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What to read a month Ramadan for fasting. Rules of the month of Ramadan. Refusal of any kind of talk

Islam is one of the youngest religions on Earth, and the same is one of the most stringent on the observance of the canons. There are so-called in it. Pillars of religion, i.e. The prescriptions of the Sharia, necessary for execution in order to be considered the true commitment of faith in Allah.

One pillar is strict compliance with the whole series of rites, rituals and abstinence from the beginning and by the end of the month of Ramadan.

Islamic calendar and Ramadan in it

In the Islamic lunar calendar Ramadan - what month a year? Each Muslim is known that he is ninth. Its name comes from Arabic "burning the earth", "burning", since this month solar activity goes to his maximum and literally burns out and dries vegetation on the roasting ground. If you compare the Islamic and Christian calendars, then the month of Ramadan begins usually somewhere at the end of our May and ends at the end of June, a total of 29-30 days. It is believed that it was these Muhammed's great prophet that his mission "frank words" was given to the Great Prophet Muhammed - the sacred quran was born. The month of Ramadan began on May 27 and ended on June 25th.

What is the observance of Ramadan?

The most important ritual at the beginning of the month of Ramadan is the intention to observe this holy period (Arab. "Niyat"). It sounds like this: "I mean from today to accomplish the post in Ramadan in the name of Allah."

Post per month Ramadan

The most important action in Ramadan is the post (Arab. "Saum"). Those. Abstinence from the main temptations: food, smoking, drinking and intimate relationships in the daytime before sunset. Muslim shows his dedication, loyalty and readiness to go to personal sacrifices for the sake of faith with his abstinence.

What conditions are needed in order to observe Ramadan

The sacred ritual can observe not every person and not even every Muslim. In order for a person to be allowed to observe Ramadan, it is necessary to fulfill the following conditions:

  • Of course, observing must be Muslim. And not only for the faith of his own, he must complete the procedure for adopting Islam in the mosque.
  • Comparishing must be adults on Sharia. Children are not allowed before postponement, as they need full nutrition.
  • Compliant should not have mental and strong physical diseases, because with mental illness, obviously does not know what creates, and with physical illnesses, good food is often required and abundant drinking.
  • Pregnant and lactating women are freed from the post, as they have an urgent need for regular nutrition.
  • Wanderers and travelers located on the road or more than 90 km from home may not comply with the post if it entails them difficult consequences.
  • Women in the period of bleeding monthly or postpartum can also not comply with the post due to the big blood loss and the need to fill it.

However, the liberated should be remembered that it is extremely undesirable to do forbidden actions (drink, smoking) in humans, so as not to add them extra temptations. Inadmissible during the post is also chewing chewing gum, inclusion of speaker music and frivolous dances in public places.

When you can eat and drink in the post

Is it possible to use food and drink a month? After sunset the Muslim, observing the post (Arab. "Uraza"), makes a sacred night prayer (Arab. "Isha"), then can read a voluntary and desirable prayer with comrades (Arab. "Tauraim"). It includes 8-20 cancer. Next, you can start talking - evening meal (Arab. "Iftar"). Take food at night is prescribed not only with a close range of relatives, but also with friends and acquaintances. Sometimes to talk attracted beggars from the street as a sign of helping the poor. Food for a conversation should not be rich and abundant. Sharia prescribed during the night talk to eat milk, dates, water. Too heavy, acute or fatty food is undesirable during this period, as it can cause thirst or complications on the stomach.

Morning meal (Arab. "Sujur") During a conversation, it is necessary to try to finish at least half an hour before dawn. And then again keep the daily post.

What can not be done in Ramadan:

  • do not pronounce intentions: it crosses all the observance of Ramadan;
  • eating intentionally;
  • drink deliberately;
  • smoking and inhaling the chicken smoke intentionally;
  • to enter into intimate proximity, indulgertic, making faces, leading to ejaculation, even if it was not directly sexual intercourse;
  • allow yourself idle entertainment (frivolous dancing, listening to loud music, except for prayer speeches);
  • the use of drugs that require rectal or vaginal use;
  • call spontaneous vomiting;
  • swallow the separated sputum, which fell into the throat.

What is allowed to do in Ramadan:

  • non-specific food and water (for example, if a person is chopped into the sea);
  • drug injections;
  • blood delivery (donor, analyzes), blood allowance;
  • bathing, if not swallowing not a water drop;
  • kisses without penetration into the mouth (as they say "not passionate");
  • bodily affection not leading to ejaculation;
  • swallowing your own saliva without sputum and vomiting;
  • it should be cleaned with caution so that the paste is not swallowed (in general, some Muslims believe that it is not necessary to clean the teeth after a midday time, for "the smell of the mouth of a Muslim, who complies with the post, has a special shade and is peculiar incense for Allah");
  • vomiting if it occurs involuntarily;
  • it is allowed not to make namaz.

Rites in Ramadan, in addition to the post

The sacred Ramadan is not only the observance of the post, but also numerous prayers of Allah.

The most important prayer is Namaz - produced five times a day.

In addition to the magazine, evening prayers, morning prayers and praises of Allah are desirable before each adoption of food.

The most common during this period are: Iftar, Sujur, Dua "Iftahs", Dua "Mudzhir", Dua "Makarem Ahlak", Dua "Baha", Dua Abu Hamza Saddy, Dua "Jawshan Kabir".

In the last 10 days of Muslim post, it is advisable to make privacy, since once the Prophet Mohammed returned for the last 20 days of his life. Privacy is better to do in the Muslim mosque, before this by saying another special intention - to privacy.

Of course, the very period of the sacred month is desirable.

How Ramadan ends

After ritual privacy, so-called Night of predestination (Arab. Al-frame). This night comes after the end of the 27th day of Ramadan - it was then that by the legend of the prophet Mohammed, the first Sura of the Quran (610) opened. Then Archangel Jabrail, having descended from heaven, gave the prophet scroll with the classroom to read it. This night is customary to ask Allah forgiveness for the sins perfect and read a lot of Koran.

On the last day of the Holy Month of Ramadan, a challenge should be paid by alms: mandatory (Arab. "Claw") and voluntary (Arab. "Saadaka"). A solemn prayer reads, and the instant preparing for the holiday in honor of Ramadan - Uraza Bayram (Arab. ID al-Fitr).

The first day of the new month, in which this sacred holiday is held, begins the sacred prayer of the ID of Namaz, marking the end of Ramadan.

By this time in the houses should already be purely (Muslims should be deliberately taking care of the guidance of purity). The feast of the believing should be washed and put on clean beautiful clothes. Day celebration is considered a weekend.

For uraza, Bayram is preparing a lot of festive meals (prepare predominantly women): fried lamb, weld soup with beans, meat and vegetables, salads with meat, pancakes, pies, pilaf, numerous sweets, dates, fruits.

Believers go to each other at home, give gifts, distribute sweets to children. All each other congratulate the phrase "Eid Mubarak!". Children play active moving games. Adults can dance and sing. On the same day, it is customary to go to the cemetery to relatives, in order to honor their memory and suffer from Allah a prayer for them.

Main tasks in Ramadan

Ramadan is not only the purification of the flesh (in any religion it is known that the post itself is useful for cleansing the body), but also the cleansing of the soul. After flesh, the soul is cleaned. Through the good acts (help with poor, for example), the soul is cured from the bad. Through the refusal of pleasure (dancing, singing, games, watching entertainment gear, etc.), humility and abstinence trains. The ability to endure, refuse, to go to the sacrifices, to be restrained, gracious, generous allows the true mercy of Allah to Ramadan to Ramadan.

If Ramadan is committed with bad thoughts or at the bottom or with mercenary purposes, Allah rejects such a sacrifice and does not give his mercy to a liar.

Punishment and fines for the non-performance of Ramadan

It is believed that any true Muslim is obliged to perform Ramadan if he is not released from this ritual. However, there are violators everywhere, and if such caught, he must suffer punishment.

Violated prescriptions must suffer atonement (Arab. Kyoffara). It may be an additional alms for poor or additional posture.

In the event of an unintentional violation of the prescription, the believer must compensate the days of the violated post after the end of Ramadan or help a certain number of needy money or products.

Every year, many of us ask for Almighty Allah, he hires and is great, that he allow us to live to Ramadan. In this blessed month, everyone has the best opportunity to fix his life, start it again, clearing his heart and mind from bad thoughts and actions. This month is great grace, and only a fool will pass by, at least without trying to get rid of herself from the shipment of sins.

Everyone knows that Ramadan is also referred to as a month of the post, about it every year they say quite a lot, many books and recommendations are written for those who still decided to cleanse, but has little knowledge. At this month, a huge number of people rushes to worship, returns to the path of truth. Someone first decides to keep the post and first gets up on Namaz.

Fine when there are people who can support, teach, explain and explain, but even more wonderful to know that for this kind, the help of people from both sides is waiting for a great reward from our creator.

How to keep hygiene per month Ramadan

Taking this opportunity, I would like the will of the Most High at least a little bit try to help someone in this blessed period of the life of the Islamic community. In order for during the post, it was easier for us to get useful knowledge, it was easier to perform good actions, our body should be healthy, strong, resistant to difficulties, and we, in turn, should seek to help your own organism to cope with these difficulties.

According to Allah's grace, it often happens that it is not noticed and not understanding how, we are not aware of the difficulties in compliance with this pillar of Islam, but many still have health problems, as a result of which the continuation of the post becomes impossible. And most often, the reason is not at all in the weak health, but in the fact that we do not know how to eat and abide by hygiene in hot time, because, by the way, this year Ramadan fell to the middle of the summer.

If we talk about the rules of hygiene of body care, then it is worth returning, at least to the school rate of the basics of life safety and recall the basic rules. As for clothing, it is very important in the heat of wearing hats, the refusal of clothes from synthetic tissues, from the fitting clothing, which is how to wear it, especially for women!

Also, medical workers advise not to bear tight belts and ties, whenever possible be indoors, take a cool shower and walk as much as possible barefoot. However, there are nuances in this, for example, the water temperature in the shower should not be below 30 degrees. It is recommended about finding indoors:

1. Cover the windows tightly.

2. Permanently carry out wet cleaning.

3. With the availability of the air conditioner, it is important to remember that the temperature difference with the street does not exceed 10 degrees, it is also that in the room with air conditioning it is impossible to be in wet clothing.

How to eat in the month of Ramadan

If we talk about nutrition, then you should also observe a few simple rules and the post for you is completely easily transferred. The most first rule for fasting people and not even observing the post is to avoid overeating and full filling of the stomach!

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing of Allah, said: "N aiyhood vessel, which can be filled with the son of Adam (man) is his stomach. It is enough for a person as much as necessary to maintain the forces. If you say more, then a third (stomach) - for food, a third - for drinking and third - for breathing "(Ahmad Ibn Madja, AT-Tirmisi).

The second rule is the correct selection of products on the Iftar and on Sujur. After a long post, you should not immediately lean on food. There are 3 dike, water, or persimmon, or even 2-3maslin so that the stomach receives the signal and start functioning normally. A sharp technique of a large amount of food can lead to a deterioration in the state of health as a whole, and not just to undermine the gastrointestinal tract. The body is like a machine that you want to start, warm and only then go on the road.

Food-containing proteins have the property of slowing down the process of digestion, from here a long sense of satiety appears. When choosing a dish, it is important to avoid excessively oily, oily foods, as well as too sweet.

First, it is necessary to reduce the need for the body in the liquid, for this, the soup, ajane, compote or milk will fit perfectly, they will fill the void in the stomach and will get rid of the sharp feeling of hunger at first. After such a start, the meal is desirable to take a break if 10 minutes you do not move there, you can continue. Do not forget about vegetables, nuts, fruits and bread. On the tub, it is best to eat eggs, jam, cheese, oatmeal, walnuts, bread, bananas and other fruits.

Well, of course, the third rule, but no less important - water, or rather liquid, the average volume of daily reception in women is about 2.7 liters, the men are 3.7. It is best to drink green tea, slightly salted water, try not to drink carbonated drinks, avoid very cold and sweet.

Post in Ramadan is the cleansing of the soul

Well, here, perhaps, everything ... I hope that such a small selection of the simplest rules will help you avoid the emergence of the difficulties of physical adherence, but do not forget that the post is not only a refusal of food and water, the post first is the cleansing Soul. And in this already let your assistants become Namaz not only mandatory, but also additional (" Crow the same to Allah, cleaning faith in front of him "(Sura" Gafir ", Ayat 14), reading the sacred Quran, his memorization and listening, the relentless commemoration of Allah, where and when you would be, well, and of course, the commitment of good actions. Help everyone, not only yourself and your loved ones, the pray for the Most High about forgiveness, and remember that all our plea do not remain not heard.

« Your Lord said: "Clause me, and I will answer you ... "(Sura" Gafir ", Ayat 60).

"If my slaves ask you about me, then I am close and answering the call praying when he calls me "(Sura" Al-bakara ", Ayat 186).

The world you and your families and may be with all of us the mercy of the Almighty Creator. Amine.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين و الصلاة و السلام على سيدنا محمد طه الأمين و على آله و صحبه الطيبين الطاهرين

Allah Most High said in the sacred to the UR'an (Sura 39 "Az-Zimar", Ayat 9):

﴿أَمَّنْ هُوَ قَانِتٌ ءَانَاءَ اللَّيْلِ سَاجِدًا وَقَائِمًا يَحْذَرُ الآخِرَةَ وَيَرْجُو رَحْمَةَ رَبِّهِ قُلْ هَلْ يَسْتَوِي الَّذِينَ يَعْلَمُونَ وَالَّذِينَ لا يَعْلَمُونَ إِنَّمَا يَتَذَكَّرُ أُوْلُوا الْأَلْبَابِ﴾

This means: "those believers who humbly spend the night hours, performing earthly bows, and also worship standing, they are afraid of punishment at the end of the world, they are preparing for the next life, hoping for the mercy of their Lord, seeking paradise. Say: "Are they equal to those who know, and those who do not know?!" Truly, you will find ourselves just possessing the mind thinking and understanding. "

In this article we will tell you about what is necessarily and desirable to perform Muslim per month Ramada N.

Ramada N is a month of repentance and piety. This is a month of moderation and abstinence. Truly, it is a month of asceticism and selfless worship, it's time to force our NPS to obey us. Muslims subordinate to themselves and control their passions so that we do not control the lowland passions and desires.

The month of Ramada N is a month of cleansing the soul, this is a month of reading the sacred to Ur'ana, Ramad N is a month of night-to-nights and prayers, this is a month of additional nightly magic and manifestations of the greatest virtue, making more blessings.

Therefore, hurry to fill your days with good deeds. Hurry up using these blessed days and nights, every hour, every minute, every breath to make good and worship the Creator.

At dawn, start your day from Zikra - remembering the names of Allah, read Du'a:

«بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الَّذِي لا يَضُرُّ مَعَ اسْمِهِ شَىْءٌ فِي الأَرْضِ وَلا فِي السَّمَاءِ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ»

This means: "Starting with the name of Allah, whose name is the name, there will be no harm on earth, nor in heaven. Truly, Allah Mixing and all-knowing. "

Repeat it Du'a three times in the morning and in the evening, because as passed from the prophet Fly Ammada ﷺ, that one who says it is three times, no harm is caused to him. Then repeat the prayers and zicks to protect - Taxin, which are also transferred from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. And if this is the will of Allah Almighty, then none of the people and jinn will cause you any harm.

Then hurray in the mosque to perform the morning namaz of the AS-SUM in Jama'at - the team. Imam Muslim transferred that the Prophet Muh Ammad ﷺ said:

«مَنْ صَلَّى الْعِشَاءَ فِي جَمَاعَةٍ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَامَ نِصْفَ اللَّيْلِ، وَمَنْ صَلَّى الصُّبْحَ فِي جَمَاعَةٍ فَكَأَنَّمَا صَلَّى اللَّيْلَ كُلَّهُ»

This means: "The one who fulfilled the night Namaz in the team, as if he was exposed to midnight in additional namazakh. And the one who fulfilled the morning namaz in the team, as if he was exposed to all night in additional Namaz. "

After that, if you go to work, engaged in worldly things, do not forget to make sincere intentions so that you will be a remuneration from your work, as well as that your effort and diligence disappear in vain. In my work, be God-fearing, do not deceive, do not engage in fraud. Take an example from the words of the Prophet Fly Ammada ﷺ:

«الصِّيَامُ جُنَّةٌ فَإِذَا صَامَ أَحَدُكُمْ فَلَا يَرْفُثْ وَلَا يَجْهَلْ، وَإِنِ امْرُؤٌ قَاتَلَهُ أَوْ شَاتَمَهُ فَلْيَقُلْ: إِنِّي صَائِمٌ إِنِّي صَائِمٌ»

This means: "The post is a fence. Everyone who fastens, let him not make sex in the daytime and does not sprievitiate, and if anyone provokes a rugan or a fight, then let him tell him that he keeps the post. "

The best example for imitation indicated our favorite prophet ﷺ. Observe the rules of decent culture and morality. Remember that in the month of Ramada, the gates of Paradise are sprinkled and the gates of hell are closed. And the leaders of the Shaitanov are thrown.

In no case swear with each other and do not curse each other. Beware of doing this, and a wonderful reason for this is what you follow the post.

Be God-fearing, truly, time spent in humility and worship of the Almighty Creator, beautiful. For those standing, which spend time in worship, Allah Almighty facilitates suffering from hunger and thirst. So quickly, the post hours fly and the time of foremost Namaza al-Zer comes.

Take part in the Majlisahs (meetings) of reading the sacred to Ur'ana, since the month of Ramad N is a month of reading to the Ur'ana. Listen to the lessons who give Muslim Teachers - AHLUS-Sunna Wal-Jama.

Abu Zarrn passed X Adis Prophet Muh Ammada ﷺ, given in the collection of Ibn Majhh:

«يَا أَبَا ذَرٍّ لَأَنْ تَغْدُوَ فَتَتَعَلَّمَ ءَايَةً مِنْ كِتَابِ اللَّهِ خَيْرٌ لَكَ مِنْ أَنْ تُصَلِّيَ مِائَةَ رَكْعَةٍ، وَلَأَنْ تَغْدُوَ فَتَتَعَلَّمَ بَابًا مِنَ الْعِلْمِ خَيْرٌ لَكَ مِنْ أَنْ تُصَلِّيَ أَلْفَ رَكْعَةٍ»

It means: "Oh, Abu Zarr! If you go and learn one Ayat from to Ur'ana, then it is better for you than the execution of a hundred cancer Namaza-Sunny, and if you study one topic on religion, then it is better for you than the execution of thousands of Namaz cancer -Hasy. "

Therefore, do not miss such an excellent opportunity to get great rewards, especially in this blessed month Ramada N.

Dear Muslims! Create with you at least one person to such religious meetings to gain knowledge so that you have been given even more remuneration. Come along with families, relatives, neighbors, friends and acquaintances. Cress in the mosque of your children for boring Namaz. At this time, in many of our mosques, after the fulfillment of Namaz, al-Zar is held religious lessons. Therefore, do not miss this opportunity to replenish your knowledge and repeat what you already know. Receive religious knowledge from the set of reliable teachers who themselves received these knowledge of the continuous chain. It is necessary to be submissive Allah. This is done in order for this temporary disappearing world to benefit, namely what will help in the next eternal life.

And let each of you try to be extremely attentive, listening to a lesson. He who was present in the lesson with his heart, that is, with attention, he was actually in class, and the one who attended the class only by the body, but he himself thought about something outsiders, he was absent in the lesson.

If your relatives or children could not come to a mosque on a lesson, then, returning home, you need to teach them what you learned. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

«بَلِّغُوا عَنِّي وَلَوْ ءَايَة»

It means: "Pass me at least one Ayat."

And if your family needs help, hurry to do what is in your power, help your family. Contact your loved ones friendly, with soft, seeking to delight them. Try to relieve their fatigue with good words, your attentive attitude, do not show irritation or dislike. Remember what the Prophet Muh Ammad said ﷺ:

«خِيَارُكُمْ خَيْرُكُمْ لِأَهْلِهِ وَأَنَا خَيْرُكُمْلِأَهْلِي»

This means that the best of you are those who are better about their wives, and the Prophet Muh Ammad is best of all to their wives.

And how beautiful will be if you pass food and drink your poor neighbors! And also give food with your poor acquaintance. It is necessary that you treat them for Allah, hoping to get a reward. It is especially important when you feed the fast food that has no food to talk, so you deserve the great remuneration, which the Prophet Muh Ammad said.

«مَنْ فَطَّرَ صَائِمًا كَانَ لَهُ مِثْلُ أَجْرِهِ غَيْرَ أَنَّهُ لا يَنْقُصُ مِنْ أَجْرِ الصَّائِمِ شَيْئًا»

This means: "Who treats fasting on Iftar, gets a great remuneration for it (but less than for compliance with the post), and at the same time the remuneration of the fasting does not decrease." Passage imam at-tirmisia.

In this Hadith, it is said that the remune of one who feeds the evening in the evening looks like the remuneration of the most caught, but not the same exactly. Since the one who followed the post of the month of Ramad N - he observed the duty - Fard, and the one who fed the fast-on - performed Nahl. Nahph Additional compliance is not equal to mandatory worship. This is said in X Adis E-to Udsi: The Prophet Muh Ammad ﷺ said that Allah Almighty said:

«وَمَا تَقَرَّبَ إِلَيَّ عَبْدِي بِشَىْءٍ أَحَبَّ إِلَيَّ مِمَّا افْتَرَضْتُ عَلَيْهِ»

It means: "From everything that Allah's slave observes, the best is the fulfillment of duties » .

Stop post only after you were convinced and made sure that in fact the time had already arrived - by observing the sunset or if Azan was heard a reliable Maazzin, which determines the time to observe. It is better to deal with immediately after the sun has gone, as it is said about it in X Adis E Prophet Fly Ammada ﷺ:

«لا يَزَالُ النَّاسُ بِخَيْرٍ مَا عَجَّلُوا الْفِطْرَ»

It means: "People will be in well-being, if after sunset they will hurry to stop the post."

After stopping the post, tell me:

«اللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَعَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوقُ وَثَبَتَ الأَجْرُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ»

This means: "Oh, Allah! For the sake of you, I fasted and took the food that you gave me. Thickened thirst, the veins were flooded with a lifeful moisture, the body was filled with strength and I hope to receive remuneration if you give Allah. "

Start the trial of the dates, and if there were no dates, then water, as mentioned in X Adis E of the Prophet Fly Ammada ﷺ, who passed the imam at-Tirminisia:

«إِذَا أَفْطَرَ أَحَدُكُمْ فَلْيُفْطِرْ عَلَى تَمْرٍ فَإِنَّهُ بَرَكَةٌ، فَمَنْ لَمْ يَجِدْ فَلْيُفْطِرْ عَلَى مَاءٍ فَإِنَّهُ طَهُورٌ»

This means: "If someone from you completed the post, then let me begun food from the date, as there are praise in it. If I did not find a date, then drinks water, as it is clean. "

Then perform the evening Namaz Al-Magrib, then do Iftar - dinner, and when Iftars have completed, go, by collecting the forces, showing zeal and effort, in a mosque to perform the night namaz "al-',", as well as for additional Night Namazi month of Ramada N. Try to learn this month to learn how to correctly read the sacred to Ur'an from the set of reliable teachers in order to more read the sacred Scripture in the blessed month of Ramad N. In no case do not waste your time, because our time, every moment of our life is precious. Do not waste it in front of the TVs, switching and revising different channels, lingering without sleep until late at night without good, because because of this you will wake up late. Therefore, as soon as Namaz Tarauich ended, go to bed, and read such Du'a before bedtime:

"اللَّهُمَّ بِاسْمِكَ أَمُوتُ وَأَحْيَا"

It means: "Oh, Allah! With your name, dying and coming to life. "

That is, my death and my life is created by the Creator.

Well, when people lay down to sleep earlier in order to make it easier to wake up before the onset of dawn to perform a night additional Namaz Thayadjud, then they read Kor'an, and then they make Sakhur in accordance with x Adis Ohm of the Prophet Muh Ammada ﷺ, who handed the imam al-Bukhariya:

"تَسَحَّرُواْ فَإِنَّ فِي السَّحُورِ بَرَكَةٌ"

It means: "Make Sakhur, as there is a blessing (praasta)."

We remind you of one of the duties of the post - this is the fulfillment of the intention by the heart at any time in the period after sunset and before the onset of dawn, such as, for example, to say in the heart:

"نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ يَوْمِ غَدٍ عَنْ أَدَاءِ فَرْضِ رَمَضَانِ هَذِهِ السَّنَةِ إِيْمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى"

It means: "I intended to observe the post of tomorrow, fulfilling the responsibility of the post of the month of Ramada from this year, and do it with faith and sincerely for Allah.

Know, dear Muslims! That any of the nights of the Holy Month of Ramada Na may be at night predestination - Lylylatul-to ADR, so read more prayers - Du'a and perform more namazy during the nights of this blessed month, especially in the last ten days. Since the worship of the Al-to ADR night is better than for a thousand months.

Do not make the month of Ramada N you spend in luxury and excesses, using more food, seeking a variety and abundance of food. After all, the Prophet Muh Ammad ﷺ said:

«إِيَّاكَ وَالتَّنَعُّمَ، فَإِنَّ عِبَادَ اللَّهِ لَيْسُوا بِالْمُتَنَعِّمِينَ»

It means: "Do not strive for luxury. Truly, the pious slaves of Allah do not live in luxury. "

Dear, uninterests! Do not carry out your precious time in the fun and entertainment, making sins, instead do goodies, visit your relatives, truly recovery and maintain decent related links benefits in the next life.

ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار

Every night before the post you need to pronounce the intention (Niyat). According to a reliable word, the intention spoken at the beginning of the night is also sufficient. There are Alima, who say that the intention spoken in the first half of the night is insufficient, and it is necessary to pronounce it in the second half, explaining this by the fact that the second part of the night is closer directly to the post. If after saying the intention at night before dawn to take actions that violate the post (reception of food, proximity to his wife), it won't hurt the post.

If someone after pronouncing the intention fell asleep, then the intention is not necessary to update, but preferably. Inclusion in disbelief (Kufr), (Murta) spoils the intention. If a person who fell into a kufr, will shown to dawn, he needs to update. Intention, uttered at night, while intimacy with his wife, is also enough for the post.

1. If the intention is pronounced after dawn, the post is not counted. In Hadith, it is said: " Post who did not accomplish the intention at night, until dawn, will not be accepted ».

2. The post of man who made the intention, doubting, came dawn or not, is not counted, because in his intention there was doubt . And if he is already breaking over after the intention, there was a dawn or not, then his post will be considered, since its doubt is the onset of dawn.

3. If, after the occurrence of dawn, a person becomes breaking in that he has pronounced before dawn, the post of this person is not counted, since the basis of doubt - not to utter intention in time . But if he remembers that he would have given an intention at night or before the onset of dawn, his post would be considered observed.

4. If, after talking (i.e. in the evening), a person becomes breaking in reading the intention to the post for the past day, then the post does not hurt, even if he does not remember, he uttered the intention.

5. If in the thirtieth night of Shaban man pronounced the intention to observe the post tomorrow if this day is the first day of Ramadan, then this post will not be considered . If he tells those who he trusts, whether it is a woman, a wicked or a child that the month of Ramadan begins tomorrow, and he will observe the post, then his post is counted, if it really will be the first day of the month of Ramadan, and if it turns out that this The last day of the month shaba is not considered.

6. A person who has read the intention, if tomorrow the month of Ramadan comes, comply with the mandatory post, and if it is the last day of Shaban, then comply with the desired post, it is accepted only as desired (Sunnat) on the last day of Shaban (if he had a habit of fasting on the last day every month), because the basis of the intention is the balance of Saban . If this day is the first day of the month of Ramadan, his post will not be considered.

7. If a person on the thirtiest night of Ramadan read the intention to fast tomorrow and it really turned out to be the last day of Ramadan, his post would be considered, as the basis of the intention - the rest of Ramadan.

Order, conditions and place of intent

Place your intention - heart. The pronouncement of intent in words is not a condition, this is a desirable action (Sunna). Joint pronunciation helps strengthen the intention in the heart. It is necessary to remind the essence of the intention - the desire for the whole day to abandon the actions that violate the post. The pronouncement of words of intention without understanding the meaning of the intention is not considered.

If you intend to comply with the mandatory post, you must specify which post you follow - the post of the month of Ramadan, Kaffarat or promised.

There are disagreements about whether the word "mandatory" (Pharg) should say. According to reliable sources, it can not be pronounced. Will be enough if you say , not emphasizing that this is a mandatory post. But not enough to say "... observe the post tomorrow," without specifying that this is the post of month Ramadan.

Printing intent

It is advisable to utter the intention to verbally and confirm the heart: « I intend to keep the post of month Ramadan for Allah tomorrow " With this version of the text of the intention, all Alima agreed.

If someone intends to reimburse the missing post of two months Ramadan and in the intention he will say "... ramadan recovery post ", this will be enough. There is no need to indicate what kind of Ramadan the post compensation.

Also, observing the post of various kaffarats can say "... observe the post of kaffarat ", Not specifically specifically, what kind of kaffarate.

If you forgot to read the intention at night

If anyone before the onset of dawn forgot to pronounce the intention, the post on this day will not be considered. But from respect for Ramadan on this day, he should not do anything, violating the post. For a desirable post, it is enough to pronounce the intention to dinner the day of the post, as it is not a condition to utter intention at night.

Also, with the intention, you can not call a month and day for Sunnat-post (, white days, etc.). It is enough to say to "fast tomorrow", but it is better to call these days. At the same time, if these days it is intended to observe the post (compensating or other posts), then you can get a reward as both of the post.


"In the month of Ramadan was sent to the Quran - the right leadership for people, clear evidence of the right leadership and distinction. That of you who will find this month should fast "(Quran, 2: 185)

If you can, take a vacation for this period so that nothing distracts you from worshiping the Almighty. It is important to show diligence in worship: read the sacred quran, spend more time in a mosque, with family and relatives, to do good deeds, handing out alms, etc. "The one who fastens on Ramadan with faith and hope for a reward, all his past sins are forgiven." (Al-Bukhari, Fatah, 37). During this period, the punishment for the gossip is increasing, lies, useless disputes.

Who is freed from the post in Ramadan?

Freshly exempted elderly and sick Muslims, pregnant and lactating women, little children. Old men who are not able to comply with the post must make a donation (a certain amount of products or their cost). Children post is not prescribed, but recommended.

Who is temporarily exempt from the post?

These are those believers who cannot comply with it for objective reasons (for example, pilgrims, women during menstruation and postpartum cleansing). They will have to compensate the missed days of the post or make a donation in favor of the poor Muslims (Fidya).

Is it possible to keep post if you do not read Namaz?

Yes, you can, if you are ready to comply with all the requirements of the post. Post per month Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. Ask Allah so that your post will be accepted. Inshallah

What days of fasting are reimbursed as a debt?

Only days violated by involuntary actions, for example, in the case of a tear or yoftar, later or ahead of time, if a person was mistaken in time; Because of the swallowing snowflakes in the mouth and droplets of the rain or water when performing the ablution (Husul, Voodoo, etc.), when drugs in the body (, etc.) across the mouth, nose, ears or in the enema; and etc.

How do the conscious (intentional) violation of the post in Ramadan?

This is a severe sin. Muslim is obliged in this case not only to compensate the Days of the post as a debt (kada), but also to pay redeeming alms (kaffarat).

What if before the start of the post in Ramadan did not fill some days of the post, missed in the past Ramadan?

It is necessary to repent Allah for such an act, as it is not allowed to delay debts from the past Ramadan to the next, without having reasons. And after the coming Ramadan, all missed days must be filing.

It is known that smoking violates the post. Will the post be broken if you are in the room where they smoked, and inadvertently inspired smoke (nose or mouth)?

Inhalation of aromas and inhalation of smoke or steam should be distinguished. During the post, the fragrances of flowers, incense, etc., is allowed during the post, if the believer deliberately breathe smoke incense or cigarettes (or any other smoke). It does not matter exactly which smoke it was. If smoke fell into the nose or mouth by chance, in addition to the will, then the post is valid. For example, if you ended up in a room where they smoke, closed the mouth and nose closed with palm, but smoke still got into the throat, the post is not disturbed.

Does the post inhalation of flavors of flowers, spirits or incense violates?

During the post, the fragrances of flowers, incense, etc., are allowed during the post. The post will be broken if you intentionally breathed smoke or pairs of incense, cigarettes, etc.

Where to start the post? What do you need to talk before morning meals?

We need to pronounce the intention of the post (Niyat): "I intend to keep the post of the month of Ramadan for the sake of the Almighty Allah."

Is it possible not to fast on the road, if the previous night was made by the intention to fast?

It is allowed not to fast if the distance is at least 81 km in one end and the traveler leaves the city to dawn.

Can a traveler suspend the post?

Allah allowed the traveler to suspend the post, even if during the trip he does not have any difficulty. After uraza, it is necessary to fill the missed days. Messenger of Allah, and he bless him Allah and welcomed, said: "This is a permit (relaxation) from Allah, and who will take advantage of them, he will go well, and who wishes to fast, there is no sin" (Muslim No. 1891)

Should the post per month Ramadan those who are on the road?

Travelers preferably refrain from the post if he can harm; If he is harmless, then it is better to fast. Most High said: "And if someone is sick or on the way, then let them fast as many days at another time. Allah wishes you relief and does not want difficulties to you "(Quran 2: 185)

Do I need to continue to fast, if on this day your post for some reason has become invalid?

If the believer committed actions that violate the post, then he must spend the rest of the day in the post, even if the replenishment of the post for this day has already become mandatory.

Is it allowed to fast since the beginning of the day?

If you had a respectful reason not to abide by the post, but until the end of the day, this reason disappeared, then you must fast the rest of the day, thereby expressing our respect for the month of Ramadan.

Is it allowed to interrupt the post if the believer feels bad?

It is allowed to interrupt the post due to poor well-being. It may even be mandatory if the post is making tangible harm and / or there is a doctor's recommendation. If the post is interrupted due to poor well-being, the believer must compensate the missed days after it becomes easier. Allah Allah did not make any difficulty in religion (Koran 22:78)

How should the post per month Ramadan Pessenger people?

Those who are unable to fast for old age or incurable disease have the right not to comply with the post. However, they should feed one poor man for each missing day. "And those who are able to fast with difficulty should be atonement to feed the poor man (Quran 2: 184)

Does it be necessary to distribute the Muddy thirty to those in need of Muslims or can I give everything to one?

MUDD and SA - the units of the volume and weight of products adopted in Islam, which weak believers reimburse the missed days of Ramadan's post. There is no strict rule, who can distribute Mudda: can be thirty Muslims, one can one.

Who needs to pay fidew?

If a person is contraindicated to fast due to the deterioration of the physical condition, he will not fasten. After recovery, he must fill over the missed days of the post one to one. In the case, when the disease became chronic and unlikely, that a person will be able to fill the missing post, then he pays the "Fidew Sadak": for each missing day it is necessary to saturate one disadvantaged so that it has been used to spend money about as much as it goes on average Lunch of man himself.

How reimbursed the post recovered a patient or an elderly person who has acquired forces to comply with the post?

These believers reimburse post as debt (Kadaa). Previously paid FiDea will be counted as a gardens.

Should I post in Ramadan a believer who is at death?

It will be better if the dying will be able to record the missed days of the post and will leave the testament to the heirs to pay Fidew.

What property did the heirs pay fidue for the deceased?

Fidya for missed dead days is paid by heirs from his property. The heirs of the deceased can pay fidue on his behalf from their personal savings.

When do the funds of the post?

This nigs are committed to dawn or immediately after sunset, the pronouncement of out loud is not necessary. "I intend to comply with the post of tomorrow of the month of Ramadan this year in accordance with the faith and sincerely for the sake of Allah of the Most High."

What is Juse and Hizb Koran? How to determine the desired juse?

Juse is one of the 30, approximately equal parts of the Koran, read by one of the month of the month of Ramadan. Each Juse consists of two hizbov.

To calculate the page where one or another juse begins, there are 2 formulas:

1) First, it is necessary to calculate (N-1) * 2, where the N-number of the desired Juse. And then to the resulting number to prescribe the right two.

But there are exceptions to Juse 7 and 11 instead 2 we register 1.

For example, 14 JUS: (14-1) * 2 \u003d 13 * 2 \u003d 26. To 26, add at the end of the twoy and get 262

Thus, page 14 Juse - 282.

2) (N-1) * 20 + 2, where the N-number of the desired Juse.

For example, 8 Juse: (8-1) * 20 + 2 \u003d 142

But there are exceptions - Jussea 7 and 11, instead of 2 add 1.

What can be done during the post? Is it possible to brush your teeth during the post?

By Sunna for cleaning the teeth during the post you can use Misvak (Sivak): throughout the day (hanafitis), only in the first half of the day (skephitis).

Is it possible to brush the teeth into the period of paste during the post, if you do not swallow saliva?

The use of toothpaste is allowed, but refers to the category of macroh (undesirable actions). When using a toothpaste, saliva is not swallowed until it tastes. It is necessary to carefully rinse the mouth: the ingress of the toothpaste in the stomach violates the post. By Sunna, you need to use Mochwalk.

Is it possible to swallow saliva during the post?

Slyut's smoothing does not violate the post, but it is impossible to save to save the saliva and smooth out - it is impossible to spoil the post.

Is it possible to chew a chewing gum during the post?

No, it is impossible, since the chewing gum contains sugar in itself (or its substitute). In addition, when chewing on a hungry stomach, chewing gum stimulates the production of gastric juice, which contributes to the development of gastritis or the exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

Is it possible to rinse your mouth and wash the nose during the post?

Rinsing the mouth and nose, even if it does not do during the commission of small ablution, is allowed, but it is important to comply with moderation. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing, said: "Well (deeply) rinse your nose, except for those cases when you fumble" (AT-Tirmisi, 788)

Is it possible to damage medications in the nose?

It is possible, but if the drops fall into the cartilage partition, then the post is broken.

Can a woman try the food that prepares for the whole family during the post?

If the husband has a bad temper and challenge with respect to food, then a woman is permitted to taste what she prepares. But she should not swallow this food. Not macroh to try food, for example, on salt, if there is no other woman nearby, which is in the Heyde state, that is, it will not fasten. A woman is also allowed to warm up food, to then give her baby.

Is it possible to swim or take a shower during the post?

During the post, the soul is allowed or wrapped in a wet sheet. On the permitting of this, the Hadiths about how the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing) watered the water on his head to reduce the feeling of thirst, and Ibn Umar (may Allah be satisfied) wrapped in a wet shelf. These actions are not macro, because they help a person to withstand the post, especially during the heat.

Is it possible to use spirits during fasting?

During the post, it is not forbidden: inhaling floral and similar flavors and smells, as well as use perfume.

Is it possible to use antimo during the post?

It is not prohibited.

Can I use the cream during the post?

Yes, you can. The main thing is not to use them inside, including - on the mucous membrane of the lips or the nose.

Is it possible to donate blood during the post?

Theoretically, blood test does not violate the post, however, if a person has a lot of blood, he can weaken, it will be hard to keep the post.

Is it possible to make bloodletting (hijam) during the post?

Theoretically, Hijam does not violate the post, but a person can weaken and his health will deteriorate.

Is it possible to play sports during the post?

Yes, you can, but do not forget that during the position of the body and so hard, try to avoid overloads.

Is it possible to handle the wedding during the post?

Yes, but in this case, festive treats are transferred for the evening (after talking).

Is it possible to hug up during the post, kiss your wife (husband)?

Aisha, let it be pleased with her Allah, said: "During the post, the prophet, peace and blessing, often hugged and kissed (his wives, however), he owned anything better than any of you" (Al Bukhari No. 1927)

Is it possible to do circumcision during the post?

Yes, you can.

Is it possible to cut your nails, the hair during the post?

You can cut your nails and hair. It is best to do this in front of a complete abyption.