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What does a cash triangle look like on his hand. Triangle on the line of fate

In this article we will tell about how to correctly interpret the line of fate in the Chiromantia.

Do you know that the chiromantia in the east practiced another 5 thousand years ago? Then it was believed that the immersion in the presenter of fate could change the life of both the object of divination and the people around him. What role did the line played in this with intriguing for all novice chirromants the name "Line of Fate"?

Line of fate on palm: on what hand is - photo

This line may be both on the right and left hand. In any case, it will look like the same - vertical strip crossing palm in about the center.

Important: Of course, the Center is an approximate reference point. The start of the line may well be shifted slightly to the right or left.

Anyway, start Located near the wrist or above it. the end You can seek under the finger of Saturn - middle finger. As an option, the fate sign can end on the site between the middle and the nameless fingers or between the middle and index.

The line of fate on the right and left hand: What does it mean?

As in the case of the rest of the lines, the mark on the left palm Reveals in front of the audience potentialwhich is given at birth. Right palm Displays changetaking place throughout life. At the same time, on the right palm, the changing line of fate is found in those people who are accustomed to lead an active lifestyle, embody new ideas.

If such a mark clear and smoothIt means that her owner clearly realizes its goal and seeks to achieve it. It is unlikely to be called a dependent person - such a person is guided only by his thoughts and emotions.

Important: This is especially true when an excellently distinguishable line of Saturn goes from wrists to the middle finger.

A clear line of fate is under the sign of fire - energy activities

The slightly pronounced marker of fate Indicates a person with a soft character, like plasticine. It is panicly afraid of conflicts, preferring to refuse his aspirations rather than to arrange a quarrel. However, his word holds - such honesty can also serve as a guide thread in achieving goals.

Winding mark It gives a timid man in childhood, but stubborn in more adulthood.

Note that how far from the line of life is the Saturn band. The farther, the larger the owner of the palm from the influence of his family. It is possible that in this family simply did not reign mutual understanding.

Important: In any case, the restrictions of such a person cause chronic rejection.

Look at this where exactly the mark ends. We mentioned about the middle finger above, and now let's talk about the rest:

  • Near the nameless finger - Tag of optimist and leader. Such a person will definitely find himself in Niva pedagogy, accounting, construction, model business.
  • Near the index finger - Nature is quite demanding both to itself and the rest. It reaches goals largely due to the ability to properly file itself, to communicate correctly, it is interesting to solve this or that task.

Man with a line of fate going to the index finger knows how to file himself

The lack of the line of fate on the palm of the hand: What does it mean?

The lack of a line of fate does not mean that a person is destined to live a uninteresting senseless life. Moreover, this sign is far from all.

Most likely, a person is just will not be tied To some clearly limited area of \u200b\u200bactivity. About such personalities say they "float withinthly".

Important: There are cases when the line appears with time. For example, a person begins to fully devote any activity, achieving success in it. Then you should look closely in the right palm.

On the palm of your hand on the line of fate Children: What does this mean?

Directly on the line of destinies, the mark of children is extremely rare, meeting mainly on the marriage line. However, notice will not prevent - the branches may be an indication of which offspring should be expected.

For example, wide branches, according to the chirromants, predict boys. Thin - girls.

What does the interrupt line of fate on the palm of the hand?

Often the gap on such a mark foreshadows a person some cardinal changes - For example, moving, divorce, illness. But in any case there are all the chances of further rehabilitation and, moreover, for success.

If the strip, despite its intermittentness, clearTherefore, you are a permanent person with a sound sensit. In communication it is pleasant, and in family life is not inclined to treason.

IMPORTANT: You can be sure that it stands on such a nature.

Consider K. local location:

  • If this middleThe person is able to lightly navigate, has sanity. He loves rest, but loneliness tolerates badly. It is quite balanced, but it does not like criticism.
  • Several gaps throughout the line - a tendency to frequent change of the situation. And this applies to even the smallest things like the place of finding furniture. In privacy, unfortunately, not very lucky people.

Intermittent fate line talks about change

What does the short line of fate on the palm of your hand?

Man with a similar mark like others thanks to his responsibility, decency. In addition, he is enough hardworking - This quality helps to achieve unprecedented heights.

Although the sense of justice is aggravated, as well as the desire to help, defend the truth of the owner of such a line is not always able.

Important: It happens that the line of fate is short due to what begins approximately in the middle of the palm, and not about the wrist. This means that the implementation of plans will occur in the afternoon. Perhaps the influence of relatives or banal laziness will be prevented early by their embodiment.

The line of fate splits at the beginning, in the middle, at the end on the right and left hand: What does this mean?

Usually splitting the line of fate is a sign that a person has every chance experience in several spheres. If the sign is located on the left palm, respectively, such ability is given in the form of potential. Eli Same on the right - The man began to embody his aspirations.

Fork at the beginning or at the end of the line of fateUsually shows freedom in choosing. The moment will come when a person has to get up at the crossroads and make a decision. This solution will be destined to change the whole life.

Fork on the line of fate at the beginning or at the end - freedom of choice

If at the same time at the end of the line, a sign similar to a trident is formed.So, a person will be able to combine pleasant with useful. He will always be able to achieve success not to the detriment of anything.

Now look middle of the Saturn strip:

  • If the branch occurs up, So, a person will be able to recover after some damage. For example, get rich or stand up on the step above the career ladder.
  • Branch down - It is worth exercising caution, as a great risk of losing the cost.

Important: branch and up, and down - life will remind a swing. We have to make a lot of effort in order to resist afloat.

Branches of the line of fate and up, and down - the sign that life will resemble a swing

What does the triangle on the line of fate on the right and left hand?

Extremely favorable sign allowing its owner boldly rush to fight For a rainbow future. If you attach enough effort, you can get the result that only dreamed of.

Success Recipe - demanding, perseverance, clear mind, logic. Without this, life will remain the same.

For people with military career The triangle on the line of fate is of particular importance. As a rule, he promises a successful advancement of the career ladder, as well as good luck in military operations if they take place.

What does the square on the line of fate on the right and left hand?

Also a very soothing sign - he encourages that man has protection. Therefore, you can exhale with relief - the footrest from enemies can not be expected.

However, the square does not specify, from whom to wait for protection. Options are possible any - relatives, friends, a loved one.

IMPORTANT: Especially good, if such a sign is distinguished from people belonging to creativity. Most likely, they will have a reliable patron. Another interpretation is the acquisition of muses, inspiration.

If an accident occurs with the owner of the square, it will certainly can get lost with the least losses. Either the losses will at all bypass such a person.

The value of the intersection of the line of fate with the line of life, mind, health, heart, head, Mercury

Even if a person on one palm has both rare lines - and a marker of fate, and a mark health (Mercury) - They go parallel.

With the rest, then cross the Saturn line is quite real. For example, with the mind line (head) - It foreshadows career growth, positive stability in the work. There will be such an increase due to stubbornness, risks, ugly, prudence and pivyness of the owner of the palm.

Crossing the line of fate with the head line - good luck sign

Crossing with a heart line It can occur both in people who are persistent and firmly going to their goal and in the personalities of the constant, sentimental. But even the reserved owner of a similar combination will be a hard nuts, if circumstances will require.

It is important: arguing, and even more so a persecution of such people is not even recommended. Whatever strange their goal, the arguments of others simply will not be taken into account.

The line of fate crosses the heart line - stubborn sign

Crossing with Line Line Available at the scalley of fate. Whatever obstacles have been preparing life, they will necessarily overcome everything due to the mind. Whatever conditions are created - survive. Are one hundred percent materialists, there are no grams of superstitions.

It happens that the mark of Saturn crosses at the same time, the sign of the head, and the sign of the heart. Homorates believe that cut to intersection with the head of the head symbolizes the first 35 years of life, before the sign of the heart - age up to 49 years, and cut after a heart line - Late age. Focusing on such a division, it can be understood when a person should expect large changes.

The line of fate on hand begins and ends, either connects with the line of life, mind, heart, head: What does it mean?

Connecting lines fate and Life Indicate that his family influenced the formation of a person. And the beliefs that were once embedded in this family are relevant so far.

It is important: however, it does not mean that the desired person will be unhappy. Even the opposite.

And perhaps, the influence of the family will be that they will have to continue some kind of family case. It is not excluded that it is close to people will help give the start of the ending of the owner of the lines.

The line of fate, connecting with the line of life - a sign of attachment to the family

Connection with the sign of the head (mind) - Promise to remuneration efforts. Man is destined to face serious difficulties. However, if he does not lower his hands and shifts all its qualities to the full power, the reward will not wait. Most likely, this will happen in adulthood.

As for character, It can be argued that your identity is straight. It does not tolerate non-evilness, falsehood, does not seek to guess the wishes of others. You want to convey anything to such a person - tell me straight.

Connection of the line of fate with a head line - Effort remuneration

Value of the connection line of fate with a heart line It looks like the case with the mind of the mind - success after long waiting and works. This nature is distinguished by purposefulness, is a magnificent strategist. You can recommend a military career.

Unfortunately, during the life, the owner of a similar combination will have to rethink the importance of people who are nearby. Probably, some of these people will bring disappointment, pain, insult.

Important: Especially relevant such alignment is in the second half of life.

The cross on the line of fate on the palm of the hand: What does it mean?

An unfavorable omen. Man we have to miss the suffering, experience pain. However, after some time, the situation may well return to the circles, it is worth only to be patient.

Failures most often can concern Careers or relationship with loved ones. However, E. if the cross is located at the end of the Saturn line, a person is recommended to be carefully conducted by anywhere, since there is a risk of violent death.

Line, parallel line of fate, 2 lines of fate on the palm of your hand: What does it mean?

Double line of fate inherent naturals impulsive. Even close people are sometimes difficult to predict the thoughts growing in the head of the owner of a similar sign. As, however, and foresee actions that will be committed even in the near future.

However, perhaps, there is even no meaning in such a prevagration, since the point of view of the conversation object can vary with lightning speed. Today he adheres to some glances, and tomorrow - others. In this minute, there are such hobbies, and tomorrow they will easily replace others.

Important: If a parallel mark is much smaller than the main, it means that you are a universal personality. In this case, in this case, the diversity of interests benefits - a person with ease can master new professions.

What does the mole mean on the palm of the hand on the line of fate?

Far from the best omen - a sign that we will have to encounter health problems. But by sharing the Saturn line for temporary intervals in the way we described a little earlier, you can understand when approximately worth expecting trouble.

If the line of fate will not interrupt after the moleSo it is possible not to worry much - the disease will be overcome without serious consequences. But if it is interrupted, It is better to count on any outcomes.

Important: Saturn's thin line, running after moles - a sign of weakening vitality.

This is such a line of fate - mysterious, rare, predicting both successes and problems. Try to tune in before gadania correctly and if the Saturn sign tells you about any negative, do not rush to despair. Remember: the line of fate does not promise, but only warns. And only in your power to form your own destiny.

A man with a clearly and pronounced line of fate feels like fate guides it. If the line of fate on hand is weak, it is felt that fate depends only from the person himself. From the main lines, it is the line of fate most often, this is determined by the rapid development of the world.

The line of fate gives the focus of deep into and intensive development in one-two directions. A man without a line of fate on his hand will never be a specialist of his business, his way of development is not deep into, and sherins.

In addition, the line of fate marks the problem of problems in relationships and partner's disease. Reflects cash wealth, career problems, employment. It is very rare to meet a long line of fate, more often there are various violations: breaks, points, sequential, islands.
On time the problem is easily solved. The rupture of the line can mean much, from breaking the relationship before changing the place of work. When studying the line of fate, special attention is paid to its location on.

I would like to mention the features of the flow of the line of fate. The initial life interests are reflected at the beginning of the line, otherwise these interests will be achieved at the end of the line. Time on the line of fate flows immediately into two sides, because interests and methods at one point can be changed in places.

Time on the line of fate

The time report is determined by two points. The first is the intersection of the line of fate with the line of the mind. This is an age equal to 55 years. Crossing with a heart line - age of 35 years.

The line of fate on hand is rarely straight and long. Often it comes only to the heart line or just up to the head. For the beginning of the line of fate take the age of social activity, it may be 18 years and 22 years, when there was a first way to work and a person became socially active.

If the fate line is intermittent and short, the chiromate can analyze small lines and processes that were to be a line of fate.

Variants of lines

1. The beginning of the line on the hill of the moon. Friends and surroundings have a great impact on life. Communication and dating help. Man is easy to succumb to someone else's influence.

2. The beginning of the line on Neptune Hill. It suggests that a person does not obey fate and makes his life himself, even if the line is clear and smooth. Developed intuition is possible extrasensory abilities.

3. The line of fate away from the line of life. The main thing in life is a family. Late become independent. Self-realization at the expense of relatives and family.

4. Breaking the line of fate. If, after the break, the line of fate moves closer to the maiden in life, cardinal changes may occur, change the place of work and residence. The desire of material well-being and family happiness.

5. Ascending rupture of the line of fate. Similar to the previous point, but the offset goes towards the index finger. The interests are shifted towards personal self-improvement, realizing themselves in a career.

6. Double line of fate. Sometimes the fate line is duplicated. Most often it is a small line that runs on a small portion of the parent line. During this period, there is an increased social activity, success in many undertakings, good luck in his career.

Signs on the line of fate

Triangle on the line of fate. If the triangle is adjacent to the line of fate - promises good luck in military affairs and in battle. By itself, denotes boring and monotonous life.

On the line of fate - square. A good sign that promises protection and support of the highest strength. Protects from cash losses. If the square is adjacent to the line of fate - an accident in which a person survives.

On the line of fate - cross. A rare sign having many interpretations. Exactly talks about an extraordinary event and a turning point in life.

On the line of fate - a circle. For his interpretation, it is better to turn to the chiromant, has many values \u200b\u200bdepending on other factors.

On the line of fate - star. Non-good, fatal sign. Often indicates a plane crash. It is advisable to refer to the chiromant.

On the line of fate - island. During the action of the island's sign - material problems, difficulties in affairs and professional stagnation.

Triangle in Chiromantia Pretty curious sign. Everyone wants to know what a triangle sign on the palm means. A triangle sign on hand is a good label, but the interpretation of the triangle depends on the location on the hand.

What are the triangles on the palm?
In the Chiromantia, there is a concept of a large triangle and a small triangle sign.

First of all, the triangle on his hand symbolizes the power, and therefore it is very important to draw attention to which there is a sign - so that this power is needed against you. A separate triangle on a hill under the finger-sign "Master" and learning the significance of this finger, it becomes clear in which sphere a person can achieve tremendous success.

Large triangle on palm It consists of the main lines of the hand that are its constituent parties. A large triangle is formed by the lines of the head, Mercury and the line of fate. Sometimes the triangle on the palm is incredibly clear and deep, and the fact that the remaining lines become inconspicuous. If you meet a person with such a triangle on your hand, you can confidently say that he will achieve great success.

Triangle on line (mind) head Means in the Hiromantia the power of knowledge with which the owner of the hand can be established in life. The appearance of a triangle on the head of the head in a certain place, indicates a time of insight, life subtle, introducing into the life of a tonted idea.

It is important to pay attention to the top corner of the triangle- in the direction of what finger it indicates and additional strokes that will reveal the details. For example, if the vertex of the triangle is directed to the nameless finger, it means with the help of its talents, often in art, the implementation of the plan will occur. Women often indicate a good marriage.

If a damage to the triangle is damaged by a triangle, a negative burden that destroys thinking, turns into a stupor. With additional details, the sign of the triangle may point to a blow to the head - since the head of the head responds on the other side of the person's physical organ itself.

Cash triangle on palm Also consists of the main lines of the hand that are its component parties, the money triangle is the so-called sign of wealth, see the proposed section, is formed by the lines of the head, Mercury forehead - yes, without brains and luck in fate, it is not necessary to do any money and do not earn money.

Hiromantia Triangle on Lifesty Pretty dangerous sign. When the line of life on hand passes through a triangle, it is an interference with the life of a strong element, often this fire, the fire that will make its own adjustments at a certain stage of life. The triangle on the line of life means - to suffer from the elements, but if the triangle stands separately from the line on the hill of Venus, then the trouble will not bring significant damage. The adjacent one side of the triangle on the line of life, which the vertex is directed toward the large finger there is a sign of good luck in life. Pay attention to the location of the triangle on the line of life, this will indicate how many years this or that event will occur.

There are many different signs on your hand, on which you can not only fully describe the character of a person, but also to predict the development of his fate. The main line of chirromants consider it precisely vital. You can find it near the thumb - it is a branch embracing the hill of Venus. Homoantia says that a good sign, if the fold is clear and without breaks and exhaustion. But a truly person is lucky if he sees a triangle on his palm on the line of life.

What can tell the triangle on the line of life

Triangle value

Noticing that dashes on the hand were in the form of a triangle, you can safely say that the person standing in front of you will never have problems in the financial sphere.

The triangle is usually simultaneously manifested on both hands, but on some one one is stronger than one. In many respects, the nature of wealth affects where the vertex of the element is directed.

  • The best location when the top of the figure looks at the hill of Venus (to the thumb). Even if at this stage a person is difficult to call financially independent, soon his financial situation will be improved. Whatever it does not start, it will definitely bring profit. To have a presentation in more detail how such a triangle looks like, carefully examine photo examples. The more the figure, the better.
  • The worst location if the triangle is turned away from the thumb. This does not just mean monetary problems, but also indicates that at the moment a person pays for his karmic sins. Chiromantia strongly advises such people not to despair. Even if today you barely reduce the ends with the ends, almost without having a livelihood, it is very soon that the situation can change dramatically as soon as your karma clears a lot of wealth.

How to calculate the period of action of a monetary figure

Carefully examined the palm, an experienced minrant will tell you not only, whether you are rich or not, but also hint, what period will be the most successful in life from a material point of view.

Do not forget that the lines on the hand, whatever they mean, it is just a tip, guiding life. If you have seen the right cash triangle - this is not a reason to relax, sit down the TV and wait for the receipt of irrelevant wealth. Life will not pay anything to you until you start working in this direction. The triangle is only a sign of fate, that in a period of time, any of your undertaking will have unconditional success, but provided that you yourself will strive for this by all forces.

In order to determine the money in life, carefully consider both the right and left palm. Namely, you need to study your hand in detailed areas in the interval from the beginning of the life line until its end.

In some cases, this branch originates on the outside of the palm, in the area between large and index fingers. A long line of life is indicated for long-term, which is completely enveloped by Venus Bud and ends on the outside. A person with such a drawing will live at least 70 years.

As soon as they defined the length of the main line, proceed to consider the signs of its intersecting, carefully examine each branch. Noticing a triangle, find out where the shape base begins and ends and the size of it.

Draw an exemplary timeline on the life branch, based on its length, and see, at what age you will feel the positive or karmic effect of the figure on life (the beginning of the base) and when its action is completed (end of the base).

For example, if you noticed a triangle at the end of the line of life, it means that you will retire with a secured person. Do not forget that the financial success, how sharply starts, as unexpectedly and stops, so try to squeeze the maximum of the period allotted on earnings.

Some lucky on the palm can have several correct cash triangles and a very long line of life. By the will of fate, such people feel financially successful throughout life to deep old age. Chiromantia says that two identical figures having a small size is preferable than one, but a large triangle on the line of life.

Details of the location

Difficult drawings on palm

A very complex drawing is applied to human palms consisting of a huge number of elements, including triangles. You can see a similar figure between the heads and health lines. Sometimes she appears above the thread of the mind, heart or any other. Therefore, Hiromantia clarifies that only a triangle that is directly on the line of life, has the importance of wealth.

If you saw a similar sign on another site, it means somewhat different, depending on the location location. For example, if the invasses crossed each other in such a way over the head line, it means that a person is very observed, inquisitive and has a philosophical mindset.

If the figure does not cross the line of life, but simply has one common side with it, it is also interpreted differently. The adjacent triangles indicate that during a certain period of life you will have to fulfill your debt obligations to people. At an approximate time of the onset of these events, the location of the top point of the triangle indicates.

It is often encountered that a group of elements on the palm of palm, overlapping one on the other, forms an interesting picture. In this case, the value of each sign changes somewhat. So if on the line of life you have a clear triangle, and between his borders suddenly moles were formed, it can talk about:

  • An ideally round large dark spot calls for a person to show caution in any monetary issues, especially in endeavor. It doesn't matter what the door is to the mole, if it has a large size and even boundaries, it means meeting with unfair partners.
  • Oval stain, suggests that financial success will largely depend on your mood. And it will not always be distinguished by stability. Try to throw out all fears and doubts from the head and mind, treat all the events with optimism. In other words, this means that only a truly cheerful person will be able to achieve success in the financial sphere.

The value of the mole change and depending on what hand it appeared on:

  • If the triangle on the line of life on the right hand, it means to get rich you can only thanks to your creative abilities. Provided that they will develop them to the required level. Most likely creating a large masterpiece, thanks to the ingenious thought from your head, you will get a fabulous fee.
  • If the triangle on the line of life on the left hand, it means that the source of wealth will become business. You either continue the case of parents, or become the founder of a successful seed enterprise.

The star is another possible sign that is of great importance, alas, it can very rarely meet on a monetary triangle.

The fateful figure indicating that in a certain period of life you will get acquainted with a person who will help achieve financial independence and business success. The star is particularly strong influenced if it connects the lines of fate and wealth.

In addition, this rarest sign appears only on the palms of unusual personalities, which means that sources of income, as a rule, are very unexpected. A man with a drawing in the form of a star on his hand, as if, flew to the ground with another planet. He looks at the world not as others, and in most cases, is mentally somewhere far away.

Approximately, the same can be said about the ways of obtaining wealth. Sometimes a person is not even thinking about earnings, he simply intuitively chooses a life path, sooner or later leading to getting good earnings. Chiromantia knows many such cases, but only if the star on the palm is located exactly in the money triangle.

1. Large triangle It is formed from mutual crossing of the line of life, the mind line and health lines and serves as an indicator of a large or smaller development of human mental abilities.

The correct outline of a large triangle is taken for a sign of pure, healthy blood and the common fortress of the body. If one of the sides of the triangle undergoes the gap, this indicates the presence of those flaws that are caused by the incorrectness of the corresponding line.

2.Mail triangle It is formed from the intersection of the line of fate, the mind line and health lines.

It is rare, because Most people have named lines are not equally developed and not along the entire length.

This triangle happens in people, the line of fate with which begins from the line of life or goes in the center of the palm, without touching the line of life.

If a small triangle of the right form, it foreshadows durability and happiness. The clearer, wider and more correctly triangle, especially happy man. If such a clear outlined triangle occurs in children, it implies good ability to study sciences.

3. Type -Culture Limited by segments of four intersecting lines: lines of mind, heart line, lines of fate and sun line (line art).

The correct, large and expanding to the bug of Jupiter, a quadrangle characterizes a good, honest, straightforward person, healthy, with a sevente temper.

If a large quadrilateer is wide and correctly outlined, it indicates indulgence and generosity.

The larger the distance between the line of the mind and the heart line, the more reliable the person in all respects.

In people of illegal, with bad inclinations and instincts, a large quadrangle is very narrow.

Cash triangle On his hand in the Hiromantia, it is considered certainly a good sign of the sign of wealth and prosperity in life, which is located in the center of the palm on hand. Two characters of ancient-Roman mythology are connected with money - this is Saturn and Mercury. In the temple of Saturn, the ancient Romans kept their treasury, and Mercury is a patron of commerce. It's not a secret that in the modern world, the money decides almost everything, and most likely anyone is interested in finding out what fate it is waiting for, with money or without money. Sometimes curiosity so tormented that people resort to fortunate on the lines on her hand and signs, money or wealth, and they want to find out whether a rich or poor life would be. The fact that the material and monetary dependence in life will need and easily, or with great difficulties, the person will earn money, can be determined in hirology on the triangle of money on hand and other signs of the palm.

So that there was no extra question, - and you knew what hand to watch a monetary triangle, on the right hand or on your left hand? - We will finally respond; A sign that is considered a sign of wealth, and possible celebrities and glory, which is never accompanied without money, there is a triangle on his right hand. When wealth signs are present on both hands, this is the purpose, or say so poor life, - which means a triangle on the palm, you are about already know, but the money triangle is located inside a large triangle on the square of the hand, which should not be confused with other similar signs.

As presented on the example photo of the picture, a money triangle is formed on hand from the main lines of the hand, the heads and line of fate. If a person on fate is destined to earn relatively big money, the reflection will certainly happen on two hands. It is clear that it is impossible to purchase prosperity in life or great wealth, without mental effort and sometimes even simple luck and good luck in fate, therefore the main sides of the triangle are the main lines of the hand. A completely different value and the opposite or a sign of ruin on hand is the island on the line of fate. This is a sign of financial difficulties in a person's life. A multi-promising will be the triangle of the palm, which is reliably closed, and quite large. In the photo you see a big money triangle on your right hand, and he is closed, it is a good sign.

A closed triangle predicts the owner of a hand that money and acquired wealth will not only be saved, but also will continue to increase increasing, and the size will indicate the state of the state. But it should be clarified that a large triangle does not always mean millions of money and a huge state. The fact is that we are talking about the inherent proportionality of money, that is, it may mean that for this individual in fate - this money is considered large and is satisfied with the state. For some people and a million not money, and other people, a relatively small earned amount of money, can be considered a great achievement and wealth at this stage of development, which fully allows you to satisfy the requests of the individual.

If the money sign is not closed on the hand, or there is an open side of the triangle or rug on the line, then it is in this "hole" the money will run away, this is a sign indicating the gradual conveying of capital or money, money is not saved, they are not allowed, they are not earned, But the same time is quite intensely spent. In addition, for the arrival of money or the sphere in which the person is found and with which income comes, well-being, that is, money can be traced at additional secondary lines. These are branches departing on the parties from the line of life or the line of fate to the tubercles.

If such a line or a small branch is sent to the index finger, or ends on the Jupiter's Hill, it means that a person over time will succeed, will make a career and the dengue will earn due to their own ambitions and the ability to attract attention to others. And here is meant not only about glory and universal recognition, but also as a rule about not small money. If such a line ends on Saturn's bumps, the money will come to a person through severe monotonous work. If the line of the material subway ends on the Hill of Apollo (Sun), this suggests that a person helps to acquire money and wealth his developed abilities and good talent. If such a line ends under the little finger, on Burghorc Mercury, it means that a person will earn money in commerce or scientific activity.

Light money on hand

Status and wealth, though not often, but still can be inherited or in some other winning version, which should not be written off from the accounts, which is also considered easy money, and the signs of material well-being, wealth, which is not difficult work. They are presented on hand with small squares that are on the inside of the line of life. Thus, the lifestyle forms one of the sides of this square, and usually such a sign of light money is called a triangle, but in fact it is just an adjacent "square", and the missing part of the diogonal of which is the line of life.

The location of the carbon on the line allows you to determine the time or date of won. The triangles of money winnings are quite rare, and most of the signs can mean receipt of any real estate or significant, dear "gift" of fate. The gift of fate, and as a sign of material takeoff, there may be a good marriage or marriage that it is possible to predict analyzing the marriage lines on the hand, these are signs displaying the number of marriage unions in a person's life, and the duration of the relationship.

Money signs on hand

If you even look at the hands of rich people, it is not always on their palms, you can find a money triangle or another sign of easy money, "although they can be a loot. The fact is that there are many other signs of pointing to the fact that human money will be, and he is still able to make money on without poor life. When determining money on hand, first of all, attention should be paid to the magnitude of the mother's magnitude. When the little finger's little finger, and the top of the finger ends below the beginning of the nail phalanx of the finger of Apollo - this is the main sign that such a person does not see the difference in the benefit, and is inclined to work at a loss, commerce is not his calling, so he should not be engaged in trade He will earn money in this area.

If the Mysinetse (Finger of Mercury) reaches the jumper of the joint of the beginning of the nail phalanx of the nameless finger, is considered the average optimal option, it indicates the average commercial deposit, and at least a person will not work at a loss, and always earn on "bread." When the little finger reaches the middle of the nail joint of the nameless finger of Apollo, and even above, is the most favorable long finger - such a magnitude of the smallest finger on his hand - gives the ability to man and the ability to make money and retrieve profits from almost anything.

Let us turn to the example of the picture, the next welfare marker and the sign of the money there is a line of fate (Saturn) - this is a clear indicator of the presence of a life goal and the ability to achieve the results, and this is usually money. The line of fate indicates not only the course of human life, and the quality of being itself, - that it is impossible to achieve in our time, without a sufficient amount of money. According to this, the presence of a clear, straight and deep line on the palm of the palm, as shown in the figure of the picture directed to the base of the middle finger of Saturn (No.-1), indicates the ability to concentrate internal and external resources to achieve the goal, and actually making money. She makes a person a professional in his fate, and indicates a gradual growth of his social status which cannot be accompanied without money and prosperity. The insufficient length of the line of fate is the most common, widespread option, or when the line of fate disappears for a while - this means that the person has lost a goal, it is also a period of laptop and loss of work, look at your line, if it is unharmed, it means that Money will not disappear.

A good sign of the arrival of money and wealth on hand, there is a branch from the line of fate aside to the finger of Mercury (No.-2) - Mizinza, this is a well-visible line, which departs from the Saturn line, and strives for the Bugger of Mercury, that is, this line of money must Starts exclusively from the line of fate, and not cross it. The presented combination of lines, indicates a sharp, instantaneous takeoff of material well-being and its subsequent growth. The time in which the money is clarified, is calculated along the line of fate, at the site of the beginning of the climb of the money line (No.-3). Another sign of receipt of income and arrived at the palm of your hand, you can trace after having studied the Mercury Buds. Short small size vertical lines under the little finger (No.-4) will testify to the arrival of money, this sign reflects constant, but small money earnings, but it all depends on the strength of these lines.

With the help of a chiromantia, we traveled signs and signs of money on your hand, but the money needs to competently correctly, "and how the money goes through the fingers - many familiar with this expression," Hirology can also give an answer to a similar question. In order to determine how money is spent, - for this you need to close my fingers together and see whether there is a lumen or cracks between the bases of the fingers. Can the slots between the fingers? "The most disappointing sign that a person is easily and quickly spends money, they literally slip between his fingers, especially this is expressed when the big clearance between Mercury and Apollo is visible. If you don't see the slots between your fingers - this is a sign that you not only know how to make money, but you know how to save and spend competently.

"Triangle of Money"

- The main sign of material well-being is the so-called "triangle of money," the Hirologist assured us by Boris Akimov. - It is formed by the lines of fate, head and mercury (health). What it is more and more clear, the better. If the corners in the "vertices" of the lines of fate and the head are fuzzy, then this person does not use all its potential. He clearly can earn more, but is lazy. If the "weak angle" of the lines of the head and Mercury, then this person does not know how to save money. He will quickly disappear on trifles.

If there are additional lines and small triangles within this large triangle, it means that a person will always have different and numerous sources of income in life. And they sometimes have money, as a rule, they say, it is not known where.

With a very well-pronounced line of the head, going on the hill of the Moon, and the absence of the Mercury line holder can quickly get rich exclusively due to its mind. If at the same time on the hand all the main lines are well pronounced, and there are no small signs, then this is another pointer to a successful person.

Sometimes sprigs are departed from the head of the head to the side of Mercury hill - these are the so-called "money drawers". Their owner knows how and what to do to get a good profit.

On line of life there are small triangles directed by a sharp angle to the thumb - this is a sign of light money.

If you have discovered a line in the middle of the palm between the little finger and the nameless finger, rejoice! This is a sign of a big inheritance.

Hands of famous rich

Who has the hands of Fortune's favorites?

Gus Hiddink, Honored Coach of Russia

- Gus has a powerful vopotoxic palm with straight and hard fingers, which characterizes it as a strong, energetic person, capable of embodying any of his dream into reality. Jupiter's Hill is very convex - this is a faithful sign of power and ambitions. Also, Saturn and Apollo line starts from the line of life and concern good luck lines on the Apollo Hill. The owner of such an extraordinary figure is achieving success and wealth in any field

Hiddinka hand.

Roman Abramovich, billionaire

- The line of the Sun in Abramovich on the right hand begins from the line of the heart and end with a fork on the hill. This means that the greatest desire of this person was fame and money.

Two lines of fate go from the Moon Hill - this is a sign of a properly chosen area of \u200b\u200bactivity that brings him a maximum income. A very straight line of the heart reveals it as a cold and selfish person who does not regret anyone in business.

And finally, completing the cycle of materials on the signs of wealth, in the next issue of the weekly issue of well-known psychics: how to make Fortuna turn to your face, even if you were born not under the happiest star and the "money triangle" on your palms there are no ?

Hand Abramovich.