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What laminate is suitable for warm water floors. Is it possible to lower the laminate on the warm floors. The coefficient affects such coating parameters

Warm floors use in consumers with a wide demand in view of such basic advantages as the convenience of installation in almost any room, as well as efficiency in operation. Today, almost the entire range of material for floors is safely used as the basis for the installation of floor covering.

And, accordingly, laminate for warm water floors is no exception. However, it is worth remembering that for absolutely any material there are separate features of the installation of the heating floor "Warm floor".

Laminate - material is extremely common to cover the floors today. By producing laminate installation for warm water floor, you can be 100% confident in uniform warming of floor covering with carefully complied with installation technology, as well as in full use of use in such a floor.

Laying the substrate for laminate

So, initially, before assembly work, it is necessary to align the existing surface with a concrete screed. When the base is completely aligned, it is necessary to protect our future warm floor from the unfavorable impact of moisture. For this, a polyethylene film is installed on the screed with the help of construction tape.

The mistake of many people during self-installing of the warm floor is that they think that after the above work, the warm floor is fully ready, and it remains only to put the finish coating. But it is not. One of the most important elements of the warm floor system is the substrate for the laminate itself. Its main functions include alignment of residual floors of the basis of the floor, as well as its complete noise insulation. In addition, in the installation of a warm floor, the substrate will be an additional insulation.

So, the substrate for laminated plates for warm water floors is established between the already finished system "warm floor" and the laminate itself. What materials are allowed to use for such purposes? Therefore, on the warm floor of the substrate can be made of extruded polystyrene foam, isoplated, or from a roll plug, but Polyeneetylene is a common material.

The substrate for laminate from Polyeneetylene is perfectly combined with construction alkaline materials, such as concrete and cement, in addition, it is very resistant to the destructive effects of microorganisms, such as mold and other bacteria, and chemicals.

It is such a rolled polyethylene that is the most suitable for interacting with it, they advise to use most laminate manufacturers.

The substrate is installed on the warm floor usually using the tape, but there are also special fasteners. When operating a warm floor, it is necessary to avoid temperature differences that will necessarily harm coatings. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the temperature not more than 5 degrees before reaching the desired temperature level.

Choose laminate on the floor

Laminate for warm water floors is used almost everywhere, whether it is an office, or a residential premises. According to its technical parameters, laminate in most cases is superior to a natural tree. And the installation of such a material is even the fact that no time did this.

Polyethylene or metal-plastic pipeline is attached to the reinforcement and poured with a concrete tie. The installation connects to the heat center only by highly qualified specialists.

The uniformity of the cooling and heating of the water floor is a significant plus, both for the laminate itself and for concrete, in which the installation is located. It can be safely installed all over the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, also in those places where your furniture will be. But there are also restrictions that do not allow to make warm water floors the main source of heating.

A warm floor for heating of the entire room is not intended, it is not obliged to perform all the functions of the main heating. Surface temperature of water heating is not more than 27 degrees. It is quite warm. Higher temperature is very effectively affected by laminate, and not for the better. The manufacturer does not guarantee the flooring produced by them when the temperature regime is non-compliance.

It is necessary to install a special laminate under water warm floor, otherwise large slots may appear in the ends of the laminate.

A good role is played by good thermal conductivity of the material, in order for heat through the laminate, and, most importantly, did not remain in the overlap. Be sure to browse the corresponding labeling on the laminate packaging you want to install on warm water floor in your apartment.

It will also be understood by the study of all available instructions that are provided by the plant-manufacturer of the floor covering. Such technical parameters of the laminate, as the magnitude of thermal resistance, must be taken into account when designing a warm floor. Therefore, laminate for a warm floor pick up better with a knowledgeable person.

So, summing up the above, it is worth noting that water warm floors under the laminate definitely give comfort and comfortable. It can even be noted that the repair of a warm floor using laminated slabs will cost much cheaper than under the ceramic tile, which for a start it will be necessary to somehow rejuvenate, and then glue back, while not breaking it.

Water warm floor under laminate is a fairly reliable design and, with proper installation and subsequent operation, manufacturers provide a guarantee up to 50 years, and this is an important characteristic when installing warm floors. And another main characteristic of the floor is the uniformity of the distribution of heated air indoors, in other words, the heated air does not accumulate under the ceiling, and is evenly distributed throughout the room.

Installation and device of warm floor systems requires the availability of special skills, knowledge of the technology of work and attentiveness. This concerns not only the process of the device of heating elements, but also affects the choice of facing material, which will be laid after the end of the installation measures.

If everything is quite simple with the choice of ceramic tiles, then before choosing a laminate for a warm floor, you should familiarize yourself with the possibility of its laying and operation in such conditions.

Criteria for facing coating

Installation of aquatic or electrical heating systems for further laying of ordinary laminate, may result in a mass of problems associated with constant heating of material up to 25-27 ° C.

When the laminate was heated to a temperature of above 25 ° C, harmful formaldehydes are allocated, which are used in the composition of resins and binders involved in the manufacture.

The use of conventional laminate to 25 ° C is absolutely not harmful to human health and others, which is confirmed by a number of studies. Specialized laminate for warm sex is deprived of this shortage by applying a special manufacturing technology based on reducing the number of harmful binders.

Marking indicating possible cladding together with heaters

The affiliation and possibility of mounting the laminate on top is indicated on the package and in the instructions for laying, which is attached to the material. Most manufacturers are evidenced by special marking in the form of a stylized icon pointing to a warm floor, spiralized heating elements or accompanying commentary of the "Underfloor Heating" view.

From a technical point of view, laminate for heated floors should have a certain coefficient of thermal conductivity. According to European standards, the thermal conductivity indicator for the finishing cladding, laid above the heating system, should be no more than 0.15 m² * K / W.

The value of 0.15 m² * K / W includes the resistance of the laminate used and the substrate used for its laying. For example, a coating was purchased with a coefficient of 0.078 m² * k / W and a substrate with an indicator of 0.066 m² * K / W. In total, it gives 0.144 m² * k / w, which fully complies with the requirements.

The choice of materials with the corresponding indicators of thermal conductivity should be suitable with complete seriousness, as the further operation of the coating depends on this. Upon exceeding the stated norms, the risk of overheating of the healing floor system and the spank of floor cladding is possible.

Class coating and room type

Stylized icons indicating certain properties and quality facing

The class of laminate directly affects its quality - the ability to withstand mechanical load, resistance to abrasive abrasion, durability of operation, etc.

When used with additional heating systems, the material is constantly subjected to thermal expansion, which affects its service life not for the better. Based on this, almost all specialized coatings with a resolution marker have 32 and 33 product class.

A much greater value is the selection of the coating of the corresponding type of room. That is, it is completely irrational to use particularly durable types of material in places, where the heating time of the floor over 25 ° C is rarely exceeded 2-3 hours per week, and the degree of traffic intensity is minimal.

So, when laying a laminate for warm water and electric floor in different rooms, the following points can be considered:

  • the kitchen is a place with a high traffic intensity and passability. With the high probability of falling on the floor of the liquid and garbage. A place where it is possible to simultaneously find several people and pairs of pets. It is recommended to lay water systems with cladding 33 class of strength and the presence of water repellent properties;
  • bathrooms - rooms with medium patency and average traffic intensity. Permanent exposure to moisture and abrasive particles is possible. Preferably devices of water warm floors with laying of 32 class coating with the presence of water repellent qualities;
  • the living room is a place of frequent or permanent stay of one or two people. It is possible to hit the garbage and abrasive particles. It is possible to lay as water and electrical heating structures. It is desirable to lay a 32-class laminate with protection against fire, the presence of antistatic and sound-absorbing qualities;
  • children's room where secure material is required. It is desirable to use materials 32 grades with a matte surface and the presence of anti-slip and antistatic qualities, protection against fire and a protective water-repellent layer.

When flooring in storekeeping or other technical premises, you can use simpler coatings 31-32 class. If necessary, you can lay lower quality laminate, but the use of such a coating is very small.

Adhesive or Castle Type Connection Laminers

Comparison of click and lock lock connections

The type of laminate lamella connects may have the following form:

  1. Adhesive - performed according to the standard "Schip-groove" scheme with a mandatory treatment of "spike" with adhesive composition. For stacking uses underwear in the form of a hammer or a queen. When dismantling, a breakdown of lamellas or fastening elements is possible.
  2. Castle - does not require the use of binders and adhesive compositions. Represents the locking system when on one side there is a deepening of a certain form in which the "spike" of the appropriate design is stacked.

The use of coating only with the lock type of compound is allowed to lay the surface of the warm floor, since the adhesive composition heats up and fixes the facing lamella.

The castle compound, in turn, is divided into several varieties, but are most popular. The first is a snap-in lock, which provides a more reliable connection, even when installing on a relatively uneven base.

The second, it is more familiar fixation by means of a lock similar to a standard "spike-groove". This species is very demanding for the quality of the base, since even with minor height differences, there is a risk of a break in the lamella interface.

The use of material with the "Click" system is more preferable due to its resistance to possible swelling, temperature expansion, etc.

Criteria for selecting a suitable substrate

The selection of the substrate is carried out taking into account the floor coating used and its thermal conductivity coefficient.

Substrates for flooring based on foamed polyethylene, polystyrene foam and genuine plug

It is important to consider this indicator, since the use of non-specialized substrates of different thicknesses can lead to overheating of the heating system and the uncontrolled power consumption.

The specialized substrate is made of extruded polystyrene or foamed polyethylene. Standard thickness - 1.5-3 mm, thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.04-0.08 m² * K / W.

For example, the substrate of the ARBITON trademark of the IZO-Floor Thermo trademark is made of extruded polystyrene, has a thickness of 1.6 mm and resistance not more than 0.06 m² * K / W. The Quick-Step Uniclic Plus brand substrate is made of foamed polyethylene, has a thickness of 2.1 mm and the thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.059 m² * K / W.

In practice, the substrate from polyethylene is well cutting, it is easily stacked and joined. The polystyrene coating is distinguished by high heat and waterproofing properties, which is allowed to lay it together with a water warm floor.

In addition to the above materials for the installation of laminate for a warm floor, a substrate from a genuine plug can be used. This material meets all the requirements of the requirements - thermal conductivity 0.042 m² * K / W at a thickness of 2 mm.

The use of wooden cladding for laying over the warm water floor, postpones a number of restrictions on the coating used. In many ways, this is due to the increased humidity and the possibility of direct contact with moisture.

Laminate for a warm floor - the criteria for choosing a material for water and electrical system

When choosing a water heating floor laminate, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • marking is the presence of a specialized stylized icon or marking "H20", indicating the possibility of applying together with water heating systems. These coatings have high density and have water-repellent properties;
  • class - Preferably, the use of 32-33 grade with a lock connection type. The type of connection "Click", since in the case of the use of "lock" locks and swelling of the laminate, it is possible to damage its fixing elements;
  • safety - It is possible to use only safe coatings with the marking "E1" or "E0", showing the number of compounds of formaldehyde substances.

The acquisition of laminate for a warm floor is done by a similar scheme. The first thing is checked for the presence of a special allowing labeling, a correspondence in the class and the presence of a coating that prevents fire.

Otherwise, the choice of material, both for water and electrical heating systems, is carried out taking into account the type of room and the requirements of the facing.

Warm floors will be able to last the hosts for a long time and reliably, if this heating system is correctly installed and a suitable flooring is selected. Paul can be made from various materials: linoleum, wood, concrete. But one of the best materials is a laminate for a warm floor, which has many advantages.

Paul can be made from various materials depends on your understanding which one is better or practical.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is possible to organize water heating, where the laminate will be in the future, it is possible for various types of bases. The most important thing is to choose a laminate for a warm water floor, which would easily cope with sharp differences in temperature.

To date, manufacturers produce a large number of collections of this floor covering, which is characterized by an attractive appearance, affordable cost and long service time.

In this video you will learn how to lay a laminate:

Correctly selected laminate for warm floors, taking into account specific conditions, has several advantages:

  • good thermal conductivity provides the creation of the necessary level of heat transfer, which is approximately within 50 degrees;
  • thanks to the use of high-quality materials, thermal energy consumption is reduced by 45-50%;
  • the constant dryness of the coating does not allow to develop fungus and mold;
  • the magnetic field is not formed, which negatively acts on the human body;
  • under the laminate, the floor with water heating will serve much longer, unlike other coatings;
  • practically instant heating of the floors is provided, which is the more relevant for people living in a private house, as it is often necessary to ensure quick heating of the premises;
  • today, manufacturers offer a material that has good quality and is completely environmentally friendly, because it is safe for regular use in residential rooms.

The disadvantages include only the complexity of the laying, because of this, many who are decided to fulfill this work independently allow many rough mistakes, because the system serves a short time or the coating is simply destroyed.

Laying the laminate on the warm floor of water heating can be carried out only in private houses, in apartments such a heating system is prohibited, because for this you need to use powerful pumping equipment and tanks for pumping the coolant, which occupy a lot of useful areas.

Varieties of coating

An important point is the acquisition of a reliable and high-quality floor covering, which has the required parameters. You need to know how to choose the right laminate for water underfloor, so that he can serve without any problems for this heating system. To do this, it is necessary to consider in which room it will be heated, how much you can spend on it.

Laminate marking

Choosing a coating, first need to look at its marking. On any package there are appropriate designations that determine the characteristics of the laminate. These signs are applied by the manufacturer, which makes it possible to produce the right choice of material, which is ideal for the floor.

Do not forget to look at laminate marking, before buying it

On the material there may be the following graphic notation:

  • women's shoes on a heel means that the coating has an increased compression strength;
  • plus, with a degree means that this material can easily withstand increased temperatures, and it will not start crumbling or separating toxic substances;
  • the kettle falling to the floor - the material with this designation can easily withstand even significant mechanical shocks;
  • zipper - this coating does not accumulate static electricity;
  • flower - indicates that the laminate is environmentally friendly, that is, it does not have any harmful additives;
  • the dog is the coating not scratching pet claws;
  • zigzag pipe - the material is intended for laying on top of the water floor.

Additionally, there are still a large number of different marking, they all designate a certain coating characteristic. Since the material will be laid over the warm floor, the main indicator is stability before the action of elevated temperatures. That is, the corresponding signs on the package are required. If you buy a simple laminate, then there is a high probability that during operation it will gradually crack and will be able to last for a short time.

The manufacturer on the packaging also indicates which the specifically the heating system is best suited for the coating, because only a certain material is used for the water system, while others are used for electrical heating.

Thermal insulation indicators

The thermal conductivity of the laminate for the warm floor is also an important indicator for selecting the coating. It is necessary to take into account not only the designations, but also the CCC (the coefficient of thermal resistance). Than this indicator is greater, the higher the heat insulation characteristics. Since the coating is used for a warm floor, the CCC should be no more than 0.15 m 2 to / W.

The coefficient affects such coating parameters:

  • the density should be small;
  • thickness is obliged to be minimal.

If you purchase a coating with a significant density and thickness, then the floor covering will constantly overheat, and there is a great risk that the warming contour itself will quickly fail.


Another important parameter is the class of coating. What he is more, there will be a durable floor. It is necessary not to forget that the material will be regularly exposed to thermal exposure, so it is best to purchase a class 32.

Do not forget to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe room

It is also necessary to take into account what specifically the room is the laying. For the kitchen, the main point is the stability of the material to mechanical damage, as well as the ease of purification from various contaminants. You also need to select moisture-resistant coating for this room, while after installation it is necessary to process all the joints with a special sealant. The class of laminate class 32 or 33 is best suited for the kitchen. It is also necessary that the coating has a sufficient indicator of thermal conductivity.

Bedroom and entrance hall. In these premises, it is best to lay a laminate that has a matte surface. Additional important parameters for this material are resistance to moisture and stability before elevated temperatures. Also important are good noise insulating characteristics and antistatic indicators. For the bedroom you can purchase 21 or 22, since people in this room are infrequently walk, but it is advisable to choose 33 class for an entrance hall, because it is most often here, while in shoes, therefore it is necessary that the material is wear-resistant and reliable.

Bath and loggia. In these rooms, it will certainly require the installation of a warm water floor, as it will be able to ensure comfort while taking a bathroom or rest on the loggia. But the main point is to keep the temperature that should not exceed 35 degrees. To do this, during the organization of the heating system, sensors and thermostat are used, which makes it possible to avoid the likelihood of overheating of the laminate. All seams also need to be treated with sealant.

Castles compound

During the choice of floor covering, you need to pay attention to the locks of the compound of individual plates. . There are major types of compounds:

  • lock - this connection is most often found on the end edges. Locking the slats occurs with the help of rigging one plate to another, you can also apply them to each other, but it is necessary to additionally use glue. In this case, there is a groove and spike on each plate, and any person who does not even have work experience will be able to work with this floor covering. Because this laminate is most often chosen, since the owners of a private house can produce all work independently;
  • click - This castle is usually applied on long straps. The connection occurs with the reversal of the stove inserted into the nearby;
  • uniclick - The compound can be done both by drivening the planks and due to the rotary mechanism.

Do not forget that the fastening of the laminate can be different.

During the acquisition of laminate, the method of attaching individual elements between themselves is rather important. Moreover, not only compounds that plates are equipped during production, but also glue can be used. But for the coating that is located above the water floor, the glue is not suitable, it can melt at a strong heating, as a result, the discrepancy between the seam and the deformation of the floor is possible.

Professional masters advise to choose Clack lock for water floor, as these plates will be more durable, they are not deformed during the exposure of elevated temperatures.

Using the substrate

Another important parameter for organizing the flooring is the laying of a suitable substrate. It can be laid on an even base, therefore it is predefined to perform floor alignment.

After a stele, the substrate, it also serves to level minor uneven areas, which remained after filling the screed, improves noise insulating characteristics and is an additional heat insulation.

Most often, a substrate is used for laminate, which is made of tube or extruded polystyrene foam, but you can also choose isoplat. Usually, the substrate flooring is made using a tape to prevent the cavities during the docking of the material.

Instructions for laying

After the preparatory activities, the acquisition of material and laying the substrate is made of laminate installation. The process is standard, but it is necessary to consider certain nuances:

  • initially, it is necessary to make sure that the collected water floor system is a working and problems will not appear during its operation;
  • before laying the coating, it is recommended to warm up the base;
  • compounds are necessarily processed by sealant;
  • between the walls and slabs, you need to leave a small slit of approximately 7 mm;
  • plates between themselves are connected by locks that are equipped with plates in production.

That is, if you decide to make water floors with a laminate, the most important thing is to choose the material, while it must be high-quality and durable, as well as intended for certain conditions, as the plates are constantly exposed to high temperature, there is also a risk of mechanical shocks and hitting moisture.

Only so you will have a durable and durable floor covering, which will always be comfortable to move. If the laying is done with your own hands, therefore it is not necessary to spend money on the payment of services of specialists, and when taking into account all the features of the installation you will get a high-quality warm water floor.

Ten-fifteen years ago, the promotion on the consumer market of the laminate board was somewhat difficult. In particular, this was due to the fact that the warm floors mounted under the floor covering were popularized, and laminate, by virtue of its composite origin and low thermal conductivity, was not suitable for operation under constant heating conditions. Manufacturers of this material did not want to put up with such a position, and therefore they tried to create laminate for a warm floor. Let's figure out what it differs from the usual, and how to understand when buying that you are exactly what you need.

Of course, we are wondering why it was not possible to choose a laminate as the finish coating of a warm floor, and now you can. What was wrong with him, and what did the manufacturers work on?

1. The laminate board is a multi-layer product, the role of the carrier layer in which the HDF is played - a highly cute fibreboard. The binding substance in this material is the melamine resin, which contains an aqueous solution of formaldehyde.

In certain concentrations, this substance is harmless - it is even used in pharmacology and cosmetology. But when heated - and the temperature of the warm floor is up to about +35 degrees, it begins to distinguish pairs, worsening the microclimate of the room, which contradicts SanPiN norms.

2. Another negative point was the fact that due to the low thermal conductivity of the laminated board, the effectiveness of the heating system was strongly reduced. In this case, the desire to increase the degree in the premises led only to increasing the cost of the coolant. That is, tandem laminate with a warm system became economically inappropriate.

3. And the third paragraph, due to which warm systems, especially water, did not "be friends" with laminate, are fluctuations in temperature due to the cooler of the coolant, which any wooden or wooden flooring led to deformation. The reason is a large number of linear expansion and compression cycles.

Prices for Kronospan laminate

Kronospan laminate

How to solve the problems of harmful evaporation

It is clear that the number one problem is harmful evaporation, which, however, exist their standards. In Europe, all the products in the amount of formaldehyde in it are marked with E1 (when emissions less than or equal to 0.124 mg / m³ of air), or E2 (with an emission of more than 0.124 mg / m³). On the Internet, you can meet the statements that there is a class E0, corresponding to such a quality, when when heated to 28 degrees, the emission does not occur. But it does not correspond to the truth.

All the well-known company for the production of furniture IKEA tried to establish its own emissions of E0.5 emissions equal to half of E1, but did not receive official recognition. So the value of E1, which is considered absolutely safe for humans, was and remains minimal, and since 2006 it was it that it became mandatory for manufacturers of all types of slab materials.

Russian manufacturers are focused on this standard. Americans have their own standards that must be said very similar to European. But Japanese norms include 4 levels, from f * (most harmful) - to F ****, which is the safest.

On the compliance of the product of this or another class is marked, but what it will be, depends on the producer country.

Marking features

The most rigid is the Japanese standard for which the smallest formaldehyde emission is 0.005 mg / m³. It is very close to zero - and accordingly, the Japanese laminate class F **** for a warm floor will be the best choice.

This is how laminate is labeled, suitable for mounting on a warm floor:

Among other icons on the laminate can also be seen the designation B1 is a reflectable. This means that such material will endure and temporary overheating, which often occurs in water outdoor heating systems.

Laminate from European manufacturers, suitable for laying on top of the water system, is usually marked with a zigzag image of the pipe inscription over it Warm Wasser. For electrical systems - both infrared and cable, there is a laminate with a labeling underfloor heating.

How to ensure the heat efficiency of the system

With harmful emissions and overheating figured out, now let's talk about such an important indicator as thermal conductivity. Why can the laminate floor be ineffective in terms of heat transfer?

  1. First, the coating itself has a sufficiently low thermal conductivity in the range of 0.05-0.10 W / m² * C, which is comparable to the performance of glass gambles or polystyrene foam. That is, laminate and itself is a good heat insulator. For insulation, this is good, but in this case, such quality material is a hindrance.
  2. Secondly, such properties have substrates, on top of which the board is mounted. If you use, for example, a plug, then it will generally reduce the effectiveness of the warm floor to almost zero. That is, heat simply will not penetrate the substrate to the flooring.

The solution to the problem is the use of such a shock absorbing layer, which would pass the heat up. A rubber substrate is well coped with this, but it costs it quite expensive, and not always there is on sale.

It is much easier to give preference to perforated materials, among which can be rolled substrates from foamed polyethylene, modules from extruded polystyrene foam and a hole-based construction cardboard.

The thinner there is a substrate under laminate, the better it will pass warm. However, it imposes increased requirements for the quality of the screed - the slightest irregularity that practically nothing compensates will affect the installation of the cladding.

And since I went about the screed, it is impossible not to tell about what. The heat efficiency of the heating outdoor system largely depends on the floor design, because the screed can be not only monolithic, but also dry.

If you for some reasons, preferent with another embodiment of the cake, the main condition that will ensure the efficient operation of the system, is the use of a material with a reflective surface under heating elements of the warm floor. It can be a foil pasted on a draft base or insulation with a surface folly in the factory.

What a warm floor will suit the laminate

Laminate today has one of the best combinations of price and quality, and given its excellent appearance and complete similarity with a natural board, can be used in a variety of variations of interior design. We led several excellent examples below.

To in all these rooms, especially those that do not have central heating or fireplace, it was warm, you need to choose the properly chilling system, which could be set under the finish coating. In stores you can offer you a choice of several options, but not all of them are equally well suited for laminate.

Types of heating systems

The overall list of heating elements that are the basis of a warm floor is presented below:

Only the very first one is a carbon infrared film, is an optimal choice for laminate coverage. All other types of heating elements (except self-regulating cable), though not optimal, but are permissible.

Outdoor systems can be infrared, heating floor due to IR radiation, and convection, in which the heating of the coating is carried out thanks to the top air mass rising.

Infrared includes various types of films, differing mainly temperatures of maximum heating. According to this property, they are divided into low-temperature, universal and high-temperature, which can heal to 55 degrees.

For laminate, such a high temperature threshold is not suitable, as for it and +35 degrees are quite a lot. Therefore, for such a sex you need to take either low-temperature model or universal.

The films are on a bimetallic basis, but to install under wooden coatings it is better to give preference to models on carbon fillers in the form of graphite or carbon pasta.

Note! Especially carefully for an option with film heating, you need to treat apartment owners, because the water floor, which is rightfully considered to be the most effective from an economic point of view, is not allowed to connect to central heating. Other types of connections require a separate boiler that for most typical apartments is generally unacceptable.

In private homes, you can provide any of the four existing connection schemes. The main thing is to correctly implement and choose materials for the cake of the floor, which has already been mentioned above.

Electric floors using a laminate coating cable are also not the best solution, and the reason for this several factors. The cable will be difficult to warm up the cake of the floor, especially if it is not covered in the screed, but is laid in the national team. The temperature of the cable is fixed, so "to add heat" will not work, and even the situation worsens the substrate.

In general, no matter how cool, it turns out that the infrared film is most convenient in the installation and is ideal for laminate. We will tell about the features of the installation of such a gender in the next chapter.

Installation of a film heater under a laminate coating

First of all, you need to calculate the heated area of \u200b\u200bthe floor, excluding the place where cabinet furniture will be to understand how many films you need. It is usually sold in the sets of 2 routing meters, 50 width; 80 or 100 cm, in which there is a substrate in the appropriate quantity, as well as crimped terminals, electrical insulation, mounting wires plus installation instructions.

The thermostat, without which it is impossible to control and adjust the temperature of the system, in the kit may not be. In this case, select the model yourself. For a small bathroom or balcony of such a quantity is enough. If you need to heat the room of a large area, it is easier to buy a roll of film and the consumable material to it separately.

Before laying the film, the base must be properly prepared. If this is, it needs to be cleaned, close cracks, primed and align a thin layer of bulk sex. Alternatively, you can produce dry alignment using any sheet material. They align both the old wooden floor, and make the base on the beam overlap.

All about the advantages and disadvantages, species, composition and process of filling the bulk gender we told in the article "". Detailed step-by-step instructions of the process, useful videos and expert advice are attached.

On our example, the film will be mounted in a wooden house on plywood base.

Table 1. Step-by-step instruction

Steps, photos

Laminate is the most common outdoor material that is very popular in our country. In parallel with this, the popularity and technology of warm floors is gaining. Given this, some may have a question if it is possible to lower the laminate on the warm floors. The answer to this question will be positive if you consider some important nuances when choosing it. In this article we will help you to figure out which laminate is better for a warm floor.

Marking - an important selection criterion

Outdoor coating for electric heating

Ideal solution - laminate with built-in heated

There are quite a few people who are afraid to combine this coating with systems of warm floors. If you treat this category, then you will be interested to learn about the new development - laminate with the built-in heating system of Alloc Heating System. Comparatively recently in our country it became possible to purchase such a system. By purchasing it, you at the same time do floor flooring and its heated. Heating elements are not under the floor, but directly in the laminate. As a result, thermal energy easily enters the air. The heating element itself is located between the layer of sound absorbing insulation and the HDF carrier plate. Due to this, thermal losses are reduced to 30%.

The following is a number of specifications that make this product unique in its kind:

  • The cost of the product is 30% cheaper than electric warm floor.
  • Power of slats 60 W / m 2.
  • You can lay the floors, making heated and unheated areas.
  • Excellent inertial parameters: 10 min at indoor room 20 ° C.

Residential area can be divided into several separate zones:

  • Sleeping.
  • Kitchen, office.
  • Corridor.
  • Bathroom, bathroom, loggia.

In each individual case, the choice of laminate for a warm floor by class should be made individual. Consider the features of choice for each room.


In this room there may be several people at the same time. Given the constant movement, the high probability of falling in certain objects, the choice of fatty spots or water. The choice must be stopped on the moisture-resistant coating. At the same time, the bar must have a special water repellent composition, which includes wax. The joints of the connection of the panels should be carefully handled the sealant, as the kitchen is a place with high humidity. Stripping from this, the appropriate class 32-33. This type of product has a low thermal conductivity coefficient. But if in the base to put a system based on water heating and pour it with a cement screed, one can achieve the desired floor temperature and air, respectively.

Bathroom, Bathroom and Loggia

In these premises, the flooring of the floor heating is performed very often. It is important here to comply with one requirement - maintaining the temperature not more than 28 ° C. To monitor temperature control, the temperature sensor and the thermostat is set. Such care will prevent overheating of the coating and deformation of the panels. With regard to the requirements for laminate, they are like:

  • The presence of a moisture-repellent layer.
  • High-quality laminated coating.
  • Connection joints to process sealant.

Complies with such requirements a product of class 32-33.

Bedroom and corridor

  • The presence of sound-absorbing and antistatic effect.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Fire protection.

For such premises, you can safely choose 21 and 22 class. For heating of the floor, you can integrate electrical mats or infrared film floor. To implement a warm floor, you will not need to make a floor screed. As a last resort, perform a finishing screed that will eliminate all the irregularities of the base.

An important role is played by the method of connecting lamellae. There are two: Castle and adhesive. To lay the lamella to the warm floor, you can only use the lock connection. When using the glue of the panel can float when the floor is heated and deformed.

As for the castle compounds, they are divided into two types:

  1. Click.
  2. Lock.

Lock Castle works on the principle of spike groove. CLICK connection is more complicated. For laying on a warm floor, in principle, both of these castle connections can be used.

The CLICK connection method is recommended for a warm floor. This connection has high strength. Therefore, when fluctuating the temperature of the joint, the lamella will behave calmly and are not deformed. Plus, such a laminate does not require an ideally smooth surface.

So, we learned about how to choose a laminate for laying it on a warm floor. An important role is played by the selection of the substrate. This is a separate topic, but if briefly, its thickness should not exceed 3 mm. To do this, you can purchase a substrate from extruded polystyrene with perforation. We will be interested in your opinion regarding the choice of laminate. Leave your comments at the end of this article.


From the provided video material, you can get additional information regarding the choice of laminate for a warm floor: