves of Beani Hezir on the oilseed mountain.

Cruise in the Gallile Sea.

View of Mount Eleon and Church (Church of All Nations, Russian Orthodox Church Mary Magdalene).

View of Mount Eleon, Temple Mountain, and the Jewish cemetery in the foreground.

One of the largest caves in Israel, Cavekia Cave, is located in the northern part of the wall of the Old Town, a few dozen meters east of the Damascus Gate.
Once it was a small natural cave, from which a limestone was mined in the time of King Solomon for the construction of the first temple, so the cave wears another name - King Solomon's quarry.

The cave is huge, its total area is about 9000 square meters. m, although the maximum width does not exceed 100 m. It has many halls, corridors, passages.

This place of the ancient city in the valley of the northern Israel is called Megiddo, or Tel-Megiddo. But Christians call this place Armageddon. It is here, according to legend, and the final battle of good with evil will take place.

Panoramic view of the Eleon Mountain (Har Hazeiythim) from the Eastern Gate of the Temple Mountain in Jerusalem, Israel.