Repairs Design Furniture

Is it possible to drill in a concrete carrier or brick wall of the panel house a hole of the usual drill, a perforator or a screwdriver without dust, how to do it. Ways to drill the drill of the concrete wall how to drill a hole in a concrete wall

The ability to drill holes in concrete is a fairly useful and convenient skill. With him, you can easily hang the shelves, hang pictures, install lamps and make a lot of work on home fast and safe way. The process of drilling concrete is simple enough, but with the right selection of tools and understanding the principles of work, you will save yourself a huge amount of time.


Part 1

Preparation for work

    Buy or take a shock drill. Drill the holes in the concrete is easier by a shock drill or a perforator (in the case of large works). These tools will allow the concrete with reciprocating drill strikes and remove the resulting crumb to rotate it. The completion of such a job with a regular drill will be slow and difficult, as concrete will not be drilled so easily like wood or metal. For any work, which will be the volume drilling of several holes in decorative (and not structural) concrete surfaces, such as in modern softer kitchen countertops from stone crumb, do not misquain to pay a little more means for renting a shock tool.

    Explore the tool. Read the user manual and remember the purpose of all buttons and switches on the tool. You should know well how to handle the tool before switching to the next step.

    • Observe security measures. Including put on the protective glasses so that concrete crumb did not get into the eyes, take advantage of the earnests, so as not to damage the rumor, and thick working gloves to protect your hands from high friction and red-hot drill. For long work under which there is a lot of dust, it is also recommended to wear a respirator.
  1. Insert a high-quality drill on a concrete into the tool. Drills for concrete with carbide tips (or, as it can be indicated on the package, "shock drills") are specifically designed for shock drills and withstand the load arising from the drilling drilling of a strong concrete. The length of the working part of the drill with grooves should be no less than the depth of the hole, which you are going to drill, as these grooves are important for extracting the resulting dust from the hole.

    Set the depth of drilling. Some drills have the ability to set up a drilling depth or a special limiter. Read the user manual for the tool to find out how to use it. If your device is not equipped with a drilling depth limiter, measure and mark the pencil or painting tape with the necessary depth of the hole on the drill itself. If you are not sure which depth of the holes you need, follow the recommendations below.

    Right take the drill in hand. Keep drill with one hand like a pistol, putting an index finger on the start button. If the drill is equipped with an additional handle, take it with the second hand and use for more reliable tool capture. Otherwise, just pick up the drill at the bottom of the second hand closer to the rear of the case.

    Part 2

    Drilling concrete
    1. Mark the point for drilling the hole. With the help of a soft pencil, put a label on the wall as a point or cross in the place where you want to drill a hole.

      Drill the markup hole. Put a drill drill to the label and briefly run it at a slow speed (if it is adjustable on your device) or make several short clicks on the Start button (if the speed adjustment is missing). You should have a deepening of 3-6 mm size, which will help you correctly send a drill when driving the main opening.

      Continue drilling, but already with great effort. Switch to the shock mode (if you have your drill). Pret the drill to the strictly perpendicular to the concrete surface. Start drilling with confident, but not excessive pressure on the drill, so that the drill began to dive into concrete. Gradually increase the speed of rotation of the drill and pressure on it, if necessary, but remember that at the same time the drill must remain under your complete control and in a stable position. Concrete is sufficiently inhomogeneous and the drill can easily slip if it falls into the air pocket or emptiness.

With the improvement of the apartment there is a need to fasten on the walls and the ceiling of all sorts of objects - photos, paintings, lamps, mirrors, curtains, shelves, televisions, plinths and many other things.

In order to hang a photo or a small picture, of course, you should not drill the wall. It is enough to score a small nail. Not every carnation is suitable for this business. It is best to use a dowel - nails from fixing brackets, which are fixed on the walls of computer network cables. These cloves are sufficient length, thick and hardened. It turns out, to score even into a concrete wall.

Performing an operation of drilling holes in the walls with modern equipment with power tools will not submit more difficulties, if you know how to properly perform drilling. Ensure you from excessive cleaning and save the property in the integrity if you apply a drilling conductor without dust.

How to drill the wall

The best tool than the perforator, for drilling holes in brick and concrete walls, has not yet been invented. But rarely who can afford the luxury to have such an expensive tool in the farm. Usually buy an electrical drill of the shock action.

Selection of drill

When buying an electric drill, you need to be guided lower than the following technical specifications.

Drill power must be at least 600 W. Turns up to 2500 per minute and the possibility of their smooth adjustment from zero to maximum. The presence of rotation reverse (switch direction of rotation of the drill clock or counterclockwise). The cartridge is best running fast, it will not be necessary to spend time on the clip drill and the search constantly lost the key. The diameter is clamped in the cartridge drill up to 12 mm.

The presence of the included drilling function with the blow. Of course, the drill, when you turn on this function, will not become a full-fledged perforator, but the walls will be drilled much easier and faster and that is why. Brick, cement and concrete withstand a very well static load - pressure. But it is easy to destroy from dynamic impacts - impact. Karateta at the expense of a strong impact is easy to break the brick put on the edge of the palm. When drilling a drill without a blow, there is a simple drill pressure and a cutting edge hard to cling to the material, so the drilling is slow and the drill from friction is heated greatly. It is completely different to undergo drilling with a blow. When hitting the drill, a part of the material rolls the cutting edge, and, falling with a blow to the resulting recess, chips the portion of the material particles. There is something on the likeness of the fucking chisel.

Choosing a drill

Walls made of wood, drywall, foam concrete is successfully drilled by an ordinary drill. For walls of brick, stone or concrete, you need a carbide drill. From the steel it is characterized by a custom on the usual drill with cutting edges from a carbide material, usually win. Less than artificial diamond.

The winning insert is clearly visible at the end of the top drill. It is enough to have in the economy of 2 winning drills with a diameter of 6 and 8 mm.

Drills with a bridge surfacing you can drill a hole in a depth of no more than 10-15 cm. For drilling to a large depth, for example, for drilling the wall through, the borne is used. The drills for drilling brick and concrete walls are up to one meter long and are intended for drilling holes only by a perforator. At the Bura, even cutting edges are made not sharp, but rounded to increase their wear resistance. Drill with the function of the perforator can also be successfully drilled by a brown.

Buras are with a diameter of a 10 and 18 mm shank diameter, with special grooves of the SDS + or SDS-MAX standard for consolidation, but in the conventional cam chuckle is also well clamped. The standard and diameter of the boraar are knocked out on its shank.

If you need to pass a brown with a thick wall, for example, a half-meter, then the passage is performed in several stages of the drills of one diameter, but of different lengths. It is necessary for safety and faster drilling. First, the wall is drilled by a brown with a length of 20 cm on a depth of 10-15 cm, then a longer brown at a depth of 30-35 cm and finish drilling a 50 cm long drill. The drill should be quite powerful for such a work. Of course, a drill for such a load is not calculated and allowed its use only in exceptional cases. It is better to fulfill this kind of work, rent a real perforator.

How to drill the wall

Before you begin drilling a wall or ceiling, you need to make sure that electrical wires or other cables are not passing in the plaster. Otherwise, you can damage the wiring and to get to the voltage itself.

How not to get into the wire

It is necessary to inspect the wall for the presence of a switch, sockets. Usually, the wires to the junction box are in the vertical direction from them. But vertical is the perfect case. This rule is rarely complied with electricians, saving the wire, often hidden wiring diagonally. This is an example. When I did the repair and transferred the counter to another place, after removing old wallpaper, the next picture was opened. It can be clearly seen how the wire went to the meter was laid.

But still, the wire will pass from the switch to the nearest box. From the chandelier, too, the wire will also go to the nearest box.

Usually the wires are recessed to a depth of no more than 10 mm. To check a sufficiently blunt tool, for example, a screwdriver to pour the wall to this depth. If the wires did not find it, then you can proceed to drilling. And yet, just in case, to a depth of 20 mm, it should be not strongly pressing on the drill and after the deepening for every couple of millimeters visually check if the wire was caught.

There are special devices to determine the location of the wires in the wall. Here are some of them not expensive, Chinese production, but, nevertheless, it works well. It has another metal detector feature, which allows you to identify the location of metal reinforcement in concrete walls. Copper wiring device allows you to find with a depth of drowning to 10 mm. The electrical wiring made of aluminum wires is determined only in the metal detector mode.

Wiring Detection is indicated by flashing LED and intermittent beep. In the metal detector mode, the diode is discovered constantly and the sound is continuous. There is a sensitivity regulator, a crawler feeds from the kroon type element. Such a device is especially necessary when installing suspended and stretch ceilings, since the supporting structures are attached on self-drawing at the ceiling itself, just where electricians tend to cover wiring.

Drilling holes in reinforced concrete

Brick walls are drilled by a winning drill without much difficulty. Determined with the place, put the conductor and strongly pressing the drill drilled the hole. It happens, in the wall of a checked brick, which is drilled slower, dust is not red, and black. The main thing to drill on small revolutions (200 - 400) with the shock mode enabled as pressing a drill on the handle, and to ensure that the drill is not overheated.

I bring to your attention a scalable video, where you can see how the brick wall is drilled with the help of an ordinary drill with the function of the perforator and the drill with the winning surfacies. In the brick wall, a sample was made under the box to install an internal electrical outlet.

As you can see brick drilling at all difficult. Be careful, Drill with a long drilling warms up to high temperature and when touched it, you can get a strong burrow. It is necessary to periodically stop drilling and dip the drill to the water.

If a concrete wall or ceiling is made from cement of a grade 600 or 500, then they are drilled as well as the brick. In domestic construction, only the cement of the 400 brand is used. In the houses of the old construction, there are sometimes colons and overlaps made from high-strength concrete. They are worn very hard and long.

In the manufacture of concrete blocks and wall panels for strength in them, the iron reinforcement is mounted mutually perpendicular to the iron reinforcement, which is a rifled bar with a diameter of 8-15 mm, and a granite crushed stone is added. The winning drill is not under the power to overcome such an obstacle. But there is a simple solution. When drill with drill suddenly ceased to deepen, hence it came across the reinforcement or granite. The armature is successfully drilled by an ordinary drill. If you have no simple drill on your hand and it is permissible to shift the place of the hole, then you can shift along the diagonal up or down. Granite pebbles in concrete crumble from shocks by drill or narrow chisel inserted into the hole, hammer. After each impact, so that the tool is not in the concrete in concrete and the work faster, it is necessary to turn it on a quarter of turnover. After removing the obstacle, the drilling continues to be a winning drill. For a drill with a perforator, granite pebbles are not an obstacle and successfully drilled.

Drilling of tile

For drilling in the tile, drilling with carbide surfacing, not designed specifically for the tile, it is necessary after the speed of the drilling point first remove the glaze.

It is done very simply, the core, and in the case of its absence, it is possible and an ordinary self-tapping screw or even a thick nail with an acute end of very easy blows to make the glaze at the place of the future hole and then drill as a brick wall on small revs.

Drilling of a large diameter holes in the wall

When ventilation channels and exhaust equipment, there is a need to perform a hole of a large diameter in the wall, for example 18 cm. It happens to hide an electrical counter in the wall, and then you need to make a niche in the wall.

At home, such a task can be solved with a carbide drill. Pencil is planned on the wall of the outline of the future hole. From the outside of the markup line, the holes are drilled by a carbide drill with a diameter of 8-12 mm with a distance between the edges of the holes about 10 mm. For a hole in the wall with a diameter of 18 cm, you will need to perform about 30 drills at a diameter of the drill 10 mm. Next is the sample of the material of the wall with the help of chisel and hammer. With a smaller diameter of the drill, the edges of the opening will turn out more accurate, but it will have to drill holes anymore.

If the wall is thick and the length of the drill is not enough to get through drilling, then in this case you can drill into two stages.

If it is possible to drill the wall on both sides, then first perform drilling, as described above on one side of the wall, then a hole in the geometric center of the resulting sample in the wall is drilled on the departure, that is, through. Regarding the resulting opening, markup is performed from the opposite side of the wall and the operation is repeated.

If it is not possible to drill a thick wall from two sides, it will have to do drilling and sampling in two stages. From the line of marking from the outside, another line is applied, at a distance sufficient, so that after the first samples in the wall and further drilling, the drill could deepen into a niche made, not assigated the edges of the wall.

To reduce the working capacity of work, it is better to immediately purchase a sufficient length drill.

Drilling depth limiter

To control the depth of the resulting hole in the process of drilling, you can put the segment of the Cambrid (tube) of the desired length to the drill to be drilled until it stops into the cartridge.

If you have no appropriate cambrick at your hand and you need to drill a small number of holes, you can use an ordinary PVC insulating ribbon, hovering several turns of it. This simple fixture will speed up the work and relieve you from the need to stop drills to measure the depth of the opening.

Conductor for drilling holes without dust

Due to the heterogeneity of the walls, especially made of brick, often the drill "leads" to the side of the planned place and if the holes are more than one, then the suspended shelf hangs not horizontally or something worse, it is impossible to hang it, since the installed dowels do not match the fasteners hinges. You can use a conductor in the form of a sheet of plywood with a predetermined hole, but when drilling from vibration, it can also shift and again the result will not be the one that was expected. But there is a simple technology that allows you to drill two or more holes strictly in the specified places.

Accurate drilling of holes

It is possible to solve the problem very simply by gluing the entire side of the conductor side, which is applied to the wall, a sheet of any sandpaper with glue or two third-party tape. In this case, the adhesion of the conductor with the surface of the wall increases repeatedly and the predetermined positioning accuracy is provided when drilling. The hole will be accurate at the place of marking.

Depending on the weight of the product and the wall density, you have to drill holes under a dowel of different diameters, usually 6 or 8 mm. For the versatility of the conductor, it is necessary to drill several holes for the desired diameters by an ordinary drill.

To top ital, it follows to the end of the base of the conductor to attach the plate at right angles. Thanks to such a refinement, most of the drilling products will remain on this shelf, which will prevent pollution of wallpaper and reduce dust scattering in all directions.

The proposed device is indispensable and when drilling holes for mounting plinths. Hole in the conductor drill on a given height from the shelter. When drilling a shelf, put on the floor and all the holes you get strictly at the desired height of the floor, which will be a guarantee of the thick fit of the plinth to the floor surface.

Sometimes you have to hang on the wall of the product for which you need to drill several holes in the wall and to withstand the distance between them with greater accuracy. If the wall is brick and plastered, then without a conductor, it is impossible to perform accurate drilling.

For the manufacture of the conductor, the board, a sheet of plywood or metal is suitable for accurate drilling. After the markup in the sheet is drilled by an ordinary drill the required number of holes. Consider the case for fastening the product on two screws. One hole is drilled with a diameter equal to the diameter of the drill, which will be drilled by the wall, second, with a diameter equal to the diameter of the self-pressing. After the conductor is made, the first hole is drilled in the wall using the conductor, for the exact drilling described earlier, the dowel is clogged into the hole.

Self-scored dowel is screwed towards the wall of the conductor, aligned with a water level so that the drilled holes are on one horizontal.

Thanks to the use of the simplest conductor, which can be made in a few minutes from any girlfriend, the holes turned out exactly at a given distance from each other.

By the same technology, you can drill a whole range of holes at a greater distance from each other. In this case, the extreme holes are first drilled down the above technology, the conductor is screwed with two extreme screws, and then all other holes will be taken.

The proposed conductors are convenient when repairing an apartment, when the mud is everywhere.
However, when the repair is completed and induced purity, the drilling turns into stress. At all, I do not want to get the carpets and furniture with concrete or brick crumb and dust.

Drilling without dust

During the drilling of the walls, especially the ceiling, flour and sandstone drilled material are scattered around the room. This is because inside the drill for cooling the engine, the impeller is installed, which is rotating, sucks into the body drill air from the handle side, and throws it to heated in the cartridge zone. This measure allows with small dimensions to make a drill of greater power and protect the mechanism itself drill from dust. And the question of how to protect its dust from dust when drilling is left to solve the owner. Imagine a simple design that allows you to drill without dust.

Conductor for drilling without dust is a finalized previous version, but the shelf is replaced by a part cut off from a plastic bottle. A piece of 9-11 layer plywood with a size of 80 × 150 mm is cut off, at a distance of 30 mm from the edge along the axial line, the hole with a diameter is drilled equal to the diameter of the drill plus 1 mm. From the side to which sandpaper will be pasted, a trapezoidal sample is made of a depth of 2-3 layers of plywood. The sample will serve when drilling a kind of air intake.

From a plastic bottle, a part is cut off in such a way that the remaining can be fixed on the conductor. The width of the base of the conductor is selected based on the size of the bottle. I took a square bottle, but any volume of 1.5 liters is suitable. On the threaded part, the bottle neck is wounded up to the size of the internal diameter of the suction pipe of the vacuum cleaner. When bending a bottle, holes are formed to form the desired configuration. They are closed by pieces of the remaining plastic from the bottle and fasten the stationery stapler. You can close them with scotch. Tightness here is not needed. The gaps of several millimeters of roles will not play, as the suction force even a low-power vacuum cleaner is redundant.

Then with the help of a furniture stapler, along the perimeter of the end of the conductor, from the side where the sandpaper is not glued, the formed part of the bottle is fixed. In the bottle, we do a hole under the drill. It is better to apply the melting method, since the edges forming the hole will be thicker and serve will be longer. I paid the soldering iron. You can relax the hole heated on the gas stove to red nail.

Connect the vacuum cleaner, turn on the minimum suction power, we make a trial.

The result will make you very much. Not a single dust in a circle, no brick flour on the surface of the drilling you will not find!

Holes for installing electrical cables, electrical equipment, power grids and pipes can be performed by mechanical path, or manual - that is, breaking.

In order to carry out the punching of the hole manually, you need a jumper. The jumper set strictly perpendicular to the wall. Then you need to hit it with a sledgehammer, while the turn around the axis is performed. We must not forget to periodically clean the holes from dust and brick pieces.

If you need a rectangular hole, then a jackhammer or scarpel is used. The first brunch is the top brick, and only then beat the next one. Do it with the help of a scarpel scored in vertical seam.

But still this method is very laborious and lengthy, therefore it is advisable to use a mechanized method.

At the moment, production does not stand still and a huge number of pneumatic, drilling, electromasims are produced: hammers, perforators and gorozdel. There were opportunities to use a modern tool having a plate of solid alloy and diamond drills.

Considering the drilling option using a bera, you need to remember that not any hole can be done with it. It plays the role of the hole diameter, at the bora, it does not exceed 50mm, and in some cases 30mm

There is also an important point occurring in the process of drilling concrete using a bora, it is fittings in the wall. If the bour hits the metal, the cutting tool is immediately burning. It can also go on a tangent of the reinforcement, and it clams it, as a result of which the drilling stops, and it is impossible to continue it.

The tool called the "Carbide Crown" involves the ability to make holes with a diameter of 50mm to 450mm.

A method for installing adapters is possible, but it may be several flaws: if the crown size is installed on the perforator, more than the existing, there is a possibility of breakdown tool; Drilling will bear a huge danger.

When working a winite crown, there is a chance to stumble upon the reinforcement, in this case the crown teeth will most likely break or blunt. The thin reinforcement of the crown can cut through the carbide attacks. And secondly, when drilling a crown, you need to take into account the depth of the crown bowl.

Of course, it is possible to make a through hole using a crown for approaching concrete, while alternately use a crown and peak on the perforator. Those. As soon as you deepen, go to the crown. Then knock out the core of the hole with a peak, and so on, before getting the desired result. Well, finally, remember, when drilling a concrete with the help of carbide crowns in the room there will be a huge amount of dust.

Finally, the most currently used drilling is diamond. He has many advantages.

1. Universality. The diamond crown is coping with both concrete and with reinforcement (which is an integral part of concrete structures). Everything is explained very easily: the hardest mineral in nature is a diamond.

2. Diamond crown design. Thanks to its tubularness, the crown makes it possible to drill the holes of the desired depth. You just drill a solid piece. Also, thanks to this tubular design, you make a hole clear and accurate in diameter, you have no deviation when combined.

3. The ability to use water cooling of the diamond crown during operation. In the process of drilling, dust does not accumulate, which largely improves the working conditions and the result.

4. Multidiscipliness in use. A diamond crown can handle not only concrete, but also brick, porcelain stoneware, granite.

And of course, as everywhere there are devices. Here they are quite natural, this is the cost of this method. Here you need to consider the cost and the crown itself, and the tool to which it is installed.

Concrete structures, walls and ceilings are not uncommon in our homes and apartments. In multi-storey construction, they are generally used with a special frequency, because at home with concrete walls are most reliable. The reliability of concrete is caused by the good strength of such a material, which is achieved by applying the correct components of the concrete mixture and the qualitatively done work on its construction.

And here we are proud of our durable walls. But usually the need to drill a hole in this very wall. Moreover, it may be needed quite often, for example:

  • when finishing walls and ceilings;
  • during the installation of air conditioners;
  • when installing plumbing;
  • when embedding furniture;
  • when working with electrical wiring, its installation;
  • the need for an opening for mounting under the picture or other interior items.

As you can see, there are many reasons for drumping a wall. The main thing is not only good to perform work, but also to ease your life using the desired good tool. What can be chosen to drill concrete?

It would seem that here is this: just take yourself a drill of the usual and drilling. But no, in fact, in the process of performing this task, many difficulties may arise. First, the concrete walls are very durable and it is difficult to take it hard, and secondly, their structure is heterogeneous, and you can easily risk falling on the rubbank or a piece of fittings. You can get stuck with a conventional concrete wall for a long time and so nothing drill in the end.

How to drill a hole?

The answer to this question will not be too complicated. The fact is that the drilling of the wall from concrete, as mentioned above - the process is extremely difficult. To solve this issue, it is worth applying one of two types of tools: either a perforator, or a drill.

Both will be good under certain conditions. I will explain why. Best of all, of course, use the perforator: it is intended for concrete walls and ordinary practice is to use it. After all, the perforator with ease punches both stone and concrete surfaces. Another advantage of it is the ability to drill a large diameter holes, which cannot carry out a drill.

But, if you are a wall of foam concrete, or you need to drill a few small holes - it is quite suitable for a drill. In this case, the perforator can split the wall surface, which is not very successful. But, as already mentioned, do not count on big holes, only a diameter of not more than 12-15 cm. In addition, the drilling of the concrete wall has its own nuances that we will consider below.

How to drill a concrete wall with a regular drill?

Let's talk a little about drilling a regular drill. So, let's start with the fact that the usual here is unlikely to suit. Those. Theoretically, this is certainly possible. But in practice - it is extremely difficult. In this case, in this case, the use of a special winning drill to work on concrete with a tip covered with a composition of solid alloys.

The best way will be the use of a special shock drill. How does it differ from the usual? The fact that such a drill drill drill is carried out at the expense of special ratchets with teeth interacting with each other. Such a drill is not difficult to use to carry out high quality work. For this, it is enough to simply translate the drill from the usual mode, rotational, in the drum rotation mode.

But no matter what type of drill you use how important the use of specialized nozzles. Nozzles (crowns) are sold in two configurations: for shock or unstressed drilling.

The classification of the nozzles is:

Crowns gear for drilling with a hit function. The concrete wall can be drilled by such crowns with a cutting edge of separately punched teeth of durable alloys. For quick-time cartridges, drills are available in such verified SDS tails. The strength of them is so high that it is possible to cut the metal, that's just the impact mode contributes to their destruction, creating unacceptable loads. That is why such drills are used to drill a hole between the plates or brick wall fittings.

Diamond crown for drilling unstressed. These are more modern nozzles that simplify the task several times better than usual. The abrasive edge with cutouts on them is created by diamond spraying or spraying corundum sand. As you know, the diamond is distinguished by its unprecedented strength. That is why it easily copes with the reinforcement of the concrete wall. Such a nozzle can make a hole at least 1.5 meters deep and more than half a meter with a diameter. This type of nozzles is already applied by professionals, but nozzles with a diameter of up to 100 mm can be used in domestic conditions.

Crowns of the COP standard. Crowns with diamond crystals embedded on the cutting edge. You can use them for plates, rock soils, monolithic concrete structures from high-strength brands. It can easily replace gear crowns from solid alloys.

Stripping from your conditions, you can safely choose the necessary drill drill and drill a hole. But there are also a number of recommendations for working with a regular drill, which is not equipped with a shock function.

To do this, you start drilling the wall, but periodically interrupt. In a concrete surface, you need to drive the drill and destroy concrete with metal runs to the concrete surface. We take the drill of our or chisel, other adaptations of the corresponding and necessary metal diameter and hit them with a hammer / sledgehammer. Periodically rotate the displacement. Then take a drill again.

Please note that when drilling a hole in a concrete wall, a regular drill tool you risk breaking. Be sure to have a low-power drill need to give rest. The drills also have properties to heat up, so they need to cool them with water. At the same time, take a break every 10-15 minutes of work leaving the same time on the respite to the tool.

How to drill a hole in a concrete without a shock drill, look in the video:

Many people live in homes with, and when there is a need to make a hole in them, they are encountered with serious difficulties.

You should not despair and get upset if you immediately failed to hang the shelf, lamp or locker, read our recommendations and everything will work out.

There are several options with which you can independently drill a concrete wall.

Concrete structures are highly durable, so it is quite difficult to drill them.

It is connected with the fact that crushed stone is used to create concrete products and when during the execution of drilling, you fall on it, the process is greatly hampered.

The need to drill a concrete wall occurs quite often, it is necessary for mounting shelves, lockers, air conditioning, fixing the lamp, when or during the fastening of beacons.

To solve this problem there are several ways:

  • with the help of a perforator or powerful drill;
  • conventional electric drill or screwdriver;
  • diamond drilling.

An ordinary drill will not fit the specified work, it is necessary to acquire the tools attacked by the winning alloy.

It should be remembered that for walls of relatively soft materials, it is impossible to use winner drills, since the holes will turn out uneven, and the wall will collapse. It is also impossible to work with the metal with such a tool.

To create a large diameter holes or, annular drills with diamond spraying are used.
To use such a tool, it is necessary to use special installations, they allow you to make holes with a diameter of up to 250 mm.

Since the cost of such equipment is high, it is easier to hire specialists or you can rent it.

The better drilling

As already mentioned, drill a concrete wall in several ways, consider each of them in more detail.


When using a perforator or shock drill, they need to be switched to the shock mode, the working tool with a winning tip is inserted and it should be directed perpendicular to the wall surface.

If the drilling of the holes is performed for a long time, then periodically you need to make the drillso that it does not overheat strongly.

After you drilled on the necessary depth, pull the work tool back before turning off the perforator. To clean the finished hole from dust, it is necessary to block several times and pull the drill.

Ordinary drill or screwdriver

If you do not have the tools described above, you can perform this work with a conventional electric train or a powerful screwdriver.

To perform drilling, you will need more time than when using a perforator, but you can do everything with your own hands.

In this case, except drill and drill, you will also need a breakdown. At first, at the site of drilling with the help of a bandier and the hammer make a small recess.

After that, insert the work tool into it and begin to drill. If the drill stops, again split the solid plots with a disorder and continue to work.

Although the usual electric drill or a screwdriver is not suitable for working with concrete, but if you do not have a perforator, you can make some small holes you can and these tools, but you need to use a spear drill with a carbide tip, usually used for a tile.

Diamond drilling

This is the most effective way, with which you can simply and quickly make a hole in the concrete wall of the required diameter.

To perform these works, special equipment will be required, consisting of these elements:

  1. electric motor;
  2. rack, which is securely fixed on the basis;
  3. drill crown.

While cooling, the drill is not necessary, so water is supplied to it, which not only cools the tool, but does not allow dust to form.

If specialists work, together with the specified equipment, they use a vacuum cleaner, with which dust and water are removed.

As the price of such equipment is very large, I am inappropriate to buy it for domestic use. If necessary, make a hole of a large diameter, for this you can always invite specialists.

So that you can reverse the concrete wall correctly, you need to have the necessary equipment, all work performed carefully and adhere to the following recommendations:

  • without a perforator, work can be performed by a shock drill or drill a screwdriver;
  • do not buy cheap drills, as they very quickly disappears a winning tip, and they fail;
  • instead of a breakfast, you can use a winvest tool, one you will break the crusp, and the second, inserted into the usual electric drill, drill;
  • to work with concrete, the perforator must be the SDS-Plus cartridge;
  • consider the placement of the valve to determine where it is located, you can use the metal detector, if the reinforcement is denied, it is necessary, to prevent rust;
  • you can use universal drills with diamond spraying to work with concrete, but it is necessary to insert them only in a regular drill, or you need to turn off the shock mode.


During the execution of these works, it is necessary to adhere to the developed technologies and safety rules, then you can not only make a hole independently without attracting experts, but also avoid injury.

Useful video:

As a screwdriver drill concrete and brick, video:

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