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Lava lamp: how to make a lamp with a lava effect at home. Creating endless sources in Minecraft device and making opportunity

People who play "minecraft", sooner or later think about how to extract one or another resource. Such questions arise particularly when it is bored to explore the world around. Lava is a versatile material, thanks to which many items can be created. It is also an excellent fuel for the furnace, so the question of how to make an endless source of lava, will always be relevant and interesting to players.


This is the first thing you need before you make the endless source of the lava. In Minecraft, transfer fluids can be exclusively in a container, which is a bucket.

To make it, you will need the following:

  • Collect the oven for the firing of materials.
  • Cock iron ore. To do this, you will need a minimum stone Kirk.
  • Ruda fell into the oven - so you will also get the ingot from the golems and zombies. Either disassemble the iron block.
  • Now open the crafting panel.
  • Place the three ingots into the middle cell of the bottom line and in the extreme slots of the average. Bucket is ready.

All you will need four packs. Now consider what else will need from you before making an endless source of lava.


Before starting construction, go to the dungeon. Your task is to find Lava. You can meet it almost at any levels and even on the surface. If you have a portal in the lower world, then go there. There you can find it without problems.

From the lava lake, throw four buckets. The main feature of this process is that, even if pouring Lava in a bucket of the "river", and then place on the surface, you will receive a "source".


The last thing you need, before making an endless source of lava, is a certain number of blocks that will not be able to burn. For this, the cobblestone will fit. Its a lot on the surface, so there will be no problems with prey. In total, the design will require 93 blocks. In extreme cases, you can find a cobblestone in the lower world when you descend behind the lava.


Finally, you can start the main stage. So how to make an endless source of lava? Our construction will occupy a five-bloc size platform, as well as six blocks in height. In addition, you will need some staircase or stand. Either the mode of "creativity" and flight.

  • Drop the pit in the ground 5x5 and a depth of two blocks.
  • Lay out the lowest cobblestone layer (25 pieces).
  • Now we must give the shape of the "pool". Strengthen its walls along the edges of the cobblestone (2nd layer). This will leave another 16 blocks.
  • Now we need to build columns. They are not mandatory, but it will be easier to navigate. Create pillars on the cornerstone height in two blocks. In total, you will spend 8 cobblestones.
  • The turn of the top platform came. Make it the same as the bottom of the "basin", but with one exception. In the very center there should be a hole. On this you will spend 24 more cobblestones.
  • Finishing touch. Make over the top platform another "pool" by creating walls. In addition, put in the edges of the pool still one stone. This will go through the last 16 blocks. Now the upper layer must be a platform with an empty cross in the middle.
  • Pour the lava bucket in each ray of the cross.

That's all - before you a real fiery endless source of lava? Very simple. Due to four sources, you will have an inexhaustible waterfall, which, stacking through the central hole, will fill the pool. If you do not dare sources, the flow will never stop, and you can constantly draw a lava from the pool or turn it into obsidian, just pouring a bucket with water to it.

There is no such person in the world who would not like to relax, forgetting about the urgent problems, look at something pleasant and soothing. But it is rarely possible to sit by the fire, looking at the fire, or reflect on the meaning of life under the noise of the waterfall. As it turned out, there is an object with a soothing function on store shelves, it is called a "lava lamp".

Surely someone saw similar devices on sale, that's just the price confuses a little. It makes sense to figure out whether it is possible to make such a device at home with your own hands.

The device and the possibility of manufacture

Invented, this device was in the mid-60s by the British Walker, and was a glass of glass in which oil and liquid paraffin were located. Under it was installed a simple light, which heated the container. According to the laws of physics, the heated paraffin rose up, and cooling down, went down to the bottom again. This fascinating movement of bizarre shapes of paraffin and gave rise to widespread lava lamp.

So even in the middle of the last century it was possible to make a similar device, it means that you make a lava lance lamp at home in our days, it should also be not difficult too?

Lava lamp

So, for the manufacture we will need the presence of some ingredients:

  • olive or sunflower oil;
  • any dye, preferably food, but even the usual juice is suitable;
  • bank;
  • shot tablet (any).

How to make a lava lamp at home - a question with a simple answer. It is only necessary to fill with a container with juice or dye for two thirds, the remaining part is filled with sunflower or olive oil. After some time, you can see a clear boundary between liquids. It remains only to throw a pill pill in the bank and observe what is happening, enjoying the incredible effect in the resulting device.

This method is completely safe, and therefore it can be used in educational games with children, while explaining the laws of physics. By the way, if there are no effervescent tablets, their role will play the usual salt salty perfectly, although the reaction will be somewhat slower, but still quite sufficient.

For a stronger effect, it is possible to use a lamp directed to the lamp. Then the bizarre bubbles will play in the rays of light, which will give even more beauty.

Lava lamp

Lava lamp

Of course, the temporary lava lamp is completely safe, but it always wants something more. In this case, you can make such a device on an ongoing basis. But only you always need to remember the safety technique when used, such a lamp must be kept in an unavailable place for small children, since it is very heated in the process.

So, in order to make the lamp with your own hands, you will need a mixture of distilled water with glycerin at the rate of 1/1, paraffin candle, a bit of beads and a glass container.

The jar must be filled with 2/3 water with glycerin, stir in it a spoonful salt and fall asleep some beads. After that, the candle is melted in the water bath, and paraffin is poured into a jar. Lava lamp is practically ready, it remains only to build a heater for it.

As such, any metal design with a 25 watt lamp inside can serve as such, which can serve as a robe for the can. Well, after you can turn on and enjoy. Lava lamp made by hand, ready, but there are some nuances of this device.

First, the lamp needs some time so that the expected reaction appears, since the paraffin should be melted in glycerin.

Secondly, in no case cannot leave a similar homemade device unattended, as well as keep it on more than eight hours.

Permanent lava lamp do it yourself

Make a lava lamp just enough, it will bring a lot of pleasure, and therefore it is worth trying. The main thing is not to forget about the safety technique, so that the joy once did not turn the closer. Well, in general, it does not matter, whether you bought a lava lamp in the store or manufactured at home. In priority - pacification and rest from the working day.

Hello, Minecraft game fans. With you editor Play`N`trade - sailor and today I will tell you.

How to make an endless source of lava in Minecraft

The first thing we need to do is to scream bucket. It is very simple. First you need to get iron. You can get it in the mine, or knock out from the golem you killed. If the iron ore was mined from the mine, then you need to put it in the oven and wait until she is overpacing. After that, lay out the melted iron into the fourth, sixth and eighth cell in the workbench.

Immediately the cobblestone. Cobblestone is the best of what you can make an endless source of Lava in Minecraft, as Lava cannot set up it. And we go with a bucket in the mine, or the lower world in order to pour in this lava bucket.

After you found everything you need - proceed to the construction. We need the territory of five to five blocks in length and six blocks in height. We drip two blocks down on the territory, after which they force the cobbled blocks at thenime and make a pool (in the circle to deny everything with a cobblestone). Now we leave up a pair of blocks and make one more thing that is the same thing, but leave the place in the center, where the lava challenges later. We complete our construction in that we again lay the sides. It remains only to pour into the hole of the lava and the source is ready!

On this I complete my article. With you there was a sailor and today I told how to make an endless source of lava in Minecraft. Have a good game!

This is a cheerful, beautiful and entertaining chemical experiment, which can easily be repeated at home. There are almost all reagents in almost any kitchen, and if not, they can be used in any grocery store.
I will show how to make a kind of lava lamp, but in contrast to the real it will start working immediately and will not require heat to continue the reaction.


  • Baking soda.
  • Vinegar table.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Food dye - color to your taste.
Capacity - any glass bank. For the backlight, I will use the LED flashlight.

Making chemical lava lamp

We take a tablespoon of soda and pour it on the bottom of the banks. It is necessary that everything is covered by soda.

Then pour sunflower oil. This is the main component, so fill it all the bank.

In a small container, pour vinegar.

In this amount of vinegar add food dye.

Turn on the backlight.

And put the vessel with oil and soda on this backlight. Lava lamp should be highlighted.

Record pour mixed vinegar with dye.

And our lava lamp immediately begins to work. The bubbles alternately fall on the bottom, then rising up to the neck of the cans.

This spectacular experience can be repeated with children, I am sure that they will be in full delight.

The principle of operation is simple: vinegar is heavier than oil and therefore bubbles first fall on the bottom. Touching the bottom, the reaction of acetic acid with soda occurs, as a result of which carbon dioxide bubbles are formed, which pull the bubble to the top. Having reached the top, carbon dioxide comes out and the bubble drops again to the bottom. So the cycle is repeated for a certain time until the reaction of the vinegar with soda is completely passed.
PS: You can immediately use several dyes mixed in different tanks with vinegar. And pour them at the same time. It will look very cool.


Be sure to watch the video, it looks very beautiful, which is not passing through the pictures.

Greetings to all. In this guide, I will tell you about how to get a lot of energy from the lava.​

You will say that it is incomprehensible here, put geothermal generators and sit in the mustache do not blow. However, one geothermal generator is able to produce only 20 EU / t., Which is very little. Yes, at the initial stage, this is quite good, but in the development process, everything goes to a more profitable and convenient source of energy - reactors, windmills or solar panels. About such a wonderful source of energy, like a lava, everything forget and lose interest in its use. Now let's start lubricating the masses of the players in the lower world ...
Here is an option of the finished power plant.

It generates 1800 EU / t., Which corresponds to 90 geothermal generators.
It is worth introducing a dozen pumps, which are sucking Lava from the poor hell, almost a hundred geothermal, a bunch of pipes and wires connecting all this ... I personally would not want to go to the skin of the iron server ...
I will list all the necessary components for building a 450EU / t plant. We will need:

1. 1 pump.

2. 1 electric motor.

3. Some number of gold liquid pipes. ​

4. Multiple pipe plugs. ​

5. 2 liquid heat exchanger. ​

6. 20 heat pipelines. ​

7. 5 Improvement "Pull Painter Liquids".

8. 1 condenser.

9. 1 Liquid distributor.

10. 1 tank of any volume.

11. 1 Pulsing Gate.

12. 2 Empty liquid pipes.

13. 2 kinetic steam generator + 2 steam turbines.

14. 1 steam generator.

15. 2 kinetic generators.

That's all. Now we start building.
The first thing to do is to find Lava Lake more. Yes, it is a lot, but in hell she is not infinite.
After we found a suitable place, install Pompe. Connect to Ne. Engineand pipe.
Further - Liquid heat exchangers. Insert into them up, 10 Heat conduits. Rotate holes in the center to each other.

Next step - Installation Steam generator. It will be between two Liquid heat exchangers. In it set up the parameters: pressure 221bar, the production of water is 1MB / T.

Now Kinetic steam generators. Install them before Steam generator For each other. Insert into each of them by Steam turbine and in Improvement "Pull to Liquid". In the far from Steam generator Pulling should be aside Steam generator. In another - up. Do not forget to turn them with the key to any side.

We continue to flap. On far Kinetic steam generator Install Capacitor. All that we do with him is installation Improvement "Pull to Liquids" to the side Steam generator.

Make one more action. On the Steam generator Need to put Dispenser fluids. PCM on it, set the "Concentration" mode. Now it is already the only, green hole, should be turned down, in PARNEIGNER.

Last step - installation Tanks, Pipe and Kinetic generators. Put Tsister In the only hole of our installation. Fill in it a few capsules Distilled water. It is important that Steam generator and Dispenser fluidsas a result, it should be fully filled, however, in Tank There should be a free space of at least 1 capsule. If everything is done correctly - in Steam generator Fluid will go. Pipes Create fluid pumping from Tanks in Dispenser fluids. Now we put on 1 Empty liquid pipe over Liquid heat exchangers. Refigify to 1. Kinetic generator Side Kinetic steam generators. Installation should take part without blades. (In the screenshot above you can see) do not forget to turn them with a wrench in the opposite direction. As a result, we get something similar to it:

That's all. Now you can bring Lava to Liquid heat exchangers. At least behind, at least below - no difference.
And now a little about the main disadvantage of this method of obtaining energy. When unloading the Chanka (if you leave the game, you will go to dig resources, visit someone's shop) There is a chance that the kinetic steam generator will fall overheated steam. After that, the stable operation of the device will be impossible. Apparently, some bug. Therefore, here are some solutions:
1. Stand AFK near the plant.
2. Buy anchor. He will load your chunk, not giving a couple of "fun".
3. Turn off the power supply to the installation before each output from the server / hikes in the mine or shop.
Happy everyone, good luck)