Repair Design Furniture

How to make internal partitions in a wooden house correctly. Partitions in a house made of timber: what they should be, what can be made of, tips, photos, videos Arrangement of a frame partition in a wooden house

Internal partitions are walls that do not perform a load-bearing function and serve only to separate rooms. Partitions in a wooden house are usually erected from wood so as not to violate the overall style of the building. But this is not important, if the interior design solution allows, you can build them from any materials, such as, for example, drywall or aerated concrete.

Requirements for partitions in a private house

All walls in the house are divided into load-bearing, self-supporting, fencing and partitions. Bearing walls must be strong and reliable, as other architectural elements rest on them. Self-supporting ones rest on a foundation and support their weight. The enclosing wall can be load-bearing or self-supporting. It should be not only durable, but also insulated.

Partitions, in contrast to the above types of walls, rely on ceilings and do not bear any load. Less stringent requirements are imposed on their strength and reliability indicators. However, these structures must have certain characteristics.

    Baffles should be sufficient lungs... The less their weight, the less pressure on the foundation and floors, and this is reflected in the efficiency of the entire building.

    Partitions should be thin... The thinner the dividing walls, the more economical the living space of the house is.

    When calculating partitions, it is necessary to take into account that furniture and household appliances will be hung on them. Therefore, they must be strong.

    Partitions act as dividing structures that must provide the premises with a sufficient level soundproofing.

    Partitions in rooms with high humidity and sudden temperature changes must be constructed of materials that are not negatively affected by these factors. If they are erected from wood, then it is imperative to use effective protective impregnations.

    Partitions in the house must have a high fire resistance.

    It is very important to consider the need for laying electrical wires in the body of the septum or along it.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of internal redevelopment. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

What materials are

Various building materials are used for the construction of internal partitions. The most commonly used brick, porous concrete or drywall.


Brick partitions are characterized by high strength. You can mount any shelves and brackets on them without fear that they will not stay on the wall. In addition, brick walls are a good sound insulator. So that they do not weigh the building so much, not an ordinary solid brick is used, but its porous analogue. But partitions in a house from a bar are rarely built from ceramics. The fact is that even porous bricks are too heavy for a wooden building. In addition, a brick wall requires painstaking leveling of the surface for finishing.

Aerated concrete and foam concrete

Aerated concrete blocks are produced in various standard sizes. There are also special products for masonry partitions. They are lightweight and lightweight. But here there are also disadvantages - when hanging heavy interior elements, you need to use special dowels. Another important nuance is that cellular concrete is hygroscopic, and without additional protection it cannot be used to separate rooms with high humidity.


It is the cheapest and most convenient material to use. For the construction of partitions, a metal frame is installed, which is then sheathed on both sides with thick sheets of drywall. The complexity of the operation of such structures in their low resistance to mechanical stress. It is impossible to mount shelves and equipment on the drywall itself. True, you can fix heavy elements directly to the metal frame.

With a sufficiently strong impact, the plasterboard wall cracks, as a result of which the damaged sheets must be replaced.

Gypsum slabs

Plaster and silicone material with tongue-and-groove connection system. Practical partitions with a smooth surface are very quickly erected from gypsum boards. It is also simply impossible to hang heavy objects on them, but in terms of the degree of resistance to mechanical stress, this material is more attractive than ordinary drywall.

Partitions in a house made of timber

The density of the partitions should not exceed the density of the load-bearing walls, otherwise they will be too heavy in relation to the total mass of the building. At the same time, the timber from which the walls of log cabins are built belongs to light building materials. It is not recommended to build traditional brick and even not very heavy aerated concrete partitions in wooden houses. They can be erected from drywall or tongue-and-groove plates. But the best option is timber or frame partitions. Plank (panel) partitions can be installed in technical rooms.

Partitions from a bar

Lumber partitions allow you to maintain the harmony of the interior of the log house. They are erected from a material with a small thickness. But the height of the bar for the partitions should be the same as the material for the outer walls. This is necessary in order to facilitate the process of building partitions and increase the aesthetics of the interior of the premises.

The main advantages of timber structures:



    good sound insulation.

However, it should be noted that all the advantageous characteristics of timber walls are reduced due to the presence of openings in them. An important advantage of bar partitions is their appearance, in which there is no need for additional decoration with finishing materials.

Such partitions are erected in the same way as the outer walls of a log house. Floor beams serve as the basis for the internal dividing walls. During the construction process, it must be remembered that the timber in the finished log house shrinks. This also applies to the material for the building box and the timber for the interior walls. It is more convenient to erect partitions at the same time as load-bearing walls. But if you are not sure that the timber for the walls and for the partitions has the same shrinkage coefficient, it is better to mount the partitions after the house has completely shrunk.

The number of timber and the type of connection between the partition and the wall is determined by the designer or builders. To protect the wood from moisture as much as possible, the bottom row of the partition is laid from moisture-resistant aspen or larch. In addition, the bottom row is insulated from a vapor-permeable film.

Finished timber partitions are sanded and covered with protective compounds along with the main walls. On partitions made of timber, you can safely mount heavy shelves and fastening systems for household appliances.

Frame partitions

This is a more economical and quick-to-assemble option. Such partitions consist of a frame and sheathing. The frame is constructed from vertical racks and horizontal bundles from a bar or non-planed board. You can use a metal frame as for drywall. The frame is fixed with hardware to the surface of the floor, load-bearing walls and ceiling. The finished frame is filled from the inside with any heat-insulating sheet material that will provide the wall with sufficient sound insulation. The most commonly used mineral wool. The structure is sewn up with a board, timber or other material suitable for the interior design of a house under construction. The rigidity and strength of the frame partition remains unchanged regardless of the number of technical and door openings.

Despite the fact that partitions made of timber or using frame technology are erected quickly and with the help of a simple tool, only qualified specialists should be entrusted with this business. When working with wood materials, shrinkage processes must be taken into account, which depend on many factors. In addition, only a professional can securely fix all the elements of a wooden structure without damaging them.

Video description

Arrangement of a frame partition in a log house from a bar or log

Board partitions

A type of timber curtain interior wall. The boardwalk differs from the timber partition in thickness, sound insulation and strength indicators, as well as in price. Usually, plank partitions are installed in utility and technical rooms, in which it is not necessary to maintain an ideal design.

This option has the principle of a frame partition. As a frame, boards are used, installed vertically or horizontally, depending on the characteristics of the room. Frame boards are sewn up with a planed board.

On our website you can see the most popular projects timber houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses Low-rise Country.


A log cottage is an environmentally friendly and comfortable housing in all respects. Interior walls in a wooden house should not disturb the harmony of the log cabin. That being said, they shouldn't be too expensive. In houses designed as a classic log house, it is better to install timber partitions. If the cottage is conceived in a modern style, dividing walls with a smooth surface can be made in it to provide designers with the opportunity to create an original stylish interior.

Partitions in wooden houses can be found in almost any building. There are many options for their execution. Various materials are used for their construction, incl. timber, shields, boards, etc. There is nothing daunting in their construction and therefore everyone can build them.

Purpose of partitions in a log house

It makes sense to start erecting frame partitions in a wooden house only after the house has shrunk. For a log house, the shrinkage period is one year.

The partition is a self-supporting structure and does not exert any load on the foundation. They are installed to divide the living space into separate rooms. Their design can provide for the installation of sound and thermal insulation.

Such structures can be easily disassembled and moved from one place to another. Their assembly can be easily done by hand and there is no point in resorting to outside help for work. We can say that this is the main feature that distinguishes them from the walls.

Interior designs have a number of advantages:

  1. The materials used for their manufacture are distinguished by high strength.
  2. They are lightweight, and this allows them to be installed anywhere in the room.

Internal structures provide additional opportunities for the formation of internal space. These structures can be used to create additional anchorage points for appliances and furnishings.

What to make partitions from? To avoid potential problems, it is advisable to use only environmentally friendly materials for the manufacture of these building structures.

By the way, before building them, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the sanitary and fire regulations for these building structures. When choosing materials for their creation, it is advisable to be guided by their ability to withstand fire and moisture.

Varieties of partitions in a log house

Before making the interior partitions, the homeowner must decide on the design.

Frame-panel board

When constructing a frame structure, it is necessary to select the supporting beam to which its upper part will be attached. If the installation of the partition will be carried out perpendicular to the beams, then it is necessary to sew a board to the supporting structures, located in accordance with the direction of the partition. It is necessary to install plumb lines along the edges of this board and determine the place in which the lower part of the structure will be installed. The bottom beam of the frame must be fixed to the established place. Then it will be possible to install vertical racks. Then they need to be connected together. At the final stage, it is necessary to sheathe the finished frame and putty the recessed heads of the self-tapping screws. That is, it is not so difficult to build partitions in a wooden house with your own hands.

Plasterboard partitions

Manufacturers produce slabs of different sizes; different gypsum mixtures are used for their manufacture. Some mixtures successfully resist fire, others with no less success resist moisture. For the manufacture of interior structures, it is permissible to use both those and those plates. Ordinary plates can also be used, but they must first be treated with a water repellent.

For the most part, the size of the slabs is 0.5 * 1.25 m. To connect the slabs, a spike or groove is made on the surface of the slabs, which are designed to speed up the assembly process.

In most cases, mounting elements have a groove or protrusion to speed up the assembly process. This is what allows not only to speed up and simplify the installation process, but also the disassembly process, if it becomes necessary to move the partition.

The use of this material allows you to easily complete the process of installing communication systems. It can be easily cut with a knife, and it will not be difficult to cut the necessary grooves and holes. The main advantage that drywall will provide is light weight and a smooth surface. During installation, the plates are placed one on top of the other and then stitched together. To connect these plates to each other, an adhesive composition is used, which includes gypsum and concrete.

It must be understood that after laying the mortar for connecting the plates, reinforcement is laid in it. Those gaps that formed after assembling the plates must be sealed with the same mortar. The surface of the slabs does not need plastering, they can simply be puttyed off.

Interior partitions can be made of wood, for this two methods are used:

  • using a frame structure;
  • using a solid beam.

Most of the professionals prefer to work with wood, although some use a mechanical profile made of galvanized steel. The reason for this is its low weight. Working with such material does not present any particular difficulties and may well be done independently. If they will be operated in a room with high humidity, then before building a partition in a wooden house, its structural elements must be treated with special water-repellent compounds.

Solid products are made from vertically installed logs or boards. To increase sound insulation, they are installed twice. For the production of such structures, a large amount of lumber is required. The frame is obtained by connecting vertical beams and horizontally laid beams. Boards or sheets of sheet material are sewn on top of the frame.

Products made with glass materials can have several versions. These can be constructions using rails. There are also such designs in which the partition is pushed into the wall. Such a design will require additional installation work. They can be suspended from a rail suspended from above and a support unit that is installed from below. In addition, options such as swing, sliding and pendulum are often used.

Internal partitions made of glass differ not only in a large number of different designs. Glass is a material that can be tinted, any pattern can be applied to its surface. In other words, the use of glass allows you to realize the most daring design ideas.

Plank structures can be installed in both timber and stone houses. Moreover, they can be installed both on the first and second floors. But, in rooms with high humidity, it is better not to install such products. Basically, such structures are installed in non-residential premises, for example, in a garage or shed.

For the manufacture of movable plank walls, it is necessary to use edged boards, the thickness of which lies in the range of 40 - 50 mm. Their moisture content should not exceed 12%. To support the boards, I use beams made of the same wood as the boards. In this case, the type of section of the bar does not play any role.

After the end of production, the boards can be finished with the following materials

  • plaster, which is applied to a pre-installed reinforcing mesh;
  • plates of fiberboard, plywood, etc.

Structures of this type have a number of advantages, among them:

  • small dimensions. The thickness of a single-layer product is equal to the thickness of the board and two layers of finishing;
  • the ability to use almost any finishing material;
  • they can be installed in any type of home.

But it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is difficult to carry out engineering communications inside them and these structures have extremely low fire resistance.

The two-layer shield is distinguished by the fact that it is a structure consisting of a frame, which is knocked together from a bar and sheathed with a board on both sides. Heat or sound insulation is placed in the resulting space.

This type of partitions consists of two frames and three layers of boards. Heat and soundproof materials are also placed in the free space.

To ensure high-quality sound insulation, standard materials are used - mineral wool, foam and other materials.

What is the difference between partitions and walls

Partitions and walls have the same appearance. Meanwhile, these are different elements of the construction of the house and each of them has its own design.

A wall is a structure that separates the premises located inside the house from the effects of the external environment. Or it can divide the room directly in the building itself and is the load-bearing element of the building. Without such a wall, the building would not have stood for long.

A partition is a structure that divides the total area of ​​a room (apartment or room). This structural element of the house is not load-bearing and can be installed in any part of the building.

Video on the topic of partitions in a wooden house

2 frame partitions in a wooden house

3 Do-it-yourself interior partition in a wooden house

Each owner of a private house sooner or later begins to rebuild, repair, remodel it.

For buildings made of different materials, there are rules for redevelopment and restructuring, then we will consider the features and secrets of how to do it in a wooden house, the rules for their installation and insulation.

Everybody wants to do redevelopment and repairs, both masters and "teapots". Before getting down to business, it is necessary to arm yourself with a theoretical base so that during the installation work there are no questions and difficulties.

The first thing that is important to understand is the difference between walls and partitions. Some people think they are the same thing. Let's figure it out now.

So, there are two types of walls:

  • Load-bearing walls are structures that support the main slabs that support the entire structure of a building. They cannot be broken, rearranged and generally "touched" during redevelopment.
  • Non-load-bearing walls are laid out at the height of the floor, but at the same time the foundation or roof does not rest on them. Therefore, such walls can be broken and transferred, if this does not negatively affect the roof.
  • Partitions, in turn, do not represent any importance for the entire structure. They rely on ceilings and play an exclusively decorative role in the interior. Most often used for zoning to divide a room into zones. Sometimes they are used as interior partitions.

Partitions have long burst into the world of construction and renovation as an alternative solution for large and small rooms in which several zones need to be accommodated. For this is a great option, to separate the kitchen and dining room. Partitions may not necessarily be solid, but made in the form of whatnot and shelves, which is important for kitchens, offices and other types of premises.

If we talk about partitions in a wooden private house, then they can be made of any material except brick.

It can be the same wood, drywall, glass materials and others. When installing partitions, there are fewer difficulties than when erecting walls, since there are no special requirements for them, they simply serve as zoning and should not be so strong to withstand the load of the roof, canvas or storey span.

Features of partitions in wooden buildings

Partitions are not made in a wooden house for shrinkage. First, the house is completely built, sits down, and then partitions can be mounted. If they are installed immediately, then their deformation during the shrinkage of the house is not excluded. Wood is a natural material and tends to expand, contract or somehow change.

Experienced builders first advise to build, erect a complete building, and several months should pass before doing repair work in it. During this period, the material "sits down" in its place and then there will be no interference with internal work. If you neglect this advice, you may encounter cracks and deformation of the interior decoration.

Partitions have one important feature: they are just as easy to assemble, just as easy to dismantle.

That is, if necessary, they can be moved to another place, built during the finished repair, or removed completely, if necessary. In addition to the partition, such structures provide soundproofing qualities.

Consider the main characteristics of interior partitions in a private house:

  • lightness so as not to bear any load.
  • strength, in order to withstand small loads.
  • thermal and noise insulation properties for the room.
    ecology, that is, it is important to use exclusively environmentally friendly materials, since a wooden house itself is environmentally friendly.
  • moisture resistance and fire resistance are the qualities that can be achieved using special impregnations for materials before starting installation work.

Thus, we can conclude that they must meet certain criteria in order to fully fulfill their functions.

Types of partitions and technologies for their installation

In a wooden private house made of logs or beams, several types of partitions are used, each of which is mounted according to special rules.

Frame and frame-panel partitions are considered the most common option for installation in a wooden house. Installation technology does not cause difficulties, even if you make partitions yourself. The main thing is to follow the algorithm of actions:

  • drawing up a drawing and measuring the structure so that it fits tightly between the ceiling and the floor
  • the bars for strapping are attached to the floor and the curtain with hardware and the frame is installed, that is, the frame is attached to the bars and from the butt side to the wall
  • the next step is heat and sound insulation, most often in this case, mineral wool is used, which fits into the frame itself
  • cladding is performed with clapboard, wooden sheets or drywall (depending on the wishes and preferences of the owner)
  • external decorative work, that is, the partition is finished - putty, priming and painting or, or varnishing

Joiner's and panel walls are mounted according to the following principles:

  • measurements are taken and markings are made
  • made of wood slats with an average thickness of 3 centimeters
  • slats are nailed to the floor, creating grooves for the future partition
  • the partition consists of wooden panels, which are mounted in pre-prepared grooves

It is important to note here that partitions can be 1-2-3 layers, depending on the number of sheets. The thicker, the stronger. To create sound insulation, mineral wool can be placed between the sheets of the base material, which will provide a high level of insulation.

Such a design can be made to the full height from floor to ceiling or with a gap from the top of a few centimeters, if, for example, zoning in one room, and not an interior partition.

Frameless wooden structures are considered the simplest in terms of installation work:

  • measurements, markings, as in previous versions
  • installation of the lower trim
  • making a groove according to the thickness of the sheets from which the partition will be made
  • boards are mounted in grooves installed on the ceiling and floor; you need to start from the wall;
    all gaps and gaps are filled with tow or foam
  • when the structure is ready, external work is carried out; the partition is sheathed, painted

The key to a strong and durable partition is correct measurements at the initial stage. When all the materials match, a dense partition is assembled, which can withstand quite large loads.

Partition requirements

To do it yourself in a wooden house, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the requirements for such structures:

  • The partitions must be strong so that they do not fall, do not stagger and you can lean on them. This is especially true for children's rooms, where kids will pull the structure, hold on and constantly touch it.
  • During installation, irregularities, gaps or cracks should be avoided, especially between sheets and walls, since strength will directly depend on this.
  • If the partition is installed in a room with high humidity, it is necessary to choose moisture resistant materials (green drywall, wood with moisture impregnation).
  • For partitions on the second floor, balcony, terrace, it is important to choose wooden sheets, since they are the lightest in weight and do not represent any load.
  • For zoning large rooms, for example, a living room, dividing into a recreation area, a dining area and an office, it is better to use transparent materials to leave the room visually large and bright.
  • The thickened partition will allow you to hide cords, wires and other communications.

Before installation work, you need to think over everything for the little things in order to determine the type of structure and the material from which it will be made.

Noise isolation

According to standards, between rooms in a private house, noise insulation should be higher than 43 dB. When installing partitions, it is advisable to build on this indicator in order to make the living of all family members as comfortable as possible.

If it is necessary to create complete isolation, then it is recommended to contact specialists who are engaged in noise insulation and acoustics (perhaps at home you need to equip a studio or a music hall for creativity).

If it is necessary to create insulation for ordinary living conditions, it is enough to use a standard insulator - building high density. It possesses not only soundproofing, but also heat-insulating properties. Of course, you can use ceramics, aerated concrete and other materials that perfectly absorb extraneous noise. Just mineral wool, unlike other building materials, is lightweight, which is very important for partitions.

The sound absorption material is placed in the frame between the partition sheets. The denser the layer, the more the insulation will be.

If partitions are planned as zoning in a single room, then insulation is not necessary, especially since this type of partitions may not be fully mounted to the ceiling, but with a small gap from above (3-5 centimeters).

Plasterboard partitions

Drywall is the most common material for various types of home decoration. Frame partitions made of this material are easy and quick to install. In addition, due to the size of the sheets, a large amount of facing work is not required, all that remains is to sew up the seams.

Another advantage is its wide selection, among which canvases of different strengths and thicknesses can be found. The most popular is green drywall (moisture resistant).

For the installation of plasterboard structures, light metal profiles are used. Even a teenager can make their installation, it is only enough to make measurements correctly and evenly.

First, a frame made of profiles is installed, mineral wool is placed in it and the partition is sewn up from all sides with sheets of drywall. Also, in such a structure, you can easily hide all the necessary wires or pipes in order to improve the aesthetic appearance of the room.
Soundproofing qualities will directly depend on the thickness of the sheets and the internal gap in which the insulating material is laid.

When the structure is fully assembled, you can proceed to the external decoration of the partition. Gaps and joints between sheets of drywall are putty, then polished. A primer is applied before the main finishing material to increase adhesion. Then you can veneer the partition to your liking. As a rule, it is dyed, but some stick to wallpaper, leather, suede, etc.

Wooden partitions

Partitions made of wood are best suited for or logs. They can be made in two variations - frames or solid sheets. Wooden partitions are ideal for those who often like to change the design of their home and make repairs or redevelopment. The point is that such structures are easy to mount and just as easy to dismantle, which will facilitate the process of rearrangement or repair.

If such partitions are installed in rooms with high humidity, they must first be treated with a special impregnation, which will protect the material from decay, mold and the development of fungal infection.

To prevent the structure from cracking in the future, it is recommended to cover it with a reinforced mesh, on top of which facing materials will be applied.

Glass partitions

Glass materials are used if an interior or zoned partition is being made. This will provide a high level of natural light.
Glass or plastic materials imitating glass are presented on the construction market in a wide range. There are a huge number of colors and textures.

These have high noise insulation properties and let about 80% of the natural lightening through. Glass materials are mounted at the final stage of finishing work inside the premises. Their installation is slightly different from other materials.

Average prices for partitions in a wooden house

It's hard to talk about the price, as it depends on many factors. Fire and moisture resistant materials will cost a little more than simple sheets of wood or drywall. Also, the type of material itself plays an important role.

When drawing up a plan, calculations and estimates, it is important to add 10%, taking into account possible waste, so as not to "miss" the amount of material.

In summing up, it is important to note that partitions in private houses play a very important role. They help to separate rooms as well as create different zones in the same room. Partitions can be made of glass, plastic, polycarbonate, drywall, wooden sheets and others. It is important to follow the rules and features of the installation of partitions during installation in order to create a strong and durable structure.

Do-it-yourself interior partition in a wooden house - on video:

It can be divided into two types - single, double, as well as multilayer:

  • Single - these are partitions between rooms, which are made of boards with a thickness of 40-50 mm, such partitions do not have an internal sound-insulating layer and they can be classified as thin-walled partitions between the rooms of the house.
  • Double - these are frameless double-walled partitions, in which you can make a sound-proof layer.
  • Multilayer - these are partitions assembled from two or more layers of boards.

Base for partitions made of boards

Partitions made of boards are lightweight compared to brick partitions; also, such partitions do not perform the function of load-bearing walls (they do not serve as a support for interfloor floors), therefore, their foundation does not require a capital foundation. The basis for partitions made of planks are floor beams or flooring. The location of the partitions can be done both along and across the floor beams.

Materials for the device of partitions from boards

If we talk about what building materials are used for the construction of plank partitions, then their name itself suggests that the main building material from which such partitions are made are boards. In most cases, these are edged or unedged boards from coniferous trees, such as spruce or pine, at least 40 mm thick. The recommended moisture content of the boards is not more than 12%.

The erection of partitions from not planed boards is carried out if in the future it is envisaged to plaster the surface of the walls of this partition. In other cases, it is advisable to use an edged board, and if wall decoration is not provided, then in this case the front surface of the boards should be smooth - it is necessary to process this surface with a planer and grind it.

As a result, we get the following materials:

  • Edged board is not planed.
  • Planed edged board (polished from the front side).

Partitions made of boards are made from vertically (less often horizontally) installed boards, which form a solid wall of the partition. The fastening of the partition boards is carried out to the bars, which are attached to the surface of the ceiling and floor. Consider the main points of the device of double and single partitions.

Do-it-yourself double partition of boards

A double partition of boards is usually done like this:

  1. Bars (A) are attached to the floor and ceiling, then boards are attached to these bars.
  2. First, one wall of the partition (B) is collected from the boards, installing the boards vertically.
  3. Control bars (C) are attached to the finished wall of the partition (B). The distance between the bars depends on the use of the material that will fill the space between the walls of the partition, if the space will not be filled, then the control bars can be fixed at a distance of 400 - 500 mm from each other.
  4. After fixing the control bars (B) and if a soundproofing layer (D) was required, the second wall of the partition (E) is recruited.
  5. If it is necessary to arrange a doorway, then racks (D) are installed in the intended place. After installing the wall, before installing the door frame, the bar (G) can be cut out or a threshold can be made in this place.

Do-it-yourself single partition from boards

Fastening boards to bars when installing single partitions can be done in two ways:

  1. The boards are installed between two bars that are parallel to each other.
  2. Boards are installed in grooves made in bars, which are fixed to the floor and ceiling opposite each other.

In the first version, the boards are installed between two bars. First, the bars (A) are attached to the floor and ceiling, then the bars (B) are fixed in the same way. The distance between the bars should ensure that the boards (B) are tightly installed in the space between the bars and have the same distance along the entire length. For example, if the board is 50 mm thick, then the distance between the bars can be made 50 ... 52 mm.

The bar (B) is made shorter than the bar (A) by the width of one board, from which the partition is assembled. For example, if the board is 150 mm wide, then the bars (B) should be 150 mm shorter than the bars (A). This will allow you to install boards between the bars, for example, if a door frame is installed in the partition, the direction of installation of the boards is indicated by arrows.

This version of the partition device has a significant drawback - the bars protrude above the floor surface and make it difficult to install the plinth. Such partitions can be used, for example, to divide the space in a utility block, garage or in the country (not a residential building).

The second option for erecting a single partition from boards provides for fastening the boards to only one bar, more precisely in a groove that is made in a bar. This option is more laborious, but at the same time the support bars will no longer interfere with the installation of the plinth - you get a flat wall from floor to ceiling.

Before erecting the partition according to this option, it is necessary to make a groove in the bars (A) with a width of 15 mm (minimum value). The depth of the groove is equal to half the thickness of the bar, that is, 50 mm / 2 = 25 mm, this is the depth of the groove.

A spike must be made at both ends of the boards, while the thickness of the spike must be at least 14 mm, that is, 1 mm less than the groove width. This will facilitate the installation of the boards and their movement in the groove of the bars (A). The height of the tenon in relation to the depth of the groove is made 5 mm less. If the groove depth is 25 mm, then the height of the tenon needs to be made about 20 mm (top and bottom tenon).

The length of the board (from point C to point D) should be no more than 2645 mm, with a ceiling height of 2700 mm. Since bars (A) with a groove for installing boards are attached to the floor and ceiling, the distance between the grooves is taken to calculate the length of the boards, which in the described example is 2650 mm. It turns out 2650 mm - 2645 mm = 5 mm, this is the minimum gap between the end of the board and the end of the bar (A).

In the bars (A), you need to make a place for installing the boards. To do this, in the lower bars, (for example, near the doorway), you need to cut off one wall of the groove, 150 mm wide (in the example, the board width is 150 mm).

When it is no longer possible to insert the boards into the groove from the end, the installed part of the partition and the doorway interfere, then in this case we just use the place for installing the boards made in the lower bar (A). First, we put the board at an angle with a thorn in the groove of the upper bar (A), and the lower thorn of the board freely passes in the prepared place and thus we install the thorn in the groove.

After the upper and lower thorns of the board are installed in the groove, move the board in the direction of the installed boards and connect them together. All directions of board installation are indicated by arrows in Figure 3. Now let's talk briefly about the end connection of the boards.

An effective end connection can be achieved by connecting the planks through the dowel. To do this, it is necessary to drill blind holes at the ends of the boards. We leave one end of the board with holes, and install a dowel in the holes from the other end, and so on in each board.

The main thing is that the holes in the end of one board are on the same axis with the pins installed at the end of the other board. The center-to-center distance between the pins and the holes is made the same about 200 mm, the depth of planting the pins in the board can be 50-80 mm (with a board width of 150 mm). The depth of the hole at the end of the board, into which the dowel enters when joining the boards, must ensure full penetration of the dowel so that there is no gap between the boards.

Note:In all methods of constructing plank partitions, boards installed against the wall of the house are attached to it with nails or with the help of pins.

There are a huge variety of designs for interior partitions; they can be used regardless of the materials from which your house is built.

It is quite important to make the partitions technologically correct and provide the corresponding requirements that will be necessary for certain rooms.

If we consider vertical structures inside the house, we can distinguish between load-bearing walls and interior partitions. All floors and roof structures are supported on the first, but they themselves are based on. On the plan of the house, the position of the load-bearing walls is strictly fixed.

Interior partitions in this case will not be load-bearing structures. They only divide the interior space of the whole house into separate rooms. Therefore, they can be made from both heavy building materials (for example, silicate bricks) and lightweight materials (for example, wood or). The house, environmental friendliness, beautiful aesthetic appearance, the possibility of redeveloping the space in the future depends on the building material and the quality of the interior partitions.

Interior partitions in a wooden house should be:

  • durable and reliable so as not to create any danger to the residents of the house;
  • maintain the established period of its operation;
  • do not have cracks and cracks on the surface or at the points of connection to other structures of the house.

In addition, there are special requirements:

  1. For partitions in bathrooms and laundries, resistance to the penetration of humid air and steam is quite important. They must be carried out from waterproof building materials, but the main thing to consider is that do not allow moisture and dampness to enter the structure. Correct cladding made of waterproof building material will perfectly solve this problem;
  2. For the interior partitions of the second floors and attic rooms in houses with wooden floors, their low weight is important, since they are able to withstand a small load than reinforced concrete;
  3. If you plan to illuminate a room in the back of the house, it is better to use a translucent partition made of special glass blocks or structures with glass inserts;
  4. For laying the appropriate engineering communications (chimney, etc.), a stationary interior partition of increased thickness is perfect;
  5. Partitions inside the house, separating zones with different temperature regimes, must be massive and guarantee good thermal insulation.

Interior partitions made of gypsum concrete are several times lighter than brick ones, have a flat and smooth surface.

The thickness of such a structure from one layer of slabs will be only 10 cm. If it is necessary to increase the sound insulation of the room or lay pipelines in the interior partition, it must be made double.

The installation of this system begins with leveling with a cement-sand mortar of the floor, then a special waterproofing made of roofing material is placed under the lower blocks.

The template is made from two posts with a moving bar. Usually, the plates are mounted on top of each other with the long side strictly horizontally, with all the seams tied. Apply a gypsum solution. Metal reinforcement is laid in all horizontal seams and fastened in the walls, which limit the interior partition. The gap between the ceiling and the interior partition is sealed with a special plaster mixture. Plastering the slabs is not necessary, just putty is enough.

An important point, the gypsum mixture must be prepared immediately before its use, since it hardens very quickly. And all metal rods that are installed between the rows of plates must be treated with a special bitumen varnish.

In new houses, before installing partitions, it is advisable to wait a few months after the installation of the supporting structures of the house, so that their required shrinkage occurs. Interior partitions in the house are mounted before the floor screed is made. Performing in the future a screed or a rough wooden flooring, a gasket of 2 cm thick sound-insulating building material is made between the wall and the floor.

The installation of the systems begins by marking their location with lines on the floor, walls and ceiling.

Interior structures are firmly connected with the overlap at the base and near walls.

Interior partitions made of wood

Currently, two types of partitions are used in a frame house using wood - these are solid and frame ones.

Wooden partitions are used in houses made of different materials, without strengthening wooden floors, they are perfect for the second floors of houses and attic rooms. Such structures are easy to install and dismantle, so they are ideal if you plan to redevelop in the future. In rooms with increased humidity, wooden partitions must be protected with a waterproof one.

Solid wood partitions are produced from vertically standing boards. To increase the boards, they are mounted in two rows, distributing noise-insulating material or an air gap between them. The disadvantage of this design is the high material consumption and, as a result, the cost, as well as a large specific weight in comparison with frame interior partitions.

Do-it-yourself installation of these partitions in the house is carried out as follows: a special bar is laid at the base of the interior partition, which firmly rests on the floor beams. To form a solid structure on the harness, it is necessary to fix two horizontal guides, between which the boards are vertically fastened, connecting them in the upper part with a fastening wooden bar.

When installing the frame partition on the strapping, the posts are placed with a certain step, combining them with the upper strapping. Parts and elements of the wooden frame are fixed to each other with nails or self-tapping screws, using metal corners. On one side, sheathing is installed, and after that the space between the wooden beams is filled with sound insulation. Wooden frame structures are fixed to the walls with metal crutches, to the sheathing with self-tapping screws.

At the junction of partitions with adjacent structures, a special metal mesh must be fixed. This will protect the entire structure from cracking.

In a wooden frame house, interior structures must be installed one year after the construction of the house, i.e. after significant shrinkage. The distance between the top of the interior partition and the ceiling must be at least 10 cm. It must be filled with tow and covered with triangular bars.

Plasterboard partitions

Plasterboard wall partitions

The modern system for the installation of plasterboard frame partitions allows you to carry out construction work especially quickly.

Lightweight drywall partitions in the house can be used from various structures and building materials and in any other room, even with increased air humidity.

The structure of this system includes metal profiles - horizontal guides and vertical posts and special soundproof building material.

They use structures with different sheathing layers, as well as on a double metal frame. The level of noise insulation of an interior partition depends on the total number of sheathing sheets, the total thickness of the internal noise insulation layer, and the presence of an air gap.

These structures are mounted during finishing work prior to installation. Polyurethane soundproofing tape is glued to horizontal metal profiles, and they are fixed to the floor and ceiling using dowels and screws. Rack metal profiles are installed in 60 cm increments. The frame cladding must be fixed on one side with self-tapping screws, and it is imperative to put sound-insulating material between the metal profiles. After that, the cladding is installed on the other side of the partition. All roughness and unevenness of the cladding, as well as the screw heads, must be sealed with putty.

For a better quality of sound insulation, partitions are installed to the supporting structures of the ceiling and only after that drywall is laid. All seams between drywall sheets should be putty in several stages.

Interior partitions made of glass materials

Glass interior partitions

To create these interior partitions, glass blocks are used, which differ from each other in a huge palette of various colors, a choice of surface textures and original dimensions.