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Endova Metal roofing installation. Endow roof. What it is? How to make endand on the roof

In order for the roof to respond with all the architectural features of modern buildings, it is often made in the form of structures from a plurality of multicate roofs. Geometrically complex rafting system frames have a large amount of adjoins of scanty surfaces forming the inner corner of the roof. Such areas in the design of the wooden roof are called Endov. Another name of this element is a slow-down or a horror endand. Having a V-shaped form, the roof endowers actually plays the role of a horror, which are directed and removed water flows. The competent setting of this element is of great importance, since mounted errors can lead to leaks, damage the insulation and additional cost spent.

UNDOVA device scheme

Endow is one of the most important and complex elements of the roof design. The conjugation line of neighboring skates during operation is subjected to serious climatic loads. During the rain, water flows from the neighboring rods, and snow here accumulates.

Properly mounted Endow not only protects the house from weather and precipitation, but also extends the service life of the roof.

Undow usually consists of a decorative top plank covering the joint of two slopes, and the lower a alarium, which is under roofing

The amount of funds depends on the structural features of the roof, as well as from the presence of additional attic windows.

Depending on the features of the roof design, the number of funds installed will be different

The design of the endoise implies the base device in the form of a solid drying, according to which layer of waterproofing, as well as the presence of the lower and upper element. The bottom plan of the endanders performs the function of the drainage horod, and the upper element serves as a decorative part closing the skate joint. Most often, these elements of the roof are made of metal. The highest quality material for the manufacture of Unders is steel sheets with polymer coatings and special spraying. In some embodiments, the upper part of the end is not used.

To improve the waterproofing properties of the lower end, its upper shelves can be sealing self-seeping porous material.

Depending on the angle formed in the scene of the joint joints, three types of funds are distinguished:

The design of the rafter system, which serves as the basis for the installation of the Enda Plans, depends on the intended type of roofing. In this regard, there are several types of doomles for styling Endovy planks:

  1. A solid drying is used when installing a soft roof. In this case, it is made in the form of a solid coating of waterproofing layers.Installation of endanda in this way is the most simple.
  2. If slate, profiled sheets or tiles are used as roofing for a bartal roof, will have a completely different look. For its device, 2 or 3 edged boards are used, which are mounted along the joints of the roofing coating in 10 cm increments.
  3. Dooming with additional elements. When using metal tile, intermediate strips can be installed.
  4. The wooden base for ondulin is made of two boards 10 cm wide, which is mounted in 15-20 cm increments. Such a base will not allow the SPEA SPECIONS.

Video: Endament and adjoining device

Endowma installation sequence

Installing endanda is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Before starting the installation along the entire length of the cornese swell, a dropper is established for the condensate removal from the underpants waterproofing.

    The drip is made of the same material as the main roofing coating

  2. On both sides on a bone rafter foot with a gap 5 cm from its edge, bars are nailed horizontal counterburst. The lower ends of the bars must be washed with a flush with a cornese sweat.
  3. Increased requirements are placed in the waterproofing in the Endovian area. Three layers of the diffusion membrane are stacked here. Its task to protect the underlying structures and heat-insulating materials from moisture ingress, but not to prevent the output of water vapor. The first layer of the membrane is unfolded along the ending over the horizontal counterclaim. The film inside the counterbuilding forms a kind of horror that protects the wood from wetting on the side in the event of a subcoase condensation. The membrane is attached with the help of a bracket to the upper and side edges of the planks. The membrane is then cut along the edge of the dropper and the counterboots.

    Waterproofing material protects the planks of the counterbuilding from wetting on the side and is attached to them with a construction stapler

  4. Further, the diffusion membrane is laid out on the skates on the rafted on a predetermined markup. Laying of waterproofing on the skates is made by a pigtail, that is, alternately from two sides of the endand. At the same time, the membrane is transferred through both horizontal controls and is cut into its opposite edge. The mounting of the membrane from the skates is also made using a stapler on the side and upper edges of both horizontal counterbursters. The joints of this waterproofing barrier can be glued with two-way tape.

    When gluing the membrane, it is necessary to make a launch of at least 10 cm and sneaking it with bilateral scotch

  5. In order for the membrane does not block on the drip from the wind and did not disenteid over time, it is necessary to glue it to the edge of the bile of a dropper bilateral scotch.
  6. Brucks of the electrical board are stuffed over the waterproofing, which form an air gap for ventilation of the underpants space and condensate removal from the film.

    Between the bottom plank of the endanda and the film of waterproofing leave the condensate removal clearance

  7. Laying the membrane from the opposite skate, as well as the mounting of the brackets to the horizontal control and the sizing bilateral tape occurs in a similar way.
  8. After the membrane is closed, both neighboring skate and endowa are closed, it is completed by a stuffing of the counterbuilding and the installation of brucks of the root. Installation of the lower roasting along the cornese sweep is carried out with the ends of the counterboots.

    Wooden bag, laid on bars. Controlling, is necessary to ventilating the underpants and for fastening the finish coating

  9. In the region of the Endament on the lower stamps of the root, markup is made at an angle for accurate docking with each other. A ventilation tape is installed along the entire cornese swelling to protect against bird penetration.

    Bottom rails in the region of endanders are cut to form a smooth junction

  10. The erases of the crumb on the side of the front-bottom sink are closed closed up the patch of the membrane, which is fixed on the stapler bars. The frontal board is stuffed over it. If this is provided for by the project, the brackets for the fastening of the grooves are mounted throughout the cornis.
  11. In the area of \u200b\u200bEndovy, in the middle between ordinary races of the roach of the roasters, additional bars are stuffed, which support the gullants, not letting it be deformed by the weight of snow. At the same time, thanks to the rapid doom, the space under Yandov's groove is well ventilated. In the presence of a waterway system, a plastic throat apron is mounted. His task is to prevent water and snow to enter the ventilation gap between tiles and waterproofing.

    To counteract snow loads under the slave of the lower end, a rapid label is arranged

In the absence of a drainage system, installing the apron of the sweep is not mandatory.

Video: Installation of endanders on the roof of metal tile

Connection of two endands on the skate

The installation process at the junction of two rtands is as follows:

  1. If the project is provided by the shake of the funds below the skate, then the gutter on both sides are trimmed for a dense pairing and are fixed with self-draws. The joint of the grooves is carefully sickled by a sealing ribbon along the entire length, profiled on the rubble and rolled the roller.
  2. Standard struck at the top is attached to the shell with brackets. The upper angle of the junction is formed by hand, and the flap is pressed against the surface of the grooves.

    In order for moisture to penetrate the underfloor space, at the edges of the Radovy Plans make bend

  3. Flashing is completely locked throughout the entire length, and the efforts can be made only in places above the shap. Over the entire length of the Yandov's groove on both sides, foam bands are stuck. They protect the underfloor space from precipitation and dust. The lower edge of the foam band should have to the air element. If the foam bands for some reason were not used, water, snow and dust will constantly fall under the roofing coating, thereby reducing the service life of the structure.

    Foam bands must be installed necessarily to protect the space under the plank of Endament from water, snow and dust

  4. The roofing material is laid on both adjacent rods in the direction from the front-bottom sweep or the Range of the Indo, which closes the groove as possible. To ensure the smooth flow of rainwater and the somewhat groove on the horror end, the coating on both sides is cut at one level. Fasting of the cutting tiles on the Endovian groove should be from 13 to 15 cm or 8-10 cm from the center of the bottom plank.

    Sheets of metal tiles are cutting up so that they go to the lower line of Endovma at 13-15 cm

A smaller flystone will lead to the fact that the foam strip will be collapsed due to the effects of solar radiation, and the larger - complicates the tile mount.

The cut line is applied in coloring cord by tags, located at the top and bottom of the end, and is placed on both sides of the groove.

Video: Endova with access to the scat on the roof of metal tile

Features of fastening elements of UNDOD assembly

UNDOVA assembly has the appearance of a concave angle between the two rods. To attach this element of the roof, roofing screws are used, which are equipped with a rubber or plastic washer. The washer performs several functions:

  • prevents the surface of the roofing material from scratches and damage;
  • it serves as a waterproofing layer between the self-tapping screw and the hole in the roof, hermetically closing all the gaps.

Rubber washer provides soft clamp of self-pressing and waterproofing of the hole

When installing the strip of the Endament, it is necessary to make a launch of at least 10 cm.

For better sealing of these roofing elements, it is necessary to use a sealing tape.

The slats of the lower end is mounted directly to a wooden shell with the help of crimmer fixed by nails or self-drawing. The upper element of it is necessary to screw the screws to the metal tile. It should be noted that the self-tapping screws for the attachment of the upper endand should not be resting in the lower flavored. The gaps between the roofing coating and the rubberbing sheets must be filled with a foam seal.

Clammers fix the lower bar of the endanda, without damaging her edges

When installing UNDOVA nodes, special attention should be paid to the quality of the root. The installation of the lower alarium is recommended to do on a solid doom, the width of which should be no less than the width of the Endaist itself.

Installation of UNDODA nodes is as follows:

The brackets should be fixed not to the ordinary, but to a rapid doom, otherwise they will interfere with smooth laying of the tiles.

The upper groove is placed on the underlying with a falsestone at least 10 centimeters. When laying, it is necessary to combine the transverse ribs of the gutters and fasten the subsequent grooves is similar to the first.

When installing endands from several slats, it is necessary to make a launch of 10 cm

Installing Aero Eellent Sves

The air element is established for additional support for the lower row of metal tile, as well as to prevent bird penetration under roof.

If the removal is greater, it will hold the garbage in the horror and fallen leaves, as well as prevent sliding snow and rainwater.

Strengthening endanda

The functionality of it is directly related to the quality of its foundation. To enhance it, it is better to use a solid doom.

  1. The waterproofing layer is installed along the entire length of the base. The best option to enhance the bile nodes is the use of angle carpet. This protective coating is made of nonwoven polyester material impregnated with concrete mixes with the addition of modifiers. A sprinkler from basalt crumbs is applied to the upper side of the end carpet, its lower part is covered with sand granules.
  2. The waterproofing material is fixed with special stickers or nails. If the carpet is nails nails, the distance between them should be about 20 cm.
  3. Bottom elements are mounted, roofing, seals and decorative parts.

To enhance UNDOVA nodes instead of standard waterproofing, you can use nonwoven polyester materials

The installation of polyester cloth with bitumen impregnation allows you to solve a number of problems:

  • ensure reliable protection of the internal inflection of the design and other most vulnerable to entering the moisture;
  • create a shock-absorbing layer that will soften the load from the snow;
  • increase the aesthetic quality of the roof;
  • fully eliminate leaks.

Undercuting under the arrangement of endanda

If the endow is arranged on the roof of the tiles, it is often required to cut the elements of the roofing material:

  1. First, the black apparatus is performed, and then the pure markup and trimming of the tiles exactly along the line applied on the Yandov's groove.

    Tile trimming must be made on a circular saw machine

  2. Shipping spikes falling on Undova, knocks off or cut off so that it does not crack on the groove.
  3. The foam band under the tiles should be trimmed - it allows you to immediately put the roofing coating smoothly, without waiting for it when it will sell the strip under the action of its own weight and fall into place.
  4. Pre-in the trim tile drills a hole for a self-press with the calculation so that it does not fall on the groove.
  5. The prepared roofing element is installed in place and attached to the self-tapping screw.

    All laid items should form a flat line, parallel to the axis of the groove

  6. Sometimes when marking it shows that after cutting some elements there is a small triangular fragment, which is difficult to fix. This happens if the cutting line accounts for the right side of the tiles, then the cut line is shifted by 5 cm, and a half-tile is used nearby. It is installed instead of the usual ordinary one through one column from clipped. The consumption of half-fledged roofing elements is one piece into two rows on each side of the Enda.

    Half tiles adds the missing roof fragment if most of the surface of the last coating element falls in this row under trimming

  7. Prepared Cropped Tile lays on its place and fixed with a self-tapping screw. The tile from the top row shifts down and presses the cropped element.
  8. Similarly, the rest of the roofing material in Undova is stacked. When laying on a skate, an extreme ski tile, which goes on the jack of funds, cuts the same line as the tile, located in the rows on the skate.
  9. The upper cut of the upstream tiles is closed by a special ribbon for adjoins. Installation of endanda is completed.

    Corrugated tape is a convenient and efficient material for sealing protruding parts of the roof.

It is impossible to mount the tile through the grooves of the endanda, since at the point of the passage of self-built precipitation will be set under the roof.

Video: Installation of ceramic tiles - Formation of endune

Errors when installing endanda

Installation of Endowma's boiled requires care and skills. Since this element of the roof transfers a large amount of rainwater, the slightest error when it is installed can lead to serious problems and additional costs. The most common errors when installing endanda are:

  1. An attempt to cut off the tile directly on the end, using the Bulgarian. This often leads to damage to the already fixed groove. In addition, it is very difficult to achieve a smooth line of the cut along the entire length of the suspension, so the endow and the entire roof will look slightly, and the flow of water and the somewhat snow will be difficult.

    If the tile cut off unevenly, the roof will have a sloppy view, and water and snow will go from it with interruptions

  2. Fastening a groove with nails along the entire length.
  3. Installing Random Planks from the skate to the bottom edge. In this case, the bottom plank will cover the upper one. In places of the adjoints of these elements, the moisture will fall inside the roof, and does not hold down.
  4. Narrow doom or lack of additional rails. This error will lead to the fact that the weight of snow deforms Enda. As a result, gaps and gaps are formed through which moisture penetrates.
  5. Twisted or insufficiently swirling self-tapping screws. In the first case, roofing is damaged, in the second - moisture will penetrate under the self-sufficiency.

    With improper twisting of the screws in the undercase, water will be increasing, contributing to the destruction of the rafter system

The process of installing endanda requires special knowledge and construction skills. Therefore, the installation of this roofing element is better to entrust experienced specialists. In this case, errors will be excluded, leading to serious problems.

Most of the modern low-rise buildings have a rather complicated roof device, the slopes are increasingly a broken design, with different angles of inclination and location of the main axis. If the roof frame is built from several double-circuit sections having a common intersection line with the formation of an internal angle, then you have to resort to the Endament device.

Simple words, Endow is a line or angle of crossing the planes of two slopes laid on the adjacent roof sections.

The most complex roof device

Most of the roofers call the Endament node by the main headache of any roof, the same time and forces take place onto its device as the whole skate finish. The importance of the correct end of the roof is determined by several circumstances:

  • On the crossing line of two slopes accumulates and flows the largest amount of rain and melt water, so on how correctly the device of the gutter and waterproofing is assembled, the normal functioning of the whole roof often depends;
  • Due to the specifics of the device of the inner corner of the Yandov, it is worse than everything is purged by air streams, so the snow and ice and ice remains there, and therefore the risk of roofing the roofing pie is preserved;
  • By virtue of the constructive features, the angle of the angle of the endhouse is such that in one node two roofing surfaces are fitted, laid on different crates and rafting frames.

For your information! The cause of the tightness of the roof is the tightness of the roof can be a mass of factors, such as a strong wind of the variable direction or incorrect snow cleaning.

Due to the irregular load on different parts of the roof roofing edge, converged in the angle line of the Endow, constantly perform tiny, almost inconspicable euros of the movement relative to each other. Because of this, the device of the junction line of neighboring skates has to be done on a double, twisted or open circuit.

Type Endow Roof

There is a direct dependence of the Undo device from the chart of the rafter system. This also needs to be taken into account when planning the crate, otherwise the waterproofing can be converted under the weight of the snow cover. The second factor affecting the scheme of the EANDOVA device is considered the selected type of roofing.

Experts distinguish three options for docking roofing over the corner line Endov:

  • Installing protective gutters, or open method of device. In this way, angles are collected using rigid sheet roofing materials;
  • Welight angle of Endov with overlap of the attacked or guided roofing cloths from the adjacent roof rods.

All leading roofing manufacturers produce standard sets that allow the arrangement of an angle with the least effort. Even experienced builders prefer to use the finished set of details for the installation of Endow.

Important! The use of standard roofing is the only way to ensure a beautiful appearance and reliable waterproofing.

For soft roofing coatings, a special canvas-based lining carpet is used from polyester tissue. It is clear that before laying the bituminous tiles to the roof of the Endovy line, they are puffed in clapboard or plywood, which is called "skip" so that only the thin slot between the planes remains. Next to the angle, the lining material is stacked, and only after that a bitumen tile is pasted or the roll roof is placed with overlap. The result is a durable and at the same time a flexible transition section of the roof, easily withstanding the pressure of snow and oscillation of the rafter frame.

Endov device for a thin-sheet metal roof

Constructively, the Endov device for a professional flooring or metal tile consists of two gutters - the lower and top, lining tape and insulating gaskets with a wavy profile. The upper chute is considered decorative, and sometimes the device is refused during the endowing device, since it makes it possible that excess of gutters and linings can distort the appearance of the roof. In this case, the schema of the Endow device is called open.

The process of the end-level device under metal tile looks somewhat more complicated than in the case of a soft roofing coating. The specifics of the roof crate device are such that at the edges of the skate, a "weak" zone is always formed, where there are practically no power elements that can hold the design of the endow. Therefore, before laying the gutter, it is necessary to strengthen the crate on the joint. The angle is sewn with a clapboard or a circular board on a width of at least 300-350 mm on each side. This makes it possible to increase the rigidity of the base to which the chute will be laid and at the same time compensate for the water pressure or snow cover.

After stinging the lining or plywood on the joint line, the lining tape is laid. Her task - with a strong rain or condensate falling, do not give moisture to overlapping through the side of the gutter and penetrate the thickness of the roofing cake. Usually, such a lining is produced in a self-adhesive version, but a thick polyethylene film can also be used, which is fixed by a stapler.

Then there is a turn of the lower gutter. It is wide enough to withstand the most powerful flow of water. With the device of the Yandva, the chute is placed on the lining and fixed with the brackets. After that, the edges of the roofing coating are trimmed with scissors so that the gap width allows the upper decorative chute. If the inner angle device is performed according to the open circuit, the clearance cuts into a width of at least 5 mm. This is enough to compensate for the temperature expansion of metal tile. To glue or connect the cut line to any mechanical way is not recommended.


At the last stage, silicone gaskets are stacked under the edge, they are usually made on self-adhesive tape, but in practice they are installed under the edge using silicone. Gaskets prevent the flushing of melt water and strangling the shallow snow dust. If you follow the technology of the inner angle device in full, then the durability of the node will be no less than the main roof roofing coating.

Sergey Novozhilov - expert on roofing materials with 9 years of practical experience in the field of engineering solutions in construction.

The roof of the private house is one of the most important elements of the construction that provides its protection against the effects of external factors in the form of rain, wind or snow, as well as ultraviolet rays of the Sun. All external load is covered with roof roofing, since it is precisely it that has direct contact with the above factors and influences. If, when assembling the roof design, its installation or installation of the roof, make an error, then this can lead to irreparable consequences, moisture can penetrate into the house, which will destroy the solo system. If the rafters made of wood will begin to give in to the effects of water, the roof will quickly become unsuitable, and the wind can deform its design.

In this regard, when creating a house, it is necessary to pay special attention to the roof, its designs and the selection of roofing materials. Absolutely all elements of the roof should form a hermetic layer, reliably protecting the inner space of the house from external influences. Many want the roof to be as attractive as possible, complementing the exterior of a private house, but it must be remembered that this should not interfere with the main functional task of the design - protection of the construction and its inhabitants.

Roofing can be divided into two categories:

  • The material used for the roof is a professional flooring, metal tile, ondulin, etc.
  • Dobory - elements that make out all the joints, transitions, drains and so on.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to pay special attention to the same, for good things, because it is on them the main load is assigned, it is here that the outflow of water and the thaw of snow. In order for all elements to qualitatively performed its role, it is necessary to carry out installation, while observing all the rules and technologies. Endow is one of the similar elements requiring correctly accessing yourself.

The concept of "Endov"

Endov Roof - a place on the roof, where two planes are converging to form. However, this is just a general concept for understanding the meaning of this detail to ordinary people. If the construction direction is touched, the workers have their own idea of \u200b\u200bsuch an element as UNDOVA. According to the formulations of Endov specialists - the form of a challenge element manufactured for the design of two or more planes.

Types of endanda:

  • Open - the joint of two rocks or planes does not have a dense seam, but just covered with a small plank.
  • Closed - in this case, the junction is quite dense and straight.
  • Twisted - represents the junction close so that the drawing of the planes coincides with each other.

It should be understood that the difference between these species is only an external, the functional task is all alone. The last two options are less popular to use, since only professionals with extensive experience and special skills will be able to build them, it is difficult to find, especially since each roofing material will have its own specifics.

Depending on the method of installing endanda:

  • Lower. In this case, the task element is established before carrying out the installation of the roof, thereby endandered under the overall roofing layer. It is difficult to overestimate the role of this detail, as it serves as a drainage chute, if the stool of the plane will be without the lower end, it will be a solid gap, where moisture begins to penetrate.
  • Top. Based on the name, it is not difficult to guess that such an end is established on the roofing material, plays both a decorative role and creates a completed image of the creation of the roof. Outdoor Endow will make the connection of two planes more accurate, will not give the garbage to penetrate into the roof deepening, and therefore guarantees natural outflow of water, extending the period of operation of the roof.

Materials used to create endanda

In order for the roof to have an attractive look, and all its elements were harmonized with each other, it is made from different materials, it is necessary to choose an optimal option for its roof and its roofing coating. If the main coating is made of slate, then for UNDOVA use asbatement, if the roof is covered with metal tile or tidylum, it is used with galvanized steel endow.

As you know, almost all metal roofing materials have special protective coatings from polymers, thus, they are protected from corrosion and extend the roof service period. Endov for metal roofs did not exception, so it is also supplied with a special protective layer so that the materials are fully fitted with each other, they created a pleasant appearance and a holistic picture. However, UNDOVA's material may not always correspond to the roof material. If the lower end is used, it is hidden under the roof, and therefore there is no difference from which material it is made.

Installing Undova correct

As mentioned earlier, dobors need high-quality installation, because it depends not only the integrity and safety of the roof, but also the safety of the house, his households. In this regard, it is recommended to attract specialists who are able to quickly and efficiently carry out the installation of the necessary elements, to provide the customer with a reliable design with an attractive appearance.

To familiarize themselves and the possibility of monitoring the work, we present the classical procedure for installing the installation of UNDODA:

  • Initially, you need to check the correctness and accuracy of creating a substrate. It is necessary to make sure that there are no curvatures or deformations, carefully examined and the structure strength is checked. The load on it is much larger than on the plane of the row, because it is here that snow accumulates, which creates pressure on a challenge.
  • All wooden roof design elements must be treated with special antiseptics and impregnations, after which it is precisely under Undova.
  • Installing internal endanda. Installation leads up-up, laying separate elements of the mustache for ten centimeters, after which the connection points are treated with a sealant.
  • Installation of the roof. Places where the junction of the roof and the bottom plank is also needed to be sealing.
  • Installation of the upper end with roofing screws with special rubber gaskets.

To mount the roofs of the roof from Ondulin, you need to attract an additional crate in which there are two trimmed boards with a width of no less - 20 cm, and which are installed at a distance - 5 cm.

Procedure for the installation of endune from Ondulina:

  • They produce a solid crate under Undova. For such actions, on both sides of the junction of the skates, installed flooring from the boards of 30 cm per side;
  • On the boards put waterproofing (most often, an electrical carpet is used, which is impregnated with a modified bitumen). From above, the basalt sprinkle is applied canvas, and the bottom is sandy. Thanks to such a carpet, the junction is protected from moisture and provides joint joint strength. Fasteners are performed using nails, from steps - 20 cm;
  • Installation of the lower end is performed by self-drawing to the crate (step - 30 cm). If the endowes it consists of several parts, then it is placed from the bottom up, and lubricate the joints with sealant;
  • To give the whole design, the finished look is fixed by the upper bar, mounting it from the bottom up, the adhesive - 10 cm. The seal between the decorative plank here is unnecessary to put.

The order of installation of a metal terrestrial roof:

  • The bottom plank is stacked with an adhesive from 10-15 cm and is attached to self-drawing to the crate;
  • All sealing joints fasten each other;
  • On the lower bar, with the overlap, lay out the outstand sheets of metal tiles and fix them with special nails;
  • On top of the sheets, at the junctions of the rods, they latter the upper end, the bar and fasten it with hardware.

Installation of the roof design of metal tiles is performed along the line of internal breakdown to a solid crate, so it can get rid of the wire of the roofing element. Waters will go along the bottom of the endand, the top - will only cover.

We want to report that some manufacturers are not advised to perform through holes in the lower edge, it is better to attach them with stripes-ears and fix on the crate.

At first glance, the roof end device seems quite complicated and problematic process. Therefore, many consumers prefer to pay builders than to deal with this case on their own. In the article Next, we describe in more detail what Endow is, and also give detailed instructions for its construction.

Purpose of Radiabck

On the roofs of complex configurations that include several slopes at once, internal joints are inevitably. Snow precipitation, rainwater, as well as all sorts of garbage, are most often accumulated in such places. In addition, they are quite difficult to maintain.

UNDOVA, or Speeding - this is an element that is stacked along the inner corner of the roof under skates. It is intended to protect the design from the waterfront of water under roofing and provides free evacuation of precipitation from the roof surface.

The amount of funds will depend on such factors:

  1. Roof configuration - Cross-shaped, in the form of the letter T or G.
  2. The presence of additional elements, in particular, attic and auditory winds.

The structure of internal endanda

As a rule, an endander device from the professional flooring assumes the presence of two planks that are bent at an angle coinciding with the angle formed by the adjacent angular angle. At the same time, the lower element serves as a drain, and the top - is rather decorative.

In some cases, the upper piece of it is not installed. It depends on the type of roofing, as well as the features of the roof. Be that as it may, the competent implementation of the UNDOD compound ensures reliability and waterproofing of the roofing structure.

There are some rules of development of the suspension:

  1. The lower element of the end is laid before the roofing material fastening, and the upper one is completed.
  2. Nails are not applied to the installation of the suspension.
  3. Gather from the bottom upwards, sealing the seams of the bitumen-polymer mastic brand TEGOLA, bitumen-based sealants (TYTAN) or ICOPAL glue.
  4. Internal endow for the professional flooring is made of galvanized steel or copper, and external - from the roofing material. It is preferable to use a polymer-coated galvanized sheet, such an end slack is capable of withstanding temperature differences from -60 to 120.
  5. To ensure additional roof warming and prevent watering of water under the roofing material, along the ribs of the endanda, the foam foam sealing gasket is glued.
  6. You can fix the suspension either with the help of beasts per flights or by means of self-tales at the edges.
  7. Bursts are made at least 2 cm in height so that water is not overflowed with a strong rain.
  8. Shadowing is in contact with the end parts of the cable cutters.
  9. In cases where Endow for a professional flooring is collected from several segments, they are placed with the allen from 10 cm.
  10. On roofs with flat rods, reinforced waterproofing is necessary.

Varieties of rapid goods and their compounds

There are several types of roofs of the roof of the roof of the roof from the corrugated base based on the configuration of the junctions between the skates:

  • Outdoor suspension - occurs on low-tone roofs. In this case, additional waterproofing is necessary.
  • The closed type of Indo is inherent in the roofs that have steep slots almost touch, layering on the chute.
  • Ondov's intertwined - like a form reminds closed, however, in the joints of the joints, the roofing fragments are crossed, forming a single surface.

Consider the features of each type of endanda.

Outdoor suspension is distinguished by the following advantages:

  • The garbage does not accumulate on it.
  • The precipitates are quickly evacuated from the surface.
  • Installation work is performed quickly and easily.

If we talk about disadvantages, then such an endow looks not too beautiful.

Among the advantages of the discrepancies of a closed or intertwined type can be called:

  1. Aesthetics.
  2. High-quality waterproofing.

But the disadvantages of such a design are significantly more:

  1. The intertwined ended is quite difficult to lay.
  2. The process takes a lot more time.
  3. Such a roof needs regular cleaning from garbage.
  4. During the thaws between the ramps, the appearance of ice traffic jams.

Schemes and types of crate on the rafter system

Depending on the intended roofing material and the scheme of the rafter system, the Undo device will be performed in different ways. In this case, refers to the type of crate. Recommendations on this account are usually indicated by manufacturers in the instructions for roofing.

The lamp under the laying of the suspension may be such species:

  1. The solid doome is performed for subsequent laying of soft roofing. In this case, the end roofing carpet is performed from the waterproofing material. Such a laying method is the most simple.
  2. A two-screw roof with an endau, in which slate, professional flooring or tile is used as a roofing cover, made of 2-3 boards of 10 cm in width, putting them along the junctions. The wider it is assumed by Endow, the greater the shave of the crate.
  3. For laying metal tile between the main shells of the crates are mounted auxiliary. The rest will not cause difficulties.
  4. Ondulin is laid on two boards of 10 cm wide with a step of 15 cm, thus the suspension will not be saved.

Features of the installation for professional flooring and other roofing materials

As already mentioned, the house with the endo roof is subjected to loads from rain and snow precipitation, which should be removed on time from its surface. In this regard, the arrangement of high-quality waterproofing is a paramount task. Consequently, when installing the discrepancy should be paid attention to such subtleties as: the correct trimming of the roofing material, adherence to the step between the supporting elements and fasteners, seamlessness of the seams, the size of the adhesive. Several difference will be only the technology of installing undersome from a soft roofing coating, which is placed on a solid basis.

Installation under the soft roof is done like this:

  1. A lining carpet is placed on a solid crate over the entire surface of the roof. At the joints of individual sheets, it stacked with the overtrib.
  2. Along the inner corner of the roof, the end carpet is covered. Its edges are fixed by bitumen mastic, and then nails are nails every 10-20 cm. From under the roofing material it should look at about 20 cm of the carpet.
  3. If the rash length exceeds 10 m, it is made from several parts, fixed in 15 cm. The edges of the planks are fixed by mastic.

Mounting technology of endanda under the professional flooring, ceramic or metal tile is:

  1. A layer of waterproofing is used on top of the base, which is nailed every 20 cm.
  2. Next, laying the lower element of the undersome with a small overlap of the cornice board, fixing it with self-draws every 30 cm.
  3. Along the edges, the lower gutter strips lays sealing tapes.
  4. The roofing material is trimmed along the suspension and fastened so that it does not reach the bend by 10 cm.
  5. The upper element of the end is mounted with an adhesive in 10-12 cm.

You can use the Karpo, Irwin, Interpool MT-2507 or Stayer to markup the cut line.

Installing a suspension for ondulin:

  1. Separate pieces of material for endhouse are mounted with overlapping at 15 cm with self-tapping screws in the upper corners of each fragment.
  2. The edges of the suspension are sampled by a sealing ribbon.
  3. The roofing coating along the angular element is cut and then naked into each wave as remotely from the middle of the gutter.

Features of the Endament device near the attic windows

Such roof designs, like an attic door or mansard windows, must also be hydroizing. The Endament device in such places involves the removal of its lower element to the correct coating.

The work scheme looks like this:

  1. Near the attic window is stuffed.
  2. Calculate the length of the suspension, given the possible adhesion, if it consists of several fragments.
  3. Place the place of bending at the bottom of the gutter.
  4. Feed off the closed areas in the opposite side of the side.
  5. Endaho slightly raise the level of the roof, bringing the bars under it.
  6. The edges are tape.
  7. The lower segment of the roofing coat is cut and applied under end planks.

Thus, UNDOVA is an extremely important and necessary element of the roof, which can be equipped with their own hands. It is important only to arm yourself with some knowledge and tools.