Repairs Design Furniture

Facing the facade of the terrace. What and how the interior trim of the veranda is held in a private house. Different combinations are also possible.

The veranda is an extension adjacent to a certain side of the main construction of the house. Usually the veranda is used only in a warm course of the year, since it does not have heating devices. The design can be different - closed and open (under the roof veranda). There are both glazed and unlocked verandas. Finishing works directly depend on such a factor.

Carrying out the repair of walls in the veranda with your own hands, note that more stringent requirements are presented to the materials for the outer decoration. As for the outdoor decoration of the walls, it should naturally fit into the common exterior of the house. It is important to take into account that this room should perform not only decorative, but also practical functions. A well-lit veranda, where there is no extra furniture, but in excess of houseplants only contribute to a quality summer holiday.

The task of this room is not only decorative functions, the practical side of the case here is also available. Beautifully lit room where there is no excess furniture, but in excess there are indoor plants - all this is best promoted to a pleasant summer holiday. That is why many are wondering - how to separate the veranda?

Repair of walls in the veranda do it yourself: finishing options, photos, video

For finishing walls, the veranda is offered a lot of options - choose the one that will be most appropriate. If the future implies the glazing of the veranda, then the option with metal profile will seem particularly good.

Tips for finishing veranda
  • If you are planning glazing, then the walls of aluminum are ideal for the walls, which put directly on the base. The use of these elements allows you to simultaneously solve several tasks - both the construction of the walls and their further finish. More precisely, the finish does not need here - just from time to time it will have to wash the glasses. Only you need to think about how to decorate the profile itself and intermediate racks. For this, the facing brick or stone is perfect.
  • Glass blocks - another good option to separate the veranda, which can be done at the stage of the walls. This material is primarily good because it is constructive and decorative.
  • The modern building materials market offers an impressive range of various blocks: matte, corrugated, colored glass. There are also varieties of blocks with decorative applications - they are made in the inner cavity. Who seen them knows that they look really very beautiful.
  • A variety of glass blocks can be combined as you want. If desired, make some kind of panel. It would be nice to accompany this efficient backlight. Of course, the cost of such a veranda will increase at times, compared with structures from plywood or plastic walls, but the final result will pay off all attachments.
  • In the event that the wall consists of glass blocks, you will not worry about traffic lights. In such a room will always be light, despite the presence of small windows.
Tip! Arrange the window right on the roof (something on the attitudes of the attic windows). You can successfully combine both options - let one wall consist of glass blocks, and others from stained glass windows.

The fourth wall of the veranda is the carrier wall of the house. Its decor will be made when you start the interior decoration.

Repair of walls in the veranda do it yourself: the use of wood

If you have an open veranda, the concepts of outdoor and interior decoration of the room are mixed here. Typically, such designs are made of wood: it concerns both constructive and decorative elements.

Features of the walls of the walls of the veranda tree:

  • Compared to other durable materials that can be used for the construction and decoration of the walls of the veranda, the tree is suitable ideal, creating a favorable atmosphere for a comfortable stay. As a result, the air indoors will always be saturated with woody aroma.
  • The elements that support the roof may consist of rounded logs or timber with a cross section of 150x150 mm.
  • Many owners do not want to save the veranda on decoration, solving this place is solid, qualitatively, because there will be a place for resting the whole family. For this situation, manufacturers offer a variety of solutions.
  • Recently, decoping is used often for facing the veranda. Such material is known as a terraced board. This is customary to attract the garden parquet and the deck board, for the manufacture of which is not used, and the composite. That is, besides the tree, the composition contains polymer additives. As a result, the product improves its characteristics - they acquire high strength and not be afraid of moisture. All this is perfectly suitable for both closed and open verandas. Even the unheated design can be lined with this material.
  • Planken from ash or larch is also high-quality, very expensive wood, with which you are easy to perform an exterior finish. Planken is a planed facade board consisting of solid wood arrays. What is the difference between the plaquen from the usual planed board? The difference lies in the form: Planken has bevelled and rounded chamdes. There are no connecting grooves that are present at the lining, due to which the installation is made with gaps, and not jack.
  • The veranda of wood, first of all, is good because it is easy to attach to different designs - brick, stone, wooden. The essence is that the facade finish in this regard fully responded to the finishing of the veranda. Often the tree is not just stained, but decorate the surface with a thread.
Attention! Registration veranda carvings will be a decent solution. Here will be distinguished to look a carved beautiful parapet, twisted poles. The first element, for example, can be painted contrast with respect to other structures.

It is not bad to look like arched attachments if they are a lace pattern. In general, there are many options, so show fantasy.

Interior decoration of glazed veranda

As for the finishing of such a veranda, almost any solutions can be used here. Interior design is approximately the same task as the design of the loggia. However, usually a veranda is a more spacious room providing great opportunities in terms of design.

Consider in more detail:
  • veranda - summer construction. But nothing can prevent you from spending heating and exploit the premises throughout the year, and not just in the summer. In this case, a variety of finishing materials will be suitable here;
  • the excellent version of the design of the veranda is a roof made of glass, stained glass windows are installed. Due to this room will constantly float the sun;
  • a worthy addition for the walls of the walls of the veranda - unusual blinds or the curtains of the original color;
  • in addition to the wood, MDF, plastic, plasterboard can be used in the veranda finish. A more fiscal option - staining. Many prefer polystyrene tiles.

Watch the video on how to repair walls in the veranda, where finishing options will be considered. This material will be useful as novice builders and experienced decorators who want to improve the veranda.

Decorating walls on the veranda can be performed in many ways, but in most cases households prefer light tones.

Repair of walls on the veranda do it yourself: materials, installation, photo, video

As mentioned above, the interior of the veranda can be made from different finishing materials. The choice directly depends on the dimensions, destination and microclimate of the room.

If heating is provided on the veranda, then it is possible to separate this part of the building with the help of drywall, and on top to perform blending with wallpaper. But in most cases, owners of country houses have to choose materials that are suitable for the unheated veranda. Therefore, it is important that the material is not easy to be attractive, but also harmoniously combined with the interior of a residential building, and also corresponded to all the requirements. This is stability and practicality to temperature drops.

What materials can be seen a veranda:

  • MDF boards;
  • wood tank;
  • finishing PVC panels.

And below, we will look at each of the materials separately, including their installation process.

  1. MDF panels.

The popular finishing material for walls are the MDF panels. The length of a wide board or one rail from 2.5 to 3 m, the width is 15-30 cm. In a construction store, a rich assortment of panels of various shade is offered, you can buy materials for finishing for every taste. The surface of the panels is different. It can imitate wood, stone and other materials.

The main advantages of such a material:

  • huge selection of shades and noble appearance;
  • practicality, which is especially important for the poster of unheated premises. In addition to resistance to temperature and moisture drops, the panels are easily clean, dirt and dust are accumulated. It is enough to wipe the surface moistened in soapy water with a cloth or a soft sponge;
  • easy installation is one of the main advantages of the finishing material for the walls. It is enough just to make a crate from the plates, and then attach the panels;
  • reasonable price - the cost of panels is small, so each wishes can afford to buy the most acceptable option.

MADF installation process

First you need to attach wooden slats to the walls (you can buy metal, but in this case the casing will cost more). The remaining building material is suitable for the frame. Each host will have in stock materials from which you can make a frame. But it is important to adhere to the following size: rail width - 4 cm, thickness - from 2 cm.

Attach wooden rails on nails, thereby adjust the uneven walls. In this case, you do not have to mess with the alignment of the walls and buy expensive materials.

You will need a plumb or the construction level to work so that the wall after the plating turned out perfectly smooth.

Each panels have a groove or recess. The first panel must be installed only from the angle, screwing screws, the subsequent must be installed next to the first until it stops so that it goes into the recess, and it rang. The process of finishing the walls does not take a lot of time, it is interesting and quickly.

If you need to sew a door or window opening, you need to cut the panels. It is very easy to do, using an electric jigsaw or a regular saw.

Transitions on the ceiling and field can be hidden by plinth. At the same time, it is important to competently choose the shade of the plinth, so that in general the veranda looked worthy.

A rich selection of textures and shades of the MDF panels allows you to implement a variety of designer ideas into reality. The veranda is originally dispersed with panels of various shades, especially if you choose the materials in color. At the same time, the space can be zoned: the food, recreation area, a corner for work, etc.

  1. PVC panels.

Doing the repair of the walls of the veranda with their own hands, you can save money and make the cover with plastic panels. Such a finishing material is well adapted to the temperature difference and high humidity. PVC panels are practical and inexpensive material. Their cost is small, and even the beginner will cope with the installation process.

It is impossible not to note that to care for the panels is easy: it is enough to wipe the surface slightly damp sponge. Due to the simplicity of installation and low cost, the PVC panel can be updated every three to five years, thereby changing the appearance of the room. Suppose you liked the panels with imitation tree - it is quite suitable for a room in eco-style.

If the decoration of the walls "under the tree" is tired, change the panel to new, imitating metal surfaces, fabric, and even natural stone. A huge selection of shades and textures, ease of installation plus low cost - these are the main advantages of this material. By the way, you can separate the PVC panels not only the walls themselves, but also the ceiling.

Features of the installation of PVC panels

You will need a wooden rail (30x20, 30x10 mm) for the frame. If there is no tree, you can buy a special profile designed to fasten the hypocarter. But it is important to choose the material taking into account the type of veranda. In the event that the walls of the verandas protrude outward, it is better to use wooden slats, because the metal acts as the "cold bridge".

The panels are attached to the frame using fastening material (nails or screws), it is only important to leave the gap between the wall and tiles, thereby allowing the chalkboard to "breathe". The gap in 2-3 cm will be quite enough.

It is worth noting some of the drawbacks of this material: the panels are fragile, and therefore accidentally hooked the wall, for example, enters the furniture, you can break them.

Attention! If you plan to use the veranda as a summer dining room, then the backs of the chairs did not deform plastic panels, at the level of the backrest on the wall it is better to nourish additional protection. Beautifully looks like a decorative wooden plate with a specific pattern or board, covered with cloth. It turns out unusual and beautiful, and the veranda will become a favorite place to relax.
  1. Lining.

The wall tread of solid wood is durable and practical. The material is not afraid of temperature drops and moisture, has excellent thermal insulation properties and easily cleaned.

Such lining has a standard thickness of 22 cm. The board can be attached independently. You can enjoy the veranda from the inside by wooden lining (not just walls, but also the ceiling).

Characteristics of lining:

  • the material is stable and durable. No mechanical loads are terrible;
  • practicality - to persist the room once and in the next 15-20 years not to return to this issue;
  • thin woody aroma and beautiful appearance;
  • walls decorated with wooden boards - beautiful and safe for health. A tree is a natural material, but may not challenge, even despite the fact that it is impregnated with special compositions;
  • a huge selection of shades and a long service life (more than 20 years).

In construction stores you can choose a material for repairing veranda walls to your taste and the estimated budget. Please note that the cost of the one-piece board will be higher compared to the scrambled boards. This material is no different outwardly, but is only suitable for finishing interior.

That is, if your veranda has no heating, then buy a lining consisting of solid wood. If you ignore such recommendations and separate the walls of the veranda to a cheap material, then during operation and in conditions of drops of moisture / temperatures, cracks may appear. It is definitely that the appearance of this room will not be so attractive as at the end of the repair. In addition, the strength of the finishing material will suffer.

Experienced specialists recommend using a solid board "A", "B" and "C" -Klassa for the interior decoration. Such material is great for finishing walls indoors. The cost of this lining will cost lower than the material of the "extra class", only small nuances are noticeable on the surface - knots and dents. Such boards are pre-impregnated with a special composition and are treated with putty, so that during the repair of the walls of the veranda with their own hands, these stages can be excluded. There is another marking of the lining - the class "Extra". The quality of such a material is at the height, as itself and the cost.

All work on finishing wall veranda can be performed independently. You only need to first make the crate and attach the planks to the wall. The attachment method may differ: on the self-tapping screw (hidden), nails or with a stapler.

Upon completion of the installation of a wall of wood, it is better to be treated with a liquid with protection against ultraviolet rays or open lacquer, thereby extending the life of the material.

After the veranda is attached to the house, it comes time to engage in internal finishing works. Considering that this room connects the street and residential premises, is a certain communication gateway between them, preference should be given to practical finishing materials resistant to temperature drops, since most often the veranda is not heated, to moisture, to mechanical stress.

Materials must be simple in leaving and operating. What kind of trimming veranda can be in a private house is our today's publication.

The choice of finishing materials primarily depends on the design of the veranda and its destination - it is open or closed, it will be used as an outdoor room in which you can walk in street shoes, or as inner.

Before you go to the store for materials, it is recommended to perform a sketch interior design project a veranda - this will help correctly calculate the required amount, correctly pick up the color gamut and think over every trifle to create an organic space that will be combined with the appearance of the house.

For appointment, materials can be outdoor, wall ceiling. There are a large number of finishing materials, universal in its operational properties that can be used both for open and for.

Wall Decoration Materials

A wide range of finishing materials for the walls allows you to choose a finish that will have not only excellent performance characteristics, but also an attractive appearance.

Important! When choosing a material, special conditions on the unheated veranda take into account. So, ordinary paper wallpapers will very quickly burn and come into disrepair. It is better to choose glass windows or other varieties resistant to ultraviolet radiation, temperature drops and moisture.

Decoration of wall veranda clapboard

The use of lining to cover the walls of the veranda allows not only to create a warm atmosphere in the interior, but also to warm the room.

  • The lining is a small width rail (from 5 to 10 cm). It can be wooden or plastic.
  • Wooden lining looks natural, it possesses all the beneficial properties of natural wood and requires periodic processing with antiseptic compositions.
  • The shade of wooden lining determines not only the wood of wood, from which it is made, but also a method of wood processing - verse, butter-wax, varnish.

  • The plastic lining looks neatly and neat, it is easy to care for it, it does not require additional processing. Material is resistant to moisture and temperature differences.
  • Externally, it can imitate any wood breed, but will never look also noble and beautiful as natural wood.
  • Reliable fixation of layers between themselves is provided with the Schip-Paz System. Due to this, the walls of the walls occur quickly and easily.

Planks differ in each other profile of the groove and the method of handling faces, which affects the optical effect, which is obtained after fixing the wall paneling on the wall.

Profile happens:

  1. Standardhaving bevelled edges, due to which prominent transitions between the slats are formed;
  2. "Calm"having smooth transitions due to the fact that the angles are less stepping during the formation of the profile;
  3. Euro profileForming a special drawing after mounting the coating.

Conditionally lining on the attachment method is divided into an "American", which mimics the laying of the mustache, and the "European" with additional ridges on the front side closing joints. Wooden lining is made of array and MDF.

The first is most good in care and after mounting on the wall can give shrinkage. MDF Lining does not sit down, but with increasing humidity in the room can absorb moisture, which negatively affects the operational properties of the material.

Decoration of walls with decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is a universal finishing material equally suitable for internal and outdoor work. The material on the wall in the form of a plastic mixture is applied, which when dried, creates a solid, monolithic coating with high operational properties and decorativeness. When using color and textured plasters, additional wall decoration is required.

Of all the diversity you can allocate:

  1. Colored stucco with a large selection of shades;
  2. Stone plaster imitating the surface of natural stone;
  3. Venetian plaster, imitating marble pattern;
  4. Silk plaster (liquid wallpaper) with natural or synthetic fibers in the composition.

Important! Liquid wallpapers are recommended to use only on the territory of heated veranda. To protect against moisture, the coating is treated with a transparent varnish. If the veranda is very sunny, it is better to use the composition with silk fibers - such a coating does not fade and it turns out quite durable.

On how the coating will look like after drying, the method of applying the composition is influenced - various visual effects are created due to the type of application of applying, the directions of smears.

Finishing walls PVC panels

PVC panels refer to the category of budget materials.

From their main features, the following can be noted:

  1. Panels can take any shape and color, they can imitate the drawing of any material, have a realistic image on its surface or ornament;
  2. Coverage resistant to high temperatures;
  3. Panels have a slight weight, so do not exert loads on the supporting structures;
  4. The coating is absolutely not afraid of moisture, it is easy to care for it;
  5. PVC panels have a small cost.

Externally, the PVC panels in width exceed the lining, but are attached to the same way - with the help of kleimers and screws. To the smooth base, you can clipped the glue panels. When fixing finishes on the crate or frame, there is an opportunity to hide communication and pave the insulation.

The mechanical fragility of PVC panels occurs when the air temperature is reduced to -15 degrees.

MDF is a fibreboard of medium density stove, in the manufacture of which the chips of wood of different breeds are used, compressable under high pressure.

Panels possess the following properties:

  1. They are environmentally safe;
  2. Have sound and thermal insulation properties;
  3. Simple in processing and installation;
  4. Not afraid of high and low temperatures;
  5. A wide range of decorative coatings of the facial layer.

From disadvantages, a vulnerability to moisture can be noted, under the influence of which the plates lose their integrity over time and destroy.

Materials for finishing the ceiling

The ceiling material is subject to the same requirements as for walls - resistance to moisture, temperature drops and a slight weight. The ceiling finish should be safely and efficiently placed sources of artificial lighting.

It is worth remembering that in addition to the material for the ceiling cover, the plinth will be required, which are installed around the perimeter of the room. They will come to the completion of the repair and will allow to hide the technological clearance between the ceiling and wall

Ceiling trimming decoration

Method of mounting the clapboard on the ceiling is not distinguished from installing it on the wall. Such a finish attaches to the room a noble appearance, creates a cozy, home atmosphere, gives a feeling of harmony and proximity to nature.

One of the advantages of the lining is that with the help of the direction of the lamellae, you can create a necessary optical effect and visually make the room above or wider - the bar is placed horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Special chic has styling "Christmas tree" - it stylishly looks both on the walls and on the ceiling.

When laying a lamellae at different angles and you can create an original drawing on the ceiling at all. To cover the ceiling, a special variety of lining is used - it is lighter and has a thickness of 7 mm.

Important! When installing the cladding on the ceiling around the perimeter of the room, leave the gap between the coating and the wall in case of its mobility when the wood expansion. The clearance is closed with decorative plinth.

Ceiling of plasterboard

Pendant plasterboard structures can be used as a ceiling design material on a closed veranda under the condition of high-quality roof insulation of the structure. Use Water-resistant plasterboard is recommended.

The advantage of this material is:

  1. In the ability to choose the height of the ceiling;
  2. Masking Communication;
  3. Installation of embedded lamps;
  4. Creating perfectly smooth coverage.

The decorative decoration of such a ceiling has many options, but it is necessary to choose those that will withstand special operational conditions. If the veranda is insulated and heated in the winter period, then the finish can be any.

Council. On the unheated closed veranda, it is quite possible to use a tensionable fabric ceiling. In addition to all the qualities of the suspension, it is characterized by even quick installation. The minus is the high cost of the coating.

PVC ceiling decoration panels

The installation of PVC panels on the ceiling is justified by their low weight and excellent performance properties of a material that can be combined on another wall trim.

The main advantage is that the installation occurs in a metal frame, so the base does not require careful preparation, and the height of the ceiling can be selected at its discretion. This allows you to make a hidden installation of communications and electrical wiring, located under the ceiling, as well as install the built-in lamps.

PVC panels for the ceiling thinner wall, but they are also equipped with air chambers between rigidity ribs, which ensures the strength of the material, its rigidity and thermal insulation properties. The width of the planks are chosen depending on the desired visual effect and the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

In order for the veranda to seek spacious and lighter, preference is given to light PVC panels with glossy glitter.

Polycarbonate ceiling

The construction material of the roof of the veranda sometimes does not require additional finishes - for example, if it is made of polycarbonate. This material skips light, so the room will always be light.

Polycarbonate is monolithic and cell. For the roof, you can choose a transparent material that simulates a clean or tinted glass, or a colored polycarbonate - then the veranda will acquire a special appearance.

Installation of polycarbonate roof is simple. It is carried out according to a frame that can have a semicircular form - a cellular polycarbonate is quite flexible and easy to process.

Flooring for the veranda

The floor covering on the veranda is selected based on the operating conditions and the type of room - it is open or closed, whether it will go to the shoes on it, how often wash the floor will have to have serious loads. So, if there is a summer kitchen on the veranda, then all surfaces should be moisture-resistant, easy to leaving, resistant to pollution and high temperatures.

Tile for the floor

The floor tile is the most practical material, at least its laying and requires considerable strength and time.

Of the features of such a coating, the following can be noted:

  1. It is shockproof;
  2. Easy to care;
  3. Resistant to temperature differences;
  4. Resistant to moisture;
  5. A variety of color design options and textures.

Using the tile, you can lay out a geometric pattern using a combination of tile forms and drawings on its surface. The process of laying requires preliminary preparation of the base - alignment and the device of the screed. This will provide a smooth sustainable coating.

For laying tiles use special tile glue, which is applied to the back side of the product and on the base surface. The tile is slightly pressed and, tapping with a rubber hammer, customize the height of its location in accordance with the level and markup on the wall.

The distance between the tiles is formed using remote plastic crosses, which are subsequently removed, cleaned the seams from the excess glue and smell them with a special cloud composition. Tile can be used on open and closed verandas.

Terraced floorboard

Decing is one of the popular materials for the floor veranda device. The terraced board is a special kind of three-layer lumber. In the lower layer there are ventilation grooves, the middle layer provides for the presence of cavities for expanding the material, the front layer is smooth, decorative.

The benefits of the material include the following:

  1. The terraced board is easy to mount;
  2. The coating is durable and durable;
  3. Decing surface is well kept warm;
  4. The material is environmentally friendly and safe;
  5. If necessary, you can quickly repair, replacing the damaged element, without disassembling all the coating;
  6. The surface of the terrace board withstands the impact of high and low temperatures;
  7. The operational period of the coating is 20-25 years;
  8. The board has the right geometric parameters, which significantly facilitates installation;
  9. The material is not exposed to insects, microorganisms, fungus and mold;
  10. The coating is not afraid of water;
  11. Such gender has mechanical strength, wear resistance, the material is able to withstand a point load.

Such a coating naturally fits into the environment and combines with trees and green plants, many natural materials.


Linoleum refers to the category of budget outdoor materials of artificial origin:

  • Of the advantages of such a coating, moisture resistance, monolith, impact resistance, simple installation and care, low cost and accessibility are possible.
  • Linoleum can imitate a large number of materials, their textures and shades, but it is impossible to hide it.
  • Use linoleum on the floor in closed rooms.

  • From the disadvantages of linoleum, it is possible to note its vulnerability before point loads from heavy furniture, and the impossibility of repairing the coating during damage to its integrity.

Rubber coating

Rubber coating on the veranda can be laid in the form of a tile or rolled coating.

  • This unique outdoor material has a high impact strength, it is absolutely waterproof, it is not afraid of temperature differences, not sliding, has high strength and wear resistance.
  • Located on a flat surface.

  • Preference is recommended to give a modular coating, which has a special collapsible system of the lock connection.
  • The damaged element can be easily replaced.
  • There are cheaper rubber tiles that are mounted on glue online. When laying a rolled material, the joint between the canvas will need to be fed using a special soldering iron, a construction dryer or polymer glue.

Concrete floor on the veranda at first glance seems the easiest option, but it has a lot of weight, so requires a device for a reliable, monolithic foundation or device of overlapping from concrete slabs.

The advantage of such a coating is to be impaired, waterproof, it is steadily for temperature drops and does not need careful care. To make a concrete coating with a neat appearance, it must be seized and polished.

Options for finishing veranda in a private house are shown in the video.

It should be as comfortable and aesthetic, like the whole building. It can be a front entrance that gives the first impression of the interior, or an extension intended for recreation or economic needs. One way or another, one of its main goals is to serve a decoration, without which the house would not look so smart. It can be sustained in the same style as the main structure, or differ from him, creating an interesting composition with him and successfully complementing the facade. For the walls and the ceiling, a durable and fireproof finish will be required, so we will tell you how to persuade the unheated outside and inside.

Than to see the unheated veranda inside and outside

Requirements for materials

One of the main tasks is to create a coating that does not pass heat and protecting against drafts. The walls should breathe, otherwise in the cold season, inside it will be stuffy and uncomfortable, especially when turned on. The problem can solve the vent valve. Such devices are commonly used in urban apartments where impenetrable plastic double-glazed windows are installed.

If the house is intended for living all year round, the coating will need it to have good thermal insulation properties. It is advisable to put a layer of thermal insulation for the finishing, closing it with a film that does not pass moisture. Without such protective measures, water penetrates in emptiness and starts to destroy the material, expanding when freezing. In the room will be felt the smell of dampness, and in the corners can.

If the structure in the garden plot is used only in summer, the external finishing layer must still have good waterproofing properties and securely protect the brick, concrete or wood from wetting.

One of the most important requirements is fireproof. For a log cabin or facility made from a bar, you can assume lightness, but still it is worth making a choice in favor of a non-combustible coating. In case of fire, it will delay the flame and can save the lives of people in the building.

Important qualities are non-toxicity. The coating should not cause allergies. If it has a pronounced chemical smell, it cannot be used in any case. Even in an outdoor room from such a "aroma" it will be impossible to get rid of. With combustion, the material will most likely be toxic gas. Unfair manufacturers try to sell their goods as quickly as possible. It is usually sold in the markets where no one watches for quality, and it is very cheap, so it is better to do the purchase in building stores, where the quality of the goods is no doubt. The price is one of the quality indicators.

From the facing it is necessary to maintain its properties despite the frost, rain and exposure to ultraviolet. If it is planned to paint, it is better to choose the most persistent compositions.

Than to sherand the veranda outside


In the case of open verandas, protective measures will not need.

For the sheat, most often used. This is an environmentally friendly material. It is not expensive and has all the necessary properties. To protect the boards from the effects of microorganisms, they are processed by an antiseptic. For protection against moisture use varnish and. It may contain antiseptic substances. Each board has a small ledge from one edge, which comes for the neighboring. It is necessary to close the voids at the joints. The coating, if necessary, is trimmed and attached to the crate of nails, kleimers, brackets or self-drawing.

The tree looks great with any material. If, for example, the question arose - how to hesitate the pillars on the open veranda - it is better to choose the lining.


In second place in popularity is located. It happens four types:

  • polymeric;
  • metal;
  • cement;
  • wood.

It is more racks to rain and frost, does not fade in the sun and does not need additional processing. Its service life is several times longer.

There are disadvantages. Polymeric products are well burning, highlighting the caustic toxic smoke. Metal fireproof, but they are easy to spoil. If you bend one part or make a dent on it, it will be impossible to straighten it.

Installation is made on the crate using special accessories and baguette.


The highest strength characteristics has. He is not afraid of blows and scratches. Rain and snow to him. The service life of the brick is not limited.


If the structure is constructed reliably and the supporting structures do not "walk", its external part can be covered with plaster. There are decorative compositions, mixtures with improved technical characteristics. In the composition you can enter the dye of any shade.


Walls and roofs can be made transparent using polycarbonate plates. They are monolithic and hollow. Products can have any color, smooth or embossed surface. The material skips the light perfectly, has high strength. This allows it to withstand loads from more than a meter layer of snow. It weighs a little. It will not have to collect massive structures for its installation. Plates are attached to the frame or the crate.


For draft trim, you can use oriented chipboard (OSB). For technical specifications, they exceed the finish from a natural tree. On open terraces of them, not only enclosing structures are made, but also the floors.

Than to sew a cold veranda from the inside

From the inside, the heat and waterproofing may also be needed. It is done in the same way as with an external one. The exception is open and semi-open structures.

How to cover the walls

Regardless of which the trim, the carrying structures will be better protected by heat and waterproofers. For insulation, mineral wool is used, foamed polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam. To protect this layer, the waterproofing based on polyethylene is placed on top. Polyurethane foam is applied by spraying using special equipment. In other cases, work can be made with your own hands. Porous plates are stacked on a wooden crate. The seams between them are filled with mounting foam, excess are cut off with a knife. From above to the crate is nails polyethylene. The joints are closed with metallic scotch.

For a comfortable stay on the terrace during the cold season, additional insulation will not be required if the walls are made of thick logs, or aerated concrete blocks. The thickness of the masonry in this case should be at least 25 cm.

Most often for decorations using lining. This is a rare case when building material has a pleasant natural smell, healthy health. If the terrace serves as an entrance to the dwelling, the panels from polyvinyl chloride are suitable as a facing. They are easily laundered and not afraid of moisture. They look as not as smart and colorful, as a natural tree, but in contrast to it they hold well when the temperature drop in the unheated room.

Plates of MDF have proven well. They look like a woody array, while most disadvantages inherent in birch or pine. The vulnerable place is the edges that when installing must be closed, previously treated with an antiseptic. Otherwise, they will crumble.

What to see the ceiling on the veranda

In the first place in popularity again lining. It does not need to withstand serious loads from it, and nothing threatens her at the top.

PVC panels, MDF and OSB plates are also used for ceilings. Weaving and bamboo surface kneel well.

When choosing plaster, it is better to stay on the compositions for facades. They are not afraid of moisture and temperature drops.

You can collect a transparent roof of polycarbonate. In this case, the ceiling will not be required, but even cellular coatings will not be able to create the necessary level of thermal insulation.

Than to separate the floor

The highest strength is the floors. You can enter a dye into solution, but the main advantage of such a solution is its reliability.

If the coating requires strength and high decorative characteristics, the tile will be the best solution. There is a huge amount of tiles that differ in price, properties and composition. Material is environmentally friendly and not afraid of water. There are special coatings that are characterized by increased strength and abrasion resistance.

With low humidity, you can lay linoleum, rubber, even, but better not to risk. In the unheated room, too much condensate accumulates. It is better to use floorboards covered with varnish, paint and processed by antiseptics.

  • Material prepared: Artem Filimonov

Immediately after the construction of the veranda is completed, many are thinking about her finish. After all, little only build it, you need to properly protect to extend the operational period. And besides the protective function, high-quality decoration plays a decorative role. You will agree that they are met by clothes. And the veranda is a business card of each house. Therefore, it is important to choose high-quality finishing materials that will cope with all tasks. But, you may encounter such a problem: a lot of materials for finishing, and only one is needed.

Let's take a look at what to see the veranda outside, we learn the advantages and disadvantages of this or that method, as well as consider the technology of the vendors of the veranda. It will help you choose the material and work with it.

Requirements for materials

Since it is about covering the veranda outside, it is important to understand the seriousness of the choice of material. It must comply with some requirements. For example, did you see that someone looked through the house or veranda with wallpaper? Not? But why? The thing is that the material is simply not made for outdoor use. Wallpaper will burn in a few days, they will dug or splash in the rain. In this example, you can understand that the material for the poster of the veranda must comply with some requirements. Here is this list:

  1. Raintain atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain, fog or snow.
  2. Resist the effects of ultraviolet rays, do not burn out and do not breed.
  3. Being stable in front of a sharp fluctuation of temperatures.
  4. Be frost-resistant and durable.
  5. Ensure various physical and mechanical damage.
  6. Be bilestopable, not to succumb to the influence of mold, fungus or insects.
  7. To be aesthetically attractive.

Only such materials for the poster of the verandas will be able to serve you with good service, remaining durable, reliable and beautiful for many years. And what can you choose from? Let's look at the list of suitable materials, and the editing video structure to each of them.

Wooden lining

One of the most popular materials for finishing both from the inside and outside. The lining is made of wood, so it is environmentally friendly. In addition, the appearance of the products is simply great. As for the process of the trim, it is simple. Everything comes down to creating a wooden frame and fixing the lining on it. Due to the castle compound, no seams can be seen. Connection locations are hidden. But you can fix the punks in different ways. Often, klyamimers, nails, self-tapping screws or brackets are used for this.

Here are the advantages of products:

  1. Excellent appearance.
  2. Environmental purity.
  3. Easy installation.
  4. With due process, the material will be protected from moisture and other atmospheric influence.
  5. The lining is durable and durable.
  6. Thanks to the classification of products, you can choose products by price category for yourself, ranging from inexpensive, ending with the Lux class.
  7. The ability to lay insulation under the lining.
  8. Universality. You can use both outside and from the inside.

Installation process itself is simple. Technology You can see from this video:

Siding for plating a veranda

This is a unique material that is designed to use outside. He has all the advantages of which we talked above. At the same time there are several siding varieties:

  • metal;
  • cement;
  • wood;
  • vinyl.

Most often in the finishes, the veranda uses the last two options. Installation technology is something like lining, as it also needs to build a frame and fix siding to it. But, in the work there are some details and subtleties that differ. The material itself is very worthy and ubiquitously used to cover not only the veranda, but also houses in general.

Here are the advantages of siding:

  1. Long service life (50 years minimum).
  2. It has excellent appearance and various range of color solutions.
  3. Easy to operate, it is easy to wash, you do not need to paint and repair.
  4. It has a slight weight and flexibility.
  5. It is universal, you can choose the manufacturer's material yourself.
  6. Installation is quite simple.
  7. Perfectly copes with temperature drops and harsh weather conditions.
  8. It has holes for ventilation and condensate removal.
  9. The material for plating the veranda will not rot and undergo insect attacks.
  10. Durable, practical and does not fade.

At the expense of its advantages, siding occupies a leading position among other facing materials. Although, like everyone else, it has some drawbacks:

  • the material cannot be called environmentally friendly, although it is not so important to cover the veranda outside.
  • vinyl products are very well lit, highlighting a harmful and toxic smoke;
  • vinyl products for the veranda are made fragile at negative temperatures;
  • metal siding is easy to damage. Bending it once, you will not return to him by the past;
  • wood saidding has a short service life.

Siding installation you can see from this video:

Other popular veranda case materials

Most often, it is resorted to the materials described above. Although there are other options that are also in demand. One of them is facing brick. If your home is fully lined with this material, it would be foolish to use some other material for the veranda. Facing brick is quite expensive, but it has its advantages. Reliability, strength, external beauty, durability, resistance to atmospheric precipitation and temperature fluctuations can be noted. The material is not terrible blows and ultraviolet rays. Therefore, we can say that such an option is a guarantee of reliability.

If we are talking about a wooden house, then the veranda can be made precisely in such a style. Many trim the veranda by the tree here can be attributed and lining. Yet, often in this purpose a block house is used or imitation of a bar (false-timber). It is one of the varieties of lining, which differ in appearance and characteristics. Block House is a lining, imitating a pinned timber. The material has a convex form, so after the poster of the veranda may seem to seem that it is entirely made of a wooden bar. But the imitation of the timber creates the effect of an ordinary timber, has a rectangular shape. Take a look at the photo to understand the difference in the appearance of the materials.

You can separate the veranda in one way or another. This is already to solve you. It all depends on the desire, preferences and financial capabilities.

Not always the veranda can be sewed. There is another finish option that is shtown. Often the house itself is separated using plaster, so the veranda can be done. At the same time, you have the opportunity to insulate it outside. It is enough to entertain the veranda of insulating material. Stuning the surface using the reinforcing grid, and then perform the finish putty or plaster. At the same time, a variety of plastering options appear. It may be plaster cored, fur coat, structural, decorative or textured plaster. Variants mass, and their choice depends on you. In this case, the material will be perfectly opposed to external influence and protect the insulation inside. So, you can kill two hare at once. Look in the photo, how the croroede looks like on the surface.

Let's summarize

As you could see from this article, the covering of the veranda outside the case is responsible and does not tolerate delay. Due to the variety of hotels, you can choose the option that mocked you in the soul. You are not only protecting the building material from which the veranda will be made, but also be able to insulate it and give a beautiful appearance. Then everyone who will see your perfectly decorated veranda will realize that there are solid people in this house. Do not forget about the requirements for the material, and when buying, advise with sellers. In this case, it is not necessary to save, as all efforts and means can be wasted. Remember the main principle: the quality is above all. Then your veranda will have a lot of years.

The veranda is an external extension to the house. It can be open and closed. With the help of the veranda, the house can become more attractive and spacious. An extension can be both summer, that is, open and winter, insulated. But you need to know what to see it so that you can use it even in the winter cold.

Rules extension

If the veranda was not planned initially and completed later, it is necessary to know the rules of its extension so that in subsequent exploitation does not receive unexpected surprises. The basic rule is considered the right choice of building materials. It can be a metal frame. It can be trimmed with a durable plywood or plastic. Such an appearance of the veranda does not spoil the holistic picture of the house and has a quite aesthetic appearance. Also, it is impossible not to say that the extension of the veranda must be legalized. For this, there are various design bureaus, you need to create not only the project, but also to get a building permit. All this is done so that there are no problems when selling at home.

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Exterior trim veranda

If the trim of the veranda inside is completed, you can begin trim outside. The easiest way to be considered the lining of the veranda clap. Lining can be wooden. But in the presence of all sorts of impregnations and antiseptics for the tree and when exposed to the environment, such a casing very quickly loses its decorative purpose. Processing will have to spend every year, and this is not always suitable.

If it is still selected wooden lining to cover the veranda, it should be remembered that it is attached only to spike up. Fixation should occur in two rows: from the side of the spike and on the part of the groove itself.

Finishing with the use of lining has several advantages. Strength, wear resistance, very convenient installation, good sound insulation. This is the most favorable type of finish. And most importantly, if you need to replace several sections, it can be done without destroying the entire trim. And it is very good to achieve an absolutely smooth wall surface. It must be remembered that the lining is applied to the outer and internal sheat. Therefore, its release is carried out different thickness. For external sheat, the cross section 18x105 is used. Such clap can be seen not only a veranda, but also the house, bath, sauna, gazebo. With this lining, you can create an interesting coverage with the relief. The lining will give the veranda a special flavor, and the smell of coniferous tree will create a comfort and a pleasant atmosphere.

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Finishing siding

Recently, the trim of the veranda siding has gained great popularity. Even if the house is painted, there is an opportunity to choose the desired color of the siding so that the veranda does not differ from the main ensemble. Frequently used vinyl siding. Its price is quite acceptable, it is very easy to install. To cover the veranda, horizontal siding should be applied having lock connections. It is necessary to consider in detail the technological process of siding installation.

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Technology of the process of covering veranda outside

Exterior finishing works on the trim of the veranda begins from the installation of the crate. Here you can use an unedged board, which has a thickness of thirty millimeters. You can use a timber. The board or the timber is attached over the entire wall surface vertically, the distance must be forty centimeters. Additionally, you need to install bars around windows and doors, as well as in the corners and on the external and inner bottom edge of the finishing.

The next step is to install the starting profile. It is installed on the bottom. It is necessary to attach it to the crate of self-drawing. Location Strictly horizontally should be checked by a special level.

Now you can mount the angular profiles on external and inner corners, and then around windows and doors. Basic Warning: The lower edge of the angular profile should be lowered below the starting bar or a boards for five millimeters. Now you can proceed to pruning and install the panels themselves.

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Pruning and mounting siding

Cut siding made from vinyl, very easy. Tools that need for this:

  1. Scissors for metal.
  2. Hacksaw.
  3. Electrolzik.

It is very important that the vinyl is expanding when heated, so each panel needs to be shorter than the walls of five millimeters. Now you need to install siding. It is necessary to do it in stages.

  1. It should be a bit bend the panel in the center and start its edge into the groove of angular profiles.
  2. Aligning the panel, the lower edge is required to start the starting bar.
  3. The edge of the edge is performed by self-pressing through the finished holes, but the self-tapping screw should not be tightly pressed to the crate. The hole must be oval. The distance between the crate and the screw of the self-press - one and a half millimeters.
  4. Repeat the action, the following siding lining is set in profiles in the corners, snap into the grooves installed and fasten as the previous one.
  5. Before installing the last bar in the level, you should mount the finishing profile, for this you should cut off the desired width of the siding strip, snap it into the bar, and the free bottom edge can simply be inserted into the finishing profile.

Outdoor decoration is a modern form of design. Its advantage is that all the decoration consists of plates that are made of different material. Fixing them occurs with the help of various elements. Fastening itself occurs with the help of a building material.

Outdoor decoration of the veranda, like the finish of the whole house, requires preparation and experience. When installing the lining of the veranda, you need to create ventilation systems. They are usually mounted for a hard framework, which consists of metal products. This finish is called modular. The frame is easy and quickly mounted. When performing an external trim, the veranda siding or clapboard needs to be seen the same material of the Tamcho itself. Then the picture will be holistic.

You should talk about what materials you can still seize and insulate the veranda. There is a finishing material called plaquen or finishing a quarter. It looks like a lining, but it does not have a docking groove. Installing Planken need to join, but with gaps. So the facade will be well ventilated. Planken is easy to install, it is an econner and practical. When shrinking, the veranda does not require intervention. Planken, like the finishing quarter, is designed to create a facade with ventilation.

To cover the veranda, you can choose a block house, this is a variety of lining. A block house from a natural tree is manufactured, a cylindrical shape on the front side is inherent. There are spike grooves on the ribs, like the ordinary lining. Made a block house of coniferous rocks, larch. On its wear resistance and durability affects a thorough drying. It is economical and practical. In order for it when installing does not give cracks, it must be treated with special compositions. To cover the wooden veranda, you can apply the simulation of a bar. Unlike the real timber, its facial surface is flat.

Encrew the veranda outside - it is half an end. In order for it to be cozy and in the cold season, it should be inspired before the trim. Insulation, you can choose any, it can be a foam or mineral wool. But here you will have to choose from the budget. For example, the foam is considered affordable, but it is not a fire-resistant and allocates poisonous gases when heated. Mineral wool is afraid of moisture, it should be used only with vapor barrier.

As a heater for the outer walls, the veranda is recommended to use foam. This is a modern material that consists of foamed polyethylene, it is covered with aluminum foil. It can be used as a heat transfer device. You can apply yourself either with other types of materials.

Now it should be sorted out which side is better to make insulation. You can warm up both outside and inside the veranda. But experts recommend to make insulation outside, from the inside it reduces space.

It should still be said about such a finishing material as a facade brick. To see the veranda of facade bricks - it means to build another veranda around the veranda. From such a trim, the veranda will be massive, but it will be much warmer. It should be advised with specialists, whether the foundation can withstand such a load. This must be done in obligatory.

The veranda can be seen and professional flooring, pre-insulated. Professor is a durable and reliable material. Testing such material has a number of advantages. The first advantage is a small weight, which makes it possible to carry out work on the trim. Even the advantages can be attributed: ease of installation, good thermophysical indicators, strength, corrosion resistance, attractive appearance, variety of color gamut, and most importantly - affordable cost. Such a casing protects against environmental impacts, is very easy to care, it perfectly provides waterproofing.

In addition, the lifting of the veranda occurs very quickly and during work almost does not require large physical costs. Professional flooring is durable and racks for wind gusts and is perfect for outdoor work. The trim should be performed on a predetermined frame. Professional flooring should be imposed on a warmed wall. It can be attached to the already existing old frame. Begin to fix the sheets from the corner, to continue in one direction. Installation is carried out using special self-tapping screws, these self-tapping screws have a rubber gasket.

Heads of fixed screws can be painted in the tone of the professionalist. Screw the screws in parallel to the plane of the veranda. In the corners at the joints, it is necessary to strengthen the special planks, and the outer corners close with special profiles, it is from other materials. The covering of the veranda outside the professional owl does not take much time, the design itself is attractive, and the service life increases.

Of course, the choice of material of the vendors of the veranda is depends on the taste of a person and its economic opportunities. The choice of materials is very diverse.