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Islamic story about Noah. Who is such a biblical legend about him and his sons how many years have lived on the Qur'an

The name of the Old Testament Righteousness of Noah is known to everyone since childhood, but not everyone knows who is so good, and why it became the forefather of mankind after the World Flood.

Who is such a bible

Noah is one of the righteous of the Old Testament, which the Orthodox Church honors as Saint. His biography can be found in the Book of Genesis, but Noah's name is found in many biblical texts. Always talking about him as a man of rare righteousness.

Noah lived in the era of the heyday of sin on Earth and walked in the full sense against the flow, firmly following the paths of the Lord. The decisive and unshakable virtue of Noah helped him to find "grace before the eyes of the Lord" (Genesis, 6: 8).

Despite the fact that the time of his earthly life is distinguished by the general tendency of people to dishonor, from the moment of the fall this period is not far away. According to the Bible, the first generations of people lived for a very long time: Adam lived 930 years old, his son Sif - 912 years old. Noah will be from the first person only ten generations, his father lames was born then when Adam was still alive.

However, despite the fact that the memory of the expulsion of people from Paradise was alive, as the witnesses were witnesses to the formation of humanity on Earth, sin conquered the hearts of everyone in the generation of Noah, besides him. And, despite the ridicule and renovation, the righteous walked along the will of God with all the hardness.

Sons of November

By the five hundred years, the righteous was three sons: Sim, Ham and Jafete. The legend argues that Noah foresaw the punishment of mankind and did not want to have children for a long time. The Lord ordered him to marry, and therefore the sons of Noah appeared much later than it happened at his ancestors.

After the Flood, when all those who did not enter the Ark died, the sons of Noah were divided by the land and became the hedlemen of all living people living. Sima went to the East, he became the progenitor of the peoples called by his named semites. The sim also in the source of Jesus Christ.

Today, the Semitic peoples include: Jews, Arabs, Maltese, Assyrians and some nations of Ethiopia. Mentioned in the Bible, but the Amalikites, Moavityan, Ammonites, and others already exist today also belong to the descendants of Simima.

Ham was the second son of Noah, his descendants settled after the south flood. The Khamiti call the Egyptians, Libyans, Ethiopians, Somali, and all the Nero-shaped race that occurred from him. Philistines, Phoenicians, Canaanians also occurred from Hama.

Japta - Nova's younger son - became the progenitor of modern Europeans, taking land in the north and west. Japtites today are the most numerous among the peoples of the world. The legend says that these are all the peoples of Western Europe, as well as Slavic and Finno-Ugors. The traditions of Armenia and Georgia also build Caucasian peoples to Jafet.

Praded November

Among the ancestors of Noah, there are a lot of remarkable people, but it is hardly possible to find a second such as Enoch. The seventh of Adam according to the testimony of various biblical texts was the first one who walked the Lord after the death of Abel. Having pleased God, Enoch was replaced from the place of his life, without having met with death.

Often, the history of the resettlement of Enoch considers the contradictory words of the Gospel from John that no one besides the Lord of our Jesus Christ. The reason for bewilderment is probably speculation about the resettlement of Enha, it is on the sky, although there are no direct instructions on the Bible.

Indeed, the Old Testament twice mentions the transfer of Enha:

  • according to the book of Genesis, "he did not become, because God took it." Did not grow where it was, but it was not said where he moved;
  • in the book of Jesus, the son of Syrahov, it was mentioned that Enoch "was delighted with the Earth," that is, the transfer of it happened above the Earth.

The Apostle Paul in the Epistle says to the Jews "did not become, because God reset it." About relocation to the sky is not coming. To understand the same story of Noah, it is important that the only righteous of the doping world were saved by the Lord and had a reward from him.

Story about the World Flood and Noah's Ark

At the age of five hundred years, the Prophet got from the Lord, the revelation of the Flood - the upcoming punishment of mankind for the enslaved sin. At the same time he found out that he would save himself and his family from death, going to the ark together with many animals.

Noah built ark a hundred years. On the unshakable faith of the Word of the Lord, the construction of a giant ark ridiculed by surrounding. They did not want to listen to Novokov's stories about the upcoming disaster, continuing to live unfastened life.

A preacher of Truth was named in the second message of the Apostle Peter for hardness in faith and constancy in trying to return sinners to the path of truth.

In the new revelation, the Lord ordered the Nous and his family to enter the ark. At the same time it was said that the water would flow from the sky forty days, exterminating all the living. On the day of this revelation from all sides of the Earth to the Ark, animals began to converge and fly birds. Nov Sovremenniki, seeing like elephants, lions, monkeys enter the ark, only a spectacular were divided, continuing to persist and refusing to believe the sermon of the righteous.

Another week was open the door of the ark in anticipation of repentance of sinners. But no one more went into them. And the sky turned around. The flood filled the land gradually, all forty days leaving, although melting, but the chances of repentance. The Apostle Peter argues that people who had fallen among those who had fallen, bringing the Lord repentance in these last days and taking death with all humility.

For another five months, water on earth did not decrease, and then on the first day of the tenth month from the beginning of the flood, the tops of the mountains became visible. The ark is stiffed to the mountains of Ararat.

Release from the ark of the crow and pigeon

The first visitor to the retreat of water was raven. Seeing that the Earth is gradually freed from the water, Noah released from the ark of the crow. But Raven returned. Then - again and again brought raven into the ark, until the earth was dried.

Then Noah released the pigeon, but there was no place on Earth, and he returned. Seven days later, re-released, he flew with an oilseed leaf. And for the third time, it did not return at all, which meant the final drainage of the Earth. Then Noah, his family and the animals saved with them came out.

History about Hama, son of Noah

The first thing that did Noah, leaving the ark, was the gratitude sacrifice of God. At the same time, the Lord concluded with the Noah Testament, blessing the righteous himself and his offspring.

The sign of the covenant was a rainbow, which also announced that people would not be more exterminated by a flood from the ground.

However, not all in the novel family were as righteous, as he himself. Such a conclusion allows you to make a story about Ham. Processing newly opened lands, Noah wedge from its vineyard and inxical. His nagim in Tent saw Ham and wanted to open it to the Sima and Japta brothers.

They showed respect to the father, underwrite his clothes so as not to see what to see should not.

Having learned about the unworthy act of Hama, Noah cursed his son - Khanaan, promising him a slave share in the houses of the brothers. Why was Channel Cursed, not Ham? John Zlatoust said that Noah could not disrupt the blessing given to him and his sons of the Lord.

At the same time, the punishment for Hama was necessary, so the father was punished through the Son, who himself, as the saint says, was sin and deserved punishment. The blissful feudorette sees the fair reward of his son (Hama), who sinned against the Father (Nov) and he received a punishment through the curse of his son (Canaan).

The punishment of Canaan was fully fulfilled, since Hananays were exterminated or conquered by the descendants of Simima. Inxication of Noah, John Zlatoust explains the ignorance, since the harm from the use of wine was then not so well known as now.

How many years have lived

After the flood, Noah chose the way of abstinence and had more children except three sons.

The six hundred years was Noah, when the flood began, three hundred and fifty years he lived after that. Further, the Book of Genesis indicates that after Nov, people lived less: so, Moses lived only 120 years.


  • prophet Ezekiel;
  • prophet Isaiah;
  • Jesus, Son Syrahov;
  • book ezr;
  • the book is Tovit;
  • Gospel from Matthew;
  • Message of the Apostle Paul to the Jews;
  • 2 Message of the Apostle Peter and others.

Today, the Orthodox Church of the Righteous Noah as one of the Old Testament Farws, who kept the firm law long before the talent of Moses Commandments.

Pilgrimage is a targeted visit to Ka'b, the house, about which the Almighty said in Cor'an this word must be read on Arabic as - القرآن (Sura "Ali 'Imran", Ayata 96-97) Meaning:

"Truly, the first house, which was built by Adam for people, is the one that is in Mecca. It was erected for worlds as a blessing and a guide to salvation. There are clear signs in it: there is Makas Ibrahim this name is pronounced in Arabic as إبراهيم (Abraham) is the place where the prophet Ibrahim stood. The one who will enter this mosque will be safe. "

Pilgrimage is obliged to make every reasonable (misunderstanding), adult and free from Slavery Muslim, if he has a financial opportunity for this.

The history of this ritual goes into antiquity. When Allah in the name of God in the Arabic "Allah", the letter "x" to utter as ه Arab He commanded the Prophet Ibrahim to call people to commit Hadj, the messenger asked: "And how to call, to hear everything?" In response, the Ibrahim was given to the revelation that the Lord himself will hear the appeal of the Prophet. It is known that all the prophets after Ibrahim performed a pilgrimage.

When the Prophet Ibrahim announced that Allah commanded the pilgrimage, his appeal was heard those souls who were destined to make pilgrimage from that time to the end of the world. And the souls who were not destined to make pilgrimage, did not hear the call on that day.

In Ayata, the al - Hajj sura says that the pilgrimage is one of the five pillars of Islam. The same we find in the statements of the Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "X" is pronounced as ح in Arabic, peace to him, meaning:

"Islam is based on five pillars:

  1. Recognition and faith in the fact that there is no deity besides Allah and Mukh Ammad - his prophet and messenger
  2. Performing fivefold Namaza
  3. Annual deductions of the funds of wealthy Muslims as closed
  4. Making pilgrimage (Hajj) to the Holy House (Ka'be)
  5. Compliance with the post in the month of Ramadan. "

The ritual of pilgrimage differs from the other basic pillars of Islam by the fact that Hajj is the rite of a special kind, characterized by the unity of the time and place of its commit. It is spinning only at a certain time and in the established location, which is stated in Kor'an.

Hazja benefits for people - cleansing from sins. The Prophet Muhammad, peace to him, said Meaning:

"Who committed a hajj, without violating it with sexual act, and did not commit great sins - he was cleared of sins and became pure, like a newborn."

On the resettlement of the Prophet IBR buth. andma, peace to him, to the territory of Shama (in Palestine)

The people of the Prophet IBR buth. andma, peace, he still persisted in his unbelief. I assuas only a small number of people. Then, seeing that people do not make him call and persistently do not want to take faith, the Prophet IBR buth. andm, peace to him, decided to go to another locality, where he could unhindered to worship Allah and call people to Islam. Maybe there people will respond to his call and take faith, recognizing that only Allah is the only creator who belongs to power over everything.

In the sacred TOur`ane says (Sura "A fromFROMbutfF butt ", Ayat 99):

﴿ وَقَالَ إِنِّي ذَاهِبٌ إِلَى رَبِّي سَيَهْدِينِ

It means: "Prophet IBR buth. andm, peace to him, said[Moving from the unbeliever people] : "I am going to where my Lord commanded me to go,[That is, in the territory of Shama] where I can unhindered to worship Almighty Allah. "

As well as in other ages TOur`an says about the Prophet IBR buth. andme (Sura "al-'ancab w.t ", Ayata 26-27):

﴿ فَآمَنَ لَهُ لُوطٌ وَقَالَ إِنِّي مُهَاجِرٌ إِلَى رَبِّي إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ X. وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُ إِسْحَقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَجَعَلْنَا فِي ذُرِّيَّتِهِ النُّبُوَّةَ وَالْكِتَابَ وَءَاتَيْنَاهُ أَجْرَهُ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَإِنَّهُ فِي الآخِرَةِ لَمِنَ الصَّالِحِينَ

It means: "Prophet Lu. t. was a believer, like other prophets, and he was the first to admit the IBR buth. andma, peace to him, as a prophet, when he saw that the fire did not harm him. Prophet IBR buth. andm. said: "I move there, where my Lord commanded me[in the territory of Shama] . Truly, Allah will keep me from enemies, and he knows about everything. " Allah bestowed by IBR buth. andmu[Son] IS. hackaI[grandson] I' kuba, and gave the descendants of the IBR buth. andma Prophecy and Heavenly Scriptures. Allah gave IBR buth. andmU feature in this life[Since Muslims very often praise him, reading Du ' but`I. z.caviar] And on that light he will be in paradise. "

Prophet IBR buth. andm, peace to him, fulfilling the command of the Most High, moved along with his wife Sarah and her nephew t.ohm on the blessed land sham.

Allah Most High said in TOur`an (Sura "al-Anbi i`", Ayata 71-73):

﴿ وَنَجَّيْنَاهُ وَلُوطًا إِلَى الأَرْضِ الَّتِي بَارَكْنَا فِيهَا لِلْعَالَمِينَ X. وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُ إِسْحَقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ نَافِلَةً وَكُلاًّّ جَعَلْنَا صَالِحِينَ X. وَجَعَلْنَاهُمْ أَئِمَّةً يَهْدُونَ بِأَمْرِنَا وَأَوْحَيْنَا إِلَيْهِمْ فِعْلَ الْخَيْرَاتِ وَإِقَامَ الصَّلاةِ وَإِيتَاءَ الزَّكَاةِ وَكَانُواْ لَنَا عَابِدِينَ

It means: "On the command of Allah, the prophet of IBR buth. andm and Lu. t. moved to a special, blessed territory[Sham] . Allah bestowed by the Prophet IBR buth. andmu of pious descendants, among them - is hackand I ' kuba. They were the prophets leading people by truth, as the Most High commanded them. Allah commanded them through the revelation to make good deeds - to perform Namaz, to cry. They worshiped only Allah Most High. "


Sham is the territory of Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan.

Lu. t. was the son of brother IBR buth. andma, peace.

The people of the Prophet IBR butһ andma decided to take revenge on him for smashed their idols and showed by the insignificance of these idols. After the Prophet IBR buth. andm won in a dispute with Numudom, presenting him irrefutable mental evidence, Numud with his subordinates decided to burn him on fire, and so punish him.

Specified in the sacred TOur`a (sura "a fromFROMbutfF butt, Ayat 97):


It means: buth. andma in the fire. "

And also said in TOur`an (Sura "al-Anbi i`", Ayat 68):

﴿ قَالُواْ حَرِّقُوهُ وَٱنصُرُواْ ءَالِهَتَكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ فَاعِلِينَ

It means: "Numuda said:" burn it on fire and revenge your idols if you want idols to win. "

Unbelievers began to prepare a fire for the Prophet IBR butһ andma, collecting firewood everywhere. So they wanted to take revenge on Him for their idols, who were deified. Their hatred of the Prophet IBR butһ andmu and thirst for revenge was so strong that even sick women gave vow to assemble firewood for this fire, if they recover.

After a huge amount of firewood was collected, unbelievers dug deep hole and lay firewood into it. Then they burned the fire. A bright flame broke out and began to flare up with an extraordinary force. Up the huge sparks took off, like those who have never had. The fire was so strong that people could not even approach him and throw the Prophet IBR buth. andma Then they built a catapult to throw him into the fire from afar. Unbelievers tied his hands to him and put the catapult on the bowl. Prophet IBR buth. andm, peace, he really mentioned on his creator, and when he was thrown into the fire, he uttered such words:

«حَسْبُنَا اللهُ وَنِعْمَ الوَكِيْل»

It means: "Our hope is on Allah, only he gives protection from harm."Pered al-Bukhari from Ibn 'ABB butsa.

By the will of Allah fire did not burn the Prophet IBR buth. andma, peace to him, and even his clothes remained whole, as the fire does not create burning, and this creates Allah.

In the sacred TOi`", Ayat 69):

﴿ قُلْنَا يَا نَارُ كُونِي بَرْدًا وَسَلامًا عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ

It means: "Allah did so that the fire became cool for IBR buth. andma and did not burn it. "

By the will of Allah, this strong fire was cool and safe for the Prophet IBR buth. andma, peace to him. Some scientists said that the fire was buried only the ropes that bind his hands. Some Salafiti scientists have passed that at that moment in front of the Prophet IBR buth. andiOM appeared Angel Jabr but`andi, peace, and asked: "Oh, IBR buth. andm, do you need any help? " What the prophet IBR buth. andm, Using on the Almighty Creator, answered: "I do not need you."

After the flame was extincting of this huge fire and scattered smoke, people saw that the Prophet IBR buth. andm is alive and well, and that the fire did not damage him at all. So they saw a miracle with their own eyes. But, even despite this, they still remained in their mistake and did not believe in the Prophet IBR buth. andma, peace to him.

Allah did not give unbelievers to win. They wanted to take revenge on their idols, but as a result, they were defeated by themselves.

In the sacred TOur`anu says (Sura "al-Anbi i`", Ayat 70):

﴿ وَأَرَادُواْ بِهِ كَيْدًا فَجَعَلْنَاهُمُ الأَخْسَرِينَ

It means: "Unbelievers wanted to punish the IBR buth. andma, and instead, they themselves received painful punishment from Allah. "

And also said in TOur`a (sura "a fromFROMbutfF butt », Ayata 97-98):

﴿ قَالُواْ ٱبْنُواْ لَهُ بُنْيَانًا فَأَلْقُوهُ فِي الْجَحِيمِ فَأَرَادُواْ بِهِ كَيْدًا فَجَعَلْنَاهُمُ الأَسْفَلِينَ

It means: "Numudda said:" Build a catapult, and challenge the IBR buth. andma in the fire. " Unbelievers wanted to burn ibr buth. andma to stop his call. But as a result, they failed, and the prophet of IBR buth. andm was saved. "

The biblical version of the legend about the prophet Noha (Noah / Noah / Nuh) is well known. Among the people of their time, he and his family were the only ones who kept righteousness and continued to worship the Almighty. In gratitude for this, the Almighty opened him the approach of the World Flood and taught how to build an ark to escape himself together with his family, as well as save all living beings in a pair. After noh (Noah / Noah / Nuh) entered the ark, the flood began, which intensified throughout the hundred and fifty days. During this time, the water covered even the highest mountains on Earth. Only then the water began to gradually discharge and the ark stopped at the Ararat Mountains. Some time passed before the land dried so much that noh (Noah / Noah / Nuh) and his sons were able to leave the ark and commit a sacrifice in honor of the Most High.

Muslim legends based on the Quran and the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and welcome), significantly clarify and complement the biblical legend given above. In particular, a special emphasis is placed on the fact that noh (Noah / Noah / Nuh) was actively engaged in the sermance of monotheism. On the five hundred years of life, Arkhangel Jabrail was sent to him, who on behalf of the Most High sent him to the lost descendants of the Cabil (Khabila / Cain). For a hundred years of Noh (Noah / Noah / Nuh), he preached among them a true religion, but achieved very limited success - only seventy people appealed to the monotible.

Moreover, a woman named Imrat, on which Nh (Noah / Noah / Nuh) came to the true faith, was married. Imrat gave birth to him three sons and three daughters. The names of his sons are well known: it is Shem (Sham / Sim), Ham and Japan (Yeafet / Jafet). The second wife of Noah (Nov / Noah / Nuha) was Wab, also facing them in monothis. She gave birth to Nukhu (Noah / Noahu / Nuhu) two more sons - Balus and Kaman (Kenan). Subsequently, Valab fell into idolatry again, refused to go to the ark and died during the Flood. Together with her, Kaman (Kenan) was drowned, also not believed to approach the flood.

The Koran strongly emphasizes that the whole life of the Prophet Noha (Nov / Noah / Nuha) was devoted to the sermdom of monotheism: "14. We sent nuche to his people, and he was among them a thousand years without fifty years.

And comprehend their flood, and they were wrong.

15. And we saved him and the inhabitants of the ship and made it a sign for the worlds. "

Thus, according to the Koranic legend, not only the nearest relatives of Noha (Nov / Noah / Nuha), but also a small number of his followers were found in the ark, but also a small number of his followers. The Koran clearly indicates that among those who saved were not only a family of Noah (Nov / Noah / Nuha): "40. When our commandment was fulfilled and the water came out of the ground, we said: "We enter (in the ark) in a pair of each kind and all your family - except for those who have already been sentenced - as well as those who believed. But those who believed with him were a bit. "

In addition, Adam and Havva (Eve), a chest with sacred writings, the staff of Adam and a black stone from Kaaba were raised to the ship in a timely manner.

A little to another Muslim tradition determines the place to which the ark is stuck after the completion of the Flood - Mount Judy. It happened on the tenth day of the month of Muslim moon calendar.

Such, in short, biblical and Muslim legends about the Flood, between which there is, however, one fundamental difference. If the Bible definitely attributes the Flood of the world, then in the Quran it is referred to the strongest flood, which ruined the people of Noah (Nov / Noah / Nuha), but not the whole world. In particular, the interpreters of the Quran are leaning towards the version, according to which the Pokhop Noha (Nov. / Noah / Nuha) seized the territory of modern Iraq and Syria.

In various suns, the Quran is repeatedly emphasized that Kara Nastagla Noha's people (Nov. / Noah / Nuha) for persistent in the denial of the monotheism and even threatened to the Messenger with violence, if he does not stop his sermon: "They found him a liar. And we saved him and those who were in the ark with him, and sinks those who neglected by our signs. Truly, they were the people blind. "

In the Muslim feedback of Noh (Noah / Noah / Nuh), not the only righteous, whose people, who had refused to believe in a single God, was rapidly. For example, in the Qur'an, the people of the Prophet of the Hud, and the adiratis, the people of the Prophet Salikha, who were also destroyed for chamber. And in these cases only the prophets and those who believed along with them were saved. And to punish sinners, the flooding water was not always saturated. So, the sinful people of Aditov was destroyed by the strongest wind and the stone rain, which lasted a few days, and the adultery killed the deafening grumblers.

By the way, there is another, unlikely item explaining why some nations have been punished for refusing to follow the monotheism. There is every reason to believe that in fact these peoples were versoists, i.e. They moved away from the true religion, which was followed by their ancestors. In particular, the self-adequate reported in the Qur'an, according to the rules of language transformation, it is easy to turn into champions or, it's easier - this is one of the descendants of Shama, on which, according to the Bible and the Quran, a prophetic mission was entrusted to people to bear people the truth of the monotheism. Record from the true faith and PAW into paganism, they thus broke out the covenant, once prisonered by the Almighty with a nohome (Noah / Noah / Nukhoma), for which he suffered a deserved penalty.

Talking about Kare, comprehended sinners, the Quran simultaneously indicates that in all such cases, the righteousness of the prophets from the environment of the same people were sent in advance: "... Your Lord never destroyed the village, while their main city will send a messenger reading They are our signs. And we did not roete settlements without the inhabitants of them were not righteous. "

It should be noted that the koranic version of the Flood looks more logical and consistent, since the punishment for insime and immorality overtakes specific culprits, not the entire human race without parsing. An explanation of the discrepancies between the Judist and Christian sacred scriptures on the one hand, and the Quran - on the other, apparently, should be sought in the important circumstance that the compilers of the Torah at one time widely used the most ancient Sumerian legends reached them.

We have repeatedly pointed out direct parallels between biblical legends and Sumerian mythology. Similarly, the biblical legend of the World Flood and Noha (Noah / Noah / Nukhe) with its roots goes to the oldest myths of Meternrech, where the presence of at least three versions of a similar legend is known. The most later of these legends refers to the period of the old Babylonian kingdom, where the main character who survived the flood, is a certain atrahasis (the name is transmitted in the Greek interpretation). But the Starvilian version of the world of the World Flood relied on the legend of the Watery, belonging to the earlier, the so-called "Akkadian period" of the interference of the interfluve. In turn, the Akkadian Hero of the Utnapishti was "sred" from the Sumerian hero named Ziusudra. Moreover, it was not limited to a simple substitute for the names of the main characters - people and gods. Each new edition introduced significant interpretations and in the ideological basis of the most legend. Moreover, these interpretations also touched the Sumerian legend, which came to us in one of the latest (pagan versions).

It is impossible to discount the fact that for nearly two millennial history of Sumer, the samplers themselves have undergone a substantial transformation. There is no doubt that Sumerians, descendants of Sham (Shem / Simima), the eldest son of Noah (Noah / Noah / Nuh) - True Shemites - originally worshiped the uniform God of Ela. The polytheism has spread among the pollingity population much later. And, as we have already noted, an additional confusion in modern ideas about the beliefs of Sumerians has also made improper reading of clinical texts, as a result of which the epithets of the Most High were taken for the names of individual gods.

It should be assumed that the earliest version of the Flood legend told about the tragic events related to the acute conflict within the Schumerian society itself, which was involved in the followers of the monotheism and fans of pagan cults. And, judging by the historical facts that came to us, the punishment in the form of a flood only stopped the spread of paganism among the population of the interfold. Over time, the pagans again amounted to the majority in the Sumerian society, which was reflected in the later versions of the legend of the Flood, which was almost completely turned into a pagan legend. According to this legend, the initiator of the Flood was God Enlil, who, allegedly, annoyed the noise produced by people, and in the role of the Savior of the human race, another representative of the Sumerian Divine Pantheon was performed - Enki, who warned Susudra, the ruler of the city of Shurrupak, about the indestructible distress.

Meanwhile, even in this, almost completely pagan in the form of tradition, it is possible to detect the elements of the monotheism without much difficulty. So, we already talked about that Enki / Ea / Aah - This is one of the many epitheet names of the Most High, which is usually translated as "the following". Exactly the same epithet is the name Enlil, which is based on Chechen Elin Ela - "Lord of the Prophets." Add to it as Enki / Ea / Aah and Enlil Chechen (Nohchi) have its own source form Ela In the meaning of "Lord / God."

By the way, Sumerian legends attribute to the enliel's ability to send not only water flooding in front of him, but also a human flood. So, in retaliation for the godless actions of the Akkadian king, Nippur, who was expressed in the destruction of the Enlil's sanctuary in the city of Nippur, the vengeful God of the pagans was located on the country the people of Kutiyev, withdrawing him from the mountains adjacent to the plains of Meternrach. Invasion kutiyev Sumerian legends compare with destructive flood (Hee Daitin), Calling this disaster "Flood Enlil." Interestingly, the name of the king, who caused such a terrible punishment with his actions, is quite amenable to decipher with the help of Chechen (Nohchi) language: Naramsin - this is nothing but a Chechen expression hucaram Sin - "sinful soul".

Nevertheless, the traditions of the monotheism never completely disappeared into the interfluve, which is visible on the example of the family of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham / Abraham), talking about which is still ahead.

As already mentioned, to the compiors of the Bible, the Sumerian legend about the Flood came in the latest Babylonian edition, which was changed by them in accordance with revelations in the spirit of monotheism obtained by later prophets. Attempting to connect the pagan version of the Flood and the revelation of Noha (Noah / Noah / Nukhe) led to the formation of the biblical version of the World Flood, as the collective punishment of all mankind without parsing. However, there is no doubt that biblical noh (Noah / Noah / Nuh) and Sumerian Ziusudra are the same hero.

The Koran, which speaks about the local nature of the flood, which has fallen on the interfluve in ancient times, does not accidentally emphasize that the ark stuck to the mountain titled Judy - this word in translation from Arabic means simply "vertex". Mountains with such or similar name is quite a few in the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of Arabic, including on the territory of modern Iraq and Syria.

In a word, find Mount Judy is completely difficult, especially since, as the modern Koran translators indicate, sounds j. and to In Arabic, interrelated, thanks to "Judy", "Gouda" or "Kudi" Easily go into each other. At the same time Toponym Judy / Goodie / Kudi most often associated with ethnonym kurdwhich, in turn, is usually built to the people kuti / Hoody (Kuti)which still Sumerian sources reported as the inhabitants of the mountainous terrain in the zone of the middle course of the Tiger River.

According to another hypothesis, kuti / Hoody (Kuti) from Sumerian texts are associated with an ethnic udineFinally disappearing today.

By the way, an ancient historian and direct participant of the famous Jewish uprising Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200bwrote that the ark of Noah (Nov / Noah / Nuha) was stuck to Mount Judy, which rises not far from Lake Sevan. Apparently, under the influence of Joseph Flavia and a number of other authors of the first centuries of the new era, separate enthusiasts from among the early Christians in search of the biblical ark were sent not to Ararat, but in the mountains of Kurdistan, adjacent to the Mesopotamian plain. So, according to one of the fairly common versions, the top of Judy, to which the Ark was stuck - this is Mount Judi-Dag, located north-west of the Gab River (one of the Tiger's tributaries) and south of Lake Sevan.

As a possible place where the ark was first sowed to land, they also call Mount Card, which is located near Lake Wang, on the territory of modern Syria. At the same time, the specified area is called "Mount Corduan". It seems to us that Toponym Corduian can be output from the Chechen expression kerla Dune - Literally "New World" (meaning a new world arising after the Flood).

According to another version, a vertex on which Nh (Noah / Noah / Nuh) left the Ark - this is Mount Gouda, located near Mosul (Iraqi Kurdistan).

As you can see, reliably localize the top of Judy even in a limited territory around the interfluve not succeeded. Moreover, the coran actually does not indicate a particular place where noh (Noah / Noah / Nuh), for the first time after the Flood, came down to the ground. From the point of view of Islam's followers, this is not so important, since the scale of the flood was limited to in one region and did not threaten to all mankind. This circumstance, by the way, indirectly gives the key to deciphering the word "Judy" used in the Quran in connection with the story of Noha (NAKHE / NACHE). It does not matter how this vertex was called - it is important that it began with her the revival of life in those places that were devastated by a disaster. And, as always, to properly decipher the word judy We will help the knowledge of Chechen (Nohchi) language. Source form in this case sa do / di - i.e. "Life is", which was then transformed by replacing the first consonant sound in accordance with the norms of Arabic, which gave the word "Judy".

Along the way, we note another parallel between Arabic judy / Goodie / Kudi and Chechen (Nohchi) word g.having a "hill". At once, two such coincidences can hardly be random.

On the contrary, the biblical tradition clearly points to the Caucasus as in place where Noh (Noah / Noah / Nuh) completed its Multimaleny Swimming: "4 For the seventeenth day of the seventh month, the ark stopped at the Ararat mountains. 5 water continued to decrease until the tenth month, and on the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains were visible. " Moreover, the traditional translation, which uses the expression "Ararat Mountains" is not entirely accurate - the original states about the "Mountains of Urartu", i.e. The ark dropped to the land in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of urants, one of the peoples of antiquity, which was a direct ancestor of modern Chechens.

Pretty wide distribution received the version according to which Toponym Ararat Formed from Chechen (Nohchi) expressions arar Lattawhich can have two values. The first is "Earth in the Valley / on Plain", the second is "External Earth / Territory". It seems to us that such a name in meaning is difficult to relate with one of the highest peaks of the Caucasus. Therefore, that more convincing seems to be toponym Ararat Lies Chechen (Nohchi) Ela / Al Latta In the meaning of the "Land of the Prophet", i.e. The land on which once noh (Noah / Noah / Nuh) has stepped.

Recall, however, that the original text of the Bible says not about Ararat, but about the mountains of Urarta as a place where Never stuck down to earth. The fact that the Bible calls the Caucasus to the place, the first worldwide from the waters, is quite explained even from the point of view of formal logic. The compilers of the Bible simply did not know other mountains that would be higher than Caucasian. However, Mount Ararat (5165 m above sea level), towering over the southern Caucasus and on which Christian authors most often indicate, far from the highest peak on the whole of the Caucasus. The palm of the championship in height belongs to the twin vertex of Elbrus (5642 m), located quite far from the historical borders of the state by Urart. Not surprisingly, that in the North Caucasus there is a legend, according to which the pigeon released by a nohome (noime / noah / nukhoma) from the ark, sank to the top of Elbrus. In particular, this legend recorded the famous French writer A. Duma, when in the middle of the XIX century he traveled through the Caucasus.

There is, however, another mountain peak with a very similar name - Mountain and Mountain Mountain Array of Elbuis / Elbec, located on the territory of modern Iran near the south-west coast of the Caspian Sea. It is quite obvious that the Caucasian Elbrus and the Iranian Elbiz / Elbecis are the same name (and, very ancient), and small differences between them are due to the peculiarities of the speech of modern inhabitants of those places. Decipher name ELBIZ / Elbec / Elbrus Pretty easily - on modern Chechen (Nohchi) language Ela buz It means literally "she belongs to God / the Prophet."

Less convincing, but still interesting is the other version, also associated with Chechen (Nohchi) language. According to this version, toponyms ELBIZ / Elbec / Elbrus Lies Chechensky Ela Barz - "Honeycomb / Top of God / Prophet."

We will add to the one that Iranian Elbiz / Elbec is located near the district, many researchers determine as the location of the biblical eden, which is another cause in order to name this top of God. By the way, and the Caucasian Elbrus once wounded by local mountaineers as the habitat of the pagan gods, although the name itself was most likely to appear much earlier, during the initial monotheism.

The biblical version of the Tradition of the Flood leads us in Urartu, from which, apparently, the modern name of Armenia occurred. True, not all researchers agree with this opinion. For example, by us, by us, D. Rol believes that the name of Armenia dates back to the state of Mann (Manna) or as it is also called - the Money Kingdom. This is one of the many states created by the Hurrites (it would be more correct to speak the cross-grades in view of their exceptional language and ethnic proximity). The Money Kingdom existed for more than a thousand years in the south of Lake Urmia. The capital of this state wore, in all likelihood, the name Ur-Mannathat D. Rol translates as "City / Creating Mannais", although it is possible that Mannei in this case is a personal name. If so, then Ur-Manna Means "City / Creating Manna".

As for the name of Urartu, the D. Rol binds it to another ancient city-state Aratta, whose story is closely connected with the ancient Sumer. The fact that modern researchers of Sumerian texts read and pronounce as Aratta, according to his opinion actually sounded like Ur-ar (a) or Ar-Arat - "City / Creating Arata". It is worth noting that the form of ar-Arat is very close to Toponym Ararat. According to the version put forward by this researcher, Migrants from Aratta founded one of the oldest and largest cities of Sumer - Uruk (its full name Uruunuk- "Uncooked city").

In any case, no doubt that uR. It is equivalent biblical aR. Console uR / AR. or uru / Ara Widespread in antiquity throughout the Middle East. The two most famous examples: the ancient Sumerian city of UR (which means simply "city") and Jerusalem - Ur-Shalem - "City / Creating Shalema".

If D. Rola's assumption that Sumer was populated by the Aratta out of the right, then the Aratta itself had to arise before Uruk / Uruunuki, but after the flood. The fact is that the so-called dopup period of the Sumerian tradition refers to the existence of five cities: Erid, Badtibara, Larara, Sippar and Screwpak. The date of the strongest flood that has engulfed all the interfluve is established in various ways and on this occasion still does not exist a single point of view. In particular, archaeologists suggest that the specified catastrophe occurred in about the middle of the IV Millennium BC. Approximately by the same time, archaeologists refer to the formation of the so-called "culture of the Uruk" in the territory of the Sumer.

Scientists working with written sources call another, closer Flood Date. In the literature, at least two dates of the Flood, established in this way: Biblical - 2355 BC BC. and the so-called "Babylonian" date based on the information from the poem "Enum Elis" - 2379 BC Along the way, we note that in our opinion the name "Enuma Elis" Elin Elish - "God's prophets" or "the prophets of the Most High."

Despite the substantial (up to a thousand years on various estimates), the difference in the dating of the Flood, it can be assumed that the base of Uruk occurred when the interchange was repeated (afterportal). Even taking into account the fact that the flood was regional in nature and limited to the flat part of the Mesopotamia, anyway, the extensive territories were still immensed. Naturally, therefore, it is assumed that residents of nearby mountains and flatbed were the first settlers in the newly liberated lands. It remains to find out what it was for people. Here we can refer to the Bible again, which calls Noha (Nov / Noah / Nuha) by the second (after Adam), the "father of the human race", because through his sons he became a general ancestor for all people who settled the Earth after the World Flood.

The biblical tradition calls three sons of Noah (Nov / Noah / Nuha) by the genericants of a large number of peoples: "... After the flood, the peoples on Earth occurred after the flood." Given the regional character of the catastrophe, it is necessary to understand this so that we are talking about the peoples settled in the Middle East region. Traditionally it is believed that from the Sen Son Sham (Sheme / Simim), semitic peoples occurred; From the Middle Son of Hama - Khamitic and from the younger son of Japan (Jafeta) - Peoples of Indo-European. However, scientists have long proved that the Bible compilers have thoroughly humbled in this matter. For example, Hettites are named among the descendants of Hama, as well as residents of Canaan, i.e. Nakhi Hurrites.

The Bible itself does not give full clarity on the question of where the descendants of the three sons of Noah (Nov / Noah / Nuha) - Sham (Sheme / Sima), Hama or Japan (Jafeta) settle down. In particular, it is unclear who the first settled in the interfluid. Thus, the Bible argues that the descendants of the Japan (Jafeta) originally settled the areas adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea, from which the "... spread through their lands." However, in East Mediterranean, the descendants of Canaan, the son of Hama, as well as the Philistines, whom the Bible considers the descendants of Mitsraim, the second son of Hama (although historians have recently proved that the Philistines have been treated for the same ethnic community as Khourrites).

As for the intercourse, its ancient name, used in the original Bible (Carnar / Shinar / Schinar), leads to the idea that the descendants of Sham (Shem / Sima) appeared here: "11. Worldwide was one language and one adverb. 2 Moving to the East, people went to the plain in Babylonia and settled there. "

However, a few earlier the Bible talks about the descendants of Ham in connection with the ancient Sumer. We are talking about the famous Namrich, the son of Husha and the grandson of Hama, whom the Bible calls the powerful warrior and the greatest hunter. At the same time, Nimrod was the ruler of the Great Kingdom: "The first cities in his kingdom were Babylon, Erech, Akkad and Halne in Babylonia. From this earth, he switched to Assyria, where he built Ninevia, Rehovot-Il, Kalah and Redean, between Ninevenes and Kalah - the Great City. "

As mentioned above, where the name "Babylonia" is used in modern translations of the Bible, in the text of the original there is always "Shinar / Shinar". As for the cities of Babylon, Erech (Ereda) and Akkad (Agada), they arose still in the Sumerian era. As for the city of Halne, it is possible that we are talking about the city itself, which in the other place of the Bible is called Ur Chaldean. The emergence and flourishing of this city also applies to the Sumerian period of the interchange history.

It is characteristic that Nemrod then "crossed" in Assyria, the state that was formed around the ancient Khurrh city of Ashshur. Assyrian cities mentioned in the Bible are built much later Sumerian.

Thus, Nimrod, the grandson of Hama and the Lights of Noah (Nov / Noah / Nuha), it turns out closely connected with Sumeri and Hurrites. On the other hand, the very biblical name of the ancient interfluve - Shine / Shanar unequivocally connects its ancient population with the descendants of Sham (Shem / Sima), another son of Noah (Nov / Noah / Nukh). With a sufficient accuracy of confidence, we can assume that the settlement of ancient interfluve as descendants of Sham (Shem / Simima) is associated with his son Harphaksad (Arpakhsad). The fact is that the Arfaxad (Arpakhsad) is named the eighth ancestor of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham / Abraham), which, as is known, was born in Uraha Chaldean, where his family lives since ancient times.

As we see, from a rather controversial picture drawn by the Bible, we can conclude that descendants at least two sons of Noah (Nov / Noah / Nuha) took part in the settlement of ancient interfluve (Ancient Sumer) - Sham (Shem / Sima) and Hama . Obviously, the dominant role originally belonged to the descendants of Sham (Shem / Sima), so that the country and the country had gained its ancient name - Shinar / Shinar (we already talked about Toponym Shinar / Shanar comes from the name Sham / Shem / Sim). Subsequently, political domination switched to the descendants of Hama, which was reflected in the biblical tradition of Tsar Nimrod. However, the descendants of Sham (Shem / Sima) through the Arfaxad line (Arpakhsad) were noted by the Almighty, from their number, all the great prophets who lived after Noha (Nov / Noah / Nuha) were elected.

The latter circumstance is extremely important for our research - all subsequent biblical prophets were descendants of Sham (Sheme / Simima) precisely along the line of the Arfaxad (Arpakhsada). In the Quran, this is said with all certainty: "26. We sent nuha and Ibrahim and in the descendants of them established prophecy and writing. "

D. Rol identifies biblical nims with Enmerkar, the ruler of the Sumerian city of Oruk, who became the main character of the Sumerian epic "Enmermar and Lord Aratty". It was with Enmerkar in Uruk awarded active construction. In particular, a grand church-zikkurat was built in the form of seven step towers.

According to the testimony of Joseph Flavia, Nimrod decided to build a huge tower of an unprecedented height in order for her to flood the waves of the Flood, if the Most High relieves again to destroy humanity. Thus, he daring to challenge the most Most High.

Sumerian legends that have come down to this day are also reported that the Enmermar, who, according to the Sumerian tradition, is considered the first great post-concrete ruler, I decided to challenge the sky. According to legend, the flood was sent to Earth by the Supreme God Enlime. In retaliation, Enmermar invited Juruk Goddess Innan to his city as the main celestial patron and erected in the city of Erid the majestic temple of God Enki. That is, Enlil turns out to be pushed into the background.

It can be assumed that it is the part of the Sumerian legend, which speaks of the construction of a majestic zikkurat in honor of God Enki, later transformed into the biblical tradition about the construction of the Babylonian Tower.

As for the biblical hymen, the biblical scientists did not escape the temptation to identify it and with other well-known historical personalities (we will return to this question). In general, it is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the biblical nimrod - the character is clearly collective, who has entered the features of any, and at once several real rulers from the history of the interfluve, and those who lived in various epochs.

There are already quite extensive literature on etymology named (Noah / Nuh / Noah), and very often the usual consonance is based on certain assumptions. So, for example, Yu. D. Petukhov mistaken him to Indo-European nov. - "New" in the sense that noh (Noah / Noah / Nuh) and his genus is "new people."

The part of the biblical text, which explains the meaning of the name of this greatest prophet of antiquity, allows you to tie it with both rest after work and with the cultivation of the Earth. Therefore, it will be appropriate to recall that in Chechen (Nohchi) noh. - Means "Plow", that is, the instrument of cultivation of the Earth. Chechen ethnographer S.-M. Hasiev on this basis came to the conclusion that the name of Noh was formed from the Chechen word meaning "plow".

However, no matter how nah / Noah / Noah's name formed, we have every reason to tie with the name Noh (Noah / Noah) the emergence of ethnonym nohchi / Nakhchi by adding to the base noh. the words ts1I - "Blood", which was then gradually transformed into the end -Com. In our opinion nohchi Literally means "people, one blood with noah" or "People / Descendants of Noah". From Noh. happened I. nah In the meaning of "People / People".

In any case, the name of Noh's righteenth (Nov / Noah / Nuha) is much older than Hebrew himself.

We can also offer our own etymology of the names of all three sons of Noah (Nov / Nukh / Noah). So, Sham (Shem / Sim) Comes from Chechen (Nohchi) shoy Ma Wu. - Literally "he is mine" or "he is from me." The name is quite eloquent for that of the sons of Noah (Nov / Nukh / Noah), who received a special blessing - a figurative expression that God settled in "his tents," means nothing but the transfer of the gift of prophecy is his descendants.

Based on the name Ham.huc Ma Wu. In the meaning "he is yours", "belongs to you." In this regard, it will be useful to remember that the descendants of Hama had to become slaves.

Finally, Japan or Jafet - and (c) Aheta - Wahi Ta - It matters "let him live." It is the descendants of the Japan (Jafeta) according to the Bible successfully settled in extensive territories. By the way, among the descendants of the Japan (Jafeta), the ascenas (Ashkenaz), whose name became the name of the people of Scythians, which from Assyrian texts then twisted on the Bible pages. Our own interpretation of ethnonym and name Ashkenazarsa Genashe - "Arsa branches, descendants of Arsa."

It is amenable to explain from Chechen (Nohchi) language and the name of one of the sons of Sham (Sheme / Simima) - Arfaxada (Arpakhsada). He, according to the Bible, returned back to the place where people lived in the doping time and his descendants created the city-State of Sham / Shem / Shinar / Sumer (by the name of the Father). In our opinion, the Chechen expression is based on it - ela Hyoh Ca Du / Elaha Garden, in the meaning of "Soul from Ela", i.e. "Prophetic soul", "God's soul", "royal soul."

It is impossible to completely exclude another two options of the etymology named after the Arfhachsad (Arpakhsad). First: Al Noh Ca - "Soul of the Prophet Noha." Second: Arachi sa yes / do - "There is a life on the plain" or "on the plain created the soul." In this regard, it is appropriate to remember the version that it was the harpaxad (Arpakhsad) that moved from the Caucasian mountains to the plain of the transrachia.

It is known that the harpaxad was one of the distant direct ancestors of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham / Abraham). Here is a pedigree IBRAHIMA (Abraham / Abraham) according to the Bible: Sham (Shem / Sim) - Arfaxad (Arpakhsad) - Salu (Sheled) - Justle - Falek - Ragav (Rei) - Seruh - Nakhor - Terah (Farra) - Ibrahim (Abraham / Abraham).

Many of these names we can give decoding with the help of Chechen (Nohchi) language. So, Salu or Shelyah very reminds widespread name Saleh. The basis is the Chechen ca Lah. - "Looking for a soul."

Jewel (Perhaps another pronunciation - Iber). The basis is the Chechen - 1Abar In the meaning "satisfaction (for the soul).

Falek Could happen from hulk - "People".

Ragav / Rei - nothing but a typical word-transverse, the correct reading of which either AREthat in Chechen means "plain", "Valley", or (which is more likely) - Al / El., whose meaning was mentioned repeatedly.

Saruh, as well as the above mentioned Salu occurred from Chechen ca Lah. - "Looking for a soul."

Finally, Terah. - Slightly distorted Affairs - "God."

So, having analyzed a step by step the story of the life of the Prophet Noha (Nov / Nukh / Noah), we found that after the Flood, when the Ark was stuck to the "Ararat's heights", people descended into the valleys and stolen near Lake Urmia, Wang and Sevan, where they started Build settlements (cities). One of these first cities could be Urartu (Arata from Sumerian texts). Later, the immigrants also got to the plains of Meternrech, in particular among the Shumerologists, a hypothesis received some fame, according to which the Urupet founded migrants from Aratta.

The biblical text implies that up to the settlement of Mesopotamia among the descendants of Noah (Nov / Nukh / Noah), one for all the language they brought from the Caucasus was preserved. Meanwhile, the Caucasus was still in deep antiquity called the "mountain of languages", implying a large number of languages \u200b\u200bexisting here on a relatively small space.

It seems that the expression "mountain of languages" has a completely different origin. Let's go back again to the sacred scriptures that argue that after the completion of the World Flood, Noah's Ark stopped "on the mountains of Ararat", i.e. in the Caucasus. Patriarch Noh (Noah / Noah / Nuh) and his descendants began to master these lands, and only then spread to other territories. Harpaxad (Arpakhsad), Son Shama (Shem / Sima) and the grandson of Noah (Noah / Noah / Nuh), born two years after the flood, moved to the interference, where his ancestors had once lived. It was the harfaxad (Arpakhsad) and his descendants created Sumerian civilization. And in the "Earth Shinar" and the separation of languages \u200b\u200boccurred.

Consequently, the expression "Caucasus - Mountain Languages" may have the meaning of "the mountain where all languages \u200b\u200bcome from".

In favor of this assumption, the fact that the Caucasus since ancient times also called the "country of living", from which the kings and prophets came from.

Thus, we see that the language of Noah (Nov / Nuha / Noah), his descendants were submitted to Sumer, where only the situation of a language manifold was subsequently developed. This suggests that the language of Noah (Nov. / Noah / Nuha) is directly related to the so-called Sumerian language, which was nothing but one of the ancients (along with the Hurritsky and Urthi) states of the Chechen (Nohchi) language - that What we call the Language Eliysky. Later he will be known in the Middle East called Aramaic Language. This is the language on which the Sumerians were once spoken, Khurba and they say until now Chechens (Nohchi). In the Middle East, the Aramaic language has undergone a significant transformation under the influence of Semitic languages \u200b\u200b- for the Millennium, it is semilation (linguistics knows such examples). Therefore, between Early Aramaic and Late Aramaic - a principled difference. The first is the Language of Nahsky (Nohchi), and the second is Semitky, in which, nevertheless, a significant reservoir of the oldest (nohchi) vocabulary remains.

And the so-called Syrian dialect of the early Aramaic language or Syrian language - surin MOT. - "Holy Language", since he had once left paradise and all the prophets from Adam to Isa (Jesus Christ) said on it. In the same language, the scriptures were once given (except for the Quran), excerpts from which were then used by the Hebrew translators for the preparation of the Torah.

Allah Most High said in TOur`an (sura "well h.", Ayat 1):

إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَا نُوحًا إِلَى قَوْمِهِ أَنْ أَنذِرْ قَوْمَكَ مِن قَبْلِ أَن يَأْتِيَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ

It means: "Truly, Allah sent a prophet h.and to his people, so that he warned them before they would comprehend the painful punishment. "

The pedigree of the prophet h.a, peace to him

He is h. Son L. imac Son Matt. w.shalyha Son Ahan. w.ha (he is IDR andc) Son Yard Son Mirlyil Son Kian. buton the son of An. w.sha Son Shi fromand son BUTlady - Father of all people. It is known that after the death of the prophet Idre andsa to the prophet h.and a thousand years have passed.

Allah sent a prophet h.and, peace to him, to the unbeliever people who worshiped idols. In the sacred TOur`anu says (sura "well h.", Ayat 23):

وَقَالُواْ لاَ تَذَرُنَّ ءَالِهَتَكُمْ وَلاَ تَذَرُنَّ وَدًّا وَلاَ سُوَاعًا وَلاَ يَغُوثَ وَيَعُوقَ وَنَسْرًا

It means: "They are[unbelievers from the people of the Prophet well h.but] They said: "For nothing, do not distort from their idols (they called them with their" gods "), do not refuse W.adda, nor from Su but'A and nor from me gooseand I' uKa and Nasra ».

As mentioned above, these names belonged to five pious people from the people of the Prophet Idre andsa. They had disciples, their followers. After the death of these holy people, Shaitan began to teach people so that they put the statues in memory of their esteemed mentors in those places where they usually held meetings, teaching people. And told them to call these statues by their names. They listened to him and put the statues. At that time, people had not yet worshiped them. Disbelief - idolatry - arose after the next generations appeared, when among people there were no longer knowledgeable, and some people, obeying Iblis, began to worship these statues.

About how the prophet well h., peace to him, urged his people to Islam

Allah Most High sent a prophet h.and, peace to him, to unbelieving people in order for him to call them to the religion of truth - Islam and worship with one Allah, leaving the worship of his idols. As stated by B. TOur`an, he spoke to them (Sura "al-a'r butf ", Ayat 65):

يَا قَوْمِ ٱعْبُدُواْ اللهَ مَا لَكُم مِّنْ إِلَهٍ غَيْرُهُ أَفَلاَ تَتَّقُونَ

This means: "Oh, my people, worship only Allah, because there is no other deity besides him. Bear and be God-fearing. "

And he also spoke to them (Sura "al-a'r butf ", Ayat 59):

ٱعْبُدُواْ اللهَ مَا لَكُم مِّنْ إِلَهٍ غَيْرُهُ إِنِّي أَخَافُ عَلَيْكُمْ عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ عَظِيمٍ

This means: "Worship Allah Almighty, because there is no other deity besides him. Truly, I warn you that otherwise you will suffer terrible punishment on the judy day. "

Also, the prophet h. He said, calling for his people (Sura "һud", Ayat 26):

أَن لاَّ تَعْبُدُواْ إِلاَّ اللهَ إِنِّي أَخَافُ عَلَيْكُمْ عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ أَلِيمٍ

This means: "Do not worship anyone except Allah. And truly, I warn you that otherwise you will be punished on the day of terrible flour and suffering. "

And he also spoke to them (Sura "well h.", Ayata 2-3):

2) يا قوم إني لكم نذير مبين

3) أن ٱٱبدوا الله واتقوه وأطيعون

This means: "Oh, my people! Truly, I came to you with a warning and explaining to you a message from God. Worship Allah, be submissive to him. Refuse the fact that he forbade you and follow what I urge you to ".

Prophet h., peace, he used all the ways to admonish his people. He called them to Islam and in the afternoon, and at night, did it openly before all the people and separately before some people, sometimes he tried to cause their desire for prosperity on the world, and sometimes - warning about terrible hellish torments. But, despite all this, most of his people did not believe him and remained in their former delusion - worshiping idols. They began to openly enjoy him and with other believers, threatening them that they would throw stones.

In the sacred TOur`anu says (Sura "al-a'r butf ", Ayat 60):

قَالَ الْمَلأُ مِن قَوْمِهِ إِنَّا لَنَرَاكَ فِي ضَلاَلٍ مُّبِينٍ

It means: "Some people from his people said with a mockery:" Truly, we see that you are explicitly delusional. "

He answered them, as stated in TOur`a (sura "al-a'r butf ", Ayata 61-62):

61) قال يا قوم ليس بي ضلالة ولكني رسول من رب العالمين

62) بلغكم رسالات ربي وأنصح لكم وأألم من الله ما لا تعلمون

This means: "He said:" Oh, the people, I'm not in delusion, what you blame me. I am the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds and give you the message of my Lord, which I received. I give you sincere advice, and I can know from Allah what you do not know. "

They were surprised, unless a person could be a messenger, and continuing to stubborn, told him (Sura "һud", Ayat 27):

مَا نَرَاكَ إِلاَّ بَشَرًا مِّثْلَنَا وَمَا نَرَاكَ اتَّبَعَكَ إِلاَّ الَّذِينَ هُمْ أَرَاذِلُنَا بَادِيَ الرَّأْيِ وَمَا نَرَى لَكُمْ عَلَيْنَا مِن فَضْلٍ بَلْ نَظُنُّكُمْ كَاذِبِينَ

This means: "They said:" We see that you are just the same person as we all. We see that only the most descended from us followed you, and you do not have any superiority over us. We are convinced that you are liars. "

Prophet h., peace, he lived among his people 950 years old, calling them to Islam. Proof of this is the Ayat from the sacred TOur`an (Sura "al-'ancab w.t ", Ayat 14):

فَلَبِثَ فِيهِمْ أَلْفَ سَنَةٍ إِلاَّ خَمْسِينَ عَامًا

It means: "He was among his people, calling them to Islam, nine hundred and fifty years."

Unbelievers from the people h.and in every way harmed him. They mocked him - beaten and strangled him. From severe suffering and pain, he even lost consciousness. Their evil and sins became more, and every new generation was worse than the previous one. When the next generations appeared, they said: "He was so crazy - even at the time of our fathers and grandfathers, and we will not listen to him too." IN TOthe ur`han says he said to them (Sura "һud", Ayat 34):

وَلاَ يَنفَعُكُمْ نُصْحِي إِنْ أَرَدتُّ أَنْ أَنصَحَ لَكُمْ إِنْ كَانَ اللهُ يُرِيدُ أَن يُغْوِيَكُمْ

This means: "Allah in his will leads true by whom she wants, and misleads who he wants. Despite the fact that I wish you good, I can't create faith in your hearts. "

Despite all this, the prophet h., peace, he did not despair and did not stop his mission, and on the contrary, he tried even more stronger by calling them to the truth. However, he believed and followed him only a small number of people.

About the construction of the ark and the punishment, comprehended non-believers

Prophet h., peace, he received from Allah, the revelation that besides those who have already taken faith, no one else crawls from his people. Allah Most High said in TOur`an (Sura "һud", Ayat 36):

وَأُوحِيَ إِلَى نُوحٍ أَنَّهُ لَن يُؤْمِنَ مِن قَوْمِكَ إِلاَّ مَن قَدْ ءَامَنَ

It means: "The Prophet is h.the revelation has been sent that, besides those who have already accepted faith, none more of his people crawl. "

Then knowing that the rest will not accept faith, the prophet h. turned to Allah with a prayer (Sura "well h.", Ayata 26-27):

26) رب لا تذر على الأرض من الكافرين ديارا

27) إنك إن تذرهم يضلوا عباد ولا يلدوا إلا فاجرا كفارا

This means: "Oh, Lord! Let none of the unbelievers remain on Earth. After all, if they remain to live, they will be misleading, and among their descendants there will be only stubborn unbelievers. "

Prophet h., peace to him, read Du ' but`And asked Allah protection against harmless to unbelievers. And then Allah sent him a revelation, he had led him to build an ark. IN TOur'anu says (Sura "һud", Ayat 37):

وَٱصْنَعِ الْفُلْكَ بِأَعْيُنِنَا وَوَحْيِنَا وَلاَ تُخَاطِبْنِي فِي الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُواْ إِنَّهُم مُّغْرَقُونَ

It means: "Allah commanded the prophet construct an ark, which will be in preservation by the will of Allah, and all oppressors will be swept. "

As well as B. TOur`ane says (Sura "A fromFROMbutfF butt ", Ayat 75-76):

75) ولقد نادانا نوح فلنعم المجيبون

76) ونجيناد وأهله من الكرب الظظيم

It means: "Prophet N. h. He turned with prayers to Allah, and Allah accepted his plea. Prophet h. And those who believed in Allah were saved from the great trouble. "

Prophet h., peace, he began to build the ark and began to prepare everything he was needed for this: boards, metal, resin, etc. And unbelievers, passing by him, laughed at him. Previously, they never saw the ship. And they could not understand why he builds him, if there is no sea nearby. Mocking him, they said: "Oh, well h.We see that you have already become a carpenter after it was a prophet! " From that time, their women ceased to give birth - by the will of Allah, they became fruitless.

Well h., peace to him, built the ark from the tree Tick. It is said that Allah commanded well construct an ark with a length of 80 elbows, a width of 50 elbows and a height of 30 elbows. As transmitted, the ark of the prophet h.and consisted of three floors. The lower floor was for animals, the middle floor is for people, and the top - for birds. When he completed the construction, Allah commanded him what was said in the sacred TOur'an (Sura "һud", Ayat 40):

حَتَّى إِذَا جَاءَ أَمْرُنَا وَفَارَ التَّنُّورُ قُلْنَا ٱحْمِلْ فِيهَا مِن كُلٍّ زَوْجَيْنِ ٱثْنَيْنِ وَأَهْلَكَ إِلاَّ مَن سَبَقَ عَلَيْهِ الْقَوْلُ وَمَنْ ءامَنَ وَمَا ءامَنَ مَعَهُ إِلاَّ قَلِيلٌ

It means: "When the time of grave punishment came, and climbed water in a stone furnace, Allah commanded well h.introduce in the ark by pair (male and female) from each animal, as well as those who believed from his family, and all other believers. And there were very little them. "

The sign that the flood began, was the appearance of water from a stone oven. (As passed, before this furnace belonged to the prophet's wife BUTlady H.but uubut`). When the wife of the prophet h.and reported that the water, the prophet clowd in the furnace h. took with him the ark of three of his believers sons (herself, H.aMA I. If. frombut ) Together with their wives. (One of the sons of the prophet h.a - Kan ' buth - was unbelievers). And also in the ark included all the other believers, and there were eighty people. It is also transferred that well h., peace to him, took a prophet's body into the ark BUTlady, peace to him. Allah Most High said in TOur`a (Sura "һud", Ayat 41):

وَقَالَ ٱرْكَبُواْ فِيهَا بِسْمِ اللهِ مَجْرِºاهَا وَمُرْسَاهَا إِنَّ رَبِّي لَغَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ

It means: "Prophet N. h. Said: "Enter the Ark, uttering the name of the Most High (" Bismill ih ") when the ship will start sailing and when he sticks to land. Truly, Allah forgiving, merciful. "

When the water was harvested with a huge stream, the animals began to bother to the center of the earth. And when they gathered near the ark, the prophet h. He took from each type of animals by pair: male and female.

When the prophet h., peace, being in the ark, has already calmed down that everything he had to enter the ark, a flood began. This is stated in TOul`an:

11) ففتحنا بواب السماء بماء منهمر

12) وفجرنا الأرض عيونا فٱلتقى الماء على أمر قدر

13) وحملناه على ذات ألواح ودسر

(Sura "Al- TOaMAR ", Ayata 11-13).

It means: "The gates of the sky opened, and the water was poured by a continuous flow. The Earth revealed, giving out the water outlet, and scored the roar from under the ground. The water of heaven merged with earthly water and destroyed unbelievers as it was predetermined by Allah Most High. And the prophet h. Was saved on the ark. "

In Sura "Al- TOaMAR ", Ayat 14 says:

تَجْرِي بِأَعْيُنِنَا

It means: "The ark sailed along the water, being under the safety of Allah."

The ark sailed among the waves, high as the mountains. This is stated in TOur`a (Sura "һud", Ayat 42):

وَهِيَ تَجْرِي بِهِمْ فِي مَوْجٍ كَالْجِبَالِ

This means: "The ark sailed along with those who was on it, among the waves, high as the mountains. Allah sent such a rain, which he had never fallen before Earth, and the Earth on the command of Allah released water from all its sources. "

Prophet h., peace to him, urged his unbeliever son to accept Islam and escape along with the rest of believers. IN TOur`han says that the Prophet is h. said (Sura "һud", Ayat 42):

يَا بُنَيَّ ٱرْكَب مَّعَنَا وَلاَ تَكُن مَّعَ الْكَافِرِينَ

It means: "My son! We accept faith and swim together with us. Do not be with those who did not believe in Allah! "

And he answered his father (Sura "һud", Ayat 43):

قَالَ سَآوِي إِلَى جَبَلٍ يَعْصِمُنِي مِنَ الْمَاءِ

It means: « [The unbeliever son of the prophet h.but] Said: "I will be asleep on some high mountain that will protect me from the water."

Prophet h. Told his son (Sura "һud", Ayat 43):

قَالَ لاَ عَاصِمَ ٱلْيَوْمَ مِنْ أَمْرِ اللهِ إِلاَّ مَن رَّحِمَ وَحَالَ بَيْنَهُمَا ٱلْمَوْجُ فَكَانَ مِنَ الْمُغْرَقِينَ

It means: "Today, neither she will save you anything else. But only those who are in the ark are will be saved, which Allah bestowed their grace. " A wave was held between them, and the Son of the Prophet h.but[Kan ' butn] drowned with other unbelievers. "

It is said that they entered the ark on the 10th day of the month of Rajab and set foot on Earth a day 'Ashura`, that is, the 10th day of the month h.arm. Some interpreters TOur`an said that by the will of Allah, the rain was continuously forty days. At that time, all the water consisted of two parts: one part was from the sky, and the other - from under the ground. It is said that the water rose over the highest mountain on Earth at 15 elbows. The whole land: plains, hills, hills and mountains were covered with water. And so on the ground there was not a single unbeliever, that is, those who worshiped anyone except Allah. Allah Most High said in TOur`a (sura "al-a'r butf ", Ayat 64):

فَكَذَّبُوهُ فَأَنجَيْنَاهُ وَالَّذِينَ مَعَهُ فِي الْفُلْكِ وَأَغْرَقْنَا الَّذِينَ كَذَّبُواْ بِآيَاتِنَا إِنَّهُمْ كَانُواْ قَوْماً عَمِينَ

It means: "But they counted well h.and liar. Allah saved from the focus of the prophet h.and and all believers who were with him in the ark. And all unbelievers were sinking. Truly, I was a blind people who did not see the truth. "

As well as in Sura Al-Anbi i`", Ayat 77 says:

وَنَصَرْنَاهُ مِنَ الْقَوْمِ الَّذِينَ كَذَّبُواْ بِآيَاتِنَا إِنَّهُمْ كَانُواْ قَوْمَ سَوْءٍ فَأَغْرَقْنَاهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ

This means: "Allah Almighty defended him from harmless people who denied Allah's signs. Truly, that people were wicked, and all before the one they were sweeping. "

The ark was swimming throughout the land until reached the territory of Al- H.aram (Mecca), around which he floated for a whole week. Then the ark sailed further and reached the Judy Mountain, which is located in the area M w.fromлы, where he stopped. Said B. TOur''an (Sura "һud", Ayat 44):

وَقِيلَ يَا أَرْضُ ٱبْلَعِي مَاءَكِ وَيَا سَمَاءُ أَقْلِعِي وَغِيضَ الْمَاءُ وَقُضِيَ الأَمْرُ

وَٱسْتَوَتْ عَلَى الْجُودِيِّ وَقِيلَ بُعْداً لِّلْقَوْمِ الظَّالِمِينَ

It means: "Allah Most High commanded the earth to absorb all the water and commanded the sky to stop the rain, and then the water sued. Thus, what happened what was said to the Prophet well h.y, and all unbelievers from his people died. The ark was established on Mount Judy. That was the end of unbelievers - oppressors. "

When the water began to decrease, and it was already possible to walk and get settled on the ground, the Ark was stuck to Mount Judy, and the prophet h. Together with believers stepped on Earth. Allah Most High said in the sacred TOur'aan (Sura "һud", Ayat 48):

قِيلَ يَا نُوحُ ٱهْبِطْ بِسَلاَمٍ مِّنَّا وَبَرَكَاتٍ عَلَيْكَ وَعَلَى أُمَمٍ مِّمَّن مَّعَكَ

وَأُمَمٌ سَنُمَتِّعُهُمْ ثُمَّ يَمَسُّهُم مِّنَّا عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ

It means: "Allah commanded the prophet h.u: "Oh, well h.! Go to Earth safe and safety. The world and blessing to you and people who are with you in the ark, as well as the believers who will be after them. " Allah gave to know also that the unbelievers will occur from them. In this life, they will enjoy worldly benefits, but on that light they will suffer terrible punishment. "

After the World Flood, the genus of all people who were in the ark, besides sons well h.but. That is, all the people who appeared on earth after that, come from sons well h.but. Other believers who were in the ark with the Prophet well h.ohm, there are no descendants left. Specified in the sacred TOur`a (sura "a fromFROMbutfF butt », Ayat 77):

وَجَعَلْنَا ذُرِّيَّتَهُ هُمْ الْبَاقِينَ

It means that all people in our time belonging to various nationalities have occurred from three sons of the prophet h.and, peace to him.

Transferred to Imam A. h.mad from Samura about that the prophet mu h.ammad, peace to him, said:

سَامٌ أبُو العَرَبِ، وَحَامٌ أبُو الْحَبَشِ، وَيَافِثُ أَبُو الرُّومِ

It means: "Himself - the progenitor of Arabs, ancepiece of Ethiopians, and If. from - Pratrica Rooms. "

Imam AT-Tirmi z.they handed the same from from samura, who heard it from the most prophet h.ammada, peace to him. Some scientists said that those mentioned in frome "Room" is the Greeks. As well as from sa andyes, Ibn Musaiyab is transmitted that the Prophet, peace of him, said:

وَلَدُ نُوحٍ ثَلاثَةٌ: سَامٌ ويَافِثٌ وَحَامٌ ، وَوَلَدَ كُلُّ وَاحِدٍ مِنْ هَؤُلاءِ الثَّلاثَةِ: فَوَلَدَ سَامٌ الْعَرَبَ وَفَارِسَ وَالرُّومَ، وَوَلَدَ يَافِثُ التُّرْكَ وَالصَّقَالبَةَ وَيَأْجُوْجَ وَمَأْجُوْجَ، وَوَلَدَ حَامٌ الْقِبْطَ وَالسُّوْدَانَ وَالْبَرْبَرَ

It means: "N. h.and there were three sons: with butm, If. from and Ham, and each of them was the progenitor of three nations. From S. butma went the Arabs, Persians and Rum, from Yafis - Turks, Slavs and Ya''Gudzh and Majudzh (Gogh and Magog), from Hama - Cocks , Sudanese and Berbers ».

About that day when the ship of the prophet h.and, peace to him, stuck to land

TOaT. butyes, the associate of the prophet, peace, he said: "The Prophet is h. And those who were with him entered the Ark of the 10th of the month of Rajab. The ark sailed on the water of 150 days, after which it was established on Mount Judy, and there was a whole month. And the day in which the prophet h. and believers went to land, was the day 'Ashura` h.arm ". Ibn jar andp also conveyed like this from From the Prophet, peace to him, and he also reported that on this day they kept the post, expressing gratitude to Allah.

And mother h.mad in his compilation "Musdan" handed over the next from From Abu һuraiira: "One day the Prophet Mu h.ammad, peace, he passed by the Jews and, having learned that they would fast on the day 'Ashura`, asked them, what is the cause of their post. They replied: "On this day, the prophet of Musa and his people Banu Isre but`andthen were saved from death in the sea, and Pharaoh drowned. And on this day the ark of the prophet h.and established himself on Mount Judy. Therefore, the prophet h. And the Prophet Musa fasted on this day, expressing thanks to Allah. " Then Prophet Mu. h.ammad, peace to him, said:

أنَا أحَقُّ بِمُوْسَى وَأَحَقُّ بِصَوْمِ هَذَا الَيَوْمِ

It means: "We are closer to the prophet MUSE, and we will fast on this day."

Like from Al-Bukhari's imam alone in the collection " FROMbut h.and h.", But there is no mention of the prophet well h.e, peace to him.

How many years did the prophet live h., peace to him. About his death

Transmitted that the Prophet is h. He received a revelation of prophecy when he was 480 years old, and after the World Flood he lived for another 350 years. Thus, he lived only 1780 years old. And truly, Allah is aiskive.

About the prophet h.e transmitted such a story that before his death they asked: "How did you feel this life?" He replied: "As a house with two doors. As if I entered one door and went out through the other. "

The grave of the prophet h.and, peace is located near the Al- H.aram in Mecca. Some scientists believed that he was buried in the Valley of Bi ka'- In a village, which is called today "Kark and h."And that for this reason the mosque was built there. Truly, Allah is aiskive.

The will of the prophet h.and peace to him, his son

In the collection "Musdan" Imama a h.mada Pereda from (with a degree " frombut h.and h.») From 'Abdul buthA IBN 'ARRA, that the prophet mu h.ammad, peace to him, said:

إِنَّ نَبِيَّ اللهِ نُوْحًا لَمَّا حَضَرَتْهُ الْوَفَاةُ قَالَ لابْنِهِ: إِنِّي قَاصٌّ عَلَيْكَ الْوَصِيَّةَ، ءَامُرُكَ باثْنَتَيْنِ وَأَنْهَاكَ عَنِ اثْنَتَيْنِ، وءَامُرُكَ بِلاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ، فَإنَّ السَّمَوَاتِ السَّبْعَ وَالأَرْضِيْنَ السَّبْعَ لَوْ وُضِعَتْ فِي كَفَّةٍ وَوُضِعَتْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ فِي كَفَّةٍ رَجَحَتْ بِهِنَّ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ، وَلَوْ أَنَّ السَّمَواتِ السَّبْعَ وَالأَرْضِيْنَ السَّبْعَ كُنَّ حَلْقَةً مُبْهَمَةً قَصَمَتْهُنَّ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ، وَسُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ فَإنَّهَا صَلاةُ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ وَبِهَا يُرْزَقُ الْخَلْقُ، وَأَنْهَاكَ عَنِ الشِّرْكِ وَالْكِبْرِ

It means: "When an hour of death of the prophet is approaching h.and, peace, he said to his son: "I want to give you my own testament. Wanted you two things and forbid two others. Wanted to firmly adhere to the words "l i Il. ihA Illlall buth "(no deity besides Allah). Truly, if we put seven heavens and seven lands on one scale of the scales, and the words "l i Il. ihA Illlall buth "to another, then would turn the bowl with the words" l i Il. ihA Illlall buth ". And also, if seven heavens and seven lands would form a solid ring, then the words "l i Il. ihA Illlall buth "would smack it. And let you write you "sub hanall. buthy Ua B. h.amdium "(Allah above all flaws, and praise him). Truly, these words, everything created praises the creator, and these words may cause Reese to (Means for existence). And I prohibit you two things: Shirk (disbelief, giving Allah partner) and arrogance. "

About how in TOur`aan allah praised the prophet h.a, peace to him

Allah Most High said in TOurist about the prophet well h.e (Sura "Al-Isre but`", Ayat 3):

ذُرِّيَّةَ مَنْ حَمَلْنَا مَعَ نُوحٍ إِنَّهُ كَانَ عَبْدًا شَكُورًا

It means: "Truly, the Prophet is h. He was truly grateful slave. "

And mother h.mad in the book "AZ-ZHD" conveyed from mu h.ammada ibn Kya'ba Al- TOara z.i: "When a prophet h., he went to him, dressed or dressed, or he sat down on the righteous animal, he always said: "Al h.ammulillah "(praise Allah). And he was named in TOur'aan is true than grateful slave. " However, this story does not mean that a person will be a truly grateful slave only because he will praise Allah with words (for example, to say: al h.amdulill ih). And in fact, so that the person becomes the pious and truly grateful slave of Allah, you must, first of all, to be a god-fearing person, that is, to carry out everything that Allah commanded and fencing himself from sins, and besides this, make a lot of additional Good deeds. Specified in the sacred TOur`an (Sara "Saba`", Ayat 13):

وَقَلِيلٌ مِّنْ عِبَادِيَ الشَّكُورُ

It means: "Among Allah slaves are few people who truly express gratitude to him."

Among Muslims are few people who are truly grateful to God. And among unbelievers there is not a single grateful and especially true thanks, that is, a pious person, even if they constantly say al h.amdulill ih, praise to God, etc. Muslim-sinners will also not be grateful to Allah only because they often utter words of praising or gratitude to Allah, because mandatory gratitude includes the implementation of the fact that Allah commanded and fencing himself from what he forbade.

Wahhabis use the above-mentioned Ayat, interpreting it in its own way. They say that, allegedly, they are the small group that Allah Almighty said in TOur`an. Thus, they are trying to prove that only they are the believers and grateful slaves of Allah, opposing themselves to Muslims who disagree with them and oppose their beliefs. It is known that Wahhabis around the world is only about a million, and Muslims are hundreds of millions. In one of his sayings, the prophet mu h.ammad, peace to him, said:

إنَّ مِنْ أُمَّتِي مَنْ يَشْفَعُ لأكْثَرَ مِنْ رَبِيْعَةَ وَمُضَر

It means: "Truly, in my community there will be such pious believers who will condescend for Muslims with a number more than the peoples of the slave and'At and mu This from (with a degree " frombut h.and h.") Conveyed imam a h.mad in his collection "Musdan".

In fact, the number of the oldest Arab peoples slave and'At and mu d.aR is huge - their hundreds of millions. And on the vessel day, only one person from the community of the Prophet Mu h.ammada will interfere with such a number of people. And some particularly pious Muslims will condescendly even for an even greater number of people! How can Wahhabites consider all Muslims with pagans, stating themselves that only they are Muslims?!

The Messenger Allah Nukh (Noah) is one of the greatest prophets. He was not the first prophet, since there were others - Adam, Osh, Idris, the world. Adam lived on Earth 870 years, and then the Prophet was his son Ohshis.

Islamic scientists said that 1000 years passed between Adam and Idris, and then there was no religion except Islam.

Time passed, and there was a paganism among people, which lasted 1000 years. It was after that, Allah sent a new prophet - Nuh a, peace to him. When he became a prophet, he was 480 years old. Being a prophet to Flood, he lived 950 years old, and all these years called for people to Islam, and after the Flood, the Nuch had lived for another 350 years.

The prophet Nuh, peace to him, for a long time, when he called on people to believe in Allah. He spoke to the people: " Take Islam, be submissive to one God and leave idols that you worship" But most people did not believe the Prophet, they mocked in response, insulted and beat him.

Allah gave the revelation of the Nuh y, peace to him, build an ark. This vessel was under the protection of the Most High and during the Flood became salvation for all those few believers who followed the Prophet. There were about 83 people. By the way, it was the first ship on earth, since no one built this. It consisted of three floors: lower (for animals), medium (for humans) and upper (for birds). Muslims rose to the ship and the Prophet Nuh, as well as they took the pair of animals and birds.

After completing the construction of the ark from under the ground, water scored waters, and it rained abundantly from the sky. It raised for forty days, heavenly and earthly water connected, and the water level rose to several dozen elbows over the highest point of the earth.

The ship sailed throughout the earth, overcoming huge distances. In those days, no mountains nor the valleys were visible under the thickness of the water. Then the ship fell to the place where the sacred ka'b was located to the flood and there, circling, floated for a whole week.

When the rain stopped and the water began to subsoine, the ark stuck to the mountain al-Judy on the territory of modern Iraq. Anyone who was in the ark, desired on the day 'Ashura` (the 10th day of the first month of the lunar calendar - Muh Arram).

After the flood on Earth, there was no one of the people and animals except those whom the prophet, peace, he took him to the ship on the command of Allah. Among the relatives of the Prophet, peace, he was and his sons: Him, Ham and Yafis, as well as their wives. From them after the flood and all humanity went. To this day, all residents of the Earth are descendants of the sons of Nuh a.

The Prophet Muh Ammad, peace, gave him that the prophet Nuh, peace, he told his son to his son: " I give you my own testament. I order two things and forbid two others. I order firmly following "La Ilya Illalylah" ("There is no deity, except Allah"). If the seven heavens were put and seven lands on one scale of the scales, and the words "La Ilya Illyallah" on the other, then the words "La Ilya Illyallah would be translated." I order to you the second: "Subcame an analflows of Bih Amdii" (Allah is clean from all disadvantage, all praise is Allah). It is a do "but for all. Thanks to these words, it is given to food created. Forbid you Shirk (giving Allah Partner) and arrogance».

The prophet, peace, he lived 1780 years old. When he was asked about how he saw this life, the prophet, peace, answered: "As a house with two doors: as if he entered one door and went to another."