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Tale of temporary years of full content. Nestor Chronicler - Temporary Tale

For the Flood, the three sons of Noah divided the land - Sim, Xham, andAf. And went to the East to Sim: Persia, Bactria, even to India in the longitude, and wide to Rinocorrara, that is, from the East to the South, and Syria, and the Middest to the River Euphrates, Babylon, Cordun, Assyrian, Mesopotamia, Arabia, the oldest, Eliarais, Indie, Arabia Strong, Colimia, Commagena, All FiPook.

Hama got south: Egypt, Ethiopia, adjacent to India, and other Ethiopia, from which the Ethiopian Red River, Current, Cyria, Marmaria, Sirta, Other Libya, Numidia, Mastha, Mauritania, Opposite Gadir. B of his possessions in the east are also: kilnica, Pamphilia, Pisidia, Mission, Licania, Freigia, Kamaliya, Likia, Kariya, Lydia, other Mission, Troada, Ealide, Baphinia, Old Figiy and Islands Nekia: Sardinia, Crete, Cyprus and River Geon, otherwise called the Nile.

Japhet got the northern countries and Western: Midida, Albania, Armenia Small and Great, Kapadokya, Palagia, Kolkhida, Bosphorus, MEOTs, Depend, Caps, Macedonia, Dalmatia, Malosali, Macedonia, Lokrida, Peilly, which is also called Peloponnese, Arkady, Epir, Illyria, Slavs, Lichnitius, Adriakia, Adriatic Sea. Islands: Britain, Sicily, Evieya, Rhodes, Chios, Lesbos, Kitir, Zakynthos, Kefallinia, Ithaca, Kerkira, part of Asia, called Ionia, and the Tiger River, current between the mussel and Babylon; To the Pontic Sea to the north: Danube, Dnipro, the Caucasian Mountains, that is, Hungarian, and from there to the Dnieper, and other rivers: the gums, Pripyat, Dvina, Volkhov, Volga, which flows east into part of the Simoma. Russian, chorn and all sorts of peoples are sitting in the jappet part: Mero, Murom, the whole, Mordva, the Zavolocheansky Chud, Perm, Pecheque, Yam, Ugr, Lithuania, Zimigol, Court, Lethal, Livi. Lyhai and Prussa, Chok sit near the sea Varangi. According to this sea, Varyags are sitting: from here to the east - to the limits of sims, they are sitting in the same sea and to the West - to the Earth of English and Voloshskaya. Jeafet's offspring also: Varyags, Swedes, Normans, Goths, Rus, Angles, Galicians, Volokha, Romans, Germans, Korlasias, Venetians, Fryami and others, they are adjacent in the West to South countries and neighmber with the Hamov tribe.

Same, Ham and Jafeth divided the land, throwing lots, and did not embarrass the brother to enter anyone, and everyone lived in their part. And there was a single people. And when people were multiplied on Earth, they found them to create a pillar to the sky, it was in the days of nectan and Faleca. And they gathered at the site of the field of Senar to build a pillar to the sky and near him the city of Babylon; And they built a pillar that 40 years, and did not follow it. And the Lord gave the Lord to see the city and the pillar, and the Lord said: "Here is the Rod one and the people are one." And the God of Peoples mixed, and divided into 70 and 2 people, and scattered throughout the Earth. By mixing the same peoples, the God of the Great destroyed the pillar; And there are remnants between Assyria and Babylon, and have in height and in the width of 5433 elbows, and these remains are saved for many years.

For the destruction of the pillar and in the division of peoples, the sons of Sima Eastern countries were taken, and the sons of Hama - southern countries, the West and the Northern countries took the same way. The people of Slavic occurred from the same 70 and 2, the people of the Jafeta tribe are the so-called Noriki, who are Slavs.

After a long time, the Slavs sat down on the Danube, where the Earth is Hungarian and Bulgarian. From those Slavs sorted Slavs on the ground and nicknamed with their names from the places where they sat down. So alone, having come, sat on the river with the name of Morava and morava nose, and others called the Czechs. But also the same Slavs: White Croats, and Serbs, and Chorutan. When the Volokha was attacked by the Slavs of Danube, and settled among them, and they were oppressed, then these Slavs came and sat down on Vistula and were nicknamed, and the Poles, other Lyahi - Lutchi, other - Mazaschean, were made from those Lyakhov.

Also, these Slavs came and sat down on the Dnieper and were called Polyans, and others - Drevlyans, because they sat down in the forests, while the other villages between Pripyat and Dviochi and were called Dregovichi, other sites on Dvina and called Polochanas, on the river, flowing in Dvina , Poor, from her, was called Polochan. The same Slavs who sat down near Lake Ilmen were called their name - Slavs, and built a city, and called him Novgorod. And others sat down on the gum, and by the Seitor, and by Sul, and called Northerners. And so the Slavic people were separated, and by his name and the grades called Slavic.

When the meadow lived separately in the mountains of this, there was a way from the Varyag in the Greeks and from the Greeks on the Dnieper, and in the upper reaches of Dnipro - the wolf to the fish, and in love, you can enter Ilmen, the Lake of the Great; From the same lake flows out whales and flows into the lake Great Nevo, and the mouth of that lake flows into the sea Varyazhskoye. And according to the same sea, you can swim to Rome, and from Rome can be saved on the same sea to the Tsargrad, and from the Tsargrada you can sail into Ponta Sea, which flows the Dnieper River. The Dnieper follows from the Okovsky Forest and flows to the south, and Dvina flows from the same forest, and goes to the north, and flows into the sea Varyzhskoye. From the same forest flows the Volga to the East and flows semidden to the mouths in the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Hwali. Therefore, from Russia, you can swim along the Volga in Bulgarians and in the chvaists, and to the East to go to the lot of Sima, and in Dvina - to the Earth Varyagov, from Varyags to Rome, from Rome and to the Khamov tribe. And the Dnieper falls in the mouth of the Pontic Sea; This sea is heard by the Russians, - on the shores he taught him, as they say, St. Andrei, Brother Peter.

When Andrei taught in Sinop and arrived in Corsun, he learned that near the Korsun, the mouth of the Dnieper, and wanted to go to Rome, and flew up at the mouth of Dneprovskoye, and from there went up the Dnieper. And it happened so that he came and began under the mountains on the shore. And in the morning I got up and said to the apprentices former with him: "Do you see these mountains? In these mountains, the grace of God will shoot, will be the city of the Great, and God will erect a lot of churches. " And while going on these mountains, blessed them, and put the cross, and prayed to God, and came up from the mountain of this, where will be Kiev later, and went up the Dnieper. And came to the Slavs, where Novgorod today is, and saw people living there - what is their custom and how wash and hardened, and surprised them. And went to the country of Varyagov, and came to Rome, and told about how he taught and what he saw, and told: "Divo saw in Slavic land on his way here. Wooden's baths saw them strongly, and they will tease and they will be naga, and they will share the rods with a kvass, and they will raise the young people and beat themselves, and before that herself everyone will come, and they will barely get out Just come to life. And it makes it constantly, with no one torture, but they are tormented by themselves, and they are creating a wash into themselves, and not a torment. " The same, hearing about it, surprised; Andrei also visited Rome in Sinop.

Polyan lived in those times separately and managed by their own fees; For and before that brethren (which was later speech), they were already glade, and they all lived with their birth in their places, and each was managed independently. And there were three brothers: one named Kii, the other - the cheeks and the third - Chorive, and their sister - Lybad. Come on Mount, where now the rise of Borichev, and the cheek sat on the mountain, which is now called the cheek, and Horive on the third mountain, which was named after his chorievice. And they built a city in honor of the older brother, and called him Kiev. Was around the city of Forest and Bor great, and they caught beasts there, and there were those men wisers and meaning, and they were called Polyans, from them Poland and Donyn in Kiev.

Some, not knowing, they say that Kiev was carrier; Was, then at Kiev transport from that side of the Dnieper, which was said to: "For transport to Kiev." If there were cue carrier, I would not go to the Tsargrad; And this cue reigned in his kind, and when he walked to the king, then they say that the great honors were honored from the king, to whom he came. When he returned, he came to the Danube, and he chose a place, and he quit the town is small, and wanted to sit in it with his family, but did not give him living around him; So and the Donna call the city's inhabitants, the Kyiv. Kiy, returning to his city Kiev, here and died; And the brothers of his cheeks and chorive and sister their liberty immediately died.

CE Let's start the story of this.

Skill three The sons of Najah divided the land, Sim, Ham, affair. And Yasya Simovy's intersection: Persida, Vatry, God and before the larger in the longitude, and in width and to Narrowuria, I am ridicuned from the 4th and until shepherd, and Suria, and Mussel According to Ether River, Babylon, Cordun, Asuryan, Mesopotamia, Arabia the oldest, ELMAIS, INV, Arabia Sulk, Colia, Comaghini, Fi Phi & All.

Hamovi Yasya Herdow Country: Eupet, Efivopia, Digiting Indo, the other Efiopia, from the same way to proceed by the Efiopian Skmna river, current on the work, Five, Libya, adjacent to Kurinia, Marmark, Science, Libya Other, Numidia, Masura, Mauritania anti-land Gadir. By the East, you are kilicia, Pamphilia, Pisida, Mission, Lucionia, Frugia, Kamalia, Liku, Kariya, Lubu, Mission Other, Troadad, Eed, Vifania, old Frugs; and islands Someone to hee: Sardani, Crete, Kupper, and the Geon River, called Nile.

Scuff And Jashai semidious countries and western: Middi, Alway, Armenia Small and Great, Capaadocia, Fafelaoia, Galat, Colchi., Define, meoty, trees, Sarmati, Tauriani, Skofia, Frascia, Makidone, Dalmatia, Malosi., Festal, locomotive, pellery, yaz and poloponis naschada, arcade, japirium, Ilik, Slovenia, Lukhithia, Androkia, Ojdreyatyn Pacific. Stone and Islands: Wrivest, Sikilia, Yavier, Rodon., Chiona, Lesovon, Cofirane, Snorkel, Kefalinya, Iilakina, Kerit, part Asiiskia Countries nried and River Tigra, current Interemi Museum and Babylon; Before the midst of the sea, on the full country, Danube, Dienester and the Caucasin Mountains, the Rube Ruffle, and from there, to the Dnieper, and other rivers: the gums, the harvest, Dvina, Volkhov, Volga, Like the East, to the part of Simoma. In the affectionate part of the Sale of Russia, Cheld and Wsya Little: Merya, Murom, All, Mordva, Zavo-Wood, Perm, Pecheque, Yam, Ugr, Lithuania, Winter, Court, latgola., Love. Lyakhov, and Pruri, probed to bed to the sea the Warry. By this, the sea Salted the Various seed to the Simova to the limit to the limit to the West to the land of Agrunas and to the Voloshch. AFECO Bo and then Knee: Variazi, Schay, Urman, gotea, Rus, Agnyan, Galicha, Magnia, Romans, German, Korlasia, Venidi, Fryagovy and others, ty Squeeze from the west to shepherd And to be pricked with the Pedian Hamov.

Sim same and Ham and the affair, dividing the land, mortgages methawshe, do not break anyone in the lot fratern, and Visovia The cable in its part. There is one and multiplied man on earth and Thinking to create a pillar to heaven, in the days of Nectan and Faleca. And gathered at the scene of Senar Polya Zdati Pillars to Heaven and Grad near his Babylon; and create a pillar that in 40 years and Not achieved.

And to reduce the Lord Godti Grad and Pillars, and the Raster of the Lord: "CE Rod is one and the language one." And God's Languages \u200b\u200bare a mixture, and divided into 70 and 2 languages, and the resumes throughout the Earth. By stirring, the Language God is the wind of the great destroy the pillar, and there is the remains of him of the Assura and Babylon, and is height and in the width of the Local 5433 elbows, and in the summer tall store the remains.

According to the stirring, the same pillar and the separation of the tongue are nice to the sons of Simovy Introduction Countries, and Hamovi Son Hedgehogs Countries. Schetovy is more nice to the West and the surrounding country. From Now. 70 and 2. Language to be a Language Sloveske, from the Tribe of Scat, Narci, the very essence of Slovenia.

On the same time, Slovenia was sat down on Dunayevi, where there is now UGORSK Earth and Bulgarian. From those sneaken on earth and nor the names of their own, where hershem on which place. Yako came Sedosha on the River Marava, and Morava is nicknamed, but the friends of Čaji proclaimed. And the same Slovenia: Chock Belie and Silver and Chorutan. Warm-found in Slovenia on Danube, and Sedashchess in them and by the nasya, Slovenia Ovi who came Sedosha on Vistula, and the Lyakhov, and from those Lyakhov, Polyana, Lyakhov Druys Lutichi, Ini Mazovshan, Ii Relaimen.

As well as the Slavs who came and Sedosha in the Dnieper and the Polyana, and Druple Druple, Zana Sedosha in Leshe; And Sedosh's druys are in line with Dvregovichi doubt and mess around; sedosha in Dvina and PodcochanasSpava Skip, Introduce in Dvina, Issue Poles, Incen Says. Slovenia Sedosha near Ezer Ilmer and Nice to your immune, and make degrees and sparkle and? Novgorod. And diversity of Sedosha on the gum and Seven, by Sul, and embossed north. And the Taco of the Department of Native Language, Slovenaya's Slovenaya.

Polyany, who lived in the Mountains of the Sim, the way from the Varyag in the Greeks and from the Greek on the Dnieper, and the top of the Dnieper of the Wolf to Lovy, and in love with the Lake of Lake, from it, the lakes to flow worsh and enter the Lake the Great Nevo, I. Togo Lake to lift the mouth into the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Warry. And according to the same sea, IT to Rome, and from Rome, at the same time, the sea to Tsarihorjor, and from Tsaryagigod to visit Pont Sea, in not the same dnipro river. Dnipro Bo flow from the pussy the woodsAnd to flow at noon, and the Dvina of the same forest flows, and to have to go on the seal and lifting up the sea. Is the same forest flush the Volga on the work, and to jerk semi-dying in the sea praise. Meld and from Russia by Volzay. in Bulgarians and in the chuffas and on make it in lots of sims, and on dvina in the Varangians, from Varyag to Rome, from Rome same And before the Khamov tribe. And the Dnieper to commission in the midst of the sea with Zheroral, hedgehog the sea to catch Rusko, on him he taught the Saint Nedrey, Brother Petrov, and Solish.

Ontreya student in Sineopia and will come to Korsun, went, Yako I was Corsuna Blizza Dniprian, and Drima in Rome, and the Dniprosky Vestier, and Ottol Podice on Dnieper Mount. And on the adventure come and a hundred under the mountains on birch. And the soutra is stamped and spectably with the student with him: "Do you see the mountains of this? - Yako on this mountains tighten the grace of God; Ham hail is great life And the church in many God to have torture. " AND Away on the mountains of this, bless me and Put the cross, and praying to God, and tears from the mountain of Say, the appearance of the first to see Kiev, and Podice on the Dnieper Mount. And come to Slovenia, the idea of \u200b\u200bnow Novgorod, and the form of that people are soothing, both there is a custom of them, and why smiling and horsten, and surprise them. AND Ide B. Varyagi, and come to Rome, and Ordiva, Elico Science and Elico, and speeches them: "Divisy the words of the Slovenian land are walking with Mi Semo. The shape of the balls of the ancient, and fading emeno, and cooch, and the upside down, and burst with kvaas, and outraged on the smiling junior, and drose themselves, and so devil obva got out le. zhvi., and flow through the water of the student, and Tako to revive. And then creating all the days, not to the torment nickname, but they themselves tortured, and then creating a conception of their own, and not torment. " You are hearing. Ojdrey, formerly in Rome, come to Sinely.

The field of the same person who lives is familiar with their own, and before the brothers Byahu Polyana, and the cadry's life with his family and in her places owning the cable to his own. And household 3 brothers: a single name of cue, and another cheek, and the third chorive, and sister their libery. Sedyash Kiy on the mountain, where Borichev's ungument is now, and the cheek of Sedyasha on a mountain, he is now called the cheeking, and Horiv on the third mountain, the chorals are nicknamed. And the schurch of Grad in the name of the brother of his eldersago, and the name of him Kiev. Beasha around a hail forest And Bor is great, and bylau catching the beast, the bing of men of wisers and sense, nyricate the meadow, from them there is a glade in Kiev and until then.

Inini, not welcomed, Roshka, Yako Kiy there was a carrier, in Kiev Bo haze transported then from the Other side of the Dnieper; Those Glagolaha: for transport to Kiev. More than the carrier of cue, I would not have walked Tsarijor's city; But the cue princess in kind, I concerned him to the king, I am also a good honor, I was happy with the king, in which the kings come. I am going to him again, come to Dunayevi, and Love the place, and Srubi Rudok small, and I do not care with your family, and I do not give him the relatives of the Lishchi; hedgehog and dynamic danubez The town of Kyiv. Kiev and come in your Grad Kiev, that belly is your scope; and The brother of his cheeks, and Chorive, and the sister of their liberation tuch.

And here are the brothers to keep the genus of their princess in the fields, but In the villages of its own, and Dregovichi their own, and Slovenia is their in Novgorod, and another on the beauty, and half the half. From them cryvichi, other Seat to the top of the Volga, on the top of Dvina and on the top of the Dnieper, their hay is Smolensk; there Bo Salurate Curvichi. The same north of them. On Belayozer, there is all sled, and on the Rostov Lake Merry, and on the tick of the lake, the same. BUT on Oce Race, where take In the Volga, Muroma, your tongue, and Cumulatory language, Mordva has their own language. Che Bo Tokmo Slovereck Language in Russia: Polyana, Drops, Nogogoze, Polokhan, Dregovichi, North, Buzhana, Zanos Sedosha in Bugu, the afterwards of Valyne. And it is the essence of the Inni language, izh, tribute to Rus: Cheld, Merry, the whole, Murom, Draw, Mordva, Perm, Pecheque, Yam, Lithuania, Zimigol, Court, non, Libe: si essence your language is Imusche, from the knee of Scatstov, izh live In the countries of semidal.

Slovenia is the same language, I am a roller, lifey On the Danube, coming from Skul, the river from Kozar, Remons Bulgarian, and Sedosha on Dunayevi, and Persons like a blessing. At night is coming acne Belia, and Hermita Earth Slovenaya. SO BO EGRI SUPPACE OF FIRST PR-Iraklia Tsari, I find it on Hozdroy, Tsar Perchoscian. In Si same time, blesses and obsection, other Walking Heraclius The king and his little is not Yasha. Soye aubrey the wet on Slovenekh, and the insanity of the dulaby, the judge, and the violence of the creatures of wives double: Occasion to go Buddha Ovrin, not giving a hitch to no ox, but I am too much injured 3. Lee, 4. Lee 5 Wives in the cart and the story of Obred and Tako Mucchu dulab. Bival Boy Body Gore's Body and Mind, and the god of conscience I will smalle the WSI, and I don't have any Orin. And there is a parable in Russia and to this day: the deceased of the aquies doom; They are baptized by a tribe or the heir. As well as the cohesie; Paks Okchi Ugric Black Cymary, after Olla.

The pool of the living person, I am a ROOK, such from the genus Slovenis, and pissed the glade, and true From Slane, and clogged Doodle; Radmichi Bo and Vniki from Lyakhov. Kastasta bo 2 brothers in Liashech, - Radim, and other Vyatko, - and send Sedost to the Radims on Szzhu, and Nicknamed Radmichi, and Vyatko Sedge with his native on Oce, Naznychi is nicknamed from him. AND village in the world of glade, and a village, and North, I. radmichi, Vyatichi and Khrvate. Dulebi Vyryov in Bougu, where now Valynyan, and Uluchi and Tivierci Sadya Bo along the Dnestra, nagging to Dunayevi. There are a lot of them; Sedya Bo on Dniester olive To the sea, the essence of the grades of them and until now, and then the svuha from Greek the Great Skuche.

I have your customs of your customs, and the law's father of his own and devoted, the cable has their own temper. Polyana Boy of his father's custom to fuck meek and quiet, and shame to sleep with her and sisters, to the Mother and her parent, to the mother-in-law and the devil, Great Shade, the marriage custom I mean: not gogey The son-in-law on the bride, but leading the evening, and tomorrow we have a barefoot in it. And the Drevlyan Village Zverinsky way, lyessure Skotski: Killing each other, everyone is unclean, and they have no marriage, but I have a waters of Devini. And Radmichi, and Vyatići, and North one custom IMAYU: Village in the forest, is and every beast, poisonous everything is unclean and Breaklovye in them before oalthy and pre-soda, and Brazi is not in them, but playing in between villages, similar to playing, on dance and on all Beshskaya songs, and that blunders of his wife, with her, who are families; I have two and three wives. And anyone who is hopefully, cottage swing Over it, and for seven cottages we are great, and bompaniya and? on the cland, dead man Sorry, and the month of the gathering of the bone of the bone in Sudin Malu, and supply At the pillar on the way, the whole creation of letters and now. Creation Creation and Other repayments, not the lead of God, but the law is done by the law.

The verb of George in the chronicle. "For Comuzo, the language of Ovam is written by the law, there is another custom, law Bescasnik, the edema is impaired. From them the first of Syria, lyessure At the end of the Earth, the law of imute father His customs: not love and adultery, nor paint, nor slander, whether to kill, whether evil acts are quite. Law and vaktlia, Glagolemi Roughman and Ostriki, hedgehog from the great-grandfather and The pieces of meat is not poenuble, neither wine is drinking, nor a fucking creative, the same malice is creative, fear for a moment and god's faith. For Yava tache adjacent to them indian - murder, sketching, grinding, grievous, Lee B. nutryshi The country of their man is puzzling and weighing killing, the same to poke Yako Psi. Enther the same law Haldey and Babylonians: Mother of Poimati, with the married chads of Blud City, and killing. AND All besome Action Iko virtue Mnyo Especially, any distance of the country is to future.

In the same law of Giliom: Wives in them are ration, zhiri and Men's business to create, but I have been creating Elico to Knob, do not come from your men very, lee Sazryat; In them, the essence of the wife of catching a beast rocks. Master your husband's female and Think by them. In Avenue, Mnosi's men with uncle wife to sleep and multiy Wives with a single husband to endure: Bless yako Law Father Creative Onsuble Needless. Amazon is not a husband, but also Aki Cattle is unbelieving one in the summer spring During the day of launching to future; and are detached S. surrounding Guys, Yako some They are tasty and great celebration time to messenger. From them rummaged in the womb, Paki will scatter from here VSI. During the same attended PARTIY, OSHE, is born to death; yet virgin Paul, then input and diligent spept. "

Jacques CE and with us now half the law to keep his father's father: the blood is shedding, and puffing about sem, I. Murgery and all uncleanness, Homeki and Susola, and Edit stepmothers own and Yatrovy, and the custom of their father's custom. We, Krestyan, Elico Earth, others believe in the Holy Trinity, in a single baptism, in one faith, the law Imam, Elico in Christ the baptized and in Christ, in Christ.

Likewise years, the death of the brothers Say, the blesses are offended by the arms and Ini effervescent. AND nidosha I am a goose, seen on the mountains in the forest, and solve Kozari: "Pay us tribute." SDUMABSHE same Polyana and inhabited from smoke sword, and no cozari to the prince and to elder, and solve them: "CE, TEN TRANS novu. " They solve them: "Spill?" They are decided: "In the forest on mountains, above the Dnepria River. " They are solved: "What is the essence of the way?". They show the sword. And the resolves of Starzi Kozarism: "Not good tribute, princess! We are in addition to the weapons with each other, the rigid sabers, and then weapon mutually acutely, the rope of sword. Si Imute IMATA tribute to us and in different countries. " It's all about everything: not from the Will of the Rekosh, but from God's leading. Yako and With Faravon, the kings of Eupetym, even Loose Moses Pred Faravon, and the resolution of Elder Pharaoh: "SE KHUKHET SMITIRITY REGION OF EYUPETSKA"; Jacques and bends: perpetrators of the Eyptians from Moses, and the first one is working on it. Taco and C: Owned, and after samples dominate; Jacques and Face: Water bo Kozara Rusiyski princei I. until the bottom day.

In the summer of 6360, Indict 15, by Mikhail Mikhailovati, initiated by the name of the Russian land. Oh hot bo han away, Yako, at the seven kings, Rus came to Tsargorod, I am written in the chronicle of Christ. Dormant postponement and numbers put it, Yako "from Adam to the Flood of Years 2242; and from the flood to the ravine of years of 1000 and 82, and from Abram to the juicy of Moiseeva 430 years; and from the state of Moses until David 600 and 1; And from David and from the beginning of the kingdom of Solomonee to the prisoner of Yarusaleml, 448 years; And from the captive to Oleksandra, 318 years; and from Oleksandra to the birth of Christ 333; And from Christ's Christ to Konstantin, 318 years; From Kostynutin, the same to Mikhail this year 542. " And from Pervago Summer Mikhailova to Pervago Summer Olgova, Ruscago Prince, 29 years old; And from Pervago Summer Olgova, ponneli Sedge in Kiev, to Pervago Summer Igor, 31 years old; and from Pervago Summer Igor to Pervago summer in love 33; And from Pervago Summer Svyatoslavl to Pervago Summer Yaropolcha 28; And Yaropolk princes 8 years; And Volodimer prince 37 years; And Yaroslav Prince about 40 years old. Svyatoslav Lee to death, Yaroslavl, 85 years old; And from the death of Yaroslavl to the death of Svyatopolch, 60 years old.

But we are former Retime and Let's say yes looking in summer Si, the first summer with Mikhail, and for a row we put a number.

In summer 6361. In summer 6362. In summer 6363. In summer 6364.

In summer 6365.

In the summer 6366. Mikhail King Isis with Wari Bregg and the Sea on Bulgarians. Bulgarian seen yako Not a moor of the counter, baptized asking and conquer the Greek. The king is the shrore of the prince of them and the sores are all, and the world is schurch with Bulgarians.

In summer 6367. Imah Tribute Variazi from Zamoria on Chusi and Slovenekh, on Mary and at all curvice. And Kozari Imah in the Poles, and for the selert, and on Vyatich, Imaha in Belya and Vevey from smoke.

In summer 6368. In summer 6369.

In summer 6370. Expertly Varyagi for the sea, and not Dasha Dani, and piss themselves in the soba, and the truth is not in them, and enter the genus and Byche in them with grasp, and fought themselves on Sia. AND Resista themselves in themselves: "We are looking for the prince, I would have walked and judged by us and judged." And Ishosa Behind the sea to Varyag, to Russia. Sita Bo Svakha Varyati rus, Yako Ce Druys is called svya, Druys, umman, England, Druys, GTA, Tako and Si. Sol. rus Cheld, Slovenia, and Curvich and the whole: "Our Land is great and abundant, and there is no right in it. Yes, you'll see the princes and Volodytte. " And empty 3 brothers with their birth with their own, causing all Russia, and come; The oldest, Rurik, sedge Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, on Beleozer, and the Third Instructions, Trour. AND from tech varangian The Rusky Earth, the Nogugorni, the essence of the people of Nogugornzi from the genus of the Varyazhka, is the possibility of Susplany. At the current summer Sineus Die and Brother his trumor. And the power of Rurik's power, and distributing her hail with her hail, Owly Polochka, Owm Rostov, another Belozero. And in the city the essence of the find of the Variazi, and the Pierventia in Novgorod Slavne, in Pollying curviti, in Rostov Merya, in Belayozer, in Murom Murom; And those all possessing Rurik. And his kisa has 2 husband, not a tribe, but Boyarin, and she ashamed to the Tsarijori with his own. And the prosido of a hundred to the Dnieper, and the Iduche is also a loaf on the mountain of the ridges. AND simplified I. Resta: "Chiya Se Ruddok?". They are decided: "There was an essence of 3 brothers, cues, cheeks, chorive, I'm sick, and I am flexicky, and we seize, rod of them, paying tribute to the Kozar. " Askold. And Deer leaves in Grada Seven, and many Varyags swingpista, and begins to speak Polish earth, Ruriki prince in Novgorod.

In summer 6371. In summer 6372. In summer 6373.

In the summer 6374. The idea of \u200b\u200bAskold and Dir on the Greeks, and Priide at 14 summer Mikhail King. I king, I will depart on Ogaryan, the reached the same black rivers, the message of the Epare ambassadors to him, Yako Rus to Tsargorod to have to go, and turning the king. Si inside the court of entertainment, a lot of murder of the peasant stem, and in the two hundred vehicle the ship Tsargrad Stupid. The king is barely in Grad Vnide, and with Patreyrch with Fouths to the Turkish Church of the Mother of God, the whole north of the prayer of the saint, the same Divine Saints of the Virgin songs ease in Mori Scorn Overtee. Sushina sushi and By sea, insured, Abeye storm in the wind with the wind, and the waves of the velues inversion, godless Rus ship crumple and to the shore commemorates and beating me, yako few them from such a misfortune to avoid and Vsisitude returns.

In summer 6375.

In summer 6376. So Kingdom Basil.

In summer 6377. Baptist Being all the earth Bulgarian.

In summer 6378. In summer 6379. In the summer 6380. In summer 6381.

In summer 6382. In summer 6383. In summer 6384. In summer 6385.

In summer 6386.

In the summer 6387. Dead Rurikov, hurt the pronunion of its oligov, from god to Him Sunshush, in the son of his son on Ruta Igor, be bo Slave Velmi.

In summer 6388. In summer 6389.

In summer 6390. PID Oleg, we will be fighting many, Varangians, Cheld, Slovenia, Measure, all, Curvichi, and come to Smolensk with Curivichi, and Grad, and put her husband. From there, I drink down, and take Lisseur, and put my husband's husband. AND come to the mountains x Kyivsky and had Oleg, Yako Oskold and Dir of Prince, and Buryoni is warmed in the boats, and the other Nazada will leave, and coming himself, wearing Igor Childish. And the salaries under the Ughoroskoye, buried his own, and sent to Ascold and Dirimi, the verb, the Yako "Guest of Esm, we go to the Greeks from Olga and from Igor Prince. Yes, come to us, to your birth. " Asskold and Dir of Cittail, exploring the same WSI, Oleg Ascold and Diri: "You are not the prince, nor the kind of prince, but the AZ Embos of the Prince," and Igor issued: "And there is a son Ruriki." And killing Askold and Dira, and noska mountain and pogrebosh and? On the mountain, hedgehogs are now called Ugor, KDe now Olmind Yard; on that grave put Olma Church of Svyataro Nikola; And Dirov's grave for sorimo sodium. AND Sedge Oleg Prince in Kiev, and River Oleg: "Sea Budi Mati Grad russky. " AND Besha has writes and Slovenia and Officers, nicknamed Rus. This Oleg began the cities of the stories, and settles of Dani Sloven, Curvich and Mary, and tarti Varyagom tribute to Giveni from Nowador Griven 300 for the summer, the world of making, hedgehog to death Yaroslavl gives Varyag.

In summer 6391. MOCH OLEG WARVATA CULTNY, AND holding a, imash On them tribute to the black kun.

In summer 6392. Ide Oleg In Northerners, and defeat northerners, and put on Hy tribute, and will not give them Kozar to Dani Platiti, Rivers: "Az them are struggling, and you are not worthwhile."

In summer 6393. Ambassador to Radiach, Ryka: "Kom. Dan give? ". They are solved: "Kozar". And Oleg River Retriver: "Do not give a Kozar, but let me give me." And ends of Olgovy on pussy, jark and Kozar. dahi. And be possessing Oleg Polyana, and the cut, and northeans, and radms, and with the designer and teverter of the name.

In summer 6394.

In the summer 6395. Levon Kingdom, the son of Vasilyev, the Lion's son is nicknamed, and his brother of His Oleksandr, and the kingdom of 20 and 6 years old.

In summer 6396. In summer 6397. In summer 6398. In summer 6399. In summer 6400. In summer 6401. In summer 6402. In the summer 6403. Into the summer 6404. Into the summer 6405.

In the summer 6406. Iosh acne past Kiev's sorrow, hedgehogs are now called Ugne, who has come to the Dnieper and the Stajami; Besha Bo Walking, Aki Beha is half. Severed from optic and rushing the ceres of the Mountain Mountain, like nicknamed Mount Ughorian, and pour yourself to fight lisher T. volokhi and Slovenia. Sedya Bo TU TU TOOL, AND volokhov Enjoy the earth Slovenskaya. We will be assen the eels of the victory of the Warh, and the Herita Earth t., and Sedosha from Slovenia, conquering me under Xia, and Ottol Nick Earth Ugorsk. And he has begun to fight acne on the Greeks, and the farmland of Frakhski and Makidonsk, and to the village. AND Begins to fight on moravia. and on czechs. Beya Sloveske: Slovenia, other Sedyu on Dunayevi, their nobody, and morava, I. Caucia, and Lyakhov, and Polyana, Yazh now calling Russia. Sim Bo First Adorable Books morave, Lazh nickname The gram of Slovenaya, Lessel, is in Russia and in Bulgarian Danube.

Current page: 1 (Total 18 pages)

Tale of temporary years

Old Russian text
SE TALE OF TIMARY YEARS, ISPUT IS GET RUSS LANDWho in Kiev initiated the first of the princes, and the Russian land began to eat

CE Let's start the story of this.

Skill three The sons of Najah divided the land, Sim, Ham, affair. And Yasya Simovy's intersection: Persida, Vatry, God and before the larger in the longitude, and in width and to Narrowuria, I am ridicuned from the 4th and until shepherd, and Suria, and Mussel According to Ether River, Babylon, Cordun, Asuryan, Mesopotamia, Arabia the oldest, ELMAIS, INV, Arabia Sulk, Colia, Comaghini, Fi Phi & All.

Hamovi Yasya Herdow Country: Eupet, Efivopia, Digiting Indo, the other Efiopia, from the same way to proceed by the Efiopian Skmna river, current on the work, Five, Libya, adjacent to Kurinia, Marmark, Science, Libya Other, Numidia, Masura, Mauritania anti-land Gadir. By the East, you are kilicia, Pamphilia, Pisida, Mission, Lucionia, Frugia, Kamalia, Liku, Kariya, Lubu, Mission Other, Troadad, Eed, Vifania, old Frugs; and islands Someone to hee: Sardani, Crete, Kupper, and the Geon River, called Nile.

Scuff And Jashai semidious countries and western: Middi, Alway, Armenia Small and Great, Capaadocia, Fafelaoia, Galat, Colchi., Define, meoty, trees, Sarmati, Tauriani, Skofia, Frascia, Makidone, Dalmatia, Malosi., Festal, locomotive, pellery, yaz and poloponis naschada, arcade, japirium, Ilik, Slovenia, Lukhithia, Androkia, Ojdreyatyn Pacific. Stone and Islands: Wrivest, Sikilia, Yavier, Rodon., Chiona, Lesovon, Cofirane, Snorkel, Kefalinya, Iilakina, Kerit, part Asiiskia Countries nried and River Tigra, current Interemi Museum and Babylon; Before the midst of the sea, on the full country, Danube, Dienester and the Caucasin Mountains, the Rube Ruffle, and from there, to the Dnieper, and other rivers: the gums, the harvest, Dvina, Volkhov, Volga, Like the East, to the part of Simoma. In the affectionate part of the Sale of Russia, Cheld and Wsya Little: Merya, Murom, All, Mordva, Zavo-Wood, Perm, Pecheque, Yam, Ugr, Lithuania, Winter, Court, latgola., Love. Lyakhov, and Pruri, probed to bed to the sea the Warry. By this, the sea Salted the Various seed to the Simova to the limit to the limit to the West to the land of Agrunas and to the Voloshch. AFECO Bo and then Knee: Variazi, Schay, Urman, gotea, Rus, Agnyan, Galicha, Magnia, Romans, German, Korlasia, Venidi, Fryagovy and others, ty Squeeze from the west to shepherd And to be pricked with the Pedian Hamov.

Sim same and Ham and the affair, dividing the land, mortgages methawshe, do not break anyone in the lot fratern, and Visovia The cable in its part. There is one and multiplied man on earth and Thinking to create a pillar to heaven, in the days of Nectan and Faleca. And gathered at the scene of Senar Polya Zdati Pillars to Heaven and Grad near his Babylon; and create a pillar that in 40 years and Not achieved. And to reduce the Lord Godti Grad and Pillars, and the Raster of the Lord: "CE Rod is one and the language one." And God's Languages \u200b\u200bare a mixture, and divided into 70 and 2 languages, and the resumes throughout the Earth. By stirring, the Language God is the wind of the great destroy the pillar, and there is the remains of him of the Assura and Babylon, and is height and in the width of the Local 5433 elbows, and in the summer tall store the remains.

According to the stirring, the same pillar and the separation of the tongue are nice to the sons of Simovy Introduction Countries, and Hamovi Son Hedgehogs Countries. Schetovy is more nice to the West and the surrounding country. From Now. 70 and 2. Language to be a Language Sloveske, from the Tribe of Scat, Narci, the very essence of Slovenia.

On the same time, Slovenia was sat down on Dunayevi, where there is now UGORSK Earth and Bulgarian. From those sneaken on earth and nor the names of their own, where hershem on which place. Yako came Sedosha on the River Marava, and Morava is nicknamed, but the friends of Čaji proclaimed. And the same Slovenia: Chock Belie and Silver and Chorutan. Warm-found in Slovenia on Danube, and Sedashchess in them and by the nasya, Slovenia Ovi who came Sedosha on Vistula, and the Lyakhov, and from those Lyakhov, Polyana, Lyakhov Druys Lutichi, Ini Mazovshan, Ii Relaimen.

As well as the Slavs who came and Sedosha in the Dnieper and the Polyana, and Druple Druple, Zana Sedosha in Leshe; And Sedosh's druys are in line with Dvregovichi doubt and mess around; sedosha in Dvina and PodcochanasSpava Skip, Introduce in Dvina, Issue Poles, Incen Says. Slovenia Sedosha near Ezer Ilmer and I am nicknamed with your Issue, and I will make Hrad and Narocosa and Novgorod. And diversity of Sedosha on the gum and Seven, by Sul, and embossed north. And the Taco of the Department of Native Language, Slovenaya's Slovenaya.

Polyany, who lived in the Mountains of the Sim, the way from the Varyag in the Greeks and from the Greek on the Dnieper, and the top of the Dnieper of the Wolf to Lovy, and in love with the Lake of Lake, from it, the lakes to flow worsh and enter the Lake the Great Nevo, I. Togo Lake to lift the mouth into the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Warry. And according to the same sea, IT to Rome, and from Rome, at the same time, the sea to Tsarihorjor, and from Tsaryagigod to visit Pont Sea, in not the same dnipro river. Dnipro Bo flow from the pussy the woodsAnd to flow at noon, and the Dvina of the same forest flows, and to have to go on the seal and lifting up the sea. Is the same forest flush the Volga on the work, and to jerk semi-dying in the sea praise. Meld and from Russia by Volzay. in Bulgarians and in the chuffas and on make it in lots of sims, and on dvina in the Varangians, from Varyag to Rome, from Rome same And before the Khamov tribe. And the Dnieper to commission in the midst of the sea with Zheroral, hedgehog the sea to catch Rusko, on him he taught the Saint Nedrey, Brother Petrov, and Solish.

Ontreya student in Sineopia and will come to Korsun, went, Yako I was Corsuna Blizza Dniprian, and Drima in Rome, and the Dniprosky Vestier, and Ottol Podice on Dnieper Mount. And on the adventure come and a hundred under the mountains on birch. And the soutra is stamped and spectably with the student with him: "Do you see the mountains of this? - Yako on this mountains tighten the grace of God; Ham hail is great life And the church in many God to have torture. " AND Away on the mountains of this, bless me and Put the cross, and praying to God, and tears from the mountain of Say, the appearance of the first to see Kiev, and Podice on the Dnieper Mount. And come to Slovenia, the idea of \u200b\u200bnow Novgorod, and the form of that people are soothing, both there is a custom of them, and why smiling and horsten, and surprise them. AND Ide B. Varyagi, and come to Rome, and Ordiva, Elico Science and Elico, and speeches them: "Divisy the words of the Slovenian land are walking with Mi Semo. The shape of the balls of the ancient, and fading emeno, and cooch, and the upside down, and burst with kvaas, and outraged on the smiling junior, and drose themselves, and so devil obva got out le. zhvi., and flow through the water of the student, and Tako to revive. And then creating all the days, not to the torment nickname, but they themselves tortured, and then creating a conception of their own, and not torment. " You are hearing. Ojdrey, formerly in Rome, come to Sinely.

The field of the same person who lives is familiar with their own, and before the brothers Byahu Polyana, and the cadry's life with his family and in her places owning the cable to his own. And household 3 brothers: a single name of cue, and another cheek, and the third chorive, and sister their libery. Sedyash Kiy on the mountain, where Borichev's ungument is now, and the cheek of Sedyasha on a mountain, he is now called the cheeking, and Horiv on the third mountain, the chorals are nicknamed. And the schurch of Grad in the name of the brother of his eldersago, and the name of him Kiev. Beasha around a hail forest And Bor is great, and bylau catching the beast, the bing of men of wisers and sense, nyricate the meadow, from them there is a glade in Kiev and until then.

Inini, not welcomed, Roshka, Yako Kiy there was a carrier, in Kiev Bo haze transported then from the Other side of the Dnieper; Those Glagolaha: for transport to Kiev. More than the carrier of cue, I would not have walked Tsarijor's city; But the cue princess in kind, I concerned him to the king, I am also a good honor, I was happy with the king, in which the kings come. I am going to him again, come to Dunayevi, and Love the place, and Srubi Rudok small, and I do not care with your family, and I do not give him the relatives of the Lishchi; hedgehog and dynamic danubez The town of Kyiv. Kiev and come in your Grad Kiev, that belly is your scope; and The brother of his cheeks, and Chorive, and the sister of their liberation tuch.

And here are the brothers to keep the genus of their princess in the fields, but In the villages of its own, and Dregovichi their own, and Slovenia is their in Novgorod, and another on the beauty, and half the half. From them cryvichi, other Seat to the top of the Volga, on the top of Dvina and on the top of the Dnieper, their hay is Smolensk; there Bo Salurate Curvichi. The same north of them. On Belayozer, there is all sled, and on the Rostov Lake Merry, and on the tick of the lake, the same. BUT on Oce Race, where take In the Volga, Muroma, your tongue, and Cumulatory language, Mordva has their own language. Che Bo Tokmo Slovereck Language in Russia: Polyana, Drops, Nogogoze, Polokhan, Dregovichi, North, Buzhana, Zanos Sedosha in Bugu, the afterwards of Valyne. And it is the essence of the Inni language, izh, tribute to Rus: Cheld, Merry, the whole, Murom, Draw, Mordva, Perm, Pecheque, Yam, Lithuania, Zimigol, Court, non, Libe: si essence your language is Imusche, from the knee of Scatstov, izh live In the countries of semidal.

Slovenia is the same language, I am a roller, lifey On the Danube, coming from Skul, the river from Kozar, Remons Bulgarian, and Sedosha on Dunayevi, and Persons like a blessing. At night is coming acne Belia, and Hermita Earth Slovenaya. SO BO EGRI SUPPACE OF FIRST PR-Iraklia Tsari, I find it on Hozdroy, Tsar Perchoscian. In Si same time, blesses and obsection, other Walking Heraclius The king and his little is not Yasha. Soye aubrey the wet on Slovenekh, and the insanity of the dulaby, the judge, and the violence of the creatures of wives double: Occasion to go Buddha Ovrin, not giving a hitch to no ox, but I am too much injured 3. Lee, 4. Lee 5 Wives in the cart and the story of Obred and Tako Mucchu dulab. Bival Boy Body Gore's Body and Mind, and the god of conscience I will smalle the WSI, and I don't have any Orin. And there is a parable in Russia and to this day: the deceased of the aquies doom; They are baptized by a tribe or the heir. As well as the cohesie; Paks Okchi Ugric Black Cymary, after Olla.

The pool of the living person, I am a ROOK, such from the genus Slovenis, and pissed the glade, and true From Slane, and clogged Doodle; Radmichi Bo and Vniki from Lyakhov. Kastasta bo 2 brothers in Liashech, - Radim, and other Vyatko, - and send Sedost to the Radims on Szzhu, and Nicknamed Radmichi, and Vyatko Sedge with his native on Oce, Naznychi is nicknamed from him. AND village in the world of glade, and a village, and North, I. radmichi, Vyatichi and Khrvate. Dulebi Vyryov in Bougu, where now Valynyan, and Uluchi and Tivierci Sadya Bo along the Dnestra, nagging to Dunayevi. There are a lot of them; Sedya Bo on Dniester olive To the sea, the essence of the grades of them and until now, and then the svuha from Greek the Great Skuche.

I have your customs of your customs, and the law's father of his own and devoted, the cable has their own temper. Polyana Boy of his father's custom to fuck meek and quiet, and shame to sleep with her and sisters, to the Mother and her parent, to the mother-in-law and the devil, Great Shade, the marriage custom I mean: not gogey The son-in-law on the bride, but leading the evening, and tomorrow we have a barefoot in it. And the Drevlyan Village Zverinsky way, lyessure Skotski: Killing each other, everyone is unclean, and they have no marriage, but I have a waters of Devini. And Radmichi, and Vyatići, and North one custom IMAYU: Village in the forest, is and every beast, poisonous everything is unclean and Breaklovye in them before oalthy and pre-soda, and Brazi is not in them, but playing in between villages, similar to playing, on dance and on all Beshskaya songs, and that blunders of his wife, with her, who are families; I have two and three wives. And anyone who is hopefully, cottage swing above him, and for seven cottages we are great, and to fit and on the cland, the dead fellow, and the month of the gathering of the bone of the bone in Sudin Malu, and supply At the pillar on the way, the whole creation of letters and now. Creation Creation and Other repayments, not the lead of God, but the law is done by the law.

The verb of George in the chronicle. "For Comuzo, the language of Ovam is written by the law, there is another custom, law Bescasnik, the edema is impaired. From them the first of Syria, lyessure At the end of the Earth, the law of imute father His customs: not love and adultery, nor paint, nor slander, whether to kill, whether evil acts are quite. Law and vaktlia, Glagolemi Roughman and Ostriki, hedgehog from the great-grandfather and The pieces of meat is not poenuble, neither wine is drinking, nor a fucking creative, the same malice is creative, fear for a moment and god's faith. For Yava tache adjacent to them indian - murder, sketching, grinding, grievous, Lee B. nutryshi The country of their man is puzzling and weighing killing, the same to poke Yako Psi. Enther the same law Haldey and Babylonians: Mother of Poimati, with the married chads of Blud City, and killing. AND All besome Action Iko virtue Mnyo Especially, any distance of the country is to future.

In the same law of Giliom: Wives in them are ration, zhiri and Men's business to create, but I have been creating Elico to Knob, do not come from your men very, lee Sazryat; In them, the essence of the wife of catching a beast rocks. Master your husband's female and Think by them. In Avenue, Mnosi's men with uncle wife to sleep and multiy Wives with a single husband to endure: Bless yako Law Father Creative Onsuble Needless. Amazon is not a husband, but also Aki Cattle is unbelieving one in the summer spring During the day of launching to future; and are detached S. surrounding Guys, Yako some They are tasty and great celebration time to messenger. From them rummaged in the womb, Paki will scatter from here VSI. During the same attended PARTIY, OSHE, is born to death; yet virgin Paul, then input and diligent spept. "

Jacques CE and with us now half the law to keep his father's father: the blood is shedding, and puffing about sem, I. Murgery and all uncleanness, Homeki and Susola, and Edit stepmothers own and Yatrovy, and the custom of their father's custom. We, Krestyan, Elico Earth, others believe in the Holy Trinity, in a single baptism, in one faith, the law Imam, Elico in Christ the baptized and in Christ, in Christ.

Likewise years, the death of the brothers Say, the blesses are offended by the arms and Ini effervescent. AND nidosha I am a goose, seen on the mountains in the forest, and solve Kozari: "Pay us tribute." SDUMABSHE same Polyana and inhabited from smoke sword, and no cozari to the prince and to elder, and solve them: "CE, TEN TRANS novu. " They solve them: "Spill?" They are decided: "In the forest on mountains, above the Dnepria River. " They are solved: "What is the essence of the way?". They show the sword. And the resolves of Starzi Kozarism: "Not good tribute, princess! We are in addition to the weapons with each other, the rigid sabers, and then weapon mutually acutely, the rope of sword. Si Imute IMATA tribute to us and in different countries. " It's all about everything: not from the Will of the Rekosh, but from God's leading. Yako and With Faravon, the kings of Eupetym, even Loose Moses Pred Faravon, and the resolution of Elder Pharaoh: "SE KHUKHET SMITIRITY REGION OF EYUPETSKA"; Jacques and bends: perpetrators of the Eyptians from Moses, and the first one is working on it. Taco and C: Owned, and after samples dominate; Jacques and Face: Water bo Kozara Rusiyski princei I. until the bottom day.

In the summer of 6360, Indict 15, by Mikhail Mikhailovati, initiated by the name of the Russian land. Oh hot bo han away, Yako, at the seven kings, Rus came to Tsargorod, I am written in the chronicle of Christ. Dormant postponement and numbers put it, Yako "from Adam to the Flood of Years 2242; and from the flood to the ravine of years of 1000 and 82, and from Abram to the juicy of Moiseeva 430 years; and from the state of Moses until David 600 and 1; And from David and from the beginning of the kingdom of Solomonee to the prisoner of Yarusaleml, 448 years; And from the captive to Oleksandra, 318 years; and from Oleksandra to the birth of Christ 333; And from Christ's Christ to Konstantin, 318 years; From Kostynutin, the same to Mikhail this year 542. " And from Pervago Summer Mikhailova to Pervago Summer Olgova, Ruscago Prince, 29 years old; And from Pervago Summer Olgova, ponneli Sedge in Kiev, to Pervago Summer Igor, 31 years old; and from Pervago Summer Igor to Pervago summer in love 33; And from Pervago Summer Svyatoslavl to Pervago Summer Yaropolcha 28; And Yaropolk princes 8 years; And Volodimer prince 37 years; And Yaroslav Prince about 40 years old. Svyatoslav Lee to death, Yaroslavl, 85 years old; And from the death of Yaroslavl to the death of Svyatopolch, 60 years old.

But we are former Retime and Let's say yes looking in summer Si, the first summer with Mikhail, and for a row we put a number.

In summer 6361. In summer 6362. In summer 6363. In summer 6364.

In summer 6365.

In the summer 6366. Mikhail King Isis with Wari Bregg and the Sea on Bulgarians. Bulgarian seen yako Not a moor of the counter, baptized asking and conquer the Greek. The king is the shrore of the prince of them and the sores are all, and the world is schurch with Bulgarians.

In summer 6367. Imah Tribute Variazi from Zamoria on Chusi and Slovenekh, on Mary and at all curvice. And Kozari Imah in the Poles, and for the selert, and on Vyatich, Imaha in Belya and Vevey from smoke.

In summer 6368. In summer 6369.

In summer 6370. Expertly Varyagi for the sea, and not Dasha Dani, and piss themselves in the soba, and the truth is not in them, and enter the genus and Byche in them with grasp, and fought themselves on Sia. AND Resista themselves in themselves: "We are looking for the prince, I would have walked and judged by us and judged." And Ishosa Behind the sea to Varyag, to Russia. Sita Bo Svakha Varyati rus, Yako Ce Druys is called svya, Druys, umman, England, Druys, GTA, Tako and Si. Sol. rus Cheld, Slovenia, and Curvich and the whole: "Our Land is great and abundant, and there is no right in it. Yes, you'll see the princes and Volodytte. " And empty 3 brothers with their birth with their own, causing all Russia, and come; The oldest, Rurik, sedge Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, on Beleozer, and the Third Instructions, Trour. AND from tech varangian The Rusky Earth, the Nogugorni, the essence of the people of Nogugornzi from the genus of the Varyazhka, is the possibility of Susplany. At the current summer Sineus Die and Brother his trumor. And the power of Rurik's power, and distributing her hail with her hail, Owly Polochka, Owm Rostov, another Belozero. And in the city the essence of the find of the Variazi, and the Pierventia in Novgorod Slavne, in Pollying curviti, in Rostov Merya, in Belayozer, in Murom Murom; And those all possessing Rurik. And his kisa has 2 husband, not a tribe, but Boyarin, and she ashamed to the Tsarijori with his own. And the prosido of a hundred to the Dnieper, and the Iduche is also a loaf on the mountain of the ridges. AND simplified I. Resta: "Chiya Se Ruddok?". They are decided: "There was an essence of 3 brothers, cues, cheeks, chorive, I'm sick, and I am flexicky, and we seize, rod of them, paying tribute to the Kozar. " Askold. And Deer leaves in Grada Seven, and many Varyags swingpista, and begins to speak Polish earth, Ruriki prince in Novgorod.

In summer 6371. In summer 6372. In summer 6373.

In the summer 6374. The idea of \u200b\u200bAskold and Dir on the Greeks, and Priide at 14 summer Mikhail King. I king, I will depart on Ogaryan, the reached the same black rivers, the message of the Epare ambassadors to him, Yako Rus to Tsargorod to have to go, and turning the king. Si inside the court of entertainment, a lot of murder of the peasant stem, and in the two hundred vehicle the ship Tsargrad Stupid. The king is barely in Grad Vnide, and with Patreyrch with Fouths to the Turkish Church of the Mother of God, the whole north of the prayer of the saint, the same Divine Saints of the Virgin songs ease in Mori Scorn Overtee. Sushina sushi and By sea, insured, Abeye storm in the wind with the wind, and the waves of the velues inversion, godless Rus ship crumple and to the shore commemorates and beating me, yako few them from such a misfortune to avoid and Vsisitude returns.

In summer 6375.

In summer 6376. So Kingdom Basil.

In summer 6377. Baptist Being all the earth Bulgarian.

In summer 6378. In summer 6379. In the summer 6380. In summer 6381.

In summer 6382. In summer 6383. In summer 6384. In summer 6385.

In summer 6386.

In the summer 6387. Dead Rurikov, hurt the pronunion of its oligov, from god to Him Sunshush, in the son of his son on Ruta Igor, be bo Slave Velmi.

In summer 6388. In summer 6389.

In summer 6390. PID Oleg, we will be fighting many, Varangians, Cheld, Slovenia, Measure, all, Curvichi, and come to Smolensk with Curivichi, and Grad, and put her husband. From there, I drink down, and take Lisseur, and put my husband's husband. AND come to the mountains x Kyivsky and had Oleg, Yako Oskold and Dir of Prince, and Buryoni is warmed in the boats, and the other Nazada will leave, and coming himself, wearing Igor Childish. And the salaries under the Ughoroskoye, buried his own, and sent to Ascold and Dirimi, the verb, the Yako "Guest of Esm, we go to the Greeks from Olga and from Igor Prince. Yes, come to us, to your birth. " Asskold and Dir of Cittail, exploring the same WSI, Oleg Ascold and Diri: "You are not the prince, nor the kind of prince, but the AZ Embos of the Prince," and Igor issued: "And there is a son Ruriki." And killing Askold and Dira, and noska mountain and pogrebosh And on the mountain, hedgehogs are now called Ugor, KDe now Olmind Yard; on that grave put Olma Church of Svyataro Nikola; And Dirov's grave for sorimo sodium. AND Sedge Oleg Prince in Kiev, and River Oleg: "Sea Budi Mati Grad russky. " AND Besha has writes and Slovenia and Officers, nicknamed Rus. This Oleg began the cities of the stories, and settles of Dani Sloven, Curvich and Mary, and tarti Varyagom tribute to Giveni from Nowador Griven 300 for the summer, the world of making, hedgehog to death Yaroslavl gives Varyag.

In summer 6391. MOCH OLEG WARVATA CULTNY, AND holding a, imash On them tribute to the black kun.

In summer 6392. Ide Oleg In Northerners, and defeat northerners, and put on Hy tribute, and will not give them Kozar to Dani Platiti, Rivers: "Az them are struggling, and you are not worthwhile."

In summer 6393. Ambassador to Radiach, Ryka: "Kom. Dan give? ". They are solved: "Kozar". And Oleg River Retriver: "Do not give a Kozar, but let me give me." And ends of Olgovy on pussy, jark and Kozar. dahi. And be possessing Oleg Polyana, and the cut, and northeans, and radms, and with the designer and teverter of the name.

In summer 6394.

In the summer 6395. Levon Kingdom, the son of Vasilyev, the Lion's son is nicknamed, and his brother of His Oleksandr, and the kingdom of 20 and 6 years old.

In summer 6396. In summer 6397. In summer 6398. In summer 6399. In summer 6400. In summer 6401. In summer 6402. In the summer 6403. Into the summer 6404. Into the summer 6405.

In the summer 6406. Iosh acne past Kiev's sorrow, hedgehogs are now called Ugne, who has come to the Dnieper and the Stajami; Besha Bo Walking, Aki Beha is half. Severed from optic and rushing the ceres of the Mountain Mountain, like nicknamed Mount Ughorian, and pour yourself to fight lisher T. volokhi and Slovenia. Sedya Bo TU TU TOOL, AND volokhov Enjoy the earth Slovenskaya. We will be assen the eels of the victory of the Warh, and the Herita Earth t., and Sedosha from Slovenia, conquering me under Xia, and Ottol Nick Earth Ugorsk. And he has begun to fight acne on the Greeks, and the farmland of Frakhski and Makidonsk, and to the village. AND Begins to fight on moravia. and on czechs. Beya Sloveske: Slovenia, other Sedyu on Dunayevi, their nobody, and morava, I. Caucia, and Lyakhov, and Polyana, Yazh now calling Russia. Sim Bo First Adorable Books morave, Lazh nickname The gram of Slovenaya, Lessel, is in Russia and in Bulgarian Danube.

Slovenom living Epipped and prince of them, Rostislav, and Svyatopolk, and Cole Host to King Mikhail, verbolly: "Our Earth is baptized, and the teachers who would have punished, and we would have punished us, and touched the holy books. Do not understand bo neither gossy language nor Latynsk; They are atciously to go on, and they are both onko. I do not understand the science of the image, not the strength of them. And the vestment of the teachers, the izh the mighty of the Book Slide and the mind of them. " CE CEO Mikhail, and convective philosophers all, and told them the speech all Slovenian prince. And solid philosophy: "There is a husband in the village, the lion name. He has the essence of his sons to inform the Slovenaya language, Cher 2 Son has a philosopher. " Here hearing the king, the ambassador on Nya to Selun Lvovi., Verb: "Ambassador to us will soon have his own, Methodius and Kostyutin." Ce hearing Lion, I soon ambassador, and came to Tsarevi, and the spectacle of Ima: "The Slovenis sent me to me, asking the teacher from the Soba, and it would be possible to prolish the holy books; I boil now. " AND hass than the king's chest and establish In the Slovenian Earth to Rostislav, and Svyatopolk and Ktsotov. Sima the same came, began to grab the writing of the Azbuk Slovenki, and the premature the apostle and the Euangellier. AND For the sake of Slovenia, Yako Ilshichi Vilica God's Pove language. Side preloise Psaltry, and overtaking, and other books. Needs Oce Beginning Holyti Slovenkiy Books, verbolly, Yako "Do not allow anyone to have the letters of his letters, is the Jews, and the Greek and Latin, Pilatov Pisanue, hedgehog on the cross of the Lord written. " Oh, hearing the boom of Roman, I have been plowing those, others, the river: "Yes, to fulfill the book word, IKO" Hack of the God of VSI language "; The other is: "WSI to weaken the languages \u200b\u200bof the greatness of God, I will give them the Holy Spirit to be applied." Yes, it is HTO to drop Slovenian diploma, but worse from churmer, Donda Sia fix tie the essence of a volition, and not a sheep, nazy to pretend from the fetal know me and Keep them. You, Chad, God's teaching and do not pull the punnels of the church, and you punished Methodius, your teacher. " Kostynutin also reversed, and the idea teaches Bulgarian language, and Methodius remains in Morav. I'll see the coolet prince Mephodia Bishop in Pania, on the table of St. Ondononics of the Apostle, one from 70, the student of the Holy Apostle Paul. Methodius the same posts of 2 asshistants of the bearer, and premature the entire book. Wait for the Greeting of the language in Sloveske 6th a month, and on March 6 months from March 6th day. Cut the same, worthy of praise and glory to God, who gives the grace of the bishop of Mephody, Top Andronikov. Slovenaya Language Teacher has Andronik apostle. In Morava, Bo went and the apostle Paul taught TU; that bo is Ilik, his reached Apostle Paul; TU BEA SELVENA first. Language and Slovenis language Teacher eating Paul, from him the same language and we EUMMO RUSS, SHOULD AND US RUSSE Master there is Pavel, she talked in short slovesque and put there is a bishop and a pamper by Andronicus Slovenis has a language. And the Slovenskaya Language and the Rusky One is, from Varyag Bo nicknamed Russia, and the first Besha Slovenia; Inspectorate and glade, but Slovenis is talking. The fields of the nickname of the bits, in the Poly Sadyahu, and the Slovenian language is one.

In summer 6407. In summer 6408. In summer 6409.

In the summer 6410. Leon King Naya Ugra to Bulgarians. Ugration, found, all the land of Bulgarian film. Semionge immediately, in the Ugrations are incurred, and the thieves of the controversy and the defendant of Bulgarians, Jaco, Oda Semion in the derroad.

In summer 6411. Igorevia as grown, and the gogey in Olya and listen him and give him his wife from Pjascov, name Olga.

In summer 6412. In summer 6413. In summer 6414.

In the summer 6415. The idea of \u200b\u200bOleg on the Greeks. Igor leaving Kiev, Pog same Many Varyag, and Slane, and Cheld, Slovenia, Curvichi, and Measure, and True, and Radmichi, Polyany, and North, and Vnatići, Croats, and Dules, and Tiver, Like the Essence of Intelligence: SI WSI Greek Great Skuff. AND With this with all Pida Oleg on Horse and on the ship, and the number of ships 2000. AND Pride to the Tsarugrad; And Greece Zamokosh Court, and hail of the gantry. And I remove Oleg on the Breg, and Waivati \u200b\u200bbeyond, and a lot of murder of coat around Grek, and breaks a lot of taxes, and the firm of the church. And their own imah prisoners, sheepskin, others, others, in the same ripers, and a friend in the sea at home, and in evil Creation of Russia Greek, Elico and Warriy creative.

And the penetration of Oleg in their wheels are cutting out and put on the wheels of the ship. And there is a back to the wind, swallow sails from the field, and goes to hail. And seeing Greece and slamming, and solid, killarshest Ooldi: "Do not shoot hail, we deal by Dan, Schever Khoshchei. " And Oleg Thairs are warful, and I made it brush and wine, and it's not when it is arranged with poison. And I'm caught by Greece and Resoli: "To be taken by Oleg, but Holy Dmitry, sent on us from God." And the support of Oleg. tribute give for a 2000 ship, 12 hryvnia for a person, and in ships by 40 husband.

And I amazing Greece around the CE, and Popious Greece of the World of Appears, so that walked walken lands. Oleg has a little retreating from the city, the world began to create from Tsarma Goltikim, with Leon. And Alexander, Ambassador to Nima in Hard Carl, Farlofa, Velmuda, RULAV and Stemid, Vellya: "Clean Miya on Dan." And Rasha Gasi: "What Khoscheshi, ladies Ty "...

And Retch Oleg: "Intesty sails Pocholochy Russia, and Slane kropynya ", and the mayor. And the shield of the shield in the gates, showing the victory, and Podee from Tsaryaganda. AND rushing Parirls sails, and Slovenia Kropinins, and the wind; and Slovenia's solve: "We experience to your tops, are not given the essence of Sloven popleroty. " And come Oleg to Kiev, carrying goldo, and the passavoli, and vegetables, and wines, and any patrony. And the nickname of Olga is prophetic: Boyu Bow People Pogyan and Nevergaly.

In summer 6416. In summer 6417. In summer 6418.

In the summer 6419. The star is great in the West kopeyn way.

In the summer 6420. Ambassador of the men his Oleg to build peace and put a row in between Rus and Greeks ...

The king of Leon Almost ambassadors of Darmi, Chistas, and Pavodia and Fofodami, and the pellets to them are her to test themselves church beauty, and the Claims of Zlats and in them the richness, Zlata Many and the Favow and Kamnya Drague, and the Passion of the Lord and the Crown, and Nails, and the crusher of the crimson, and the relics of the saints, an elegant for the faith of his own and concern to them the truth faith. And let it go and in your land with a great value. The message of Olg in the middle of the Oolgov, and he told all the speech by both the king, as coating the world, and the sideline is laughing in the middle of the walnut and Rusko and the oaths do not break in the Greek, nor Rus.

And Living Oleg Mir have to all countries, prince in Kiev. And the fall, and I will remember Oleg's horse, other Be put in feed and do not mercy on ny. Be Bo fucked the Magi and Kudeschnik: "From what is there duck? " And speeches a kudeschnik one: "Princess! Horse, you love him and rides on it, from being dying. " Oleg is visible in the mind, si spear: "Nicoli and everyone on Hy, nor Vizhu him more than that." And prey to feed and not to lead him to him, and premie from the years is not the form of it, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Greeks. And I will send him Kyov and stay 4 years old, at the fifth summer I am a touch of a horse, from him to bite the Rivers of Volsi Dream. And the victim is the elder with a stable, spectable: "Kde. There is a horse, His run put feed and obstruct it? ". He is speaking: "Died to eat." Oleg dares and Ukori Kudesnik, the river: "That is the wrong to verify Voltsvi, but all that lounge is: The horse died there, and I am alive. " And she has a residual horse: "And then Vizhu bones of it." And pripe to place, the idea of \u200b\u200bBesha's bad bone of his goals and forehead goal, and Speed \u200b\u200bfrom the horse, and laughing at River: "From nowe, the forehead was smaller to take me?" And enter the forehead; And squeezing Zmey iO forehead and Purify in the leg. And from that breath and dying. And rushing people VSI cry of the great, and Noska and Pogrebosh his on the mountain, hedgehog glacier cheekovitsa; there is also the grave of him and until this days catch Could Olgova. And all the years of Princess It 33.

However, it is not divened, IKO from Mag. is an event charity. Jacques may Kingdom Domantianovo Some Muck, name Apolonius, Tianin, know Beasha, procession and creating everywhere and In Hoodies and in the village of Besuskaya Chüjes. From Rome Bo came to Byzantium, he was silent from those who live, create SIA: to pull a lot of sniped and sharpness from the hail, Yako not Digit a person from them; rage konian Curbed, becoming similar to Boare. Tako and the Antioch came, and was silent from them, Tomm's Antiakhiyan from Scaffolds and from Mosquito, howling the copper and cellar in the earth, and a small pillar of Marmagen over Him, and the rest of the cane to hold a man, and go around the city and Zvati, Cason with a rag: "Devos Komara Grad." And the taco is disappearing from the Castle and Komarier. And ask the same pak oh rolling At hay coward, sigh, Spice on the Sea District: "Alas, Tobe, Okan Grad, ICO shut down a lot, and fire wakes up with fire, pay Same I. for Bereza sy Oronia. About him and the great Nastasi of God's Grada River: "Apolonia is even a donne in the insecificent places changed, Stack ov The fourth, bird, mighty harm persons, other than the abstinence of river streams, unemployed with the current, but Ina Nekaa on the wagon and harm to the man of the desire to beat. Not exactly for the belly of his belly, and such a collar of his sake him, but also by death, his dwelling of his coffin is banned by the crews in the name of him on the temptation of the window man, Boshai Komdamy in such a d'avol. " Who is that ratch about creative by the wischable debris? Yako is such a way to be a fairy, Yako Warrior Space by Apolonius, Ino Furi at the Smough Philosophies of Cunning; bringing it to him solve the rush "Az word cre., they are slower, "and not the accomplishment of Creature commanded from him. Is the same And the whole weakening of God's and the creation of the Beshsky, such a thing for the temptations of our Orthodox faith, there is a hard one and the spark of the Lord, and not the enemy damnate for the sake of Cheudes and Sotonin create From the enemy and servants of the Evil. Also, but the name of the Lord, and prophesy Investment, Yako Valam, and Saul, and Kaiaf, and Beams Paki Soon, Yako Juda and Son Squeeved. And not on decent grace detess Massads, yes Ethers testify, for the shafts of both be schnu - Life is elegant and faith, but Obache nEEDETELSOVA in him grace Inhi for seeing. AND Pharaoh is so, but also the future of the fore. And there is a law-exposure, but also to this Paku on Monsching Poins in the same age of opening, those Avlya, Yako Monszy, the Estimacy of the mind, in addition to the way, I banning another goat on the charm of a person, not masable DOGO, JACKOVYY WILL SIMON MOVHV, AND Menandr and Ini are these For the sake of the sake of the sake of the sake: "Do not chusya lovers approach ... "

Here is the evidence of the past years about when first mentioned and from which the name "Russian Earth" occurs and whoever starts to pronounce in Kiev, "we will behave about the story.

About Slavany

After the flood and death of Nov, the three of his son shall share earth among themselves and negotiate not to crime in possession of each other. Throw lot. Japta gets northern and western countries. But mankind on earth is still one and on the field near Babylon for more than 40 years build a pillar to heaven. However, God is dissatisfied, he strong wind Roshit is an unpainted pillar and dissipates people on earth, dividing them on 72 people. From one of them, the Slavs occur, who live in possessions already the descendants of the Japeta. Then the Slavs come to the Danube, and from there diverge on the lands. Slavs peacefully settle through the Dnieper and get titles: Some - Polyan, because they live in the field, others are a village, because they are sitting in the forests. Polyana is relatively with other tribes of the messengers and quiet, they are shamers in front of their sleeps, sisters, mothers and mother-in-law, and, for example, the villas live as a cattle: kill each other, they eat all sorts of uncleanness, they don't know the marriage, but by attaching, wrapped girls.

About traveling apostle Andrew

Holy Apostle Andrey, a student of the Christian faith of peoples along the coast of the Black Sea, comes to the Crimea and finds out about the Dnieper, which is not far from his mouth, and floats up the Dnieper. For the night, it stops under the deserted hills on the shore, and in the morning looks at them and appeals to the students around him: "See the hills of this?" And it reveals: "The grace of God will shoot on these hills - the great city will arise and many churches will be erected." And the apostle, having arranged a whole ceremony, rises to the hills, blesses them, puts the cross and prays to God. At this place later, indeed, Kiev will appear.

The Apostle Andrei returns to Rome and tells the Romans that in the ground shelled, where the Novgorod will be built, something strange will be built every day: there are wooden structures, and not stone, but they are glowing them with fire, without fear of fire, paint clothes and appear with themselves without worrying about the decency, they are poured by kvaas, while kvass from Belen (fading), begin to caress themselves with flexible branches and before that herself they want to get out of themselves alive, and in addition they pour themselves icewater - And suddenly come to life. I hearing this, the Romans are amazed, why are they who are silent themselves. And Andrei, who knows that they are described as "horsten", clarifies the riddle of the inadequate Romans: "This is a wash, not a torment."

About Kie.

Three brothers live in the land of Polaj, each with her family sits on his Zdneprovsky hill. The first brother is called Ki, the second is the cheek, the third - Chorive. The brothers create the city, call him Kiev named Elder Brother and live in it. And near the city there is a forest in which the meadows catch animals. Kiy goes to Tsargrad, where Byzantine king provides him with great honor. From Tsargrad Kiy comes to the Danube, he likes one place where he builds a small town on the nickname Kyiv. But the local residents do not give him to settle there. Kiy returns to his lawful Kiev, where he decently completes his life. The cheeks and chorive also die here.

About Khazary

After the death of the brothers, the Khazar squad stumps and demands: "Pay us tribute." Poles are advised and give from each hut over the sword. The Khazar warriors bring it to their prince and elders and praise: "Here, they collected some new tribute." Elders ask: "Where?" Warriors, obviously, not knowing what the name of the tribe, who gave them a tribute to them, answer only: "gathered in the forest, on the hills, over the Dnipro River." Elders ask: "What did you give you?" Warriors, not knowing and names brought by things, silently show swords. But experienced elders, guessing the meaning of the mysterious Dani, predict the prince: "ominous tribute, about the prince. We got it with sabers, weapons, sharp on the one hand, and these danniki are swords, a double-edged weapon. They will take the tribute to us. " This prediction will come true, the Russian princes will be convicted of Khazari.

About the name "Russian Earth". 852-862

This is where the name "Russian Earth" begins to be used: the then Byzantine chronicle mentions the campaign of some Rus to Tsargrad. But the Earth is still divided: Varyags take tribute to the northern tribes, including Novgorod Slam, and the Khazars take tribute to the southern tribes, including Polyan.

The northern tribes ignore the Varyags for the Baltic Sea, cease to give them tributes and are trying to control themselves, but they do not have a common arch of laws and because they are drawn into civilians, lead the war on self-destruction. Finally, they agree among themselves: "We are looking for a single prince, but outside of us so that he rules us, and would judge, based on the right." Estonian Chudgorod, Slavic, Slavic Slavic and Ugro-Finnish all send their representatives for the sea to other Varyags, whose tribe is called "Russia". This is the same normal name as the names of other nationalities - "Swedes", "Normans", "British". And they offer Russia the following four tribes as follows: "Our land is great space and rich in bread, but there is no state dispensation in it. Go to us printed and manage. " Three brothers are taken to work with their families, take the whole Rus with them and arrive (for a new place): the eldest of the brothers - Rurik - sits down to pronomize in Novgorod (Sloven), the second brother - Sineus - in Belozersk (at the weight), and The third brother - Trumor - in Izborsk (in Curvic). Two years later, Sineus and Trourvor die, the whole power focuses Rurik, who distributes cities in managing his Vajagam Rus. From all those Varyagov-Russia and arises, the name (new state) is "Russian Earth".

On the fate of Askold and Dira. 862-882

Rüric serves two boyari - Askold and Deer. They are not relatives of Rurik at all, so they are asked by him (in service) to the Tsargrad together with their families. They float along the Dnieper and see the town on the hill: "Whose town is it?" Residents answer them: "Three brothers lived - cue, cheeks, chorive, - who built this town, and died. And we sit here without ruler, pay tribute to the Raisters of the Brothers - Khazaras. " Here Askold and Dir decide to stay in Kiev, they gain a lot of varangians and begin to edit the earth of Polyan. And Rurik is printed in Novgorod.

Askold and Dir are the war on Byzantium, two hundred of their ships are precipitated Tsargrad. There is a quiet weather, and the sea is calm. The Byzantine king with the Patriarch prayes to delight from godless Russia and with singing to dip in the sea the robe of the Holy Virgin. And suddenly the storm climbs, wind, huge waves rise. Russian ships sweeps, brings to the shore and breaks. Few someone from Russia manage to escape and return home.

Meanwhile, Rurik dies. Ryurik has a son Igor, but he is still very small. Therefore, before the death of Rurik passes the reign of his relative Oleg. Oleg with a big army, which includes Varyags, Chud, Sloves, All, Curvich, captures one by one south cities. He comes to Kiev, learns that Askold and Deer are illegally prince. And hides their warriors in the rooks, swims down to the pier with Igor in her arms and sends an invitation to Askold and Dira: "I am a merchant. We swim in Byzantium, and obey Oleg and Prince Igor. Come to us, your relatives. " (Askold and Dir are obliged to visit the arriving Igor, because by law they continue to obey Rurik and, therefore, Igor's son; Yes, and Oleg chooses them, calling them with their younger relatives; In addition, it is interesting to see what goods the merchant is visiting.) Askold And the dir come to the roaster. Here, hidden warriors jump out of the rook. Remove Igor. The court begins. Oleg is due to Ascold and Dira: "You are not a prince, not even from the princely kind, and I am a princely kind. But the son of Rurik. " And Askold and Dira kill (as impostors).

On the activities of Oleg. 882-912

Oleg remains to be contacted in Kiev and proclaims: "Kiev will be the mother of Russian cities." Oleg, really builds new cities. In addition, he conquers a lot of tribes, including the village, and takes a tribute to them.

With an unprecedented large army - one ships two thousand - Oleg goes to Byzantium and comes to Tsargrad. The Greeks are covered with chains in the bay, which has the Tsargrad. But Clearny Oleg Melts His warriors to make the wheels and put ships on them. The passing wind blows to the Tsargrad. Warriors raise sails in the field and rush to the city. The Greeks see, and frighten, and ask Oleg: "Do not rucki city, we will give tribute to what you want." And in the sign of humility, the Greeks endure him a treat - disassemble and wine. However, Oleg does not accept the treats: it turns out, it is noticeable in it. The Greeks are completely frightened: "This is not Oleg, and God's invulnerable saint, God himself lowered for us." And the Greeks pray Oleg to conclude the world: "Let's give everything you want." Oleg establishes the Greeks to give tribute to all soldiers on two thousand of his ships - for twelve hryvnia per person, and on the ship for forty warriors - and more tribute for large cities of Russia. In commemoration of the victory, Oleg hangs his shield on the goal of the Tsargrad and returns to Kiev, Vivid Gold, Silk, Fruits, Wines and all sorts of decorations.

People call Oleg "Probe." But the sinister sign appears in the sky - a star in the form of a spear. Oleg, living now in the world with all countries, remembers his beloved fighting horse. On this horse, it has long been no longer sits down. Over five years before the campaign to Tsargrad, Oleg asked Magi and Kudesnikov: "What should I die from?" And one of the Cudesmen told him: "To die from the horse, which you love and on which you ride" (that is, from any such horse, moreover, not only living, but also dead, and not only a whole, but also from his part). Oleg, only by the mind, and not a heart understood said: "I will never sit on my horse anymore, and I will not see him," I ordered the horse to feed, but not to drive it. And now, Oleg raises the oldest of Konyukh and asks: "And where is my horse, whom I sent to feed and guard?" Grandmith replies: "Died\u003e. Oleg begins to mock and insult Kudesnikov: "But incorrectly predicts the Magi, all they have a lie," the horse died, and I am alive. " And comes to the place where the bones and an empty skull of a beloved horse lie, hurries and mockingly pronounces: "Did death threatened from this skull?" And he tramples a skull. And suddenly the snake of the skull is cast and brings him down. Og of this Oleg gets sick and dies. Magitia comes true.

About the death of Igor. 913-945

After the death of Oleg, finally, begins to pronounce unfortunate Igor, who, although he has already become an adult, but walked in subordination from Oleg.

As Oleg dies, the village is embossed from Igor. Igor goes to the village and imposes a tribute to them more Olegova.

Then Igor goes by campaign to Tsargrad, having ten thousand ships. However, the Greeks from their looses through special pipes are accepted to throw the burning composition into Russian rooks. Russians from flames of fires jump into the sea, trying to float. Saved returned home and tell about a terrible miracle: "The Greeks have something like lightning from heaven, they are allowed and burned to us."

Igor gathers a new army for a long time, not even the Pechenegs, and again goes to Byzantium, wanting to revenge for his shame. His ships are bothering the sea. The Byzantine King sends to Igor's more profitable boyars: "Do not go, but take a tribute to what Oleg took. I also add to the date. " Igor, wounded only to the Danube, convenes a squad and begins to consult. Razing friend says: "But what we need to be more - we will not fight, and we will get gold, silver and silk. Who knows him who will overcome - we are, they are. What, someone with the sea will agree? After all, they do not pass on the ground, but over the depth of marine, - the general death of everyone. " Igor goes on the squad, takes gold and silk from the Greeks on all warriors, turns back and returns to Kiev.

But the greedy squad Igor annoys the prince: "The servants even your governor pretended, and we, princely squad, naked. Go, Prince, with us for the tribute. And you will add, and we ". And again, Igor goes to the squad, goes for a tribute to the trees, moreover, arbitrarily increases tribute, and the squad creates a different violence to the trees. With the collected tribute, Igor was heading to Kiev, but after some reflection, wishing more than he managed to collect for himself, refers to the squad: "You're back with your tribute to home, and I will return to the trees, you still will come back." And with a small residue, the squad turns back. Cuts will learn about it and meet with Malom, with their prince: "The wolf sneaks to the sheep, it will cut down the whole herd, if not to kill him. So this: if you do not kill it, then we will destroy us. " And send to Igor: "This is why you just go again? After all, took the whole tribute. " But they are just not listening to Igor. Then, by gathering, the village leave the city of Earrows and easily kill Igor and his squad - people are small with a small number of people deal. And Igor is buried somewhere under the estimate.

On revenge Olga. 945-946

Last lifetime, Oleg Igor was brought to his wife from Pskov, named Olga. After the murder of Igor Olga, there remains one in Kiev with his kid with his Svyatoslav. The collar build plans: "Once killed the Russian prince, then his wife Olga Issue to marry our prince, and with Svyatoslav, we will deal with how we want." And they send the village of Ladus with twenty of their noble people to Olga, and they sail to Kiev. Olga report that suddenly arrived a village. Smart Olga takes the village in Stone Tereme: "Welcome, guests." Cuts are impolitely responsible: "Yes, I, printed,". Olga continues to receive ambassadors: "Tell me, why did you come here?" Drops are roughly lay out: "We sent us an independent village earth, resolving the following. I killed your Mrock, because your husband, like a hungry wolf, all Hapal and robbed. Our princes are rich, they made the wealthy Crying Earth. So to go to you for our prince Mala. " Olga answers: "I like it so much as you say. My husband is not resurrected. Therefore, special honor I will be represented in the presence of my people. Now you go and for the upcoming magnitude lie in your roaster. In the morning I will send people for you, and you say: "We will not go to the horses, we will not go on the cores, we will not go on foot, but incur into the roaster." And Olga leaves the village to lie down in the root (thus, the funeral turmoil becomes for them), tells to dig a huge and sheer grave pit on the courtyard in front of the terme. In the morning, Olga, sitting in the terme, sends over these guests. Come to the village of Kievans: "Olga calls you in order to give you the greatest honor." Says to say: "We will not go to the horses, we will not go on the cores, we will not go on foot, but incur into the roaster." And the Kiev residents carry them in the root, the village is proudly sitting, gaining and elegant. They bring them to Olga to the courtyard and together with the Ladier dump in the pit. Olga is delivered to the pit and is aware of: "Did you honor you decent?" Cuts only now guess: "Our death is disgraced Igor's death." And Olga commands to fall asleep them alive. And they fall asleep.

Now Olga Schista demand for Truys: "If you ask me according to the marriage rules, then send the most noble people to marry your prince with great honor. Otherwise, the Kievans will not be allowed me. " The villains elect the most noble people who rule the village land, and send for Olga. The matchmakers are, and Olga on a guest customary first sends them to the bathhouse (again with vengeful ambiguity), offering them: "Wash and come in front of me." Heat the bath, the village go into it and, as soon as they begin to wash themselves (as the dead), the bath is locked. Olga Majit set fire to her, primarily from the door, and all the dead are burning (after all, the dead, according to custom, burned).

Olga notifies the village: "I'm already going to you. Prepare a lot of black honey in the city, gda you killed my husband (Olga does not want to pronounce the name of the city hated by it). I have to create a crying over his grave and Trenna on my husband. " Crawd a lot of honey and cook. Olga with a small squad, as the bride is laid, liking, comes to the grave, makes mourning his husband, makes his people pouring a high grave embankment and, in accuracy, following the customs, only after you finish pouring, managing the TRIZNU. Sit the village to drink. Olga tells his servants to care for the trees. Ask a village: "And where is our squad, who was sent for you?" Olga is ambiguously responsible: "I go behind me with my boyfriend of my husband" (the second meaning: "They follow my husband without me," that is, those and others killed). When they are moved to the village, Olga tells his servants to drink for the village (remember them as the dead and the complete Tzyna). Olga is removed, the commandments of his squad will split the village (the player, finalizing the TRIZNU). Five thousand trees are excised.

Olga returns to Kiev, collects a lot of warriors, goes to the village land and defeats the trees opposed her. The remaining trees are indulging in the eraser, and the whole summer of Olga cannot take the city. Then she begins to persuade the defenders of the city: "How to shine? All your cities surrendered to me, give tribute, cultivate our lands and Niva. And you will die from hunger, not giving Dani. " The villages are recognized: "We would only give a tribute to be glad, but you will still take revenge for your husband." Olga causally assures: "I have already revenge for my husband's shame and I will not take revenge. Tribute with you I will take a little (tribute to take a short one, that is, lolish independence). Now you have neither honey, nor fur, because you please have little (I will not give you to get out of the city behind honey and furs, but I ask you to Prince Mala). Give me from each yard three pigeons and three sparrows, I will not impose a serious tribute on you, as my husband, so I ask you a little (Prince Mala). You have been exhausted in the siege, which I ask you to have little (Prince Mala). I get up with you and I will go "(or back to Kiev, or again on the village). The trees are rejoiced, they collect three pigeons from the courtyard and three sparrow and send to Olga. Olga soothes the villages who arrived to her with a gift: "Here you have already conquered me. Go to the city. In the morning I will retreat from the city (erased) and I will go to the city (or in Kiev, or in the estimate). " The village is happily returning to the city, reported by the words of Olga, as they understood them, and they rejoice. Olga distributes each of the warriors in the blue or sparrow, makes it to each pigeon or sparrow to tie the clutch, wrap it with a small handkerchief and thread. When it starts to get felt, the calculating Olga makes the warriors to let the pigeons and sparrows with the proposed pipes. Pigeons and sparrows fly to their city nests, pigeons - in pigeon, sparrows - under the strokes. Both the pigeons, crates, sheds, haylons light up. No yard, where it does not burn. And the fire is impossible to pay off, as all wooden yards are burning right away. The villages will run away from the city, and Olga orders their soldiers enough of them. Takes the city and completely burns him, the elders captures, the other people are killed by the part, part is in slavery to its soldiers, on the remaining Trulyan, there is a serious tribute and goes throughout the village land, establishing duties and taxes.

About the baptism of Olga. 955-969

Olga arrives in Tsargrad. Comes to the Byzantine king. The king talks with her, surprises her mind and hints: "Approaches you to reign in Tsargrad with us." She immediately understands the hint and says: "I am a tongue. If you get baptized me, then you myself, you yourself. If not, it is not bumping. " And the king with the Patriarch of her sacred. Patriarch teaches her about faith, and Olga, bowing his head, standing, to the teaching, like a sponge maritime, wearing water. The name of Elena, the Patriarch blesses her in Baptism, blesses her and lets. After baptism calls her king and already directly announces: "I take you to my wife." Olga objects: "How will you take me to my wife, once baptized me and nare the spiritual daughter? Christians are illegally, and you know it myself. " Self-confident king is shamed: "You switched me, Olga!" Gives her a lot of gifts and lets go home. Only Olga returns to Kiev, as the king sends the ambassadors to it: "I gave you a lot of things. You promised, returning to Rus, send me a lot of gifts. " Olga answers sharply: "Wait for me to receive as much as I waited with you, then you will give." And with these words wraps ambassadors.

Olga loves his son Svyatoslav, prays for him and for people all nights and days, feeds his son, until he grows and induces, then sits with his grandchildren in Kiev. Then it is diluted and in three days dies, having taught not to create triants on it. She has a priest who is buried.

About the wars of Svyatoslav. 964-972

Muddy Svyatoslav collects a lot of brave warriors and, nomadsya rapidly, like a cheetah, leads a lot of wars. In the campaign, he does not take a war, he does not have a boiler, he does not cook meat, but it will finely damn the horse, or the beef, or beef, cakes and eats on coals; And the tent does not have, but felt beds, and the saddle - in the heads. And the warriors of his same steppes. Countries he sends threats: "I will go to you."

Svyatoslav goes to the Danube, Bulgarians, Bulgarians wins, takes eighty cities in the Danube and sits down to pronounce here in Pereyaslav. Pechenegs for the first time attack Russian land and besieged Kiev. Kievans are sent to Svyatoslav: "You, prince, are looking for someone else's land and defend, and I threw it, we almost captured Pechenegs. If you do not come back and do not reverse us, if you are not sorry for my hearth, then Pechenegs will capture us. " Svyatoslav with a buddy quickly sits down on his horses, jumps to Kiev, collects warriors and drives cookie in the field. But Svyatoslav declares: "I don't want to stay in Kiev, I will live in Pereyaslav in the Danube, for this is the center of my land, for all the benefits are born here: from Byzantium - gold, silk, wine, a variety of fruits: from the Czech Republic - silver; from Hungary - hitch; From Russia - fur, wax, honey and slaves. "

Svyatoslav leaves in Pereyaslavl, but Bulgarians are laid in the city from Svyatoslav, then go to the battle with him, a big singer begins, and Bulgarians are almost overwhelmed, but in the evening, Svyatoslav wins and breaks into the city. Immediately, Svyatoslav roughly threatens the Greeks: "I will go to you and the conquer your Tsargrad like this Pereyaslav." The Greeks are suited: "Since we are unable to resist you, then take a tribute to us, but only let you know how many troops are that we, based on the total number, could give for each warrior." Svyatoslav calls the number: "We are twenty thousand" - and adds ten thousand, because Russia is only ten thousand. The Greeks also put a hundred thousand against Svyatoslav, and Dani do not give. Sees Russia a huge set of Greeks and is afraid. But Svyatoslav utters a courageous speech: "We have nowhere to go. To confront us the enemy and in their will, and unwittingly. It is not for the land of Russian, but they lay down the bones here, for it will not be dead, but if we run, I will be disgraced. Not faster, but I will become tight. I will go ahead of you. " There is a great singer, and Svyatoslav wins, and the Greeks run, and Svyatoslav approaches Tsargrad, fighting and destroying the city.

Byzantine king convenes his boyars to the palace: "What to do?" The boyars advise: "Dara went to him, bring it to him, whether he is on gold or silk." The king sends gold and silk to Svyatoslav and silk with a kind of urgent court: "Watching how he looks like, what the expression of his face and the course of his thoughts." Report Svyatoslav that Greeks came with gifts. It manages: "Enter". Greeks put gold and silk in front of him. Svyatoslav looks aside and speaks to his servants: "Remove." The Greeks return to the king and boyars and talk about Svyatoslav: "Given her gifts, and he did not even look at them and ordered to remove." Then he offers the king one of the sent: "Check him also went to his weapons." And bring Svetoslav Sword and other weapons. Svyatoslav takes him and praises the king, gives him his love and kissing. Greeks come back to the king again and tell about everything. And they convince the king of the boyars: "As far as this warrior is lying, once the values \u200b\u200bneglege, and the weapon appreciates. Let him tribute. " And give Svyatoslav tribute and many gifts.

With the great glory, Svyatoslav comes to Pereyaslavl, but he sees how little devies left him remained, as many died in battles, and decides: "I will go to Russia, I will give more troops. He guessed the king that we are not enough, and will deposit us in Pereyaslav. And Russian land is far away. And Pechenegs are fighting with us. And who will help us? " Svyatoslav goes in the lands to the Dnieper thresholds. And Bulgarians from Pereyaslavtz send the news to the Pechenegs: "Svyatoslav sails past you. Going in Russia. He has a lot of wealth taken from the Greeks, and the prisoners without a number, but few squads. " Pechenegs stand up thresholds. Svyatoslav stops wintering at the thresholds. It ends with food, and such a strong hunger begins in the camp, which is next Konsky head stands at half the hryvnia. In the spring, Svyatoslav is still swimming through the thresholds, but he attacks him the peckest prince smoking. Svyatoslav kill, take his head, in the skull scrape a bowl, make a skull outside and drink from it.

About the baptism of Russia. 980-988

Vladimir was the son of Svyatoslav and only an alder key. However, after the death of his more noble brothers, Vladimir begins to pronounce in Kiev. On a hill near the Princely Palace, he puts pagan idols: wooden perunula with silver head and golden mustache, horses, dashbog, stribling, simamarla and mock. They bring sacrifices, leading their sons and daughters. Vladimir himself covers lust: In addition to four wives, he has three hundred concubines in Vyshgorod, three hundred - in Belgorod, two hundred - in the village of Berestov. He is unsaturated in Bluda: leads to himself and married womenMusic disburses.

Volga Bulgary-Mohammedan Bulgarians come to Vladimir and offer: "You, about the prince, wise and intelligence, but unknown to you, one-piece creed. Take our faith and read Momaomet. Vladimir asks: "What are the customs of your faith?" Mohamnetan answer: "Believe in one God. Magmoth teaches us to trim, the pork is not there, not to drink wine. Fornation, you can create in any way. After the death of each Mohametanin, Magomet gives for seventy beauties, the most beautiful of them will be the beauty of the rest - this will be the wife of everyone. And who in this light is poor, that and there. " Vladimir to listen to Mohammedan sweetly, because he himself loves women and many of the Blud. But that's what he does not like - Cutting the members and the Niwill of the Pork Mays. And about the ban on wine drinking, Vladimir speaks this way: "The fun of Russia is to drink, we cannot without yet." Then the messengers of the Pope Pope come from Rome: "We worship to one God, who created the sky, the earth, the stars, a month and all living things, and your gods are just a rustier." Vladimir asks: "What are your prohibitions?" They answer: "Who is eating or drinking - everything is in God's glory." But Vladimir refuses: "We went out, because our fathers did not recognize this." The Khazars of the Jewish Faith come: "We believe in the United God of Abrahamova, Isakova, Jacoblyva." Vladimir is interested in: "Where is your main land?" They respond: "in Jerusalem." Vladimir is silent asking: "Is there?" Jews are justified: "God hesitated on our fathers and scattered us in different countries." Vladimir is indignant: "What do you teach other, and they themselves are rejected by God and scattered? Maybe we offer us such fate? "

After that, the Greeks send a certain philosopher, which long retells to Vladimir Village and New Testament, shows Vladimir Curtain, on which a terrible court is drawn, to the right of the righteous joyfully enter into paradise, on the left of sinners wander to hellish flocks. Valemless Vladimir sighs: "Well, those who are right; Gorky those who are left. " The philosopher calls: "Then a babby." However, Vladimir postpones: I'll wait a little more. " With honor, the philosopher does a philosopher and convenes his boyars: "What a smart to say?" The boyars advise: "There were ambassadors to find out how externally serves to our God." Vladimir sends ten tenacious and smart: "Go first to the Volga Bulgarians, then look at the Germans, and from there, go to the Greeks." After the trip, sent back, and Vladimir Boyar convenes again: "Let's hear what they will tell." The sent reports: "We have seen that Bulgarians in the mosque are without a belt; worship and sit down; They look there, then here like mad; There is no joyful in their service, only sadness and strong SMRArad; So there are no good faith after the Germans who have made many services in the temples, but they did not see any beauty in these services. But when the Greeks led us to where they serve their God, then we were confused - we are in the sky or on Earth, for anywhere on earth there is no spectacle of such beauty that we cannot and describe. The service of the Greeks is the best of all. " The boyars are added: "Be a bad Greek faith, then her grandmother Olga would not accept her, and she was the wiser of all our people." Vladimir hesitantly asks: "Where are the baptism, we take?" Boyar answer: "But where you want."

And the year passes, but Vladimir is still not baptized, and suddenly goes to the Greek city of Korsun (in Crimea), hesitates him and, lezing on the sky, promises: "If I take it, I'm harder." Vladimir takes the city, but again he is not baptized, but in search of further benefits requires the Byzantine coarse-co-citizens: "Your glorious Korsun took. I heard that you have a sister's maiden. If you do not marry me, then the Kingguard is the same as Corsun. " The kings are responsible: "It is not necessary to marry the pagans. Bretch, then send sister. " Vladimir insists: "First send the sister, and those who came with her sacrifice." The kings are sent to Corsun sister, dignitaries and priests. Corsunyan meet the Greek Queen and transmit it to the ward. At this time, Vladimir's eyes are sick, he does not see anything, it is very worried, but does not know what to do. Then the queen coats Vladimir: "If you want to get rid of this disease, it is immediately baptized. If not, you can not separate from the disease. " Vladimir exclaims: "Well, if it is true, then the Christian God is truly the greatest." And he orders to baptize. Corsuin bishop with queen pops cross him in the church, which stands in the middle of Corsun, where the market. As soon as the bishop places his hand on Vladimir, he immediately turns and leads the queen to marriage. Many of the teachers of Vladimir also suffer.

Vladimir with Tsaritsu and Korsunsk Popama enters Kiev, immediately tells to unsubstate the idols, alone to cut out, others to burn, Perun, heel to tie a horse to the tail and drag to the river, and twelve men makes you dust with his sticks. Reset Perun in the Dnieper, and Vladimir orders specially attached people: "If where he sticks, knock off his sticks until he swears through the thresholds." And ordered executable. And the pagans mourn perunun.

Then Vladimir sends all over Kiev to announce: "Rich or poor, even a beggar or slave, is the one who in the morning will be on the river, I will consider your enemy." People go and reason: "If it were not for the benefit, they would not take the baptism of the prince and boyars." In the morning, Vladimir with Tsaritsyn and Corsun Popams goes to the Dnieper. The people are collected countless. Part enters into water and stands: Some - before the neck, others - on the chest, children - at the shore itself, babies are kept on their hands. Uncompreheled wander waiting (or: baptized stands on the trance). Proches on the shore of prayer do. After baptism, people diverge through their homes.

Vladimir Melith in the cities to build churches in those places where idols were stood, and to bring people to the baptism in all cities and villages, it begins to collect children from their nobility and give the books. Mother of these children cry for them, as if about the dead.

About the fight against the Pechenegs. 992-997

Pechenegs come, and Vladimir comes against them. According to both sides of the river, the river Truzh, in the fodder, the troops stop, but each army is not solved to go to the opposite direction. Then the Pechenezh Prince approaches the river, calling Vladimir and offers: "Let's put out your fighter, and I have my own. If your wrestler strikes my Earth, then we do not fight for three years; If my wrestler strikes yours, we fight for three years. " And travel around. Vladimir sends heralds by his camp: "Is there anyone who would have ever confused with Pecheneg?" And he does not want anywhere. And in the morning there are Pechenegs and lead their fighter, and we do not have. And Vladimir begins to grow guard, continuing after all the appeals to all his warriors. Finally, one old warrior comes to the prince: "I went to war with four sons, and the younger son of the house remained. Since childhood there is no one who would have overwhelmed it. Somehow I grumbled on him when he was the skin of the skin, and he was angry with me and broke the raw sole from the annoyance. " To the deliberate prince, this son leads, and the prince explains it all. But he is not sure: "I don't know whether I can fight Pecheneg. Let me be experienced. Is there a bull, big and strong? " Find a large and strong bull. This youngest son tells the bull to infuriate. Apply the hot iron to the bull and allow. When a bull rushes past this son, he sees the bull hand over the side and takes off the skin with meat, how much he grabbed his hand. Vladimir allows: "You can fight with Pecheneg." And at night, makes the warriors to get ready to immediately rush on the pechenegs after the fight. Pechenegs come in the morning, name: "What, all there is no wrestler? And our ready. " There are both troops of Pechenegs produce their fighters. He is bulky and terrible. It comes out and a fighter from Vladimir Pecheneg sees him and laughs, because he is externally ordinary. Place the platform between the two troops, let the fighters. Those begin to fight, tightly clasp each other, but our hands stipulate Pecheneg to death and throws it to the ground. Ours emit cry, and Pechenegs run. Russian chasing them, sect and drive. Vladimir rejoices, lays the city from Togo Brody and makes him Pereyaslavtz, because I intercepted the glory of our young man in the Pechenezh's hero. Vladimir great people makes this young man, and his father, and himself with the victory and great glory returns to Kiev.

After three years, Pechenegs come under Kiev, Vladimir with a small squad comes against them, but does not withstand the fight, runs, hides under the bridge and is barely saved from enemies. Salvation takes place on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and then Vladimir promises to put the church in the name of the saint transformation. Having got rid of Pechenegov, Vladimir puts the church and arrange a grand festival near Kiev: Meld to cook three hundred boilers honey; convenes her boyars, as well as landans and elders from all cities and many more people; Takes three hundred hryvnias poorly. Celebrating eight days, Vladimir returns to Kiev and again suits a big holiday, convening countless people. And so does every year. Allows any restriction and wretched to come to the princely courtyard and get everything you need: drink, and food, and money from the treasury. Melting also prepare wagons; load bread, meat, fish, different fruits, barrels with honey, barrels with kvass; Ango in Kiev and launching: "Where are the sick and weak, who cannot walk and get to the princely yard?" The time to distribute everything is cleaned.

And with Pechenegs there is an indifferent war. They come and besieged Belgorod for a long time. Vladimir can not send help, because he has no warriors, and there are a huge pechenegs. In the city is strong hunger. The townspeople decide in the evening: "After all, the Pomrem from hunger. I will give up the pechenegs better - someone will kill, and someone will leave to live. " One older who was not present in the evening, asks: "Why was it going to ever?" He is reported that people will give up Pechenegs in the morning. Then the old man asks urban elders: "Listen to me, do not give up for three more days, and do what Vel." They promise. The old man says: "Crawd at least in the handstone of oats, or wheat, or bran." They find. The old man challenges women to make a bolt, on which Kissel is boiled, then Meld to dig up the well, insert a Chan in it, and Chan filled with a bolt. Then the old man tells to dig the second well and insert the Chan too. And sends to look for honey. Looko honey, which was planted in the princely cellar. The old man magicia is ready to make honey beam and they fill the Chan in the second well. In the morning he makes it possible to send the pechenegs. The mounted citizens come to the Pechenegs: "Take the hostages to ourselves, and you are about ten people - enter our city." Look what is being done there. " Pechenegs triumph, thinking that the townspeople will give up, take hostages from them, and they themselves send their noble people to the city. And they tell them the townspeople, science as smart old man: "What are you ruining? Can you post us? Stand at least ten years - what can we do? We have food from the ground. If you do not believe, then look with your own eyes. " The townspeople lead Pechenegs to the first well, sculpt the bucket the boltushka, spill it on the pots and boils to kissel. After taking the kissel, suitable with the pechenegs to the second well, they jump the honey seizure, add to the kissel and begin to eat - the first themselves (not reflected!), Behind them and Pecheneg. Pechenegs are surprised: "They will not believe in such a princess, if they do not try themselves." The townspeople fill them with a whole Korchada with a cycular barley and honey springs from wells. Piece of Pechenegs with Korchagi returns to its princes: those welded, eat and missed; Then they exchange hostages, take off the siege of the city and send the ravis.

About ramps with wrappers. 1071

Coming to Kiev Mascavv and with the people predicts, if four years later, the Dnieper will reverse, and countries change in places: Greek Earth is to the place of Russian, and the Russian land - to the place of Greek, and other lands transactions. Ignorants believe the magician, and the real Christians mock him: "The devil to you to the dying." So with him it happens: per night disappears.

But two breaths appear in the Rostov region at the time of the crash and declare: "We know who hides bread." And walking along the Volga, which parish does not come, immediately accused of noble women, supposedly she hides, that - honey, ta - fish, and that - fur hungry people lead to the breath of their sisters, mothers and wives, and the Magheva Women's Shoulder It seems to be reduced and (allegedly inside) take out either bread or fish. Many women are wax and kill, and their property takes themselves.

These magicians come to Belosero, and with them three hundred people. At this time, with Belozerstsev collects tribute to Yang Suplichych, the Governor of Kiev Prince. Yang finds out that these Magi is just a sought of Kiev Prince, and sends an order to people accompanying Magi: "Give them to me." But people do not listen to him. Then Yang himself goes to them with twelve warriors. People, becoming near the forest, are ready to attack Yana, who is approaching them only with a hatch in his hand. Three people come from those people, they are suitable for Jan and they suffer: "You go to death, do not go." Yang orders them to kill and comes to the rest. Those are thrown on Yana, the front of them misses the ax, and Yang, intercepting, hits his back side of the same ax and makes the vigumers to chop out others. People run away into the forest, killing Yanov Pop. Yang is part of Belozersk and threatens the inhabitants: "If you don't grab the Magi, then I will not leave you and the year." Belozers go, capture the magnes and lead to Jan.

Yang interrogates Magicians: "Why did you kiss so much people?" Magnies answer: "Those bread hide. When you exist such, there will be a crop. If you wish, we are right in front of you from a man grain, or fish, or something else. " Yang denounces: "This is a complete deception. God created a man from the ground, the man is permeated by the bones and blood veins, nothing else in it is. " Magitis object: "It is we know how to create a person." Yang says: "Well, how do you think?" Magnies rant: "God washed in the bath, sweated, laid out with a cloth and threw it from heaven to Earth. Satan hung up with God, to whom from the cloth to create a man. And the devil made a man, and God put the soul into him. Because the man will die, the body goes to the ground, and the soul - to God. " Exclaims Yang: "What is God you believe in?" Magnies call: "In Antichrist." Jan asks: "Where is he?" Magnies answer: "sits in the abyss." Jan makes sentence: "What kind of God, since he sits in the abyss? This demon, a former angel, minor from heaven for his arrogance and waiting in the abyss, when God comes down from heaven and concludes it in the shackles along with servants who believe in this antichrist. And you, too, have to take flour from me here, and after death - there. " Volkhiva is bought: "Gods are notified that you can not do anything, for we answer only to the prince itself." Yang says: "Lump your gods." And tells to beat them, hand out to them with a beard with forceps, insert them into the mouth of the gag, tie them to the sides of the rook and put this freak in front of them along the river. After some time, Jan asks Magi:

"What are you so moliving gods?" Magnies answer: "Gods we misery that not be alive for us." Yang confirms: "This is properly sharing you." But the Magi is thrust to Jan: "If you let go, then a lot of good will be. And if we destroy us, you get a lot of grief and evil. " Yang rejects: "If I let you go, then evil I will be from God and if you are shiping, then I will be award." And addresses to the local warrant: "Does any of you are killed by these wrappers? And the surroundings are recognized - one: "I have a mother," another: "Sister", the third: "Children". Yang calls on: "Mustrate yours." The victims are enough magicians, kill them and hang on oak. At the next night, the bear climbs on the oak, nibbles them and eats them. So the magicians and died - others were providhel, and did not foresee their death.

Another Volkhv begins to excite people already in Novgorod, he chooses almost the entire city, acts like a certain God, claiming that he foresees everything, and hoolit Christian faith. He promises: "I'll switched the Volkhov River, as on land, before everyone." Everyone is believed to him, turmoil begins in the city, they want to kill the bishop. The bishop is taught in Riza, takes the cross, it comes out and says: "Who believes Magi, let him go behind him. Whoever believes (in God), let him go beyond the cross. " People are divided in two: novgorod Prince And his squad gather at the bishop, and the rest of the people go to the magic. Schedule occur between them. The prince hides an ax for a raincoat, comes to the magician: "Do you know what will be in the morning and before the evening?" Volkhv praises: "I'll check everything." Prince asks: "Do you know what will happen now?" Volkhv Imported: "Great Miracles will create." The prince snatches the ax, destroys the wilts, and he falls dead. And people diverge.

On the blinding of the Terbell Prince Vasilka Rostislavich. 1097

The following princes are going to the city of Lyubek: The grandchildren of Yaroslav Wise from different sons Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, Vladimir Vsevolodovich (Monomakh), Davyd Igorevich, Davyd Svyatoslavich, Oleg Svyatoslavich and Lights Yaroslav, son Rostislav Vladimirovich Vasilko Rostislavich. Princes persuade each other: "Why are we ruin the Russian land, quarreling among themselves? And the Polovtsy seek to shake our land and rejoice when the war between us. From now on, they will unite unanimously and retain Russian land. Let everyone own only his secondary. " And the cross is kissing: "From now on, if one of us will be against whom will go, then we will be all, and the cross is honest, and the whole Russian land." And kissed, diverge by pennts.

Svyatopolk with Davyd Igorevich return to Kiev. Davyda someone sets up: "Vladimir has agreed with Vasilki against Svyatopolka and you." Davyd believes false words and inspires the Svyatopolk on Vasilka: "He conspired himself with Vladimir and atheat on me and on you. Take care of your head. " Svyatopolk in confusion believes Davyd. Davyd offers: "If you do not grab a cornflower, then there will be no princess to you in Kiev, nor in Vladimir-Volynsky." And Svyatopolk listens him. And Vasilko and Vladimir do not know anything about it.

Vasilko comes to worship in the vydubitsky monastery near Kiev. Scholyopolk sends him: "Wait to my name" (four days later). Vasilko refuses: "I can not wait, as if at home (in Terebed, west of Kiev) there was no war." Davyd says Svyatopolku: "You see, he is not considered to be with you, even when is in your hemp. And when it goes into your own possessions, you will see how your cities will make it, and remember my warning. Call him now, grab and give me. " Svyatopolk sends to Vasilka: "Once you will not wait for my name, then come right now - sit together with Davyd."

Vasilko goes to the Svyatopolk, on the way his vigilante meets and dissuade: "Do not go, prince," grab you. " But Vasilko does not believe: "How will it catch me? Just kissed the cross. " And comes with a small buddy on the princes of the courtyard. Meets it

Svyatopolk, they come to the hut, comes and Davyd, but sits as a mute. Svyatopolk invites: "Let's have breakfast." Vasilko agrees. Svyatopolk says: "You sit here, and I will go ordered." And goes out. Vasilko is trying to talk with David, but he does not speak and does not listen from horror and deceit. After sitting a little, Davyd gets up: "I'll go for the Svyatopolk, and you are sitting." And goes out. As soon as Davyd comes out, Vasilko locks, then they shook it into double shackles and put the guard for the night.

Another day, Davyd offers a holiness to dazzling the cornflower: "If you don't do this and let him go, then you don't pronounce you or me." On the same night, Vasilka in Okov on the cart transported to the town for ten miles from Kiev and introduced into some kind of hut. Vasilko sits in her and sees that Ovchar Svyatopolka sharpens a knife, and guesses what they are going to blind him. It includes the stables sent by Svyatopolk and David, spread the carpet and try to beat the cornflower on it, which is desperately struggling. But others also pounce, and the cornflower will be thrown, they link it, grab the board from the furnace, put him on the chest and sit down at both ends of the board, but they cannot hold it. Then two more are added, they remove the second board with the oven and pressure the cornflower so fiercely that it cracks his chest. Holding a knife, approaching the Vasilka of Svyatopolkov Shepherr and wants to skip the eye, but the face flies and cuts into him, but again the knife is already in the eye and cuts out the anti-aircraft (rainbow with the pupil), then - the second Zenitsa. Vasilko lies like a dead. And, like a dead man, they take it with the carpet, boil the cart and carry in Vladimir-Volynsky.

On the way, stop for lunch at the market in Zvyden (the town of West Kiev). Stripping from cornflower with a bloody shirt and give to wrapping Popel. She, having passed, puts on him and begins to mourn the cornflower, as if dead. Vasilko, waking up, hears cry and asks: "Where am I?" He is responsible for: "In Zvyden." He asks water and, having drunk, is, he fades his shirt and says: "Why was she filmed with me? Let me take death in this bloody shirt and appeared before God. "

Then the cornflower was then brought to Vladimir-Volynsky on a frowning road, and Davyd Igorevich with him, as if with some catch. Vladimir Vsevolodovich, in Pereyaslavs, he learns that Vasilko was captured and blinded, and terrible: "Such evil has not yet been in Russian land for the grandfather or under our fathers." And immediately sends Svyatoslavich and Oleg Svyatoslavich to Davydu: "We will gather and correct this evil, which is created in Russian land, with just among us, brothers. After all, now Brother's brother will begin to challenge, and the Russian land will die - our enemies will take her, Polovtsy. " Going and sent to Svyatopolku: "Why did you blind my brother?" Svyatopolk is justified: "I didn't blind him, but Davyd Igorevich." But the princes object to Svyatopolkol: "Vasilko not in the Davydov city (Vladimir-Volynsky) grasped and blinded, and in your city (Kiev) grasped and blinded. But once it made Davyd Igorevich, grab him or run. " Svyatopolk agrees, the princes kiss the cross in front of each other and conclude the world. Then the princes drive out Davyd Igorevich from Vladimir-Volynsky, give him a roadwork (between Vladimir and Kiev), where he dies, and Vasilko is printed again in Terebed.

About victory over Polovtsy. 1103

Svyatopolk Izyaslavich and Vladimir Vsevolodovich (Monomakh) with his doddes advised in a single tent of the campaign against Polovtsy. The squad of Svyatopolk is disconnected: "Now Spring - there will be a lot of fat, we will ruin the funerals." Vladimir shakes them: "You have a pity horse, and isn't it sorry for me? After all, the deaths begin to plow, but Polovtsov will come, kill the shoot of the arrow, his horse will take him, go to his village and captures his wife, children and all his property. " Svyatopolk says: "I'm ready." Separate to other princes: "Let's go to the Polovtsy - either to live, or die." The assedes of the troops reach the Dnieper thresholds and from the island of Khortitsa four days will jump the field.

Upon learning what Russia is going to the Council countless Polovtsy. Prince Uruzoba offers: "ask the world." But the young people say Urirobe: "If you are afraid of Russia, then we are not afraid. Defeat them. " And the Polovtsian shelves, like a unbarrous coniferous cable, are coming on Russia, and Russia opposes them. Here, from the type of Russian warriors, the great horror, fear and the thrill attacks the Polovtsy, they are like in Dremot, and their horses are sluggish. Our equestrian and hiking, cheerfully come to the Polovtsy. Polovtsy run, and Russian countries. Twenty-Polovki princes kill the battle, including Urirobu, and Blukuzi is captured.

The Russian princes, winning Polovtsy, are sitting, lead Blonduz, and he offers gold, and silver, and horses, and cattle. But Vladimir tells Beldoju: "How many times you swear (do not fight) and still attacked Russian land. Why didn't you punish your sons and your family is not a crime oath and have you shed Christian blood? Now let him be in your blood your head. " And make sure to kill Benduzya, which is dissected into parts. Princes take cattle, sheep, horses, camels, yurts with property and slaves and returned to Russia with a huge number of prisoners, with glory and great victory.

Repeated A. S. Demin.

For the Flood, the three sons of Noah divided the land - Sim, Xham, andAf. And went to the East to Sim: Persia, Bactria, even to India in the longitude, and wide to Rinocorrara, that is, from the East to the South, and Syria, and the Middest to the River Euphrates, Babylon, Cordun, Assyrian, Mesopotamia, Arabia, the oldest, Eliarais, Indie, Arabia Strong, Colimia, Commagena, All FiPook.

Hama got south: Egypt, Ethiopia, adjacent to India, and other Ethiopia, from which the Ethiopian Red River, Current, Cyria, Marmaria, Sirta, Other Libya, Numidia, Mastha, Mauritania, Opposite Gadir. B of his possessions in the East are also: Kilikia, Pamphilia, Pisidia, Mission, Licania, Frigia, Kamaliya, Likia, Kariya, Lydia, other Mission, Troada, Ealide, Baphinia, Old Freigue and Nekia Islands: Sardinia, Crete, Cyprus and River Geon, otherwise called the Nile.

Japhet got the northern countries and Western: Midida, Albania, Armenia Small and Great, Kapadokya, Palagia, Kolkhida, Bosphorus, MEOTs, Depend, Caps, Macedonia, Dalmatia, Malosali, Macedonia, Lokrida, Peilly, which is also called Peloponnese, Arkady, Epir, Illyria, Slavs, Lichnitius, Adriakia, Adriatic Sea. Islands: Britain, Sicily, Evieya, Rhodes, Chios, Lesbos, Kitir, Zakynthos, Kefallinia, Ithaca, Kerkira, part of Asia, called Ionia, and the Tiger River, current between the mussel and Babylon; To the Pontic Sea to the north: Danube, Dnipro, the Caucasian Mountains, that is, Hungarian, and from there to the Dnieper, and other rivers: the gums, Pripyat, Dvina, Volkhov, Volga, which flows east into part of the Simoma. Russian, chorn and all sorts of peoples are sitting in the jappet part: Mero, Murom, the whole, Mordva, the Zavolocheansky Chud, Perm, Pecheque, Yam, Ugr, Lithuania, Zimigol, Court, Lethal, Livi. Lyhai and Prussa, Chok sit near the sea Varangi. According to this sea, Varyags are sitting: from here to the east - to the limits of sims, they are sitting in the same sea and to the West - to the Earth of English and Voloshskaya. Jeafet's offspring also: Varyags, Swedes, Normans, Goths, Rus, Angles, Galicians, Volokha, Romans, Germans, Korlasias, Venetians, Fryami and others, they are adjacent in the West to South countries and neighmber with the Hamov tribe.

Same, Ham and Jafeth divided the land, throwing lots, and did not embarrass the brother to enter anyone, and everyone lived in their part. And there was a single people. And when people were multiplied on Earth, they found them to create a pillar to the sky, it was in the days of nectan and Faleca. And they gathered at the site of the field of Senar to build a pillar to the sky and near him the city of Babylon; And they built a pillar that 40 years, and did not follow it. And the Lord came up to see the city and pillar, and the Lord said: "Here is the people one and the people are one." And the God of Peoples mixed, and divided into 70 and 2 people, and scattered throughout the Earth. By mixing the same peoples, the God of the Great destroyed the pillar; And there are remnants between Assyria and Babylon, and have in height and in the width of 5433 elbows, and these remains are saved for many years.

For the destruction of the pillar and in the division of peoples, the sons of Sima Eastern countries were taken, and the sons of Hama - southern countries, the West and the Northern countries took the same way. The people of Slavic occurred from the same 70 and 2, the people of the Jafeta tribe are the so-called Noriki, who are Slavs.

After a long time, the Slavs sat down on the Danube, where the Earth is Hungarian and Bulgarian. From those Slavs sorted Slavs on the ground and nicknamed with their names from the places where they sat down. So alone, having come, sat on the river with the name of Morava and morava nose, and others called the Czechs. But also the same Slavs: White Croats, and Serbs, and Chorutan. When the Volokha was attacked by the Slavs of Danube, and settled among them, and they were oppressed, then these Slavs came and sat down on Vistula and were nicknamed, and the Poles, other Lyahi - Lutchi, other - Mazaschean, were made from those Lyakhov.

Also, these Slavs came and sat down on the Dnieper and were called Polyans, and others - Drevlyans, because they sat down in the forests, while the other villages between Pripyat and Dviochi and were called Dregovichi, other sites on Dvina and called Polochanas, on the river, flowing in Dvina , Poor, from her, was called Polochan. The same Slavs who sat down near Lake Ilmen were called their name - Slavs, and built a city, and called him Novgorod. And others sat down on the gum, and by the Seitor, and by Sul, and called Northerners. And so the Slavic people were separated, and by his name and the grades called Slavic.

When the meadow lived separately in the mountains of this, there was a way from the Varyag in the Greeks and from the Greeks on the Dnieper, and in the upper reaches of Dnipro - the wolf to the fish, and in love, you can enter Ilmen, the Lake of the Great; From the same lake flows out whales and flows into the lake Great Nevo, and the mouth of that lake flows into the sea Varyazhskoye. And according to the same sea, you can swim to Rome, and from Rome can be saved on the same sea to the Tsargrad, and from the Tsargrada you can sail into Ponta Sea, which flows the Dnieper River. The Dnieper follows from the Okovsky Forest and flows to the south, and Dvina flows from the same forest, and goes to the north, and flows into the sea Varyzhskoye. From the same forest flows the Volga to the East and flows semidden to the mouths in the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Hwali. Therefore, from Russia, you can swim along the Volga in Bulgarians and in the chvaists, and to the East to go to the lot of Sima, and in Dvina - to the Earth Varyagov, from Varyags to Rome, from Rome and to the Khamov tribe. And the Dnieper falls in the mouth of the Pontic Sea; This sea is heard by the Russians, - on the shores he taught him, as they say, St. Andrei, Brother Peter.

When Andrei taught in Sinop and arrived in Corsun, he learned that near the Korsun, the mouth of the Dnieper, and wanted to go to Rome, and flew up at the mouth of Dneprovskoye, and from there went up the Dnieper. And it happened so that he came and began under the mountains on the shore. And in the morning I got up and told the former students with him: "Do you see these mountains? In these mountains, the grace of God will reach, will be the city of the Great, and many churches will erect. " And while going on these mountains, blessed them, and put the cross, and prayed to God, and came up from the mountain of this, where will be Kiev later, and went up the Dnieper. And came to the Slavs, where Novgorod today is, and saw people living there - what is their custom and how wash and hardened, and surprised them. And he went to the country of Varyagov, and came to Rome, and told about how he taught and what he saw, and told: "Divo saw in Slavic land on his way here. Wooden's baths saw them strongly, and they will tease and they will be naga, and they will share the rods with a kvass, and they will raise the young people and beat themselves, and before that herself everyone will come, and they will barely get out Just come to life. And it makes it constantly, with no one torture, but they are tormented by themselves, and they are creating a wash into themselves, and not a torment. " The same, hearing about it, surprised; Andrei, having visited Rome, came to Sinop.

Polyan lived in those times separately and managed by their own fees; For and before that brethren (which was later speech), they were already glade, and they all lived with their birth in their places, and each was managed independently. And there were three brothers: one named Kii, the other - the cheeks and the third - Chorive, and their sister - Lybad. Come on Mount, where now the rise of Borichev, and the cheek sat on the mountain, which is now called the cheek, and Horive on the third mountain, which was named after his chorievice. And they built a city in honor of the older brother, and called him Kiev. Was around the city of Forest and Bor great, and they caught beasts there, and there were those men wisers and meaning, and they were called Polyans, from them Poland and Donyn in Kiev.

Some, not knowing, they say that Kiev was carrier; Was-de the then Keeus transport from the other side of the Dnieper, which was said to: "For transport to Kiev." If there were cue carrier, I would not go to the Tsargrad; And this cue reigned in his kind, and when he walked to the king, then they say that the great honors were honored from the king, to whom he came. When he returned, he came to the Danube, and he chose a place, and he quit the town is small, and wanted to sit in it with his family, but did not give him living around him; So and the Donna call the city's inhabitants, the Kyiv. Kiy, returning to his city Kiev, here and died; And the brothers of his cheeks and chorive and sister their liberty immediately died.

And after these brothers, he began to keep them the jurisdiction of Polyan, and the Drevlyan had his own reign, and Dregovich had his own, and the Slavs in Novgorod had his own, and another on the river the Shota, where Polochan. From these latter, the curvacies sitting in the upper reaches of the Volga took place, and in the upper reaches of Dvina, and in the upper reaches of the Dnieper, their city - Smolensk; It is there that they are crying. From them occur and northerners. And on Belosher, it sits the whole, and on the Rostov Lake Meria, and on the Plogger Lake is also measuring. And on the river Oka - where it flows into the Volga, - Murom, speaking in his own language, and Cheleis, speaking in their own language, and Mordva, speaking in their own language. That's just who speaks Slavyansky in Russia: Polyana, Drevlyan, Novgorod, Polokhan, Dregovichi, Northerners, Bugzane, nicknamed because they were sitting on Bougu, and then became called Volynians. And here are other nations, giving tribute Rus: Chud, Merry, the whole, Muroma, Cheremis, Mordva, Perm, Pecheque, Yami, Lithuania, Zimigol, Court, Narova, Liva, - these are talking in their languages, they are from the knee of jafet and Live in the northern countries.

When the Slavic people, as we said, lived on the Danube, came from Scythians, that is, from Khazar, the so-called Bulgarians, and sat down on the Danube, and were settlers on the land of Slavs. Then the White Ugry came and settled the Slavic land. These eels appeared at the Tsar of Heraclia, and they fought with the christma, the Persian king. In those days, there were obstacles, they fought against the King of Heraclius and almost seized him. These obromas fought against the Slavs and oppressed dlebov - also Slavyan, and created violence Wives Dlebsky: it happened when Ourin goes, it did not allow to harze a horse or ox, but ordered it in the cart three, four or five wives and carry him - Oboy, - And so tormented dlebov. There were these oborces of great body, and the um of proud, and destroyed them, everyone died, and not a single Oorina remained. And there is a saying on Russia and Dynam: "Died like obras," there are no tribe, no offspring. After the oblasts came Pechenegs, and then black eels were passed by Kiev, but it was after - already with Oleg.

The meadow, who lived by themselves, as we said, were from the Slavic clan and only after they were called Polyans, and the Drevlyans originated from the same Slavs and also did not immediately be called Doodle; Radmicky and Vyatichi - from the kind of Lyakhov. There were two brothers in Lyakhov - Radimmas, and the other - Vyatko; And they came and sat down: the Radims are on the sneeze, and radmichs were called from him, and Vyatko sat down with their own ocean, from him received their name Vyatichi. And they lived between a member of the world, Drevdan, Northerners, Radmichi, Vyatichi and Croats. The dulles lived in Bugu, where now Volynan, and the desires and Feather were sitting on the Dunstra and near the Danube. There were a lot of them: they were sitting on the day to the sea, and the cities of them and the Donyn were preserved; And the Greeks called their "Great Scythy".

All these tribes had their customs, and the laws of their fathers, and legends, and every one - their own temper. Polyany have the custom of the fathers of their meek and quiet, shamers in front of his sterns, mothers and parents; Before mother-in-law and devices, great luck have; They have a marriage custom: it's not going to talk for the bride, but leads it the day before, and the next day they bring it for it - what they give. And the ardors lived with the animal, lived in Scotch: they killed each other, they were all unclean, and they had no marriages, but the girls were scared at the water. And radmichits, nodgy and northerners had a common custom: they lived in the forest, like all the animals, ate all unclean and hazarded under the fathers and during sneahs, and they didn't have marriages, but playing the play between the villages, and converged on these players, on Dance and on all sorts of demonic songs, and here wrapped their wives in a collusion with them; We had two and three wives. And if anyone died, then they arranged a TRIZNU on it, and then they made a big deel, and pinned the dead man, and burned, and after, gathering the bones, they put them in a small vessel and put on the roads on the roads, as they do now Natishi. The same custom kept curvatures, and other pagans who do not know the law of God, but their own law.

Heorgy speaks in his chronicles: "Every people have either a written law, or the custom that people who do not know the law are observed as a legend of fathers. Of these, the first are Syrians living on the edge of light. They have the law of their customs with their fathers: not to engage in love and adultery, do not steal, not slander or kill and, especially, not to do evil. Such is the law and Bactrian, called otherwise rakhmans or islanders; These on the covenants of the great-grandfather and from piety do not eat meat and do not drink wine, do not create fornication and no evil do, having great fear of God's faith. Otherwise, among the neighboring Indians. These - killers, sketches and ammunition over all measures; And in the internal regions of their country - people eat there, and kill travelers, and even eat like dogs. Haldean's law and Khaldean, and Babylonians: Mothers are taken on the bed, the fornication is created with the children of the brothers and kill. And every shamelessness is creating, considering it a virtue, even if they are far from their country.

Another law of Gilius: their wives are plowing, and build houses, and male affairs are committed, but they indulge in love, how much they want, who are not restrained by their husbands and without having fun; There are among them and brave women, skillful in the hunt for animals. They rule their wives over their husbands and command them. In Britain, there are some husbands with one woman with one woman, and many wives with one husband have a connection and lawlessness as the law of fathers commit, not the condemnant and not held away. The Amazons do not have husbands, but, as a clever cattle, once a year, close to spring days, come out of their land and are combined with surrounding men, counting the time as if a certain celebration and great holiday. When will get started from them in the womb, - we will scatter from those places. When will the time come to give birth and if a boy is born, then they kill him, if the girl will be fed up and diligently erupted. "

So, with us now, the Polovtsy hold the law of their fathers: blood shed and even praise by this, eat a man and hamsters and hamsters, and take their stepmother and daughters, and follow the customs of their fathers. We, Christians of all countries where we believe in the Holy Trinity, in a single baptism and confess the uniform faith, we have a single law, since we were baptized in Christ and in Christ were enjoyed.

After time, after the death of the brothers of these (cius, cheek and choriv), he began to oppress Polyala Doodle and other surrounding people. And they found their Khazars sitting on the mountains of these in the forests and said: "Pay us tribute." Polyana, having granted, gave them from smoke along the sword, and attributed their Khazars to their prince and to the elders, and told them: "Here, we found a new tribute." The same asked them: "Where?" They also answered: "In the forest on the mountains above the Dnipro River." Again asked those: "What did you give?". They showed a sword. And the elders Khazarski said: "It's not good tribute to this, princess: we got it weapon, sharp only on the one hand, - sabers, and these weapons are double-edged - swords. They are destined to collect tribute and with us and from other lands. " And all this came true, for they did not speak, but according to God's command. So it was both with Pharaoh, Tsar Egypt, when Moses led to him and said the elders of Pharaoh: "This is destined to humiliate Egyptian land." So it happened: the Egyptians died from Moses, and at first they worked on them Jews. Also these: first rule, and after they rule themselves; So there is: they own the Russian princes of Khazari and this day.

In the year 6360 (852), Indict 15, when Mikhail began to reign, the Russian land began to be united. We learned about this because at the same time the king came Russia to the Tsargrad, as the Greek chronicle writes about it. That is why from this pore will start and set the numbers. "From and to the Flood of 2242, and from the Flood to Abraham 1000 and 82 years old, and from Abraham to the outcome of Moses 430 years, and from the outcome of Moses to David 600 and 1 year, and from David and from the beginning of the reign of Solomon to the prison of Jerusalem 448 Years "and from captivity to Alexandra 318 years old, and from Alexandra to the Nativity of Christ 333 years old, and from Christ of Christmas to Constantine 318 years old, from Constantine to Mikhail this 542 years old." And from the first year of the reign of Mikhail to the first year of the reign of Oleg, the Russian prince, 29 years old, and from the first year of the reign of Oleg, since he sat down in Kiev, until the first year Igor, Igor, Igor until the first year, Svyatoslavov 33 years old, and from the first year of Svyatoslav to the first year Yaropovkova 28 years; And the printed Yaropolk is 8 years old, and Vladimir Princed 37 years old, and Yaroslav rejected 40 years. Thus, from the death of Svyatoslav to the death of Yaroslav 85 years; From the death of Yaroslav to the death of Svyatopolka 60 years.

But we will return to the same and tell what happened during these years, as already started: from the first year of the reign of Mikhail, and in order of the year.

Per year 6361 (853).

Per year 6362 (854).

Per year 6363 (855).

Per year 6364 (856).

Per year 6365 (857).

Per year 6366 (858). Tsar Mikhail went with warriors on the Bulgarian on the shore and the sea. Bulgarians, having seen that they could not resist them, asked to baptize them and promised to conquer the Greeks. The king baptized the prince of them and all the boyars and concluded peace with Bulgarians.

Per year 6367 (859). Varana from the Floor was charged with tribute to the sorces, and with Sloven, and from Mary, and with Curvic. And the Khazars were taken from the field, and from the northerners, and with a silver coin with a squirrel and protein from smoke.

Per year 6368 (860).

Per year 6369 (861).

Per year 6370 (862). They expelled Varyag for the sea, and did not give them Dani, and they began to own themselves, and they didn't have a truth among them, and they had a genus on the genus, and they had a gravestone, and began to fight with each other. And they said: "We are looking for a prince who would have owned and judged by us." And went for the sea to Varyags, to Russia. Those whocks were called Rus, as the others are called Swedes, and other Normans and Angles, and other Gottants, and these. They said Rus Chok, Slovenia, Curvichi and the whole: "Our Land is great and is abundant, but there is no order in it. Come pronomize and possess us. " And three brothers were chosen with their birth, and took with them all of Russia, and came, and Senior, Rurik, in Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, on Belozer, and the Third, Trour, - in Izborsk. And the Russian land was nosed from those whirlwinds. Novgorod residents are those people from the Varygsky kind, and before they were Slovenia. After two years, Sineus and brother of his trumor died. And he accepted all the power of one Rurik, and began to hand out her puzzles to the city - that Polotsk, this Rostov, another Belosero. Varyags in these cities are Nazilli, and the indigenous population in Novgorod - Slovenia, in Polotsk - Crivichi, in Rostov - Merry, in Belozero - the whole, in Murom - Murom, and above, Rurik ruled. And he had two husbands, not relatives of him, but the boyars, and they took over to the Tsargrad with their origin. And they went on the Dnieper, and when they sailed past, they saw a small town on the mountain. And asked: "Whose town is it?". The same answered: "There were three brothers" Kii "cheeks and choriv, \u200b\u200bwhich built this town and cried, and we are sitting here, their descendants, and pay tribute to Khazara." Askold and Deer remained in this city, they collected many Varyagov and began to own the land of Polyan. Rurik reigned in Novgorod.

Per year 6371 (863).

Per year 6372 (864).

Per year 6373 (865).

Per year 6374 (866). Askold and Dir war on the Greeks and came to them in the 14th year of the reign of Mikhail. The king was at this time hike on Agaryan, it came to the Black River, when the Epars sent him the news that Russia goes around to Tsargrad, and the king returned. These were entered into the trial, many Christians killed and besieged to Tsargrad with two hundred ships. The king hardly entered the city and prayed all night with the Patriarch Fothem in the Church of the Holy Mother of God in Velversna, and they carried the divine robe of the Holy Mother of God with the songs, and washed her semi in the sea. It was at this time silence and the sea was calm, but here it suddenly rose a storm with the wind, and again the huge waves got up, the shoddigious Russian shodded ships, and nailed them to the shore, and broken, so that few of them managed to avoid this trouble and return home .

Per year 6375 (867).

Per year 6376 (868). He began to reign Vasily.

Per year 6377 (869). Beschen was the whole earth Bulgarian.

Per year 6378 (870).

Per year 6379 (871).

Per year 6380 (872).

Per year 6381 (873).

Per year 6382 (874).

Per year 6383 (875).

Per year 6384 (876).

Per year 6385 (877).

Per year 6386 (878).

Per year 6387 (879). Rurik died and handed over his own swarm - his parents his own, giving him the son of Igor, for he was still very small.

Per year 6388 (880).

Per year 6389 (881).

Per year 6390 (882). Oleg made himself, taking a lot of warriors with him: Varyagov, Chok, Slane, I said, all, curvice, and came to Smolensk with Curvoes, and accepted power in the city, and put her husband in him. From there went down, and took love, and also planted her husband. And they came to the mountains of Kiev, and he learned Oleg that the Askold and Deer were pronounced here. He hid one warriors in the rooks, and left behind behind, and he began to bear the baby Igor. And walked to the Ugric grief, hiding his warriors, and sent to Askold and Dira, telling them that de "We are merchants, we go to the Greeks from Oleg and Prince Igor. Come to us, to your parents. " When Askold and Deer came, everyone else came out of the rest, and Oleg Ascold and Dira said: "Not the princes you are not a princely kind, but I have princely kind," and showed Igor: "And this is Rüric's son." And Askold and Dira killed, attributed to the mountain and buried Askold on Mount, which is called the now Urokskaya, where Olmin Yard; On the grave of Olma put Saint Nikola; And Dirov's grave - for the Church of St. Irina. And Sell Oleg, the princess, in Kiev, and said Oleg: "May this mother will be Russian." And he had Varyagi, and Slavs, and others who called Rus. He Oleg began to put the cities and installed Dani Slovenam, and Curves, and Mary, and installed Varyags to give tribute to Novgorod for 300 hryvnias every year for the sake of peace, which was given to Varyagam until the death of Yaroslav.

Per year 6391 (883). Oleg began to fight against the razlyan and, conquering them, took tribute to them in black kunice.

Per year 6392 (884). Oleg went to the northerners, and won the northerners, and laid an easy tribute on them, and did not tell them to pay tribute to Khazar, saying: "I am the enemy of them" and you (they pay). "

Per year 6393 (885). I sent (Oleg) to the radar, asking: "Who gives tribute?". They also answered: "Khazar". And Oleg told them: "Do not give Hazars, but pay me." And they gave Oleg on a church, as the Khazaramen were given. And Oleg ruled over the glades, and the Drevlyans, and Northerners, and Radmichi, and fought with streets and tivers.

Per year 6394 (886).

Per year 6395 (887). Leon reigned, the son of Vasily, who was not looking at Lvom, and his brother Alexander, and reign 26 years old.

Per year 6396 (888).

Per year 6397 (889).

Per year 6398 (890).

Per year 6399 (891).

Per year 6400 (892).

Per year 6401 (893).

Per year 6402 (894).

Per year 6403 (895).

Per year 6404 (896).

Per year 6405 (897).

Per year 6406 (898). The eels were walked by the mountain of Keeva, which is now getting around Ugors, came to the Dnieper and became regraces: they walked just like the Polovtsy now. And, having come from the east, they rushed through the great mountains, which were nicknamed by the Ugric mountains, and began to fight with people who lived there and Slavs. After all, they were here before Slavs, and then the Slavic land captured the Volochi. And after the Ugra, the Volokhov was driven, inherited that land and settled with the Slavs, conquering them; And since then, the land of Ugrics was nosed. And the erochs began to fight with the Greeks and replaced the land of the Thracian and Macedonian to the very Selown. And began to fight with moores and Czechs. There was one people Slavic: the Slavs who were sitting on the Danube, conquered by the Ugra, and Morava, and the Czechs, and Poles, and the Polyana, who are now called Russia. For them, after all, brazers, first created letters called by Slavic diploma; The same grades and Russians, and the Bulgarian Danube.

When Slavs lived already baptized, the princes of their Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kolet sent to the king Mikhail, saying: "Our Earth is baptized, but we have a teacher who would follow and teach us and explained the holy books. After all, we do not know Nor Greek, nor Latin; Some teach us so, while others otherwise, we do not know that we are not drawing the letters or their meanings. And send us teachers who could interpret the words of book and the meaning of them. " Hearing this, the king Mikhail convened all philosophers and handed them all the said Slavic princes. And they said philosophers: "There is a husband in the village, the name of the lion. He has sons who know the Slavic language; Two sons he has a skillful philosophers. " Hearing about it, the king sent for them to Lion to Selun, with the words: "We went to us without delaying our sons of Methodius and Constantine." Hearing about it, the lion soon sent them, and they came to the king, and he said to them: "Here, sent the Slavic land to me, asking for a teacher who could interpret the sacred books, for they want it." And they persuaded their king, and sent them to Slavic land to Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotel. When (these brothers) came, - they began to make slavic ABC and transferred the apostle and the gospel. And we were glad to the Slavs that they heard about the greatness of God in their own language. Then they were transferred to the psaltry and okes and other books. Someone began to blather the Slavic books, saying that "no people should have their own alphabet, except for the Jews, Greeks and Latinians, according to the inscription Pilate, who wrote on the Cross (only in these languages)." Hearing about it, Pope condemned those who hoolit Slavic books, saying like this: "Yes, the word of Scripture will be fulfilled:" Let all nations praise God, "and the other:" Let all nations praise the greatness of God, since the Holy Spirit gave them to say. " If one who gets the Slavic diploma, and will be late from the church until it is corrected; These are wolves, not sheep, they should be recognized by their actions and take care of them. You, Chad, listen to the Divine Teaching and do not reject the church teachings that your Methodius gave you a mentor. " Constantine returned back and went to teach the Bulgarian people, and Methodius remained in Moravia. Then the prince Koled put Methodius by the Bishop in Pannonia on the table of the Holy Apostle Andronicus, one of the seventy, the student of the Holy Apostle Paul. Methodius planted two Popov, good scorpiors, and translated all the books completely from the Greek to Slavic in six months, starting in March, and finished at the age of 26 of October. Having finished, he made a worthy praise and glory to God, who gave such grace to the bishop of Methodius, the successor of Andronika; For the teacher of the Slavic people is the apostle Andronicus. The apostle Paul went to the moores and taught there; There is also a Illyry, to which the Apostle Paul reached and where the Slavs organized originally. Therefore, the teacher of Slavs - Apostle Paul, from the same Slavs - and we, Rus; Therefore, we, Rus, Teacher Paul, as she taught the Slavic people and put on themselves from the Slavs Bishop and the governor Andronika. And the Slavic people and the Russian one, because of the Varyagov, they were nosed Russia, and before were Slavs; Though the glades were called, but it was Slavic. Polyans were nicknamed because they sat in the field, and the language was common to them - Slavic.

Per year 6407 (899).

Per year 6408 (900).

Per year 6409 (901).

Per year 6410 (902). Leon-king hired Ugron against Bulgarian. Ugry, attack, replaced the whole earth Bulgarian. Simeon, having learned about it, went to the thieves, and the Ugry moved against him and defeated Bulgarians, so Simeon barely ran into Dorostol.

Per year 6411 (903). When Igor grew up, he accompanied Oleg and listened to him, and led him his wife from Pskov, named Olga.

Per year 6412 (904).

Per year 6413 (905).

Per year 6414 (906).

Per year 6415 (907). Oleg went on the Greeks, leaving Igor in Kiev; I took the same with a lot of Varyagov, and Slavs, Cugh, and Curvic, and Merya, and Drevlyan, and Radmich, and Polyan, and Northerners, and Vyatichi, and Croatians, and Dlebov, and Tivers, known as Tolmachi: these all were called Greeks "Great Scythy". And with these all went Oleg on the horses and in the ships; And it was the ships by the number of 2000. And came to the Tsargrad: the Greeks were closed the court, and the city was accounted for. And Oleg came out to the shore, and began to fight, and many murders created in the vicinity of the city of Grekam, and broke the many chambers, and the church fade. And those who captured in captivity, some explored, others were tortured, others were shot, and some were thrown into the sea, and the Russians made a lot of different evil, as the enemies usually do.

And Oleg commanded his warriors to make the wheels and put the ships on the wheels. And when there was a passing wind, they raised in the sail field and went to the city. The Greeks, seeing it, frightened and said, sent to Oleg: "Do not rucki of the city, let me give you a tribute, which you want." And Oleg Warians stopped, and they made him food and wine, but did not accept him, because it was poisoned. And the Greeks were frightened, and they said: "This is not Oleg, but the Holy Dmitry sent to us God." And I ordered Oleg to give Dani for 2000 ships: 12 hryvnia per person, and it was in every ship for 40 husbands.

And agreed to this Greeks, and became the Greeks to ask the world to not fought Greek land. Oleg, who moves down a bit from the capital, began negotiations about the world with the Greek kings Leon and Alexander and sent to them to the capital of Karl, Farlaff, Vermuda, Rhaul and Stemid with the words: "Pay me tribute." And they said the Greeks: "What do you want, let you". And he ordered Oleg to make its soldiers for 2000 ships of 12 hryvnias on Pokalchin, and then give tribute for Russian cities: first of all for Kiev, then for Chernigov, for Pereyaslavl, for Polotsk, for Rostov, for love and for other cities: for These cities are sitting by the great princes, subject to Oleg. "When the Russians come, let them take the content for ambassadors, how much they want; And if the merchants come, let them take monthly for 6 months: bread, wine, meat, fish and fruit. And let them arrange to them - how much will they want. When Russian will go home, let them take a king on the road, anchors, ropes, sails and what they need. " And the Greeks pledged, and told the kings and all the boyars: "If the Russians are not for trading, then let them not take monthly; Let the Russian Prince declare the Russians who come here to the villages in the villages and in our country. Coming here Russian let them live near the Church of St. Mammoth, and will send them from our kingdom, and they will rewrite their names, then they will take the monthly monthly, - first those who came from Kiev, then from Chernigov, and from Pereyaslavl, and from other cities . And let them enter the city only through the same gate accompanied by the royal husband, without weapons, 50 people, and trade how much they need, without paying any fees. "

The kings of Leon and Alexander signed the world with Oleg, they pledged to pay tributes and swear to each other: they ourselves kissed the cross, and Oleg with her husbands had to swear to the Russian law, and they swore with their weapons and Perun, their god, and hair, god of livestock, and approved the world. And Oleg said: "Surrive for Russia Sails from the Favrok, and the Slavs Koprints," and it was. And hung his shield on the gates as a sign of victory, and went from Tsargrad. And raised Russia sail from the passAlock, and the Slavs are coat, and dried up their wind; And they told Slavs: "Take our tonsstones, the Slavs of Sails from the Pavod are not given." And Oleg returned to Kiev, carrying gold, and the passavoli, and fruits, and wine, and any patrony. And they called Oleg web, because there were people with pagans and unexpected.

Per year 6417 (909).

Per year 6418 (910).

Per year 6419 (911). It was in the West a big star in the form of a spear.

Per year 6420 (912). I sent Oleg my husbands to conclude the world and establish a treaty between the Greeks and the Russians, saying this: "The list from the contract concluded with the same kings of Lion and Alexander. We are from the genus Russian - Chala, Ingeld, Farlaff, Vermad, Rollaw, Gouda, Ruhad, Karna, Frev, Rouer, Aktev, Torang, Lidul, Fost, Rod - sent from Oleg, Grand Duke Russian, and from everyone who is under Hero His, - Light and Grand Princes, and his great boyars, to you, Lev, Alexander and Konstantin, Great in God, the dealers, the kings of Greek, to strengthen and for the certificate of many years of friendship, formerly between Christians and Russians, at the request of our great princes and According to the command, from all those who are under His Russians. Our lordship, above all wishing in God to strengthen and certify the friendship, which existed constantly between Christians and Russians, judged by justice, not only in words, but also on a letter, and a swirl, swear by weapon to his own, to approve such friendship and certify her by faith And according to our law.

These are the essence of the head of the contract, regarding which we ordered themselves God's faith and friendship. I will make me the first words of our contract with you, Greeks, and become each other with all my heart and in all kinds, and do not let me happen, because it is in our power, no deception or a crime of our bright princes on the hand; But we will try to how much of our forces, to preserve with you, the Greeks, in the future years and forever unreserved and unchanged friendship, expressing and lending to the letter with consolidation, an outer certified. Also, you, the Greeks, observe the same unshakable and unchanged friendship for the princes of our bright Russian and to all who are under the hand of our bright prince always and in all the years.

And about chapters relating to possible atrocities, agree: those atrocities that will be clearly certified, let them be considered undoubtedly accomplished; And what will not be believed, let the one side, which hats, so that the atrocities do not believe it; And when the side will double, let it be punishment, which will be a crime.

This: if anyone kill, is a Russian Christian or a Russian Christian, - so dies on the site of the murder. If the killer will run away, and it turns out to be a thing, then the part of his property, which is supposed to be done by law, let him take a relative of the murdered, but also the killer's wife will preserve what he relies according to the law. If it turns out to be a poor killer, then let him go under the court until he is involved, and then yes will die.

If he hit who the sword or will beat any other to the gun, then for that blow or beating, let it give 5 liter of silver by law Russian; If the poor who made this misconduvement, then let it be given how much it can, so that let him take off and the same clothes in which he walks, but for the remaining unpaid amount, let him be in their faith that no one can help him and even if not This residue is charged.

About this: if a Christian is stolen by a Christian or, on the contrary, a Christian among Russian, and the thief will be the thief victim at the time when he makes theft, or if the spike will cook and will be killed, he will not contribute to him from Christians, nor from Russians; But let the victim take it to his own that he lost. If the thief will voluntarily give up, then let him take the one who he stole, and let him be connected, and will give what he stole, in a triple size.

This is: if some of the Christians or from Russians will eat (on robbery) and explicitly will take something belonging to another, then let him return in a triple size.

If the sword is thrown down by a strong wind on someone else's land and there will be some of us, Russians, and will help you to keep it with a cargo and send it again to Greek land, we spend it across any dangerous placeuntil it comes to place safe; If the rook of this buzzi or stranded is delayed and can not return to its places, we will help the rings of that rook we, the Russians, and spend them with their goods to meet. If it happened near the Greek Earth, the same misfortune with Russian rooks, I spend it into Russian land and let them sell goods of that rook, so that if you can sell from that rook, let them leave (in the Greek shore) we, Russians. And when we come (we, Russians) to the Greek land for trading or the embassy to your king, then (we, the Greeks) will miss the goods sold by the goods sold. If any of us happen, the Russians who arrived with the Ladye, to be killed or something will be taken from the rook, then let the perpetrators be awarded to the foregoing punishment.

About these: if the prisoner of one or another side is forcibly held by the Russians or the Greeks, being sold to their country, and if, indeed, it will be Russian or Greek, then let them redeem and return the redefined face in his country and take the price of his bought, or let it be Offered for him the price, leaning for Chelyada. Also, if he will be taken by the war in the war, - still let him return to his country and will be given for him common price His, as already mentioned above.

If there is a set in the army and these (Russians) will want to keep your king, and no matter how much time for them come at what time, and want to stay at your king in your will, then let it be so.

More about Russians, about prisoners. Appeared from any country (prisoners of Christians) on Russia and sold (Russian) back to Greece or prisoners of Christians, given on Russia from any country - all these should be sold at 20 grains and return to Greek land.

About this: if the Chelyadin is stolen, either run away, or the Russians will be sold and complain and complain, let them prove it about his Chellowadin and take it to Russia, but also the merchants, if they lose Cheldadin and appealed, let them demand the court and when they find , - Take it. If anyone does not allow to produce inquiry, it will not be recognized as right.

And about Russians who serve in Greek land from the Greek king. If anyone dies, without reducing his property, he will not have his own (in Greece), then let him return the property to Russia closest younger relatives. If there will be a testament, he will take the one who wanted to inherit his property, and so inherit him.

About Russian trading.

About various people walking in Greek land and remaining debt. If the villain does not return to Russia, then let the Russian Greek kingdom complain, and it will be captured and returned for Russia. Let the Russian Greeks and the same, if the same thing happens.

As a sign of the fortress and invariabry, which should be between you, Christians, and the Russians, this peace treaty, we created Ivanov's spelling on two charters - the king of yours and his own hand, - made him an oath with a pretextful honest cross and sacred as the Trinity of the Unified True God's God and Dalited our ambassadors. We swore to your king, set from God, like a divine creation, by faith and by our custom, not to violate us and anyone from our country's established heads of peace treaty and friendship. And this writing was given to the reign of yours for approval so that this agreement was the basis of approval and identifying the world's existing between us. The month of September 2, Indict 15, a year from the creation of the world 6420. "

The king, Leon, honored Russian ambassadors with gold, and silks, and precious fabrics - and put her church beauty to them, the gold chambers and wealth stored in them: a lot of gold, Pavoloki, gems And the passion of the Lord - the crown, nails, the bugger and the power of the saints, teaching them to be their own and showing them a true faith. And so let them go to his land with a great honor. The ambassadors sent by Oleg returned to him and told him all the speeches of both kings, as they concluded the world and the contract was put between the Greats and Russian and established no crime of oaths - neither Greeks, nor Rus.

And Oleg lived, the princess in Kiev, having the world with all countries. And the autumn came, and he remembered Oleg's horse, who first put to feed, deciding never to sit at him, because he asked the Magi and Kudesnikov: "What do I die?" And he told him one Cudesman: "Prince! From the horse of your beloved on which you ride, do you die from him? " Sold the words of these in the soul of Oleg, and he said: "I will never sit on him and I will not see him anymore." And she commanded feed him and not drive him to him, and lived for several years, without seeing him until he went to the Greeks. And when he returned to Kiev and passed four years, "he remembered his horse for the fifth year, from whom Muck predicted him. And he called on the elder Konyukh and said: "Where is my horse, whom I ordered to feed and take care?". The same answered: "Died." Oleg laughed and squinted that Cudesman, saying: "Magnifier says incorrectly, but all the lies: the horse died, and I am alive." And ordered to settle my horse to himself: "Yes, I will see his bone." And he came to the place where his bare bones were lying and a skull naked, tears from the horse, laughed and said: "Do I accept the skull from this?". And he set foot on the skull, and crawled the snake from the skull, and stung him in his leg. And he was breathing and died. It was mourned by all people with a great cry, and suffered it, and buried on the mountain, called the tickovitsa; There is also a grave of him and Donyn, he will hear the grave Olegova. And it was all the years of the reign of his thirty and three.

It is not surprising that the magazine comes true. So it was and in the reign of Domitian then a certain wonderful name was the name of Apollonium Tiana, who walked and worked everywhere demonic wonders - in cities and villages. Once, when he came from Rome in Byzantium, they stood up his living there to do the following: he expelled a lot of snakes and scorpions from the city so that there were no harm to people and the rival Konsky curd in front of the boyar. So and the Antioch came, and, who simplified by the people of those - antiochianins, suffered from scorpions and mosquitoes, made copper scorpion, and buried him into the ground, and put a small marble pillar over him, and commanded to take people sticks and walk around the city, Shooking the sticks: "Being a city without a mosquito!". And so disappeared from the city of Scorpios and mosquitoes. And asked him about the threatening city of the earthquake, and, having sigh, he wrote on the table the following "Alas to you, an unfortunate city, you will be shaking a lot and you will be hit by fire, paying you (the one who is) on the Oontta shore." About (Apollonia) This and the great Anastasius of God Grad said: "Miracles created by Apollonia, even still in some places are executed: Some - to drive away four-legged animals and birds that could harm people others - to hold river jets, Breeding from the shores, but other and to death and to the detriment of people, although on the curbing of them. Not only because of his lifetimes, he was doing so miracles such wonders, but by death, in his coffin, wondered his wonders to seduce the miserable people often caught by the devil. " So, who will tell about what makes the magic temptation of matters? After all, here, skilled was on the magical seduction and was never considered Apollonium with the fact that in madness I was wisdom to trigger; And he should say to him: "In a word only I do what I wanted," and not to take actions expected from him. That all the closure of God and the creation of Besky is happening - all such matters are experienced by our Orthodox faith, which is firm and strongly staying close to the Lord and are not fascinated by the devil, his ghostly wonders and satanical affairs, creative enemies of the human and servants of evil. It happens that some and the name of the Lord prophesy, like Valaam, and Saul, and Kaiaf, and demons even expel how Judas and her sons were sweetered. Because and on unworthy many times grace, as many testify: because Valaam was everything alien to both righteous live and faith, but nevertheless was graceful in him for the belief of others. And Pharaoh was the same, but he was revealed by the future. And Nebuchadnezzar was a lawsteen, but he also opened the future of many generations, thus testifying that many having witnesses, even before the coming of Christ, do not create signs of their own will to choose people who do not know good. This was also Simon Volkhv, and Menander, and others are the same, because of which it was said according to the truth: "Do not make miracles ...".

Per year 6421 (913). After Oleg, Igor began to prince. At the same time, Konstantin, Son Leon began to reign. And they got out of Igor Derlyan in the death of Oleg.

Per year 6422 (914). Igor went to the Drevlyan and, defeating them, laid a tribute on them more Olegova. In the same year, Simeon Bulgarian came to the Tsargrad and, concluding the world, returned to the ravis.

Per year 6423 (915). For the first time, Pechenegs came to Russian land and, making peace with Igor, went to the Danube. At the same time, Simeon came, Poplenya Frace; The Greeks were sent behind the Pechenegs. When Pecheneg came and gathered already to perform on Simeon, Greek governors raised. Pechenegi, seeing that they themselves quarrel between themselves, left the ravoisi, and Bulgarians fought with the Greeks, and the Greeks were interrupted. Simeon seized the city of Adrianov, who was originally called the city of Oresta - the son of Agamemnon: For Orest once bought in three rivers and got rid of his illness - because he called the city with his name. Subsequently, Caesar Adrian updated him and called Adrian in his name, we call him Adrian Grad.

Per year 6424 (916).

Per year 6425 (917).

Per year 6426 (918).

Per year 6427 (919).

Per year 6428 (920). Greeks have a king Roman. Igor fought against Pechenegs.

Per year 6429 (921).

Per year 6430 (922).

Per year 6431 (923).

Per year 6432 (924).

Per year 6433 (925).

Per year 6434 (926).

Per year 6435 (927).

Per year 6436 (928).

Per year 6437 (929). Simeon came to the Tsargrad, and I shone Frakia and Macedonia, and approached the Tsargrad in great strength and pride, and created the world with Roman-king, and returned to the ravis.

Per year 6438 (930).

Per year 6439 (931).

Per year 6440 (932).

Per year 6441 (933).

Per year 6442 (934). For the first time came to the Tsargrad of Ugra, and they replaced the whole Frakia, the novel signed the world with Ugra.

Per year 6444 (936).

Per year 6445 (937).

Per year 6446 (938).

Per year 6447 (939).

Per year 6448 (940).

Per year 6449 (941). Igor went to the Greeks. And Bulgarians sent the merry king, which goes Russian to Tsargrad: 10 thousand ships. And they came, and boiled, and began to fight the Country of Vifinskaya, and they replaced the land in the Pontic Sea to Heraclia and to the Paflagon land, and the whole country was minted, and the court had forth. And whom they captured - they painted alone, in others, in front of them, they were set, they fired, they were enough, they knocked back their hands and driven iron nails into the heads. Many holy churches betrayed fire, monasteries and villages juggled and on both shores of the court seized a lot of wealth. When the warriors came from the east - Panfire desesec from forty thousands, Foka-Patricia with Macedonians, Fedor-Pratilate with Thracians, with them the surname boyar, they surrounded Russia. The Russians, having consisted, came out against the Greeks with a weapon, and in the cruel battle barely overwhelmed the Greeks. In the evening, the Russians returned to their squad and night, sowing in the rook, sailed. Faofan met them in the rooks with fire and became pipes to start fire on the roots of Russians. And there was a terrible miracle. The Russians, seeing the flame, rushed into the water of the sea, trying to escape, and so the remaining returned home. And, having come to the earth, they told each of her - about the happened and about the Other fire. "As if the lightning of heaven," they said, "they have the Greeks and, launching it, fought us; That was why they did not overcome them. " Igor, returning, began to collect many warriors and sent for the sea to Varyagam, inviting them to the Greeks, going to go on them again.

And year 6430 (942). Simeon went to Croats, and his Croats won, and died, leaving Peter, her son, prince over Bulgarians.

Per year 6451 (943). Ugri came again at the Tsargrad and, having created the world with the novel, the ravisians returned.

Per year 6452 (944). Igor gathered many of the warriors: Varyagov, Rus, and Polyan, and Sloven, and Krivichi, and Tivers, - and hired Pechenegs, and they took the hostages, "and went to the Greeks in the roys and on the horses, seeking revenge for himself. Hearing about it, the Korsouns sent to the novel with the words: "Here are the Russians, without the number of ships, they covered the sea ships." Also, Bulgarians sent the news, saying: "Russian goes and hired themselves Pechenegs." Hearing about it, the king sent to Igor's best boyars with Moloto, saying: "Do not go, but take a tribute to what Oleg took, I will add it to that Dani." Also, the Pechenegs sent the passAll and a lot of gold. Igor, having reached the Danube, convened a squad, and began to keep the advice with her, and he told her Tsareva. The squad of Igor: "If the king says like that, then what we still need, - without having told, take gold, and silver, and the passavoli? Does anyone know who to overcome: Will we, right? Or who in the Union? After all, we go on the ground, but in the depths of the maritime: all the general death. " I listened to their Igor and commanded the Pechenegs to fight the Bulgarian land, and he himself, taking Grekov Gold and the Pavoloki on all the warriors, returned back and came to Kiev of the ravoisi.

Per year 6453 (945). Submitted Roman, and Konstantin, and Stefan ambassadors to Igor to restore the former world, Igor spoke to them about the world. And sent Igor's husbands to the novel. Roman convened Boyar and Sanovnikov. And they led Russian ambassadors, and they ordered them to speak and record the speeches of those and others to the Charter.

"The list from the contract concluded with the kings of Roman, Konstantine and Stefan, Christ-loving lords. We are from the genus of the Russian ambassador and merchants, Igor, Ambassador Igor, Grand Duke Russian, and Common ambassadors: Vustoast from Svyatoslav, Son Igor; Sarasevi from Princess Olga; Heads from Igor, Igor's nephew; ULEB from Volodislava; Kanitar from the preylava; Shikhburn Sfender from a loy wife; Pratten Tudors; Libyar Fastov; Grim Sphirkov; Praston Akun, Igor's nephew; Kara Tudkov; Kashchav Tudors; Evristskov; Wist of Jakov; Istr Aminodov; Pratten Bernov; Javyag Gunarev; Chibrid aldan; Chickel; Steggie Eton; Sphida ...; Alvad Gudov; Futri Tadov; Mutur Utin; merchants Aduun, Adulb, Igivlad, Ulyb, Fronta, Homol, Kuzi, Emig, Turobide, Furosten, Bruna, Roald, Gunaster, Frassen, Smelad, Turburn, Monet, Ruald, Svetling, Styre, Aldan, Tylen, Apubexar, Vuzlev, Sinko , Borich sent from Igor, the Grand Prince Russian, and from all the princes, and from all people of Russian land. And they are entrusted to resume the old world, disturbed for many years hate well and the doctor, and approve the love between the Greeks and Russians.

The Grand Duke is our Igor, and His boyars, and people all Russians sent us to Roman, Konstantin and Stefan, to the great kings of Greek, to conclude a union of love with the kings themselves, with all the deaths and with all the people of Greek for all the years while the sun shines and The whole world is worth. And who finds this love from the Russian side from the Russian side, then let those of them who accepted baptism will receive retribution from the god of the Almighty, condemnation to death in the afterlife, and those who are not baptized, and have no help from God, Neither from Perun, but they will not protect with their own shields, and they will die from their swords, from arrows from their other weapons, and they will be slaves in their entirelime.

And the Grand Duke of Russian and Boyar let him be sent to Greek land to the great kings of Greek ships, as they want, with ambassadors and merchants, as it was established for them. Previously, golden prints were brought, and the merchants were silver; Now she commanded the prince to send letters to us, kings; The ambassadors and guests who will be sent them, let them bring a diploma, so writing it: he sent so much ships so that we learned from these letters that they came with the world. If they come without letters and turn out to be in our hands, then we will contain them under the supervision until we will revive your prince. If we are not allowed and resist, I will kill them, and let them not contribute to your prince. If, killing, returning to Russia, we will write to your prince, and let them do what they want, if the Russians do not come for trade, then let them do not take the month. Let him punish the prince of his ambassadors and coming here by Russians so as not to do the earliest in the villages and in our country. And when they come, let them live near the Church of St. Mammoth, and then we will send, the kings to rewrite your names, and let them take the month of ambassadors, and the merchants month, first those who are from the city of Kiev, then from Chernigov, and from Pereyaslavl, and from other cities. Yes, they enter the city through one gate, accompanied by Tsareva her husband without weapons, a person of 50, and trade how much they need, and go back; My husband is our royal yes guarded them, so if some of the Russians or Greeks create the wrong, then let them judge the case. When Russians come to the city, then let them do not make harm and do not have the right to buy the passavoli more than 50 spools; And if anyone can buy those passow, then let him show a prince husband, but he will impose a press and give them. And those Russians who are departed from here, let them take everything you need from us: food on the road and what the ladies needed, as it was installed earlier, and be returned to its security to the country, and the holy mammoth is no right to winter.

If the Chellowadin runs in the Russians, then let them come to him into the country of the kingdom of our kingdom, and if it is in St. Mammoth, then let him take him; If there is no way, then let our Russian Christians swear according to their faith, and non-Christians according to their law, and let them take their price from us, as it was established before, - 2 Pavoloka for Chelyada.

If someone from the chellowadins of our royal or the city of our city, or other cities will run away to you and will capture something with me, then let him be returned again; And if what he brought, will be all whole, then you will take from it two spools for capture.

If someone will eat from the Russians to take something from our royal people, then the one who will do it, let it be severely punished; if you already take, let him pay doubly; And if it will make the same Greek Russian, let the same punishment, which he got.

If you happen to steal something Russian in the Greeks or the Greek among the Russians, then not only the stolen, but also the price stolen; If it turns out that the stolen has already been sold, and it will return it doubly and will be punished by the law of Greek and according to the Charter and according to the Russian law.

How many prisoners of Christians of our subjects neither led Russians, then for the young man or the maiden, let us give 10 spools and take them, if they are middle age, then let them give 8 spools and take it; If there is an old man or a child, then let 5 spools give for him.

If the Russians are in slavery in the Greeks, then if they are prisoners, let them buy their Russians for 10 spools; If it turns out that they are bought by the Greek, then he should swear on the cross and take its price - how much he gave for the prisoner.

And about the korsun country. Yes, no right to prince Russian to fight in those countries, in all cities of that land, and the country is not concerned with you, but when the warriors will ask us the prince of Russian to fight, "let him give him how much he needs.

And about Tom: if the Russian ship will find the Russian ship, thrown into the coast somewhere, but do not cause him damage. If someone takes something out of him, or turn someone from him to slavery, or kill, it will be subject to the court by law Russian and Greek.

If the Russian korsounts will find at the mouth of the Dnieper for fishing, and they will not cause them any evil.

And yes, they do not have the right to Russian winter in the mouth of the Dnieper, in Belobasch, and in St. Eelney; But with the onset of autumn, let them depart home in Russia.

And about these: if black Bulgarians come and began to fight in the Korsun country, they order the prince of Russian, so as not to let them, otherwise they cause damage to his country.

If the crime of the Greeks will be committed - our royal subjects will be made - yes you do not have the right to punish them, but according to our royal command, let the punishment of his misconduct.

If you kill our subjects of Russian or Russian of our subject, then you will delay the killer relatives of the murdered, and you will kill him.

If the killer will run away and hits, and it will be the property, then let the relatives of the killed will take his property; If the killer turns out to be poor and also hits, then let them seek it until there is, and when there is, it will be killed.

If I hit the sword, or a spear, or another English Greek or the Greek of Russian, then for the lawlessness, let him pay the perpetrator 5 liter of silver by Russian law; If it turns out to be poor, then let him sell everything that it is possible, so even the clothes in which he walks, and that let him remove it, but let them bring an oath for his faith that he has nothing, and Only then let it be released.

If we wish, the kings, you have warriors against our opponents, let you write about the great prince of yours, and it will leave us so much as they wish: and from here you will find out in other countries, which love has among themselves the Greeks and Russians.

We wrote this contract on two charters, and one charter is stored with us, the kings - there are our cross and our names are written, and on the other - the names of the ambassadors and merchants of yours. And when the ambassadors of our royal will leave, let them spend them to the Great Prince Russian Igor and to His people; And those by accepting the Charter, they will try to fully observe what we agreed on and what they wrote about the charters, on which our names are written.

We, those of us who are baptized, in the Cathedral Church swore the Church of St. Ilya in the presence of an honest cross and the charter to comply with everything that it is written in it, and not to break anything from it; And if it violates it from our country - Prince Lee or other who, baptized or unresolved, - so he will not receive help from God, and he will be a slave in the afterlife of his life and will be short as his own weapon.

And unreleased Russians put their shields and naked swords, hoops and other weapons to swear that everything that is written in the Charter of this will be respected by Igor, and all the boyars, and all people of the Russian country in all future years and always.

If someone from the princes or people of Russians, Christians or non-Christians will violate what is written in the Charter of this, - yes will be worthy to die from their weapons and will be damned from God and from Perun for having broken his oath.

And if Igor, the Grand Duke, will preserve the love of this correct, but it will not break until the sun shines and the whole world is worth it, in the present times and in all future. "

The ambassadors sent by Igor returned to him with the Greek ambassadors and told him all the speeches of the King Roman. Igor urged Greek ambassadors and asked them: "Tell me, what did the king punished you?". And the ambassadors of the king were told: "I sent us the king, delighted with the world, wants to have peace and love with the prince of Russian. Your ambassadors led to the oath of our kings, and we sent us to lead to your oath and your husbands. " I promised Igor to do so. The next day, Igor ambassadors called and came to the hill, where Perun stood; And they folded their weapons, and the shields, and gold, and Igor and the people were sworn - how many pagans were between the Russians. And the Christians of the Russians led to the oath in the Church of St. Ilya, which stands over the stream at the end of the step-down conversation and Khazar, - it was the Cathedral Church, since there were many Christians - Varyags. Igor, approving the world with the Greeks, let go of ambassadors, giving them furs, slaves and waxed, and let them go; The ambassadors came to the king and told him all the speeches of Igor, and about his love to the Greeks.

Igor began to pronounce in Kiev, having the world to all countries. And the autumn came, and he began to grasp the razlyan, wanting to take even more tribute to them.

Per year 6453 (945). In that year, the squad Igor said: "Svendeld's rampage washed with weapons and clothes, and we naga. Let's go, the prince, with us for tribute, and you will add, and us. " And he listened to Igor - went to the rallies for the tribute and added a new one for the same, and they created violence against them. Taking tribute, he went to his city. When he walked back, he thought, told his squad: "Go home with a tribute, and I will return and look like more." And let go of his friend home, and his very part of the squad returned, wanting more wealth. Trees, having heard that he was going again, held advice with the prince with her small: "If a wolf is having a wolf to the sheep, then he will bring out the flock until it is killed; So this: if you do not kill it, then we will destroy us. " And sent to him, saying: "Why walk again? I took the whole tribute. " And I did not listen to Igor; And the rall, coming out of the city of Earrows, killed Igor and the warriors, because there were few them. And Igor was buried, and there is a grave of him at the eraser in the village earth and until now.

Olga was in Kiev with his son, the child of Svyatoslav, and his breadwinner was Asmud, and the Voivode Svevend is the father of Mstishi. Told the same Trees: "Here we killed Prince Russian; Take his wife Olga for the prince of our small and Svyatoslav Take and make him that we want. " And sent Drevlyanka best husbands His, twenty, in the roaster to Olga, and stuck in the roaster near Borichev. After all, the water then flowed near the Kiev Mountain, and the people were not sitting on Podol, but on the mountain. The city of Kiev was there, where the yard is now proud and Nikifora, and the princely courtyard was in the city where the courtyard of the Tvorislav and Chiang, and the place for fishing was outside the city; was outside the city and the other courtyard, where the Domestik courtyard is now, behind the Church of the Holy Virgin; Above the mountain was a terman yard - there was a stone Terem there. And Olga talked, that they came with Drevlyan, and called them Olga to themselves, and told them: "Guests are good". And they answered Drevlyan: "Came, Princess." And Olga told them: "So you say, why did you come here?" They answered the same Trees: "We sent us a tree earth with these words:" We killed your husband, as your husband, like a wolf, plundered and robbed, and our princes are good, because they protect the village earth, - go married the prince of ours for Mala "". That was the name to him small, prince Drevlyansky. I said to them Olga: "Your speech is your speech, - my husband is no longer resurrected; But I want to give you the honor of your honor tomorrow; Now go to your roaster and lie down in the rook, great, and in the morning I will send you, and you say: "I do not go to the horses, I will not go back, but bring us in the roaster," and will ask you in Ladie, " And let them go to the roaster. Olga ordered to dig a hole with a great and deep on a wagon yard, out of town, the next morning, sitting in the terme, sent Olga for guests, and came to them, and they said: "Olga calls you for honor." They also answered: "Do not go on the horses, do not go on the cores and pesh, but incur in the roaster." And replied Kiev residents: "We are brought; The prince is killed, and our princess wants for your prince, "and they suffered them in the roaster. They were sitting, magnifying, fed and in great breastplas. And they brought them to the yard to Olga, and as they carried, and they dropped them together with the rook of the pit. And, bowing to the pit, asked them Olga: "Do you feel good?". They also answered: "We are pretty igorous death." And commanded to fall asleep them alive; And they fell asleep them.

And Olga sent to the Ridge, and she told them: "If I really ask me, send the best husbands to go with great honor for your prince, otherwise Kiev people will not be allowed." Having heard about it, the Drevlyan elected the best husbands who managed the church earth, and sent them. When the Drevlyan came, Olga ordered to cook a bath, speaking them like this: "Washing out, come to me." And natopili by the bath, and entered it with rall, and began to wash; And locked them with a bath, and Olga commanded to light her from the door, and here everything burned down.

And he sent to the rallians with the words: "I already go to you, make Honey Many in the city, where my husband was killed, and I swear on the grave and make a trianue in my husband." They, heard about it, brought many honey and brewed it. Olga, taking a small squad with him, went light, came to the grave of her husband and melted him. And commanded people to pour a toghyl hill to their hill, and when they poured, ordered to make a TRIZNU. After that, they gotten to drink, and ordered Olga to send them to their departures. And they said Dawn Olga: "Where is our squad, who sent you?". She also replied: "Go for me with my husband's boyfriend." And when the dawn was drunk, told the birth rates to their drinks in their honor, and herself walked nearby and ordered the squad to chop up the Drevlyan, and they were excised 5,000. And Olga returned to Kiev and gathered the army on the remaining.