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Signs of imminent death. Death signs. How to ease the suffering of a dying person

After all, it helps to mentally prepare for the inevitable end and to notice the changes taking place in time. Let's discuss together the signs of death of the patient and pay attention to their key features.

Most often, signs of imminent death are classified into primary and secondary. Some develop as a consequence of others. It is logical that if a person began to sleep more, then he eats less, etc. We will consider all of them. But, the cases may be different and exceptions to the rules are permissible. As well as variants of normal median survival, even with a symbiosis of terrible signs of a change in the patient's condition. This is a kind of miracle that happens at least once a century.

What signs of death do you know?

Change in sleep and wakefulness

Discussing the initial signs of impending death, doctors agree that the patient has less and less time to be awake. He is more often immersed in a superficial sleep and, as it were, dozing. This saves precious energy and causes less pain. The latter fades into the background, becoming, as it were, background. Of course, the emotional side suffers greatly. The scarcity of expressing one's feelings, the isolation in oneself, the desire to be silent more than to speak, leave an imprint on relations with others. The desire to ask and answer any questions disappears, to be interested in everyday life and the people around.

As a result, in advanced cases, patients become apathetic and detached. They sleep almost 20 hours a day if there is no acute pain or serious irritating factors. Unfortunately, such an imbalance threatens with stagnant processes, mental problems and accelerates death.


Very reliable signs of death are swelling and the presence of spots on the legs and arms. We are talking about malfunctions of the kidneys and the circulatory system. In the first case, with oncology, the kidneys do not have time to cope with toxins and they poison the body. In this case, metabolic processes are disrupted, the blood is redistributed in the vessels unevenly, forming areas with spots. It is not for nothing that they say that if such marks appear, then we are talking about complete dysfunction of the limbs.

Problems with hearing, vision, perception

The first signs of death are changes in hearing, vision and the normal feeling of what is happening around. Such changes can be against the background of severe pain, oncological lesions, blood stagnation or tissue death. Often, before death, a phenomenon with pupils can be observed. The pressure in the eye drops, and when pressed, you can see how the pupil deforms like a feline.

With regard to hearing, everything is relative. It can recover in the last days of life or even worsen, but this is more of an agony.

Reducing the need for food

When a cancer patient is at home, the signs of death are noted by all relatives. She gradually refuses food. First, the dose is reduced from a plate to a quarter of a saucer, and then the swallowing reflex gradually disappears. There is a need for feeding through a syringe or tube. In half of the cases, the system with glucose and vitamin therapy is connected. But the effectiveness of such support is very low. The body tries to use up its own fat stores and minimize waste. From this, the general condition of the patient worsens, drowsiness and shortness of breath appear.

Violation of urination and problems with natural needs

It is believed that problems with going to the toilet are also signs of impending death. No matter how ridiculous it may seem, in reality there is a completely logical chain in this. If bowel movements are not carried out every two days or with the regularity to which a person is accustomed, then feces accumulate in the intestines. Even stones can form. As a result, toxins are absorbed from them, which seriously poison the body and reduce its performance.

The story is about the same with urination. It is more difficult for the kidneys to work. They let in less and less fluid and, as a result, the urine comes out saturated. It has a high concentration of acids and even blood is noted. For relief, a catheter can be installed, but this is not a panacea against the general background of unpleasant consequences for a bed patient.

Thermoregulation problems

Natural signs before the death of a patient are a violation of thermoregulation and agony. Extremities begin to get cold. Especially if the patient has paralysis, then we can even talk about the progress of the disease. The circle of blood circulation decreases. The body fights for life and tries to maintain the performance of the main organs, thereby depriving the limbs. They can turn pale and even become cyanotic with venous spots.

Weakness of the body

The signs of imminent death may be different for everyone, depending on the situation. But most often, we are talking about severe weakness, loss of body weight and general fatigue. A period of self-isolation begins, which is aggravated by the internal processes of intoxication and necrosis. The patient cannot even raise or stand up for natural needs on the duck. The process of urination and defecation can occur spontaneously and even unconsciously.

Blurred consciousness

Many see signs of impending death in how the patient's normal reaction to the world around him disappears. He can become aggressive, nervous, or vice versa - very passive. Memory disappears and attacks of fear may occur on this basis. The patient does not immediately understand what is happening and who is nearby. In the brain, the areas responsible for thinking die off. And obvious inadequacy may appear.


It is a defense reaction of all vital systems in the body. Often, it manifests itself in the onset of stupor or coma. The main role is played by the regression of the nervous system, which causes in the future:

Decreased metabolism

Insufficient ventilation of the lungs due to breathing failures or alternating rapid breathing with stopping

Serious damage to organ tissue


Agony is usually called a clear improvement in the patient's condition against the background of destructive processes in the body. In fact, this is the last effort in order to preserve the necessary functions for continued existence. It can be noted:

Improvement of hearing and return of sight

Establishing the rhythm of breathing

Normalization of heart contractions

Restoration of consciousness in a patient

Muscle activity by type of seizures

Decreases sensitivity to pain

Agony can last from a few minutes to an hour. Usually, it kind of portends clinical death when the brain is still alive, and oxygen stops flowing into the tissues.

These are typical signs of death in bedridden. But you shouldn't dwell on them too much. After all, there may be another side of the coin. It happens that one or two of these pointers are simply a consequence of an illness, but they are quite reversible with proper care. Even a hopeless bedridden patient may not have all these signs before death. And this is not an indicator. So, it is difficult to talk about being obligatory, as well as to put death sentences.

Lying patient: signs before death. Changes with a person before death

If there is a bedridden patient in the house who is in serious condition, then it will not at all prevent the relatives from knowing the signs of impending death in order to be well prepared. The process of dying can occur not only physically, but also psychologically. Given the fact that each person is individual, then each patient will have their own symptoms, but there are still some general symptoms that will indicate the imminent end of a person's life path.

What can a person feel with the approach of death?

We are not talking about a person for whom death is sudden, but about patients who have been ill for a long time and are bedridden. As a rule, such patients can experience mental anguish for a long time, because being in their right mind, a person perfectly understands what he has to go through. A dying person constantly feels on himself all the changes that occur with his body. And all this ultimately contributes to a constant change of mood, as well as a loss of mental balance.

Most bedridden patients withdraw into themselves. They begin to sleep a lot, and remain indifferent to everything that happens around them. There are frequent cases when, just before death, patients' health suddenly improves, but after a while the body becomes even weaker, followed by a failure of all vital functions of the body.

Signs of imminent death

It is impossible to predict the exact time of departure to another world, but it is quite possible to pay attention to the signs of impending death. Consider the main symptoms that may indicate an imminent death:

  1. The patient loses his energy, sleeps a lot, and the periods of wakefulness each time become less and less. Sometimes a person can sleep for a whole day and stay awake for only a couple of hours.
  2. Breathing changes, the patient can breathe either too often or too slowly. In some cases, it may even seem that the person has completely stopped breathing for a while.
  3. He suffers from loss of hearing and vision, and sometimes hallucinations may occur. During such periods, the patient can hear or see what is not really happening. You can often see him talking to people who have been dead for a long time.
  4. The bedridden patient loses his appetite, while he not only stops eating protein foods, but also refuses to drink. In order to somehow allow moisture to seep into his mouth, you can dip a special sponge into the water and moisten dry lips with it.
  5. The color of urine changes, it becomes dark brown or even dark red, while its smell becomes very pungent and toxic.
  6. The body temperature often changes, it can be high, and then drop sharply.
  7. An elderly bedridden patient can get lost in time.

Of course, the pain of loved ones from the imminent loss of their loved one is impossible to extinguish, but it is still possible to prepare and adjust yourself psychologically.

What does the drowsiness and weakness of a lying patient indicate?

When death approaches, the bedridden patient begins to sleep a lot, and the point is not that he feels great fatigue, but that it is simply difficult for such a person to wake up. The patient is often in deep sleep, so his reaction is inhibited. This condition is close to coma. The manifestation of excessive weakness and drowsiness naturally slows down some of the physiological abilities of a person, therefore, in order to roll over from one side to another or go to the toilet, he will need help.

What changes are occurring in respiratory function?

Relatives who care for the patient may notice how frequent breathing will sometimes change to breathlessness. And over time, the patient's breathing may become moist and stagnant, because of this, wheezing will be heard when inhaling or exhaling. It arises from the fact that fluid collects in the lungs, which is no longer removed naturally with the help of coughing.

Sometimes the patient is helped by being turned from one side to the other, then the liquid can come out of the mouth. Oxygen therapy is prescribed for some patients to relieve suffering, but it does not prolong life.

How do vision and hearing change?

Minute blurred consciousness of seriously ill patients can be directly related to changes in vision and hearing. Often this happens in their last weeks of life, for example, they cease to see and hear well, or, on the contrary, hear things that no one else can hear except them.

The most common are visual hallucinations just before death, when it seems to a person that someone is calling him or he is seeing someone. In this case, doctors recommend agreeing with the dying person in order to somehow cheer him up, do not deny what the patient sees or hears, otherwise it can upset him greatly.

How does appetite change?

In a lying patient, before death, the metabolic process may be underestimated, for this very reason he ceases to want to eat and drink.

Naturally, to support the body, you should still give the patient at least some nutritious food, therefore it is recommended to feed the person in small portions, while he is able to swallow himself. And when this ability is lost, then you cannot do without droppers.

What changes occur in the bladder and intestines before death?

Signs of the patient's imminent death are directly related to changes in the functioning of the kidneys and intestines. The kidneys stop producing urine, so it turns dark brown as the filtration process is disrupted. A small amount of urine can contain a huge amount of toxins that have a detrimental effect on the entire body.

Such changes can lead to a complete failure of the kidneys, the person falls into a coma and dies after a while. Due to the fact that appetite also decreases, changes occur in the intestines itself. The stool becomes hard and constipated. The patient needs to alleviate the condition, therefore, the relatives who care for him are advised to give the patient an enema every three days or make sure that he takes a laxative on time.

How does body temperature change?

If there is a bedridden patient in the house, the signs before death can be very diverse. Relatives may notice that a person's body temperature is constantly changing. This is due to the fact that the part of the brain that is responsible for thermoregulation may function poorly.

At some point, the body temperature can rise to 39 degrees, but after half an hour it can drop significantly. Naturally, in this case, it will be necessary to give the patient antipyretic drugs, most often using "Ibuprofen" or "Aspirin". If the patient does not have the function of swallowing, then you can put antipyretic suppositories or give an injection.

Just before death, the temperature instantly drops, hands and feet become cold, and the skin in these areas becomes covered with red spots.

Why does a person often have mood changes before dying?

A dying person, without realizing it, gradually prepares himself for death. He has enough time to analyze his whole life and draw conclusions about what was done right or wrong. It seems to the patient that everything he says is misinterpreted by his family and friends, so he begins to withdraw into himself and stops communicating with others.

In many cases, a clouding of consciousness occurs, so a person can remember everything that happened to him for a long time in the smallest details, but what happened an hour ago, he will no longer remember. It is scary when such a state reaches psychosis, in which case it is necessary to consult a doctor who can prescribe sedatives to the patient.

How can you help a dying person relieve physical pain?

A person who is bedridden after a stroke or who is disabled due to another medical condition may experience severe pain. To somehow alleviate his suffering, it is necessary to use pain relievers.

Pain relievers may be prescribed by a doctor. And if the patient does not have any problems with swallowing, then the drugs can be in the form of tablets, and in other cases it will be necessary to use injections.

If a person has a serious illness that is accompanied by severe pain, then here it will be necessary to use drugs that are dispensed only by prescription, for example, it can be "Fentanyl", "Codeine" or "Morphine".

Today there are many drugs that will be effective for pain, some of them are available in the form of drops that drip under the tongue, and sometimes even a patch can provide significant help to the patient. There is a category of people who are very wary of pain relievers, arguing that addiction can occur. To avoid addiction, as soon as a person begins to feel lighter, you can stop taking the drug for a while.

Emotional stress of a dying person

Changes with a person before death concern not only his physical health, but also affect his psychological state. If a person experiences a little stress, then this is normal, but if the stress lasts for a long time, then most likely it is a deep depression that a person experiences before death. The fact is that everyone can have their own emotional experiences, and their own signs will appear before death.

A lying patient will experience not only physical pain, but also mental pain, which will have an extremely negative effect on his general condition and will bring the moment of death closer.

But even if a person has a fatal illness, relatives should try to cure their loved one's depression. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants or consult with a psychologist. This is a natural process when a person becomes discouraged, knowing that he has very little left to live in the world, so relatives should in every possible way distract the patient from sorrowful thoughts.

Additional symptoms before death

It should be noted that there are different signs before death. A bedridden patient may experience symptoms that are not detected in others. For example, some patients often complain of constant nausea and the urge to vomit, although their disease has nothing to do with the gastrointestinal tract. This process is easily explained by the fact that, due to illness, the body becomes weaker and cannot cope with the digestion of food, this may cause certain problems with the work of the stomach.

In this case, relatives will need to seek help from a doctor who can prescribe medications to alleviate this condition. For example, with persistent constipation, a laxative can be used, and in case of nausea, other effective drugs are prescribed that will dull this unpleasant feeling.

Naturally, no such drug can save life and extend it indefinitely, but it is still possible to alleviate the suffering of a dear person, therefore it would be wrong not to take advantage of such a chance.

How to care for a dying relative?

Today, there are special means for the care of bedridden patients. With the help of them, the person who takes care of the patient greatly facilitates his work. But the fact is that a dying person requires not only physical care, but also a lot of attention - he needs constant conversations in order to be distracted from his sad thoughts, and only relatives and friends can provide emotional conversations.

A sick person should be absolutely calm, and unnecessary stress will only bring the minutes of his death closer. To alleviate the suffering of a relative, it is necessary to seek help from qualified doctors who can prescribe all the necessary medications to help overcome many unpleasant symptoms.

All the signs listed above are common, and it should be remembered that each person is individual, which means that the body can behave differently in different situations. And if there is a bedridden patient in the house, the signs before death in him may turn out to be completely unforeseen for you, since everything depends on the disease and on the individuality of the organism.

Signs of the approaching death of an elderly person

The article will give you mixed feelings. On the one hand - mental anguish and suffering. On the other hand, there is a clear understanding of what has yet to be experienced. Of course, nothing can replace or drown out the pain of losing a loved one. After reading the note, you will at least mentally prepare for this.

How does a dying person feel?

On the verge of death, a lot changes. Both from the physiological and emotional side. But, like everything in our life individually, the onset of death is also purely personal.

This cannot be predicted or changed. But there are similar symptoms, regardless of previous medical conditions, that all older adults experience.

10 signs of impending death

  1. Drowsiness and weakness in the body
  2. A person sees and hears what others do not notice
  3. Weak, intermittent breathing
  4. The urine turns dark red or brown
  5. Stool problems
  6. Appetite disappears
  7. Body temperature ranges from too high to extremely low
  8. Mood and feelings change
  9. Legs swell
  10. Venous spots appear (especially on the soles of the feet)

Let's talk about each of the points in more detail.

Constant sleepiness and weakness in the body

The period of wakefulness is shortened, the metabolism slows down. By hibernating, the body tries to protect itself from dehydration and fatigue. Therefore, the elderly person is constantly sleepy. At the same time, sleep is deep, without any reaction. It's getting harder and harder to wake up in the morning.

Don't wake the person up. Let him sleep as much as his body requires. Moreover, even while in deep sleep, he hears and remembers your words.

Visual and auditory hallucinations

Seeing and hearing what others do not notice is quite normal in this situation. There is nothing mysterious or suspicious here. In addition, hallucinations can affect the organs of sight, smell, tactile and gustatory senses.

Breathing changes

Becomes intermittent, humid, noisy, and stagnant. Stops more and more often. Wheezing can be traced. To relieve suffering, doctors usually recommend oxygen therapy.

Discoloration of urine and problems with stool

In the body of an elderly person, water is sorely lacking. The water balance is disturbed. Hence the rare trips to the toilet and kidney problems. As a result, the urine becomes concentrated. Darkens and decreases in quantity.

Constipation is connected to this. It becomes more and more difficult for a person to go to the toilet without additional stimulation.

Lack of appetite

As mentioned above, metabolic processes slow down. This is reflected in the desire to eat. Or rather, its absence. I feel less thirsty. Food is difficult to swallow. To quench your thirst, you can moisten your mouth with a damp cloth. But in no case try to force-feed. Nothing good will come of it.

Temperature changes

A fairly common sign of impending death. So, during the day, body temperature can vary from too high to critically low.

This is due to a malfunction of the part of the brain responsible for thermoregulation. From here, hands and feet are freezing. The skin changes color.

Rubbing your body with a cool or warm towel will relieve suffering. Or, alternatively, you can give one of the following medicines:

If the tablets are painful to swallow, get them in the form of rectal suppositories.

Uncontrolled emotions

Along with physical changes, mood changes are also quite common. Some completely withdraw into themselves, avoid communicating with loved ones. Others, on the other hand, are immersed in warm and pleasant memories. Describe them down to the smallest detail. But ask about recent events and they won't be able to answer you.

There are also those who communicate with deceased people.

In some cases, emotional changes reach psychosis.

Swelling of the feet

This symptom is caused by poor kidney function. Instead of removing fluid, they store it in the body. As a rule, in the area of ​​the legs.

Venous spots on the body

On the body of a dying person, especially on the soles of the feet, venous spots of a red or blue tint appear. It is caused by slow blood circulation.

And in conclusion

No matter how hard you remember, it is even more difficult for an elderly person on the verge of death, in every sense. Pull yourself together! You cannot change what does not depend on you. But you can surround your loved one with care, love and home warmth.

Healthy aging

If you are dying or caring for a dying person, you may have questions about how the process of dying will work, physically and emotionally. The following information will help you answer some questions.

Signs of impending death

The process of dying is as varied (individual) as the process of birth. It is impossible to predict the exact time of death, and how exactly a person will die. But people who are on the verge of death experience many of the same symptoms, regardless of the type of illness.

As death approaches, a person may experience some physical and emotional changes, such as:

A dying person may experience other symptoms depending on the disease. Talk with your doctor about what to expect. You can also contact the hopelessly sick program, where they will answer all your questions regarding the dying process. The more you and your loved ones know, the more prepared you will be for this moment.

With the approach of death, a person sleeps more, and it becomes more difficult to wake up. The periods of wakefulness are becoming shorter and shorter.

As death approaches, the people caring for you will notice that you have no reaction and that you are in a very deep sleep. This condition is called a coma. If you are in a coma, you will be tied to bed, and all of your physiological needs (bathing, turning, feeding and urinating) will have to be controlled by someone else.

General weakness is very common as death approaches. It is normal for a person to need help walking, bathing, and going to the toilet. Over time, you may need help rolling over in bed. Medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, or a hospital bed can be of great help during this period. This equipment can be rented from a hospital or an emergency center.

As death approaches, periods of rapid breathing may be followed by periods of breathlessness.

Your breath may become moist and congested. This is called death rattle. Changes in breathing usually happen when you are weak and the normal secretions from your airways and lungs cannot escape.

While noisy breathing can be a wake-up call to your loved ones, you probably won't feel pain or stagnation. Since the fluid is deep in the lungs, it is difficult to remove it. Your doctor may prescribe oral tablets (atropines) or patches (scopolamine) to help relieve congestion.

Your loved ones can turn you to the other side so that the discharge comes out of your mouth. They can also wipe these secretions with a damp cloth or special tampons (you can ask at the center for the hopelessly ill or buy in pharmacies).

Your doctor may prescribe oxygen therapy to help relieve your shortness of breath. Oxygen therapy will improve your well-being, but not prolong your life.

Visual impairment is very common in the last weeks of life. You may notice that you have become difficult to see. You may see or hear things that no one else notices (hallucinations). Visual hallucinations are common before death.

If you are caring for a dying person who is hallucinating, they need to be encouraged. Accept what the person sees. Denying hallucinations can upset a dying person. Talk to the person even if he or she is in a coma. It is known that dying people can hear even when they are in a deep coma. People who came out of a coma said they could hear all the time they were in a coma.

Hallucinations are the perception of something that is not really there. Hallucinations can affect all senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste, or touch.

The most common hallucinations are visual and auditory. For example, a person may hear voices or see objects that the other person cannot see.

Other types of hallucinations include gustatory, olfactory, and tactile.

Treatment for hallucinations depends on the cause.

As death approaches, you will likely eat and drink less. This is due to a general feeling of weakness and a slowdown in metabolism.

Since food is socially important, it will be difficult for your family and friends to watch you eat nothing. However, metabolic changes mean you don't need the same amount of food and fluids as before.

You can consume small portions of food and liquids while you are active and able to swallow. If swallowing is a problem for you, thirst can be prevented by moistening your mouth with a damp cloth or a special swab (available at the pharmacy) soaked in water.

Often, the kidneys gradually stop producing urine as death approaches. As a result, your urine turns dark brown or dark red. This is due to the inability of the kidneys to properly filter urine. As a result, the urine becomes very concentrated. Also, its number is decreasing.

As the appetite decreases, some changes also occur in the intestines. Stools become harder and more difficult to pass (constipation) as the person takes in less fluids and becomes weaker.

You should tell your doctor if you have a bowel movement less than every three days or if you are uncomfortable with a bowel movement. Stool softening medications may be recommended to prevent constipation. You can also use an enema to cleanse your bowels.

As you become more and more weak, naturally, it is difficult for you to control your bladder and bowels. A urinary catheter may be placed in your bladder as a means of continuous drainage of urine. Also, a program for the hopelessly ill can provide toilet paper or underwear (also available at the pharmacy).

As death approaches, the part of the brain responsible for regulating body temperature begins to function poorly. You may have a high fever and feel cold in a minute. Your hands and feet may feel very cold to the touch and may even turn pale and stained. Changes in skin color are called patchy skin lesions and are very common in the last days or hours of life.

Your caregiver can control your temperature by rubbing your skin with a damp, lukewarm cloth, or by giving you the following medications:

Many of these medicines are available in the form of rectal suppositories if you find it difficult to swallow.

Just as your body prepares itself physically for death, you must prepare for it emotionally and mentally.

As death approaches, you may lose interest in the world around you and in particular details of daily life, such as the date or time. You can close in yourself and communicate less with people. You might only want to chat with a few people. This introspection can be a way of saying goodbye to everything you knew.

In the days before death, you may enter into a state of unique conscious awareness and communication that may be misinterpreted by your loved ones. You can say that you need to go somewhere - "go home" or "go somewhere." The meaning of such conversations is unknown, but some people think that such conversations help prepare for death.

Events from your recent past may be intermingled with events far away. You can remember very old events in the slightest detail, but not remember what happened an hour ago.

You can think of people who have already died. You may say that you have heard or seen someone who has already died. Your loved ones can hear you talking to the deceased person.

If you are caring for a dying person, you may be upset or intimidated by this strange behavior. You may want to bring your loved one back to reality. If this communication interferes with you, talk to your doctor to better understand what's going on. Your loved one can go into a state of psychosis, and you may be scared to watch it. Psychosis occurs in many people before death. It can have a single cause or be the result of several factors. Reasons may include:

Symptoms may include:

Sometimes delirium tremens can be prevented with alternative medicine, such as relaxation and breathing techniques, and other methods that reduce the need for sedatives.

Palliative care can help you relieve the physical symptoms associated with your medical condition, such as nausea or shortness of breath. Controlling pain and other symptoms is an important part of your treatment and improving your quality of life.

How often a person feels pain depends on their illness. Certain fatal diseases, such as bone cancer or pancreatic cancer, can be accompanied by severe physical pain.

The person may be so afraid of pain and other physical symptoms that they may contemplate suicide with the assistance of a doctor. But the pain of death can be effectively dealt with. You should tell your doctor and loved ones about any pain. There are many medications and alternative methods (such as massage) that can help you manage the pain of your death. Be sure to ask for help. Ask a loved one to tell the doctor about your pain if you are not able to do it yourself.

You may want your family not to see your suffering. But it is very important to tell them about your pain, if you cannot tolerate it, so that they immediately see a doctor.

Spirituality means a person's awareness of the purpose and meaning of his life. It also denotes a person's relationship with higher forces or energy that gives meaning to life.

Some people don't think about spirituality very often. For others, it is part of everyday life. As you approach the end of your life, you may face your own spiritual questions and concerns. Religious ties often help some people achieve comfort before dying. Other people find solace in nature, in social work, strengthening relationships with loved ones, or creating new relationships. Think about things that can give you peace and support. What questions do you care about? Seek support from friends, family, programs, and spirit guides.

Caring for a dying relative

Physician assisted suicide refers to the practice of physicians helping a person who voluntarily wants to die. This is usually done by administering a lethal dose of medication. Although the physician is indirectly involved in a person's death, he is not the direct cause. Oregon is currently the only state to legalize suicide with the assistance of a doctor.

A person with a terminal illness may contemplate suicide with the help of a doctor. Factors that can lead to this decision include severe pain, depression and fear of dependence on other people. A dying person may consider himself a burden for his loved ones and not understand that his relatives want to provide him with their help, as an expression of love and sympathy.

Often, a person with a terminal illness contemplates suicide with the assistance of a doctor when their physical or emotional symptoms are not effectively treated. Symptoms associated with the dying process (such as pain, depression, or nausea) can be controlled. Talk to your doctor and family about your symptoms, especially if those symptoms are bothering you so much that you think about death.

Controlling pain and symptoms at the end of life

At the end of life, pain and other symptoms can be effectively managed. Talk to your doctor and loved ones about the symptoms you are experiencing. Family is an important link between you and your doctor. If you yourself cannot communicate with a doctor, your loved one can do it for you. There is always some way to relieve your pain and symptoms so that you feel comfortable.

There are many pain relievers available. Your doctor will choose the lightest, most non-invasive pain relief medication. Oral medications are usually given first because they are easier to take and less expensive. If your pain is not severe, pain relievers can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. These are drugs such as acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory therapies (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen. It's important to stay ahead of your pain and take your medications on schedule. Irregular use of medication is often the cause of ineffective treatment.

Sometimes pain cannot be controlled with over-the-counter medications. In this case, more effective forms of treatment are needed. Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers such as codeine, morphine, or fentanyl. These drugs can be combined with others, such as antidepressants, to help relieve pain.

If you are unable to take the pills, there are other forms of treatment. If you have trouble swallowing, you can use liquid medication. Also, medications can be in the form of:

Many people who suffer from severe pain fear that they will become addicted to pain relievers. However, addiction rarely occurs in hopelessly ill people. If your condition improves, you can slowly stop taking the medication to avoid becoming addicted.

Pain relievers can be used to relieve pain and help keep it at a bearable level. But sometimes pain relievers can make you drowsy. You can only take a small amount of the medication and therefore tolerate a little pain in order to remain active. On the other hand, weakness may not matter to you, and you may not be bothered by the drowsiness caused by certain medications.

The main thing is to take medications on a specific schedule, and not only when "the need arises." Even taking medication on a regular basis, you can sometimes feel a lot of pain. This is called "pain breakthroughs." Talk to your doctor about what medications you should have on hand to deal with pain breakouts. And always tell your doctor if you stop taking your medicine. Sudden discontinuation can cause serious side effects and severe pain. Talk to your doctor about pain management methods without medication. Alternative medical therapy can help some people relax and relieve pain. You can combine traditional treatments with alternative treatments such as:

For more information, see the Chronic Pain section.

During the period when you are learning to cope with your illness, short-term emotional stress is normal. Depression that lasts more than 2 weeks is no longer normal and should be reported to your doctor. Depression can be cured even if you have a terminal illness. Antidepressants, combined with counseling, can help you cope with emotional distress.

Talk to your doctor and family about your emotional stress. While grief is a natural part of the dying process, it doesn't mean you have to endure severe emotional pain. Emotional distress can intensify physical pain. They can also reflect badly on your relationships with loved ones and prevent you from properly saying goodbye to them.

As death approaches, you may experience other symptoms. Talk to your doctor about any symptoms you may have. Symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, constipation, or shortness of breath can be managed with medication, special diets, and oxygen therapy. Have a friend or family member describe all of your symptoms to a doctor or terminally ill worker. It is helpful to keep a journal and write down all your symptoms.

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Signs about death are usually one of the most faithful. They have absorbed folk wisdom for many centuries. Knowing these signs is useful in order, for example, to properly conduct a funeral or behave at them.

Signs portending death

A bird will fly into the house - to the death of one of the household members. - People usually think that birds are the embodiment of the souls of the dead. That is why crumbs are fed to them, food is brought for them to the graves, etc.

The belief in a bird that has flown into the house is also connected with this: the soul flew in to warn the family about the imminent death of someone from the family.

At the same time, there is a completely different belief: a dove that flew into a girl's room (as they used to say: into her light) - for the wedding. The interpretation of this belief is rooted in biblical legends, in particular in the legend of the dove and the Virgin Mary.

A woodpecker hollows a hut - someone in the family will die. - This sign about death is explained by the fact that earlier the coffin (domina) was hollowed out from a single large trunk, a log. Hence, on a purely external basis, and the omen: a woodpecker hollows out a domina.

The raven croaks at the church - to the deceased in the village; croaks in the hut - to the dead man in the yard. The hum in the pipe - the soul of the deceased has come. The icon will fall - to the deceased.

Mice gnaw clothes - to the death of the owner of the clothes. - The mystical meaning of the belief is as follows: if the clothes are gnawed, then a person will no longer need it, perhaps this is a sign: he will soon die. As for the mouse, it was not mentioned by chance.

According to legend, the mouse was cursed for gnawing a hole in Noah's ark and thus nearly ruining all living things. Consequently, if a mouse gnaws something, it is plotting lime.

Leave an unseeded piece on the field in the spring - to the deceased. - Since they tried to use every piece of land most intensively, because there were many mouths in the family, not sowing a piece meant leaving one mouth without bread, that is, dooming someone to starvation. In the everyday sense, the belief demanded the most attentive attitude to the land under the threat of the death of someone close.

Putting a pillow on the table - to the death of a loved one. - In the old days, a washed-up dead person was put on the table. A pillow was placed under his head. So the relationship in this case is direct and the belief has a mystical meaning.

The garden blooms late - to the death of the owner. - This omen about death is explained by the fact that about winter or untimely flowering of plants: untimely flowering threatens death - and this is symbolically transferred to the owner.

A dog howls into the ground - to the dead, into the sky - to a fire. - As for the fire, it is rather difficult to explain it - unless something is already on fire. Then the dog raises its head as high as possible so that its barking can be heard well and far away - like an alarm signal.

And as for the deceased - indeed so. The horse and dog anticipate death in the house (when it comes to natural, natural death, and not violent, sudden).

This is probably due to their developed sense of smell. For a short time before death, the human body functions differently: its metabolism slows down, energy decreases, smell changes, etc.

Many doctors and those who, on duty, watched sick and dying people, have themselves learned to almost accurately determine whether a person will live or not.

The dog howls into the ground, not because the dead will be buried there, but because the smell of the earth interrupts the one caught by it, which frightens it. At the same time, she howls softly and pitifully (as opposed to howling "into the sky"), rather - whines.

To see a shooting star - to the imminent death of your own or a loved one. - This omen about death is explained by the fact that according to one of the ancient legends, when a baby is born, a star lights up in the sky and shines as long as a person is alive, and with his death it falls and goes out. Despite the poetry of the omen, it has no real basis.

To cut new windows in the old house - to the deceased. - The explanation of this sign about death is exactly the same as with the taken out log: since in the old days the coffin was carried out through the window, it means to cut a new window - to prepare for the removal of the coffin.

You can't sit on the table - this is the death of a loved one. - The table has a lot of functions. One of them is that after washing, they put the deceased on the table.

A person's whole life was connected with the table (they ate at it, made decisions, etc.), and the person also spends the last day on the table. After the coffin is taken out, everyone should immediately sit either on the bench on which he stood, or on the table - to let the deceased understand that the place is taken, there is no need to return here any more. Belief grew out of this custom.

Dreams to death

If you dream that a tooth fell out - to the death of a loved one. If a tooth falls out with blood, a blood relative will die. - This is one of the most common and most enduring superstitions.

It is built on the comparison of teeth with family, and blood - with consanguinity. A similar superstition is associated with a dream about a scattered broom.

I saw the earth and fresh boards in a dream - you will soon bury someone. - A simple associative array is clearly visible here: a grave dug in the ground and a coffin made of fresh boards.

In a dream, a log taken out of the wall will be seen - to the deceased.

The roots of omens go back to those days when the dead were taken out of the house not through the door, but through a window or even through a hole specially cut in the wall, which was then closed up so that the soul of the deceased could calmly go into another world, without being attracted by the way back.

Since then, the custom has been preserved to carry the deceased out of the house, feet first, so that he knows where he is being carried, but does not remember where from. At the same time, the taken out log, like the lost tooth, symbolizes the removal of someone from the family.

If you dream that you are sweeping dirty linen from the hut, you will see the deceased in the house. - This omen about death is explained by the fact that garbage in the popular mind is associated with the souls of the dead, oddly enough. And yet - with the concept of their integral, home world, from which some part is taken away during sweeping.

It was especially not recommended to sweep garbage directly into the yard (street) across the threshold. Another thing is to sweep it into a pile in a hut, and then burn it. At the same time, diametrically opposite signs are associated with garbage, which prohibit burning it.

In any case, sweeping garbage from the hut through the threshold is a forbidden action that negatively characterizes the hostess. Hence the figurative meaning: "Do not wash dirty linen in public," that is, do not talk about what is happening in the family, do not make it the property of everyone.

Signs about death associated with a funeral

If the clock did not stop by itself at the moment of a person's death, then it must be stopped. - Each person has his own time of life on earth, the clock only counts it. Life time is a circle (like the sun, symbolizing life; like the moon, the haven of the souls of the dead; like a pancake; the dial is like a path outlined by the hands of a clock).

When a person completes his circle of life, the clock itself must stop. If this does not happen (and most often does not happen), then the hands stop the domestic ones - out of respect for the one who has passed away: it is unnatural for the clock to continue counting life after it has stopped.

When someone in the family dies, the mirrors in the house are curtained, you cannot look into them. -Mirror is one of the most sacred objects, the border between the real and the other worlds. It is believed that everyone who was reflected in the mirror continues to live there.

If you do not close the mirror, then the soul of the deceased can get lost in it (since it is not bodily and is not reflected) and then all the time will return to the house. And the deceased because of this can become a vampire.

The deceased must put a headdress in the coffin and in general everything that he needs or that he loved. If this was not done on time, then you need to bury it on the grave at any time or give it to the poor.

The coffin is larger than the deceased - to another deceased. - Since the coffin was associated with the house and was considered such for the deceased, the extra space in it suggested its real purpose for another person.

If the day of the funeral is a good, bright day - the deceased was a good person. - This sign about death is an echo of the pre-Christian religion, the deification of the Sun, sunlight. It is unlikely that it has any foundation under it.

At the funeral of an unmarried girl, gifts must be handed out. - In this case, one of the wedding ceremonies is combined with the funeral. For the same reason, girls are often buried in a wedding dress, since they did not manage to get married in this world.

Don't cross the road in front of the coffin. The mystical meaning of this sign about death: to cross the path of the funeral procession, to take on the disease from which the deceased died. To intimidate children (so that they do not run along the road at this time), it is often said that if you cross the road to the coffin, the hump will grow (a gloomy play on words).

Both "signs" about death are common among the people rather for purely ethical reasons: the funeral procession should be treated with respect, not to interfere with the worthy performance of the ceremony of seeing the deceased.

While the deceased is in the house, you need to keep a cup of water on the window. - This sign about death is explained by the fact that the soul of the deceased, according to beliefs, flies out through the window, and she, too, needs to wash herself before going to the next world. This water is called “for washing the soul”.

Before lowering the coffin into the grave, you need to throw a coin there. - This is done according to the old belief: the deceased in the next world needs to redeem a place for himself, otherwise he will wander restless. Sometimes money is put in a coffin for the same purpose.

Six weeks after death have passed - it's time to bake dough ladders. - It is believed that up to six weeks the soul of the deceased is on earth, and after this period it goes to Heaven (spiritual; by the way, in religious literature, spiritual Heaven is written with a capital letter). To help her climb, symbolic ladders are baked.

People have always strived to comprehend the transcendent and hidden for our understanding, to look behind the cover of being through prophetic dreams, predictions, clairvoyance. The wisdom of the people consists in the ability to notice, memorize, analyze, compare. By means of notes, signs, the legacy of previous generations, are harmonized.

Signs that are predictors of death, tested by many generations, unfortunately come true:

A white-breasted dove that flew into the house or knocked on the window portends the death of a loved one. The number of birds will predict the number of deaths.

March 10 is the day of St. Tarasia - it is noted that if on this day the door breaks off its hinges, there will be trouble, the deceased opened the door.

Icons are the guardian face of the house and the people in it. There will be a deceased if the icon emits a crack or if a hanging icon falls, and a cracked icon is a misfortune for the whole family.

A personal tree - planted in honor of a certain person, will be a harbinger of his life, a thriving, lush tree - a healthy and prosperous life, a dried crown - to a long and prolonged illness, and drying of the roots - death.

Insect invasion - it is not known where insects appear in a well-kept house or lice from family members, a harbinger of disaster or death.

There are signs that will help prevent misfortune if you follow the instructions:

Never try on clothes bought for the deceased, follow him.

Do not take measurements from yourself for a coffin, grave, clothing, even if you are of the same build as the deceased.

Never place a photograph of a living person in a coffin.

Do not chop off the head of the lizard, it will carry away with it for forty days.

Do not chop wood in the footprint of a pregnant woman - a dead child will be born.

Do not start a fire in the boat - the people in it will die within three years.

If during the wedding one of the guests dies, then the fun and dancing should be canceled, the deceased will take all the fun.

If the father comes to a dying person, take the cats and dogs out of the room, otherwise the patient will die painfully and for a long time.

Do not plant bird cherry near the house, overgrown roots, under the building, will bring misfortune and death to all residents.

We do not see angels, but we pray for their help in difficult times, we do not see God, but we feel his support in everything. Unfortunately, everything described above comes true, and believe it or not, your right. One should not think of death as oblivion, this is a temporary dream, just a long separation before meeting.

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In everyday hustle and bustle, it is easy not to notice the signs that Destiny sends us. It is also not always possible to interpret them correctly. On hearing many common omens about salt and a black cat, there are much more superstitions. The worst beliefs are associated with tragic events and death.

Harbingers of imminent death

Esotericists claim that a person unconsciously begins to prepare for his own death. He often says phrases: "if something happens to me ...", "when I am not ...", etc. His behavior may resemble suicidal, but a person dies not of his own free will, but because of a tragic accident. Only after a lapse of time the relatives and friends of the deceased begin to compare the changes in his character and death.

Very often, information about imminent death comes in a dream. It is believed that dreams in which a person sees are sure signs of trouble:

  • a dropped tooth with blood (to the death of a blood relative),
  • myself, standing in muddy musty water,
  • falling into a pit or well (to one's own death),
  • digging a hole (for the funeral of a loved one),
  • setting sun,
  • yourself, sweeping the litter out of the house,
  • own wedding (in combination with other signs),
  • yourself in a new home (to your own death).

A sure sign of imminent death is a dream in which deceased relatives or friends appear, who call to go with them. If the dreamer leaves after the departed, he himself will soon find himself in another world. If a person does not give in to persuasion, trouble or a serious illness awaits him, but in the end he will survive.

Folk omens predicting death

A bird that has flown through the window is considered a sure sign of the death of one of the household members. According to popular belief, trouble can be avoided. To do this, the bird must be caught, fed and released through the same window.

People who are sensitive to otherworldly energies pay attention to the phenomena taking place at home:

  • at night you can hear the sighs of a brownie or cry,
  • after sunset, floorboards and furniture begin to creak,
  • a fly that wakes up in autumn or winter foreshadows the death of a person living in this house,
  • hibiscus (Chinese rose), which bloomed ahead of time, predicts the death of one of the family members,
  • the mirror fell and shattered - unfortunately or death,
  • a spider falling on its head portends a lingering illness or death of a person,
  • the frequent appearance of crows near the house is considered a bad sign.

In some cases, a person himself can incur trouble, for example, by not observing the rules of conduct in a cemetery during a funeral. Among the "everyday" superstitions, there are also warnings about what not to do:

  • A leap year is considered dangerous. Anyone who picks mushrooms during this period runs the risk of inflicting trouble on his entire family.
  • Another sign is associated with the purchase of a "mortal" in a leap year. The one who prepares clothes for the funeral at this time is bringing his demise closer.
  • You can not plant bird cherry near the house. If it takes root under the house, then everyone who lives in the building will die.
  • Whoever plants a willow in his yard himself predicts death for himself. When the tree gets stronger, trouble will happen to the owner of the site.

Signs after death have been observed for many hundreds of years. Despite the prohibition of the church, many try to perform peculiar rituals in order to protect themselves and give the soul of the deceased the opportunity to calmly go on a further journey.

Farewell to the last journey from ancient times is accompanied by certain actions. Many rituals are aimed at ensuring that the soul of the deceased is freely transferred to the afterlife and does not affect the living. The heavy energy of death entails many sorrows. With the wrong attitude, it can carry the destructive force of illness and misfortune. That is why there are many signs that help to protect yourself and correctly lead a person on their last journey.

Home signs

It is believed that the deceased in the house should not be alone. According to Christian custom, a relative reading prayers is obliged to stay next to the deceased, so that the soul that has left the body ascends to heaven. The popular omen says that a person must watch over the deceased himself. His eyes may open, and the one who falls under this gaze is doomed to a serious illness. Those who are nearby need to monitor this and lower the eyelids of the deceased in time.

Hanging mirrors are also a common feature. The mirror surface has magical powers and is able to attract the souls of the dead. For forty days, you should keep the mirrors throughout the house closed and allow the spirit to go into the afterlife world, and not through the looking glass. While the deceased is in the house, you should also not look in the mirrors. The thin line between the worlds is weakening, and the one who is reflected on the surface of the mirror is in danger.

The chairs on which the coffin stood, after it has been removed, are turned upside down and put in the opposite position only after burial. This sign is associated with the fact that the spirit of the deceased, not realizing its death, can return to the place of its last stay and cause a lot of trouble for the relatives living in the house.

Also, after the removal of the coffin, a person is hired who has no family ties with the deceased. He washes the floors from the farthest room to the threshold, washing away the negative energy of death and thereby preventing new diseases and deaths. The items used for cleaning should be thrown away.

During the removal of the deceased from the house, no one should sleep. Also, you cannot fall asleep during the night vigil at the coffin. Not every soul is able to immediately realize that its earthly path is over, and can easily affect a sleeping person, depriving him of vital energy.

You can appease the deceased with the help of bread and salt placed in the coffin. This is a kind of ransom ritual so that the family no longer suffers tragic losses. Also, personal items are put in the coffin: glasses, lenses, dentures, a razor. Personal belongings should follow the owner and not stay in the house with living people. They carry the energy of death and are capable of harming a person who decides to use them.

In no case should you leave photographs of living people in the coffin, because living and dead energies are incompatible in their essence. In order not to incur illness and death, remove the photos of the living from the room where the coffin is located, or turn them upside down so that the deceased does not inadvertently take them with him.

Signs on the street and in the cemetery

It is not for nothing that our grandmothers and grandfathers forbid gazing at other people's funeral rites and looking out of the window for this tragic act. The sign says that the spirit of the deceased at this time is in the coffin or next to it, and such an impolite examination can anger even the most peaceful person in life. An angry soul can not only bring illness, but also take a curious onlooker with it. Children should be removed from such processions and not allowed to the funeral, because their energy is too weak.

When the funeral procession meets, give them their way and look away. Decorate yourself with the sign of the cross or say: "Chur me." Blocking the road to death is a very stupid and reckless endeavor.

When choosing a place in a cemetery, it is worth remembering that a large fence attracts even more deaths, so it is better to delimit a large area. The grave, dug not for the size of the coffin, but much larger, is also a bad omen, portending new deaths.

Only strangers can carry the coffin. Relatives should remember that their deceased, willingly or unwittingly, can energetically influence their kindred spirits, and protect themselves as much as possible at the moment of the last farewell. Pregnant women are not admitted to the procession. It is believed that they are associated with another world, and the energy of the life of an unborn child attracts new spirits, which can take possession of a fragile vessel for further stay on earth.

The lid of the coffin is nailed down only in the cemetery. It is advisable to bury it before dinner, so that the deceased does not languish in anticipation of the heavenly judgment and can calmly go to the afterlife.

The tragic moment of seeing a person off to their last journey is always stress. Weakened biofield requires restoration. In order not to incur the evil eye or damage, use protective amulets. We wish you only joyful events in your life, and do not forget to press the buttons and