Repairs Design Furniture

Floor alignment: how the finish mixture is prepared, the instruction for filling the concrete floor by the self-leveling mixture with their own hands. Floor alignment with your own hands. Video. Mixture. Concrete. Wooden floor can be very effective way

The attractiveness of the floor covering depends on whether they remained on the basis of irregularities and other defects or not. If its surface is not perfect smooth, then the flooring will reflect all the flaws of the base: potholes, differentials, roughness and other disadvantages. Therefore, before the finishing flooring, it is necessary to make the base even and smooth. Today we will tell about the technology of alignment of concrete floor in the apartment.

Floor alignment methods

There are several ways to align the floor:

  • with a cement or concrete screed;
  • using self-leveling mixtures (bulk sex);
  • alignment floor plywood.
  • Clean the base from the garbage.
  • Gaps and cracks are covered.
  • Straighten the surface. The primer helps the self-leveling mixture is better to adhere to the surface and is evenly distributed across the floor.
  • Mix the solution according to the instructions, pouring a dry mixture into water, and not vice versa so that there are no lumps.

The solution retains its fluidity for half an hour. If the solution begins to harden, it is no longer suitable for leveling the base, and it is impossible to add water to the finished mixture.

These include:

    HydroWine - helps to determine the irregularities of the base in large rooms. Measurement is produced in terms of water in it. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the operating tube of the device is not filled with air, which will worsen his work. With the help of the hydroeer, you can accurately measure the measurement only with small errors.

    Laser level
    - accurate and easy to use. The error is small, only 1-2mm / m. The laser level is harmful to the eye, so before its use you should wear safety glasses.

    Level - Used by professionals of construction business, because this geodesic tool requires knowledge and skills in its use.

    Today we talked about floor alignment technologies in the apartment, the devices and tools required to measure the curvature of the floor. What technology you apply will depend on the conditions, from the shortcomings, the irregularities of your foundation. We hope that smooth and beautiful sex will delight you for a long time, attracting the attention of friends and acquaintances, causing their admiring glances.

In most private and apartment buildings, concrete slabs that are not distinguished by a perfectly smooth surface. Therefore, before laying the finish coating, they need repair and alignment. How can this floor be put in order and how to align it?

Why do you need an alignment procedure

Smooth floor surface - the key to its successful facing

Under the alignment of the floor implies the creation of a strictly horizontal surface. The fact is that laying of many modern finishing materials is unacceptable in the presence of curvature. Laminate or parquet board will quickly come into disrepair, if you put them on the base with a large difference in heights.

Increasingly and more often in the interior design, cabinet furniture without legs are used. If the floor is "rolled", any curvature will be noticeable when installing the same cabinet.

When should the floors be aligned? There are several such cases:

  • As a floor, concrete slabs, having a large height difference.
  • An old parquet or organic was removed, laid previously using bitumen mastics. Small glands can not be eliminated, so you have to perform a tie of the floor.
  • The old wooden base creaks greatly and is noticeably wounded.
  • The old screed crackled and became unusable.
  • Before laying ceramic tiles.
  • Before installing the "warm floor" system.

You should not try a complex process if you need to hide the wiring. It can be simply put in the stroke or box.

There are a lot of alignment methods. Consider the main of them.

Modern techniques

The choice of the method of alignment of the floor depends on the state of its surface, the volume of work, the budget of the repair and the type of future flooring. It has the meaning of time allocated to all this, as well as the need for surface insulation and its sound insulation. Some technologies are held in several stages, including black and finishing alignment.

The most popular ways are:

  • Cement-sand screed.
  • Self-leveling floors.
  • "Dry" screed.
  • Floor alignment with lag.
  • The use of self-regulating plywood.
  • Adhesive method.

Preparation of the foundation

Any of the listed technologies requires prior preparation of the foundation. To begin with, it is completely freed from the old finish, paint, garbage, peeling materials, oil spots and other defects. If the base is concrete, it is necessary to press cracks in advance with the solution with the solution and potholes, snaps and gaps.

It is advisable to explore the plates for the presence of "technological" holes. Even at the stage of building a house, many workers are not ceremony and, in order to save time, they simply break through the holes in the concrete, through which engineering communications are then paved. The latter are deprived of reliable insulation, so the repair has to eliminate the results of the careless work.

Note! "Technological" holes must be carefully close. This will provide additional heat and sound insulation of the room.

Rotten and damaged parts need to be replaced by new

If the floors are wooden, investigate each floor, replace rotten parts, damaged areas are repaired, check the reliability of the lag and fastening elements, as well as the strength of the entire base.

After all these actions, with the help of the construction level, check the presence of height drops. For this, find the smallest and highest point of the floor and determine the difference in height. This value will make it clear how to act further. With a drop of less than 5 centimeters and different technologies apply more than this indicator.

For example, an adhesive method or with the help of a sheet material align the surface with a height difference of 2-3 cm. Cement-sand and "dry" screed allows you to eliminate the difference in 5-7 centimeters. The installation of the lag is used when you can steal 10 centimeters at the height of the room.

Consider every method in more detail.

Cement-sand screed

To perform a cement-sand screed, it is necessary to pre-with the help of a hydroeer and a upholstery cord to set the mark of its upper edge. And then install beacons under it. As they, the ceiling aluminum profile can be used, which is simply pressed in a bunch of a solution from cement and sand in a ratio of 1 × 3.

Lighthouses are exposed to a parallel step with an optimal distance between two crossbars of 1.5-2 meters. First, they have on the walls on the walls the first and last guide, then they put on them relative to them. It is possible to identify and eliminate the curvature of profiles by tensioned by dumping threads. On the perimeter of the room fasten a special tape, which prevents the deformation of the screed during seasonal temperature drops.

Aligning tie.

The next step is to prepare the solution. To do this, it is necessary to mix one part of the cement with three parts of the sand in a large container. First, thoroughly mix dry ingredients, and then add them to water. At the same time, it is necessary to achieve homogeneity of the mass. In addition, it should not be too thick or liquid.

The finished solution must be left for 15 minutes, and then stir again before use. It is better to use a building mixer for these purposes. It is not necessary to buy it, since there are companies in the service market providing construction tools for rent.

Fill floor

Before laying the solution, the surface of the floor should be projected to two layers of penetrating primer. It will provide good adhesion of a new screed with an old concrete base.

The solution is placed in a niche between the two lighthouses, they are moving with the rule and grind the cell. Work on the pouring is better to spend in two hands - some work with a screed, while others knead the solution. The continuity of the process will ensure the creation of a homogeneous level surface.

Rightly dry tie

After laying a screed, it must be closed with a plastic film. After 12 hours, the metal spatula is knocked down with a harder tie, and the surface is watched with a wooden grater.

The grout solution is prepared at the rate of 1 part of the sand on 1 part of the cement. The sand should be well succumbed and sifted through a large sieve. The screed is wetted with water with a spray gun and lay a long rail to check it to check the quality of the base and identify defects. Small irregularities are immediately corrected by grouting. At this stage, the beacons are pulled out. And the traces of them are filled with mortar.

Sew the screed is also needed in several stages. On the film, which is staminated by the new floor, pour sand or wooden chips and wet well. As the chip layer is drying, you need to constantly moisturize for the first two weeks. Then the film can be removed again and again 5 watering the screed with water, then leave it for complete drying.

Note! Total screed dries 28 days.

Self-leveling floors

Universal M-150 mixture

You can find ready-made mixtures for a screed, in which, in addition to sand and cement, include polymer supplements. They increase the plasticity of the base, its strength, frost resistance and resistance to corrosion processes. Mixes facilitate the process of preparing the solution, but also increase the cost of work.

Depending on the main component, 4 groups of bulk floors are isolated:

  1. Methyl methacrylate.
  2. Epoxy.
  3. Cement-acrylic.
  4. Polyurethane.

All of them allow not only to level the floors, but also decorated them without additional finish coatings. The scope of similar blends is large enough. Self-leveling, self-leveling floor is used in rooms with maximum low temperatures, high pedestrian loads and the effect of chemical reagents.

Bulk floor laying technology resembles a cement-sand tie technology. The only difference is that over the surface of the flooded composition it is necessary to walk needle roller to get rid of air bubbles.

The bulk floor has:

  • Beautiful appearance.
  • Long service life.
  • Resistance to moisture.
  • Fire safety.

But this technology has disadvantages:

  • Under the action of ultraviolet, such a floor quickly turns yellow.
  • Before applying the plate surface, you need to cook more thoroughly.
  • This material is not natural.
  • It will be very difficult to get rid of the boning polymer finish.
  • When laying a bulk sex, you need to control the level of surface humidity, which will not be able to make a simple consumer.

Therefore, this method is not very popular yet.

"Dry" screed

Dry floor alignment

This method can be performed independently. It implies floor alignment using clay and sheet material.

Styling technology is simple:

  1. The floor in the room is covered with dense polyethylene so that its edges for 10-15 cm enter the walls. Lights are exposed to the gypsum solution, and in the niche between them, clamzit with grain sizes up to 5 mm fall. On top of the ceramisite, a polyethylene film or a vapor barrier membrane is again lined.
  2. Any sheet material is placed on top of it. It may be plywood, and focus sheets, but it is better to use the Knauff Superfield - a special national team that allows you to quickly and easily complete the process. It consists of separate segments. Each element is a gypsumbone sheet made in factory conditions. It consists of two little informative bases connected to each other with a displacement of 50 millimeters.
  3. It is similar indents that help connect two elements. First, they are sampled with glue, and then for greater strength fasten with self-draws. Such sheets are needed from the threshold, gradually moving towards the oldest corner of the room.

Note! "Dry" screed significantly saves time. No need to wait 28 days to start installing the finish coating. But she has one essential drawback - it is afraid of moisture. Any flood from neighbors will lead to irreparable consequences.

And what can I align the floor if there is a very high height difference in the room?

Paul alignment with lag

Plywood sheets are stuffed on the lags

There are simple methods to eliminate significant height differences. For example, you can lay lags on a concrete base. As a lag, there are ordinary wooden bars with a cross section of 40 × 60 or 40 × 80 mm.

The height differences in this case are compensated by the installation of wooden pads, which are attached to the base of the floor after pre-waterproofing. They should not be too thin and small, as they necessarily break under the weight of the floor. Then the floor will begin to sign, and the floorboards creak.

First, the first two lags are set, and then between them stretch the cord, which serves as a guide for the location of other elements. The step between lags should not exceed 50 cm. The distance between the jumpers depends on the material from which the draft flooring is made. If it is plywood, then the jumper should stand at the junction of two sheets and in the middle of each module.

Note! For roughing, it is better to choose a moisture-resistant phaneer with a thickness of 10-12 mm.

At this stage, the floor can be additionally insulated using mineral or basalt wool mats, as well as any bulk materials. From above, all lags are treated with bitumen mastic. If the insulation is laid, the wooden base is additionally covered with a vapor insulating membrane or a conventional polyethylene film, and then only stuffed, chipboard sheets or ordinary wooden lamellas. The mount is carried out using self-tapping screws or screws.

Such alignment is used for soft flooring - parquet, laminate, linoleum or for ceramic tiles.

Self-regulating plywood

If it is impossible to reduce the height of the room, use self-regulating faeer. Based on the help of Lag from plywood, a cellular frame is collected. The height differences are compensated for wooden lining, which screwed to the base or glued to it.

Previously on the floor laid out sheet material and chalk denote its location, and then on these lines and build a cellular frame. From above it is closed with moisture-resistant plywood plywood in 2 layers.

The second layer should lie on the joints of the first. Before laying the soft finish finishing material, the docking seams are slightly grinding, and then lacquered. If a laminate or parquet board is placed, it is advisable to cover the new floor with a shock-absorbing substrate.

Adhesive Method

The adhesive method is used when there is a concrete base with a height difference to 3 centimeters. Squares of plywood glue on it. But initially you need to check the humidity of the base. On the floor lay a piece of polyethylene and pressed it from all sides with wooden bars. If after 4 days the condensate was formed on the inner layer, it will have to be waterproofing.

After alignment, go to the floor facing

Next, plywood sheets are cut and folded on the floor in a checkerboard manner - how they will be glued to the floor. This operation allows you to fit the desired dimensions. Usually sheets are cut into small fragments, which are then collected in one large puzzle. The decomposed phaneer is numbered, and its ends after cutting inspecting for the identification of bundles.

The base is pre-ground and treated with a composition of glue, bitumen mastic and gasoline.

For gluing use undiluted glue mixtures, which can be found in a specialized store. They are applied to the phaneer with a two-millionth layer and roll over needle rollers. The first sheets are laid by the walls, leaving the temperature gap of 10-15 cm. The masters are recommended to additionally fix the phaneur to the base of anchor bolts.

Note! Such alignment is perfect for laminate, parquet or board.

Generalization on the topic

Now you know the most popular floor alignment technologies that can be performed independently. Choosing the most appropriate option, you as a result of a horizontal surface suitable for decorating with the latest finishing materials.

Ruslan Vasilyev

Alignment of the concrete floor without the help of hired specialists is not so complicated if approaching it "armed" certain knowledge. We will understand how you can perform this process yourself.

Why do you want to level the floors?

Outdoor concrete coating Nowadays can be seen in commercial premises, and industrial facilities, and in residential rooms. It has a lot of useful characteristics, but to use them is obtained only when concrete bases are qualitatively aligned. The most common defects of floors from concrete are the following flaws:

  • small "waves", called zyaby, which appear after the rule;
  • smooth repeated changes in the floor level - wave differences;
  • enhance (local) floor levels - influx.

With prolonged operation of poor-quality equipped concrete grounds, cracks, as well as cavity and lenses - lowering (local) floor levels are often formed. Sometimes on its surface, protruding slices of rubble filler appear, which indicate the destruction of the coating. All voiced defects lead to irregularities on the floor, which are able to cause human injury, the impossibility of a reliable installation of equipment used in everyday life and in the kitchen, furniture.

And from aesthetic point of view, uneven floor covering, you see, does not attach the premises of beauty. To avoid these inconvenience, the literate alignment of the floor is required with their own hands. Such a procedure conducted qualitatively, in addition, will make it possible to achieve a high level of noise, hydro and thermal insulation of the floor covering. The alignment of the concrete base is carried out by arranging a screed, which can be made with a wet or dry way.

In the first case, it is mandatory to use a special composition for alignment with the addition of water. With a dry method for applied dry mixtures. The choice of optimal technology for each specific case is based on the state of the initial flooring and the height differences available on the floor of the room. Usually, cement-sand formulations, "dry" compositions and self-leveling mixtures are used for screed. About them and talk further.

Cement-sand composition - classic alignment

The screed based on sand and cement is considered a classic and very effective way of giving floors of the desired "evenness." It is recommended for the premises where the platform level difference is five or more centimeters. The technology of the cement-sand tie is characterized by certain difficulties and the high complexity of the process.

But it can be performed independently in any residential room - in the bedroom, corridor, in the kitchen, and be confident in the strength and excellent reliability of the resulting coating. It is only important to remember that the thickness of the prepared mixture should be at least three centimeters. With a lesser thickness, the strength indicators of the screed will be unsatisfactory. Tell how to align the concrete floor with a mixture of sand, cement and water.

First you need to remove all dirt from it and accumulated dust, erase stains from oil solutions that were used when performing construction or repair work. Then the waterproofing material is stacked on the floor - it can be any. At this stage, it is important to smoke the joints of waterproofing well, and leave the allowances near the walls. Next, beacons are installed using the level. For their installation, the profiles of metal are used, fixed on the floor by plaster solidification solutions.

Between the guides of the executed "frame", the distance takes to one meter, not more. With a larger distance, it will be difficult to pour it on the mixture. The sand-cement mixture is prepared from cement M-300, conventional sand and water. Now, no one does this solution. Some more convenient to buy dry ready-made mixes and add water to them for the proportions that are recommended by the material manufacturer.

Stir the composition is very carefully. It is best to do a construction mixer. The finished solution should not be spread, but at the same time on an even base, it is obliged to break slightly. Note - the mixture is applied after stirring for 60-90 minutes (otherwise it simply hardens). Moreover, it is necessary to prepare it immediately to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Cement-sand tie - we work carefully

The prepared solution is beginning to fill the room between the beacons from the far corner. It is necessary to immediately jump the composition after applying each individual portion, using the rule. Move it to yourself, not from myself. The rule should also be "scattered" the mixture on the sides (some rolls it exclusively along the guides, which is incorrect) to achieve a good sealing of the screed layer and filling out existing voids.

Professionals also advise to calculate the applied metallic rod of a small diameter. Such a simple action will avoid the risk of the appearance of air emptiness in the screed. If the mixture of sand and cement makes a large thickness, it is desirable to strengthen the reinforcement of the reinforcement from the convenient (existing one) material. In addition, it is recommended to cut special seams in it (they are called shrinkage) every 250-300 cm. Long interruptions when laying cement-sand composition should be avoided.

If you are noting, "cold seams" will be guaranteed on the surface. They will significantly reduce the strength indicators of the finished layer. For this reason, the alignment of the floor should be performed not alone, but with an assistant. Putting the entire cement-sandy solution, it is left for 24 hours, and then with the help of a pulverizer or a roller for painting work is carefully wetted. After 48-60 hours it will be necessary to check how well it grabbed.

After that, the screed is again moisturized and placed on it a polyethylene film. It protects the floor from rapid drying, fraught with cracks. Over the next 7-8 days, once a day, it is necessary to clean the screed with water. And then the film is cleaned and leave the floor to dry in vivo for another 1-2 weeks. On the card performed in the kitchen or in another room, you can safely lay the floor covering that you chose. But first make sure that the screed is performed efficiently.

If everything was done correctly, the floor surface has a homogeneous gray color, and when climbing it from a tree, it makes the same sound in all parts of the room. We hope that we explained quite clearly how to align the concrete floor by applying a wet mix of sand and cement. This technique can be used in all accommodations of housing, including in the kitchen and even on the street (on open verandahs, terraces). We add that the finished surface is allowed to be additionally polished. This procedure does not make sense to produce if the coating was done on the street. But for residential rooms, it will not be superfluous.

Grinding is performed by a special unit (machine), which quickly and high qualityly aligns all minor irregularities.

Dry screed - how to align floors without water?

More "clean" alignment of the floor with their own hands is carried out with the help of mixtures consisting of granulate, quartz sand, crumples or polystyrene foam, and DVP, chipboard, dry-fiber moisture-resistant sheet materials or conventional plywood. Such a screed sounds additionally and insulates the room, so it is used in the kitchen or hall in the apartments of multi-storey houses. Alone to make this alignment is easy to even very far from the construction of a person.

Advantages of dry screed:

  • fast operation and the possibility of laying the selected floor coating immediately after the end of the leveling operations;
  • no need to use water to mix the solution;
  • it is allowed to install engineering communications inside the screed;
  • works can be done without helpers, performing them gradually on small areas of individual areas of the room.

In addition, the dry screed makes it possible not to take care of the need for additional arrangement of the systems of sound and thermal insulation of the floor.

The scheme how to align the concrete floor according to this technology is as follows:

  • the base is thoroughly cleaned;
  • the waterproofing material is stacked - a 50 micron film from polyethylene (before it is desirable to prejudice the surface);
  • scatter dry mixture on the film and evenly distribute it;
  • put the plywood, sheets of gypsum or chipboard, bonding them with each other with glue and self-drawing;
  • ground the resulting screed and remove excessive film (cutting off its protruding parts).

Works are performed fast enough. The problem you may have only so that the sheets are forbidden to move along the layer of the leveling dry material. So, it is required to put them on the scheduled place from the first time.

Bulk floors - an affordable and convenient method of alignment

If in your kitchen or in another room, the floor level difference is relatively small - up to three centimeters, it is recommended to align their special mixtures that themselves diverge on the surface. Similar compositions today are very popular. They are manufactured on the basis of cement, in which additive modifiers, increasing the fluidity of the solution.

Such self-leveling coatings cannot be operated "bare" - without flooring on them ceramic tiles, PVC materials, linoleum, corks or carpet. If you decide to use, for example, in the kitchen, be sure to make their finishing finish with the specified materials. Otherwise, they will actively absorb oils and various liquids.

How to align the floor with your own hands using a self-adjustable composition? It is completely easy. Adhere to this scheme:

  • read the foundation - remove dirt from it, vacuuming, close even the smallest holes and cracks;
  • clean the primer (special primer composition) surface;
  • prepare the manufacturer's instructions a small portion of the mixture (it becomes unsuitable for use after 15-20 minutes);
  • apply with 30-50-centimeters by width strips, self-leveling solution on the floor and distribute it with a spatula.

Now just wait until the mixture does not completely freeze (from 6 to 24 hours).

Laying of laminate and linoleum on old wooden floors has a number of features and nuances. First of all, the base under the finishing finishing material must be carefully aligned. If this operation is not executed, the owners of the apartment will subsequently have problems. In this article and let's talk about how to correctly align the floor before covering with a clean material.

The correction of the surface of the old wooden floor may include two main procedures:

  • Bringing the basis to horizontal position;
  • Elimination of bugs and pit.

Align the floor follows both in the other case.


If the height differences are too large, after or linoleum may occur such trouble as the unstability of the furniture and the jamming of the doors. Mounting the finishing coating on the base with the pita and the fights is also prohibited.Otherwise, the linoleum in the places of emptiness will be frozen, and the boards of laminate will begin to creak after a while.

To identify the irregularities of the base under linoleum or laminate by the following technology:

  1. The room is visually determined by the highest point;
  2. In this place, the level (laser) is set and exhibited;
  3. Where the beam appears after turning on the device, marks are made.

We can identify defects with the use of a regular level.

Remove the irregularities of the base

In this case, you will additionally need a long rule. It is stacked by the wall and install the level from above. If there is a differential make a mark. Next transfer the rule to another wall. Thus, the entire room is measured around the perimeter. The presence of pits and bugs can also be determined using an even rule or board.

So, how to determine the presence of irregularities, we figured out. Now let's see.

Align the wooden floor under laminate

The base correction technique is selected, first of all, depending on the degree of defects on it and the status of the boards.

If the wood did not fail, and the boards were not deformed, such methods such as shtlocking, cyclishing or plywood casing can be applied.

Otherwise, the floor is predetermined. Further, it is or trimmed by plywood, or poured. In the same way, it is equalized in the presence of large deviations of the base from the horizontal plane (more than 2-3 cm).

If the floor drops in the room are not observed, the boards are smooth, but there are minor chipsets and potholes, then there is a simple plaque to the correction.

Used simple shtlocking

The answer to the question of how to align the floor using the putty, is simple. This procedure is produced like this:

  1. The floor is carefully cleaned from dust and dirt;
  2. In places of defects with a spatula, putty is appropriate. It is desirable that its layer is slightly tumped over the floor surface. The fact is that most of the species of shp can after drying gives a small shrinkage.

A day after the shp clashes, all processed places should be pulled out by sandpaper.

Plywood and Cyclish

The choice of technology depends on the depth of irregularities. Plywood is usually applied where the position is not possible to correct the cycle.

Before holding a cycloxy from the room you need to endure all the furniture.


The floors themselves should be carefully examined for the presence of protruding nails caps. If such are discovered, they need to be dried in wood with a hammer, otherwise the cycle equipment can be damaged. The latter can be rented in a carket survival. Usually such equipment is handed over with daily payment.

So how to align the floor with cycling? This procedure is produced like this:

  1. The machine is installed at the far from the door of the angle and turns on;
  2. Floors quinc screws first along the room, and then across. You can also produce the operation "Snake".

Performing an alignment of the cycle machine, it is important to move smoothly, without stopping. Otherwise, the floor may form even more.

For the first time, a coarse sandpaper (№24-40) is put on the working unit of the unit (No. 24-40), with the second passage of the room - the material with the average grain (No. 60-80).

Under the radiators of heating and in the corners of the room, most likely, you will need manual cyclishing, since the machine in such places simply does not pass. It is aligned in hard-to-reach places using a special tool - manual cyclo.

Cyclic - an excellent answer to the question of how to align the wooden floor. However, if there are significant irregularities on it, it is better to take advantage of plywood correction technology, chipboard or OSB. Sheet materials are placed on lags (40x80 mm).

Plywood correction technology

The latter are installed using the level and are fixed on the boards anchor bolts.

The cutting sheet sheets are made in such a way that when laying their edges accounted for lags.

Phaneur is better cut into squares with a side of no more than 60 cm, otherwise its corners may begin to raise and tear linoleum or spoil the laminate.

Alignment of plywood sheets, chipboard or OSB are produced by fastening them with self-draws in 50 cm increments (at a distance of 3 cm from the edge). Between the sheets, it is necessary to leave small slits (4 mm). Make a technological gap follows and throughout the perimeter of the room (5 mm). If you put the material closely, in the subsequent, it will begin to deform due to an increase in area while increasing air humidity in the room and spoil linoleum or laminate.

If on the floor in the room there are fallen or highly deformed boards, it should be replaced before aligning. The edged remove will be easy. It is not necessary to remove them completely.

Deformed boards

You can simply cut damaged areas (from lags to lags). In the headboards are pre-made cuts and removed a small piece. Next, edge parts are removed by the electroll . The new board is manifested in size for the resulting loyalty.

Then she is cut off. After that, the board easily inserted into place. If desired, on the adjacent board, instead of the fold, you can fill the rail. Similarly, change the strongly deformed boards. After the floor is renovated, it can be bored, to strip plywood or pour a self-leveling mixture. In the latter case, the beacons from the ridges of the desired height are pre-installed on the board.

Of course, it is correct and well to align the floor only subject to the use of high-quality materials with suitable technical specifications.


For the shtlocking of the boardwalk usually use the means:

  1. Acrylic. Such plates are harmless to health and moisture resistant. The only thing to apply them is only on well-dried floors.
  2. Oil. This variety is distinguished by strength and long service life. Its disadvantage is only a long drying.
  3. Based on solvents. The composition of such a putty includes wood dust. Since it is not afraid of high temperatures, it is worth using it if the linoleum or laminate is supposed to be mounted "warm floor".

Phaneur and chipboard for alignment are chosen only high-quality. There should be no bundles in the thicker of these materials. The optimal thickness of the sheets themselves is considered to be 10 cm. As for the leveling mixture, when it should be carefully read by the instructions. It should clearly indicate that the composition is allowed to be applied on the tree.

So, now you know how to align the floor in an apartment for laminate boards or linoleum using different materials.

Align the floor under laminate boards or linoleum

Thus, the alignment is made in several stages:

  1. If necessary, fired and deformed boards are replaced;
  2. The floor is carefully cleaned from dirt and dust;
  3. If the boards are smooth, the base is putty;
  4. If there are large holes and bugs, cycloings are produced using special equipment;
  5. If there are deviations from horizontally or very large holes, alignment is performed by covering plywood, chipboard or OSB or self-leveling mixture;
  6. The floor is cleared again, after which the laminate or linoleum is placed on it.

As you can see, align the wooden old floors under linoleum and laminate quite simple. Difficulty in carrying out this operation is actually in identifying the presence of the drops themselves.

Identifying the presence of drops themselves

This procedure should be made as carefully as possible, and then the new floor finish will be neat and last for a long time.


In this video you will learn how to make an independently adjustable floor using plywood sheets.

In order to align the floor with his subsequent finish, we need to pretty prepare its foundation. Few of the owners boasts in their apartment in the presence of absolutely smooth floors. We have the floors not only with an uneven surface, but also with an uneven plane, and therefore it has become very negatively affects the future flooring, and also adversely affects the operation of the room. Well, let's let our article entirely dedicate to the initial stage of the repair of floors - alignment. Next, we consider for what you need to level the floor, with the help of which building mixtures you can align the floor, as well as consider ways to align the floor with your own hands.

What is needed to level the floor

Many newbies are wondering: why level the floor? The answer to this question consists of several factors. It is incorrectly to produce any floor finish on an uneven and unprepared surface.

First, if you are for example, you will define, then the irregularities of the floor will be immediately visible on its surface. When laying on the uneven surface of the laminate or parquet, it can creak in the area of \u200b\u200birregularities or simply begin to deform and crack, especially in the places of joints.

Secondly, the uneven floor has a negative impact on the furniture when it stands with a skeleton to the bottom of the side.

Thirdly, if you decide to do the floor, then it is necessary to do thoroughly, and not as they speak in the people: "Treip-Lyap".

It is possible to carry out the alignment of the floor independently and for this it is not necessary to hire builders brigade and produce extra wretches, because these works you can easily produce yourself, there is absolutely difficult in them.

Floor preparation for alignment

Of course, it is necessary to clean it before aligning the floor and make all the measurements and calculations necessary for further work. In view of the fact that the preparatory stage of the floor before alignment plays a very important role, we will focus in more detail on it.

Initially, we must remove the existing floor covering: linoleum, boards, floor tiles, plinth, etc. After you dismantled the old outdoor material, the floor must be cleaned well from garbage and dust.

Then with the help of two levels, long and small, proceed to measure the surface level and floor plane. What is the difference between the surface from the plane - you need to know with any leveling work. The surface of the floor is probably clear that this is the level of the floor itself, but the plane of the floor, remember the course of the geometry, this is the location of the slab itself, or rather it is evenness. In other words, it can be said that the surface of the floor is the surface of the floor plate, and the plane of the plate is how correctly (evenly or crooked) it is laid.

For a start, take a long level and determine the so-called general picture on it to know with what we have to work. Thus, with this level, we determine the plane of the plate, its flattering laying. Knowing the skills of our builders, and how interesting they built at home, then very often the slab of our floor can be laid crookedly, and therefore, we will need a lot of leveling mixture on that part of the slope. Next, with the help of long and small levels, we check the surface of the floor and the irregularities available on it. When we made all level measurements, make a decision regarding the method of alignment of the floor, which we will tell a little lower.

After you have made measurements, think over the laying question in the floor of any communications. Such communications can be pipes of autonomous heating, electrical wiring, television and network cable, etc., all wires are necessarily laid in the corrugation.

The final stage of preparing for the alignment of the floor will be the primer of its surface. Some for some reason neglected by this issue, Toli for the purpose of saving, should be due to the fact that they do not understand the importance of this process. First, the primer will provide a qualitative and reliable connection of the cement screed and floor. Secondly, the primer will prevent possible formation of cracks on the leveling screed, and also contributes to waterproofing. For the primer surface, carefully cleaned the surface of the floor, after which, with the help of a roller, we carefully process the floor by primer, I do not regret it. After 2-4 hours, depending on the room temperature, the primer must dry.

What are the types of floor alignment

To date, 3 types of floors are used:
  1. Alignment of bulk floors;

  2. Alignment with a solution-level solution, "By lighthouses";

  3. Alignment with wooden lag.

It is in such a sequence in which we listed ways to align the floors, they have the frequency of use. Let's consider the features and differences between these floors of floor alignment.

Bulk floor

The bulk floor is made using an appropriate mixture, which is prepared in special proportions with water, in order to ensure its uniform spread throughout the perimeter of the room. Thus, it is unnecessary to produce difficult work with a cement mixture, uniform distribution and alignment by the rule.

This method will help you solve the question of uneven sex, if there are minor irregularities on its surface or the plane of the plate goes away. Based on the depth of irregularities and the "care" of the plate, it is necessary to calculate the level of the floor of the floor, while consider that the bulk gender should be from 3 to 35 mm height. Accordingly, if you need a screed over 35mm to align the floor, then this option is not suitable for you. In the remaining cases, we recommend using this method of alignment of the floor, in mind its prostate and low cost.

Alignment "By Lighthouses"

A distinctive feature of this method of alignment of the floor from the previous one is that there is a completely different leveling procedure, first the so-called lighthouses are built at which there are both the floor alignment, that is, beacons are an oriented level, the height of the new floor.

With this method, you can align significant surface irregularities and floor planes. In addition, this method is suitable if you want to pave any communication in the floor, and if so, they must be hidden under a sufficient layer of screed, which can be solved by aligning with a solution-level solution.

Alignment with wooden lag

In contrast to the previous methods, this method does not use cement and other leveling mixtures. The alignment procedure lies in the fact that with a step of several centimeters from each other, wooden slats are mounted on special anchor, on the adjustable height. In this way, you can raise the floor level on the height you need, and under the floor to conduct overall communication structures, or to produce interpole insulation.

This type of floor alignment is suitable in cases where you have a cold floor, most often it happens in private homes or on the first floors of apartment buildings, thereby remain between the slab and the surface of the floor, which can be used to lay the insulation. This method is also a great solution if under the floor is planned to conduct ventilation, stock and other overall communications.

Floor alignment methods

After you have determined with the method of alignment of the floor, in advance of all preparatory actions, proceed to the alignment procedure. Every alignment procedure we consider in more detail.

Bulk alignment of the floor

As mentioned earlier, the bulk floor includes a fairly simple alignment procedure. The bulk floors are a self-leveling mixture, due to its rare consistency, it spreads over the entire floor area, thereby increasing the place in the place of depression and the recesses, is less than the mixture.

To make the bulk sex you need to purchase a special mixture, where it will be written: "for bulk sex." On the packaging of this mixture will surely be written in what proportions it is divorced. To breed the mixture you will need a capacity, it is desirable that it is a plastic bucket, since it will be more convenient to pour the alignment mixture. We emballon the required amount of dry mixture, pour the specified amount of water and mix the bulk substance in this container.

Next, when the bulk mixture is ready, we produce a gradual bay of the substance from the far corner, moving to the output. The mixture should be spread across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room. When the mixture was spread, we take a needle roller and delivered from possible air bubbles with it, which can be in a liquid mixture. Roll is very carefully, in different directions several times, it is necessary not only for eliminating air bubbles inside the mixture and for the uniform distribution of the bulk mixture. The height of the needles in the roller should be greater than the height of the layer of the bulk mixture. It is worth noting that if you use this method to align the floor in a large room, then the fill must be performed by breaking the room to the sector, but at the same time try to do everything quickly to connect all sectors together.

The advantage of bulk sex and that it dries quickly and after a few hours you can produce further repair work.

Now it concerns the calculations. If the area of \u200b\u200byour room is 8 square meters, then for a bulk sex you need at least 6 bags of leveling mixture.

Floor alignment using the level

Now let's look at the second way of alignment of the floor - by lighthouses. When the floor surface is prepared: peeled and processed by primer, take special rails that we will perform the role of lighthouses. Why "lighthouses" and what rakes? Let's start in order.

Since for this method of alignment, we will use a thick leveling mixture, then it will not be spread by itself, and therefore it will be necessary for us to smooth it yourself. If you logically think about, how can I align the room in this case? For this, the so-called lighthouses are stacked along the room, in terms of which we will ravize the floor. As beacons, both perforated metal corners and any similar smooth metallic material can be used, but of course, preference is best given to perforated corners.

So, for laying beacons, several centimeters depart from the parallel wall, with a step in the meter and we produce their laying across the room. Lighthouses themselves are fixed to the floor with the help of a building mixture: alabastra, or cement. Slap movements, with a spatula, in a row we apply a small amount of the mixture, the layer of which depends on the new floor level. Then we put the lighthouse on top and align it in terms of level. Making sure in its smooth laying, fill out between the floor and the emptiness beacon, this mixture. After that, we do such a procedure with other beacons. When lighthouses are reliably fixed to work.

From a long corner, in the opposite between the first and second beacon, we throw a special cement solution so that it is slightly higher than the level of beacons and with the help of the rule by movements to the parties, towards myself, and then far away, relying on the rules on the lighthouses. Use for an equalization area no longer than meter. Then, in the same way, we produce alignment of the rest of the floor.

To dry such a floor will be at least 3 days. As for the amount of the mixture used, it is very difficult to call it, as it will be drilled from the room area and the increasing height of the floor.

Floor alignment using wooden lag

Well, the last version of the floor alignment - with the help of rails. In order to independently align the floor with wooden lags, you will need special anchor bolts. Such a bolt consists of the very anchor, which is inserted into the concrete floor and is delayed with a nut, and a long threaded base that the locking nut is screwed down and the washer is put on, then insert the wooden lags through a predetermined hole, we put the washer on top of the lag on the anchor and fix the nut on top.

Thus, we mount the lags on the anchor, which are set in increments of 50-60cm from each other and then with the help of the level adjust their evenness. There should be a distance of about 20-30 cm between the lags themselves. In the upper part of the lag, it is necessary to make special grooves, so that the nut did not perform the surface of the lag.

If necessary, under lags, it is possible to lay thermal insulation material, such as glass gamble. Such a floor will be perfectly insulated and has good sound insulation. On top of the lag itself, the surface of the new floor is produced from plywood, or from sheets of chipboard.

Frequent issues that are asked for beginners when alignment of sex:

How to align concrete floor

If the concrete floor is smooth and you need to produce high-quality alignment of the concrete surface of the floor, the bulk floor is the best option to solve this problem.

How to align the floor under linoleum and parquet

Materials produced from these materials requires a perfectly smooth surface, so it is recommended to use the alignment of bulk floors again. If the floor is strongly uneven, then its alignment can be made using a solution solution. In the event that for any reason, the surface will not be smooth enough, to gain a high-quality level surface, you can make a second floor layer, bulk.

How to align the floor in the bathroom

If you break your head over the question: how to align the floor under the tile in the bathroom, then for this can be 2 ways. The first method: to preliminarily align the surface of the floor and already directly on this surface to lay the tile laying. The second method: alignment of the floor directly when laying the tile, that is, when on the floor or tile (depending on the laying technology), you apply a large layer of the adhesive mixture and align the floor level along the laid tile.

Floor instructions on floor alignment: