Repairs Design Furniture

Homemade tree fences. Wooden fence: Beautiful fence design ideas. Wooden fence: advantages and disadvantages

Increasingly instead of massive and monumental brick and stone fences Pointers choose wooden fences And fences for the house: Photo of successful examples allow you to make sure the exceptional attractiveness of a similar solution. It is a tree is considered to be the material that is capable not only to guarantee protection against encroachment, but also looks not too frightening.

Wooden fence: Practical decoration for site

Fences and fences from wood can be considered a traditional option for our society. The abundance of wood and its low cost allow you to use this material not even too wealthy people. But in Western countries, wood, on the contrary, is considered a sign of the vastity and success of the owners of the house or site. Such a fence today is not only status, but also elegance, environmental friendliness and modernity of the overall style decision.

The choice in favor of fence from wood is often based on one of the factors:

  • Ecology. In the modern age of technologies, artificial materials and polluted environment, each person seeks to surround himself as safe as possible. Wood becomes an optimal solution for those who care about the health of their family members.
  • Convenience in care. Wooden fence is the part of the household, which not only will not require special attention, but will allow you to feel the Creator in the process of care. Joinery skills will help replace the ski tokens if necessary, and the ability to keep the brush in your hands will refresh the color of the fence and make it more elegant.
  • Beautiful wooden fences for the house are also practical. Employed with reliable protection and non-beetles, and from prying eyes, such fences with proper care will serve not more than one year. The tree is thereby versatile material that is capable of being useful in any situation: for example, as a fence for the yard, as the border between the country's dachas, in the form of a garden separator for zones.

FACT! In order for the fence to serve as much as possible, you should choose the most durable and reliable wood species: for example, oak, ash, larch. It is also important to take into account the characteristics of the humidity and composition of the soil.

  • Harmony is the main thing that distinguishes a wooden fence from metallic or stone. Live and pleasant material perfectly fits into the environment, and if there is a skill, the fence from it can be turned into a work of art.

No less important factors that should also be considered are its relatively low cost (for example, in comparison with a similar metal or brick product) and simplicity of installation. You can protect the site with such a fence in a short time, even without using experienced masters.

Types and features of wooden fences

Choosing a wooden fence for a private house, each responsible owner is a whole picture for himself: what kind of fences are made to build, which of them are most reliable, what is the cost of the construction of one or another type of fence. Specialists distinguish the following types of wooden fences suitable for use as a fence:

  • The classic fence is a solid cloth consisting of tightly fitted boards, which can be located both vertically and horizontally. The classic option of the fence can be strengthened by the foundation of bricks and stone, as well as to use columns from wood, metal or stone as its base.
  • Palcol consists of vertically installed and tightly fitted to each other logs. To ensure maximum strength and increase the life of the log, it is recommended to be installed on the foundation, and not in the soil. This type of fence looks quite aggressively and is suitable for active protection of property from encroachment, which is particularly promoted by sharply sharpened tops.

Tip! The stakenik can be extremely original and attractive fence, since it allows you to choose the optimal pattern, the distance between the planks and the form of the upper edge.

  • Christmas tree or ladder. Fencing boards are mounted on each other horizontally, and the use of special gaskets provides excellent ventilation at full interpretation of the web.
  • The lattice is considered the most decorative type of fence. Located crosswise, at an angle of 45 degrees, or interwoven planks in the classic frame for the braid look almost a work of art. This type of fence is often used as a support for fusing and curly plants.

Tip! To give such a fear of a more expressive appearance, designers recommend using a combination of several options for layouts in one canvase.

  • A wooden fence in the style of a cowboy ranch is a fairly specific type of fence, which is more suitable for distinguishing the territory or control over access to a certain part of the site or animals. Located horizontally bars look exotic and suitable for use on large areas.

Installation and care of the fence of the tree: the subtleties of the process

Among the orders there is an opinion on the complexity of the construction in the section of the fence from the tree. That is why often the owners do not think about how to make them hands, but prefer to refer to specialists. However, with a competent approach to the choice of technology and compliance with all the rules of construction, the construction of the fence on its site is not such a complex process.

In the process of care for the wooden fence, the most important stage is pre-processing of wood. To preserve the natural natural color of the tree, it must be covered with varnish: in this case, the board will not darken from moisture. Special impregnations guarantee the protection of the fence from pests and rains, since their composition usually includes insecticides and antifungal agents.

Special impregnations for wood will not let her lose color, as well as protect against mold, pests and weather conditions

The fence made of wood for the country site should be considered not only the way to protect the territory, but also a stylish decorative part. The natural beauty of the material underlined by the stylish form will make the site even more spectacular, will allow you to more rationally approach the solution of landscaped tasks and rationally organize space.

Features of the installation of a wooden fence for giving with their own hands

Durable fence around the house is an important need. The high fence not only protects the property, but creates a sense of psychological comfort.

Wooden fences have always been considered an ideal fence option. They are made of pure environmental materials and are quite simple in independent construction. Properly built and well-kept fences made of wood can serve up to four decades.

What are wood fences

All products can be divided into two large groups:

If we consider wooden fences by construction, You can select the following options:

What wood make a fence

Specialists advise use coniferous species of trees. It may larch or spruce, cedar, pine. It must be borne in mind that pine does not differ in great strength. In principle, for a wooden fence, any kind of wood is suitable, the main thing is that it is high-quality. If you want to save, you can safely take a spruce or pine. Before using wood, it is necessary to handle an antiseptic with olive.

Preparing Tools for Mounting

We need:

Step-by-step construction of a wooden fence with their own hands

Step number 1

It takes wooden peasants about 60 cm long. Everyone needs to sharpen. Then the plan is taken, and the pegs are clogged throughout the perimeter of the territory.

The distance between them should be in the area of \u200b\u200btwo meters from each other.

Then the pegs should be flawed with lacing. It must be tightened well.

Step number 2.

It is necessary to determine the required height of the fence. It is important that it is not too high (because it can shade landings) or too low (so as not to exhibit a site for review). Optimal the medium height is considered to be 1.5-2.5 meters.

Boards are cut in the designated length. They will need to be treated on the grinding machine and make a semicircular or triangular profile. If you need to save time, you can buy ready-made boards.

Step number 3.

Comes the moment when one pegs are removed, but in their place it is drilled by a well depth of about 50-80 cm Under support for the future fence. To work faster, do it better using a bora. If there is no access to the boor, then the pits can be made ordinary shovel.

Step number 4.

Prepared supports can now be boiled into the ground. Brussia can be with a cross section of 50 * 50 mm or 75 * 75 mm. Installing the bars must be strictly vertically, it is recommended to use a plumb for great accuracy. The wells fall asleep the earth and trambed tightly. To secure the results of work and make a durable fence, supports must be cemented.

Step number 5.

From above, each bar is clogged by nail, and they are tightened among themselves around the perimeter tightly stretched lacing. It must be done in order to correctly align the fence.

Step number 6.

Stated (section 10 * 2.5 cm) nails are attached to the bars. They should be placed at the same distance from each other. This is done at an altitude of about 20-30 cm above the soil level. Nails must be a suitable size to break through the stabbing through and speak from the opposite side of several centimeters. The protruding parts of the nails must be carefully hooked.

Step number 7.

On nails are nails prepared for the fence of the board. If you want to make a deaf fence, then the boards are nailed. Also between them, you can leave a small distance from one to five centimeters.

Painting and processing of fence from wood

Wooden fencing installation stages are completed, but there is still a lot of work ahead. It is necessary to protect the wooden fence from bad weather and insects. For this, special measures are held, in particular - processing and painting.

As a protective material, experts recommend using ordinary olive. The tool is common and available at its cost. If finances allow, then in construction stores offers many options for stronger and expensive wood protection.

After the applied protective layer is dry, you can start painting.

For this, special paints for wood are selected, which are presented in a wide range in modern building markets. Such a combination: Olife and special paint protect fence from the sun and moisture.

It is important! Painting of a wooden fence must be repeated once every two, a maximum of three years.

Wood fences have many advantages - these are environmentally friendly material and beautiful appearance, reliable protection and long service life. In order for the tree to fully revealed these of its qualities, you need to correctly mount the fence and is mandatory to protect the wood with the help of olifa and paint.

How to extend the life of a wooden fence

For additional protection against rain and snow, many professionals are recommended to install a special visor on the top of the fence. To do this, you will need to install special additional planks, on which the visor can be attached.

Installing such a visor is a painstaking business and time consuming, but the product can most protect the tree from moisture, and the appearance of the fence will become more original and individual.

To protect the lower part of the fence, it is necessary to constantly:

  • Remove excess grass. Many vegetation near the fence leads to high humidity. This can cause early tree rotting.
  • After removing excess herbs along the fence, a thin layer of gravel is poured. This will allow excess moisture not to accumulate in this place.

how extend the life of a tree fence Back at the construction stage:

  • Ensure in the lack of an anthills and large thickets.
  • Special antiseptics to soze with special antiseptics before the construction.
  • At the end of the installation to cover the entire design of the primer. It will strengthen the fence and ensure excellent protection against adverse weather conditions. You can make the primer only in warm weather when the tree is completely dry.
  • Additional primer is done with paint, which includes natural oils. It doubles the strength of the material. The oil paint layer should dry about 24 hours before applying the second. Then the material is well soaked.

When materials were prepared, there are tools, as well as free time, the construction of a wooden fence with their own hands is a matter that is even a newcomer in construction. But it is important not only to correctly install the fencing, but also provide him with constant care and protection. Then the wooden fence will serve until forty-five years.

Step-by-step video instruction for construction of wood fence

On video - self-erection of a wooden fence:

Photo gallery of various fences made of wood

In the photo examples of the implementation of various decorative and unusual wooden fences mounted on the country. Part of ideas can help you in choosing your own solutions.

The territory of a private house or cottage is always transformed when on it, stretched in green waves, decorative vegetation. The abundance of flowers, fruit trees, or neat beds with all the favorite vegetables, greens berries, always pleases the eyes. Using biorange, not be difficult to grow and maintain all this diverse, in the best condition. But it is important, to protect and maintain a plot from the unborn guests and unwanted weeds. In this article, we will look at how to make a fence with our own hands, which will protect the fragrant, green diversity, a nuclear area.

It is not surprising that for people who have the opportunity to buy a land plot and build a residential building on it, will not be much difficulty and protect it. The question is only what material to do this?

Unlike cottages for several families, where concern about it lies on the shoulders of the construction organization, in a particular case, it all depends on the personal desire of the homeowner.

Pretty high percentage of rustic villas today are chosen by profile as the most economical option. This is done quickly and does not require large financial costs. However, as a result, the appearance of such a design creates some fence from the outside world. Trying to avoid a factor of peculiar isolation and monotony, prefer to put wood fences.

Main functions and constructive solutions

Wood material special. In work with him gives rise to many design ideas. It is sometimes very difficult to determine which design will suit the most. To facilitate the task, you need to determine which functions should be performed.

Most often, the main points are: determining the boundaries of the site; protection against the penetration of other people in the territory, as well as persons within the private territory; protection against noise and wind; restriction of access to travel roads; Creating a decorative background.

Constructive solutions are presented in three definitions of external forms: deaf closed, lattice type with lumen and combined (for example, paired with brick).

Choosing a type of fence

An additional component is the choice of version of the execution. If you do not get involved in the transfer of all kinds and stay on one particular one, then, perhaps, the "classic" is most often preferred. Solid or with gaps, covered by edged boards.

The initial stage of construction

If you have concerns that you can inadvertently seize someone else's territory, it is better to get the cadastral plan for insurance. Be sure to set the height in the diagram, size and place where the gate will stand.

It is possible to apply the conventions of all overall structures, houses, annexes, and places of landings located on the plot (garden, garden). This will help to visually present the future picture and it is possible to make some adjustments.

Selection of material

For angular support racks, the profile pipe of the square section of 60x60 mm is most often suited. For the remaining racks that are located between the corner at an equal distance, a profile pipe with a cross section of 50x50 mm is suitable.

For the "classics" coniferous firings, cedar or pine breeds. Beautiful strong wood, no doubt, is better to perform protective functions. Usually they are leading due to their protectedness from dampness and rotting. An additional plus is their low price.

The main stages of work on the construction of the fence

Directly construction itself includes three stages, which have already been indicated above: Installation of support pillars, fastening of transverse lags and frameworks.

Each of them contains a certain range of work. In general, the workflow provides for the following actions:

  • Wooden or metal pegs are clogged in places marking. Between them stretches the twine;
  • Pre-dig holes in a depth of 0.8 meters. At the bottom of each of them, the sandy bed is satisfied with a thickness of 10-15 centimeters. Next, the profile tube is installed and fixed. The pit is falling asleep by crushed to twenty-five centimeters height. Produce thoroughly tambes. Fixes and poured them with concrete;
  • The installation of transverse lag is carried out. The mount is made using metal corners (35x35). Each support accounts for two corners;
  • Do or solid framework of a frame, or with alternating boards. The top can represent either a straight line, or with supports of supports above the trim on 10-15 centimeters;
  • Since the material-tree must be treated with fire fighting agents;

For painting it is best to purchase special colorful compositions recommended for such surfaces and designed for any atmospheric influence (sun, rain, wind).

Coloring is considered an economical option. Dark tones are always greater popularity. In the end, this is a street construction and is not insured against dust and dirt hitting it, and, accordingly, light colors create a risk of repaint.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wooden fence

In the process of installing and operating such a fence, it is possible to come to a natural conclusion about the main advantages and evaluate them is no longer unfounded, and taking into account their direct participation in its erection.

The dignity list includes the following components: environmental friendliness, manifold of woody rocks, relatively low labor intensity on installation, easy solution to the problem of replacement.

In addition to positive sides, the design has its drawbacks. These include the following: fire hazard (special treatment is needed), rotting exposure (in the pores small pests can settle), low life.

Stock Foto Wooden fence with their own hands

Izba Strike constipation, and courtyard fence. Well, when the neighbor is close, and the fence is low. Without a fence and constipation, you will not be lit with the thief. Without pillars and fence is not worth it. The higher the fences, the better the neighbors.

Just a few proverbs indicate that the Oncewood fences were paid great attention. Time is going, technologies and building materials are changing, but the desire to protect their plot is wooden material. What is the cause of such love for wooden fences, how to make a beautiful wooden fence with your own hands - try to figure out.


In the middle lane of Russia, the tree has always been considered the most chassis building material. Its accessibility made it possible to build huts and baths, make furniture and dishes with even quite poor people. Another thing is places where the tree is a luxury. In this case, a wooden fence is a sign of wealth of the owner of the house:

  • Thus, the first feature of the use of wood when creating a fence can be called a tradition based on accessibility.
  • The second feature is a demonstration of wealth or own skills and skills.
  • An important circumstance of using such fences is practicality: for example, you can put the simplest fence for livestock protection, and if necessary, dismantle it and transfer it to a new pasture.
  • Ecology is another feature. The bench put under the fence will allow you to enjoy the aroma of essential oils from boards or slats. The tree will never be hot or cold as metal. It will greatly absorb, unlike the stone, most of the street sounds.
  • If necessary, in most cases, you can replace the fencing fragment or repair the existing one.
  • Restriction of a large perimeter (for example, a private house with a garden) - the case is expensive if you put a stone or metal fence. But the braid, made by her own hands, can do free.

Summarizing all of the above, you can call two main functions of the fence from the tree:

  • protection of territory and households;
  • decorative design.

At the same time, it can fencing:

  • house and the entire household plot;
  • only yard buildings with animal pens;
  • only a landroom;
  • floweruba or flower garden.

According to the degree of penetration of the view, a wooden fence happens:

  • deaf;
  • translucent;
  • transparent.

Advantages and disadvantages

Indeed, such a fence has a lot of advantages, compared with other materials:

  • comfortable temperature of wooden elements at any time of the year and day;
  • the possibility of independent making and installation without invited masters and complex tools;
  • huge scope for decoration;
  • the choice of color depends solely on the desire of the owner, not the manufacturer;
  • the ability to apply an unusual geometry and the form as a whole;
  • perfectly combined with stone and brick, metal and concrete, a grid and a throwing material.

It would seem, and there are no shortcomings. But this is not the case: a wooden fence requires constant care. But if it is regularly done, he will delight his beauty for many years.

The service life will depend on the climatic zone and the quality of the soil.


Before the construction of the fence of the required plot, the owner must answer a few questions:

  • what function must perform a fence;
  • what his height will be;
  • he will be deaf or transparent;
  • how to open;
  • extra materials will be used (brick, stone, etc.);
  • from which there will be pillars (metal, logs, bricks);
  • which breed of wood will be used for pillars and spans;
  • whether the help of specialists will need;
  • what material costs can be calculated.

After analyzing all the answers, you can choose one of the types (or combine them):

  • Christmas tree. Also such a fence is the name of the ladder or American. From afar, the surface resembles a deaf siding. Under the clue, you can see that there are lumens between the boards located at an angle. This type of non-standard design will protect the area from roadside dust, but the air flow will miss. Strong wind will not be able to damage the fence.

  • Classic option - This is a vertical or horizontal firmly fitted canvas. It can be based on a brick or stone foundation or only on wooden, metal, brick or stone pillars. Such a fence is suitable for a private house or cottage, and for the cottage, that is, for those who want their privacy and leave.

  • Woven - The most emotionally warm type of fence. It was invented so long ago that now and not remember when it was. Until now is considered ordinary from Slavic peoples. But recently is often used as a decorative element for low fences. At the same time, they make deaf high fences - braid, which looks amazing in combination with other materials.

  • Burning in the style of Ranch It has long ceased to be only American. Another thing is style. In the usual performance, such a fence also serves to create an obstacle to animals. But there are beautiful options for the fence of the house territories.

You need to be prepared for the fact that this fence will not hide from prying eyes. Yes, and it is suitable for a small section of the fence, perhaps a barisader.

  • Latticeonce considered an unusual fence. Crossed at an angle of 45 degrees Reiki make the design of very air. Lian-like plants will be perfect for her, grapes. Over time, the transparent grid can turn into a living opaque hedge. Such sections, intermitted with a wicker or a deaf fence, look even more unusual.

  • Faloccol It appeared, perhaps, at the same time, that both the woven, but it was used to protect the entire village. A durable and strong deaf fence will reliably protect against uninvited guests. Especially if vertical stakes or logs have a pointed upper edge. The durability of such a fence will give the foundation and brick (stone) pillars. But there is an easier frequency option - bamboo. It serves not so long, but it is much easier to mount it. Especially since modern manufacturers offer a rolled finished fence.

  • Fence- One of the most popular species. So much that now produce a metal stakenik. This is a universal fence of different heights and width of staketing. They are easy and quickly mounted to wooden alms. If the wooden canvases are close to each other, then the site will be visible passing, but from the street to see what is happening in the yard, you can only stopping. For decorative design, such a fence is used paint, varnish. It makes carved and multi-level, combine with other materials.

It looks completely unusually stakenik without reference pillars and a crossbar. Such a fence is also called frequencing, but still the essence is not in the title, but in aesthetic and functional attractiveness. Recently, the horizontal stakenik is popular as more economical and easy to install.

  • Chessk- A mixture of stakenice, paling and classic fence. In fact, this is a stakenik, but nailed in two rows (from the street and courtyard) in such a way that the gaps between the boards do not remain and the fence becomes deaf. In this case, both sides are facial. In order to protect personal space from the view and encroachments, they make it out of wider postcase.

Color solutions

Once the wooden fences did not paint at all. Yes, and now the village stakenik, which protects the ordinary garden "on the tasks", is unlikely to be paint and varnish materials. Nevertheless, the fence in front of the house, the parisader is always trying to reflect.

Color solutions for this choose a variety of. Starting with a varnish coating, so as not to deprive the drawing tree given by nature. This method can larch give the color of the cedar, and the pine is the color of the nut. For the same purpose, and to protect against insects use various simulators and other impregnating substances. This option will bring the color of the fence to the color of the pillars, the foundation, the gate, at home.

Wooden stakenatnik, grid and even frequency covered with multi-colored paints. Particolous in the form of color pencils looks particularly interesting. Such a fence of the playground will protect against road dust, street garbage and strong wind.

If the house was painted painting, then it is logical and a fence to cover the paint that creates a single ensemble of the entire estate. To do this, you can use templates of colors, animals, plant ornaments. Sometimes you use two colors for this: for the background and template. And the template patterns are most often stained in white. In other cases, real pictures are drawing on the facade of the house and the fence.

But still, often the tree leaves its appearance. After all, precisely for naturalness, warmth and naturalness It is valued.


In addition to paints and varnishes, there are many other ways to decorate wooden fences. Before staying on any version of the decor, you can look at the Internet 3D samples to see the "live" fence from different angles and in different material:

  • Some types of fences themselves are a fence decor. For example, a grill or a braid, chess or log frequency.
  • Stakenists, burned on a fire or with a burner, not only get rid of insects and their larvae, but also become a real designer find in the design of the Russian manor, the robber harbor or the kingdom of Berende.
  • The use of stone and brick will give the thoroughness, the durability of the whole design. But this is also an excellent decorator reception, as such fences look very beautiful.

  • Metal is not only reliable protection of the fence itself, but also a beautiful decor element. Forged elements will give aesthetically attractive appearance and reliability of a wooden canvase.
  • Old fence can be updated with a non-standard way. If it was not covered with lacquer for a long time, then it will be difficult to do this: it will absorb an incredible amount of paints and varnishes, but it will not have a proper look. Hide this significant disadvantage can be hidden by using overhead decorative elements: flower pots, curly vertical greenery, birdhouses, old brazy materials in the form of flat toys, pictures, etc. He himself fence, of course, will not save, but for some time will move away His dismantling and installing a new fence.
  • Also transform the old fence will help the photoshot. This modern decorative material will help hide the shortcomings of any fence. It is only necessary to choose the correct material and drawing of the photosette.

  • Log wish are a very beautiful version of the decor. With it, you can turn a transparent fence into deaf, hide the holes on the site of damaged staketing.
  • The woven can zonify the resting place at the cottage. If the curly plants or artificial sunflowers are in it, then such a place is styled under the Ukrainian welcome Hutcu.

Decoration style

Considering the photos of various types of fences, you can make sure that the modern design is to minimalism and urban style. Is it worth it to apply to a wooden fever - the owner's decision. But, of course, it is worth paying attention to new trends:

  • For example, a combination of wood and gabions with pergonami. Metal cells width of 25-30 cm filled with stones, pebbles are perfumes. Such cells can perform a support for the tree, the foundation or a full-fledged section of the fence. Gabion is the same metal grid with a stone, but may have a larger parallelepiped form than Pergon. Or maybe in general, to be any other form. Figures - Gabions can be sections of the fence or perform decorative (and at the same time protective) function at the gate or wicket.

  • Modern frequency is not colored pencils from the porridge at all, but a monumental construction from a bar made in a urban style. The combination of granite and marble with such a type of wood creates a feeling of power and power.
  • Perhaps the mixing of wood, metal and bottle glass can be attributed to the eclectic. In this fence, the minimum of wood and maximum transparency. The vintage door reminds the owner of the time for collecting such a material for his fence. An unusual way of combining wood and glass made this fence exclusive.

  • If you want to have a solid wooden fence, then you can think about the combination of wood with a stone or brick. Rustic style fence is naturalness, massiveness, reliability. The American Country Style is less coarse, but no less reliable. A solid fence with the use of brick pillars will last for a long time.
  • Metal and wood combination will make a durable fence. Such a modern fence can only perform a protective function or be a real product.

The tree is so comfortable material that it will withstand a combination with any material. The main thing is to include fantasy and choose the style of the future fence.

How to make your own hands?

The quality of the fence depends on the tree of wood. Pine due to the released resins is less subjected to climatic effects. A Siberian larch is a solid material that can withstand heavy loads. In addition, from contact with water, it improves its qualities.

Also use oak, aspen, ash, alder, silky. It is not recommended to make fencing from birch: it is short-lived and quickly cracks. There are original trees, designed for a large pocket or a reliable bank card. We call only a few: Abashi, Akazu, Bangkirai, Kaia, Kekatong, Merbau, Tiger Tree.

The following point after selecting the style and the tree of the tree will be calculated material. It is clear that for this need to accurately represent the project according to the drawing. But still, let's try to calculate the number of staketing on a deaf or translucent fence.

For this:

  1. Measure the length of the future fence. For example, 50 m (5000 cm) when using a width of 10 cm wide.
  2. Calculate the number of stakeholder for deaf intake: 5000 cm / 10 cm \u003d 500 boards.
  3. Calculation on the translucent fence: the width of the width is added to the width of the width between the boards. For example: 10 cm (stake) + 10 cm (clearance) \u003d 20 cm. Consequently, it will be necessary on such a fence: 5000 cm / 20 cm \u003d 250 boards.

If the store price is per cubic meter, then in this case the thickness of one board is multiplied by length and width. The result is multiplied by the number of boards. This will be the number of cubic meters.

For example, the thickness of staketin 2 cm, length - 200 cm, width - 10 cm. It is necessary to translate dimensions to meters: 0.02x2x0.10 \u003d 0.004. The resulting result is multiplied by the number of boards that are necessary for the fence: 0,004x500 \u003d 2 cubic meters of the stakenice must be purchased for such a fence.

The number of boards in the cubic meter is considered in the reverse order. At the same time, in all cases of calculation, it is necessary to provide a reserve for an unforeseen case.

For the crossbar and pillars, the material must be selected particularly carefully. If the fence is translucent, then the distance between the columns is made in 2 m. For a deaf fence, a distance of 1.5 m is determined. Drops depth depends on the soil, usually 1-1.5 m.

As a rule, the fence of 2 crossbars. Therefore, the length of the fence must be multiplied by 2 plus to 5 m of stock - this will be the need for crossbar for fence from the stakenik.

All other options for installing a wooden fence are so individual that they must be calculated on their own. Deciding with the total number of the entire building material, you need to take care of the tools. Depending on the type of fence, this set will also be different. Most likely, the following tools will be needed:

  • saw, hacksaw;
  • electrolovik;
  • ax;
  • shovel;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • level;
  • rope, twine;
  • earth drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;

In addition, building materials will be needed:

  • stakenatnik, boards (it is better to impregnate them with a protective composition before editing);
  • transverse bars, crossbars;
  • reference pillars;
  • pegs for marking;
  • sand, rubble;
  • cement;
  • galvanized fasteners (nails, self-tapping screws, loops before installation are also covered with olifa).

The whole sequence of work will be several stages:

  • installation of support;
  • fastening the crossbar (if the fence is vertical);
  • frame covering.


There are 2 fundamentally different installation options: with the installation of the foundation and without it. The first option is more time-consuming, but more durable. The fence on the second option is much faster and easier. Consider it:

  • Preparation of the territory. Since the boards of the lower edge will touch the Earth, the territory must be cleaned from grass, stones and irregularities.
  • With the help of pointed wooden peasants with a length of 60 cm, there are territory according to a predetermined plan. The distance between the spicycles is the distance between future supports. The pegs are hijacked by a rope, which is quite strongly stretched. At this point, you need to check how exactly the markup is made.
  • The pegs are removed one by one, and the wells in their place are dried under support with a depth of 50 cm (for flowerbeds or low stakenice) to 1.5 m (for a deaf massive fence).
  • Supports are bought into the ground. There are several ways to install: clogging, stouting, concreting. But before using anyone you need to take care of a wooden support, namely: to handle a special composition, wrap the rubberoid, cement in a metal cylinder. All this will save the post from rotting. Install the supports with a plumb. Usually, the pits sprinkle with sand and tightly tightly, then install the post, fall asleep with rubble and again tamper. The sequence is repeated, with each layer of sand is wetted with water.

  • At the top of each pillar, a nail is driven, after which all nails are tightened with a rope. In this way, lure pillars.
  • Stairs are fixed with nails to supports. The fastening height can be different. Most often do as follows: The height of stakes is conditionally divided into 3 parts. The lower crossbar is nourished at an altitude of 1/3, the top - at a height of 2/3. It is important to choose the right nails: too short will not hold the crossbar, too large diameter will lead to cracking of the tree.
  • Fastening a stakeholder with a deaf or translucent way. Alignment of the upper edge. Giving it decorative design with a saw and jigsaw.
  • Protection of support pillars with caps (plastic, metal, wooden, glass).
  • Impregnation and painting. If the boards were installed without preprocessing, they should be soaked with olifa or protective composition. It is necessary to do it in 2 layers.

After that, the fence is paint.

Paint need to choose for outdoor work. Either to preserve the naturalness of the tree, prefer varnish.

Methods of fastening

If conventional attachment methods do not suit, you can find more interesting solutions:

  • Instead of staketing to use a horn. Such a material will issue a fence in a rustic style under ancient. And the rounded log, on the contrary, looks very modern.
  • You can bend the boards in such a way that it will turn out to be austrian braid - double-sided fence with minimal gaps.
  • You can use Planken. This is a kind of facade larny boards, in which all angles have a beveled or rounded form. Due to this board, they are attached close to each other, but with microrading. This method of fastening the plaquene does not allow boards to swell from moisture and deform.

  • Creating wooden siding. For this board, the boards are fixed horizontally, starting at the bottom, the brass is about 25 mm.
  • Creating horizontal blinds. To do this, in supports make notches in which the boards are inserted at a small angle. This method will almost close the review, but will significantly save the amount of material. In addition, it is the perfect option for the places of strong winds, since the fence will not be subject to wind loads.
  • Stakenik can be attached to the diagonal. The complexity of this method consists in constant measurement of the angle at the beginning of the installation. But it will be great to look at such a fence, especially if its top edge is left as a frequency. With a diagonal method, the fence may also be deaf or translucent.

  • You can use the chess method, which has already been mentioned above. Such a fence can be vertical or horizontal. At the same time, the Staketin length may be the same or different (more complex option, but also more interesting).

If there are very tightly raw birch branches, trunks, then such a woven will cost cheaply, but it will not be worse.

In addition, there are ways to fasten when the boards are attached between the support pillars or hiding pillars. The first case will require more time and accuracy.

If the pillars are brick or stone, then other methods involve. Here it is possible a sectional installation of spans between pillars. Such work is performed with the assistant. She is more laborious, but the fence is enough for a long time.

In order for the wooden fence for a long time, pleased with its appearance, you need:

  • before the installation starts to impregnate with antiseptic wood;
  • check the absence of anthills on the place of the future fence;
  • install the protective visor not only on the support poles, but also over the spans (if it does not fit into the selected style, you can try to protect the fence with a glass or polycarbonate visor);
  • to get rid of grass along the fence in a timely manner, it will reduce the humidity level;
  • after mounting, cover all the tree by the primer, it is done only in dry weather on a dry tree;
  • once every 2-3 years exercise its painting.

It is well to protect the wooden fence from fungus and cracking with Swedish paint or yacht varnish.

Many before installation watered the boards of hot oil.

Since under the action of ultraviolet rays, the raw board loses moisture, then it is the impregnation to neutralize this flaw. Many as impregnation use special UV hardeners who are sold in construction stores. They processed the boards several times on the primer so that the impregnation penetrates as much as possible in the wood. After that, the tree is covered with paint or varnish.

Unlike the oil and varnish, Swedish paint is the homemade composition of:

  • 250 g of copper sulfate;
  • 250 g of iron turkey;
  • 250 g of cook salt;
  • 230 ml of olifa or flaxseed oil;
  • 570 g of rye flour;
  • 4.5 l of water.

According to these proportions, you can cook any number of paint, but you can remember: the paint is very quickly thick, so either prepare you need small portions, or dye in a few hands. Mixing consumption: 210-270 ml per square meter.

This recipe will give wood golden color. To obtain another color, the suarur is replaced by ocher, hydrogen peroxide or other color component.

Prepare paint in this way:

  • clauster is boiled from flour and 3 liters of water;
  • to remove lumps, the substance is passed through a sieve;
  • the fluid glue again put on fire by adding salt and vitrios;
  • it is necessary to constantly stir the mixture, waiting for the vitriol completely dissolving;
  • continuing stirring, we will gradually add olive, then water (there should be a liquid composition of homogeneous consistency).

Paint is applied two layers. Do not forget about the fastening metal elements. They also need to be covered with special solutions from rust. Breast metal parts are strengthened with the support of the knaps.

But during the operation, the fence may require not only preventive painting, but also repairs. If preventive work against rye did not help, then metal parts simply change. If we are talking about wooden elements, then it is necessary to determine the degree of wear.

If loosened, but did not rotten the pillar, then it is gently dug up by about 20 cm deep and the same width. Aligning the support vertically, the pit is falling asleep with a broken brick and poured cement. For several days put backups. The reason for such a game support is the insufficient depth of the pit when installing and violating the installation technology.

If the pole rotched in its lower part, then the entire pillar or its lower part can be replaced. Perhaps it is easier to replace the entire pillar. But if it is impossible, they are applied as follows: the pillar dumped on the side and scold the rotten part. The concrete support is harvested in advance instead of the rotten part. In the upper part of it, the bolts are drilled.

Concrete pile is installed in the pit, galvanized bolts are inserted into the holes. The whole design is failed by an antiseptic. A wooden pillar is put on the bolts, align the slope and fix the struts. A crushed stone or broken brick falls asleep in the pit, and all this is tightly tight. In a few days, the struts are cleaned.

If stakeholder has fallen or enforced, they need to be replaced. After dismantling, the repair point is treated with an antiseptic and dried, only after that a new board is installed.

The climate of any region of the world will affect wooden fences: somewhere excessively a lot of precipitation, why the wood is rotting; The roast sun dries it and leads to cracking. Dust sand storms rip out paint.

All this warns the owners of wooden fences: only timely departure will extend his service life.

Beautiful examples

Above, a lot of examples were given, as using various types of wooden fence, you can decorate the countryside or country house, a parcelive or a flower bed. But there are so many beautiful examples that It is worth paying attention to at least a few:

  • To put such a wonderful fence, you do not need a lot of money. Only a jigsaw, sandpaper, a buck for wood thread Yes, the wishes of the masters make a real fence for a real masterpiece. And let the fence seems to be embarrassed, only a real craftsman knows what a fairy tale lives behind him.

  • The porch is an overtaking board, so it costs quite a bit. The more value is such a fence. After sowing and processing, an ordinary porch turned not only to the place of rest, but also in a peculiar entrance to another interesting and unusual world.

  • Such a fence will require painstaking labor. The board, which, at first glance, it seems not cut, is unlikely to be. Careful work with a jigsaw, grinding machine, coupled with the work of the bricklayer makes this barrier with an exclusive worthy of the highest praise.

  • A wooden fence, combined with a stone-metal Gabion, makes it stops, not only to consider this unusual spectacle, but also think about deep philosophical topics. In our life, everything is adjacent in a strange way: a warm tree with a cold metal, a soft board with a rigid stone.

  • This fence, like a house on the plot, is protected from all of the attack for a long time: strong stone supports, stone foundation, Swedish paint on chess. A very caring owner took care not only about his property, but also about his own time. After all, this fear for a long time will not need to repair.

  • But if the previous option is very expensive, then this is very budget. Such a fence cannot be fully called wooden, rather combined. And it is subject to every robust owner. With a large number of inserted branches, you can achieve a good protection of your site.

  • The article mentioned about many different variants of the shoulder, but this is special. So organically, gently it looks at the plot. At the same time, it zones the whole territory perfectly. Here you can drink tea with the company or hide from everyone and sit in silence. The unusual form of the spiral makes the desire to get into the center even more.

  • To make such a horizontal non-standard chess, you need to think completely non-standard. Different width and length of boards, lumen where they would seem to not be. Beautiful, unexpectedly, interesting.

  • Even if you look very carefully, it's hard to understand how a simple viewer is difficult to understand how this fence is made. It is convex, as if woven. The transverse cramfish seems to miss the boards through itself. Yes, the kind of burned tree makes a fence completely unusual.

  • And this combined fence again breaks stereotypes: rounded familiar top and completely unusual form of connecting two materials. Of course, beautiful. Even such interesting colors.

  • The value of this fence is that he decorates not an elite cottage village on Rublevka, but an ordinary rural street. And if the owners of this non-standard house and the Austrian braid have created such beauty in the usual village, which means that the men on the Earth are not translated.

Reading time ≈ 12 minutes

From a long time, people have fencing their property from others and used various materials for this. But the tree was and there is one of the most popular types of raw materials for the manufacture of fences. Make a fence at home or in the country will not be difficult. Then we will tell you how to make a wooden fence in the dacha with your own hands, without resorting to the help of masters and builders.

Beautiful wooden fence

Unfortunately, in our world, the durable fence is not at all tribute to fashion. He will protect your yard from unwanted guests, animals (goats, cows, chickens and so on) and from many other adversity. Of course, fences can be the most diverse format, but all basic actions are the same for all. And what option will choose you to solve only you.

Choice of fence

Often, the fence is set not only to outset the boundaries of their land plot, but also to protect against those who want to get hung on your crop, property. And also to hide your life from outsiders. At this time, various building materials are available:

  • metal grids;
  • a rock;
  • polycarbonate and much more.

They differ in quality, technical indicators and cost. Yes, and the format itself depends only on your imagination. The grid will not protect against prying views, since it can only exist something, and everything is visible through holes. Modern popular materials are pretty expensive and not for everyone to pocket. Stone and brick fences look too massive. Heavy. Yes, and use them most often for fences around large cottages and country houses.

If we talk about a wooden fence, then it is quite accessible by price, and also looks beautiful. An indisputable advantage is that it can be built on its own.

When modern materials for fences appeared (for example, professional flooring, reinforced concrete), then wooden fences began to do less often. But still recently, this trend has changed, and the tree retracts its position. After all, this material not only looks beautiful, but is natural. Since there are no chemical impurities in the boards, and environmental friendliness plays an important role today.

Often for the construction of wooden fences, wood coniferous rocks are used, namely: pine and cedar varieties. Such rocks have high indices of moisture resistance, they oppose the processes of rotting.

Advantages of building a fence from a tree:

  1. financial availability;
  2. easy work - no special expensive equipment and skills;
  3. does not require much care during operation, you only need to inspect it in a timely manner for damage and contamination;
  4. for repair requires minimal investment and forces;
  5. ease of renewal of the fence;
  6. durable and easy;
  7. it looks exquisite.

All these facts say that creating a fence is cheap and beautiful more than real. For the correct construction of the fence from the tree, it is necessary to adhere to the sequence of actions and gain a little patience. But in the end, everyone can make a wooden fence in the country alone, and then lay out a photo of the crafts on the Internet.

The main plus of wooden fences is, of course, its low price. If we compare with the fencing of metal or reinforced concrete, then this is some times cheaper. Yes, and working with the tree is simple. So even a newcomer in this business will cope.

If we talk about appearance, the tree has always been a noble material. Wood products always look presentable and aesthetic. In addition, such hedges can easily change and decorate. Create something unique very simple, it is worth only to show fantasy and creativity.

Designer decoration of wooden fence

From the practical side pleases the ease of repair. After all, for partial replacement, it is not necessary to completely dismantle the entire design of the fence, which greatly simplifies the whole process. After all, it would be uncomfortable to replace one board to remove everything, along with supports.

Despite such weighty advantages, wooden fences are nuances:

  1. a tree like building material requires more frequent and careful attention to yourself than other materials. This includes painting, cleaning, impregnating with disinfectants;
  2. the operational period is relatively small - about 5-10 years (directly depends on how often it is taken and repaired);
  3. high fire hazard because the tree is very well flammable and quickly lit;
  4. it is easily damaged from shocks and mechanical influences;
  5. it will not protect against unwanted annoying guests and robbers (except to establish an additional security system for the fence, which does not prevent at all in our time).

Of course, the nuances must be taken into account in the construction and use of the material. But in this case, the pros will be much superior to the cons. Therefore, it is logical that wooden fences are so common throughout the country. Knowing the features of its construction, the peculiarities of care and repair, you can provide a beautiful protection of the yard for a long time.

Step-by-step construction of a wooden fence

Do not know how to make a wooden fence in the country with your own hands, then you just need to familiarize yourself with the information below. Step-by-step detailed instructions will help you avoid mistakes and inaccuracies in your work, create a unique fence from the tree, which will be an excellent protection of your yard. Consider the principle of work on the example of the construction of a small fence, which is presented in the photo below.

Photo of a fence from a tree

Here are used wood boards, whose cross section is 25 x 150 mm. Their length is equal to two meters. Of course, you choose the length of the boards yourself, so it will be individual. From the length of the boards will depend on the entire height of the finished fence. So, to build a fence, proceed to the first step of construction. Before you start work, you need to stockpenter with the necessary materials and tools:

  • long bars or lags;
  • planks, staple or wood board;
  • columns or bars (necessary in order to create a support to the future fence);
  • rope of the White;
  • pegs;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • bitumen;
  • shovel;
  • manual or electric bob;
  • nails, selflessness.

Step 1.

Initially, it is necessary to teach the features of your land and choose the best place to locate the fence. After that you need to be kicked. Their length should be 60 cm. At one end, they need to be sharpened. On the entire perimeter of the site, score pegs to the ground. The distance between them should be two meters. The last peg must be near the first one. In other words, they need to be flawed. Upon completion, pull the rope by the twine on the spikes. The rope must be well stretched. So you will get the markup of the future fence from the stakenik.

The location of the peg on the perimeter of the territory

Step 2.

You need to choose the optimal height of the future fence. When calculating the height, rely on the fact that:

  • too low fence provides a good overview by your neighbors and passers-by;
  • too high fence shads the landings that are located in the yard.

It is better to choose average height indicators. Most often you can meet fences, the height of which is within 1.5 - 2.5 m. Deciding with a height, you need to cut the boards of the desired length. Also, in order to save time, you can order their cutting when buying a material.

Before starting to build, the stakenik must be treated with a grinding machine or a regular drill (install an incinement for grinding). To create figured or semicircular forms, they are fixed on the machine and spill to the desired parameters. So you will save money because the finished boards for the fence are an order of magnitude higher than the usual untreated.

Step 3.

It is necessary to remove the pegs alternately, and there are wells on the spot formed. Their depth should be at least 50 cm. These wells will later establish support elements for the fence. To do well, take the electric car or manual (but it will have to work longer).

Step 4.

Prepared supporting elements need to be installed in the well-created wells. For these purposes, you can use various materials: timber bar, iron columns, and so on. Wooden bars are better to take a cross section of which is 5 x 5 cm or 7.5 x 7.5 cm.

Supports need to be installed in the ground, but carefully follow that their position was strictly vertical. Use a plumb or level to control. After installation, you need to fall asleep a hole of the earth and at the same time it is good to catch it. To make the fence on your land plot as much as possible, the supports can be concreted or cement. After all, the reliability and the overall state of the fence directly depends on how firmly the support elements are installed.

Installing support for fence

Step 5.

To align the fence to height, you need to drop the top. To do this, a nail is clogged into each support. Then with the help of a rope tightly tighten all the bars in a bunch.

Step 6.

The next step is the installation of stable. To do this, used wood boards. It is better to take a section of 100 x 25 mm. They need to be so located so that they are at the same distance from each other. Their height should be about 20 - 30 cm above the ground. Strolled to the bars are attached with the help of screws or nails. The main thing is that their size allows you to break through the thickness of the whole thickness and perform from the opposite side by two or three centimeters. Those parts of the fasteners that protrude out, should be carefully hooked so that they do not interfere.

Installation Stable

Step 7.

Using nails or screws suitable size, you need to independently install the harvested boards for the fence. How to do it - to solve you. There are various options:

  • Classic fence. This species most often can be found on the expanses of our country. This design is made of lag (stacked longitudinally) and vertical support columns.

Classic wooden fence

  • Lattice. Can be created based on a rectangular or square frame. The fence itself resembles the section. Under the desired angle to the frame attach the rails. And the second layer is installed (perpendicular to). This is exactly how the lattice effect creates. The finished fence looks quite interesting, and it provides full ventilation.

Grating style fence

Lestenka. This is an option of a double-sided wooden fence. It is quite simple to create it. You need to attach vertical lags for longitudinal. And then attach the boards in such a way that they go to the shoulder.

Wooden fence-forest

  • Chess. Reminds the classic version of the fence, but the difference is that the lamp is stacked not at each other, but in a checkerboard. By building such a fence, you save the full ventilation and hide the yard from prying eyes;


  • Vertical stakenik. It is most often done for the fence of small sites, such as: flowerbed, beds and other markings in the yard. His main task to protect the landing from digesons of pets;
  • Monolithic or deaf: the boards are nourished tight to each other. In this case, the whisk of the board should be junk;

Deaf wooden fence

  • Pillars: You can replace wooden boards on a small thickness rail (cross section 20 x 50 mm).

Step 8.

On this, the manufacture of a wooden fence is coming to an end. After installation, time should be given to protect the fence. After all, he has to confront weather with changed conditions and other external factors.

It is necessary to carefully treat the whole fence of the oil and give to dry. After the olifa is completely dry. Use better frost-resistant acrylic paint. It is better to do painting in two layers. When the first will dry well, cover the second. Such simple actions will help you preserve the fence safe and preservation of more than one year.

Design solutions

Upon completion of the work, everyone wants to make a fence with unique creation and somehow decorate it. In fact, the tree is such a versatile material, which even in an unpainted form looks good. Some prefer to simply paint the fence using a monochrome color. Others dial patterns and ornaments that always attract passersby attention.

Drawing fence

It should be noted that the wooden bar itself is well suited in any design and landscape decision. Moreover, you can always change its design style. Often you can meet fences that are not stained, but simply cover with varnish. This gives national flavor and raisins.

Wooden fence in national style

Want to make a wooden fence in the country, as in the photo? Then you should not think that the work ends. Like any other structures, fences require attention. Therefore, you need to constantly inspect it. The better you will take care of him, the longer it will serve you. It is necessary to comply with such recommendations:

You should not run the replacement of boards or timber in case of their failure, because so the fence will be cleaned even faster. Timely repair and proper operation will make your fence not only beautiful, but also durable.

To hide your yard and a garden from the encroachment of other people's pets, the views of passers-by and create a comfort in the yard, however, by the way, a wooden fence is suitable, which can be done with your own hands without much effort. It is easy to create, just to care for him. As a result, you will get a beautiful and affordable fence that will delight you and your family. And if you want to know even more tricks and wisdom about the construction of a wooden fence at home, then watch the video below.