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How to proceed with treatment. CBPPP drops - an effective means for hypertension. Private case of treating diseases

25 Jul 2012.

Treatment of this type of deterioration is similar to the treatment of damage made on the pillows.

25 Jul 2012.

If you are tormented by insomnia, you are tired of what you do not hurt. You are shot by nightmares, you often wake up for the night, it is possible that in your pillows there is some kind of garbage or an object with a plot of damage. Therefore, it is going on with you. What needs to be done? Give all your pillows. All that you find in them, collect and take out, where far away [...]

25 Jul 2012.

Treatment of damage made on a candle from such a damage to a person loses weight, the complexion of the face worsen becomes black, earthy, constant condition of drowsiness. Such a person should be treated in the morning and evening dawn (see Claudar) with a candle. Only relatives can do it. Do not trust anything else. What do you need for this? Put the sick face to the Eastern side, [...]

25 Jul 2012.

There is such a damage that suggests this week. All those engaged in witchcraft are always punished by the Lord God. And no matter what day it is attached to the festive or ordinary. From punishment in any case, do not go away. Remember this all who makes damage to people. What is such a damage? What are her signs? [...]

25 Jul 2012.

Treatment of such a damage is similar to the above - treatment of damage made on floating clouds. But it is worth a little more that, among other things, what was written above, i.e. Symptoms of the disease, in this case, a person is constantly cold sweat. Such a feeling that the water from the kettle is poured on his back. If such signs have a patient, proceed to treatment. [...]

15 Jul 2012.

There is such a sprout, about which people are not enough about what they know. But knowing black magic, especially if these are offacarious witches or sorcerers, they know well and often lick a person such a damage. What is it? What are her symptoms? First, a person is constantly changing the complexion to black. The weather changes, the complexion is changing. What is black and [...]

15 Jul 2012.

Dear readers of my site. If you feel that something incomprehensible is happening to you, you are discomfort, you are bad for incomprehensible reasons, try to go from damage. It is possible that you have it. If after treatment on my prayers proposed for you, you will have forces, the vigor of the Spirit, you have a mood, you have become [...]

15 Jul 2012.

How to treat a person who is awesome on female menstrual blood? What is such a sprinkle? Such a person suffers greatly, his soul bursts into parts. If this is a family man and the witchcraft is impressed here, then this man runs to the affected, leaving the family for a while, returns and leaves again. They drive the forces of witchcraft and if this person does not pass [...]

15 Jul 2012.

There is such a sprout, from which a person also sicks, suffers, is worn, his soul crying. Does not understand the person that happened to him. And in fact, it is spoiled. It is necessary to proceed to treatment. To do this, you need to collect all things that we carry (if you do not know which item I used to read the spell), decompose them neatly on the sofa, in the same place [...]

04 Jul 2012.

There is such a splice that people do for any reason to a person who, in principle, is not to blame for them. Basically, because it is banging from envy or when one woman wishes to beat off from another husband. So they resort to witchcraft. What happens from such a damage? Man pale, becomes sluggish, there is no strength. Shivering and [...]

Chronic disease, characterized by the absence or insufficiency of the implementation of the reflex disclosure of the cardia, referred to as Ahalasia. Cardia is a kind of valve that does not give to acidic gastric juice and aggressive enzymes get into the esophagus.

With this pathology, liquid food compared with dense, easier passes and is better absorbed. The masses accumulated in the esophageal mass provoke the appearance of disease sensations, discomfort and unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. With achalasia in the stomach, not all food falls, part of it is delayed in the esophagus. And as a result, the esophagus is stretched and infected.

Ahalasia is a rare disease of the muscles of the lower esophageal department and the lower esophageal sphincter. The cause of Ahalasia is unknown, however, the disease is associated with the degeneration of the muscles of the esophagus and, more importantly, the nerves that control the muscles.

Treatment of pathology should be timely and complex. Ignoring the manifestations of the disease can cause serious complications to develop.

The basis of therapy is the normalization of the motility of the esophagus. As a rule, a diet is assigned. Food techniques must be fractional and frequent. In addition, try not to use too hot or, on the contrary, cold dishes.

Revise your diet, eliminate the use of oily, fried and smoked dishes, high-carbohydrate and carbonated drinks. If there are pernicious habits, give up them.

And although There is no specifically prescribed diet for the treatment of Ahalasia, many patients can easily pick it up individually for themselves, determine which Products pass through the esophagus are more easily, and include them in their diet, for example:

  • drink liquid food products - juices, yogurts, smoothies, kefir;
  • while eating;
  • eating liquid porridges, vegetable puree and rubbed soups;
  • drink mineral water containing carbonates that pushed food through the sphincter.

Tobacocco, as well as the use of alcoholic beverages negatively affects not only the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the whole organism. Do not forget to eat more fluid, play sports and walk more in the fresh air.

In addition to drugs, natural agents assigned to the doctor can also be used. Herbs and plants, of which preparations, contribute to the strengthening of the overall effect of therapy, decrease the symptoms, as well as the normalization of the motility of the esophagus.

Effective Funds of Folk Medicine in the fight against the Ahalasia of the Food

For the treatment of this disease, various tinctures, infusions, decoctions apply. All medicines are natural and effective, they will help to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and improve the patient's condition. However, it is not worth using them without prior consultation.

1. Grind the dried rhizome of the Aralia Manychu, grind and pour out 50 raw grams into a glass bottle. Fill the roots with medical alcohol 70% - 300 ml. Put the remedy into a darkened cold place per half months, then profile and press the raw material. Properly cooked tincture should have amber color, specific aroma and pleasant taste. You need to take 20 droplets of the drug three times a day, during the meal.

2 Take the dried rhizome ginseng, grind to the consistency of the powder, after which they fill the grams of 40 raw materials with vodka - liter. Remove the composition into a darkened cool place for a month. Do not forget to shake the tool from time to time. After 30 days, resolve the composition and take 20 droplets of the medicine twice a day. The duration of treatment is 50 days, then a monthly break. A month later, repeat the treatment.

3. Take the dry leaflets and stems of the Chinese lemongrass, cut the finely and pour several spoons of raw materials into a glass darkened capacity. Pour the raw materials with medical alcohol - 200 ml. Detect the capacity in the cold for 15 days. Perfoliate the tool and place it in the refrigerator. Use 30 drops of medication before each meal. Therapeutic course is a month.

4. Fill out several tablespoons of crushed rowing rodiol pink vodka - half liters. Insist the means in a darkened place for the crescent. You need to take 10 drops of funds three times a day.

5. Fill grams of 40 dried, finely chopped Eleutherococcus root with alcohol or vodka - half liters. Tightly close the container and put in a cold darkened room for a week. Take 10 ml of the drug twice a day, to meals.

6. Effective in the therapy of Ahalasia and Alder. For the preparation of medication will need cone plants. Create grams of 30 crushed olhovy cones with boiled water - half a lira. Boil the composition and leave to remove the quiet heat for half an hour. Place the remedy and use a half-channel drink twice throughout the day.

7. Take the seeds of the quince, grind and fill the gram of 15 raw materials with boiling water - 400 ml. Protomate remedy for quiet fire for 15 minutes. Cool and help your profilt. Drink on the strike of the brave three times a day before meals.

8. Grind the dried tremor grass, pour several spoons of raw materials with a boiled water - half liters. Remove the composition to heat for an hour. After you move, drink a quarter of a cup of drink at least four times a day.

9. Brew 50 grams of dried crushed herbs of souls in 400 ml of boiling water. Put the container into heat for several hours. Drink by half a cup of the drug four times during the day.

10. Grind the bark of oak, after which falling off the raw material, about 20 grams in a saucepan, pour with water. Wait for boiling funds, then donate the fire and beat the composition for half an hour. You need to take a quarter of a cup of drink three times a day.

11. Pour several spoons of dried finely crushed roots of altea with cold water. Put a saucepan on the oven, wait for the composition of the composition. Cancel the remedy into a warm place for two hours. Use 100 milliliters of the healing drug at least two times a day.

12. Connect in an equal proportion of the grass of the Hypericum with the oak bark, the walnut sheets, the root of the laptop and the grass of the oregano. Bill 30 grams of raw materials in 300 ml boiling water. The tool should be in a dry warm place for three hours. Take it recommended by half a cup of drink three times a day.

The treatment of achalasa ahalasia is not easy and long. However, when all the prescriptions of the attending physician and the reception of all necessary drugs, it will be quite soon to normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and improve the health of health.

Do not forget about proper nutrition. In addition, after each meal, you must drink on a cup of warm water or green tea. The only thing you do not need to be done is to engage in self-medication.

Psychosomatic diseases and methods of their treatment

"How can not be proceeding for the treatment of the eye, without thinking about the head, or treat your head, without thinking about the whole body, it is impossible to treat the body, do not soul," Socrates said.

According to official statistical data, about 50% of patients under the supervision of doctors suffer from psychosomatic diseases. However, the ECClaps are confident: in reality, literally every third patient has given anamnesis.

Psychosomatics - (Greek. Psyche - Soul, Soma - body) - Science, exploring the influence of psychological factors on human health. Thoughts, emotions, impressions, the memory of unpleasant events and injuries is everything capable of provoking any disease, especially in impressionable people. Today, with psycho-emotional state of patients with chronic diseases, not only psychotherapists work, but also osteopaths.

Non-chosen tears accumulate diseases

The psychosomatics was known even at the beginning of the 20th century. Already at that time, a list was drawn up from the main seven diseases ("Holy Seed"), provoked by spiritual experiences. These include:

  • primary hypertension
  • stomach ulcer
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • hyperthyroidism
  • bronchial asthma
  • colitis
  • neurodermit

Today, this list is significantly expanded, and has almost proven that the disease is not only symptoms - this is a signal that gives the body in response to the impact of certain negative factors.

How to understand what the body crying about?

Often people face that pretty simple diseases are not amenable to any treatment. Symptoms often calm down, but then come back again, and often in a more intense manifestation. "If we drive the problem at the door, then it climbs into the window in the form of a symptom" - so seen this problem Sigmund Freud. Psychologists advise to pay attention to certain symptoms and explain how to "decipher" them:

  • The ulcer of the stomach indicates a tendency to self-named and criticism.
  • Pain in the neck - on the exorbitant lifeload in the form of "poor" relatives and the suffering girlfriends.
  • Sounds in the back appears when reassessing its strength and opportunities.
  • Asthma attacks indicate pressure from the environment. Asthmatics are people who often restrain tears.
  • The problems with the gastrointestinal tract point to the boring factors that have long been nauseous and rejection, but to escape from which there is not enough strength and determination.
  • Sugar diabetes provoke conflicts and problems in the family when the whole "sweetness" of life is lost.
  • Dizziness occurs when abundant worries or with sudden change in life.
  • Hair loss indicates the desire of the body to discard everything unnecessary and unnecessary.
  • Neuralgia of the facial nerve is a sign of fatigue from the need to "wear a mask", hiding his thoughts and emotions.
  • Pain in the throat arises from the inability to speak openly about its problems and experiences.

All these disorders are provoked by changes at the level of nervous regulation of organs and tissues. If you treat psychosomatic diseases only with medicines, then the result, even if it is, it will be unstable and not one hundred percent. And the disease will acquire a chronic form.

Osteopractic helps to eliminate psychosomatics

Methods of traditional medicine aimed at combating symptoms often lead to aggravation of psychosomatic diseases. And then psychotherapy connects to work with the patient. Eventing events, emotional injuries helps a person to understand the nature of all unpleasant changes taking place with his body. However, no psychological tactic is capable of eliminating solar spasms, displacements, ptosis and other functional disorders. With this, osteopractic copes with this effectively.

Osteopathic techniques help restore fabric biorhythm on the deep, almost cellular level. Due to the elimination of muscle tensions, tissue clips and the body seems to be unfolded, releases from the shrums. The patient comes awareness of its own emotions and actions through the neutral assessment of them. Gradually, organs and fabrics return to the natural proper state of health, and the patient learns to accept and understand their body. Under the leadership of an osteopractic specialist, a person masters the skills of studying his condition in order to recognize and neutralize any negative impact from the outside by the formation of the correct reaction of the body to stimuli.

How to learn to cope with your emotions Neurologist tells, Osteopath Alexander Evgenievich Smirnov - the author of the method of osteopractic.

• Library • • • Psychological preparation for treatment

Psychological preparation for treatment

Before proceeding directly to treatment, it is necessary to decide for yourself: are you ready for a long struggle for your health? And so that this struggle is successful, the purpose of recovery is necessary: \u200b\u200bwhy do you specifically need good health, and is it necessary? It is easier to recover if there is something bright ahead, and if the solid darkness and endless problems, poisoning life, recovery is almost impossible. Even in the most oppressive atmosphere, it is necessary to look for a bright, strive for him, to meet with light people, to infect their life. The biggest mistake of many people is to flee from those whom never under any circumstances can be caught up. Do not seek to live someone else's life, let your life be at first glance more modest, but yours available. Con't be content with what you have, and if without a huge stress of spiritual and physical forces, taking health, and sometimes life, you can or try to remake your life for the better, use it. Under no circumstances, do not go out for the trait of disrespect, remember the eternal laws of morality, which were the rod of life of humanity throughout its development. Good in life is still more. If it were not so, the world would stop exist, choosing in evil.

"Psychological Preparation for Treatment" and other articles from the section of the disease of the musculoskeletal system

Before proceeding with the treatment of the disease, the Tibetan doctor must determine for itself four positions: 1. Properly diagnose, 2. Estimate the forces of the patient, 3. To establish the degree of radiation of the disease - easily curable, difficulty, incurable, 4. The presence of medicines for the treatment of this Diseases.

As it was already noted in the "Diagnosis of Diagnosis" section, when diagnosis, it is necessary to establish an affected (upset) system (system) of the regulation, to determine the type of violation in the system (systems) - depletion, accumulation or excitement, find out the nature of pathology, hot, or cold, Then clarify the organ localization of pathology and the list of symptoms - external manifestations of the disease, as well as the degree of manifestation of symptoms of the disease.

The definition of the listed positions of the disease allows the doctor to develop a program for treating pathology.

The patient's forces are largely dependent on its age. Patients are young, strong body and spirit that can withstand the disease and withstand the appointed treatment are cured better and easier than patients who do not have these data.

The next moment, should find out the doctor, is to determine the degree of radiation of the disease. Diseases are easily curable, diseases of the regulation system is insignificant, and the initial period of the disease and the manifestation of it are poorly pronounced. Those diseases in which the upset system, the type of its violation, the climatic features of the patient's residence place, the fectures of the year and the type of the Constitution of the patient are opposed to the diseases of the disease, the nature of the disease, the nature of the disease, the nature of the disease, the nature of the disease, the nature of the disease, the nature of the disease, the nature of the disease, the nature of the disease, the nature of the disease, the nature of the disease, the nature of the disease, the nature of the disease, the nature of the disease, is hot or cold is easily crucial. The exceptions are infectious diseases, they are easier to cure in the event of a coincidence of their signs (symptoms) with the characteristics of the climate and the season of the year. The urine delay of various origins is better cured by compliance with the signs and nature of the disease and the properties of an upset regulation system. Scratch blood is better cured in "solar state".

Difficulties are difficult to illness in which the nature of the disease, hot or cold, is in accordance with the congenital constitution of the patient, with the season of the year, with the climatic conditions of the patient's stay.

There are incurable diseases that arise in cases where the life of life is exhausted, many of those patients who have "manifested themselves" are also incurable, and patients "covered by nine diseases that tear up life" are also incurable.

Therefore, before proceeding with treatment, the doctor is advised. "Harm (three vice, affected organs and fabrics), season, type (constitution) of the patient, its age, disease (manifestations), weakness and strength of the fire of the stomach, habits - this ten is examined carefully. If they correspond to her enemy. And if not, then pick up the testimony. "

The principle of treating diseases in the Tibetan medical system is allopathic, the impact of the opposite.

As is known, all human diseases are based on the disorders of the three regulatory systems of the body, wind, bile, mucus. The disorders of each of the systems are, three varieties: exhaustion, accumulation and excitement.

In cases where the disease is based on the accumulation type regulation system, in the treatment of the disease, the means have a property to coherent, suppress the accumulation of the system, and vice versa, in the treatment of a disease, which is based on exhaustion type regulation system, used the ability to Increase (stimulate) the system. If the basis of the disease was the excitation of the regulation system, the treatment of such pathology was used soothing, as well as purifying agents.

With an allopathic principle of treating diseases, Tibetan medicine was used in the treatment of hotly diseases with cold medicines, and in the treatment of cold diseases - hot products.

In the treatment of pathology, without a sharp impairment of the balance of heat and cold, Tibetan doctors used drug formulations with neutral heat and cold properties.

In the treatment of diseases, Tibetan medicine, based on theoretical ideas about the causes of the disease, used therapeutic lifestyle, medical nutrition, medicinal treatment and physical ways of therapy, they are all "opponents" of diseases. "On the strong heat of four waters: camphor and bloodletting from" Small Town "- water of drugs and procedures, appointed suitable food - this is water diet, let the patient stay in a coolness - this is water lifestyle.

Strong cold destroy the four lights: the composition of the "ten warming" is the fire of drugs, cavity - fire procedures, nutritional hot food - fire diet, warm home and clothes - fire lifestyle. "

All listed treatments are capable of providing an appropriate effect on the state of an upset regulation system, to the level of heat and cold in the body, to the affected organ, and eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Different components of lifestyle (terms of life and work activities, sleep and recreation, features of sexual life), food, drink, all drugs, physical medical procedures are classified by the nature of their influence on the state of three regulatory systems of the body, wind, bile and mucus , on the level of heat and cold, according to their organotroposis, as well as on their primary tastes, according to the secondary properties and final action on painful symptoms and processes. Information on these issues is given in the relevant sections.