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Why do not need piston compressors? The use of piston compressors in modern enterprises compressor is designed

A new phase of development in the construction and production sector is experiencing compressor equipment. The modern generation of the aggregates of this type is characterized by a high power, large volumes of compressed air and durability. The process of active introduction of compressors into the household sphere is also observed. An ordinary home user compressed air can help in working with spray and construction tool, demanding minimal effort. At the same time, the household compressor has small size and does not require special attention during the maintenance process. But in any case, to properly select such an assistant, it is necessary to deal with its device and operating parameters.

What is the compressor?

Under compressor installations it is understood as a wide range of aggregates, pumping compressed air. In a sense, these are generators of air flows, which are used as an effort to perform certain working action. For example, compressed air is a working environment for pneumatic building tools. The station sends it to the equipment, as a result of which the final function is performed. Technically, the compressor is a complex machine built on a mechanical workgroup. During the operation, the operator must take into account the settings of the installation status, in some cases adjusting the air supply pressure. There are also models that are working in constant mode without user participation - they control automatics. These are usually manufacturing compressors that are included in the conveyor lines of processing different materials.

Construction of aggregate

The compressor device is determined by the type of design. The most common piston air models. They can be oil and oil-free. In both cases, the direct production of compressed air provides the piston at the expense of reciprocating movements. But the piston group itself needs energy support. Drive function can perform motors of different types. In particular, the electrical compressor works on the electric motor. Such stations are beneficial to their silent, but they are dependent on the network, which is not always permissible when organizing the workflow. There are other energy options that will be considered separately. The mandatory composition of almost all compressors includes a container with air. This receiver, from the volume of which the performance of the compressor installation directly depends.

Principle of operation

In piston units, work is carried out at the expense of reciprocating action in the cylinder. In order to ensure the maximum effect of compression, a small gap from the outer surface of the piston to the inner wall of the cylinder is sealing with damping rings. The circulation of the received and manufactured air masses occurs in the cylinder between the valves. The effect of the piston is implemented due to the operation of the connecting rod operating from the crank mechanism, which is activated by the engine. But also widespread and screw compressor. The device and principle of operation of this unit can be described through the group of shafts that rotate towards each other. The effect of the dynamic machine is obtained. At different stages of the working cycle, the cuts and edges of the shafts can form a closed or open space, controlling, thus, air flows. In both mechanisms, the means for lubrication can be used - it concerns oil models. The technical fluid is enveloped by mechanical elements, protecting them from the destructive effect of friction. For screw and for piston mechanisms, various types of oils are used, which are mainly characterized by thermal resistance.

Compressor characteristics

In the choice of experienced users of the compressor equipment, take into account such parameters as pressure, capacity with performance and receivers. Pressure in this case is measured in bars - a unit that corresponds to one atmosphere. Typically, the compressors have pressure at the level of 10 bar and this is a fairly significant value, therefore it is important to take into account that the same parameter for the serviced tool must be lower. Power determines how intense will be the rotation of the same screws, rotors or piston - accordingly, it will also cause performance. The power potential on average is 1.5-2 kW. At such values, the performance corresponds to about 150-200 l / min. The most modern compressor unit is capable of providing about 500 l / min. In the case of power, and in performance calculations should be a residue of 15-20% per overload. The receiver capacity can be 10-20 liters in the case of a household compressor, and 500-700 liters, if it comes to an industrial unit.

Varieties of piston models

A fundamental difference between different piston models can be called lubrication. The oil compressor is an aggregate that requires regular and abundant supply by technical fluids that minimize the friction effect. A kind of antifriction additive that increases the service life of the elements.

Outless models won due to small size and the possibility of supplying clean air. But it cannot be said that the mechanisms of such compressors are completely eliminated from lubrication. It is present, but applies to other channels, without contacting the receiver in which the air circulates. Moreover, oil supply is provided in automatic mode with special distributions. Both oil and oil-free types of compressors find their place in different spheres. To understand the practical difference between two devices, it can be said that the first is better working in conditions of intensive production, and the second most likely suitable for servicing a small-sized pneumatic tool.

Varieties of drive systems

The type of actuator in this case is a type of engine, due to which the mechanical filling performs its air generation function. It has already been said that there is an electrical compressor that wins from competitive models due to a quiet job, but its network connection imposes certain limitations. The advantages of such aggregates also include environmental purity and modest sizes.

If high performance is required, then preference is preferred to compressors on liquid fuel. As a rule, these are the most powerful generators of compressed air that can be used in production. Industrial types of compressors are almost all formed by gasoline and diesel stations. But it is important not to forget that the presence of traditional DVS increases the dimensions of the compressor and increases the responsibility of maintenance.

Consumables and accessories

In the process of its work, the compressor interacts with pneumatic equipment by means of special channels transmitting compressed air. The simplest household compressor is equipped with adapters, adapters and fittings that allow you to organize a compound and with a small spray gun, and with a massive spray setting.

Also as a mandatory component, the measuring instrument is a pressure gauge. It can be a shooting, electronic or automatic, and its presence as such is extremely recommended by specialists. We should also not forget that the compressor is a machine operating at high pressure and voltage. Moreover, some models together with the air jet can spray and abrasive particles. Therefore, it is desirable to work with such installations in a special equipment with glasses and mittens.

Compressor manufacturers

The largest manufacturers of industrial equipment produce compressors of different species. Among the segment leaders, FUBAG, ABAC, Metabo and Fini can be called. These are marked segments, offering, except for high performance, also effective protective systems with ergonomic dignity of the design. It is ABAC and FUBAG that offer a high-power 500-liter compressor. The industrial unit of this production, according to users, is pleasantly surprising not only by operational capabilities, but also by modern technological management.

Scope of application

The simplest tasks that perform air compressors cover the entire spectrum of functions of the pneumatic tool. Grinders, wrench, chisel, sandblasting devices functionally provides a compressor. This is a universal compressed air source for small-sized pneumatics at least.

If we talk about more serious tasks, then they can be given the pumping of inflatable products, painting works, as well as abrasive stripping. Again, due to the compressed air, it is possible to form a fairly active jet, capable of delivering foreign particles at high speed. This possibility can be explained by the production assignment of the compressor, thanks to which the machine mechanisms spraying sand are served.


The principle of operation of compressor equipment has long been applied in a variety of spheres. At the given stage of development in pursuit of the consumer, manufacturers seek to revise both the designs and the technical and operational capabilities of such aggregates. As a result, the industrial compressor appears, the list of tasks of which includes the maintenance of complex operations of the hydroabrasive cutting. These are powerful diesel installations that externally resemble small power plants. On the other hand, it does not lose relevance and a small-sized compressor, pointingly serving small-sized tools - such models are added in functionality, ergonomics and degree of autonomy.

Why do you need a car compressor?

Wheel pressure determines many vehicle characteristics - permeability, noise level, comfort when driving through various types of road surfaces and, finally, the intensity of wear of tires. Over time, the pressure in the wheels drops due to insufficient tightness, or it is necessary to change it manually, and to return it to the norm should be used.

Today, mechanical pumps with manual or foot drive are widely used, but electric drives with electrical drive are widely used - compressors.

The automotive compressor is an electromechanical device designed to increase the air pressure in the tires (or chambers) of the automotive vehicles. This device makes it much easier and speeds up the pumping process of tires of any volume, and frees the car owner from the need to perform physical work.

To correctly choose a compressor for your car, you must first understand the types and features of the instruments that the market offers.

Types, design and characteristics of compressors

Currently, there are two fundamentally different design types of compressors:

  • Piston (single and two-cylinder);
  • Membrane.

The piston compressor is the classic and most common solution. In this type of compressor compressors, the compression and injection of air is carried out by the piston performing reciprocating movements in the cylinder.

The base of the compressor is a cylinder-piston group (CPG) of a small volume (dozens of cubic centimeters), the piston is driven through the crank-connecting mechanism from the electric motor.

CPG can be performed by a solid or composite - to have a separate unit (with or without crankcase) and head. A valve mechanism (inlet and exhaust valve) is installed in the head, as well as air hose and pressure gauge.

For the most part, piston compressors do not have a receiver, since for pumping wheels there is no need. However, models with receivers can be found on the market - such compressors can be used not only as a pump, but also to solve other tasks.

The membrane compressor has a simpler design - its base is a container, closed flexible membrane, which can make reciprocating movements. Membrane drive - through a crank-connecting mechanism from an electric motor. The container provides valve mechanism and fittings for connecting air hose and pressure gauge.

Both types of compressor, despite the difference in the design, have the same principle of operation. The work of any compressor takes place in two clocks:

  • First clock - inlet. Inlet valve in open state, graduation - in closed. When the piston or the membrane moves from the top dead point to the lower dead point in the cylinder due to the pressure drop, air portion from the atmosphere comes;
  • Second tact - release. The intake valve is closed, the inlet valve is open. When the piston or the membrane moves from the bottom of the dead point to the top of the dead point, the air is partially compressed and under pressure enters the wheel.

The type of compressor is easy to determine its appearance. In the piston compressor, two separate parts can be distinguished - the cylinder (or head) and the electrical engine housing. The cylinder usually has fins, which provides cooling (heating occurs due to air compression and due to the piston friction on the cylinder wall).

Membrane compressors usually have a round case (in the form of a low height cylinder), and in size they can be significantly less piston.

Today, piston compressors received the greatest spread, the membrane meets quite rarely. The reason for this is simple: Piston devices can bent for air under pressure 7-10 atmospheres (serious devices develop and more significant pressure), and the membrane barely provides pressure 3-4 atmosphere.

Also, membrane compressors have less productivity - no more than 15-18 l / min, while at the same time the most simple piston compressors have a capacity of 20-40 l / min, and more serious devices can be pulled out to 70-100 or more air liters per minute. Therefore, the membrane compressors benefit from piston only in dimensions, but you can pump the wheel with piston you can two or three times faster.

Regardless of the type, all compressors are equipped with a pressure gauge to control the pressure in the wheel. Also necessarily provides an air hose (normal or extended and folded in spring). Power compressors can be two types:

  • From the cigarette lighter;
  • Directly from the battery terminals.

Various additional features and features are also possible: the presence of a fuse, a built-in flashlight, various adapters, the presence on the flap valve fittings (it offers the possibility of a quick release of air from the wheel), electronic or mechanical protection against overheating and others. Most compressors have bags or caides for carrying and storage.

Operation and maintenance of compressors

First of all, you should make the right purchase of the compressor. Here you need to consider the type of car, wheel size and pumping frequency / wheel deflation. So, for most compact passenger cars, a fairly simple compressor with a maximum developed pressure of 7 atmospheres and with a capacity of up to 20 l / min.

For SUVs need a more powerful apparatus with a capacity of up to 35-40 and more l / min. And for cars, actively operated on the SUZ, requires serious compressors with a capacity of up to 100 and more l / min and with maximum pressure up to 10 atmospheres. As for additional functions, everything depends here only on your personal preferences.

It is necessary to operate the compressor on the applied instructions, and some simple recommendations should be followed:

  • During the work, perform control of the testimony of the pressure gauge, since the air injection occurs constantly, and it is easy to miss the moment of achieving optimal pressure in the wheel;
  • Do not exceed the manufacturer's recommended time for the continuous operation of the compressor (usually 10-30 minutes) - the piston and the cylinder are heated, and with too long work the compressor may fail;
  • Ensure that the compressor worked in the position recommended by the manufacturer (when inclined or in an inverted position, its work can be broken);
  • Do not compress the compressor shocks and other mechanical stress.

The average compressor brings pressure in the wheel to a 2-atmosphere for one to three minutes, which saves the time and power of the car owner. And the level of noise of modern compressors lies in reasonable limits and does not cause inconvenience to others (usually not more than 75 dB).

Therefore, making the right choice and observing the instruction manual, the car owner for many years will receive a reliable and faithful assistant.

Not everyone saw compressors and do not everyone know their purpose. Therefore, it is worth a clear definition of this equipment. The compressor is a special system for compressing air masses or gases under pressure used in industry.

Such devices reduce the volume of air or gaseous masses by compressing them. After the compression process, the air is accumulated in the special tanks of the compressor and is fully prepared for further industrial activities.

In the modern production of the air compression device is widely used. For example, in energy systems. They allow compressed air molecules with compressed air molecules that control the temperature and the dampers obtained by compressing the air masses. Compressors are also widely used in the gas industry to ensure the activities of gasoline pumps. It is noteworthy that the devices did not go around and the construction, where they are also used to transmit energy and actuate the construction aggregates.

How to choose a suitable compressor?

A variety of devices compressive air

Now there are a wide variety of compressor installations. These are the devices referred to with pistons and screws, diesel engines, spirals and teeth without mandatory oil consumption.

For example, the piston unit is like an oil and not requiring it. More compressors are divided into gasoline (diesel) and electric. A screw compressor equipment can be both basic and located on the receiver with a built-in cooler.

It is worth remembering that for each specific purpose it is necessary to install the most suitable for it.

How to choose a suitable compressor?

As mentioned, each compressor installation is designed for certain purposes. Help in choosing equipment you can specialists centers for the sale of the above installations. In addition, now there is the possibility of taking compressors for rent or leasing, which will significantly affect the budget of your company or own if the equipment needs you to build our own residential or industrial facilities. In any case, the choice of compressor equipment should be approached responsibly, so as not to spoil the project and not overpay when the installation is forced.

According to the materials of the site

The article tells about what is a compressorWhat and where they are used and what is their role in the industrial world as a whole.

So let's get up!

Immediately it is worth writing that, the compressor is such a device designed mainly to compress and transmit compressed gas under pressure, and for better realization of the compressor function, I can say that the nearest "brother" of the compressor is the pump. The date of the invention of the first compressor is considered the end of the 19th century. Some patriotic notes start playing when you find out that the main theories of such machines were formulated by Russian scientists - Euler, Chaplygin, Zhukovsky.

For the age, that they exist, a large number of compressor species appeared, and for their classifies already have to use several categories. For example, classification according to constructive features and on the principle of action: piston compressors, rotary, inkjet, axial, centrifugal. Also, the compressors classifies in terms of the pressure being created: low (0.3 - 1 mn / m2), mean (1-10 mn / m2), high (more than 10 mn / m2); By the size of the compressible gas (air compressors, oxygen, nitrogen, etc.) and in some other parameters.

There is no particular sense to describe the principle of action of each type of compressor - this is long and, perhaps, will not be all interesting - it is much more interesting to see where the compressors themselves can be used.
The first thing comes to mind is the use of compressors in various fields of industry. Indeed, such a function of compressors, as the possibility of supplying air or other gas to the drive of pneumatic equipment, is very in demand at any enterprise! But they also are also used for other needs, for example, in refrigeration plants (their feature is that they work with pairs of refrigerant and mainly it is screw compressors); for the blast in some metallurgical furnaces (for this use the so-called rotary type of compressor); in the domain and steel plants; And even in aviation jet engines (they use multistage axial compressors, increasing the efficiency of the air compression process).

What to say about their use in the oil sector of the industry, where the compressors are given the duties for the transportation of natural gas, its injection into tanks and storage facilities, distillation of oil and so on.

To assess all the need for compressors in the modern industry, in my opinion, it is enough to bring only one figure from statistics - modern enterprises engaged in mechanical engineering spend up to 30% (!!) consumable power to generate compressed air, i.e. About 30% of all energy consumed goes to compressors!

It costs to notice, justice for the sake of that other than industrial use, they are also used in everyday life - as a rule, it is inexpensive and small compressors that would be nice to have in the garage and use for painting, pods, tire pods and so on. Having it in the farm - it is very practical and quite inexpensive, and moreover, good products practically does not require compressors.

The compressor is a device intended for pumping compressed air or gas. It is used to ensure the operation of a pneumatic tool, circulation of the cooling refrigerant in a closed circuit and pumping pressure in various containers. This equipment is widely used in medicine, industry and everyday life. Its presence allows you to perform a wide range of actions.

Design and varieties in structure

The compressor is an air pump operating automatically. It provides air or gas with overpressure. The device can operate from an electric motor or internal combustion engine. The supercharger design often provides for not only the pump, but also a special metal receiver for injection pressure.

According to the principle of the pump itself, the device may be:
  • Screw.
  • Piston.
  • Membrane.

There is also some other technological varieties of air injection devices, but they are more rarely applicable, due to the high cost of production or low work efficiency.


The screw is an expensive design used on industrial facilities. It is based on a special auger that captures air or other gas on the principle of the meat grinder screw. To ensure a more efficient air intake, it is mixed with oil inside the supercharger. The resulting mixture is fed under pressure, after which it is filtered and purified air is supplied to the output. There is also more expensive oil-free structures used by the chemical and pharmacological industry, as well as in dental clinics, where the purity of the air is important without the presence of oil microparticles.

The screw design is very reliable, but in the event of a breakdown, repairs can reach half the cost of the aggregate itself. Although the device has such a disadvantage, but all its advantages are quite large:

  • Low noise.
  • Minimum heating.
  • The efficiency reaches almost 98%.
  • Low energy consumption.

Piston design is more budget, so most compressors are made precisely according to its principle. It is an engine that when rotating the piston sucks the flow into the compression chamber, after which it pumps it further along the contour. A special valve at the site of the fence does not allow the air to exit back through the entrance. The piston device is less reliable, but not expensive when buying and maintained.

If you compare the piston design with the screw, then it loses in all parameters, except for the size and cost. It should be noted that the difference in price between two species is so large that the piston option is chosen even despite its disadvantages:

  • High noise.
  • Low efficiency.
  • Permanent overheating.
  • Vibration when working.
  • Frequent breakdowns.

The membrane compressor, in contrast to the first two varieties, is used mainly on industrial facilities for working with various gases. In everyday life, such a design can be found in refrigeration and in mini airbrush. Very rarely on sale can be seen and ordinary household discs on this type. The principle of their action lies in the fact that as a result of the oscillatory motion of the engine, the grate of flexible membranes is carried out, which are compressed and squeezed gases, providing them with high pressure transmission. This design is very successful. It has a number of advantages:

  • Compact size.
  • Creating high pressure.
  • Preventing mechanical impurities.
  • Not difficult maintenance.
  • Reliable housing to prevent gas leaks.

Despite the listed advantages, this type, although it is not difficult and expensive in service, still requires periodic replacement of the membrane, which loses its elasticity, especially when working with aggressive gases. It should also be noted that although industrial machines have relatively small dimensions, but their hull is made of thick-walled steel, which significantly affects the mass of the equipment.

Target variety of compressors

Compressors differ from themselves not only on the principle of action, but also by target destination. According to this criterion, they are divided into the following types:

  • Gas.
  • Air.
  • Circulating.

Gas are used to pump clean gases and mixtures thereof. They are installed at gas stations to download cylinders with oxygen, hydrogen and other substances. They are not intended to work with air and have a special design that does not allow the formation of an electrical spark that can be dangerous when working with some explosive gases.

Air compressor is the most common. It can be found in the auto repair shop and on the tire terminal. It is such a device that provides pumping wheels, and also supplies compressed air to the spray gun used for painting tasks. Air superflorer runs pneumatic tools used by builders and auto mechanics.

Circulating compressors are a narrow-controlled species, the main task of which is to ensure continuous transfer of air or gas along a closed contour. Such a device has no cumulative receiver. Often, such devices are used to ensure the circulation of freon or other refrigerant in refrigeration equipment. Motherblessly used membrane design.

What compressor to choose for home or work

For home use, applied to auto repair shops or for solving construction tasks, air piston compressors with a cumulative receiver are preferably selected. Although they are inferior to steel structures on durability, but is relatively cheap and lighter. Most models that are used for private purposes can be easily placed in the car trunk.

Choosing a piston, or another household compressor, you should pay attention to its performance:
  • Receiver volume.
  • Performance.
  • Power.
  • Pressure.
  • Noise level.

As for the volume of the receiver, it is selected individually depending on the use of the device. If it is planned that the unit will be used exclusively for pumping wheels and rare simple painting works, then the capacity of 24 liters will be more than sufficient. If the compressor is used professionally for large-scale painting tasks, when it is important to maintain a given pressure, then it is best to choose devices with a receiver from 50 l and above. This rule concerns connecting pneumatic construction or fitter equipment. Otherwise, after a few seconds of work accumulated by the air in the receiver will come out, which will continue to work only after the resumption of the pressure tool.

An important factor is performance. If it is high, then even the unit with a small receiver will become quite suitable for performing professional tasks. For comfortable work, you should not take the equipment, the performance of which is below 150 l / minute.

The more powerful the compressor, the better. It should be borne in mind that with an increase in this indicator, noise level increases. For a home device, the optimal is considered the power of 1.5 kW. If the receiver volume is 50 liters and more, and if the equipment is operated to perform professional tasks, it is better to give preference to a capacity of 2-2.5 kW. Of course, it will not be excessively productive, but in the ratio of price and efficiency this option is optimal.

As for pressure, the overwhelming majority of household compressors are injected 8 bar. This is more than enough to perform almost any tasks. For example, 4-6 bar placed on the output of the compressor in the color of the pressure on the outlet, the same applies to the pneumatic tool. Well, if you use the device exclusively to pump the wheels, then for passenger transport it would be enough compressor with the possibility of pressure injecting up to 3 bar. Also, when choosing it is worth noting that the more powerful the device, the volume, louder and heavier. By doing shopping, you should not chase the performance, but repelled from the goals that will be facing the equipment.

How to extend the life of the compressor

In order for the equipment to work as long as possible, it needs easy to care. First of all, it is not recommended to leave the receiver under pressure after completing work. To do this, it is necessary to lower the air, which will increase the service life of gaskets and cranes.

Periodically, especially in the cold time, it is necessary to unscrew the special drain hole at the bottom of the receiver to drain the condensate, which is released from steam. This is especially important if the compressor is used to connect the collapse. Otherwise, water drops will fly out with air from it, which is completely unacceptable in painting. The lack of moisture in the receiver is a reliable corrosion protection. Rusty particles quickly clog the filter elements, which reduce the efficiency of the equipment. With a significant appearance of condensate inside the receiver, a characteristic squabble sound is created when swinging.

Another important factor that negatively affects the preservation of the compressor's performance is overheating. A piston design is far from perfect, so when the device is running, strong friction is created, which heats the work parts of the device. Significant overheating can be critical, so you should alternate working with interruptions. Membrane and screw structures are sensitive to frost, so they are better not to include at a minus temperature.