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The chemist engaged in the extraction of Selitras - he shoved the manure many liters. How to make a potassium salter? Where to find an ammonary Selitra

Recently, the Kaliyevaya Selitra will not at the "day with fire" in any garden store, about fire, by the way, this is not a metaphor, since this substance is not only a fertilizer, but one of the components of the manufacture of pyrotechnic agents. Let's not despair, because you can cook a potassium saltper at home. This method is very simple, and even if you are not a chemist in the third generation, you can disobey how to make a potassium saltper.

Preparation for work

  • First of all, it is necessary to buy some reagents, namely: ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) and potassium chloride. These substances are fertilizers, so they can be found in the store for the garden and the garden, for the price they are quite accessible.
  • Potassium chloride is produced two species that differ in color and price: red - crude, white - purified. Naturally, the purified composition will be somewhat more expensive, but the crude is suitable for our case.
  • With ammonium uniform, it is even easier, it is produced in the form of whitish granules with light yellow. It differs only in the mass of the packaged package: from 1 to 5 kg. Accordingly, the more the package, the cheaper the cost of fertilizer.

When everything you need purchased, you can proceed to the main part: the recipe, how to make a potassium saltper.

Recipe for obtaining potassium nitrate

  1. Measure 100 g of potassium chloride (crude) and add hot water 300-350. If possible, use distilled water, so you get a cleaner product. For a more convenient mixing process, use the floor-liter glass or plastic bottle. For complete dissolution of chloride - shake the bottle vigorously.
  2. Next, the solution should be filtered through cotton fabric. Pre-moisten it with warm water, so the process will go faster. Filtered liquid must be transparent or light pink color.
  3. This solution is transferred to an enameled pan and heat up to the first signs of boiling, after that in small portions, pumped 95 g of ammonia nitrate, without forgetting to constantly stir the solution.
  4. Boil the liquid by fast fire, about 3 minutes, again stirring.
  5. After the designated time, remove the saucepan from the fire and leave it for a few minutes until the liquid stops stealing.
  6. Pour the solution into a plastic container and put in a cool place to a complete cooling. This process will take about 2-3 hours. Plastic dishes are good because it is a bad heat conductor, it means that the solution will cool gradually. As a result, you will receive a high-quality product field.
  7. When the substance is completely cooled, it should be put for an hour in the refrigerator.
  8. Next, move the container to the freezer for 3 hours.
  9. Would you wait the time? A responsible moment occurred, pull out the solution from the freezer and carefully drain the water. At the bottom there should be oblong crystals Kaliova Selitra.
  10. Picky Selitra lay out on the newspaper and leave for drying in a warm place for 3-4 days.

And finally, if all the work was carried out by the recipe, how to make a potassium saltper, an excellent result is provided to you.

If you come in handy, you look at the video - how to cook a potassium saltper at home


You wanted to hold your own chemical experience. A good desire, but for this you need to have a certain goal, and most importantly - ingredients. Therefore, you get at the computer and look for interesting recipes. Oh, it seems, they found what it is necessary - "manufacture of smoke checkers." We read the list of ingredients: "Sugar, soda, then ... Kalivaya Selith? What kind of beast is this?" - Standard thoughts of thoughts who read this recipe. Typically, in this way, and learn about the existence of Kaliva Selitra. Naturally, there is a desire to find more information about it. Today I will try to satisfy your interest.

origin of name

First, let's talk about her name. Selitra is any salt that has an acid residue NO3 taken from nitric acid, i.e. is nitrate. The chemical formula is now the Selitra under discussion - KNO3, it means that it is necessary to add an adjective "potassium" to its name. But there are other options for writing it. In different sources, it can be called potash / Indian Selutyra, nitric acid potassium, potassium nitrate, etc. All these names will be correct.


This nitrator under normal conditions is colorless crystals, but shredded it resembles a white powder. It also has an ionic structure and a hexagonal or rhombic crystal lattice. Kalivial agriculture is slightly hygroscopic, tend to slightly lifted for some time. She is also non-volatile and does not smell. It is well soluble in water, in a medium degree - in liquid ammonia, glycerin, hydrazine, is not dissolved in clean air and ethanol (it may not be dissolved in them only under the condition that the latter is diluted with water). From the potassium nitrate with its slow crystallization, needle and very long crystals can grow. At a temperature of 400-520, its decomposition occurs, in which potassium nitrite and oxygen are formed.

It is also a strong oxidizing agent reacting with reducing agents and combustible materials, and if it is in addition and crushed, the reaction passes very actively and often accompanied by an explosion (photo). Kalivial Selitra can independently ignite some organic materials if they are with it in one mixture. The melt of potassium nitrate can be used to get potassium by electrolysis, but because She has high oxidative abilities in this state, to carry out this experience, it is better to take potassium hydroxide.


In the middle ages and a new time (i.e., at that time, when the powder was in frequent use), the potassium saltper was mined from Selitryanitsa - a pouch consisting of limestone materials, manure and other overloading components that had strokes from twigs or straw. They were covered with turf holding the resulting gases. Ammonia, which was formed due to rotation of the manure, accumulated in layers, nitrified and first became nitrogenous, and then nitric acid. The latter when interacting with limestone formed calcium nitrate, then it was leaching with water. When wood ash was added to this mixture, calcium carbonate, which is in the first, stalled. And as a result, a solution of potassium nitrate was obtained. The interaction of Potasha and Calcium Selitra is the most ancient way to obtain a potassium nitrate, which is still popular until now. Although Potash can be replaced with potassium sulfate. Kaliya Selitera can be obtained in a laboratory with such reactions:

  • Potassium chloride and sodium nitrate.
  • Ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride.
  • Potassium hydroxide and nitric acid.
  • Potassium and nitric acid.
  • The corresponding alkaline potassium oxide (K2O) and the corresponding acid (nitrogen).
  • Potassium hydroxide and nitrogen oxide (5).
  • Ammonium nitrate and potassium hydroxide.
  • Potassium carbonate and nitric acid.

Finding in nature

In nature, the potassium nitrate is known as Mineral Nitroquitis. The places of the largest deposits - Chile and Ost-India (which is why Kaliyevaya Selitra is often called Indian). Natural potassium nitrate is nitrobacteria associated with ammonia, which is released during the decomposition of nitrogenous substances. This connection is promoted by moisture and heat, so the largest deposits of Kaliva Selitra are located in hot countries. Also in very small quantities, it is present in animals and plants.

Kalivial Selith: Application

It is mainly used as a valuable fertilizer for plants (photo). It is also a very important ingredient in the composition of the smoky powder ("smoke", smoke checkers). It benefits this selection and in optical glassware, bleaching and lightening technical crystal glasses and giving the strength of glass products. In the food industry, this smelter is known as a preservative E252.


Kalivial Selith (Formula KNO3) can be used not only in chemistry, but also in many other industries. It can be both useful and very harmful to humans.

Kalivia Selith or KnO3 is very often used in the field of pyrotechnics and as potassium - nitrogen fertilizer. Potassium nitrate is used as fertilizer for various crops. Of course, you can buy it in profile stores, but it will be easier and better for you to make it yourself. It is known for the potassium nitrate easily - this is most often colorless or white crystals of the oblong shape and odorless. Potassium nitrate in its physical properties is well soluble in water. So let's try to make them yourself.

How to make Kaliya Selitra do it yourself?

To create, we will use the following materials:

NH4NO3 - ammonia Selith.
. KCL - Potassium chloride.

1. We will take the first step of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride in the ratio of 1: 1. Separately, the ammonium nitrate is divorced with water in proportion 1: 3, and potassium chloride in a separate vessel wept in proportions 1: 2. Do not forget and necessarily mix everything separately!

2. Two solutions need to mix and cook on slow fire. ATTENTION: Ammonia ammonia, ammoniamia, ammonia when the reaction begins, so air the premises to avoid unpleasant odors and possible headaches and nausea.

3. After the ammonia smoke ceases to stand out, - put the solution into the refrigerator, until the formation of long white crystalline needles in the sediment. After cooling, the crystals need to be rinsed thoroughly and give them to dry. That's all, Potash Selith is ready!

There is nothing difficult in creating Selitra, you just need to follow safety rules and repeat chemistry.

VIDEO. How to make a potassium saltper at home?

Most workers in the agricultural and garden sphere are perfectly familiar with such a concept as Kalivia Selith. This is a compound of chemical nature, which is a fertilizer with two components for its basis. Its manufacturing is performed in full accordance with GOST. Kaliya Selitra should be used for different types of soil. But especially for those where high sensitivity to chlorine is present.

The ammonia-potassium nitrate includes two main components - nitrogen and potassium. In this case, the content of the latter is almost 50%. To date, this complex fertilizer is widely used for feeding various cultures. The appearance of the potassium nitrate is quite characteristic - it is white granules having a slightly yellowish tint. Sometimes produced as a white powder.

It has acquired a special value for plants due to the following properties:

Thanks to this number of useful properties, the potassium nitrate is in great demand as a fertilizer. It is used for different soils. It can be soils with various vineyards, beds with flax, carrots, beet, raspberry, grapes and tobacco. But she especially established himself when used in soils sensitive to chlorine.

Proper application

A simple acquisition of fertilizer does not necessarily serve as a key to what will subsequently be a rich harvest. For the best result you need to follow certain rules for using fertilizer. The ammonia-potassium saltper in the form of a dry mixture should be breeded with water in the right ratio and carry out a full-fledged feeder.

It can be performed by root or extraordinated way.

In the first case, 10 liters of water, depending on the type of plant, will require dry fertilizer in the following quantities:

  • flowers and vegetable crops - 30g;
  • fruit trees - 40 g;
  • setting decorative and berry bushes - 30g.

The multiplicity of such feeding can be once in a couple of weeks.

The feeding of the extraxarrow is carried out no more than four times in the period of vegetation and is in the simple spraying of plants. Basically, the potassium nitrate is used in 2% solution. At the same time, one square meter for vegetables and colors will require 1 liter of such a solution, for bushes with 1,5 liters berries, and for fruit trees - from 1.5 to 8 liters, depending on their age.

The first application of fertilizer should be carried out in April, subsequent in May, when seeds are sought in the ground. It is also useful to perform feeding of fruit trees in the autumn months. This will allow them to resist the approaching cold. But it is important not to overdo the fertilizer, since its excess is fraught with a deterioration of cultures and reduction in yield.

Homemade cooking

Many experienced gardeners have long adapted right at home to prepare an ammonious-kaliya Selitra. And newcomers are often wondering how to make a potassium saltper in a home environment. In fact, the cooking process is enough post and is understandable. To begin with, it will be necessary to stock potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate, distilled water and absolutely clean and dry dishes.

And then follow the following instructions:

  • potassium chloride weighing 100 g of dilome in distilled hot water (300 g), using glass container for this purpose (the best bottle is best);
  • the resulting solution is carefully filtered through several layers of gauze to obtain a practically transparent solution;
  • to heat the solution in the enameled capacity before the formation of the first bubbles, after which the ammonium nitrate in the amount of 95 g and mix;
  • leave boiled mortar for three minutes, periodically stirring; After that, with the fire, remove, put in another container and leave cool in a cool place;
  • after three hours, send a container with a solution for one hour inside the refrigerator;
  • move the solution into the freezer for three hours (at 0 ° C);
  • remove the tank from the refrigerator and carefully drain the top layer of the liquid;
  • the resulting sediment is dried within three or four days on paper.

It is this precipitate and is an ammonia-kaliya Selitra. When performing all the above steps strictly according to the output instructions, you can get up to 60 g of dry matter. Of all the listed it becomes clear that the independent preparation of fertilizer does not represent large difficulties. Therefore, the question is how to make a potassium saltper correctly, it does not have to appear later.

Security measures

Not everyone knows, but the potassium nitrate is widely used in pyrotechnics, since it actively reacts with different combustible substances and reducing agents. Therefore, it should be stored in compliance with all security measures: in hermetic packaging, away from easily flammable and combustible substances.

Fertilizer should not be kept near any heating devices, even near the working light. With each preparation of solutions, always use protective agents in the form of rubber gloves. The respiratory tract should be closed with a respirator. And the best option will be the use of the entire powder immediately after the acquisition.

Kalivial Selith The use of which was carried out correctly, will have an amazing effect on the properties of the soil, which in turn will be beneficial to vegetable, fruit cultures and plants. This will allow you to get a decent harvest and protect the plants from the effects of unfavorable conditions.

Selievera is called nitric acid salts (nitrates) ammonium, sodium, calcium and potassium. Basically, they are used in agriculture, as mineral fertilizers, and in the industrial production of pyrotechnic products and explosives.

Potassium nitrate is considered a very valuable fertilizer, as simultaneously contains two important substances and potassium plants. But, at the same time, the potassium nitrate is the basis of black powder and simply indispensable in the manufacture of various pyrotechnics. However, the experiments of home-grown craftsmen on the creation of missiles, smokers and other "sworsals" often end very much deploy. Therefore, the sale of Kaliivaya Selitra has recently limited, and the summer houses with the onset of spring are increasingly forced to think about how to make Selitra on their own. Our advice is intended to love gardeners using the Kaliya Selitra exclusively for peaceful purposes.

How to make a potassium salter

  1. Care in a household store carbon dioxide potassium, he also Potash, and ammonium Selitra.
  2. Dissolve them separately in warm water, better distilled. Use equal weights of reagents. Mix both solutions in unnecessary dishes, pouring a solution of potash to a solution of ammonium nitrate.
  3. Put a saucepan on a slow fire. The saucepan must be quite large, since during the reaction the mixture is foaming and increases in volume. Put the mixture regularly. Soon, the gas of ammonia with a sharp characteristic smell will be released from it - this means that the reaction went. Because of the sharp smell of gas, the process is better spent on the street or indoors with a good hood.
  4. After the release of the gas is stopped, remove the pan from the fire, and leave it in a cool place for a day. After that, on the bottom, large needle crystals of potassium nitrates are formed, which only get a drain liquid, and dry.

Ammonium nitrate is one of the most common fertilizers, it is introduced when sowing almost under all agricultural crops, both grain and vegetable, and also consume adult plants as feeding. In mining, the ammonium saltpered is widely used as the main component of the briskanny explosives - ammonals, ammonite or ammotola. Ammonium nitrate is sold in all economic stores in the fertilizer departments, where it can be easily purchased. Production of ammonium nitrate in handicraft conditions is extremely dangerous and completely unprofitable! You can try to synthesize it yourself only in small doses, observing all safety regulations, for training purposes.

How to make an ammonium salter

    1. In the economical store it is necessary to buy: ammonia alcohol, copper cunery, calcium nitrate.
    2. We mix the ammonia alcohol with copper vitrios until the blue solution is obtained. As a result of the reaction of the substitution, we obtain copper hydroxide, and ammonium sulfate, remaining in solution.
    3. We drain the solution of ammonium sulfate with a precipitate and mix it with calcium spit. As a result, we obtain calcium sulfate in the form of a precipitate and a solution containing our ammonium nitrate.

We described the basic ways to obtain a Selitra, and so that you can do from the Selitra produced in the home, conditions to solve only you.