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What does aboriginal dog breed mean. Aboriginal dog breeds. Characteristic features of primitive domestic dogs

  • RN IFF - 43.
  • Height at the withers: preferably males - 43.2 cm, females - 40.6 cm. Weight: desirable males 11 kg, females 9.5 kg.
  • Color: black and white, red and white, brindle, black and white and tan.
  • Homeland: Great Britain (Central Africa, Congo).
  • Primitive domestic dog. She is an indispensable assistant on the hunt, where she works in a pack, driving game in the net. The Basenji does not bark, but expresses its sensations with growls, throat sounds and a short “pff”. There is no smell coming from the dog. This is a smart, capable, always cheerful, but not annoying dog. Requires a good attitude and understanding, does not tolerate rudeness.

Its appearance resembles a primitive dog. She became famous for not being able to bark at all. When she is angered, she only lets out a growl or squeal. Found at the end of the last century among the Bantu tribes in the Congo Valley. At first, this dog was called Shenzi, then the Congolese Terrier, and only since 1939 the name Basenji was assigned to it. According to some cynologists, the origin of this breed is associated with a wild dog dingo or jackal, from which it differs only in a tail twisted into a ring. One must think that the primitive African tribes did not breed the breed in the modern sense, but simply allowed the dog to live next to them. Given the poor living conditions of the natives, it can be assumed that they selected small dogs for further breeding, since they were not indifferent to how much the shenzi ate. The dog is quite stubborn, willful, naughty. The coat is short, the color is yellow-red, reddish-brown, black-gray with white spots.

Mexican Hairless Dog / Xoloitzcuintli

  • RN MKF - 234
  • Variety: standard, medium, miniature.
  • Height at the withers: standard 46-59 cm, average 36-45 cm, miniature - up to 35 cm. Weight standard 11-18 kg, average 7-14 kg, miniature 2-7 kg.
  • Color: black, anthracite, gray, liver, bronze, pink or chocolate, golden yellow, spots allowed.
  • Origin: Mexico.
  • The perfect house dog. They are mobile, athletic and hardy. Dogs of this breed are joyful and intelligent, selflessly devoted to their owners, easy to educate. Always attentive, ready to protect, indifferent or friendly to strangers, but without aggression and cowardice. These are elegant dogs of two types - “hairless” and “woolen”.

Refers to a group of dogs naturally completely or largely devoid of hair. A completely naked, gray dog ​​with sparse tufts of hair on the crown of the head and the tip of the tail is not the most pleasant sight for the eyes, although some (they do not argue about tastes) keep it precisely because of this feature. The Mexican hairless dog, unlike other breeds, is said to have sweat glands in its skin, so it doesn't stick out its tongue when it's hot. In all descriptions, it appears as a quiet, friendly and intelligent dog. In Mexico, in her original homeland, many superstitions and traditional medicine recipes are associated with her. According to some sources, the Spanish conquistadors, who completely destroyed the Aztec state, used the meat of a naked dog as a delicacy.

Peruvian Hairless Dog / Peruvian Inca Orchid

  • RN MKF - 310.
  • Variety: small, medium, large.
  • Height at the withers / weight: small - 25-40 cm / 4-8 kg; medium - 40-50 cm / 8-12 kg; large - 50-65 cm / 12-23 kg.
  • Colour: Black, graphite black, grayish and bluish black, any shade of grey, from dark to light pinkish yellow with or without pigmented (pink) spots.
  • Origin: Peru.
  • This is a lively, kind dog that does not like strangers, is very well built, loves to run, alert, ready for defense, a family favorite. Previously, these dogs were called "the moon flower of the Inca orchid" and they were sacred.

  • RN MKF - 248.
  • Height at the withers: males - preferably 56 cm, females - preferably 53 cm. Weight 18-27 kg.
  • Colour: Intense brown with or without white markings.
  • Origin: Malta.
  • A good hunting dog and at the same time a family dog. Companion dog. It has a wayward character, lively, often noisy, vigilant. It is attached to its own, it is wary of strangers. Very clean.

The name of this breed clearly indicates its origin from Egypt. Needless to say about the antiquity of its roots! This can be confirmed by a magnificent wooden figurine decorated with gold, alabaster and silver, depicting Pharaoh Tutankhamen in the form of the god Anubis with a dog's head. Tutankhamun, as is known, entered the Egyptian throne at the age of nine and died at the age of eighteen. And yet he is famous all over the world, not least due to the fact that after 3265 years, archaeologists discovered his remains along with the most unique treasures, among which was the aforementioned statuette, strikingly similar to the modern pharaoh dog. This slender, graceful, attractive animal is a representative of the ancient type of greyhounds. The dog is jumpy and swift, differing, among other things, in the fact that when tired, her ears and nose turn red! Smart, playful and friendly. She loves hunting, the pursuit of her chosen prey is in her blood. The coat is short, the color is yellow-red, red or white with unevenly distributed spots.

This slender dog with an aristocratic posture is a skilled and passionate hunter with the finest scent. It is bred almost exclusively in the UK as a companion dog.

The pharaoh hound has an oblong head, a barely outlined stop, a long muzzle in the shape of a truncated cone and a nose dyed to match the color of the coat. The eyes are amber, oval, with an attentive expression. The ears are large and thin, erect. The coat is formed from a short, glossy, fine coat, without fringes, always liver or liver red with pronounced white spots on the chest, legs and tail.

This proud and independent dog harbors feelings of sympathy and friendliness towards other greyhounds, due to the fact that it was bred as an animal for communication; however, her mental characteristics are adapted mainly for communication with a person. She is smart, understanding and attentive to everything that surrounds her. The Pharaoh Hound is large and unpretentious, it does not require special care; suffering from cold. She adapts well to apartment life, but should run free at least once a week.

The doctrine of the breed

An important place in zootechnical science is occupied by the doctrine of the breed.

Breed classification

Breed - a fairly large group of animals created by man, having a common origin, economically useful, physiological and morphological features. A breed, like any biological species, exists in the form of populations.

Breeds are usually divided into the following groups: primitive or aboriginal breeds, transitional and factory.

primitive breeds

Under the primitive understand such breeds, in the formation of which a greater role was played by the influence of natural selection, rather than human selection. These are breeds of domestic animals that have remained unchanged in appearance and productivity since time immemorial. Many primitive dog breeds are actually natural endemic populations. Such populations are usually small and well isolated from other populations of the same species. Reproduction of animals in such populations is carried out almost panmictically. Purposeful artificial selection is completely absent in them, while human impact can be considered as one of the factors of natural selection. The concept of "primitive" does not at all mean some kind of imperfection, but rather the presence of a large number of signs of a wild species that provide adaptation to the specific conditions of a given geographical area. An important condition for the existence of primitive breeds is their isolation from other breeds. Primitive breeds, as a rule, are few in number and exist in zones of small civilization and often accompany small peoples and tribes. Since no directed breeding work is carried out with them, the importation of dogs of other breeds into their distribution area leads to cross-breeding and often to the gradual disappearance of the primitive breed. The second detrimental factor associated with the importation of dogs from other areas is the lack of immunity in native dogs to new strains of pathogens, which inevitably leads to the emergence of epidemics among them, such as diseases such as canine distemper or hepatitis, and a sharp increase in mortality.

Breeding work with such breeds should begin with writing a standard corresponding to the actual phenotype of the population, and only after that it is possible to carry out breeding work - the selection of animals of the desired phenotype and further rejection of individuals that do not meet the standard. At the same time, it is necessary to pay great attention to behavior, since primitive breeds have many features of wild animals.

As mentioned above, more plastic species with a wider range also have greater intraspecific variability than endemic species. The same can be said about breeds. Breeds with a wide range of distribution also have greater intrabreed variability than small endemic breeds.

Aboriginal breeds

A person exerts a somewhat greater selection effect on the so-called native breeds. They are subjected to a fairly active selection, primarily related to their useful qualities - shepherd, hunting, fighting or watchdog. Basically, such selection is in the nature of the unconscious, but, nevertheless, leads to the formation of a certain specific phenotype. Aboriginal breeds are often referred to as folk breeding breeds. Such breeds are characterized by the presence of a large number of well-defined intrabreed types, which is observed, for example, in Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. Aboriginal breeds include local offspring of huskies, greyhounds, Central Asian and Caucasian shepherd dogs, sled dogs of the North and Siberia, which, unfortunately, have largely lost their characteristic features, and sometimes have already disappeared.

Both primitive and aboriginal breeds are the keepers of a unique genetic diversity, which gives them great value in general biological and evolutionary terms. Many of these breeds can be considered as a national treasure subject to strict protection. To date, a huge number of the most unique breeds of dogs have been lost, such as, for example, the broad-haired, Crimean, mountain greyhounds, the Russian broad-haired and Kostroma hounds, the Vogul and Zyryanskaya huskies, etc.

Now all over the world, the state of native breeds of various species is of great concern to many scientists, livestock specialists and true animal lovers. Special nurseries are being created, where surviving individuals are literally collected bit by bit in order to preserve and reproduce them. A very important point in the survival of native breeds is the preservation of intrabreed diversity in the form of local types.

transitional rocks these are groups of aboriginal dogs with which a directed breeding work is carried out. However, they are still quite heterogeneous and have not yet reached the stability characteristic of factory breeds. With the right direction of breeding work, the transitional breed acquires the status of a factory breed.

factory breeds

Factory breeds have a stable exterior, the features of which are reflected in the breed standard. Part of the factory breeds arose as a result of the gradual transformation of aboriginal ones, but a large part due to the cross-breeding of both aboriginal and other factory breeds. Many breeds arose a very long time ago and their origin is not entirely clear. In almost every breed there are many hypotheses about its origin. Most factory breeds have specific physiological and exterior features that distinguish them from primitive breeds, which do not allow them to survive in the wild. An example of this is the problems that dogs have in the implementation of such natural physiological processes as mating and childbirth. It is generally accepted that factory breeds are more perfect than native and primitive ones, however, this perfection in most cases refers only to purely specific exterior or working qualities (for example, the running speed of a greyhound dog, or the specific exterior of a Staffordshire Terrier). On the contrary, in a number of cases, the "perfection" of factory breeds is degenerative. So English bulldogs for the most part cannot give birth on their own, naked dogs freeze at the slightest breath of wind, the folds of the Shar-Pei's skin need constant attention, the bulging eyes of the Pekingese are extremely easily injured. Short-nosed dog breeds are prone to swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and suffocate easily. The depressed noses of the Pekingese and Chi Hua Hueno-extremals prevent the normal outflow of tears into the nasal cavity, and they flow out. I would like to quote the famous Russian scientist P.M. Borodin, regarding a similar example in Persian cats: “Let these tears serve as a silent reproach to hard-hearted breeders who put the breed ideal above cat happiness.” The reckless striving to comply with the standard sometimes leads to the acquisition of too much uniformity by some factory breeds, which can cause the loss of the structure of the breed, and, if its abundance is low, to degeneration.

Rock structure

Like a biological species, each fairly common breed consists of a large number of populations, more or less isolated from each other. In each breed population, its own genome is formed, somewhat isolated from other populations. Thus, each breed should be considered as a whole system of genomes characterized by the presence of certain alleles, their frequency, the degree of homozygosity or heterozygosity, mutations, etc. The degree of its isolation from other breeds, as well as the degree of isolation between individual parts of the breed. The possible genetic influence of other breeds on it also plays a large role. Within each breed there is a certain dynamic structure. It consists of individual elements, different in quality and quantity, and changing in the process of breed development.

The presence of structure is a prerequisite for the existence of the breed. Its excessive homogeneity can become a serious brake on further progress. The most progressive breeds turn out to be much more differentiated in their structure than primitive ones, which are an amorphous mass of similar specimens and are adapted to life only under strictly defined conditions. The classic of the doctrine of the breed, D.A. Kislovsky wrote: “The more perfect the breed, the more difficult the selection, the more it requires constant attention, thoroughness, and a system of knowledge.” Maintaining the structure gives the breed, on the one hand, constancy, and on the other hand, great genetic plasticity and allows you to control the evolution of the breed in accordance with changing requirements and tastes. Too zealous desire to give all breed populations a single look can lead to the fact that some of them simply cease to exist, while others begin the process of degeneration.

The main elements of the breed structure include: zonal types, breed types, tribal and user parts of breeds, lines and families.

Zone type

A zonal type is a part of a breed that is bred in a specific natural or geographical area. In addition to the features common to the breed, the zonal type also has its own specific features that allow the breed to better adapt to the distribution zone. So, despite all the stringent requirements of the standard and the general trend in the development of the breed, in each geographical area, depending on the climate, sunlight and other factors, its own, somewhat different, intrabreed type is formed. Dogs of northern latitudes are more dense in structure, have thicker coats and special anatomical features of the circulatory system that prevent heat loss. Dogs of the southern regions are relatively taller, lighter, their hair is thinner, rarer and shorter, the undercoat is less pronounced than in the northern ones. The zonal type is formed under the influence of natural selection by eliminating individuals who are insufficiently adapted to given natural conditions. This is especially noticeable in native breeds. However, factory breeds bred in certain areas also acquire quite characteristic features typical of a given geographical area. This occurs with the direct participation of natural selection, under the influence of which specimens are eliminated, the type of which is not adapted to exist in given conditions. So, for example, one can easily imagine that an extreme type of Pekingese with a strongly depressed nose and long hair with a huge amount of undercoat is very difficult to survive in a hot and humid climate. Therefore, even an increased importation of potential producers of this type is unlikely to make it possible to create a population sufficient for self-breeding, capable of existing outside a nursery with an artificial climate. Pekingese can successfully exist and breed in the conditions of this climate only of another intrabreed type, with a not so shortened muzzle and with a less pronounced undercoat. And no matter how hard the breeders try, they still cannot get rid of the action of natural selection!

breed type

The breed breaks up not only into zonal types, but also into intrabreed ones. They are formed under the condition of geographic isolation, breeding within themselves and a certain direction of selection. Within each breed, several breed types can be distinguished, such as "American", "German" and "Scandinavian" in the poodle; “American” and “European” in miniature schnauzers, etc. The difference between the breed type and the zonal type is that it is formed to a greater extent under the influence of random gene drift, as well as personal preferences of breeders who carry out artificial selection. The formation of zonal types, on the contrary, mainly depends on natural selection.

Elements of the breed structure associated with breeding work

Important parts that make up the structure of the rock are tribal And custom part of the breed, line And families.

Each breed has a relatively small tribal core, concentrated in the hands of breeders and breeders and a large number user dogs and pets with and without pedigrees. Whether we wish it or not, but, freely reproducing, it is primarily these latter that form the zonal rock types and participate in its evolution.

Lines in animal husbandry are usually called groups of animals of the same breed, similar to each other in appearance, behavior and origin from one common ancestor.

There are blood lines (genealogical) and factory lines.

Bloodlines includes all individuals descended from the ancestor. The bloodline of prominent and widely used sires has a large number of individuals. Representatives of the genealogical line can vary significantly in exterior size, constitution and color. The blood lines of different producers are closely intertwined with each other, absorbed by each other, sometimes merge and imperceptibly pass one into another or, combined, form a new line, split into separate branches, families, etc. The independent existence of individual blood lines is often controversial and difficult provable. In fact, each dog is simultaneously a member of a number of bloodlines.

factory line - a group of male dogs obtained from a common outstanding sire, similar to him in appearance, behavioral characteristics and other indicators, obtained as a result of directed selection and selection. The line includes an ancestor, a son similar to him, a grandson, a great-grandson, etc. It can also have horizontal branches - through the successors of the lines in subsequent generations. Belonging to a line determines not just kinship, but a great phenotypic similarity of its members. This is the main difference between the factory line and the genealogical line. It is possible to lay a factory line only if there is a high degree of prepotency both the ancestor and the successors of the line. Prepotence is the ability of producers, both males and females, to produce offspring that are very similar to themselves. Obviously, genetically, it is due to the total action of dominant genes and the successful linkage of desirable alleles in the genome of the manufacturer, that is, the co-adaptedness of the genome. However, due to the fact that the requirements for modern breeds change very quickly, the maintenance of the type of ancestor of the line is usually limited to 4-5 generations. By this time, among the successors of the line, males can be selected that have a more modern type and have little resemblance to the ancestor, so further breeding will be focused on them.


families - groups consisting of several generations, the offspring of the best breeding females, outwardly similar to the ancestor. Families are the structural units of the breed into which the breeding stock is divided.

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Primitive dog breeds are created by nature and without human intervention, only with the help of natural selection. Primitive breeds have developed under conditions of strong influence of natural selection.

The term "primitive" when applied to a small group of dogs that descend from the Indian plains wolf Canis lupus Pallipes) is rather arbitrary. Some members of this group, such as the dingo and the New Guinea singing dog, are indeed primitive in that they are in the early stages of domestication, or their domestication may have stopped. Others, such as Mexican Hairless Dogs and Basenjis, although descended from the same ancestors, have been greatly altered by human intervention in their breeding.


Experts are convinced that wandering groups of people left Southwest Asia between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago, accompanied by pariah dogs. These animals entered the Middle East and North Africa at least 5,000 years ago through migration and trade. Images of the most ancient of the recorded breeds - the pharaoh dog - adorn the tombs of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. This dog may have been a descendant of the animal known as the "Phoenician dog" - the Phoenicians traded dogs throughout the Mediterranean, introducing breeds now called Canaan dogs, Cirneco dell'Etna and Ibizan dogs.


Subsequently, dogs found themselves in the heart of Africa, and although the Basenji is the only primitive African breed officially recognized today, many other similar breeds existed until recently. In West Africa, the Liberian dog appeared - similar to a terrier, small, neat, with brown-red hair; in Kenya, the East African dog - a larger animal with a powerful muzzle - found a place for itself as a scavenger and a hunter's companion. Baghrimi dogs of similar size and appearance were variegated, while the Bantu dog, used for hunting and guarding, was much more graceful, with a pointed muzzle. In South Africa, the small but powerful, square-faced, fawn Zulu dog also served as a guard and helped the hunters. In Zaire, the Pygmies kept long-headed, pointed-eared forest dogs, while the Hottentots were accompanied by Spitz-type animals with fluffy tails. The fox-like kabile, or duar, guarded herds and people, while the baganda dog, long-legged, with a tail wrapped in a ring, served to hunt in a pack. All these related breeds existed in their pure form until the 20th century.

While some pariah dogs migrated to the west, others accompanied people on their journey to the east. Many of them followed the people who crossed the isthmus at the site of the current Bering Strait and moved to America. Some of these Asian pariah dogs mixed with North American wolves, but archaeological evidence shows that purebred dogs, clearly similar to dingoes, first spread to the south. -west of North America (the territory of the present state of Arizona), and then to the southeast, to modern Georgia and South Carolina. The Canadian Taltan Bear Dog may have been a link in this chain. The same can be said for the extinct Kentucky “shell mound dog” and “basket maker dog.” The origin of the Central and South American breeds, apparently, will remain a mystery. The native dogs of Mexico and Peru may well be hairless descendants of Asian pariah dogs that came further south through migration and trade. Similarly, it is likely that they are later descendants of African pariah dogs brought to Central and South America by European traders. If this is the case, then the Mexican Hairless Dog and the Peruvian Inca Orchid are more closely related to the African Basenji than to the Carolina Dog.



The evolution of primitive dogs to some extent implied their self-domestication. Difficult environmental conditions forced people to direct selection towards the small size of animals, and therefore primitive dogs are not as large as their ancestors - Indian wolves. As the number of dogs around human dwellings increased, the smaller dogs, which needed less food, were more likely to survive. Evolutionary change is happening much faster than previously thought; the same is true of the rate at which animal species colonize new lands. It took the fox only 130 years to spread from Victoria in southern Australia all the way to the Kimberley mountains in the north. It may have taken the dingo less than 500 years to colonize the entire continent.

With the exception of the dingo and the New Guinea singing dog, pariahs learn the initial course of training quite easily. They are always alert and may seem somewhat indifferent. Some breeds are stalled at an early stage of human intervention and lack the traits that result from selective breeding, such as keen senses, strength, or a friendly, outgoing disposition.

In Egypt, five thousand-year-old images of animals have been discovered that are almost indistinguishable from Ibizan dogs.

Although the Cirneco dell'Etna is smaller than the Pharaoh Hound and the Ibizan Hound, it is also descended from primitive Asian dogs that were traded throughout the Mediterranean.

It is possible that the Peruvian Inca orchid is descended from Asian dogs brought to the Americas 12,000 years ago, although it may be of more recent, African origin.

The Akita Inu is a bright representative of the spitz-like primitive dogs from Japan. The breed is very ancient, human participation in its development is minimal. And in the middle of the 20th century, the Akita had a period of independent survival in the mountains, without any human participation.

The Canaan Hound is a robust, medium-sized dog descended from the pariah dogs of the Middle East.

One of the three Portuguese Hounds, the Portuguese Podengo Mediu or as it is called the Wirehaired Medium Portuguese Hound, is much smaller than the standard Podengo Grande (as it was in the beginning). The medium's small size allowed it to survive in difficult conditions.

The Basenji is the only primitive African dog that has gained wide popularity outside of its homeland. Just like the wolf and the dingo, the basenji only comes into heat once a year.

The Mexican Hairless Dog Toy is the smallest of the three varieties of the Mexican Hairless Dog and also the most gentle. Even his woolly individuals are very susceptible to hypothermia, especially in northern countries.

Strikingly similar to the Egyptian jackal god Anubis, the pharaoh hound continued to be bred in isolation in Malta until European breeders discovered it in the 1960s.

The birthplace of the New Guinean singing dog is New Guinea, although archeological research indicates that it arrived on this island only 2000 years ago.

The Smooth Coated Lesser Portuguese Hound is a dwarf variety of the ancient primitive Podengo, a true master ratter.

The specialization of the Batak Spitz over the long history of the breed has changed in various directions, from a pet and home decoration to a guard, hunter and protector.

This is a typical decorative dog. Volpino is an excellent watchman, like all Spitz. He will always stand up for his master, barks very loudly, warning him of danger.

Keeshond was bred as a hunting breed in the 16th century, is considered the national breed of the Netherlands. This breed is especially popular in Germany and the UK.
From $300 to $1300.

Kishu - the national breed of Japan, was bred in the Middle Ages to hunt large forest animals.
From 4000 USD

Kleinspitz - a cute fluffy decorative dog, selflessly devoted and faithful, will become a wonderful companion and companion for those who wish to find a true friend. With a Kleinspitz, your life will definitely become more amazing and diverse.

This breed of northern sled dog traces its lineage to ancient (now extinct) dogs brought to Germany by the Vikings.

The Mittelspitz belongs to a group of Spitz that were bred in Germany in the 19th century. Nowadays, these dogs are decorative, they are used exclusively as companion dogs.

Companion dog. An excellent companion for their owners, as well as an excellent watchman.
40-60 thousand rubles.

The Ibizan Hound is, first of all, a hunting or detective dog, but this does not prevent it from being a good companion. The dog is used for hunting on the sighted (like a greyhound) and on the trail (like a hound).
20-25 thousand rubles.

The Pomeranian is still a subject of controversy among cynologists: one group of specialists believe that the Pomeranian is just a small variation of the German Spitz; another group of cynologists still distinguishes the Pomeranian as a separate breed.
From 15,000 to 30,000 rubles per puppy

15-60 thousand rubles.

Universal dog, successfully hunts the following types of game and animals: upland game (capercaillie, black grouse, woodcock, hazel grouse, pheasant), ungulates (roe deer, elk, deer, saiga), furs (squirrel, marten, mink, sable, Siberian weasel, ferret, ermine), as well as bear, leopard
8-20 thousand rubles

Spitz-like and primitive dogs are known to everyone. Sometimes they are also called native breeds. These dogs differ from the factory ones in that they were born solely due to natural selection in an evolutionary way.

Many experts are convinced that the definition of "primitive" is incorrect, but in this context it has a synonym: "natural", which is fully consistent with their origin and future lifestyle.

The variety of spitz and primitive aboriginal dogs increases from north to south, exactly in accordance with nature, just as strictly to the south the diversity of wild fauna in general increases.

Moreover, in the zone of their habitat in the polar zone, sled dogs are very similar to each other; in the tundra, their species diversity increases, because. shepherd dogs, hunting huskies, etc. live and work here. And most of all types of primitives are in the tropics.


These are very healthy dogs that almost do not suffer from genetic diseases inherent in factory breeds. Their good health is the result of centuries of natural selection, when a puppy faces a tough choice: survive or die.

These dogs are naturally accustomed to work, which gives them food. They must periodically perform their watchdog, hunting or riding functions. Otherwise, the breed will deteriorate, and the dogs will get sick.

Spitz and primitives are not demanding on living conditions. They easily withstand severe polar frosts and do not need special food or vitamins in order not to get sick. Their body in the most severe conditions works like a clock.


These dogs feel very independent and self-sufficient. They understand that they practically do not depend on a person, do not perceive him as their master. Therefore, they do not particularly obey a person and are difficult to train.

Spitz-shaped and primitive breeds, as a rule, have a cold temperament, they do not seek to make contact, so an inexperienced dog breeder should not get such a dog. It requires a lot of patience.

General signs

Spitz and primitive dogs are characterized by a dry and lean exterior. Moreover, it is natural, natural, and not cultivated, like greyhounds. Their body is shaped this way by millennia of struggle for survival.

Spitz and primitive dogs are usually silent. They practically do not bark, but only occasionally grumble. They have well-developed necessary sense organs: sight, hearing and smell, excellent immunity, high content of red blood cells, etc.

These dogs, as a rule, live in packs, within each pack there is its own system of subordination and leader, to which Spitz and primitive dogs strictly obey.

All Spitz and primitives have high intelligence, which has developed as a result of the constant struggle for their existence, as well as the performance of certain work: hunting, moving goods in a team, protecting people, material values, etc.

Types of primitive native dogs

There are a great many of these species; an ordered scientific classification does not exist today. Here are just a few of them:

1) Sled dogs common in the tundra and polar deserts.

2) Reindeer dogs living in the tundra from Scandinavia to the Far East.

3) Spitz-shaped hunting dogs from Scandinavia, the taiga part of Siberia, China, and Japan.

4) Dogs hunting rabbits in the Mediterranean.

5) Lop-eared hunting dogs from North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

6) Dogs guarding livestock throughout Eurasia from Portugal to Mongolia.

Spitz Dog Breeds

These dogs have a strong constitution and a harmonious physique, they have tails bent to the back in the form of a spiral, sharp erect ears and a pointed muzzle. This is the traditional image of a dog.

When purchasing a dog of this breed, you should remember that it was not created for entertainment on sofa cushions. Before you is a real working dog, which needs constant physical activity, otherwise it may get sick.

Today, only in northern countries: Russia, Finland, Norway, spitz-shaped dogs are used as hunting or sled dogs. In warmer regions, most often they become companions or just decorative dogs.

canaan dog

This is the only dog ​​that was bred in Israel in the 30s of the last century. In its homeland, it still lives today in a wild or semi-wild form. This is a tall, large dog, outwardly similar to a large Spitz.

The Canaan dog is in excellent health, capable of being a watchdog, serving in the army or police, apprehending criminals, or looking for drugs. Due to her stable psyche, she is often used as a guide.

Finnish Lapphund

This is a representative of the Arctic spitz-shaped dogs capable of herding herds of deer. The Finnish Lapphund has absolutely no hunting instinct, and he cannot perform the functions of a watchman.

Today, these dogs are most often used as companions, they like to perform in dog sports competitions, at exhibitions, and are suitable for search and rescue services. This Lapphund is one of the most popular breeds in Finland.

Italian Volpino

This Spitz hails from Florence. It is also called the palace dog. His ancestor was a Spitz who lived in Europe in the Bronze Age. Volpino means "fox" in Italian. The history of the breed begins in 1901.

The dog has a small and harmonious physique, has a beautiful raised coat of white color. It has a cheerful character, very smart, loves to play, especially with children. An excellent companion.

Nenets Laika

This Laika has retained all the features of primitive dogs that formed in the European tundra after the Ice Age. It is widely used for deer herding and hunting. Experts consider her the closest relative of the German Spitz.

The Nenets Laika has a strong and light physique, a balanced psyche, can be a partner in polar expeditions and just a family friend. This is a very hardy and healthy dog, performing the assigned work only "excellent".

german spitz

These dogs are direct descendants of European peat dogs that lived in Europe in the Stone Age. The German Spitz is considered the oldest breed on the continent, and many other breeds of modern and extinct dogs descended from it.

Like all Spitz, this breed has an excellent physique with a developed chest. They can have a very different color of thick wool. The dog has a calm, balanced character, it can be kept in a city apartment.

chow chow

This is one of the oldest breeds of guard dogs, its name is translated from Chinese as "shaggy lion". She really looks like a lion, only a small one. Belongs to the category of Spitz-shaped dogs.

Chow chows have been known in China for at least 2,000 years. In ancient times, they were used for hunting, for guarding herds of deer, and even as sled dogs. This breed was bred in Buddhist monasteries. Today Chow Chows are popular decorative dogs.


This is a large Swedish husky, also related to spitz-shaped dog breeds. It is intended for deer hunting. An independent breed appeared in the middle of the 20th century; these dogs are very similar to their Norwegian counterparts, but larger than them.

In the old days, the yamthund also went to bear and lynx. He can perform the duties of a shepherd, guard or sled dog. In Sweden, the Yamthund is sometimes used in military and police service.

Siberian Husky

This native dog is one of the oldest breeds on earth and a distant relative of the Spitz. It is used as a sled dog, and also relished by the Russians as a companion.

The Siberian Husky is medium in size, it can be kept in an apartment, but be sure to walk outside the city every day. There are many Siberian Husky clubs in Russia, where sledding competitions are held between these sled dogs.

Alaskan Malamute

Another powerful native sled dog, which is one of the symbols of Alaska. Malamutes, like all spitz-shaped dogs, descended from wolves. This is a working breed that still regularly performs its duties in a team.

Feature of the breed: Malamutes almost do not bark, like their ancestors, wolves. This is a very hardy dog, able to survive many hardships. It has a high level of intelligence, but you need to educate it from early childhood.

Akita Inu

This spitz-like breed originated in Japan. Hundreds of years ago, these dogs were taken to hunt large game, incl. on a bear. Archaeological excavations have shown that such dogs have existed in Japan for over 2,000 years.

Akita has a beautiful thick and fluffy fur, most often with a red color. You can keep it, both in the apartment and in the open-air cage on the street, it is unpretentious. The Japanese consider the Akita Inu to be the real treasure of Japan.