Repairs Design Furniture

Before and after: as an old house in the village has become a stylish cottage. How to repair the old house with your own hands Restoration of the old house do it yourself

Nothing is eternally, and anyone, even the most durable building, with time begins to grow old. There are noticeable deviations from vertical lines, cease to close the doors and windows normally, the walls begin to move - all this indicates that the overhaul of the old wooden house is necessary. What works need to be carried out first and how much can they cost?

The most difficult and most important task is to repair the foundation of the old wooden house with their own hands. The base begins to collapse under the influence of nature factors, additional load after the construction of the second floor or attic or simply from time to time, because any materials come into disrepair over time.

Reconstruction and repair of old wooden houses require a mandatory inspection of the foundation, determining the depth of damage and the necessary work on its strengthening. Methods of fixing depend on the destruction destruction and on the type of base itself. There are several options for reconstruction:

Restoration of the foundation is a fairly costly event. It will be necessary to rent jacks, acquire concrete and fittings or brick to install pillars, in addition, it is necessary to hire employees. Alone to cope with such a task problematic: the complex process is better to entrust the qualified brigade, otherwise the harness is possible.


The repair of wooden floors in the old house has to be carried out be sure to: over time and lags, and the floorboards themselves are rotten, and they have to be replaced. However, it is necessary to get rid of unnecessary damp in the basement, otherwise the new floor can start it very quickly. For this you need to take care of the ventilation and insulation of the underground.

Repair of an old wooden house in the village begins with the removal of the old flooring and revision of the rough floor. For overhaul, it will take a dry timber with a cross section of 200 × 200 mm, a floor board with a thickness of 5 cm, fastening elements and antiseptic impregnations. In addition, you need to purchase a heater.

Works are carried out in several stages:

The walls have to be repaired if the lower crowns of the church were injured. In this case, the house is lifted by jacks, as described above, after which the lower busting crown is changed to the new one. Very often used logs not from pine, but from larch: although it is more expensive, it serves much longer, so the repairs will not have to spend repairs.

In addition to the replacement of logs, the repair of walls in the old house includes a mandatory grinding, antiseptic processing and cutting of the cut. When grinding removed damaged by rotting and mold wood, special attention should be paid to the birch connections. Immediately after this, the treated surface is covered with an antiseptic. For cacopa, you can use both natural materials and a modern silicone cord in combination with a sealant.

How much will it cost to repair in an old wooden house? When contacting a specialized company, a complete audit of the object will first be carried out: in each case, an individual estimate is drawn up depending on the damage detected.

In the metropolitan region, the foundation will cost approximately 4-8 thousand rubles. per square. meter, the cost of grinding walls - from 300 rubles. per square. m, caulking - from 100 rubles. For the temporon meter. If financial capabilities do not allow a full range of works, you can immediately hold only the most necessary events, and the decorative decoration is replaced later. You can even restore very old houses: a wooden building with proper care can serve up to 100 years or more.

Ecology of consumption. Manor: In the summer, many people think about buying a country house in which you can come on weekends to relax from urban fuss, enjoy the singing of birds and foliage rustle.

In the summer, many are thinking about buying a country house in which you can come on weekends to relax from urban fuss, enjoy the singing of birds and foliage rustle. What to choose - house in the country village or in the village?

Deciding for the purchase of his own mini resort, asphalt children who do not have the experience of a country life, as a rule, tend to buy a house in the country's cooperative, without suspecting that there are practically complete lack of infrastructure, mail, pharmacies and relatively small land area.

A much more optimal solution for those who dream of real estate away from large settlements can be the purchase of an old village house. That was what the heroes of our today's story were received - a young married couple who acquired an abandoned building in the village in the east of Poland, and joint efforts with designers from the YNOX studio turned it into a stylish, modern house.

Looking at this building to repair, it is difficult to assume that it will soon turn into an oasis of rest and calm. It is obvious that the house is in a deplorable state. It seems that he cannot withstand even a strong wind.

This photo is the best confirmation of what is capable of talented architects and interior designers. As a result of the reconstruction of the exterior that took just a few months, the framework of the building was strengthened, the facade from all sides was painted in a dark chestnut color, perfectly combined with a graphite tile, which decides the renewed roof, and the dilapidated windows were replaced with new ones.

Wooden houses have a huge number of advantages. First of all, a tree is a high-elastic material that passes oxygen, so it's easy to breathe in wooden buildings and sleep firmly. Due to the low thermal conductivity, you can save on heating, while even in the most severe winters you do not threaten to frozen in a wooden house. Nevertheless, such houses have their drawbacks, the main of which is the weak resistance of wood to the effects of the sun, rain and snow, as a result of which wooden houses are much faster than the buildings from brick or concrete.

After the overhaul of the entrance to the house there was a wonderful terrace, allowing to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature, relax over a cup of coffee, and in the summer you have breakfast in the fresh air.

The best days of this house remained in the distant past. The flooring and surface of the walls urgently demanded a speedy replacement. The old, the overall furniture has an oppressive impact on new owners and was immediately sent to the landfill.

Here is what the kitchen looks like after the repair. Modern furniture, multi-colored textiles, a bouquet of flowers and pictures on the walls completely changed the appearance of the room, creating a wonderful mood in it, which is in order to spend as much time with the family in this cozy kitchen.

Fashion on the rustic interior appeared a few years ago and firmly strengthened in the world of design. At the request of the hosts, it was at home in this style. A bit rough, but very cozy furniture, hammocks made of colored fabric, floor, walls and ceiling are lined with boards. Such an interior is perfect for those who live today, but does not refuse themselves in pleasure from time to time to dive into light nostalgia on a carefree childhood spent in the village.

Almost all buyers of houses in the village are faced with the need to fully update the bathroom. This house has not exceeded. It was necessary to spend a lot of time and strength to turn this room in a modern bathroom. The result of the designers has surpassed all expectations.

New home home all other materials prefer a warm and cozy tree. In this bathroom, as in all other rooms at home, the floor and walls are made of light wood. A modern washing machine and a large shower with a pallet are performed as contrast.published

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Maxim and Marina dreamed of all joint life big country houseIn which there would be a place for both children, and for friends or relatives who suddenly stunned and left for the weekend.

Buy a good country cottage family was not able, and their dream remained just a dream for a long time. But on one day, they fell a happy ticket.

Spouses offered to buy the building of the old and already partially destroyed rural school. They gladly accepted this offer and took up the execution of the transaction.

The couple took three years to get this site, and then two more years to equip.

So in what condition was this house to the alteration.

Already during the repair, it turned out that the house was partially rotten and almost everything had to redo it. The couple did not have a lot of money and most of the work they produced their own. Everybody participated in the construction work: both parents and friends, and close familiar.

Editorial "So simple!" invites you to get acquainted how to turn the rhylad in dream country house. I consider this story a brilliant example of the excellent taste and the grand work!

So a huge desire, hard work, mutual understanding and sense of style helps to make a dream, and for small money.

Also, I suggest you familiarize yourself with interesting ideas, how to redo the closed attic into a cozy attic.

Show this inspirational example of alteration of old wreck To a cozy house to your home and friends! Sometimes we just need to light up the idea and believe in your strength so that the hands began to work, engraving everything around.

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Which roof repair is needed
How to repair or completely replace tiled roof
Replacing the roof from the corrugated floor on the old house
Change soft tiles to steel sheets
Installation of roofing with your own hands

After a certain time, after laying the roofing material, it will be necessary to repair or complete replacement.

However, after how much it happens, the conditions of operation of the roof, its durability, as well as the degree of mechanical and other damage is affected.

Which roof repair is needed

Replacing the roof may imply a complete or partial reconstruction. It envoys what state is in what state is, and how seriously it is damaged. Sometimes the goal of such events is to replace the existing coverage for a new one, with higher strength characteristics.

For example, instead of a conventional slate, a bitumen tile is often mounted, which has a higher level of environmental purity and improved performance characteristics.

How to repair or completely replace tiled roof

Currently, summer houses try to make reliable and capital, because they often live not only in summer, but also in winter. This involves the use of reliable and high-quality materials to finish the roof, with a good service duration.

Ceramic tile is one of the common solutions in this case. The roof replacement on the old house includes an inspection of the surface of the coating, to identify damaged elements.

If such were discovered, they change them.

For tiles from ceramics, a good level of strength is characteristic. The duration of the service of this material is almost at the same level with a copper roof.

Damage to individual tiles can be applied, but this is not so easy to do. To split the tile in two, a very strong blow is needed by a heavy item. In practice, it happens when a tree falls on the roof: it is clear that it happens not every day.

Sometimes with strong wind, individual tiles can break off from the place: the replacement of the roofing coating in this case is reduced to the installation of new elements instead of them.

Interior decoration of a wooden house

This implies a dismantling of a small area, with inspection of the crate and the rafter design at the bottom.

The complete replacement of the old roof is carried out only if there are significant damage to the roofing system.

After restoration work, the tile removed can be laid back if it saved its integrity. On this, the roof of the roof on the old house ends with their own hands.

Replacing the roof from the corrugated floor on the old house

Profiled sheets equipped with polymer protection are able to effectively transfer various aggressive impacts.

They may be damaged under the following circumstances:

  • With strong blows, when heavy items fall on the roof (large branches or trees trunks).
  • Due to incorrect laying.
  • If there is a passage along the surface of roofing sheets without complying with proper maintenance recommendations.

The consequence of such impacts on profiled sheets is the appearance of dents, blades on them, damage to the protective layer, which provokes the occurrence of corrosion.

In such cases, it is necessary to replace the roof, putting new ones instead of damaged sheets.

The first thing is to revise the nature of damage. This will determine how to replace the roof on the house, to see the scale of the required repair: it will be the local replacement of damaged roofing sites, or its full reconstruction. If it is necessary to carry out capital work on the complete replacement of the roof covering, you need to carefully examine the entire rafter design, thermal insulation and waterproofing.

The fact is that these systems are often also damaged during the proof of the professionalist.

Next, determine what exactly the cottage will be covered after dismantling the wear facing. Often, instead of profiled sheets, the metal tile laying is carried out, which is distinguished by external attractiveness, low cost and simplicity of laying. It will be necessary to carry out the calculation of the selected coating and prepare a rafter design under its installation.

Change soft tiles to steel sheets

For bituminous tiles, good strength is characterized, so it is not easy to damage its surface. However, after the expiration of the shelf life, it will be necessary to replace it. In cases where there is a desire to make a new roof, more rigid and durable, apply profile sheets of steel.

Replacing the old roof in this case have such an order:

  1. Revision of the roof of the country house.

    It is important to determine whether it is capable of withstanding the weight of the new material, or it must also be changed.

  2. The same procedure is carried out in relation to the supporting structures and the crate on which the bituminous tile lay.
  3. Checking the diagonal measurements of the old roof. Sometimes it is necessary to repair the rafter design.
  4. Determining the scale of the necessary repair activities.

    This will make it possible to count the necessary material to replace the roof roof.

Installation of roofing with your own hands

Sometimes, when the old roofing coating is well preserved, it is used as a substrate for a new laying.

For this, wooden rails are mounted above the surface of soft tiles, opposite the rafted. They will perform the basis for a new crate for metal sheets. Laying of metal profile is carried out with a mustache, with a movement from the lower cutting of the roof. Be sure to have enough items - a profile seal, planks, endands, drains.

Replacing the old roof to a new one is a difficult task, although everything looks very simple. Be sure to pre-give the correct assessment of the state of the old roof and the rafter system.

This will make it possible to accurately determine the amount of reconstruction work and the procedure for their implementation.

Our site will help you make repairs in the house with your own hands of any complexity. Implement the most courageous ideas or take interesting and creative ideas on our website. Here you can find a lot of useful as construction, finishing, various works on the plot and design.

Usually the repair begins unexpectedly. Moreover, both for us and for our wallet. Therefore, we often strive to save and make repairs in the house yourself.

At the same time, you do not need to pay workers or any firms for the work done. In addition, in your favorite house or apartment, much more pleasant to do everything yourself. As they say, the soul is investing that the accommodation has become beautiful, warm and cozy.

Very good if the repair is carefully planned. But it happens that any breakdown in the house can serve it.

And perhaps just a good mood. It happens! Spontaneous solution leads to intense work for several months. But it is worth it, right?

Do independently repairs in your house not everyone is available and not for all. This has its advantages and disadvantages. First, there is an opportunity to show creativity, issue an interior in your home to your taste and color. Make the way you yourself "see". At the same time, you can boast of friends, as you all well and beautifully done.

Secondly, you can choose the necessary building materials themselves.

Hired workers, usually, it is like buying and for how much. Or, even worse - you can earn at you, by winding the price of building materials.

If the Balance of "Price - Quality" is properly observed, it may be a good additional savings.

On the other hand, you will have to highlight enough free time to repair your home or apartment so that it does not drag on too long. Often it is the greatest problem. As folk wisdom says: "Repair cannot be completed. It can only be temporarily suspended. "

You can spend a couple of hours every day, after work. But it would be practical to take a vacation to completely devote yourself to repair work.

In addition, some things need to be able to do. If you have no experience yet, then a constructive plan for improving your home and a positive attitude can turn into a headache and deliver a lot of problems.

So that this does not happen, the simplest thing is to invite an experienced person to assistants. If you do not have such a person, then you will have to make repairs in the house. Start with the preparation of the action plan you need to be housing so that it is cozy and comfortable. It in it in detail, on the points to write down exactly what you want to do with the time you want to do this, as well as you need to buy for each operation.

After the plan is drawn up in books or the Internet, what to do on one or another stage.

After all, in this case there are many nuances that need to know. Otherwise, make quality repair with your own hands it will not work.

Create an original home interior in the village

You may not get out exactly what you wanted or, worse, you have to redo everything.

Repair can be divided into two types: cosmetic and capital. Cosmetic repairs in the apartment are desirable to spend at least once every two years. It includes superficial work that do not require large capital investments. Sometimes it is enough just to cross the wallpaper, or repaint the walls, update the panels, change the tile, etc.

Overhaul in the house is desirable to spend every 8-10 years.

More serious events are held here. Such as the replacement of the flooring, changing the heating system, electrical wiring, elimination of defects on the walls, replacement of plumbing, etc.

You can read about many aspects of repair and construction on our website.

Good luck to you!

How to make inexpensive repair: a few secrets

Repair - severe, long, and most importantly, the cost thing, which is often the cause of our indecision in actions. How to make inexpensive repair yourself in a country house?

We spend money for several years to finally start repairs in the cottage.

And if your housing is in a terrible state, and is already simply no strength to live in such conditions, and you have not yet accumulated sufficient amount?

In fact, there is an alternative, and you can make repairs, practically without wasteing your budget, which will be discussed in our article.

Introductory moments: Here you need a professional help

It will be difficult to save only at the installation stage of electrical wiring, especially if it is old either weak.

In this case, you need to call Masters-electric DEZ. Wiring is what you should not save your budget, but you can cope with the installation of sockets and independently.

When, what and where to acquire everything you need

Let's try to figure out how to make inexpensive repairs in the apartment. Let's start with what tools

You should use it better when repairing.

The easiest way is to take the necessary tools for rent, as it will be expensive to buy and problematic. If you take a ride, then the costs will be small.

When should it be repaired? Better for repair is considered autumn. It is desirable to start either the middle of the perfect time of the year. Why is it very much?

At this time, there is still warm, but not very hot weather, if necessary, you can safely open the windows.

And before in winter, as a rule, prices for building materials fall, thereby you also save on repair at the expense of discounts.

The construction market spend sales, allowing you to pay less for finishing materials. The fact is that such discounts appear, since the materials have a certain shelf life.

When he practically reaches his limit, the sellers make discounts on them to sell them until it's too late. You win, because until the end of the shelf life, you can use the necessary material, and this will also be in hand.

Replacement and garbage

Now let's talk about plumbing.

If your plumbing is still suitable for use and has a decent view, it can be simply cleansed, and then take painting. However, no one is insured against cracks and holes.

In this case, the plumbing is to be updated. For such cases, there is a wonderful way - to negotiate with landfill garbagers.

Do not be afraid, you are not forced to take the used plumbing. The fact is that often at the entrance to the expensive houses, people during money stood great repairs and simply throw out a new cast-iron or faience plumbing.

Employees of landfills are well cleaned, send to a warehouse where you choose them, buying twice (and maybe more) cheaper than the factory price.

The main thing is to come personally, and not try to negotiate by phone.

As for the construction garbage, in this case the current issue of his export remains. This is quite expensive pleasure.

To save, you can buy b / y bags from plastic cramps that are worth a penny.

Collect the garbage and put it on storing in the basements, cottages, Chulans of your country house, after completing the repair, take a bucket to the nearest container or landfill.

Building garbage does not rot and can lie for a long time in bags.

Do it yourself

You will have to produce various utilities, make a firmware, engaged to doom.

For such works, you need plywood and rails. There are waste (gorny) after sawing wood that can be used instead of lag.

They are sold in the raw form, so it is better to buy this porridge at the beginning of spring and well dry to the fall, the quality will not be very different from the stranded rails.

And now we offer you a lesson, how can be made from the cast packing plywood from the used waterproof packaging.

Buy 2 putty PVA (she is cheap). Then in the room of a country house, in which no one lives, spread the plastic film on the floor. This should be a certain temperature (no less than 13 degrees).

On the floor we put a plywood sheet, in the center, we pour a bit of the shta and with the help of the brush it is smearing it.

On top of the plywood, the plastic is plastic, then put the new sheet and the same way and so on. On top of a pile stack, which was soaked in PVA, it is necessary to put a more heavy blowing, which dispersed in the area (something heavy, for example, brick, old piece of metal, etc.).

After 1 week, it is necessary to do the same actions by turning each sheet.

Another 2 weeks you can already use even waterproof plywood.

Successful coating

For savings, it is advantageous to sew walls and ceiling with laminate. More advantageous for your budget will be an option for the walls of the walls in the belt, and the rest of the flies of fliesline wallpaper.

To save the floor, it is better to use marmoleum.

Interior of the private house before and after - 40 photos of rooms

However, it should not put such a coating on the floor in the bathroom and toilet room. In this case, you need a tile. And the walls can be covered with laminate.

  • What do the doors and windows are cheaper?

It is better to purchase window frames at the beginning of spring during discounts and install at the beginning of summer so that the wood has frown well. Install the windows yourself, the technology is simple even for a beginner.

But the door is better to install the master.

Take the Phaneur made by you, about which we wrote above, and she enhance the two faca of the door using the mounting glue. Remove the door with the loops, put it on the plastic litter - and under the oppression.

Another relevant issue in the economical repairs is design. You need to know what appearance after repair will acquire your country house.

Compelate with loved ones and relatives, view photos in magazines or on the Internet ready-made cottage designs.

Professional, as a rule, are invited to guess your desires, I understood your tastes and could give delight advice, but this is no longer a council on how to make inexpensive repairs yourself.

For each perfect design your own. You need to decide for yourself what

You really want and what you think cozy for your stay. Sit and calmly, slowly, but thoughtfully accept the right solution for you.

Home / Outdoor decoration / Repair of outdoor walls of the old house

Often, it is more profitable to repair the old wooden house yourself, how to demolish it and build a new one. If you have such a house and you would like to bring it into a fit, we will tell you how to do it. The main thing is to pay attention to the general condition of the construction, that is, to evaluate the prospects for work. If you are confident that the house can still serve - boldly start doing repair with your own hands.

First of all, it is necessary to estimate the degree of wear of the existing nodes of the house. Carefully inspect the foundation, walls, roofing and communications. Repair of an old wooden house with your own hands begins with the preparation of the material, and its volume directly depends on the state of the construction.

Fully free the house from all unnecessary things, garbage and knots, actual non-design. Carefully inspect the wooden parts for signs of rotting - from these need to immediately get rid. Most often, the floor comes in the old wooden houses in complete dissent, it must be dismantled.

Pay attention to the foundation. As a rule, the solid concrete fill serves for a very long time, but in some places it can break. This requires a small cosmetic repair - with the help of a prepared solution, simply temper the visible flaws, aligning the whole foundation. If the foundation of the house came into disrepair (many large cracks around the perimeter, corrosion of reinforcement, considerable skew of the horizontal level of the foundation) - repair not to do. This will require complete reconstruction.

Repair of communications

Communications should be taken in advance because you may want to strip the walls with plasterboard or other coating. So, completely dismantle the existing wiring and plumbing pipes. Putting a new electrical network, be sure to conclude wires into special tubes, a cross section of 15-20 mm. For plumbing, it is better to use plastic pipes.

Repair of a wooden house with their own hands, the photo of the process of which we attach, start from the walls. Brother's crown - the most vulnerable place. Here are most often cracked and other damage. Floor beams can also suffer and directly the floor (as already noted, it is better to immediately dismantle).

Small damage to wood can be repaired without disassembling walls. To do this, it is necessary to clean the problem areas, treat them with an antiseptic, and then close with a suitable sealant. If we talk about the outside of the facade, then for cosmetics, you can see it with special panels to your choice. Most often, siding is used, and it is mounted as follows:

  • The brackets are attached to the facade, which are installed vertical brushes;
  • Bruses are installed in increasingly 30-40 cm.
  • A layer of mineral wool and an insulating film is mounted between bars nails;
  • The lamp is sidewged from the bottom up.

The inner side of the walls can be seen by plasterboard. The installation of plasterboard plates is carried out in the same way.

Pay attention to the beams above the window and doorway - they are very often suffering from moisture. We need to replace places to rot - it can be done simply drinking a piece of beams and inserting a new item.


If the house is quite old, most likely you will need to completely dismantle the roofing coating. Inspect the frame, especially pay attention to the condition of the rafter. Roof repair easily - any item can be replaced. To do this, use additional strength locks - for a while, connect the existing beams for a while (which you will not dismantle), having several boards between them. After that, you can shoot low-quality rafters without fear of destroying the frame.

Carefully inspect the main detail of the roof - Mauerlat. If signs of rotting are found, be sure to cut the damaged parts and insert new ones with reliable fixation with lamellar lining or tighted bolts. Ideally, Mauerlat can be completely replaced, carefully dismantling its parts around the perimeter and setting new ones.

After repairing the roof frame, put the coating. If desired, the roof can be additionally insulated using, for example, mineral wool.

Windows and doors

Doors and windows in old houses are most likely to be completely replaced. But the main problem is not in this, but in quite frequent cases of skew. To get rid of the skew should dismantle the door frame and with the level of leveling walls.

Collect the door frame frame anew and install. All existing gaps need to blend tightly by mounting foam. As for the doors, they choose their model at wish, but the windows are recommended to replace with metal-plastic, since they are more durable and reliable than wooden, not to mention the thermal insulation properties.

Interior doors also need to be replaced in the same way along with frames. If you have all the doors of the same format and sizes, you can immediately prepare the required number of boards for frame panels. But do not hurry with their installation inside the house, as you will still do the repair of the floor and finish. Installing interior doors can be installed at the last stage of repair work.

Floor laying

For high-quality gender, it is recommended to make a concrete tie. If you have no such, proceed to work. First of all, dismantle the lags on the floor (you can not cut under the walls) and clean the platform from garbage and dust. The screed is styled in the following order: Flashing (sand, fine crushed stone), insulating film, concrete layer. Be sure to align the screed level. Concrete must dry about one month at a temperature of about 20 degrees.

Next, you can begin to lay the floor. This may be, for example, laminate. For laying, a special substrate is used first, after which the sheets of laminate are stacked, connecting with "locks". Near the walls should be leaving the expansion gap of about 1 cm, which is hidden by a plinth.

If you do not want to make a screed, you can make the floor from the board. In this case, the boards are simply nailed to lags and grind on top with a special typewriter. It is recommended to provide moisture insulation for such a floor, pouring a layer of clay (if the lags are located on the ground).

Finishing work

The last stage of repair of wooden houses with their own hands, whose video you can see at the end of the article, are finishing work. If you used drywall for the walls, be sure to treat it with a putty and align with wallpaper or painting.

The wooden floor of the boards should be treated with a special varnish and let go well. A similar procedure should be carried out with other wooden materials that are in open areas.

If you have a house in a village, which requires repair, do not hurry to put a cross on it. We will tell about how to transform the old building, giving it a modern look, and also to give the house with comfort and practicality. Where does the repair begins? Of course, from the roof. It is from this issue that we will begin.

Types of roofs

First of all, the roof is a single design collected from a plurality of elements to which the roof, crate and farm can be attributed. They may have a wide variety of forms, but they all are subordinated to the basic rules that are inviolated compliance with all necessary work.

Main types (Figure 1)

  • a - single one;
  • b - double;
  • v - Walm;
  • g - half-haired;
  • d, e - tents;
  • s, f - complex, multi-sking;
  • and - unequivocal, duplex;
  • k - bulky-dome;
  • l - complicated half-haired;
  • m is a four-tent (tent);
  • n - eight-screen;
  • o - baptified;
  • p - three-tight;
  • p - "Cap" four-tight;
  • c - Barrel bachers;

Explanation of elements in Figure 1:

Roof elements

Figure 2. Component Elements

But the above types do not represent the variety of options. Constructions have a lot of elements that complement them and transform. To repair the Old Rustic House, you need to have a certain concept about them, see Figure 2.

  1. skat;
  2. horse;
  3. inclined edge;
  4. speeding;
  5. overseas Sve;
  6. frontal Sve;
  7. chute;
  8. drainage pipe;
  9. chimney.

For rustic and other small usually apply the designs of an attic type or double. The materials for the roof can be used any, depending on the financial condition.

Traditionally use slate or tile. However, remember that the tile, it is necessary to strengthen the rafters so that they can withstand the weight of the design. Sometimes it is used roofing steel, but it is good with complex configurations.

Rafters and their importance

If the construction of a single-storey, carrier serves as a middle wall. In this case, it is recommended to use inclined rafters, in which one edge is located on the outer wall, and the other is on the midway rack.

If the walls of the house are not wooden, then the mount is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. Metal crutch is driven into the wall of the house.
  2. The rafters are fixed to it by means of a wire twist.
  3. Ends are placed on a bar located along the wall.
  4. Be sure to make a break, called firefighter.

The rafters must withstand the load constant and, of course - temporary. The constant relates the mass of the rafted themselves, and to the time - the mass of snow and the impulses of the wind. Snow load is calculated and equal to 180 kg per square meter.

Definition of shock

Since the design of the upper and lower belt is ready to withstand not a heavy roof, the farms are strengthened additionally internal backups. Farms are needed to create a slope that obeys certain criteria and factors.

So like:

  1. Precipitation and their quantity. With strong precipitation, the angle of the slope should be at least 45 °.
  2. View of the roof itself. When using rolled materials, the angle must be within 5-25 °, piece - more than 22 °, for tiles - from 25 ° and above;

Note! The higher the slope, the more materials for the roof it is necessary.

If you decide to make the repairs of the village house with your own hands and began it from the roof, it is necessary to remember that the hanging farm has a rafter legs, and therefore two points for support. In this case, the farm works in two directions - bending and compression. With this design, the effect of the horizontal operating load is distributed onto the walls.

Types of location of the Stropyl

Figure 3 shows the layout schemes.

Figure 3. Location Schemes

  • dRAKO;
  • single tightening;
  • boards-lining;
  • lining;
  • wall outdoor;
  • pads

The secess itself can be determined by the width of the span, the step and the slope of the roof. Normally, the step of the rafter should not exceed 120 cm. The data on the section is shown in Table 1.

Experts pay attention to the fact that the installation and sling sling is very important for the roof design. As a support, the walls of the house are both outdoor and internal. The timing scheme is shown in Figure 4.

  1. dRAKO;
  2. maurylalat;
  3. twist;
  4. wall outdoor;
  5. the wall is internal;
  6. dash
  7. sill;
  8. ruberoid sheets.

The distance that must be left between rapid legs is 1 m, while the bias of the roof should be more than 45 °. If the house is in areas where the snow falls often and abundantly, then the distances between the rafters decreases to 0.6 m. All distances between the rafters are presented in Table No. 2.

On the top of the construction of the rafters themselves are stacked, for the manufacture of which logs are used with a large cross section. They subsequently become the basis of the ridge of the roof.


To increase the living space, nozzards are often built, which are an additional floor instead of a attic. Figure 5 shows various attic options.