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How to make carved platbands with their own hands. Present art: how to make carved platbands on the windows with their own hands. Templates of carved platbands on the window do it yourself

Tubes are special planks to hide the mounting seams between the window frame and the wall. In addition to direct destinations, platbands can be decorating the window and facade of the house. To correctly pick up the platbands and make them the right installation, read our article.

The basic rule when choosing platbands is that their material matches the window material. If you have a wooden window, then the platband should be wooden, if plastic, then plastic. Although there are exceptions in the form of a successful combination of platbands and windows made from different materials.

Wooden padlings

Wooden platbands - made from planks with a thickness of at least 30 centimeters. Width of wooden platbands can be different, depending on the profile drawing and design. The profile pattern of ordinary wooden platbands is made using a milling machine.
Advantages: affordable price, easy installation.
Disadvantages: poor design, weak resistance to moisture and temperature drops, the need for regular painting or varnishing.
Release form: rounded or bevelled strips with a convex pattern, or smooth, 1.5-2 meters long.
Application area: Hiding mounting seams on wooden windows. Additional protection of seams from environmental factors.

Carved plants

Carved wooden platbands are manufactured by hand or using jigsaw. Pattern options for platbands: from simple ornament to sacred symbols that protect the house from unclean power. An independent manufacture of carved platbands is a job that requires skills in a joinery. If you want to make casters with your own hands, but you have no experience - choose a pattern without complex elements.
Advantages: Very beautiful appearance, the ability to improve the facade of the house without significant financial investments.
Disadvantages: high price, complexity of manufacturing, fragility, need to regular painting.
Release form: Depending on the individual order or design designed by the manufacturer.
Application area: Decoration of windows and facade at home, hiding mounting seams.

Plastic platbands

Plastic platbands are a common name for planks made of plastic, polyvinyl chloride and foam. Plastic platbands are often included in the installed plastic window. Due to the specifics of the production of this type of platband, they cannot be made at home. Plastic platbands may have an ordinary and carved pattern. Installation of slats is made on special attachments, liquid nails, glue or double-sided tape.
Advantages: Resistance to moisture, long-term operation, light installation.
Disadvantages: fragility of some products, a small selection of design when simulating carved platbands.
Release form: Smooth, carved or with a profile drawing plank, 1.5-2.5 meters long.
Application area: Hiding mounting seams on plastic, sometimes wooden windows. Additional protection of mounting seams from external environmental factors.

Platbands from MDF.

Due to weak resistance to moisture, medium density fiberboard plates are recommended only for internal finishing windows. Planks from MDF are perfectly suitable for wooden windows, especially if they repeat the color and texture of the tree. Mounting of the platbands is made on nails, screws or glue.
Advantages: low price, good appearance.
Disadvantages: bad moisture resistance, impossibility of using for external finish.
Release form: Smooth, rounded or with a profile drawing plank, 1-3 meters long.
Application area: Interior decoration of wooden or plastic windows.

Aluminum plants

Aluminum platbands are mainly designed to hide the mounting seams, when installing windows and stained glass windows made from the same material. In appearance and design, aluminum platbands are strongly reminiscent of plastic strips. Fastening aluminum platbands is carried out on a special profile or latches.
Advantages: Strength, duration of operation.
Disadvantages: Bad combination with windows from other materials.
Release form: Aluminum strips with different types of pattern except for carved, 1.5-2.5 meters long.
Application area: External and interior windows and stained glass windows from aluminum.

Making platbands with their own hands

Make the platbands can only be made of wood. To do this, you will need a special tool and wooden planks.

Simple plants

For the manufacture of ordinary wooden platbands, you will need:

  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Plancock (simple or electric).
  • Sander.
  • Mill (manual or machine).
  • Small grade sandpaper.
  • Wooden planks with a cross section of 30x100 mm.


  1. Treat all sides of wooden planks with a plane.
  2. Install the nozzle for the profile drawing onto the manual or stationary machine.
  3. Treat the front side of the platband with a cutter.
  4. Make the final grinding of platbands with sandpaper or grinding machine.

In the absence of a milling machine, you can make platbands with a smooth surface. To do this, with the help of the plane, send the front side of the plank at an angle of 20-30 degrees and stabbing it with sandpaper.

Carved plants

If you are going to make wooden platbands with a carved pattern, keep in mind that the case is unprecedented and requiring the "iron" patience. To create carved platforms, in addition to the main tools, you will need a set of special chisels with a different shape of the blades and manual jigsaw. To make it easier to navigate in a large selection of patterns, below give several patterns for cutting:

Make carved platbands can be in two ways - ordinary and overhead. In the usual method, the pattern is cut directly on the platband itself. In the false way, the pattern is made in the form of lining, a thickness of at least 10 millimeters, the field of which, the pad is attached to the main platband. For beginners, it is recommended to use an invoice method, because in the event of an unsuccessful pattern, the lining can be replaced with a new element.

The right choice of wood breed for a carved platband is very important. It is easier to make threads of coniferous wood, because they are soft. Coolquitches from solid larch breeds will serve longer.

If you are not engaged in carving wood, for the first time you choose a very simple pattern and as the skill increases, go to more complex ornaments.

Stages of producing a carved platband with a false way:

  1. Prepare the basis for the platband, for this, process the planet with a thickness of 30 millimeters.
  2. Make overhead strips with a thickness of at least 10 centimeters.
  3. Draw on thick paper or cardboard elements of the future pattern.
  4. Cut the pattern elements with scissors.
  5. Install the cut stencil on the patch bar and transfer the picture to it.
  6. Using a drill and jigsaw, make notches on the markup.
  7. Modify the edges of the recesses by the chisels, round the edges and bring the contours.
  8. Make the grinding of the finished lining element.
  9. Install the pad on the main platband, securing it with glue or nails.
  10. Having collected all the overhead elements in one composition, proceed to install the platbands on the window.

Installation of trimming

Installation of wooden concubines

Install wooden platbands on the window using nails, screws or glue. Planks are mounted with side and upper sides of the frame. In some cases, the platband is installed on the lower part of the window, if it is provided for by the design.
For a beautiful docking of simple funerals, their edges are trimmed at an angle of 45 degrees. You can do this with the help of hacksaw and stusl.
In the case of a deep location of the window in the opening, the platbands can be placed on the wall, using good.

Fastening the platband on the wall depends on the material from which it is made. For a wooden wall, it will be enough to use nails or screws, for a concrete or brick - dowel of screws.

Installation of carved platbands mainly depends on their drawing and composition. Docking carved platbands produce in such a way as not to disturb the general pattern.

After installing, the platbands are processed by impregnation for the tree, then coloring or vague.

Installation of plastic and aluminum platbands

The correct installation of plastic and aluminum platbands, assumes the presence of a special installation profile, which is attached to the frame. Putnocks are installed in the grooves located on the profile. In the absence of a profile, the platbands are installed on attachments-latches attached to the frame or wall. In rare cases, plastic platbands can be fastened with glue, but this type of fastening is unreliable.

When using telescopic platbands, the mount is carried out by inserting the edge of the plank in the groove, which is located on the frame.

Foam platbands are attached only with the help of glue.

The windows can be called the eyes of the house. The building looks at the world through them and every owner is nice to return to the house with a unique facade. Make it will help the manufacture of platbands on the windows with their own hands. There is enough ability to work with wood, simple tools, fantasies and desire to create a masterpiece from the standard hut.

Traditions of peoples of different regions in the window frame

Cashbarns have long been considered the main decoration of houses. In each region existed their patterns and colors edging windows and doors. It was she who made facades individually and turned the standard erected huts from logs to fabulous terme.

Currently, real estate experts claim that the beautiful cash of windows significantly raises the price of any building. The platband is made in a single style with the facade, create an image of the house. In stores you can buy ready-made facade elements for every taste. The most beautiful and cozy windows are obtained from lovers to make their own hands. They put their love on each window.

Having a standard tool and correctly selected material, each wishes can make platbands, using stencil.

Aesthetic appearance and practical purpose of platbands

The main goal of installing the framing on the windows is to preserve the microclimate in the house. The lining closes the gaps resulting between the wall and the frame frame. Any material is expanding and compressed when climatic conditions change. The gaps are sealed with plastic material, caught or bleed foam. Hold them and protect against the destruction of platbands.

At the place of installation, cash is:

  • internal;
  • outdoor.

Inside, it is selected under the style of the interior and is often made narrow, ensures the tightness of the windows, and the neat angle of transition of the wall in the opening. Decorative platforms are put in wooden houses without the inner plaster walls, on dachas in rooms decorated in ethnic styles.

Decorative platbands are decorated outside the facade and protect the housing from the penetration of cold and dampness. The photo shows what a variety of and unique can be windows. Most harmoniously look carved wooden platbands. They demonstrate the uniqueness of the wood pattern along with the lines of the ornament and the heat of natural material.

Facing windows visa change the size of the structure. Extensive side columns make the house wider. High tympany and volumetric surgery increase height.

Depending on the style of the facade, the type of platbands is selected and the material is selected under it.. The possibilities of each type of cash are limited, there are positive parties and disadvantages.

Wooden platbands are made of solid boards and glued bars. By design patterns are divided into:

  • flat;
  • figured;
  • shaped.

With your own hands most often make openwork figured platbands. Cut them on a template from a solid board. Then the decorative canvas is installed as the finished element or glue onto the board.

Choosing wood

Beginner masters are better use in your work a lip. It is easy to handle, soft. It is necessary to protect it with impregnation and varnish coating in several layers. If there is a milling machine and desire to make shaped ornaments, you can take a pine. Resistant to moisture, with a high resin content. It just once a few years to cover with a transparent primer or colorless varnish.

Wood solid breeds requires a special tool. It is difficult to handle manually and pubescom. The platbands maintain heat and severe frosts, resistant to moisture with minimal protective coating. We are resolve under the influence of direct sunlight.

Elements of wooden concubines

The window facing consists of several elements. At the bottom of the windowsill - transverse plank, performing lowbow. It is attached above the gap of the frame and the opening and the rain water flows. Below the windowsill can be installed a carved apron.

Timpan over the window It has a shape of a pyramid or semicircular arch. Makes windows and the house itself is visually higher. They can be seen in the photo of vintage houses and historical buildings. The form depends on style. Turns the hut in the terme, gives the type of antiquity. Decorates with various elements of the type of crown, kokoshnik, sockets and other items. Plays the role of the Oberega. Modern houses are rare, replaced by a carved transverse bar.

Side platforms - Columns, contain the main decorative load of the platbands. There are many symbols in their patterns. Animals, birds, plants and flowers are cut on them. You can make a stencil with a geometric pattern.

Choosing a pattern to create a wooden platband with your own hands, you can view numerous photos and videos available on the Internet. Then download the favoris, and on their foundation to do your own.

Production of openwork wooden platbands do it yourself

Openwork trim, carved on a tree pattern, give the house lightness, airiness. They are easy to make them hands novice specialists and lovers to work with a tree.

Tool for work

To create a carved platband, It is enough to have a normal woodworking tool. Each joiner, they usually already have:

The presence of a milling machine and grinding machine simplifies and accelerates processing.

Window froze

The process of manufacturing platbands begins with removal of measure from all windowsTo decorate with carved lace. Then the drawing is made or just a sketch indicating accurate sizes. Dimensions of windows, especially in log houses, may differ. Therefore, you should assign to each conditional number, measure everything, to apply the data to a special table.

When copying a carved ornament to a board, select the location where the size is adjusted.

Creating a stencil

A large number of diverse drawings can be downloaded from the Internet. It is enough to choose the figures suitable in style. Carved pattern can be made From one repeating element or combination of several simple. Beautifully look at the platbands with a more complex figure in the center.

The selected ornament is copied with a xerox with an increase in size to the desired one. You can use the printer for printing the sample treated in photoshophop.

Create your own image will help the Paint application. It allows you to draw, paint, scale any drawings, add elements from other photos to them.

Having the talent of the artist and the desire to do everything yourself, can create a drawing manually And then increase it with conventional large-scale cells. With paper on the board, the ornament can be transferred using a copy and a pencil.

With a large number of carved platbands, paper may not withstand. The drawing is better to transfer to thin plastic. Then cut pattern figures. Use elements as a template for transferring the pattern of a tree. Enter and circuit with a pencil. It is easy to adjust unsuccessful lines by applying a gum.

Production of carved patterns on wood

Manufacturing begins with drawing all lines of carved ornament. They must be clear that the instrument can be done.

You must first make holes in all closed pattern contours. If possible, select the drill on the radius of the curl. In other cases, it is enough to simply make the technological hole at the yield of the jigsaw blade.

To reduce the weight of large elements and facilitate work, it is necessary to cut out the outdoor figure. After that, cut sequentially all other elements.

If you wish to create a bulk pattern , rocks cut out relief.

The stripper is performed first by eye with the average size of the abrasive grain, then it is nevertheless to zero. When working with solid rocks, it is possible to use a coarse sandpaper for stripping burrs after drill and jigsaw.


Fastening of platbands to the frame is done wooden conical pins. The place is selected invisible. You can use a secret fastener when the carved platband is drilled on the back side.

First, the coincidence of fasteners is checked, then the pins are lubricated with glue and the platband is mounted on the frame.

Moisture and Sun Protection

Tree - natural material. It absorbs moisture and dries in the heat, changes the color in the sun. Bugs comfortably live in warm minks, and they gnaw wood, make it housing for themselves and feed with larvae.

Protect wooden platbands from destruction is needed by special impregnations. Depending on climate and fire hazard, apply various impregnations for wood. From above, you can paint or coat in several layers of varnish. In a few years, the paint is getting caught and it will have to read it for upgrading. The procedure is quite time-consuming.

If the climate allows, there is no high dampness and a sharp temperature drop, then there will be impregnation. Its too, after a few years, it is necessary to update, but it is enough to simply apply a couple of layers from above, well rubbed the composition with a tassel.

Varnish protects against the most unfavorable climatic conditions. In places of the active Sun, formulations with UV filters are used. It is not necessary to remove the entire old layer, it is enough to polish the rough surfaces and again cover in several layers.

Tubes are a decorative part of the window or door design, which allows you to transform it and make the original. They are used for a long time and still have not lost their relevance. If you even take the old Russian huts, none of them did without a window casing. They complemented the design and created some flavor. In addition to the cut, the wooden platband looked flawlessly. Look at the photo to make sure that.

What is the advantage of such casks? What functions do they perform? How to make casters on windows with your own hands? All this can be found by reading this article.

Let's start with your acquaintance

These products appeared for quite a long time, along with glazed windows and mica. Initially, they were intended to cover the insulation and windproofing. But the decorative type products that the patterns had and were distinguished by beauty, were found from the ancient Celts. But the true dawn of the platbands on the window is the period of revival of Russia, which was marked by the overthrow of the Mongols. Russian masters of wood threads were famous for the whole world. Tubes on the windows in a wooden house photo

But then, the platbands on the windows were unrecognized by the Bolsheviks, which was prescribed by the remnants of the meshness and intended to destroy them. Although in our time, such decorative elements that allow to improve the house are reborn. What are they now? What are their features and pros and cons? It is now hard to overestimate the demand of the platforms on the windows and doors. They allow you to create a traditional decor and protect the window design. Here are the main advantages of products:

  1. Serve decorative element, decorate the construction and visually expand or pull it out.
  2. Complement the design architecture. And to submit a Russian style without trimming is simply impossible.
  3. Perform the protection of the space between the surface of the wall and the window opening. With them dust and humidity are unstable.
  4. Allow to reduce heat loss and noise levels.

But, in addition to explicit advantages, platbands on the windows in a wooden house have their own minuses:

  • tree is an excellent building material. But, it requires proper processing and protection against external influence;
  • during operation, platbands require regular processing and care;
  • not entirely combined with metal-plastic windows.

Note! There is an option to combine a tree with metal-plastic windows. However, then everything will be necessary to make in one color so that the window frame is harmoniously looked.

If you select the functions of platbands for windows, they perform decorative and protective functions. It is noteworthy that there are different types of platbands. Let's look at them.

Products varieties for wooden windows

For which many love this or that material is for a large number of options that differ from each other with materials, design, price and other parameters. After all, the more choice, the easier it is to choose exactly what everyone likes to like. Already, not everyone remembers the era of the Soviet Union, when the diversity did not boast. Today, users are available to a variety of types of platbands. In essence, they are similar to each other, only to fall into the way of installation, material and price.

So let's start by mounting. On sale you can find two types of platbands:

What is the difference? The first option is the easiest and, so to speak, classic. It is he who has been used for a long time in construction. It's quite simple to work with him. Installation is performed on top of the window frame. It will protect the design from the sun, moisture and dust.

But the telescopic platbands are considered more modern. Their installation is performed in space between the wall and the window opening. For fixation, additional attachments are required in the form of screws and bolts. But thanks to this, the platband is more reliable attached in height and width of the window.

For wooden houses, telescopic platbands are better fit. The advantage is their convenience and reliable protection of the room and the prevention of the deformation of the window opening. A picking is that the installation will require the removal of the window frame. For a wooden house, it can be problematic. For self-installation, it is better to resort to the use of overhead products.

Tubes on the windows in a wooden house can be varied and material of execution. Here are varieties of products:

Let's start with wooden products. The advantage is their simplicity, versatility and practicality. They can be installed for any interior. And you yourself can make them with your own hands. Products can be conventional, or carved with patterns. To do this, you will have to use templates or stencils. Then a beautiful ornament will decorate the window.

This is the type of platbands that are more processing. Of these, you can make a work of art or simply create simple products. It was for this that they were so loved by designers that they introduce them into their projects. After all, the same plastic platbands will not handle. But, the tree has some drawbacks. It is bad to carry the temperature differences and high humidity. The structure may change and the platband is deformed.

This can not be said about plastic products for windows. They are also used for wooden houses. The material has a lot of advantages. It is practical, comfortable, cheap, light and durable. At the production of plastic, platbands of a variety of shape and color gamut are created. It cannot but please the surface that the surface can imitate natural wood and other materials.

Plastic is less susceptible to deformation, moisture and temperature drops are not afraid. Thanks to this, products are capable of listening longer than wooden. If we talk about mounting, then everything is just just here. Additional fasteners will not need. Prints are simply fixed on the built-in elements. Due to this, the facial side does not have holes and visible traces of nails.

It is impossible not to say about the main disadvantage of plastic. We are talking about artificial components in the composition of the material. If the construction is wooden, then few want to make a notch of artificiality in a natural and environmentally friendly house.

Well, finally, consider MDF platnis. It can be said that the MDF product is something mean, between the first and second option. The MDF slab itself is made from wood waste and its residues. And this means that products will be natural. And thanks to special compositions in impregnations, the product can serve a long service and no moisture is afraid.

As for the shortcomings, one can be noted - low strength. Plastic and wooden platbands for windows are much stronger. But, what kind of type of platbands to choose for your windows - everyone decides himself. It is necessary to repel from affordable funds, advantages and disadvantages of material and personal preferences. But when your goal is to make platnings on the windows with your own hands, then here the choice is already obvious. You need to stop on the tree. And how exactly can you make them? This we will look at it.

Several moments before creating

It should be understood that the platbands on the windows in a wooden house should not interfere with the sash to open, at least at least 90 degrees. As for other parameters, everything is chosen for personal preference. Fastening occurs through spikes or by the method of hardwood.

If the design requires, the upper part of the platband is additionally increasing. In the people, she got the name Kokoshnik. To create a specific pattern on it, you need to use templates. With them, work will be performed much faster and easier. The lower part is made by the same principle. Only here it is necessarily done with a bevel, so water flowed on it.

Tip! The thickness of the upper and lower part should be different, namely the upper thinner by 1 cm.

On both sides, the opening is stuffed with small rails, which will hide the walls of the walls, of course, if they are. The final mount is performed after the exact fit of the joints. By the way, in the case when the flaps are opened towards the street, the platbands will have to be mounted above the windows by 3 cm.

We select a pattern for the platband

The first stage of the creation of platbands with their own hands is the choice of their appearance. It directly depends on the pattern of products. They helps to create that Russian color. It is clear that the complex and bizarre patterns can create only qualified masters of their case. But, in our ERU of the availability of information and auxiliary means, it is for everyone. Templates will become indispensable assistants for beginners.

It is noteworthy that now even professionals use templates and stencils, because they are perfectly coping with their task. Stencil or patter template consists of several elements:

  1. Lower plank.
  2. Top plank.
  3. Vertical plates.

In addition, sometimes the template has an additional decorative details, the type of shoulders, the vonchikov, etc., some of the templates can be seen below.

It remains only to choose the optimal option for yourself and get ready for the next stage.

Creating a Rama

The first thing from the prepared elements is created frame. Its installation is performed by means of spikes fixed in the holes by brazen. To create these spikes use an electrolovka, but in the absence of such you can use the usual hacksaw with small teeth. And to remove the sawdust apply the knife. Rama is the basis of our platbands. Then we will convert it.

Do not forget that the width of the finished platband should allow sash to open freely. The platband frame is placed on 2-4 cm more than the window frame. Now let's talk about the manufacture of a platband. Consider step by step instructions:

That's all the work. It remains only to perform the installation of platbands. Creating is not so complicated as you can think from the first time. You only need to perform high-quality markup and carefully cut down everything in contours. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the roller, which will help when creating platbands for a wooden house with your own hands.

Errors to avoid

It is impossible not to consider some errors in the manufacture, which lead to common problems. Here is this list:

And I would also like to recall that before proceeding with the task, it is better to count all the costs of production (time and money) in advance. It will show whether to do everything at all with your own hands. If you do not have proper skills, it would be easier to buy platbands for windows.

Let's summarize

Those who own wooden houses have some advantages. One of them is the possibility of creating an original Russian design in combination with wooden platbands on the windows. These are wonderful products that allow you to protect the window design and make it more attractive. At the same time, everyone has a choice - to make them with their own hands, or spend from 2.5 to 15 thousand on average for ready-made platbands. And so that you were easier with their installation, we have prepared a visual video on this topic.

Carved platbands framing window openings organically fit into architectural styles of wooden cottages. They emphasize the originality of the log cabins, frame buildings, bruschers. The originality of the elements of the facade decor gives light patterns, suitable ornaments, interesting pictures. They are applied to the wood surface with comfortable stencils.

Functions of window bars

Supporting the traditions of wooden architecture, carved parts enrich the noble appearance of the estate, add expressiveness to simple buildings. They retain homemade warmth and comfort, happy when looking outside. Stencils of the windows selected in accordance with the preferences of the inhabitants of housing stencils on the windows help to create a harmonious appearance of a new home, revive the facade of an old building.

When used on windows, decorative platbands can perform frame functions. Playing a decisive role in the design of window openings, they solve a number of important tasks:

  • reduction of heat loss by eliminating the "cold bridges" along the perimeter of the window frame;
  • reducing noise levels in premises;
  • reducing the amount of moisture and dust particles penetrating from the street;
  • giving facades of uniqueness, style or
  • creating on a plot for building a single architectural ensemble from residential and economic objects.

Regardless of shape, sizes, appearance, wooden platbands must be strong enough, meet operational requirements. Manufacturing on stencils with calculated geometric parameters allows them to be securely attached to the walls. It provides the opposition to wind loads, temperature fluctuations. Effective protective coatings are used to increase service life.

Traditional and original ornaments

The choice of elements of window openings should be approached with the understanding of styles and design techniques. With their help, you can give the window an elegant or strict form, make its outlines more expressive, achieve a delightful visual effect. Choosing as templates for platbands on the windows of stencils in full size, the buyer receives the most winning version of the decor. Convenient dimensions allow you to proceed directly to the manufacture of products.

The attitude towards the tree, as to the material of art, is traditionally for the culture of Russian architecture. With the repeatability of individual structural and decorative parts, it provides for the creation of a unique architectural image. Carved platbands have long been considered not only means of decoration, but also peculiar overags for the house. Based on the study of the preserved antique buildings, unique images of symbols, animals, birds, plants are recreated.

Samples of stencils for platbands are designed in different styles and for every taste. They help express certain traditions, personal preferences. The use of ready-made ornaments allows building buildings in accordance with ethnic and classical directions in art. Clear geometric patterns more correspond to modern trends in architecture.

Ornaments for rubber and invoices may contain a whole drawing or repeating elements of the overall motive. To create a completed circuit, you need to consider the size of the window opening, the diagram and sequence of the location of the patterns. High-quality stencils make it possible to accurately apply on the blank of the cut line, to determine the boundaries of further material processing.

Niangon (Tarrietia Utilis) Family: Sterling Commercial Names: Nianc (Ghana); Vishmore (Liberia); OGUE (Gabon) Distribution: Western Africa Description of the Niangon Wood Color The core color varies from pale pink to reddish brown. Grain adhesive, wavy or irregular. The texture is rather rude with a rude figure striking. Wood seems fat due to the presence of the resin. The mass varies from 510 to 620 kg / m3. Mechanical properties…

New Guinea Walnut (Dracontomelum Mangiferum) Family: Ankardius Other Names: Pacific Walnut, Papaus Walnut (United Kingdom), LUC (Papua New Guinea) Distribution: Papua New Guinea and Neighboring Islands New Guinea Walnut - Wood Description Wood has a gray brown background with orange tint. Grain moderately curled. The texture is medium and smooth. Weight 740 kg / m3; Specific weight.74. Mechanical properties of New Guinea Walnut has ...

Nargusta (Terminalia Amazonia) Family: Combretic Other Names: Fukadi, Coffee Mortar (Guyana), Almendro (Belize), Kochun (Mexico), White Oliver (Trinidad), Guayabibo (Venezuela); Aromple, Nakastillo (India) Distribution: Central and South America Description of the wood of a nargusto. The core has a variety of yellow-brown or olive-brown color with noticeable reddish stripes. The grain is irregular or adhesive, the texture is medium. Weight of 800 kg / m3; Specific weight.80. Mechanical ...

Mirta (Umbellularia) Family: Mirate Commercial Names: Acacia, California Laurel, California Olive, Mountain Lavr, Baitime Other Names: Pacific Mirtat Distribution: USA (Oregon and California) Mirta - Description of wood Core color from golden brown to yellowish green Pale swolm. Right grain, smooth texture. Weight of 850 kg / m3; Specific weight.85. Mechanical properties of myrtit - wood heavy, very wear-resistant and elastic, ...

Mute (Guibourtia Arnoldiana) Family: Bean Other Names: BCNGE, Libenge (Zair) Distribution: Tropical West, Central Africa, Guinea, Congo, Cameroon, Cabinda and Zaire Description Wood Description Morten Core from light yellow brown to olive-brown, With gray or almost black streaks. Grain intertwined and wavy. Texture smooth. Weight average about 880 kg / m3; Specific weight.88. Mechanical properties Mute has ...

The decorative framing of windows and ends of the roof has always been considered the element of the finish, which gives the whole structure individuality and awareness. But due to the fact that the complexity and cost of such a scenery is simply huge, many owners prefer to install platbands on the windows in a wooden house with their own hands.

When planning to save on this operation, it is necessary to soberly assess your capabilities, since the method of manufacturing and installing platbands has a large number of technological nuances, the ignoring of which can be reduced to zero all the costs of funds and time.

This review discusses several methods of manufacturing and installing decorative cases and emphased on non-standard technical points.

Depending on the design of the caster, various types of equipment may be needed for its independent work. In some cases, there is a fairly standard set of "home carpenter", but if the wood carving is present in the decor elements - you will have to purchase special tools and devices.

Consider the dependence between the design of the deasure and the complexity of the technical equipment used in its manufacture.

From industrial blanks

If platbands are supposed to be made from purchased blanks with an already formed pattern or profile, then the need to buy additional equipment will most likely not arise.

When writing a review, we proceed from the fact that the master of the owner, resolved to arrange a wooden house, already contains the next minimum of tools:

  • universal screwdrivers;
  • pliers and ticks;
  • rashpyli and files;
  • manual saw;
  • plane;
  • a hammer;
  • clamp;
  • ax;
  • measuring devices (roulette, square, construction level).

There will be no mistake and the assumption that the electric drill and the electromechanical jigscription also includes a mandatory set of tools of any self-respecting homemade master.

The only thing that should be purchased before the self-assembly of platbands from industrial blanks is a device for cutting boards at a given angle ("Stuslo) and an end milling mill for punching deaf holes under bent.

We emphasize that the tools listed in this subsection are a basic set, complemented by more specialized models in case of complication of the platband.

With wood thread elements

In the same cases, when it is planned to make platbands with a wood thread elements, the pre-training stage will be more complex.

Note that it is not necessary to buy all the tools listed in this review, since a narrow specialization takes place in this area of \u200b\u200bconstruction work.

So, to create slit decorations, the base snap is enough to supplement the following tools:

  • sander;
  • an electrified junction machine in which you can use a round pink.

The use of the machine for feeding patterns is not necessarily, but it is extremely preferably in cases where the patterns are large in the area and contain small elements.

Another situation, when without a stationary logging saw, it is not to do - this is the manufacture of a trowel platband because the manual model of such a saw is extremely difficult to accurately follow the patterns of the template.

Please note that when creating slot patterns, it is strongly recommended to use not flat, but a round version of the jigsaw saw. This will avoid random deviations from the drawing lines, the occurrence of which is particularly unpleasant at the last stages of product processing.

In order to make volumetric carved jewelry yourself, it will take the purchase of a set of special chisels.

To cash with a patterned decor, the whole house must be performed a very large amount of work, so it is necessary to envisage the possibility of a rapid sharpening of the chisels. For these purposes, you can buy an inexpensive sharpening machine, which, besides, it will be useful for editing roller, knives, blades of Rubankov and some types of cutters.

With the use of machine profiling

An overview of the instrumental base used during the exterior decoration of wooden houses will be incomplete if you do not mention manual and stationary fusers.

The relatively inexpensive manual model of such a device will solve the following tasks:

  • creating from ordinary cutting boards profiled frames for external and internal platforms;
  • quickly cut out the grooves for the docking nodes of the Schip-groove or take a chamfer when assembling frames "with overlay";
  • make patterned figures on the billets, both in a slit technique and in the form of volumetric threads (and to do it as much as possible).
  • inlaid wooden panels in the original inner thread technique.

Note that buying a mill, you need to decide in advance which types of their types will be needed in the future, and add relevant items in the estimate of purchases. Figure below shows the most used structures of the edge and internal cutters.

We select material

In detail about what platbands are made, we told in our article.

Here we recall that in the manufacture of tickets it is necessary to be able to find a balance between the technological qualities of wood and its climatic stability.

In general, such rules should be followed:

  • under the volume threads to take soft wood (linden, cherry, alder);
  • for making frames, use durable and stable wood varieties (larch, oak, ash, pine).

If the decoration is made according to the slotting technology, then all elements of the platband can be made from solid rocks, since manual sawing patterns today is practically no applied.

Separately, we emphasize another advantage of slotting technology - to manufacture such a decor you can use the usual faeer. Surprisingly, this material after impregnation with water-polymer compositions becomes durable as oak, while remaining the most convenient for cutting patterns.

Moreover, the plywood can be made of volumetric compositions, gluing several layers in one overhead unit.

The only minus of such glued compositions is that a stationary machine must be needed to cut large patterns that admits the installation of the fuel saw of the rounded shape. Complete all the curves of the picture without errors and serifs, using only classic flat sawdresses, almost unrealistic ones.

In the manufacture of platbands, it must be borne in mind that any scenery, albeit the original element of the finish, but at the same time it remains part of the design of the window passage.

  1. First of all, the ticket should not interfere with the opening of windows and the closure. This is simple at first glance, the requirement is not so easy to implement in practice and it is when determining the size of the frame, errors are most often allowed.

The internal sizes of the framing should be such that the platband completely closes the end end, but it did not interfere with the complete opening of the windows. That is, when drawing up the drawing, you must first determine the operating zone of windows in the open position and only then develop the mounting scheme of the platband.

In cases where the platband is joined with external slopes (and this often occurs when the PVC glass windows are installed in a cluster of a mortgage bar), its inner circuit must correspond to the outer perimeter of slopes.

  1. The next overall requirement for the design of the platband is the upper unit (bar) should be thicker. It is necessary to reduce the amount of water falling on the bottom of the north.

In the classic constructions of platbands for wooden and bar houses, this requirement was implemented in the form of a massive cornice, creating a kind of cover for the entire bottom of the window.

More stringent options for outdoor windows are assumed not to a difference in the thickness of the planks, but the installation of the sings, both under the window and above the frame.

  1. Separately, we emphasize that the casing for a long time is subjected to direct exposure to solar ultraviolet, as well as strong temperature and moisture drops. Whatever high-quality wood treatment, it will in any case change the original size and starts to skip moisture to the fasteners.

In view of which, the classical method of its assembly does not imply the use of metal nails and screws (they rust and fall out). The optimal version of the manufacture of a wide frame and panels for platbands is the use of glued compositions from boards and wooden brazers.

Below is an example of manufacturing a collection shield for decorative eaves without using metal parts.

The illustration shows that the shield is collected from the glued jack of boards. The laying of the boards is made with the coordination of the inner pattern of wood. Glue composition - PVA or waterproof joiner adhesive (exposure time - 2-3 liftering period of glue).

The tightening is made using ropes and pegs that enhance compression.

Production of slotted concubines

As a detailed answer to the question of how to make platbands themselves in a wooden house, consider the manufacturing technology and assembly of a slit platband.

Despite the fact that there are more complex variants of framing frames (for example, with volumetric wood thread), this description sufficiently transmits all the subtleties of this stage of the facade finish.

First we give a complete list of operations that must be performed for the manufacture of a platband:

  1. Drawing up a technical sketch and the calculation of the main dimensions.
  2. Selecting the artistic scheme of the product (drawing patterns, template preparation).
  3. Preparation (or purchase) of the necessary sawn timber and fasteners.
  4. Marking of parts and connections nodes.
  5. Cutting blanks and adjusting sizes.
  6. Production of a carrier frame of a platband (for those cases when the slotted pattern of the invoice).
  7. Transfer pattern of patterns on the workpiece.
  8. Development of the propulsion scheme and determining points for drilling the initial and closing holes.
  9. Cutting pattern.
  10. Removal of champers and grinding.
  11. Antiseptic processing and primer of all parts.
  12. Painting of each part separately (especially if a multiple color scheme is used).
  13. Installation of overhead parts on the frame.
  14. Installation of supporting plates on the wall of the house (if the house from the bar or frame, this operation is not needed).
  15. Installing the frame on the window opening.

Now consider the most difficult steps in more detail.

Selection of drawing

Immediately note that, without having practical experience in a tree thread, a drawing for a platband should be chosen as simple as possible, without small parts.

The easiest way to take a ready-made pattern and print it in a natural value. It is best to do it on a large plotter, but you can use the print function in parts present in many graphic editors.

Making frame

There are two different approaches to the making frame for a platband:

  1. Cutting a whole piece of glued shield.
  2. Assembly from the boards of each element of the base (frame, shield for decorative eaves).

The first option was considered above, but it is desirable to have appropriate experience and skills.

The second scheme is classic and lies in the assembly of a square frame of four planks.

Corner joints are performed in two ways:

  • method "Schip-groove";
  • van.

A more reliable is considered to be the connection of the type of spike-groove, but for its manufacture, special equipment is needed (milling). The interior of the interface is made using simple hacksaws and drills.

Note that the base of the platband may include not only the frame, but also a triangular shield for placing decorative elements of the eaves. When assembling it occurs the problem of connecting several boards into a single whole. If you eliminate end gluing, it is possible to solve this task using anodized brackets and screws.

Production of carved elements

The rubber platband can be both overhead and solid. In the first case, the frame and patterns are made as separate structural elements. In the second - each frame of the framed simultaneously performs a functional and decorative role.

The most popular is the first option (invoice), due to its technologicality and versatility.

The proceed of the pattern is performed after transferring the pattern from the template to the workpiece. At the start points of the cut and in the curves, through holes are drilled.

The working tool in this case is a manual or stationary electrolybiz.

If the manual saw model is used, then to avoid the distortion, the workpiece must be attached to the clamp on the horizontal plane.

In most cases, the plane of the cut is strictly perpendicular to the outer surface of the board, but for giving the volume effect from the outside of the picture, you can remove the chamfers.

After completion of the pattern, the workpiece is cleaned from large burrs and chips (from the inside and outside), after which the grinding is performed. Stripping surfaces inside the decor are performed using a drill and sprayiber. External planes are most convenient to separate the grinding machine.

Protective processing and painting

All efforts to manufacture wooden platband will be in vain, if you do not take measures to protect against rotting and humidity deformation. This is especially true of carved elements, as they are made from unstable wood rocks, as well as internal platforms installed in baths and saunas.

To properly process carvings and strength elements of the framing, we recommend to adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  1. Painting.
  2. Protective lacquer coating.

The antiseptic composition can be used the same that is used to stabilize the logs in the erection of log cabins.

Painting should be proceeding only after completely drying the antiseptics. Please note that most modern protective compositions have primer properties, therefore separate coating of the primer can not be produced.

To cover the inner surfaces of the pattern, narrow brushes use for external - wide.

Treatment with varnish is carried out to the assembly of the product: when the painting of all the products is completed and the paint is completely drying.

An acrylic lacquer for wood is suitable for the protection of plates on wooden windows.

In cases where plastic decorative lining are used, all operations listed in this subsection are applied only to frame elements.

Assembling trim

After all the necessary components are made and painted, they must be assembled into a single design.

It is best to do it on a flat surface, before installing on the window opening.

The mounting of decorative elements on the carrier frame can be performed in the following ways:

  • self-made;
  • finish nails;
  • deaf wooden brazings with a fit on glue.

In cases where it is necessary to sew the upper edges of the platband, the decorative element and the frame is allowed perpendicularly. Reliable fixation in this type of joints is provided by mounting corners.

Separately, we note that the most durable platband will succeed when landing the decor on wooden brazening. At the same time, glue covers not only the contact zone, but also the entire inner surface of the carved element (to prevent moisture to prevent).

If metallic fasteners are used, then you need to select the most protected samples of screws and nails.

Tip: Good "disguise" for screws of screws is obtained from a mixture of small sawdust and waterproof joinery glue.

Installation on the window

In order to correctly install the collected platband, it is extremely desirable that this operation will fulfill at least two employees. This is necessary in order to accurately take its position before final fixation.

Despite the fact that the installation of the collected frame is performed according to pre-marked points on the platform, the visual correction of its position will still need.

It should also be borne in mind that in the assembled form, the whole design can be very heavy, and if you follow all the points of security rules, the installation of such products should be carried out only from scaffolding.


At the end of the review, we will stop at one particular feature of the platbands: a non-standard docking with a wall of the house.

Since fixed compounds between the elements of the frame frame and the wall of the house can not, then the problem of sealing the slot between the inner surface of the platband and the uneven loan circuit occurs. From a technological point of view, its presence is insignificant, but with aesthetic is very noticeable.

Therefore, in cases where the platband is too clearly emphasizes the uneven circuit of the wall, there are wooden slats between the wall and a platband, which provide sliding contact and give the entire window block a more completed view.

The company "Master of Surba" takes orders for the entire spectrum of work performed during the transformation of a log or brusade log in a comfortable house, including the manufacture and installation of platbands. To clarify the conditions of cooperation and calculate the cost of work, by going to the page and contact us by any, from among those published there, the method of communication.