Repair Design Furniture

How to repair a metal roof - methods and rules for performing repair work. Repair of a metal roof Repair of a metal roof with bituminous materials

Repairing a metal roof is a complex and time-consuming process that requires a certain amount of experience, effort and time. The duration and complexity of the work depends on how damaged the roof is, whether there is a need to replace individual sections. To begin with, you will have to conduct a thorough examination of the surface. You should climb onto the roof only in compliance with all the rules of insurance, it is recommended to do the work together. It is impossible to walk on the metal tile; special walkways are used for inspection. The same rule applies to textured non-ferrous metal roofing sheets, the thickness of which is small. If this condition is violated, large-scale damage to the material is possible.

Repairing a metal roof covering is quite difficult and requires a lot of effort.

Replacement of roofing sheets

A common type of repair is the complete replacement of the sheets covering the roof. If the number of damaged sheets is very large, it is best to completely dismantle and cover the roof again. In case of replacement, it is important to take into account what kind of material was used for the coating, to select sheets with the same thickness and shade, the width of one sheet. All damaged parts are carefully removed, the condition of the battens, heat insulator and waterproof membranes is inspected. All materials that have traces of damage must be replaced, the wet insulation must be dried or also replaced with a new one.

Before installing sheets of material, you first need to cut it out.

If it is decided to completely dismantle the old roofing material, then it is better to give preference to corrugated board or metal tile. Repair of an iron roof begins with cutting sheets, after which they go up one by one. Laying should start from the overhangs of the roof, each subsequent sheet is laid with an overlap on the already reinforced one. The cover is fastened to the crate with self-tapping screws; it is recommended to pre-drill the mounting holes. In order not to damage the material during work, it is recommended to lay a layer of special polymer material under the sheets, repeating the ornament of the metal tile.

More difficult is the repair of seam galvanized roofs. You will have to first open the locks or just cut them off. For the installation of new sheets, special tools are required that allow the edges of adjacent elements to be bent into special locks. Such work requires experience and time, if there is no self-confidence, it is better to immediately invite a specialist or choose a less demanding option. To repair a copper or aluminum roof, the participation of a specialist is necessary, since you can damage the sheets with your own hands, and their cost is quite high.

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Roll materials for repair

To minimize repair costs and speed up the process, you can use special roll materials that are excellent for any type of metal roof. This method is often used for folded metal roofs.

The repair process includes the following steps:

Additional roof elements must be carefully inspected.

  1. An external inspection of the condition of the roof is carried out, it is necessary to eliminate all flaws, replace the rusted sheets.
  2. The repair of gutters, slopes, gutters is organized, the joints around the chimneys are examined.
  3. Torn off, but whole sections, swollen sheets must be leveled and fixed to the crate with galvanized nails.
  4. The surface of the roof is cleaned with metal brushes, all the dust formed during this is removed.
  5. Rails with a triangular cross-section are nailed along the edges, then the surface is covered with hot bitumen.
  6. It is necessary to start laying from the eaves to the ridge, an overlap of 8 cm is required so that moisture does not flow under the material.

Manufacturers offer different options for roll coatings, they differ in width and shade, which allows you to choose the most suitable option for the exterior of the house. Installation does not take much time, but preparation is difficult and time consuming.

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Repair using polymer compositions

For a metal roof, you can use special polymer compositions; they are laid only after cleaning the old metal coating. Such polymers are composites, they consist of fiberglass, roll coating, mastic, with which the coating is glued to the base. Such repair of a metal roof allows not only to update the appearance of the roof, but also to strengthen it, to increase the resistance of the base to rust, sudden temperature changes, and ultraviolet light. Increasingly, polymer composite materials are used to restore the roof, if its complete replacement is not possible for a variety of reasons.

Polymer is a thin film produced in rolls, its palette of colors is very rich. After installation, the roof will have a stylish and beautiful appearance. Of the advantages of such a repair, it should be noted:

  1. The old coating need not be removed if it is in satisfactory condition.
  2. The roof becomes stronger, becomes more durable, while its weight does not increase, since the film weighs extremely little.
  3. Waste-free laying, all trimmings can be used to seal joints and hard-to-reach places.
  4. For seam roofs, all seams (seams) are tightly pressed to the surface, i.e., additional protection is provided.
  5. The base mastic protects the roof from corrosion.

The repair process with this material is simple. The first is mastic, after which there are strips of fiberglass with a width of 15-20 cm. The last one is the thinnest polymer film: the strip is first glued to the ridge, then the roof slopes and valleys are overlapped. After installation, the surface can be coated with a special protective varnish.

Garage roof repair. Types of roofs and roofing materials. Flat and inclined single-slope structures. Solid roofing materials

It is useful to learn how to make repairs to the garage roof with your own hands, or you will have to call for help from specialists whose services you need to pay for. And I must say, it costs a lot of money, if, of course, you are dealing with professionals.

Any person who owns a country house, summer cottage or just the aforementioned garage can face a roof repair - sooner or later the roof may leak, and if measures are not taken in time, the room will begin to leak. Therefore, we suggest that you understand the main roofing materials, methods of their installation, as well as the possibility of cases of local replacement of the coating.

Repair of the iron roof of the gable roof

How to make repairs correctly

Types of roofs and roofing materials

Note. In small architectural structures - small houses, cottages, summer cottages and garages, gable or pitched roofs are usually made, although you can also find structures of the hip or four-pitched type.
Nevertheless, local repair of the roof almost does not depend on the complexity of the structure, since only a certain area is subject to replacement.

Types of roofs for summer cottages and country houses

You may need the following types of repairs:

  • filling the damaged area with hot tar to create the tightness of the coating;
  • installation of a patch made of soft roofing materials, for example, on top of the old roofing material in a certain area, you can lay several strips of new material, but it is also sometimes fixed with resin;
  • replacement of solid roofing materials in a specific area: slate, corrugated board, tiles;
  • in addition, it can be a repair of a seam roof, which is already somewhat more difficult and requires certain skills of a tinsmith.

Much also depends on the structural features of the building:

  • for example, if this is a collective garage, then in most cases, these are soft materials on a bitumen basis (the same roofing material), since no one will cover their part of the building with more expensive material;
  • but if it is a separate garage, cottage, cottage or house, then more durable materials of a solid type are already used, the same slate, corrugated board or tiles of different kinds (ceramic, metal, bituminous);
  • the treatment of the roof with hot tar for sealing is usually done only on sloped or flat roofs - on gable and complex structures, the impermeability of the coating is achieved due to the overlap of the roofing elements on top of each other.

Flat and sloped pitched roofs

Sealing point damage

Even if you fix the leaks yourself, an estimate for roof repairs will not hurt you. So you can not only determine what materials you need, but also buy them in advance so that no force majeure circumstances arise during work.

Climb up and walk along the roof, identifying visually damaged places - it is not difficult to do this, since these are ordinary ruptures or holes in the roofing material. If there are not very many of them, then you do not have to cover the entire roof or its separate section - you can just get by with small patches.

Fill the damaged area with tar

At the place of damage, cut the roofing material in the form of an envelope to make four triangles, and bend them along the sides to clean out the debris that got inside. Then pour melted tar into it.

Next, lower the triangles back, and from above you also fill this place with resin so that the seams are not visible (as in the top photo). If the hole was large, then additionally glue a piece of roofing material on top and also cover it with resin.

Installation of roofing material

It is very easy to repair and build a roof on a flat roof with roofing felt. To do this, you will need a certain number of rolls (it must be calculated for the covered area) and tar. However, it is already better to melt it on the ground, and then lift it in a bucket with a rope.

First, remove all debris from the roof, including the old coating if it is torn. Then pour melted tar in sections, so that there is enough for the width of the roll or for two widths, if possible.

Installation of hardfaced soft coating

Nowadays, there is a worthy replacement for roofing material - these are soft deposited coatings on a bitumen basis, the strength of which is much higher. Consequently, when using them, the service life of the structure is significantly increased.

They have several layers and can be made on the basis of:

  • fiberglass,
  • fiberglass,
  • polyester.

The material is glued to the sub-base with bitumen when heated, as shown in the top photo. Such coatings may differ from each other, but the milestones at the bottom of them have a fusible film intended for installation (for gluing) - sometimes it can be sprinkled with quartz sand.

The quality of such coatings mostly depends on the mixture of bitumen with polymers - this layer is located in the middle of the sheet, between its protective, top layer and the base - the fusible film, which was discussed above. The mixture may differ slightly in its composition, since it can be oxidized bitumen, as well as the same bitumen, but already with the addition of polymers.

You will understand the difference right away - firstly, if there are no polymers, then the cost of the material is much lower, and, secondly, during operation it is not able to retain heat, and also loses its elasticity at low temperatures.

Note. One of the worst enemies of soft surfaces is precipitation in the form of snow.
The fact is that such a roof, as a rule, is made on pitched and flat roofs, where the snow begins to melt, then freezes and this cycle repeats.
And this is far from the best effect on the integrity of the coating.
Therefore, snow from such roofs should be removed even before the onset of a thaw.

Solid roofing materials

Replacing a broken slate with a new one

But to repair the roof of a summer cottage, house or cottage, most likely, you will need solid roofing materials. If this is slate, then you are very lucky - it is very easy to replace it, unlike a seam covering.

In order to replace one slate, you first need to remove it. And for this you have to “disturb all the sheets that adjoin it, that is, overlapping it and located under its edge. At least these are three sheets - the top, bottom and one of the side ones, which is on top and covers the neighboring overlap with its wave.

The most important thing in this case is to carefully remove the nails so as not to damage the good (whole) material. And it is sometimes very difficult to perform such an operation, since the nails are rusty, and you will simply have nowhere to rest with a nail puller.

Therefore, the most convenient option in such situations is to cut off the nail heads with a grinder, if you have the opportunity to pull it out onto the roof by connecting it through an extension cord. The nails left without heads can subsequently be simply bent under the wave, resting against them with something flat, for example, a chisel or an old chisel (just hammer a new nail nearby - this will not cause any problems).

Note. We do not even mention the replacement of materials such as metal tiles or corrugated board, since they practically do not need to be replaced.
But if you still have to do this, then the principle is the same as for slate, only the process itself is much simpler.

Types of folds

So, if your roof is covered with sheet metal and you need to repair the roof of a cottage (house, summer cottage, garage), then everything is much more complicated here, since you have to unclench the folds in order to dismantle the old covering. And then compress them again.

Unclenching the fold is also not easy, perhaps even more difficult than rolling it up. The fact is that this will have to be done carefully, with a chisel, in order to then level the edge of the strip remaining on the roof for further use.

As a rule, a complex tool is not needed here - such a strip is leveled with two hammers. In addition, for replacement, it is very important to correctly measure the dimensions of the sheet so that it fits right into the seat - otherwise, its roll-up will be of poor quality.

Repair of a galvanized roof - the seam is rolled up with a roof frame

There are three main types of folds:

  1. recumbent;
  2. standing corner (L-shaped);
  3. just standing.

So for roofing work, as a rule, the third, standing version of the castle is used. It is strong enough, tough and will not let moisture through either from the rain or from the melting snow mass.

Therefore, after dismantling and leveling the edges of the material remaining on the roof, the replacement is carefully fed up and laid. The difficulty lies in the fact that such strips have the full length of the slope, and they must be fed so that they do not bend.

The lock is rolled up with a roofing frame, although there is also an automatic and semi-automatic folding tool for this. And it is best to use a universal frame to close the fold.


Of course, if the roof was repaired with metal roofing materials that do not have a galvanized or alumino-galvanized coating, then painting will be required to protect the coating from corrosion. All repair work, as a rule, is carried out with the same materials that are used in this case.

Well, if you have any suggestions, questions or comments, please leave them in the comments.

Similar materials

A reliable roof is the pride of any homeowner. But what if over the years the roof began to leak periodically?

Let's try to find out where the roof repair begins and how to return it to its former reliability.

Causes of roof leaks

Before, you should identify the cause of the leaks.

There are several of them:

  • defects in the roofing surface;
  • wetting of the thermal insulation layer;
  • failure of the drainage system;
  • violation of tightness in the place where the roof adjoins vertical elements and structures (chimney, antenna, wall, parapet).

The occurrence of such malfunctions can be caused by the use of low-quality fasteners or the coating itself, their natural wear and tear under the influence of atmospheric phenomena, improper installation, mechanical damage (for example, when cleaning the roof from snow).

However, in practice it is not always possible to detect a leak as easily as in theory. This is especially true for pitched roofs, when water flows into one place, and a leak appears completely in another.

In order to correctly determine the strategy by which the repair of the old roof of your house will be carried out, you need to determine the type of leakage.


  1. Arising during rain or after a while. The reason in this case is mechanical damage to the roofing or lack of tightness in the place where it adjoins the vertical elements.
  2. Appearing at the moment of snow melting. Frost on valleys, gutters and gutters blocks the normal flow of melt water and stagnant water leads to leaks.
  3. Appearing in summer, not necessarily after rain. Often the reason is the wetting of the insulation, which creates a critical pressure of water vapor on the roof covering during high air temperatures. In addition, this kind of leak can appear due to microcracks in the roofing, insufficient width of protective umbrellas and aprons, or poor-quality masonry of brick parapets.

Advice! It is necessary to start repairing the roof at the first leaks, since a prolonged leak can cause rotting of the ceilings, and therefore greatly increase the cost of repairs.

Roof inspection

Inspection of the attic

It starts with an inspection. To do this, you need to go up to the attic and check the condition of the floor, rafters, waterproofing and flooring for mold, damp places, and rot. Moisture leaves dark marks on the wood and can discolor the surface.

Then you should proceed to the external examination. It starts by checking the integrity of the ridge elements and their waterproofing. Pay special attention to fixing the aprons in the areas where the roof surface adjoins the vertical elements.

Go down to the bottom of the roof and inspect the valleys for debris or vegetation, eaves and undersheets that may have been damaged by heavy rain or wind.

It is also necessary to check if drainpipes, funnels and gutters, ventilation ducts are not clogged with debris, as well as cracks, holes, dents, chips on the coating itself.

If the inspection does not reveal anything, wait for the rain, go up to the attic and mark the place of the leak, and in dry weather patch the problem area.

Advice! During an external examination, be sure to take care of your own safety by checking the reliability of the ladder used and providing insurance.

Repair of various types of roofs

Repair of cement-sand and ceramic tiles

Repair of natural roof tiles

The causes of leaks in natural tiles are often cracks in tiles located at the junction with antennas, chimneys, as well as those located on the eaves of the roof.

This is due to unequal compression and expansion of parts of the roof with changing climatic influences. Also, leakage can occur due to crumbling cement over time at the joints between the slabs.

Sequence of work:

  1. It is necessary to strengthen the rafter structure, additionally knocking out the boards connecting 3-4 rafter legs at once.
  2. Remove the old putty from the joints and apply a new one, consisting of one part of lime, two parts of cement and the addition of tow (linseed fiber).

Repair of metal tiles

Repair of a metal roof is usually necessary due to loosening of fasteners, errors during installation of a covering or roofing pie, or due to mechanical damage.

Let's analyze each separate case:

  1. Looseness of fasteners occurs due to the use of low-quality self-tapping screws. In this case, they can be tightened, but it is better to replace them with a higher quality new fastener.
  2. Cracks and scratches in the coating can be repaired using special putties and roof repair materials.

Scratches should be covered with a special paint that prevents corrosion, gaps and leaks should be sealed with a roofing silicone sealant (we recommend using Soudal Aquafix, price - from 270 rubles), a steel patch should be applied to the through crack using a soldering iron.

  1. If the roofing cake is not properly designed (leakage usually occurs due to the use of cheap films with low water permeability to cover the insulation), you need to replace the old film with a superdiffusion membrane.

Metal roof repair

Replacing damaged metal roofing sheets

The main reasons for leaks from galvanized sheet metal are leaks in the seams, corrosion and mechanical damage.

Most of the iron roof repair is done in the following way.

  1. The damaged area is cleaned with a metal brush.
  2. A patch is cut out of the same roofing material 5-10 cm larger than the damaged area.
  3. The place of damage and the edges of the patch are covered with flux and soldered to each other with a soldering iron.
  4. After cooling, the seam is processed with a file.
  5. Partially or completely paint the roof.

In case of significant damage, a complete replacement of steel sheets is performed in the same way as the layers of a soft roof are changed when repairing a flat roof.

Summing up

So, we have analyzed the ways to solve the problems associated with roof leakage from modern types of coatings. We hope that this article will help you carry out both the restoration of the roof of an ordinary one and the repair of the roof of a country house.

In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issue, our website contains detailed photo and video instructions, in which you will find useful information on this issue.

The operation of a metal roof, despite its durability, is not complete without current repairs, which consists in replacing it in areas with an area of ​​no more than 10% of the entire roof. Routine repairs to metal roofing include patching, repairing cracks, painting the roof and replacing damaged areas.

  • galvanized iron;
  • titanium zinc;
  • aluminum;
  • copper.

Protection against corrosion and rust of metal sheets is carried out by coating them with paint, oxides of the metals themselves or special polymer compounds.

Metal roofs are durable, but they also need to be repaired from time to time.

Preparation of a metal surface for repair work

The roof must be prepared before renovation. First, it must be cleaned of dust, rust and other dirt, using first a hard, then a soft broom and brush. You will need metal brushes to clean rusty areas. After eliminating rust, dust from it is immediately swept away, and the place is painted. Then a visual inspection of the roof is made to identify cracks and holes formed when cleaning snow and ice with shovels.

The inspection must be attended by at least two people. One leads him in the attic, armed with a long stick, the other on the roof, taking with him a piece of chalk. When a hole is found from the attic, a person knocks on the roof with a stick, and his partner from above marks this place with chalk. After identifying all defects, you can proceed to their immediate elimination.

It is important ! It is advisable to inspect the roof on a clear sunny day with good visibility, in this case even the smallest crack or hole will not hide from your sight.

Inspection of seam roof damage

Partial repair or complete replacement of roofing materials

To repair a metal roof, patches are used, which are of two types: along the width of the picture with defects on the plane of the sheet and intermediate ones, which are used to repair damage in the ridges or near them. For the patch, take a sheet with the necessary allowances for the amount of worn out places. Allowances are required for connections. The place with the defect is opened and a patch is placed on it, connecting it to the old coating. On gentle slopes, seams are soldered to connect patches to sheets.

Before installing the patch, drying oils, and after connecting, apply weather-resistant paint compositions, painting over the joints at the same time to avoid corrosion. Patches for small holes ranging in size from 30 to 200 mm are made from tarpaulin, burlap or thick fabric. Patches are not placed on small holes up to 30 mm; they are covered with hot bitumen, red lead putty or special mastic. The roofing sheet around the hole is cleaned by 30–40 mm and coated on both sides - from the attic and from the roof.

For patches made of fabric and burlap, impregnation with liquid oil paint on natural drying oil from grated lead or iron red lead is required. The patches are dipped into the paint absolutely dry and kept for 10-15 minutes. Then they are squeezed out and placed on the hole, carefully smoothing and pressing with your hand or a hard brush. Smooth edges especially carefully. After 5-7 days, when the patches are completely dry, you can start painting. Do this in dry weather. Before painting, dust collected during this time must be removed with a brush.

Cloth and burlap patches are impregnated with liquid oil paint

Gutters, trays, downpipes, eaves are repaired more often, since it is these elements of the roof that are most vulnerable when cleaning snow and ice.

If defects make up 50% of the area, then metal sheets are replaced on the entire surface. A complete replacement of the metal roof is done in the same way as the laying of a new one. The removed sheets can be reused on the south slope. They are cleaned, cut off, covered with linseed oil and paint. They are not suitable for the most critical places. For valleys, eaves and other vulnerable elements, only new steel sheets are used. All folds are covered with putty on red lead prior to compression.

Repair of a metal roof with roll materials

To reduce the cost of repairing a high-wear metal roof, roll materials can be used. Repair work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • flaws in the crate are eliminated;
  • gutters, gutters and slopes are being repaired;
  • swollen and torn off areas are fixed with nails;
  • using metal brushes, the surface is cleaned;
  • further, rolled materials are stacked along and across the standing folds;
  • on both sides, slats are nailed with a triangular cross section and a height equal to the fold;
  • the surface is covered with hot bitumen, roofing material is glued to it.

The work is carried out from the eaves to the ridge with an overlap of each subsequent row of 8 cm. When laying transverse strips, standing seams can be bent to the plane of the roof.

As soon as a defect is found during inspection of the steel roof, you must immediately begin to eliminate it.

Repair using "Polikrov" - polymer roll-bulk composition

During the overhaul of the roof, a polymer composition is also used without removing the obsolete coating. "Polikrov" is a compound in one composition of polymeric and bulk materials. Consists of:

  • reinforced glass cloth, roll base "Polikrov-AR";
  • mastic "Polikrova-M", gluing the material to the base;
  • self-leveling coating "Polikrova-L", which is applied in several layers.

The roll base is easy to install and quickly adheres, and the self-leveling layers form a seamless film. Polymer composition "Polikrov" is available in a wide range of colors. Silver is considered by many to be the best color, as its reflectiveness gives the roof a clean and fresh feeling for a long time after renovation.

It's important to know ! During the operation of a building with such a coating, only the top layer lends itself to negative effects, the roll base does not age, therefore, during subsequent repairs, only the filling layer is renewed.

The silvery color of the roof, thanks to its reflective properties, creates the feeling of a clean roof over a long period

Advantages of using Polikrov:

  • removal of the old coating is not required;
  • the parameters of the roof made of a polymer composition exceed the parameters of the old, metal;
  • slight increase in roof weight;
  • no waste is left as trims are used to insulate abutments and joints.

Application technology of the roll-polymer composition "Polikrov":

  • the folds of the old metal coating are tightly bent to the ramp;
  • all debris is removed from the surface;
  • mastic is applied for gluing strips of fiberglass or burlap 15–20 cm wide;
  • the insulation coating and "Polikrov" are being laid;
  • the strip "Polikrov-AR-130" or "Polikrov-AR-150" is glued to the ridge of the roof;
  • the roof surface is covered with Polikrov-L-1 varnish.

When using "Polikrova" there is no need to remove the old coating

When the length of the slope does not exceed the length of the roll, which is 20–22 m, the covering is carried out with a continuous sheet from the ridge to the eaves. On large areas, roll material must be glued from bottom to top.

Features of "Polikrov":

  • withstands temperatures from -60 to +140 ° C;
  • produced in rolls of 20 m 2, width 90 cm, material thickness 2 mm;
  • mastic is sold in barrels or cans of 200 and 20 liters, respectively;
  • service life up to 25 years.

This is important to know! The most vulnerable spots of a metal-coated roof are at the joints, as well as between the lathing bars from the attic side when the temperature and humidity conditions are violated. Since nails, wires, bolts and other fasteners are made from non-galvanized steel, an electric steam is formed in the joints with galvanized steel, which destroys the galvanized steel. In this case, a single or double layer of roofing material will help.

Repair of an old metal roof with a polymer composition "Polikrov"

Painting a metal roof: technological requirements

The paint film is destroyed by exposure to water, hydrogen sulfide, air, carbon dioxide, sand, dust and smoke. In order for their effect to be minimal, during staining it is necessary to comply with the technological requirements for staining. The painting should be even and smooth so that dust and sand do not linger on it. An uneven paint layer contributes to the formation of cracks, in which water will accumulate and destroy the roof. Lasting staining is achieved by applying 2-3 coats to a previously prepared substrate.

The painting of the repaired roof is done on a clean and dry surface with swinging brushes.

The metal roof itself is reliable and durable. Its functionality and service life depend on how high-quality and technologically advanced the repair is. Therefore, it is very important that metal roofing repairs are carried out by professionals.

Professionals "MosStroyAlliance" are ready to offer you their services: our company specializes in roof repair, realizing tasks of any complexity. Specialists carry out repairs both at industrial facilities and in private territories, carrying out work efficiently and quickly. We leave for emergency calls and, if necessary, carry out preventive maintenance. Large organizations and companies who own industrial and industrial facilities, as well as individuals, turn to MosStroyAlliance when it is necessary to repair a country house or a small building.

Our advantages:

  • we go to any objects, regardless of the number of storeys, the height of the building, the complexity of the work;
  • professional repair: we employ experienced and qualified craftsmen who perform high-quality repair work, regardless of the complexity of the task;
  • we carry out overhaul and spot repairs of a metal roof;
  • we have in our arsenal all the necessary metal material for the repair of roofs;
  • professional advice: before starting the repair of a metal roof, you can get all the information about the technologies used, materials, answers to your questions, etc .;
  • acceptable prices: the cost depends on the roof area, amount of work, type of roof and other parameters;
  • fast execution of works: your roof will be repaired in the shortest possible time.

Overhaul of roofs

Distinguish between spot and overhaul of the roof. The first means the repair of a certain section of the roof, the condition of which can be considered unsatisfactory. Typically, a team of foremen cope with the assigned tasks in one day. Overhaul is understood as a complete replacement of roofing elements: dismantling of old and installation of new metal sheets. It is necessary not only when the protective properties of the roofs are lost, but also when redeveloping the attic, increasing the area of ​​the object, and reconstructing the structure.

The main stages of the work carried out during the repair of roofs:

  1. Dismantling of old metal sheets (roof covering). It is necessary to unbend or cut the folds, then separate them.
  2. Inspect the material: if the roof is partially damaged, then those sheets that are still usable are reused. In order to minimize costs, our specialists sort the removed metal roof, then clean the material, and, if necessary, level the sheets.
  3. Dismantling of drainage systems. If the work is carried out by professionals, then the drain and drainpipes are not damaged when removed, that is, they can be reused. Otherwise, the purchase of new drainage systems is required.
  4. Assessment of the condition of the roof supporting structure: if necessary, repairs are carried out.
  5. Fire retardant and antiseptic roof treatment: the roof must be protected with special means to extend its life.
  6. Laying a heat-insulating and vapor barrier layer. The roof (attic) must be warm so that there is minimal heat loss, less costs for heating the object are required.
  7. Installation of a new metal roof.
  8. Installation of a drainage system.
  9. Checking roofs, assessing the quality of work.

Professionals of MosStroyAlliance do not just repair roofs, but also carry out the necessary diagnostic and control work. The roof must be without distortions, defects, the roofing system must function, so that in the future it is not necessary to resolve issues with the removal of water from the metal roof. Our specialists are ready to repair the eaves, straighten the material if the roof was exposed to mechanical stress during operation.

In order not to have to carry out major repairs and there were no leaks, it is worth carrying out preventive repairs to the metal roof or eliminating defects immediately after their detection. It is worth calling the specialists of MosStroyAlliance if there are cracks in the sheets, deformations, moisture accumulates under the roof, a leak has appeared, material delamination is observed, loose fit of elements, corrosion. They also contact us in case of mechanical damage to the coating due to falling trees, after hurricane winds and in other cases when the coating has been damaged as a result of heavy loads.

The metal structure must be installed strictly according to the technology, otherwise the repair work will be in vain. It is important that the dismantling of the structure and the reinstallation of the roofs are carried out by professionals, so that the quality of the installation can be monitored. Our specialists are ready to carry out not only current and major repairs, but also to help in case of an emergency. At the same time, it does not matter what area the object is, what kind of finishing coating is installed: we will carry out all the necessary work on the outside and under the roof, fully restoring its functional characteristics.