Repairs Design Furniture

How to paint alloy or stamped discs? Tips and examples. How to paint the wheels with their own hands

Car owner need to constantly observe the condition of its car and, in particular, for the appearance of the wheeled disks on the car. Even with the purity and novelty of the body, scratched, compatible or vicious wheels of wheels will spoil the entire appearance of the vehicle.

In addition, the paint for disks can be elementary to sweep out due to the influence of aggressive substances or temperature differences. You can also want to change its color. The wisest and relatively low-cost solution will paint the discs on the car with their own hands, and not at all buy new components on the machine (with the exception of situations when alloy wheels are blocked in wheels).

Colored car cast wheels

Also painting the wheel drives with their own hands will help to save on the purchase of used products, which even with good performance can have a non-primary appearance. To know how to paint alloy wheels with your own hands, you need to know that the processing of staining is preceded by treating and applying primer - this will prevent corrosion development.

The most important issues for the motorist in the implementation of these works are issues:

  • What do you need to paint the wheelbarrow?
  • How many paints apply to the surface to paint the discs well?

Painting wheeled disks do it yourself


To update discs at home, you need to try to maximize the technology of painting them in the service station and use high-quality materials for painting discs.

To paint the wheels, you will need:

  • specialized disk paint. It can be on a rubber, acrylic or powder basis. You can buy it in the cylinders with the dispenser - then it is ready for applying. It is also possible to take advantage of the paint or other similar professional equipment;
  • primer and varnish. The first tool serves as started, and the second - finishing coating, ensuring the durability of paint for autodyskins;
  • sand paper sheets with different graininess;
  • electrode with brush nozzle;
  • solvent and degreaser;
  • putty (if there are traces of corrosion, chip or dents);
  • rag with wire that will help to hang auto drives;
  • powerful hair dryer;
  • tools for skin protection and face.

Consumables for painting disks by car

Preparatory stage

After the painting materials are purchased, it is required to remove the amount of auto discs for which processing and staining will be made, with tires, and dismantle plastic plugs.

After that, the preparation of cast disks to painting includes such steps as:

  • Laundering components from dirt, dust and other substances. This is possible at home with the help of a car shuffle or an ordinary dishwashing agent.
  • Removing corrosion, scratches and chips on the surface of automotive components. This is possible with a drill with a metal brush or sandpaper.
  • Puttailing, which is carried out after the edit of the surface of the products is completed.
  • Degreasing the surface outside and inside. After it is possible painting cast drives with their own hands.

Staining technology

Painting cars and, in particular, its local painting provides for the presence of the following steps:

  • Applying primer. The primer composition should be applied in 2-3 layers. If required, after applying a layer of primer composition, it is necessary to go through fine-grained emery paper, providing perfect smoothness. Usually the full set of products goes near the liter of the composition.
  • Application of paint. How to paint alloy wheels with your own hands depends on the type of enamel. If we paint acrylic or rubber paint discs, you need to keep a canister or spray gun at a distance of 20-30 cm. If you want to use a powder composition, then the painting of the discs should be used using special equipment for this enamel that heating it to the temperature +200 Degree. And the priming, and the painting of the disks imply the drying of each applied layer, and then the apparent one. On average, staining 4 products requires up to 4 l of paint.

Painting Cast Disc Kraspult
  • Application of varnish. This procedure ends painting cast discs with their own hands. This stage provides additional resistance to mechanical and chemical impacts. Varnish creates a film on the alloy, protecting it from oxygen capable of oxidizing the metal. If you did not find a specialized composition, you can cover the polyurethane varnish components. Before applying for better adhesion, it is recommended to cover the surface of the primer for non-ferrous metals. But if the paint is more curly, you can do without soil.

Painting cast discs with their own hands, although it takes time, costs an order of magnitude cheaper, providing high-quality coating service for many years.

Painted car disc

Care for accessories

To protect products from road abrasives, dirt, temperature drops and precipitation, there are such effective means in the car market as:

  • sprays and various liquid mixtures that dissolve dirt;
  • polishing formulations that create an additional protective layer and repulsive road dust (this is especially important when the car slows down). They also reduce the effect of mixtures with salts, as they are characterized by almost zero adhesion;
  • brushes and sponges that will help clean the products from dirt.

Cast disc

To save the wheels in integrity for a long time, you should follow the following rules:

  • minimize the parking contact of the wheels and border in the parking lot, so as not to expose the painted components of the danger of the occurrence of dents;
  • immediately after drying, the paint on the products apply a protective varnish, and then the polyrolol. If you do not apply a varnish, then at least polyrolol must be sure - it contains the smallest wax particles, creating a protective layer and ensuring shine. This composition will have to be applied every 2-3 weeks (it all depends on the degree of contact intensity with road abrasives, as well as the quality of the polisher itself). Polished components need to be wiped solely after pre-washing with clean rag;
  • when cleaning high-pressure products, control whether special brushes are used in this procedure that do not violate the integrity of the coating;
  • do not handle wheels with solvent or gasoline.

Car discs painted personally will look no worse than after passing them into a specialized workshop. In addition, independent restoration will bring no less pleasure than an attractive type of wheels. Before painting the car discs, let's look at what paints are used to work.


Powder. They are applied with sandblasting method, with preliminary removal of remnants of old pressure under pressure, and thorough alignment of the painted surface. This method is considered expensive due to the need to use special equipment and thermocamera, so it is not suitable for self-staining.

Acrylic. Paints are easily applied to any surface using a sprayer or special cylinders. After drying, the painted surface is covered with varnish. It is recommended to use paintwork materials of one manufacturer.

Materials and necessary tools

Painting the wheels will require the use of the following tools and equipment:

  • paper emery (abrasive);
  • brushes with plastic, as well as a metal pile;
  • detergent domestic products, Whitepirite (solvent);
  • finish autopacking, primer, varnish, acrylic paint;
  • protection facilities - gloves, respirator, plastic glasses.

Preparation of the surface of the discs before painting

In warm water, it is necessary to dilute a small amount of washing powder or detergent, and then, using a brush with plastic couples, it is necessary to carefully wash the rim of the wheel from dirt. The oxid metal disc surface is treated with a brush with steel naps and abrasive paper.
The prepared surface should be smooth, without residue old paint and rust. After cleaning, it is necessary to blow a disk surface using a compressor. The final processing will be degreasing, for which a rag is used, moistened in the White Spirit (solvent).
Before painting automotive discs, their metal surface needs a thorough putty, which will hide visible defects: chips, cracks and large scratches. For this purpose, a car putty is used (finish). After complete drying, it must be thoroughly taken in shallow emery paper.
When all visible defects disappear, the prepared surface is subjected to grinding (using zero abrasive paper and water), while it is brought to the perfect state.

How to Primitute Disk

The next stage of preparatory work will be the priming of the disk. To do this, the dried ground surface must be carefully treated with White Spirit. A few minutes later, you can begin the primer work that you need to start with the coating of the inner surface of the rim. Apply primer (using a pulverizer or a balloon) is necessary for a uniform layer, and it is impossible to allow drowshes and curly processed places.

Having finished applying the first layer, it is necessary to leave the drying surface. After that, the primer procedure will need to be repeated. To accelerate drying, you can use the mounting hairdryer. It should be taken care of the room in which painting works will be carried out, ventilation worked. It is best to work on the street in dry, weak weather. After some time, it will be possible to paint the wheels, because by that time the primer will have a completely dry, and acrylic paint on the treated surface will be perfect.

Mobile disk. Finishing stage

In order to achieve a compatibility of varnish and acrylic paint, as well as the ideal species of the painted surface, it is recommended to acquire paint materials of one manufacturer. Technology application of acrylic paint is the same as when applying primer. To avoid damage to the skin of the hands, as well as paint in the eyes, do not forget to use personal protective equipment. It will not be superfluous to purchase a respirator that will protect the respiratory authorities from entering the body of toxic vapors.
Using the spray paint or a cylinder with acrylic paint, start painting the disk. Do not forget to raise fabric or paper for it before starting work, in order to avoid dirt from entering the surface. After applying the 1st layer, it is necessary to let paint dry, after which the procedure needs to be repeated. It is advisable to paint the disk three times, and then you can proceed to its varnish. Varnish (colorless) is applied twice with a break of 15 minutes. It is recommended to let dry the wheel for 1-2 days before its operation. In order to avoid annoying surprise, do not forget to paint the splash. To give a more attractive type of disk surface, after drying it can be polished.

The appearance of any car affects not only the condition of the body of the car and its external elements. To a large extent, the presentability of the car affects and. The presence of scratches, rust spots, paint chips The appearance of the car is clearly not improved.

Scratches and chip paints will arise over time. The owner of the car then remains only two exits - to purchase or paint the existing. However, painting works per hundred is not very cheap, because they are not considered easy to execute.

Everything will cost much cheaper if drives are made with their own hands. There is no difficulty in performing this operation, but it is quite painstaking and takes time.

Wheel disk features

To begin with, we will understand with the types of discs, as well as, what tools and materials will be needed for your own painting.

So, three types are being produced. The simplest are stamped steel discs. It is often paint that often depicts, rust spots appear. Therefore, they require painting work more often than two other species.

Steel stamped disc

The second species are alloy wheels. On them, rust is not formed, but over time, scratches appear on them, which are not attached to the aesthetic. Yes, and after a long service, they lose the shine, their appearance becomes bell.

Alloy automobile disc

Third view of disks - wrought. All the reasons for which painting will be needed are identical to the alloy discs.

No matter how much it stands on the car, the disc surface will be prepared before working. This is especially true of stamped and forged disks. During operation, the edges appear dents from shocks. Therefore, before starting all the work, it is advisable to make rolling of disks to remove dents, otherwise they will be visible and after painting, spout the whole look.

Next, you need to pick up the time, per day, fulfill all the work will be difficult, so it is better to immediately take into account that the car can not be operated for 3-4 days, if, of course, there is no second set of wheels that can be replaced.

All work will be better to produce on the disks from which the tires are removed, but this condition is optional, simply on the wheel assembled all the necessary actions will be somewhat more complicated.

Materials and painting tools

Before starting work, you need to purchase the necessary materials. The presence of certain materials depends on the type of disks. Mandatory for all species are such materials:

  1. Emery paper two types (coarse, fine-grained);
  2. Scotch larger;
  3. Degreaser;
  4. Thin film for covering non-stained surfaces;

Video: Disc painting with your own hands

Also need a car primer for pre-processing a disc. You need to acquire a primer on an acrylic basis. For stamped needed ordinary primer for metal surfaces. And for alloy and forged, it is necessary to purchase primer for non-ferrous metals. For convenience, it is better to take sprayed primer in cylinders.
Then need. It also needs to be taken on an acrylic basis. The color is at the discretion. If the disks are stamped, then there is nothing to be inserted, they usually choke black or white. As for the alloy and forged, then the case of fantasy. You can choose the color for them anyone or make a two-color coloring. But do not forget about the aesthetics, the discs should fit well into the appearance of the car and not possess the bright and causing color.

Color spectrum

The latter that you need is a colorless varnish to perform the final stage of the work.

The process of painting discs

Preparatory work

Having all these materials, you can proceed to work. Independent painting begins with the removal of the old layer of paint or protective layer. Main works can be performed by a drill with a special nozzle. But to fully clean the surface drill will not work, because it is not everywhere you can work it because of the disk form.

After cleaning the drill, the places where the nozzle did not take out, you need to clean the coarse paper. Special attention should be paid to the places of bends. It is important to achieve that the surface does not remain the old paint. If there are deep scratches, you can try to remove them with the same paper.

Disk grinding using sandpaper

It is necessary to approach the surface cleaning question seriously, otherwise the remains of the old paint after applying the new will be clearly visible, and it will be possible to correct the situation only by re-stripping the surface.

Conducting work, it is better to perform the entire complex on each wheel individually, and not to produce, for example, stripping all disks, and then move to another step.

Protecting disc

After careful stripping, you can proceed to priming. Before applying the soil, the disk must be deguted. If the work is carried out on the disk from which the rubber is removed, then nothing needs to do. And if the rubber is installed, all surfaces that will not be covered with soil, you need to cover with the film and the tape. Also cover it is necessary and the valve for pumping the wheel.


The primer must be applied in two layers with a break in the application of each layer in 10-15 minutes. After applying the second layer, you must give to dry the primer.

Painting Disc

Next, go directly to painting. If the disk is painted only in one color, then it is enough to cover the unknown surfaces and apply several layers of paint with the interval between the application of the layers in 10-15 minutes - to dry the layers.

If a two-color coloring is selected, then the main paint is applied, again in several layers. After she needs to give time for proper drying. Then the places with the already applied main paint, which will not be painted in second color, you need to cover with painting tape.

After the cover of non-stained surfaces, several layers of the second paint are applied. After painting, you need to give time to dry out paint.

Finishing work

The final stage of painting discs will be varnish. Again, you should not forget about the protection of the surfaces on which the varnish will not be applied. Varnish is also desirable to apply in two layers.

To improve the appearance after painting works, the tire can be covered with silicone lubricant for rubber parts, it will give it a new tire look, which together with a freshly stained disk will look very good.

After the work is performed, it is better to drive up onto a hundred service station to check the wheel balancing.

Deciding, many are wondering what it is better to do? What materials should be used so that the new coating of these parts of the vehicle vehicles served as long as possible? How to apply them and what kind of paint is usually applied? This will be discussed in this publication.

What materials to choose?

Car wheel drives are subject to severe mechanical effects, so their LCPs should be particularly stable in this regard. Enamels, soils and varnishes on the basis of acrylic are enjoyed with increased wear resistance, so they are well suited for painting the car's discs. You can use both a special sprayer and enamel in the canopy.

For staining car discs, materials on a polyurethane basis are also suitable. At the same time, the experience and reviews of many motorists suggest such an order coloring:

  • cleansing;
  • coating acid soil;
  • drying discs;
  • one layer of epoxy soil;
  • drying;
  • grinding 400 skirt;
  • enamel application (it can also be done by mixing polyurethane varnish, basic paint and the required amount of hardener).

Alternative material for. It is a mixture of dust polyester resin and pigment. This type of paint lies well on the surface due to its electrostatic properties.

After applying, the part is exposed to high temperatures in a special chamber, where the paint, melting, is fixed on the disks. Compared to acrylic materials, the powder paint is less stable relative to mechanical and chemical influences. However, this embodiment is often preferred by force of rapid application and relatively economical flow. Powder materials are best suited for updating cast alloy discs.

Also, for updating these parts, a solvent and fine-grained sandpaper is needed. To pre-wash the items, it is better to use autosapmun, and not washing powder or Fairi.

Separately, you need to say about the sandblasting processing of the car's discs before painting. If there is no experience in this work, it is better to take advantage of the classic method of cleansing from old paint and rust using emery paper or. If you use poorly sacred sand and overdo it with pressure, then on the surface of the part can remain divorces and stains, which will be difficult to clean and paint. To avoid this, some for cleaning the car's wheels are used instead of sand calcined soda.

Advantages of enamel for disks

By purchasing materials in order to paint the car discs, do not neglect the seller's advice. Surely, he will show you several options for paints, which are created specifically to update these parts of the car. Marks such an enamel today quite a lot, therefore, for sure, it will be from anything to choose from.

What are the advantages of using enamel for disks? Let's call them:

  • update the appearance of the part;
  • the creation of elastic coating, resistant to the blow of pebbles, the effects of salt, moisture, sand and other factors;
  • providing anti-corrosion protection;
  • many enamels can be applied without prior priming and without a coating of varnish;
  • aerosol cans make it possible to paint different shape details.

How to apply enamel for disks?

Before using the enamel for painting wheels, it is necessary to clean the parts from rust, how to degrease them and dry them well. Not painted elements should be protected by painting tape.

Automotive enamel is applied in a well-ventilated place, while you should not forget about the means of individual protection, such as respirator, glasses, gloves. Spray the paint is needed from a distance of about 30 cm, periodically shaking the canister. The ambient air temperature during painting of wheels should not be less than + 10 ° C. Observe the enamel drying time. For different brands, paint it may differ, but mostly drives must be sinking at least 3-4 hours.

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Without a doubt, painting the car's discs in the service with the use of special devices and equipment will differ from the painting of the disks with their own hands. But not in the root. Just only your labor costs. And that, it is only with the first disc. Next, with the acquisition of skills everything will be easier.

How to paint the discs of cars in the conditions of the garage?

Equipment. Let's start with the fact that you will prepare the necessary materials and equipment. Sandblasting will be replaced by an electric door with various nozzles. By the way, these nozzles are fully applicable for, and for, so buying them do not regret money.

Paint. First of all, we need primer in canopy and acrylic paint. Varnish It is advisable to choose the same manufacturer as paint. Why acrylic, not powder? Without a doubt, powder paint is the perfect solution, but its application technology requires special equipment.

After all, each in the garage has thermal chamber or sandblasts. Although? If there is, you can buy powder paint. Collect the paint from the proven suppliers, with a certain amount of shelf life and not exactly in terms of the area of \u200b\u200bpainting disks.

Material. Emery paper of various grainability for pre-preparation, solvent for degreasing the surface, rag, and can be started to perform the stages of painting the car's discs.

Preparation of the surface of the disc

Naturally, before painting the wheels of auto needs to get rid of the old coating. Thoroughly wash the disk using the brush and preferably washing powder. It was the boring on advertising that, but such a native Tide, you can imperceptibly borrow from my wife. The ideal option will be to use the drill nozzles in order to thoroughly flushing the disk.

Painting the car's discs requires the processing of the entire surface of the disk. We proceed to processing the surface of the disk. To do this, we again use a drill with nozzles, as for polishing the car body, and we clean the surface manually in hard-to-reach places or on the bends of the disk. During the handling of the sandpaper, time from time to time we wash the disk with water.

The sandpaper is applied in the following order: No. 200-400-600. In the process of opening a disc, you can apply a car finishing putty to eliminate the disk surface defects. You are not a new disk decided to paint, it means that there are defects in any case.

Disc surface primer

The primer is an important stage in the process of painting car discs. After opening the disc processed, i.e. Degrease the surface with solvent No. 646, and go directly to the process of primer.

Important! The primer is starting from the inner surface of the disk. Spraying the primer, like all aerosol paints, produce 25-30 cm at a distance. And do not forget from time to time to shake the balloon. No need to say that the layer of primer is trying to apply uniformly.

It is advisable to apply the primer when painting a disc to three layers. Each layer must dry for a while. After applying the third layer it is highly recommended to produce a compulsory drying of the painted surface. We did not forget that painting the car's discs takes place in the garage? That is why industrial hairdryer is very useful for drying disks or, in the extreme case, hair dryer, which will need to be unnoticed together with the Thad.

Painting of car discs and lacquer coating

The procedure of painting discs is completely different from the primer process, so we will not describe it in detail. All stages of painting are carried out in the same sequence and technology as the primer. Do not forget that when using acrylic paint, you need to follow your safety measures: protect your hands with gloves, and the eyes are glasses.

Cover the car's car lacquer is better to produce with the help of a varnish of the same brand as the paint you have chosen. Varnish on the car discs is applied in accordance with the instructions for use.

Everything. Now with a sense of accomplishment, you can drive discs on the tire and install on the car. Yes! Do not forget, again, it is imperceptible, to return to the place of Tyd and a hairdryer of my wife.

Good luck to you, lovers of their car.