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Where the border of Europe and Asia passes - interesting for the tourist. Russia is Europe or Asia? Where is the border between two parts of the world on the map of Russia

    The border of Europe Asia Border between Europe and Asia, passes through the eastern sole of the Ural Mountains and Mourgaar, then on the Emba River. On the north shore of the Caspian Sea, according to Kuro Manic Wpadin and Kerch Strait. The overall length of the border ... ... Wikipedia

    The border between Europe and Asia crosses the Western and South Western part of the municipality of the city of Yekaterinburg. The boundary is interpreted not only as a geographical concept, but also has a pronounced historical and cultural aspects. ... ... Ekaterinburg (Encyclopedia)

    SUM., G., UPOTR. Often morphology: (no) what? borders what? border, (see) What? border than? The border, what? About the border; MN. what? borders, (no) what? Borders, what? borders, (see) What? borders than? borders what? About borders 1. Border ... ... Explanatory dictionary Dmitrieva

    S; g. 1. The conventional line of the section between the territories; Front. State G. Maritime G. here is taking place between countries, regions, land plots. G. Between Europe and Asia. G. Forest and Steppe. Denote, change, cross the border. Consider … encyclopedic Dictionary

    the border - s; g. See the TZH. In the borders, within the boundaries, abroad, abroad, beyond the boundaries, from abroad 1) sectional line of the section between the territory ... Dictionary of many expressions

    This term has other meanings, see Asia (Values). Asia on the world map Asia is the largest part of the world, forms with Europe Mainland Eurasie ... Wikipedia

    City Orenburg flag coat of arms ... Wikipedia

"What a strange question?" - You ask. In the school textbook, geography is written clearly and understandable. Yes, and not only in textbooks. On the main railway highways crossing the Ural Range, there are obeliski, on the same side of which "Europe" is written, on a friend - "Asia". Here and passes the border between two parts of the world.

But it turns out that this question is not at all such a simple, as it seems at the beginning, and the border European-Asian poles are not quite successful. If you compare a number of different geographical publications, you will see that there are the most dispensing instructions. Scientists at the points of view of seeing the European-Asian border in the Caucasus region are most diverged. Most often, it is carried out by the main watersheds of the Caucasian Range, less often - on its northern slope, and in the Big Soviet Atlas of the world, this border coincides with the state border of the USSR. From here, naturally, a lot of controversial surveys arise. What is the exact area of \u200b\u200bEurope and Asia? What to consider the highest European vertex - Mont Blanc or Elbrus? Especially much difficulty is created with various statistical calculations.

Last year, the issue of the border between Europe and Asia was submitted to discuss the Moscow branch of the All-Union Geographical Society.

During this discussion, it turned out that it turns out that in general the European-Asian border can not be carried out with an accuracy of one meter or even a kilometer. Why? Because in nature between Europe and Asia there is no sharp transition. The climate in Europe at the border with Asia is the same as in Asia near the border with Europe, the soil is the same, there is also a big difference in vegetation. The sole natural line can be the structure of the earth's surface, reflecting the geological history of the terrain. This usually used geographers, conducting the border between Europe and Asia through the Urals and the Caucasus. But where to accurately hold the border? After all, the width of the Ural comes up to 150 kilometers, and the Caucasus - and more. The way out of this position was that the border was carried out according to the main watersides of the Urals and the Caucasus (therefore, border obelisks were placed in the Urals). In this case, the western part of the Ural referred to Europe, and the East - to Asia, the inhabitants of the northern slope of the main Caucasian ridge could consider themselves by Europeans, and the southern slope and the entire Transcaucasus - Asian. But the trouble is not in this.

The greatest troubles because of such a border between Europe and Asia suffered cartographers. By constituting, for example, a map of Europe, they had to show half the Urals and a small part of the Caucasus, breaking these mountain arrays. They objected to such a formulation of the issue and geologists. They were forced to artificially divide into two parts of the Caucasus, which had a single geological history of development. Mulgarians lying on the continuation of the Ural Range and the components with him a whole, sometimes broke away from the Urals, as some scholars of the south of the Ural Mountains spent along the Ural River.

Moscow geographers decided that such a provision should be corrected and that it is necessary to agree on such borders between Europe and Asia, so that the Urals and the Caucasus do not burst into parts, and fully belonged to that of the continents with which they are more related to geological history. In this regard, it is recommended to carry out the border of Europe and Asia on the eastern sole of the Ural Mountains and Mourgaar, then along the Emba River. On the North Coast of the Caspian Sea, by Kurchen Manic Wpadin and Kerch Strait.

Thus, the Urals are now solved entirely to Europe, and the Caucasus is also entirely to Asia. The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov should be considered European.

Such a solution to the issue of the border of Europe and Asia will be reflected in all textbooks of geography and on all geographic maps issued for training purposes.

B.N. Mozhaev, candidate of geographical sciences

To find the border between Europe and Asia, to begin with, you will need to open geographical satin. You will see that most often the border between these parts of the world is on the eastern sole of the Ural Mountains, Mugodjar, as well as the Emba River, along the North Coast of the Caspian Sea, on Kerch Strait and Kuman Manic Wpadin. In our country, the overall length of the border is more than five and a half thousand kilometers. Of these, 2000 km stretch along the Ural Range, and nine hundred meters along the Caspian Sea.

It is worth noting that in some sources, the border between Europe and Asia is determined by the Water disposal of the Ural Range, namely, along the Ural River, as well as the Caucasian Water Separation.

How is the border

Now consider more details where the border of Europe and Asia. As we have noted earlier, its line begins from the coast of the Kara Sea. She comes starting from the eastern sole of the Ural Range. The line of the border passes between the Komi Republic and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug from the West and the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets district from the east.

Then the border goes the eastern administrative border between the two regions - from the West of the Perm Territory, and from the East - Sverdlovsk region. Southeast regions of the latter remain in Europe.

Further, the border leaves the Satkin, Katav-Ivanovsky and Ashinsky regions of the Chelyabinsk region in Europe, and in addition - the Western territories of cities and regions of regional subordination bordering Bashkiria. The border also divides the Orenburg region, leaving in Europe most of its territory. According to the Aktobe region of Kazakhstan, the border continues to the south. There she goes along the east foot of Murgjar and goes to the Caspian lowland along the Emba River. Then, through the Caspian Sea, it gets to the mouth of the river Kuma, after the Koom Manic Wpadin goes to the lower reaches of Don and then leaves on the shore of the Azov Sea from the south.

Geography seemingly the most studied science in which there were few unclear moments. Nevertheless, the most simple questions sometimes put in a dead end of not only ordinary people, but scientists. Here, where, for example, the border between Europe and Asia passes?

Tutorials and reference books give an unambiguous answer to this question. However, neither in the scientific community, nor in political circles, there is no agreement on this occasion.

The fact is that the border between these two parts of the world passes through the territory of a single mainland - Eurasia, that is, on land. This consists of the most important difference between Europe and Asia from other parts of the world, which are divided by water spaces. In geography it is believed that the border in this case is a tectonic rift or watershed.

Surprisingly, even with the modern development of science, it is not always possible to accurately set up to a kilometer exactly, where this axis passes.

There is another factor complicating the border between Europe and Asia - geopolitical. Europe and Asia are not only geographical, but also political, cultural, civilizational objects. What type of culture is tremendous Russia?

Is it possible to consider the European countries of Transcaucasia and Turkey, which so strive in the European Union, but geographically relate to Asia? What Russian regions relate to Europe, and what kind of Asia? And why do some foreign cartographic editions pave the eastern border of Europe exactly along the border of the Russian Federation, picking up the European part of our country to Asia?

One thing is known: over time, the notorious border constantly moved to the east, since an increasing number of countries and regions wanted to consider themselves European.

All these issues make geographers again and reincarnate to the problem of the Asia-European border, carry out additional research and expeditions.

The border between Europe and Asia - what did Geographers agree?

As long as the researchers study, politicians argue, cultureologists write articles, students and schoolchildren say that the border between Europe and Asia takes ways as established by international geographical society. And more precisely, here's like:

On the eastern sole of the Ural Range and the Otrogu Muurgar;

On the Emba river flowing into the Caspian Sea;

On the north shores of the Caspian Sea;

- in the KuMo Manic Wpadin, which is now the floodplain of the rivers Kuma and Manch, and in antiquity was the strait connected to the Black Sea with Caspian;

According to the Black Sea, Bosphorus and Dardanelles Strait.

The coast of the Mediterranean to the east of Dardanell belongs to Asia, to the West - to Europe.

What are the disputes?

There are two segments of the Asia-European border that cause the most fierce disputes. This is a plot of south of the Ural Mountains (to the Caspian) and the jumper between the Caspian and Black Seas.

In the first case, the problem is caused by the fact that in the southern part of its part, the Ural Ridge disintegrates into several revisions. Which of them is considered the border of Europe and Asia, it is still not established with accuracy.

As for the border area in the Caucasus area, there are also several opinions here. Some scientists offer to carry out the border on the KoM-Manic lowland, others - on the Water Separation of the Caucasian Range, the third is still south.

To solve the question once and for all, Russian scientists suggested using not only the geographical, but also a political, and cultural and civilization approach. The international community is invited to consider the option in which the border leaves the Ural Mountains and the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov as part of Europe, and the Caucasus - in Asia.

Obviously, the establishment of the border between Europe and Asia is not only a scientific, but also an administrative, and political problem. Let's hope that in the coming years this question will be resolved at the international level and we do not have to argue about which of us lives in Europe, and who in Asia.

Tip 1: Where the border between Europe and Asia passes

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In geography textbooks, it is clearly written that the border between Europe and Asia runs directly through the Urals ridge and down to the Caucasus. This fact also draws attention to the mountains that are so full of secrets and mysteries.

Directly in the mountains are border pillars that sign that on one side of Europe, to another Asia. However, the pillars are made very unsuccessful. The fact is that they do not quite correspond to historical data.

Different approaches to limiting borders

In addition, when comparing multiple sources, it is possible to conclude that there is no consensus about where the border goes through the Caucasus. The most common opinion is - it passes through the main watersheds of the ridge. Other sources indicate that the border passes along the northern slope. By the way, if you see the Soviet Atlas, then the Euro-Asian border goes directly along the border of the USSR.

Such a relation to the passage of the border led to disputes regarding the territories of Asia and Europe, which for some scientific circles is almost a paramount task. It is still arguing to Asia or Europe to attract Mont Blanc and the same Elbrus.

Leading scientists assure that it is impossible to draw the border between parts of the world with an accuracy of a kilometer. The fact is that there are no sharp transitions between them. If you approach the difference in the climate difference, there is no difference, the same applies to vegetation, animal peace and the structure of the soil.

The only thing that can be relying is the structure of the earth's surface, which reflects the geology. It was at one time that leading geographers were relying, trying to hold the border between Asia and Europe. They took the basis of the Urals and the Caucasus.

Conditional and real border

There is a natural question - how to carry out the border in the mountains? It is known that the width of the Ural mountains about 150 kilometers, the Caucasian mountains are even wider. That is why the border was conducted on the main watersheds, which are located in the mountains. That is, the border is completely conditional and cannot be considered accurate, even if you consider in kilometers. However, the competent decision was made, according to which the modern border has clearer contours.

For a conventional resident, the answer to the question: "Where is the border between Europe and Asia?" May be as follows: "According to the Urals and the Caucasus." It will be quite satisfied with a similar answer. And how to be kartographers? After all, the borders of Europe could be carried out along the Ural River both to the left and right. There can be many similar examples. For this reason, in scientific community, it was decided to consider the border passing along the eastern slope of the Urals and Muurgar. After it goes along the Emba River, to the North Coast of the Caspian
Kerch Strait.

That is, from recently, the Urals of the whole is part of Europe, and the Caucasus - in Asia. As for the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, it is "European".

The official border between Asia and Europe

The border along the continent is very difficult. Between Asia and Europe, she constantly changed their outlines. It happened because of the gradual development of the Ural Mountains and Lands of Siberia.

The official division of one continent for two (in the direction of North-South) was carried out in 1964. At the 20th Congress of the International Geographical Union, scientists conducted a clear line-border between Asia and Europe. According to this data, the following position was recorded.

The beginning of the border takes in the Kara Sea, in Bidarats lip. Next, the section of the section passes through the eastern part of the Ural Mountains and goes down the east of the Perm region. Thus, both Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg turn out to be located in Asia.

The border goes along the Ural River, goes to the Orenburg region and descends to the northern part of Kazakhstan. There she "picks up" the Emba River and descends straight to the Caspian Sea. Leaving the North Coast of the Caspian Sea in Europe, the border comes to the Kuma River and with it crosses the northern part of the Caucasian Mountains. Then the path passes through Don to the Azov Sea, and, then, and to black. From the last border between Asia and Europe "follows" in the Bosphorus shed, where it ends. Finishing in the Bosphorus Strait, the border divided into two mainland Istanbul. As a result, there are two parts in it: European and Asian (Eastern).

On the path of the border there are several states, which it is safely "divided" by two continents. This applies to Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkey. It should be noted that the latter "got" the most: the border was divided into two parts of its capital.

However, after the official border, disputes and reasoning about it did not subsigh. Scientists assure in the impossibility of a clear line for any external / internal parameters. For example, in vegetation, climate or soils. The only real measure is the geological history of the area. Therefore, the Urals and the Caucasus turned out to be the main border guards.

Today, the Caucasus and the Urals are not divided by the border on the part. It passes only by their nozzles, leaving the mountains intact. This approach has significantly simplified the work of geologists.

But this situation has affected the difficulties in the work of cartographers. Reproducing one of the mainland, scientists had to separate mountain ranges on unequal parts. It is almost impossible to carry out such a procedure. This situation has negatively affected the work of geologists, often using cards: parts of the mountains were "Raskidanas", although historically were single arrays.

Crete is an amazingly beautiful island, it shares the Mediterranean and Aegean seas and goes back to the border between Africa, Europe and Asia. Four thousand years ago, the oldest civilization of the world was originated here - Minoan. The remains of palaces have been preserved to this day, as confirmation of the greatness of brilliant civilization.

In Crete, the tourist infrastructure is developed, for recreation travelers and guests have created excellent conditions. Attractive for tourists Unique nature with warm waters of the seas, picturesque gorges, cozy bays with azure transparent water. Drops sing in Russia, the first snowdrops make their way, and the swimming season begins on the island at the end of April.

Crete is rich in attractions, monuments of antiquities and culture, as well as hospitable, benevolent people. Millions of holidaymakers from all over the world come here every year, visit the Palaishes of Crete and the Mina kings, awesome on aesthetics and architecture. It was here that the myths about Tessa, who killed the Minotaur, beautiful Ariadne and her guiding thread, Dedal, and Ikara.

On the island are excursions, acquainting guests with local traditions. The incendiary Cretan dances, performed in folk costumes under national music, are an amazing spectacle. Crete Island is a wonderful vacation, exciting travel, sunny paradise. Getting to paradise is simple and inexpensive.

The border between Asia and Europe: where it passes, interesting facts

The mainland of Eurasia is divided into two parts of the world: Europe and Asia. It is still known from school bench. But not all will be able to show the border between Europe and Asia on the map. Yes, and the researchers themselves, in truth, still can not come to a single opinion regarding this issue.

In this article we will try to figure out where the border between Europe and Asia is held today and how the ideas about its location change over time.

Europe and Asia, West and East

In geography, the surface of the earth is customary to divide on continents (or mainland) and the so-called parts of the world. And if the discharge of the mainland is based on objective geographical factors, then in the case of the discharge of light parts, the historical and cultural criteria are at the case of the discharge of light parts.

So, the continent of Eurasia is conditionally divided into two parts - Asia and Europe. The first is significantly larger than the area, the second is noticeably richer in the material plan. Europe and Asia have been opposed to each other for quite a long time as two absolutely different world. Europe (West) seems to us as a symbol of something right, progressive, prosperous, and Asia (East) - as an image of something backward, hardly barbaric. But all this is nothing more than stereotypes.

Europe - Asia: Main differences

"East is East, the West is West," so at one time spoke the great and wise writer Joseph Reddard Kipling. "... And together they do not go!". In many ways, he, of course, was right. The differences between the two global regions are traced in culture, religion and philosophy, they are also noticeable on individual, and at the social level. Oriental lifestyle and labor was initially more scrupulous and monotonous. It is enough to remember how long the Chinese can draw only a few hieroglyphs. In Eastern countries, it is customary to pray sitting in the lotus position. But in the Western world of Christians pray primarily standing ... there are a lot of differences!

It is interesting to note that recently in Europe becomes incredibly fashionable ideas and cultural trends from the East, with Asia. So, the popularity of yoga and oriental martial arts are gaining popularity. Catholic priests and monks began to use rosary in their prayer rituals. Many people of prosperous European countries are increasingly buying tours to India, China and Nepal, in order to penetrate the spirit of the eastern cultures and peoples.

Europe and Asia: general information about the parts of the world

In size, Asia is four times more than Europe. And the number of its population is more (about 60% of all residents of the mainland).

Europe is obliged to his name of the heroine of the same name from the myths of ancient Greece. The medieval historian Isichem this toponym was interpreted as a "country country". It is curious that the ancient Greeks of Europe called only the northern regions of modern Greece. Toponym "Asia" also comes on behalf of the character of an ancient Greek mythology - the oceanids of Asia, which was the daughter of the two oldest deities (the ocean and the pisses).

Within modern Europe, there are 50 independent states, including a number of the richest and most developed countries of the world (France, Germany, United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and others). In Asia, there are 49 independent states.

Three countries of the continent (Russia, Turkey and Kazakhstan) are located simultaneously in Europe and in Asia. Four more states (Cyprus, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan) can also be attributed to the first, and to the second part of the world, depending on where the border between Europe and Asia passes. Where do you spend this border today? Let's be able to understand.

The border between Asia and Europe and the criteria for its selection

What mountain peak rightly call the highest point of Europe - Elbrus or Mont Blanc? Is it possible to consider the Azov Sea European? In which championship should Georgia national football team? Answers to all these questions may be completely different. And everything will depend on what the border between Europe and Asia is taken into account. And the options accumulated a lot (on the map below they are shown by different lines).

In fact, the border between Asia and Europe cannot be performed on the surface of the Earth accurately and finally. The problem is that there are no unambiguous criteria for its definition. At different times, researchers were repelled from various factors in the process of allocating the European-Asian border:

  • administrative;
  • orographic;
  • landscape;
  • demographic;
  • hydrological and other.

Small excursion in the history of the problem

More Ancient Greeks tried to determine where the parts familiar to them are erected. And the conditional boundary between Europe and Asia in those days passed across the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Black Sea. But the Romans shifted it to the Azov Sea and the Don River. According to these hydrological objects, it passed until the XVIII century.

By the way, the Don River as the border between Asia and Europe appeared in many works of Russian scientists, in particular, in the book "On the layers of the earth" M. V. Lomonosov.

In the 1730s, European geographers took up the problem of determining the border of Europe - Asia and its substantiation from a scientific point of view. In particular, the Swedish scientist F. I. von Stallenberg and Russian researcher V. N. Tatishchev was seriously engaged in this issue. The latter conducted the European-Asian border along the Ural River and the Mountain Range of the same name.

Where is the border between Europe and Asia today?

Today, geographers of the planet, fortunately, came to a more or less important opinion on this issue. So, in what objects goes through the border between Asia and Europe? We list them from north to south:

  • eastern footage of the Ural Mountains and Municipal Range;
  • emba River;
  • the north-west coast of the Caspian Sea;
  • mouth of the river kuma;
  • Kumo-Manic Wpadina;
  • bottom of don;
  • southeastern shores of the Azov Sea;
  • Kerch Strait;
  • bosphorus Straits and Dardanelles;
  • The Aegean sea.

It is this definition of the border today is the UN and the International Geographical Union. It is also presented in most of the modern cartographic atlas.

According to this division, Azerbaijan and Georgia should be considered as Asian countries, and Istanbul is the largest transcontinental city (as it is located on both shores of the Bosphorus). It also turns out that the Kerch Peninsula of the Crimea is located in Europe, and the Taman Peninsula neighboring with him, along with the oblique Tuzla, is already in Asia.

Obeliski and monuments on the border of Europe and Asia

The border line "Europe - Asia" is marked on the surface of the Earth with many monuments, obelisk and memorable signs. All of them are at least fifty! Most of them are installed in Russia.

The world's northernmost sign "Europe - Asia" is at the Strait of the Ugra Ball. This is a small pillar with an anchor and information plate. Geographic coordinates of this sign: 69 ° 48 'Northern latitude and 60 ° 43' Eastern longitude.

The oldest such a sign is located within the Northern Urals, near the village of Cedrovka. It is represented by a small chapel, built back in 1868. But on Mount Birch in Pervouralsk, there is perhaps the most majestic and monumental sign "Europe - Asia". This is a 25-meter granite obelisk, which was installed here in 2008.

It is rather strange that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul (it would seem, on the most iconic segment of the European-Asian border), only a tiny yellow plate with a modest two-sided Welcome to Europe / Asia inscription is installed.


The border between Asia and Europe is very conditional and far from objective. According to the modern definition of geographers, it connects Kara and Mediterranean Sea, passing along the eastern foot of the Ural Mountains, the North-West banks of the Caspian Sea, Kumo-Manic Wpadin, Kerch Strait and the Bosphorus Strait.


The border between Europe and Asia takes place in the Ural Range. Or rather - by the watershed itself. However, controversy still often flared up between experts - it is not always easy to accurately hold this border in some places. It is considered the most controversial to the territory located near Ekaterinburg - here the level of the Ural Mountains is the lowest - and to the south of Zlatoust, near which the Ural Range is divided into several ridges, losing the axis and turning into a smooth steppe.

Curiously, but relatively recently, this border was held where west, than today - on the Don River and Kerch Strait. Moreover, such a separation appeared very long ago and was used even at the beginning of the eighteenth century. For the first time, he proposed to hold the border on the Ural Range V.N. Tatishchev in 1720. In the written written works, it is described in detail why the boundary between two parts of light - Europe and Asia should be held through the Ural ridge, and not Don.

One of the main arguments given by Tatishchev is the fact that the Ural Range acts as a watershed - on its slopes of the river flow both to the West and east. However, such a proposal was supported far from immediately.

A lot of border monuments have been established throughout the Urals, showing the line that divides Asia from Europe. Moreover, some of them are in very hard-to-reach places. And some of them do not really correspond to the actual border. For example, the northernmost monument is located on the shores of the Strait of the Ugra Ball. He was established by the staff of the polar station in 1973. The border sign will be pretty ordinary - a regular wooden pillar, having the inscription "Europe-Asia". In addition, a junior chain with an anchor hangs from the pillar. If you take Obelisk, located east of all, then it is located in the village of Kurganovo, on the Polevsky highway. It was installed even later in 1986.

One of the largest and most beautiful obeliskov became the one that was established in 2003 on the highway connecting the city of Chusovoy and Kachkanar. The height of it is quite impressive - as many as 16 meters. Right near it, on the asphalt, the line shows where the border between the lights of the light passes.

Initially, the monument set here was a conventional wooden pyramid with four faces and inscriptions "Asia" and "Europe". Emperor Alexander the second to whom the people gave a nicknamed the liberator, saw him, traveling along with the poet V.A. Zhukovsky, Stat adviser and a retinue, in May 1837.

A few years later - in 1846 - this monument was replaced. In his place, they put more serious, stone, created by the project, compiled by the architect Karl Tour, who worked in the Ural Plant. The main material used in its manufacture was marble, and he stood on a pedestal of stone. The top of the obelisk was crowned gilded eagle with two heads.

Soon after the revolution, this monument was destroyed - according to the official version he reminded of autocracy. However, in just a few years, already in 1926, a new monument was established here. True, it was not made of marble, but only lined with granite. Of course, there was no eagle here. A few decades later, in the middle of the twentieth century, a cast iron fence was installed around the obelisk. At the end of the twentieth century it was dismantled, putting columns with chains.

Of course, this place has a great historical value. The convicts, going to Siberia from the European part of Russia, it was here that I took the guests of the Earth - as a memory of the left homeland.

Everything on the same birch grief, a little closer to the city of Pervouralsk, another obelisk was opened - already in 2008. At the top of the thirty-meter pillar made of red granite, a double-headed eagle sits.

There is also a monument to "Europe-Asia" and in the city of Yekaterinburg, at the 17th kilometer of the Novomoskovsky tract. They set it relatively recently - in the summer of 2004. Konstantin Grünberg became the architect. The spectacle is really impressive - a huge marble pedestal with a stele of metal and a spacious observation platform. In addition, there are stones taken from the very extreme points of two parts of the world - Cape Dezhnev and Cape Rock.

Soon after installing the monument, disputes began - how correctly the place is chosen. Many opponents write to the fact that the monument is set at a high distance from the watershed. In any case, today this place is visited by a large number of tourists. Many people who come to Yekaterinburg try to take pictures here. Newlyweds also necessarily visit an important geographical point.

According to representatives of the authorities of Yekaterinburg, they have plans for the construction of huge obelis, externally similar to the Eiffel Tower. These will be the letters "E" and "A", and the height of them will be about 180 meters.

Border between Europe and Asia

The border between the lights of Europe and Asia Most often on the eastern sole of the Ural Mountains and Mourgaar, the Emba River, on the north shores of the Caspian Sea, on the Koom Manic Wpadin and Kerch Strait. The overall length of the border in Russia is 5524 km (of them along the Ural Range of 2000 km, according to the Caspian Sea 990 km).

Some sources use another option to determine the border of Europe - on the waterstening of the Ural Range, the Ural River, and the Caucasian Water Separation.

The very fact of the allocation of Europe - the result is not so much logic and geographical conditionality, how much history.

Border of Europe and Asia from the VI century BC. e. To our time, there was a significant movement from the west to the East. The ancient Greeks conducted it approximately in the central part of the Mediterranean Sea. Later, in 524-457 BC. e., the border began to consider the Kerch Strait and the Tanais River (Don). The big scientific authority of Ptolemy was the reason that this idea was firmly established and did not change until the XVIII century.

In 1730, Swedish scientist Philipp Johann von Stallenberg first substantiated in the world scientific literature an idea of \u200b\u200bholding the border between Europe and Asia. Later in 1736, V. N. Tatishchev argued that it was he who suggested to Strasenberg this thought. Tatishchev substantiated in his book to carry out this border from the Strait Yugorsky Ball in the Ural Range, along the Ural River, sharing such cities like Orsk and Orenburg (in their current borders), through the Caspian Sea to the Kuma River, through the Caucasus, Azov and Black Sea in Bosphorus.

This idea did not immediately receive recognition of contemporaries and followers. So, for example, Mikhail Lomonosov in the treatise "On the layers of the Earth" (1757-1759) conducted a line between Europe and Asia along Don, Volga and Pechora. However, the authors soon appeared, the studies of which, after Tatishchev, began to recognize the Ural ridge as a natural line between Europe and Asia.

The line of Europe - Asia runs from the coast of the Kara Sea along the eastern sole of the Ural Range, approximately parallel to the border between the Nenets Autonomous District and the Republic of Komi from the West and the Yamalo-Nenets and the Khanty-Mansiysk District from the East.

Further, the border passes several east of the administrative border between the Perm Territory from the West and the Sverdlovsk region from the East, while the south-western regions of the Sverdlovsk region remain in Europe. With the passage of the border of Europe-Asia in the region, the name "Asian" railway station is connected with it.

In the Chelyabinsk region, the border leaves Ashinsky, Katav-Ivanovsky and Satkin municipal regions, as well as the western parts of the territories of municipal districts and urban districts, adjacent to Bashkortostan. In the Orenburg region, the border leaves most of the territory in Europe except the eastern regions. Next to the south, the border continues through the territory of the Aktobe region of Kazakhstan, where he passes through the eastern foot of Mugarjar (the continuation of the Urals in Kazakhstan) and on the Emba River it goes to the Caspian lowland, through the Caspian Sea, it goes to the mouth of the river Kuma, then in the KuMo Manic Wpadin to don lowers, further along the southern shores of the Azov Sea.

The south of the border between Europe and Asia passes through the Kerch Strait, between the Crimean (Europe) and Tamansky (Asia) by the peninsula, leaving the island of Tuzla in Asia.

In April - May 2010, the Russian Geographical Society conducted an expedition in Kazakhstan (Desert and Plateau Ustyurt), in order to revise the generally accepted views on the border of Europe and Asia through the territory of Kazakhstan. The expedition participants were stated by the fact that the south of Zlatoust, the Ural Ridge loses its axis and disintegrates into several parallel ridges, and even the south of the mountain gradually go to no, while the Ural Range (or rather his Eastern foot) is traditionally a landmark for the border of Europe and Asia. According to the participants of the expedition, the rivers, the Urals and Emba are also not reasonable boundaries, as the nature of the terrain on their shores is the same. The expedition participants came to the preliminary conclusion that the Border of Europe and Asia on the eastern edge of the Caspian lowland, which is the southeast graduation of the Eastern European Plain, seems to be the most reasonable.
To date, the opinion of the Russian and Kazakhstan scientists who participated in the specified expedition was not considered by the International Geographical Union.

It is difficult: the charm of the East and the noisy megalopolises of the West seem unrealized different and even distant. However, in the modern world in the era of globalization, the exact outlines of continents are becoming more blurred, and the boundaries of Asia are not as accurate. The history of division of countries to the Eastern and Western includes several stages:

  • The appearance of titles refer to the era of ancient Greece. It is believed that Europe originated from the phrase, which denoted in the translation of the "country of sunset". Asia personified Oceanid Asia - the daughter of the Divine of the Ocean and the Tefy;
  • In those distant times, the border was held in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, later there was a significant shift to the east;
  • About 3,000 years ago there were change - Officially, the frontier was installed on the Kerch Strait and the Don River. Such a statement is given in the writings of Ptolemy, it was recognized until the 18th century;
  • In 1730, the next changes occurred - Tatishchev and Stallenberg in scientific works set the border on the Range of the Ural Mountains, through the Caucasus, Azov, Black Sea and the Bosphorus Strait.

Borders of Europe and Asia

Later, new attempts were made to change the existing division of the world, but they were not crowned with success - already 300 years old, the European and Asian part of the planet is divided.

Where the border of Europe and Asia passes - interesting

Although it has long been known where the border between Europe and Asia passes, yet some discrepancies in geographers and historians exist. It is due to the fact that every criterion for the allocation of this turn is unique. Some specialists take into account administrative factors, others - landscape, demographic or historical. However, the world's generally accepted is such a position of the division of the world into two parts:

  • The Ural Mountains (Eastern Part) and the Ridge Mugarjar are separated by the territory of Russia;
  • River Emba, Don, Kuma;
  • Northern Caspian Sea;
  • The southern coast of the Azov Sea;
  • Kerch Strait;
  • The Aegean sea.

Such a selection of the border allows you to accurately answer questions, exciting researchers, simple inaders and tourists. Azerbaijan and Georgia are customary to belong to Asian countries, the Kerch Peninsula is Europe, and Tamansky -. The Caspian Sea is located in the Asian part of the planet, and Azov - in European.

Asia and Europe are important differences

Undoubtedly, Europe and Asia are two completely different worlds, distinguished by a special atmosphere, political and religious views, national traditions. What differences are the first thing to be noticeable to tourist?

Sights of Europe

  • Nature - in the east more beautiful places untouched by a man's hand, more opportunities to retire and enjoy silence;
  • Security level - According to this criterion, Europe won a confident victory. Here is higher level of social responsibility, law enforcement agencies work better;
  • Food - As you know, are becoming increasingly popular in developed countries. And if earlier Europeans preferred to eat fast food, now they choose sushi;
  • The service is, of course, the level of service in hotels and restaurants in Europe is much higher than in Asia. But the Turkish "All Inclusive" does not have any comparison with Italian or Spanish service;
  • Cost of rest - Conduct vacation and Vietnam is an order of magnitude cheaper than in European countries. The level of income of the population and the price is affected;
  • sights - Europe is rich in architectural delights of the Renaissance and Middle Ages. Temples and palaces in Asia have a longer history - the date of their construction belongs to the past era;
  • Entertainment - on this criterion, both parts of the world can make each other worthy competition. Evaluate where the rest will be saturated and more fun, difficult;
  • Relationships towards children - The welcoming Asians love to mess around with other people's children, there was no such habit for Europeans.

Of course, it is impossible to definitely say where it is better to rest - in Asia or Europe. But it was East that in recent years has won unprecedented popularity. He attracts travelers with its beauty, luxury, spicy flavors and precious silks.

Attractions on the border of two civilizations

Given the relevance of the issue where the border of Europe and Asia passes, there are many monuments and steals on this turn, demonstrating the unity of peoples. Most of them are located in Russia:

  • Obelisk on birch grief - Located next to Ekaterinburg, installed in the 19th century. A majestic double-headed eagle sends on a huge pillar;
  • Monument near Pervouralsk - Not so massive sculpture is popular with residents of nearby cities. Near - a spring with clean water;
  • Obelisk on Novo-Moscow tract - Installed recently - at the beginning of this century. Located 17 km from Yekaterinburg;
  • Orenburg Obelisk - The impressive largest column is crowned with a steel ball. Monument was established in the 1980s near the car bridge on the R-335 highway;
  • Stela on the White Bridge - Also located near Orenburg, is a relatively new building.

In addition, travelers are attracted by Obelisk in Magnitogorsk, Verkhneuralsk, near Urzhumka, Zlatoust and the village of Kedrovka. Architectural value These monuments do not represent, but become the object of photographs.

What attracts tourists to rest in Asia?

More recently, tourists dreamed of going to European countries, but today the trends have changed dramatically. The popularity of Thailand, Vietnam, India and others is explained by several advantages:

  • Reasonable ratio of price and quality;
  • Incredibly beautiful and diverse nature;
  • The mentality of the local population is aimed at making holidays pleasant;
  • Clean air and good ecology - however, there are such beaches where dirty;
  • You can go to Southwear all year round, the sea always remains warm;
  • Diverse and tasty food - exotic fruits, seafood and national dishes conquer gourmet;
  • Shopping also attracts tourists, as in Asia you can buy clothes, accessories, cosmetics and more.

Pros and cons rest in Asia and Europe

The sophisticated people refuse to relax in Europe, preferring eastern countries. Here you can soak on sandy beaches, and spend the night in clubs with bars, and. A rich cultural life, an incredible number of recreational possibilities, welcoming hospitality and excellent conditions for children - to overestimate Asia is simply impossible.