Repairs Design Furniture

Locksmith hammer with their own hands. Carved handle hammer with her hands handle for hammer from stick

All wooden handles on the hand tool, make a well-dried birch, including for hammers. For hammers weighing 300-400 grams, there is enough billet for a rectangular bar, 350 millimeters long, with 40x30 sides. Measure the inner zev boom hammer. After finishing, there should be a bar with sides of approximately 35x25 on one side of the bar Seek the center (lines from angle at an angle) around this center Build a rectangle with sides equal to the hole on the hammer in width and height. Ribs and plastic BROs are deployed by the plane from the back of the future handle on the sides of the rectangle. Remove the chamfer from the corners and round them. Using the sandwich, weld the front edge of the handle under the size of the hole in the hammer so that it would go in the tension.

Lines on the end of the handle that we were conducted to build a rectangle will now become marks for the wedges. Take the chisel and make notches on them, so that notches would not reach the edge of the handle closer than 5 mm., Otherwise, the wedges can split the handle.

Cross-clinies drive wedges - first wooden and after the iron. I use a resinous pine for a wooden wedge, it is good "sticking" into the birch handle.

No paint materials for impregnation use. I am not comfortable when the handle slides. A new handle planted on the hammer, including the end parts of it, impregnate a couple of times clean machine oil, with a drying per day between the layers. The handle of such a hammer does not absorb water, even left in the rain, the hand from it will not frustrate in the cold season, and as a kind of aesthetic addition - it has a beautiful amber color - such a birch color is obtained from oil.

The hammer in the house is the first tool. And it will score a nail, and a flying nut, and remove the wire. This is the father of all equipment and all tools. The development of hammer production is characterized by a high level of progress, so for each activity you can easily find the most effective tool. If you are doing footmake, you need a plumbing hammer. Without this shock tool, no master can do.

Purpose of a plumbing hammer

Humanity knew and used the hammer for a long time - even at the dawn of existence. This is the first tool of labor, as well as the weapon of primitive man part-time. People as their own development improved and changed the hammer. The materials of the harvesters of ancient times corresponded to the development of people and changed in such a sequence: bone - wood - bronze.

The design of the hammer today has not changed: the population, the shock part with a brisk and handle. Boyhead and handle between them are connected through the hole, which is present in the housing, and clogged into the wedge knob. The tail may be different forms. The body is usually done steel, but can be made of copper, wood, lead and rubber. The handle is most often from wood, metal or plastic.

There are many varieties of hammers. Doctors and architects, cooks and musicians, not to mention the joiners, locksmiths, mechanics and builders, use hammers in their activities. The most famous hammers: copper, sledgehammers, rattling, carpentry, hammers of bricklayer and plumbing.

It is the last of them, a plumbing hammer with a round Boyhead is the most common and versatile. His appointment consists in extension, direction and increasing the efforts of the human hand, applying an energetic strike at the desired point, help to another tool - the chisel, chisel, cerner.

It is convenient for them to take shocks with a variety of work: bending, chop, killy, edit, punch holes, score and flattering. Merry hammer is clogged with nails, split concrete or ceramic tiles, give metal tubes shape.

Design of a fitter hammer

The locksmith hammer differs from the usual in that it has in the design of 2 different boosters - even, which is intended to climb the nails, and tapering to the end, which is convenient to break different objects and surfaces. The tool has a slightly convex, non-knocked and non-oblique surface of the slaughter, without latch, bevels, sowing, chosen and cracks.

The price of plumbing hammers with a square bulk cheaper is cheaper, so this specification has received widespread dissemination in fixer practice for easy work. And hammers with a round brick bolt is inherent in one advantage that is that the shock part significantly outweigh the rear, which provides a greater accuracy and strength of impact.

The impact force by means of a plumbing hammer depends on the level of gravity of the working part and the movement of the tool. This rate is regulated by a person, and the severity of the working element is a manufacturer. The shock part of the tool is made of thermally treated steel to ensure high strength and hardness. Therefore, the material used to create hammers is varied.

The impact of the hammer is usually put on an ergonomic handle made of fiberglass or wood. For the handle, predominantly wood solid rocks (ram, beech, dog or birch) are used and have a length of at least 250 millimeters for hammers. Fixer hammers have a weight of 0.4 - 0.8 kilograms.

Manufacture of a plumbing hammer

A plumbing hammer has one vulnerable place - a section of a hammer handle that is located under the brought. When driving studs, nails, wedges arise problems, especially at the initial stage of their attachment, the wizard often laugh at the target and usually fall on a nail in a non-bog, but by this section of the handle.

As a result, chips and potholes appear on the handle. Hammers are very often loosened, flowing from the handle, or break. And the purchase of a locksmith hammer does not guarantee the opposite, since there is no special tongue to protect, like, for example, in axes.

Of course, a hammers with plastic or metal handles are presented in retark and construction stores, which are completely deprived of the problems of the head of the head, but the traditional are the layer hammers precisely with wooden handles. In addition, they are more reliable in hand and warmer to the touch.

Therefore, we will make a plumbing hammer today with a wooden handle. Remember that it is enough to firmly and securely fix the handle on it, and it will work unquestionably.

Handmade of a plumbing hammer

So, let's start from the manufacture of the handle for a plumbing hammer. First, let's talk about the size: the handle must have an oval cross section, a length of about 250 - 350 millimeters, narrowing smoothly by the end to which the instrument head will be located. For the manufacture of the handle, the beech, oak, birch, maple, grab, ash or rowan is best suited. Absolutely unacceptable is the manufacture of handles from easy-to-peeling wood: spruce, pines, alder or aspen.

Most often, the handle for plumbing hammers are made of birch. To do this, you will need a small board, from which it is necessary to pull the shape of the handle according to the technological map of manufacturing a fitter hammer, after which it is good to open with the help of a construction skirt.

If you greet the birch branch handle, it must be dried in a warm, well ventilated and shady spot. Do not try to dry the wood with the help of artificial heat sources: calorificates, electrocamines and heating batteries, because with like drying the tree inevitably cracks and lose its strength.

If a wooden handle for a plumbing hammer is not dry, it will dry over time and decrease in volume. And so the head will hang on it, constantly trying to fly from the hammer handle. So that the handle turned out to be even smoother, it is recommended to cover it with a special furniture varnish. All, handle for a plumbing hammer is ready, you can move to the next stage.

Coupling head with handle

After the manufacture of the handle, it is necessary to insert it with a thin end in the hole of the instrument head. The ideal is to land the head of a plumbing hammer on the handle with a certain effort or "with a tension", as the masters are used to saying.

If the handle turned out to be thick, it is worth it to treat its thin end to the rashpil, and then - sandpaper. The end of the locksmith hammer handle should eventually be a gentle cone. Snack the head of the plumbing hammer on the handle, make sure it is perpendicular to the axis of the handle.

Keep the handle strictly vertically, up the hammer head, make it a wide wide end of blows about a solid surface in the direction from top to bottom. The head of a plumbing hammer with each blow slowly, but confidently satisfied on the expanding handle, hardening more and more on it. With the following blows, the immobility of the instrument's head indicates that it is firmly "sat down" on the handle.

Squeezing Handle hammer

There are several methods of manufacturing a plumbing hammer, but the most reliable is to use wedges. Wedges for a locksmith hammer you can make your own hands. Prepare a place for a wedge of a tree. So that he did not go to the side and the handle did not spoil, do a tight point notch, which has a depth of close 5 millimeters, at an angle to the longitudinal axis of a plumbing hammer of 30 degrees.

Wooden wedge is a blade from herself, which is characterized by a thickness of approximately 3 millimeters, a width of about 15 millimeters and a length of 30 - 50 millimeters. Wedge should smoothly narrow to the front, but the end it needs to be dull.

After you take a wooden wedge into a pitch of a plumbing hammer for 15-20 millimeters, scream with a small tooth with a small tooth upper part of the handle, which sticks out of the hammer head, with the calculation, so that it performs for the borders of the head at least 2-3 millimeters .

The second wedge cut out of the metal strips, similar to the shape and sizes, like a wedge of wood, but do shorter - no more than 20 millimeters long. Take the iron sheet, which has a thickness close to the semi centimeter. Cock the wedge on a special machine and hammer it into the handle under the same sharp angle to the longitudinal axis of the hammer of 30 degrees, but from the axial line on the other side.

After the complete clogging of the metal wedge "flush" into the hammer handle, the work on the manufacture of a fitter hammer can be considered over. Then it is worth putting a plumbing hammer for 5 hours into the water so that the wood swelling. When the tree dry, the plumbing hammer will no longer be.

Using a plumbing hammer

To score a nail into the board with a plumbing hammer - not such an easy lesson, although it seems so at first glance. If you smear a bad hammer, then the surface will be made under it and be dents, and this is not the most pleasant outcome. To score a nail, make sure that it enters the working surface. Complete the case 2-3 blows.

In order for the connection to be strong, at least one third should be included in the working surface of the nail. To ensure that the connection is hard, carnations drive each other at an angle. The board will not split if the nail will have a diameter of no more than one fourth thickness. If you have to score a nail into a thin plate, pre-bite his tip, which is able to break and split the wood. In a wet tree, a nail sweat a fitter hammer is easier than in dry.

When driving a nail to dry wood, hold it the middle of the pliers so that it does not bend when the dry wood resistance. The boards that have a width of about 10-12 centimeters are fastened with a single nail, wide boards are naked with two nails. If you need to score several nails, then place them in a chess order into several rows, and not in a straight line. Quite convenient substitutes when driving the nails of human fingers is a wooden clothespin or a narrow strip of paper, which is folded twice.

It is difficult to imagine a house in which there is no hammer. This tool is an indispensable thing. He will score a nail, helps to split nuts, and sometimes without it can not do in the maintenance work.

However, there are cases that he is broken or one head remained from him. And perform the work that are connected with the hammer is simply necessary.

Therefore, you need to figure out how to make a hammer with your own hands.

Use of hammer

The history of the hammer goes deep into times. They still used primitive people. They found him the most applied application. Used in construction, mining, hunting.

By modification of the hammer can be tracked as humanity developed. Preferably, the change was touched on only the material from which it was created. And the design itself remained unchanged

There is a huge number of types of hammers, which are used in various spheres of human life. So, it is used in medicine, construction, cooking, plumbing works. In these spheres without a hammer, it is not necessary. However, each sphere has its own definite type of hammer.

The most popular and in demand is the usual hammer that is used in everyday life. Its popularity is explained by the fact that it is multifunctional and universal.

Its main goal is to increase the strength of the human impact. In addition to the fact that it is needed to clog nails, it is also an indispensable assistant for other construction tools. For such as Kerner, chisel, the chisel.

The following works are performed hammer

  • clogged nails;
  • crushed tiles or concrete;
  • make holes;
  • right or bent metal objects.

Design hammer

In the photo of the hammer, it can be seen that it consists of two parts

  • lever
  • machine.

The handle can be made of the following materials.

  • wood
  • plastic
  • metal.

In the production of the browk use

  • steel;
  • copper;
  • lead;
  • wood;
  • rubber.

Its form and size depends on which area it is used. And on the cost of the hammer very strongly affects the shape of the bridge.

Square is much cheaper than a round form. Since its shock part has a much clearer accuracy, as well as greater impact power. The speed of any hammer can be adjusted only by a person.

How to make a hammer

The tool begin to make it from the handle. Since the battleship itself is usually. Make it at home is problematic. Therefore, you should not throw the old hammer heads.

The handle is easiest to make a tree. For this, it is suitable for this, the following breeds of trees

  • birch;
  • maple;
  • rowan;


For the manufacture you need a tree bar. The size depends on what length the hammer is necessary. The grommet is pulled out of the head. After it is necessary to sand it, so that there is no discomfort in the work, and the skin did not suffer.

Prepared wood need to dry carefully, and then cover with varnish. The drying room is carefully selected. Since it must comply with the basic rules:

  • good ventilability;
  • lack of a large amount of sunlight;
  • permanent positive temperature.

It is important that wood can not be dried with artificial lighting devices. Since it can be deformed, and its size will change greatly.

The next stage is the most difficult, this is the connection of the handle with a brisk. The sense of the handle with some effort should be inserted into the hammer head.

Often there are cases that the tip is not suitable in size. In the manufacture of the handle, it turned out a little more. It is not scary with the help of a rasp, you can process it up to the desired size, and after sanding so that the surface is turned out to be smooth.


The battlefields perpendicular to the base of the handle. In this case, the design must be kept in a vertical position.

The head is satisfied with the help of gradual blows about a solid surface, until the moment until the handle goes tightly into the head. Everything, the hammer is ready to use.

Make a hammer independently not difficult, the main desire. Of course, you can buy a new hammer in the store, but this does not give a complete guarantee that it will not be broken between the head and the handle in it. Therefore, it is advisable to make a hammer with your own hands.

Photo hammer do it yourself


In order for the hammer during operation from the handle, and sat on it reliably and firmly, just just once it is right to put it on the handle.


First of the sizes: the hammer handle must be oval, a length of 250 to 350 mm, smoothly narrowing to the end that the hammer head is satisfied.

It is best suited for the manufacture of birch wood arms, beech, oak, ash, maple, grab or rowan. It is completely unacceptable is the manufacture of handle for hammer from rocks with easy-to-peeling wood: pine, spruce, aspen or alder.

Now there are hammers with metal and plastic handles. They completely lack the problem of attaching the head on the handle, but for some reason it is more like hammers with wooden handles. They are warmer to the touch, and in hand sit and more reliable and more comfortable.

Most often, the handles for hammers are made of birch wood. If the handle is extinguished by you yourself from the thick branch of birch, it is necessary to dry it in a warm, shady and well ventilated place.

Do not try to dry wood with artificial heat sources: electrocamines, calorifers, heating batteries. With such a drying, the tree inevitably cracks and loses its strength.

If the wooden handle for the hammer is not sufficiently dried, over time it will die and decrease in volume, and the head will hang out on it, constantly threatened to fly from the instrument handle.

Singing the head hammer on the handle

Insert a thin end of the handle into the hammer head hole. The ideal will land the head on the handle with a certain effort or, as the masters say, "with a tension".

In the event that the handle turned out to be thick, treat it thin end first with rashpil, and then emery paper. As a result, the end of the handle must be a gentle cone. Htized the hammer head on the handle, make sure its strict perpendicularity of the axial line of the handle.

Holding a handle vertically, a hammer head up, perform a blow to her with a wide end of a solid surface from above-down. With each blow, the head of the instrument will be slow, but confidently fit on an expanding handle, hardening on it more and more.

The immobility of the head at subsequent blows will indicate that it is strong enough "sat down" on the handle.

Squeezing Handle hammer

Prepare a place for a wooden wedge. So that the wedge does not go to the side and did not spoil the handle, make a nasal chisel to make a bowl of about 5 mm at an angle of 30 0 to the longitudinal axis of the hammer.

Wooden wedge is a blade with a thickness of about 3 mm, a width of about 15 mm and a length of 30 to 50 mm. The wedge must be smoothly narrowed to the front, but the end of it should be dull.

After the wooden wedge is clogged into the handle by about 15-20 mm, with a small tooth with a small tooth, knocking out the top of the handle sticking out of the head head with such a calculation so that it appears ...