Repairs Design Furniture

Warming of the chimney metal pipe: materials, nuances and methods. How to insulate the chimney pipe with their own hands: the choice of insulation, the preparation and implementation of heat-insulating works Warming of the iron pipe on the roof of the bath

Having your country house, you need to take care of the warm-up warming in the cold season. The oven or other heating system needs to install the chimney. Pipe for the withdrawal of smoke is the main element of heat supply communications. For its effective functioning it is necessary to warm the chimney outside.

The relevance of thermal insulation

Moisture and smoke, formed during the burning of fuel, are aggressive factors affecting the chimney of bricks. The temperature difference in the cold season and the accumulated moisture deposited on the walls, fills the microcrack water, and the stone construction is destroyed from the inside. Small crystals of ice pressure from the inside and destroys it. Eliminate this allows warmed chimney.
In the process of combustion on the surface of the gas plant, condensate is formed, which contains a chemical series of oxides. Interacting, elements form weak acids (coal, sulfur, etc.) capable of destroying the metal surface. It is for this reason that isolation of the chimney is necessary.
The correct installation of the installation of thermal insulation makes it possible to prevent the fire indoors and will not give the roof overlap. Well-warm chimney pipes improve the craving in the fireplace, the boiler and the furnace, the resin and Gary's precipitate remains less. The efficiency of the heating unit increases significantly.

Positive Insulated Chimney Factors

Before answering the question - how to insulate the pipe, it is necessary to allocate the advantages of the warmed chimney.
An isolated gas feeder provides protection of the heating system from exposure to the external environment and combustion products. Of course, thermal insulation cannot fully protect the design from destruction, but will extend its operational period. This is due to the following factors:

  1. The insulation of the pipe allows maintenance of the heat balance in the middle of the structure, eliminating the possibility of fading on the walls of aggressive acids and condensate. The combustion products completely disappear along with the smoke jet.
  2. The isolation of the chimney reduces to a minimum possibility of temperature difference between the chilled smoke channel and the hot steam.
  3. Energy-saving properties that contribute to fuel economy are increasing.
  4. The strength of the latch design increases due to the strengthening frame.

Properly chosen isolation of the chimney increases the frost-resistant properties of the system, provides long-term preservation of the appearance and increases the operational period, which is very important.

Selection of material for thermal insulation

The main question of the hosts of country houses having an autonomous heating system - than to insulate the chimney. In order to reliably insulate the taps under the oven or boiler, materials with a high degree of thermal insulation, which provide the thermal balance of the chimney on the roof.

Basalt isolation

Relevant for the insulation of the chimney of Minvat or Basalt. The insulation is obtained from the melt of the volcanic rock - Gabbo-basalt. It is converted into fibers, due to which the insulating material has advantages:

  • retains up to 95% heat;
  • characterized by good permeability of the emerging steam;
  • characterized by chemical and corrosive resistance;
  • prevents the reproduction of fungus and mold on the surface of the chimney on the roof;
  • vibro- and heat-resistant;
  • made of environmental materials;
  • not subjected to destruction under the influence of ultraviolet.

Stainless steel casing

Metal "armor" in the form of a pipe made of stainless steel is used as an option of insulation. It is able to provide full protection against mechanical damage, moisture and other aggressive factors.
The chum for the chimney is mounted on the roof pipe. The interlock space is filled with basalt cotton, outside are covered with insulation, 5 cm thick. It is possible to wrapping the asbestos chimney with this insulation.

Wood shields

Wooden shields are considered one of the simple variants of the hesitation of the chimney of the pipe. The thermal insulation is performed as a wood frame from the plates of the appropriate size. The slate or other flooring is recorded on top of it, from which the roof of the dwelling is performed.
After the pipe is completely covered with wood, the empty cavity is filled with felt, slag, sand, mineral wool. Frame seams are mandatory by waterproofing.

Slag-reinforced concrete slabs

Hearth of chimney in a private house with the use of iron and slag concrete slabs, provides the smallest distance between the joints on the design. The space inside and the corners are reinforced with a mesh or wire, the plaster, clay and sand in the form of a solution poured. Over the tile isolation impose plaster.

Specificity of insulating work

Warring chimney with her own hands, we take into account that during the operation of the heating boiler, the temperature in the smoke channel can reach 200 -300 degrees.

In the rally isolation it is better to choose a material with high heat-resistant properties: glass gamble, mineral wool, basalt.

In the building materials market, thermal insulation is sold in the form of finished cylinders with a special foil screen. With their help, they draw out the gas duct and adjacent the elements of the roof - protecting them from the ignition and getting cold air. Tubular designs are sold different diameters, which allows you to wrap the discharge of smoke discharge.

Regulatory requirements for thermal insulation

Before heating the chimney pipe, it is necessary to make sure that its installation is correct.

The gas duct is performed in accordance with the technological standards specified in GOST 52953-200

  1. The conclusion of the combustion products should be height in 5 m. This indicator provides optimal thrust in the heating system.
  2. Between the roof overlap and the outer element of the boiler, the distance is not less than 250 mm.
  3. If the construction is covered with combustible materials, in particular, slate, rubberoid, ondulin, then the insulated flimberry design must be equipped with an opponouncer.

Making advocating in the correctness of the installation of the system, you can proceed to the subsequent work on the winding of thermal insulation.

Main ways of insulation

The chimney metal pipe is isolated using various methods.

Methods of warming of steel chimney

The insulation of the chimney occurs with the use of a special solution. The composition is prepared from a dry mix and water. The solution is applied to the spatula to the surface, distributing all over the area. Then the reinforcing fiberglass frame is fixed on it, which is superimposed by plaster.

Gas boiler chimney insulation

The insulation for the gas boiler pipes must have a number of increased thermal insulation and heat-resistant qualities.

Sandwich designs block condensate sediment on the surface, saving energy.

Sandwich chimney consists of a layer of mineral wool and two metal pipes. The upper element, with a large diameter, is the main sleeve, less - part of the steam channel.
How to isolate such a chimney pipe with your own hands? It is necessary to follow the recommendations:

  1. In the roof roof and overlaps make holes with a diameter of 25 cm more than the smoke channel.
  2. At this stage, it is necessary to isolate the chimney pipe of the basalt wool layer. The thickness of the winding should be at least 5 cm.
  3. The insulation around the pipe is fixed with steel wire.
  4. Out of clothes the larger casing.

Upon completion of the work, the chimney is connected to the heating source and the surrounding risers are filled with clay, clay or asbestos.

Smoking for baths

The isolation of the chimney in the bath is aimed at improving the heat transfer of the heating source, which is a stone stove.

Isolate chimney in the steam room with the following options:

  • heat insol - Material made of foamed polyethylene hidden between foil sheets. In the market are offered raols of insulation thickness 2 - 10 mm. Foil surface reduces pipe overheating. The insulation is wrapped around the chimney, fixing with wire or metallized scotch;
  • filigizol consists of two balls: foil saving over 90% of heat indoors and thermal insulator. The material is used to cover the walls and the ceilings of the sauna, ensuring the effect of the thermos;
  • sandwich tube consisting of several sections. This option is suitable for a sauna and a bath with an iron stove.

Heat the metal pipe - it means to ensure the optimal functioning of the heating system. The correct installation of chimney insulation with their own hands allows you to increase the operational term of the design and heat generator, and also prevents fire.

The operation of the bath is obliged to be absolutely safe for humans. In order for the chimney with a hot stub with a hot stub, the chimney does not occur, it is necessary to make careful insulation of walls and ceilings, as well as hot surfaces. About how in the sauna make insulation of the chimney pipe, we will tell in detail in this article.

As the sad statistics say, during 2014 to 70% of fires in private baths, due to the incorrect thermal insulation of metal pipes. Therefore, to help our readers protect yourself and their guests, we will tell about the materials, as well as the technology of performing pipe isolation in the bath.

A variety of insulating materials for baths

Favorite material for the bath in Russia is a tree. However, it has a property very easy to ignite. To avoid this, people have long learned to insulate the chimney in the bath, as well as furnaces and all surfaces - walls, ceiling. To this end, any available means of clay, asbestos, or any other non-combustible materials, which differ in low thermal conductivity are used.

Another argument in favor of carrying out the thermal insulation of the chimney is that in this case the pipe will cool much slower, condensate will not accumulate in it.

It is mistaken to assume that a good solution regarding how to isolate the pipe in the bath, there will be a mount on the ceiling of sheet iron. Metal is able to warm very quickly, which in no way prevents fire, so it does not fit for thermal insulation.

Alternatively than to lay a pipe in the bath, you can use a red refractory brick. However, such a design is required to provide in advance the size of the room, strengthen the foundation and pick up the design.

Among the modern materials that decide whether to wind the metal pipe of the chimney in the bath is offered in the market:

Consider each of them in more detail.


It is a two-layer material consisting of the heat insulating component and foil. Thanks to the reflective layer, the room does not cool down so quickly, because up to 90% of heat is delayed inside the bath, so this is a very high-quality insulator.

Folgoisol is distinguished by high ecology, because the food foil is used as a raw material. This material is not afraid ultraviolet and strong temperature differences - the operating range is from -65 ºС to +175 ºС. Therefore, it will become a worthy choice for what to wrap the pipe in the bath.

Note that often the folgisol is assembled not only around the chimney, but also on the walls, and on the ceiling steam room. It serves for high-quality vapor and waterproofing, as well as well insulates the room of the bath.

Inhabited from the inside with a sauna on the principle of action can be compared with thermos. It quickly picks the temperature, and cool very slowly.

One option than wrap the pipe in the bath is thermal insole. For the production of thermal insoles, foamed polyethylene, hidden between two foil layers, and the top layer of foil in the material is intended to protect the chimney from overheating.

In the building materials market, the heat meter appeared relatively recently. The thickness of such a material ranges in the range of 2-10 mm.

With the heat meter, it is easy to manipulate - it needs to be simply wrapped around the chimney and secure the metallized tape.

Sandwich Pipes as a chimney

Recently, various manufacturers began to produce new safe sandwich tubes for baths and saunas. If there is such a design, there is no need to worry about how to protect the pipe in the bath (more details: "The advantages of a pipe for a bath sandwich during the construction of the chimney"). The design of such pipes implies a quick and convenient assembly of sections inserted into each other. Moreover, it is best to use such pipes with an iron stove.

Sandwich Pipe is a multi-layered structure, inside of which a stainless steel frame is located, then the insulation of mineral or basalt wool is laid, and the casing of galvanized will be on top. Due to such a structure, soot does not accumulate inside the chimney, the outer layer of metal does not experience overheating, and the whole design looks beautiful and concise.

However, we note that the pipe sandwich is advisable to mount in dry saunas. But for traditional Russian baths with high humidity, several other options for thermal insulation should be selected.

The method of isolation of the chimney in the Russian bath

If a heater is installed in the bath, then refractory brick is applied to the erection of the chimney. He is able to remain warm for a long time.

When building a brick chimney should not save, and it is desirable to approach this issue very responsible, because its durability depends on the quality of the work.

In this case, the best way, how to isolate the pipe in the bath from the ceiling, roofs and other roof elements, will fasten on these surfaces of the sheet metal.

In places in contact with the chimney with the roof and the ceiling, surfaces asbestos should be protected. On the walls, the sheets of galvanized steel should be fastened near the pipe. Iron in this case is impossible to apply it, since it is subject to corrosion.

Alternatively, around the chimney, you can install the protective screen in which to float the clay. It will serve as additional protection against the fire of all wooden surfaces of the bath, and will also become a heat storage.

However, alone only isolation of full safety pipes in the bath is not achieved. Similar actions need to be performed with furnaces, walls and ceiling.

Insulation stove in the bath

Currently, simple metal stoves are often used in the baths, which are covered with sheet metal from sides and in the rear, and installed directly on the foundation. To ensure the preservation of heat in the bath for a long time and give her presentability, the stove can be chopped with a red refractory brick.

Currently, asbestos are no longer used to isolate the stove, because when heated it sends toxic substances.

It is advisable for the furnace insulation to use natural felt. Although this material is characterized by a fairly high cost, it is an excellent insulator. In addition, when the spark is inserted, the felt does not flash, but begins to smooth, so you will immediately notice the problem according to a characteristic sharp odor.

By installing the stove on the wooden floor, you should first step felt into two layers, and then lay a brick in three rows. On the walls and the floor around the furnace are mounted sheet metal with slice of 50-70 cm high.

We hope that this article was able to answer the most frequently arising from beginner builders. Recall that the high-quality thermal insulation of the chimney, stoves, as well as all the surfaces of the bath, will allow not only to maintain warmth, but also to protect themselves and their loved ones.

How to isolate a pipe in a bath: how to wind and protect the chimney metal pipe, isolation from the ceiling, how to do in the sauna than wrap or set, photos and videos

How to isolate a pipe in a bath: how to wind and protect the chimney metal pipe, isolation from the ceiling, how to do in the sauna than wrap or set, photos and videos

Bath chimney insulation: what material isolate the chimney metal pipe

In any private house there is a furnace or a fireplace, as well as a private bathhouse. Chimney almost always goes to the roof of the structure. His durability, as well as fire safety, directly depends on the correct and reliable insulation of the chimney. For this reason, the question arises than to insulate the chimney and which use the material for insulation of the metal pipe? How to do it right with your own hands?

Insulation of the chimney in the bath

The question of the dehum pipe isolation occurs often from owners of private houses. Such work must be carried out to protect the construction from fire and destroying factors:

Specialists are recommended perform such works comprehensively, applying hydro and fireproof thermal insulation. When choosing material for isolation, first of all, you need to think about the safety of the family. Live fire in a closed room always carries the danger to the life of people. If you do not perform high-quality and reliable overlap protection, it can easily ignite.

Traditionally, wood is used for the construction of the bath. It is easily amenable to fire. Most people naively think that the ceiling on the ceiling by metal sheets can serve as protection against fire and therefore the isolation of the chimney is not performed. Metal sheets are heated and do not save from overheating and ignition. Sometimes the chimney isolate with red bricks, but such a material is not the most suitable design for a bath of wood.

A large selection of modern materials allows you to choose the most suitable and reliably exhibit chimney. Among the most sought-after and popular include:

foloisol - such a material will create the effect of the thermos, since heat always remains indoors, it is quickly heated and slowly cools;

  • the heat dissipation - this material is wind the surface of the chimney pipe and fastened with a special metallized tape or wire;
  • saintwich-pipe is another find for the isolation of the bath, they are distinguished by high security, therefore do not need additional insulation. They have several designed sections, they are put alone in one. The finished design is great for a bath with a metal stove.

For a bath also used red brick. It is well withstanding high temperatures and holds heat for a long time. When using a red brick, the mason must be executed correctly. From its quality will depend on the duration of the construction of the structure. It is inappropriate to save here, since the cost of repair will cost several times more expensive.

What to use to wind the metal chimney?

In the old days, clay and asbestos were used to isolate the chimney in the bathhouse, as well as other healthy natural materials. The main thing in any insulation material is bad thermal conductivity so that it does not happen from high temperature fire. The chimney and the stove are heated very quickly and therefore it is important to perform the correct isolation of the chimney pipe for fire safety.

Insulated with insulation at the time of heating condensate will not accumulateWhat is very important. It will slowly cool, not so quickly collapse and its operation will be longer.


The article mentioned the material of the heat source and now we will discuss in more detail on its description. This is a relatively new type of insulating material. It is made of foamed polyethylene. It is hidden between two foil layers. It perfectly withstands elevated temperatures and is suitable for insulation of chimneys. Manufacturers produce heat exposure thickness from 2 to 10 mm. The greater the thickness of the heat insol, the higher the temperatures it can withstand:

  • 2-5 mm - withstands the temperature from -30 ° C to + 100 ° C;
  • 5-10 mm - permissible operational temperature from -60 ° C to + 150 ° C.

From severe heating, the pipe protects the upper foil layer. Material is easy to work. It is easy to work with it yourself. The pipe is wrapped with heat insole with wire or metallized scotch.


Folgoisol is also an excellent choice for insulation of chimneys. It consists of foil in two layers and thermal insulator. Thanks to the reflecting properties of foil, the material can save up to 90% heat in the bath. In the list of similar materials, he ranks first. For its manufacture, a thick food foil is used. In addition to excellent insulation properties, it has other effective properties, for example, not afraid of UV, high temperatures. Folgoisol withstands the temperature range from -65 ° C to + 175 ° C.

Folgoisol is harmless to health, since the food foil is used for its production. It is often used not only for insulation of chimneys is also used to cover the walls and the ceiling of the bath. It is considered an ideal insulation, hydro and vapor barrier for saunas and baths.


A good solution for the insulation of the metal chimney can serve as a sandwich tube. Manufacturers assure that such insulation will be reliable and safe. By installing this design , you can not think about isolation. It will consist of several sections that are easily and quickly going into a single whole. You can quickly collect the whole design and install it. It is suitable for a metal pipe into a bath or sauna with an iron stove.

By its design, the sandwich tubes resemble a cake from several layers. Inside is a layer of stainless steel, and after it layer from mineral wool or basalt insulation. Outside the pipe covers galvanized steel layer. This design is a modern method of embedded isolation of chimney in the finished form. It will perform two important features at once:

Such designs well-fit for saunasBut for a bath with a brick stove, you need to look for another option.

Isolation for traditional Russian bath

Wooden roof design when contact with a hot tube can ignite. To avoid a fire in the bath is isolated. Most often for this purpose, a mineral wool fixed with wire is used. From above, the pipe is placed on the clay-sandy solution and is covered with a layer of roofing galvanized steel. Fix it with self-draws and then perform installation. Isolation helps roof and wooden overlap protection against overheating and fire. With proper insulation of the pipe and its sealing moisture in the attic will not fall.

The pipe outlet in the ceiling zone and roof is recommended to isolate asbestos sheets. They have good protection against high temperatures. The walls in the inside of the pipe are frown with galvanized metal sheets. Ordinary iron for such work will not suit, since they are subject to corrosion. It is advisable to make a box around the pipe in the place where it passes through the ceiling. Inside the box fall asleep clamzit, which will serve as a wooden overlap of good protection against fire. Ceramzite will also restrain heat. Specialists recommend except for the isolation of chimney also do not forget about the ceiling, walls and furnaces in the bath.

It is recommended before starting work on the insulation of the chimney pipe from the metal, its outdoor part treat the heat-resistant sealant. Special sealant withstands the temperature to + 1000 ° C. The applied tool will not give to slide along the outer surface of the metal pipe with insulating materials.

Bath chimney insulation: what material isolate the chimney metal pipe

In any private house there is a furnace or a fireplace, as well as a private bathhouse. Chimney almost always goes to the roof of the structure. His durability, as well as fire

Insulation of the chimney in the bath - how to wind and insulate the metal pipe

One of the most important stages of the construction of the bath is the installation of chimney. And the insulation of the chimney of the bath is a mandatory process when it is built, which pursues two goals: fire safety and corrosion protection.

If you do not make thermal insulation, then under the action of temperature drops, condensate will be formed, gradually flowing inside and promoting the destruction of the structure itself.

Insulated flimsy channels are heated faster, thanks to which the bath oven works much more efficiently.

Depending on which the chimney of the bath is made, various materials are used for heat insulation.

There are several varieties of already insulated chimneys for a bath furnace, the most common of which are sandwich pipes from stainless metal.

There are ceramic sections that are already installed in ceramzite-concrete modules.

And now about everything in more detail.

What to warm the smoke tube

During the operation of the bath furnace, its chimney is rarely late, and the inevitable close arrangement of it to flammable materials can lead to a fire.

If the chimney pipe is composed of bricks - it is heated less, and if the chimney is made of metal, then much more.

Metal pipes are split over 600 s °, and their neighborhood with a wooden wrapper of the steam room is very dangerous, especially if the bath is directly adjacent to residential facilities.

The second, no less important problem is the appearance of condensate in chimney. Condensate is the main enemy of all smoke-performance systems.

It is not easy moisture formed on the walls of the furnace pipe, and an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid, which is able to destroy any virtually any material. It appears as a result of the underwear of heated air in another cold chimney.

As a result of the effects of condensate on a laptile brick chimney, the laying is destroyed, as it has properties to penetrate the brick microcracks, and freezing - expand. The chimensing paths from the metal also very much suffer from condensate.

The metal of ordinary marks is not racks to acids, therefore, from the effects of condensate, it is very quickly coming in disrepair.

The only way to combat the appearance of condensate is the isolation of smoke paths, in which the pipe will be less cool, and the bath furnace will go faster to operating the combustion mode.

Materials for insulation

Hearth chimney can be produced by various methods, with the help of non-combustible materials.

The most common are:

  1. Thermal insulation of the chimney basalt cotton and glass wool. Heaters used for both large surfaces of brick chimneys and pipes of a relatively small diameter. Produced as a filler, in rolls or in the form of mats. It is recommended to manufacture additional casing.
  2. The method of snowing space around the chimney with heat insulating material: clay, slag, brick fighting, special thermal insulation granules. This method involves the manufacture of additional chimney casing.
  3. Plastering. This is the most common, until recently, the method of insulation of brick chimneys. To this end, a slag-celastic solution applied with a layer of 5-7 cm on the reinforcing grid. After drying, a sand-cement solution was applied to it, the same thickness. But when heated and cooled the smoke system, such a insulation tried and demanded annual repairs, therefore such a method is considered unnecessary, in terms of labor costs and efficiency.
  4. Insulation of the chimney with modern materials from foamed polyethylene. "Thermalization" or "folotosis" is produced in rolls, has low weight and good elasticity, it is well cutting, which makes it accessible to work with it even non-professional. This is the easiest and most inexpensive way to insulate the chimney, which is universally used today.

Selection of heaters for chimney

To the selection of the insulation, for the isolation of the chimney with their own hands, you need to approach carefully and seriously.

It is not necessary to purchase the cheapest, because it should have good thermal insulation properties, be convenient in work, do not require additional strengthening of the carrying structures of roof and overlap, to be non-toxic and non-combustible.

Stone or basalt wool is wonderful thermal insulation made from basalt rocks.

This insulation is withstanding the long exposure to sufficiently high temperatures and does not burn, even when contact with open fire. In addition, it does not allocate any toxic or unpleasant odors when heated. Such a heater can be safely called an environmentally friendly material.

Glasswater is a kind of mineral wool insulation made on the basis of glass industries. Between its fibers contain a large amount of emptiness, so it retains warmth well.

The glass gamble does not burn and does not absorb moisture, and, moreover, it is not susceptible to rotting and rodents. It is not a road and easy to use. Most often produced in plates and rolls.

Heat insole or pholoisol - these are multifunctional types of insulation, made of foamed polyethylene and aluminum foil sheet covered. It is produced in rolls and has a thickness of 2 to 10 mm. They can be wonderful to isolate the chimney of the bath, since these insulation are withstanding the heating to 150s ° -170c °.

We make insulation do it yourself

The chimney isolation with mineral, basalt or glass gamble can be performed in two ways: insulation under the casing or heating of chimney without casing.

In order to isolate chimney with the help of mineral wool mats, you need to cut several segments of the slab, which will fit the sides of the pipe from the outside.

After that, with the help of a wire firmware, fasten them on the chimney.

Important! There should be no emptiness between the heat insulation layer, otherwise the insulation will lose its effectiveness.

To insulate the metal pipe, it is necessary to wrap its basalt cotton wool and secure the wire all over the perimeter. After that, put on the chimney the second pipe of the larger diameter, so that it turned out a kind of sandwich.

This method of thermal insulation of chimneys is the most efficient and simple, but allowing to reduce heat loss more than twice, as well as significantly reduce fire hazard and education in condensate chimping systems and protect them from destruction.

Thus, thermal insulation contributes to an increase in thermal efficiency and safe application of furnaces. At the same time, it gives the building and the design itself a more aesthetic appearance.

Insulating chimney

How to isolate a metal pipe in the bath. Materials for chimney thermal insulation, fire safety and installation of insulation with their own hands.

What is the chimney metal pipe?

Having your country house, you need to take care of the warm-up warming in the cold season. The oven or other heating system needs to install the chimney. Pipe for the withdrawal of smoke is the main element of heat supply communications. For its effective functioning it is necessary to warm the chimney outside.

The relevance of thermal insulation

Moisture and smoke, formed during the burning of fuel, are aggressive factors affecting the chimney of bricks. The temperature difference in the cold season and the accumulated moisture deposited on the walls, fills the microcrack water, and the stone construction is destroyed from the inside. Small crystals of ice pressure from the inside and destroys it. Eliminate this allows warmed chimney.

In the process of combustion on the surface of the gas plant, condensate is formed, which contains a chemical series of oxides. Interacting, elements form weak acids (coal, sulfur, etc.) capable of destroying the metal surface. It is for this reason that isolation of the chimney is necessary.

The correct installation of the installation of thermal insulation makes it possible to prevent the fire indoors and will not give the roof overlap. Well-warm chimney pipes improve the craving in the fireplace, the boiler and the furnace, the resin and Gary's precipitate remains less. The efficiency of the heating unit increases significantly.

Positive Insulated Chimney Factors

Before answering the question - how to insulate the pipe, it is necessary to allocate the advantages of the warmed chimney.

An isolated gas feeder provides protection of the heating system from exposure to the external environment and combustion products. Of course, thermal insulation cannot fully protect the design from destruction, but will extend its operational period. This is due to the following factors:

  1. The insulation of the pipe allows maintenance of the heat balance in the middle of the structure, eliminating the possibility of fading on the walls of aggressive acids and condensate. The combustion products completely disappear along with the smoke jet.
  2. The isolation of the chimney reduces to a minimum possibility of temperature difference between the chilled smoke channel and the hot steam.
  3. Energy-saving properties that contribute to fuel economy are increasing.
  4. The strength of the latch design increases due to the strengthening frame.

Properly chosen isolation of the chimney increases the frost-resistant properties of the system, provides long-term preservation of the appearance and increases the operational period, which is very important.

Selection of material for thermal insulation

The main question of the hosts of country houses having an autonomous heating system - than to insulate the chimney. In order to reliably insulate the taps under the oven or boiler, materials with a high degree of thermal insulation, which provide the thermal balance of the chimney on the roof.

Basalt isolation

Relevant for the insulation of the chimney of Minvat or Basalt. The insulation is obtained from the melt of the volcanic rock - Gabbo-basalt. It is converted into fibers, due to which the insulating material has advantages:

  • retains up to 95% heat;
  • characterized by good permeability of the emerging steam;
  • characterized by chemical and corrosive resistance;
  • prevents the reproduction of fungus and mold on the surface of the chimney on the roof;
  • vibro- and heat-resistant;
  • made of environmental materials;
  • not subjected to destruction under the influence of ultraviolet.

Stainless steel casing

Metal "armor" in the form of a pipe made of stainless steel is used as an option of insulation. It is able to provide full protection against mechanical damage, moisture and other aggressive factors.

The chum for the chimney is mounted on the roof pipe. The interlock space is filled with basalt cotton, outside are covered with insulation, 5 cm thick. It is possible to wrapping the asbestos chimney with this insulation.

Wood shields

Wooden shields are considered one of the simple variants of the hesitation of the chimney of the pipe. The thermal insulation is performed as a wood frame from the plates of the appropriate size. The slate or other flooring is recorded on top of it, from which the roof of the dwelling is performed.

After the pipe is completely covered with wood, the empty cavity is filled with felt, slag, sand, mineral wool. Frame seams are mandatory by waterproofing.

Slag-reinforced concrete slabs

Hearth of chimney in a private house with the use of iron and slag concrete slabs, provides the smallest distance between the joints on the design. The space inside and the corners are reinforced with a mesh or wire, the plaster, clay and sand in the form of a solution poured. Over the tile isolation impose plaster.

Specificity of insulating work

Warring chimney with her own hands, we take into account that during the operation of the heating boiler, the temperature in the smoke channel can reach 200 -300 degrees.

In the rally isolation it is better to choose a material with high heat-resistant properties: glass gamble, mineral wool, basalt.

In the building materials market, thermal insulation is sold in the form of finished cylinders with a special foil screen. With their help, they draw out the gas duct and adjacent the elements of the roof - protecting them from the ignition and getting cold air. Tubular designs are sold different diameters, which allows you to wrap the discharge of smoke discharge.

Regulatory requirements for thermal insulation

Before heating the chimney pipe, it is necessary to make sure that its installation is correct.

The gas duct is performed in accordance with the technological standards specified in GOST 52953-200

  1. The conclusion of the combustion products should be height in 5 m. This indicator provides optimal thrust in the heating system.
  2. Between the roof overlap and the outer element of the boiler, the distance is not less than 250 mm.
  3. If the construction is covered with combustible materials, in particular, slate, rubberoid, ondulin, then the insulated flimberry design must be equipped with an opponouncer.

Making advocating in the correctness of the installation of the system, you can proceed to the subsequent work on the winding of thermal insulation.

Main ways of insulation

The chimney metal pipe is isolated using various methods.

Methods of warming of steel chimney

The insulation of the chimney occurs with the use of a special solution. The composition is prepared from a dry mix and water. The solution is applied to the spatula to the surface, distributing all over the area. Then the reinforcing fiberglass frame is fixed on it, which is superimposed by plaster.

Gas boiler chimney insulation

The insulation for the gas boiler pipes must have a number of increased thermal insulation and heat-resistant qualities.

Sandwich designs block condensate sediment on the surface, saving energy.

Sandwich chimney consists of a layer of mineral wool and two metal pipes. The upper element, with a large diameter, is the main sleeve, less - part of the steam channel.

How to isolate such a chimney pipe with your own hands? It is necessary to follow the recommendations:

  1. In the roof roof and overlaps make holes with a diameter of 25 cm more than the smoke channel.
  2. At this stage, it is necessary to isolate the chimney pipe of the basalt wool layer. The thickness of the winding should be at least 5 cm.
  3. The insulation around the pipe is fixed with steel wire.
  4. Out of clothes the larger casing.

Upon completion of the work, the chimney is connected to the heating source and the surrounding risers are filled with clay, clay or asbestos.

Smoking for baths

The isolation of the chimney in the bath is aimed at improving the heat transfer of the heating source, which is a stone stove.

Isolate chimney in the steam room with the following options:

  • heat insol - Material made of foamed polyethylene hidden between foil sheets. In the market are offered raols of insulation thickness 2 - 10 mm. Foil surface reduces pipe overheating. The insulation is wrapped around the chimney, fixing with wire or metallized scotch;
  • filigizol consists of two balls: foil saving over 90% of heat indoors and thermal insulator. The material is used to cover the walls and the ceilings of the sauna, ensuring the effect of the thermos;
  • sandwich tube consisting of several sections. This option is suitable for a sauna and a bath with an iron stove.

Heat the metal pipe - it means to ensure the optimal functioning of the heating system. The correct installation of chimney insulation with their own hands allows you to increase the operational term of the design and heat generator, and also prevents fire.

Chimney Pipe Isolation: Possible Methods

Insulation of the chimney pipe: the relevance of thermal insulation, positive factors of the warmed chimney, the choice of material, the main methods of insulation

In any private house there is a furnace or a fireplace, as well as a private bathhouse. Chimney almost always goes to the roof of the structure. His durability, as well as fire safety, directly depends on the correct and reliable insulation of the chimney. For this reason, the question arises than to insulate the chimney and which use the material for insulation of the metal pipe? How to do it right with your own hands?

Insulation of the chimney in the bath

The question of the dehum pipe isolation occurs often from owners of private houses. Such work must be carried out to protect the construction from fire and destroying factors:

  • overheat;
  • leakage in butt places.

Specialists are recommended perform such works comprehensively, applying hydro and fireproof thermal insulation. When choosing material for isolation, first of all, you need to think about the safety of the family. Live fire in a closed room always carries the danger to the life of people. If you do not perform high-quality and reliable overlap protection, it can easily ignite.

Traditionally, wood is used for the construction of the bath. It is easily amenable to fire. Most people naively think that the ceiling on the ceiling by metal sheets can serve as protection against fire and therefore the isolation of the chimney is not performed. Metal sheets are heated and do not save from overheating and ignition. Sometimes the chimney isolate with red bricks, but such a material is not the most suitable design for a bath of wood.

A large selection of modern materials allows you to choose the most suitable and reliably exhibit chimney. Among the most sought-after and popular include:

For a bath also used red brick. It is well withstanding high temperatures and holds heat for a long time. When using a red brick, the mason must be executed correctly. From its quality will depend on the duration of the construction of the structure. It is inappropriate to save here, since the cost of repair will cost several times more expensive.

What to use to wind the metal chimney?

In the old days, clay and asbestos were used to isolate the chimney in the bathhouse, as well as other healthy natural materials. The main thing in any insulation material is bad thermal conductivity so that it does not happen from high temperature fire. The chimney and the stove are heated very quickly and therefore it is important to perform the correct isolation of the chimney pipe for fire safety.

Insulated with insulation at the time of heating condensate will not accumulateWhat is very important. It will slowly cool, not so quickly collapse and its operation will be longer.


The article mentioned the material of the heat source and now we will discuss in more detail on its description. This is a relatively new type of insulating material. It is made of foamed polyethylene. It is hidden between two foil layers. It perfectly withstands elevated temperatures and is suitable for insulation of chimneys. Manufacturers produce heat exposure thickness from 2 to 10 mm. The greater the thickness of the heat insol, the higher the temperatures it can withstand:

  • 2-5 mm - withstands the temperature from -30 ° C to +100 ° C;
  • 5-10 mm - permissible operating temperature from -60 ° C to +150 o C.

From severe heating, the pipe protects the upper foil layer. Material is easy to work. It is easy to work with it yourself. The pipe is wrapped with heat insole with wire or metallized scotch.


Folgoisol is also an excellent choice for insulation of chimneys. It consists of foil in two layers and thermal insulator. Thanks to the reflecting properties of foil, the material can save up to 90% heat in the bath. In the list of similar materials, he ranks first. For its manufacture, a thick food foil is used. In addition to excellent insulation properties, it has other effective properties, for example, not afraid of UV, high temperatures. Folgoisol withstands the temperature range from -65 ° C to +175 o C.

Folgoisol is harmless to health, since the food foil is used for its production. It is often used not only for insulation of chimneys is also used to cover the walls and the ceiling of the bath. It is considered an ideal insulation, hydro and vapor barrier for saunas and baths.


A good solution for the insulation of the metal chimney can serve as a sandwich tube. Manufacturers assure that such insulation will be reliable and safe. By installing this design , you can not think about isolation. It will consist of several sections that are easily and quickly going into a single whole. You can quickly collect the whole design and install it. It is suitable for a metal pipe into a bath or sauna with an iron stove.

By its design, the sandwich tubes resemble a cake from several layers. Inside is a layer of stainless steel, and after it layer from mineral wool or basalt insulation. Outside the pipe covers galvanized steel layer. This design is a modern method of embedded isolation of chimney in the finished form. It will perform two important features at once:

  • do not overheat outside;
  • do not accumulate soot.

Such designs well-fit for saunasBut for a bath with a brick stove, you need to look for another option.

Isolation for traditional Russian bath

Wooden roof design when contact with a hot tube can ignite. To avoid a fire in the bath is isolated. Most often for this purpose, a mineral wool fixed with wire is used. From above, the pipe is placed on the clay-sandy solution and is covered with a layer of roofing galvanized steel. Fix it with self-draws and then perform installation. Isolation helps roof and wooden overlap protection against overheating and fire. With proper insulation of the pipe and its sealing moisture in the attic will not fall.

The pipe outlet in the ceiling zone and roof is recommended to isolate asbestos sheets. They have good protection against high temperatures. The walls in the inside of the pipe are frown with galvanized metal sheets. Ordinary iron for such work will not suit, since they are subject to corrosion. It is advisable to make a box around the pipe in the place where it passes through the ceiling. Inside the box fall asleep clamzit, which will serve as a wooden overlap of good protection against fire. Ceramzite will also restrain heat. Specialists recommend except for the isolation of chimney also do not forget about the ceiling, walls and furnaces in the bath.

It is recommended before starting work on the insulation of the chimney pipe from the metal, its outdoor part treat the heat-resistant sealant. A special sealant withstands the temperature to +1000 about C. The applied tool will not give to slide along the outer surface of the metal pipe with insulating materials.

A variety of insulating materials for baths
Heat insole
Sandwich Pipes as a chimney
The method of isolation of the chimney in the Russian bath
Insulation stove in the bath

The operation of the bath is obliged to be absolutely safe for humans. In order for the chimney with a hot stub with a hot stub, the chimney does not occur, it is necessary to make careful insulation of walls and ceilings, as well as hot surfaces. About how in the sauna make insulation of the chimney pipe, we will tell in detail in this article.

As the sad statistics say, during 2014 to 70% of fires in private baths, due to the incorrect thermal insulation of metal pipes. Therefore, to help our readers protect yourself and their guests, we will tell about the materials, as well as the technology of performing pipe isolation in the bath.

Favorite material for the bath in Russia is a tree. However, it has a property very easy to ignite. To avoid this, people have long learned to insulate the chimney in the bath, as well as furnaces and all surfaces - walls, ceiling. To this end, any available means of clay, asbestos, or any other non-combustible materials, which differ in low thermal conductivity are used.

Another argument in favor of carrying out the thermal insulation of the chimney is that in this case the pipe will cool much slower, condensate will not accumulate in it.

It is mistaken to assume that a good solution regarding how to isolate the pipe in the bath, there will be a mount on the ceiling of sheet iron. Metal is able to warm very quickly, which in no way prevents fire, so it does not fit for thermal insulation.

Alternatively than to lay a pipe in the bath, you can use a red refractory brick.

Heat insulation of chimney in the ceiling! THAN???

However, such a design is required to provide in advance the size of the room, strengthen the foundation and pick up the design.

Among the modern materials that decide whether to wind the metal pipe of the chimney in the bath is offered in the market:

Consider each of them in more detail.


It is a two-layer material consisting of the heat insulating component and foil. Thanks to the reflective layer, the room does not cool down so quickly, because up to 90% of heat is delayed inside the bath, so this is a very high-quality insulator.

Folgoisol is distinguished by high ecology, because the food foil is used as a raw material. This material is not afraid ultraviolet and strong temperature differences - the operating range is from -65 ºС to +175 ºС. Therefore, it will become a worthy choice for what to wrap the pipe in the bath.

Note that often the folgisol is assembled not only around the chimney, but also on the walls, and on the ceiling steam room. It serves for high-quality vapor and waterproofing, as well as well insulates the room of the bath.

Inhabited from the inside with a sauna on the principle of action can be compared with thermos. It quickly picks the temperature, and cool very slowly.

Heat insole

One option than wrap the pipe in the bath is thermal insole. For the production of thermal insoles, foamed polyethylene, hidden between two foil layers, and the top layer of foil in the material is intended to protect the chimney from overheating.

In the building materials market, the heat meter appeared relatively recently. The thickness of such a material ranges in the range of 2-10 mm.

With the heat meter, it is easy to manipulate - it needs to be simply wrapped around the chimney and secure the metallized tape.

Sandwich Pipes as a chimney

Recently, various manufacturers began to produce new safe sandwich tubes for baths and saunas. In the presence of such a design, there is no need to worry about how to protect the pipe in the bath (more: "The advantages of the pipe for a sandwich bath during the construction of a chimney"). The design of such pipes implies a quick and convenient assembly of sections inserted into each other. Moreover, it is best to use such pipes with an iron stove.

Sandwich Pipe is a multi-layered structure, inside of which a stainless steel frame is located, then the insulation of mineral or basalt wool is laid, and the casing of galvanized will be on top. Due to such a structure, soot does not accumulate inside the chimney, the outer layer of metal does not experience overheating, and the whole design looks beautiful and concise.

However, we note that the pipe sandwich is advisable to mount in dry saunas. But for traditional Russian baths with high humidity, several other options for thermal insulation should be selected.

The method of isolation of the chimney in the Russian bath

If a heater is installed in the bath, then refractory brick is applied to the erection of the chimney. He is able to remain warm for a long time.

When building a brick chimney should not save, and it is desirable to approach this issue very responsible, because its durability depends on the quality of the work.

In this case, the best way, how to isolate the pipe in the bath from the ceiling, roofs and other roof elements, will fasten on these surfaces of the sheet metal.

In places in contact with the chimney with the roof and the ceiling, surfaces asbestos should be protected. On the walls, the sheets of galvanized steel should be fastened near the pipe. Iron in this case is impossible to apply it, since it is subject to corrosion. Read also: "How to make a chimney in a bath through the wall - options for the device."

Alternatively, around the chimney, you can install the protective screen in which to float the clay. It will serve as additional protection against the fire of all wooden surfaces of the bath, and will also become a heat storage.

However, alone only isolation of full safety pipes in the bath is not achieved. Similar actions need to be performed with furnaces, walls and ceiling.

Insulation stove in the bath

Currently, simple metal stoves are often used in the baths, which are covered with sheet metal from sides and in the rear, and installed directly on the foundation. To ensure the preservation of heat in the bath for a long time and give her presentability, the stove can be chopped with a red refractory brick.

Currently, asbestos are no longer used to isolate the stove, because when heated it sends toxic substances.

It is advisable for the furnace insulation to use natural felt. Although this material is characterized by a fairly high cost, it is an excellent insulator. In addition, when the spark is inserted, the felt does not flash, but begins to smooth, so you will immediately notice the problem according to a characteristic sharp odor.

By installing the stove on the wooden floor, you should first step felt into two layers, and then lay a brick in three rows. On the walls and the floor around the furnace are mounted sheet metal with slice of 50-70 cm high.

We hope that this article was able to answer the most frequently arising from beginner builders. Recall that the high-quality thermal insulation of the chimney, stoves, as well as all the surfaces of the bath, will allow not only to maintain warmth, but also to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Protective materials of wooden structures
Furnace Pipe Isolation: Heat Health
You can wrap philisol chimney
To help - Sandwich pipes
Insulation pipe in the original Russian bath
Furnace protection from fire

If you decide to build a bath, do not forget about high-quality insulation of the furnace, chimney, walls and ceiling. Otherwise, you may have serious problems with fire overlapping. Therefore, we will try in more detail to dwell on topical to date the problem is the insulation of the pipe in the bath with your own hands.

Protective materials of wooden structures

Due to the fact that the chimney and the furnace are rapidly increasing, fire can occur. Moreover, according to the tradition, wood performs material for the bath. Back in the old days, it was taken to isolate the walls, ceiling, a furnace, chimney asbestos layer, clay and other available materials, quite poorly conductive thermal energy and resistant to elevated temperatures.

So what to set the pipe from the stove today? The dehum design isolation is necessary for the purpose of fire safety, and protection against condensate so that the cooling happened slower, and the smoke system served longer.

It is erroneous that there will be several metal sheets for isolation from the fire, which are frowning around the chimney.

How and than isolate the chimney pipe

After all, the metal is also quickly heated, so it will not protect from the fire, and as a heat insulator it is also not suitable.

Not always to cover the pipe, you need a red brick, although it is endowed with excellent thermal insulation properties. The reason is that such a design is not for each bath in design.

To better understand what to wrap the chimney pipe from fire, consider two options for insulating materials in the form:

Furnace Pipe Isolation: Heat Health

This unique material, in the structure of which includes foamed polyethylene, which is between a pair of foil sheets. With the help of thermal insoles, you can produce a high-quality chimney, and - on your own.

The heat insole thick varies from 2 to 10 mm, and the material is thicker, the greater its resistance to high temperatures.

The top layer of foil serves as a reliable protection of the pipe from significant overheating. With the help of wire or the tape of the metal master fasten the heat heap, which then wipe the chimney.

You can wrap philisol chimney

Modern material includes two layers: heat insulator and foil. The second - plays a reflective function and can save up to 90% of thermal energy in the construction. Folgoisol - harmless material compared to other analogs, as a compacted food is served as a foil. The material is resistant to ultraviolet and elevated temperatures within -65 to +175 degrees Celsius, a good insulator.

Who else does not know how in the sauna make isolation of the chimney pipe, we recommend to cover the ceiling of the steam, walls and a chimney ceiling. As a result, you will receive the room, the design resembling a thermos. In the sauna heat will remain, and the bath quickly drops the temperature, and then slowly cool.

To help - Sandwich pipes

For those who wish to equip a safe chimney in the bath, we offer to use the sandwich tube. This design includes several sections, easily placed in each other, i.e. Looks like a multi-layer pie.

Here are the main components of the sandwich pipe:

  • stainless steel layer (from within);
  • insulation in the form of wool basalt / mineral (in the middle);
  • steel with zinc coating (outside).

This creative design represents the isolation of the chimney embedded in the general system, and is intended for solving two tasks at the same time:

  • protection against soot clusters inside;
  • maintain the optimal temperature outside.

Sandwich pipe is easy to assemble independently and apply for a sauna with an iron oven or bath. What to do if they built a Russian steam room with a brick stove? Below will look at what to hold the pipe in this situation to protect it from ignition.

Insulation pipe in the original Russian bath

At elevated temperatures, refractory red brick retains its operational properties, so in demand when erecting the chimney in a bath with a stove of stone. In this case, you are guaranteed to protect the pipe from fire and long-term conservation of heat.

From how correctly a brick tube is folded, the life of the structure depends. Do not save on materials during the construction of the chimney, because Then the repair will be released much more expensive.

Let's analyze in detail how to isolate the pipe in the bath from the ceiling:

  1. With the help of asbestos, set down the plug on the ceiling and through the roof.
  2. Using galvanized material, isolate walls on the inside of the pipe. Standard iron sheets for this purpose are not at all suitable due to their inclination to corrosion.
  3. Run the box around the pipe in the places of its passage through the ceiling.
  4. Pump inside the box of the ceramzite to preserve heat and protect overlap of the tree from ignition.

You professionally wrapped the pipe, but on this work on the arrangement of the chimney did not end. The next step is the interoperability of the furnace, the ceiling and walls of the bath.

Furnace protection from fire

Modern metal stoves are mounted on the foundation, having crushing the sheets from the same material behind the back and side of the wall. If you independently defeat the furnace with metal, then its appearance will not be very aesthetic. It is better to perform an outdoor masonry with a red brick, which isolates the oven from the fire and will retain heat in the bath.

Due to the fact that asbestos at elevated temperature allocates poisonous substances, it is not recommended to use it in the steam room. Natural felt is considered harmless, which, moreover, is a good insulator. For the price, this material is more expensive than asbestos sheets, and when it allocates a specific smell (felt does not light up), which can be immediately felt.

If you intend to install the furnace on the wooden floor, then first it is better to shoot the felt material in a couple of layers, then lay out a brick in three rows. For walls and floor as an insulator, layers of metal, whose height varies from 50 to 70 cm.

What to wrap the chimney pipe from fire

What isolating the metal pipe chimney bath?

Dear visitor! You are in the archive of the old website

What to sew walls around the stove in the bath

30 Aug. 2005.
Flat slate, asbestos (in the sheets really did not find, but it seems to be), drywall, something else?
Metal stove.
30 Aug. 2005.
Is it far from the walls?
30 Aug. 2005.
On the one hand (in the side of the stove) all over 20cm
And with the front side of the stove in height from the middle to the top of the stove from the wall 5cm.
30 Aug. 2005.

Slate can shifted, the asbest is harmful ... I have a red brick in my ambrusura around my brick, inside the wage - half the height of the stove (to the water tank) too, but facing. Shakes with wood filled with clay and clogged with a platband. If the stones and / or the chimney are close to the wall, it is the wall - it would be necessary to cover with some sheet material, so that there were no dark spots, I have a duralumin sheet, folded twice. Well, at the top on the ceiling - too, how the firefighters teach.

(St. Petersburg)
30 Aug. 2005.
2aleksey777: With such a small distance from the wall, it is necessary to make a heat-insulating sandwich. You can make from a metal sheet, better from polished aluminum or stainless steel, they warmly reflect well. It is done like this: saw a metal tube to pieces of 20 mm. It will be washers-gaskets under the sheets. Now from the wall insulation basalt 20 mm. And the sheet on these washers, then the air gap and another sheet on the washers.
30 Aug. 2005.
It is also important to take into account the design of the furnace. If a convection type furnace, then it has double walls, and the temperature of the outer walls is small. If the oven on the principle of ordinary bourgeities, then radiation from the walls is high, and serious protection is needed. Optimally (and beautiful) - brick plastle or "on the edge" with an air gap from the furnace all over. You can metal (better, but more expensive - a stainless steel) with a gap from the combustable wall surface of at least 10 mm. Commitable gaps from below and from above to ensure convection current of air. Zincovka is not allowed - harmful. Cheap, but not so aesthetic - a sheet of CSP. Installation - similar to the metal.
30 Aug. 2005.
Do I need to lay basalt wool under the TSP sheet? (Similar to a sheet of stainless steel?)
30 Aug. 2005.

AAA ... I thought it was about the sealing of the opening in the wall, through which the stove stove goes into another room - how it is fine ...

Alexey, you did not clearly outlined the situation with the stove - it is unclear its design and installation scheme, where what clearances are completely incomprehensible: by the way, why is it "facial side" of her facing the wall ??

Well, protect the wall in the steam room is not the most difficult thing in this case, the same sandwich, if the brick does not fit ...

30 Aug. 2005.
Thanks for the advice, I will make an iron with the facial, there is already a heater there, the combustible surface is lower,
And on the side of the brick to the wall until the middle, and from the middle probably too iron.
30 Aug. 2005.
2yourok: The front side which is above the firebox, it is already going to the wall, and the fact that below is happening.

In the picture, the side A - facial, in - side. Cartink

30 Aug. 2005.

Well, finally ... now it is clear :-))

The gap in \u003d 20 cm IMHO is quite enough to not protect the wall. The main thing is to correctly arrange the seeding of the opening. Once again - good luck!

30 Aug. 2005.
2Wik: "Do I need to lay basalt cotton under the TSP sheet? (similar to a sheet of stainless steel?) "
Not necessary. Need an air gap so that the air can circulate from the bottom up between the surface and protective sheet. Or you make a sandwich panel. Two metal sheets or, for example, the CSP, between them basalt wool. (In the case described, I consider it reinsurance.) But in this case, the gap between the panel and the wall is desirable. Safer, because constant cooling with circulating air is ensured. The cutting with the filler (for example, the Basalt Catch) is made where it is necessary to ensure the tightness of the structure: passages through the ceiling, walls, etc.
(St. Petersburg)
30 Aug. 2005.
2aa: And I would pass everywhere with a cotton. Such cases are important that, I think, there is no point in saving on fire safety. At my home, I was allocated with 1 meter in the stove and height in two chimney.
31 Aug. 2005.

Right ... In the attic of the pipe I hope everything is too?

PS Fire is a terrible thing ... Last week I was extinguished by the Hozblok from the neighbor in the country ... Sobsno did not extinguish - it was impossible, it was burning so much that it was already meaningless, and it's impossible to come close to the water bucket - it's not hot ... just watered the wall of his house so that not caught fire, because Hezblok is just 2 meters from home ...

So it is better to be restrained than in ...

31 Aug. 2005.
2Romson, 2yourok: No one argues about safety. I insisted on providing an air gap for free air circulation. This is noticeably more efficient than just a thick enzypent design, and it allows you to save space. If there is no air gap, then the furnace with radiant warmth gradually heats the close-up wall and, that there is in depth, we just do not know. In addition, such a design for a long time retains heating, and the risk of fire depends on the two conditions: temperature and exposure time. I have already written in this forum (with me, however, did not agree) that there are cases of the so-called self-burning during the long-term effects of the temperature of only 100 degrees. This is a scientific fact. And perhaps this is if heat is not allowed from the heated object.
(St. Petersburg)
31 Aug. 2005.
2aa: read carefully: "Now the insulation is a basalt 20 mm insulation. And the leaf on these washers, then the air gap and another sheet on the washers. "
(Samara, Russia)
31 Aug. 2005.

\u003e There are cases of so-called self-burning with a long-term exposure of the temperature only 100 degrees. This is a scientific fact.

So what to do?

Best regards, Sergei

1 sen. 2005.
\u003e There are cases of the so-called self-burning of people - an object in principle non-combustible - wet too, the temperature is ~ 37 degrees. Scientific fact.
So what to do?

Drink more tea with raspberry or aspirin tablet.
But more often burned at a temperature of equal to 40 degrees :-))

At the washers paid attention to. I just wrote about reasonable sufficiency under the conditions that were set. This meant the side wall. And if the metal furnace does not have a protective convection screen (double walls), then the side protection must be made of two sheets with intervals between them and from the wall and from the furnace. From the side of the furnace, of course, it is better to make a part of the wall (in the height of the furnace) from a non-burnable material. And then, not knowing all conditions, it is difficult to make an unambiguous conclusion. We offer options - the owner makes a decision.

1 sen. 2005.
And there are enough two sheets with basalt cottage (asbestos sheet) or need to be brick protection on the side?
1 sen. 2005.
Describe the installation conditions, the type of furnace, the material of the walls. It is necessary to proceed from this. If the furnace is factory, then the instructions should indicate the minimum distances to the combustible structures. But they usually stupidly taken from SNiPs without taking into account all the listed conditions and can be reduced by applying fireborne cutting. Read again all of the above and accept the decision, given that there is no defense for a relaxed sleep.
1 sen. 2005.
20 Sep. 2005.
I have a wall of a wall in the bath, 30 cm is located at a distance of 30 cm.

to protect against fire, I want to punch a metal sheet on the wall, then with a gap of 10-15 mm lay a facing brick (in a poly-brick thickness).
Question: Is it enough to protect the brusade wall from ignition?

21 Sep. 2005.

And the stove has a double wall? Heats up is hot? At first glance, the sheet + brick \u003d bust ... If it heats up slightly (already rinsed?) - Below 100 gr. - then one sheet, but with an air gap, see 2-3 from the tree, will be enough. Although your 30 cm is quite enough, so as not to do anything at all - over time you will see if that - take extra. measures.

Here it has already been discussed above - read. And brick - for beauty? Maybe nothing will be - if the stove itself (bulenean?) It is about 0.5 meters from the floor, with a gap of 1-2 cm from the iron - there will be less IR radiation and so that its curves are not visible - to the water tank ... But then the sheet is for nothing. Only here is not clear with the furnace - where does it go? Mostly with it, the problem when it comes through the wall into the adjacent room ...

And its insulation is a mandatory process when building, which pursues two goals: fire safety and corrosion protection.

If you do not make thermal insulation, then under the action of temperature drops, condensate will be formed, gradually flowing inside and promoting the destruction of the structure itself.

Warmed flue channels warm up faster, thereby working much more efficiently.

Depending on which the chimney of the bath is made, various materials are used for heat insulation.

There are several varieties of already insulated chimneys for a bath furnace, the most common of which are stainless metal. A good option is ceramic sections that are already installed in ceramzite-concrete modules.

What to warm the chimney

In the process of operation of the bath furnace, its chimney is repent, and the inevitable close arrangement to combustible materials can lead to a fire.

If the chimney pipe is composed of bricks - it is heated less, and if the chimney from the metal, then much more.

Metal pipes are split over 600 s °, and their neighborhood with a wooden wrapper wage is very dangerous, especially if the bath.

The second, no less important problem is the appearance of condensate in chimney. Condensate is the main enemy of all smoke-performance systems.

It is not easy moisture formed on the walls of the furnace pipe, and an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid, which is able to destroy any virtually any material. It appears as a result of the underwear of heated air in another cold chimney.

As a result of the effects of condensate on a laptile masonry, it is destroyed, as it has properties penetrate into brick microcracks, and freezing - expand. Metal chimneys also suffer from condensate.

The metal of ordinary marks is not racks to acids, therefore, from the effects of condensate, it is very quickly coming in disrepair.

The only way to combat the appearance of condensate is the isolation of smoke paths, in which the pipe will be less cool, and the bath furnace will go faster to operating the combustion mode.

Materials for insulation

Hearth chimney can be produced by various methods, with the help of non-combustible materials.

The most common are:

  1. Heat insulation of chimney basalt cotton and glass. Heaters used for both large surfaces of brick chimneys and pipes of a relatively small diameter. Produced as a filler, in rolls or in the form of mats. It is recommended to manufacture additional casing.
  2. Method backfilling space around chimney Heat insulating material: clay, slag, brick fighting, special thermal insulation granules. This method involves the manufacture of additional chimney casing.
  3. . This is the most common, until recently, the method of insulation of brick chimneys. To this end, a slag-celastic solution applied with a layer of 5-7 cm on the reinforcing grid. After drying, a sand-cement solution was applied to it, the same thickness. But when heated and cooled the smoke system, such a insulation tried and demanded annual repairs, therefore such a method is considered unnecessary, in terms of labor costs and efficiency.
  4. Insulation of the chimney with modern materials from foamed polyethylene. "Thermalization" or "folotosis" is produced in rolls, has low weight and good elasticity, it is well cutting, which makes it accessible to work with it even non-professional. This is the easiest and most inexpensive way to insulate the chimney, which is universally used today.

Selection of insulation

To the choice of insulation, for the isolation of the chimney, it is necessary to approach carefully and seriously. It is not necessary to purchase the cheapest, because it should have good thermal insulation properties, be convenient in work, do not require additional strengthening of the carrying structures of roof and overlap, to be non-toxic and non-combustible.

Stone or basalt wool is wonderful thermal insulation made from basalt rocks.

This insulation is withstanding the long exposure to sufficiently high temperatures and does not burn, even when contact with open fire. When heated, it does not allocate any toxic or unpleasant odors. Such a heater can be safely called an environmentally friendly material.

Glasswater is a kind of mineral wool insulation made on the basis of glass industries. Between its fibers contain a large amount of emptiness, so it retains warmth well.

The glass gamble is not lit and does not absorb moisture, is not susceptible to rotting and rodents. It is not a road and easy to use. Most often produced in plates and rolls.

Heat insole or pholoisol - these are multifunctional types of insulation, made of foamed polyethylene and aluminum foil sheet covered. It is produced in rolls and has a thickness of 2 to 10 mm. They can be wonderful to isolate the chimney of the bath, since these insulation are withstanding the heating to 150s ° -170c °.

Installation of insulation with your own hands

The chimney isolation with mineral, basalt or glass gamble can be performed in two ways: insulation under the casing or heating of chimney without casing.

In order to isolate chimney with the help of mineral wool mats, you need to cut several segments of the slab, which will fit the sides of the pipe from the outside.

After that, with the help of a wire firmware, fasten them on the chimney.

Important! There should be no emptiness between the heat insulation layer, otherwise the insulation will lose its effectiveness.

To insulate the metal pipe, it is necessary to wrap its basalt cotton wool and secure the wire all over the perimeter. After that, put on the chimney the second pipe of the larger diameter, so that it turned out a kind of sandwich.

This method of thermal insulation of chimneys is the most efficient and simple, but allowing to reduce heat loss more than twice, as well as significantly reduce fire hazard and education in condensate chimping systems and protect them from destruction.

Thus, thermal insulation contributes to an increase in thermal efficiency and safe application of furnaces. At the same time, it gives the building and the design itself a more aesthetic appearance.