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Meringue to decorate cakes. Glaze for the crumb - the technology of cooking sugar, protein, chocolate, with gears gears, which is not satisted. Sugar glaze will need

How to decorate cakes? Most often, the apiary is decorated with mart or white Easter icing, because it is elegant, bright, bright, it is well holding a decorative sprinkle and beautifully looks at the patterns with sugar pencils.

Easter glaze can be purchased ready in bags: only add egg whites and beat. But you can cook at home yourself!

1. How to make meringue for a crumb

In the dough for cakes, only yolks are needed. And proteins remain. Here for the decoration of the amaster they will come in handy!
Decorate the tops of Kulukhai meringue - the easiest way, classic, did our moms and grandmothers.
Take 1-2 egg protein and, respectively, 0.5 - 1 cup of sugar and whip the currency or mixer to lush, thick foam.
Whipped squirrels lubricate the tops of the cakes and put for a few minutes in the hot oven to dry the meringue.
If you keep a little bit - meringue it will be white and soft, if you hold it a little longer, it will become fragile and ruddy, but be careful not to put down and the apartments themselves.
Of course, the eggs should be only the freshest! After all, meringue is completely small heat treatment.

2. We are preparing a real Easter glaze.

This method is in principle similar to the first, but a little more difficult. We take:
- 1 egg protein;
- half a cup of sugar powder;
- At the tip of a teaspoon of citric acid.

The shopping glaze just includes all these components, and also starch (thickener). I am unknown to proportions to add it, but I think, and without starch it is possible.

First, we whip the egg protein with a mixer, as for the biscuit: first at low speed, then on medium and large, while a thick strong foam is formed.
For a minute, let's relax the mixer. 🙂 Then slowly, teaspoons, add sugar powder, continuing to beat. You can and sugar, but if you want the glaze exactly as a shop, smooth, smooth, silky, without saharyk - then the powder comes best!
At the end of the beating, when the entire sugar is added, add slightly citric acid.
The finished glaze immediately lubricate the tops of the cakes.

3. Finished Easter glaze.

The easiest and most modern way is to buy a bag of finished glaze and beat it with a mixer with 1 egg squirrel. We whip too, as on the biscuit: first on small circulation, gradually gaining speed.

The glaze is applied for an oak.

We are waiting for 2-3 minutes, and only then sprinkle with a sprinkling or paint sugar pencils. Why not immediately? Because the icing is still wet, and the paint will begin to melt. But do not make a moment: on the sunshine glaze, the sprinkle will not hold on.

Beautiful and delicious kulukhai you! 😀

Greetings! Before Easter, it is very often the question of how to decorate cake, or cooking a meringue correctly. There are many species of various sweets, but I want to spend the minimum of money and effort. It is about this that our narration will be. Today we will produce meringue. She can be said universal. After all, if you do not use it completely on the glazing of a crumb or cupcake, you will not need to throw out the remnants of the bucket. They can be used to prepare meringues.


This recipe is suitable for those people who negatively relate to the use of raw protein in food, which is fraught with the receipt of such an unpleasant age as Salmonule.

Yes, we will use raw proteins, as in a conventional protein cream or iceing, but in our case protein will undergo thermal processing on a water bath. In some recipes, such a cream is called "wet meringue."

Therefore, a small saucepan and a metal bowl should be prepared in advance with a large volume. Compliance with the size of the container in this case will allow you to make the right effect of water bath.

It will depend on the fact that the container in which you will beat proteins will not be able to touch with fluid boiling. This will allow the cream to pass at least what treatment with temperature and at the same time not to weld.

It is important to comply with the proportions. You can use special kitchen scales, but if there are no among your kitchen utensils, we will give you an exemplary proportion.

So, the weight of the protein in the eggs of the first category is about 25 gr., But in the selected, it weighs a little more-30 grams ... The ratio of egg protein and sugar in the future, calculate as part to two.

In this recipe, it is not necessary to use sugar powder, because as a result, when heated, characteristic crystalline melts.

You will need

  1. 4 protein or 100g., Depending on the category of eggs.
  2. Sugar sand 200 gr.
  3. Lemon juice. You can use the purchase, which is sold already packaged in small plastic bottles.
  4. Food dye. It will take you only if you decide to make a colorful glaze. Preference gave gel. Paint meringue juices of berries are not recommended, otherwise you will not achieve the desired consistency.

Cooking method

  1. It is worth noting that we will need to not just beat squirrels with sugar to homogeneity, but also to achieve a thick mass. The final result also affects the choice of dishes. It must be definitely clean and preferably degreased.
  2. Put on the plate with a saucepan for water bath. Wait until the water boils, and reduce the fire to a minimum. Since we will beat more than one minute, it is important that the liquid does not bother.
  3. In a bowl with squirrels, pour sugar and mix well. Try to carefully separate the components of the eggs from each other, otherwise, when you get a yolk, all your efforts can be vain.
  4. We send a cup to a saucepan with water and, constantly stirring a wedge, leave about 7 minutes. If you have a culinary thermometer, you can take a bowl when the mixture temperature reaches 65 degrees.
  5. Stage with water bath is over. Go directly to whipping a mixer. You do not have to start with a small speed, you can immediately switch to the most powerful one.
  6. After a few minutes, add a teaspoon of lemon juice. This is not a prerequisite, but most confectioners add it. Also at the end you can add some corn starch.
    It will help you to achieve a more sustainable consistency. But if you decide to add starch in a meringue, then use only corn. Unlike potato it is a more delicate structure.
  7. Now the most important thing remained, and you can say the final stage - bring our cream before the appearance of peak. When he is ready, you will understand in what form it will remain on the whites of the mixer.
    You can also check the readiness, turning the bowl bottom to the bottom. If you are not afraid, of course. Finished Meringue will remain in place.
  8. If you set out the purpose of painting the glaze, divide it into several bowls, depending on the color range. And add a little dye.

Decorating cakes

Well, here is our glaze for koulich. It is convenient to apply it with a rubber culinary spatula, sinking a meringue over the surface.

Due to the fact that the glaze is perfectly holding the form, you can experiment with patterns on the surface of your product.

The main thing is not to forget that you can only apply the meringue on the already cooled cake.


Tu Meringu, which remained after the baking decoration, you can convert to meringues. There is no difficulty in cooking this sweetness.

First of all, heals the oven. Temperature should not exceed 90 degrees. You will not bake without so much without dry.

If you have an old oven or electrical, which does not allow you to accurately adjust the thermal mode, do not despair. You can also cook meringue, just a reunion door.

Prepare a baking sheet. It must be styled by bakery paper in size. She will not give a delicacy to stick to the surface.

Well, now I will proceed to the most interesting. In order to give the meringue to the parchment you a cooking bag will be required. For convenience, place it in a glass, wrap the edges outside and only then fill in cream.

For confectioners in our time, many interesting devices are invented. Some of them are culinary nozzles, which when disembarking immediately give a form, identical to the flower.

If you have this, then it will be interesting to make a flower of ala-lollipop, inserting a skeleton from a tree in a meringue.

You can do this immediately, but you can last a few minutes already in the oven. As you like more.

I would like to note that cooking is not too fast. The reason is that it is already ready, it is not desirable to immediately get out of the oven. When it is ready, let him cool it inside. At least 30 minutes.

AND watch that the strawshes do not change color. If the oven will be heated through chur, then white will become brown, and color and can lose their color at all.

In addition to separate treats, meringues can accommodate and culberry. It will be beautiful and original.

Bon Appetit! And excellent holidays!

Sugar powder "Every day" I buy in the stores "Auchan" is no longer the first year. She helps me very much. We do not hold a coffee grinder, respectively, and we cannot prepare the sugar powder. And here, as they say: "What the doctor prescribed!"

Why I choose the sugar powder "every day":

  • Affordable price
  • Sufficient volume
  • High quality product.

Price in the network "Ashhan": 27 rubles 10 kopecks.

Weight: 250 g

Packaging and its contents

Through the transparent window in the polyethylene package, you can estimate the quality of grinding, color and appearance of powder.

The package is reliably smeared. There are no special notes for the convenience of opening on the package, so it is better to use scissors.

Since the package is quite dense, after opening the form holds. But it is better to spend the unused powder into a glass jar.

Structure, as it should be classical sugar powder:

Sugar white beet crystal crushed. Perhaps the presence of traces of egg powder, mustard powder, gluten and dairy protein.

I do not know how about the traces of dairy protein, egg powder and gluten mentioned by the manufacturer ... But I didn't find the mustard there.

Snow white powder, very gentle and crumbly. Grounding small, sugar crystals I did not come across.

Sweet-s smell peculiar to sugar and taste are present. Amazing! Is not it?)))

In the next photo you can see small lumps. They probably appeared due to non-compliance with storage conditions, in particular, high humidity. This pack is at me at home for several months. The lumps are easily broken up with a simple spoon.

The shelf life of the sugar powder: 18 months.

As I said, the sugar powder "every day" very much helps me. For example, when you need to decorate fresh cupned cupcakes or fruit pies. But, this product is in the greatest demand, undoubtedly before Easter. What is the holiday without cakes in the snow-white glaze?

I suggest your attention proven over the years recipe for Easter Hood.

For several years in a row, the main Easter dish is the oldest easter dish. Of all kulukhai, which I have ever tried, on this recipe obtained the most delicious. Many years ago, their girlfriend baked their girlfriend, and now we. From the list of products given in the quotation, a large number of cakes is obtained. Usually the resulting dough we divide in half. Then each of us, on average, it turns out 5 - 7 cakes, depending on their size.

Recipe Kulich

  • 6 YIITS
  • 2.5 glasses of sugar
  • 200 g sour cream
  • 1 bundle margarine
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 50 g yeast
  • 3-4 kg of flour(add as needed when kneading the test).

Eggs to be confused with sugar, add sour cream, margarine and a bit of warm milk. All mix with a small portion of flour.

Separately in warm milk breed yeast. Add 3 st. Supplies of sugar and some flour. Stir and retain. When yeast begin to foam, pour them into previously prepared products. Mix.

Add flour and knead the dough. The dough should not stick to hand.

Bending the dough, we leave it in a big saucepan by 1.5-2 hours. Such dough is very well rises. It is necessary several times when lifting it is stuffed. Lovers of kulchi with raisins, enter the dried fruit must be neat, wet hands.

Paper forms for cakes fill in about 1/3. We are waiting for 1-1.5 hours while the dough raises, and put in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

After the cakes were born, take them out of the oven and cover with a towel. Meanwhile, you can begin the preparation of glaze.

Classical Recipe glaze for Easter cakes:

protein one large egg + 200 g powder.

In my opinion, this amount of sugar too much. Usually I take 2 protein of medium eggs and pour a pack of powder (250 g). I whipping a mixer at maximum speed for a few minutes. The glaze is very thick.

Lubricate chilled cakes, and decorate them. We leave a briefly open to the pouring of the glaze.

The Great Post is coming to an end, on the threshold a bright holiday Easter. The hostess without tired work in the kitchen: the color of the eggs, knead the dough, prepare the glaze for Easter slices. In such a solemn and joyful day everything should be at the highest level. But when it comes to the glaze, the opinions of women are divided: someone prefers to cook it on the "classic" recipe, someone buys ready in the store ... What is the glaze for a silence and how to cook it? Let's try to figure out.

Types of glaze for silence

Cooking gives modern women to the fantasy even in such a seemingly minor question as cooking glaze. There are different recipes and methods. The icing happens:

  1. "From the bag" - it can be bought in the store;
  2. Classic protein;
  3. Without eggs (lemon);
  4. From cocoa;
  5. Chocolate;
  6. Berry.

And many more different recipes, variations, ideas - there is where to roast.

The finished mixture is sold in grocery shops and pastry departments of supermarkets. It costs it is inexpensive, but from one bag, a lot of finished product is obtained - enough to deceive the cakes, and still will remain.

Preparing purchased glaze simple and fast. It will take for her cooking:

  • Package of purchased glazier powder - 1 piece;
  • Egg protein - 1 piece.

Cooking process:

  1. Wake up the protein into a lush foam and start gradually entering the contents of the bag.
  2. At the same time, do not stop hit the mass. The most convenient to use a mixer (manually achieve perfect consistency is unlikely to succeed).
  3. When the foam becomes magnificent and strong, like a mixture for meringue, apply it to the cakes (it is quickly freezing) and leave for a few minutes.
  4. When the glaze grabs, sprinkle with a confectionery supper, hammer nuts or lemon zest.

Classic squirrel glaze recipe

Such a recipe for an Easter slicer is one of the most beloved and used by modern hostesses. It is pretty simple and does not require long cooking.


  • Egg whites - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Some salt.

Tip! Smolith sugar in sugar powder in a coffee grinder. This will significantly reduce the cooking time, and the glaze will turn out more and gentle.

Cooking process:

  1. Cool proteins. You can put them in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  2. Mix squirrels with salt and beat to the formation of a strong foam.
  3. Start gradually pour sugar (sugar powder) and beat until it is completely dissolved in the egg mass.
  4. As a result, you should have a strong thick foam. It must be carefully distributed on the tops of the cakes and leave to stick.

This recipe for the gruse for the croup is very similar to the previous one, but is undoubtedly better, since all the ingredients are natural and do not cause doubt.

Lemon Watering without Eggs

Not everyone wish to risk and eat raw eggs, and someone cannot do this because of habits, views or features of the body. It is for such arrows, allergies and vegetarians and is intended for this recipe. It is very simple: even a novice hostess can make a lemon glaze.


  • Sugar powder - 1-1.5 spoons;
  • Lemon juice - 1 spoon.

Cooking process:

  1. Pooh gradually mix with lemon juice. Add better juice in powder, and not vice versa.
  2. When the mass becomes homogeneous, evenly apply it to the cakes with a thin layer.
  3. You can immediately sprinkle with a confectionery powder from above, as the lemon glaze is frozen very quickly.

Home icing from cocoa

If you still do not know how to cook "home chocolate" without chocolate, it's time to learn. Such a glaze is suitable not only for the decoration of the scene, but also for homemade cookies, pies, cakes and other baking.


  • Cocoa - 5 spoons "with a slide";
  • Sugar - 0.5 glasses;
  • Milk - 5-6 spoons;
  • Creamy oil - 0.5 packs;
  • Flour - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking process:

  1. To prepare chocolate glaze you will need a small saucepan. Mix sugar and cocoa.
  2. Slowly pour milk, while do not forget to stir the mass so that no lumps appear. It is better to use a mixer for this, but you can do the usual wedge or spoon.
  3. When the mixture becomes more or less homogeneous, put a saucepan on a small fire.
  4. When the milk boils, begin to enter the creamy oil into the mixture (it is better to cut it into cubes and add gradually). Do not forget to stir the glaze.
  5. At the end of the preparation, add some flour to give a mixture of thickness.

That's all! Home chocolate glaze without chocolate. It should turn out to be homogeneous, shiny, rather liquid and without lumps. Immediately apply it to the cakes. For the speedy frost, the baking can be put in a cool place.

Tip! Experiment with proportions. You can reduce or increase the amount of cocoa and sugar in the recipe depending on your own preferences. Milk can be replaced with cream - it will give the glaze more rich creamy taste. Also in the mixture you can add some coffee.

Chocolate glaze

Variation of the recipe for chocolate glaze for the scene there are many. It is prepared from white and dark chocolate, oil, cocoa, nuts, coffee, honey and other ingredients, which give the dish with different shades of taste and colors. Consider the two most delicious chocolate glaze recipes that you can easily prepare for a bright holiday Easter.

Chocolate glaze with condensed milk


  • Chocolate (dark or milk) - 1 package;
  • Creamy oil - 4 spoons;
  • Condensed milk - 4 spoons.

Tip! Chocolate can be replaced by a regular cocoa. It will be necessary - three spoons.

Cooking process:

  1. Melt the chocolate on the water bath (wait until it completely melts, and only then begin to interfere).
  2. Add creamy oil into a melted chocolate and without removing from the bath, mix before the formation of a homogeneous mixture.
  3. If you decide to use cocoa instead of chocolate, then first melt the oil and add cocoa powder to it.
  4. In the resulting mass, enter the condensed milk and interfere again.
  5. Remove the mixture from the bath and put on fire.
  6. The glaze will be ready, as soon as the first boiling bubbles will appear on its surface.


Add nuts or not, you can decide yourself. If you do not like this product, just cross it out of the recipe, and do everything else as it is written.


  • Chocolate (white or dark) - 1 package;
  • Cream - 125 ml;
  • Orekhs to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Nuts (if you decide to use them) swell into flour. The degree of grinding control over your own taste.
  2. Blind chocolate, fold into the saucepan and put on a water bath.
  3. Immediately add cream and melted the mixture until it becomes homogeneous (until the chocolate is completely dissolved).
  4. Remove the mass from the water bath and interfere with nut flour.

Watering for the croup is ready! You can give her a little cool and thickening, and then apply for cakes or other baking. If you have ground nuts, the top of the crumb, covered with icing, can be decorated with them or take advantage of a special spript.

Berry glaze

But this is something new! The berry glaze is preparing extremely rare, but in taste it will not give up a chocolate or lemon.

Cooking berry glaze can be made of frozen and fresh berries. You can take a berry, rubbed with sugar and "closed" into the bank, but then the number of other ingredients will change.


  • Berry juice - 4 spoons;
  • Sugar powder - 1 cup;
  • Warm water - 1 spoon.

Cooking process:

  1. Satch the powder through a fine sieve.
  2. Enter juice and water into it.
  3. Mix thoroughly before the formation of a homogeneous mass.

Berry Polyberry is ready! Now she can lubricate the cakes and other baking, and on top to decorate berries, powder or nuts.


If you can't decide which icing to decorate Easter cakes, do not think. Prepare portioned culberies and lubricate them with different watering. Suppose on the table there will be cakes with chocolate, and berry couplings, and, of course, a traditional cake with a protein painter. Your guests will accurately appreciate such a variety.

Lill, espassing the forms of Yu.

The recipe has undergone small changes, and most importantly for descendants, the products have acquired a specific weight, and not on the eyes, a glass and finger.
But I like the dough it is sweet, loose, fragrant, does not live to the superstars.

500 ml of milk
50- Gy of fresh yeast (fresh yeast is perfectly stored a year in a frozen state, let it be faded, the layout is preparing a little longer)
1-kg flour (bakery)
6 medium-sized eggs
200 grams of butter indoor papirate
300 gr Sahara
1 tsp of vanilla extract (once there were 1/2 h. Vanilina, vanilla in pods gives black dots).
0.5 h. L salt
400g (raisins, cranberries, peach, pineapple-dry-fruits for your taste, nuts do not put)

Soak dried fruits in warm water for 15 minutes, merge water.

Milk to heat up to a nice warm state, add 1 tbsp. l. Sugar, cracks yeast. Add 2 cups flour. Mix well, clean the towel to remove into a warm place.

Separate yolks from proteins.
Squelts with salt to beat into a strong foam to stable peak.
Yolks to beat with sugar and vanilla extract to Bela.

Opara should increase twice (about 30 minutes). Add it:
yolks, mix well
Mix soft oil
1 tc flour mix
squirrels gently mix
The remaining flour

To interfere while the dough does not become smooth and not gathered into the ball, and stop sticking, but it will not be cool. Sometimes it is necessary to add a bit, no more than 1 flour, but if you take a bakery, it is not required. The main thing is not to be lazy and swim well. The dough should be like a soft gum stretch, do not break, but be very soft and elastic.

Cover with a towel, leave warm to 40min
Add dried fruits
Leave for 30min

Not Paper shape lubricate with butter. Paper do not need to lubricate. Fill the test by one third.
Leave a towel to leave for 40-50 minutes in a warm place.

In the metal bowl on the bottom of the oven to supply 0.5 glasses of water. It is necessary that the top did not rush, and the cake passed from the inside and acquired a thin crispy crust.
Heat the oven to 100-120g
Bake 10-15min
Increase temperature up to 180gr
Bake for about 20 minutes, check availability and bake to dry sipes. caution Hot couple!

175 Sugar fine grinding (powder)
6 tbsp. l water
2 protein

1. In a small saucepan, dissolve sugar in water, then cook syrup.
2. Put the protein into such a cup so that it was possible to put it on a water bath, and beat the mixer to solid peaks (to the leaving pattern).
3. With a constant whipping of proteins, pour hot syrup with a thin jet, and continue to beat further until the mass is solid and shiny. Remove from the fire and beat further until the mass cools.
4. Mass recycle immediately after cooking or tightly closed. Plush to put in a cold place (but not a refrigerator).
Very thick and tasty, shiny! Drops as a rule for 2 days and still inside remains soft and not falling off with pieces. And the biggest plus without non -etic, sticky leaps on the sides.

On the hot cakes from the bag with a wide circular nozzle (or a hole about 0.5 cm) from the middle to the edges of the spirals to apply a meringue.
Decorate to your taste.

Photos will be later.