Repairs Design Furniture

Rectangular studio 20 meters design. Studio apartment interior design secrets. Well will look and such styles like

There are small apartments, and there are miniature. The apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b20 square meters - it even sounds closely. But on them, it turns out, you can place everything you need for life - the kitchen, bedroom, wardrobes, bathroom, bathroom, and even find a place for the synthesizer. And without any signs of tightness. Learn from the designers of the studio "Cozy apartment".

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On the picture:

Apartment design 20 sq m, developed by the Design Studio "Cozy Apartment".

Information about the apartment:one-bedroom apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b20 square meters. M, Moscow.

Owners: Girl - teacher of English.

Wishes for customers: Make an apartment spacious and fashionable.

20 square meters - completely microscopic living space. But this apartment can be made fashionable, beautiful and comfortable. The original design of the apartment 20 sq. M - the project of the studio "Cozy apartment", designed for a young English language teacher, which is fond of Finnish epic and the game on the synthesizer. Designers managed not only to create a comfortable space for life, but also entertain the hobbies of the hostess in the interior.

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Each hostess dreams of a large and spacious room in which it will be comfortable to cook and receive guests. In the kitchen-living room 20 square meters. m, the design, photo of which are presented on the site, you can embody the most bold dreams in reality. The adjacent room to the kitchen will increase the area and provide the necessary space for the full range of recreation area and the working corner. What are the features of the interior of the kitchen-living room of 20 square meters. M, what kind of design should prefer? All this you will learn from our article.

Features of the combination of kitchen and living room

Small-sized apartments - Beach last century. The presence of many tiny premises and one close kitchen does not allow rational to use space and causes certain inconvenience when a large family is going to the dinner table. However, today such planning can be adjusted, there would be a financial opportunity and desire. You can make a kitchen-studio yourself, but this will require the approval of the project in the higher instances. The unauthorized destruction of the supporting structures threatens a large fine and a prescription to return all the walls at the initial places. Such measures are not taken in vain, as they guarantee the safety of residents not only one apartment, but also a whole home.

The future project is better to discuss on the family council with households, because the interior of the studio is 20 square meters. m, the photo, the design of which is presented on the site, should take into account the wishes of every person. The absence of an additional room can disrupt the personal space of one of the family members, so you need to find a compromise. The indisputable advantage of the design of the combined kitchen-living rooms is to expand the functionality of each of the zones and the optimal use of space, whether it is 19 or 20 meters. In addition, similar interiors look stylish and creatively. If you independently make a layout of the future kitchen-living room, contact the architectural bureau: there specialists are developing individual projects.

However, the modern interior design studios has its drawbacks. First of all, these are smells penetrating the living room. Even the most powerful extract can be coped with this, not to mention the centralized ventilation system. The noise of working household appliances can interfere with holidays and households. In addition, in the zone for relaxation will have to be more often cleaned, as fat and soot still absorb furniture and curtains. Consider all these factors when developing a project of a future kitchen-living room of 20 square meters. m to avoid unpleasant consequences in advance.

Design development

Jeming the living room with the kitchen and receiving the space at 21 square meters - 23 square meters. M, think about what zone the accent is to be made: working or on the recreation area. The first option is more suitable for the owners who spend a lot of time at the stove. In this case, the corner or island layout of the kitchen will be relevant. This will provide the principle of ergonomic space, i.e. Refrigerator, washing and stove will be visually combined. Chat with guests and households, and also watch TV can be right during cooking.

If a person lives alone, then a spacious studio of 20 square meters. M with a minimum set of necessary home appliances and a headset, equipped with a bar counter, will be the most optimal option. The rest becomes a seating area. There you can put a soft sofa, chairs, a large table, wall, cabinets and racks. Such a design studio 20 square meters. m (see the photo on the site) combines in one room and the hall, and the office.

In the interior of the kitchen-living room, adhere to the rules of unity and equality. If one zone is oversaturated with decor, then neutrality is needed, otherwise the room will look cumbersome and chaotic. When finishing the walls, choose tender pastel colors that will create a cozy and warm atmosphere. Psychologists argue that dark colors negatively affect the emotional state of the person. In addition, the gloomy and poorly lit kitchen-dining room will seem much less than it really is.

The floor tile will be appropriate as an outdoor coating in the working area, and in the living room - carpet, laminate, linoleum. Prefer high-quality moisture-resistant materials that are easy to use and easily clean during cleaning.

In the kitchen-living room 20 square meters. m, if the room is allowed, it will be advantageous to look at the stretch ceiling or suspended design of plasterboard. These two options can be combined, but it is desirable that they constitute a single integer and visually united the dining room and living room. The point illumination around the perimeter of the room looks very impressive. It is desirable that in addition to the light bulbs in the kitchen-lounge there was one big chandelier and additional lighting equipment in each zone: sconce, lamps, lamps or lamps.


Design kitchen-living rooms 20 square meters. m, whose photos can be viewed on the site, involves the visual separation of space. This will delimit the two autonomous zones and properly arrange accents. However, when choosing interiors, one should adhere to unity and a harmonious combination so that the dining room can look like a holistic organism.

Designers offer several zoning ideas for a kitchen of 20 squares.

  • Screens and sliding structures allow you to fully divide the room. They do not occupy a lot of space and appear only when it is necessary. For example, the hostess preparing a festive dinner will be much more confident and more comfortable to feel in the kitchen, when guests do not follow the cooking process. Such doors will also prevent the spread of unpleasant (or pleasant, but inappropriate) odors. Production material can be chosen for every taste and wallet: from transparent glass to conventional plastic.
  • False parts are usually made from drywall and are a half-mounted configuration (beveled angle, waves, etc.). Usually in such a design there are niches where you can put vases, books, figurines, dishes. A large flat aquarium with exotic fish, which becomes a real interior highlight looks very effectively. From the side of the living room, the partition usually put a sofa. So that the wall is combined with the overall style, it is done in one color range with the ceiling. In this case, when finishing the ceiling, you should also use drywall and bunk suspended design.
  • In the design of the kitchen-living room of 20 square meters. M well will fit the bar counter. It simultaneously performs the function of zoning space and is a dining table, as well as a place for fast snack or tea party. This option is also found in small-sized premises, and in studios by 22 square meters. meters. When choosing a bar counter, an important nuance should be taken into account: young children will be difficult to get to the table top, and the elderly people will with difficulty sit on high chairs. In this case, the design should be done below or to abandon it at all.

Choosing style

Kitchen 20 square meters. M give great space for fantasy and allow experimenting with all sorts of styles. Consider basic designs.

  1. Scandinavian style Came to modern interior from Sweden. It combines convenience, comfort and practicality, moreover, democratic when choosing furniture. Preference is given to a natural tree, but you can use plastic and metal. The kitchen, the design of which is made in bright colors, looks festive and exquisite. Basic colors - blue, green, brown, beige. Pillows, chairs on chairs, products made of natural fiber are welcome in the decor. Such a studio can surprise even the most experienced designers and connoisseurs of beauty.
  2. Modern style High-tech It is characterized by minimalism and high technologies, therefore special attention is paid to household appliances, which should be represented by the latest models. The original invention is a built-in touch table top, which allows you to cook and work at a computer at the same time. Products made of natural materials are inappropriate here, but plastic, metal, glass, chrome glossy surfaces are welcome.
  3. Provence- Style of the French village. Its main features are light pastel tones, the effect of fading furniture, an abundance of textiles and many indoor plants. Interior design Provence involves the use of exclusively natural materials, so it is often confused with the Scandinavian design and ecostel.
  4. Classic style Suitable for large premises, including the excellent basis for the design of the kitchen-living room of 20 square meters. m. He will bring to the interior of royal greatness, luxury. Furniture sets of classic design are usually decorated with carvings, moldings, elegant lines and curls. Openwork napkins, vintage vases are used in the decor. In such a room, a fireplace will be very appropriate, which will give the atmosphere of comfort and home heat.

The kitchen-living room is an excellent solution for the whole family, which allows not only to combine two small rooms, but also create a real oasis for recreation, work and reception.

Photos of successful interiors

In recent years, developers are increasingly offering an area of \u200b\u200babout 20 square meters. m. For young or lonely people, this is an excellent opportunity to purchase our own, albeit small, but also separate accommodation. Therefore, the question of how to get a full-fledged apartment that meets all the requirements of a comfortable stay is relevant than ever before.


Whatever the member of the apartment, it will not be able to do without a bathroom, which means that from the available 20 meters the part will have to be allocated under. The most successful solution for the placement of the toilet is the construction of the septum at the entrance. Thus, it turns out that part remains for hallwayAnd the other is for. In this situation, it is not necessary to count on a spacious bath, so it is necessary to look at the suspension toilet, which looks more compact, and the shower.

Important! In total, the hallway with a restroom should not exceed 5 sq m.

The main area is given under and. The planning will depend on the studio format, and if the apartment is rectangular, the space is easily divided into parts: an entrance hall with a bath of about 5 square meters. m, the kitchen is about 5-6 square meters. M and below the living room remains about 9-10 square meters. m.

Today, studio apartments are becoming increasingly popular, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 20 square meters. m. This can be called a completely new housing format, providing for a combination of important components - original design, multifunctionality, compactness, comfortable interior and many other.

Solution to the problem

Solving the problem of a small space, almost every designer will tell you that the best solution to the issue of arrangement of an apartment of such a square is an option related to the style of open space, that is, a studio apartment. Only she will give the opportunity of a family of three people to feel at 20 squares comfortably and cozy, and only in this case it will be possible to furnish a small room with all the necessary items.

Be that as it may, and the main thing in this situation is to remember the main thing: housing will turn out so comfortable how correctly it will be possible to arrange the main design of the studio apartment. It is clear because the apartment area is quite small, and it is necessary to equip it in all the rules, focusing on each of the necessary zones.


A positive moment here is that still repairs in such a small apartment is simpler than in the apartment, for example, of three rooms. Much time the whole process does not occupy, it should only be prepared correctly to it, for which the project will need and the accurate calculation of the area for each of the alleged zones. Alternatively, the kitchen can be done a little more, "sacrificing" the hallway, and the room can be divided into two zones, one of which is a living room, and the other is sleeping.

Before the host of the room will stand the main question - to think over all the nuances to arrange its premises and set to equip:

  • living room;
  • bedroom;
  • study;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • corridor.

First of all, we choose which style will be the interior of our room. For this situation, experts recommend using minimalism, because it is forces a small space forces to turn the space to cozy and practical.

Separation of the space of living room and space for recreation

The boundary between these sites may be very conditional. It uses some finishing techniques, tones and accessories, or a plasterboard wall or another partition.

Sleep space can be separated using:

  • shirma or cabinet;
  • mobile partition;

  • curtain curtains;
  • decorative lattices;
  • multifunctional rack.

In addition, a sleeping place or office can be equipped on loggia. Niche can also turn into an excellent sleeping place when it comes to saving space space.

Decor as a separation of two zones

Bedroom and living room can be separated by such elements:

  • Any furniture.Furniture will be a visual separation of two zones.
  • Lighting. Choose for each of the zones suitable lighting - this moment is considered very important.

In the sleep zone, it will be appropriate to be multiple light that can be formed by a flappon or backlight. The original solution for the bedroom will also be a variant of the ceiling type of lighting. The living room needs a bright light.

  • Color decision.The decoration will make it possible to effectively select the sleeping area. Tone must be seamlessly not very bright so that in this zone there is always a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Juicy paints may be present only as decor and various accessories.

When you choose a shade for sleep zone, focus on your feelings: what color has a positive effect and soothes you. It is believed that dark shades may cause your depressive state.

If you think that there is a better abandon from the idea of \u200b\u200bzoning the room, then such furniture is suitable for the studio apartment, which will be able to combine both zones for purpose.

Choose furniture

  • The advantages of the cabinet bed. Indoor, where the alteration of the walls is impossible, it is proposed to purchase this piece of furniture, which will solve many problems at once. At the time of sleep, the cabinet bed is a comfortable sleeping place, and during wakefulness - free space. Moreover, it is not only a place to sleep, the cabinet bed justifies its name and also performs the function of the cabinet, where all things that need to be hidden from prying eyes are removed.

The design of such cabinets even implies the presence of a working area in them, and this is also very important for a small apartment.

  • Selecting a sofa. Choosing a sofa, you, of course, do not get a double-room place for recreation, but to save space this is a good option, because in the folded state this piece of furniture will take quite a few places in the room, and the situation in it will decorate. The most compact sofa is an angular folding design, which perfectly fit into the studio apartment.

  • Furniture on wheels.Portable designs can be moved from place to place, and no difficulty does not occur, and it is done quite quickly. At night, the bed is rolled out on the middle of the room, and in the morning it is also "leaving" in a secluded corner.

For a minimalism room, the furniture is proposed very simple, but functional. Closed racks and all kinds of shelves are recommended. On open shelves, some items or things can be placed, but they should not be too much. The furniture is selected one tone and shape.

About lighting

For good room lighting, it is recommended to replace the curtains on the blinds. Do not overdo it with decorative trim, let it be simpler. Accessories for style minimalism will best look from natural materials, such as glass or wood.

From the entire finish and from the furniture items, one thing is required: visually expand the room.

Such an effect, for example, can be achieved if you hang a bright picture on the wall, on which attention will be focused - this is one of the techniques on visual expansion of space.

Minimalism lamps do not have some tricky forms, they are the most common, such that will not rush into the eyes and regularly cope with their function.

A fairly effective way to visually expand the space of a small apartment is to use in the decor of various mirrors or furniture having a mirror image.

Selecting zone using color

If the grand redevelopment is not affordable, then it is possible to separate the zones with a visually, beat them with different colors. For example, the ceiling make a little lighter than the walls - a proven option for visual expansion of the room.

To expand the room, always use light shades. In minimalism, there are no more than three, it means that the second color can be a wooden shade, and the third color must emphasize the attention, standing out on a general background. As an option - a dark tree, a pure-white shade and lilac. This room will look very stylish.

Recreation area

From the place where a person will relax, it is required to be functional and that the room looks spacious. Often it requires a thorough redevelopment of the apartment. Performing such construction work, it is necessary to be confident that you do not demolish the bearing wall of the building, otherwise not to avoid the tragedy.

Sleeping place is recommended to be placed in the part of the premises formed in which the worst lighting is. The living room - on the contrary, should be placed in the brightest part of the room. If there is a niche in the apartment, then it may be a convenient and original sleeping place. The living room from the bedroom can be divided using small partitions. The capital wall does not need here, it will only reduce the already small area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

It is possible to separate the sleep zone with a fabric partition or not too bulky cabinet. But the cabinet should not reach the height before the ceiling, let the space remain there through which the air can circulate. Too dense partition is not needed here, it will only make a bedroom with a stuffy and dark.

How to save place

What kind of savings can we talk about if there are not enough space and so catastrophically? But it is necessary to do in the apartment-studio area of \u200b\u200b20 square meters. meters. When the guest area is simultaneously both the bedroom, the furniture can be placed as follows:

  • Television. If it stands on the bedside table - this is a waste in this case, the TV should hang on the wall. Moreover, the place of its location should arrange those who watch the TV from the bedroom, and those who are the living room. Alternatively, you can offer a bracket by which the TV can be deployed.
  • Bulky furniture In the apartment-studio should not be, like furniture of dark shades. Instead of a heavy sofa, a small and comfortable sofa will fit. Save not only the horizontal space, but also vertically, that is, the maximum use for storing things shelving and mezzanine.

The bed that will be in the bedroom zone is desirable to be with drawers (there are many such models), then on this area that the bed takes, it will be possible not only to relax, but also use it for storing a number of things: linen, personal Accessories and many things else. It is even more convenient for such models with a rack or shelf in the headboard, that is, such a bed will be even more functional.

  • Dream about high podium? Then prepare the appropriate design by which the bed can be rolled under the podium and roll out from under it. At the podium itself, you can equip space at your own discretion - whether the working office is done with the table and a chair, or the cabinet to place, whether something else to come up with something else.

Arrangement of apartment-studio area of \u200b\u200b20 square meters. Meters - the case is not easy. But if you approach the issue of question competently:

  • choose the right color finishing material;
  • purchase compact and functional furniture;

  • conduct the correct lighting;
  • take advantage of interesting decorative adaptations;
  • comply with all the rules of the style of "minimalism";
  • include your fantasy
  • then your dwelling will be comfortable and cozy, and all the functional zones are organically monitored.

Another option

Another popular way to equip the room with such a small area is to separate the living room from the kitchen with a partition. In such a living room, you should not install a stationary bed, it is quite enough to be a compact sofa, folding only for the time of rest, and the rest of the time occupying quite a bit.

In addition, the room with one window will look good with a transformer wardrobe, which a bed with a special trigger can be stubborn. Such a wardrobe is not just a place for the bed, it is also additional containers in which other things can be stored.

Wonderful if Studio Apartment with a balcony. This makes it possible to use and its area, setting soft and comfortable pear chairs there. Several such seats will make a balcony with a remarkable holiday destination for households and for their guests, and if you need, you can organize a sleeping place.

Kitchen zone

Studio apartment 20 square meters. Meters can not do without the kitchen. On this small area, so much of everything necessary for the kitchen should be fit, which will not be correctly not easy, but it can also be more complicated than to deal with the design of the living room and the sleeping zone. And at the same time, the kitchen, stuffing with everything necessary, should not lose its comfort and functionality.

The main councils for the arrangement of the kitchen space in the apartment-studio 20 square meters. meters can be attributed to the same.

If you own a one-room or two-bedroom apartment, you can turn them into modern apartments. Close rooms can be re-equipped into a spacious studio. How to do it? Knowledge in the field of interior design and zoning will help you.

Studio Apartment: Pros and Cons

Studio apartments are free planning apartments, apartments without walls. They assume the presence of a single residential space. The largest room is divided into functional areas with the help of designer receptions - different lighting, podiums, multi-level ceilings, etc. Traditional zones are a kitchen-living room and a bedroom.

The advantages of such housing:

  • The absence of partitions creates a sense of space that is so lacking small apartments;
  • If there is little light in the apartment, redevelopment to the studio will help solve this problem;
  • In such an apartment it is easy to implement any design ideas, since you are not limited to the space between the walls;
  • Free layout is a maximum functionality. Moving between zones becomes simple and most logical.
  • The disadvantages of apartment studios are:

  • Insuitable for families with children;
  • Disadvantages related to the reception of guests, or various rhythm of the life of the owners. If you get up early in the morning, and your partner is later, then your fees will most likely wake him up;
  • From unnecessary furniture items will have to abandon, most likely, and from the big bed too. Furniture should be functional and occupy as little space as possible.
  • Considering the foregoing, we will conclusion that such apartments are suitable for whom:

  • For those who cannot live in the close space of small rooms;
  • For young couples without children;
  • For young people as the first independent housing;
  • For those who are looking for a budget option for housing;
  • For those who appreciate originality, design and free space above the ability to retire.
  • You can turn into a studio one-bedroom apartment. In this case, the bedroom will remain isolated, and the living room and the kitchen will combine. This will fill the majority of studio flaws.

    Layout and zoning: various options

    When planning an apartment studio should be repelled from the available area. Balcony, if any, you can warm and combine with residential space by increasing it.

    Large studios

    This can include apartments with an area of \u200b\u200bover 25 square meters. m. Here we have more space for everything: for creativity, furniture, and one that can be left free.

    A large area allows you to isolate a bedroom from the rest of the apartment. The hallway leads to a spacious combined living room. This option is most convenient.

    Small studios

    These include apartments with an area of \u200b\u200b15-20 square meters. m. Such a small area is their main minus. However, with the right approach, each square meter can be used correctly.

    Each piece of furniture should be as functional as possible. The dining table can replace the worker; Folding sofa - bed for sleep. You can use compact household appliances. As a result, even such a small space can be equipped for a comfortable life.

    Narrow Studio Apartments

    If you got a narrow odnushka, or the same studio, there are planning options for them. It is necessary to at least visually expand the space. To do this, you can use mirrors, light colors, including white. Glossy surfaces are also good for this purpose.

    Apartments with balcony

    If you are the owner of an apartment with a balcony, you can use it to increase the living area. To do this, the balcony needs to be inspired and combine with an apartment. On the balcony you can arrange, for example, the work area and put a table with a computer.

    If you want to leave a balcony balcony to breathe on it with fresh air, you can leave everything without change, only glazing and warming it if necessary.

    Duplex Studio Apartment

    If you got a two-level apartment with a high ceiling in a new building, you can safely plan the design not stitching, but swell. Such projects look very aristocratic even for small apartments. In fact, at two levels you can place all the functional zones and isolate the necessary.

    Partitions for zoning room

    In order to highlight various zones in the studio apartment, you can use several types of partitions:

  • Shirma. Such partitions are mobile. If you make a permutation, it will easily "move" to another part of the apartment. Move the speed will not be so easy, the bar rack is even more difficult. In addition, Shirma is the attribute of some interior styles, such as Japanese. Screens can be fabric, paper, glass.
  • Furniture. The furniture itself can be the furniture itself as an element of zoning. Sofa or racks can distinguish the kitchen and living room. In this case, you immediately kill two hares - allocate zones and save on partitions.
  • Curtains and curtains. With their help, you can separate, for example, a sleeping place in the apartment.
  • Bar rack. It can replace the dining table and become the border between the kitchen and the living room. If you want to use it, the planning and design of the apartment should be thought out carefully, since to move the rack to another part of the room will be difficult.
  • Choose interior style

    Minimalism. Fashionable modern style, it is not suitable for small apartments and studios. Credo minimalism is nothing superfluous. In such interiors there are practically no accessories, minimum decor, colors, furniture. The color scheme is characterized by monochromicity or two-color combinations. The main color is white with which you can combine any others at your request. The furniture is also chosen by monophonic, strict forms, without carved elements, patterns, etc., the most functional one.

    Minimalism loves space. In a small apartment, it is possible to achieve this effect only with designer techniques - with mirrors, light tones, glossy surfaces.

    Contemporary. Style close to minimalism, but without strict restrictions in the choice of decor, furniture and accessories. It can be described as a modern interior for a comfortable life. For contemporaries, simple layout, functional furniture, including modular and built-in, surfaces of clear forms, strict or smooth lines, classic and ethnic accessories are characterized.

    For finishing, artificial materials are mainly used - laminate, plastic, glass, artificial stone, etc. The main colors of the gamma are calm pastel colors, against the background of which the bright elements of the decor and furniture are spectacular.

    High tech. Another style similar to minimalism, however, with its raisins. High-tech also prefers minimum details and colors. Characteristic gamma - white, gray, metallic, black. Materials - glass, chrome metal, plastic. The main feature of the style is the focus of non-manufacturability, some futuristicity. This is reflected in the active use of modern technology, illumination, unusual furniture.

    However, High-tech may be optionally cold and strict. The use of greenery and color accents can diversify the interior. However, it is important to observe the measure in order not to go beyond the style of the style.

    Loft. Initially, the style was born as a way to refit the attic premises and abandoned factories and factories in residential space during the Great Depression in the United States. Later he passed on and came to taste creatively people, especially photographers and artists who used such premises as housing and studios. This determines the characteristic traits of the loft. It is characterized by a rough decoration, no hidden metal and wooden structures in combination with classic furniture, paintings, mirrors and design objects. Business card Loft - coarse brickwork.

    Style loves high ceilings and large windows through which the maximum of light penetrates. In a small apartment will have to resort to the tricks of the design to recreate it. If you have a two-level apartment, Loft style, it is impossible to suit you better.

    Art Deco. Style name is translated as "decorative art." He embodies the desire for luxury and sufficiency. In the design of interiors of this style, lacquered surfaces, leather, wood, glass, stainless metal, ceramic and stone tiles are used. The whole composition should be built around the center. Dining table or fireplace can be in his role, in the modern version - TV. For the color range inherent neutral tones - white, beige, brown, gray, silver. Bright colors are made muffled. In general, the apartment in the style of Art Deco looks expensive, but not pompous.

    Fusion. The style is called to break all the canons and maximize the imagination. For fusion, a combination of elements of various styles is a classic feature with futuristic furniture, conservative ideas with fashionable trends. Free from stereotypes, on the one hand, it is complicated for reconstitution - on the other. Here as anywhere it is important to feel a sense of measure and style, so as not to get a tasteless design.

    Fusion is a merger of different styles in the design of one apartment. In it, the complete freedom of materials and colors is confirmed. The main task is to combine in a single whole incompatible, at first glance, furniture, decor elements, shapes, colors and finishing materials.

    Pop Art. This style will appreciate creative young people. Bright, catchy, non-standard - it all applies to pop art interior. In the design uses juicy colors. As decor - elements of contemporary art: paintings, graffiti, photos, design items. Pop Art style bets not only on functionality, but also on creative.

    Eco-style. The popular destination among residents of cities. His elements may be present in other styles. The main feature is the desire for naturalness and intimacy with nature. This is emphasized by the use of natural materials, plant decorations and a common "green" subject in the interior.

    Scandinavian style. He came to us from Sweden, Finland, Norway. A feature of the style is the desire for light and a simpler. Characteristic features are bright main colors, bright color spots of furniture and decor objects, open windows, a lot of bright textiles, natural finishing materials, the main of which is a tree.

    Photo Gallery: Studio Apartments in different styles

    Scandinavian style - these are natural materials, bright colors, patterned textiles An example of the interior in Scandinavian style Natural finishing materials, greens are characteristic of eco-style Easy and comfort - Distinctive features of the styles Interior Options Apartment in Style Contemporary Elegance without perseverance is inherent in Art Deco style This may look like Art Deco style in the interior Tender Art Deco Interior Tones Geometrically the right shapes and lines are inherent in High-tech style Color accents and greens will help revive Hai-Tech style interior Minimum decor and maximum free space is a minimalism style Minimalism Interior Option Loft style in a two-level apartment: Rough metal railing in such interior looks organically Loft-style apartment: brickwork, luminaires of unusual forms Fusion Interior Example Fusion is a combination of traditional with modern, combining different styles Mandatory attribute of the interior in the style of pop art - bright paintings and photos of contemporary art Pop Art Interior Option

    How to arrange functional zones

    Place on a small area all the functional zones is not easy, but maybe. To do this, take advantage of the designs that will help you allocate and arrange them.


    The kitchen can be raised to the podium. Use the embedded technique to save space. Treat lighting in such a way that enough light falls on the working area and on the dining table. To do this, you can use point lamps above the working area, and mounted or chandeliers - above the dining room.

    Kitchen on the podium: The entire work area is illuminated by point lamps, and over the dining room is installed searchlights that can be rotated in the desired side

    The kitchen can also be isolated by color. Use bright tones or contrast primary color.

    Living room

    The reception area of \u200b\u200bguests carries the main functional load. It must be made as comfortable as possible and provide a place for the TV (if any), storage of souvenirs, books, accessories. To do this, you can use racks with shelves, niches. The coffee table, a comfortable sofa, which, if necessary, can replace the bed, a couple of chairs or seats - common attributes of the living room.

    The living room can be separated from other zones with a different flooring, carpet, color, multi-level ceiling.

    Zone for sleep

    If the Studio Apartment Area allows, it can be provided with a separate zone for sleep. This is the most convenient option in many ways.

    In terms of furniture, there should be nothing superfluous here. The wardrobe is better to take place in the hallway or re-equip the storage room. In the bedroom you can leave the bed, a couple of bedside tables or chairs, a mirror with a toilet table.

    Work zone

    It is convenient to re-equip the balcony if it is. If not, the working area can be placed in the living room. At worst, it can replace the dining table or bar counter. To improve the workplace, you can use a small computer table. It is necessary to think over the convenient lighting of the zone.

    Design Options Studio Studio For Families with a Baby

    For a small child, you can provide a place where you can put a bed.

    The place for the older baby can be equipped in two ways:

  • Build a living room like a nursery. This is not the most convenient option that is suitable for small apartments;
  • Arrange a separate zone for the child. You can use a bed with a staircase under which to arrange a workplace and a wardrobe for things;
  • Bright paints and accessories will be addressed to the children's space, although it needs to be withstanding in the overall style.

    It is possible to separate the space of the children's way as the rest of the zones in the apartment.

    Studio apartment is a choice of young people and families, creative personalities, people who value freedom, space and comfort. In modern construction, even specifically provide such apartments in homes. Use the ideas and tips to arrange your housing and adapt it to your rhythm of life.