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The story of the vinips and everything is all. Book Winnie Pooh and all-all read online. Differences of the original Winnie from the Russian version


In which we get acquainted with Winnie Pooh and a few bees

Well, in front of you Winnie Pooh.

As you can see, he descends on the stairs after his friend Christopher Robin, head down, recalculating the steps with his own backstage: boom-boom boom. Of the other way to go from the staircase, he does not yet know. Sometimes he, however, it seems that it would be possible to find some other way if he only could stop the boom for a minute and how to focus. But alas - to focus on him and once.

Be that as it may, now he has come down and is ready to meet you.

Winnie the Pooh. Very nice!

You probably surprise you why it is so strange name, and if you know English, then you will be surprised even more.

This unusual name presented him Christopher Robin. You must tell you that once Christopher Robin was familiar with one swan on the pond, whom he called in Pup. For Swan it was a very appropriate name, because if you call the swan loud: "Pooh! Pooh!" - And he does not respond, then you can always pretend that you just shot; And if you called him quietly, then everyone will think that you just blew themselves on your nose. The swan then went somewhere, and the name was left, and Christopher Robin decided to give it to his bear, so that it was not gone in vain.

And Winnie - so called the best, the most good naughty in the zoological garden, which Christopher Robin was very, very, very much. And she really loved him very much. She was called Winnie in honor of the fluff, or the fluff called in her honor - now no one knows, even Pope Christopher Robin. Once he knew, and now forgot.

In short, now the bear is called Winnie the Pooh, and you know why.

Sometimes Winnie Pooh loves to play anything in the evening, and sometimes, especially when the dad is at home, he loves to sit quietly at the fire and listen to some interesting fairy tale.

This evening…

Dad, how about fairy tales? Kristopher Robin asked.

What about fairy tales? - asked dad.

You could not tell Winnie the Puhow fairy tale? He really wants!

Maybe I could, "said Dad. - And what does he want to talk about?

Interesting, and about him, of course. After all, we have such a bear!

Understand. Said Dad.

So please, daddy, tell me!

I'll try, "said Dad.

And he tried.

Long ago - it seems, last Friday - Winnie the Pooh lived in the forest of one-dinner, under the name of Sanders.

What does it mean "lived under the name"? Christopher Robin asked immediately.

This means that on the table over the door was gold letters written "Mr. Sanders", and he lived under her.

He probably did not understand this himself, "said Christopher Robin.

But now I realized, - grunted someone bass.

Then I will continue, "said Dad.

So one day, walking through the forest, the Pooh came out on the clearing. On the clearing, the high-deficuous oak grew, and at the very top of this oak, someone looked loudly: Zhzhzhzhzh ...

Winnie the Pooh sat on the grass under the tree, grabbed his head with his paws and began to think.

At first he thought so: "This is Zhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh! For nothing, no one will buzzhing. The tree itself can not buzzhing. So, someone is buzzing. And why do you buzz, if you are not a bee? In my opinion, so!"

Then he thought, thought and said to himself: "Why in the light of the bee? In order to do honey! In my opinion, so!"

And why in the light of honey? In order for me to eat it! In my opinion, so, not otherwise!

And with these words, he climbed onto the tree.

He lez, and climb, and all climb, and on the road he sang a song that he immediately composed. This is what:

Bear loves honey!

Why? Who will understand?

In fact, why

Honey so like him?

Here he got a little more higher ... and a little more ... and even quite a bit higher ... And then the other song-pylla came to mind:

If the bears were bees,

Then they wouldn't

Never thought

So high build a house;

And then (of course, if

Bees - these were bears!)

We would be a bear, there was no need

Lajize such tower!

In truth, the fluff is already tired, so the pyllas turned out such a complaint. But he left to climb already completely-completely a little bit. But it is worth only to get on this twig - and ...


Mum! - shouted the fluff, flying good three meters down and slightly bored with a nose of a thick branch.

Eh, and why am I only ... - he murmured, flew by five more meters.

Why, I did not want to do anything too ... - he tried to explain, knocking on the next branch and overturning upside down.

And all because of that, he finally admitted when it was overwhelmed three times, wished all the best to the lower branches and smoothly landed into a spiny-prezytny ternary bush, - all because I love my honey too much! Mum!…

The fluff scattered out of the thorns bush, pulled out the spines from the nose and wondered again. And the very first thing he thought about Christopher Robin.

About me? - aspiring Christopher Robin's voice trembling from excitement, not daring to believe such happiness.

Christopher Robin said nothing, but his eyes became more and more, and the cheeks were walked and povel.

So, Winnie Pooh went to his friend Christopher Robin, who lived in the same forest, in the house with a green door.

Good morning, Christopher Robin! - Pooh said.

Good morning, Winnie Pooh! Said the boy.

I wonder if you have a chance of a balloon?


Yes, I just walked and thought: "Does the Christopher Robin have no chance of a balloon?" I was just wondering.

Why did you need a balloon?

Winnie the Pooh looked around and, making sure that no one erupts, pressed the paw to her lips and told a scary whisper:

Honey! - repeated the fluff.

Who is it walking behind honey with balloons?

I go! - Pooh said.

Well, and just on the eve Christopher Robin was in the evening with his friend's pen, and there all guests were given balloons. Christopher Robin got a great green ball, and one of his relatives and familiar rabbits prepared a big-pre-established blue ball, but this relative and acquaintance did not take him, because he himself was still so small that he was not taken to visit him, so Christofera Robin had to So be, to capture both balls with you - both green and blue.

What do you like more? Kristopher Robin asked.

Pooh grabbed his head with his paws and thought deeply deeply.

That's what story, he said. - If you want to get honey - the main thing is that the bees do not notice you. And so, it means that if the ball will be green, they might think that it is a leaf, and do not notice you, and if the ball will be blue, they might think that this is just a piece of sky, and they will not notice you too. The whole question - what will they turn soon?

Do you think they won't notice under the ball?

Then you better take the blue ball, "Christopher Robin said.

And the question was resolved.

Friends took a blue ball with them, Christopher Robin, as always (just just in case), captured his gun, and both went on campaign.

Winnie the Pooh first walked over to one familiar puddle and it should be strained in the mud to become completely black as a real tuch. Then they began to inflate the ball, holding it together for the rope. And when the ball swelled so that it seemed to be - here it was bursting, Christopher Robin suddenly let go of the rope, and Winnie the Pooh blended into the sky and stopped there, just opposite the top of the bee tree, just a little away.

URAAAA! - shouted Christopher Robin.

What is great? - shouted to him from the Winnie Pooh. - Well, who am I like?

On the bear who flies in a balloon!

And doesn't it look like on a small black tucca? - anxiously asked the fluff.

Not really.

Well, well, maybe from here more like. And then, do you know what the bees come to the head!

Unfortunately, the wind was not, and the fluff was completely motionless. He could breathe honey, he could see honey, but to get honey he, alas, could not.

After some time, he spoke again.

Christopher Robin! He shouted with a whisper.

In my opinion, the bees suspect something!

What exactly?

I do not know. But only, in my opinion, they are suspicious!

Maybe they think that you want to draw honey from them?

Maybe so. Do you know that the bees will come to mind!

The short silence has come again. And again the voice of the fluff was heard:

Christopher Robin!

Do you have an umbrella at home?

It seems to be.

Then I ask you: bring it here and go here with him back and forth, and I will see all the time on me and sentence me: "TC-TC-TC, it seems that the rain is going!" I think, then the bees will turn better.

Well, Christopher Robin, of course, laughed to himself and thought: "Oh, you, a silly bear!" - But aloud he did not say that, because he loved the fluff very much.

And he went home for an umbrella.

At last! - shouted Winnie Pooh as soon as Christopher Robin returned. - And I have already started worrying. I noticed that bees behave at all suspiciously!

Open an umbrella or not?

Open, but just wait a minute. It is necessary to act for sure. The most important thing is to deceive the bees of the queen. Can you be seen from there?

Sorry, sorry. Well, then you go with an umbrella and say: "TC-TC-TC, it seems that the rain is going to", and I will sing a special Tuchcin song - such, what, probably sing all the torques in heaven ... Come on!

Christopher Robin began to paze back and forth under the tree and say that it seems to rain going, and Winnie Pooh got such a song:

I am Tuchka, Tuchka, Tuchka,

And not a bear at all,

Oh, how nice tuchke

Go to the sky!

Ah, in the blue-blue sky

Order and comfort -

Therefore, all Tuchchi

So fun sing!

But the bees, oddly enough, buzzally suspectedly and suspicious. Many of them even flew out of the nest and began to fly around the tucca when she fell by a second verse song. And one bee suddenly sat down on the nose of Tuchka and immediately soared.

Christopher - Ai! - Robin! - shouted Tuchka.

I thought I thought and finally understood everything. These are wrong bees!

Completely wrong! And they probably make the wrong honey, right?

Yes. So I will most likely go down better.

But as? Kristopher Robin asked.

About this Winnie Pooh just did not think. If he will release a rope from the paw, it will fall and again boom. He did not like this thought. Then he still thought and then said:

Christopher Robin, you must knock down the ball from the gun. Do you have a rifle?

Clear, with me, - said Christopher Robin. - But if I shot a ball, it will deteriorate!

And if you do not shoot, then I'm frightened, - Pooh said.

Of course, here Christopher Robin immediately understood how to do. He aimed very carefully in the ball and fired.

Oh oh oh! - cried down the fluff.

Didn't I get? Kristopher Robin asked.

Not that I did not get at all, "Pooh said," but just didn't get into the ball!

Sorry, please, - Christopher Robin said and shot again.

This time he did not miss. The air began to slowly leave the ball, and Winnie the Pooh smoothly sank to the ground.

True, his legs have completely worn, because he had to hang so much time, holding a rope. For a whole week after this incident, he could not move them, and they stuck up. If a flies sat on his nose, he had to blow her down: "Pooh! Puhhh!"

And maybe - although I'm not sure about this, it may be, it was then that he was called Puph.

Fairy Tale End? Kristopher Robin asked.

The end of this fairy tale. And there are others.

About the fluff and about me?

And about the rabbit, about the patch, and about everyone else. Don't you not remember?

I remember remember, but when I want to remember, I forget ...

Well, for example, one day the Pooh and Piglet decided to catch rallyopotama ...

And they caught him?

Where are they! After all, the fluff is quite silly. And I caught him?

Well, you hear - you know.

Christopher Robin nodded.

You see, dad, I remember everything, but I forgot the fluff, and he is very, very interesting to listen again. After all, it will be a real fairy tale, and not just so ... remembrance.

So I think so.

Christopher Robin took a deep breath, took a bear guard for the back paw and shoved to the door, dragging him behind him. At the threshold, he turned around and said:

You will come to see how I bathe?

Probably, Dad said.

And he did not really hurt when I got into it from the gun?

Neither the droplets, "said Dad.

The boy nodded and left, and in a minute dad heard the Winnie Pooh rises along the ladder: boom-boom boom.

Chapter Second,

In which Winnie Pooh went to visit, and got into a hopeless position

Somehow, the day known to his friends, which means that now you, Winnie the Pooh (by the way, sometimes for brevity, it was just the fluff) I slowly walked around the forest with a rather important view, grumbled a new song to my nose.

He had something to be proud - after all, he himself composed this song and he himself only this morning, doing, as usual, the morning gymnastics in front of the mirror. It is necessary to tell you that Winnie Pooh really wanted to lose weight and therefore carefully engaged in gymnastics. He climbed the socks, stretched out of all his might and peaked at that time:


And then, when he leaned, trying to reach the front legs to the socks, he sang like this:

Tara-Tara-oh, Karaul, Tram-Pama!

Well, that's how the song-gripped, and after breakfast Winnie all the time repeated her about herself, everything grumbled and grumbled, until he learned her all over. Now he knew her all from start to the end. Words in this grip were approximately such:


TRAM-PAM-PAM-Taram Pam-Pa!



And so, having grumbled at my nose and reflecting - and I thought Winnie the Pooh about what it would be if he, Winnie, was not Winnie Pretch, and someone is completely different, - our Winnie quietly reached Before the sandy slope in which there was a big hole.

Yeah! - Pooh said. (Trom-Pam-Pam-Tiroram-Pam Para!) - If I understand something in something, then the hole is Nora, and Nora is a rabbit, and the rabbit is a suitable company, and a suitable company is Such a company where I will be treated with something and will gladly listen to my grumble. And all that other things!

Hey! Is anybody home?

Instead, some kind of answer was heard, and then it became quiet again.

I asked: "Hey! Someone at home?" - repeated the Pooh loudly loudly.

Sorry! Said Winnie Pooh. - And what, at all, no one at home?

He thought so: "It can not be that there quite - no one there is no one! Someone there is still there - after all, someone has to say:" At all, no one! "

Therefore, he leaned again, put his head into the hole of the hole and said:

Listen, rabbit, and this is not you?

No, not me! - Told the rabbit at absolutely not his voice.

In my opinion, no, "the rabbit said. - In my opinion, he is completely, well, no bit like it! And should not be like!

That's how? - Pooh said.

He again pulled his head out, once again thought, and then again put his head back and said:

Be so kind, tell me, please, where did the rabbit go?

He went to visit his friend Winnie Puhu. They know what friends with him!

So this is me! - he said.

What does "I" mean? "I" are different!

This "I" means: it is me, Winnie Pooh!

This time the rabbit was surprised. He was surprised even more wine.

Are you sure about it? - he asked.

Quite, quite sure! Said Winnie Pooh.

Well, then come in!

And Winnie climbed in Nora. He squeezed, squeezed, squeezed and finally found himself there.

You were absolutely right, "the rabbit said, inspected him from head to the legs. - Is this really you! Hello, very glad to see you!

And you thought who was it?

Well, I thought you never know who could be! You know yourself, here, in the forest it is impossible to let the house of whom fell! Caution will never hurt. Okay. Is it time to reinforce anything?

And then he was silent and long-long did not say anything, because his mouth was terribly busy.

And after a long time, the purr something sweet-sweet voice - his voice began to be directly honey! - Pooh stood up from the table, from his heart shown rabbit the paw and said he was time for him.

It is time? - the rabbit asked politely.

It is impossible to challenge that he did not think about himself: "Not very polite from the guests at once, as soon as you walked." But aloud he did not say that, because he was a very clever rabbit.

Loud he asked:

It is time?

Well, "Pooh jumped," I could stay a little more if you ... if you ... "" He knocked down, and for some reason he did not reduce his eyes off the buffet.

In truth, he said Rabbit, "I myself was going to go for a walk.

Ah, well, well, then I will go. Good luck.

Well, all the best, if you do not want anything else.

Is there anything else? - Hopefully asked the fluff, reviving again.

The rabbit looked at all the pans and banks and said with a sigh:

Alas, nothing left!

I thought, "said the fluff sympathetically, shocked his head. - Well, goodbye, I have to go.

And he climbed out of the hole. He struggled himself with the front paws and all the urine pushed himself with the rear legs, and after some time his nose turned out to be ... then the ears ... then the front paws ... then the shoulders ... And then ... and then Winnie the Pooh shouted:

Ay, save! I get better back!

Even then he shouted:

Ah, help! No, better forward!

Ay-ah, save-help! I can not go ahead!

Meanwhile, the rabbit, which, as we remember, was going to go to walk, seeing that the front door was scored, ran out with a black move and, having fallen around, walked over to the flock.

What are you stuck? - he asked.

I don't eat, I just rest, "Pooh answered, trying to talk to a cheerful voice. - Just resting I think about what and sing a song ...

Well, give me a paw, "the rabbit said strictly.

Winnie the Pooh handed him a paw, and the rabbit began to drag him.

He dragged and dragged, he pulled and drove until Winnie shouted:

Oh oh oh! Painfully!

Now everything is clear, "said Rabbit," you're stuck.

All because of whether the fluff said angrily - that the output is too narrow!

No, all because of the fact that someone faded! - Strictly said the rabbit. - At the table I seemed to me all the time, although I didn't say that from courtesy that someone eats too much! And I firmly knew that this "someone" is not me! There is nothing to do, you will have to run for Christopher Robin.

Christopher Robin, a friend of Winnie Pooh and Rabbit, lived, as you remember, completely at the other end of the forest. But he immediately came ran to the aid and, when he saw the front half of Winnie Pooh, said: "Oh, you, stupid my bear!" - In such a gentle voice that everyone immediately became easier in the soul.

And I just started thinking, "said Winnie, slightly squinting his nose, - that suddenly the poor rabbit will never never have to walk through the front door ... I would then very, very much upset ...

I, too, - said the rabbit.

Do not have to walk through the front door? - asked Christopher Robin. - Why? Perhaps you will have ...

Well, well, "said Rabbit.

Perhaps you have to push you in Noura if we cannot pull you out, "Christopher Robin graduated.

Here the rabbit thoughtfully scratched the ear and said that after all, if Winnie the Pooh to push in Nora, he would remain there. And that although he, rabbit, is always insanely glad to see Winnie Pooh, but still, that they say, one relies on earth, but to others, and ...

Do you think I will never go to the will now? - Pooh asked complaints about.

In my opinion, if you're half out, it's a pity to stop halfway, "the rabbit said.

Christopher Robin nodded his head.

Output one, "he said," you need to wait until you get away again. "

This story about how Winnie the Pooh and his friends helped the donkey to find his tail. They found out that it turns out to help not so, just ...

Once in the morning, Winnie the Pooh woke up terribly hungry. He climbed into his kitchen cabinet and discovered that all his pots with honey are already empty.
It was already a problem not only for the fluff, but also for his abdomen and he went to the forest to look for bee honey.
Soon Winnie the Pooh met her friend donkey IA. Unfortunately he had no honey.

But the donkey was very concerned that he had no tail at all! Winnie Pooh very upset for a friend and immediately told him: "I will find your tail, and then go to look for myself honey."
At this very time, they heard how the owl descends from the tree. It turns out that she heard their whole conversation and also offered her help in finding a missing tail.

After that, three friends went to seek Christopher Robin.
Soon, everyone gathered around the boy's house and he loudly, to hear everything, announced the upcoming contest:
- The one who finds a suitable tail for IA will receive a pot with delicious honey!
Winnie the Pooh was especially delighted with the prizes and not only he, but also his hungry tummy too. He remembered his clock with a cuckoo and thought that they would be the most suitable tail for IA. Winnie the Pooh quickly ran home and brought the clock, he helped them to attach them from behind instead of the tail and first, the Donkey was very happy, but then he wanted to sit down, he, of course, sat down right on the clock and rang out a loud sound - that I was broken .

Well, I had to look for another tail. Piglet suggested his ball, but he also did not fit: as soon as he was tied instead of a tail, the donkey began to rise up along with the ball and could fly away!

IA was very brave and he tried all the possible options of tails invented by his friends. But, after many unsuccessful attempts, he eventually said sadly:

"You can not do anything, somehow I will get used to live without a tail."

British writer Alan Milne (Aleksander Milne) remained in the history of the literature and memory of readers as the author of the stories about the plush bear, which has a sawdust in the head, and a number of poems. He considered himself a serious playwright and amelist. Under this paradox, Miln Alan Alexander lived, the biography of which will be discussed below.

Early years and education

In the family of a private school director in London John Vaine and Sarah Marie Miln 18. 01.1882 Born the third son - Alan Alexander. A. A. Miln was educated in a Westminster school, and then in Trinity College in Cambridge, in which he studied mathematics. At the same time, together with the brother Kenneth, he published articles under the initials of ACM in the student magazine "Grant". In 1903, Miln Alan Alexander moves to London, whose biography will be now connected with his true vocation - literature.

War and the beginning of literary activities

Since 1906, it is published in the journal "Panch", and humorous poems and essays begin to go out in other magazines since 1914. In 1915, A. A. Miln goes to serve as an officer in the British army. He was wounded in the battle at Somme. After recovery, he works in the military intelligence propaganda service and writes patriotic articles. In the rank of lieutenant, he is demobilized in 1919. During the war, he wrote his first play, but success comes after 1920, when comedies appear in theaters, favorably accepted critics and the public. At the same time, 4 films were filmed according to his scenarios. In 1922 he has a detective entitled "Secrets of the Red House".

Marriage and literature

In 1913, on the eve, A. Miln was combined with a marriage with Dorothy de Selkenkur. Life and military service of the writer, whose name is Miln Alan Alexander, was inseparable. The biography is replenished with 18 plays and 3 novels by 1925. And earlier he had a son (August 1920). In 1924, A. Miln produces a collection of children's poems "When we were young" and buys a house in Hartfield in 1925.

At the same time, short stories are published for children "Children's Gallery", which he later took advantage of when writing his most popular work. Life and creativity went parallel. While there was every reason to be satisfied with Milan Alan Alexander, whose biography began to change since 1926. It was from this time that he began to perceive him as an exclusively children's writer.

Cult Tale "Winnie Pooh"

Son A. Milna had toys: Piglet, Ia, Kenga and Tiger. Below are their photo.

They are now in New York. They are attended annually to see, 750 thousand people. Milnes called the hero of his fairy tale "Winnie", after he saw in the Zoo of the Canadian Black Bear from Winnipeg. "Pooh" occurred from the swan, which the writer met during the holidays. So it turned out Winnie Pooh. Three more characters - Owl, Rabbit and Ru are created solely due to the imagination of the writer. In 1926, the first version of Winnie Pooh was published. The following year was published the continuation of "Now for a six," and a year later the final appeared - "House on the Poohovoye".

The first book immediately brought universal fame and money. The writer from the glory and success of the head did not spin. Being in doubt about your literary gift, Miln Alan Alexander, whose biography and creativity in the mind of readers were tightly connected with Winnie, tried to escape from the established stereotype of the children's writer. But he was not released charming heroes. The book was published by insane circuses, its number exceeded A. Milna 7 million at a lifetime. It was translated into all foreign languages. It created cartoons. She began to live an independent life, overshadowed everything, what further than A. Miln worked.

Life goes on

On the one hand, A. Miln was grateful to his wife and son for creating a book, and on the other - he did not introduce his son Christopher Robin with her. Miln read the son of the work of his friend P. G. Woodhouse, whose creativity he admired. And the adult son later, in turn, was brought up on the stories and the poses of the stunning humorist Woodhaus his daughter Claire.

Since 1931, Alan Alan Alexander Miln will write much. His books will not meet such an enthusiastic admission, as simple, slightly selfish wine. In 1931, there is a novel "Two", in 1933 - "very short-haired sensation", in 1934 - the anti-war work "Honorary World", in 1939 - "Too late" (autobiographical work), in 1940-1948 . - Poetic works "behind the front line" and "Norman Church", in 1952 - a meeting of articles "Year after year", in 1956 - Roman "Chloe Marr".

The writer worked hard, and critics and readers with indifference and indifference met this creativity. Alan Alexander Miln was the hostage to his charming hero, who embeded his name.

Why so attractive Winnie?

The story, told by A. Miln, shot like salute, cheerfulness and cheerfulness. It does not have a struggle of good and evil, but there is a light irony with which the author watches his characters, whom he settled in a fabulous forest, very much reminiscent of his own home. Time in the fairy tale froze and does not change. Robin, the owner of the toys, is always 6 years old, Winnie - 5, Piglet - terribly a lot - 3 or 4 years! Teddy Winnie - an optimist who meets every day with pleasure.

Problems and suffering to him alien. He is a grocery and ladchard. When the rabbit offers him to choose that it will eat: Bread with honey or with condensed milk, then following the rules of good education, the Sweetheart of Winnie gives up three food items, leaving only honey and condensed milk. This becomes ridiculous. The bear was in the head of the sawdust, but he composes sculptures and screams. He at any time is ready to help his friends or invent that he is tucca, and climb behind honey to bee. Good fantasies are constantly born in his "smart" head. Charming and other heroes: Pessimist Oslik, a scholarship owl, a shy patch. All of them are waiting for praise and very seriously treat themselves.

Last years

During the 2nd World War, the son of A. Milna Christopher tried to get into the army, but did not go to her for medical reasons. Later he married his cousin than his parents upset. A. Milna was born granddaughter Claire, suffering from cerebral paralysis. Occasionally met his son, and her mother did not want to see him. A. A. Miln himself died after severe brain disease (which began in 1952) in 1956 in his home in Hartfield.

Alan Alexander Miln: Interesting Facts

  • A teacher at school, where A. Miln studied, was the city of Wels, whom the writer believed both the teacher and the other.
  • On the first birthday, the writer presented the one-year-old son Teddy, whom he called Edward. Only in the book, he turned into Winnie and was for a year younger than her chief hero.

  • The book was translated into 25 languages, including Latin.
  • The number of records sold with the record of the book exceeded 20 million copies.
  • Christopher Robin himself first met the book sixty years after its creation.
  • His toys father handed over to the USA. They can be found at the New York Public Library.
  • The images of Winnie appeared on the brands of 18 countries, including in the USSR after the cartoon exit.
  • Canada's brand series on one depicts Lieutenant with a Bear Winnipeg, the second is Christopher with a teddy bear, the third - the heroes of classical illustrations for the book, and, finally, the fourth - Winnie from Disney cartoon.

in which we get acquainted with Winnie Pooh and a few bees

Well, in front of you Winnie Pooh.

As you can see, he descends on the stairs after his friend Christopher Robin, head down, recalculating the steps with his own backstage: boom-boom boom. Of the other way to go from the staircase, he does not yet know. Sometimes he, however, it seems that it would be possible to find some other way if he only could stop the boom for a minute and how to focus. But alas - to focus on him and once.

Be that as it may, now he has come down and is ready to meet you.

Winnie the Pooh. Very nice!

You probably surprise you why it is so strange name, and if you know English, then you will be surprised even more.

This unusual name presented him Christopher Robin. You must tell you that once Christopher Robin was familiar with one swan on the pond, whom he called in Pup. For the swan, it was a very suitable name, because if you call the swan loudly: "Pooh! Pooh! " - And he does not respond, then you can always pretend that you just shot; And if you called him quietly, then everyone will think that you just blew themselves on the nose. The swan then went somewhere, and the name was left, and Christopher Robin decided to give it to his bear, so that it was not gone in vain.

And Winnie - so called the best, the most good naughty in the zoological garden, which Christopher Robin was very, very, very much. And she really loved him very much. She was called Winnie in honor of the fluff, or the fluff called in her honor - now no one knows, even Pope Christopher Robin. Once he knew, and now forgot.

In short, now the bear is called Winnie the Pooh, and you know why.

Sometimes Winnie Pooh loves to play anything in the evening, and sometimes, especially when the dad is at home, he loves to sit quietly at the fire and listen to some interesting fairy tale.

This evening…

- Dad, how about fairy tales? Kristopher Robin asked.

- What about fairy tales? - asked dad.

"You could not tell Winnie the Puhow fairy tale?" He really wants!

"Maybe I could," said Dad. - And what does he want to talk about?

- Interesting, and about him, of course. After all, we have such a bear!

- Understand. Said Dad.

- So please, daddy, tell me!

"I'll try," said Dad.

And he tried.

Long ago - it seems, last Friday - Winnie the Pooh lived in the forest of one-one-one, under the name of Sanders.

- What does "lived under the name" mean? Christopher Robin asked immediately.

"This means that on a plank above the door was gold letters written" Mr. Sanders ", and he lived under it.

"He probably didn't understand this himself," Christopher Robin said.

"But now I understand," Someone grunted.

"Then I will continue," said Dad.

So one day, walking through the forest, the Pooh came out on the clearing. On the clearing, the high-deficuous oak grew, and at the very top of this oak, someone looked loudly: Zhzhzhzhzh ...

Winnie the Pooh sat on the grass under the tree, grabbed his head with his paws and began to think.

At first he thought like this: "This is Zhzhzhzhzhzhzh - No South! In vain, no one will buzz. The tree itself can not buzz. So, someone is buzzing here. Why do you want to buzz if you are not a bee? In my opinion, so! "

Then he thought he thought and said to himself: "Why in the light of the bees? In order to make honey! In my opinion, so! "

Here he rose and said:

And why in the light of the honey? In order for me to eat it! In my opinion, so, not otherwise!

And with these words, he climbed onto the tree.

He lez, and climb, and everything lez, and on the road he sang a song that he immediately composed. This is what:

Teddy bear loves honey!
Why? Who will understand?
In fact, why
Honey like so much?

Here he got a little more higher ... and a little more ... and even quite a bit more likely ... And then the other song-pylla came to mind:

If the bears were bees,
Then they wouldn't
Never thought
So high build a house;

And then (of course, if
Bees - these were bears!)
We would be a bear, there was no need
Lajize such tower!

In truth, the fluff is already tired, so the pyllas turned out such a complaint. But he left to climb already completely-completely a little bit. But it is worth only to get on this twig - and ...


Mum! - shouted the fluff, flying good three meters down and slightly bored with a nose of a thick branch.

Eh, and why I only ... - he murmured, flewing another five meters.

Why, I did not want to do anything too ... - he tried to explain, knocking on the next branch and overturning upside down.

And all because of the fact that he finally admitted when it was overwhelmed three times, wished all the best to the lower branches and smoothly landed into a spiny-prezytny ternary bush, - all because I love my honey too much! Mum!…

The fluff scattered out of the thorns bush, pulled out the spines from the nose and wondered again. And the very first thing he thought about Christopher Robin.

- About me? - aspiring Christopher Robin's voice trembling from excitement, not daring to believe such happiness.

- About you.

Christopher Robin said nothing, but his eyes became more and more, and the cheeks were wound up and povero.

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CHAPTER 1 . In which we get acquainted with Winnie Pooh and a few bees

Well, in front of you Winnie Pooh.

As you can see, he descends on the stairs after his friend Christopher Robin, head down, recalculating the steps with his own backstage: boom-boom boom. Of the other way to go from the staircase, he does not yet know. Sometimes he, however, it seems that it would be possible to find some other way if he only could stop the boom for a minute and how to focus. But alas - to focus on him and once.

Be that as it may, now he has come down and is ready to meet you.

Winnie the Pooh. Very nice!

You probably surprise you why it is so strange name, and if you know English, then you will be surprised even more.

This unusual name presented him Christopher Robin. You must tell you that once Christopher Robin was familiar with one swan on the pond, whom he called in Pup. For Swan it was a very appropriate name, because if you call the swan loud: "Pooh! Pooh!" - And he does not respond, then you can always pretend that you just shot; And if you called him quietly, then everyone will think that you just blew themselves on your nose. The swan then went somewhere, and the name was left, and Christopher Robin decided to give it to his bear, so that it was not gone in vain.

And Winnie - so called the best, the most good naughty in the zoological garden, which Christopher Robin was very, very, very much. And she really loved him very much. She was called Winnie in honor of the fluff, or the fluff called in her honor - now no one knows, even Pope Christopher Robin. Once he knew, and now forgot.

In short, now the bear is called Winnie the Pooh, and you know why.

Sometimes Winnie Pooh loves to play anything in the evening, and sometimes, especially when the dad is at home, he loves to sit quietly at the fire and listen to some interesting fairy tale.

This evening…

Dad, how about fairy tales? Kristopher Robin asked.

What about fairy tales? - asked dad.

You could not tell Winnie the Puhow fairy tale? He really wants!

Maybe I could, "said Dad. - And what does he want to talk about?

Interesting, and about him, of course. After all, we have such a bear!

Understand. Said Dad.

So please, daddy, tell me!

I'll try, "said Dad.

And he tried.

Long ago - it seems, last Friday - Winnie the Pooh lived in the forest of one-dinner, under the name of Sanders.

What does it mean "lived under the name"? Christopher Robin asked immediately.

This means that on the table over the door was gold letters written "Mr. Sanders", and he lived under her.

He probably did not understand this himself, "said Christopher Robin.

But now I realized, - grunted someone bass.

Then I will continue, "said Dad.

So one day, walking through the forest, the Pooh came out on the clearing. On the clearing, the high-deficuous oak grew, and at the very top of this oak, someone looked loudly: Zhzhzhzhzh ...

Winnie the Pooh sat on the grass under the tree, grabbed his head with his paws and began to think.

At first he thought so: "This is Zhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh! In vain, no one will buzz to buzzhing. The tree itself cannot buzz. So, someone is buzzing here. Why do you buzz, if you are not a bee? In my opinion, so!"

Then he thought, thought and said to himself: "Why in the light of the bee? In order to do honey! In my opinion, so!"

Here he rose and said:

And why in the light of honey? In order for me to eat it! In my opinion, so, puddle and not otherwise!

And with these words, he climbed onto the tree.

He lez, and climb, and all climb, and on the road he sang a song that he immediately composed. This is what:

Bear loves honey!

Why? Who will understand?

In fact, why

Honey so like him?

Here he got a little more higher ... and a little more ... and even quite a bit higher ... And then the other song-pylla came to mind:

If the bears were bees,

Then they wouldn't

Never thought

So high build a house;

And then (of course, if


-these were bears!)

We would be a bear, there was no need

Lajize such tower!

In truth, the fluff is already tired, so the pyllas turned out such a complaint. But he left to climb already completely-completely a little bit. But it is worth only to get on this twig - and ...

Mum! - shouted the fluff, flying good three meters down and slightly bored with a nose of a thick branch.

Eh, and why am I only ... - he murmured, flew by five more meters.

Why, I did not want to do anything too ... - he tried to explain, knocking on the next branch and overturning upside down.

And all because of that, he finally admitted when it was overwhelmed three times, wished all the best to the lower branches and smoothly landed into a spiny-prezytny ternary bush, - all because I love my honey too much! Mum!…

The fluff scattered out of the thorns bush, pulled out the spines from the nose and wondered again. And the very first thing he thought about Christopher Robin.

About me? - aspiring Christopher Robin's voice trembling from excitement, not daring to believe such happiness.

Christopher Robin said nothing, but his eyes became more and more, and the cheeks were walked and povel.

So, Winnie Pooh went to his friend Christopher Robin, who lived in the same forest, in the house with a green door.

Good morning, Christopher Robin! - Pooh said.

Good morning, Winnie Pooh! Said the boy.

I wonder if you have a chance of a balloon?


Yes, I just walked and thought: "Does the Christopher Robin have no chance of a balloon?" I was just wondering.

Why did you need a balloon?

Winnie the Pooh looked around and, making sure that no one erupts, pressed the paw to her lips and told a scary whisper:

Honey! - repeated the fluff.

Who is it walking behind honey with balloons?

I go! - Pooh said.

Well, and just on the eve Christopher Robin was in the evening with his friend's pen, and there all guests were given balloons. Christopher Robin got a great green ball, and one of his relatives and familiar rabbits prepared a big-pre-established blue ball, but this relative and acquaintance did not take him, because he himself was still so small that he was not taken to visit him, so Christofera Robin had to So be, to capture both balls with you - both green and blue.

What do you like more? Kristopher Robin asked.

Pooh grabbed his head with his paws and thought deeply deeply.

That's what story, he said. - If you want to get honey - the main thing is that the bees do not notice you. And so, it means that if the ball will be green, they might think that it is a leaf, and do not notice you, and if the ball will be blue, they might think that this is just a piece of sky, and they will not notice you too. The whole question - what will they turn soon?

Do you think they won't notice under the ball?

Then you better take the blue ball, "Christopher Robin said.

And the question was resolved.

Friends took a blue ball with them, Christopher Robin, as always (just just in case), captured his gun, and both went on campaign.

Winnie the Pooh first walked over to one familiar puddle and it should be strained in the mud to become completely black as a real tuch. Then they began to inflate the ball, holding it together for the rope. And when the ball swelled so that it seemed to be - here it was bursting, Christopher Robin suddenly let go of the rope, and Winnie the Pooh blended into the sky and stopped there, just opposite the top of the bee tree, just a little away.

URAAAA! - shouted Christopher Robin.

What is great? - shouted to him from the Winnie Pooh. - Well, who am I like?

On the bear who flies in a balloon!

And doesn't it look like on a small black tucca? - anxiously asked the fluff.

Not really.

Well, well, maybe from here more like. And then, do you know what the bees come to the head!

Unfortunately, the wind was not, and the fluff was completely motionless. He could breathe honey, he could see honey, but to get honey he, alas, could not.

After some time, he spoke again.

Christopher Robin! He shouted with a whisper.

In my opinion, the bees suspect something!

What exactly?

I do not know. But only, in my opinion, they are suspicious!

Maybe they think that you want to draw honey from them?

Maybe so. Do you know that the bees will come to mind!

The short silence has come again. And again the voice of the fluff was heard:

Christopher Robin!

Do you have an umbrella at home?

It seems to be.

Then I ask you: bring it here and go here with him back and forth, and I will see all the time on me and sentence me: "TC-TC-TC, it seems that the rain is going!" I think, then the bees will turn better.

Well, Christopher Robin, of course, laughed to himself and thought: "Oh, you, a silly bear!" - But aloud he did not say that, because he loved the fluff very much.

And he went home for an umbrella.

At last! - shouted Winnie Pooh as soon as Christopher Robin returned. - And I have already started worrying. I noticed that bees behave at all suspiciously!

Open an umbrella or not?

Open, but just wait a minute. It is necessary to act for sure. The most important thing is to deceive the bees of the queen. Can you be seen from there?

Sorry, sorry. Well, then you go with an umbrella and say: "TC-TC-TC, it seems that the rain is going to", and I will sing a special Tuchcin song - such, what, probably sing all the torques in heaven ... Come on!

Christopher Robin began to paze back and forth under the tree and say that it seems to rain going, and Winnie Pooh got such a song:

I am Tuchka, Tuchka, Tuchka,

And not a bear at all,

Oh, how nice tuchke

Go to the sky!

Ah, in the blue-blue sky

Order and comfort

Therefore, all Tuchchi

So fun sing!

But the bees, oddly enough, buzzally suspectedly and suspicious. Many of them even flew out of the nest and began to fly around the tucca when she fell by a second verse song. And one bee suddenly sat down on the nose of Tuchka and immediately soared.

Christopher - Ai! - Robin! - shouted Tuchka.

I thought I thought and finally understood everything. These are wrong bees!

Completely wrong! And they probably make the wrong honey, right?

Yes. So I will most likely go down better.

But as? Kristopher Robin asked.

About this Winnie Pooh just did not think. If he will release a rope from the paw, it will fall and again boom. He did not like this thought. Then he still thought and then said:

Christopher Robin, you must knock down the ball from the gun. Do you have a rifle?

Clear, with me, - said Christopher Robin. - But if I shot a ball, it will deteriorate!

And if you do not shoot, then I'm frightened, - Pooh said.

Of course, here Christopher Robin immediately understood how to do. He aimed very carefully in the ball and fired.

Oh oh oh! - cried down the fluff.

Didn't I get? Kristopher Robin asked.

Not that I did not get at all, "Pooh said," but just didn't get into the ball!

Sorry, please, - Christopher Robin said and shot again.

This time he did not miss. The air began to slowly leave the ball, and Winnie the Pooh smoothly sank to the ground.

True, his legs have completely worn, because he had to hang so much time, holding a rope. For a whole week after this incident, he could not move them, and they stuck up. If a flies sat on his nose, he had to blow her down: "Pooh! Puhhh!"

And maybe - although I'm not sure about this, it may be, it was then that he was called Puph.

Fairy Tale End? Kristopher Robin asked.

The end of this fairy tale. And there are others.

About the fluff and about me?

And about the rabbit, about the patch, and about everyone else. Don't you not remember?

I remember remember, but when I want to remember, I forget ...

Well, for example, one day the Pooh and Piglet decided to catch rallyopotama ...

And they caught him?

Where are they! After all, the fluff is quite silly. And I caught him?

Well, you hear - you know.

Christopher Robin nodded.

You see, dad, I remember everything, but I forgot the fluff, and he is very, very interesting to listen again. After all, it will be a real fairy tale, and not just so ... remembrance.

So I think so.

Christopher Robin took a deep breath, took a bear guard for the back paw and shoved to the door, dragging him behind him. At the threshold, he turned around and said:

You will come to see how I bathe?

Probably, Dad said.

And he did not really hurt when I got into it from the gun?

Neither the droplets, "said Dad.

The boy nodded and left, and in a minute dad heard the Winnie Pooh rises along the ladder: boom-boom boom.