Repairs Design Furniture

How to cover the wooden floor in the house: selection of coating, tips. Impregnations for reliable wooden floor protection than handle wooden floor

No, there is no negative attitude towards the use of wood as floors in the bath and in risen. Just in advance, it is necessary not just to chop and saw, but to pay a report, as this or that decision may affect the continued course of events.

A tree in a bath, where external temperature and humidity influences will be great on the material, prone to very large and unpleasant surprises, if it is not taken care of it. The construction market will come to the aid if the situation has not yet been brought to extremes.

We are responsible for previously accepted solutions

Moreover, your disposal has a huge amount of means for processing floors in the bath.

From which they choose

All these funds are presented two indispensable requirements - they must be, on the one hand, environmentally friendly, and on the other hand, to successfully deal with organisms, so loving, together with us, wooden structures.

From this and the manufacturers of the following funds are based:

  • Antiseptic "Sauna". It is diluted with water, it is produced on an acrylic basis and creates a waterproof, polymer coating on the treated surface. The created film, however, does not interfere with good air exchange and is antimicrobial, and this is already the protection and visitors themselves.
  • Waterproofing "Schwartz". Penetration of this agent in the very structure of the tree effectively protects it from the effects of temperature and moisture. Schwartz helps keep the form of treated surfaces.
  • Protective composition Natura.. The main advantage of this fund is its transparency, so it does not change the tone and drawing of the wood. The protective capabilities of "Nature" are no worse than the opportunities of competitors.

  • SUPI Arctic tool - from Finnish Tikkurila. Finns know the felt in the baths and processing of the tree, and this is the means that they offer is also a water-repellent effect. It is not necessary to fear that the supiarctic examines the wooden surface is very pleasant brilliance - it is completely harmless and does not increase the degree of sliding of the surface.
  • Well, finally, a whole parade of oil tools that are successfully absorbed into the tree, but at the same time do not cause an increase in surface temperature. Among the oils are at your disposal Supi Laudesuoja from Finnish Tikkurila, SAUNA NATURA from Teknos, Eurotex "Sauna". Before applying oils, the surface must be carefully cleaned and dried. After a day, the bath is attacked, and the emerging excess oils are removed.

Helpful advice!
All given tools perfectly fulfill their task to protect the tree.
The question is only in the other - will you want to use the bath after that.
Therefore, the main and strict rule - when applying them, it is necessary to carefully follow all the rules of application, and if it is necessary to wait after application, it takes 24 hours and at a temperature of 25 degrees, then wait for exactly as much as an hour less.
Only in this case you can successfully overcome the common belief that in the baths wooden floors is not a place.

Still, the tree should be helped

Whatever wood protection tools you have used if there are no special design solutions in the manufacture and use of the bath, then no means can fix our errors.

To help the impregnations

Among these solutions, we allocate the following:

  • Careful preparation of the foundation, if possible - ventilated;
  • Mandatory use;
  • The use of wood breeds resistant to moisture and microbes - oak here is suitable as it is impossible;
  • Accurate design study and the implementation of the entire process of removal of waste water and in no case under;
  • Full ventilation and drainage of the entire bath after its next use.

Helpful advice!
But still we advise with all seriousness treat the organization in the bath of tile floors covered in mandatory wooden removed panels.
Only such an approach that provides complete control over the situation and will allow you to contain the floor in perfect order.


Strictly speaking, with a responsible attitude to the case, there is no reasonable explanation - why, when choosing floors in the bath, a preference was given to wooden floors in front of the tiled. Neither in consideration, nor in convenience, or in safety, they do not give any advantages, but they require constant care.

Nevertheless, if a tree on the floor is the fate of your bath, be prepared for periodic care of the floor. Moreover, there can be no other options: the question is very straightforward - or the floor or there is no bath.

Watch the attached video in this article - it will certainly go about the processing of a wooden floor, but see forward and take a thoughtful decision when choosing the coating itself.

One of the most important stages of the internal arrangement of the bath is the treatment of gender. Not only the duration of the operation of the design, but also such indicators as comfort, the convenience and hygiene of the room depends on the literacy and quality of the execution of this event. At the same time, in spite of the opinion, not only wooden floors, but also concrete structures, are needed in processing.

Next, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the recommendations on the selection and use of means for treating a bathroom. Carefully having studied the information given, you can cope with the event under consideration by our own forces, saving significantly on the services of third-party performers.

Why handle wooden floor?

The main purpose of impregnation in this case is reduced to ensuring the guaranteed wood protection against the detrimental effects of water. Properly completed processing will extend the service life of the material and favorably affects the main operational characteristics of both the floor frame and the finish flooring. At the same time, the funds under consideration can be used in a complex with special primers, if this requires the work planned by the master, the order of work, for example, during the preparatory processing of the floor in the pre-tribbon or rest room before staining.

Many modern impregnations contain various tinting components. After treating the floor, one of these drugs, wood will not only gain the mud and moisture-repellent properties, but also will receive a more attractive and aesthetic appearance due to the high-quality emphasis on the natural texture of the material.

Assortment of funds

The modern market presents the widest range of funds, successfully used for processing bath floors. Each of them has an individual purpose and is characterized by special qualities. Having studied the following table, you will get a complete picture of the existing types of impregnations and be able to choose the most optimal option without any problems.

Table. Floor processing facilities in the bath

To protect against moistureFirst of all, the Master should know that each impregnation provides one or another level of moisture protection, penetrating the structure of the wood, filling out natural channels and pores and blocking the access of moisture after drying.

The deeper the agent penetrates into the material, the higher the protection level will be the best reflected on the service life of the floor.

That is why many masters prefer special moisture protection compositions characterized by the greatest indicator of the penetration depth.

Important! Choosing such a means, be sure to specify which surfaces can be processed with its use. The compositions of impregnations differ in the content of special ingredients, each of which is characterized by a different level of interaction with certain materials.

Antibacterial protectionIn an increased level of humidity, ideal conditions are created for reproduction of various bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms. As a result of their livelihoods, the wood is simply begins to rot, which significantly reduces the service life of the floor and in general makes a double room with such problems not the most pleasant occupation.

Processing the bath floor with antibacterial composition, you eliminate the possibility of its damage under the influence of the mentioned microorganisms.

Such impregnations are perfectly suitable for flooring in rooms with elevated moisture levels, so they are most often used to cover wooden structures in the baths.

Fire protectionFireproof impregnations can also be used to treat wooden floor, especially at the installation site of the traditional stove-Kamenka. In other premises, the means with flame retardant properties, as a rule, do not apply, because It is inappropriate.

Helpful advice! Do not regard refractory impregnation as universal and 100% protection against fire. Other precautions and fire safety also must be respected.

Darkening / bleaching of the surfaceSpecial compositions are available on sale, allowing you to change the natural color of the wooden flooring. Such funds are used mainly in decorative purposes, but the features of some of them allow for additional protection of wood from moisture and pathogenic microorganisms.

When choosing a specific agent, you must pay attention to the appearance of the samples presented on the exhibition stand in the store. So you will receive a reliable idea of \u200b\u200bthe real impact of impregnation on the structure of the material.

Floor processing order

Work on independent processing of a wooden bathroom consists of several simple stages. By consistently by following each step of the following manual, you will provide the most high-quality and reliable protection of the wooden structure.

First step. Treat the floor with a grinding machine. Your task is to get rid of any kind of roughness, protruding fibers and other defects. In the absence of grinding, you can cope with this event manually using emery paper, but temporary and labor costs will increase significantly.

The second step. Having got rid of the defects of the coating, clean the surface with a vacuum cleaner or broom, and then eliminate the residues of the shallow dust with a damp cloth.

Third step. Waiting for complete surface drying, proceed to apply impregnation. It will help you with a brush and soft roller. Large areas are more convenient to process roller, curved and bottlenecks - painting brush.

If you need to apply multiple layers of impregnation or tools with different properties, keep the interval specified in the manufacturer's instructions between the processing stages. The drying time of the layer may vary for different compositions, therefore this moment is specified individually.

After drying the last layer of impregnation, the treatment of the floor in the bath can be considered completed. Further work remains at the discretion of the owner. For example, the floor can be painted or covered with varnish.

The need to process concrete design

The impregnation of concrete floor will contribute to improving the performance characteristics of the structure, namely:

  • increase wear resistance. The floor will become more resistant to temperature-winnotes, mechanical effects, etc.;
  • dust the surface and prevent dusting in the future;
  • will increase the service life;
  • allows you to save on subsequent maintenance and repair work.

At the same time, the technology under consideration allows not only to improve the characteristics of the new design, but also restore the former concrete floor.

What formulations can be used?

Depending on the features of the composition, impregnation for concrete floor are organic and inorganic. The characteristics of each option are shown below.

Properties of impregnation for concrete floor:

  • organic impregnations. Can be made on epoxy, polyurethane and acrylic basis. After applying the composition, it fills concrete pores, at the same time dusting the surface and making it more durable. Additionally, the resistance of the floor is increasing to the effects of moisture and all sorts of chemicals. In practice, the most functional and efficient properties has impregnation on a polyurethane basis. At the same time, it is sold at a relatively affordable cost, which makes this option most popular and preferred;
  • inorganic impregnations. Protect the transformation of soluble substances into insoluble. Floor treatment with such impregnation increases the stability of the material to the effects of different chemicals.

Additionally, the compositions for the processing of concrete floor are classified depending on their purpose. Information on this is shown in the following table.

Table. Appointment of impregnation for concrete floor

ReinforcementAbsorbed into surface layers of the floor. According to the results of such treatment, several upper centimeters of the concrete layer are stronger. Additionally, the stability of the material to all sorts of loads increases.
The mechanism of action is simple: the agent penetrates into the pores of concrete and is frozen there, as a result of which the design acquires monolith and becomes stronger.
Dusty formulationsEliminate dust from concrete floors. Additionally provide a hardening function. Also, the dust impregnations are well suited to prepare the floor to further color.
Before starting processing, the floor is recommended to lure fine-grained sand. Also for this will suit quartz flour. After such treatment, followed by applying the selected impregnation, the surface will not slide and become stronger to abrasion.
Water-repellent impregnationsContribute to a significant increase in the water-repellent surface properties. The tool fills concrete pores and freezes. As a result, the moisture that fell on the floor can not go into the thickness of the structure.
In addition, the hydrophobic compositions prevent the appearance of heights on the concrete surface in the event of various kinds of chemicals on it.
Additionally, such treatment increases the stability of concrete to the effects of various harmful microorganisms and reduces the thermal conductivity of the surface, which in the case of the bath is an additional advantage.

Among all the funds presented in the market, two-component water repellents are characterized by the greatest efficiency.

It is important to understand that all funds discussed above enter into a chemical reaction with a surface material, the result of which is largely determined by the chemical composition of directly concrete used during floor arrangement. If you do not have information regarding the composition of the fill used, pre-test the selected impregnation on some small and low-speed plot. If, after drying, the coating concrete was not covered with spots and, in general, retained a normal form, the tool can be used to process the entire surface.

The procedure for using impregnation

First step. Prepare the concrete surface to the upcoming processing. Your task is reduced to the elimination of any kind of irregularities and thorough cleaning of the existing garbage.

The second step. Pour the impregnation on the floor and distribute it over the surface as a uniform layer. Also, the composition can be applied using a roller - as you are more convenient.

Application on the surface of impregnation

Third step. Give the facility to dry for an hour. During this time, the primary impregnation will occur. Next, you need to add a small amount of water to the composition used (accurate information is given in the instructions, be sure to study it before starting work) and re-fill. Wait 20-30 minutes (the time may vary depending on the manufacturer, specify individually) and remove the excess impregnation using the rally or other suitable fixture. Finally, you will stay thoroughly wash the floor with water. After that, you can proceed to the fulfillment of finishing facing works, if such are scheduled.

Now you have all the necessary information for independent processing of wooden and concrete floor in the bath. The information obtained will allow you to significantly save on the services of third-party masters and be completely confident as processing, because each stage will be controlled by you personally.

Good job!

Video - what to process the floor in the bath

When building a bath, a tree is most often used - it is an environmentally friendly material with good thermal insulation characteristics. But with high humidity, the tree begins to rot to rot, mold and fungus are breeding on it. So that the wooden flooring served as long as possible, the owner is important to know than to process and which impregnations are best for this.

Why appears rot

Wet tree is an excellent medium for breeding fungi, spread their dispute. The rotation process is significantly accelerating with an air of air, and in fact they often make thermal insulation, which makes the air exchange, reduces the gas permeability coefficient of wood. If you put the floor from wood without any processing, then it rotates literally for 6-10 months.

If you have cracks in the wood, we advise you to get acquainted with the article

When the floor is rotting in the bath will constantly attend the smell of dampness

What to process the floor in the bath from rot

  1. Processing antiseptic-primer. Solutions in the form of a finished antiseptic or concentrate are sold in construction stores. It should be applied in 2-3 layers.
  2. Impregnation with the use of olifa or flaxseed oil. Wood is completely immersed in dishes with oil and withstand within a few hours. The impregnation will help "close" the pores in the wood and prevent moisture from entering inside.

Before applying the antiseptics, wood dried under ultraviolet

Step-by-step instruction

Going carefully on all the hammer boards - the wood-affected wood will give a deaf sound.

Floor processing is performed according to the following instructions:

  1. Boards or beams are cleaned with an electrolake, removing also the upper rotten layer (if available).
  2. The tree is dried in the sun or simply outdoors (it is possible at a minus temperature on the street).
  3. Conduct treatment with an antiseptic of a tree in 2-3 layers.
  4. Impregnate with oil or linen oil, after which the wood is necessarily rubbed with a dry cloth to remove the surplus of impregnation.

If there are completely damaged sections in the bath, they should be replaced with fresh boards.

If you fully comply with the above instructions, then such a floor, even laid on the soil (as they do in summer baths), will last at least 5-10 years. And if you also provide good ventilation indoors, then all 20-30 years.

If wooden floors are made in a residential or non-residential structure, then it would be wrong to leave them without a protective finish coating. Without it, the surface will quickly contaminate, wear out, it will turn mold or will be corrupted by microorganisms. Wood floor processing is performed using different materials. They not only protect the surface and prolong its service life, but also increase the aesthetic indicators, giving a matte or glossy shine, a certain color or shade, emphasizing the beauty of wood texture. To understand what to process the wooden floor, you need to take into account the purpose of the room, the characteristics of the temperature and moisture mode in it, the properties of the coating.

What is the processing of wooden floor?

The boardwalk in a private house, an apartment, a balcony or a non-residential room is processed to protect from:

  • damage to microorganisms;
  • moisture;
  • sunlight;
  • mold;
  • the effects of high and low temperatures.

Tree is particularly affected by microorganisms and mold in conditions of high humidity, therefore, the protection against moisture absorption is especially important. When the temperature and humidity changes, the wood is absorbed and gives moisture, because of which the material is compressed, swells and deformed. Protective impregnation and varnish coating to some extent reduce the effect of these negative factors on the material and make the product more stable.

Conducting the floor on the unheated balcony, loggia or veranda to protect against moisture and sunlight. In addition, any coating reduces the degree of contamination of the surface, increases its wear resistance and strength.

Types of materials for processing and protection

For wood treatment, the following materials are usually used:

  • antiseptic need all products from wood to protect against damage by microorganisms;
  • varnishes increase the wear resistance and surface strength, protect against moisture;
  • oils should choose if you want to protect the floor from absorbing contaminants, increase its aesthetic characteristics, protect against moisture and damage by microorganisms;
  • after processing with oils or antiseptic impregnations, wax is often applied, it gives the surface of the shine, eliminates small irregularities and defects, protects against moisture and damage by microorganisms;
  • if you want to cover the surface with a dense color composition, cholect the paint, the board is securely protected from moisture, the sun and other negative impacts under the thick layer of paint.

Antiseptic impregnions

Primary treatment with antiseptic impregnations is performed at the stage of blocking of lumber. After that, during the operation of the finished product, this processing is periodically repeated to extend the service life.

The antiseptic for the wooden floor is needed both in preventive purposes, and with visible lesions of wood mold and bacteria. At the same time, the following types of impregnations are used:

  1. Water soluble compositions They differ in the lack of smell, speed of absorption and convenience of applying (even a wet surface can be processed). Compositions are completely non-toxic. They are used in residential and economic buildings for processing doors, frames, fences and other sawn timber. The disadvantages include the following:
  • water-based antiseptics are not suitable before the boards in contact with water;
  • penetrate shallow.
  1. Organic-based mixtures Different with deep penetration. Their composition includes many useful additives. But they have a sharp smell and require preliminary surface preparation before applying. Apply in wet rooms, for example, cellars or baths.
  2. Also on sale there are combined means.

Important! All antiseptics are divided into transport, which are designed to temporarily process wood for the period of its transportation and installation, and long-term, intended to protect the product for many decades.


This transparent means after applying to the surface and drying, it forms a solid transparent film that gives the product of a glitter that increases the wear resistance of the floor protecting against moisture, rotting and mold.

Lucky are produced on the basis of different resins, which are dissolved by volatile compounds. Acrylic copolymers, polyurethane, synthetic and natural resins are used as the basis.

For processing a wooden surface, the following varnishes are used:

  1. Water soluble single and two-component compositions. The most durable and expensive two-component varnishes. They differ in lack of smell, dryness speed. Such varnishes increase floor wear resistance.
  2. Alkid formulations emphasize the natural beauty of the tree, increase the strength of the product. They are not suitable for working in high temperatures, it is difficult to apply and require a lot of time to dry.
  3. Mixes on a polyurethane based The most durable and durable. After applying, the wear resistance of the floor is significantly increased. The lack of these compositions is that they are applied only on well-dried boards. Otherwise, defects in the form of swirling and bubbles appear on the surface.


This opaque durable coating is made on the basis of acrylic, polyurethane or tetrachlorine. Most often, alkyd and acrylic paints are used in homes that have the following advantages:

  • they are very easy and simply applied;
  • the surface of the floor is easy to care for;
  • do not need to use special cleaning agents;
  • each consumer can choose an acceptable product price;
  • a large selection of colors, which makes it easier to selection for the color of the interior;
  • the colorful layer, subject to the correct care and gentle mechanical impact, will serve not one year.

Important! The lack of paint consists in a low aesthetic attractiveness of the coating in comparison with varnish, oil and wax. Moreover, the paint hides the beauty of wood, and the coating loses its natural look.

Oil impregnions

The oil impregnation for the floor wooden differs from the lacquer by the fact that it does not form on the surface of a dense impermeable layer. The oil is absorbed into the upper layers of wood and increases the moisture resistance of the material and its wear resistance.

If you have wooden floors in your nursery, than to handle their surface to guess is easy if you explore all the features of oil impregnation. Oil fills all pores of wood and reduces the possibility of penetration of moisture and pollution. But at the same time the natural type of material and the beauty of its texture is fully preserved.

Important! There are colorless oils that retain the natural color of the material, and the compositions that give the product a certain shade.

Oil impregnations allow you to get a pleasant to the touch, a non-slip surface. This coating option is suitable for residential rooms with a small crossway, for example, for bedrooms and children's. But note that oil processing will have to be periodically resumed.


There are special waxes for the impregnation of wood. They are applied to the surface with special rollers, after which it is thoroughly rubbed and grind up with a soft cloth. Wax treatment is needed to increase the moisture resistance of the floor, giving it a beauty and a beautiful shade.

Important! The main drawback of wax is low resistance to mechanical loads.

However, the wax coating is ideal for floors with defects in the form of small cracks, cracks and irregularities, because after applying all these problems are eliminated. It turns out a smooth, smooth and shiny surface.

What depends on the choice of means of protection?

Now we'll figure it out, the better to cover the wooden floors in the house. From the use of varnishes it is worth abandoning the following cases:

  • If the wooden surface was previously treated with oil compositions. They can not get rid of them even with a cyclove, because the oil penetrates deep into the structure of the tree. If you put the lacquer on this surface, then it will swell and squeeze.
  • Lucky are not suitable for rooms with elevated humidity (bathroom, veranda, balcony).
  • The varnish formulations are not used for floor processing on the open balcony, terrace, veranda or in a gazebo.

Strengthening the natural coating, its decorative processing and the application of the finish glossy coating constitute the main stages of working with wooden floors in order to preserve their integrity for a long time.

Naturally, its defense becomes the purpose of all works on the wooden floor, ensuring the durability of the created coating and giving the surface of a more aesthetic species, pleasant to the eye and touch. Thinking about what the new wooden floor in the house can be covered, it should be understood that natural coating requires not only decorative finishing, but also a competent approach to the processing of depth layers of wood. Protective processing, increasing strength and density of wood coating, is carried out in order to preserve it, increasing its wear-resistance and resistance to mechanical damage, such as, for example, abrasability, trauma from shocks and many other random incidents.

How to ensure the protection of the floor surface in the house

The applied paints, oils and wax for wood have a positive effect on eliminating the shortcomings inherent in this type of coatings. A really complicating surface decoration process includes problems with high hygroscopicity of all natural natural materials. This means that the wooden layer can absorb some amount of moisture, and this process will further result in its swelling, deformation and to increase the vulnerability of the coating, to deterioration of a new base.

Another major problem is the exposure of unprocessed wood materials to rotting, insect invasions, from which it is difficult to get rid of. Processing with relevant means will solve this problem, but it is necessary to make it in a timely manner and follow the condition of the wood coating in the process of its further operation. Reliable protect the wooden floor from pests and fungal infections of lacquer coatings. Lacation is the most common method of processing noble wood breeds. The choice of varnish form and the processing method depends on the structure of the tree of the tree and on the operating conditions of the floor.

High-quality protection can also be carried out using oil. The compositions of modern oil remedies make it possible to produce floors with bright juicy paints, well-protected from mechanical effects and bacteriological invasions. The technique of applying oil and preparation is not more or less complex compared to varnishing, you need to choose in appearance, by what it seems more enjoyable. Lacate wooden floor, covered with oil, or a pole base, will already be impossible.

Waxing agents can also protect the upper wooden layer from cracking, from moisturizing, from the influence of ultraviolet rays, but are not able to protect it from aggressive mechanical impacts. The wax can not be considered durable, the applying of wax must be produced quite often, at least two times a year and depending on the degree of wear of the coating, with a large passability of people in the house even more often.

As used lacquer

The means used for such protection are developed on different bases, exist:

  • discernible in the composition of the components of water-soluble varnishes;
  • more delicate alkyd, emphasizing the structure of the wood;
  • providing greater strength than other types of coatings, polyurethane multicomponent;
  • acid varnishes on a wooden surface view.

On atmospheric sediment sites, the lacquering is not made, the paintwork will surely suffer from excessive moisture, the surface will become muddy and cracks, other formulations are used for external work on the tree.

When working with new floors, preparing them to varnishing, you should carefully examine the places of fastening of the genital boards, achieve the same level of the entire surface, if necessary, thoroughly control the existing defects, nails hats. After grinding the floor, primer varnish is used, which will quickly dry, almost in a few hours and allows the further layer of varnish to be better in the united surface. The primer varnish must match the brand of the future lacquered coating. In addition to primer varnishes, there are other veils and impregnations, allowing to protect the wood from fungi and rotting, as well as to strengthen the surface wooden layer. Then layer-in-law dried, varnish are applied. These manipulations may take a long time, up to several weeks. Dry speed depends largely on the initial moisture of wood. Strongly moist floating floors can dry over three months, so specialists recommend to start painting with lacquer in the fall, since the likelihood that the Wood for the summer is dried, above, and the floor can be commissioned faster. Old floors first cyclulate, removing the old top layer, then eliminate the slots and further lacquer as new.

Cyclical floors

Wooden lacquer coating

Lacked floor

Selection of varnish coating

Having decided to apply water-soluble lacquer as a protective layer, you need to get acquainted with the instructions attached to the medium and understand how often it will be re-applied. Terms of service in single-component and multicomponent varnishes are different. Water soluble lacquer dries faster than all other types of varnish and therefore most often applied to the processing of wood floors.

The coatings treated with polyurethane varnish are the most long-serving and resistant mechanical effects in the house. They are used in places of large cluster of people if there are animals in the house that can damage the surface.

Long drying alkyd varnishes are treated with wood, carefully emphasizing its structure. The appearance of such floors seems to be the most natural, with a bright wood structure.

Acid curing varnishes include special strength surfaces, such a coating is not afraid of temperature drops, resistant to moisturizing.

Floor protection by applying wax or oil

The wax can protect the wood from the penetration of moisture, from scratches and penetration of insects. From mechanical injury wax does not save wood. The wax surface is obtained with a very beautiful noble glitter, thoroughly emphasizes the structure of the tree of wood, it turns out a pleasant to the touch, it is not afraid of temperature jumps. Update such a coating is needed twice a year. Modern oils with solid waxes are easily applied, possess a pleasant smell and perfectly restored the surface.

Oil compositions do not give the surface of such a gloss as varnishing. Oils work well with a tree structure, penetrating inside and enriching layers. It should be considered, choosing the composition for processing that metal furniture cannot be put on oil surfaces, coatings will be reacted and the bathing traces of the furniture legs will remain on the floor. Oil surfaces are also afraid of sharp temperature changes and are not suitable for a warm base.

Wax does not save the wooden floor from mechanical damage

Is it possible, batching wood coating, not to cover it

Modern wooden floors have high quality processing. Sooner or later, moisturizing, temperature drops, use to everyday life will make their own, and the surface will lose its initial gloss and a good texture, so specialists recommend processing floors to protect them. Alternatively, in which the coating does not apply varnish, paints, wax, use the Scandinavian method of wood processing. When processing, the coating is thoroughly grinding, cleaned from the resulting dust and washed with water with soap components. The cleanliness of the surface will not be able to hold on forever, soaking such a coating will have to be quite often, it will have a high tendency to pollution, it will also need to spare from mechanical effects, election and abrasion.

The smoothness of the floor surface, its shine and resistance to moisturization increases due to the processing generated, but the wooden coating should always be washed with minimal use of moisture, it will help you to save any coating longer.