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When hauy flowers in the home. Hoya, or wax ivy at home. Why not bloom hauy

Hoya is an evergreen tropical liana, belonging to the family of Lastovniki. In the wild, it is found in the southern and eastern regions of Asia, as well as in Australia and on Islands of Polynesia. More than 200 species of this plant are well studied.

Hoya is well evolving under normal room conditions with good illumination and average temperature indications. For a long time pleases the beauty of flowering and sweet fragrance. Beneficially affects the homely atmosphere, cleaning the air from harmful impurities.

Hoya species and varieties Photos

- Evergreen liana, in nature reaching up to 10 m. Covered with long green leaves with silver stains. He has inflorescences in the form of a hemisphere consisting of 20 pink-cream flowers similar to double five-pointed stars. Exudes a strong honey smell. It needs light, loose soil and timely irrigation.

- This plant has long stems and leaflets similar to green hearts. Hemxifaceted inflorescences of 15 star flowers. Coloring can be white, yellow, pink, and in the center there is a red whisk. Growing this species, you need to provide him with a bright place and a temperature in the room + 25 ° C.

- Evergreen Thin Liana, from which many shoots are growing. Lichests of rhombid elongated shape. Inflorescences consist of seven star florals combined into an umbrella. This plant does not like big pots. It is often planted in small pendant porridges. It needs light and watering three times a week. The water temperature should be several degrees above room.

- consists of curly stems of a thickness of one and a half millimeter. Faced with fleshy leaflets with silver splashes. It has umbrella inflorescences of 15 terry flowers of white color. Exudes a sharp smell resembling the aroma of tulips. The plant can withstand a decrease in temperature to +10 ° C. Watering need warm water after grazing the upper ground.

- Flewing liana with fleshy leaves, on which silver splashes appear. It has umbrella inflorescences of 20 terry flowers with five faces. The smell from the colors is pleasant and sweet. The plant is grown in suspended porridge with loose soil. He loves a lot of light, so it is recommended to put it next to the window.

Branched view with thick vegetation. The foliage is green, elongated, blushes on the sunlight. Flowers with umbrella inflorescences of golden color. Flowers are small in the form of five-pointed asterisks - in one umbrella they can grow from 30 to 50 pieces. Exude a weak smell of perfume. Loves frequent watering and wet air.

- It consists of branched lian, who turn thick foliage. All leaves have a curve, twisted shape and a color coloring with glossy glitter. White-pink flowers combined in inflorescences in the form of a hemisphere. It grows in any soils and does not need regular irrigation. It blooms well in close pots.

- This variety has brawls of a dark purple shade with thick vegetation. The leaflets in the center can be painted in yellow or reddish, and along the edges in green. The inflorescences after the dissolution of the buds resemble the hemisphere. Lilac flowers with dark wedge. Inflorescences are blooming and pleasing to beauty throughout the year.

Plants for growing in suspended pots. It consists of a plurality of thin weaves on which nodes from long and narrow leaves grow. It allows inflorescences of two or three white flowers, but more often buds are solitary. Express a very weak and almost imperceptible smell. He loves soil to be always moisturized, but not raw.

Plant with long, pointed leaves, which are littered with silver splashes. These specks blush under the right rays of the sun. It has inflorescences consisting of 20 flower. They are red and white or pink. Expand the weak but sweet smell.

- It consists of thin lian, on which the motley leaves of the rounded form grow. Leaves inflorescences of 20-30 flowers of light-pink color. The central part of the flowers decorate the dark purple whites, from which nectar is distinguished. Exudes sweet honey smell.

- Plant with large leaves and tough, straight stem. Greens up quickly and blooms regularly. It has inflorescences of 15 white and yellow flowers of an unusual form. They resemble the tips of arrows or small rockets. It grows well in large pots with a drainage layer. Prefers to be in the floor shaded place.

- Plant with long and fleshy leaves, the surface of which is painted with silver spots. Powered by umbrella inflorescences consisting of 30 flowers. There are varieties with gray-black and pink buton. The plant develops well at a temperature not higher than +25 ° C. It is necessary to water after drying the soil.

- Designed for suspended pots. It consists of long hanging lian, which are covered with narrow leaves. Loss of inflorescences of 12 dentitions of a gentle white shade. It develops well in universal soil with added peat. The plant is moisture, so you need to water often.

Plant with compact shape and long leaves. Lines inflorescences of 25 fluffy colors. The color of buds is red with a dark wedge, from which nectar drips. Quickly develops on illuminated places with abundant irrigation. Loves loose soils with drainage.

A variety with flexible and branchy lianams that are covered with thick foliage. These leaves have a pleasant eye color. In the central part they are green, but in the edges of yellow-cream. The stems are growing inflorescences consisting of 25 light-pink flowerflowers. The plant loves loose soil, moderate watering and good lighting.

- It has thin and curly stalks with long and fleshy leaves. Powares inflorescences in the form of an umbrella, which consist of 10-30 flowers. The color of the petals varies from white-cream to light pink. Ten days bloom, then new buds appear in their place. It develops well at air temperature +25 ° C. Loves regular watering, but without overwhelming.

- Plant with thin liaans and large decorative leaves. Each sheet has a unique picture. Glossy surface of print or dying yellow-green spots. The inflorescences of umbrellas, consisting of 10-25 flowers of a white-purple shade. Prefers to grow at +18 ° C, but well adapts to a higher temperature.

Plant with powerful liaans and fleshy leaves that have a decorative color. Their surface is yellow-green, and the edges are dark green and the opposite. Under the straight rays of the sun acquire a purple shade. The inflorescences after the dissolution of the buds acquire the shape of the hemisphere, consist of 25-35 flowers of white.

- consists of thin hanging lien and long leaves with a motley surface. Fucking the straight rays of the sun, leaves pose. Flowers bloom the terry with a pink tint and yellow-purple wedge. They are combined into umbrella inflorescences of 15-20 buds. Loves to be in bright light in the morning. Watering need 2-3 times a week.

- Plant with durable stems on which large and fleshy leaves grow. They are oval, on the surface there are patterns that resemble a drawing of a tight shell. Powered by umbrella inflorescences consisting of 20 white shade flower. It needs light in the morning and frequent watering. The temperature of the content may vary from +18 ° C to +35 ° C.

- consists of thin fusing lien with fleshy leaves. The leaves have ribbed edges and the bumps on the surface at the same time the color is made. The plant will be inflored in the form of an umbrella, which consist of 6-15 flowers of white. Loves frequent watering and moderate illumination without direct sunlight.

Hoya Care at home

The flower is easily grown at home. To do this, it is necessary to provide a plant with a small suspended pot and standard care. Hoya as any other home plant needs good lighting, timely watering and proper temperature mode.

Hoya is a light-loving plant, so it needs to be put in a bright place. It can be a well-lit room or a windowsill on the eastern or western side. It is worthwhile to avoid direct sunlight, because of which foliage can yellow and fall.

Due to its tropical origin, the flower loves heat. In winter and summer time, an ideal condition for the development of the plant is the temperature from +15 ° C to + 25 ° C. But the flower can easily adapt to lower or high heat testimony.

Staplia is also a representative of the Lastune family. It is grown when leaving at home without much trouble, if all the rules of the agrotechnology are observed. All necessary recommendations for the cultivation and care of this wonderful plant can be found in this article.

Watering Hoya

Watering needs to pay special attention. Try to moisturize the soil in a timely manner, not allowing the convergence or dryness.

If moisture accumulated on the pan of the pallet, remove it. In summer, watering is recommended twice a week, and in winter one. For watering, use warm and resistant water.

Ground for Hoya

Hoya is able to develop in any soil, but in fertile soil this process will be faster. Standard soil mixes for indoor plants or for palm trees are sold in stores.

If you wish to prepare the ground yourself, use leafy ground, turf, humus and sand. Mix well these components in proportion 3: 2: 2: 1. You can also add to the soil of the bark of trees, which will ensure good breathability.

Hoya Condition at home

The flower needs to be resettled every 3 years. Such a procedure is held in April. To transplant a plant from one pot to another, use the transshipment method. After that, you only need to shove the soil.

If you plan to completely replace the soil, clean the root system from the old earth. Drinking or releasing the roots remove. Then place the flower into a new pot, carefully falling asleep with the soil.

Pot for Hoya

Most often for landing or transplant chosen suspension pots. They can be plastic, ceramic or wicker.

If you want your plant to go well, choose a spacious pot. For abundant flowering, use small volume pots.

Fertilizers for Hoya

To hauy quickly developed and abundantly bloomed, it must be regularly feeding. Do it every month, starting in the spring and ending in autumn. In winter, feeding do not bring.

As a feeding, use the fertilizer of the prolonged action of osmocot - once a month. Also spray the plant with liquid humus, in which there is a large content of trace elements - twice a month.

Pruning Hoya

Hoy you can not cut or peel, especially the flowerons - the stems on which inflorescences appear.

Even after the completion of the flowering period, they do not need to be removed, because old blooms can still give new inflorescences. Ordinary shoots also do not climb, and put support for them so that they are flew along them.

Hoya blossom

The plant letters flowers two years after rooting or earlier. Blossom starts in June, and ends in July, then repeated in autumn. Flowers are like a five-pointed, fluffy stars with a wedge. They are combined into inflorescences resembling an umbrella or a hemisphere.

Buds are different shades: white, red, gray, pink, yellow, as well as mixed. They allocate nectar that has a honey smell. If there are several species in the room, then it is filled with pleasant fragrance.

Hoya winter

In winter, Hoye needs to provide a lower temperature indoor than in summer. The recommended temperature of the content is no more than +15 ° C.

If the plant in the winter will be warm, then there will be little inflorescences in the summer.

The breeding of Hoya Seeds

Sowing material should be no older than one year. Acquired seeds drown and land in loose soil. So that the soil absorbed moisture well, mixes the pieces of artificial fabrics - felt or burlap. Seedlings will go seven days.

During this period, it is impossible to allow the mooring or drying of the soil. Saplings should be contained in a warm room with good illumination. Three months later, when sprouts are fixed, they can be transplanted into the pot.

Hoya reproduction cuttings

Calculate short cuttings on which 2-3 leaves and several nodes should be. Place them in the jar, wrapped with foil from light. Fill with water with a temperature of +22 ° C to +25 ° C.

Place the cuttings in the shaded and warm place. To create greenhouse cutting conditions, you can cover the foil. In such a state, they will preserve two weeks and will be allowed to root from the nodes. Then transfer them to the pot with a soil.

Hoya reproduction sheet

This is the longest and complex way to grow flower. Not all leaves, putting the roots, become a full-fledged plant. For this method, you will need a root growth stimulator, chemical hormones and lightweight, loose soil.

Watch the shell of a sheet with a stimulant and put in a potted potted soil at an angle of 45 °. In a month, the roots will start germinate. During this period, the leaf should be given a hormone for the development of shoots - heteroacexin. Make a few drops to the base of the stalk and a week later the escape will appear.

Hoye diseases

Hoya does not bloom - The reason for this frequent phenomenon may be lack of light, high air temperature in the room during wintering, large size pots, frequent watering, especially in winter.

To bloody the plant, put it to the window or make artificial lighting. In winter, transfer the flower into the cool room, where the temperature is not higher than +15 ° C. Peread Hoyy to a small pot, the diameter of which is not more than 20 cm. After irrigation, let the soil completely dry.

Yellow leaves - This affects a flaw or excess light. Some varieties badly affect the hit of direct sunlight, which burn foliage. Also on the yellowing of the leaves affect the dampness of the soil.

It turns out to solve the problem, rearning the flower in the floor shaded place. If your grade loves a lot of light, put it in a bright room. In the summer, water the plant no more than two times a week, and in winter once.

- If for a long time there are no new leaves or shoots on your flower, check and eliminate the following reasons: the room is too dark, there is not enough dressing with nitrogen content, very close pot, cropped flowers.

You need to feed the flower twice a month fertilizers for indoor plants. For varieties with fleshy leaves, it is necessary to reduce the dose of half. Also transfer Hoyy to a more spacious pot and hang it in a bright place near the Eastern or Western window.

Soft leaves

Excess moisture and fertilizer. Both of these factors adversely affect the root system. Many fertilizers burn the roots, and the damp shall root the roots and they get down. Without roots, the plant ceases to get moisture and nutrients. As a result, the leaves are dehydrated, becoming like a rag.

To solve this problem, reduce the dose of feeding half or temporarily stop fertilize. Also watch the humidity of the soil - it should always be satisfied after another watering.

Spots on the leaves - Infectious disease caused by fungus or viruses. Fungal spots are easy to distinguish from viral. To do this, rub the sheet. If the stain is erased, it means that it was a fungal flare. If it sees on the eye that the stain was inserted into the sheet, it means that these viral necrosis, due to which cellular tissue sheets die.

These stains are the result of the life of microorganisms that feed on the cell juice. Therefore, it is possible to kill them if you apply antibiotics or fungicidal preparations.

Hoya pests

Shield - Small insects that feed on the juice of the plant. They are embarrassed to foliage or stem, resemble brown or red cocoons. As a result of the actions of pests, the leaves are yellow and fall, and the stalks are developing incorrectly. Insecticides will help to cope with the shields.

Therapeutic properties of Hoya

This flower is not only decorated, but also treats. Soothes the nervous system, raises the mood, eliminates headaches, helps with skin diseases and heals purulent wounds. For the treatment of all these diseases apply leaves.

Headaches are treated, admiring the leaf to the temple. Skin problems solve the grinding of the leaves to the taper, which is applied to the damaged area and wind by the bandage.

Side effects: The smell by flowers can provoke a strong headache. Therefore, people with chronic migraines are better to avoid this plant. Also, the leaves cause dermatitis in allergies.

Cooking recipes

Treatment of purulent wounds: Grind three sheets of plants and oatmeal two glasses. Then add water and mix to the state of the casis. Lubricate the wounds obtained by the ointment for ten minutes, then wash off. Repeat the procedure three times a day for two weeks.

Treatment of furunculov - Grind the leaf of the plant and attach to the inflamed site. Then wrap the bandage. Change the dressing twice a day. After improving the state, you can reduce the amount of dressings.

We consider in detail why Hoya does not bloom (wax ivy) at home. We disassemble the reasons for the lack of flowering and tell what to do to Hoya bloomed. Separately, we describe how to make the bloom of the hauy wax ivy with the help of express methods.

In order to give recommendations and answer why Hoya does not bloom at home, we will begin to get acquainted with a flower closer. So, Hoya or Hoy, (Hoya), wax ivy - belongs to the Liboneney family (Asclepiadaceae), the genus Hoya has about 200 species. Hoya is an evergreen Liana, who received his name in honor of the English gardener by name - Thomas Hoy. In nature, Hoya grows in the forests and on the rocky slopes of India, in the south of China, Australia, the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Among the diversity of species most often there are hanging and curly mills of plants. At home, it is most often possible to observe the look - hauy meat (Hoya Carnosa) or wax ivy, an ampel plant with long shoots (5-6 meters). Thanks to the glossy surface of the sheet plate, the hauy meat is often called - wax ivy. Hoya flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences, in inflorescences usually 20-24 fragrant flower of white, pink or yellowish color. Flowers hauy in spring and summer. Hoya (wax ivy) - lighting and blossom Many flowerflowers with different experiences regularly face a lack of blossom and wish to know what to do that the funny fleshy bloomed in their home. In order for hauy the fleshy blooming, you need to comply with certain rules of the light regime. Wax Ivy in a comfortable environment blooms after rooting after 2-3 years, but it happens before. The more the light receives Hoya during the day, the higher the chances of seeing it blooming. If the plant does not receive a sufficient amount of light, then the hoya carnosis may not be bloated at all. Wax Ivy loves a lot of light in the morning and evening, and in a noonal summer heat must be protected from direct sunlight.

Hoy meat is better to post on the southern, southeast, southwestern or western side. Important moment when placing a flower - distance pot from the window. We must not forget that when placing a plant at a distance, one meter from the window - the illumination is half of the maximum level. Three meters are less than 10% of illumination. On the windowsill near the window, the flower gets 80% illumination. If your Hoya Carnosa is regular and well blooms, it is not recommended to change the location of the flower. And if on the contrary, then you need to find a more illuminated place for Hoya. In the autumn-winter period it is desirable to apply daylight lamps to compensate for the lack of natural lighting. In wax ivy, there is no rest period, therefore, an increase in the light day with the help of lamps will help Hoye normally develop and bloom.

Why does not bloom hauy at home - control survey! Let's try to find out why it does not bloom at home for you. On flowering / non-bloom of Hoya affects several factors and before starting any actions to analyze them. To do this, you need to have knowledge of the conditions in which your hauy carnosis lives, the most important factors: the size of the pot. The amount of the resulting light. Type of watering. Winter conditions. The composition of the soil. Podrel. Support. Age of plants. 1. The size of the pot is an important factor of experienced flower products noticed that Hoya blooms well in the pots of small size. It is important that the root system of Hoya Meaty is completely filled with a pot of the pot, and she was even a little close. Therefore, to the transplantation of wax ivy, it is necessary to approach carefully, it can only be bloated in a couple of years. It is better that the hoya carnosis grew in the same pot for a long time (5-7 years). For an adult plant, a pot of diameter is well suited for a diameter of no more than 15, sometimes 20 cm. Wax Ivy can stop blooming, and after the permutation for 1-2 years so it is better to keep the place on the "blooming" place. Tight pot - an indispensable condition for the bloom of Hoya! 2. The amount of the resulting light is an important factor in the experience of flower water shows that it is best for Hoya Carnosis Southern (in the summer afternoon shadow it is necessary) or a southeast window. Although Hoya has many blooms in Western and eastern windows, there are cases of flowering and semi-mounted corridors and rooms. If you have a wax ivy not bloom, try to rearrange the flower into a more lit place. A large amount of light is well tolerating hauy meat (Hoya Carnosa), but it can burn the leaves so that the curtain or tulle in the summer is needed. It is undesirable to place the hauy outdoors. Therefore, for Hoya carnosis, the more light, the better. 3. Watering type - an important factor of watering should be rare, until the substrate is completely drying. In the fall and winter watered very little, and in the summer more often together with regular spraying. The effective method is good in winter to dry an earthen room at wax ivy, and after drying the hauy, the fleshy will begin in the spring abundantly blossom. 4. Winter conditions Many flower products are recommended for Hoya cold wintering with a minimum of irrigation and without feeding. But experience often shows that without special conditions of wintering, Hoya can bloom every year. Nevertheless, there are cases when hauy carnos is not blooming for a very long time, and after wintering at + 10-14 degrees, he bloomed on the east side. five. Soil and feeding is desirable that the soy of Hoya is a loose and breathable. As a rule, in equal parts universal substrate, peat and sand. Sometimes you can feed, the main thing is not often, but rarely. Some floweries advise to make a cowboy for abundant flowering. And so well fits feeding for cacti and succulents. 6. Support Hoya fleshy - ampel plant, loves to grow as it is comfortable. Does not like when she is tied to the support, especially when they lower the shoots down. First you need so that wax ivy has already possessed long shoots and then you can gradually tie it to the support. It is important to form a plant correctly: do not recommend removing the swordless flowers. 7. The age of Hoya is believed that the hauy carnosis begins to bloom from 2-3 years of age, but there are cases and earlier flowering. Secondary or insignificant factors whose influence is selectively for wax ivy: the length of escape, the cuttings are taken from a blooming / non-blooming plant, the use of phosphoric fertilizers, spraying. How to make the bloom of hauy wax ivy - express methods! We continue to understand why hauy wax flakes do not bloom and present express methods for exposure to the plant. 1. More Light! The famous cases where Hoya was not blooming for many years and immediately began to bloom only after putting it to the window. Care has not changed, only the pot put closer to the window and that's it. So try to add a wax Ivy of Light. Similarly, the carrying of wax ivy with Western, south side acted. 2. Winter drying! Many helps the method when the hauy carnosis in the winter is well dried so that it is a little lost the tour (pressure on the cell walls), but not before turning the leaves in the rag. After winter drying, in the spring of wax ivy throws the flowerons and begins to bloom abundantly. 3. Warm sauna. If no methods do not help you, you can try this method. In the spring or autumn, the above-ground part of the wax ivy is immersed in water + 35-40 degrees for 30 minutes, and an earth's com - for 90 minutes. After warm bath, Hoya Carnosa is activated by the processes of life: growth, development, flowering. If it could not from the first time, then the procedure is repeated in six months, in the fall or spring. Many flower products note that it helped them to get a hauy blooming. 4. Caution At first glance, someone will think that it is not serious, but, nevertheless, in their practice faced with such a case. Do not remove a bare branch without leaves, which the Hoya Carnose releases - this is the future bloomer. Even if your young plant has no leaves, and such a naked branch appears, then this is normal. First, the flowers appear, and then after flowering wax ivy is becoming shoots and leaves. By the way, there is an opinion that among all types of Hoy, it is the hauy meaty carnos - the most capricious and unpredictable appearance. But we believe that you will succeed, and you will no longer wonder - why doesn't hauy bloom at home, what to do and how to get blossom? We wish you abundant flowering and pleasant flavors in the house! What helped blooming your Hoye?

Liana plants are organically look at any interior due to their plasticity and multifunctionality. They can be planted in ordinary pots, suspended porridge, form "green walls", interesting figures. Hoya has a "extra bonus" - very elegant flowers-stars of bright shades, effectively contrasting with dark leaves. Caring for the plant at home can be at home for even those who do not have special experience in this area.

Hoya: appearance and other characteristic features

Hoya (Hoya), also known under the nickname "wax ivy" - the genus of evergreen Lian, which is part of the Cutric family (Apocynaceae). Most of the almost three hundred of his representatives can be found in Southeast Asia, India, China, on the islands separating the Indian and Pacific Ocean. Some Hoya look like compact bushes, but this configuration is relatively rare.

The first Hoyu in 1770 was discovered by Solender and Banks scientists, traveling as part of James Cook. The name of the plant gave the Scottish physicist Robert Brown, the creator of the theory of Brownian movement. Thus, he perpetuated his friend's memory, Thomas Hoi, who has successfully grown tropical plants in the Orangers and the Winter Gardens of the Duke of Northumberland.

Hoya in nature - epipheits using trees trunks as a support

Hoya flowers are very unusually looking in dense shield or spherical inflorescences. They have the form of the right five-pointed stars with a diameter of 1-2 cm, inside of which there is a "crown" - the stall is smaller than the contrasting shade. The surface of the petals is darling, they seem carved from velvet. The color scheme is very wide - from cream to dark purple, which has been published seems black, including various tones of yellow, pink, red, peach and silver-green.

Hoya flower in the form of the right five-pointed star may seem artificial

At the same time, more than twenty inflorescences can be formed on adult liane. They spread a saturated pleasant aroma, especially intensifying at night. "Sweet" smell causes associations with marshmallows and caramel. It is not all like everyone else, sometimes even causing a persistent migraine. Small droplets of a thick translucent substance on the petals are nectar, and not some exotic disease. Each flower holds 15-20 days.

Inflorescences in the form of almost the right ball immediately attract attention

Many flowers fear to start Hoyu's houses, knowing about associated with oscillation and superstitions. Allegedly the plant "survives" from the house of the expensive mistress of men. Even if to believe that Hoy to Ivy, which is part of the Aralia family, does not have a completely no relation.

Fengshui's doctrine, on the contrary, very appreciates Hoyu, considering it a plant that creates a cozy and comfortable setting in the house, stands for a quarrel and helps spouses to forgive each other's offense. It is recommended to be placed in the bedroom. Recently, "Green Hearts" - Hoya, wrapped around the support of the corresponding form, became popular as a gift for Valentine's Day.

The flowering period is stretched from May to October, but at the rest of the time Hoya also looks pretty. Young shoots have a chocolate-violet tint, as they grow up, they become brown and gray and decorate. The leaves are fleshy, rigid to the touch, in the form of an ellipse with a pointed tip, are opposed. Young have a characteristic glossy shine, adults - matte. Leaf length - 6-8 cm, width - 3-5 cm. It is behind their texture a plant and received the nickname "wax ivy".

Hoya leaves are also very decorative, but still it is not the main advantage of the plant

Video: Hoya description

Views, popular lovers

Until recently, from the whole manifold at home, only hauy meaty and beautiful was grown. Now "alignment" is much more species and very interesting breeding hybrids appeared. Most often in apartments you can find the following plants:

  • Hoya fleshy (carnosa). Liana is 5-6 m long, in need of a support for normal development. The leaves are small, up to 5 cm. Silver-gray strokes and stains on the dark-green surface are laid back. Flowers are pinkish-white, very fragrant. The plant is distinguished by unpretentiousness, freeing the drought without any problems, the absence of natural lighting and cool wintering. It became the basis for a plurality of breeding hybrids - Crimson Queen (thin beige or pinkish curls on dark green leaves), Tricolor Exotica (brightly scarlet flowers, leaves covered with cream and pink divorces).
  • Hoya miniature (Compacta). Small, as if slightly crumpled or curled leaves with a low-seated lighter shade pattern. Hoya Natural Hybrid. In turn, became a "parent" of the varieties of Regalis (white border on the leaves of luminous color, on the bright sun changing the shade on the reddish), Mauna Loa (Dark green leaves with a yellowish spot in the center).
  • Hoya is beautiful (Bella), she is also lanceal. Intensely branched shrub with thin nickname shoots. Ideal for growing an ampel method. Lancel leaves, small (4-5 cm long). In inflorescences of 7-9 snow-white flowers with a bright purple crown. The plant is heat-loving (even in winter the temperature should not fall below 16-18ºС), heavily suffers from overflow. Optimal conditions bloom all year round.
  • Hoya multi-flower (Multiflora). Liana in need of a support. The leaves with pronounced streaks, about 10 cm long, 3-4 cm wide. Light green spots on them are normal. Pale-yellow flowers, spread a pleasant citrus fragrance, "rays" of the inner stars are very deployed out. In each inflorescence of 30-40 buds. Hybrids - Speckles (leaves with light green spots and flowers of ivory), Falling Star (about 15 cm long leaves and the petals of a very interesting form similar to the tail of the comet).
  • Hoya regular, she is majestic (imperialis). Liana with chosen shoots, leaves and petals. The length of the sheet - 15-20 cm, the diameter of a dark-scarlet flower - 8-10 cm. "Natural" hybrid - Hoya Rausha with bright pink-red petals (artists are known as Charlach). Selection varieties - Alba (greenish-white flowers), Palwan (yellowish-red), Borneo Red (brightly purple).
  • Hoya concave or daisy (lacunosa). Well suitable for growing with an ampel method. The shoots of brick color, leaves with a length of 5-7 cm dark green, in the form of rhombus. The edges are slightly bend inside. Inflorescence umbrellas. The petals of cream, crown yellowish.
  • Hoya Kerry (Kerrii). Liana with very long weaves. They are recommended to go up or wrap around the support so that they do not turn the pot. The length of the sheet varies from 5 cm to 15 cm. Flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences of 15-25 pieces. The shade of petals depends on the quality of lighting. They can be piszzled, pastel-yellow, lemon. An adult plant highlights more nectar, which paints them in crimson, scarf, chocolate. Hoya Kerry Variegata differs from the parent with a cream color leaves.
  • Hoya pale (acuta). Liana with light green leaves with a length of 8-10 cm and 4 cm wide. Pedhno-yellow petals, the crown of Alaya. The aroma is very pleasant, unobtrusive, lemon mint. Flowers are small (1 cm in diameter), are collected in umbrella inflorescences of 40-50 pieces.
  • Hoya Shepherdii. The leaves are large (12 cm in length and 2-3 cm in width), thin, but rigid and shiny. The central percentage is strongly developed, so they are concave, similar to the boat. In each inflorescence of 12-15 flowers with a diameter of about 1.5 cm. Snow-white petals with pinkish tips, an ivory crown.
  • Hoya fraternal (Fraterna). Pretty caprinis, rarely blooms at home. Leaves up to 15 cm long, almost round. Petals red-pink, crown bright yellow.
  • Hoya Long-Rate (Longifolia). Harfish-epipheit. Soothes are thin, the leaves are large (up to 18 cm long and 1 cm in width), similar to belts. Flowers small, creamy color, navy crown. The fragrance is poorly expressed. The most frost-resistant of the genus.
  • Hoya Englera (Engleriana). It is characterized by very small leaves (1.5 cm long and 0.5 cm in width). Flowers with a diameter of 2 cm, pubescent, collected in inflorescences of 4-5 pieces. Petals White, Crown Polyvo-Red.
  • Hoya South (Australis), sometimes not quite referred to as Australian. Liana, whose shoots with age are decorated. The average length is about 6 m. The leaves are small, 6-8 cm. Buds are collected in inflorescences of 20-25 pieces. Glossy petals, snow-white with raspberry base, gradually rejuvenate back.
  • Hoya Linear (Linearis). Long liana with thin escapes and sulfur-gray leaves. Packers are very short. Petals are yellowish-cream, durable. Flowering falls at the beginning and middle of autumn. Buds spread the fragrance of vanilla. Unlike "relatives", he loves abundant irrigation.
  • Hoya fluffy (Pubicalyx). Stems are long, curly. Leaves are covered with silver stains and strokes. Flowers with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm, hold around two weeks. Petal coloring varies from pinkish-white to dark purple. There are many breeding hybrids - Red Button, Silver Pink, Chimera, Leenie, Philippines Black and others.

Natural Hoya: varieties in the photo

Hoya fluffy - the foundation of many very spectacular selection hybrids of Hoya linear very moisture-loving flowers on Hoye South South stays about two weeks, during this time the petals are gradually rejected back at Hoya Englera very small leaves of Hoya long-dollar can transfer short-term effects of small negative temperatures - Practically exclusive spectacle Petals at Hoya Shepherd densedly Hoya pale spreads a very pleasant unobtrusive fragrance of the hue of Hoya Kerry's petals varied depending on the lighting Hoya concave stands out against the background of "relatives" interesting form of the leaf of petals at Hoya Rausha is much paler than that of the "parent" Hoya regularity is obliged by the name of unusually large flowers with the petals of the Royal Purpur Hoya, Hoya is distinguished by the unusual form of "stars" Hoya beautiful Hoya miniature ampel fluid way - very interesting spontaneous mutation hauy meaty - one of the first "domesticated" species

Selecting hybrids often look more attractive than "natural" hayia due to larger flowers and bird leaves.

Photo Gallery: Protection of breeders

Hoya Philippines Black - Very unusual and spectacular hauy leenie flowers - Petals of very gentle yellow color Hoya Chimera - Dark-scarlet petals are advantageous on the background of the bright green foliage Hoya Silver Pink - Punchy leases with contrasting silver-white border
Hoya Red Button is one of many hybrids based on Hoya Fluffy-Fascic Hoya Kerry Variegata differs from "Parent" by Petry yellow-green leaves at Hoya Borneo Red Pole Pole Petals Hoya Palwan - a combination of pink and peach - like a sunset on a tropical island, in whose honor is named Hoya Alba hybrid - Petals of a very clean white and white flowers Hoyfalling Stars look like an approaching komet star Hoya Speckles - a very elegant and elegant hybrid color spots on the leaves of Hoya Mauna Loa causes associations with the moon on Hawaii Hoya Regalis - Fancy Forms of Hoya Tricolor Exotica - Very spectacular combination of Kyuya CRIMSON QUEEN - Popular hybrid derived from Hoya Meat's

How to create a plant optimal microclimate

Create an optimal microclimate for Hoya is easy. It is more difficult to maintain these conditions and immediately respond to the slightest manifestations of discontent plants, adjusting the temperature, air humidity and lighting.

Table: Optimal conditions for the cultivation of Hoya

Factor Recommendations
Location In the summer - a window overlooking the East or West, in the winter - south. After Hoya dwells the color, mix and turn the pot it is impossible - the plant reacts with the appeal of buds. To any new conditions, he is learned gradually. The room is regularly ventilated, but it's not worth it on the street.
Lighting Bright diffused light with shading from direct sunlight. In winter it will be necessary to freely, extending the light day to 10-12 hours. Plants with dark-green monophonic leaves feel good in full, which you will not say about the pedestal varieties.
Temperature The optimal temperature in the summer - 18-25ºС, in winter - 15ºС. Long "cold" (10cº and below) provoke leaffall. Worst of all frost transfers Hoya beautiful, it requires an increased winter temperature (about 18ºС).
Humidity It is not a critical indicator, but periodically sprayed hauy develops better and blooms. Make sure that the water does not get on petals and buds. In sanitary purposes, the leaves are wiped with a wet sponge weekly.

Hoya is well suited for growing with an ampel way, Kashpo is preferably suspended next to the window

Correct transfer of Hoya

In the annual transfers, Hoya does not need, although it grows pretty quickly. Those plants that are closed in a pot, bloom abundant. Enough one procedure once every 2-3 years. If the flower is more interested in the magnificent greens, on the contrary, you need to transplant Lian every year, acquiring the containers a little "on the grow".

If you think that Hoye needs a support, place it in a pot in advance, and not when the plant is already transplanted

It is important that the pot for Hoya is completely new. Even thoroughly washed containers, used to use, she will not fit. The diameter based on the fact that more importantly, greens or flowers increases, respectively, 5-7 or 2-3 cm.

The quality of the soil Hoya is undemanding. The soil must be light, neutral or weakly acid, with good aeration:

  • large sand, peat crumb, fertile rod, humus (1: 1: 1: 1);
  • light loam, leaf humus, garden land (2: 1: 1);
  • soil for orchids and a universal substrate for flowering indoor plants (1: 1).

To the quality of the soil of Hoya is undemanding, the universal soil mixture is quite suitable for her

In the transplant itself there is nothing complicated:

  1. Pour the pot on the bottom of the pebble layer or clamzite with a thickness of 4-5 cm. Blank it with a fresh substrate by filling out about a quarter of volume. If necessary, install the support. It is unwanted to use bamboo sticks - they are often bent and broken under the weight of the green mass, sometimes rot.
  2. Pour the plant, after 30-40 minutes, remove it from the pot. Try not to destroy the earthen com.
  3. Transfer it to a new container. Fill the substrate around the edges. Moderately moisture. The first 2-3 weeks be careful with watering and take care of the plant from direct sunlight.

Hoya transplantation produce transshipment method

Video: How to transplant Hoyu

Important nuances of plant care at home

Hoya is deservedly considered a rather unpretentious plant, but the care of different types varies slightly. Therefore, you need to know exactly, the owner of which variety you are.


Hoya is a rather major tropical plant, but the excess of moisture it does not tolerate categorically. Most species need moderate irrigation (with the exception of linear). If the leaves at Hoya are dense, similar to succulent, the upper layer of the soil should be satisfied between the procedures by 2-3 cm. Species with thin rigid or ended leaves of the Earth's car are constantly maintained in a slightly wet state.

Making fertilizers

Hoyy feed only during the period of active vegetation, since the beginning of the spring until the middle of the autumn. Any complex fertilizers for flowering indoor plants or special products for succulents are suitable. The nutrient solution is watered twice a month. As part must be attended by nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. After each procedure, the soil in the pot is preferably breaking.

As Hoya spends a lot of strength to flow and build a green mass, it needs regular feeding

Trimming a room flower

The question is, whether the trimming of Hoye needs, each flower decides for itself. The only rule is in no case cut off the "hemp" remaining on the site of the fallen flowers. Next year, new buds are formed on them.

Liana shoots can be crushed around the supports. When growing an ampel method, they are periodically shortened to the desired length. It is useful in autumn to crop each third whip about half - bloom will be rich.

Kustoid Hoya to stimulate branching annually pinch, removing 2-3 upper growth kidneys on each shoot. The first time the procedure is carried out after the fourth sheet appears. If the crown is formed a certain configuration, it is cut off all the leaves that violate the harmony.

Arbitrarily growing in different directions Hoya looks pretty untidy


To stimulate the flowering, the pot with Hoya in the end of spring and at the beginning of autumn for 2-2.5 hours perch in the water heated to 30-40ºС. Then the substrate needs to dry well. If you "bathe" all the plant, reduce the procedure time up to 25-30 minutes.

Hoya blossom abundance often depends on the provision of cool wintering

Period of rest

Ensuring the ability to "relax" in the winter - the key to abundant flowering for the next year. The beginning of the rest period is evidenced by the slowdown in Lian's growth. This usually happens when the day is shrinking.

In the presence of Blowing, Hoya can do without winter "rest." Otherwise, the plant needs to be cooled (if it is not beautiful), cut the watering and refuse to feed. The moisture deficit in the winter leads to the fact that Liana is more abundant for the next year.

Typical beginner bugs

Hoya can transfer many care errors, but they negatively affect her decorativeness. It clearly signals that the plant is somewhat displeased, the absence of flowering. But there are other "signs" that you need to be able to interpret.

Table: How Hoya reacts, if it is wrong to care for her

What a plant looks like What is the reason
No flowering. Warm wintering, excess fertilizers, light shortage, coloring cropping.
Swimming leaves. High temperature and / or lack of natural light.
Feeding buds and leaves. Move the pot to another place, a sharp change in the conditions of content, cold drafts.
Dry and falling leaves. High temperature and / or too dry air indoors.
Leaves covered with dry spots. Sunburn. The plant suffered from direct sunlight.
Leaves covered with vague light spots. Light deficiency or watering with cold rusting water.
Drinking, dry leaves Inappropriate temperature is too low or high.
Slow growth, pale small leaves. Lack of feeding or using unsuitable fertilizers. Most often the reason for nitrogen shortage.
Cissing base of shoots. Low temperature in combination with frequent and abundant irrigation.
Demunning shoots. Stagnation of water in the pot.

Drying leaves of Hoya indicate that the plant is too hot or the air indoors are too dry

Communicated diseases and pests

With proper care and in optimal conditions, Hoya almost never suffers from attacks of pathogenic fungi and insect pests. Problems begin only when the flower water forgets about the plant. Uncomplicated preventive measures will help to reduce the risk of infection to a minimum:

  • quarantine for newly acquired houseplants;
  • inspection of the collection at least once in 5-7 days and immediate isolation of all presumably infected copies with suspicious symptoms;
  • regular ventilation of the room, cleansing the leaves from dust;
  • using only disinfected soil, clean dishes and tools;
  • compliance with the rules for the care of the plant, especially with regard to watering.

Table: Diseases and pests from which Hoya suffers

Disease or pest As manifest How to fight
Thin layer of whitish raid on the leaves. Then they lose tone, yellow.
  1. Cut all the injured leaves and shoots.
  2. Replace the top layer of soil (3-5 cm).
  3. In the early stages of the disease, plunge the plant into the solution of soda calcined (5 g per liter of water), potassium permanganate (0.25 g / l), garlic (25 g / l). Repeat 3-4 times with an interval of 2-3 days.
  4. In severe cases, use fungicides - topaz, soon, acrobat-MC. It will take 2-3 processing in 5-7 days.
Cissing base of shoots. The fabrics softened, the soil in the pot is covered with a thin layer of mold, a rotten smell appears.
  1. Cut all the affected shoots. "Wounds" sprinkle with an impellent chalk activated by carbon.
  2. Remove the plant from the pot, like it with roots.
  3. Place them for 2-3 hours in 1% solution of any fungicide (Abiga Peak, Oxych, Preview).
  4. Move the plant, replacing the ground and pot. Add Glyocladin into the soil.
  5. For 2-3 months, water 0.5% alina-b, Baikal-EM solution, Maxim.
Solid brownish tubercles on the leaves rapidly increasing in volume. The surrounding tissues acquire a red-yellow shade.
  1. Lubricate penetri pests kerosene, vinegar, machine oil. After 2-3 hours, remove them. Wipe the leaves with a soap-alcohol solution.
  2. Wash the plant under a warm shower.
  3. Treat flower and soil with phosbecide, metaphos, act. Repeat 2-3 times with an interval of 5-7 days.
Aphid Colonies of small yellow-green or black-brown insects, lipsticking the tops of shoots, the offside of young leaves, buds.
  1. Wash the plant under the shower. Cut the most damaged shoots.
  2. 2-3 times a day spray the flower and soil onion, garlic, tobacco, pepper infusion. You can use any herbs with a sharp smell.
  3. If there is no effect, use biothel, spark-bio, confident Maxi with an interval of 3-5 days before the impact of the pest.
Bellenka Small whiten butterflies plowing from a flower with any touch to it.
  1. Cheering near the pot sticky ribbon for fishing flies, homemade traps. Leave for 2-3 days turned on the fumigator.
  2. Early in the morning collect visible butterflies with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. In the absence of effect, use Duchar, Mospilan, lepyocide. Repeat processing 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days.
Cobed tick Thin coatipers, powered leaves and shoots. On the inside of the sheet - small beige dots and blurry light spots.
  1. Wipe the leaves with a cotton disk, moistened in alcohol or any alcohol tincture. After 15-20 minutes, wash the flower under the shower.
  2. Spearly spray and drink Hoyu, put on a tight transparent package for 2-3 days.
  3. In the absence of an effect, treat the plant with acaricides - phytodeterm, invoyed, Apollo, Agrantin. It will take 3-4 procedures with an interval of 5-12 days. It is advisable to change drugs.
Root nematoda Small spherical swollen on the roots, black on the cut. The leaves are yellow, then blush and covered with black spots.
  1. Arrange the plant hot (40-45ºС) root bath for 35-40 minutes.
  2. Palm the Bi-58, Rogo, Lindane solution.
  3. If there is no result, transfer the plant by adding to the new soam Bazamid, Vitive.

Photo Gallery: Hoy Diseases and Pest

The TLL is one of the most common pests that feed on the juice plant juice, Hoya also enters the scope of its interests. Durable Pancar of the Shielder makes it invulnerable to most folk reinforcements. Root rotes can be treated only in the early stages of the development of the disease. It seems that pulse dew is innocuous, which is easy to erase, but this disease strongly depletes the plant

Methods of breeding at home

Hoya at home is multiplied with vegetative and generative way. The easiest option is to root a stalk.


Hoya cutlets - the upper part of the semi-restless escape of 8-10 cm long. It should be 2-3 points of growth and several couples leaves. The best time for the procedure is early spring or autumn. The flowering will have to wait four years.

  1. Give cut cuttings to dry 2-3 hours outdoors. Pour the base with any powdered rooting stimulator (corneser, zircon).
  2. Squeeze them into the cups filled with peat crumb and sand (1: 1). Can be rooted in water. In 200 ml, dissolve on one tablet of succinic acid and activated carbon. Capacity is closed with foil, it is piled up with a cutlery so that only the lower point of growth is in the water. Excess leaves are removed.
  3. Planting Cover with glass jars or transparent packages. The substrate is constantly maintaining in a slightly wet state. Provide a temperature of 20-22ºС and bright light. Roots should appear after 20-25 days.
  4. As soon as they are formed, transfer cuttings into the soil for adult plants. Otherwise, they will become fragile, they will easily break.
  5. When 3-4 new sheets appear, pinch the hauy to stimulate branching.

Video: breeding hauy cuttings

Rooting stroke challenges

Hoya from the stems are blooming in the year of landing. Thus, plants are breed older than five years.

  1. On one or more shoots between the growth points of the scalpel or a razor blade, make a shallow ring incision.
  2. Watch the place with a moss-sphagnum, a previously moistened solution of any biostimulant (epin, humate potassium). Top cover with foil or food film. Secure the whole design reliably.
  3. When the roots appear, cut the top of this escape and transfer a new plant into a separate pot.
    1. Sweep seeds after collecting within 2-3 months.
    2. Squeeze them into a mixture of finely chopped moss-sfagnum and universal soil for indoor plants (1: 1).
    3. Provide the same conditions as the extensive cuttings, raising the temperature to 23-25ºС. After about a week, shoots will appear. From this point on, the substrate must be constantly slightly humid, but not wet.
    4. After about three months, when seedlings form 3-4 pairs of real leaves, transfer them to the soil for adult plants.

    For the prevention of rot, the seedlings of Hoya can be sprayed once a month with a 0.5% solution of any fungicide

Hoya (Hoya) is a liana, in nature inhabiting in the tropics. Flowers love her for unpretentiousness, simple care and beautiful flowers. In nature, the stalks Lian reach 10 meters, the houses of the same instances do not grow more than 2-5 meters. Hoyy is called a wax ivy, but this name belongs to Hoye meaty, the most common look for room breeding.

Features of growing flower

Effective hauy divide for three varieties:

  • Hoya hanging (accommodation in ampel porridge on the wall)
  • Ivy (wrapping support)
  • Stating or bushy
  • Hoya is a plant, not afraid of shadows. The place for Hoya can be defined in a not very sunny place, then the stalks grow well. But if you want the plant to bloom, you need to find her lighter place. In addition, the Hoya needs a light day from 14 to 16 hours. Therefore, in winter, it is possible to extend it with a luminescent lamp.

When breeding Hoya, you only need to follow several conditions:

  • Right watering
  • Regular feeding during flowering
  • Fresh air
  • Periodic bathing
  • the composition of the soil
  • The constant location of the plant during flowering period (from moving it will reset buds)

Planting indoor flower

Hoya breeding is possible in several ways, and it depends on its type.

  • Landing seeds
  • Showing Chenkov
  • Rooting with leaves (it is possible at Hoya Kerry)
  • Reproduction of the molding

Optimal time for landing

The best time for planting this home flower is considered spring or autumn.

Soil for the plant

The health of the plant and its bloom depends on the soil. Many gardeners successfully enjoy soil for orchids. If you make it yourself, you need to take 1 part of peat, sand and humidia and two parts of the turf. The plant will be grateful if you add sphagnum and charcoal here.

Features of the care of Hoya at home

Hoya does not require difficult care, it is enough to properly place in the room, to provide it with the necessary conditions.

Plant Location and Lighting

This flower is not afraid of the shadows, so it is possible to place it on the wall (hanging variety), or where it will be good in the overall interior. Of course, any flower engine will want to see the blooming hauy, but before seeking her bloom, you should think about where it can be accommodated for this period. The fact is that the Hoya flowers exude so strong fragrance, especially at night, that it is necessary or putting it on an open air, or to constantly ventilate the room. If you want the flower to bloom, add the light by the plant.

Important! If Hoya persistently blooms, change its place, perhaps it does not like a flower.

Air humidity

Hoya is well tolerating dry air, so you do not need to create a special moisture mode for it. The leaves spray only in spring and summer. Very like swimming under the warm shower. During the soul, wipe the leaves with a soft stray rod.

Important! During spraying, avoid water from the flower.

The best temperature for this room plant is +22 - +30 degrees in summer and +16 - +18 in winter.

Important! The sign of the supercooling will be the yellowing and foaming of the leaves.

How to water

What Hoya does not like, so it is an excessive watering. It will be much easier to take drying than the bay. She is very quickly starting to make roots. For watering, use water room temperature.

In summer and spring, Hoye requires more water, the ground must always be a bit wet. In winter, watering reduce and stop spraying the plant. If the wintering plant is cold, watering should be reduced to a minimum.

Feeding and fertilizer plants

During the flowering period, Hoya requires feeding once every two weeks. You can use conventional fertilizers for flowering indoor plants, but be sure to double half the fertilizer than indicated on the package (except Hoya Lancing, it can safely transfer fertilizer in the usual dosage). Experts recommend to ask what soil is usually growing wild fellow Hoya, and in accordance with this choose mineral fertilizers for her.


Pruning is not very necessary Hoye. This is done only when the processes grow too long.

Ways trimming

Pruning is better to produce a secateur, cutting a stem between the nodules.

Hoye transplant is required no more than 1 time in 2 years. Hoya loves close pots, she has a small root system. If the pot is vigilant, you can not wait for flowering. The new pot for the plant should be on the 3-4 centimeter more old.

The pot must be clean (there should be no remnants of the Earth and the roots of the previous plant), the ceramic pot is better boiled to remove the remains of the salts absorbed into its walls.

Methods of transplant

If Hoya grows in a plastic pot, it should be slightly pressed on it and carefully remove the plant along with an earthen room. Carefully clean the roots from the soil and carefully examine them for the presence of pests or bothering parts. If the plant is great, it can be replaced immediately. To do this, it is necessary to put drainage to the bottom of the pot (ceramzite, better than new) and pour part of the soil.

The layer should not be very large. Place your hauy on this substrate and fall asleep the remaining space of the soil residue. The top layer of the Earth should be good to the ramp, so that moisture is better held. After transplanting the flower, you need to pour well.


Hoya easily breeds, you can do it in any of the methods listed below.

Methods of breeding


This is the easiest way to breed a flower. It is only necessary to prank the Maternal branch to the ground, must with the nodule. After some time, the roots are formed in this place, and the process appears. It just needs to be accurately separated from the mother branch and put it in a separate pot or suck to the maternal flower.


To multiply the hauy stalk, you need to cut it off so that at the end there were about 2 centimeters of the stem below the nodule. Cut is cut off so that he had at least one nodule with leaves. In most cases, the cuttings give roots when placing them into the water. But if it is a kind of hauy with a decisive stem, rooting her cuttings is better immediately in the soil. For this, the best transparent plastic cups are suitable, where you can watch the growing roots. To create a greenhouse atmosphere, cover the glass with a sprout (it does not matter, rooting the cuttings in water or in the ground) with a plastic bag, be sure to leaving air access.


After flowering, Hoya gives seeds. For landing, they should be matured and well dried. It is necessary to plant them in the same year, otherwise they will lose their germination. Seeds are sown in loose soil, preferably in a mixture of sphagnum and land. After the appearance of shoots (approximately a week after landing), it is necessary to observe watering mode. The land should not be filled, nor be too wet. Pallet with seedlings move to a bright and warm place. It is necessary to disassemble sprouts when they give the first leaves, about three months. The seeds of Hoya rarely come on sale, and at home it is extremely difficult to get them. Therefore, seeds are not the most popular method of breeding Hoya.


In this way, you can multiply only some types of Hoya. You just need to touch the tip of the sheet (cutter). The complexity of this method in the duration of the process of rooting and throwing out a new process.

Its different types bloom with white, purple, red, pink and even greens. They look like waxed.

When hauy flowers, flower shape

Hoya blooms in spring and summer, flowering duration can be from several days to several weeks. Sometimes it happens twice during the spring-summer period.

As a rule, the inflorescence has the shape of an umbrella, which can grow from 1 to 50 flowers. Flowers have a different form, but they all have 5 petals. During flowering on the petals, odorious nectar is distinguished. He can paint the petals in the pinkish color.

Plant care after flowering

When the flower blews, do not remove the bloomon - in this place the next year a new flower is formed.

Problems, diseases and pests in a flower

Hoya may have the following problems:

  • Spots on the leaves. They may appear due to surplus, use too cold water for watering or crossing fertilizers.
  • Hoya dumps the leaves. This indicates an excessive fantastic plant or his cutting.
  • Hoya dumps flowers. The plant is overclit, he is not enough light.
  • Pallor leaves It may be associated with insufficient feeding or with very bright light.

As for pests, Hoya may be affected by a spider tick, a flap, aphid or mild cherver. A sign of the defeat by a bypass tick can be dropped by leaves. Remove the surface pests can simply rub the foliage with a tampon dipped in alcohol. If the defeat went far, it is necessary to treat the hauy insecticides as such as an actor or confident, irrigating the ground and make a contact insecticide, such as accutelle.

If a mildewing dew appears on Hoye, it is necessary to steal the room where the flower lives.

Kerry Hoya

Hoyy Kerry love for the unusual shape of her leaves - the shape of a heart. That is why it is so popular as a gift for the day of all lovers - two hearts lined with one pot. True, it can grow long, and it is not a fact that the leaves will not die, and without giving sprouts. It does not often meet with amateur flower. But if there is, it does not require special care, it is the same as for other representatives of the species. The only thing that distinguishes it from others is the thickness of the stem and the size of the leaves, so you need a reliable support for it.

Hoya Bella

Flowers of Hoya Bella (or Hoya beautiful) so the right shape that seem to be unreal. This is an ampel plant, so it is better to plant it either in a wall pot, or define it a place on a high shelf near the window. This species of Hoya infrequently gives root shoots, so if there is an opportunity - spread it with cuttings and put on a pot. Then your plant will look like lifestyle and very beautiful. It has tiny leaves, no more than 3 centimeters and inflorescences are no more than 10 flowers. Hoya Bella can grow very long branches (up to 50 meters).

Hoya Lakunosa

This species is perhaps one of the most attractive and unpretentious. Hoya lacunose is beautiful, even when it does not bloom, due to the motley color of the leaves. It is also an ampel plant. Flowers at this Hoya are like fluffy lumps, and they can bloom almost all year round.

Hoya Carnose

Hoya carnos or hauy meat has long stems, sometimes more than 5 meters in length. Its leaves are dense and shiny - can be a motley (with silver specks) and have a wax flare, for which he is also called Hoy Waxk. White flowers, with pink core, collected in umbrellas. This species is not afraid of dry, high temperature and is not very demanding of the soil. Hoya carnosis has several very popular disptions:

  • Sort "Crimson Quin" - its sheets have a gentle pinkish-cream kam
  • Sort "Exotic" (or Hoya Tricolor), characterized by multi-colored leaves on one plant - green, cream and pink
  • Hoya Compact is distinguished by an unusual form of leaves, they are twisted and create a curly halo around flowers.

Hoya Austlis

This kind of Hoya has flowers in the form of asterisks, shiny green leaves, which can be changed into red in the light. Leaves can grow up to 11 centimeters. Flowers are always white. The flowers themselves are quite large for Hoya - up to 2 cm in the diatyreter, and inflorescences are ranging from 20 to 40 flowers. Flower about 7 days and have a strong spicy smell.

  • Do not attempt to grow quickly stalks with water rooting in winter. It is better to make it in the spring, he will give roots for a week.
  • In water rooting, add Kornin to it
  • Flowers appear on the stems of at least 30 cm long
  • To hawa bloom, it should be grown with a stalk from the flowering plant.

Answers to readers

Life expectancy Plant

With proper care, these plants can live long. The older Hoya, the greater its ability to flowering.

Does this flower poow?

Here opinions are divergent. Foreign specialists in their works dedicated to Hoye, argue that it is not completely toxic. Our flower products say that the milk juice of the plant is toxic. You can care for her without gloves, but from children, just in case, it is better to keep away

Why does Hoya do not bloom?

The reasons may be somewhat - from the lack of color to the wrong arrangement of its indoors. It may be necessary for her cool wintering (up to +16 degrees), after such a rest, the plant most often blooms. Watering mode can be broken. You just need to experiment and look at what Hoya changes will respond.

Why yellow (dry and fall) leaves?

The leaves can turn yellow if the plant freezes (stands on drafts), as a result of cutting or from an excess of feeding. Perhaps the flower is not enough light.

Why not grow new leaves?

Casting can stop growing for several reasons. It is overclit and buys the base of the stem, while the leaves at its end cease to receive the desired amount of nutrients. It is better to worry new shoots in the water and put them in a pot.

How does the wintering plant occur?

In winter, Hoye give to relax in the event that she stopped blossoming. There are species blooming all year round. They must be fed and water as usual. Those plants that beat away at the end of the summer are sent to peace. It decreases watering, the spraying and feeding stops. Hoya is well winter on a warmed loggia at a temperature not lower than +14 degrees.

Hoya - liana, reaching the length of 10 m, refers to the family of the Lastune. The gardener Hoy first mastered the plant in Europe, it was in honor of him the name of Liana. She is also called wax ivy.

Twisted stems have air roots. In the young age, the stem flexible, over time, decides, so the desired direction will give the desired direction from the very beginning. Use special stands. The leaves are fleshy, shiny.

The plant beautifully flowers with fragrant colors. The beans in the form of spars are going to spherical inflorescences. Color can be white, creamy, pink. The texture of the petals can be like fur. Even at home it blooms abundantly and long. During flowering, the plant does not in any case be transferred to another place or rotate - the buds will take place and the bloom will not come this year.

Allergic reactions to the pollen of the flower are possible.

Hoya Plant Care

Select Place and Lighting

The plant is shadowfully, but will bloom only with bright scattered lighting. The best place will be western or oriental window sills. For the winter at will move to the southern window. When placed on the northern window, additional lighting will be required.

Air temperature

The plant normally tolerate the room temperature, but it feels best at the air temperature of about 18 ° C. In the summer, take a fresh air that protects against direct sunlight. To get beautiful bloom in November-February, hold at a temperature of 15-17 ° C.


In the summer, water moderately, in winter - is poor, especially if the wintering occurs in the coolness. Spray the plant regularly, wipe the leaves with a wet sponge. Twice a year at a warm bath with a full immersion for 30-40 minutes. Then dry the plant and return to the place of growth.


In the March-September period it is necessary to make mineral fertilizers every 3 weeks. The mixture should be the following concentration: phosphorus - 11%, nitrogen - 10%, magnesium - 2%, potassium - 18%.


Flower shoots (those on which flowers appeared) Even after flowering, it is impossible to cut. Next year, the flowers will appear on the same shoots, and if they cut them, the new flowering will have to wait for a very long time.

The rest of the shoots cut into extreme cases - it is better to wrap them around the support, remove just too long shoots.


Young plants should be transplant annually, adults - every 2-3 years. It is best to do that in early spring. Turn along with an earthen room into a capacity of slightly larger diameter. Suitable soil for succulents. You can prepare landlessness from 2 parts of the nutrient soil with the addition of peat, crumples, perlite. Will grow on hydroponics.

Diseases, pests, other difficulties in the care of Hoyay

Puffy dew is striking the plant from the mooring of the soil. It is necessary to stop watering, carry out the processing of a fungicide, then restore watering and adjust it.

Shields are possible pests of Hoya. You should moisten a cotton disk with a soap solution, remove the pests mechanically and carry out processing insecticide.

Problems in the cultivation of Hoya at home:

  • If you disturb the plant during flowering (change position, open the window, make a sharp temperature difference), buds will fall.
  • The reasons for the appearance of spots on the leaves can be: weak lighting, direct sunlight, re-securing fertilizer, watering with cold water.
  • The plant does not bloom if the lighting is scanty, the soil is depleted or wintering occurred in warmth.
  • From very dry air leaves fall away.
  • Under the influence of direct solar or low air temperatures, the leaves are twisted, dry.
  • The plant can reset floral kidneys with irregular watering or very high air temperature.
  • With a lack of nitrogen in soil, the leaves are pale, growth rates are slowed down.

Why hauy does not bloom

There are several reasons:

  • Cutting floral weaves
  • Wintering in the warm room without creating peace conditions (need coolness and rare watering)
  • Excess nutrients (frequent feeding)

The reproduction of Hoya Cherenca

- The most common method of breeding Hoya.

  • In the spring or autumn, cut the cuttings from last year's shoots. They must contain at least 2 pairs of leaves.
  • Cut down a few centimeters below the leaf node.
  • Day Hold the cuttings in the ROB solution to stimulate the root formation.

  • Rooting can occur in water, sand, universal substrate.
  • It is necessary to provide air temperature at 20 ° C and maintain high humidity. You can do this by covering a cutting with a transparent bag or a bottle.

  • The rooting process will take about 1 month.
  • Then plan 2-3 plants in one pot.
  • To stimulate blossom, you should pinch the tops of the shoots.

  • Blossom will come about the 4th year.

Take patience: Let the young plants open the powerful root system that completely turns the cup. Then it will be possible to easily remove the plant along with the undisturbed earthy room and translate into a permanent pot.

Reproduction with stalks

Stripping letters allows you to get flowering in the same year.

  • On the escape in the interstice, make a small incision, wrap wet moss, fix the foil, scotch tape or the twine.
  • Moss should be constantly wet. Over time, the roots will appear in the scene.
  • Separate the maternal plants when young shoots appear and send separately.

Types and varieties of Hoya with photos and names

Hoya Kerra Hoya Kerrii

The shoots reach the length of about 2 m. Large leaves, leathery, in the form of an inverted heart. In length and width are 15 cm, painted in bright green. Umbrella inflorescences consist of numerous flowers of white color, the middle of the dark. Liana grows slowly, saves flexibility. There is a form with cream shade leaves.

Hoya fleshy Hoya Carnosa

Liana length up to 1 m. The fleshy leaves are painted in dark green, shine, in the form of oblong, with a pointed top. Evergreen plant forms a thick bush. Umbrella inflorescences are located on short flowers. They consist of small flowers in the form of spars. Middle - Crown of red shade, petals - white.

Hoya Lovely Hoya Bella

Dwarf plant. The leaves of the oval shape are pulled by 3 cm, the tops are pointed. Numerous flowers have a raspberry shade.

Hoya Majestic Hoya Imperialis

Curving with large leaves reaching the length of 20 cm. The base of the sheet plate is roundedly, the tops are pointed. Umbrella inflorescences consist of their flowers of a pink-red shade, the crown is pubescent.

Hoya Multi-Deck Hoya Multiflora

Compact plant with leaves about 14 cm long. They are thin, the veins are highlighted. Flowers are yellow-white, the outer part is slightly bent, collected in the inflorescence of 40 pcs. It has a lemon aroma.

Hoya Australian or South Hoya Australis

Liana, reaching lengths up to 10 m. Leaf plates are oblong, glossy, I have a Punchy shade. Small flowers are painted in white, exuded spicy flavor.


  • Trail - has the smallest flowers among Australian varieties;
  • Forester Eat Liddle - Cream Flowers;
  • Bailey Hill - leaves rounded, yellowish, cream-white flowers with stains of red;
  • Tonga - has the largest color among Australian varieties;
  • Pacstoni, Pakstoni Variagat - have the leaves of a motley color.

Hoya long-oil Hoya Longifolia

Futing liana. Soothes are thin, the leaves of oval shape, oblong. Umbrella inflorescence consists of 15-20 whites, exacerbating perfume fragrance.

Hoya lacunosa hata lacunosa photo

Ampel plant. Leaves bent, in the middle there is a depression. Soothes have a reddish hue. Creamy shade flowers bloom in May and make only 5 days. In the daytime, they exude the aroma of cloves, in the evening and at night - incense.

Hoya dull Hoya Retusa

Leaves are like pine needles. With room growing, liana reaches a length of about 3 m. The inflorescence consists of 1-3 rather large white flowers with a red crown. The fragrance is practically absent.

Hoya Fluffy Hoya Pubicalyx

The curling stem is covered with green leaves with stripes, silver shade stains. Umbrella inflorescence consists of about 40 flower. Color range is diverse: from soft-pink tones to burgundy-black. Express perfume fragrance, increasing in the evening.

A lot of varieties of this type are derived: Philippine Black, Royal Hawaiian Purple, Silver Prince, Leenie, Dark Red, Chimera, Fresno Beauty, Silver Pink, Red Button, etc.

Hoya miniature Hoya Compacta

Hoya Compact HOYA Compacta 'Hindu Rope'

Compact liana. Feature - the stem is practically not visible under twisted, curled leaves. Self-pink flowers are collected in a brush-shaped inflorescence, a honey-coffee flavor exuded.

Hoya coin or ring-headed Hoya Nummularioides

Compact form with attractive rounded leaves and small flowers.

Hoya: Signs and Superstitions

It is believed that the power plant is expelled from the house of sons and husbands. In addition, financial problems are possible. According to another version, Hoya, on the contrary, helps to preserve family happiness, doubt envy.

In fact, the plant is harmless and very popular in home cultivation.