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Top dressing for peppers in the greenhouse. Fertilizers for peppers in the greenhouse. How to feed peppers during flowering

It is hard to imagine a modern table without sweet pepper. This vegetable attracts cooks with its excellent taste, nutritionists note a low calorie content with an excellent set of vitamins. The consumer likes the special taste and aroma. Therefore, in the beds, a delicious nightshade culture has won its place.

It is cultivated not only in the southern regions, even in rather cool places with a short summer they try to grow an indispensable vitamin product.

Sweet pepper is a rather heat-loving plant. It is grown both in open ground, using the simplest shelters, and in greenhouses.

As practice shows, the yield inside the protected ground structures is 30 ... 50% higher than it is obtained in the field. The explanation is quite simple: there are no sudden temperature changes that block the stomata during the cooling period. Root nutrition is constant, which is a guarantee of increased yields.

It is known that in order to obtain the greatest return when growing any agricultural crop, it is necessary to create the maximum conditions under which all the positive qualities of the plant are manifested. So for pepper it is necessary to perform certain measures:

  • the soil layer should be light enough, the content of the sandy component in the upper part, where the main root system is located, should contain at least 50% sand;
  • a slightly acidic soil reaction is desirable (pH = 5.8 ... 6.3). When preparing the soil for planting, 10 ... 15 g of slaked lime per 1 m 2 is added to it;
  • good growth occurs with daylight hours lasting 8-14 hours. Long summer days with high intensity of solar radiation are sometimes unnecessary, they tire the plant, so it is advisable to cover from direct sunlight.
    In greenhouses made of polycarbonate, the throughput is at the level of 82 ... 87%. Therefore, the sun's rays are weaker. However, with a reduction in daylight hours, it is desirable to illuminate the bushes, photosynthesis is possible only with irradiation of at least 8 hours;
  • at a soil temperature of 15 ... 23 ° C, the root system provides normal nutrition, the growth of stems and fruits occurs quite intensively. Air temperature over 18 °C but not more than 28 °C is optimal for growth. At night, it is necessary to lower the temperature to 15 ° C. Then sugar accumulates in the fruits;
  • sweet pepper is demanding on moisture. But watering should alternate with the flow of air to the roots. Therefore, the organization of drip irrigation will be optimal. You need warm enough water, not cooler than 18 ° C. Therefore, when growing inside greenhouses, containers are installed where the irrigation liquid is heated during the day;
  • in order for the plant to develop throughout the entire growing season, top dressing is needed. They are produced with organic or mineral fertilizers. However, the use of manure from cattle or sheep is undesirable. The acidity of the soil increases.

How is feeding done

Do Peppers Need Special Fertilizers? How and when to feed? - these and similar questions are asked by novice gardeners.

The frequency of top dressing

The pepper will be in the greenhouse from mid-April to the last days of October. It can grow further. This plant is known to be perennial. On the windowsills of many users, peppers grow for several years, giving a bountiful harvest.

It is necessary to make additional fertilizers as the growth of the stem increases. After transplanting into seedling peat pots, it is advisable to give a small bait.

Seedlings are growing fast. But she needs to grow not in height, but in breadth. Therefore, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are needed at the stage of pot cultivation. You should not get involved in nitrogen fertilizing during this period.

Each plant is poured with five to seven grains of potassium salt and superphosphate. For the period from March to mid-April, when landing in the protected ground facility will be carried out, this amount will be enough.

Before planting in a permanent place, you need to fertilize the soil. It is necessary to enter:

  • gypsum (powder), if pH = 6.5 ... 7.2, or slaked lime, at pH = 5.2 ... 6.0. The amount depends on the reaction of the soil. Usually you need about 10 ... 15 g / m 2. It is not difficult to check, there are sheets of litmus paper on sale, as well as indicator scales, with the help of which the pH level is specified;
  • boric acid in the amount of 3 g/m 2 ;
  • ammonium nitrate 15 ... 18 g / m 2;
  • superphosphate 22 ... 25 g / m 2;
  • potassium salt 8 ... 12 g / m 2.

Stir thoroughly after application. Planting holes must be shed with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. A small portion of potash fertilizers and manganese, necessary for the growth of green mass, will also enter the soil.

Subsequent top dressing is needed at intervals of two weeks. The last distribution of fertilizers is carried out in mid-September. Until the close of the season, the plants will use what they have received for several months.

The growth of green mass is not needed. The ovary of fruits stops, there will be no more flowers. Affects the reduction of daylight hours.

Attention! In heifers where illumination and maintenance of the required temperature is possible, pepper cultivation can be continued further. It takes about a month for the plants to rest. Then start feeding, stimulating growth and fruiting.

Feeding for pepper

It is impossible not to talk about organic top dressing. They are necessary, since the use of organic matter helps to increase soil fertility.

Organic grass nutrition

Herbal infusion is used in cases where there is no manure or droppings on the site. In this case, it is enough to have weeds.

It is necessary to collect at least 6 ... 7 kg of weeds in the total mass. It is desirable that among them were:

  • nettle, it contains a large amount of protein, which, when fermented, forms easily digestible nitrogen and potassium fertilizers;
  • quinoa, it has a lot of sugar, as well as phosphorus. When decomposed, compounds soluble in the soil will be formed;
  • celandine, contains iodine, potassium and sulfur. All these substances are useful for any plant;
  • dandelion and shepherd's purse remove phosphorus and potassium from the soil. If these weeds are made to ferment in solution, they will return taken from the soil;
  • creeping couch grass contains a huge amount of nitrogenous compounds, its rapid growth is the result of excellent absorption of nitrogen from the soil;
  • legumes, such as mouse peas, will add all the necessary complex of nutrients to the solution.

You can not ferment, but only grind all the collected weeds. But they may contain seeds that will begin to germinate, interfering with cultural plantings. During fermentation, seed germination is lost. They become unsustainable.

All collected weeds are placed in a barrel or flask (the flag is preferable, the lid closes tightly). Then you should pour water. You don’t need to warm it up specifically, the container will be in the sun, where it will warm up.

When fermentation begins, the internal reaction will keep the temperature a few degrees higher than the surrounding value. It is advisable to close. If there is no cover, then pull the polyethylene.

Attention! Cover so that a rather sharp and unpleasant odor does not spread around the solution.

After 10 ... 15 days (at an average air temperature of 18 ... 22 ° C), fermentation stops. All the nutrients from the stems and leaves have passed into the liquid. You can use organic fertilizer. Before use, small portions are diluted at least 10 times. The concentration of nutrients is very high.

Sweet peppers are poured with a solution at the rate of 10 liters of liquid per square meter of plantings. The solution can retain its properties for one and a half months. If you keep the container open, then part of the nitrogen escapes.

Competent gardeners pour the solution. The remaining rotted stems are used as mulch, laying them on the beds. Time will take its toll, stacked items rot during the summer.

Organic top dressing with manure (litter)

If there is rabbit manure, then it can be used without prior preparation. The pellets are scattered in the basal part of the pepper.

By pouring water, you can observe how the balls gradually dissolve and are absorbed in the soil. It is the softest and most useful of all types of organic fertilizers. It contains all the necessary substances. Even trace elements are presented in full.

Other types of organics will have to be soaked. Fermentation is necessary, as a result of which manure from an indigestible form becomes available to plants.

4 ... 6 kg of organic inclusions must be dissolved in 40 ... 60 liters of water. You will also have to close it so that unpleasant odors do not interfere with others. As a result of fermentation:

  • plant seeds present in organic matter will die and never germinate;
  • all nutrients will go into an accessible form and will be dissolved in water.

It is necessary to water the plants, diluting the resulting liquid one to ten. The remaining dry residue can be dug up. He will still give the food remaining in it for a long time.

Mineral supplements

The easiest way to feed with mineral fertilizers. Nitroammophoska contains 16% of all necessary substances. It is bred in irrigation water. Pour 60 g of granules into 10 liters of water. Then water an area of ​​1 square meter.

Nitrophoska, in which all fertilizers contain 10 ... 12%, you need to add more, about 75 g per 10 liters of water.

You can independently prepare a mixture of mineral fertilizers, and apply for regular top dressing during the growing season. Sweet peppers will produce in a greenhouse from mid-July until frost.

Peppers, like most nightshades, are among those vegetables that do not tolerate low temperatures. Growing a decent crop is a real challenge for cold climates. Experienced gardeners and amateur gardeners know that for growing peppers Must have greenhouse(or greenhouse) and well-fertilized soil. The soil must be saturated with the necessary substances and mineral supplements for optimal growth and development of pepper seedlings. It is necessary to monitor the amount of phosphorus and nitrogen in the ground, because these substances are fundamental for the development of the root system and the formation of fruits. Nitrogen tends to leach out due to frequent watering, so it is applied more often. There are many remedies and recipes how to feed peppers in a greenhouse. They will be discussed in this article.

Feeding mode for peppers

Monitoring the feeding regime is a prerequisite for growing peppers.

The first time top dressing for peppers is applied 1 month after planting, then regularly every 10 days.

For the first feeding, a mixture of cow dung and water in a ratio of 1 to 8 is well suited. It is possible to add weakly concentrated mineral-containing fertilizers to the “mullein”, in which case the proportion changes and is 1 to 6.

Once every 4 weeks, plants are sprayed with 0.12% calcium nitrate or potassium phosphate 0.1%. Spraying is carried out during the ventilation of the greenhouse to avoid thermal burns of the leaves.

Recipe for feeding peppers in greenhouses

The recipe of our grandmothers - watering with slurry - is also effective and can compete with industrial fertilizers. The recipe is simple:

  • We dilute 4 medium cow cakes with warm water 24-27 degrees in a 12 liter bucket (you can use buckets from putty). The ratio of mullein to water should be 1:10. Close the lid and keep warm overnight. We add two buckets of the resulting manure concentrate when watering a five-liter bucket. Double superphosphate can also be added here (50 g per 10 l of the finished solution). Water the peppers with a solution under the root. Consumption: 1 liter of solution per 1 plant.

When the first flowers appear and until the formation of ovaries in greenhouses, we continue to feed the plants.

Feeding methods

Shop fertilizers are applied in accordance with the instructions on the package, improvised fertilizers - in accordance with generally accepted doses. It is possible to adjust the amount of fertilizer according to the individual conditions of keeping plants in the greenhouse.

Store-bought fertilizers useful for peppers include:

Ammophoska or nitroammophosphate;
ammonium nitrate;
potassium chloride.

From improvised fertilizers for peppers emit:

sheep manure;
chicken manure;
organic fertilizers - nettle, ash, sawdust.

If cow dung is familiar to almost every gardener and can be used by any novice agronomist, then chicken and mutton dung should be applied very carefully.

Dry chicken manure is applied only between the rows to prevent the "burning" of the roots of the plant.

On acidic soils, in addition to top dressing, ash and sawdust are added.

Passive feeding of peppers

In addition to the active feeding of peppers, you can also use the passive method of enriching the soil with nitrogen. Thanks to the root system of legumes, the nitrogen content in the soil increases by 10-15%. To do this, we plant peas or beans on resting soils before planting peppers. Creeping varieties can also be used, they can be planted during the flowering period of peppers between planting holes.

Despite the many nuances, if feed peppers in the greenhouse on time, do not forget about abundant watering and protect seedlings from drafts, an excellent harvest is guaranteed!

Before deciding how to feed the peppers in the greenhouse, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil for planting vegetable plants. To do this, it is desirable to introduce several types of fertilizers into the soil:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • superphosphate;
  • wood ash;
  • manure or compost.

It is not necessary to feed greenhouse peppers with such means. A good option would be specialized mixtures that can be purchased at flower shops. However, not all commercial substrate nutrient solutions are suitable for peppers. Carefully study the composition of the mixture before purchasing it: if it includes chlorine in large quantities, you should not purchase it, since pepper is problematic in transferring this substance.

From the video you will learn how, with what and when to feed the pepper in the greenhouse.

If the pepper is poorly fertilized, you are unlikely to have to expect a generous harvest. Therefore, it is very important not only to choose high-quality mixtures, but also to do all these procedures correctly. What rules are recommended to be observed, first of all:

Remember, with nitrogen-type fertilizers, in no case should you overdo it. If the substrate is saturated with them excessively, the greenery will begin to develop too actively, but the ovaries on the stems of the plants will not form in time.

If the pepper does not grow well, then it does not have enough fertilizer. Therefore, experts recommend that farmers apply nutrient mixtures from the moment the plants are planted in the ground until the harvest. However, this question also includes a number of nuances. Much depends on when and in what volume you have already fed the substrate with mineral fertilizers.

For example, if in the fall you spread humus or compost around the garden, and in the spring you dug it all up, adding store-bought fertilizers, then the pepper will develop quite actively, and you will not have to feed it additionally so often and not in such large quantities.

If the regularity of feeding the substrate in the garden depends on how carefully and efficiently you fed it in the autumn, then with greenhouse peppers everything is a little different. Regularity is very important here, but excessively frequent fertilization steps can significantly harm plants. Therefore, with regard to growing peppers in a greenhouse, it is recommended to apply fertilizers no more than once every two to three weeks.

As a rule, two weeks after planting peppers and preferably for the first time to fertilize in the greenhouse. At this time, the plants are already throwing out color, so it is simply necessary to increase the intensity of the development of a vegetable plant.

The best option would be to water the soil with a solution of bird droppings. As an alternative to organic types of fertilizers, you can use superphosphate and ammonium nitrate, as well as potassium: all these substances are dissolved in water.

How to grow peppers in a greenhouse, how to feed them, every farmer faces these questions. If for the first time you saturated the soil with mineral components, then the second top dressing of pepper in the greenhouse should contain nitrogen substances.

If suddenly the stems and leaves of plants turn green too actively, it is necessary to somehow compensate for the presence of nitrogen in the soil. Potassium sulfate and superphosphate must be dissolved in water, and pour the soil with the resulting mixture.

Feeding the soil with mineral and organic fertilizers is a must for every grower. However, in addition to this, experts also recommend spraying fertilized plants from time to time.

To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve urea in water, and then use a spray gun to spray the agent on the vegetative system of the pepper. Do not forget to strain the prepared vitamin mixture.

Thus, you can somewhat reduce the concentration of auxiliary substances in the vegetable stems.

From the video you will learn how to properly shape and feed the pepper.

Pepper, like tomatoes, eggplant, belongs to the nightshade family. All these vegetable crops respond very well to mineral fertilizers applied to the soil, especially potassium and nitrogen, but pepper needs them slightly higher than tomatoes. Poorly tolerates pepper chlorine. Because of this, when fertilizing, components with a minimum content of chlorine, and even better, without it at all, should be used.

The composition of mineral fertilizers that are applied to the soil strongly depends both on the variety of seedlings planted, and on its age, weather conditions, and the size and number of formed ovaries.

It should be understood for what purpose certain fertilizers are applied. So for normal growth and development, from the time the first sprouts appear to the beginning of fruit formation, pepper needs phosphate fertilizers. During the entire period of growth, development and fruiting, he needs nitrogen and calcium. During the period when plants actively form ovaries, in order for them to develop normally, it is necessary to feed them with potash fertilizers.

So, if it is cloudy, little sunny weather outside for quite a long time, then you need to increase the amount of potash fertilizers by about 20%. In the case of constant sunny weather, reduce the amount of potash fertilizers also by 20%.

Before planting seedlings in the beds, they must be prepared and fertilized in a special way. The following fertilizers must be added to the greenhouse soil, based on 1m 2:

  • 1 hour a spoonful of potassium sulfate;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of superphosphate;
  • 1 glass of wood ash;
  • ½ bucket of humus or compost (last year).

The mineral fertilizers listed above can be replaced with a complex one, preferably a specialized one, by adding approximately 1-2 tbsp. spoons for every m 2. Before making, carefully read the composition indicated on the package. If the fertilizer contains a large amount of chlorine, then it is better not to use it, since pepper does not tolerate this substance very well. (See Greenhouse Tomato Fertilizer)

After the fertilizers have been applied, it is necessary to loosen or shallowly dig the ridge, then spill it with warm water and cover it with a clean transparent film. In this state, the prepared ridge is left for several days, until the time of planting.

Basic Rules

  1. Feed peppers every two weeks. Dissolve organic and mineral substances in warm, settled water. Its temperature should be close to the temperature of the soil in the greenhouse (approximately +25 0 C).
  2. Before fertilizing, each plant must be watered with warm water, and only then fertilized.
  3. After the procedure has been carried out, the soil around each plant should be lightly loosened if it is not mulched.
  4. It is necessary to alternate fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  5. Any top dressing should be carried out only on moist soil. Therefore, a couple of days before, the plants must be shed properly.

Important: do not give the pepper an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers, as this will lead to the growth of a large green mass by plants, to the detriment of fruit set and development.

Organization of the procedure during the season

When to feed?

The timing of the start of feeding depends on at what time and in what volume, how and with what, the ridge was filled, on which the pepper is planted. If in the fall compost or humus was laid in the soil, and in the spring, when digging, the earth was fertilized with mineral fertilizers, then less fertilizer is needed and top dressing can be carried out a little later.

Peppers planted in small greenhouses can be fed a little less often - once every 15-20 days.

First dressing

Pepper seedlings are planted in the greenhouse when the plant reaches a height of 15-25 cm, it has at least 8 true leaves and buds are already being laid. Thus, about 14-15 days after transplanting the peppers to a permanent place, the plants begin to bloom.

It was at this time that the first feeding of peppers in the greenhouse is carried out. You can use a solution of any bird droppings in water, in a ratio of 1:15, which has been infused for at least 5 days, or liquid mullein in a ratio of 1:10, infused for a week.

In the event that there are no organic fertilizers, then you can dissolve 40 g of superphosphate and ammonium nitrate, add 20 g of potassium sulfate, in 10 liters of warm and settled water.

Tip: A very good fertilizer containing all the micro and macro elements necessary for plants is the so-called "herbal tea". Making it yourself is very simple: nettle, woodlice, dandelion, plantain or coltsfoot, that is, any weeds that you remove from your site, are finely chopped or chopped.

It is important that the plants do not have seeds and roots. All this green "gruel", the weight of which should be about 6-7 kg, will fit in a 100 l barrel. There also lay 1 glass of any ash and a bucket of mullein. Water is poured into the barrel, and then all its contents are thoroughly mixed.

The resulting composition should be infused for at least a week. The first top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse, and any other crops, including pepper, is carried out 1-2 liters per plant.

Two weeks after the first feeding, during the formation of ovaries and fruit development, a second feeding is carried out.

Second top dressing

In the event that the first top dressing of pepper in the greenhouse was carried out with mineral fertilizers, then the second should contain organic matter. To do this, you can dilute 1 cup of urea, ½ bucket of any bird droppings, 1 bucket of last year's manure in a 100 liter barrel. All components are filled with water and left to infuse for 5-7 days. Then it is used at the rate of 5-6 liters of solution for every 1m 2.

In the event that you notice the fragility of the stems or shoots of peppers, as well as rich dark green leaves, indicating an excess amount of nitrogen in the soil, you can feed the plants by dissolving 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate in 10 liters of water.

Foliar top dressing

During the entire period of growth and development of peppers, plants need both calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, as well as microelements such as iodine, molybdenum, zinc, boron, manganese.

A good way to bring all these necessary and important substances to the plant is foliar feeding, in other words, spraying the entire plant with a fertilizer solution.

If the plants do not grow well, foliar feeding will help to stimulate the growth and development processes. To do this, dilute 1 teaspoon of urea in 10 liters of water.

In the event that the plants began to shed flowers and ovaries, then foliar top dressing of peppers with a solution of boric acid (a solution of 1 teaspoon in 10 liters of water) can help. When the fruits are poorly formed, you can spray with a solution of 1 hour. spoons of superphosphate in 5 liters of water.

Before proceeding with spraying, the prepared solutions should be filtered and then sprayed with a spray bottle.

In order to protect pepper in the greenhouse from pests such as spider mites and aphids, as well as to increase the resistance of this crop to various diseases, it is recommended to periodically carry out foliar feeding of plants with an aqueous solution of ash, which contains all the necessary elements.

When determining the timing of the first feeding of bell peppers after planting seedlings in a greenhouse, proceed from when and in what volume fertilizers were applied to the planting ridge itself. So, if you digged the soil in the fall with humus or compost in it, and added mineral fertilizers in the spring when digging, then you can skip the first feeding of young bushes, if not completely, then at least postpone and do it in a smaller volume.

In small greenhouses and greenhouses, sweet peppers are fed less often - about 1 time in 15-20 days.

First dressing

The grown seedlings of peppers are transferred to the greenhouse to a permanent place at the moment when its height is 15-25 cm, 7-8 true leaves have formed on the plant, and the first buds begin to be laid. Based on this, somewhere in 15 days after transplantation, the bushes begin to bloom. It is at this moment that the first feeding of bell peppers is carried out. Consumption rate - 1-2 liters for each plant.

Option 1. A solution of bird droppings in a ratio of 1 to 15, insist 5-7 days before use!

Option 2. Liquid mullein in a ratio of 1 to 10, leave for a week.

Option 3. Dissolve in 10 liters of warm soft water 40 g of superphosphate, 40 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium sulfate.

Option 4. Prepare "herbal tea" - collect any weeds from your site without roots and seeds (wood louse, dandelion, nettle, coltsfoot, plantain), cut them into small fractions and send the resulting herbal slurry to a barrel of water. For 100 liters of water you need 7 kg of gruel. Add 1 cup of wood ash and 1 bucket of mullein to the mixture. The contents of the barrel are thoroughly mixed and left to infuse (ripen) for 7-10 days.

Second top dressing

Re-feed sweet peppers 2 weeks after 1 feeding. At this time, the ovaries should actively form on the plants and the first fruits should develop.

If mineral fertilizers were used in the first dressing, then organic matter should be used the second time.

Dilute 2 buckets of bird droppings, 1 bucket of last year's cow dung and 1 cup of urea in a 100 liter barrel of water. Insist the composition before use for 7 days. Consumption rate - 5 liters per 1 m2.

If you notice that the stems and shoots have become brittle, and the leaves have turned into an excessively saturated green color, then an overdose of nitrogen fertilizers has taken place. In this case, it is better to feed the peppers like this: 10 liters of water + 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate + 1 tsp. potassium sulfate.

Foliar fertilizers

Throughout the growing season, peppers need calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, boron, zinc, molybdenum, manganese and some other trace elements. Foliar top dressing will help to make up for their shortage in a timely manner (all the solutions described below should be filtered through gauze before use and poured into a spray bottle for subsequent spraying):

Option 1. Dilute 1 tsp in 10 liters of water. urea. Such top dressing will accelerate the growth and development of pepper bushes when they do not grow well.

Option 2. Dilute 1 tsp in 10 liters. boric acid. Used for spraying in cases where the bushes shed their ovaries and flowers.

Option 3. Dilute 1 tsp in 5 liters of water. superphosphate. Such top dressing will help improve the situation with poor fruit formation.

To protect greenhouse peppers from aphids, spider mites, and other pests, as well as to increase the resistance of plants to various diseases, the bushes should be periodically sprayed with an ash solution.