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Projects of houses from Bruus online. Designing houses online. A wall of brusal material with a seding profile finish and an internal heat insulator

A simple and intuitive program for designing houses from a bar can be an indispensable tool when building your own house as a professional and novice builder.

The house from the bar need to properly design, so that there are no errors in construction.

Of the whole multitude of computer-related computer programs, it is worth cutting out too complex and powerful means of type AutoCAD, since with most functions that they have, the ordinary user will not work. To date, several simple software complexes can be distinguished, work with which greatly simplifies the design of houses from a bar and gives a clear visual understanding of the future of the construction. For an ordinary person who is poorly understood in the smallest aspects of the design and construction of wooden houses, such programs become indispensable assistants and help to decide on all nuances of house-building.

The most popular programs for designing houses from the bar include:

  • K3-cottage;
  • House Creator;
  • Google Sketchup;
  • Arcon and Arcon-scattering;
  • wooden house design system (Sadarushka CAD).

Software complex K3-cottage

In the main window of the program that appears when creating a new project, there is the possibility of choosing a tree of wood and a log section.

Building a house begins with the direction of the coordinates of the corners of the future structure. Further, depending on the specified coordinates, the program automatically calculates the length of the walls, the releases of the beginning and end of the wall and indicates for them the recommended value according to GOST.

As a result of simple actions, we get a house box in three projections and a resulting three-dimensional appearance. A few more clicks of the mouse make it possible to place on the design of the floor beams and ceiling. Such simple actions are added opening windows and doors, a roof, a staircase and other auxiliary structures.

In the program, the K3-cottage is pre-set all the standard sizes of beams, bars, logs and boats produced by the woodworking industry, which greatly simplifies the next selection of real components.

The program is easy to learn, but requires some skills in the spatial binding of the elements of the structure to the coordinate grid.

On the official website you will find detailed video tutorials and detailed instructions. All questions you are interested in can be discussed on the forum with developers and other users.

The cost of the software package is quite high, but there is a demonstration version with a basic set of functions.

HOUSE CREATOR software package

The program makes it possible to edit the foundation, the level of cut, walls, overlaps and roofs.

Before starting work, as in the previous program, it is possible to choose the material of the construction material (log, timber) and its parameters. In stock A simple and convenient feature of the rapid building of the house of the house along two coordinate points. All items can be freely moved, duplicate and deleted, which allows you to accurately recreate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of the house.

Actually designing in the HOUSE Creator program is carried out on a two-dimensional plane - in the form of a plan of construction, but at any time it is possible to switch to a three-dimensional view.

At the end of the design stage, it is possible to generate technical documentation that meets all the requirements. The software package can be integrated with other CAD, which simplifies the design of water and heat supply, ventilation and other communications.

The value of House Creator consists in the fact that this program gives comprehensive information that concerns the cutting of logs and bars, thereby reducing the overrun of sawn timber.

Google Sketchup software package

It is difficult to get around the attention of such a simple to use and, most importantly, a free program for three-dimensional design, like SketchUp from Google. The possibilities of the program are truly limitless. It may be possible to create any objects of objects, and a large number of video tutorials on the network allows step by step to study the functions of the program from the simplest to complex.

Due to the presence of materials previously embedded in the program and properties of materials, you can create a house with accuracy with the planned idea. Step by step by creating a foundation, floor, walls, roof, you can get the result in the form of a three-dimensional project of your home, in which you can look, change it and finally, to implement.

Arcon Software Complex and Supplement to ARCON-Distribution

The combination of data of software allows you to get a project home from a bar or logs.

To begin with, the Arcon program creates a project of a house with ordinary walls. After the completion of the project, it is converted into a model of a wooden house with the help of an additional Arcon-scatter program, which allows you to accurately calculate the consumption of wood, the layout of the components of the elements and get a shub model or a log house in three-dimensional form.

ARCON-DISCLUSTRATION Software Adjustment makes it possible to carry out additional operations for recalculating diameter, step and displacement of logs, as well as change the density of the material.

The developer's website presents detailed information about the product, a detailed instruction and forum to receive responses to incomprehensible moments that occur during design.

Wooden House Design System (Sadarushka CAD)

This software package is designed specifically for the design of log cabins and houses from the bar.

The result of working with the program is detailed schemes for the location of all structural elements of a wooden house, positions of windows, doors and interior partitions.

The total number, sizes and diagram of cutting logs, beams and bars are calculated. At the end of the design, we obtain excellently detailed sweeps of walls, as well as tables indicating and a schematic image and numbering of all components of wooden structures.

The program allows you to independently design a home complex that will not be difficult to collect due to the presence of detailed schemes.

The design of wooden houses is supplied in two versions - for enterprises and for personal use. The price of the second variant is more than a democratic, although it has a limit on the use of no more than 200 logs or bars, which is quite enough to design a small private house, cottage or bath.

In addition to all the above software packages, there are also specialized powerful CAD platforms, with which it is possible to design structures from logs or bars, but their study should be given quite a lot of time - from 1-2 years. Their main advantage is complexity, as they provide the ability to create a full project staffed by all communications.

Features of the use of software for designing houses from a bar

The main advantages of using computer programs are:

  1. Accuracy. The parameters of the structures are monitored by certain numeric values, which are set by a person or program in accordance with the design standards.
  2. Design speed. Automating calculations and the ability to quickly duplicate, replacing or removing entire structures allow you to quickly change the project in accordance with current requirements.
  3. Reproducibility. The possibility of repetition of the project an unlimited number of times, making the corresponding changes to this situation.
  4. Saving resources. The exact distribution schemes of wood allow you to avoid such unwanted effects as the overrun of the material. Creating detailed assembly schemes allows independent construction.

It is worth remembering that no matter what kind of design program you have chosen, it still will not be able to do all the work for you. Paying at least a few days to study the basic functions, tools and features of each of the programs, you will receive not only invaluable experience in creating your own projects, but also the ability to use indispensable means, without which it is difficult to imagine modern design.

Right now you can visualize the house of your dreams, taking advantage of an intuitive online designer.

The program provides ample opportunities for the detailed drawing of the planning of the house, which can consist of several floors. At the initial design stage, it is proposed to specify the type and size of the foundation. The program allows you to easily change the material of the walls (log or timber), their thickness and type of connection of the elements of the wall material in the grooves (in the bowl, in the paw). In a matter of seconds, you can specify the location of windows, doors and openings on the plan. The online program displays information about the length of the walls and the area of \u200b\u200bthe resulting closed contours, which are considered to be rooms or other rooms at home. The simplest tools offered by the program at the design stage are quite sufficient to create a good copyright project of the house or at least to take a look and visually assess the possible project of the house. With the deficiencies identified in the model, you can make the necessary changes. In addition, for this you do not need to be a professional designer.

One of the main advantages of the program is the ability to switch to a three-dimensional mode of viewing model at home at any stage of the project creation. In the 3D mode, the object can be viewed on any side and even inside, as well as choose materials for external and interior decoration. One click can be changed, for example, the appearance of the foundation, the color of the log and the type of floor covering.

Similar online designers are very popular among customers, since the trend of the last year revealed customer interest in homes built according to individual projects. At the same time, the work of designers, architects is the most significant and in demand. However, at this stage, the level of automation using computers in the field of design of wooden houses is significantly lagging behind production technologies in the field of wooden house-building. There are few domestic software products on the market that could become an indispensable universal tool in the hand of the designer. Only then could they increase the productivity of their work, and customers would evaluate the quality of the project performed.

The presented program, of course, is not professional software, but can help you quickly and clearly appreciate the possibility of building a planned wooden structure. In essence, this online designer is a lightweight free version of the professional offline program used by designers throughout Russia.

The copyright holder of the presented program for designing houses online is our partner - the Vologda electronic trading platform "His home".

The bar is cut by specialists at once under the ready-made project of the structure, where all the bars are customized one to another. The construction calculator of the bar allows you to accurately calculate ,. The design itself is erected from several days before the pair - the top three weeks, depending on the complexity of the project.

Benefits of material

The timber is made from solid wood, which guarantees the structure of high ecology and the minimum percentage of internal cracks. The shrinkage of the house from the bar is given significantly less than from other materials, such as a rounded log.

The glued bar - the material is very durable, it is its indisputable advantage, since the house will not require any repair work or additional investments.

Choose a large manufacturers timing, at the factories it is very responsible to the production and storage of the material. Hard control of the moisture content of wood, the accuracy of the interface of nodes is something that guarantees a large manufacturer and what will significantly speed up and facilitate the construction of the house.

Shipment of material occurs in special transport packages, it protects wood from environmental impact, humidity, precipitation and small mechanical damage.

Well, almost the main argument when choosing is the final cost of the finished facility. Here the timber also wins, compared to others, it is available for almost any consumer who plans to build a house for a long period of a high-quality material.

The cost of the timber himself can be higher than the planned, but it should be considered entirely: due to the excellent thermal insulation of the timber itself, it is possible to take more economically.

The buildings from the bar are sufficiently light, it, in turn, allows you to work with a less expensive foundation. In the aggregate, these facts indicate that the price of the bar may seem highly high, but, according to the result, the entire project costs cheaper.

Of the additional costs, when using a bar, it will also be possible to delete the costs of meature: the profiled bar does not need this, and the antiseptic coating do not have to do it separately, manufacturers will already be taken.

Project of the house and calculations for construction

Before purchasing a bar, take care that you have a ready-made project of the house. It is not necessary to order an expensive project of a new house, in each construction organization you will be able to offer the choice of already ready-made projects that implemented this organization in the past.

This will be an effective solution, since the builders will already have experience in working on such a project, they will be able to realize it in a short time and without force majeure. Also in each such project there is already a calculator showing the necessary cub.

If you yourself created a project, or there is not complete, and partial construction is an extension or terrace, then you can count the costs immediately in the construction organization.

Independently planning to build, you can use the resource, which is called - the building calculator of the house from the bar. Indicating the Metrap, the program helpfully consider you the desired consumption of material.

Be sure to remember that the house is not only a bar, it is a foundation, interior decoration, tools for assembling construction. Separately bought boards for partitions, rafters, scaffolding. The nuances in the construction of a house is enough, that is why it is better to entrust the work of professionals.

Rather, they will save your money than spending superfluous. The percentage of marriage in professionals will be at times less, the consumables also go to the move with the mind: still experience allows you to act more productive and faster than when building a house on your own. In addition, the construction organization is fully responsible for all stages of construction: from the study of the soil under the foundation before covering the roofing material and interior decoration.

Quality determines the cost

Summarizing all this, it is worth noting the several most important points. The cost of the house will be calculated, based on the total costs of production.

Take into account when choosing not only the cost of one building or finishing material, the bar, for example, but also what foundation requires this material, which internal finish, which will be made of the roof.

Only after that we can talk about the final cost of the construction and benefit of a particular material. Guide, first of all, quality criteria.

  1. An interactive building calculator of a housekeeping houses is required to perform the calculations of building materials that will be required when building real estate objects - houses, baths, sheds, garages, economic premises. IN...

  2. For a long time, wooden houses hide people from bad weather, heat and frost. Probably so will continue. The popularity of wooden houses is easily explained, because such houses have ...

  3. Any construction of the premises, just like the construction of a fuel-concrete house, starts with the preparation of the project, which indicates the size of the walls, roofs and other parts of the house, ...

  4. Houses from the profiled timber bar will be a suitable option for a small family of four. As part of one floor, you can very compact all the necessary functional ...

  5. The glued timber enjoys very high demand among buyers, however, it was the view that only very wealthy people may afford at home from the glued bar ...

Construction is always clear calculations and numbers. Fors major, for example, pouring rain for 3 weeks, or a sharp cooling for a few days. And there is a disease of builders, injuries. Everything happens in our lives! It is for this that such difficulties should also be considered.


At the beginning of any construction, it is necessary to clearly calculate its value:

  • To do this, it is necessary to calculate the amount of the desired material.
  • Calculate the cost of components.
  • Calculate the cost of work.
  • Calculate the remoteness of the object and the exact cost of shipping, and their further unloading.

In our construction calculator, we tried all this to take into account.

It must be said that the present value includes basic expenses.

You can only choose the house area based on square meters:

  • 70-120 quadrant meters;
  • 120-180 square meters;
  • 180-250 square meters;
  • 250-550 quadrants of meters.

The next item is one of the most important. it fundament Calculator. It is impossible to allow an error. Therefore, it is desirable to refer to our specialist to accurately determine the desired type of foundation for you.

Calculator material for assembling walls. Our calculator for calculating the wall assembly offers several calculation options: profiled timber, glued bar, OCB, chopped log.

Roof Calculator. Also a very important point. The roof calculator will make exactly the calculation you select. You can leave runner for shrinkage. And you can immediately cover with a clean material. For example: metal tile, soft roofing or genuine "cement-sand" tile.

Calculator engineering systems, more complicated than everyone else. This calculation is designed most deployed. You can choose: Electrical Calculator, Water Supply Calculator, Heating Calculator, Calculator Calculator. But here you can put a tick in the point - no. And then, the calculation of engineering systems will not be produced.

The latter, very important point, is a finish. Calculator finishing work Also is very complex. Based on its algorithm. Here you can lay in the calculation: warm contour, facade finishing calculator, clean finishing calculator at home. Or choose the item - no. In this case, the decoration calculator will not make additional calculations.

After selecting all the necessary indicators for the configuration, the cost of construction cost calculator will give you a price based on your wishes, as well as a selection of suitable ready-made projects.

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rubble slopes:
10.6 m³ x 1900 rub. / M³20140 rub.
concrete mix B15-20:
8.1 m³ x 4200 rub. / M³34020 rub.
concrete mix B15-20:
35.5 m³ x 4200 rub. / M³149100 rub.
reinforcement rods D10, 12, 16 AIII:
2.8 t x 37500 rub. / Ton105000 rub.
foundation Blocks FBS 24-3-6:
53 pcs. x 2360 rub. / PC.125080 rub.
sand-cement mortar:
1.4 m³ x 2700 rub. / M³3780 rub.
edged Boards for Formwork:
1.6 m³ x 6500 rub. / M³10400 rub.
roll waterproofing RKK-350:
4 steers. x 315 rub. / Rul. (10m²)1260 rub.
pine beams 150x100:
4.8 m³ x 7000 rub. / M³33600 rub.
plasterboard KNAUF (2500x1200x10):
26 pcs. x 260 rub. / PC.6760 rub.
steel profile with fasteners:
220.1 PM x 51 rubles / pm11225 rub.
mineral insulation (Rockwool):
19 m³ x 3700 rub. / M³70300 rub.
waterproofing (Tyvek Soft):
183 m² x 68 rub. / M²12444 rub.
parasolation PE:
183 m² x 11 rub. / M²2013 rub.
plywood FC 1525x1525x18.:
1.4 m³ x 19000 rub. / M³26600 rub.
cutting boards:
1.5 m³ x 6500 rub. / M³9750 rub.
TOTAL: Overlapping172692 rub.
wooden racks (150x50mm):
3.7 m³ x 7000 rub. / M³25900 rub.
antiseptic solution:
54 l x 75 rub. / Liter4050 rub.
waterproofing (Tyvek Soft):
167 m² x 68 rub. / M²11356 rub.
bituminous euroshorter 2000x950x2.7:
97 sheets x 399 rub. / Sheet38703 rub.
roofing nails 73x3mm:
21 pack. x 190 rub. / pack. (250 pcs.)3990 rub.
curly figured (1000mm):
13 pcs. x 290 rub. / PC.3770 rub.
cutting boards 100x25mm:
1.3 m³ x 7000 rub. / M³9100 rub.


1 140 410.0 rub.

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Calculation of the cost of work

Do you want to find out how much is the work on the construction of your home and choose performers?

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Example of planning 10x9 m for calculation

Constructive scheme

1. Wooden bars150x150mm;
2. Mineral wool slabs D \u003d 100mm;
3. Cladding siding;
4. Air channel d \u003d 20-50mm;
7. Wooden-beam overlap D \u003d 150-250mm;
8. Ondulin sheets;
9. The foundation of the slab monolithic with block walls H \u003d 1.8m;

A wall of brusal material with a seding profile finish and an internal heat insulator

Wood-timber wall

The features of wooden-brusade housing neutralize toxic substances are proved, automatically adjust the moisture value, in the range of 45-55%, as well as to have a beneficial effect on the psyche of tenants.

The popularity of wooden-log architecture is predetermined by the cost-effectiveness, traditional and healthy medium of house-building from the natural array.

In the construction bases it is possible to meet the brusade products of sizes 150x100, 200x150, 100x100, 140x140, 180x180, 150x150, 120x120, of which the Type 150x150 type is used, since it provides an optimal combination of the complexity of the installation as defined by the number of horizontal seams, and heat-insulatory qualities, as well as affordable price.

It is necessary to add that it is clearly growing the share of sales profiled, in particular, the collection-glued timber, which is characterized, compared with a non-black tree, 10 times lower compressibility during drying, as well as increased, due to studded joints, structural and thermal insulation qualities. . An obvious negative moment, slowing down the widespread use of glued brusal material, is its significant cost, which, nevertheless, is compensated by its long-term operational resource.

Approximate order of laying of a brusade log house:

  • At first, on the top of the foundation covered with a waterproof material, along the walls, lay down the lower brusade series, which is supplied with "in the paw" on the corners and in the attachment places of intermediate walls.
  • So that the door and window designs are not sent during the shrinkage of the wooden house, door and window niches surround on the side sides of the "soup" - profile racks. To do this, the trapezide spike trapezivid spike is cut on the ends, with the help of a response cut, called profiled bars. At the top of the doors and windows arrange the technological slots layered by the flange or basalitative insulation.
  • During the installation of a church, the log rows are covered with a second-row seal: felt, jute, flange, hemp, flattened, packles, which year later (or, when the wood humidity becomes 12-15 percent) will have to do up the second time to reduce heat loss through the gaps between the gaps between Brings.
  • In order to connect the brushes of the near crowns, it is used to fit the fastening (rounded birch or oak rods with a diameter of Ø30-40 mm), which are inserted with a gap to the holes made through three crowns, with a step of 0.3 ... 0.4 m. Often, The naughty mount is replaced by large nails (250 ... 300 mm), with a mandatory drill in the last log log, a depth of 30 ÷ 40 mm, where the nail heap is plugged, to compensate for the linear compression of the wooden material while drying.
  • When choosing interior decorations, it should be borne in view of the constant deformations of the wooden material and, when attaching urgent facing plates (for example, drywall), avoid direct connections with a brusade wall, by means of the device suspended buffer profile structures.

Siding cladding

In the case when winter habitation is assumed, the brusade construction is recommended to heat up. Usually, with a street side, in a vertical position, thick boards are mounted, the size of 100x50 mm, with a step of 0.4 ... 0.6 m, between which heat-insulating mats are installed, for example, type: Rockwool, P-175, isomer, isover, p -125, PPH-200, Ursa, Knauf, Isook, after that a vapor-permeable film is tensioned (Tyvek, Yutaplek, Izospan), bobbed by a bar, 25-50 mm thick, which is installed facial false wall (PVC siding, wooden lining or stoves CSP).

It is necessary to know that PVC siding profile will be operated for many years and have a beautiful appearance, only subject to a clear compliance with the assembly rules.

Plastic siding manufacturers, such as brands: Snowbird, Gentek, Docke, Nordside, Altaprofil, Orto, Holzplast, Tecos, Varitek, Georgia Pacific, Mitten, Fineber, Vytec, announce a rich color gamut that allows any structure to maintain its individuality.

Since the polyvinyl chloride siding profile very much changes the linear dimensions during temperature fluctuations, it is important to provide for a unwanted attachment of vinyl plates.

Polychlorvinyl siding does not rot, racks to shock, borogic, climatic aggression, does not support combustion.

The vinyl profile under the influence of an open flame is only melted, flamming when heated more than 390 ° C (and the tree is already at 230-260 ° C), quickly catching with the disappearance of the heating source, with the amount of emissions hazardous emissions than when combustion of materials from Woods.

Important moments of fasteners of polychlorvinyl siding:

  • Installation of PVC panels is conducted "from the Earth", and at first the hidden initial strip is fixed.
  • To compensate for free compression or expansion of polymer siding, slots should be provided, within 1 cm, in the zones of external networks (pipes, wires, brackets, cables), as well as in the docking zones of the plastic panel and accessories (outer angle, inner corner, Profile, platband, etc.).
  • It is unacceptable with the effort to twist the screws in fixing grooves, because siding profiles are suspended in such a way as to move freely from side to side.
  • In order not to interfere with thermal progress and, accordingly, do not provoke the wave-like warping of vinyl material, screwed the screws and navigate the nails in the siding panel more correctly in the central point of existing technological perforations.
  • When hanging the next strip of siding, dock it for a trailer protrusion with the underlying profile and, without deforming, fix with screws;
  • The installation of vinyl profiles is recommended to produce, starting with the side wall of the structure, moving towards the facade side, with each regular siding panel will be overlapped to the previously preceded row, approximately 2.5-3 cm, - this approach makes it possible to make inconspicuous joints, with The same target arising for the combined rows must be shifted horizontally.

Foundation from the reinforced concrete plate and a collection-block tape

Collected-slab foundation is constructed to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe structure in the form of a solid reinforced plate, on which standard w / b blocks are mounted.

The type of base under consideration is used in low-rise house building to obtain the base level of the house, in inhomogeneous soils, in the situation of low groundwater level. On the wetlands, the side walls of the foundation are recommended to perform the monolithic method, using hydraulic protection measures (releasing, impregnation, glules).

At the same time, the collection-block system of vertical walls of the foundation, according to the already existing reinforced concrete plate, is indispensable with limited construction periods, as well as in the production of foundation work in winter.

Exemplary method of performing a solid-slab basement with light walls in the form of a collection-block reinforced concrete tape:

  • At the beginning, the land is removed on the planned mark.
  • Gravel preparation, fraction 20-40, a layer of 15-20 cm, and thoroughly tamper are poured on the cauldron obtained.
  • A concrete fill is performed, a layer of 50 mm.
  • The waterproofing film with a removal along the border of 2000 mm is superimposed, in order to further waterproof the sides of the foundation.
  • To protect the waterproofing membrane from random breaks during welding of the reinforcement structure, another layer of sand-cement mortar is superimposed on top of the insulating coating, 5 cm thick, on the perimeter of which the formwork shields on the thickness of the foundation plate are mounted.
  • The manufactured foundation plate is tightened from the inside with two grids from the welded reinforcement rods of the section D14 type AII-AIII with cells 20x20 cm.
  • In the case of a slab foundation, a ready-made concrete is required, a brand, not lower than the M300, supplied by the car.
  • The deadline for hardening the concrete solution, when the perimeter from the finished concrete blocks should be laid, ranges from 4 weeks, with heat from + 15 ± 5 °.
  • The masonry of concrete blocks produce relatively axial lines, on two mutually perpendicular walls, focusing on geodesic equipment. Prefabricated blocks are laid by a crane to the "bed" from a sandcate solution.
  • Installation starts with layouts of lighthouses at the crosshairs of the axes and at the corners of the building. The wall block bookmark is started only after reconciling the position of the landmarks on the horizon and the level.
  • According to the top row of the railway blocks, in a shield formwork, a reinforced w / concrete screed is performed, 25 cm thick.

Wooden beam overlap

For the beam overlap traditionally use wood of coniferous varieties (ate, pines, larchs), with moisture content of less than 14 percent. The best beam - a bar with the proportions of section 7/5 (for example, 0.14x0.10 m).

In the country construction, the overlap of wooden beams is especially common, due to the simplicity and low cost of their erection.

When planning wood-beam overlap, it is necessary to use special diagrams that determine the correlation of the size of the beam from the distance between the supports and loading; It is also permissible to repel from the simplified calculation that the wide side of the timber must comprise approximately 1/24 the length of the beam, and the thickness is 5 ÷ 10 cm, at the intervals of the beam boards 50 - 100 cm and the load of 1.5 kPa.

With a deficiency of the lag of the settlement section, it is permissible to use the board with bolts, with the mandatory compliance with the cumulative size.

Some features of the installation of wood beams:

  • Installation of beams is done in such a sequence: first the first and last, and after, with leveling on the optical level, all others. The bars should start on the wall structure are not shorter than 150-200 mm.
  • From the walls of the lags are adjacent to the smallest by 50 mm, and the indentation between the beams and the smoke channel is obliged to make a minimum of 0.40 m.
  • in wooden buildings, the ends of the lag are handled in the form of a cone, and after clogged into the performed drank the upper crown on the full thickness of the wall log.
  • As a rule, in the brick walls, the ends of the beams are installed in the masonry sockets, in which condensate appears, therefore, there is a space for circulation of air between the cuts of the ends of the lag and the wall, and an additional felt layer is placed at a considerable depth of the opening.
  • In order to avoid molding, which occurs during the diffusion of a couple surrounded by a brick wall, the ends of the beam boards are cut off with a slope of about 60 degrees, processed by antiseptic (Tikkurila, potatoeside, Dulux, Biofa, Pinotex, Tex, Cofadex, Biospt, KSD, Holzplast, Senez, Teknos , Aquatex) and close the Tole, leaving the end ends.

The attic overlap is insulated with the execution of a vapor insulating layer under the insulation, the overall overlap is insulated with the installation of a vapor barrier film from above the insulation layer, and the intergenerational overlap is not subject to insulation.

If the issue of the load capacity of wooden inter-storey floors is basically settled by the method of obvious increment of the section of the beams and their numbers, then the situation is somewhat more complicated with acoustic insulation.

One of the options for increasing the soundproof and flame retardant rates of brusade inter-level floors consists of such steps:

  • To the bottom of the beam bars, perpendicular to them, with the help of elastic holders, after 30-40 cm, the bars are installed on which plates plates are attached from below.
  • On the upper surface of the obtained lattice design, a fiberglass film, which is tightly unfolded by mineral fiber plates, type: isomer, ursa, isomer, isoma, omeber, with a layer of 50 mm, with the transition to the side edges of the beams is tightly unfolded.
  • In the rooms of the next level on the bars, a layer of chipboard (16 ÷ 25 mm) is nailed, after that, a hard mineral fiber sounding (25 ÷ 30 mm), and the slabs of the "floating" floor chipboard are laid out again.

Bituminous circuit roof

Soft slate (it is also, onduline slate, ondulin, erectifier, bituminized slate, bituminous slate), in fact, there is a molded cardboard-cellulose material, fixed by distilled bitumen compound and peeled polymer, resistant to ultraviolet, coloring composition. Bituminous slate is done under a variety of brands (Bituwell, Aqualine, Nuline, Onduline, Guttanit, Ondura, Corrubit). Ordinary gofrolist dimensions: 2000x950, the number of waves - 10.

The main qualities of bituminous roofing - the speed of construction and affordable cost. In part of weaknesses, it is worth leading a sufficiently functional loss of complexes of color, as well as a noticeable flammability of bitumen-cardboard material, compared with metal tiles.

The roofing material is placed on a solid base made of the drying layer and rafting brusons.

In the case of private buildings, the design of two or three spills with intermediate supporting walls and inclined rapid beams is usually used.

The interval between rapid legs is commonly performed in the range of 0.60 ... 0.90 m with a width / thickness of the rafter feet 5x15 ... 10x15 cm; The support ends of the rafting beams are fixed on the fixing ram with a size of 100x100 ... 150x150 mm.

  • Cross-tramplerated bells of bituminous slate and the frequency of styling of the roofing flooring are determined by the roofing slope slope: if the angle is more than 15 degrees, then the gap between the boards of the dry-cutting structure is set to 0.30 ... 0.35 m, and the outlet - 17 centimeters.
  • The mounting of the corrugated sheets of Ondulin is better to lead from the bottom zone of the side of the skate, opposite to the leeward side, to protect against their wrap under hurricane loads.
  • The next layer is stacked with a shift in the floor-canvas, from the underwear tier, to avoid in the sections of four adjacent sheets of unnecessary layering, which contributes to the formation of non-rotations.
  • The euroshetor sheets are fixed along the lower edge into each crest of the wave, in two intermediate doomed boards - in the odd crests of the wave, and the top overlaps with the overwear of the top canvase or the skate part. For the consolidation of each corrugated person, there is enough about twenty roofing self-refining screws (size 65.0x5.5 mm) or nails: length / diameter -73.5 / 3.0 mm with elastomeric washers.
  • Challenged fuel tools is sufficient to arrange in one wave, and when the roof is bolding less than 10-11 degrees. - in 2 corrugated waves.
  • Strengthening the skate is carried out on the side of the styling of corrugated artists, with a 0.2 m ink, with screwing the screws into each vertex of the corrugated canvas.
  • In order to protect and decorate the side areas of roofing, the chipset profiles involve, the fixing of which begin with an accumulative angle, a muster by 0.2 m.