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How to send ticks for analysis. How to make a tick analysis correctly? Tick \u200b\u200bborreliosis: how to recognize the disease

Fortunately, in the next week we are waiting for "India Summer". Hooray! You can catch the last warm days, walk around the city or go to nature, but it turns out, in the suburbs, it does not dreamed ticks. For this season, alas, I had to be convinced about my personal experience more than once, even literally in the past weekend - the wife went out for the city and then discovered ticks on himself.

What to do? To begin with, it is impossible to use the grandmother's method and water it with oil. Ideally, you need to go to the trauma. The main thing is that the piece of the tick does not remain in the body, and then the wound can be mistaken.

And now the most important thing! We do not have Siberia and mites, which affected by encephalitis are rare, but Erlikhoz, anaplasmosis and borreliosis are more likely. I will not tire you with symptoms, but the thing is an unpleasant and better pass the tick on the analysis.

This week I went to the center of hygiene and epidemiology.

The center of hygiene and epidemiology is located in the Count Lane at the corner with the avenue of the world. Approximately 15 minutes walk from M.Alekseevskaya or 5 minutes by bus number 714 (Minute №14M) from M. Riga.

The building is huge. We go to the main entrance and then the quest will begin. Immediately understand that tick analysis - the service is very sought-after

We go along the arrow from the main entrance to the arch

Already at the Arch itself, everything starts to resemble a forgotten game in the "arrows", when the runaway has drawn with chalk on asphalt:

As you can see, tick taking works only on weekdays from 9 to 15:30

We go to the yard ... And where is the two-story building on which you need to navigate? And it was carefully hidden for the Christmas trees

Two-storey building next to three-story and arrogant again, playing on

Taking ticks is carried out through the window on the stairs on the second floor, but for a start, it is necessary to undergo registration on the third floor in the far corner. Fortunately, arrows to us to help:

And here is the cherished office (pay attention, break for lunch from 13 to 14)

Here we pass the design, write down the paper and in the neighboring office to the cashier we pay 1633,12 rubles - the official value of the tick analysis is returning to the staircase, where from the very morning there is a turn on the ticks, in the Moscow region, it turns out, quite a few this season

The queue moves pretty quickly. All documents are already decorated, only ticks in banks, flasks, boxes, bottles of drugs, etc. take here. Tara remains in the center, therefore, if suddenly, bring, in what is not sorry.

Frequent question online: Is it possible to bring a dead mite, part of it or it must be alive.Specially asked this question to the laboratory staff and received an answer that it is not applicable, the main thing to bring for 5 days from the moment of removal. After applying the oil, by the way, the tick is not suitable for analysis, so pull out neatly.

The analysis is done within two days, the results can be found by phone, although, as the laboratory employees assure, if suddenly something will find something, they will call no bag themselves.

Take care of yourself! And always reinsure to health!

If a tick appeared on your body, which has not fallen off and continues to drink blood, be sure to read the rules of behavior and find out. Do not press it, do not try to poison, set fire or pour oil so that he suffocate. By this, you hurt yourself: a tick, starting to choke, allocate you under the skin even more saliva with infection (if any).

Where to take a tick on the analysis in Moscow?

Below is a list of Moscow clinics that provide tick analysis services for hazardous diseases. As a rule, in the same medical institutions you can vaccinate immunoglobulin from tick-borne encephalitis, but we do not give warranty, find out individually by phone of each clinic. Specify the cost of the service individually. If any data in the list is outdated, leave a comment with correction at the bottom of the page, we will be appreciated!

The average value of the analysis by the PCR method for 4 infections - KE, BL, MEECH, CHAC 1700 rubles.

Laboratory at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the city of Moscow

Krasnogvardeysky Boulevard d. 17, p. 1

Head Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

1st infantry alley, 6

Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare

Warsaw highway, d. 19a

Disinfection company EcoCarrier

BC West Alpha, Spicynikova, d. 19a, p. 13

Center SanEpidExpertis and Certification

Pottery, d. 11, p. 2

Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology Moscow, CJSC

Big Fillevskaya, 33

Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology Moscow, Sao

ul. Admiral Makarova, d. 10

Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Moscow, Cao

ul. Alexandra Solzhenitsyn, d. 12, p. 5

"All day I wore a tick on myself, hoping that he will be explored"

Pliers endure terrible diseases from which you can die or remain disabled.

From early spring and until late autumn, medicines warn us about it and tell the media, explaining what to do with the bite. Carefully unscrew the tick, so as not to damage the head, pass it on the analysis and contact the infectious doctor.

Simple instructions, but it is very difficult to follow them in practice.

After conducting field research, "MK" found that, convincing citizens in the danger of tick bites, the health care itself relates to them quite picket.

Two or three weeks ago in the suburbs "went white", and my friends, the inhabitants of Kolomna, went for mushrooms.

They were dressed, as it should be dressed in the forest. But still returned with ticks. Another day, his wife took one tick from her husband, and her husband was one with his wife. The third was found in the third, which was also pulled out.

"The tick was chalk, but Tolsta and displeasually moved his paws," they told the victims. - We decided to pass it on the analysis, as medical sites call on.

We called all possible instances consistently and consistently - trauma, SES, Rospotrebnadzor. Ticks did not want to see in any one.

The proposal to undergo a tick analyzes introduced interlocutors into a stupor. It seems they barely held the question: are you in your mind at all? What, on horseradish, tick? "

The tick was put in a box and removed in the fridge. He is still there - so unclaimed by Russian health and surveillance.

His owners visited the infectious doctor's doctor and received instructions: to come in two weeks to pass the blood test, and before that - to observe the place of bite.

"We have the largest city in the suburbs, and only one (!) Infectious physician to the city and the area. And this is despite the borreliosis here in tangible quantities: 1 case for 10 branched. And branched - the sea. The doctor said: "You don't even imagine how much."

Borreliosis is the most common disease in the Moscow region from those that are spread by ticks. He is also called Lyme's disease. It is treated with antibiotics, but you need to treat immediately. If you run, the infection will start the roots and take a few years later, for example, arthritis with painful pains or some more serious fatty.

At first, borreliosis is similar to a banal cold. Disabilities of obscure nature. Fatigue, lethargy, headache hurts, the back of the romit, it is cognition. This state begins not immediately after the bite, but after a while, when the patient himself has already forgotten about the tick itself, and his doctor does not suspect him about him. Happiness, if he guesses to send a patient to hand over blood test for borreliosis. But it rarely comes to mind.

Borreliosis is not the only disease that can be obtained from the tick. Seven diseases. Including granulocyte anaplasmosis, tularemia and is the worst - encephalitis. From him die or remain cripples.

If, after the bite of the encephalitite tick, make the victim of the seroprophylaxis - to introduce human immunoglobulin, - you can save it. But it must be done for four days. Then no longer help.

The ambush is that blood test shows encephalitis at least two weeks - just like Burrelioz. But if you analyze not the blood of the victim, but the tick itself, which bites it, it turns out faster. Results will be known after three days.

Impressive in the history of the inhabitants of Kolomna, I called several near Moscow stations of emergency assistance, asking one question: "Where can I pass on a tick analysis?"

As a result, it became clear that it is possible to carry a removal tick into Moscow - in the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the city of Moscow" in the Count Lane, or in Mytishchi - in the same center, but the Moscow region.

You need to bring in the jar. Optionally, to be alive. The main thing is not to dry, so in the jar, put a wet vatka.

The analysis is made on four infections - encephalitis, borreliosis, anaplasmosis, erlihiosis.

In the Moscow Center for him, it is necessary to pay 1640 rubles, in the suburbs cheaper - 1055 rubles.

How does such a commercial approach to the tick consistent with free medical help, which we seem to have to receive in government medical institutions? With this question I appealed to the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region.

I was explained that free medical care in the form of an analysis of the tick is only if you come to the trauma with a tick on the body and the doctor will be revealed from you.

Then the tick will be sent for the analysis for free for you and, which is also important, without your participation. That is, you do not drain into Moscow or Mytishchi with a jar and a wet vatka, and the courier, since each clinic of the Moscow region in accordance with the order of the Minister of Health is obliged to have an agreement with the laboratory - either in Mytishchi or in the Count Lane.

If the tick is seized by a citizen independently, he is not subject to free analysis - they explained the rules approved in our country in the press service of the Ministry of Health of the region. Because you never know this tick.

Maybe you were not removed from myself, but with someone else. From a friend, for example. Or from the dog. Or he did not bite anyone at all, walked peacefully, and you caught it - and in the jar. And what, now the state should spend money on him? Passage folk remedies on incomplete ticks?

While I thought about what kind of cheerful idiots are seen by citizens of healthcare officials - they are looking for somewhere ticks, they catch them with bare hands, and then drag on the analysis without any benefit for themselves, just to have a beast, a beast came running to the catcher.

I was bitten by the tick myself.

On Saturday, September 2, we went to mushrooms, on Sunday morning I saw on my leg a convex black point. The skin around inflated and blushed. It was not that hurt, but uncomfortable.

Ticks wanted to endure immediately. But I decided to act according to the rules. He went with the cottage to Moscow, to the trauma parcel at the place of residence - in Strogino.

The queue was three hours. Several people with fractures. Someone - dressing. Someone wanted to remove the beatings. Someone, on the contrary, wanted to fight, although it was already all beaten in the blood.

We attached to the corner and felt someone else's life on this holiday.

Where did you bite? - First of all asked the doctor.

I showed a foot.

In which area? - repeated the doctor with some already annoyance.

Having realized that he was interested, I admitted that in Voskresensky.

There is no endemic in Voskresensky, "the doctor said and looked at me with the meaning.

I immediately understood that my tick for analysis would not be sent. There would be endemia in the Resurrection area, he would, may, and sent. And so - no.

The whole day I wore tick on myself, hoping that he would be explored. But in vain. Okay. Since the hopes are not destined to come true, it's time to get rid of it.

Take it on the analysis? - asked the doctor. He did not insist. It was completely my choice: to find out if my tick is infected with dangerous infections, or not to know.

I decided to carry.

The doctor handed the paper strip with the address of the same GBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" in the county alley. "The analysis is paid," he grunted. - Last year cost thousand five. "

On the output center does not work. On Monday, I arrived a quarter to four. Magnifies, as it turned out, take only to grate it.

Together with me, two more people were late - they were brought their ticks from some distant edges of the Moscow region. Threesome we began to wall. We were regretted.

Returned to the workplace accountant, accepted the money - 1643 rubles. For each tick. Paying the analysis, we suffered ticks to the window on the landing. There still stood a small queue of those who were not late.

"A lot with the ticks," said the tired laboratory manner. - Flow. "

The laboratory is inside the complex of buildings of the center of hygiene and epidemiology. The path to it is indicated by the sheets pasted on the walls: "ticks", "pliers", "ticking - brown door", "Logging is prohibited - ticks there!"

According to abundance of leaves, it is clear that people with ticks in the jars here zadolbali everyone absolutely.

In the laboratory they said that I will call me if the tick is infected. But from Saturday to Wednesday - five days. If it is found that it is a vertex of encephalitis, for emergency prevention is still late.

According to the site of the capital Rospotrebnadzor, in the last week, 1106 individuals of the ticks were investigated in the center of hygiene and epidemiology of Moscow. Of these, with a positive result on tick-boring borreliosis - 184, on granulocyte anaplasmosis - 30.

In total, 11,12,12 people turned 11,122 people since the beginning of the seasonality of ticks in the medical organizations of Moscow.

434 cases of tick-borne borreliosis were registered.

This data is only in Moscow.

But the numbers in the Moscow region.

On September 1, 13,418 cases of plotting were registered. 5372 ticks were investigated. In 11.1% of cases, borreliosis pathogens were revealed, in 2.1% - anaplazmosis, 0.3% - erlihiosis. The causative agent of tick-borne encephalitis is not detected.

The website of the Moscow Emergencies draws not such an optimistic picture by encephalitis. "Currently, tick-borne encephalitis is registered throughout Russia, and from the surrounding Moscow region - in the Tver and Yaroslavl regions. The territory of Moscow and the Moscow region (except Taldom and Dmitrovsky districts) is a prosperous on encephalitis. "

Taldom and Dmitrovsky districts border with the Tver region. From there and crawl into us infected ticks.

The center of hygiene and epidemiology of the Tver region since the beginning of the season explored 2077 ticks taken from people. Found 343 ticks - carrier infection. Of these, 13 "carried" encephalitis, 290 - borreliosis, 21 - erlihiosis, 19 - anaplasmosis. Also identified 23 ticks infected with several infections at once.

The tick-borne encephalitis in the Tver region was sick of two people. Emergency seroprophylaxis received 1406 people.

In the regions recognized by endemic, it is allowed to be allowed to be bruoked at the expense of the FOMS.

When encephalitite ticks move from the Tver region to Moscow - and this sooner or later, it will certainly happen, "it also recognizes endemic, and then our doctors will also be allowed to conduct the seroprophylaxis and make free ticks for analysis. But for this it is necessary that at least a person of fifteen-twenty in our region fell ill with encephalitis as a result of a tick bite.

The task of each sensible resident of Moscow and the Moscow region is not to get into their number.

Official medicine prevents terrible tick diseases, and at the same time saves money to their emergency identification and prevention.

Citizens because of this disoriented.

So we need to be afraid of ticks and rush with them for doctors and laboratories?

Or do not, because we are not an endemic area, but simply remove the ticks on their own and forget?

Or is it still a bit better than you dozen?

Or how?

Everything possible to find out the correct answer, I did. I even conducted an experiment on myself. But so it did not recognize him.

Here's how deftly knows our health system to entangle the brains.