Repairs Design Furniture

Source information about a stool. The history of the emergence of a chair and a stupid. New time and its stools

Creative project

According to the subject "Technology"



student 8 "a" class


Nosdryukhin Alexander.


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1. From the history of the appearance of the toaster ......................3-6.

2. Justification of the emergence of the need ............ .... 7.

3. Selection of material ..........................................8.

4. Tools and devices .................. ... ... 9.

5. The size of the toaster ................................. ...... ... 10.

6. The drawing of the toaster .................................... .... ... 11.

7. Technological card ........................... ... 12-13.

8. Rules of TB ............................................. 14-15.

9. Procedure of work. ....................................... 16-17.

10. Evaluation of the work .... .............................. .. ......... 18.

11. Economic calculation ... ............ .. .................19.

12. Literature used ......... .. ..................... 20.

From the history of the appearance of the toaster.

Stool - Furniture product for the seating of one person without backrest and armrests.

One of the first inventions of man was a stool. Before the ancient man came up with a stool, he was sitting on Earth. When people realized that they were sitting on the ground cold and damp, they began to put the skins, beams of grass or branches. The prototype of the toaster has become a log. But since it rides, then someone thought of hacking him into pieces and sit on the resulting lion. Such a chubban was not very easy to transfer from place to place, and it began to cut off unnecessary parts from the sides or from the bottom so that it remains stable.

In conditions of limited spaces in the premises stools - the most suitable furniture products, they occupy little space. A wooden chubban is considered to be similar to the stool, he can act as seats or tables.

The most ancient samples of the found stools are dating about 3000 g to our era.

In ancient Egypt for the manufacture of furniture, including stools, a tree was actively used. Stools in those days used even kings and pharaohs in their everyday. And in the go, there were not only ordinary, but also folding stools, the seats of which were performed from the tree, and the legs reminded the hooves and were made from elephant fangs.

Ancient wooden furniture samples found in Egyptian burials whose age is more than 5 thousand years.

During the first dynasty, the stool served as a throne for pharaohs.

Even later, a shape appears in the form of a saddle, spied by nomads. A representative of the steppe nationalities in order not to sit on the cold soil, used as a seat removed from the horses sneaking. In the middle of the last century, Akilla Castiloni was the first to take off the seat with a bicycle and put it on a steel rod with a stand - turned out to be stool. The shape of the toaster-saddle positively approved physiotherapists: as such a seat will allow you to redistribute the load from the lumbar spine on the sedlication bone

The mass production of stool began in the 30s of the last century. In those years, the brilliant simplicity of stool, bordering the perfection, conquered many - the seating of a round shape and legs from plywood in the form of the letter "L" were riding the grace. And thanks to the simple technology and the minimum number of parts, the production of stool was very cheap. Historians find in such a stool and symbolic features. For example, a round wooden seat symbolizes the sun, the legs of the tokevere are rays. Thus, the house appeared in the house, another one. In addition, the ecology of such furniture was a big plus. And such stools are easy to stored. They can be simply put on top of one another and remove into the storage room.

With a French yard, luxurious, covered with silk chairs played an important role in the palace ritual. On the royal age, everyone was obliged to stand. Only some court ladies, the king gave the "Tuberet's right", that is, the right to sit in his presence.

The miracle of the folk designer thought is a single-footed stall stirmers for taking around the lower back. When a lazy shell pass his goats on the slope, he didn't even need to take a stool in his hands - he constantly wore him on himself, and stopping to sit down, just stuck the leg into the ground.

Stools are very popular to this day, and the variety of forms, sizes and colors simply amazing imagination.

Stools are used for various purposes and to perform various works and therefore are:

· Kitchen stool - stool designed to perform work in the kitchen.

· For tourists - folding stool with light, solid base, resistant to moisturizing and heating.

· Bar stool - high stools, with support for the feet.

· For playing on a musical instrument - stools, with a rotating, customized at the height of the seat.

· Special purpose - intended for a particular type of work, and having specific features (size, strength indicators, coatings).

Stools are made of wood, metal, plastics, chipboard, MDF, plywood and other materials. The toaster seat is like a rigid (including with facing from the abrasion-resistant material, such as plastic), and with a soft element with an upholstery of fabric or skin.

Interesting Facts

In Moscow, on Taganskaya Street there is a monument to a stool. From April 3, 2007, in the former estate of the Arshchevsky brothers houses the Museum of Furniture, before which the three-meter monument to the stool is tested.

Similar information.

Stool, stool - Generation of the USSR perfectly remembers this indispensable subject on utility kitchens, dachas and balconies. A stool was a permanent and indispensable subject for seating in concert halls and in cinema halls on the premieres. The chair was considered a more refined piece of furniture, not for "simple". Now the stool has practically left home, and even more so public use. But many remember and know what it is. But how many are the story of the origin of the tokeret? For the cognition of history, we first turn to the etymology.

Etymology of the word "stool"

The word "stool" comes from French, stool - in the French "Tabouret" - a pad for needles, as a rule, round shape. Or Starofranzesky, diminutive "tabour" or "Tambour", which is literally translated as the "drum". But in Russian, the word came from German - "Taburett". In Germany, those years, the word meant the subject without a back and armrests for the seating of a person.

The concept of the subject "Stool"

Modern stools are made from different affordable materials, metal, plastics, wood, plywood. It consists of a stool from the seat, legs, the king and pride.

Explain what the seat is probably not needed. This is a part of the toaster on which they are sitting. Seats are rigid, with additional facing for beauty and soft, with upholstery. Upholstery is leather, dermatin and linen, from various fabrics. The same seat, if rigid, can be covered with transparent or colored plastic.

Tuberet's legs are usually performed from the same material as the seat, plastic, wood or plywood. Even the legs, like the details of the tobabere, are called supports.

Tsargi and prodes are used to increase the strength of the structure. Tsargi are transverse crossbars that are under the seat, increase the strength of the toaster and serve as an additional fastening for the seats itself. And the prodes are transverse crossbars that are between the legs below the seat and pride. Canggi is an element that allows you to increase the strength of the stuff design.

In order for the seat does not slip from the tobabere itself, as well as for fastening the seat, the shallow holes are drilled in pride and drive small, usually round in cross section, wooden sticks. They are called - Skanants. Sometimes the stool is collected without a wad, attaching the seat to the prodes and legs with nails or screws. And for the sustainability of the seat, as an additional stubborn surface, and "crackers" are attached to pricers, small ski, fastening to the seat to the seat on the inside of the pride.

What are types of stools and their functional purpose

  • Bar stool - stool, as a rule, with a spinning seat and on high legs, so that sitting near the bar counter, did not have to build or stretch. At the bottom of the legs of such stools there are still crossbars for foot support.
  • Stool for playing drums. The low stool having a metal housing, a spinning seat, reinforced under the mow, so that the musician does not slip back at the drum pedals.
  • The kitchen stool is the most common and familiar to everyone. Such a stool, for sure, there are at home for everyone.
  • Tourist stool - folding, light metal, with tarpaulin or plastic seat.
  • Stools for playing musical instruments - heavy, with metal base stools. With tuning height and spinning seat.
  • Special destination stools - intended for any work, having features in their structure, for example, a laboratory stool.

In Moscow there is a monument to a stool. It was opened on April 3, 2007. If you are interested in stool history, you can visit the museum, which is just behind this monument, in the former estate of the Archer brothers on Taganskaya Street.

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A, m. Stool and, g. Tabouret m. 1. Chair with a square or round rigid seat without a back. Bass 1. Bench. Kurganov. Stool bench, without election. Dal. Canape One, Twelve Chairs, Two Tubevere Velvet Roll, are trimmed ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

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As soon as a person straightened his back and began to walk, he began to look for the opportunity to sit down and restore forces. Under the legs - cold wet soil, and it was necessary to find a more comfortable way of landing.

Architecture has become the progenitor of furniture. One of the first building forms was Dolmen - these are two stones, blocked by a flat plate. It was for this principle that a stool was created - the first type of furniture in our history. As thousands of years ago, and now the stool was the seat, connected from 2, 3 or 4 supports with legs. Neither backs, nor armrests.

The oldest story of Tabevet

Stools of the ancient Egyptians

The history of the simplest seat begins for us about 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt. Egyptian furniture compared to modern was very low, and stools are especially. Historians say that, most likely, the cause of such miniature was a small increase in people of early civilizations: withmale's low growth - 159 cm, women - 153 cm.

The stool was a common piece of furniture, and used it in a variety of needs.

fig. one(Source: Pinterest)

Egyptian reliefs show that the child appeared on the stool, which may have a hole in the seat.

Women in the process of childbirth were often depicted since nothing in this was not seen. (Fig. 1)

A little later, in the middle of the 3th millennium, the stool became the attribute of rich classes, and even Pharaohs were not bent to them using pillows for softness. At this point, a tiny back appears (Fig. 2) - the prototype of the chair, but this is the beginning of another story.

fig. 2 (Source:

Chairs were made of wood. Elephant, inlay and leather were used as a decor for especially rich people.

fig.3 (

This folding stool (Fig. 3)from ebony with an inlaid ivory - From the tomb of Tutankhamon.

A simple stool turned into a rather complex subject that becomes a work of art. Slaves and peasants were satisfied with their own knees or just squatted (Fig. 4).

fig.4 (Source:


Civilization in the interfluve developed simultaneously with Egyptian, so their furniture had a lot of similar. The first seats - stools - appeared here aboutkolo 3100-2370 BC, as evidenced by the remnants of painting on ceramics.

Chairs and stools were only available for nobility, and simple mesopotamas lived at the ground level, using carpets and pillows.

Modern residents remained for memory of the ancient people stools with in the shape of a box with lattice side panels from the root (Fig. 5). Historians note that it is such a drawing that is used by the inhabitants of Iraq today when weaving boxes for storing vegetables and fruits. This craft with minor changes lives for more than 4000 years.

fig. 5 (

Later, already in the Assyrian period began to appear image images near the table during meals. Chair with a convenient inclined back, which was used in Egypt, has not yet appeared. But there are drawings of high straight chairs, on which the kings and the scenes are sitting strictly vertically. This not very ergonomic option testified of status, but it was unlikely to be a source of comfort.

Stool in ancient Greece

The earliest image of the chair in the Aegean period is the relief of the harper (Fig. 6). The type of such chair reminds Mesopotamian or Egyptian furniture, but no images confirming or refuting the theories of historians have not been preserved. So the first stools in this region are a mystery.

fig. 6.

The Palace of Tsar Minos can tell us much more. In the period 2000-1000 BC. There was a birth of the future European civilization, and the life of life remotely resembled our days. The main preserved object of the furniture is the royal throne surrounded by stone benches. But as for stools, here people were sitting on about the same products as the ancient Egyptians.

fig. 7.(Source: Pinterest)

Crete-Mycenawhich lasted from 1600-1200. BC. Left little traces after myself. In the era of the Trojan War and Travel Odyssey, most of the legends and stories passed exclusively from the mouth of the mouth. And therefore - no reliable information. And yet a linear letter B, which is still deciphered so far, gives us knowledge that Achilles and Hector could well use benches, chairs and tabretes. But what they looked - the question.

Classical Greece - This is a variety of furniture and abundance of sources, of which we learn about the first appearance of a classic chair, about the anatomically curved backs, which we still use about the thrones created by the type of Egyptian.

All the seats were light and easily could be transferred from place to place. The mobile furniture was the stool, as close as possible to human forms, that is, a convenient, and not just a status.

The seats remain the property of a rich population, but its use becomes the daily part of the life of men and women of noble origin.

fig. eight(Source: Pinterest)

The Greeks were sitting on the tops of two types:

  1. DIFR or DIFROS, from Dr. Greek. Δίφρος had four perpendicular legs and a rectangular seat, which was covered for the greatest convenience with a pillow or rug.
  2. Another chair - Diffros Oakladias from Dr. Greek. Δίφρος ὀκλαδίας - in which the legs intersect, most often it was folding, which facilitate travel and military trips (Fig. 9).

fig. 9 (Source: Wikipedia)

In general, from VIII to i centuries. BC. The type of furniture has not changed. Greek masters have become a landmark for all subsequent eras, and during this period something is hardly invented something radically new.

Greek stools received the widest spread on Earth: the Romans were tested, separated throughout the Minor Asia, in Italy, in the south of Russia, in North Africa and on the East.

Stools were pretty high, so most often used a special footboard.

fig. 10 (Source: Pinterest)

Roman In no way affected the development of stools, and the seats in general. Rather, they retained the Greek heritage, adding only ornaments and decorations to their taste. Mobile furniture was particularly popular - folding stools, which traveled behind their noble owners on numerous military campaigns and meeting rooms.

Byzantium Present Christian accent of Hellenistic sophistication. Now on the ancient stool, covered with pillows, could resend the Old Testament Character Jesus Navin, who stopped the sun. As, for example, on the relief made in Constantinople in the C and Court (Fig. 11).

fig. 11 (Source: Pinterest)

Medieval stools

Barbarians who ruined Rome were quite puzzled by finding piles of objects of completely incomprehensible. Stools, chairs, inlaid benches and royal thrones, as well as sculptures and terms Mean nothing for them. If desired, sit down - they sat on the ground.

Nevertheless, classical art was not lost, Christians took some pagan forms and transformed them. Asketika - the favorite word of the Christian Middle Ages - touched not only thoughts. The furniture becomes massive, and soon again its main goal becomes exclusively a status demonstration. Greek ergonomics remains to wait for the best times.

The gothic stool was the most common type of furniture. Notable and rich practically refused the trones and chairs in favor of this neat, but inconvenient subject. Stools were collected without a single nail. The support was served by carved wide and flat legs-struts, seats - flat board. No anatomical excesses.

fig. 12 (Source:

Residents of medieval Europe were not only despicable in the desire to pleasure, but also practical. Thanks to the combination of the two these qualities, a unique product appeared - a stool-chest. It was sitting on it, stored things in it. By the way, in ancient Russia, the multifunctionality today is also like a fashionable today. The chest could notice not just a seat, but also a sleeping place.

fig. 13 (Source: Pinterest)

On the chairs, between those, the sole spiritual and intellectual elite of the Middle Ages - monks continues to sit. Simple people could stay on an inverted bucket.

It is the monks that we are obliged to develop furniture, as they adjusted it to their "scientists" needs: the need to quickly and easily work at the desk. So in the XIV century a rotating chair also appeared and the same stool (Fig. 14).

fig. 14 (Source:

New time and its stools

In the XVI century handicraftki is looking for antique ideals and try to give furniture refined species, make it nicer and more convenient for the human body. Tastes dictated to know, not a clergy, and therefore aesthetics and comfort were again in honor.

Yet England was pretty ascetic and restrained. For example, this stool was created in the XVII century. (Fig.15), but in its functionality, he was little different from medieval.

fig. 15 (Source: Pinterest)

Meanwhile, the first upholstered furniture - armchairs, puffs, sofas and stools are appearing in France, the domain of the royal palace, the pride of Versailles. The epoch stools of the Sun king more resembled modern puffs and were created to relax in Bouda.

fig. 16 (Source: Pinterest)

Chairs played a big role in the royal ceremonial, where everything was regulated to the smallest movement. And yet, in the presence of the king, all courtiers were obliged to stand. Only chosen court ladies had the honor to receive the "Taberet's Rights", that is, to sit in the presence of His Majesty. It is possible that it is precisely such stools and used in these cases.

America has already discovered, and therefore in XVIII clearly felt the influence of the new light. At that time, Masters Pennsylvania were especially famous. Rugnald Lewiser Cabineline Stool (Fig. 17) - practical and exquisite - still does not give the antiqua of peace. Today, he is put up in the Metropolitan Museum, and in 2008 at the Sotheby's auction for him was the real struggle. The price of lot amounted to $ 5.2 million!

fig.17 (

Napoleon era stools

In general, to the era of Napoleon, the stools did not differ from each other. Simparishes were content with coarse wooden furniture, could relax on the hemp, and the aristocracy squeezed on silks. The return of furniture to its origins - to the restrained aesthetics of antiquity - we must be the first French emperor. A colossal interest in the Hellenistic world, excavations and discovery returned his initial look at the stuffed by the velvet.

fig. eighteen (

In human use, objects intended for seating appeared among the first. Perhaps this is associated with the structure of the human body - the transition to straightening led to the fact that the person became not convenient to sit on the ground. A person is difficult to quickly get up from the ground, and from mobility of an ancient man depended his life. At first, our ancient ancestors began to fit for the seating of stones (but it is cold on the stones), fragments of wood, skins. Gradually, a person noticed that on a flat surface to sit more convenient than on the convex, and the bribs began to fit for the seating. And in order to relieve, gradually began to choose excess wood, leaving a flat seat and legs. So the stool appeared.

The concept of "stool" is often synonymous with simplicity.

But in its design, stools can be both quite complex and very original, however, as all other things invented and made by man items.

Unlike other representatives of Asian peoples, traditionally preferring to sit without using stools and chairs, the Chinese use furniture for seating.

In the convenience of Chinese, the original shapes are traditionally used, which are either inserted one in the other, or installed in the pyramid. They are used both for seating, as well as small tables or stands.

For additional convenience, the Tabevet had a back, first not high, giving support for the lower back, it was such a seat that was found in Pharaoh's tomb.

Egyptians consider the inventors of folding chairs, the design of which has not changed and so far.

The oldest surviving samples of furniture belong to the era of the ancient kingdom (3400-2980 BC.). Of the objects you are interested in - ordinary and folding stools with legs in the form of hoofs of ruminants (stools are made of wood, but the legs are cut out of whole elephant fangs), a carved chair made of black wood and richly decorated with gold and faience. The black tree had an Egyptian one of the most appreciated wood. It was imported from Sudan. In its products, the Egyptians skillfully combined it with inlays from ivory, glass and precious stones. Other types of wood, such as cedar, cypress and pine, arrived from Syria and Lebanon. A distinctive feature of Egyptian furniture makers was the use of specially grown and curved trunks of trees, the shape of which was given in accordance with the conceived form of furniture.

The relatives of the toaster are benches, shops, only intended for the seating of several people.

Now this furniture is mainly found in the palmatic design - like outdoor furniture, in the gardens, parks. But for the Russian history of furniture, these are the most important items. The difference between the Russian bench and benches in the fact that the shops were not movable, accommodated along the walls and invoicing the design of the wall, and the benches were portable and had either supports at both ends, or only on one, and the second leaned onto a fixed shop.

The one where the owner seated the preceded guest - on a bench or bench, - demonstrated the attitude towards the guest: a respected and welcome guest sat on the bench. The shops in the Russian skeins combined in themselves and the task of providing space for sleep. A special device of the so-called variable bench made it possible to throw the back on one side to another without moving the bench itself. This allowed to use this bench as a crib for a small child - whatever fell in a dream. The benches and benches were used not only in houses of ordinary people, but also in the princely and royal chambers.

Another subject is a relative stool - all sorts of chests and lari. They combined the functions of extension for storage of things, furniture for seating and sleep. The most striking example of such furniture is the caspanka - a chest with a back and armrests.

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