Repairs Design Furniture

Warm the ceiling in the apartment. How to insulate the wall inside the apartment: the better to insulate the wall inside the apartment yourself. Ceiling insulation: basic ways

If your housing is on the top floor, then regardless of the presence or absence of the attic to insulate the ceiling of the apartment will not be superfluous, because no one wants to lose precious gigakloria warmth. In modern homes, builders are most often careful about this, but in the old building this work is shifted on the shoulders of tenants and the maternity owners understand, once the utility payments grow it is better to spend time for long-term savings.

Heat ceiling Outside

The easiest and most suitable room for preserving the size of residential space option is the insulation of the ceiling outside, that is, on the side of the attic, if, of course, the attic room is not used in utility needs and the HEK allows you to do this. In this case, the floor in the attic is cleaned, the heat-insulating Rockwool plates are placed on it (you can additionally fix them with glue, but optionally) and the layer of clay (Figure 1) is added on them. Insulation must be carried out by grabbing part of the territory outside the apartment, and at the edges of the site, limiters (boards) are put in order for the ceramzite to crumble from the edge.

In some cases, the insulation on the side of the attic closes the waterproofing layer and the device is made from above. This is a more time-consuming and expensive process, it is economically justified only in the case of insulation throughout the attic, because it will have to not only buy a clay and insulation, but also to order (knead) a screed solution and lay it in terms of level.

You can use not only Rokvul. But the usual foam. With thermal insulation of the floor of the attic (cold attic), the insulation is not necessarily edged with butterflies - you can do the usual adhesive composition for fastening thermal insulation plates.

Ceiling insulation from the inside

For ceiling insulation from within There are several ways, but any of them "Eat" part of the volume of residential premises, so before working it is necessary to calculate their effectiveness. The optimal version is the combination of the ceiling insulation and the firmware with its plasterboard in decorative purposes, because in this case it is possible, by losing the volume to win in the design of the room due to the new backlight system. The thermal insulation in this case is performed between the profile frames fastening the plates or the foam on the profile of the self-adhesive ribbon.

If you are interested in classic insulation without plasterboard, you can go in two ways -

  1. - Mount the frame for plates of thermal insulation,
  2. - Fasten the Rockwool insulation or analogue to the base of the ceiling with the help of special "butterflies" and glue.

In the first case, the distance of the ceiling is retreated from the base of the ceiling, or a slightly exceeding the thickness of the heat insulation and the guide profile is attached around the perimeter. Next on it on the sides, marks are made after 40-50 cm, which are connected by the ceiling profile element. It remains only to break the interdictive niches on the cells, using a self-taking care of the profile, fill them with insulation and consolidate it to the robram frame. From above, such a cake is closed by a reinforcing mesh on glue and exposed to standard painting finish.

If the insulation is attached to the ceiling directly (Figure 2), then first insulation plates are fixed on glue, after which they are additionally pressed "butterflies" after drilling holes with a perforator in the ceiling plate (several per m2) and thermal insulation.

We recommend using for insulation Light Batts Scandik 800x600x50 mm. In one package of 12 plates of thermal insulation with a thickness of 5 cm. The package is enough for 5.76 m2, and its price for the fall of 2017 in Moscow is 470 rubles.

The ceiling insulation is a mandatory stage of work in the construction of a private house with an unheated attic. But the ceiling surface of the apartment located on the top floor also needs thermal insulation. Moreover, the insulation of the ceiling can be performed in two ways. The choice of one or another variant depends on the height of the room, the design of the house and the insulation used. Before properly insulate the ceiling in the apartment, you need to explore the characteristics, pros and cons of all suitable heat insulators.

When choosing a reliable insulation, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Consider the weight of the material. It is important that the insulation does not heat the overlap strongly.
  2. Use only harmless, environmentally friendly materials that do not contain toxic substances and do not distinguish them in the form of evaporation.
  3. The heat insulator must have chemical and biological resistance. It should not damage insects and microorganisms. Biological resistance is important in operation in conditions of high humidity.
  4. For the heat insulation of the ceiling in the bathroom and in the kitchen, materials with low water absorption are used.
  5. Resistance to fire - no less important requirement. The insulation should not drip, maintain burning and smoke in a fire.
  6. If all work you will perform with your own hands, take into account the ease of processing and laying thermal insulation.
  7. Prefer insulators with good vapor permeability. They do not interfere with the air exchange of overlapping designs. Due to this, condensate will not be assembled on the ceiling surface, which spoils the finish and building structures.

Ways of insulation

Since the ceiling insulation in the apartment is carried out only on the last floor of high-rise buildings, the internal or outer installation of the thermal insulator can be used. The insulation of the concrete ceiling outside is much more effective with the tasks of conservation of heat, because so concrete structures are better protected from freezing.

The insulation of the concrete ceiling from the inside has significant cons:

  • after fixing the insulation on the ceiling surface, the height of the room is significantly reduced;
  • when the insulation is fastened from the inside, the concrete overlap is much freezing, which leads to a significant heat transfer of the room.

Outdoor laying of thermal insulation, although it has many advantages, not suitable for all apartments, but only those above which there is a technical floor. Otherwise, it will have to use insulation from the inside.

Selection of material

In their physical condition, all thermal insulation materials are divided into fibrous, solid, bulk and sprayed. The latter are practically not used for the heat insulation of apartments, because they require the use of special equipment for spraying, work skills and are expensive.

For the internal thermal insulation of the ceiling surface in the apartment use foam and extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool and its stone variety. When installing, a frameless or frame technology is used. The choice of method of installation depends on the density of the material. Dense insulators are fixed without the use of a frame, and soft materials are laid between the crates of the crate.

To use outdoor insulation, houses are suitable with a attic or technical floor. It is important that communications passing on the technion did not interfere with the laying of thermal insulation. For external insulation, grazit uses more often. The material is poured between wooden bars laid in overlapping. Be sure to make a vapor and waterproofing layer, because the wet insulation loses half of its thermal insulation qualities.

Important! In order to damage the thermal insulator when walking on the technion, it is covered with a packed flooring or make a cement screed.

Consider the most popular varieties of thermal insulation materials used to insulate the apartment.

Mineral wool

For thermal insulation of the apartment, two varieties of mineral wat are suitable:

  1. Glasswater is inexpensive, it is distinguished by simplicity of laying and durability. However, the material highlights small sharp particles penetrating into the respiratory tract of the person, therefore it is used for outer laying.
  2. Basalt Vata. It has environmental cleanliness, resistance to mechanical damage, durability and durability. This non-combustible material with low water absorption and good vapor permeability is allowed to assemble from the inside of the room. When laying, frameless technology can be used. The material is allowed to apply indoors with elevated fire safety requirements.

Important! The thermal conductivity coefficient of mineral wat is 0.041, the vapor permeability is 0.48, and the density is from 20 to 220 kg / m³.

Among the positive qualities of mineral wats are called the following:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • basalt wool waterproof;
  • good paropropusing ability;
  • durability;
  • fire resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • stability to deformities and chemicals.

Disadvantages There are only glass gambles. The material is strongly dust during transportation and laying. When wetting, he loses part of its thermal insulation qualities.

Polystyrene foam

The ceiling insulation in the Penoplex apartment is most often applied. This kind of extruded expanded polystyrene is made by Technonol.

In general, such types of polystyrene are suitable for thermal insulation of concrete overlap:

  1. Polyfoam, made on the presticking technology, is the cheapest material. The water absorption of this kind is the highest, and thermal insulation characteristics are somewhat lower than that of the second species.
  2. The press foam has closed pores in its structure, therefore it has a low thermal conductivity. It is quite durable and dense.
  3. Extruded expanded polystyrene consists of small closed pores. Its thermal insulation characteristics are the highest.

The thermal insulation of the ceiling by extruded polystyrene foam has many advantages:

  • water resistance of the surface;
  • high efficiency;
  • acceptable price;
  • simplicity and speed of installation;
  • stability to deformities;
  • low weight;
  • service life comes up to 30 years;
  • resistance to rot and mold;
  • well absorbs shock noise.

All polystyrene foams are easily ignited, but the extruded variety is considered to be self-tapping material. For gluing the ceiling of polystyrene plates, it is allowed to use only adhesive mixtures that do not contain aggressive solvents for foam. Also, the minuses of polystyrene consider their low vapor permeability and poor protection against sound waves propagating through the air.

Important! Water absorption of polyfoam 0.4-4%. Parry permeability coefficient 0,019-0,015. Strength 0.4-1 kg / cm³. The best indicators has extruded polystyrene foam, so it is used more often.


Ceramzite granules are obtained during the firing process of shale clay. When heated, the surface of the granules is sintered, pores appear in inside, which are responsible for the high thermal insulation characteristics of the material. For the external insulation of concrete ceractions, clamzite shallow and medium fraction with the size of the granules within 1-2 cm are used.

Pros of thermal insulation overlap with clay:

  1. Ceramzit granules non-combustible. They do not smoke and do not distinguish toxic substances during fire. The material does not support combustion and does not eat when heated, therefore it is believed to the category of fireproof insulation.
  2. This light insulation does not load overlaps.
  3. Granules have biological and chemical resistance. They are not terrible rodents, insects, rot and mold.
  4. This durable material has an impressive service life (up to 50-60 years).
  5. Installation can be performed by itself, because it does not need special skills and fixtures.
  6. The insulation is inexpensive, which is also his dignity.

The disadvantage is the dustiness of the material when laying and transporting. In addition, granules are hygroscopic, therefore, after wetting, 50% of thermal insulation qualities are lost. That is why, when installing a ceramic insulation, special attention is paid to the device for vapor and waterproofing.

Cost of insulation

If you plan to order ceiling insulation, the price for work depends on the method of installation of the material and the heat insulator used. In the process of insulation, the ceiling surface is carried out different works.

The total cost of mounting the insulation consists of such indicators:

  • Preparation of the ceiling surface (removal of old finish, impregnation with antiseptic, primer) costs about $ 1 / m².
  • For the installation of the carrier crate on the base ceiling will have to lay out $ 2.00 per square.
  • Laying a vapor insulation membrane - 1.5-2 $ / m².
  • Mounting mineral wool from the dwelling side - 6.7-75 $ per square.
  • Warming with mining from the outside of the overlap - 4.8-5 $ / m².
  • Warming ceiling on frameless technology (fixing plates on a dowel-nail) - $ 7-8 per square meter.

After performing the internal insulation of the ceiling, the surface of the insulating material is closed with finishing finish. Gypsumton is usually mounted, but wooden and plastic panels, ceiling plates are also suitable for these purposes. If finishing works will perform professionals, then the payment of their labor is also worth adding to the cost of insulation.

Large heat loss and cold air blowing from the ceiling is a consequence of improper or poor-quality thermal insulation. Heat losses through the ceiling can reach 20%, as the preheated air rises up, and if it does not meet the barrier capable of keeping inside the room, it will blow it out, like your budget. Events on ceiling insulation must be performed on the construction stage of the house. But if for some reason it did not happen, or the old thermal insulation came into disrepair, they will have to do everything again. What are the methods of insulation of the ceiling, how to better implement them in a case, what materials are used - here are the main questions that arise from the owners. At the same time, it is important to do everything correctly so that the insulation does not reflect, the condensate did not accumulate on the surface, the mold or fungus did not appear. And for this it is necessary to understand the very essence of the works and processes occurring in the insulation.

Why and how to warm the ceiling

What is meant under the insulation of the ceiling? If blowing on top, on the side of the overlap, we say "you need to insulate the ceiling", but what actions are meant by this? In fact, there are several technologies, and which one is suitable in each particular case depends on the starting conditions.

In a private house, the insulation of the ceiling is always produced from the side of the upper room: Whether it is the attic, the next floor or attic. Laying the thermal insulation material on top of the overlap or in the voids of the overlap ensures the retention of heat indoors. At the same time, the height of the insulated room does not decrease, no additional decoration of the ceiling is required, and it is not necessary to mount thermal insulation directly above the head, because it is not so easy to fix it, and the particles will penetrate the living room. But the most important thing is the processes occurring in the ceiling and heat-insulating material, provide heat and dryness of the room and materials, the condensate is not formed and the insulation does not wet.

What is the principle of insulation the attic? It is no secret that the best insulation is air. All modern thermal insulation materials are essentially air, concluded in one way or another in shape. But how can I use air for insulation so as not to pay for it? Our ancestors came to a very wise when they built houses with a two-tie roof and an exceptionally cold attic, in which there were two turns in the front. Our climate allows you to beat this situation in favor. The double roof delays the snow well, which is also insulation. Snow covered roof so well keeps heat, which even if in the yard -25 ° C, then inside the attic temperature is about 0 ° C. The air, locked in the indoor attic, is an ideal insulator whose characteristics can be changed depending on the time of year or weather, opening and closing the end of the front and airing the room. The sex of the attic always was insulated with bulk natural materials, together with air, it made it possible to maintain the temperature inside the heated room +20 - +25 ° C. Plus, the insulation of the floor in the attic is also the fact that the material does not reflect, it can be dried by airing the room.

Extremely important! For the attic to perform the function of the heat insulator, it is impossible to insulate the roofs of the roof from the inside. This will lead to the fact that the snow on the roof will be lifted, and icicles will be formed on the ot. In addition, the design of a laptile roof is always open for inspection and repair.

Important! Ingusted from all sides, the attic with heating is no longer a attic. This is an attic, more acceptable to the climate of warm countries in Western Europe. The construction and operation of the attic apply their rules.

In the apartment of a high-rise building, everything is somewhat different. Heat the overlap or the floor of the upper floor is not possible. Yes, and the problem of blown ceiling most often arises from the inhabitants of the last floor. What to do? The only option is to insulate the ceiling from the inside of the room, although it is not recommended, but there is no other choice.

When insulation, the ceiling is important to remember such a rule: each subsequent layer in the direction of the room should have a greater steam-consisting ability.

Below will consider separately ways of insulation of the attic outside and from the inside.

Ceiling insulation outside (from the upper room)

The insulation of the ceiling on the side of the upper room implies the laying of the heat-insulating material on top of the overlap or in its emptiness, if any. As already written above, they do in private houses and cottages. The type of material for insulation and the technology itself of its styling depend on how the overlap is wooden or concrete. For overlapping on the beams, which is a wooden floor on the lags, lightly flowing materials or a roll type are suitable. But for the insulation of the concrete slab - dense mats or plates, as well as heavy dumping materials.

One of the most ancient and tested ways of methods of insulation ceiling - insulation of the attic of sawdust. In some regions, it is possible to purchase sawdust for a snapping or getting at all for free if there is a woodworking nearby. Quite often, at the enterprise, they themselves do not know where they opted, so - come and take at least every year. Flush the sawdust is better from above wooden floors.

The only drawback of this method is that sawdust is lit. Therefore, several different ways of insulation sawdust appeared.

Method 1.. All the cracks in the wooden floor attack wrap the clay, a little liquid. Sprinkle with sand top. If suddenly the clay is somewhere crawling, the sand will immediately fall asleep, and the integrity will continue. To protect the sawdusts from mice, pour the layer of hazed lime to the carbide. Next goes the main layer - sawdust. For different regions, the thickness of this layer can be different, but the minimum 150 - 200 mm is optimal to be 250 - 300 mm. Since sawdust is a combustible material, then it is sprinkled with a thin layer of spent slag, especially around hot communications - chimney, for example. From above, nothing is laid. You can only decompose the boards for the convenience of walking in the attic.

Method 2.. The surface of the floor must be protected from moisture. You can do this in two ways: the first is to lay on the wooden floor a waterproofing film, able to skip steam from the room, the second - as well as in the first way the entire floor of the clay. Then it is necessary to mix sawdust with cement. For this, 10 parts of sawdust are taken, approximately 1 - 2 parts of cement and 1.5 parts of the water. First, the sawdust is mixed with cement, then water is added. Sawdles should get closer slightly to pinch them. The resulting mixture can be poured from above to the floor of the attic or flooding between the beams of overlapping on the draft floor. The 200 mm layer will be enough. It is still necessary to begin to fulfill all these works so that for the summer of sawdust with cement managed to dry well (they dry for a long time).

Important! Check, dried in sawdust or not, easy: just go through them. Drying sawdust will not be rebuilt, but will slightly crunch.

Method 3.. Looks like a second way. Only instead of cement uses clay.

Method 4.. Looks like the first way. Slag can not sprinkle on top. Speakers can be on top to smear clay only not very liquid so that it does not shed deep inside.

Considering that clamzite - the material is rather heavy, it is not recommended to warm the wooden floors. It is too large to risk that wooden flooring can fail. The ceiling cerapholite is insulated with concrete floors.

First of all, the surface of the concrete floor must be made by a vapor barrier film. It should be treated with the overtrown, joints to schotech. The walls are on the walls, approximately 40-50 cm. Wooden rafters and chimney should also be placed by a vapor barrier film.

Next, the mint clay is stacked on the film. And already on top - Ceramzit. For better thermal insulation, a mixture of a large and fine fraction of clay is taken. Then the petty will fill out emptiness, and the backfall will turn out more homogeneous. For the cold climate, the clamzite layer should be 50 cm. Recommended in some sources 15 - 20 cm will not save the situation. It is because of the fact that for high-quality thermal insulation clamzite, it is necessary to float with such a large layer, it is rarely used.

A light cement-sand chat with a layer of 50 mm is placed on top of the ceramisite. The solution should be sufficiently thick, so as not to shed deep into the backfill. Thus, the attic will be quite durable, and it can be used to store anything or as a boiler room. The big plus is also complete fire safety and environmental friendliness of this method.

Clay is an ancient building material, the scope of application of which is varied and multifaceted. In itself, the clay in insulation is not used, since for effective thermal insulation, its layer should be simply tremendous - 50 - 80 cm. This burden will not be able to withstand a wooden ceiling, and such a thickness of the backfill is simply inexpedient, it is better to choose a modern material.

Therefore, clay ceiling insulation is used in a mixture with sawdust.

First, the floor is covered with a vapor insulating film that does not transmit water. Next, you can prepare the clay-opium solution. The water is poured into a large barrel, in which 4 - 5 pots of clay are added. Then clamp is mixed in water so that the water has acquired a dirty color, and the clay is almost dissolved. Next, the mixture is poured into the concrete mixer and falls asleep with sawdust. As stirring, the amount of water is added. As a result, the solution should be neither liquid nor thick.

An excellent version of the ceiling insulation in the attic of a wooden house - mats from the canthake. Modern reed mats, tied with twine or wire, simply stacked on top of the overlap of the rotor. It is better if the layers are 2, the second of them will overlap the joints of the first layer mats, removing the "cold bridges". The disadvantage of this method is fire hazard.

For those who want to insulate the ceiling by natural materials, seaweed will be suitable. In the seaside regions, this material can be bought for pennies, and with a large desire you can order delivery to another region. The advantage of marine algae ladders are that mice do not come in them, they are hypoallergenic and even therapets, as they are saturated with iodine and sea salt, the pairs of which are useful, and also do not support burning and do not smoke. Insects and microorganisms are harvested in algae.

Sea algae are not afraid of moisture, so steam insulates the floor is not necessary. Right to the overlapping or gender laid out the lashes with a layer of 200 mm. From above, you can equip the floor or to store the boards for the convenience of moving.

Equata or cellulose wool - modern material that is positioned as natural. To reduce flammability, it is treated with antipiren or boric acid. Equodata absorbs moisture in himself, so it is not necessary to fit the vaporizolation film.

Equodata is placed on wooden or concrete floors immediately. To do this, a special blown plant is needed, thanks to which all the slots are styled, the insulation layer is obtained by a monolithic and saturated incident inside the air. For most regions of the Russian Federation, there is enough eco-plating layer in 250 mm, but in the colder regions it is better to make 400 - 500 mm.

The technology of insulation of the ceiling is an eco-way sometimes includes splashing water. It is needed in order to speed up the formation of lignin. Then after 1 - 3 weeks on top of the EcoWhat, a crust appears. Due to the fact that this material has a property to lift, it is always necessary to take stock in 5 - 15%.

Penopelex - a representative of the family of extruded polystyrene foam. This material has greater durability than foam, and therefore it can be used to insulate concrete ceilings before pouring a concrete floor from above. A good option for insulation of ceilings of the first or second floor of a low-rise private home.

Heat the ceiling of polyplex if wooden floors are not recommended. The fact is that EPPS - the material is absolutely not "breathing." As a result, moisture will accumulate in wooden structures, it will lead to the appearance of mold and fungus.

Before laying polyplex to concrete overlap, the latter must be checked for the presence of irregularities. First, the surface is aligned, only then you can select vapor insulation material.

Then the plates of polyplex are laid out. Be sure to disperse. Mixed to the surface with special dowels with a hat "Mushroom". The joints between the plates are filled with mounting foam. After the foam dries, the cement-sand screed with a layer of 50 mm is flooded on top. It will serve as a solid floor of the attic or the second floor.

Warming Ceiling Minvata (URSA)

The most sought-after modern material for ceiling insulation is a mineral wool. One of the manufacturers of thermal insulation materials based on minerals or fiberglass is a URSA company, in the assortment of which there are rolled positions, and rigid slab.

URSA Minvat in rolls is good for the insulation of wooden floors, it is convenient to lay it between the beams. But minvati hard plates are used for the thermal insulation of concrete floors, although it is possible for wooden.

The insulation of the URRA ceiling is made in this way:

For wooden floors. There is a vapor insulation material between the beams of overlaps. Its styling is obligatory, since the Ministry of Service is afraid of moisture. The film is spread with the allen, and the joints are sampled by scotch, on the walls are on the walls at 15 - 25 cm. Next, the rolls of URSA minvati thickness are stacked between the beams with a thickness of 100 to 250 mm depending on the calculations of heat loss. The material should be in space with effort. To do this, it must be chopped with a small margin of 2 cm more than the distance between the beams. Next, there are two ways: the first one - you can leave the minvatu open, but then by the floor it will not be possible to walk, the second one can make a wooden floor, leaving the gap between minvata and floor boards in 3 mm. The advantage of mineral wool is its fire safety.

For concrete floors. The surface of the concrete is aligned, then covered with a vapor barrier film. The plates of Minvati are stacked on top, be sure to rotate. Then the wooden floor or flooring is equipped from boards, plywood or others. It is not recommended to perform a screed over mineral wool, as concrete has low vapor permeability, which means that the main rule of thermal insulation will not be observed.

Foam ceiling insulation (polyurethane foam)

Polyurethane foam is a modern material that is advertised everywhere, as the most ideal insulation for ceilings and attic. The advantages of this material are non-combustibility, good adhesion, neutrality to microorganisms and insects, waterproofing and soundproofing properties, resistance to temperature fluctuations, no cold bridges. The disadvantage is full of countertility, it badly affects the microclimate of the room.

The insulation of the ceiling by polyurethane foam is made only specializing in this organization. The material is sprayed under high pressure so that it fills in all the slots and envelops the protruding elements - columns, etc. The layer is usually 10 - 12 cm.

Ceiling insulation from the inside

Extremely unwanted measure - ceiling insulation from within the room. In addition to reducing the overall height of the room, the risk of heat-insulating material or its evaporation into the room, as well as the likelihood of the appearance of mold and fungus in the insulation. But if there is no other way out, you will have to at least take into account a number of restrictions: do not use mineral wool and form ventilation gap between insulation and ceiling trim.

Ceiling insulation extruded polystyrene foam (Polyoplax)

EPPS is a good option for insulation of a concrete ceiling. First, the lamp is nailed to which drywall will be fastened. The height of the crashes of the crate should be 2 - 3 mm more than the thickness of the insulation. The step between the rails should be equal to the width of Penoplax minus 1 - 2 mm. Next, the insulation is stuffed between the crate, it must come with effort. For greater reliability, it must be fixed with a dowel to the ceiling. Then the calcase is mounted on the crate and the suspension ceiling is obtained. Instead of plasterboard, you can mount the stretch ceiling.

Penofol is a foamed polyethylene, one side of which is fooled. Its insulating properties are not so great, but if the heat loss is not too big, it can be enough.

It is necessary to fill the ceiling to fill the crate to which the foam foam is fooled into the room. You can nail it to the crate. On both sides of this material it is necessary to perform a ventilation gap, so one more thing is stuck on top, to which plasterboard is mounted. Also possible is an option of the stretch ceiling.

The second way of insulation of the ceiling by foam - use it complete with Penoplax.

In addition to the method described above, a penofole is styled by Penoplax to the crate, and then drywall.

Heat ceiling with thermal insulating plaster mixtures

According to the incomprehensible reason, the option of ceiling insulation with special thermal insulating plaster mixtures is not popular. And in vain. This is a wonderful material for the insulation of a concrete ceiling. Plasters are absolutely eco-friendly, decorative, do not suffer from moisture and steam, do not burn and do not fear fungus or mold. Amka among the materials of UMKA have positions that can be used indoors.

The ceiling insulation with a white agglomerate of a cork of a cork tree is an environmentally friendly natural method of insulation. The plug is convenient to use when mounting the suspended ceiling type Armstrong, fixing to the crate. The use of vaporizolation is not necessarily, since the cork is not afraid of moisture.

The above-described ceiling insulation methods are the most common, but the general list does not end. There are a lot of other natural and synthetic materials that can be used for the insulation of the attic of the private house. Choosing one or another method and material, be sure to take into account the overall concept of your home. For example, insulation the ceiling of an eco-friendly wooden house of polyplex or foam at least stupid. To keep the wood dry and give it the opportunity to "breathe", it is necessary to choose natural vapor-permeable materials, such as algae, reed, sawdust or eco. And for the house of concrete, foam concrete or brick, EPPS and polyurethane foam will be suitable as it is impossible.

Preface. If you are concerned about the creation of heat and comfort in the apartment on the last floor of the house, then it is worth thinking about how to insulate the ceiling. The question is especially relevant for apartments on the last floors of residential buildings. In the article we will analyze several ways, including the easiest and most inexpensive, and also show the master class - video, how to insulate the ceiling in the apartment with your own hands on the top floor.

Should I warm the ceiling in the apartment on the top floor?

The ceiling of apartments on the last floors is the zone of the greatest heat losses in the room. It is through this surface that will eat up to 50% of heat in the room. Therefore, the question is how inexpensive to insulate the ceiling in apartments on the last floors, and what material to choose, it becomes for the owners of housing in an apartment building especially relevant and as sharp as the insulation of the floor in the apartment on the first floor.

How to insulate the ceiling in the apartment from within

For example, if you do not make high-quality insulation, then heat from the room will go out through the plates of the ceiling overlap. There are many ways to do it cheap and efficiently. Today there is a wide variety of materials for insulation with your own hands and ways to insulate the ceiling in an apartment inexpensively and with a guarantee.

Consider in the article it is those methods that today often apply for these purposes by experts. Conduct the insulation of the ceiling in the apartment yourself quite simple. It does not matter from which the ceiling is made - from plasterboard, wooden lining or plastic. Thermal insulation is fixed with guides or glue.

What to insulate the ceiling in the apartment from the inside?

For insulation, foam, polyplex, mineral wool and the most budget option - thermal insulation foil are often used. Despite the fact that the foam is the most inexpensive and convenient option, do not forget that Polystyolitrol is distinguished by harmful substances and easily flammable. Of the slab insulation, it is better to use Pleeplex - Material Plates are more dense, do not burn and do not emit harmful substances.

Warming by slab material

The plates of foam and foam plates are first glued to the ceiling and for reliability they are additionally fixed with plastic dowels. Thermal mesh is glued on the insulation, and the entire surface is sweeping and painted. A thermal insulation base is glued to the surface of the ceiling with a putty, and the mesh is glued on top of it so that the grid is completely drowned in the spacion layer, after which everything is spatula. After drying, the finish putty is applied.

As soon as the finishing layer is driving, the entire surface is primer and painting. Now you already understand a little bit in such a matter how to insulate the ceiling in the apartment on the top floor with your own hands without excess costs. If the ceiling height in the apartment is sufficient and allows it to lower it a little, then you can use the mineral wool to insulate the apartment on the last floor with your own hands.

Warming basalt material

Ceiling insulation in the Minvata apartment

In case you have chosen the plates of basalt or mineral wool, do not forget that the material absorbs moisture and it must be protected by a vapor insulating film on both sides. By the same principle, the insulation of all surfaces is carried out - ranging from the ceiling insulation in the bath and ending with the walls and ceiling in the basement of the house. On top of the insulation, lining or plasterboard is put on top of the insulation, on a pre-designed framework.

Detailed sequence of actions:

1 . We prepare the surface (close up possible cracks and cracks on the ceiling) and apply primer or concrete contact.
2 . Fresh vaporizoation that prevents the wetting of the insulation and absorb moisture from the air.
3 . Mount the crate with a step of 60 cm (the height of the guides should be no less than the thickness of the insulation).
4 . We lake the insulation between the guides of the crates and close the material with waterproofing.
5 . We are wearing a ceiling with plasterboard, clapboard, PVC panels or order a stretch ceiling.

How to inspire the ceiling in the apartment

If you are lit by the desire to install an additional framework or this does not allow you to make a low ceiling, then the process can be carried out in the following way.

For our needs, decorative plates made of foams can be fit. They are very simple to glue, the plates are not so well kept warm, but anyone can cope with this material, and they do not grind space.

And now we will show the video, how to insulate the ceiling in the apartment on the top floor with your own hands.

The insulation of the apartment is from the inside most often becomes necessary in houses with panel walls, as they have insufficient thickness, quickly get out, the heating system cannot fully cope with its tasks, and the temperature in the rooms falls. How to insulate the wall inside the apartment, and what methods and materials apply - this question arises in front of most housing owners in concrete high-rise buildings. The external walls in such houses are especially quickly cold, and often due to temperature drops begin to dance and covered with mold.

Sometimes when there is such an opportunity, thermal insulation of the walls is carried out outside, as it more efficient way Heat conservation. However, this option is very expensive due to the complexity of its implementation, and independently conduct such events, without the use of special equipment, it is impossible if the apartment is above the first - the second floor. Therefore, it is decided to warm the walls from the inside, to the detriment of the total utility area. But, be that as it may, warm apartment slightly smaller area is better than big cold rooms. Internal works may well be carried out with their own hands, without attracting specialists. The main thing is to choose the right material and have the necessary tools.

If the apartment installed autonomous heating equipment, then the insulation of the walls will help save energy resources that cost today very expensive.

Disadvantages of internal insulation

Compared to the external thermal insulation of the walls, the inner insulation of the apartment has its sufficiently significant disadvantages:

  • A warmed wall does not accumulate and does not delay heat, and heat losses range from 8 to 15%.

With the inner insulation "Dew Point" may be inside the insulation, which leads to his reference
  • The "dew point" with internal thermal insulation is between the insulation and the wall, sometimes inside the insulating layer. This leads to the formation of condensate and the appearance of mold colonies. .
  • Incorrectly insulated from the inside wall will be wrapped all the time, and this inevitably causes irreversible destructive processes in the thickness of the material.

Proper insulation

So that under the thermal insulation layer, condensate from temperature drops in the winter period, as well as, as a consequence, the mold spots did not appear on the walls, it is necessary to carefully fulfill all technological recommendations for the insulation of concrete walls from the inside of the apartment.

An important element in the structure of thermal insulating "pie" is high-quality vaporizolation. It must protect the insulation from the penetration of moisture, which will allow the whole design to effectively fulfill its functions for a long time.

What work to achieve the goal is required to do?

  • It is necessary to purchase a vapor barrier film of high quality and waterproof tape for me to seal the seams on the connection of its sheets.
  • For the insulation layer, you need to choose a material having low vapor permeability. It is desirable that this indicator be lower than the vapor permeability of the material of the walls. In this case, the evaporation of moisture will occur towards the street, and not inside the apartment.
  • When glueing the insulation, its surface is fully absorbed by glue using spatula-comband it is very tight pressed against the wall surface, so that there are no small cavities between them.
  • To avoid an excessive high relative humidity of indoors, they must be equipped with additional ventilation of natural or forced type. For example, for this, the valves are installed on the window frames, through which air will flow into the room.

  • Next, it is necessary to accurately calculate the necessary solar thickness. It will depend on the average daily temperature in this region in the winter. The thickness of the thermal insulation material should not be less than those parameters that turned out to be calculated, otherwise the steamboard balance will be broken.
  • Before installing the insulation system, the walls must be treated with special primer compositions. They will "face" the wall, will not allow molding colonies on it, and will also increase adhesion when adhesive insulation.
  • Installation of the insulation can be started only after a complete drying of the wall.
  • You can not allow the formations of "cold bridges", which may not be reduced to no insulating process. The risk of their occurrence at the joints of the walls and overlaps is especially great.

What insulation and how to use

Cork - excellent natural material for thermal insulation

It makes such a thermal insulator in the form of plates or rolls from the cortex of a special type of oak - cork tree. Therefore, this is an environmentally friendly safe insulation, which is very important for the interior decoration.

Using high quality material, you can solve three problems at once - this is noise and sound insulation, as well as decorative wall design.

An important condition for mounting the cork coverage is the smooth wall, so before you begin to glue it, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface. This process PR is powered as follows:

  • The old coating is completely believed from the wall.
  • Then the entire surface is processed, which will protect the wall from the lesions of the fungus or mold.

  • The next stage surface must be aligned.
  • It is possible to reflect the walls and plasterboard, but in this case, the sheet must be completely blocked with waterproof glue or mounting foam, so that there is no emptiness to be left. Plasterboard is tightly pressed against the wall and is additionally fixed with anchor mounts or plastic "fungi".
  • You can stick a cork material on the dried wall. For this use a special glue, intended for such purposes.

The positive qualities of the material, in addition to its ecology, low thermal conductivity and good noise absorption include:

  • Ease of installation of plug-in walls when accurately accurate in operation.
  • Aesthetically attractive respectable view.
  • Always warm and pleasant to the touch surface of the material.
  • A variety of output forms, textured drawings and shades.

The plug is not only an otmnaya thermal insulator. She will give the room special decorativeness
  • The cork insulation does not have a large thickness, so it does not make the area of \u200b\u200bthe room less - it is relatively different from other thermal insulation materials.


Penofol in its essence is a rolled foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 2 to 10 mm, on one side of which is applied, which helps to reflect the heat into the room.

Penophol - foamed polyethylene with foil coating
  • Before its installation, the surface is prepared in the same way as under the cork coating.
  • Penophol can be fixed on smooth walls with the help of a construction bilateral tape. Material under any circumstances is located a foil side into the room. This creates a peculiar thermos for efficient heat retention.
  • Strip foofole Stacked online. Between themselves, they glued with a special scotch, also having a foil reflective surface, since all the coating should be sealed.

  • On top of the foam fixed to the wall, the crate from the rails, bars or metal galvanized profiles is set. This frame with tanet the base for mounting the wall paneling or the walls of the wall with plasterboard sheets. The plasterboard surface is subsequently covered with plaster, caught with wallpaper, either thoroughly scream and polished, and then paint.
  • It is very important when installing drywall or lining on top and bottom of the structure to leave the gap, which will serve as a vent hole for air circulation so that moisture is not accumulated.

Despite its small thickness, the foam is an excellent heat and noise insulator. It is used as a separate insulation, but it is possible to apply it in a complex with other materials. It attracts simplicity and speed of laying on the walls, floor or ceiling, as well as a long service life.

Video: insulation of inner walls with foil material

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Heat insulation materials

Choosing a material for insulation of residential premises from the inside, you must first examine all the surfaces of the walls to which thermal insulation will be held. If the wall is dry, and there are no splasal spots on it, then you can proceed to the preparation of the surface and buy insulating material. Conduct such work on an unprepared base is strictly prohibited. Not only that such insulation will not give the necessary effect - it can be thoroughly spoiled the apartment atmosphere, to make it raw, unhealthy, as the disputes of many types of mold or fungus are extremely dangerous to people's health, especially for the suffering of X Ronic respiratory diseases or predisposition to allergic reactions .

In general, any of the methods presented in the publication methods from the inside will not require any complex additional equipment, and this technological process VP can be carried out independently.