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Bormashinka do it yourself at home. Instructions for the assembly of homemade drills how to make bormer from a flexible shaft

Hello everyone. If you wanted to build a bormer with your own hands at home, then you hit the address. In this article, consider the process of creating a bormer, which will be an indispensable assistant in the manufacture of any homemade. At the end of the article, a video awaits you, in which the entire manufacturing process is clearly shown.

Such borver can work perfectly with such materials as: DVP, MDF, wood, plywood, plastics, soft metals. In general, this tool can do the same thing as the usual factory bormer.

The principle of work Bormashina

This homemade will work with a brushless electric motor by 12 volts.

Engine for Bormishina

As a case, we will use a 2-inch PVC pipe, the inner size of which coincides with the size of the engine. Eating all this business will be from lithium polymer batteries, a total voltage of 7.4 volts.

Materials required for the manufacture of bormers

For the manufacture of bormers with their own hands, we will need such details and tools:

The process of making bormers with their own hands

Since the shaft of our engine is 3 mm, then for its work, we need to choose a collet cartridge.

set of collet cartridges

It is good that all these Delhi can be cheap to buy an aliexpress, and how else to save, I described in.

On the engine, the cartridge is fixed with a screw that is delayed with a hex key. It must be remembered that the engine turnover can reach greater values, so that good fixation of the cartridge is very necessary here.

Manufacture of bormeyshina housing

The case of our bormer will be made of PFC pipes. The length of the housing will be 15 centimeters. You can choose your sizes.

Tube that will be used as a body for born

For cutting such pipes, it is easiest to use a metal hacksaw.

The process of cutting pipes with a metal blade of metal

After the desired piece of the pipe is cut off, its edges need to be cleaned of sowing. For these purposes, you can use sandpaper, which will easily remove all sowing on the workpiece.

Engine case, must be fairly charged into the pipe. If there are gaps, in subsequently, they can be eliminated by gaskets from rubber or other material.

In the center of the plugs, it is necessary to make holes, in one it will be intended for the cartridge collet, in the other for the battery charging socket.


Also, it is necessary to make a hole in the case for the subsequent setting of the switch.

Engine installation

First of all, it is necessary to prepare one of the plugs under the installation of the engine, namely to expand (if necessary) the central hole under the cartridge, and make two holes, under locking bolts.

Engine mounting holes

Before installing, you need to solder wires to the engine. To do this, use a soldering iron and solder. Use the wires of non-small sections, as not small currents will go through the engine.

The process of soldering wires to the engine

After soldering, you can install the engine in the pipe. We screw the engine to the plug, and glue it yourself to the pipe. What to glue, rhetorical question. I prefer to glue on super glue with soda, but you can use epoxy.

Ultimate engine installation

Power supply for bormers

As previously written, lithium polymer batteries were used in the homemade. However, instead of them it is easy to use lithium ion batteries. You can take them from the battery from the old laptop, but it is best to use new batteries.

The working voltage of the lithium polymer battery is about 3.7 volts, and in the lithium ion 3,6 volts. Connect our batteries will be consistently, which means that the voltages will be summed up. As a result, the voltage will be 7.4 volts for lithium polymer batteries, and 7.2 for lithium ion batteries. Such tension is enough to work our engine.

It should be remembered that the batteries are afraid of overheating. You need to solder them very quickly, ideally use point welding. For soldering, it is necessary to use soldering acid, and a soldering iron 100 W, as it will warm up the soldering zone faster.

Using insulating tape, twist the batteries together, as shown in the picture below.

Batteries relative to each other exhibit so

We solder a jumper one side of the batteries (plus you solder with a minus), we solder two wires on the other side.

We collect all together

Next, you need to collect all the items together. Through the switch, sweep the engine to the batteries, and the charging connector is soldered directly to batteries. It must be remembered that the central output of the nest is connected to the plus, the other to minus.

All the assembly nuances you can see in the video instructions for assembling Bormashin.

Video instructions for assembling bormers with their own hands

Thank you all for watching and to new homemade !!!

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From cheap materials. This time we will look at how to make such a good thing as "Dremel", or Bormashin. With this small, but multifunction tool, you can perform engraving, drill, cut, grind and a lot of other. It works very simply, in essence it is a drill with a flexible shaft, which makes the work process very convenient. The shaft is a cable that rotates inside a special hose. Well, the motors are used diverse.

The homemade homemade is assembled based on the engine 775, it is a very popular and reliable engine for the manufacture of various home machines. It is powerful, has a forced cooling system, inside the case is a fan. As a body, the author decided to use spare parts for plumbing from PVC, it is cheap and reliable.

Materials and tools that used

List of materials:
- ;
- ;
- switch;
- socket for connecting the power supply;
- Wires;
- PVC tube, plug, as well as adapter (cone);
- 12V / 6A power supply;
- double-sided adhesive tape;
- Motor coupling 775.

List of tools:
- soldering iron;
- screwdriver;
- metal hacksaw;
- Pliers.

The process of making the dreamer:

Step one. Making the case
As a body, the author decided to use a piece of pipe. Cut the desired length and then mark space for ventilation windows. They are extremely important to be done, since otherwise the motor will overheat and quickly fail. The author carries them using a metal hacksaw.

Step second. Production of the back cover
As the back cover, the author used the pipe stub. It contains a switch, as well as a connector for connecting the power supply. We draw the installation windows under them and then cut out using a conventional soldering iron. Try not to breathe couples, it is not useful.

Now you need to install a switch and connector into place. Just shove them into the nests, they must be securely fix if the holes of the desired diameter.

Step Three. Install the motor in your place
You can install the engine. As far as I understood, the author fastens it using a two-sided adhesive tape or something like that. Watch the engine with ribbon, leave the edge so that then it can be pulled out, and install it into the pipe. Take out the top covering tape and the engine is reliably fixed in the pipe. Before installing, do not forget to solder the wires of the Wire Motor.

Step fourth. Shipping wires
Sleep all the wires like the author. The power on the engine comes from the slot to the gap through the switch. Finally collect the housing and try to turn on the device. Engine works? All perfectly! Go ahead.

Pitch fifth. Connection
The flexible shaft is very simple, first you need to fix the junction clutch on the engine shaft. It is fastened with screws and hexagon. On the shaft put on the cone-shaped item from PVC, and now fasten the four-metered cable in the coupling. Install the cone-shaped part on the body, and the outer part of the shaft is shoved inside the housing.

Step six. The final stage of assembly and testing
We will finish the final assembly of the devil with the help of the manufactured device. We have to fasten the flexible shaft in the device body. To do this, you will need to drill holes, install the desired nozzle to our dremel and try drilling, the author turns out well. Complete those in the holes of the screws, the author of their 3 pieces.

Today I decided to continue the topic of homemade ministers, minisverlines, mini-cutters, etc.

It will be about the very simple in the manufacture of a tool that can easily perform all the above operations - i.e. Make engraving, reassure, drill, cut plastic, sheet colored metal - aluminum, brass, bronze up to 1.5mm thick, etc.

This is a truly universal bormer, which, with its little dimensions, is very convenient at work, is well lying in his hand and is quite capable of performing serious work with plastic, wood, bone, metal and other materials.

For more than 3 years, I have been using my mini-brain in work and, I confess, she helped me earn a lot of money when repairing miniature products, such as glasses, various jewelry (polishing of the product) and other works where small processing of parts is needed before soldering or for Strong connection with mini-bolts.

So, here is my photo of my minimberry:

The main element of my minimbers, as you already, probably, understood, is the end of the flexible shaft of an old bormer (in the photo)

Namely, its end part (in the photo), for this it is necessary to turn the spring of the flexible shaft and get this element (in the photo below, which you need to cut off so that the nut for fastening to the plate and the shaft was released for the gear nozzles:

and nozzles (replaceable holder of dental borov), which are here such modifications:

I personally use most often a direct nozzle, although there are problems when repairing small products, when you can get to the place of repair only by the holder with a rectangular clamp of Bora (fortunately, I have all three configurations of the nozzles), but I will say again that in 90 % of cases are applied direct (average in the photo) nozzle.

In these nozzles, or tips (as they are also called), the bors with a diameter of 2.35 mm still apply. Here they are in the photo:

These are bors for direct nozzle.
For angular lugs (nozzles) - bors are shorter and with a slot (groove) at the end. (I did not show short bours to you, as they are used very rarely, and functionally they are exactly the same as long).

Such a dental tool was used in our grandfather. Now these flexible shafts and tips are completely different, pneumatic, with air supply, etc., but such as I have a lot in my homemade, besides, they are almost not used, and it is not difficult to get it difficult (in stores Medtehniki or familiar dentists).

I admit honestly, they got it for free when eliminating a dentist at our enterprise in 2004.

So, after 8 years of storage of this "gadget", I decided to make a tool from it very necessary for any self-lecher.

First of all, I decided to compactly admit to the existing end of the flexible shaft of the borders of the electromotor of the required power, but small dimensions.

Such a micromoter I found in the old way, a variety of vocomagnetophone. (Tip: - Very good multi-turn and powerful motors stand in the hair dryers, which are used mainly, all female individuals).

I decided to use ordinary plastic gears, which are used in the gearboxes of old icing toys, which I have, thank God, in wealth.

You can apply any other combined to the teeth and the diameter of the gear, based on your capabilities, but I strongly advise you so that the gear on the electric motor has a smaller diameter than at the end of the flexible shaft of Bormashin, so you will increase the power of your mini player.

Of course, choose the gears under the diameters of the shafts (the end of the flexible shaft of the borders and the electric motor) is ideal for sure, but the question decided very simple. I drilled the landing holes of the gear for the necessary diameters (0.1-0.2mm less than the diameter of the shafts) and the vague put them on the bramshina and the electric motor.

(In the photo I hold the nozzle and the electric motor in the hands, then they will be connected by the fastener plate).

It remains to make a plate for fastening our electromotor to the end of the flexible shaft of bormers.
For the manufacture of this mount, I used the aluminum plate with a thickness of 2mm.

It may be such a configuration, although it is not necessary, it all depends on your imagination:

The main thing is that it is very important to accurately drill holes in this plate.

The distance between the centers of the holes in the plate should accurately match the distance between the centers of the two rises on the shafts and combined with each other to rotate the gears (sorry, cavering, but I can't explain it easier). Like this:

It is necessary that the gear electric motor rotates easily rotate each other without jamming and without slipping through the teeth.

Although here you can make a mistake of 1-1.5mm, which can be corrected, increasing in one or the other side (making in the form of an ellipse) holes for fastening the electric motor.

After the fastening of the electric motor and the end of the flexible shaft of the borders on our fastener plate, a small gap (0.1-0.2mm) should be between the teeth (0.1-0.2mm).

And it is still very important that the gear does not have horizontal beating when rotating, i.e. Holes in them must be drilled strictly perpendicularly.

For inexperienced homemade - ideally at right angles to the surface of the gear itself.
Like this:

We screw the bolts to our fastening plate electric motor:

We put on, the vague, our gears and get a ready-made power knot for homemade with the name of the minorman.

We connect our nozzle for the boot with the finished power knot and connect the power to the micromoter.

I, as you already see, glued to the motor, microswitch from some hair dryer, and a power connector that is very convenient.

In this case, this bormashinka is not at all that from the sound of which "blood is fastened in the veins" (although I have no doubt that it will make it possible during the service in the army, many would have been adapted to perform dental functions, there they can invent anything from anything ).

There is only a tool with which you can do certain woodwork and after some refinement (increasing engine power) and metal. With the help of such a homemade borders a couple of trifles, it will make it a miniature, for example, it will make it better than a large machine, and in general when working with small parts, grinding, and so on it will be easier and more efficient.

As usual, the "propeller" of the homemade and in this case are two indisputable facts: expensive tools are expensive, and Chinese are not suitable anywhere, and if this vector coincided for you, when there was a need for what, then the device or instrument And make it yourself.

So in this case, when the urgent need arose in Bormashin, I accidentally got into the hands of the DPM-30-H1-19 motor, and the design in the head was drawn by itself.

The electric motor DPM-30-H1-19 (photo 1) with an excitation of a constant magnet feeds from a constant voltage, and the shaft yield has on the one hand.

The engine is designed for use in automation and service devices. Its main technical characteristics: Overall dimensions - 57 × 30 mm; supply voltage - 12 V; Rotation frequency - 2500 ± 120 rpm; Power on the shaft - 2.57 W; Power consumption - 9.0 W; Mass DPM-30-H1-19-0.22 kg; Engine life - 300 h.

This is a reliable and high-quality industrial motor. Unlike household borders engines, it has a large margin of strength, wearless and is designed for long work. His drawback is only that it is not too powerful.

A series of DPM-30 engines has 17 modifications designed for supply voltage from 12 to 29 V and differ from each other by turnover and torque, but for most operations and such a motor is quite suitable for manufacture bornishins do it yourself.

For the future bullshine, I got a cartridge for a motor with a set of colang (photo 2). Motor shaft - 3 mm. Cartridges are just suitable for such a shaft. They can be purchased in radiotovov stores. On the shaft of the motor, it can be reliably fixed by four screws (photo s).

First of all, it was necessary to solve the problem with the power of the engine with a constant current. I assembled the power supply on a simple scheme (see Fig.).

Drawing diagram of homemade born - power supply

In the left side of the circuit, the voltage stabilizer is 12 V, in the right - engine speed control.

In the initial state, when the tool in the cartridge on the motor shaft does not yet touch the workpiece, the current consumed by the engine at idle, only 60 mA. At the same time, the VT1 and VT2 transistors are closed, and the engine shaft rotates on small revolutions. But when the engine appears on the motor shaft (when the drill or grinding nozzle comes into contact with the workpiece), the voltage drop on the R6 resistor increases, and the VT1 and VT2 transistors are open.

A complete supply voltage enters the engine (the current of the current increases to 600 mA), and the rotation speed of the shaft increases to the nominal. At the end of drilling or grinding, the load on the shaft decreases, the transistors are closed, and the engine returns to small rev.

It is necessary so that the drill or grinding nozzle is easier to position over the detail treated. With thin works, this is very important (the number of speech has entered the grinding, you can read an article about how to make a belt grinding machine with your own hands). Accordingly, the removal of the drill from the finished hole is easier to produce already on small revolutions when the supply voltage is lowered.

You can work without a voltage regulator. To do this, the SB2 switch is provided, the contacts of which simply shunt the regulator, and the engine is powered by a voltage stabilizer directly.

The power supply assembly is placed in a closed case (photo 4).

Of course, in order for this motor to work comfortably, it should also be placed in the case. For its manufacture, I used the fluoroplastic tube. In its end, the fluster of the phoster drilled a hole with a diameter of 22 mm (photo 5), on the other hand cut the groove for the wire (photo 6 and 7). The motor recorded in the body with a fluoroplastic plug (photo 8, 9 and 10) with a connector for the electric pipe (photo 11) and a hook for hanging the borders (photo 12). The protrusion in the front of the housing protects the fingers from the possible injury to the screws fixing the cartridge.

As a result, I got this mini bormer. Compared to industrial samples, it has great reliability and compactness. The length of the borders together with the cartridge is only 130 mm, which is significantly less than that of the majority of the available models.

Consequently, this typewriter can work almost in any hard-to-reach place. And in order for the body of the Bormshina to become more "grasp" - I pulled a thin rubber tube on it (photo 13). Fingers still slid a little on plastic.

The revolve regulator and hook for hanging are very comfortable (photo 14).

I love to work with comfort and therefore, spoiling the design of the bracket for Bormanin from the company's "Proconovsky" power supply unit, I did the same. It turned out to be quite simple - from the steel bar flashed with a bracket (photo 15,16), made of metal plate - fastening of the bracket. For decorative, he pulled a colored Cambrick on the bracket (photo 17). Then he secured the bracket on the power supply housing (photo 18.19).

And if you dengulate the wire, then the bormachina can be put on the desktop on the end (photo 20). Let it be a trifle, but sometimes it works comfortable.

For the storage of various nozzles to Bormashin, I cut out a stand from Kaprolon and twisted the holes 02, 4, 3 and 5 mm in it - under the most popular shanks and replaceable collet (photo 21 and 22).

This bramshina is convenient to drill holes in printed circuit boards (photo a). And to sharpen the tools necessary for wood and metal, knives, scissors (B) and kitchenware (photo c), grind plastic and even make engraving on glass (photo d). Machine carving and metal (for work on metal, of course, the engine will need more powerful, but in general the principles of the design remain the same).

Photo of making borders with their own hands

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Mini drill is an indispensable tool for a radio amateur.

With it, it is convenient to drill holes in printed circuit boards when soldering electrical appliances.

Mini drill and model stores are useful when creating miniature techniques. Make a mini drill with your own hands is easy if there are necessary details.

How to make a mini drill do it yourself

Options for the mining of mini drill, created with their own hands, maybe several. The flight of your fantasy is limited only to the available details.

The most convenient is the miniature drill, made by their own hands from the motor from consumer electronics.

You can use drives from such subjects:

  • Hairdryer. The most preferred option: motor power is enough to drill any material. Depending on the engine model, its power reaches 1500 rpm.
  • Player. Motor from an ancient non-working cassette tape recorder or player can be put in move. Engines are suitable from CD players. Such a motor is powered by a 6 volt voltage, so you can make a portable version of a mini drill running from the batteries. The disadvantage is that the engine does not differ in high power. The microdrel created on its database is suitable for drilling the textolite circuit boards.
  • Radio-controlled toy. Motor power depends on the manufacturer. Chinese production consumer goods are usually equipped with low-power motors. Models of well-known brands, such as General Silicone, Maverick or Wltoys, are equipped with high-quality, reliable, and mainly powerful engines. The drill assembled on such a basis will be simply "flying". The second important design element is the cartridge used to fix the drill. To make a cartridge for mini drill with your own hands, you should first buy a collet. It is a clamping mechanism capable of firmly hold cylindrical items. Fixing the drill in Cangge and tightly by holding it on the shaft of the motor, it remains only to connect the power supply or batteries to the engine. Such a simplest version of the minider can already drill holes. If you are too lazy further "bother" and you will use the tool rarely, you can leave. However, keep the "naked" motor in the hands is uncomfortable, and the drill has a non-primary look. To bring the case to the end, you will need a case and some controls.

Case options for mini drill

Cartridge for lamp

If in order to make a mini drill cartridge, you will need to visit the Aliexpress or other similar resource in search of the collet, everything is much easier with the case. For its manufacture, trash is suitable, which in most cases is disposed of. Consider several options:

    • Capacity from antiperspirant. Some plastic containers are ideally suited to the size of a motor from a tape recorder or a CD player. If the motor is slightly larger in size, you can insert it with a little tension. In the capacitance cover from the antiperspirant, it is necessary to cut a hole for the output of the cartridge. For greater convenience, at the bottom you can install the connector for connecting the power supply, and the inclusion button on the side. This allows you to store drill separately from the block.

Capacity from antiperspirant

  • Electric cartridge. The option is less acceptable: make a hole in such a durable plastic will not work, so the power button will have to be fixed on the housing using glue. You can use the tank from soap bubbles as the back cover.
  • Tube suitable size. Any material is suitable - metal, plastic or rubber. Not such an aesthetic option as the above. Consider that when attaching a motor to the case there should be no gaps, otherwise it is possible to beat the drill in the process of work. For additional fixation, you can use cold welding or superchalters.

Meals and controls

Well, if you have a power supply with a power regulator - this will change the turnover of drills during operation.

If you use a regular power supply, it is recommended to install the power button on the housing.

You can use both a two-position switch and the breaker button - it all depends on your preferences. It is not bad to equip the housing by the connector suitable for the power supply.

The enthusiasts that are on "you" with electronics can use the USB port by which the mini drill can be powered by a computer or laptop.

Mini Drill Nozzles

Car mill from a lighter

Conventional drills may not be enough if you are not a radio amateur, but engaged in modeling or other type of creativity requiring the use of mini drills or bormers. Some nozzles are easy to do on their own:

  • Mill. You can use a torque drum from the lighter. Slide it on the suitable bolt and fix the nut.
  • Grinding head. Suitable a small nail. Put a corky tube from champagne on it or wrap the cylinder from the tape. Cut from the sandpaper the required grain of the rectangle and turn it around the cylinder circle of the head. For processing different materials, several such heads will be required.
  • A circular saw. For the manufacture, the upper or lower part from the battery of the C - the so-called "barrel" is suitable. The battery material is strong enough to make a circular disk. Use the circular to mark the hole in the center for marking. Kosy teeth should be the same size in order to avoid beating during operation. To fix in the cartridge, use a bolt, securing on it with a disk using nuts. As you can see, mini drill do it yourself from the Motor, if you are filled with enthusiasm. Many breeding materials are suitable, which you most often throw away. The only thing that you have to spend - Tsang: It's extremely difficult to make it.


Borders for wood with their own hands | Country business

Now increasingly and more often for wood processing and wooden structures, such a tool is used as a mordears for wood.

These borders have a whole number of advantages, which allows you to carefully and qualitatively make any wood work even those that require special care.

The assortment of bormashins is also expanding almost every day and today there are machines of different configuration, power and different aesthetic species.

How exactly does the boring cars look, and how much they cost and what kinds can be looked below
The main advantages of the borders are the following:

Easy to use- Bagatefunctionality - polishing and grinding glass and wood- The possibility of wood thread- The possibility of milling is the ability to make engraving on different materials

Dippering of small parts made of metal or wooden products.

Bormashins are usually used even in industrial production.

For example, at the factory that produce plasma screens for televisions These machines are almost the most necessary tool without which it is impossible to do anything, but most importantly, who use borrows are of course models of different kinds of structures.

Today there are not only a large number of different borders, but also nozzles for them.

The most popular nozzles for Bormarins, which are most often used with Bormachins included are as follows:

Spiral drills for metal drills that have diamond spraying - different types of mills for working with metal and tree-laminated corundum cola in order to grind hard-to-reach sections that have diamond spraying in order to paint glass blanks

Cutting discs that are used to cut wood or fiberglass.

Discs that have large teeth are used as a rule for sawing wood and metal, and so-called fine-skinned for sawing fiberglass and non-ferrous metals.

Interesting! What a screwdriver is better!

How exactly do these nozzles look and how to use them correctly you can see below

How to make a boring car do it yourself

In general, it is probably possible, too, interests many users. And if it is possible that it is necessary to do for this.

Bormina do it yourself, what to do this needs to do the following stages of work:
1) First you need to choose the engine - it is best if it is a motor from a sewing machine that will need to be equipped with a revolve regulator, and of course a network cable with small time.

2) After the diagram of the same machine is developed - it is usually very simple. First, a rotating moment is given to the flexible shaft from the rotor.

On a different end, the tip is dressed, which has a collet clamp used by the capture of instruments, which is capable of cutting.

As a rule, they become abrasive stones or cutters.

3) The flexible shaft should be attached - in his quality most often use the cable transmission - e cable, which rotates in a flexible shell - the so-called shirt. The flexible shaft will be completed with a special time to which the branded tip will be joined.

4) Then you need to make the machine.

To do this, it will be necessary to attach a stand under the kraxtene and on the same stand to consolidate the holder that will hold the flexible shaft.

As a rule, this shaft is condensed with an electric motor shaft using a cross, which made from the segment of the medical hose.

5) Then you need to make a stand from the plywood from plywood with a thickness of about 13 mm.

The edges need to be filled with a file, as well as with the help of the emery skirt, it will be necessary to clean it.

The bracket that is used for the electric motor will be bent from sheet steel, which has a thickness of about 0, 3 cm and then drill the desired holes. The holder who will keep the flexible shaft must be created with a material that is easily recycled - ebonite, textolite.

6) Holes to which will be attached to the shank of this shaft is best drilled at the very end, then when the two parts of the engine are made.

Then you need to connect all parts of the engine using the gasket, the thickness of which is about 0, 6 mm.

When the hole is already done, the gasket will need to be removed.

7) At the very end, it will be necessary to attach a flexible shaft to the stand. But before you need to remove the pulley, while leaving the departure of the shaft for a length of about 22 mm.

Then it will need to trim the bracket of the retainer. Now just stays just a couple of sleeves. One use on the motor shaft, the other - the shaft itself, that is, for the seam.

Better if they are made of reliable metal.

After that, the boron can be safely used.


Mini drill do it yourself video

How and from what to collect mini drill do it yourself

Everyone knows that drill in the farm is a very useful and universal tool.

mini drill do it yourself video

In the presence of a house, a drill can be hanging on the wall picture, fix the furniture, repair a number of necessary items. And what to do if there is no drill at home, and constantly ask for the neighbors somehow inconvenient?

You can buy it in the store, but the device is quite expensive.

And you can collect a mini-drill with your own hands based on breed materials that are practically in every home.

How to do this, we will tell in this material, presenting a few simple ways to build mini-drills with their own hands at home.

Mini Drill of Electric Cartridge

The first version of the assembly of this device is based on the use of electrical cartridge.

which can be purchased separately, or get from the light bulb.

If you buy it, it costs it very inexpensive, but this cost will be justified.

Also for the assembly of mini-drill do it yourself from the cartridge you will need such things:

  • motor;
  • jar from soap bubbles;
  • construction knife;
  • insulating tape;
  • termoklay;
  • soldering lamp;
  • the household switch.

Mini-drill housing and core

Work should be started with the preparation of a mini-drill body, which will serve as a bank from soap bubbles. This is done like this:

  • Prepare the cover from the can. For this purpose, heating the soldering iron and with it in the lid of the jar make a small hole.
  • The diameter of this opening should slightly exceed the diameter of the drill base.
  • The bottom of the jar must be completely cut.

We proceed to work with the core:

  1. We connect the cartridge with a motor. Most often, the motors take from the already used different tools.
  2. Before the reinforcement process, the motor must be completely deguted with acetone.
  3. The cartridge can also be deguted, but to water it, like a motor, acetone is not needed. There will be enough ordinary wip.

The fastening method occurs through cold welding.

If this method is not suitable, you can use hot glue.

Remember that the more difficult your future mini drill, the more seriously the materials need for its assembly with their own hands.

During the planting on the welding or glue, it is necessary to work extremely gently so that everything will be as smooth as possible. To redo the work then it will not be released, consider this moment.

It is also necessary to consider the following:

  • there is a hole that needs to be livered in front of the attachment on the cartridge;
  • the mask is carried out with simple plasticine;
  • plasticine needs to fill out only holes, it should not be left on top of the cartridge.

Manufacturing process

When you prepared a housing and core, you can proceed to directly assembling drove with your own hands:

  • Place the cartridge with a motor connected to each other in the jar. It should be done so that the wires that stick out of the cartridge are then located in the lid of the jar.
  • When the cartridge is entirely entering the bank, lock it. To do this, pour emptiness on the sides of the thermoclaim, and wait until it fell completely.
  • Fasten the switch on the cover and attach the power wires to it. It can also be put on glue.
  • Attach all the wires to the switch, the connection diagram is used standard. You can use an ammeter to accurately.
  • After connecting the wires, they need to be isolate using a tape or thermoclause.
  • We screw the lid to the jar and on the other side, secure drill.

The finished mini drill is good because it can work both on batteries and electric power supply. We looked at the option of assembling a universal model.

Naturally, not having the skills of working with electricity, to collect such a drill with their own hands will be extremely difficult. Below, we suggest you consider the options for the assembly of simpler drills for small household needs.

How to assemble your hands drill on the basis of the hull handle

One of the variants of the simplest drill is a homemade device based on a conventional ballpoint handle.

For its manufacture you will need materials: ballpoint handle machine; drill with the required diameter; Termoklay; Durable wand with handles at the end, with which it can be rotated.

Special attention is paid to choosing a handle for the manufacture of a future drill, and specifically, its body, because when working the main load will have to be on the body.

Handle Case Requirements Such:

  • it must be as strong as possible to withstand loads;
  • the optimal option is a hull based on high-quality metals;
  • if there is no handle with a metal case, choose a pitch based on thick plastics.

The assembly process is as follows:

  • Disassemble the handle until only one housing remains from it.
  • The lower part of the case, from where it usually sticks out the rod for the letter, you need to unscrew.
  • Instead of this part, insert the drill into the body in such a way that its working part is braking from under the bottom, and the second part was inserted into the hole that is in the stick.
  • The wand is inserted into the housing simultaneously with the drill.
  • In order for the design of the drill is holistic, it is fixed to the wall of the housing using a thermal oil.
  • When you turn the mechanism for special handles, the drill will rotate, providing the desired work by pressing the handle case.

Making a toothbrush-based drill

Electrical dental brushes are very convenient in use, but are not impractical in the way that it is impossible to change the bristle on them and after use, it is an expensive device, as well as a simple brush, you have to throw away.

But it can not be done using the electrical brush body for making a drill with their own hands.

We take an old electric brush and spill on it all to the housing. Next, you need to connect the motor of the motor with a drill with a collet clamp to be purchased separately.

When buying a collet clamp (or cartridge), be sure to find out in advance which shaft in the motor in the brush in diameter. Motors differ from each other by the diameter of the raised shaft.

The collet clamp is inexpensive and can be purchased on a radio station or in a specialized online store. It includes a cartridge and replaceable swells of nozzles with different diameters that are inserted into the cartridge.

The most difficult thing in this case is to wear a chip clamp on the engagement engine. The cartridge is designed for the shaft from 2 mm, and the motor here is less.

For this, each screw for fasteners need to be preceded before giving it a cone-shaped form.

in order to be able to fit the minimum diameter of the cartridge mount under the diameter of the motor shaft.

Of course, a mini-drill can be collected not only on the basis of brushes or old handles.

but other devices, folk masters invent all new ways to their homemade assembly daily.

However, the options discussed above will come even for those who have never come across such and engaged in assembling such devices for the first time in life.

Chernyshov Alexander Romanovich

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We make mini drill and 5 other, useful electrical sequels

Among the advantages of mini-drill, it is worth noting compactness and a small cost in order to save money and not doubt the efficiency and reliability of electrical equipment, modern craftsmen came to do power tools at home. With your own hands, today, you can collect a manual micro-electric drill, high-frequency bormer and not only. How to make rotary tools and components to them - read below.

A small electric drill is needed to everyone who marshrite electronic crafts or is engaged in thin decorative work. Such a machine is ideal for the implementation of small woodwork, plastic and metal, drilling printed circuit boards.

You can collect a mini drill at home from the cartridge, jars from under soap bubbles, a motor for rotation of the cartridge, the battery.

Motor can be taken from a hair dryer or a grinder. Suitable for making crafts and an electric motor from a video recorder, an engine from an old cassette tape recorder.

To make an electric mini drill need:

  1. Connect the cartridge with a motor. Make it, best, with the help of cold welding. But you need to work quickly and carefully: welding quickly freezes and becomes durable as iron. Redo the connection, with failure, will not work.
  2. Place the cartridge in the jar. For better fixation, the cartridge must be treated with a thermoclaim.
  3. To do in the second base a hole for switch. Better, if you turn off the small, keyboard.

To make a drill with your own hands, you should learn the theory and watch the learning video

Manual microdril is ready! It remains only to solder the wire from the motor and nutrition, observing the polarity.

For powering mini-drill, there will be enough batteries by 9-12V.

Additionally, you can make the reverse on the six-contact switch.

Collet cartridge do it yourself

The collet (or clamping) cartridge for mini-drill is a transition device that serves to clip drill, which is attached to the output shaft of the motor.

The mini-cartridge allows you to use in the operation of the drill with a diameter of up to 3 mm. The smallest homemade drill can work with the drills with a diameter of 0.7 mm.

The quality of the drill quality depends on the quality of the cartridge and fastening the drill to the motor.

Therefore, the selection of the clamp should be approached with full responsibility.

And if it fails to find a high-quality device, it can simply be enough. At the same time, it will not be necessary to use a lathe.

In order to make the clamp you will need only the screw M8 and the closed nut M8.

Making a collet clamp for mini-drill:

  1. In the screw head we drill a hole with a diameter of 2 mm;
  2. We take a drink with a hacksaw and apply two axial screws on the casing;
  3. In a closed nut, strictly in the middle we drill a hole with a diameter of 2 mm;
  4. Using the larger drill, extend the hole in the closed nut to 3.5 mm;
  5. Make a cone from the nut, connecting it to the usual drill and calculating with the emery paper.

Tsang is ready! Now you can insert a suitable size to the bolt and screw the nut.

In order to use the drill, it was convenient, you can make such a collet for each micro-drill.

It will help to make high-quality work and a special feature for a drill.

Bormashinka for small works with their own hands

Bormina has long ceased to be an exclusively professional dental instrument.

Today, the bormer with a flexible shaft is actively used to perform small decorative works, grinding, polishing, cutting various products.

You can make a rotary bormer with your own hands on the type of mini-drill.

At the same time, it should be noted that for high-quality work, the homemakes will need a fairly powerful motor.

So, for the power of the bumshires, the motor is perfect for 18V from the screwdriver.

The easiest way will be made engraver from the old blender.

For the manufacture of bormers will need:

  1. Disconnect the top of the blender from the working;
  2. With the help of a stationery knife, remove the rubber pad on the button, and the screwdriver spin the bolts located under it;
  3. Screwdriver, from the power of the power cable, pitch the top cover of the housing, and remove it carefully;
  4. Remove the blender from the Blender housing connected to the power cable;
  5. Remove the plastic part from the housing located above the rotator;
  6. Remove the plastic tip from the electric motor shaft;
  7. Measure the shaft diameter of the caliper (if there is no, then the stationery line will be suitable for these purposes);
  8. Clean the electromotor body from the oil and degrease its surface using an alcohol napkin;
  9. Put on the shaft of the collet cartridge of the corresponding size;
  10. Install on the location button on the pressure mechanism, controlling both inclusion and disconnecting the device;
  11. Collect a blender.

Details for the manufacture of borders can be found on the flea market

Manual Bor Ready! Powering such a tool will be performed through a power cable with a fork. You can power the tool and batteries, but then the batteries, from time to time, have to be changed or charged.

Flexible shaft for bormers do it yourself

If you need to transmit the rotation of the Engraver motor, drill or boron on the nozzle, then you will need a flexible shaft. This device consists of a wire prisoner in flexible armor, retinue in several layers, and

will be able to significantly expand the functionality of the rotational instrument. You can collect a flexible shaft yourself.

To do this, you will need:

  • Brass tube;
  • Two sleeves M4 with thread;
  • Shaft from the electrode (diameter 5 mm) with M5 thread;
  • Adapter with internal thread M5 and outer M8 by 0.75;
  • Fast-minute mini-cartridge;
  • Clip from drilled over the axis of the M12 bolt;
  • Protection for connection.

We collect a flexible shaft. To do this, we insert into the brass tube shaft from the electrode and put on both sides of the tube of the m4 bushings.

On the one hand, screw the adapter on the sleeve, and the mini-cartridge is on it. From the reverse side of the tube, we have a clamp, with which we connect the shaft from the electrode with flexible.

For convenience, you can drip on the emery of the head screws on the climax. We put on the clamp a special brass protection, and fix it with fasteners. Isolated connection.

Flexible shaft is ready! For convenience from the cartridge, you can place the clamp with a plastic handle.

How to make a Dynamo Machine from the Motor from the Old Printer

Dynamo Machine is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical.

The work of the Dynamo Machine is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

That is, an electric current occurs in a closed device circuit when the magnetic induction vector flow is changed, permeating the contour.

In other words, Dynamo Machine is the simplest DC generator.

In everyday life, Dynamo Machine can be used to charge audio and video equipment, smartphones and other low-power gadgets (for example, fitness bracelets, tablets, toy robot, etc.). In addition, the device is perfect for noting the bicycle headlights, LED tapes, manual flashlights and other devices that feed on single-phase networks.

To assemble the homemade, you will need:

  • Motor (electric motor) from inkjet printer;
  • Belt and gear from the same device;
  • Handle with a convenient, non-slip handle;
  • Two small wooden bases;
  • Four capacitors per 10000 μF;
  • Diode;
  • Metal corners and fasteners;
  • Wires and solder.

Before making a dynamo machine, it is worth performing her drawing on paper

Making a dynamo machine is quite simple.

To do this, connect the capacitors in parallel, the phase from the capacitors to withdraw through the diode to the electromotor, and the zero of the condenser is connected through the jumper with zero of the electric motor.

Wires for connecting electrical appliances should be derived from the condenser connected to the diode, observing polarity.

After that, it is necessary to put the entire design on the base, covering the electric motor with a second wooden plank so that the pulley is stuck out of it. From the side of the pulley, you should position the gear with the handle, and cover their belt.

Micromoter with his own hands

Micromoters have been widely used in the construction of small aircraft objects (for example, microwjobolet and aircraft models). The micromoter itself is a DC necoletics micromotor.

Make a micromoter can be made from an electromagnet from the vibropilos of an old mobile phone.

For the axis of the rotor, you can use a drill with a diameter of 0.29 mm. To make the motor, it is necessary to carefully wind on the cooling wire drill in two navigations. The length of the winding must be several mm more than the length of the electromagnet.

After that you need:

  • Apply a thin layer of epoxy resin for gluing metals, and put an electromagnet on it;
  • Make two sleeves from fluoroplastic, and put them on an electromagnet from two sides;
  • Put the design to the guides under the winding, and wind it copper wire.

Micromotor is ready! It remains to install valves on it, and connect to power through a microchip on 5 inputs. Instructions for the manufacture of interesting crafts from motors offers on its channel Roman Jursi.

Bormashin with his own hands (video)

Household electrical sequins are a guarantee of the reliability and durability of the power tool.

In addition, it is a good opportunity to save, because, often, for the assembly of a household instrument, a minimum of details are required that will easily find out in everyday life or nearby store.

Use the instructions presented in the article, collect rotary household electrical appliances with your own hands, and enjoy their quality and availability!


How to collect mini drill or engraver do it yourself

The main advantage that the mini drill assembled from standard products differs in compact sizes and the possibility of obtaining electrical equipment without significant costs of funds, forces and time. Make such a homemade tool easily at home, because for this you do not need special skills or ultra-empty fixtures. To get a highly robust bormer or other devices for making crafts, a homemade master should only "be friends" with a screwdriver and passage, be able to perform simple technique.

Drill Manufacturing Instructions

In the manufacture of small things, decorative and other products, a compact drilling, engraver and a similar hand tool are very convenient, so it remains indispensable in the home workshop. With the help of such equipment you can drill and handle products from wood, plastic, textolite and other durable materials. It will take a microdel and when drilling printed circuit boards.

For the manufacture of drilling equipment, the appropriate cartridge and the body of the appropriate sizes are selected (plastic container).

To rotate work surfaces, you need to choose an electric motor and power supply, for which you can disassemble the old hairdryer or other electrical engineering.

To find out how to make a mini drill, it is enough to read the following list of recommendations:

  • It is first necessary to fix the cartridge on the shaft of the electric motor, for which adhesive materials will be needed ("cold welding"), which ensure the reliability of the metals.
  • It is necessary to work very carefully, as adhesive materials are quickly collapsing, which eliminates the ability to eliminate errors and correct the connection.
  • After fixing the cartridge, its surface is better covered with special heat-resistant glue, which will ensure the density and strength of the connection.
  • On the housing you need to do the hole in advance (better push button).
  • The drill will be more functional with the reverse mechanism, which is implemented using the switch to six contacts.
  • When connecting to power, you will need a power supply to 12 V or a battery (2-3 pieces) under a similar voltage.

Having gathered in a single design from individual parts mini-drill with their own hands, you can turn on the power and make a trial.

Assembling collet cartridge

To secure drills in a drill, you will need a special collet or cartridge in the form of a transition device with clips for a drilling tool.

Fasten this mini-cartridge for a drill directly on the electric motor shaft. The collet clamp made with your own hands allows you to work with the drills with a diameter of 0.7 to 3 mm.

The more thoroughly and carefully assembled this element, the more accurate will be the drilling.

It is important to choose the right cartridge, so if it is impossible to find the appropriate option, it is better to take on its own independent manufacture.

For this, you do not need a lathe, because it is enough just to choose a screw and a closed nut with a M8 thread.

When assembling the cartridge operate in the following order:

  • Drill a 2-millimeter hole in the screw head and in the nut.
  • Make axial feeding with metal with metal.
  • Expand the holes with a 3.5 mm drill.
  • Turn the nut to obtain a cone-shaped form.

Having gathered in this way the mini-cartridge for a drill with their own hands, you can start it to install on a drill. If necessary, these cartridges are selected under the drill of any diameters.

Mini-bormer do it yourself

Borders use modelists, homemade masters and lovers of making small parts or decorative elements.

The presence of a flexible shaft in such a device allows you to work with the smallest parts and process the surface of complex forms (grinding, polishing, cutting, drawing patterns). It is also easy to assemble such a machine, how to make a drill with a mini-carton under the drill with a diameter of up to 3 mm. To do this, find the main component - an electric motor for 18 V, which can be taken in a screwdriver or blender.

The procedure will be the following:

  • Disassemble a blender by removing the top cover and the lining, unscrew the fastening bolts.
  • Remove the power cord from the housing, the power cable and part that is above the rotator.
  • Remove the tip on the electric motor shaft, remove the contamination from the housing and shaft.
  • Choose a cartridge in the size of the shaft (the diameter is most accurately measured with a caliper).
  • Secure the chip and switching / shutdown mechanism.

The collected tool can be connected using a cable to a regular outlet. In the quality of the power supply, batteries or ordinary batteries are suitable, which will have to be replaced periodically.

Flexible shaft for dremel or micro-drill

You can transmit rotation for replaceable nozzles using such a device as a flexible shaft made of durable twisted wire with a protective metal coating. For self-assembly of this device, there will be several simple things:

  • brass or copper tube;
  • bushings with metric thread M4 (2 pcs.);
  • metal shaft from a 5 mm electrode (thread M5);
  • adapter on the thread 0.75;
  • mini-cartridge for quick fixation of the cutting tool;
  • metal clamp (M12 bolt with hole on the axis);
  • protective connection location.

To assemble a flexible shaft, the electrode is placed in the tube and fix it with bushings.

On one of the sleeves you need to secure the adapter with the cartridge, and on the other to install a clamping device for connecting to a flexible part.

After all these operations, protection from brass or copper is fixed. On the cartridge, a plastic handle is installed on a cottage, which simplifies work with the tool.

Dynamo Machine from the Printer Drive

Micro Dynamo can be made independently if you disassemble your printer.

Such a portable device will be able to convert mechanical rotation to electrical energy, which occurs under the action of magnetic induction in a closed circuit.

This homemade allows you to get at home the simplest DC generator, which is useful for the invertation of small electrical appliances, charging mobile phones, tablets and other equipment. You can use a small dynamo and for LED lighting, bicycle light with a connection to a single-phase chain.

Like a boron or microdel with their own hands, the Dynamo-car is collected from the remedies that can be found at home. The approximate set is as follows:

  • electric motor;
  • belt drive;
  • non-slip handle;
  • base of wood or other durable material;
  • capacitors with a capacity of 10,000 μF (4 pcs.) and diode (1 pc.);
  • wires, fasteners, metal corner.

The only condition for the successful assembly of Dynamo is the choice suitable in size and fully working components.

All items that are needed for this can be found in any home printer.

Before assembling a dynamo machine, it is better to draw a drawing in advance and get a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe location of each element.

The device assembly is carried out in the following order:

  • Parallel to connect condensers.
  • Phases through a diode to withdraw to the electric motor, and zero attach to zero of the motor.
  • Secure the device on the ground.
  • Install the gear with the handle.
  • Stretch the drive belt.

When assembling the design and connecting contacts, polarity should be taken into account.

Micro Motor at home

Compact electromotors use models and lovers of various small crafts with electric drive.

Such a device is the most common DC motor with a noncollectric circuit.

For the manufacture of this device, the vibrating unit from the mobile phone will be suitable, and as a shaft you can choose a thin drill (up to 0.29 mm), which in two layers are wound with copper wire.

The procedure for manufacturing an electric motor Next:

  • Cove the epoxy winding.
  • Fix the electromagnet.
  • On the electromagn, foster fluoroplastic sleeves.
  • Install the entire design under winding.

For complete readiness, you need to mount the valves and connect with a plaque microchip.

A description of what can be made from a drill or an old printer will help to collect quite complex devices that need masters, models and simply lovers of crafts at home.

Knowing how to make a collet clamp with your own hands or make an electric motor, you can significantly save, because all these products are made from the devices and details served.

All costs are reduced only to the selected time.