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Personal deposit in Russian and English. System of mortgage relations in Russian

Pledge - the verb category expressing the process of process to its subject (to the manufacturer of action or state carrier) and the object (object, the process is directed to the object). This category is constructed as opposition to two rows of forms of -action and suffering 3. Actual 3. It is an action as emanating from the subject, suffering 3.- as a passive sign of the object. Constructions with verbs of valid 3. are called active (see Active design), and structures with verbs of persistent 3. passive (see passive design). In the active construction in the position of the acting subject of the acting subject, and the object is expressed by the form of wine. P.: Students pass the exam; The Commission approved the project. In the passive design, the object is expressed, experiencing an impact, and the name of the acting subject is in the form of a creature. P: Exams are handed over by students; The project is approved by the Commission (the subject forms of the TV. P. May be absent). Both structures describe the same situation, but represent it differently: the active design is "the subject produces an action directed to the object", and the passive - "object is exposed to the subject" (see diathesis).
The value of valid 3. does not have its own regular means of expression. The value of persistent 3. It is expressed: 1) forms of suffering communities: a) in the verbs of non-verbs. species - forms of persistent communions, time (love - love, beloved; read - read, readable) and rarely - forms of persistent communions. time (read - chitan, reading; call - called, called); 6) in verbs owls. species - forms of persistent communions. Time: read - read, read; Build - built, built; 2) verbs with postfix -s, standing in passive design and motivated verbs of valid 3. Undoubtedly; The formation of verbs of persistent 3. With the help of postfix, it is characterized mainly for verbs of non-verbs. Views: Read - read, analyze - analyze, demonstrate - to be shown, although it is possible to formations from verbs of owls. Views: "But this is not the end of the story! Let it be added to the victory * (anticoline).
Thus, Category 3. It has a mixed nature: it is expressed as word-revenue (sacrifices) and non-peculiar (verbs of persistent 3. with postfix).
Supplementary verbs 3. With postfix, we are used to be used. In the forms of the 3rd face. and mn. h. and communities (read, read, readable, readable), but the forms of the 1st and 2nd person, infinitive and verbalism are possible, eg:
"Every day I blind in the sun and go to the window to admire his rays * (smooth); "You are accused of malicious sabotage * (faded); "With noise and a triumphant roar, the cars began to be vividly filled * (faded); "Now the twilight has come; Dahl began to disappear, leaving densely, Sizem Mrak * (Grigorovich).
All verbs with postfix, who have no suffering, are called returnable (see Return Glages) and belong to Valid 3., For example: wash, kiss, bite (dog bites), get angry, put on (in the meaning "to put your belongings "), Want to disperse, talk.
The same verb with the postfix may be in one of his meanings to refer to the suffering 3., and in others - to the actual one. These values \u200b\u200bdiffer in context, for example. The verb is to be built in the proposal. The house is built by workers, it has the importance of persuasive 3., and in the sentence "I love to build. The building decorates the Earth * (M. Gorky) - the value of valid 3. ("build a house yourself or another building").
The verbs of persistent 3. With postfix, and the shape of the suffering communals are formed by ch. arr. from across verbs (see Transaction - Unprovenability): Build - Build, Build -Postroyen, read - readable, Exception is formation from some non-neurux. verbs, controlling the case-shaped case with object value: manage what is managed, manageable; lead someone - led; Charging by someone - the leadership; precede someone - preceding; Command someone - command.

1. General concept

You go to the study of one of the most important grammatical topics persistent collateral: Which in English is called The Passive Voice. This deposit makes it possible to form proposals in which the object of action is subject to. Let us explain this example from the Russian language:

The accountant was the estimate (action, pledge).

The estimate was compiled by an accountant (suffer. Pledge).

2) Education of the Posit, Passive Voice (indefinite times, Paddling)

Consider the method of forming a persistent collateral in all familiar versions. Take the verb to do.

You see how all the times of the verb are formed in the suffering pledge: they consist of an auxiliary verb to be In the relevant (present, past or future) time and communion of the semantic verb.

From the previous lesson, you remember that Communion II often corresponds to the Russian suffering communion. Compare the following offers

A few more examples:

Questionally The form of verbs in the assistant pledge is formed by the already familiar principle: the first (auxiliary) verb is set to the subject:

Negative The form is formed by negative, which is placed after the first verb:

Here is a complete challenge table in the specified times. to invite invite

Rewrite these tables, as well as a consolidated table in your notebook.

3) the value and use of the persistent collateral

Clarify the distinction between the actual pledge (Active Voice) and the Passive Voice. Compare deals:

In the proposals of the first column, the actual role is played, in the proposals of the second column - passive (suffering). In the first column subject to the acting person; In the second, it denotes an object of action. Sometimes sometimes it is necessary to emphasize the object of action. Such a need is most often called by the fact that the actual person is unknown, it is difficult to define or seem to be less important than an object of action.

In Russian, we can emphasize the object of action in different ways:

1) Praditive design:

The letter is written. The letter was written. The letter will be written.

2) verb on -We:

Plan compiled three weeks. Here will be construct house.

3) vaguely personal turnover:

Plan amounted to three weeks.

4) By virtue of the flexibility inherent in the Russian language, we can put an addition to the first place in the sentence:

Lunch prepared my wife.

In this sentence, the verb is in a valid pledge, but we mentioned the first object of action (lunch). In English it is impossible to do this. You already know (see Lesson 3) that in English there is a strict order of words (subject to - a legend - supplement), and the change in the order of words leads to distortion of thought. For example, sentences Ivanov translated this text and This text translated Ivanov have the same main meaning. But in the offer of Ivanov Translated The, we cannot simply rearrange the words, as we get nonsense: The Translated Ivanov "Text translated Ivanova". To emphasize the object of action, we must make it subject to and put a verb in the Paddent Pledge: The Was Translated Ivanov The text is translated Ivanov.

The persistent deposit is very common in English, especially in scientific and technical literature. Hence the urgent need to assimilate him well.

4) translation of the persistent collateral into Russian

Translated, do not seek to convey the verbs in Passive Voice are obliged by the suffering structures. Take this example:

In three options for the translation you see: 1) Padded design; 2) the verb is here; 3) uncertain personal turnover ( build Without instructions, who built).

Often the translation of the suffering design is generally impossible. For example: not IS SEEN. It is often seen here. Cars Made. Such cars do (Sia) here. Cannot say he is visible" or " cars are done"Use a variety of opportunities submitted by the Russian language.

Read and translate:

The Was Made. A Was Bought. Was Said. Questions asked. The Changed. The Sides The Connected A. Is ENGLISH? Was Dressed? Examples Given? WERE MAPS USED A YEARS?

5) Infinitives of the Praise

Infinitive (see Lesson 5.) also has a persistent deposit formed using the verb to and the intersection of the II meaning verb. Compare the infinitives of both verbs.

We remind you that after the verbs, the infinitive is used without to.

Read and translate:

The Written. Their cannot. English spoken. Vegetables grown. Lines.

2. Group of uncertain times ()

You have completed the study of all the time of the group (uncertain) in both collateral, valid (Active) and Passive (Passive). Consider the table.

Table time group
Active Voice
Infinitive to ask
Time Affirmative form Transfer Interrogative form negative form
i'm asking ?
ASKed. i asked (asked) DID? DID
Shall i will ask (I will ask) Shall? Shall
Passive Voice
Infinitive to asked to be asked
am Asked. ask me Am Asked? am Asked.
Was Asked. i was asked (asked) Was Asked? Was Asked.
Shall i will ask me (will ask) Shall Asked? Shall Asked.

The times of this group express the actions occurring in the present, last or future, without specifying their duration or completion. The Groups are the most common times of English verb.

The state) was used in ancient grammar and was transferred to Russian soil for a long time, but the problem of pledged still remains unresolved and relevant.

Scientific discussion

Grammatists differently determined the volume and grammatical content of the category pledge. Some scientists saw in a pledge reflection of the attitude of the action to the object, others included in the circle of collateral values \u200b\u200bof super-relevance and various attitudes towards the subject; Third sought to limit the concept pledge The attitude towards the subject.

The question is not resolved the number of pledges In russian language. M. V. Lomonosov allocated six pledges, and until the middle of the XIX century, i.e. Before the appearance of works by F. I. Buslaeva, this opinion was maintained. F. F. Fortunate allocated two collaterals (see his work "On the collateral of the Russian verb" (1899), "Staroslavansky -The in the 3rd face of verbs" (1908) and others) and spoke about them verb which express relationship of action and subject. The classification of the pledges of Fortunates put grammatical correction of forms. The formal sign of the collateral, according to the researcher, is postfix - Therefore, Fortunates allocated two pledge - return and non-return .

A. A. Phebenza considered pledge as a category expressing subject-object relationship . Academician A. A. Chematov, sharing this point of view, the basis of his teaching about the pledge laid signs input / incompetence and allocated three pledge: valid, suffering, returnable .

Grammar - 70.80, works A. V. Bondarko, L. L. Bulanina, etc. Allocate two collaterals: valid and passive .

Controversial is the question of what forms verb covered pledge. Since the deposit does not have formal indicators, then some scientists claim that pledge in the Russian language have only communion (valid deposit - suffixes -That - / - Yusch-, -but sh - / - shrine-; passive voice - oM - / - EM-, -IM-). IN hidden Forms pledge formamly not expressed.

Not determined by himself volume Concepts pledge In russian language. A. A. Plebenza formulated the concept pledge as the relationship between action, subject, object. but relations between action and object overlapped with concept transition / incompetence, And for the collateral remains also relationship between action and subject. Scope of concept pledge (ownership) Determines the number of collateral allocated in modern Russian.

Category Pledge- This is a morphological word-only verbal category denoting the ratio of action (proceeding sign) to a worker (subject and object) contrasting forms valid and suffering Pledges. These relationships have a two-way character.

First, the figure makes an action that can directly go to the object or closes it. Such verbs are called verbs valid Pledge ( valid speech turnover - assets). They can be:

  • a) transitional and nevertheless: The child plays and listens to mom // Child (S.) playing - non-repease, valid collateral; listens - Transitional, valid collateral - mom (direct object - accusative case without an excuse);
  • b) return and irrevocate: The girl looked and smiled // Girl (s)looked non-returnable, valid collateral; smiled Return, valid collateral.

Secondly, the verb may designate an action that is tested by the subject (object) on the subject of the subject ( The picture is written by the artist; The performance is placed by the theater; The house is built by a brigade). Such verbs are called verbs suffering Pledge ( passive speech turnover - passive). They can be like in hidden form ( building, observed, read etc.) and in unqualified (communion - returned, loved and etc.). The hidden forms of the suffering pledge are always returnable; Unqualified (communion) have specific suffixes: --- (Chitaeat), -th- (Vedasoh.), -nn- (strengthenedeNN), -Im- (lovethem), -t- (opent.), -nn- (ChitanN.).

Valid and persistent collaterals are opposed: a) by value; b) in some morphological features;

c) by syntactic use.

Verbs suffering pledge have with them or may have instrumental Case with meaning subject (A task decidesstudent - Wed: Pupils decidetask).

With a concept pledge closely related return / Non-return verb, so in recent years they talk about threezalogothe system in which the collateral is allocated:

  • 1) valid- Subject-object relations (Workers digit trench),
  • 2) suffering -object-subjects relations (Trench is digging by workers),
  • 3) medium return- Subject relations ( Native hugging);

Verb forms expressing non-directional action (The child smiles), defined as verbs worthy out of collateral.

Medium return The pledges have verbs formed from transient verbs (actual collateral) by postfix Oh. They express the effect of a subject that does not turn into a direct object, but returning to the subject itself focused on it ( S. (\u003d O) - V) Wed: return book and return (\u003d "Self"). For example: Child smiles (similar to The boy laughs; The girl laughed) non-directional action, out of collateral; The girl looked and smiled - action aimed at someone (for someone looked and to whom I looked at smiled) active voice.

For definitions of collateral The verb you can apply the following scheme:

  • 1. Is there postfix What?
  • 2. Is the verb transition?
  • 3. If you drop - Will the sense relationship with the same meaning?
  • 4. Can the word without -We Be transient in any context?
  • 5. The verb indicates the action that produced by Subject(Bees are inhibited by honey); tested on myself object(Frame opens)?

Verbs suffering Pledge formed OT. transitionalwith the help of postfix -We in suffering meaning. Just that value is close to forming Morphem (Chita[j.]-You - Chita[j.]-t-smt, solid[j.]- I am decided[j.]- SA).

It must be distinguished word-formative and forming The value of postfix Oh. Return verbs have several values Oh.

  • 1) returnable (proper) verb expresses action subject and an object which is the same face (washsia\u003d "Wash yourself ");
  • 2) mutually return The verb denotes the action several persons of which each person is at the same time and subject and object (hugsia\u003d "Hugging each other");
  • 3) propultuous - verb expresses internal condition subject Closed in the subject, or reflects the change in the state, position, the movement of the subject (sad, grip \u003d " himself, itself ");
  • 4) indirectly return - verb indicates the action performed subject in their own interest (reservessch mushrooms \u003d "Spare for yourself", those. in their own interests);
  • 5) showless return - verb indicates action out of relation to the object closed in a subject as a constant property ( wire Gnetsia, RVL fabricxia -quality Characteristic, property \u003d "by her own").

Other qualitative and characterizing returns of return verbs, for example, are distinguished.

  • actively unemployed As a characteristic feature of the manufacturer of action: the boy holds, nettle burns;
  • passive quality As the ability of the subject to undergo any action: threads are rushing, the task is easily solved.

Returns verbs formed from uncommon verbs, do not indicate a closure of action in the manufacturer. Highlights of verbs with the following value.

Grammatical means of expressions of mortgage values \u200b\u200bcan be morphological and syntax.

Morphological means in the formation of pledges serve:

  • affix, joined the verb: please rejoice;
  • the suffixes of real and suffering communities (Wed: seeing - saw and visible - visible).

Syntactic means of expressions of mortgage values \u200b\u200bare:

  • the syntactic difference in the expression of the subject and the object of action (Wed: the waves blur the shore. - The shore is blurred by waves);
  • the presence of an object of action and the complete absence of it (Wed: rain increases the crop. - Rain begins);
  • the difference in the forms and values \u200b\u200bof nouns controlled by the verb (CP: the contract is concluded by the Brigadier. - The contract is concluded with the brigadier).

The main collaterals are: valid, weighworthy and suffering.

Valid pledges have verbs transitional, indicating the action produced by the subject and actively directed to the object. The actual deposit has a syntactic characteristic: the subject of the action is subject to, and the object is a supplement in a visional case without an excuse: the world will win the war.

The medieval deposit has verbs formed from transient verbs (valid pledge) through affix. They express the effect of a subject that does not turn into a direct object, but as if returning to the subject itself concentrated in it; Wedl: Return a book and return (yourself), focus on and focus (yourself).

Depending on the lexical values \u200b\u200bof the bases and the nature of the syntactic bonds, the verbs of the medium radar pledge can be expressed to the shades of the value, in different ways characterizing the relationship between the subject and the object of action.

  • The proprietary verbs are expressed, the subject and direct object of which are one and the same person: [daughters] make it silent Yes, they will come up that the dolls are chosen (D. Bed.). The affixes in these verbs matters "himself."
  • Mutually returnable verbs indicate the action of several persons, of which each person is both the subject and object of the indicated action. Affix, such verbs have the meaning of "each other": and new friends well hug, well, kissing (kr.).
  • Proper verbs express the inner state of the subject, closed in the subject itself, or a change in a state, position, the movement of the subject. Such verbs allow the attachment of the words "himself", "himself" - to be upset, move (himself); I was upset, moved (myself): Pophots Baldhi will not grasp, Popovna about the bald only and sad (P.).
  • Indirect-return verbs indicate the action committed by the subject in their own interests for themselves: he was a guy neat. Everyone is stored in the way back (P.).
  • Degenerate-return verbs indicate the action outside the attitude to the object, closed in the subject as its constant property: the sun is already burning (N.); Mother sink Tulupchik, but he all rushed and rushing (paust.).
The suffering deposit is correlated with a valid key, but has its own morphological and syntactic characteristic. The suffering pledge is expressed by accession to the verbs of the actual collateral of the affix - we (Wed: workers are building at home. - Houses are built by workers). In addition, the value of the suffering pledge can be expressed by the forms of suffering communities - full and short. For example: Mother Love (Favorite). The topic has been studied (studied). Concription of the design - the factory performs the plan (real design) and the plan is performed by the factory (the suffering structure) shows that in the actual design (with the transient verb), the subject of the action is expressed to the subject, and the object is a supplement in the vinegenic case, and in the suffering (with a return verb) The object becomes becomes, and the former subject turns out to be an addition in the apparel case.
Thus, the suffering deposit represents the action as passively directed from the object to the subject. The most important grammatical indicator of the suffering pledge is the efficient case of nouns with the value of the figure, the actual act of action. The absence of such a clearer case brings the suffering value of the verb with the average Radiant, especially when the name is subject to the name (Wed: Skiers are sent to the campaign; letters are sent by mail; the parcels are sent by the forwarder).

There are stylistic and semantic differences between the synonymous structures of a valid and persistent collateral.

From the point of view of the stylistic design of the persistent collateral, the design of the actual pledge as a book-neutral is opposed. For example, stratifying structures with verbs of an imperfect type: "Watch repair is made by warranty workshops"; "Goods are released by the seller"; "Disinfection is carried out by SanEpidemstation", etc. Widely used in various instructions, officials, reminders and other official texts, as they have a pronounced book.

In oral speech, as well as with a relaxed, unofficial style of presentation, they correspond to the design of the actual pledge: "Repair produces warranty workshops", "goods lets the seller"; "Disinfection is conducted by SanEpidemstation."

Designs with the verb of the Paddling Pledge are often used in written texts, for example in the newspaper: "We recently said that not all films should be called artistic, better - game. But where is it - a game? Game element leaves, beats from the screen" (owls. Cult . 1989. 5 Saint.); "The candidacy of S. Gusev was discussed for the post of first deputy chairman of the country's Supreme Court. He was asked about the role of the" phone "right in the Soviet proceedings, when the calls from the party and economic verte, they will be held from a fair punishment bribers, state-owned persecutors, lovers to use official position in Personal care, speculators, etc. " (Izv. 1989. 8 Oct.).

The same book character has the design of the persistent collateral with briefness of persistent germinals formed from the verbs of the perfect species: "Nazarenko's paintings are pushing the idea that every space of space is saturated with persons" (Yun. 1989. No. 9. P. 63); "Death led the line under what is written, Speto, played by Vysotsky" (Moscow. Ave. 1989. July 27). These structures are used in the artistic and scientific literature, in socio-political literature and in journalism.

The main semantic distinction between the actual and suffering deposit is to indicate the opposition of the idea of \u200b\u200bactivity activity (in a valid pledge) and passivity (in the assistant pledge). In addition, in the assistant pledge, the action is already presented as a property that is inherent in a logical object: "The house will leave the owners"; "Cereals are removed by farmers in a short time." Some features in the use of the suffering pledge are connected with this.

There are often cases when the stratifying deposit is presented with not three-membered, but twisted structures, where the word in the articulated case, indicating the logical subject, is absent.

1) such structures, for example, are very common in newspaper headlines (most often to the texts of an informative nature): "An explanation is given" (389. June 23); "Strike stopped" (Ave. 1989. July 27); "Appeal is rejected" (Ave. 1989. July 27); "The candidate from the opposition is not put forward" (Izv. 1989.1 Saint.); "The seventh president appointed" (ibid.), Etc. Here, the core of information focuses in the verbal word, and the word that calls the act of action is omitted, since the information concluded in it is insignificant.

2) The word in the articulated case, indicating the logical subject, is descended and when the context or the situation clearly shows who (or that) is a manufacturer of action. For example; "More than ten tons of meat for sale in two dozen Ryazan shops, more than ten tons of meat are for sale" (Ave. 1989. July 11); "Last year, 119 thousand tons of milk were given to the animal planning plan and 13 (19?) Thousands of tons of meat ... production is even more actively increasing this days" (ibid.); "Once again, I recall that the story" Donna Anna "was written in 1969-1971, and we note how much the thought of Tenndryakov was ahead of his time" (N. Ivanova). In such cases, the use of the word indicating the semantic entity is unjustified; It takes out the presentation, makes it cumbersome.

3) Two-minded design of the suffering collateral is used and then when in a valid pledge, it corresponds to a vague-personal or generalized and personal offer. "The new prose of Tenndryakova is ideological. But not in the primitive sense, in which this epithet was used (and planted) decades" (N. Ivanova). "... a sense of class dislike and moreover - hatred for the intelligentsia was formed with such films as" Chapaev ", where the mental attack of white commented as:" Beautifully go ... intellectuals! "(Ibid). Here, as in Correspondence proposals with a valid deposit ("... epithet was used and planted ...", "mental attack commented ..."), the verb form contains both an indication of action and an indication of an indefinite or generalized subject of this action.

Rakhmanova L.I., Suzdaltseva V.N. Modern Russian. - M, 1997.