Repair Design Furniture

DIY home for the new year. New Year's decor: how to decorate a living room and a festive table. Crafts from cones

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New Year! This holiday unites everyone in our country, regardless of nationality, religion, gender and age. Preparing for this magical event is as enjoyable as celebrating it. Over the years, there has been a certain algorithm for decorating and decorating premises for the New Year. Green spruce or pine, festive garlands, balls and Christmas decorations, rain and white cotton wool, a luxuriously laid table - all this is familiar to us from childhood.

The symbol of the new year 2016

It has long become a tradition to celebrate the New Year, according to the Eastern calendar. The coming year will pass under the sign of the Fiery Monkey, and this animal is a symbol of agility, agility, charm and diplomacy. The monkey loves everything bright and shiny, therefore, when deciding how to decorate a room for the New Year 2016, you should definitely take this moment into account.

Christmas room decoration

When decorating a room on the eve of the upcoming New Year, there is no need to fear that there will be a lot of decorations. The larger, brighter and more diverse the decor elements are, the more it will delight the Monkey. In order to beautifully decorate a room for the New Year with your own hands and please its symbol - a funny tailed mischief, you must definitely take into account that she likes all shades of red and fiery colors. As a result, it is imperative to purchase or craft elements of New Year's decor in the appropriate color scheme. Saturated crimson, scarlet, purple, gold, orange, yellow balls, garlands, tinsel, beads will come in handy.

Christmas tree in the room

The main decoration of the room for the New Year 2016 is a green fluffy spruce. Save the living tree, because the Monkey loves trees so much! It is better to put an artificial Christmas tree, especially since there is a large selection of them on sale now. Those who cannot smell fresh needles should put a live tree purchased or planted ahead of time in a tub. By the way, the tree in the tub will delight its owners for many years.

Ideas for the New Year's table

Celebrating the New Year is unthinkable without a beautifully set table in the room. Why not try to appease the cunning Monkey and cook exactly the dishes that she loves? Bananas, pineapples, kiwi, and other exotic fruits must be present in the New Year's menu on the table in the room. Particular attention should be paid to the design of the table itself. If there is no snow-white tablecloth in the home arsenal, it doesn't matter. Now is just a great reason to buy it! Against her background, red plates and golden napkins will look especially elegant. To make the table look perfect on New Year's Eve, it should contain compositions of red candles, green fluffy spruce paws, decorated with golden confetti and rain.

Christmas garlands

The holiday will become even brighter if electric garlands flashing with multi-colored cheerful lights are fixed on hooks for window tulle in the room under the ceiling or along the perimeter of the walls. Also, many people like to wrap a garland around the Christmas tree branches, which on New Year's Eve will be lit with many bulbs, giving mystery to even the most modestly decorated room. Alternatively, you can use a running light LED cord. It is worth remembering that before you fix the electric garlands, LED cords in the places designated for them in the room or on the Christmas tree, you need to carefully check their work so that during the holiday, missed problems do not become an unpleasant surprise for guests and households.

Photo of decorating a room for the New Year

New Year's decoration of a room also includes decorating windows and doors, ceilings and walls. To achieve the best result, we recommend using the photos and ideas in the article. Parents must certainly listen to the opinion of their children, and even better involve them in the procedure for decorating the room in which the long-awaited New Year will be celebrated. With the joint efforts of children and adults, the room will acquire a solemn and elegant look, corresponding to an important event - the New Year's celebration.

New Year has always been a special holiday for people - a harbinger of change, new achievements and victories. Whenever the time for festive celebrations comes, many strive to give their apartment the most festive look possible. But people do not always know exactly how to decorate an apartment for the New Year, and now, when the 2016 meeting is approaching, this is especially important.

Many of us mistakenly believe that the main decoration of an apartment for the New Year is the New Year's table and in the decoration of our apartment is often limited only to the decoration of a festive dinner. At the same time, few people think about decorating a room for the New Year, despite the fact that the arrangement of rooms contributes to an atmosphere of festive comfort and family harmony. It will be doubly pleasant if you make the elements for decor for the Year of the Fire Monkey, which is 2016, with your own hands.

Interior design rules for the New 2016

When choosing a color scheme for home decorations, stop at bright red, fiery red and yellow colors, symbols of fire that can please the hostess of 2016 - the Fire Monkey.

Do not forget also about candles, lamps, homemade toys and volumetric origami in the form of Christmas trees. Penguins from plastic bottles must be decorated by drawing bright orange caps for them, in accordance with the colors of the fire.

At the same time, bright colors should be in harmony with the rest of the eye-catching shades - beige, green and pastel colors in the design.

Above all, the Fire Monkey values ​​coziness and comfort. You can please the hostess of 2016 with homemade home decorations for the New Year.

Christmas tree for 2016

The tree has been a symbol of the holiday for many years. No one can imagine a full-fledged holiday without a Christmas tree. At the same time, attention to detail is important. When decorating a Christmas tree with toys familiar to you in the form of balls, rain, tinsel, try to often use bright colors that correspond to the color of the flame, the symbol of the coming year.

Do not forget to also decorate the walls with snowflakes and other types of New Year's decorations.

DIY home decorations for the New Year

You can decorate a Christmas tree or walls for your home with ordinary pine cones, tying them with bright yellow or red ribbons.

According to Eastern belief, the bell becomes the main mascot of the year of the Monkey. It is important to hang a bright and shiny bell over the door so that every guest entering your house can ring it and make a wish.

You can also make a garland of bells tied with a string on top and hang them on the doorway at the entrance to the living room, kitchen or bedroom.

The symbol of the coming year of the Monkey

You can buy any kind of figurine - ceramic, wooden, plastic or plush monkey. Such a decoration will successfully fit into any type of interior. You can place the monkey anywhere - on the windowsill, on the coffee table in the living room, under the tree. And if you have a small wooden figurine of a monkey, you can put it in the center of the New Year's table.

You can also cut the monkey out of paper and attach it to the window in the form of a snowflake. You can cut snowflakes on the windows out of paper or paint with toothpaste. Do not forget also about ordinary snowflakes - a symbol of any New Year's interior.

Kitchen decoration for the New Year

Do not forget that the kitchen is an important part of the New Year's home, because it is in the kitchen that the gala dinner is held on the night of December 31 to January 1. To make the kitchen match the symbol and theme of the holiday, do not forget to renovate the kitchen, and also do not forget to decorate the walls and ceiling.

Any tinsel, rain or garland is suitable for the kitchen. The main thing is the tones - light beige, red, yellow. Lay a red tablecloth with beige edges. In the middle of the table, you can place a small monkey figurine. It is important to observe symbolism. Also, do not forget to throw beige covers over the chairs. The entire kitchen must be in line with the New Year 2016 theme. If you wish, you can decorate the kitchen with twigs or pine cones. In the middle of the table, you can put a vase with a spruce paw - one of the types of room and table decoration on holidays.

The tablecloth on the table and chair covers are a must for decorating the kitchen for the New Year. The main thing when decorating is to observe proportions so that the kitchen is not cramped, and the decorations placed do not hamper the hosts and guests at the table.

Features of the symbol of the New Year

In the year of the Fire Monkey, you will have to fork out for decorative elements for your home, because the monkey is eccentric and loves everything in the house to be decorated from the heart. She does not like it when the owner saves on the improvement of his apartment, so she will be especially supportive to people who do not spare money for decorations.

In the coming year, it is recommended to change the curtains to brighter ones or choose patterned ones with original ornaments. Decorating your living room is extremely important. You can also decorate the front door by hanging a festive wreath over the opening in a combination of pine needles and bright festive ribbons.

When preparing for the holiday, do not forget that the New Year is a family tradition, so try to involve your family in decorating your home. You can safely involve children in such an activity as cutting snowflakes or making an artificial garland, inviting them to combine business with pleasure.

It would be better for everyone to come up with ways to decorate an apartment for the New Year. Perhaps, in this way, you can think of how to furnish your interior in an original way, without spending extra money - you can make all the decoration elements yourself.

Regardless of whether you believe in omens, decorating a New Year's interior beautifully is the main task for creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in a festive setting.

We create the New Year's mood for ourselves, and decorating a house for the New Year is the easiest way to give your monastery a fabulous, festive atmosphere. Ahead is 2018, which needs to be met especially brightly, colorfully and in good spirits. Start preparing now - many great ideas are easy to implement with your own hands!

If at normal times not every one of us is engaged in needlework, decor, embroidery and origami, then during the New Year's Eve, everyone, without exception, decorates their home. Intricate crafts can be done with the whole family with children, and this exciting activity will give you a lot of positive emotions. Make your home joyful and light!

Ideas for window decoration

Meet the New Year 2018 outside the windows, painted with frost, even if the outside temperature is above zero. Window- the eyes of the house, outside they are visible to any passer-by, and inside, decorated with garlands, lanterns, snowflakes, serve as additional space for the implementation of design ideas.

  • Snowflakes. Filigree work will be an exquisite decoration for your home. Paper snowflakes look very beautiful on the windows of a private house, but an apartment can also be distinguished from a number of boring window openings.

Advice! There are thousands of patterns for cutting paper snowflakes - from the simplest to the most complex. Arm yourself with comfortable scissors, be sure to think over the workplace and start creating decorations for the window. The more patterns on the plane of the paper, the more elegant the crafts look.

  • Drawings. With water-washable stained glass paint and minimal artistic skills, you can create designs that look very attractive on the outside, warm and cozy. If you are not sure of your talents, just write on the windows: "2018!", "Happy New Year!". Give your younger family members room to be creative. Don't forget to take a photo of the children in front of their work!

New Year's door

It is recommended here to take advantage of Western tradition and hang a wreath on the door of a country house from pine needles, cones and bells. The doorway is easily decorated with artificial snow, a horseshoe for luck, paper snowflakes. You can make a composition with your own hands, but there are enough ready-made options in stores.

You can make a cardboard horseshoe yourself and decorate with tinsel, rain. On it, write congratulations to your loved ones and give them as a gift when you go to visit. Any crafts are good ideas for a presentation or its New Year's addition.

Garlands are a classic way to decorate your home

How to make a wire star

We bring to your attention another idea of ​​home decoration for the holiday - an unusual frame star. You get a kind of 3D effect if you make crafts in different sizes.

  1. Take flexible wire. Bend it to form a five-pointed star.
  2. Prepare a sketch of the star from the photo.
  3. Cut it out of colored or wrapping paper and bend the edges so that they catch on the wire. Secure with tape if necessary.
  4. Glue the tinsel to the wire.

Stars can be hung from the ceiling in a checkerboard pattern, or you can decorate with garlands, rain, serpentine. It will hang down beautifully and create a festive atmosphere.

Advice! If you live in an apartment with high ceilings, be sure to hang something from them. This will visually narrow the space and create the effect of floating DIY jewelry.

Photo for memory

Each person has a framed photo in their home. Refresh them, give them a New Year's mood: hang them on a serpentine or dense twine along the wall. Fill the free space with small balls, garlands and do-it-yourself drawings.

After the celebration, print new photos and add them to the old ones. Such a composition can stay in the apartment until the very end of January. You will love this idea, and perhaps you will leave the photos on the rope, making them a permanent interior accessory.

Balls everywhere

Ideas for the New Year are not limited to the capabilities of the needlewoman. Use themed toys, sequins, industrial decorations to decorate the room.

Balloons are a wonderful symbol of the New Year. They come in different colors, sizes, shiny, matte, rough, different materials, expensive, cheap, vintage, modern, etc. A variant of the idea is to hang them on strings from the ceiling, fix them in the window opening in the kitchen and in the living room.

This holiday, kind and loved from childhood, will create an appropriate atmosphere long before the Chimes fight. You can decorate your house a week or even two before the New Year. Since in 2016 we will meet the Red (Fiery) Monkey, the decoration for the holiday will also require an appropriate one: bright and fiery.

We recommend that you take care of the decor in advance, so that later you do not get into long lines and not face the problem of the lack of the desired product in stores. If you are going to make some of the jewelry with your own hands, then be sure to take care of the necessary materials. You can always choose interesting souvenirs and gifts in any online store, but experts advise choosing a decor for each specific interior. To make this easy and simple, you should decide in advance on a complete list of decorations. If you take a photo of your home before going to the store, then you will definitely buy the right amount of tinsel and toys. We visited the Imperia Posudy online store and found many interesting ideas: gift figurines in the shape of a Monkey, decorative plates and vases, beautiful candles and much more.

Color of New Year 2016

The Fire Monkey will be happy with bright colors. But, of course, her favorite was and will be red. It is this color, and any of its shades, should be the most. Both Christmas tree decorations and garlands decorating the facade of the house can be red. Burgundy and scarlet, cherry and pomegranate - all options are suitable. Don't forget about the other "fiery" colors: orange, yellow and gold. They should also be present in the New Year's decoration palette. All of them are perfectly combined with each other, but such a selection of bright colors must certainly be "diluted" with less provocative colors. A combination of red and white, for example, will relieve your home of the over-stimulating effect of the primary color. Combinations of orange and blue are also popular. Make sure that there are not too many flowers. It is best to choose two or three primary colors, which will determine the overall tone of the composition. And two or three more shades or colors will help to highlight individual objects, to correctly place accents.

How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2016

How can you celebrate the New Year without a luxurious fluffy Christmas tree ?! Regardless of whether you prefer natural wood or use one artificial model every year, you need to decorate it. And for the New Year of the Fire Monkey, we advise you to choose tinsel and red balls. Of course, a monochromatic piece of jewelry is unlikely to look very impressive. You can choose one of the most luxurious combinations: red and gold. For example, balls can be gold, and rain and tinsel can be scarlet. This decor option will look stylish and bright, the Monkey will definitely like your tree.

Don't forget about the glowing garlands that will help transform any Christmas tree. If you will be using white balls, we recommend using color-changing garlands. So you can change the look of the tree with one touch. The garlands will project light onto the balls, giving them red, blue, and yellow.

Do not forget about those decor items that are associated with the symbol of the year. You can decorate the tree with small tangerines or colorful candies in pretty wrappers.

How to decorate windows for the New Year 2016

In order for the mood to appear even when looking out of the window, you need to take care of the decor of all surfaces. This is especially true for residents of the south, where there may be no snow at all in the last days of December. To create a special festive mood, the windows can be decorated with large paper snowflakes. They are made very simply, and are attached to the window with a soapy solution. If you like to paint, then special paints will help you decorate windows with various patterns on your own, without waiting for severe frosts. But even those who are not endowed with the abilities of an artist will have the opportunity to turn glass into a real canvas. To do this, you need to purchase in advance not only paints, but also stencils. And now, on your window, a cute and cozy house in the snow or Santa Claus carrying gifts in a sleigh is already flaunting.

To please not only yourself, but everyone around you, attach glowing garlands to the window and turn them on in the evenings. A festive atmosphere will immediately arise in the house, and part of it will greet all people passing by. Moreover, such decoration will help you transform the house, if you do not plan to put up a Christmas tree.

Decor of walls and furniture for the New Year 2016

If you think that a beautiful artificial or natural tree can become the only decoration for your home, then you are wrong. It takes much more effort to create a unique and magical atmosphere. Multicolored tinsel, rain and Christmas tree decorations will decorate the whole house. So, for example, using tinsel and transparent tape or buttons, you can create a real symbol of the coming year right on the wall. The Fire Monkey is best made from red, yellow or orange tinsel. Such a bright and juicy decor will definitely not go unnoticed.

And personally, we decorate the apartment for the New Year :)

If you prefer simpler decorations, you can make stars, snowflakes or spirals in the same way. Tinsel and rain can simply be attached along a wall or between two different objects. Just take into account the fact that the entire decor should not impede access to things, interfere with the passage through the rooms, and cause discomfort.

Ordinary glass or crystal vases filled with tangerines and colored balls will become a stylish addition to other decorations. They can also be decorated with tinsel and illuminated with garlands. It all depends on your imagination.

How to decorate a New Year's table

Festive decoration should be done in the colors of the symbol of the year. We recommend that you choose a classic combination of red and white, which is also perfect for another holiday, Christmas. To please the Monkey, place a large platter of fruits on the table: oranges, bananas, tangerines and pineapple. You can even make an original fruit composition to please the Monkey and call on good luck in the coming year.

Every time on the eve of the New Year, we try to decorate the house with a decor that, in character and color, supports the symbol of the year. This year it is the Fire Monkey. Tatiana Zaitseva, head of the comfortable interiors Tatiana Zaitseva Design Studio, knows.

On the one hand, those who like to delve into symbolism can find many ways to appease this particular sign. On the other hand, it is important to decorate the house in such a way for the New Year 2016 in order to create an environment in which you and your family will feel the festive atmosphere. I advise you to stick with your own feelings, but I will also try to give some useful tips about decorating your living room for the New Year holidays.

In the center of attention, of course, the tree and the table. Now there is a lot of discussion about whether to buy a natural or artificial Christmas tree. If a simply decorated tree evokes associations with the New Year, then feel free to take an artificial one. If you don't even feel the holiday without smell, as well as the process of choosing and installing a forest beauty, then take a live one!

Use a variety of colorful toys and garlands to decorate the Christmas tree. You can hang more tangerines and candies on the tree this year, as the monkey loves both. And you yourself probably like it, especially if there are children in the house. Do something with your own hands. For example, garlands of sweets and cinnamon sticks or snowflakes, you can even make rag angels from taffeta and paper (I'm sure this is not the only way). Gold wide fabric ribbon looks good. You can buy a large skein and make bows with long curly ponytails. They and the garland will be a wonderful and ample background decoration for the Christmas tree.

The decor that imitates winter berries or nuts, such as juniper or hazelnuts, looks interesting. It can be attached to the edge of the branches, where there are no cones. There is no need to block real cones on a tree with decor.

It's also easy to sew Santa's gift socks from a beautiful dense fabric. You can also make small funny socks and hang them on the lower branches of the Christmas tree in the form of a garland.

If the curtains in the living room are neatly attached to the sides of the window, you can decorate the windowsills with dishes with candles or Christmas balls and sparkly decor. But only if you plan to light candles, then you cannot put both candles and other decor on one plate - this is dangerous. With the help of shiny threads (serpentine, rain) or ordinary coarse woolen thread, you can hang compositions of light glass or fabric toys over the window. Snowflakes and lanterns look especially beautiful on the window, which you can make with your own hands or entrust this mission to children.

Throughout the house, you can place bowls or small candy bowls with gingerbread cookies in sugar or other dry baked goods associated with Christmas.