Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a ceiling of plywood. Ceilings from plywood: advantages and disadvantages of designs. Installation of plywood sheets

Such a versatile and at the same time reliable material, as plywood acquired quite widely popular as the ceiling coating. So, by mounting the ceilings from plywood with your own hands, you can provide the whole design of good sound insulation, and the material itself is also environmentally friendly. Therefore, the trimming of the ceiling plywood will become an excellent good solution for any home, and the photo of the finishing samples can always provide specialists.

If we talk about the technical properties of plywood, then in its functional characteristics it can be compared with drywall suspended structures.

Plywood has a whole near the pretty weighty advantages, which are as follows:

Moreover, deciding how to see the ceiling of plywood, you should know that it is possible to carry out installation work, having even low skills to work with plumbing tools.

How to choose a fane for the ceiling finish?

Often consumers, meeting packed in Phaneur stacks, cannot accurately determine what kind of size should be this building material in order to build one or another ceiling with it.

In accordance with GOST 39616.1-96, plywood production is carried out in sheets that have either a rectangular or square form. The smallest square sheet size is 1220x1220 millimeters, and the greatest - 1525x1525 millimeters. Rectangular sheets have a maximum size that does not exceed 3600x1500 millimeters.

What brands of plywood exist today?

To seize the ceiling of plywood, you should know that this material is different not only in its size, but also by technical and physical characteristics, the main of which is water resistance, at the expense of which there is a division of plywood into the following stamps:

  1. FC. This brand is resistant to moisture plywood designed to work indoors. Bonding its layers is performed by carbomidformaldehyde resin;
  2. FSF. Mark plywood with elevated water resistance. Its production is carried out with the help of phenol formaldehyde resin, so that the material can be used in external finishing works.
  3. FB. This brand of backelized plywood is designed for use in a tropical climate, as well as in any aggressive and non-standard environments. The main component used in its manufacture - Bakelite varnish.
  4. FOF. Laminated plywood, which is covered with a special film. It is most often used in the manufacture of furniture items.

Naturally, each of the brands of plywood differs in its value, and the main criterion affecting the price is the stability of the material to moisture. Highlighting the ceiling of the room designed for housing, it will be more correct to apply the FC fc to the creation of beautiful and reliable furniture, the FOF brand is suitable. Frequently, the casing of the Ceiling Ceiling plate is performed, instead of plywood, which is much cheaper.

Plywood categories depending on the material

Solving the question associated with how to paint the ceiling to paint, it is necessary to have accurate data regarding the material used in the manufacturing process.

To date, the construction market offers 2 main species of plywood:

  1. Plywood from birch.
  2. Plywood from needles.

Each of the species has its own characteristic features for it, and only the complexity of the processed ceiling is usually affected by the choice of one or other material:

  • birch plywood is very strong, in addition, it has pleasant color shades, and the structure of the wood used is externally attractive;
  • plywood made of coniferous rocks is not inclined to form rotting and to the emergence of various harmful organisms (fungi, mold, etc.).

Finishing the ceiling plywood

Before you decide how to paint the fane on the ceiling, you need to finish directly the ceiling itself.

For this you need to implement the following activities:

  • prepare a ceiling surface;
  • think over the location of the plywood sheets on the surface of the ceiling;
  • calculate the parameters of the cutting parts;
  • determine the action algorithm for the installation of the crate;
  • it is possible to decide how the seams can be treated between plywood sheets.

Finishing the ceiling plywood, look at the video:

Ceiling surface decoration measures

It is important to observe 2 points:

  • solid fragments must be screwed in the center of the ceiling;
  • cut fragments should be mounted around the perimeter.

The lamp is fixed in the following rules:

  1. To the concrete ceiling, it is necessary to secure the cage by quick installation.
  2. A piece of wood ceiling is fastened with screws whose length should not be less than 40 millimeters.
  3. The appearance of the finished crate will look like a number of parallel to each other bars on the ceiling.

Installation of plywood sheets

Works are performed according to the following algorithm:

Many people do not know how to see the ceiling of plywood, so they seek specialized companies for repair and construction. After reading our article, you will learn how to fulfill this work yourself. And your updated housing will delight you for a very long time!

Plywood features

Plywood is one of the most popular building materials with a number of undeniable advantages. Most often it is used to carry out some rough work, but this material is how it is impossible to make a ceiling:

  • First of all, it is impossible not to note the low cost. Those who inspire repair know how much he can do. Therefore, they try to intelligently save everywhere where it is only possible.
  • Beautiful appearance. Of course, it cannot compete more expensive finishing materials. But it is only necessary to cover it from above with several layers of varnish or verse, as it is transformed. Therefore, with ease, it will be able to replace from a natural tree. More modern plywood is covered with a film that imitates the natural material. A lot of varied samples are presented on the market, which are perfectly suitable in your interior!
OSP is a compressed wood chipboard with flat chip-oriented
  • Easy and easy installation. Even one person can make a ceiling of plywood. The only difficulty that may occur is the need for material support during installation. Decorate your housing in this way, even at the newcomer!
  • If you want to add the interior with embedded lamps, the plywood ceiling is perfect for this suitable, just like plasterboard.

Despite all the advantages, it is also worth discusing and possible disadvantages of this material. Its with a large stretch can be attributed to natural. Still, with its production, a large number of chemical components and resins are used. Of course, for human health, they do not harm. However, there is a plywood with increased resistance to moisture. In its production, formaldehydes are used, which can represent some danger. Therefore, it is better for her finishing.

Choosing Faneru

Plywood is of different types that are denoted by different marks:

  • FC. This species has elevated moisture-resistant characteristics due to the use of a resin for gluing sheets among themselves. It is suitable for internal works, but it is better not to use it as a decorative ceiling finish.
  • FSF. Another type of plywood having increased moisture resistance. But it is suitable not only for internal, but also.
  • FOF. It is covered with laminated film, due to which it looks very beautiful and aesthetic. Especially it is characterized by a wide range of shades, so you can choose the most suitable for your interior.

Most often, a plywood of coniferous rocks or birch is used to cover the ceiling. Birch plywood is characterized by a higher wear resistance. But coniferous much better "opposes" mold, fungi and microorganisms.

Finishing the ceiling plywood from birch

In addition, there is a grinding and unbelievable plywood. This, of course, affects its price. We recommend purchasing a stacked Phaneur to finish the ceiling on one side. The most suitable plywood sheet thickness for these purposes is from 0.4 to 0.6 cm.

We proceed to the installation of plywood on the frame

Like any other ceiling finish, Phaneur must be installed on a well-prepared surface. To do this, get rid of old coatings, align the ceiling well (if there is a need for this) and apply a special antiseptic. He will serve as plywood from fungi, mold and other destroying phenomena.

After complete drying, the surface should begin. There is also another way in which the sheets are mounted directly on the glue. We will look at it just below.

Before performing the roasters, we carefully consider the one-piece plywood sheets. Usually they are placed in the center, and the edges of the ceiling are trimmed with cropped pieces. Now it is necessary to note the center of the ceiling. From this point should be pushed back.

Installation of plywood on the ceiling - a very popular option for decorations in country cottages

Came the skill of the installation of the REC. There should be no more than 50 cm between the rails. Please note that every rail will hold two edges of the neighboring sheets of plywood. Therefore, do not use too narrow rails. Do not stand them further than half the meter from each other. Otherwise, it threatens the provision of the main material of the ceiling. Reiki can be fixed with screws, if the base surface consists of a tree or a dowel-nail (they are suitable for a concrete surface).

Now you can proceed to the immediate installation of plywood. To do this, its edge must be placed strictly in the middle of the rail, screwing the screws at a distance of about 20 cm. After installing all sheets, thin seams will remain. They can be hidden by baguette, ceiling plinth and thin rails.

Installation of plywood for glue

This method is quite common and applied in small dry premises. To do this, it is enough to apply glue to a plywood sheet, carefully distribute it and applied to the prepared surface of the ceiling. Well press and hold the sheet in this position 10-15 seconds. To keep the plywood better, it is better to cut a whole leaf into several small pieces. Between adjacent sheets, it is necessary to leave a gap of 2-3 mm, which is hidden by the same materials that were described above.

Decorative finish

If you used laminated sheets, then your ceiling is already without decorative trim looks very modern, attractive and aesthetic. But if without further finishes, leave the usual Phaneur, the interior may look unfinished. To do this, you can paint it.

The coating of decorative plywood can be transparent and opaque, colorless, or imitating wood texture

It is best to use any. First, they will not bring the inconvenience to your close people with a sharp smell. Secondly, in just a few hours it will be possible to operate the room, because such paint dries very quickly.

Fasten the ceiling to the ceiling - a simple task that can be performed by every lover of repair! Show your fantasy to bring the most courageous design solutions to the ceiling. And be sure to share them with us and our readers in the comments!

Affordable and reliable ceiling of plywood, proven over the years, like many. Noise insulating properties are not inferior to modern finishes, it is a good alternative.

Features of the material

The design of the apartment practically eliminates the use of plywood ceiling (before the similar method was popular), however, this material is applied when decorating individual sections. Plywood looks perfectly in private homes and villages, is a classic design option.

The ceiling trim of plywood according to the fastening method builders equate to drywall.

Compared to other materials used in the finish, this option has a number of advantages:

  • made of natural veneer;
  • lightweight plates and durable;
  • easy processing and drinking (smooth surface without roughness makes it possible to create different designs);
  • the ceiling cover from plywood provides sufficient sound insulation.

Such a finish is quite simple, and work is easy to perform independently, having a little experience in circulation with construction tools and a creative approach.

Select sheet material

Plywood is a veneer glued together. The thickness depends on the number of layers, which vary from 3 to 12. There are waterproof species treated by special technology. Outer sides of the sheet - polished or not. The second option is not applied in the finish. It happens with one grinding side, it is also used for the trim.

Among building materials, a wide range of plywood is offered. According to GOST 3916.1-96 approved, the sheets have a rectangular and square shape. Standard dimensions: 122 x 122 cm, 152.5 x 152.5 cm; 360 x 150 cm.

Plywood is marked based on veneer processing specificity:

  1. FC - waterproof, intended for interior decoration. The layers are cocked by a formaldehyde-resin carbamide.
  2. FOF is a laminated surface covered with a special film.
  3. FSF - with increased moisture resistance, used for outdoor decoration. Treated with phenol formaldehyde resin.
  4. FB - Bakelized, due to the treatment of bakelite varnish. It is used in a humid climate and water.
  5. FQM - moisture resistant, recommended to use in external work. Impregnated melamine-formaldehyde resin.

The ceiling finishes budget directly depends on the brand of plywood. Sheet material with increased moisture resistance, laminated is more expensive. It is enough to apply the marking of the FC, although it looks more beautiful, the surface trimmed by the FOF brand.

Having understood with the composition, it is necessary to pay attention to the material used for the manufacture.

Plywood is mainly manufactured from birch (stronger) and coniferous rocks (more moisture resistant, less susceptible to rotting). The drawing on the front side depends on the tree, and the structure of the birch plywood is distinguished by beautiful patterns and warm shades.

It is advisable before buying a sheet material to measure surface. Make it easy enough. : multiply the length of two angular walls.

The process of plating

So, by purchasing the desired number of sheets, proceed to work. The skin begins with surface preparation. Exclude from pollution and sagging putty, you can additionally be improved by a special solution in order to further prevent the occurrence of mold and fungi.

Initially, a doomle for fastening sheets is prepared. At the same level, the guides are clogged at one level and they are pulled out of them from the interval of 40-50 cm. The step is allowed to do more when using a thicker plywood. Wooden bars are suitable, 30x30 mm, but from the aluminum profile the design will be easier.

Sheet material on the ceiling takes a thickness of 0.4-0.6 cm. Thinner flashes, and thick cost more and more difficult in processing. To properly set the shade of the crates, you can decompose the bars with a necessary gap, to cover them from above with one sheet and put a small cargo if the deflection is not, it means that the step is properly correct. Finishing the ceiling plywood in a wooden house does not require crates, sheets are attached to transverse beams and hold perfectly.

After completing the preparation of the ceiling, constitute a plywood location scheme, given the locations of whole sheets and seams. Fastening to the crate is performed using screws. The slots between the ceiling and walls are masked by the ceiling plinth. The covering begins with the center of the room and mount the whole sheets. The edges securely screw to the bars, without sagging.

With the help of roulette and pencil, determine the center. It is possible to make it on the floor, crossing the diagonal and a plumb to notice the point on the ceiling. From the center, spend the lines parallel to the mills to get a cross. Further, from it, with the help of the line, there are equal sections with such a calculation so that the edges of two sheets can fit on the side rails.

After completing the markup, start the crate depending on the material of the ceiling. On the concrete basis, the bars are mounted with mounting glue. But more reliable on the screws with plastic corks or profile brackets. On the wooden base, the crate can be immediately attached to the screws. In both cases, the fastener length is selected so that 1.5-2 cm is based. The finished doom is a number of parallel and perpendicular bars (profiles). When installing, the level is used, otherwise the skew will turn into the eye.

Plywood on the ceiling is installed after fixing the crate. The operation is simple, however, requires great accuracy so that the surface surface can be smooth. Try not to beat the corners and edges of the sheet, the chips will sweep the general appearance.

To cover the ceiling requires an assistant who will insure. The first sheet is stacked from the center. The edge is combined with a middle of a bar, the closest to the center is screwed to the screw.

The sheet is aligned relative to other guides and is fixed according to the existing brushes of the crate. The rest are mounted in the same order relative to the first. You need to dock them as close as possible.

After installing all the entire sheets, the uncoated sections are measured from plywood, they are squeezed out of plywood, the necessary pieces are screwed to the factory edges of the sheets. To sprink exactly in any case it will not work, and when installing at the junction, a significant slot may form. Having completed the ceiling trim the plywood, the gaps are hidden using the color texture suitable.


At first glance, the ceiling finish from plywood may not seem very beautiful. However, after processing by a veneer and varnish, the surface is transformed, no deemed of expensive materials.

Ceilings from plywood special care do not require that facilitates further operation.

In extreme cases, when re-issuing the design of the room, the ceiling can be covered with paint of the required color, it fits well on the treated surface. Yes, and cost is cheaper than wooden panels, and external differences are practically invisible.

The ceiling is possible to warm and soundly insulated by setting the appropriate layer. The plywood is easy to hide electrical wires, ventilation holes and other communication elements. Lighting is installed by analogy with a plasterboard basis.

Thus, the available cost and simplicity of installation and operation, as well as an excellent appearance that gives the room heat and comfort is the distinctive features of the ceilings from plywood.

The content of the article:

Plywood is a versatile building material that is often used for flooring, finishing ceilings and walls. But from the effects of temperature fluctuations, air humidity and sunlight, the unprocessed plywood gradually loses its attractive appearance, is destroyed or strange. To increase the durability of such a coating, various ways of its finishing are used.

The main varieties of plywood

Knowledge of existing plywood species can facilitate the choice of one or another way to protect and impart the ceiling surface of decorative properties.

The impregnation of plywood when gluing its layers of veneer determines the moisture resistance of the future coating. On this basis, the material is marked in this way:

  • FKM.. This plywood has increased moisture resistance. When it is manufactured, harmless melamine-based resins are used.
  • FK. This type of plywood also has moisture-proof properties and is used for interior finishing works. Bonding veneer in the material is performed using a gamide-based resin.
  • Fof. This is a laminated plywood, it has a rich selection of different shades and does not require any additional finish.
According to the processing of plywood, also has its own brands: NSh is a kind of unlipped plywood, sh1 - plywood having one-sided grinding, sh2 - plywood with double-sided grinding.

Unlocked plywood is the cheapest, but for finishing the ceilings is usually used plywood C1 facing the treated side inside the room. Plywood can be manufactured from various wood coniferous and hardwood.

Fanur, made of coniferous wood, is not recommended to be treated with vessels, since its integration structure will counteract the diffusion of the liquid and create an inhomogeneous surface.

Features Painsel Ceiling

Performing work on the color of the plywood ceiling, you can save and emphasize the structure of the tree or completely hide it. In the first case, a veil and varnishing is used, in the second - opaque paints and varnishes.

Plywood Ceiling Covered Morilka and varnish

Morilka can be covered by Fanur, made of hardwood wood. The solution may be on aqueous, alcohol or nitro-based basis. To obtain on the coating of a more saturated color, the plywood is covered with a mourn of several layers. To achieve an even shade of wood when it is sealed, the surface is recommended slightly moistened, and for deep penetration of impregnation, the solution must be heated.

The first layer of the vehicle is applied along the fibers of wood, and the next one is across. Tampons, sprayer or rigid brush are used for operation. After coloring, the coating is needed to dry. The composition on a water basis dries over 24 hours, and on nitro or alcohol - 15-30 minutes.

After drying, the surface of plywood becomes rough. Therefore, it needs to be pulled out with emery fine-grained paper and remove wood dust from it. At the end of this procedure, the plywood ceiling should be covered with varnish, which will give the coating an attractive finished look and moisture-resistant properties. It can be applied with a spray gun, roller or brush.

Plywood Ceiling Coverage

To cover the ceiling, paint need to make the right choice of material. In the texture, paints and varnish materials are glossy and matte. The first looks beautiful, but do not hide the surface flaws. The second does not reflect the light, but mask small defects of the plywood ceiling.

By type of diluent, paints are divided into alkyd materials and water-dispersion. Due to the fact that substances with a sharp smell (White Spirit, Skipidar, etc.) are used as solvents of alkyd enamels.), Such paints are more often used for external work.

Water-dispersion paints are bred by water. They almost do not possess the smell, environmentally friendly and when drying, form a solid film. There are several types of such colors:

  1. Water-emulsion paints. They are resistant to oscillations of air temperature, not toxic, are easily applied to the surface.
  2. Latex paints. Are the most expensive from the water-dispersed group of materials. The surfaces painted with latex paints are well passed air, they have a high moisture resistance, covering ability and resistant to abrasion. Such paints create a glossy coating on the base material. Their disadvantage is weak resistance to reduced temperatures: the formation of mold or fungus is possible on the painted surface.
  3. Silicate paints. Forming a durable coating at their low cost. However, they are not compatible with other types of paints, have a low moisture resistance and contain an alkali that requires care when working.
  4. Silicone paints. They possess water-repellent properties, resistant to temperature fluctuations, durable, have high elasticity, allowing to hide cracks up to 2 mm. The cost of silicone paints is quite high.
  5. Acrylic paints. After applying to the surface, they form a durable moisture-resistant layer of protective coating on it.
  6. PVA paint. This is an inexpensive option for dry premises. Over time, such paint turns yellow.
Before painting the ceiling of plywood, it should be rejected to reduce the consumption of the main material on 1 m 2 surface area. The seams between the sheets of plywood and the deepening of the fasteners should be filled with putty, and after drying it, pollute the shallow abrasive grid.

When staining the ceiling by water-dispersion makeup, it is possible to use white paint with the addition of the pigment of the desired color to it. It should be noted that paint with a pigment should be prepared immediately to the entire volume of work. If it is not enough, it will be difficult to choose in the future.

When repainting the surface covered with oil or alkyd paint, the dispersion material must be predetermined by the plywood ceiling by sandpaper and primed. After that, it can be applied to the water-emulsion paint using a roller in solid areas of the surface and the brush - in the corners and on the adjoints of the ceiling.

Trim plywood ceiling stencil

A good design ceiling of plywood can be created using a stencil. The technology of coating is not difficult, but to make a template for a person far from art delights will be problematic. Therefore, for the manufacture of a stencil, you can contact a specialized workshop, where it will be cut according to any wishes on the part of the ornament. Stencil can be used long, changing paints before updating the ceiling.

Before working, the plywood ceiling needs to be carefully polished, primed acrylic primer, and then paint, creating the desired tone. To do this, you can use acrylic material on latex based. The ceiling should be covered twice and give it to dry.

The position of the pattern on the ceiling must be determined using a roulette, a pencil and markup. In the intended place, it is necessary to attach a web of the stencil to the ceiling and gently fix it without damage to the previously painted surface.

After that, the stencil should be painted or splashing the paint of another color, adjusting the pattern density. For this work, use acrylic paint of the desired tone, a piece of foam rubber, a roller or a small spacing. It is necessary to remove the stencil very carefully, trying not to smear the pattern.

Camping Wallpapers Ceiling of Plywood

The process of finishing the ceiling of plywood wallpaper has some features that you need to know:
  • Plywood is sufficiently hygroscopic and under the influence of moisture, like a tree, significantly expands.
  • From strong moisturizing the plywood of many species is placed.
  • The structure of the wooden surface can be highlighted through the wallpaper.
  • Metal fasteners of plywood sheets can rust and stand out on the wallpaper in the form of spots.
  • The plywood base makes it difficult to dock the wallpaper cloth.
All these problems can be solved if such measures should be taken:
  1. Metal fasteners of ceiling sheets need to burst into the material by screwing or careful driving.
  2. The surface of the ceiling must be treated with a penetrating primer on a tree containing antiseptic additives.
  3. Clip off, and then pollute the joints of the plywood sheets, all the recesses and other irregularities on their surface.
  4. To remove a small wood pile, which is able to "raise" wallpaper, the entire plane of the ceiling must be treated with emery paper.
  5. Before covering the ceiling, the ends of the plates of plywood must be treated with oil paint, which will prevent the stratification of the material from the exposure of moisture.
After conducting the above events, the plywood ceiling will be ready for high-quality pasting. Before this procedure, it is necessary to solve the problem of choosing suitable for plywood wallpaper.

Wallpaper on a paper basis More than their species give out defects of the substrate, that is, we have plywood. Over time, it is deformed, and paper wallpapers can easily break. Of the usual types of wallpapers, the vinyl and fliseline products are best suited for pasting, from more exotic and expensive - cane and bamboo wallpapers.

Liquid wallpapers are generally ideal for plywood, since any of their damage can be treated at any time, applying a fresh portion of wallpaper or crawling, wetting the coating already existing on the ceiling. But it is necessary to understand that in this embodiment, the plywood should be moisture-resistant, since liquid wallpaper is bred by water.

Stage of wallpaper paste is individual for a single case, and its strategy is completely dependent on the type of wallpaper selected. The main thing in this business is to choose correctly and prepare glue, follow the order of missing the substrate or wallpaper and the time of withstanding before them gluing if it is necessary.

When using fliesline cloths, glue is applied only on the ceiling, with others - on the back side of the wallpaper. This nuance must be taken into account, otherwise the wallpaper can swell or be covered with bubbles. Typically, wallpaper manufacturers indicate the packages condition stickers of the material, it is worth just to pay attention to it.

During the pasting of the plywood ceiling, wallpaper must try to make it so that the joints of the plywood sheets and woeful canvas are not combined with each other in the longitudinal direction. After the end of the pasting during the day in the room there should be no drafts.

Technology Plastering Plywood Ceiling

Plywood is a tree derivative. Therefore, possessing the property of "breathing", when the temperature drops, it can expand or narrow. Therefore, the usual cement plaster can give cracks on the plywood ceiling. But there is another form of similar material that you can decorate the Faneru - structural plaster.

Such plaster is very different from its usual species. It is a grain inhomogeneous mass with additives in the form of small granules, wood fibers and other elements. Therefore, the structural plaster is rather plastic, and it can be applied to the surface of the plywood ceiling even using the spray gun.

The material gives a plywood ability to skip air - this circumstance also plays in his favor. Structural plaster is quite suitable for forming beautiful drawings on the plywood ceiling. For example, the circular motions of a simple spatula for the applied material can be obtained on the plane the structure of the sea shell.

The plaster mix is \u200b\u200bnot required to be prepared, it is sold in buckets in an already useful form. It costs it is not cheap, but the coverage will serve for a long time.

Watch the video about the ceiling of the plywood:

If financial capabilities do not allow to use this type of decor, then it is necessary to reflect on how to separate the ceiling of plywood, using one of the alternative options described above. Good luck!

One of the options for such a coating is plywood sheets.So that you have an understanding, whether it is worth making the ceilings from plywood in a private wooden house, we collected dozens of photos of examples of their design. Some designers prefer this material. Let's see why.

Advantages of plywood ceilings

In addition, the decision to take a plywood ceiling has a number of advantages over other materials:

  • Construction of a wooden house - not the cheapest event. Therefore, the low cost of plywood sheets is a significant argument.
  • A qualitatively treated plywood is practically no different on appearance from a natural tree.
  • Easy installation. If you wish, you can install such a ceiling without assistance.
  • Allows you to hide ventilation, communications, wiring. In addition, Plywood masks the shortcomings of a rough ceiling in a wooden house.
  • A wide layer of free space between the coating and the base of the ceiling makes it possible to pave an additional layer of insulation or sound insulation.
  • Conditionally, the material can be called environmentally friendly - the glue is chosen harmless to humans. But remember that the formaldehyde resin, when heated, highlights toxins, so for steam room in a private house it is better to choose other materials.

The disadvantages include low fireproof - those types of material that are impregnated with refractory mixtures are not recommended to use in residential areas.

In addition, Phaneur cannot be called durable - its service life of 7-10 years. After that, she can crack or slave.

Types of plywood for ceilings

If you do not know how to choose a fane for a ceiling, you will be useful for you.

It is necessary to select the material, given the following criteria:

  • Wood breed. Different wood has different properties. For example, coniferous rocks are not affected by mold and fungus. They are better to buy for rooms with high humidity: bathroom, kitchen. Birch will be much stronger than analogs, and maple has a kind of relief.
  • Marking FC means that waterproof plywood. It can be used to finish inner premises, but watch it not overheat. FOF is a laminated plywood, distinguished by a beautiful surface and a variety of design. The lists noted by the letters and the FB are cannot be used for residential rooms - various toxic materials are used in their manufacture.
  • Sheet thickness. Optimal - six millimeters. If you buy a fan of thinner, it will be fed. More dense options are needed only if you need an increased sound insulation - their price is higher, and there is no particular sense in the wooden house in them.

The appearance remains at your discretion and depends on the design of the room.

Plywood Ceiling Design Options

The impression of the room largely depends on the ceiling. Therefore, pay close attention to him and try to choose a coating, focusing on its combination with the design room.

Remember the overall usage of the shades: the darker the coating, the lower it seems the ceiling. We will show you several original options for designer ceilings from plywood for a private house of wood.

Some of them seem slightly unusual, but perfectly look in the interior.

I. Openwork ceiling

How about the original openwork weaving framing the designer chandelier?

You need to use two types of coating - durable glass and directly plywood sheets. Some of them will require a figured cutting. You can order it at the joiner, or do it yourself, taking advantage of the stencil. Apply the desired pattern and just cut it out with the help of an electric bike!

The plywood pattern is mounted on top of the glass, which, in turn, is attached to the main coating.

This ceiling design looks fresh and unusual, adding air and space. Do not try to portray too complex patterns - curls or schematic floral petals will look better.

This type of design requires certain size of the room - in small he may look unnecessarily. And do not overload the ceiling with decor - openwork weaving itself is very beautiful, so there will be enough simple plinths and the corresponding chandelier.

Best of the openwork ceiling is suitable for bedrooms and living rooms decorated in a classic style.

II. Decorative beams

Do you have high ceilings in your house that you want to arrange in a rustic style? Complete the Light Phaneur with the printed patterns (however, they are not required) rude wooden beams for several tones darker.

The room will look elegant, but be careful with low rooms - the design takes up to forty centimeters, so it is better to choose it for homes with high walls.

Features of plywood allow point lamps there. In addition to the additional light source, they can also serve as a design element creating volumetric and live lighting. Try placing them in a chaotic order and see how uncomfortable room looks like.

III. Decorative plinth

Additional simplicity of plywood panels can be a beautiful plinth. Pick it up in the tone of the main coating or purchase a contrast version. The ceiling itself is better to make one-photon.

With its external uncomplication, the reception is very spectacular. It is equally suitable for both small and large rooms. In addition, the laconicity of this type of design allows you to make brighter walls or pick up a variety of finished furniture.

This classic decoration of the ceiling gives him the opportunity to be combined both with unusual bright and more restrained interior types. Try to choose not too massive plinths - they look hard and visually underestimate the walls.

IV. Geometric contrast

Do not love cordiality even in the slightest manifestations? Stop your choice on this option. A simple plywood ceiling turns into a designer miracle, it is only worth putting it with geometric shapes with parallel stripes.

The protruding edging will add volume room, make a three-dimensional ceiling. It is better to place a lamp in the center of the figure or add multiple point lamps around the perimeter.

You should not use different types of plywood: such a solution looks better on a monophonic canvase.

V. Stylization under polished board

Use in the interior lacquered plywood will allow you to fully enjoy all the advantages of this material.

Such boards look beautiful, despite the external simplicity. Pick up the shade corresponding to the room design. If you wish, you can supplement the ceiling decor with decor: beautiful plinths, chandelier unusual shape, carved structures.

Watch that the decorated elements are harmonized with the main interior, otherwise you risk getting a ridiculous room.

In a wooden house, such a simple option looks often the most organically - it emphasizes the natural beauty of wooden panels and does not look like an alien element.

Embodiment VI. Volumetric cells

This method is more often used in offices and restaurants, but what prevents it from adapting it to the living room of a private house? Note that the room should be quite spacious or you will not get the desired effect.

The ceiling is designed from three-layer plywood. The volumetric glow is achieved due to the built-in point lights, providing not only a sufficient amount of light, but also airiness of the entire structure.

Such a type of ceiling is a self-sufficient design element, so you have to take care that the walls, gender and furniture do not draw attention to themselves - it is better to stay on the concise variants of pastel colors, without unnecessary decoration.

Chandeliers should be used suspension, as simple as possible - they will emphasize the beauty of the ceiling, but will not shift accent.

If you decide to sew the ceiling in the house plywood, you can use any of our design options. Or come up with your own.

Remember that the main thing is to choose high-quality materials and think over the design of the entire room, and not just the ceiling coating. Then your repair will turn out to be beautiful and stylish at a relatively small cost of materials and works.