Repairs Design Furniture

Wooden rotunda. Wooden rotunda for the donor site. Architecture features and materials used

With the arrival of warm days there is nothing better than relaxation in the country area, which can provide a gazebo where you can drink warm tea in the rain and enjoy the summer evening. In the event that it is decided to build a gazebo, then the best of existing options will be rotunda - the construction of a round form with the roof-supporting columns.

A good decoration of absolutely any site can be in the form of rotonda of wood, whose construction does not represent any complexity, and also does not carry the material costs.

First of all, it is necessary to pick up a favorable place for the Rotunda. It is recommended for this purpose to use a secluded site of the garden area, in the shade of thick trees. Ideally, in proximity, there should be a small reservoir, but it is not fundamentally. In the summer hot weather, the foliage of trees will be closed by a gazebo from the rays of the sultry sun.

Next, we need to design the plan of the future rotunda in detail, with its alleged sizes. Rotunda of wood It may be of any size and, as a rule, it has the following dimensions: 2 to 3, 3 by 3 or 3 per 4 meters. The size directly depends on the number of simultaneously resting in the construction of a person. For example, for a comfortable placement of six people, the Rotond area should be at least six square meters (2 by 3 meters).

The beginning of the construction of Rotonda, like any other construction, is the foundation laying. The perimeter required in size is noted and the upper layer of the soil is removed. After that, the foundation is manufactured, the construction technology of which is no different from the foundation for other types of construction.

The basis of the rotunda is strong beams or a bar made by special primers made of deciduous or coniferous wood. They are installed strictly vertically, not allowing sludge to side. All vertical beams are bonded with a thinner bar located horizontally. This procedure will ensure the sustainability of the entire future design.

When the rotunda is erected, it is not recommended to produce solid wallsSince this is a summer structure, but to blown out the view from the arbor. It is for this reason that it is better to protect it from below, to half, and the upper part must be left completely open. Therefore, the transverse timber must be at the height of the desired walls. The material for the walls of the walls can perform a tree. The lattice walls are very impressive, for which the curly plants will be launched, for example, grapes.

Next Stage - Roof. If the structure has a rectangular or square shape, you can make a classic roof of a two-bund type, or in the form of equilateral triangles. And if the rotunda is made in the form of rounded outlines or hexagon, it is more expedient to build a roof of a dome-shaped type, which will repeat all the outlines of the rotunda.

As for the floors, they are not recommended to be made low in relation to Earth, because due to dampness wood will begin to deteriorate. The floors should have a height of at least 30 centimeters, it will be enough to always remain dry. It will be great to look a winding path, powerful with artificial tiles or a stone, which will ensure not only a convenient approach to the gazebo, but will complement the overall picture of the landscape.
You can decorate your site using architectural structures: Arbor or Rotunda. Against the background of traditional buildings, a wooden rotunda looks advantageous. Rotunda consists of a round foundation with columns and a rounded dome. By functionality, it will not give up open arbor, but it will look beautiful and tempting. Unlike the stone architectural building, the rotunda of the tree will look warmer and will create a comfort area. In addition, a tree as a construction material is very lightweight and malleable to create an original intricate garden decoration.

Place for building

A more winned wooden rotunda looks at a small elevation, so it is remarkably suitable for its construction with natural relief differences. A somewhat different way will look artificially sublime rotunda. For a easier way to lift the structure, a staircase is installed, or a small path is paved. Due to the height above the ground, you can see the entire beauty of the household plot.

The origin will be the placement of rotunda, half-hidden trees or shrubs hidden in the greenery. Mysteriously peeping out of the green disguise, it will have a romantic shade.

The ideal location of the wooden rotunda will be the shore of the pond or lake. The reflection of the columns and the round domes will smoothly break on the surface of the reservoir, soothing and giving the mood of pacifying notes. A wonderful point is added to the tranquility of water, which in general contributes to a full-fledged rest and discharge from negative thoughts.

Material for manufacture

For the construction of wooden rotunda, use of both deciduous, and coniferous woods is allowed. The garden building from the valuable rocks of the tree will cost it, but it will look great and significantly. If in the first place is the desire of the prestigious type of rotunda, and not the cost of its construction, then the oak is suitable. Oak design can be decorated with an already material from any breed - maple, birch, ash, beech or hol.

To make the wood of oak durable, it is subjected to an additional processing method - by sea. As a result of sea, wood becomes strong, although its fragility increases. Oak color changes dark purple, close to black tone. During construction, in order to avoid splitting of the treated wood, the hole is made. Only after that you can connect the design details with fasteners.

Rotonda from beech, as from oak, will be strong enough. Her minus is the property of beech under the influence of weather conditions.
The lower costs of construction of rotunda from wood are possible when using a pine material. In terms of its qualities, it is not inferior to the oak, but closer and relative to us. It is better to use pine grown on an elevated area. It is much more valuable, since due to the dense arrangement of the annual rings wood is more durable. The loose structure of the pine wood speaks of its grieving on the swampy terrain. Such pine is not used for construction.

Another coniferous breed - fir, is inferior to the pine in properties. Its processing takes more time due to the large number of bitch. Wear resistance spruce is significantly lower than that of pine.

Larch remains unchanged building material. Its pluses are: low price, strength, low reduction. Therefore, it occupies a leading place among optimal materials for the construction of garden buildings.

Rotunda decoration

Rotunda from the tree can be left in kind, that is, the decoration will serve in the wood pattern. The drawing of the beech wood will look more elegantly. Oak, susceptible to sea, paint a wooden building in an amazing dark purple color. Such a rotunda may not be very highlighted in the garden or park.

Easy pattern of coniferous wood makes a beautiful structure with a modest recreation corner. You can cover the building with varnish, only the oak well interacts with alcohol varnish. But the elements from oak for the rotunda decoration are quickly glued, creating a conceived ornament. In this case, the natural color of the tree will best give the harmony of the surrounding nature with the construction. Especially open wood drawing is appropriate if there are buildings from solid or chopped logs nearby. If you wish, you can paint the wooden rotunda to color, harmonizing with other garden facilities. At the same time, the style of the garden complex will not be disturbed.

The erected wooden rotunda will be a real pearl of your household plot. It will fill the surrounding area with romance, give nobility and chic estate.

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Rotunda on the household plot will not only be a great place to relax in the fresh air, but also the subject of the pride of the owner who built it. The most common material for the construction of the rotunda is a brick, but it is a heavy and cold material, so it will do not fit into each design of the site. It will be much easier to build a rotunda of wood, and the tree is an environmentally friendly material, and does not require long facing work. The dimensions of the rotunda can be any, but usually make it with a diameter of about three meters, and the height is 2.5 meters. The best materials for the construction of the rotunda will be pine, ash or oak. Such trees are simple in processing, they are durable and durable. Before construction, boards must be treated with an antiseptic.

In the construction of any structure, the first step is to build a foundation. Under the rotation, you can make any type of foundation. The most economical option will be a column foundation with a width of poles at least 30 cm. The foundation must be filled with supports (iron or wooden poles).

After the complete pouring of the concrete, the racks are trimmed with boards, you can sew walls for the entire height, but there will be much more interesting Walls covered by half, above them can be hung up a mesh for fusing plants.
The roof above the rotunda can be made classic double, but much better to make a domed roof covered with tiles. Also, the rotunda can be covered with the roof of four triangles, such a roof will be appropriate, the construction of the rafter system will take less time and forces than when building the dome.

An interesting architectural solution is the construction of a round-shaped arbor - in the form of dome or rotunda. This form allows you to "dilute" classic square and rectangular buildings, which is usually found in the country.

Beautiful shape with three tiers

Round arbors are often confused with.

They are really similar, but have a different design of the walls and roofs.

The publication will show various examples of round arbors, which can be realized in the site.

Some tips on the construction of such a structure will also be given, in particular, this is the foundation, frame and the design of the covered rafters for the roof.

Ideas with a round form really a lot. One classification was stretched for as many as 7 points, each of which will be their examples with photos. Pick up some idea for our own construction will not be difficult.

All buildings are very different at prices. The cheapest material was and remains the tree, and the brick or stone buildings are noticeably more expensive. Aesthetics of such a complex shape, as a round, is quite expensive.

From wood

The classic building material is a tree, is the most popular and cheap among all kinds and forms of arbors (if we just do not speak about the bored logs with diameters of 300 mm).

Looks like such buildings very civilically, moreover, modern impregnations and antiseptics allow you to stand and do not rot the tree dozens of years. Therefore, for the reliability of such structures, you can not worry.

Due to the ease of material, the gazebo does not require a serious and capital foundation. In most cases, quite ordinary foundation blocks.


I met a lot like unique architectural solutions (made to order) and standard (already ready for sale). All these arbors are similar, but they have a huge difference in both aesthetic beauty and as a metal.

The more massive design, the more expensive and better. Fat metal will stand dozens of years if it is processed from corrosion on time and painted. Thin metal, especially profile pipes, can be seriously deformed during operation, especially if there are often used in plans to operate it.

Also, the price affects the presence and metal crate.

Any aesthetic moments associated with the metal require additional material and the work of the welder, therefore it is expensive. But almost any construction of metal will look very nice, regardless of the project - I can't say about the wooden arbor.

From brick

Some of the most expensive and capital buildings are brick. To lay out a round shape, you need to show some smell and skill, as the brick will not secure the brick.

Sometimes the design is additionally strengthened with concrete jumpers and metal reinforcement to withstand all contours of the construction.

Of course, such structures are expensive. In addition, the owners are asked to install a furnace complex, as it is somehow not civilized by the meat next to a small grill.

Before deciding on the construction of such a big gazebo, you need to highlight the platform on your site.

In addition to the construction itself, it is necessary to take into account the landscape design around, and indeed free space. It is pointless to build such a building in a small area.

From polycarbonate

Against the background of past photographs, the polycarbonate will look just ridiculous, but it will cost it less in tens or even hundreds of times. Due to the flexibility of carbonate slabs, make a round shape in the roof or even the walls will not be a serious problem.

Polycarbonate sheets need to be laid down, and not a lobby - this will allow condensate naturally.

Make a gazebo only from polycarbonate will not work anyway, as the framework is needed to which it will be attached. In most cases, this is a tree or metal.

You can build such structures without problems with your own hands, and if you are interested in buying, it is also not a problem - the price is quite acceptable even for high-quality plates.

With Mangalom (Finnish Grill)

Because of the round form, the mantal installation inside the gazebo becomes difficult. You can boast the possibility of cooking in a round room can only be considered in detail on our website.

The price of these buildings is relatively small - from 180 to 300 thousand rubles on average.

Example of the Finnish Arbor

Thanks to its design with the chimney and mangal in the center, you can simultaneously relax and cook meat on an open focus right inside the house. And safely and without strong smoke. If you are interested in this approach to the recreation area, you can pay special attention to the option with Finnish grill.

With dome and columns (Rotunda)

Do you know what is the name of the gazebo with the dome and column of 7 letters? Rotunda! Often, this issue is asked in scanners and crosswords. It is a massive structure with a dome roof and columns (in budget versions it is wooden, metal or stone pillars).

Rarely such a building can be seen in the country area. Usually they stand in urban parks, squares or near the monuments (the last I saw near the Victory Monument in Saransk). Nevertheless, some daches are ready to pay for such architectural masterpieces, if the site and finance allows.

With backlit

A certain thrill with me causes gazebo with lighting, which can be both decorative and strictly practical. In any case, the question of light in the room is very sharp, especially when the night suddenly comes around, and the rest does not yet plan to end at all.

In my personal opinion, it is necessary to think over the light in any recreation area. This is a strategically important object that should be ready to take people at any time. And if everything around also shines from the light, it will also add an additional pleasant effect to rest.

Construction with their own hands

A few words would like to say about the construction of round arbors. Their design is noticeably more complicated by classic. If you do not want to get deep into the dome roof or wave horizontal handrails, we recommend that you consider the construction of the hexagon form.

In most cases, it also looks beautiful, but the angles are still allocated. If this option does not suit you, then let's look at the option with a round form.


If it is planned to work with heavy building material (brick, concrete and stone), then enough block foundation - placed around the foundation blocks 20 by 20 per 40 cm. You can easily put the lower strapping on them and partially stop lags for the floor.

A more reliable foundation can be made from the columns. To do this, you need to pull out the pits under the poles, pour them with concrete, after which they fix the metal "sleeves" and install the poles. This design will be protected from any "game" of the soil.

If you are interested in a more serious building, then the round foundation needs to be made with ribbon. The finely breeding will be enough - it is not necessary to dig a trench deeper into the ground freezing, about 60-70 cm will be quite enough.


Installing posts are not very different from the classic gazebo. You need them to fasten them vertically on metal corners (if we talk about the tree). Depending on the project of your arbor, you will need 6 or 8 pillars.

The upper strapping will be closed by roof, so it does not require a special aesthetics. The main thing is reliability.

Roof Device

To create a round roof, it will be necessary to use the axial rafters and a circular crate, on top of which the roof will be laid. Draft this roof you can see below. The center is erected in the center. There is no practical meaning in it, it is needed only for aesthetics.

Round roof device with hosted rafters