Repairs Design Furniture

Examination of construction work on the device screed. Causes of the appearance of defects screed, repair why the tires from concrete

Screed - This is an intermediate layer when flooring between the base and the floor coating of the floor of the room.

Aligning screed

Aligning tie Serve to equalize the base, to give a given height (or slope) of the floor plane. For the device, the screed is used: cement-sandy solution, lightweight and cellular concrete, ready-made dry mixtures for bulk floors, self-leveling mixtures.

The minimum screed thickness of the cement-sand solution is 30mm. For a screed, a thickness of less than 20mm uses ready-made dry mixtures. For layer less than 5 mm, self-leveling mixtures are used.

Heat insulating screed

Heat insulating ties Serve to ensure thermal insulation of the room from the base. The heat insulation is performed by a density of about 170kg / m³ or a foam density of at least 30kg / m³.

In the case of the heated flooring, the heat insulating layer is necessary to prevent the propagation of heat into the room, which is located below.

Dry floor screed

Dry floor screed It is performed from special gypsum fiber or cement-fibrous plates. Such plates are placed on a dry backfill (sand, grainsite fractions 1-5mm, perlite) or foam (expanded polystyrene) that perform an alignment function.

The base before frowning is covered with an adhesive film between pieces of film at least 20cm to protect the screed from moisture. The film must go on the walls on 20cm above the level of the future floor. Along the walls around the perimeter, the insulating tape of foamed polyethylene is placed. The tape serves for sound insulation and to compensate for the linear expansion of laid stoves.

The thickness of the backfill should be at least 2 cm. Run the backfill on the guides using the rule.

Then mount the plates. The plates are placed on each other with overhearst and fasten in special grooves with self-draws. Before that, the joints are missing with glue.

After laying the plates, the protruding parts of the film and the insulating tape are cut.

A dry tie is used to repair old floors or a floor device on wooden floors that are afraid of a large amount of moisture.

The advantage of the dry screed is simplicity and speed of its installation, the possibility of laying the flooring is already in a day after mounting the slabs of the screed.

Video: Device dry floor screed

The screed is arranged if:

    it is necessary to align any floor element under the coating;

    give the floor to the specified slope;

    to form a durable layer for not rigid (or fragile) elements of overlapping.

Floor screed device

Before filling a cement screed, you must check and close the gaps and joints between the floor and the walls, between the floor plates. After that, the surface of the floor is deemed. It is necessary to remove oil spots, residues of paints.

For a device of a tie from a cement-sand solution along a concrete underlying layer, reinforced concrete overlapping or a waterproofing layer on a surface, purified from garbage and dust, is placed after 1.5-2m light-up raids with a height equal to the specified screed thickness (usually 3-5 cm).

As a lighthouse rail, wooden bars of the corresponding thickness, galvanized UD profile, CD, intended for installation or steel pipes of the desired diameter, which are repeatedly used are used.

The level of the top of the Maycharges are determined by the marks that are removed on the walls using a level or a simple water level. Then set the vertex of the beacon with the help of a roulette or measuring line and, if necessary, align the underlying layer.

In accordance with the marks deposited on the wall, the bearer rails are installed, which are placed on the fastening stamps from the solution, in charge of them to the desired level. To retain the specified level on the brand, dry cement is being added, which speeds up the solidification of the brands. To create slopes, the lighthouse rails are installed with a slope.

Using the rule, check the correctness of layouts.

The surface of the underlying layer is moistened immediately before laying cement-sandy solution. Moisturizing prevents excessive suction of moisture from the solution and increases the strength of the screed.

The solution is labeled between two light racks by strips through one and smoke with a rack-rule, which is based on two loying racks, and after removing the lateral rails - on the edges of the previously laid lanes of the screeds. In the missed bands, the solution is placed 24 hours after laying first strips.

The fresheged screed is protected from the loss of moisture sheltering it with a rhodic, film, shields, and the like. And watered with water for 7 days at least once a day. At high temperature (above 15 ° C), the screed is watered twice a day, this will avoid the appearance of cracks.

You can usually walk along the freshly installed screed after 24 hours. Full strength screed is gaining in 28 days.

Requirements for the screed (SNiP 04/04/01-87)

The lumen between the control 2-tray rail and the tested surface of the screed should not exceed:

2mm for screeds for coating from parquet, linoleum and other rolled synthetic materials;

6mm for screeds for other coatings.

Deviation of the plane of the screed from the horizontal or a given slope is 0.2 corresponding to the size of the room, the limit deviation is not more than 50mm.

Floor screed defects and ways to eliminate them.

Rights on the surface of the screed. Large irregularities are knocked down (or hollow with subsequent sealing), small - polished by an abrasive tool.

Cracks in the screed. They arise as a result of drying the screed (very fast drying) or the use of poor-quality solutions. Cracks are expanded, ground and closed with a solution.

Salt the screed from the base. Cut off the "Building" section are divened and the base is moistened, re-poured with a solution.

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All concrete floor defects are conventionally combined into the following groups:

  • operational damage;
  • damage caused by chemical and climatic impact.

Mechanical damage

This type of damage is the most common. Mechanical damage arise as a result of a variety of factors and are conventionally divided into internal and external. The latter can be found on the surface of the floor alone, and to find the internal need a special device - a flaw detector in concrete.

The most common mechanical damage and causes of their occurrence:

  • skoli. They are formed as a result of mechanical impact on the floor sections under which the zones of a reduced density are located. The reason for the appearance of chips can be a violation of the ratio of water and cement in a concrete solution when filling, the absence of temperature and shuffling, insufficient reinforcement, movements at the base;
  • potholes. Usually occur due to shock loads. Thigh can also be formed as a result of the effects of a large mass, for example, in places of heavy equipment;
  • calculation of the top layer of concrete. It occurs most often due to the poor-quality drying of the concrete surface and the execution of its finishes to complete hydration of the solution;
  • big. Appear in the case when the surface layer of concrete was sealed until the air bubbles are completely removed from the mass of the solution. Swimming appear and after treatment with impregnations or paints of an unreasonable concrete surface;
  • cracks. Over time, they can expand and unite with each other, which can cause major chosel formation.

As we see, the appearance of some defects could be avoided. But chips, potholes and cracks are formed during the operation of a concrete floor, so they must be periodically repaired.

Prevention of mechanical defects

To minimize the possibility of mechanical damage, it is necessary, first of all, to comply with the technology of concrete floor arrangement.

When arranging concrete floor, the following rules must be followed:

  • class of concrete must necessarily comply with settlement loads. Savings on materials can cause the service life will be reduced at times and will have much more often to spend funds and forces on its repair;
  • it is impossible to break the technology of the fill of the concrete solution and its further drying. Concrete requires high-quality seal, and during hydration, he should not have lack of moisture;
  • you should pay attention to the time frame. If a concrete was used to fill the screed without special additive modifiers, then it is possible to start the surface to finish no earlier than a month after the installation work;
  • concrete floor during operation should be protected from unnecessary intense effects. Loads, of course, will be present, but you can reduce the harm from them. For example, a simple limitation of the velocity speed of transport on industrial floor leads to the fact that damage to the coating occurs much less frequently.

Performance damage

All of the following defects arise either due to improper use of concrete floor, or due to the violation of its technology.

Related to operational damage:

  • deformation screed. This defect is expressed by changing the level of concrete floor. The coating is most often driving in the center and raised along the edges. The reason may be an uneven density of concrete when pouring due to insufficient tamping, as well as the insufficient thickness of reinforcement and the various humidity of the lower and upper layers of concrete;
  • cracking tie. Cracks may occur both in mechanical impacts on the floor and during its deformation, which can be triggered or temperature expansions, or excessive loads, significantly exceeding the calculated;
  • peeling. On the concrete surface there is a peeling of small scales. It usually begins with the appearance of a net grid. The cause of this defect is too rapid evaporation of moisture from the top layer of concrete;
  • breaking concrete surface. It is expressed in the appearance of shallow cement dust on the floor surface. May be associated with several reasons. This is the lack of cement in solution, and excess moisture when filling the floor, and the impact of various abrasives on concrete.
Operational damage is eliminated somewhat more complicated than mechanical.

To minimize the risk of defects during the operation of concrete floor, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  • the solution should be processed and pouring through all the rules of technology, not allowing its peeling and bundle in drying;
  • to prevent the cracking of concrete, it is necessary to put a damper tape on the perimeter of the room compensating for deformation. At the screeds of a large area, deformation seams with polymer filling are performed;
  • it is also necessary to qualitatively prepare the base under the screed: the more denser the soil will be rambling, the less likelihood of drawdown, deformation and cracking of the concrete structure will be.
  • in order to avoid the appearance of surface damage to the concrete surface, an impact impregnation on a polymeric basis should be applied or to perform "ironing" concrete.

Climatic and chemical impact

A separate group is defects resulting from a reaction to any chemical or climatic impact.

This can be attributed:

  • the appearance on the surface of the concrete floor of bright spots and divorcesso-called heights. The cause of the formation of a saline rotation is a violation of a humidity regime or calcium chloride inhibit and alkalis into a concrete solution. It is for this reason that experts are recommended in areas with strong courbonate soils to use imported water to the preparation of concrete mix;
  • the destruction of the surface of the concrete floor under the influence of low temperatures. The water that fell into the pores of the upper layer of concrete, during freezing increases in the amount by 10-15%. Therefore, microscopic pores are gradually expanding. The more often the freezing / thawing process occurs, the more intense the concrete is destroyed. To combat this phenomenon, special anti-sample impregnations or compositions that reduce the porosity of the material are used;
  • this group of damage is also corrosion of reinforcement. Metal mortgages are covered with rust in the locations of their exposure. This leads to a decrease in the strength of the reinforcement and the entire concrete structure. To prevent this process, the reinforcement must be processed by anti-corrosion composition.

All defects described above may manifest themselves in the most different form. The first signs of many of them may look quite harmless, but still, when they are discovered, appropriate measures should be taken. Otherwise, the situation with time can deteriorate sharply.

The basic technologies of defects are described in this article, and about repair with epoxy mastic

When performing capital repairs in the premises of any purpose, special attention requires the technical condition of the floors. After long-term operation, the coating may have a number of defects, fix that can only help overhaul the floor tie.

After a long use of the concrete floor, it can get both minor damage, and to be covered with large cracks, fix that can only be fully replaced by the screed.

Classification of defects

The easiest way is to completely dismantle the existing coating to the very base and arrange a new screed. Such actions justify themselves in the event that there are no more ways to restore the old screed. Under normal conditions, this is unacceptable for a number of reasons:

  1. Most often, the old floor covering can be repaired and updated without resorting to such cardinal methods.
  2. The disassembly of old screeds in the conditions of the residential premises is a very noisy and extremely pollutant event, in the process of work, cement dust will be distributed throughout the apartment.
  3. Dismantle the existing screed is necessary to the very base, otherwise the procedure loses its meaning. However, it is unknown, in what condition is the basis itself. The case may be completed by repair of carrier reinforced concrete structures, which is very expensive. Ideally, using a scrupulous approach to the question, it is necessary to act in order to ensure the safe and durable room operation. But in the short term, this approach may be unreasonable.
  4. Repair of the floor screed through its complete replacement is the most expensive way of all available.

It will be more correct to remove the first flooring of the floors, clean the surface of the existing screed and visually examine it, determining the amount and size of defects. In the process of study, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe concrete surface is recommended to gently catch up with a hammer for the presence of hidden emptiness in the thickening screed as a result of detachment. Deaf sound will definitely indicate such a defect. After all the damage and their number are determined, you can proceed to the choice of the method of their elimination.

There are several types of wear of old concrete floors:

The detachment occur due to temperature drops and the impact of moisture on concrete.

  1. Cracks of different depths and degree of disclosure over time arise in the thickness of the coating as a result of loads and temperature effects.
  2. Thought and recesses appear during operation after constant mechanical effects on the concrete layer. It may be the movement of heavy furniture or musical instruments (for example, piano) or a vibration load from a washing machine. In the industrial premises, the spectrum of loads on the floors is very wide.
  3. The detachment of concrete on a certain area is formed with the simultaneous impact of moisture and temperature drops.
  4. The low strength of the surface layer of the screed is the result of an initially low grade of cement-sandy solution or concrete. On such a surface, dust cement and sand from the slightest mechanical exposure is constantly present.

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Elimination of small damage

Repair of small cracks begin with the fact that they reveal them in width and depth. For this purpose, an angular grinding machine with a cut-off circuit on stone and concrete is used. From two sides of the defect, the screed cut the circle to a depth of up to 5 cm in such a way that after removing pieces of the old solution, the groove of a rectangular cross section 2-3 cm is cleaned. It is cleaned and dust is removed to estimate the sufficiency of the cut depth. If it turns out that the crack goes to the very base, then you will have to perform the same work as in the case of through wide cracks.

Close up of a cutting groove is made after applying primer on its walls, which will dedust and strengthen the existing layer of concrete. It is possible to primitive will have several times, especially when it is noticeable that the surface is strongly absorbed by the applied composition. To fulfill the last stage of repair, you need to prepare a special cement-sandy solution on PVA glue. The recipe is: the stirring of glue with water in a 1: 3 ratio is made, after which the solution, the ratio of cement and sand is mixed on this basis - 1: 3. Since the volume of work is small, it is preferable to make it preferable to do in a plastic bucket (can be made of ink with a micro-powered electric drill. If the latter is missing, you can apply a piece of wire with a diameter of 6 mm, one end of which to get up or in the form of a ring, and the second to fix in the cartridge of the power tool.

Using the trimmer and the rules, the separated crack is filled, and the surface is smoothed by removing the residues of the solution. Subsequent work can be made no earlier than 20 days after the end of the repair, this applies to all types of screed recovery work. In the same method, you can close the seed and other mechanical damage in the surface of the concrete screed.

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Technology sealing deep cracks

Cell-cutting wide cracks are expanding to the very base using a perforator, broken pieces of an old solution and dust are removed. For this purpose, it is best to use compressed air to blow all the extra garbage. If a pillow from rubble is discovered as a base, it will be necessary to compact it in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cutting place and pour liquid cement milk. At the same time, the milk should fall under the separated edges of the screed, after which it is necessary to give time to frozen. The base in the form of a reinforced concrete plate must be across with the edges of the resulting groove.

Further repair of the screed is to fill the groove with a special composition. You can perform this work, prepare the same solution as in the previous case, and swinging it by the rule. But it should be understood that the cracks of such dimensions do not arise in the screed simply and may appear again, so it is recommended to withstand technology. In this case, it is not necessary to save on independent preparation, it is better to purchase a ready-made thixotropic mixture to repair the floor in the trading network, at the same time buy a special damper cord-seal, such is used for the deformation seam device.

After stirring, the mixture is filled with all the separated niche, while the vertical markers made of fine steel wire are installed along the entire crack. When the thixotropic mixture is grabbed, the markers can be pulled out so that they are easier to come out, they should be pre-lubricated with solidol.

The next stage is the mint of the damper cord, which is cut through a narrow groove of a depth of 5 cm. After this operation, the groove is closed with a plastic sealant based on silicone or polyurethane. As can be understood from technology, the result of such a repair is a deformation seam device on the site of a large floor crack. Whatever the reasons for its occurrence, new defects will not appear in this place.

Concrete bundles in the thickness of the screed can be eliminated by injection. Once all the places with this defect are detected, it is necessary to drill holes in the screed with a perforator and a boom with a diameter of 12 to 20 mm, the distance between the holes is 250 mm. Next, they should neatly pour a special composition based on epoxy resins. If it is possible, it is better to use the syringe. Pouring to produce until all empties and pores are filled, to do with breaks, giving the composition to absorb concrete. Repair of the tie of the floor This method is the work is not difficult, but requiring attention and patience. After soaring epoxy glue, which will occur during the day, you can proceed to further work.

The weakened surface layer of the screed can be made stronger with modern building deep-perky compositions based on polyurethane. Such impregnations allow you to raise the screed solution with M50 to M300 to the necessary depth. After the floor is treated with polyurethane compositions, the formation of cement dust will be stopped, and a protective film with a thickness of up to 200 microns will appear on the surface of the concrete.

By performing the restoration work of concrete flooring, it is possible to significantly save money that will inevitably be spent when dismantling and a new screed device.

When performing capital repairs in the premises of any purpose, special attention requires the technical condition of the floors. After long-term operation, the coating may have a number of defects, fix that can only help overhaul the floor tie.

After a long use of the concrete floor, it can get both minor damage, and to be covered with large cracks, fix that can only be fully replaced by the screed.

Classification of defects

The easiest way is to completely dismantle the existing coating to the very base and arrange a new screed. Such actions justify themselves in the event that there are no more ways to restore the old screed. Under normal conditions, this is unacceptable for a number of reasons:

Damaged damaged floor screed circuit.

  1. Most often, the old floor covering can be repaired and updated without resorting to such cardinal methods.
  2. The disassembly of old screeds in the conditions of the residential premises is a very noisy and extremely pollutant event, in the process of work, cement dust will be distributed throughout the apartment.
  3. Dismantle the existing screed is necessary to the very base, otherwise the procedure loses its meaning. However, it is unknown, in what condition is the basis itself. The case may be completed by repair of carrier reinforced concrete structures, which is very expensive. Ideally, using a scrupulous approach to the question, it is necessary to act in order to ensure the safe and durable room operation. But in the short term, this approach may be unreasonable.
  4. Repair of the floor screed through its complete replacement is the most expensive way of all available.

It will be more correct to remove the first flooring of the floors, clean the surface of the existing screed and visually examine it, determining the amount and size of defects. In the process of study, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe concrete surface is recommended to gently catch up with a hammer for the presence of hidden emptiness in the thickening screed as a result of detachment. Deaf sound will definitely indicate such a defect. After all the damage and their number are determined, you can proceed to the choice of the method of their elimination.

There are several types of wear of old concrete floors:

The detachment occur due to temperature drops and the impact of moisture on concrete.

  1. Cracks of different depths and degree of disclosure over time arise in the thickness of the coating as a result of loads and temperature effects.
  2. Thought and recesses appear during operation after constant mechanical effects on the concrete layer. It may be the movement of heavy furniture or musical instruments (for example, piano) or a vibration load from a washing machine. In the industrial premises, the spectrum of loads on the floors is very wide.
  3. The detachment of concrete on a certain area is formed with the simultaneous impact of moisture and temperature drops.
  4. The low strength of the surface layer of the screed is the result of an initially low grade of cement-sandy solution or concrete. On such a surface, dust cement and sand from the slightest mechanical exposure is constantly present.

Elimination of small damage

Repair of small cracks begin with the fact that they reveal them in width and depth. For this purpose, an angular grinding machine with a cut-off circuit on stone and concrete is used. From two sides of the defect, the screed cut the circle to a depth of up to 5 cm in such a way that after removing pieces of the old solution, the groove of a rectangular cross section 2-3 cm is cleaned. It is cleaned and dust is removed to estimate the sufficiency of the cut depth. If it turns out that the crack goes to the very base, then you will have to perform the same work as in the case of through wide cracks.

Screed repair sequence.

Close up of a cutting groove is made after applying primer on its walls, which will dedust and strengthen the existing layer of concrete. It is possible to primitive will have several times, especially when it is noticeable that the surface is strongly absorbed by the applied composition. To fulfill the last stage of repair, you need to prepare a special cement-sandy solution on PVA glue. The recipe is: the stirring of glue with water in a 1: 3 ratio is made, after which the solution, the ratio of cement and sand is mixed on this basis - 1: 3. Since the volume of work is small, it is preferable to make it preferable to do in a plastic bucket (can be made of ink with a micro-powered electric drill. If the latter is missing, you can apply a piece of wire with a diameter of 6 mm, one end of which to get up or in the form of a ring, and the second to fix in the cartridge of the power tool.

Using the trimmer and the rules, the separated crack is filled, and the surface is smoothed by removing the residues of the solution. Subsequent work can be made no earlier than 20 days after the end of the repair, this applies to all types of screed recovery work. In the same method, you can close the seed and other mechanical damage in the surface of the concrete screed.

Technology sealing deep cracks

Scheme of sealing cracks in a concrete screed.

Cell-cutting wide cracks are expanding to the very base using a perforator, broken pieces of an old solution and dust are removed. For this purpose, it is best to use compressed air to blow all the extra garbage. If a pillow from rubble is discovered as a base, it will be necessary to compact it in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cutting place and pour liquid cement milk. At the same time, the milk should fall under the separated edges of the screed, after which it is necessary to give time to frozen. The base in the form of a reinforced concrete plate must be across with the edges of the resulting groove.

Further repair of the screed is to fill the groove with a special composition. You can perform this work, prepare the same solution as in the previous case, and swinging it by the rule. But it should be understood that the cracks of such dimensions do not arise in the screed simply and may appear again, so it is recommended to withstand technology. In this case, it is not necessary to save on independent preparation, it is better to purchase a ready-made thixotropic mixture to repair the floor in the trading network, at the same time buy a special damper cord-seal, such is used for the deformation seam device.

After stirring, the mixture is filled with all the separated niche, while the vertical markers made of fine steel wire are installed along the entire crack. When the thixotropic mixture is grabbed, the markers can be pulled out so that they are easier to come out, they should be pre-lubricated with solidol.

The next stage is the mint of the damper cord, which is cut through a narrow groove of a depth of 5 cm. After this operation, the groove is closed with a plastic sealant based on silicone or polyurethane. As can be understood from technology, the result of such a repair is a deformation seam device on the site of a large floor crack. Whatever the reasons for its occurrence, new defects will not appear in this place.

Concrete bundles in the thickness of the screed can be eliminated by injection. Once all the places with this defect are detected, it is necessary to drill holes in the screed with a perforator and a boom with a diameter of 12 to 20 mm, the distance between the holes is 250 mm. Next, they should neatly pour a special composition based on epoxy resins. If it is possible, it is better to use the syringe. Pouring to produce until all empties and pores are filled, to do with breaks, giving the composition to absorb concrete. Repair of the tie of the floor This method is the work is not difficult, but requiring attention and patience. After soaring epoxy glue, which will occur during the day, you can proceed to further work.

The weakened surface layer of the screed can be made stronger with modern building deep-perky compositions based on polyurethane. Such impregnations allow you to raise the screed solution with M50 to M300 to the necessary depth. After the floor is treated with polyurethane compositions, the formation of cement dust will be stopped, and a protective film with a thickness of up to 200 microns will appear on the surface of the concrete.

By performing the restoration work of concrete flooring, it is possible to significantly save money that will inevitably be spent when dismantling and a new screed device.

From day to day, the tie of the floor is subjected to various loads: heavy furniture, flooring, walking in people, as well as drop items. As a consequence, the screed is wear out, cracks are formed, deep slots and chips, in addition to all the exfoliation appears.

Defects also appear on non-compliance with technology when creating a screed: a solution of incorrect consistency, bubbles, poorly purified base, use of low-grade cement formed when pouring.

In the event of defects, the floor screed is required. Specialists in this area are recommended not to tighten with this process and repair than before, the better, in order to avoid large physical and financial costs.

To determine the defects of the screed, you must completely remove the old coating. There are several types of screed damage:

  • fractional formation - occurs as a result of the deflection of the main plate;
  • the bundle - occurs in the production of filling the solution to the poorly purified surface;
  • abrasion of the surface - the screed solution was produced from poor-quality material;
  • the formation of voids - the floors were flooded with a solution of impaired density.

If there is 30% with data for damage to the screed, then the repair will not make sense and the production of fillings must be renovated again.

Repair of small and large cracks

Cracks in the draft floor should be repaired immediately. The delay in this procedure may result in a mass of negative consequences: an increase in the size of the cracks, the penetration of garbage and moisture, scattering edges, damage to expensive flooring.

If the deepening of the crack corresponds to the testimony of no more than two centimeters, it is necessary to make slots along the crack to a depth of a few millimeters and 2 cm. Washier. Then remove dust and construction trash with a vacuum cleaner. These cracks are processed by primer, as long as it stops absorbed. This procedure is performed to improve the adhesion of the concrete solution with the surface.

For the repair of small cracks, the repair makeup is prepared in which PVA glue is 1 part, water-3 parts, cement - 3 parts and sand - 1 part. The glue is thoroughly divorced in water, then pre-mixed sand with cement is added to the resulting solution.

This solution is not suitable for repairs of deep cracks. Freshly prepared solution is filled with treated cracks just above the floor level. After drying, the excess concrete is eliminated by the grinding machine.

The repair of large cracks begins with the separation of the latter on their full depth. To produce this process, it is necessary to use a perforator or a construction saw. It is also necessary to remember that the solution is poured on a surface and treated with special primer thoroughly purified from dust and construction garbage.

If cracks have a rather large width, they should be strengthened with metal brackets in order to avoid further development. For this every 25-30 cm, transverse two-chamber slots are done to a width of 1.5 cm.

At the next stage, a solution is prepared, which includes a mixture of sand and cement 3: 1. Such cracks are poured into several stages.

At an early production stage, a liquid solution is used to shed a crack in hard-to-reach places.

Next, the solution of medium density is mixed, and the concrete is poured into the bottom of the slotted slots. After soaring the new layer, metal staples are made of fittings or wire and inserted into the proposed shoes.

Next, it is necessary to mix a little plasticizer in the repair solution and fill it with cracks, pouring together with brackets to the edges. When all the layers are carefully dried, it is necessary to perform grinding work.

Repair of chosel and defects

In case of non-compliance with the installation of a cement screed, the formation of chosel is forming. In order to avoid subsequent destruction, it is necessary to urgently proceed to repair the screed. Before repairs, it is necessary to break through the cut to 2-3cm. By means of a diamond disk.

The recess is treated with a special primer, and then concrete solution. The repair makeup is flooded with all sexes with the help of the rule. At the final stage, floor grinding is performed. If the recess exceeds 5 cm, then the solution is placed in two stages of layers.

Elimination of flasking

This defect arises due to the production of screed on a dirty and unprocessed primer surface. Damage to the screed is found in the formation of emptiness and cracks, and the allocation of a large amount of dust from under the floor coating.

Repair of such damage is carried out in several ways. In the first case, repair is performed by overlaying the latal. That is, the deformed area is completely removed, together with the dust and construction trash removes, the surface is processed with grounded solution, and is poured with a new solution.

The next method is less labor-intensive, reproduced by injection and filling out the formed emptiness. In places of detachment, the bore is done by a diameter of 16 mm. On the thickness of the screed, with a distance of 30-40 cm. From each other.

With this method, it is necessary to correctly calculate the consistency of the solution, it must be fluid to completely penetrate into hard-to-reach places through a construction syringe. The repair makeup for this type of work is made on a glue or epoxy basis.

Aligning tie.

As a result of the use of the screed, irregularities are formed, the impact of which adversely affects the finishing coating. To eliminate this defect, the floor should be aligned with a milling machine. This device is plunged into 1 cm. And the floor is stitched.

Then the dust is removed and processed by polyurethane or epoxy primer. A solution is laid on the treated surface and aligned with the help of the rule. After pouring the concrete solution, the floor is re-grinding.