Repair Design Furniture

Where to hide money? Useful inventions for those who have them. Where in the apartment to arrange a hiding place from thieves Hiding place for money with your own hands in the apartment

It is within the power of each person to protect their home and property from thieves as much as possible. You don't have to go out and buy the most expensive safe. Reliable caches, the presence of which is not so easy to guess, you can make yourself.

Some hiding places are useful not only to keep things from thieves - in many of them you can store bills, documents, or New Year's gifts for children. Most of the tools for making stashes are easy to obtain from your local hardware store.

A money stash can be created right in a regular interior door. It is also convenient to store jewelry or flash drives with important documents there. To do this, you just need to drill a hole in the upper part and place a metal or plastic tube with a twist-off lid there.

Large paintings or posters often hide hidden treasures of valuables. Therefore, it is better to choose a less trivial place for the safe, and place a niche for cables and behind the work of art.

But for storing jewelry, a large picture is perfect. One has only to place a vertical hanger for beads, chains and earrings behind her.

A regular wall shelf can be equipped with a hinged lid, under which you can store anything.

The mirror can be equipped with pull-out shelves on the sides, the existence of which is not easy to guess.

Many have seen in the movies how people create caches in old books by simply carving a niche in the pages. Everyone is able to repeat this, using an ordinary breadboard knife or scalpel.

There are hollow computer keyboards on sale that allow you to store small items inside. Of course, this will not save you from loss if a burglar decides to steal your computer, but it will help keep your desktop in order and hide things from children.

Now imitation of sockets is popular - small safes that are installed in the wall and opened with a key. They are very convenient for storing money and jewelry.

Even if you don't have so many valuables in your home, you are still unlikely to want to lose them. What can we say about pretty impressive savings! Since the reality around us is becoming more bleak every day, and the number of burglaries has increased several times, it is worth thinking about how to make a cache at home. God protects him, as they say, so it is better to keep the most valuable away from prying eyes.

Basic rules for storing valuables

Before talking about where and how to make a stash, remember a few simple rules that will help you keep what you have acquired and all your secrets:

  • do not put all the "mushrooms" in one basket, if your cache, unfortunately, is discovered, you will lose everything at once;
  • when arranging a stash, be as creative as possible;
  • make a hiding place in a hiding place - if one is found, then the second will most likely remain intact;
  • avoid obvious repositories; if you have heard of such a "nychka" at least three times, then this is already an unreliable place;
  • hide at home only what you are willing to risk;
  • come up with an excuse story in case you find something hidden (if you hide it from your family);
  • if you do not want to be found something, do not hide it - put it in a conspicuous place.

This is definitely not a hiding place

There are many obvious places, widely known for a long time. Burglars examine them first. If you are wondering how to make a stash, make sure your stash is not one of the following.

  • Drawers of tables, dressers, furniture walls, pianos, secretaries and the like. This is too obvious, even a child can easily find such a stash.
  • Among the laundry, both clean and dirty. Do not hope that a thief will disdain to turn over a basket of bad-smelling socks.
  • In the pockets and lining of an old coat or jacket. There, values ​​are also easy to find.
  • In old and new videotapes, magazines and books. The Upside Down Library is a classic attribute of every heist.
  • Under the mattress or inside. It's funny, but many people (and not only the elderly) continue to store their savings there.
  • Behind mirrors, wall and floor carpets and paintings. Believe me, it will take you much more time to secure a “schooner” there than a thief to find it.
  • In the toilet cistern. This is another classic example of a stash. Rest assured, the thief will definitely look there.
  • In the freezer, oven, jars of cereals, sugar or jam. You can find values ​​there with one movement of your hand.
  • Mezzanine. For some reason, people think that this is the perfect place to store your stash. After all, there is so much rubbish. The problem is that the thief will not carefully sort through the contents of the mezzanine. He will just dump everything at once and very quickly find what is hidden.
  • Video and audio equipment, other household appliances. If the thing is worthwhile, there is a risk that it will be taken away along with the cache, and if it is old, the thief will have a question why the trash has not been thrown away so far.
  • Under parquet or wallpaper. If the thief is in a hurry, it may work, but if they start tapping the walls, then ...

Hide the flat and important

So how to make a cache for money (purchase) or for something subtle, such as a folder with documents? For this, niches and hiding places in furniture are most often used. Double bottoms near drawers, heavy cabinet bottoms are what you need. Of course, in order to get the necessary document, you will have to free the cabinet from all belongings and turn it upside down, but the thief will definitely not have time for this.

By the way, as a double cavity, it is best to equip not a double bottom, but a double ceiling - such a cache is more difficult to find.

If the document consists of only a few sheets of paper, you can roll it up into a tube and tuck it, for example, into a curtain rod or into the handle of a floor squeegee.

We hide small and valuable

And how to make a home cache if you need to hide something bulky, for example gold, stones, coins, a USB flash drive with information or a roll of money?

The most popular (and therefore least reliable) is the door stash. This is the same option when a cavity is drilled in the upper end of the door leaf, into which a metal tube is inserted, for example, from a cigar. Small objects enter easily. You can remove the secret with a simple magnet. It is impossible to notice him looking at the door, but you just have to hold your hand from above - and voila ...

Another popular hiding place is most often equipped with an outlet. The bottom line is that there are many outlets installed around the perimeter of the apartment, which are necessarily the same in appearance. One of them is fake. To find it, it is enough to knock off the covers from all. If you do not use a screwdriver, but simply break them, your mini-safe will be detected very quickly.

In order to reliably hide small objects, disguise them as everyday objects and place them in plain sight. A can of cola, a ballpoint pen with a hundred dollar bill instead of pasta, a box of double-bottom paper clips - this is just a seed for your imagination.

I don't trust anyone, it's better to do it yourself

Today, on various sites, especially in China, there are countless trinkets that have secret cavities for stashes. If you want to hide something from your family, this might work. But if you are afraid of a thief, this option will not work. If you saw a cute little thing, then for sure it is known to burglars. You can be sure that they are also interested in "novelties" in their field of activity.

In this case, you have no choice but to make a cache with your own hands. This is the only way you can be sure that such a cache exists only in a single copy. If you know how to make any crafts, this can be of great help - you can make a cache in one of the souvenirs. If God deprived you of talents, you will have to strain your imagination.

Children hide from their parents

Many representatives of the younger generation, especially smokers, are interested in the question: how to make a cache at home from their parents. The advice here can be simple: learned to smoke - learn not to hide. But this is the lyrics. In fact, there can be a lot of hiding places. Try to do them in places where parents prefer not to look. Young people make classic hiding places in the computer system unit, CD boxes, soft toys and so on.

By the way, if you have small children at home and scattered toys are commonplace, you can arrange a cache in one of them. The main thing is to choose one that the child is already tired of, and he no longer plays with her. Such a cache will not look suspicious, and the thief is unlikely to disassemble all the cars and cubes.

The most unusual places for a cache

First of all, think about how to make the cache reliable, find a place where the thief does not even think to rummage. Here are a couple of examples:

  • in old shoes - one or two large bills can be tucked under the insole of used shoes and put together with all the shoes; the main thing is that the shoes do not look too frank junk - this can arouse suspicion; it is also important not to forget yourself that money is hidden in shoes or sneakers, otherwise you can accidentally throw out your own cache;
  • in a female pad - here the fact of disgust comes into play; most often, on pain of death, a man will not touch the means of ladies' hygiene; all the more it would never occur to him to gut every gasket he found; if you hide the money inside one of them and carefully glue it again, then, most likely, your cache will remain intact; again, it would be nice not to forget that there is something there;
  • in a tube of toothpaste, a bottle of shampoo, a bottle of deodorant; almost any case can be equipped with a double bottom and it will be no different from their own kind; the main thing is to place them where they will not look ridiculous; for example, a bottle of shower gel will look odd in a dresser or bar.

Cache "with strawberries"

As already mentioned, when organizing a cache, you can play on human disgust or try to confuse the seeker. Figure out how to make a cache in one of your intimate toys - and the valuables are likely to remain intact. Even if you don't use such things in your sex life, buy a couple and put it away where "it" is usually hidden: in the bedside table or a secluded place in the bedroom.

If a thief discovers in your home any "device" with a sexual bias, then, most likely, he will disdain to touch it, let alone examine it carefully. The weirder the sex toy looks, the better.

This method, most likely, will not suit those who have small children, otherwise “curious” will have to somehow explain what it is.


If you still don't know how to make a cache at home, and just have no idea where you can hide this or that item, play hide and seek with your children. The peculiarity lies in the fact that you do not need to hide yourself, but place small objects in secluded places and look for them according to the "hot - cold" principle. Children are famous inventors. You have no idea how many great hiding places you can find where you could not think.

And one more thing: if you want to reliably hide your valuables, do not use any of the methods listed in this article. Once you've read about them, thieves might have found out. Come up with something of your own, original - and your savings will remain with you.

Hello dear readers! To store small amounts of money, many people build hiding places at home, but what exactly are the options for hiding places, we will just consider in this review. So, the topic of today's article is "Where to hide money at home."

Great caches for money.

1. Cabbage in the refrigerator.

If you need to hide funds for a not very long period, then it is quite possible to use a head of cabbage. To do this, cut the head of cabbage in half, remove the core with a knife, put the money in a bag and hide it inside one of the cabbage halves, simply cover the lower part with the other half. You hide the finished cache in the refrigerator.

2. In the freezer.

You pack the money in a bag and put it in a pack of dumplings, hiding everything together in the freezer section of the refrigerator.

3. Aquarium.

Roll up the money into a tube and put the bundle in a balloon, tie the balloon so that no water can enter into it. Immerse the stash in the aquarium, not forgetting to press down with something from above, for example, with a decorative stone, and masking it with algae.

4. Niche behind the painting.

For this, during the renovation period, a niche is specially constructed in the wall, which is then hidden behind a three-dimensional picture. In this niche you can store your money and other important items.

5. Old keyboard.

Remove all the insides from the keyboard, leaving the wire sticking out, put the money inside, and carefully close it with the top. The keyboard can be left carelessly in a drawer with other computer bells and whistles.

6. Hiding place behind the tiles.

During the renovation period, in the bathroom, you can make a wonderful cache, which is a box, disguised in front with tiles, when you click on the tiles, the cache will open. Such hiding places at home can also be present in the kitchen in the wall near the kitchen unit and in the toilet.

7. Hiding place for money in the book.

Take a thick book, cut out the inside with a clerical knife, after having flipped thirty pages from the beginning, hide bills or other valuables inside. Such a publication can be placed on the shelf with the rest of the books, or casually packed in a box with other literary creations.

8. Flashlight.

Remove the insides from the flashlight, put the rolled money inside, screw the lid on and put your improvised cache in the toolbox.

9. Awnings on furniture doors.

Roll up the bill with a tube, form a ring, and insert it into the rounded part of the furniture awnings.

10. Flower pot.

You hide the money in a bag, carefully remove the flower from the pot, put the stash on the bottom, return the flower to the pot. This cache is temporary, since the plant needs to be watered periodically, and the bag will not save the bill from moisture, unless you try to hide the money in a balloon. Also, the plant can be artificial, then the cache may well be permanent.

11. In CD-Rome.

Money can be stored in the CD-rom compartment of the laptop, see the photo below.

12. In the old phone.

Take out the battery from the phone, put the bill, the battery on top, and close the lid. You can leave your phone in a box with other accessories, such as office supplies and computer equipment.

13. In the lamp.

Roll the bill into a tube, unscrew the lamp from the lamp, put the money in the socket around the circumference, and screw the lamp back in.

14. Wall clock.

You remove the insides from the clock, hide the money inside, hang the clock on the wall. True, a clock that is not running can attract attention.

15. Charger for the phone.

Carefully open the charger, remove all the insides, put the money inside, and close the top with a lid.

16. In a round comb.

Round combs are often hollow on the inside, gently remove the end cap, tuck the money inside, and put the cap back on.

17. Cache at the top of the door.

It is necessary to drill a large hole in the door from above, put money into this cavity, and from above you can cover it with a lid of a suitable size.

18. In the socket.

Now on sale you can find ready-made caches for money in the form of sockets, but in extreme cases, you can simply remove the insides from the hole with the outlet, hide the bills inside, and close the top with the outlet panel.

19. Under a stone in the garden.

Use a stick in the soil to create a hole, put a jar of money in it, sprinkle it with earth on top, and put a large cobblestone.

20. In the curtains.

Sew a pocket on the curtains, preferably on top under the lambrequins, and put the bills in it.

21. In the shower curtain rod.

Disconnect the hollow tube of the cornice from the wall, put the rolled money inside the tube, install the cornice in place.

Today we showed you great money caches, take on a couple of ideas, and hide your money or valuables wisely.

Everyone sometimes needs a hiding place for the most valuable and expensive things in the house. Someone hides money under mattresses or spare keys under rugs at the front door, someone invents more complicated caches. If you ever need to hide something - here are the 12 most secret places where it would never occur to anyone to look for anything ... not even yourself!

1. Vacuum cleaner

Sometimes the best way to hide something is to leave it in plain sight. Even the smartest thieves will not suspect that you are keeping valuables inside a huge old vacuum cleaner!

2. Food packaging

Let's say you are hiding a piece of jewelry; put it in a small pouch or container, and then bury this small container in the popcorn corn! It would hardly occur to anyone that there is anything in a full can of popcorn other than the popcorn itself.

3. Old record collection

If you have an old collection of records - why not turn it into a great hiding place? Buy some old or damaged records that you can use for storage cases.

4. Old videotape

Everyone in the house has a shelf with old cassettes! Remove the tape from the unwanted cassette, put the items you really need inside, put the tape back - and put it on the shelf. Ideally!

5. Old paint can

Thoroughly clean the old paint can before making a stash out of it! Keep the jar in your garage or basement among other jars. Want to confuse the robbers? Throw some unpleasant surprise for them in another empty jar, and put it in a common pile.

6. Fat jar of mayonnaise

Don't worry: this isn't real mayonnaise, it's just paint that mimics it. Works great - no one wants to open a can of mayonnaise.

7. Cabinets under the sink

Cut a hole under the cabinet under the kitchen sink to equip the trickiest hiding place. Make sure your valuables are well protected from moisture before putting them in!

8. Painting

Hanging a picture is a great option when you need to hide something and at the same time make the house more attractive. You can hide the keys behind the painting just like that - or put a built-in safe behind it for valuables.

9. Tile-trompe l'oeil

To make a trick tile, remove one tile from the bathroom wall and then poke a hole in the wall behind it. Attach a small box to the tile and place it back on the wall. Just don't forget which tiles your treasures are stored in!

10. Keyboard

This fully functional keyboard is a great cache and is available in stores. In addition, it is slightly thicker than normal. You can hide valuables in most regular keyboards!

Why a hiding place in the house is a master's business. Climbing into other people's secrets is the height of indecency, just like counting other people's money, peeping into someone else's plate and bed. But how to arrange a hiding place is another matter. This is a technical task and, perhaps even more so, a psychological one.

There are such very informative books: Gromov V. A., Vasiliev G. A. "Safety Encyclopedia" and V. V. Sundakov. Safety Encyclopedia for Children; there are free internet versions of them. It describes many ways to organize hiding places, incl. very witty. But these manuals, and various others, have been scrutinized by thieves and law enforcement officials. Along with many others, inaccessible to the general public, informal and legal, for official use. Therefore, to make a cache means to study all the available material on a given topic and figure out how to arrange something similar, but different, for yourself. To do this, you need to be able to think specifically and to some extent get used to the role of a villain or a special agent. The purpose of this publication is precisely to give the reader the rudiments of "secret" thinking, but not to the detriment of technology. It is also very important, especially when you need to disguise a cache or come up with a locking mechanism for it.

As it should and it is not necessary

For example, a well-known cache in a book - part of a page block is cut out, a niche is formed. But the burglar, and the police specialist - "knockar", and the secret intelligence officer will definitely shake up the home library. The latter will also enlighten. It is difficult for an ordinary citizen to imagine the possibilities of modern inspection and detective equipment. Believe it or not, modern detective scanners - introscopes allow you to read the numbers of banknotes embedded in a steel container in a concrete wall. This is to secretly make sure - yes, there it is. And then, honorably, the search warrant is straightened out, the uniformed inspectors come with attesting witnesses and, in front of the amazed owner's eyes, rush straight into the place where he least would like. Wearable, relatively inexpensive introscopes are now available to thieves.

Note: if you still want to make a primitive hiding place in an old book on recipes from the Internet, first ask about second-hand book sites - and is not it more valuable than what you want to bury.

In the meantime, a very reliable cache of a book can be made ... without doing anything at all. Old book spines are not glued to the page block. If the book is thick and large enough (in quarto, in folio), then a container from a cigar case is pushed into its spine, on the left in Fig. But, if there is a cache for money, then it would be better to just stick banknotes there, on the left in the same place. The spine of a 400-500 page in duodecimo volume can hold up to $ 1,000 in new $ 100 bills. A 1000-volume personal library is one large closet or shelving, but there can be a fortune lurking there. And, believe me, neither scrolling, nor shaking, nor introscopy will detect it, you need to poke all the roots with a probe. It is a 99.9% guarantee from a thief, and special agents can get away with nothing. Why - see below.

The opposite example is advice from the Internet to set up a cache with something disgusting: fecal matter in a seemingly clogged toilet bowl, rotten and moldy food debris, gay porn, used feminine hygiene items, etc. Firstly, all this will only attract attention, unless the whole apartment is littered with the same and / or looks like a brothel. Secondly, both the special staff and the professional thieves have no more disgust than a surgeon or proctologist. In any case, they will probably probe the suspicious with a probe, and the thief will also wipe it off later on the host's ceremonial costume or the evening dress of his wife / daughter. To omit the sucker somehow is an integral aspect of criminal psychology.

Another example of a bad cache is a tennis ball grass container, see fig. Those who are smoked are physically incapable of playing tennis, and the most dull layman will have a question: why would such a choked person do this? And if it doesn't, then he can just try the ball as a wrist expander, and everything will be revealed.

On the psychology of intruders

The thief does not consider anything as master, but his time is limited. Any more or less experienced villain knows that the likelihood of "getting caught" rapidly grows with the time spent "in the hut". If the "chuyka" says that it is time to "blame", the thief will grab what he has found, and will write off what he has not found and leave.

Legal inspectors have more time, but not indefinitely - the time for a search is limited by law. A second search is possible, but most often it gives nothing - the sought-for compromising evidence is hidden or destroyed. In addition, not very large sums or values ​​of the inspectors, as a rule, are not very interested, unless they are important material evidence. The fact is that it is difficult to prove the illegal origin of such a trifle. In addition, the way of thinking of legal seekers is driven into a formal framework and with non-trivial thinking they are generally weaker than that of thieves. Therefore, it is advisable to make the cache in the apartment an unusual device and small, and what is larger to hide outside the house.

Making a cache

  • From your family - not so easy, tk. time for searches and guesses is unlimited.
  • From thieves - you need to do so that it takes as long as possible to guess where he is and / or hack.
  • From legal searchers - the most difficult, but for content up to 0.5-1 cubic meters. dm in some cases is possible, see below.

Where to hide

There is not so much space in the house for a cache, taking into account the savvy of possible seekers. Further, the storage should not spoil the stored. And if we also take into account that the creation of a mechanism for a cache requires not only technical education and experience, but also a special talent, then there are even fewer opportunities for creating a "stash". However, you can still make a fairly reliable cache from your own people and thieves with your own hands without experience:

  1. In household appliances;
  2. In furniture;
  3. In building structures, fixed and movable;
  4. In the floor;
  5. In unexpected places.

In this order, let's go, not forgetting about the limitations of technical capabilities to arrange a cache at home; ex. you can't litter a lot and make noise, unless the cache is done as a repair procedure with your own hands. The hiding place that two people know about is no longer a hiding place.

Everyday life

Usually the old TVs recommended for the cache device or, for example. the niches behind the false socket are absolutely unreliable. The owner needs to keep them believable, but the thief does not. They have phase indicators, just like the legalists. Jab - there is no phase, the probe does not completely go into the hole. This means that there is a niche with something interesting. Then - a jerk with a crowbar, and everything hidden in plain sight. In the same way, the lid of an old TV is picked up, only the network does not need to be checked.

The best place for a hiding place in household appliances for money is the refrigerator. Just do not spoil its inner lining and thermal insulation. After reading the manuals for repairing refrigerators, you will see that there is a lot of free space. In some models, behind the compressor, you can hide up to 3-4 banderoled packs ("presses") of 100-dollar bills, which is 300-400 thousand dollars. But the refrigerator will work as if nothing had happened. The air conditioner is worse: there is almost no space in the indoor unit. The washing machine is also not very good: the place is decent, but the stored one can lock up. And in all of them it is impossible to store jewelry, they can close electrical circuits or damage the mechanics, and from that they themselves disappear.

And here's an example of a non-trivial approach: we buy from hands a shabby case of an old computer of the Pentium II era and later, and to it - a 5 "floppy drive (flop drive). All the stuffing of a modern desktop PC can be moved into the body of the "second stump" of its immediate descendants without any problems. Then - the flop pipe. Its chassis is a silumin pelvis in a tin casing, horizontally partitioned into 2 compartments. In the lower chalk there is a board with electronics and connectors, we leave it. At the top, there is a larger one - mechanics, spindle and stepper motors, read-write heads. We delete all this; We bite off the wiring harnesses on the board and slightly loosen them (from a short circuit) so that there are no empty sockets for connectors on the board. A niche of approx. 1 cubic meter dm. We put the casing back, the flop drive into the case, plug it in (it won't do anything with the computer, especially if you turn off the flop drive in the setup) - a non-tapped and non-translucent cache is ready. The computer works as usual. Why is the case like this? So bought a long time ago, upgraded little by little. Is the flop drive not working? Old, broken, I hold it like a plug. All the same, you can find soft diskettes in a museum anyway.


Caches in furniture are as old as the world and as well known to seekers. As for trivial solutions, let's recall some of the hidden classics. First, the nests in the furniture legs need to be made at the top (left in the figure), otherwise the cache will open up itself - the leg will break. The second, secret compartment in the closet should also be at the top (in the center), so it will take much more time to find it, by tapping or measuring, and it will be very inconvenient to operate. And on the right in Fig. - the classic way of organizing a hiding place from home. For reliability, you can cover it with plywood; it keeps on Velcro shoe.

From parents…

In chairs, behind the bottom covers of the piano and in furniture in general, teenagers often hide their secrets from their parents. These are, in general, inevitable "brain cockroaches" of the pubertal period; Let's hope that what is stored is harmless to health and psyche. In this case, in addition to the known and obvious, something else will benefit mental development.

First, it is not worth hiding anything in cabinet upholstered furniture: involuntarily, but inevitably, it is groped by the "fifth point" or by the back of those sitting. But if there is a pear-chair in the house, then it is easy to get a cache in it, reliable from thieves, and even, if the search time expires according to the law, from legalists. The zipper on the decorative cover opens, the seam of the container made of technical fabric with fluffy filler granules is cut, and something is hidden in its thickness. Then, so that the filler does not get out of the container and does not give out everything, 3-4 pairs of clothing hooks or half of a Velcro tape are sewn to the edges of the over-welded seam. That's all. An introscope does not shine through such a container, the mass of the filler absorbs any radiation and vibrations.

A trivial version of the cache in the table is behind shortened drawers, which is noticeable with the eye and without measurements. A non-trivial option for those who are more secure is shown in Fig. The classic drawer cache is fake, but why not apply the “do the opposite” principle and arrange a fake bottom? The bottom in the drawers of the tables is fastened either with cranial bars (upper left), or mortise in the drawers (lower left). The cranial bars are trimmed to form 5 mm free, and false bars are glued to the cut-in bottom with the same calculation. The rest is clear from Fig. For reliability, it is better to classify all the boxes so that the difference is not revealed by measurements and tapping. The false bottom, when necessary, is removed by picking it up with a screwdriver.

and from thieves ...

Cabinet shelves are considered to be quite reliable storages from thieves of money, credit cards and small jewelry. The time factor works here: turning the junk in the closet is not a matter of minutes, and more often than not, there is not enough time for tapping the shelves. Making a cache in a cabinet shelf is quite simple:

  • The shelf board is removed from the shelf supports.
  • A number of blind holes - deep holes are drilled in the trailing edge of the board.
  • Jumpers of a tree or chipboard between the holes are selected with a chisel.
  • The cache is filled, the shelf is put in place.
  • If the free space of the cache is also filled with absorbing material (see below, about the caches in the floor), then it will be difficult to detect it by tapping.

Doors, walls, windows

A description of the cache in the door is widely circulated on the Runet, see fig. Invented witty, there is nothing to say. But only for a stash from his wife, and even then if she does not go to the Internet and did not read those articles: this cache is found elementary both by knocking and by a simple metal detector that you can make with your own hands.

Much more reliable, with the same or greater capacity, is a cache in a niche of the castle; best of all - in the niche of the latch of the interior door, see next. rice. The latch is chosen with a shorter mechanism, and its niche is deepened as much as possible without compromising the strength of the door. If it is necessary to protect against transmission, a spring steel bracket is tightly put on the latch body. Its height should be equal to the height of the latch body, but there should be a small space behind the bracket: seekers know that locks are not point-blank in niches.

It is more difficult to arrange a cache in the wall; this is usually done during construction or major renovations. The optimal variant of the cache-treasure is a plasterboard partition on a frame made of steel C- and U-profiles: what is stored in their gutters cannot be detected by tapping or translucent. For a cache of this type, easily accessible to the owner, but difficult to detect by outsiders - a plasterboard ceiling. The technological hatch (s) in it will not arouse suspicion; the grooves of the crate are facing up, but the capacity of such a cache is huge: an additional load of 10 kg / sq. m will not affect the strength of the false ceiling, and $ 1,000,000 with new hundred-dollar bills weighs exactly 6.5 kg. If the money is unbundled, rolled up in tubes, shoved away and sprinkled with dust from a vacuum cleaner, then the contents are not detected even by a cursory examination, and very, very good reasons are needed for a search with dismantling of building structures.

Finally, the hiding place of the house can be arranged in various kinds of plastic profiles; there are more than enough cavities in them, see fig. on right. Transmission reveals such caches, but they are indistinguishable by knocking. Here, the best option is mosquito nets. A modern mosquito net on a frame made of plastic profiles weighs 3-5 kg ​​and, if necessary, can be easily disassembled and then assembled again. An increase in its weight by 1.5-2 kg is not felt - there is dust, moisture. This means that in frames of 3-4 nets the same $ 1,000,000 will fit, and 3 or more mosquito nets per apartment is normal.


The hiding place in the floor is the most difficult to equip, but its capacity both in volume and in weight can be large. The main thing here is to know well the properties of the materials and to choose them so that the cache does not tap and does not stand out in the scanner picture when translucent. An example of a non-trivial approach would be that both thieves and special employees know: it is impossible for an amateur to arrange a cache in a house with a floor of a house with reinforced concrete ceilings. It turns out that it is possible if the floor is insulated or there is a high screed on the floor. How? See fig. The antiacoustic properties of marmoleum are widely advertised, and filling the cache above the contents will lubricate the introscope image.


In unusual places, usually (deliberate pun) arrange a mini-cache; most often - moved with him. Since the advent of credit cards, gutting a client's wallet, but not picking it up for examination for a secret pocket, can only be a very stupid prostitute. What can you do if you need a nest egg on a trip in case of emergency or you need to secretly smuggle a medium with valuable information? At least the same credit card?

We take our commonplace, i.e. slightly worn, not seductive for thieves and not conspicuous, shoes. We take out the laces, bend the tongue. We put our hand in the very toe and carefully peel off part of the insole. So the cache is ready for a couple of large banknotes or a credit card.

For long-term storage of the same money or, say, a piece of paper with passwords-logins at home, an old spy cache made of a pencil with an eraser is suitable:

  • The knob with the eraser is carefully removed by swinging the hand.
  • A drill with a diameter of 3.5-4 mm is tucked into a hand crank (a tap crank is suitable) or we wrap its shank with electrical tape so that it can be rotated smoothly with effort.
  • Drill a hole along the slate to the desired depth.
  • Having rolled up a piece of paper, we put it in a hiding place.
  • Put the knob with the eraser in place, slightly squeeze it with pliers. The pencil writes, you can erase it with an eraser.

And here is a completely unusual option. This cache is translucent and pierced with a probe, but it is quite reliable from home. This is ... a living cactus, see fig. on right. Cacti are very hardy, there is nothing vital in their core, there is only water-storing tissue. It is she who is cut out to get the cavity of the cache. We'll have to sacrifice a part of the bottom with several roots, but cacti take out even less damage, everything will grow back. We put it back in the pot - it will continue to live, grow, even bloom. You just need to place the contents in a moisture-proof and chemically resistant container: cactus juice is not water.

And finally - such a thing as a wearable hiding place for the beach. Stored - keys, wallet, all kinds of trinkets. The beach cache is, in a way, the other way around: it must be large enough so that small contents don't get lost in the sand. And, thinking about its device, you need to take into account that beach thieves have much less time for "business" than burglars, and it is necessary to "blame" as soon as possible and farther away. One example of a successful solution to such problems is a cache from a bottle, see fig. below. You can pour a little of the drink from which the label is from the syringe into the lower part. Who needs other people's drinks?

Other simple options for beach caches are also possible, see eg. track. video:

Video: do-it-yourself beach hiding place


The topic of weapon caches is also of great interest. Here it is necessary, firstly, to notice that it is legal to buy for self-defense and arrange for a gas pistol or a hunting carbine (for 200 meters does a wild boar knock down than a formidable weapon?), With a weapon safe, it is much easier and cheaper than arranging a little a bit reliable weapon cache. Local burglar alarms for a safe, including a howler and a flashing light that will lift the entire neighborhood, are not so complex that they cannot be made by hand.

Secondly, a reliable weapon cache can be very problematic and only from thieves. Weapons are a tidbit for them, because they can be sold quickly and profitably. And during a legal search, the weapon cache will be found instantly: the service dogs-sniffer are also trained on gun oil, the smell of which a person can smell well.

(2 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)