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Punctuation marks: the importance of using and regulations. Simple rules. We set the punctuation marks correctly

Another steam sign that came to the tongue ... from a tanning record, and the Russian name received, in all likelihood, from the Little Russian verb "quivering" ("Missing in duck", "Watch up"). And indeed, if the quotes are as accepted by the hand ("), they are very similar to the paws. By the way, a couple of quotes "" and - "foot", and the usual typographical quotes "" are called "Christmas trees".

Signs ... but not signs

The hyphen, which, by analogy with the dash, many take over the punctuation sign, is not. Together with the stress sign, he belongs to Unbelled spelling signs. And the frequently found ampersand (&) although it looks like a punctuation sign, but in fact is the ligature of the Latin Union ET.

A controversial point is the gap. By your task, to separate words, he can be attributed to the signs of punctuation, but is it possible to call the void? Except technically.


  • Russian punctuation
  • Basics of Russian punctuation

It is difficult to imagine today that once the books were printed without punctuation marks. They are always familiar with themselves that they simply do not notice. But the signs of punctuation live their lives, have an interesting history of appearance. A person seeking to master the competent written speech must properly use punctuation marks.

The history of the origin of quotes

The word quotes in the meaning of the notic sign is found in the XVI century, and in the value of the punctuation sign, it was used only from the end of the XVIII century. It is assumed that the initiator of the introduction of quotes in a written speech - N.M. Karamzin. The origin of this word is not clarified. In Russian dialects Kavysh - "Duckling", Cavanka - "". So, it is assumed that quotes are "traces of duck or frogs", "Rogue", "".

Types of quotes

There are several types of quotes. In Russian use two types of quotes:
- French "Christmas trees";
- German "".
Use both ordinary quotes, and the paws are used as "quotes" inside "quotes".

Rules for the use of quotes in the text

Selection of direct speech and quotes

Speech of another person, i.e. Direct speech included in the text is made in two ways:
- If direct speech is written to the string, then it enclose in quotes: "It is a pity that I did not know you before," he said;
- If direct speech begins with paragraph, then it put a dash in front of it (the quotes do not put the quotes: Senya and Paul went to the balcony.
- That's what I came: Gleb arrived from a business trip?
- I arrived.

The direct speech is not distinguished by quotes, if it does not specify, to whom it belongs: no wonder it says: what we sleep, then.

Quotes are in quotes as well as direct speech: "Life is an unpredictable thing," said A.P. Chekhov.

Highlighting words that are unusually used in speech

Quotes allocate words, unusual lexicon author, words belonging to a narrow circle of communication: I poked a stick, Sporting "Dara".

The names of the metro stations in the texts are in quotes (but not in the maps!).

Names of literary works, documents, works of art, journals and newspapers, etc. Enclose in quotes: "Peak lady."

In quotes, the names of the orders, awards, medals are syntactically not combined with the generic name: the Order "Mother - Heroine" (but: the Order of the Patriotic War).

Names of varieties of flowers, vegetables, etc. Select quotes: "Black Prince".

Trade names of household appliances, grocery products, wines conclude in quotes: fridge "Biryusa".

Quotes emphasize ironic. If the word "clever" is concluded in quotes, it means a stupid man.

The alignment in proposals of the proposal of punctuation signs plays an important role. Writer K.G. Pouustovsky compared them with music signs that "do not crumble" the text. Now it is even difficult for us to imagine that a long time when printing books, small little badges were not used.


The punctuation marks appeared in Europe with the spread of typography. The signs system was not invented by Europeans, but borrowed from the ancient Greeks at 15 V. Prior to their appearance, the texts were difficult to read: there were no gaps between words or record represented absent segments. In our country, the rules for the arrangement of punctuation marks began to act only in the 18th century, presenting the section of the science of language called "punctuation". The founder of this innovation became M.V. Lomonosov.

The point is considered the most ancient sign, the pillar of punctuation (the names of some others are connected with it). Meeting in the ancient Russian monuments, the point had different from today's use. She could once be put without complying with a certain order and not downstairs, as now, and in the middle of the line.

The comma is a very common acquisition mark. The name can be found already at 15 V. According to V.I. Daly, lexical is related to the verbs of "wrist", "knock out", which now should be understood in the meaning of "stop" or "detain".

Most of other punctuation signs appeared for 16-18 centuries. Brackets and colon began to be used in the 16th century, this is evidenced by written monuments. 17-18 centuries. - The time when Russians Dolomonosov's grammar mention an exclamation mark. At the end of proposals with pronounced strong feelings above the point began to draw a vertical straight line. M.V. Lomonosov identified an exclamation mark. In printed books 16 V. You can find a question mark, but only after two centuries, he began to be used to express the question. The point with the comma was first used as an intermediate between the colon and the semicolon, and also replaced the question.

Significantly later came ellipsis and dash. Historian and writer N. Karamzin made them popular and consolidated use in the letter. In grammar A.H. East (1831 g) is marked, but in written sources it has been met earlier.

The word "quotes" was already in the 16th century., But denoted by a ton (hook) sign. By assumption, Introduce Karamzin in writing speech. The naming of "quotes" can be compared with the word "legs".

In modern Russian, there are ten punctuation signs. Most of their names of invariating Russian origin, the word "dash" is borrowed from French. Interesting old names. "Insan" the stacks called braces (inside some information contained). Interrupted by the speech of "Molchanka" - dash, the point with a comma was called "Full". Since initially an exclamation mark was necessary to express surprise, he was called "amazing".

The Red Row in its own way performs the function of the punctuation sign and has an interesting history of the occurrence. Not very long ago, the text was gained without indents. By typing the text completely, paint other color fit icons pointing to structural parts. For such signs, they specifically left free space. Forgets once put them on an empty place, came to the conclusion that the text with the retreats is read very well. So appeared paragraphs and a red row.

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The beginning of the study of the rules for setting the signs of punctuation put an outstanding scientist M.V. Lomonosov. Adopted in the middle of the twentieth century "Rules of spelling and punctuation" are the basis of a modern competent letter.


  • From the history of Russian punctuation. The role of punctuation signs.

A competent writing of proposals is one of the signs of education and culturality, so every person should strive for the best mastering of the Russian speech. Separation of the Union "How" for many represents the problem, in connection with which the study of a number of rules will help assimilate the correct placement of punctuation marks.


All introductory words and designs are allocated on both sides. This also applies to revolutions, part of which is "as": "as a rule", "as a result." For example: "He, as always, late"; "A woman like on purpose, forgot your home." Before "How" also, if it divides two parts of the complex proposal: "Mom will never know how her son skipped school"; "The hunter stood for a long time and watched, as the elk is removed as integrideways."

Comparative turnover is the circumstance and on both sides: "The pigeon went for a long time and cared for the neck, like the most real cavalier"; "She jumped high like a mountain lan, and literally flew through the crossbar." This design begins with a mark and ends with them even when the main proposal comes after it: "From above, as an inexorable natural element, Sokol spliced."

The turnover with "how" can act and the circumstance of the image of an action, and in this case it is not set: "The horse flew like an arrow and on the finish line overtook a favorite on the halfolons." Despite the complexity of the difference in these two categories, the circumstance of the image of action can be found if mentally replaced the word form with "how" to a similar one: "The horse flew the arrow and overtook the favorite on the finish line." "As an arrow" is an integral part of the legend and with the analysis of the proposals together with a double feature.

The phraseological units turned into indivisible phrases and became one part of speech, so they are not separated by a comma: "Children grow as on yeast," he drank the infusion of Linden, and he took out a cold. " In addition to them inseparable steel and complex fadies that may include not only the circumstances of the image of action, but also comparisons: "She came like

I have already told you about the three rules of commas. Today I will remind other rules of punctuation. Maybe someone learns something new for themselves!

So, where and when is the comma?

4. The comma is always placed before alliances A, but, but, yes (in the meaning "but")

Always put the comma in front of the unions A, but, but, yes (in the meaning "but")

5. The comma is divided by homogeneous members of the sentence

Uniform members of the sentence answer the same questionbelong to one member of the sentence and perform the same syntactic function. Between themselves are connected by writing or non-union syntactic bond.

Comma between homogeneous members of the sentence

Uniform members of the sentence characterize the object on one side.

Red, Yellow, Blue Flowers decorated meadow (color).

In the palication dismissed large red Tulips (large - size, red - color). it inhomogeneous members of the sentence, It is impossible to put the Union "and" between them, so we do not put the comma.

♦ not put a comma in solid phraseological combinations with repeated unions and ... and nor ... (They connect words with opposable values): And day and night, old and young, and laughter and grief, and there, and even then, and there and here ...

♦ not put a comma with paired combinations of words when the third is not given: And the husband and wife, and the earth and the sky.

Love is when I want to sing and day and night. Without fees and manager.
Frank Sinatra

6. The comma is divided into two or more simple proposals in the composition of one complex

These proposals may be:

BUT) Non-union.

Hate does not solve any problems, it only creates them.
Frank Sinatra

Here are two sentences: 1. Hate does not solve any problems. 2. It only creates them.

B) Complexed (suggestions with writer unions A, but, and ...).

The extraordinary something, the easier it looks like, and the meaning to understand it only to mudrome.
Paulo Coelho "Alchemik"

Here are two sentences connected by the Union "and": 1. The extraordinary something, the easier it looks like. 2. Imagine it can only understand the mudrome.

In order not to make a mistake in the formulation of punctuation marks, always try to decompose a complex offer to simple.

Important! The comma does not put if the proposals have a general member or a general apparent offer.

By night, the shower stopped and was quieter.

By night, the shower stopped.

By night it became quieter.

By night - a general member.

7. The comma is divided into a complex proposal main and apparent

Pressure joins the main thing:

Subordinate unions (What, as if, because, because than that ...):

Comma between union words

Union words (Who, who, whose, how much, where, when, why ...). Allied words are members of the pressing proposals (including may be subject to):

If the apparent is inside the main, it is allocated with commas on both sides.

Life does not always give the second attempt, the gifts that she presents to you is better to take.
Paulo Coelho "Eleven Minutes"

8. comma with complex subordinate unions

BUT. Comma put once if there are unions: thanks to; due to the fact that; due to the fact that; due to the fact that; because of; because; instead of; in order to; so as to; while; after; before as; since; Just like others.

B. However depending on the meaning, a complex union can decay into two parts: The first one is part of the main offer, and the second acts on the role of the Union. In these cases, the comma is placed only before the second part of the combination.

Comma with complex subordinate unions

IN. The comma is not put in the composition of indecomposable combinations: Make as it should (as it should be, as appropriate), to do as if it should (as it should, as needed), grab that it will come in, to appear as if nothing has happened.

These are general rules for the statements of commas in proposals with the supervisory unions, but there are particularly requiring separate attention (Union "Despite the fact that", two in a row of the Union, etc.).

9. The semicolons are distinguished by involvement, adhering turns, adjectives with dependent words and applications.

Comma puts between involvement

Sometimes the comma is distinguished not only by the involvement and adjectives with dependent words, but also single communion and adjectives.

Only small children, street, are without a prize.
Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov "Twelve Chairs"

The semicolons are highlighted by verbalism and particle inclusive

The comma is allocated to the firm

♦ if the verbal turnover has become a steady expression (phraseology), commas do not put.

Said I put your hand on the heart. Fight broke his head. He worked after the sleeves (drossing the sleeves).

Do not stand out commas And the verbalia, which moved to the adverb (joking, lying, silently, reluctantly, slowly, standing, etc.).

Rose reluctantly; She did not rush; I read lying.

10. Comparative turns are distinguished

They are joined by unions: how, as if, exactly, as if, that, rather than, etc.

Comparative turns are distinguished

Culture of speech has always been determined by its correctness. The very first step is the knowledge of the principles of the Russian language.

Norms of Russian language

The norm (derived from the Latin Norma is a literally "Nagolnik", a figurative value - "Rule") - a generally accepted mandatory order. All language sections are managed in a certain way. Modern Russian is guided by various rules. These are spelling and punctational norms. They are orthoepic (phonetic) and phraseological, morphological and syntactic, stylistic.

For example, spelling norms regulate the choice of graphic writing of the word. Punctational determines the choice of punctuation marks, as well as their placement in the text.

Norms of punctuation

The punctuation rate is a rule that indicates the use or not use when writing one or another punctuation marks. The study of punctuation norms determine the possession of the literary language. These pricities determine the culture of speech in general. The correct application of punctuation should ensure mutual understanding of a writing person with a reader written text.

Application of punctuation marks is fixed by the rules. The punctuation rate regulates the choice of options for building proposals. It also monitors speech speaking. True, the estimate is "true - incorrect" in relation to the punctuation rate largely depends on the subject. Russian punctuation is extremely flexible.

Meaning of punctuation

Russian language is not for nothing named great and mighty. But he is not frozen and unchanged. Russian speech is saturated with neologisms and words that came from other languages. In the same way, punctuation norms in an attempt to reflect the integration process are adopted. But you can never forget about respect for the tongue as a heritage, the honed century-old history of our people.

In Russian, there is such a very important section as punctuation. In it are studied punctuation marks, the rules of their arrangement. Why are they generally needed? After all, it would seem how easier to do without them. It would not be necessary to teach many rules, break the head when and what sign to install. But then, our speech would turn into a solid flow of words without meaning. The punctuation marks help to give proposal logicality, expand the emphasis, separating parts of the statements, emphasize and paint with the help of intonation some of them. There are sometimes places in the text when it is not clear whether the punctuation sign is needed, and if so, what exactly. To answer these questions, it is necessary to apply a certain rule of punctuation. And the place itself in the text or proposal, where you need to make such a choice, is called a name. An algorithm of actions such:

  • find a place where it is possible to assume a punctuation error;
  • recall the rule suitable for this case;
  • based on it, select the required punctuation sign.

What are there signs?

In Russian punctuation, we can allocate ten basic signs. This is a point, comma, of course, the signs of the question and exclamation, a point with a comma, colon and dash, quotes, as well as ellipsis and brackets. All of them are designed to make text correctly, help him rightfully understand. What exactly functions can perform punctuation signs in sentences? Let's look at it.

Punctuation functions in Russian

All punctuation marks can either separate proposals, words, phrases from each other, or emphasize attention on separate semantic segments in the text, offer. In accordance with these roles, they are all divided into three groups.

  1. Separate. These are such punctuation signs as ".", "?", "!", "...". They are used to separate each proposal from the subsequent, as well as to design it as complete. Which sign to choose, dictates the meaning of the suggestion itself and its intonational pain.
  2. Dividing. It ",", ";", "-", ":". They delimitate homogeneous members in a simple sentence. The same punctuation signs in a complex sentence help the separation of simple elements in its composition.
  3. Excretory. They are 2 commas, 2 dashes, colon and dash, brackets, quotes. Serve these signs to highlight elements that complicate a simple sentence (input words and structures, appeals, various separate members), as well as to designate direct speech on the letter.

When punctuation marks are needed

Please note that the place in the offer, where the corresponding signs are needed, it is easy to find if you know certain signs.

It is known that a sign performing the function of the comma was invented in the third century BC by the philosopher of ancient Greece Aristophane Byzantine. Already in those distant times, humanity felt the need to clarify writing speech. Aristophane Byzantine invented a system of signs, which was not very similar to the current punctuation marks. The system had special points that set up depending on the pronunciation of the phrase while reading, in the upper, middle or lower part of the line. The point in the middle of the line and performed the comma function and was called "Comm".

The sign, which we now indicate the comma, has occurred from the sign of the fraction, it is also called "direct slash". This sign was used from 13 to 17th century to our era to designate a pause. But the modern comma is a mini-copy of the straight slash.

How to understand whether the comma is put in this particular sentence? In Russian, as in many other languages, the comma is a sign of punctuation. On the letter it is used to isolate and separated:

  • circumstances;
  • involved and verbal turns;
  • definitions;
  • appeals;
  • interception;
  • clarifications, input words.

In addition, the comma is used for separation:

  • between direct and indirect speech;
  • between parts of a complex, complex and complex proposal;
  • homogeneous members of the sentence.

The comma is a very interesting punctuation sign. This is proved numerous funny and not very situations that actually happened. So that such situations do not happen to you, bother to learn some rules for the arrangement of commas in sentences.

The commas are set either in a pair, or one by one. Single commas share a whole proposal on the parts, share these parts, noting their borders. For example, in a complex proposal you need to divide the two simple parts, or in a simple sentence - homogeneous members of the sentences used in the listing. Paired or double commas allocate their own part, noting the borders on both sides. Usually, on both sides, enter into introductory words, consulting and involvement, circulation, if they stand in the middle of the sentence and if all the conditions necessary for this are complied with. To understand where the commas are put, it is quite difficult. But it is possible to simplify this by remembering a few simple rules.

The first rule

The main thing is to understand the meaning of the proposal. After all, the punctuation marks in the proposals put it precisely to transmit the right sense. When the comma is put in the proposal not at that place, then the meaning is distorted. For example: "In the evening I entertained my brother who was reading loud"; "Masha, with whom I quarreled yesterday with a cheerful face, fled to meet me."

Second rule

It is important to remember, before what unions they put a comma. These unions include: since, because, where, that, when, who and many others. For example: "I'll come when I am freeing"; "He said he would stay down."

Third Rule

To highlight an independent part of the sentence, you need to read the offer without this part. If the sense of the proposal is understood, the removed part is independent. Be sure to make it highlighted by verbal turns, input offers and words. For example: "I recently found out that my neighbor, returning from London, got sick." Remove from the offer of the discharge turn back from London, its meaning will remain almost unchanged. That is, the sense of the proposal has survived - "I recently found out that my neighbor got sick."

But it does not always happen to the hemplifted turnover, there are proposals in which hemplifting is adjacent to the legend, and the value becomes very similar to the adverb. In such cases, single verbalias are isolated by commas. For example, the phrase Griboedov: "What, sir, cry? Live laughing. " If it is not clear from the sentence, it will become incomprehensible, so you do not need a comma.

Regarding the input words, they are always allocated with commas on both sides. There are a lot of them: Of course, fortunately, first, by the way, imagine, by the way, etc., in the proposal to find them easy, it is only worth trying to remove them from the sentence.

Fourth Rule

Always released by commas. When it is in the middle or at the end of the sentence, it is not very easy to determine. For example: "Alas, Margarita, but you are not right. Because I was there. And I saw everything. And you, Lida, I saw among those people that they sang in the choir."

Fifth rule

In what cases is the comma in comparative revolutions? Almost everyone! Comparative turnover is very easy to find in the Offer for Unions: Exactly, as if, what, how, than, and so on. But there are exceptions. Comparative turns are not allocated if they are stable speech revolutions or phrase units. For example: pours as from the bucket, cuts as oil.

Sixth rule

A comma put between homogeneous members, but not always. The comma is necessary at alliances a, yes, but, but, however.

Also, the comma is needed between homogeneous members, which are connected by repeating alliances (and ... and, or ... or, not that ... not, or ... either).

The comma is not needed between homogeneous members, which are connected by single alliances yes, and, or, or.

Also determine where commas are put, repeating alliances will help before homogeneous members of the sentence. The complexity creates only homogeneous and inhomogeneous definitions. Between homogeneous definitions it is necessary to put a comma. For example: "Interesting, exciting film." With inhomogeneous definitions, the comma is not needed. For example: "exciting Hollywood action movie." The word "exciting" is an expression of the impression, and "Hollywood", in turn, means the film's belonging to the place of creation.

Seventh rule

Before writing unions in challenging offers, it is necessary to put a comma. These are such unions: And, yes, or, or, and yes. The main thing is to determine correctly, where the same one comes out. To do this, you need to find the subject and leaving in each sentence or divide the complex proposal within the meaning.

Eighth Rule

The comma is always placed in front of oppositeous unions: but yes, but.

Ninth Rule

When is the comma in proposals with a particular turnover? It is somewhat more complicated to understand this rule than with a height turnover. It is important to remember that the communion is allocated by commas only when they stand after the word determined. The rule-defined rule is the word from which the question is asked for the involvement of the turnover. For example: "A friend (what?), Delighted with my arrival." It is worth understanding the difference: "Pear grown in the garden" - "grown in the garden Pear".

Tenth rule

Affirmative, questionative, negative words and interjections are allocated by commas. After the interomotion always puts a comma. For example: "Life, alas, not the Eternal Dar." But they should be distinguished by interomotion from particles OH, AH, well, which are used to enhance the shade, and the particles of the oh, which is used when contacting. For example: "Oh what!"; "About the field, field!".

To the comma, it is necessary to treat very carefully, because the word with a spelling error can be taken for a list, and the comma pass, according to the linguists, can greatly distort the meaning of the written text.